MODULE Dev0CPH; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF CPH.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/AboutBB" copyright = "System/Rsrc/AboutBB" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "" changes = "" issues = "" **) IMPORT DevCPT := Dev0CPT; CONST (* UseCalls options *) longMop* = 0; longDop* = 1; longConv* = 2; longOdd* = 3; realMop* = 8; realDop* = 9; realConv* = 10; intMulDiv* = 11; force = 16; hide = 17; (* nodes classes *) Nvar = 0; Nvarpar = 1; Nfield = 2; Nderef = 3; Nindex = 4; Nguard = 5; Neguard = 6; Nconst = 7; Ntype = 8; Nproc = 9; Nupto = 10; Nmop = 11; Ndop = 12; Ncall = 13; Ninittd = 14; Nif = 15; Ncaselse = 16; Ncasedo = 17; Nenter = 18; Nassign = 19; Nifelse =20; Ncase = 21; Nwhile = 22; Nrepeat = 23; Nloop = 24; Nexit = 25; Nreturn = 26; Nwith = 27; Ntrap = 28; Ncomp = 30; Ndrop = 50; Nlabel = 51; Ngoto = 52; Njsr = 53; Nret = 54; Ncmp = 55; (*function number*) assign = 0; newfn = 1; incfn = 13; decfn = 14; inclfn = 15; exclfn = 16; copyfn = 18; assertfn = 32; getfn = 24; putfn = 25; getrfn = 26; putrfn = 27; sysnewfn = 30; movefn = 31; (* symbol values and ops *) times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; ash = 17; msk = 18; len = 19; conv = 20; abs = 21; cap = 22; odd = 23; not = 33; adr = 24; cc = 25; bit = 26; lsh = 27; rot = 28; val = 29; min = 34; max = 35; typfn = 36; thisrecfn = 45; thisarrfn = 46; shl = 50; shr = 51; lshr = 52; xor = 53; (* structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; VString16to8 = 29; VString8 = 30; VString16 = 31; realSet = {Real32, Real64}; Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; PROCEDURE UseThisCall (n: DevCPT.Node; IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR mod, nm, moda: DevCPT.Name; mobj, obj: DevCPT.Object; done: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (n.typ.form = Real64) OR (n.left.typ.form = Real64) THEN mod := "Real" ELSIF (n.typ.form = Real32) OR (n.left.typ.form = Real32) THEN mod := "SReal" ELSIF (n.typ.form = Int64) OR (n.left.typ.form = Int64) THEN mod := "Long" ELSE mod := "Int" END; moda := mod + "%"; DevCPT.Find(moda, mobj); IF mobj = NIL THEN DevCPT.Import(moda, mod, done); IF done THEN DevCPT.Find(moda, mobj) END END; nm := name$; DevCPT.FindImport(nm, mobj, obj); n.class := Ncall; n.subcl := 0; n.obj :=; := n.right; n.right := n.left; n.left := DevCPT.NewNode(Nproc); n.left.obj := obj; n.left.typ := obj.typ; ASSERT(n.typ.form = obj.typ.form) END UseThisCall; PROCEDURE Convert (n: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR new: DevCPT.Node; r: REAL; BEGIN IF n.class = Nconst THEN ASSERT((n.typ.form IN {Int32, Int64}) & (typ = DevCPT.intrealtyp)); r := n.conval.realval + n.conval.intval; IF r = n.conval.realval + n.conval.intval THEN n.conval.realval := r; n.conval.intval := -1; n.typ := typ; n.obj := NIL END END; IF (n.typ # typ) & ((n.class # Nmop) OR (n.subcl # conv) OR ~DevCPT.Includes(n.typ.form, n.left.typ.form) & ~DevCPT.Includes(n.typ.form, typ.form)) THEN new := DevCPT.NewNode(0); new^ := n^; n.class := Nmop; n.subcl := conv; n.left := new; n.right := NIL; n.obj := NIL END; n.typ := typ END Convert; PROCEDURE UseCallForComp (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR new: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN new := DevCPT.NewNode(0); new.left := n.left; new.right := n.right; new.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; UseThisCall(new, "Comp"); n.left := new; n.right := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); n.right.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); n.right.conval.intval := 0; n.right.conval.realval := 0; n.right.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; END UseCallForComp; PROCEDURE UseCallForConv (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); VAR f, g: INTEGER; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := n.typ; f := typ.form; g := n.left.typ.form; IF realConv IN opts THEN IF f IN realSet THEN IF g = Real32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Long") ELSIF g = Real64 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Short") ELSIF g = Int64 THEN UseThisCall(n, "LFloat") ELSIF g = Int32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Float") ELSE Convert(n.left, DevCPT.int32typ); UseThisCall(n, "Float") END ELSIF g IN realSet THEN IF f = Int64 THEN UseThisCall(n, "LFloor") ELSIF f = Int32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Floor") ELSE n.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; UseThisCall(n, "Floor"); Convert(n, typ) END END END; IF longConv IN opts THEN IF f = Int64 THEN IF g = Int32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Long") ELSIF ~(g IN realSet) THEN Convert(n.left, DevCPT.int32typ); UseThisCall(n, "IntToLong") END ELSIF g = Int64 THEN IF f = Int32 THEN UseThisCall(n, "Short") ELSIF ~(f IN realSet) THEN n.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; UseThisCall(n, "LongToInt"); Convert(n, typ) END END END END UseCallForConv; PROCEDURE UseCallForMop (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN CASE n.subcl OF | minus: IF (realMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form IN realSet) OR (longMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form = Int64) THEN UseThisCall(n, "Neg") END | abs: IF (realMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form IN realSet) OR (longMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form = Int64) THEN UseThisCall(n, "Abs") END | odd: IF (longOdd IN opts) & (n.left.typ.form = Int64) THEN UseThisCall(n, "Odd") END | conv: UseCallForConv(n, opts) ELSE END END UseCallForMop; PROCEDURE UseCallForDop (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF (realDop IN opts) & (n.left.typ.form IN realSet) OR (longDop IN opts) & (n.left.typ.form = Int64) OR (intMulDiv IN opts) & (n.subcl IN {times, div, mod}) & (n.typ.form = Int32) THEN CASE n.subcl OF | times: UseThisCall(n, "Mul") | slash: UseThisCall(n, "Div") | div: UseThisCall(n, "Div") | mod: UseThisCall(n, "Mod") | plus: UseThisCall(n, "Add") | minus: UseThisCall(n, "Sub") | ash: UseThisCall(n, "Ash") | min: UseThisCall(n, "Min") | max: UseThisCall(n, "Max") | eql..geq: UseCallForComp(n) ELSE END END END UseCallForDop; PROCEDURE UseCallForMove (n: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; opts: SET); VAR f, g: INTEGER; BEGIN f := n.typ.form; g := typ.form; IF f # g THEN IF (realConv IN opts) & ((f IN realSet) OR (g IN realSet)) OR (longConv IN opts) & ((f = Int64) OR (g = Int64)) THEN Convert(n, typ); UseCallForConv(n, opts) END END END UseCallForMove; PROCEDURE UseCallForAssign (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF n.subcl = assign THEN UseCallForMove(n.right, n.left.typ, opts) END END UseCallForAssign; PROCEDURE UseCallForReturn (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF (n.left # NIL) & (n.obj # NIL) THEN UseCallForMove(n.left, n.obj.typ, opts) END END UseCallForReturn; PROCEDURE UseCallForParam (n: DevCPT.Node; fp: DevCPT.Object; opts: SET); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO UseCallForMove(n, fp.typ, opts); n :=; fp := END END UseCallForParam; PROCEDURE UseCalls* (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO CASE n.class OF | Nmop: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCallForMop(n, opts) | Ndop: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right, opts); UseCallForDop(n, opts) | Ncase: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right.right, opts) | Nassign: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right, opts); UseCallForAssign(n, opts) | Ncall: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right, opts); UseCallForParam(n.right, n.obj, opts) | Nreturn: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCallForReturn(n, opts) | Ncasedo: UseCalls(n.right, opts) | Ngoto, Ndrop, Nloop, Nfield, Nderef, Nguard: UseCalls(n.left, opts) | Nenter, Nifelse, Nif, Nwhile, Nrepeat, Nwith, Ncomp, Nupto, Nindex: UseCalls(n.left, opts); UseCalls(n.right, opts) | Njsr, Nret, Nlabel, Ntrap, Nexit, Ninittd, Ntype, Nproc, Nconst, Nvar, Nvarpar: END; n := END END UseCalls; PROCEDURE UseReals* (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO CASE n.class OF | Nmop: IF (longMop IN opts) & (n.typ.form = Int64) & ((n.subcl = abs) OR (n.subcl = minus)) THEN UseReals(n.left, opts - {hide} + {force}); n.typ := DevCPT.intrealtyp ELSIF n.subcl = conv THEN UseReals(n.left, opts - {force} + {hide}) ELSE UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}) END | Ndop: IF (longDop IN opts) & (n.left.typ.form = Int64) THEN UseReals(n.left, opts - {hide} + {force}); UseReals(n.right, opts - {hide} + {force}); IF n.typ.form = Int64 THEN n.typ := DevCPT.intrealtyp END ELSE UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}); UseReals(n.right, opts - {force, hide}) END | Ncase: UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}); UseReals(n.right.left, opts - {force, hide}); UseReals(n.right.right, opts - {force, hide}) | Ncasedo: UseReals(n.right, opts - {force, hide}) | Ngoto, Ndrop, Nloop, Nreturn, Nfield, Nderef, Nguard: UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}) | Nenter, Nassign, Ncall, Nifelse, Nif, Nwhile, Nrepeat, Nwith, Ncomp, Nupto, Nindex: UseReals(n.left, opts - {force, hide}); UseReals(n.right, opts - {force, hide}) | Njsr, Nret, Nlabel, Ntrap, Nexit, Ninittd, Ntype, Nproc, Nconst, Nvar, Nvarpar: END; IF force IN opts THEN Convert(n, DevCPT.intrealtyp) ELSIF ~(hide IN opts) & (n.typ = DevCPT.intrealtyp) THEN Convert(n, DevCPT.int64typ) END; n := END END UseReals; END Dev0CPH. PROCEDURE Traverse (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN WHILE n # NIL DO CASE n.class OF | Ncase: Traverse(n.left, opts); Traverse(n.right.left, opts); Traverse(n.right.right, opts) | Ncasedo: Traverse(n.right, opts) | Ngoto, Ndrop, Nloop, Nreturn, Nmop, Nfield, Nderef, Nguard: Traverse(n.left, opts) | Nenter, Nassign, Ncall, Nifelse, Nif, Nwhile, Nrepeat, Nwith, Ncomp, Ndop, Nupto, Nindex: Traverse(n.left, opts); Traverse(n.right, opts) | Njsr, Nret, Nlabel, Ntrap, Nexit, Ninittd, Ntype, Nproc, Nconst, Nvar, Nvarpar: END; n := END END Traverse;