MODULE Services; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 System/Mod/Services.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) IMPORT SYSTEM, Kernel; CONST now* = 0; immediately* = -1; (** DoLater notBefore **) resolution* = 1000; scale = resolution DIV Kernel.timeResolution; corr = resolution MOD Kernel.timeResolution; TYPE Action* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD notBefore: LONGINT; next: Action (* next element in linear list *) END; ActionHook* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Kernel.Hook) END; StdHook = POINTER TO RECORD (ActionHook) END; VAR actionHook-: ActionHook; actions: Action; (* list of actions *) candidates: Action; (* list of action candidates in IterateOverActions, NIL during normal execution of commands *) hasImmediates: BOOLEAN; (* this is a hint: one or more actions in some ring may be immediate actions *) trapCnt: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Ticks* (): LONGINT; VAR t: LONGINT; BEGIN t := Kernel.Time(); RETURN t * scale + t * corr DIV Kernel.timeResolution END Ticks; (** Action **) PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do- (), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE In (l, a: Action): BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE (l # NIL) & (l # a) DO l := END; RETURN l # NIL END In; PROCEDURE Incl (VAR l: Action; a: Action); BEGIN IF l # NIL THEN := l END; l := a END Incl; PROCEDURE Excl (VAR l: Action; a: Action); VAR p0, p1: Action; BEGIN IF l = a THEN l :=; := NIL ELSIF l # NIL THEN p0 := l; p1 :=; (* (p0 # NIL) & (p0 # a) *) WHILE (p1 # NIL) & (p1 # a) DO p0 := p1; p1 := END; IF p1 = a THEN :=; := NIL END END END Excl; PROCEDURE Exec (a: Action); VAR t: Kernel.Type; BEGIN t := Kernel.TypeOf(a); IF t.mod.refcnt >= 0 THEN (* execute action if its module is not unloaded *) a.Do (* warning: here the actions and candidates lists may be modified, or a trap may occur! *) END END Exec; PROCEDURE Cleanup; VAR p: Action; BEGIN IF candidates # NIL THEN (* trap handling *) p := candidates; WHILE # NIL DO p := END; (* find last element of candidates list *) := actions; actions := candidates; candidates := NIL (* prepend candidates list to actions list *) END; trapCnt := Kernel.trapCount (* all traps are handled now *) END Cleanup; PROCEDURE DoLater* (a: Action; notBefore: LONGINT); (** Register action a. If a is already registered, its notBefore value is updated instead. **) BEGIN ASSERT(a # NIL, 20); IF ~In(actions, a) & ~In(candidates, a) THEN Incl(actions, a) END; a.notBefore := notBefore; (* if a was already in a list, this statement updates the notBefore value *) IF notBefore = immediately THEN hasImmediates := TRUE END END DoLater; PROCEDURE RemoveAction* (a: Action); (** Unregister action a. If a is not registered, nothing happens **) BEGIN IF a # NIL THEN Excl(actions, a); Excl(candidates, a) END END RemoveAction; PROCEDURE IterateOverActions (time: LONGINT); VAR p: Action; BEGIN Cleanup; (* trap handling, if necessary *) (* candidates = NIL *) candidates := actions; actions := NIL; (* move action list to candidates list *) WHILE candidates # NIL DO (* for every candidate: execute it or put it back into actions list *) p := candidates; candidates :=; (* remove head element from candidates list *) IF (0 <= p.notBefore) & (p.notBefore <= time) OR (p.notBefore <= time) & (time < 0) THEN := NIL; Exec(p) (* warning: p may call DoLater or RemoveAction, which change the lists! *) ELSE := actions; actions := p (* move to actions list for later processing *) END END END IterateOverActions; PROCEDURE (h: ActionHook) Step*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: ActionHook) Loop*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (h: StdHook) Step; BEGIN IF (candidates = NIL) OR (trapCnt < Kernel.trapCount) THEN IterateOverActions(Ticks()) END END Step; PROCEDURE (h: StdHook) Loop; BEGIN IF hasImmediates THEN ASSERT((candidates = NIL) OR (trapCnt < Kernel.trapCount), 100); IterateOverActions(immediately); hasImmediates := FALSE END END Loop; (* type handling functions *) PROCEDURE ThisDesc (IN type: ARRAY OF CHAR; load: BOOLEAN): Kernel.Type; CONST record = 1; pointer = 3; VAR m: Kernel.Module; t: Kernel.Type; i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; typ: Kernel.Name; mod: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(type # "", 20); i := 0; ch := type[0]; WHILE (ch # ".") & (ch # 0X) DO mod[i] := ch; INC(i); ch := type[i] END; ASSERT(ch = ".", 21); mod[i] := 0X; INC(i); t := NIL; IF load THEN m := Kernel.ThisMod(mod) ELSE typ := SHORT(mod$); m := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(typ) END; IF m # NIL THEN j := 0; REPEAT ch := type[i]; typ[j] := SHORT(ch); INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL ch = 0X; t := Kernel.ThisType(m, typ); IF t = NIL THEN typ[j - 1] := "^"; typ[j] := 0X; t := Kernel.ThisType(m, typ) END END; IF t # NIL THEN IF MOD 4 = pointer THEN t := t.base[0] END; IF MOD 4 # record THEN t := NIL END END; RETURN t END ThisDesc; PROCEDURE GetTypeName* (IN rec: ANYREC; OUT type: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; t: Kernel.Type; name: Kernel.Name; BEGIN t := Kernel.TypeOf(rec); Kernel.GetTypeName(t, name); type :=$; i := 0; ch := type[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO INC(i); ch := type[i] END; type[i] := "."; INC(i); j := 0; REPEAT ch := name[j]; type[i] := ch; INC(i); INC(j) UNTIL ch = 0X; IF type[i - 2] = "^" THEN type[i - 2] := 0X END END GetTypeName; PROCEDURE SameType* (IN ra, rb: ANYREC): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN Kernel.TypeOf(ra) = Kernel.TypeOf(rb) END SameType; PROCEDURE IsExtensionOf* (IN ra, rb: ANYREC): BOOLEAN; VAR ta, tb: Kernel.Type; BEGIN ta := Kernel.TypeOf(ra); tb := Kernel.TypeOf(rb); RETURN ta.base[ DIV 16 MOD 16] = tb END IsExtensionOf; PROCEDURE Is* (IN rec: ANYREC; IN type: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR ta, tb: Kernel.Type; BEGIN ta := Kernel.TypeOf(rec); tb := ThisDesc(type, FALSE); IF tb # NIL THEN RETURN ta.base[ DIV 16 MOD 16] = tb ELSE RETURN FALSE END END Is; PROCEDURE Extends* (IN type, base: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR ta, tb: Kernel.Type; BEGIN ASSERT((type # "") & (base # ""), 20); ta := ThisDesc(type, TRUE); tb := ThisDesc(base, FALSE); IF (ta # NIL) & (tb # NIL) THEN RETURN ta.base[ DIV 16 MOD 16] = tb ELSE RETURN FALSE END END Extends; PROCEDURE Level* (IN type: ARRAY OF CHAR): INTEGER; VAR t: Kernel.Type; BEGIN t := ThisDesc(type, TRUE); RETURN DIV 16 MOD 16 END Level; PROCEDURE TypeLevel* (IN rec: ANYREC): INTEGER; VAR t: Kernel.Type; BEGIN t := Kernel.TypeOf(rec); IF t = NIL THEN RETURN -1 ELSE RETURN DIV 16 MOD 16 END END TypeLevel; PROCEDURE AdrOf* (IN rec: ANYREC): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN SYSTEM.ADR(rec) END AdrOf; PROCEDURE Collect*; BEGIN Kernel.FastCollect END Collect; PROCEDURE Init; VAR h: StdHook; BEGIN NEW(h); actionHook := h END Init; BEGIN Init END Services.