package import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx import import import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts import kotlin.contracts.contract @OptIn(ExperimentalContracts::class) sealed class Item { abstract val params: CommonItemParams abstract val sprite: Sprite override fun hashCode(): Int { return params.key.hashCode() } override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean { return params.key == (other as Item).params.key } fun isNone(): Boolean { contract { returns(true) implies (this@Item is None) } return this is None } fun isPlaceable(): Boolean { contract { returns(true) implies (this@Item is Placeable) } return this is Placeable } fun isTool(): Boolean { contract { returns(true) implies (this@Item is Tool) } return this is Tool } fun isUsable(): Boolean { contract { returns(true) implies (this@Item is Placeable) } return this is Placeable } @JvmOverloads fun toInventoryItem(amount: Int = 1): InventoryItem { return InventoryItem(this, amount) } sealed class Tool : Item() { abstract val mobDamageMultiplier: Float abstract val blockDamageMultiplier: Float } sealed class Usable : Item() { abstract val useActionKey: String } data class None( override val params: CommonItemParams, ): Item() { override val sprite: Sprite get() = throw IllegalAccessException("Trying to get sprite of None") } data class Placeable( override val params: CommonItemParams, val block: Block ) : Item() { override val sprite: Sprite get() = block.sprite } data class Sword( override val params: CommonItemParams, override val sprite: Sprite, override val mobDamageMultiplier: Float, override val blockDamageMultiplier: Float, ) : Tool() data class Shovel( override val params: CommonItemParams, override val sprite: Sprite, override val mobDamageMultiplier: Float, override val blockDamageMultiplier: Float, ) : Tool() data class Bucket( override val params: CommonItemParams, override val sprite: Sprite, override val useActionKey: String ) : Usable() }