MODULE LinNet [""]; (* A. V. Shiryaev, 2012.11 OpenBSD 5.2 32-bit *) IMPORT Libc := LinLibc; CONST INVALID_SOCKET* = -1; SOCKET_ERROR* = -1; (* /usr/include/sys/socket.h *) SOCK_STREAM* = 1; (* stream socket *) SOCK_DGRAM* = 2; (* datagram socket *) SOCK_RAW* = 3; (* raw-protocol interface *) SOCK_RDM* = 4; (* reliably-delivered message *) SOCK_SEQPACKET* = 5; (* sequenced packet stream *) AF_UNSPEC* = 0; (* unspecified *) AF_LOCAL* = 1; (* local to host (pipes, portals) *) AF_UNIX* = AF_LOCAL; (* backward compatibility *) AF_INET* = 2; (* internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc. *) AF_IMPLINK* = 3; (* arpanet imp addresses *) AF_PUP* = 4; (* pup protocols: e.g. BSP *) AF_CHAOS* = 5; (* mit CHAOS protocols *) AF_NS* = 6; (* XEROX NS protocols *) AF_ISO* = 7; (* ISO protocols *) AF_ECMA* = 8; (* european computer manufacturers *) AF_DATAKIT* = 9; (* datakit protocols *) AF_CCITT* = 10; (* CCITT protocols, X.25 etc *) AF_SNA* = 11; (* IBM SNA *) AF_DECnet* = 12; (* DECnet *) AF_DLI* = 13; (* DEC Direct data link interface *) AF_LAT* = 14; (* LAT *) AF_HYLINK* = 15; (* NSC Hyperchannel *) AF_APPLETALK* = 16; (* Apple Talk *) AF_ROUTE* = 17; (* Internal Routing Protocol *) AF_LINK* = 18; (* Link layer interface *) AF_COIP* = 20; (* connection-oriented IP, aka ST II *) AF_CNT* = 21; (* Computer Network Technology *) AF_IPX* = 23; (* Novell Internet Protocol *) AF_INET6* = 24; (* IPv6 *) AF_ISDN* = 26; (* Integrated Services Digital Network *) AF_E164* = AF_ISDN; (* CCITT E.164 recommendation *) AF_NATM* = 27; (* native ATM access *) AF_ENCAP* = 28; AF_SIP* = 29; (* Simple Internet Protocol *) AF_KEY* = 30; AF_BLUETOOTH* = 32; (* Bluetooth *) AF_MPLS* = 33; (* MPLS *) AF_MAX* = 36; SHUT_RD* = 0; SHUT_WR* = 1; SHUT_RDWR* = 2; SOMAXCONN* = 128; SO_DEBUG* = {0}; (* turn on debugging info recording *) SO_ACCEPTCONN* = {1}; (* socket has had listen() *) SO_REUSEADDR* = {2}; (* allow local address reuse *) SO_KEEPALIVE* = {3}; (* keep connections alive *) SO_DONTROUTE* = {4}; (* just use interface addresses *) SO_BROADCAST* = {5}; (* permit sending of broadcast msgs *) SO_USELOOPBACK* = {6}; (* bypass hardware when possible *) SO_LINGER* = {7}; (* linger on close if data present *) SO_OOBINLINE* = {8}; (* leave received OOB data in line *) SO_REUSEPORT* = {9}; (* allow local address & port reuse *) SO_TIMESTAMP* = {11}; (* timestamp received dgram traffic *) SO_BINDANY* = {12}; (* allow bind to any address *) SO_SNDBUF* = {0,12}; (* send buffer size *) SO_RCVBUF* = {1,12}; (* receive buffer size *) SO_SNDLOWAT* = {0,1,12}; (* send low-water mark *) SO_RCVLOWAT* = {2,12}; (* receive low-water mark *) SO_SNDTIMEO* = {0,2,12}; (* send timeout *) SO_RCVTIMEO* = {1,2,12}; (* receive timeout *) SO_ERROR* = {0..2,12}; (* get error status and clear *) SO_TYPE* = {3,12}; (* get socket type *) SO_NETPROC* = {5,12}; (* multiplex; network processing *) SO_RTABLE* = {0,5,12}; (* routing table to be used *) SO_PEERCRED* = {1,5,12}; (* get connect-time credentials *) SO_SPLICE* = {0,1,5,12}; (* splice data to other socket *) SOL_SOCKET* = 0FFFFH; (* {0..15} *) (* options for socket level *) MSG_OOB* = {0}; (* process out-of-band data *) MSG_PEEK* = {1}; (* peek at incoming message *) MSG_DONTROUTE* = {2}; (* send without using routing tables *) MSG_EOR* = {3}; (* data completes record *) MSG_TRUNC* = {4}; (* data discarded before delivery *) MSG_CTRUNC* = {5}; (* control data lost before delivery *) MSG_WAITALL* = {6}; (* wait for full request or error *) MSG_DONTWAIT* = {7}; (* this message should be nonblocking *) MSG_BCAST* = {8}; (* this message rec'd as broadcast *) MSG_MCAST* = {9}; (* this message rec'd as multicast *) MSG_NOSIGNAL* = {10}; (* do not send SIGPIPE *) (* /usr/include/netinet/in.h *) INADDR_NONE* = -1; IPPROTO_IP* = 0; (* dummy for IP *) IPPROTO_HOPOPTS* = IPPROTO_IP; (* Hop-by-hop option header *) IPPROTO_ICMP* = 1; (* control message protocol *) IPPROTO_IGMP* = 2; (* group mgmt protocol *) IPPROTO_GGP* = 3; (* gateway^2 (deprecated) *) IPPROTO_IPIP* = 4; (* IP inside IP *) IPPROTO_IPV4* = IPPROTO_IPIP; (* IP inside IP *) IPPROTO_TCP* = 6; (* tcp *) IPPROTO_EGP* = 8; (* exterior gateway protocol *) IPPROTO_PUP* = 12; (* pup *) IPPROTO_UDP* = 17; (* user datagram protocol *) IPPROTO_IDP* = 22; (* xns idp *) IPPROTO_TP* = 29; (* tp-4 w/ class negotiation *) IPPROTO_IPV6* = 41; (* IPv6 in IPv6 *) IPPROTO_ROUTING* = 43; (* Routing header *) IPPROTO_FRAGMENT* = 44; (* Fragmentation/reassembly header *) IPPROTO_RSVP* = 46; (* resource reservation *) IPPROTO_GRE* = 47; (* GRE encap, RFCs 1701/1702 *) IPPROTO_ESP* = 50; (* Encap. Security Payload *) IPPROTO_AH* = 51; (* Authentication header *) IPPROTO_MOBILE* = 55; (* IP Mobility, RFC 2004 *) IPPROTO_ICMPV6* = 58; (* ICMP for IPv6 *) IPPROTO_NONE* = 59; (* No next header *) IPPROTO_DSTOPTS* = 60; (* Destination options header *) IPPROTO_EON* = 80; (* ISO cnlp *) IPPROTO_ETHERIP* = 97; (* Ethernet in IPv4 *) IPPROTO_ENCAP* = 98; (* encapsulation header *) IPPROTO_PIM* = 103; (* Protocol indep. multicast *) IPPROTO_IPCOMP* = 108; (* IP Payload Comp. Protocol *) IPPROTO_CARP* = 112; (* CARP *) IPPROTO_MPLS* = 137; (* unicast MPLS packet *) IPPROTO_PFSYNC* = 240; (* PFSYNC *) IPPROTO_RAW* = 255; (* raw IP packet *) IPPROTO_MAX* = 256; IPPROTO_DIVERT* = 258; (* Divert sockets *) IPPROTO_DONE* = 257; (* /usr/include/sys/param.h *) MAXHOSTNAMELEN* = 256; (* max hostname size *) (* /usr/include/netdb.h *) NETDB_INTERNAL* = -1; (* see errno *) NETDB_SUCCESS* = 0; (* no problem *) HOST_NOT_FOUND* = 1; (* Authoritative Answer Host not found *) TRY_AGAIN* = 2; (* Non-Authoritative Host not found, or SERVERFAIL *) NO_RECOVERY* = 3; (* Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP *) NO_DATA* = 4; (* Valid name, no data record of requested type *) NO_ADDRESS* = NO_DATA; (* no address *) NI_MAXHOST* = MAXHOSTNAMELEN; (* max host name returned by getnameinfo *) NI_MAXSERV* = 32; (* max serv. name length returned by getnameinfo *) RRSET_VALIDATED* = 1; ERRSET_SUCCESS* = 0; ERRSET_NOMEMORY* = 1; ERRSET_FAIL* = 2; ERRSET_INVAL* = 3; ERRSET_NONAME* = 4; ERRSET_NODATA* = 5; (* /usr/include/sys/select.h *) FD_SETSIZE = 1024; __NBBY = 8; TYPE SOCKET* = INTEGER; (* /usr/include/sys/_types.h *) socklen_t* = INTEGER; sa_family_t* = SHORTCHAR; in_addr_t* = INTEGER; in_port_t* = SHORTINT; (* /usr/include/sys/socket.h *) sockaddr* = RECORD [untagged] sa_len*: SHORTCHAR; (* total length *) sa_family*: sa_family_t; (* address family *) sa_data*: ARRAY [untagged] 14 OF SHORTCHAR; (* actually longer; address value *) END; sockaddr_storage* = RECORD [untagged] ss_len*: SHORTCHAR; (* total length *) ss_family*: sa_family_t; (* address family *) __ss_pad1: ARRAY [untagged] 6 OF SHORTCHAR; (* align to quad *) __ss_pad2: LONGINT; (* force alignment for stupid compilers *) __ss_pad3: ARRAY [untagged] 240 OF SHORTCHAR; (* pad to a total of 256 bytes *) END; (* /usr/include/netinet/in.h *) (* in_addr* = RECORD [untagged] s_addr*: in_addr_t; END; *) in_addr* = RECORD [untagged] S_un*: RECORD [union] S_un_b*: RECORD [untagged] s_b1*: SHORTCHAR; s_b2*: SHORTCHAR; s_b3*: SHORTCHAR; s_b4*: SHORTCHAR; END; S_un_w*: RECORD [untagged] s_w1*: SHORTINT; s_w2*: SHORTINT; END; S_addr*: in_addr_t; END; END; sockaddr_in* = RECORD [untagged] sin_len*: SHORTCHAR; sin_family*: sa_family_t; sin_port*: in_port_t; sin_addr*: in_addr; sin_zero*: ARRAY [untagged] 8 OF SHORTCHAR; END; (* /usr/include/netdb.h *) Ptrhostent* = POINTER TO hostent; hostent* = RECORD [untagged] h_name*: Libc.PtrSTR; (* official name of host *) h_aliases*: POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF Libc.PtrSTR; (* alias list *) h_addrtype*: INTEGER; (* host address type *) h_length*: INTEGER; (* length of address *) h_addr_list*: POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF in_addr; (* list of addresses from name server *) END; (* /usr/include/sys/time.h *) timeval* = RECORD [untagged] tv_sec*: INTEGER; (* seconds *) tv_usec*: INTEGER; (* and microseconds *) END; (* /usr/include/sys/select.h *) __fd_mask = SET; fd_set* = ARRAY [untagged] (FD_SETSIZE + (SIZE(__fd_mask) * __NBBY - 1)) DIV (SIZE(__fd_mask) * __NBBY) OF __fd_mask; VAR h_errno*: INTEGER; PROCEDURE [ccall] socket* (domain: INTEGER; type: INTEGER; protocol: INTEGER): SOCKET; PROCEDURE [ccall] accept* (s: SOCKET; VAR addr: sockaddr; VAR addrlen: socklen_t): SOCKET; PROCEDURE [ccall] bind* (s: SOCKET; VAR name: sockaddr; namelen: socklen_t): INTEGER; PROCEDURE [ccall] connect* (s: SOCKET; VAR name: sockaddr; namelen: socklen_t): INTEGER; PROCEDURE [ccall] listen* (s: SOCKET; backlog: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE [ccall] recv* (s: SOCKET; buf: Libc.PtrVoid; len: Libc.size_t; flags: SET): Libc.ssize_t; PROCEDURE [ccall] send* (s: SOCKET; msg: Libc.PtrVoid; len: Libc.size_t; flags: SET): Libc.ssize_t; PROCEDURE [ccall] shutdown* (s: SOCKET; how: INTEGER): INTEGER; PROCEDURE [ccall] getsockopt* (s: SOCKET; level: INTEGER; optname: SET; optval: Libc.PtrVoid; VAR optlen: socklen_t): INTEGER; PROCEDURE [ccall] setsockopt* (s: SOCKET; level: INTEGER; optname: SET; optval: Libc.PtrVoid; optlen: socklen_t): INTEGER; PROCEDURE [ccall] htons* (host16: SHORTINT): SHORTINT; PROCEDURE [ccall] gethostbyname* (name: Libc.PtrSTR): Ptrhostent; PROCEDURE [ccall] inet_addr* (cp: Libc.PtrSTR): in_addr_t; PROCEDURE [ccall] getsockname* (s: SOCKET; VAR name: sockaddr; VAR namelen: socklen_t): INTEGER; PROCEDURE [ccall] hstrerror* (err: INTEGER): Libc.PtrSTR; (* PROCEDURE FD_ZERO (VAR set: Net.fd_set); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE i < LEN(set) DO set[i] := {}; INC(i) END END FD_ZERO; PROCEDURE FD_SET (fd: Net.SOCKET; VAR set: Net.fd_set); BEGIN INCL(set[fd DIV 32], fd MOD 32) END FD_SET; *) PROCEDURE [ccall] select* (nfds: INTEGER; VAR [nil] readfds: fd_set; VAR [nil] writefds: fd_set; VAR [nil] exceptfds: fd_set; VAR timeout: timeval): INTEGER; END LinNet.