/* * Copyright 1995-2002 by Sun Microsystems, Inc., * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A. * All rights reserved. * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information * of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You * shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use * it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement * you entered into with Sun. * Use is subject to license terms. */ char * const opnames[256] = { "nop", "aconst_null", "iconst_m1", "iconst_0", "iconst_1", "iconst_2", "iconst_3", "iconst_4", "iconst_5", "lconst_0", "lconst_1", "fconst_0", "fconst_1", "fconst_2", "dconst_0", "dconst_1", "bipush", "sipush", "ldc", "ldc_w", "ldc2_w", "iload", "lload", "fload", "dload", "aload", "iload_0", "iload_1", "iload_2", "iload_3", "lload_0", "lload_1", "lload_2", "lload_3", "fload_0", "fload_1", "fload_2", "fload_3", "dload_0", "dload_1", "dload_2", "dload_3", "aload_0", "aload_1", "aload_2", "aload_3", "iaload", "laload", "faload", "daload", "aaload", "baload", "caload", "saload", "istore", "lstore", "fstore", "dstore", "astore", "istore_0", "istore_1", "istore_2", "istore_3", "lstore_0", "lstore_1", "lstore_2", "lstore_3", "fstore_0", "fstore_1", "fstore_2", "fstore_3", "dstore_0", "dstore_1", "dstore_2", "dstore_3", "astore_0", "astore_1", "astore_2", "astore_3", "iastore", "lastore", "fastore", "dastore", "aastore", "bastore", "castore", "sastore", "pop", "pop2", "dup", "dup_x1", "dup_x2", "dup2", "dup2_x1", "dup2_x2", "swap", "iadd", "ladd", "fadd", "dadd", "isub", "lsub", "fsub", "dsub", "imul", "lmul", "fmul", "dmul", "idiv", "ldiv", "fdiv", "ddiv", "irem", "lrem", "frem", "drem", "ineg", "lneg", "fneg", "dneg", "ishl", "lshl", "ishr", "lshr", "iushr", "lushr", "iand", "land", "ior", "lor", "ixor", "lxor", "iinc", "i2l", "i2f", "i2d", "l2i", "l2f", "l2d", "f2i", "f2l", "f2d", "d2i", "d2l", "d2f", "i2b", "i2c", "i2s", "lcmp", "fcmpl", "fcmpg", "dcmpl", "dcmpg", "ifeq", "ifne", "iflt", "ifge", "ifgt", "ifle", "if_icmpeq", "if_icmpne", "if_icmplt", "if_icmpge", "if_icmpgt", "if_icmple", "if_acmpeq", "if_acmpne", "goto", "jsr", "ret", "tableswitch", "lookupswitch", "ireturn", "lreturn", "freturn", "dreturn", "areturn", "return", "getstatic", "putstatic", "getfield", "putfield", "invokevirtual", "invokespecial", "invokestatic", "invokeinterface", "xxxunusedxxx", "new", "newarray", "anewarray", "arraylength", "athrow", "checkcast", "instanceof", "monitorenter", "monitorexit", "wide", "multianewarray", "ifnull", "ifnonnull", "goto_w", "jsr_w", "breakpoint", "ldc_quick", "ldc_w_quick", "ldc2_w_quick", "getfield_quick", "putfield_quick", "getfield2_quick", "putfield2_quick", "getstatic_quick", "putstatic_quick", "getstatic2_quick", "putstatic2_quick", "invokevirtual_quick", "invokenonvirtual_quick", "invokesuper_quick", "invokestatic_quick", "invokeinterface_quick", "invokevirtualobject_quick", "invokeignored_quick", "new_quick", "anewarray_quick", "multianewarray_quick", "checkcast_quick", "instanceof_quick", "invokevirtual_quick_w", "getfield_quick_w", "putfield_quick_w", "nonnull_quick", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "??", "software", "hardware", };