MODULE Containers; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 System/Mod/Containers.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) IMPORT Kernel, Services, Ports, Dialog, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Mechanisms; CONST (** Controller.opts **) noSelection* = 0; noFocus* = 1; noCaret* = 2; mask* = {noSelection, noCaret}; layout* = {noFocus}; modeOpts = {noSelection, noFocus, noCaret}; (** Controller.SelectAll select **) deselect* = FALSE; select* = TRUE; (** Controller.PollNativeProp/etc. selection **) any* = FALSE; selection* = TRUE; (** Mark/MarkCaret/MarkSelection/MarkSingleton show **) hide* = FALSE; show* = TRUE; indirect = FALSE; direct = TRUE; TAB = 9X; LTAB = 0AX; ENTER = 0DX; ESC = 01BX; PL = 10X; PR = 11X; PU = 12X; PD = 13X; DL = 14X; DR = 15; DU = 16X; DD = 17X; AL = 1CX; AR = 1DX; AU = 1EX; AD = 1FX; minVersion = 0; maxModelVersion = 0; maxViewVersion = 0; maxCtrlVersion = 0; (* buttons *) left = 16; middle = 17; right = 18; alt = 28; (* same as in HostPorts! *) TYPE Model* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Model) END; View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) model: Model; controller: Controller; alienCtrl: Stores.Store (* alienCtrl = NIL OR controller = NIL *) END; Controller* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Controllers.Controller) opts-: SET; model: Model; (* connected iff model # NIL *) view: View; focus, singleton: Views.View; bVis: BOOLEAN (* control visibility of focus/singleton border *) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; PollFocusMsg = RECORD (Controllers.PollFocusMsg) all: BOOLEAN; ctrl: Controller END; ViewOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) v: View; controller: Controller; (* may be NIL *) alienCtrl: Stores.Store END; ControllerOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) c: Controller; opts: SET END; ViewMessage = ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.Message) END; FocusMsg = RECORD (ViewMessage) set: BOOLEAN END; SingletonMsg = RECORD (ViewMessage) set: BOOLEAN END; FadeMsg = RECORD (ViewMessage) show: BOOLEAN END; DropPref* = RECORD (Properties.Preference) mode-: SET; okToDrop*: BOOLEAN END; GetOpts* = RECORD (Views.PropMessage) valid*, opts*: SET END; SetOpts* = RECORD (Views.PropMessage) valid*, opts*: SET END; PROCEDURE ^ (v: View) SetController* (c: Controller), NEW; PROCEDURE ^ (v: View) InitModel* (m: Model), NEW; PROCEDURE ^ Focus* (): Controller; PROCEDURE ^ ClaimFocus (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ^ MarkFocus (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ^ MarkSingleton* (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ^ FadeMarks* (c: Controller; show: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ^ CopyView (source: Controller; VAR view: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ^ ThisProp (c: Controller; direct: BOOLEAN): Properties.Property; PROCEDURE ^ SetProp (c: Controller; old, p: Properties.Property; direct: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) InitView* (v: Views.View), NEW; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InitView2* (v: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) ThisView* (): View, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) ThisFocus* (): Views.View, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) ConsiderFocusRequestBy* (view: Views.View), NEW; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) RestoreMarks* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) Neutralize*, NEW; (** called by view's Neutralize **) PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) HandleModelMsg* (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** called by view's HandleModelMsg after handling msg **) PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) HandleViewMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** called by view's HandleViewMsg after handling msg **) PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** called by view's HandleCtrlMsg *before* handling msg; focus is respected/used by view **) PROCEDURE ^ (c: Controller) HandlePropMsg* (VAR msg: Views.PropMessage), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** called by view's HandlePropMsg after handling msg; controller can override view **) (** Model **) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), EXTENSIBLE; VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN m.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxModelVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN m.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxModelVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) GetEmbeddingLimits* (OUT minW, maxW, minH, maxH: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: Model) ReplaceView* (old, new: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: Model) InitFrom- (source: Model), NEW, EMPTY; (** View **) PROCEDURE (v: View) AcceptableModel- (m: Model): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitModel2- (m: Model), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitModel* (m: Model), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT((v.model = NIL) OR (v.model = m), 20); ASSERT(m # NIL, 21); ASSERT(v.AcceptableModel(m), 22); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); v.InitModel2(m) END InitModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE(v: View) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR st: Stores.Store; c: Controller; m: Model; thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxViewVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadStore(st); ASSERT(st # NIL, 100); IF ~(st IS Model) THEN rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent); Stores.Report("#System:AlienModel", "", "", ""); RETURN END; m := st(Model); rd.ReadStore(st); IF st = NIL THEN c := NIL; v.alienCtrl := NIL ELSIF st IS Stores.Alien THEN c := NIL; v.alienCtrl := st; Stores.Join(v, v.alienCtrl); Stores.Report("#System:AlienControllerWarning", "", "", "") ELSE c := st(Controller); v.alienCtrl := NIL END; v.InitModel(m); IF c # NIL THEN v.SetController(c) ELSE v.controller := NIL END; v.Internalize2(rd) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN ASSERT(v.model # NIL, 20); v.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxViewVersion); wr.WriteStore(v.model); IF v.controller # NIL THEN wr.WriteStore(v.controller) ELSE wr.WriteStore(v.alienCtrl) END; v.Externalize2(wr) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView2- (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView- (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); VAR c: Controller; BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.InitModel(model(Model)); IF source.controller # NIL THEN c := Stores.CopyOf(source.controller)(Controller) ELSE c := NIL END; IF source.alienCtrl # NIL THEN v.alienCtrl := Stores.CopyOf(source.alienCtrl)(Stores.Alien) END; IF c # NIL THEN v.SetController(c) ELSE v.controller := NIL END END; v.CopyFromModelView2(source, model) END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel* (): Model, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetController* (c: Controller), NEW; VAR op: ViewOp; BEGIN ASSERT(v.model # NIL, 20); IF v.controller # c THEN Stores.Join(v, c); NEW(op); op.v := v; op.controller := c; op.alienCtrl := NIL; Views.Do(v, "#System:ViewSetting", op) END END SetController; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisController* (): Controller, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN v.controller END ThisController; PROCEDURE (v: View) GetRect* (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) RestoreMarks* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.RestoreMarks(f, l, t, r, b) END END RestoreMarks; PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize*; BEGIN IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.Neutralize END END Neutralize; PROCEDURE (v: View) ConsiderFocusRequestBy- (view: Views.View); BEGIN IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.ConsiderFocusRequestBy(view) END END ConsiderFocusRequestBy; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg2- (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg2- (VAR p: Properties.Message), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg- (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN v.HandleModelMsg2(msg); IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.HandleModelMsg(msg) END END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN v.HandleViewMsg2(f, msg); IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.HandleViewMsg(f, msg) END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.HandleCtrlMsg(f, msg, focus) END; v.HandleCtrlMsg2(f, msg, focus); WITH msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO IF ~msg.focus THEN focus := NIL END | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO IF ~msg.focus THEN focus := NIL END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg- (VAR p: Properties.Message); BEGIN v.HandlePropMsg2(p); IF v.controller # NIL THEN v.controller.HandlePropMsg(p) END END HandlePropMsg ; (** Controller **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Externalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE(c: Controller) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR v: INTEGER; BEGIN c.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxCtrlVersion, v); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadSet(c.opts); c.Internalize2(rd) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN c.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxCtrlVersion); wr.WriteSet(c.opts); c.Externalize2(wr) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN WITH source: Controller DO c.opts := source.opts; c.focus := NIL; c.singleton := NIL; c.bVis := FALSE END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InitView* (v: Views.View), NEW; VAR view: View; model: Model; BEGIN ASSERT((v = NIL) # (c.view = NIL) OR (v = c.view), 21); IF c.view = NIL THEN ASSERT(v IS View, 22); (* subclass may assert narrower type *) view := v(View); model := view.ThisModel(); ASSERT(model # NIL, 24); c.view := view; c.model := model; Stores.Join(c, c.view) ELSE c.view.Neutralize; c.view := NIL; c.model := NIL END; c.focus := NIL; c.singleton := NIL; c.bVis := FALSE; c.InitView2(v) END InitView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisView* (): View, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN c.view END ThisView; (** options **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetOpts* (opts: SET), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR op: ControllerOp; BEGIN IF c.view # NIL THEN NEW(op); op.c := c; op.opts := opts; Views.Do(c.view, "#System:ChangeOptions", op) ELSE c.opts := opts END END SetOpts; (** subclass hooks **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetContextType* (OUT type: Stores.TypeName), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetValidOps* (OUT valid: SET), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeModel* (m: Models.Model): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeView* (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativeCursorAt* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PickNativeProp* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; VAR p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PollNativeProp* (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.Property; VAR truncated: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetNativeProp* (selection: BOOLEAN; old, p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MakeViewVisible* (v: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetFirstView* (selection: BOOLEAN; OUT v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetNextView* (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetPrevView* (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR p, q: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); c.GetFirstView(selection, p); IF p # v THEN WHILE (p # NIL) & (p # v) DO q := p; c.GetNextView(selection, p) END; ASSERT(p # NIL, 21); v := q ELSE v := NIL END END GetPrevView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CanDrop* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END CanDrop; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetSelectionBounds* (f: Views.Frame; OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR g: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; BEGIN x := 0; y := 0; w := 0; h := 0; v := c.singleton; IF v # NIL THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v); IF g # NIL THEN x := g.gx - f.gx; y := -; v.context.GetSize(w, h) END END END GetSelectionBounds; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkDropTarget* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle, show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Drop* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; view: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkPickTarget* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) TrackMarks* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; units, extend, add: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Resize* (view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) DeleteSelection*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MoveLocalSelection* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) CopyLocalSelection* (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SelectionCopy* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) NativePaste* (m: Models.Model; f: Views.Frame), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ArrowChar* (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR; units, select: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ControlChar* (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PasteChar* (ch: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) PasteView* (f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** selection **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HasSelection* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** extended by subclass to include intrinsic selections **) BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); RETURN c.singleton # NIL END HasSelection; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Selectable* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Singleton* (): Views.View, NEW; (* LEAF *) BEGIN IF c = NIL THEN RETURN NIL ELSE RETURN c.singleton END END Singleton; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetSingleton* (s: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** extended by subclass to adjust intrinsic selections **) VAR con: Models.Context; msg: SingletonMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); ASSERT(~(noSelection IN c.opts), 21); IF c.singleton # s THEN IF s # NIL THEN con := s.context; ASSERT(con # NIL, 22); ASSERT(con.ThisModel() = c.model, 23); c.view.Neutralize ELSIF c.singleton # NIL THEN c.bVis := FALSE; msg.set := FALSE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END; c.singleton := s; IF s # NIL THEN c.bVis := TRUE; msg.set := TRUE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END END SetSingleton; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SelectAll* (select: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** replaced by subclass to include intrinsic selections **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InSelection* (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** replaced by subclass to include intrinsic selections **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkSelection* (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (** replaced by subclass to include intrinsic selections **) BEGIN MarkSingleton(c, f, show) END MarkSelection; (** focus **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisFocus* (): Views.View, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); RETURN c.focus END ThisFocus; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetFocus* (focus: Views.View), NEW; (* LEAF *) VAR focus0: Views.View; con: Models.Context; msg: FocusMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); focus0 := c.focus; IF focus # focus0 THEN IF focus # NIL THEN con := focus.context; ASSERT(con # NIL, 21); ASSERT(con.ThisModel() = c.model, 22); IF focus0 = NIL THEN c.view.Neutralize END END; IF focus0 # NIL THEN IF ~Views.IsInvalid(focus0) THEN focus0.Neutralize END; c.bVis := FALSE; msg.set := FALSE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END; c.focus := focus; IF focus # NIL THEN c.MakeViewVisible(focus); c.bVis := TRUE; msg.set := TRUE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END END SetFocus; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ConsiderFocusRequestBy* (view: Views.View), NEW; VAR con: Models.Context; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); ASSERT(view # NIL, 21); con := view.context; ASSERT(con # NIL, 22); ASSERT(con.ThisModel() = c.model, 23); IF c.focus = NIL THEN c.SetFocus(view) END END ConsiderFocusRequestBy; (** caret **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HasCaret* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) MarkCaret* (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** general marking protocol **) PROCEDURE CheckMaskFocus (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN IF f.mark & (c.opts * modeOpts = mask) & (c.model # NIL) & ((focus = NIL) OR ~ClaimFocus(focus)) THEN c.GetFirstView(any, v); WHILE (v # NIL) & ~ClaimFocus(v) DO c.GetNextView(any, v) END; IF v # NIL THEN c.SetFocus(v); focus := v ELSE c.SetFocus(NIL); focus := NIL END END END CheckMaskFocus; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Mark* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN MarkFocus(c, f, show); c.MarkSelection(f, show); c.MarkCaret(f, show) END Mark; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) RestoreMarks2- (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) RestoreMarks* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN IF f.mark THEN c.Mark(f, l, t, r, b, show); c.RestoreMarks2(f, l, t, r, b) END END RestoreMarks; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Neutralize2-, NEW, EMPTY; (** caret needs to be removed by this method **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Neutralize*, NEW; BEGIN c.SetFocus(NIL); c.SelectAll(deselect); c.Neutralize2 END Neutralize; (** message handlers **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleModelMsg* (VAR msg: Models.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleViewMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR g: Views.Frame; mark: Controllers.MarkMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); IF msg.view = c.view THEN WITH msg: ViewMessage DO WITH msg: FocusMsg DO g := Views.ThisFrame(f, c.focus); IF g # NIL THEN IF msg.set THEN MarkFocus(c, f, show); := TRUE; mark.focus := TRUE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mark) ELSE := FALSE; mark.focus := TRUE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, mark); MarkFocus(c, f, hide) END END | msg: SingletonMsg DO MarkSingleton(c, f, msg.set) | msg: FadeMsg DO MarkFocus(c, f,; MarkSingleton(c, f, END ELSE END END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE CollectControlPref (c: Controller; focus: Views.View; ch: CHAR; cyclic: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View; VAR getFocus, accepts: BOOLEAN); VAR first, w: Views.View; p: Properties.ControlPref; back: BOOLEAN; BEGIN back := (ch = LTAB) OR (ch = AL) OR (ch = AU); first := c.focus; IF first = NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(any, first); IF back THEN w := first; WHILE w # NIL DO first := w; c.GetNextView(any, w) END END END; v := first; WHILE v # NIL DO p.char := ch; p.focus := focus; p.getFocus := (v # focus) & ((ch = TAB) OR (ch = LTAB)) & ClaimFocus(v); p.accepts := (v = focus) & (ch # TAB) & (ch # LTAB); Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); IF p.accepts OR (v # focus) & p.getFocus THEN getFocus := p.getFocus; accepts := p.accepts; RETURN END; IF back THEN c.GetPrevView(any, v) ELSE c.GetNextView(any, v) END; IF cyclic & (v = NIL) THEN c.GetFirstView(any, v); IF back THEN w := v; WHILE w # NIL DO v := w; c.GetNextView(any, w) END END END; IF v = first THEN v := NIL END END; getFocus := FALSE; accepts := FALSE END CollectControlPref; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandlePropMsg* (VAR msg: Properties.Message), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(c.model # NIL, 20); WITH msg: Properties.PollMsg DO msg.prop := ThisProp(c, indirect) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO SetProp(c, msg.old, msg.prop, indirect) | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF {noSelection, noFocus, noCaret} - c.opts # {} THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE END | msg: GetOpts DO msg.valid := modeOpts; msg.opts := c.opts | msg: SetOpts DO c.SetOpts(c.opts - msg.valid + (msg.opts * msg.valid)) | msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF c.opts * modeOpts = mask THEN v := msg.focus; IF v = c.view THEN v := c.focus END; CollectControlPref(c, v, msg.char, FALSE, v, msg.getFocus, msg.accepts); IF msg.getFocus THEN msg.accepts := TRUE END END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewController* (opts: SET): Controller, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): Controller, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN d.NewController({}) END New; (* ViewOp *) PROCEDURE (op: ViewOp) Do; VAR v: View; c0, c1: Controller; a0, a1: Stores.Store; BEGIN v := op.v; c0 := v.controller; a0 := v.alienCtrl; c1 := op.controller; a1 := op.alienCtrl; IF c0 # NIL THEN c0.InitView(NIL) END; v.controller := c1; v.alienCtrl := a1; op.controller := c0; op.alienCtrl := a0; IF c1 # NIL THEN c1.InitView(v) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END Do; (* ControllerOp *) PROCEDURE (op: ControllerOp) Do; VAR c: Controller; opts: SET; BEGIN c := op.c; opts := c.opts; c.opts := op.opts; op.opts := opts; Views.Update(c.view, Views.keepFrames) END Do; (* Controller implementation support *) PROCEDURE BorderVisible (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF 31 IN c.opts THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF f IS Views.RootFrame THEN RETURN FALSE END; IF Services.Is(c.focus, "OleClient.View") THEN RETURN FALSE END; RETURN TRUE END BorderVisible; PROCEDURE MarkFocus (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); VAR focus: Views.View; f1: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN focus := c.focus; IF f.front & (focus # NIL) & (~show OR c.bVis) & BorderVisible(c, f) & ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN f1 := Views.ThisFrame(f, focus); IF f1 # NIL THEN c.bVis := show; c.view.GetRect(f, focus, l, t, r, b); IF (l # MAX(INTEGER)) & (t # MAX(INTEGER)) THEN Mechanisms.MarkFocusBorder(f, focus, l, t, r, b, show) END END END END MarkFocus; PROCEDURE MarkSingleton* (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (*(f.front OR &*) (~show OR c.bVis) & (c.singleton # NIL) THEN c.bVis := show; c.view.GetRect(f, c.singleton, l, t, r, b); IF (l # MAX(INTEGER)) & (t # MAX(INTEGER)) THEN Mechanisms.MarkSingletonBorder(f, c.singleton, l, t, r, b, show) END END END MarkSingleton; PROCEDURE FadeMarks* (c: Controller; show: BOOLEAN); VAR msg: FadeMsg; v: Views.View; fc: Controller; BEGIN IF (c.focus # NIL) OR (c.singleton # NIL) THEN IF c.bVis # show THEN IF ~show THEN v := c.focus; WHILE (v # NIL) & (v IS View) DO fc := v(View).ThisController(); fc.bVis := FALSE; v := fc.focus END END; c.bVis := show; := show; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END END FadeMarks; (* handle controller messages in editor mode *) PROCEDURE ClaimFocus (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; BEGIN p.atLocation := FALSE; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.setFocus END ClaimFocus; PROCEDURE ClaimFocusAt (v: Views.View; f, g: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; mask: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; BEGIN p.atLocation := TRUE; p.x := x + f.gx - g.gx; p.y := y + -; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.setFocus & (mask OR ~p.hotFocus) END ClaimFocusAt; PROCEDURE NeedFocusAt (v: Views.View; f, g: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR p: Properties.FocusPref; BEGIN p.atLocation := TRUE; p.x := x + f.gx - g.gx; p.y := y + -; p.hotFocus := FALSE; p.setFocus := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); RETURN p.hotFocus OR p.setFocus END NeedFocusAt; PROCEDURE TrackToResize (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR minW, maxW, minH, maxH, l, t, r, b, w0, h0, w, h: INTEGER; op: INTEGER; sg, fc: Views.View; BEGIN c.model.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); c.view.GetRect(f, v, l, t, r, b); w0 := r - l; h0 := b - t; w := w0; h := h0; Mechanisms.TrackToResize(f, v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, l, t, r, b, op, x, y, buttons); IF op = Mechanisms.resize THEN sg := c.singleton; fc := c.focus; c.Resize(v, l, t, r, b); IF c.singleton # sg THEN c.SetSingleton(sg) END; IF c.focus # fc THEN c.focus := fc; c.bVis := FALSE END (* delayed c.SetFocus(fc) *) END END TrackToResize; PROCEDURE TrackToDrop (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET; VAR pass: BOOLEAN); VAR dest: Views.Frame; m: Models.Model; v: Views.View; x0, y0, x1, y1, w, h, rx, ry, destX, destY: INTEGER; op: INTEGER; isDown, isSingle: BOOLEAN; mo: SET; BEGIN (* drag and drop c's selection: mouse is in selection *) x0 := x; y0 := y; REPEAT f.Input(x1, y1, mo, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown OR (ABS(x1 - x) > 3 * Ports.point) OR (ABS(y1 - y) > 3 * Ports.point); pass := ~isDown; IF ~pass THEN v := c.Singleton(); IF v = NIL THEN v := c.view; isSingle := FALSE ELSE isSingle := TRUE END; c.GetSelectionBounds(f, rx, ry, w, h); rx := x0 - rx; ry := y0 - ry; IF rx < 0 THEN rx := 0 ELSIF rx > w THEN rx := w END; IF ry < 0 THEN ry := 0 ELSIF ry > h THEN ry := h END; IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN op := Mechanisms.copy ELSE op := 0 END; Mechanisms.TrackToDrop(f, v, isSingle, w, h, rx, ry, dest, destX, destY, op, x, y, buttons); IF (op IN {Mechanisms.copy, Mechanisms.move}) THEN (* copy or move selection *) IF dest # NIL THEN m := dest.view.ThisModel(); IF (dest.view = c.view) OR (m # NIL) & (m = c.view.ThisModel()) THEN (* local drop *) IF op = Mechanisms.copy THEN (* local copy *) c.CopyLocalSelection(f, dest, x0, y0, destX, destY) ELSIF op = Mechanisms.move THEN (* local move *) c.MoveLocalSelection(f, dest, x0, y0, destX, destY) END ELSE (* non-local drop *) CopyView(c, v, w, h); (* create copy of selection *) IF (op = Mechanisms.copy) OR (noCaret IN c.opts) THEN (* drop copy *) Controllers.Drop(x, y, f, x0, y0, v, isSingle, w, h, rx, ry) ELSIF op = Mechanisms.move THEN (* drop copy and delete original *) Controllers.Drop(x, y, f, x0, y0, v, isSingle, w, h, rx, ry); c.DeleteSelection; END END ELSIF (op = Mechanisms.move) & ~(noCaret IN c.opts) THEN c.DeleteSelection END END END END TrackToDrop; PROCEDURE TrackToPick (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET; VAR pass: BOOLEAN); VAR p: Properties.Property; dest: Views.Frame; x0, y0, x1, y1, destX, destY: INTEGER; op: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; m: SET; BEGIN x0 := x; y0 := y; REPEAT f.Input(x1, y1, m, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown OR (ABS(x1 - x) > 3 * Ports.point) OR (ABS(y1 - y) > 3 * Ports.point); pass := ~isDown; IF ~pass THEN Mechanisms.TrackToPick(f, dest, destX, destY, op, x, y, buttons); IF op IN {Mechanisms.pick, Mechanisms.pickForeign} THEN Properties.Pick(x, y, f, x0, y0, p); IF p # NIL THEN SetProp(c, NIL, p, direct) END END END END TrackToPick; PROCEDURE MarkViews (f: Views.Frame); VAR x, y: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; root: Views.RootFrame; m: SET; BEGIN root := Views.RootOf(f); Views.MarkBorders(root); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown) UNTIL ~isDown; Views.MarkBorders(root) END MarkViews; PROCEDURE Track (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.TrackMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR res, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; cursor: INTEGER; sel: Views.View; obj: Views.Frame; inSel, pass, extend, add, double, popup: BOOLEAN; BEGIN cursor := Mechanisms.outside; sel := c.Singleton(); IF focus # NIL THEN c.view.GetRect(f, focus, l, t, r, b); IF (BorderVisible(c, f) OR (f IS Views.RootFrame)) & ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.FocusBorderCursor(f, focus, l, t, r, b, msg.x, msg.y) ELSIF (msg.x >= l) & (msg.x <= r) & (msg.y >= t) & (msg.y <= b) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.inside END ELSIF sel # NIL THEN c.view.GetRect(f, sel, l, t, r, b); cursor := Mechanisms.SelBorderCursor(f, sel, l, t, r, b, msg.x, msg.y) END; IF cursor >= 0 THEN IF focus # NIL THEN (* resize focus *) TrackToResize(c, f, focus, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers); focus := NIL ELSE (* resize singleton *) TrackToResize(c, f, sel, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) END ELSIF (focus # NIL) & (cursor = Mechanisms.inside) THEN (* forward to focus *) ELSE IF (focus # NIL) & (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) THEN c.SetFocus(NIL) END; focus := NIL; inSel := c.InSelection(f, msg.x, msg.y); extend := Controllers.extend IN msg.modifiers; add := Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers; double := Controllers.doubleClick IN msg.modifiers; popup := right IN msg.modifiers; obj := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF ~inSel & (~extend OR (noSelection IN c.opts)) THEN IF obj # NIL THEN IF ~(noFocus IN c.opts) & NeedFocusAt(obj.view, f, obj, msg.x, msg.y) & (~(alt IN msg.modifiers) OR (noSelection IN c.opts)) THEN (* set hot focus *) focus := obj.view; IF ClaimFocusAt(focus, f, obj, msg.x, msg.y, c.opts * modeOpts = mask) THEN (* set permanent focus *) c.SelectAll(deselect); c.SetFocus(focus) END END; IF (focus = NIL) & ~add & ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN (* select object *) c.SelectAll(deselect); c.SetSingleton(obj.view); inSel := TRUE END ELSIF ~add THEN c.SelectAll(deselect) END END; IF focus = NIL THEN IF inSel & double & (popup OR (alt IN msg.modifiers)) THEN (* properties *) Dialog.Call("StdCmds.ShowProp", "", res) ELSIF inSel & double & (obj # NIL) THEN (* primary verb *) Dialog.Call("HostMenus.PrimaryVerb", "", res) ELSIF ~inSel & (alt IN msg.modifiers) & extend THEN MarkViews(f) ELSE IF inSel & ~extend THEN (* drag *) IF (alt IN msg.modifiers) OR (middle IN msg.modifiers) THEN IF ~(noCaret IN c.opts) THEN TrackToPick(c, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, pass) END ELSE TrackToDrop(c, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, pass) END; IF ~pass THEN RETURN END END; IF ~(noSelection IN c.opts) & (~inSel OR extend OR add OR (obj = NIL) & ~popup) THEN (* select *) c.TrackMarks(f, msg.x, msg.y, double, extend, add) END; IF popup THEN Dialog.Call("HostMenus.PopupMenu", "", res) END END END END END Track; PROCEDURE CopyView (source: Controller; VAR view: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER); VAR s: Views.View; m: Model; v: View; p: Properties.BoundsPref; BEGIN s := source.Singleton(); IF s # NIL THEN (* create a copy of singular selection *) view := Views.CopyOf(s, Views.deep); s.context.GetSize(w, h) ELSE (* create a copy of view with a copy of whole selection as contents *) m := source.SelectionCopy(); v := Views.CopyWithNewModel(source.view, m)(View); p.w := Views.undefined; p.h := Views.undefined; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, p); view := v; w := p.w; h := p.h END END CopyView; PROCEDURE Paste (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER); VAR m: Models.Model; BEGIN m := v.ThisModel(); IF (m # NIL) & c.NativeModel(m) THEN (* paste whole contents of source view *) c.NativePaste(m, f) ELSE (* paste whole view *) c.PasteView(f, v (* Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep) *), w, h) END END Paste; PROCEDURE GetValidOps (c: Controller; VAR valid: SET); BEGIN valid := {}; c.GetValidOps(valid); IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN valid := valid - {Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.paste, Controllers.cut} END END GetValidOps; PROCEDURE Transfer (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.TransferMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR g: Views.Frame; inSelection: BOOLEAN; dMsg: DropPref; BEGIN focus := NIL; g := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); WITH msg: Controllers.PollDropMsg DO inSelection := c.InSelection(f, msg.x, msg.y); dMsg.mode := c.opts; dMsg.okToDrop := FALSE; IF g # NIL THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(g.view, dMsg) END; IF (g # NIL) & ~inSelection & (dMsg.okToDrop OR ~(noFocus IN c.opts))THEN focus := g.view ELSIF ~(noCaret IN c.opts) & c.CanDrop(f, msg.x, msg.y) THEN msg.dest := f; IF msg.mark THEN c.MarkDropTarget(msg.source, f, msg.sourceX, msg.sourceY, msg.x, msg.y, msg.w, msg.h, msg.rx, msg.ry, msg.type, msg.isSingle, END END | msg: Controllers.DropMsg DO inSelection := c.InSelection(f, msg.x, msg.y); dMsg.mode := c.opts; dMsg.okToDrop := FALSE; IF g # NIL THEN Views.HandlePropMsg(g.view, dMsg) END; IF (g # NIL) & ~inSelection & (dMsg.okToDrop OR ~(noFocus IN c.opts))THEN focus := g.view ELSIF ~(noCaret IN c.opts) & c.CanDrop(f, msg.x, msg.y) THEN c.Drop(msg.source, f, msg.sourceX, msg.sourceY, msg.x, msg.y, msg.w, msg.h, msg.rx, msg.ry, msg.view, msg.isSingle) END | msg: Properties.PollPickMsg DO IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view ELSE msg.dest := f; IF msg.mark THEN c.MarkPickTarget(msg.source, f, msg.sourceX, msg.sourceY, msg.x, msg.y, END END | msg: Properties.PickMsg DO IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view ELSE c.PickNativeProp(f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.prop) END ELSE IF g # NIL THEN focus := g.view END END END Transfer; PROCEDURE FocusHasSel (): BOOLEAN; VAR msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; BEGIN Controllers.PollOps(msg); RETURN msg.selectable & (Controllers.copy IN msg.valid) END FocusHasSel; PROCEDURE FocusEditor (): Controller; VAR msg: PollFocusMsg; BEGIN msg.focus := NIL; msg.ctrl := NIL; msg.all := FALSE; Controllers.Forward(msg); RETURN msg.ctrl END FocusEditor; PROCEDURE Edit (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR g: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; res: INTEGER; valid: SET; select, units, getFocus, accepts: BOOLEAN; sel: Controllers.SelectMsg; BEGIN IF (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) & (focus = NIL) THEN IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ESC) THEN c.SelectAll(FALSE) ELSIF (c.Singleton() # NIL) & (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ENTER) THEN Dialog.Call("HostMenus.PrimaryVerb", "", res) ELSE GetValidOps(c, valid); IF msg.op IN valid THEN CASE msg.op OF | Controllers.pasteChar: IF msg.char >= " " THEN c.PasteChar(msg.char) ELSIF (AL <= msg.char) & (msg.char <= AD) OR (PL <= msg.char) & (msg.char <= DD) THEN select := Controllers.extend IN msg.modifiers; units := Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers; c.ArrowChar(f, msg.char, units, select) ELSE c.ControlChar(f, msg.char) END | Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy: CopyView(c, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h); msg.isSingle := c.Singleton() # NIL; IF msg.op = Controllers.cut THEN c.DeleteSelection END | Controllers.paste: IF msg.isSingle THEN c.PasteView(f, msg.view (* Views.CopyOf(msg.view, Views.deep) *), msg.w, msg.h) ELSE Paste(c, f, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h) END ELSE END END END ELSIF (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) & (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ESC) & (~(f IS Views.RootFrame) OR (31 IN c.opts)) & (c = FocusEditor()) & ((Controllers.extend IN msg.modifiers) OR ~FocusHasSel()) THEN IF 31 IN c.opts THEN INCL(msg.modifiers, 31) ELSE c.SetSingleton(focus) END; focus := NIL ELSIF (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) & (c = Focus()) THEN (* do some generic processing for non-container views *) IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & (msg.char = ESC) THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, focus); IF g # NIL THEN sel.set := FALSE; Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, sel) END END ELSIF (c.opts * modeOpts = mask) & (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) THEN IF alt IN msg.modifiers THEN CollectControlPref (c, NIL, msg.char, TRUE, v, getFocus, accepts) ELSE CollectControlPref (c, focus, msg.char, TRUE, v, getFocus, accepts) END; IF v = NIL THEN CheckMaskFocus(c, f, focus); CollectControlPref(c, focus, msg.char, TRUE, v, getFocus, accepts) END; IF v # NIL THEN IF getFocus & (v # focus) THEN c.SetFocus(v) END; IF accepts THEN g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v); IF g # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(g, msg) END END; focus := NIL END END END Edit; PROCEDURE PollCursor (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; cursor: INTEGER; sel: Views.View; obj: Views.Frame; inSel: BOOLEAN; BEGIN cursor := Mechanisms.outside; sel := c.Singleton(); IF focus # NIL THEN c.view.GetRect(f, focus, l, t, r, b); IF (BorderVisible(c, f) OR (f IS Views.RootFrame)) & ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.FocusBorderCursor(f, focus, l, t, r, b, msg.x, msg.y) ELSIF (msg.x >= l) & (msg.x <= r) & (msg.y >= t) & (msg.y <= b) THEN cursor := Mechanisms.inside END ELSIF sel # NIL THEN c.view.GetRect(f, sel, l, t, r, b); cursor := Mechanisms.SelBorderCursor(f, sel, l, t, r, b, msg.x, msg.y) END; IF cursor >= 0 THEN msg.cursor := cursor; focus := NIL ELSIF (focus # NIL) & (cursor = Mechanisms.inside) THEN msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor ELSE IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor ELSE msg.cursor := c.NativeCursorAt(f, msg.x, msg.y) (* if nothing else, use native cursor *) END; focus := NIL; inSel := FALSE; IF ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN inSel := c.InSelection(f, msg.x, msg.y) END; IF ~inSel THEN obj := Views.FrameAt(f, msg.x, msg.y); IF obj # NIL THEN IF ~(noFocus IN c.opts) & NeedFocusAt(obj.view, f, obj, msg.x, msg.y) THEN focus := obj.view; msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor ELSIF ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN inSel := TRUE END END END; IF focus = NIL THEN IF inSel THEN msg.cursor := Ports.arrowCursor END END END END PollCursor; PROCEDURE PollOps (c: Controller; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF focus = NIL THEN msg.type := ""; IF ~(noSelection IN c.opts) THEN c.GetContextType(msg.type) END; msg.selectable := ~(noSelection IN c.opts) & c.Selectable(); GetValidOps(c, msg.valid); msg.singleton := c.Singleton() END END PollOps; PROCEDURE ReplaceView (c: Controller; old, new: Views.View); BEGIN ASSERT(old.context # NIL, 20); ASSERT((new.context = NIL) OR (new.context = old.context), 22); IF old.context.ThisModel() = c.model THEN c.model.ReplaceView(old, new) END; IF c.singleton = old THEN c.singleton := new END; IF c.focus = old THEN c.focus := new END END ReplaceView; PROCEDURE ViewProp (v: Views.View): Properties.Property; VAR poll: Properties.PollMsg; BEGIN poll.prop := NIL; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, poll); RETURN poll.prop END ViewProp; PROCEDURE SetViewProp (v: Views.View; old, p: Properties.Property); VAR set: Properties.SetMsg; BEGIN set.old := old; set.prop := p; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, set) END SetViewProp; PROCEDURE SizeProp (v: Views.View): Properties.Property; VAR sp: Properties.SizeProp; BEGIN NEW(sp); sp.known := {Properties.width, Properties.height}; sp.valid := sp.known; v.context.GetSize(sp.width, sp.height); RETURN sp END SizeProp; PROCEDURE SetSizeProp (v: Views.View; p: Properties.SizeProp); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF p.valid # {Properties.width, Properties.height} THEN v.context.GetSize(w, h) END; IF Properties.width IN p.valid THEN w := p.width END; IF Properties.height IN p.valid THEN h := p.height END; v.context.SetSize(w, h) END SetSizeProp; PROCEDURE ThisProp (c: Controller; direct: BOOLEAN): Properties.Property; CONST scanCutoff = MAX(INTEGER) (* 50 *); (* bound number of polled embedded views *) VAR v: Views.View; np, vp, p: Properties.Property; k: INTEGER; trunc, equal: BOOLEAN; BEGIN trunc := FALSE; k := 1; np := NIL; c.PollNativeProp(direct, np, trunc); v := NIL; c.GetFirstView(direct, v); IF v # NIL THEN Properties.Insert(np, SizeProp(v)); vp := ViewProp(v); k := scanCutoff; c.GetNextView(direct, v); WHILE (v # NIL) & (k > 0) DO DEC(k); Properties.Insert(np, SizeProp(v)); Properties.Intersect(vp, ViewProp(v), equal); c.GetNextView(direct, v) END; IF c.singleton # NIL THEN Properties.Merge(np, vp); vp := np ELSE Properties.Merge(vp, np) END ELSE vp := np END; IF trunc OR (k = 0) THEN p := vp; WHILE p # NIL DO p.valid := {}; p := END END; IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN p := vp; WHILE p # NIL DO p.readOnly := p.valid; p := END END; RETURN vp END ThisProp; PROCEDURE SetProp (c: Controller; old, p: Properties.Property; direct: BOOLEAN); TYPE ViewList = POINTER TO RECORD next: ViewList; view: Views.View END; VAR v: Views.View; q, sp: Properties.Property; equal: BOOLEAN; s: Stores.Operation; list, last: ViewList; BEGIN IF noCaret IN c.opts THEN RETURN END; Views.BeginScript(c.view, "#System:SetProp", s); q := p; WHILE (q # NIL) & ~(q IS Properties.SizeProp) DO q := END; list := NIL; v := NIL; c.GetFirstView(direct, v); WHILE v # NIL DO IF list = NIL THEN NEW(list); last := list ELSE NEW(; last := END; last.view := v; c.GetNextView(direct, v) END; c.SetNativeProp(direct, old, p); WHILE list # NIL DO v := list.view; list :=; SetViewProp(v, old, p); IF direct & (q # NIL) THEN (* q IS Properties.SizeProp *) IF old # NIL THEN sp := SizeProp(v); Properties.Intersect(sp, old, equal); Properties.Intersect(sp, old, equal) END; IF (old = NIL) OR equal THEN SetSizeProp(v, q(Properties.SizeProp)) END END END; Views.EndScript(c.view, s) END SetProp; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN focus := c.focus; WITH msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO PollCursor(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO PollOps(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: PollFocusMsg DO IF msg.all OR (c.opts * modeOpts # mask) & (c.focus # NIL) THEN msg.ctrl := c END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Track(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO Edit(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: Controllers.TransferMessage DO Transfer(c, f, msg, focus) | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO IF focus = NIL THEN c.SelectAll(msg.set) END | msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO FadeMarks(c, show); CheckMaskFocus(c, f, focus) | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO c.bVis :=; c.Mark(f, f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, | msg: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg DO ReplaceView(c, msg.old, | msg: Properties.CollectMsg DO IF focus = NIL THEN msg.poll.prop := ThisProp(c, direct) END | msg: Properties.EmitMsg DO IF focus = NIL THEN SetProp(c, msg.set.old, msg.set.prop, direct) END ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE Focus* (): Controller; VAR msg: PollFocusMsg; BEGIN msg.focus := NIL; msg.ctrl := NIL; msg.all := TRUE; Controllers.Forward(msg); RETURN msg.ctrl END Focus; PROCEDURE FocusSingleton* (): Views.View; VAR c: Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.Singleton() ELSE v := NIL END; RETURN v END FocusSingleton; PROCEDURE CloneOf* (m: Model): Model; VAR h: Model; BEGIN ASSERT(m # NIL, 20); Kernel.NewObj(h, Kernel.TypeOf(m)); h.InitFrom(m); RETURN h END CloneOf; END Containers.