MODULE StdFolds; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Folds.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) IMPORT Domains := Stores, Ports, Stores, Containers, Models, Views, Controllers, Fonts, Properties,Controls, TextModels, TextViews, TextControllers, TextSetters, Dialog, Services; CONST expanded* = FALSE; collapsed* = TRUE; minVersion = 0; currentVersion = 0; collapseFoldKey = "#Std:Collapse Fold"; expandFoldKey = "#Std:Expand Fold"; zoomInKey = "#Std:Zoom In"; zoomOutKey = "#Std:Zoom Out"; expandFoldsKey = "#Std:Expand Folds"; collapseFoldsKey = "#Std:Collapse Folds"; insertFoldKey = "#Std:Insert Fold"; setLabelKey = "#Std:Set Label"; TYPE Label* = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; Fold* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) leftSide-: BOOLEAN; collapsed-: BOOLEAN; label-: Label; (* valid iff leftSide *) hidden: TextModels.Model (* valid iff leftSide; NIL if no hidden text *) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; FlipOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Domains.Operation) text: TextModels.Model; (* containing text *) leftpos, rightpos: INTEGER (* position of left and right Fold *) END; SetLabelOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Domains.Operation) text: TextModels.Model; (* containing text *) pos: INTEGER; (* position of fold in text *) oldlabel: Label END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; foldData*: RECORD nested*: BOOLEAN; all*: BOOLEAN; findLabel*: Label; newLabel*: Label END; iconFont: Fonts.Typeface; leftExp, rightExp, leftColl, rightColl: ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR; coloredBackg: BOOLEAN; action: Action; fingerprint: INTEGER; (* for the property inspector *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (collapsed: BOOLEAN; label: Label; hiddenText: TextModels.Model): Fold, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE GetPair (fold: Fold; VAR l, r: Fold); VAR c: Models.Context; text: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; nest: INTEGER; BEGIN c := fold.context; l := NIL; r := NIL; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO text := c.ThisModel(); rd := text.NewReader(NIL); IF fold.leftSide THEN l := fold; rd.SetPos(c.Pos()+1); nest := 1; REPEAT rd.ReadView(v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) THEN IF v(Fold).leftSide THEN INC(nest) ELSE DEC(nest) END END UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (nest = 0); IF v # NIL THEN r := v(Fold) ELSE r := NIL END ELSE r := fold; rd.SetPos(c.Pos()); nest := 1; REPEAT rd.ReadPrevView(v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) THEN IF ~v(Fold).leftSide THEN INC(nest) ELSE DEC(nest) END END UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (nest = 0); IF v # NIL THEN l := v(Fold) ELSE l := NIL END END ELSE (* fold not embedded in a text *) END; ASSERT((l = NIL) OR l.leftSide & (l.hidden # NIL), 100); ASSERT((r = NIL) OR ~r.leftSide & (r.hidden = NIL), 101) END GetPair; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HiddenText* (): TextModels.Model, NEW; VAR l, r: Fold; BEGIN IF fold.leftSide THEN RETURN fold.hidden ELSE GetPair(fold, l, r); IF l # NIL THEN RETURN l.hidden ELSE RETURN NIL END END END HiddenText; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) MatchingFold* (): Fold, NEW; VAR l, r: Fold; BEGIN GetPair(fold, l, r); IF l # NIL THEN IF fold = l THEN RETURN r ELSE RETURN l END ELSE RETURN NIL END END MatchingFold; PROCEDURE GetIcon (fold: Fold; VAR icon: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); BEGIN IF fold.leftSide THEN IF fold.collapsed THEN icon := leftColl$ ELSE icon := leftExp$ END ELSE IF fold.collapsed THEN icon := rightColl$ ELSE icon := rightExp$ END END END GetIcon; PROCEDURE CalcSize (f: Fold; VAR w, h: INTEGER); VAR icon: ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR; c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; BEGIN GetIcon(f, icon); c := f.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, a.font.size, {}, Fonts.normal) ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; w := font.SStringWidth(icon); font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); h := asc + dsc END CalcSize; PROCEDURE Update (f: Fold); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN CalcSize(f, w, h); f.context.SetSize(w, h); Views.Update(f, Views.keepFrames) END Update; PROCEDURE FlipPair (l, r: Fold); VAR text, hidden: TextModels.Model; cl, cr: Models.Context; lpos, rpos: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (l # NIL) & (r # NIL) THEN ASSERT(l.leftSide, 100); ASSERT(~r.leftSide, 101); ASSERT(l.hidden # NIL, 102); ASSERT(r.hidden = NIL, 103); cl := l.context; cr := r.context; text := cl(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); lpos := cl(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1; rpos := cr(TextModels.Context).Pos(); ASSERT(lpos <= rpos, 104); hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(text); hidden.Insert(0, text, lpos, rpos); text.Insert(lpos, l.hidden, 0, l.hidden.Length()); l.hidden := hidden; Stores.Join(l, hidden); l.collapsed := ~l.collapsed; r.collapsed := l.collapsed; Update(l); Update(r); TextControllers.SetCaret(text, lpos) END END FlipPair; PROCEDURE (op: FlipOp) Do; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; left, right: Views.View; BEGIN rd := op.text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(op.leftpos); rd.ReadView(left); rd.SetPos(op.rightpos); rd.ReadView(right); FlipPair(left(Fold), right(Fold)); op.leftpos := left.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); op.rightpos := right.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() END Do; PROCEDURE (op: SetLabelOp) Do; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; fold: Views.View; left, right: Fold; lab: Label; BEGIN rd := op.text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(op.pos); rd.ReadView(fold); WITH fold: Fold DO GetPair(fold, left, right); IF left # NIL THEN lab := fold.label; left.label := op.oldlabel; op.oldlabel := lab; right.label := left.label END END END Do; PROCEDURE SetProp (fold: Fold; p : Properties.Property); VAR op: SetLabelOp; left, right: Fold; BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Controls.Prop DO IF (Controls.label IN p.valid) & (p.label # fold.label) THEN GetPair(fold, left, right); IF left # NIL THEN NEW(op); op.oldlabel := p.label$; op.text := fold.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); op.pos := fold.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); Views.Do(fold, setLabelKey, op) END END ELSE END; p := END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Flip*, NEW; VAR op: FlipOp; left, right: Fold; BEGIN ASSERT(fold # NIL, 20); NEW(op); GetPair(fold, left, right); IF (left # NIL) & (right # NIL) THEN op.text := fold.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); op.leftpos := left.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); op.rightpos := right.context(TextModels.Context).Pos(); Views.BeginModification(Views.clean, fold); IF ~left.collapsed THEN Views.Do(fold, collapseFoldKey, op) ELSE Views.Do(fold, expandFoldKey, op) END; Views.EndModification(Views.clean, fold) END END Flip; PROCEDURE ReadNext (rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR fold: Fold); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN REPEAT rd.ReadView(v) UNTIL rd.eot OR (v IS Fold); IF ~rd.eot THEN fold := v(Fold) ELSE fold := NIL END END ReadNext; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) FlipNested*, NEW; VAR text: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; l, r: Fold; level: INTEGER; op: Domains.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(fold # NIL, 20); GetPair(fold, l, r); IF (l # NIL) & (l.context # NIL) & (l.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN text := l.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel(); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(l.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()); IF l.collapsed THEN Models.BeginScript(text, expandFoldsKey, op); ReadNext(rd, fold); level := 1; WHILE (fold # NIL) & (level > 0) DO IF fold.leftSide & fold.collapsed THEN fold.Flip END; ReadNext(rd, fold); IF fold.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END END ELSE (* l.state = expanded *) Models.BeginScript(text, collapseFoldsKey, op); level := 0; REPEAT ReadNext(rd, fold); IF fold.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END; IF (fold # NIL) & ~fold.leftSide & ~fold.collapsed THEN fold.Flip; rd.SetPos(fold.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()+1) END UNTIL (fold = NIL) OR (level = 0) END; Models.EndScript(text, op); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text) END END FlipNested; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR prop: Controls.Prop; c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; asc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO CalcSize(fold, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO NEW(prop); prop.known := {Controls.label}; prop.valid := {Controls.label}; prop.readOnly := {}; prop.label := fold.label$; msg.prop := prop | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO SetProp(fold, msg.prop) | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := fold.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); a.font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, w) END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Track (fold: Fold; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET; VAR hit: BOOLEAN); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; c: Models.Context; w, h, asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET; BEGIN c := fold.context; hit := FALSE; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); font := a.font; c.GetSize(w, h); in0 := FALSE; in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h); REPEAT IF in # in0 THEN f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, FALSE); in0 := in END; f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h) UNTIL ~isDown; IF in0 THEN hit := TRUE; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, asc + dsc, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, FALSE) END ELSE END END Track; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR hit: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER; l, r: Fold; context: TextModels.Context; text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF fold.context IS TextModels.Context THEN Track(fold, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, hit); IF hit THEN IF Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers THEN fold.FlipNested ELSE fold.Flip; context := fold.context(TextModels.Context); text := context.ThisModel(); IF TextViews.FocusText() = text THEN GetPair(fold, l, r); pos := context.Pos(); IF fold = l THEN TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos + 1) ELSE TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos) END; TextViews.ShowRange(text, pos, pos + 1, TRUE) END END END END | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; color: Ports.Color; c: Models.Context; font: Fonts.Font; icon: ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR; w, h: INTEGER; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; BEGIN GetIcon(fold, icon); c := fold.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := fold.context(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, a.font.size, {}, Fonts.normal); color := a.color ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color := END; IF coloredBackg THEN fold.context.GetSize(w, h); f.DrawRect(f.l,, f.r,, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50); color := Ports.white END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw); f.DrawSString(0, asc, color, icon, font) END Restore; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN (* fold.CopyFrom^(source); *) WITH source: Fold DO ASSERT(source.leftSide = (source.hidden # NIL), 100); fold.leftSide := source.leftSide; fold.collapsed := source.collapsed; fold.label := source.label; IF source.hidden # NIL THEN fold.hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(source.hidden); Stores.Join(fold.hidden, fold); fold.hidden.InsertCopy(0, source.hidden, 0, source.hidden.Length()) END END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; store: Stores.Store; xint: INTEGER; BEGIN fold.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, currentVersion, version); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadXInt(xint);fold.leftSide := xint = 0; rd.ReadXInt(xint); fold.collapsed := xint = 0; rd.ReadXString(fold.label); rd.ReadStore(store); IF store # NIL THEN fold.hidden := store(TextModels.Model); Stores.Join(fold.hidden, fold) ELSE fold.hidden := NIL END; fold.leftSide := store # NIL END Internalize; PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR xint: INTEGER; BEGIN fold.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); IF fold.hidden # NIL THEN xint := 0 ELSE xint := 1 END; wr.WriteXInt(xint); IF fold.collapsed THEN xint := 0 ELSE xint := 1 END; wr.WriteXInt(xint); wr.WriteXString(fold.label); wr.WriteStore(fold.hidden) END Externalize; (* --------------------- expanding and collapsing in focus text ------------------------ *) PROCEDURE ExpandFolds* (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR op: Domains.Operation; fold, l, r: Fold; rd: TextModels.Reader; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); IF nested THEN Models.BeginScript(text, expandFoldsKey, op) ELSE Models.BeginScript(text, zoomInKey, op) END; rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); ReadNext(rd, fold); WHILE ~rd.eot DO IF fold.leftSide & fold.collapsed THEN IF (label = "") OR (label = fold.label) THEN fold.Flip; IF ~nested THEN GetPair(fold, l, r); rd.SetPos(r.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()) END END END; ReadNext(rd, fold) END; Models.EndScript(text, op); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text) END ExpandFolds; PROCEDURE CollapseFolds* (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR op: Domains.Operation; fold, r, l: Fold; rd: TextModels.Reader; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); IF nested THEN Models.BeginScript(text, collapseFoldsKey, op) ELSE Models.BeginScript(text, zoomOutKey, op) END; rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); ReadNext(rd, fold); WHILE ~rd.eot DO IF ~fold.leftSide & ~fold.collapsed THEN GetPair(fold, l, r); IF (label = "") OR (label = l.label) THEN fold.Flip; GetPair(l, l, r); rd.SetPos(r.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()+1); IF ~nested THEN REPEAT ReadNext(rd, fold) UNTIL rd.eot OR fold.leftSide ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold) END ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold) END ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold) END END; Models.EndScript(text, op); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text) END CollapseFolds; PROCEDURE ZoomIn*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN ExpandFolds(text, FALSE, "") END END ZoomIn; PROCEDURE ZoomOut*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN CollapseFolds(text, FALSE, "") END END ZoomOut; PROCEDURE Expand*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN ExpandFolds(text, TRUE, "") END END Expand; PROCEDURE Collapse*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN CollapseFolds(text, TRUE, "") END END Collapse; (* ---------------------- foldData dialogbox --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE FindLabelGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := (TextViews.Focus() = NIL) OR foldData.all END FindLabelGuard; PROCEDURE SetLabelGuard* ( VAR p : Dialog.Par ); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); p.disabled := (v = NIL) OR ~(v IS Fold) OR ~v(Fold).leftSide; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END SetLabelGuard; PROCEDURE ExpandLabel*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN IF foldData.all & (foldData.findLabel # "") THEN foldData.findLabel := ""; Dialog.Update(foldData) END; text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN IF ~foldData.all THEN ExpandFolds(text, foldData.nested, foldData.findLabel) ELSE ExpandFolds(text, foldData.nested, "") END END END ExpandLabel; PROCEDURE CollapseLabel*; VAR text: TextModels.Model; BEGIN IF foldData.all & (foldData.findLabel # "") THEN foldData.findLabel := ""; Dialog.Update(foldData) END; text := TextViews.FocusText(); IF text # NIL THEN IF ~foldData.all THEN CollapseFolds(text, foldData.nested, foldData.findLabel) ELSE CollapseFolds(text, foldData.nested, "") END END END CollapseLabel; PROCEDURE FindFold(first: BOOLEAN); VAR c : TextControllers.Controller; r: TextModels.Reader; v : Views.View; pos, i : INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN IF first THEN pos := 0 ELSE pos := c.CaretPos(); IF pos = TextControllers.none THEN c.GetSelection(i, pos); IF pos = i THEN pos := 0 ELSE INC(pos) END; pos := MIN(pos, c.text.Length()-1) END END; r := c.text.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(pos); REPEAT r.ReadView(v) UNTIL r.eot OR ((v IS Fold) & v(Fold).leftSide) & (foldData.all OR (v(Fold).label$ = foldData.findLabel$)); IF r.eot THEN c.SetCaret(0); Dialog.Beep ELSE pos := r.Pos(); c.view.ShowRange(pos-1, pos, FALSE); c.SetSelection(pos-1, pos); IF LEN(v(Fold).label) > 0 THEN foldData.newLabel := v(Fold).label END; Dialog.Update(foldData) END ELSE Dialog.Beep END END FindFold; PROCEDURE FindNextFold*; BEGIN FindFold(FALSE) END FindNextFold; PROCEDURE FindFirstFold*; BEGIN FindFold(TRUE) END FindFirstFold; PROCEDURE SetLabel*; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) & (LEN(foldData.newLabel) > 0) THEN v(Fold).label := foldData.newLabel ELSE Dialog.Beep END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END SetLabel; PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR v: Views.View; fp: INTEGER; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); IF (v = NIL) OR ~(v IS Fold) THEN fingerprint := 0; foldData.newLabel := "" ELSE fp := Services.AdrOf(v); IF fp # fingerprint THEN foldData.newLabel := v(Fold).label; fingerprint := fp; Dialog.Update(foldData) END END; Controllers.ResetCurrentPath(); Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2) END Do; (* ------------------------ inserting folds ------------------------ *) PROCEDURE Overlaps* (text: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR n, level: INTEGER; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); ASSERT((beg >= 0) & (end <= text.Length()) & (beg <= end), 21); rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg); n := 0; level := 0; REPEAT rd.ReadView(v); IF ~rd.eot & (rd.Pos() <= end) THEN WITH v: Fold DO INC(n); IF v.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END ELSE END END UNTIL rd.eot OR (level < 0) OR (rd.Pos() >= end); RETURN (level # 0) OR ODD(n) END Overlaps; PROCEDURE InsertionAttr (text: TextModels.Model; pos: INTEGER): TextModels.Attributes; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; BEGIN rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(pos); rd.ReadChar(ch); RETURN rd.attr END InsertionAttr; PROCEDURE Insert* (text: TextModels.Model; label: Label; beg, end: INTEGER; collapsed: BOOLEAN); VAR w: TextModels.Writer; fold: Fold; insop: Domains.Operation; a: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN ASSERT(text # NIL, 20); ASSERT((beg >= 0) & (end <= text.Length()) & (beg <= end), 21); a := InsertionAttr(text, beg); w := text.NewWriter(NIL); w.SetPos(beg); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; NEW(fold); fold.leftSide := TRUE; fold.collapsed := collapsed; fold.hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(text); Stores.Join(fold, fold.hidden); fold.label := label$; Models.BeginScript(text, insertFoldKey, insop); w.WriteView(fold, 0, 0); w.SetPos(end+1); a := InsertionAttr(text, end+1); IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END; NEW(fold); fold.leftSide := FALSE; fold.collapsed := collapsed; fold.hidden := NIL; fold.label := ""; w.WriteView(fold, 0, 0); Models.EndScript(text, insop) END Insert; PROCEDURE CreateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); IF Overlaps(c.text, beg, end) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END CreateGuard; PROCEDURE Create* (state: INTEGER); (* menu cmd parameters don't accept Booleans *) VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; collapsed: BOOLEAN; BEGIN collapsed := state = 0; c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); IF ~Overlaps(c.text, beg, end) THEN Insert(c.text, "", beg, end, collapsed) END ELSE beg := c.CaretPos(); Insert(c.text, "", beg, beg, collapsed) END END END Create; PROCEDURE InitIcons; VAR font: Fonts.Font; PROCEDURE DefaultAppearance; BEGIN font := Fonts.dir.Default(); iconFont := font.typeface$; leftExp := ">"; rightExp := "<"; leftColl := "=>"; rightColl := "<="; coloredBackg := TRUE END DefaultAppearance; BEGIN IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.linux THEN (* Linux *) DefaultAppearance; coloredBackg := FALSE ELSIF Dialog.platform DIV 10 = 1 THEN (* Windows *) iconFont := "Wingdings"; font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, 10*Fonts.point (*arbitrary*), {}, Fonts.normal); IF font.IsAlien() THEN DefaultAppearance ELSE leftExp[0] := SHORT(CHR(240)); leftExp[1] := 0X; rightExp[0] := SHORT(CHR(239)); rightExp[1] := 0X; leftColl[0] := SHORT(CHR(232)); leftColl[1] := 0X; rightColl[0] := SHORT(CHR(231)); rightColl[1] := 0X; coloredBackg := FALSE END ELSIF Dialog.platform DIV 10 = 2 THEN (* Mac *) iconFont := "Chicago"; font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, 10*Fonts.point (*arbitrary*), {}, Fonts.normal); IF font.IsAlien() THEN DefaultAppearance ELSE leftExp := ">"; rightExp := "<"; leftColl := "»"; rightColl := "«"; coloredBackg := TRUE END ELSE DefaultAppearance END END InitIcons; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (collapsed: BOOLEAN; label: Label; hiddenText: TextModels.Model): Fold; VAR fold: Fold; BEGIN NEW(fold); fold.leftSide := hiddenText # NIL; fold.collapsed := collapsed; fold.label := label; fold.hidden := hiddenText; IF hiddenText # NIL THEN Stores.Join(fold, fold.hidden) END; RETURN fold END New; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE InitMod; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN foldData.all := TRUE; foldData.nested := FALSE; foldData.findLabel := ""; foldData.newLabel := ""; NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d; InitIcons; NEW(action); Services.DoLater(action,; END InitMod; BEGIN InitMod END StdFolds.