(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} {$IFDEF ANDROID}library{$ELSE}program{$ENDIF} Doom2DF; {$IFNDEF HEADLESS} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$APPTYPE GUI} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$HINTS OFF} uses {$IFDEF ANDROID} ctypes, jni, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNIX} cthreads, BaseUnix, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DARWIN} MacOSAll, CocoaAll, {$ENDIF} mempool in '../shared/mempool.pas', conbuf in '../shared/conbuf.pas', geom in '../shared/geom.pas', math, {$IFDEF USE_MINIUPNPC} miniupnpc in '../lib/miniupnpc/miniupnpc.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_SDL} SDL in '../lib/sdl/sdl.pas', {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} SDL_mixer in '../lib/sdl/sdl_mixer.pas', {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_SDL2} SDL2 in '../lib/sdl2/sdl2.pas', {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} SDL2_mixer in '../lib/sdl2/SDL2_mixer.pas', {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_SYSSTUB} {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} SDL2 in '../lib/sdl2/sdl2.pas', SDL2_mixer in '../lib/sdl2/SDL2_mixer.pas', {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_OPENAL} AL in '../lib/openal/al.pas', e_soundfile in '../engine/e_soundfile.pas', {$IF DEFINED(USE_SDL) OR DEFINED(USE_SDL2)} e_soundfile_wav in '../engine/e_soundfile_wav.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_VORBIS} vorbis in '../lib/vorbis/vorbis.pas', e_soundfile_vorbis in '../engine/e_soundfile_vorbis.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FLUIDSYNTH} fluidsynth in '../lib/fluidsynth/fluidsynth.pas', e_soundfile_fluid in '../engine/e_soundfile_fluid.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_MODPLUG} modplug in '../lib/modplug/modplug.pas', e_soundfile_modplug in '../engine/e_soundfile_modplug.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_XMP} xmp in '../lib/xmp/xmp.pas', e_soundfile_xmp in '../engine/e_soundfile_xmp.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_GME} gme in '../lib/gme/gme.pas', e_soundfile_gme in '../engine/e_soundfile_gme.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_MPG123} mpg123 in '../lib/mpg123/mpg123.pas', e_soundfile_mp3 in '../engine/e_soundfile_mp3.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_OPUS} opus in '../lib/opus/opus.pas', e_soundfile_opus in '../engine/e_soundfile_opus.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(USE_VORBIS) OR DEFINED(USE_OPUS)} ogg in '../lib/vorbis/ogg.pas', // this has to come last because link order {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} ENet in '../lib/enet/enet.pp', e_input in '../engine/e_input.pas', e_log in '../engine/e_log.pas', e_sound in '../engine/e_sound.pas', e_msg in '../engine/e_msg.pas', e_res in '../engine/e_res.pas', utils in '../shared/utils.pas', xstreams in '../shared/xstreams.pas', sfs in '../sfs/sfs.pas', sfsPlainFS in '../sfs/sfsPlainFS.pas', sfsZipFS in '../sfs/sfsZipFS.pas', wadreader in '../shared/wadreader.pas', MAPDEF in '../shared/MAPDEF.pas', CONFIG in '../shared/CONFIG.pas', g_base in 'g_base.pas', g_basic in 'g_basic.pas', g_console in 'g_console.pas', g_net in 'g_net.pas', g_netmsg in 'g_netmsg.pas', g_nethandler in 'g_nethandler.pas', g_netmaster in 'g_netmaster.pas', g_res_downloader in 'g_res_downloader.pas', g_grid in 'g_grid.pas', g_game in 'g_game.pas', {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} g_gfx in 'g_gfx.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} g_gibs in 'g_gibs.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_SHELLS} g_shells in 'g_shells.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_CORPSES} g_corpses in 'g_corpses.pas', {$ENDIF} g_items in 'g_items.pas', g_map in 'g_map.pas', g_monsters in 'g_monsters.pas', g_options in 'g_options.pas', g_phys in 'g_phys.pas', g_player in 'g_player.pas', g_playermodel in 'g_playermodel.pas', g_saveload in 'g_saveload.pas', g_sound in 'g_sound.pas', g_textures in 'g_textures.pas', g_triggers in 'g_triggers.pas', g_weapons in 'g_weapons.pas', g_window in 'g_window.pas', {$IFNDEF HEADLESS} {$IFDEF USE_SYSSTUB} g_system in 'stub/g_system.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_SDL} g_system in 'sdl/g_system.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_SDL2} g_system in 'sdl2/g_system.pas', {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} {$I ../shared/vampimg.inc} r_animations in 'opengl/r_animations.pas', r_console in 'opengl/r_console.pas', r_game in 'opengl/r_game.pas', {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} r_gfx in 'opengl/r_gfx.pas', {$ENDIF} r_graphics in 'opengl/r_graphics.pas', r_items in 'opengl/r_items.pas', r_map in 'opengl/r_map.pas', r_monsters in 'opengl/r_monsters.pas', r_netmaster in 'opengl/r_netmaster.pas', r_player in 'opengl/r_player.pas', r_playermodel in 'opengl/r_playermodel.pas', r_render in 'opengl/r_render.pas', r_texture in 'opengl/r_texture.pas', r_textures in 'opengl/r_textures.pas', r_weapons in 'opengl/r_weapons.pas', r_window in 'opengl/r_window.pas', {$IFDEF ENABLE_TOUCH} r_touch in 'opengl/r_touch.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} g_gui in 'g_gui.pas', g_menu in 'g_menu.pas', {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_FMOD} fmod in '../lib/FMOD/fmod.pas', fmoderrors in '../lib/FMOD/fmoderrors.pas', fmodpresets in '../lib/FMOD/fmodpresets.pas', fmodtypes in '../lib/FMOD/fmodtypes.pas', {$ENDIF} xprofiler in '../shared/xprofiler.pas', binheap in '../shared/binheap.pas', hashtable in '../shared/hashtable.pas', fhashdb in '../shared/fhashdb.pas', idpool in '../shared/idpool.pas', xparser in '../shared/xparser.pas', xdynrec in '../shared/xdynrec.pas', exoma in '../shared/exoma.pas', envvars in '../shared/envvars.pas', g_panel in 'g_panel.pas', g_language in 'g_language.pas', {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} g_holmes in 'g_holmes.pas', sdlcarcass in '../flexui/sdlcarcass.pas', //sdlstandalone in '../flexui/sdlstandalone.pas', fui_wadread in '../flexui/fui_wadread.pas', fui_common in '../flexui/fui_common.pas', fui_gfx_gl in '../flexui/fui_gfx_gl.pas', fui_events in '../flexui/fui_events.pas', fui_style in '../flexui/fui_style.pas', fui_flexlay in '../flexui/fui_flexlay.pas', fui_ctls in '../flexui/fui_ctls.pas', {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$R *.res} {$ENDIF} const autoexecScript = 'autoexec.cfg'; var noct: Boolean = False; binPath: AnsiString = ''; forceBinDir: Boolean = False; {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} UseNativeMusic: Boolean; {$ENDIF} Time_Old: Int64; NoSound: Boolean; procedure Update (); begin // remember old mobj positions, prepare for update g_Game_PreUpdate(); // server: receive client commands for new frame // client: receive game state changes from server if (NetMode = NET_SERVER) then g_Net_Host_Update() else if (NetMode = NET_CLIENT) then g_Net_Client_Update(); // think {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_Render_Update; {$ENDIF} g_Game_Update(); // server: send any accumulated outgoing data to clients if NetMode = NET_SERVER then g_Net_Flush(); end; function ProcessMessage (): Boolean; var i, t: Integer; flag: Boolean; Time, Time_Delta: Int64; Frame: Int64; begin {$IFDEF HEADLESS} Result := False; {$ELSE} Result := sys_HandleInput(); {$ENDIF} Time := GetTickCount64(); Time_Delta := Time-Time_Old; flag := false; if wNeedTimeReset then begin Frame := 0; Time_Delta := 28; wNeedTimeReset := false; end; g_Map_ProfilersBegin(); g_Mons_ProfilersBegin(); t := Time_Delta div 28; if (t > 0) then begin flag := true; for i := 1 to t do Update(); end; g_Map_ProfilersEnd(); g_Mons_ProfilersEnd(); if (gExit = EXIT_QUIT) then begin result := true; exit; end; // Время предыдущего обновления if flag then Time_Old := Time - (Time_Delta mod 28); // don't wait if VSync is on, GL already probably waits enough if gLerpActors then flag := (Time - Frame >= gFrameTime) or gVSync; if flag then begin if gPause or (not gLerpActors) or (gState = STATE_FOLD) then gLerpFactor := 1.0 else gLerpFactor := nmin(1.0, (Time - Time_Old) / 28.0); {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_Render_Draw; sys_Repaint; {$ENDIF} Frame := Time end else Sleep(1); e_SoundUpdate(); end; procedure DebugOptions; var idx: Integer; arg: AnsiString; mdfo: TStream; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} itmp: Integer; valres: Word; {$ENDIF} begin idx := 1; while (idx <= ParamCount) do begin arg := ParamStr(idx); Inc(idx); //if arg = '--twinkletwinkle' then gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments := true; if arg = '--jah' then g_profile_history_size := 100; if arg = '--no-los' then gmon_dbg_los_enabled := false; if arg = '--profile-render' then g_profile_frame_draw := true; if arg = '--profile-coldet' then g_profile_collision := true; if arg = '--profile-los' then g_profile_los := true; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} if arg = '--no-particles' then gpart_dbg_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-part-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-part-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particles-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particles-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particle-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particle-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; {$ENDIF} if arg = '--debug-input' then g_dbg_input := True; {.$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if arg = '--aimline' then g_dbg_aimline_on := true; {.$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if arg = '--holmes' then begin g_holmes_enabled := true; g_Game_SetDebugMode(); end; if (arg = '--holmes-ui-scale') or (arg = '-holmes-ui-scale') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin if not conParseFloat(fuiRenderScale, ParamStr(idx)) then fuiRenderScale := 1.0; Inc(idx); end; end; if (arg = '--holmes-font') or (arg = '-holmes-font') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin itmp := 0; val(ParamStr(idx), itmp, valres); {$IFNDEF HEADLESS} if (valres = 0) and (not g_holmes_imfunctional) then begin case itmp of 8: uiContext.font := 'win8'; 14: uiContext.font := 'win14'; 16: uiContext.font := 'win16'; end; end; {$ELSE} // fuck off, fpc! itmp := itmp; valres := valres; {$ENDIF} Inc(idx); end; end; {$ENDIF} if (arg = '--game-scale') or (arg = '-game-scale') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin if not conParseFloat(g_dbg_scale, ParamStr(idx)) then g_dbg_scale := 1.0; Inc(idx); end; end; if (arg = '--write-mapdef') or (arg = '-write-mapdef') then begin mdfo := createDiskFile('mapdef.txt'); mdfo.WriteBuffer(defaultMapDef[1], Length(defaultMapDef)); mdfo.Free(); Halt(0); end; if (arg = '--pixel-scale') or (arg = '-pixel-scale') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin if not conParseFloat(r_pixel_scale, ParamStr(idx)) then r_pixel_scale := 1.0; Inc(idx); end; end; end; end; function GetBinaryPath (): AnsiString; {$IFDEF LINUX} var sl: AnsiString; {$ENDIF} begin result := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)); {$IFDEF LINUX} // it may be a symlink; do some guesswork here sl := fpReadLink(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0))); if (sl = ParamStr(0)) then begin // use current directory, as we don't have anything better //result := '.'; GetDir(0, result); end; {$ENDIF} result := fixSlashes(result); if (length(result) > 0) and (result[length(result)] <> '/') then result := result + '/'; end; procedure PrintDirs (msg: AnsiString; dirs: SSArray); var dir: AnsiString; begin e_LogWriteln(msg + ':'); for dir in dirs do e_LogWriteln(' ' + dir); end; {$IFDEF DARWIN} function NSStringToAnsiString (s: NSString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin result := ''; for i := 0 to s.length - 1 do result := result + AnsiChar(s.characterAtIndex(i)); end; function GetBundlePath (): AnsiString; var pathRef: CFURLRef; pathCFStr: CFStringRef; pathStr: ShortString; begin pathRef := CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle()); pathCFStr := CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(pathRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); CFStringGetPascalString(pathCFStr, @pathStr, 255, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); CFRelease(pathRef); CFRelease(pathCFStr); Result := pathStr; end; {$ENDIF} procedure InitPath; var i: Integer; rwdir, rodir: AnsiString; rwdirs, rodirs: SSArray; procedure AddDir (var dirs: SSArray; append: AnsiString); begin SetLength(dirs, Length(dirs) + 1); dirs[High(dirs)] := ExpandFileName(append) end; function IsSep (ch: Char): Boolean; begin {$IFDEF WINDOWS} result := (ch = '/') or (ch = '\'); {$ELSE} result := (ch = '/'); {$ENDIF} end; function OptimizePath (dir: AnsiString): AnsiString; var i, len: Integer; s: AnsiString; begin i := 1; len := Length(dir); s := ''; while i <= len do begin if IsSep(dir[i]) then begin s := s + DirectorySeparator; Inc(i); while (i <= len) and IsSep(dir[i]) do Inc(i); if (i <= len) and (dir[i] = '.') then begin if (i = len) or IsSep(dir[i + 1]) then begin Inc(i) end else if (i + 1 <= len) and (dir[i + 1] = '.') then begin if (i + 1 = len) or IsSep(dir[i + 2]) then begin s := e_UpperDir(s); Inc(i, 2) end end end end else begin s := s + dir[i]; Inc(i) end end; result := s end; procedure OptimizeDirs (var dirs: SSArray); var i, j, k: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(dirs) do dirs[i] := OptimizePath(dirs[i]); // deduplicate i := High(dirs); while i >= 0 do begin j := 0; while j < i do begin if dirs[j] = dirs[i] then begin for k := j + 1 to High(dirs) do dirs[k - 1] := dirs[k]; Dec(i); SetLength(dirs, High(dirs)) end else begin Inc(j) end end; Dec(i) end end; procedure AddDef (var dirs: SSArray; base: SSArray; append: AnsiString); var s: AnsiString; begin if Length(dirs) = 0 then for s in base do AddDir(dirs, e_CatPath(s, append)); OptimizeDirs(dirs) end; function GetDefaultRODirs (): SSArray; {$IF DEFINED(UNIX) AND NOT DEFINED(DARWIN) AND NOT DEFINED(ANDROID)} var home: AnsiString; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} var appdata: AnsiString; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DARWIN} var bundle, s: AnsiString; dirArr: NSArray; i: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin result := nil; {$IFDEF DARWIN} bundle := GetBundlePath(); if ExtractFileExt(bundle) <> '.app' then AddDir(result, binpath); {$ELSE} AddDir(result, binPath); {$ENDIF} if forceBinDir = false then begin {$IFDEF USE_SDL2} AddDir(result, SDL_GetBasePath()); AddDir(result, SDL_GetPrefPath('', 'doom2df')); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} appdata := GetEnvironmentVariable('APPDATA') + '\doom2df'; if appdata <> '' then AddDir(result, appdata); {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(UNIX) AND NOT DEFINED(DARWIN) AND NOT DEFINED(ANDROID)} AddDir(result, '/usr/share/doom2df'); AddDir(result, '/usr/local/share/doom2df'); home := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME'); if home <> '' then AddDir(result, e_CatPath(home, '.doom2df')); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DARWIN} bundle := GetBundlePath(); if bundle <> '' then AddDir(result, e_CatPath(bundle, 'Contents/Resources')); dirArr := NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, true); for i := 0 to dirArr.count - 1 do begin s := NSStringToAnsiString(dirArr.objectAtIndex(i)); AddDir(result, e_CatPath(s, 'Doom 2D Forever')) end; {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(ANDROID) AND DEFINED(USE_SDL2)} AddDir(result, SDL_AndroidGetInternalStoragePath()); if SDL_AndroidGetExternalStorageState() <> 0 then AddDir(result, SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath()); {$ENDIF} end end; function GetDefaultRWDirs (): SSArray; {$IF DEFINED(UNIX) AND NOT DEFINED(DARWIN) AND NOT DEFINED(ANDROID)} var home: AnsiString; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} var appdata: AnsiString; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DARWIN} var bundle, s: AnsiString; dirArr: NSArray; i: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin result := nil; {$IFDEF DARWIN} bundle := GetBundlePath(); if ExtractFileExt(bundle) <> '.app' then AddDir(result, binPath); {$ELSE} AddDir(result, binPath); {$ENDIF} if forceBinDir = false then begin {$IFDEF USE_SDL2} AddDir(result, SDL_GetPrefPath('', 'doom2df')); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} appdata := GetEnvironmentVariable('APPDATA') + '\doom2df'; if appdata <> '' then AddDir(result, appdata); {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(UNIX) AND NOT DEFINED(DARWIN) AND NOT DEFINED(ANDROID)} home := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME'); if home <> '' then AddDir(result, e_CatPath(home, '.doom2df')); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DARWIN} dirArr := NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, true); for i := 0 to dirArr.count - 1 do begin s := NSStringToAnsiString(dirArr.objectAtIndex(i)); AddDir(result, e_CatPath(s, 'Doom 2D Forever')) end; {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(ANDROID) AND DEFINED(USE_SDL2)} if SDL_AndroidGetExternalStorageState() <> 0 then AddDir(result, SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath()); {$ENDIF} end end; begin forceBinDir := false; binPath := GetBinaryPath(); i := 1; while i < ParamCount do begin case ParamStr(i) of '--like-windoze': forceBinDir := true; '--rw-dir': begin Inc(i); rwdir := ParamStr(i); (* RW *) AddDir(LogDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, '')); AddDir(SaveDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'data')); AddDir(CacheDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'data/cache')); AddDir(ConfigDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, '')); AddDir(MapDownloadDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'maps/downloads')); AddDir(WadDownloadDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'wads/downloads')); AddDir(ScreenshotDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'screenshots')); AddDir(StatsDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'stats')); (* RO *) AddDir(DataDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'data')); AddDir(ModelDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'data/models')); AddDir(MegawadDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'maps/megawads')); AddDir(MapDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'maps')); AddDir(WadDirs, e_CatPath(rwdir, 'wads')); end; '--ro-dir': begin Inc(i); rodir := ParamStr(i); (* RO *) AddDir(DataDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'data')); AddDir(ModelDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'data/models')); AddDir(MegawadDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'maps/megawads')); AddDir(MapDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'maps')); AddDir(WadDirs, e_CatPath(rodir, 'wads')); end; '--game-wad': begin Inc(i); GameWADName := ParamStr(i); end; '--config': begin Inc(i); gConfigScript := ParamStr(i); end; end; Inc(i) end; // prefer bin dir if it writable and contains game.wad if forceBinDir = false then begin if findDiskWad(binPath + 'data' + '/' + GameWADName) <> '' then if e_CanCreateFilesAt(binPath) then forceBinDir := true end; (* RO *) rodirs := GetDefaultRODirs(); AddDef(DataDirs, rodirs, 'data'); AddDef(ModelDirs, rodirs, 'data/models'); AddDef(MegawadDirs, rodirs, 'maps/megawads'); AddDef(MapDirs, rodirs, 'maps'); AddDef(WadDirs, rodirs, 'wads'); (* RW *) rwdirs := GetDefaultRWDirs(); AddDef(LogDirs, rwdirs, ''); AddDef(SaveDirs, rwdirs, 'data'); AddDef(CacheDirs, rwdirs, 'data/cache'); AddDef(ConfigDirs, rwdirs, ''); AddDef(MapDownloadDirs, rwdirs, 'maps/downloads'); AddDef(WadDownloadDirs, rwdirs, 'wads/downloads'); AddDef(ScreenshotDirs, rwdirs, 'screenshots'); AddDef(StatsDirs, rwdirs, 'stats'); for i := 0 to High(MapDirs) do AddDir(AllMapDirs, MapDirs[i]); for i := 0 to High(MegawadDirs) do AddDir(AllMapDirs, MegawadDirs[i]); OptimizeDirs(AllMapDirs); // HACK: ensure the screenshots folder also has a stats subfolder in it rwdir := e_GetWriteableDir(ScreenshotDirs, false); if rwdir <> '' then CreateDir(rwdir + '/stats'); end; procedure EntryParams; var i: Integer; begin i := 1; while i <= ParamCount do begin case ParamStr(i) of '--gdb': noct := true; '--log', '--con-stdout': conbufDumpToStdOut := true; '--safe-log': e_SetSafeSlowLog(true); '--log-file': if i + 1 <= ParamCount then begin Inc(i); LogFileName := ParamStr(i) end; '--no-fbo': glRenderToFBO := false; end; Inc(i) end end; procedure InitLog; var rwdir: AnsiString; begin if LogFileName = '' then begin rwdir := e_GetWriteableDir(LogDirs, false); if rwdir <> '' then begin {$IFDEF HEADLESS} LogFileName := e_CatPath(rwdir, 'Doom2DF_H.log'); {$ELSE} LogFileName := e_CatPath(rwdir, 'Doom2DF.log'); {$ENDIF} end end; if LogFileName <> '' then e_InitLog(LogFileName, TWriteMode.WM_NEWFILE); e_InitWritelnDriver end; procedure InitPrep; begin e_WriteLog('Doom 2D: Forever version ' + GAME_VERSION + ' proto ' + IntToStr(NET_PROTOCOL_VER), TMsgType.Notify); e_WriteLog('Build arch: ' + g_GetBuildArch(), TMsgType.Notify); e_WriteLog('Build date: ' + GAME_BUILDDATE + ' ' + GAME_BUILDTIME, TMsgType.Notify); e_WriteLog('Build hash: ' + g_GetBuildHash(), TMsgType.Notify); e_WriteLog('Build by: ' + g_GetBuilderName(), TMsgType.Notify); e_LogWritefln('Force bin dir: %s', [forceBinDir], TMsgType.Notify); e_LogWritefln('BINARY PATH: [%s]', [binPath], TMsgType.Notify); PrintDirs('DataDirs', DataDirs); PrintDirs('ModelDirs', ModelDirs); PrintDirs('MegawadDirs', MegawadDirs); PrintDirs('MapDirs', MapDirs); PrintDirs('WadDirs', WadDirs); PrintDirs('LogDirs', LogDirs); PrintDirs('SaveDirs', SaveDirs); PrintDirs('CacheDirs', CacheDirs); PrintDirs('ConfigDirs', ConfigDirs); PrintDirs('ScreenshotDirs', ScreenshotDirs); PrintDirs('StatsDirs', StatsDirs); PrintDirs('MapDownloadDirs', MapDownloadDirs); PrintDirs('WadDownloadDirs', WadDownloadDirs); {$IFDEF HEADLESS} {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} NoSound := False; // hope env has set SDL_AUDIODRIVER to dummy {$ELSE} NoSound := True; // FMOD backend will sort it out {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} NoSound := False; {$ENDIF} GameWAD := e_FindWad(DataDirs, GameWADName); if GameWad = '' then begin e_WriteLog('WAD ' + GameWADName + ' not found in data directories.', TMsgType.Fatal); {$IF DEFINED(USE_SDL2) AND NOT DEFINED(HEADLESS)} if forceBinDir = false then SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, 'Doom 2D Forever', PChar('WAD ' + GameWADName + ' not found in data directories.'), nil ); {$ENDIF} e_DeinitLog; Halt(1); end end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} procedure InitHolmes; var flexloaded: Boolean; begin flexloaded := true; if not fuiAddWad('flexui.wad') then begin if not fuiAddWad('./data/flexui.wad') then fuiAddWad('./flexui.wad'); end; try fuiGfxLoadFont('win8', 'flexui/fonts/win8.fuifont'); fuiGfxLoadFont('win14', 'flexui/fonts/win14.fuifont'); fuiGfxLoadFont('win16', 'flexui/fonts/win16.fuifont'); fuiGfxLoadFont('dos8', 'flexui/fonts/dos8.fuifont'); fuiGfxLoadFont('msx6', 'flexui/fonts/msx6.fuifont'); except on e: Exception do begin writeln('ERROR loading FlexUI fonts'); flexloaded := false; //raise; end; else begin flexloaded := false; //raise; end; end; if flexloaded then begin try e_LogWriteln('FlexUI: loading stylesheet...'); uiLoadStyles('flexui/widgets.wgs'); except on e: TParserException do begin writeln('ERROR at (', e.tokLine, ',', e.tokCol, '): ', e.message); //raise; flexloaded := false; end; else begin //raise; flexloaded := false; end; end; end; g_holmes_imfunctional := not flexloaded; if not g_holmes_imfunctional then begin uiInitialize(); uiContext.font := 'win14'; end; if assigned(oglInitCB) then oglInitCB; end; procedure FreeHolmes; begin if assigned(oglDeinitCB) then oglDeinitCB end; {$ENDIF} procedure InitSound; {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} var timiditycfg: AnsiString; var oldcwd, newcwd: RawByteString; {$ENDIF} begin if NoSound = false then begin e_WriteLog('Initializing sound system', TMsgType.Notify); {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} newcwd := ''; if UseNativeMusic then SetEnvVar('SDL_NATIVE_MUSIC', '1'); timiditycfg := GetEnvironmentVariable('TIMIDITY_CFG'); if timiditycfg = '' then begin timiditycfg := 'timidity.cfg'; if e_FindResource(ConfigDirs, timiditycfg) OR e_FindResource(DataDirs, timiditycfg) then begin timiditycfg := ExpandFileName(timiditycfg); newcwd := ExtractFileDir(timiditycfg); SetEnvVar('TIMIDITY_CFG', timiditycfg); end else timiditycfg := ''; end; e_LogWritefln('TIMIDITY_CFG = "%s"', [timiditycfg]); e_LogWritefln('SDL_NATIVE_MUSIC = "%s"', [GetEnvironmentVariable('SDL_NATIVE_MUSIC')]); {$ENDIF} e_InitSoundSystem(NoSound); {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} if e_TimidityDecoder and (newcwd <> '') then begin (* HACK: Set CWD to load GUS patches relatively to cfg file. *) (* CWD not restored after sound init because timidity *) (* store relative pathes internally and load patches *) (* later. I hope game never relies on CWD. *) oldcwd := ''; GetDir(0, oldcwd); ChDir(newcwd); e_logwritefln('WARNING: USED TIMIDITY CONFIG HACK, CWD SWITCHED "%s" -> "%s"', [oldcwd, newcwd]); end; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure ScreenResize (w, h: Integer); begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_Render_Resize(w, h); {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} fuiScrWdt := w; fuiScrHgt := h; {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF ANDROID} (* This will fix menu reset on keyboard showing *) {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} g_Menu_Reset; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} //g_Game_ClearLoading; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if assigned(oglInitCB) then oglInitCB; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; procedure Startup; begin Randomize; InitPath; InitLog; InitPrep; e_Input_Initialize; InitSound; {$IFNDEF HEADLESS} sys_Init; sys_CharPress := @CharPress; (* install hook *) sys_ScreenResize := @ScreenResize; (* install hook *) {$ENDIF} g_Options_SetDefault; g_Options_SetDefaultVideo; g_Console_Initialize; // TODO move load configs here g_Language_Set(gLanguage); {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_Render_Initialize; {$ENDIF} DebugOptions; g_Net_InitLowLevel; // TODO init serverlist {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} InitHolmes; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} g_PlayerModel_LoadAll; r_Render_Load; {$ELSE} g_PlayerModel_LoadFake('doomer', 'doomer.wad'); {$ENDIF} g_Game_Init; {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} g_Menu_Init; g_GUI_Init; {$ENDIF} g_Game_Process_Params; // TODO reload GAME textures g_Console_Init; // welcome message {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} if (not gGameOn) and gAskLanguage then g_Menu_AskLanguage; {$ENDIF} Time_Old := GetTickCount64(); while not ProcessMessage() do begin end; g_Console_WriteGameConfig; {$IFDEF ENABLE_MENU} g_GUI_Destroy; g_Menu_Free; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_Render_Free; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} FreeHolmes; {$ENDIF} g_Net_Slist_ShutdownAll; g_Net_DeinitLowLevel; (* g_Touch_Finalize; *) {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_Render_Finalize; sys_Final; {$ENDIF} g_Console_Finalize; e_ReleaseSoundSystem; e_Input_Finalize; e_WriteLog('Shutdown with no errors.', TMsgType.Notify) end; procedure InitCVars; begin {$IFDEF USE_SDLMIXER} conRegVar('sdl_native_music', @UseNativeMusic, 'use native midi music output when possible', 'use native midi'); {$IFDEF DARWIN} UseNativeMusic := true; (* OSX have a good midi support, so why not? *) {$ELSE} UseNativeMusic := false; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; procedure EntryPoint; begin SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exZeroDivide, exOverflow, exUnderflow, exPrecision]); //k8: fuck off, that's why InitCVars; EntryParams; e_Log_Initialize; {$IFDEF HEADLESS} conbufDumpToStdOut := true; {$ENDIF} if noct then Startup else try Startup except on e: Exception do e_WriteStackTrace(e.message) else e_WriteStackTrace('FATAL ERROR') end; e_Log_Finalize end; {$IFDEF ANDROID} function SDL_main (argc: CInt; argv: PPChar): CInt; cdecl; begin {$IFDEF ANDROID} System.argc := argc; System.argv := argv; {$ENDIF} EntryPoint; result := 0 end; function JNI_OnLoad (vm: PJavaVM; reserved: pointer): JInt; cdecl; begin result:= JNI_VERSION_1_6; end; procedure JNI_OnUnload(vm: PJavaVM; reserved: pointer); cdecl; begin end; // DONT REMOVE JNI FUNCTIONS. SPECIAL HANDLING BY FPC. exports SDL_main name 'SDL_main'; exports JNI_OnLoad name 'JNI_OnLoad'; exports JNI_OnUnload name 'JNI_Unload'; {$ELSE} begin EntryPoint {$ENDIF} end.