(* ============================================================ *) (* JVMcodes is the module which defines jasmin name ordinals. *) (* Name spelling is defined by the lexical rules of Jasmin. *) (* Copyright (c) John Gough 1999, 2000. *) (* ============================================================ *) MODULE JVMcodes; IMPORT GPCPcopyright; (* ============================================================ *) CONST dot_error* = 0; dot_catch* = 1; dot_class* = 2; dot_end* = 3; dot_field* = 4; dot_implements*= 5; dot_interface* = 6; dot_limit* = 7; dot_line* = 8; dot_method* = 9; dot_source* = 10; dot_super* = 11; dot_throws* = 12; dot_var* = 13; CONST att_empty* = {}; att_public* = {0}; att_private* = {1}; att_protected* = {2}; att_static* = {3}; att_final* = {4}; att_synchronized*= {5}; att_native* = {6}; att_volatile* = {7}; att_abstract* = {8}; att_transient* = {9}; att_interface* = {10}; (* Constants for java class files *) CONST (* access flags *) acc_package* = 0000H; acc_public* = 0001H; acc_private* = 0002H; acc_protected* = 0004H; acc_static* = 0008H; acc_final* = 0010H; acc_synchronized* = 0020H; acc_volatile* = 0040H; acc_transient* = 0080H; acc_super* = 0020H; acc_native* = 0100H; acc_interface* = 0200H; acc_abstract* = 0400H; (* constant pool tags *) const_utf8* = 1; const_integer* = 3; const_float* = 4; const_long* = 5; const_double* = 6; const_class* = 7; const_string* = 8; const_fieldref* = 9; const_methodref* = 10; const_interfacemethodref* = 11; const_nameandtype* = 12; (* ============================================================ *) CONST opc_nop* = 0; opc_aconst_null*= 1; opc_iconst_m1* = 2; opc_iconst_0* = 3; opc_iconst_1* = 4; opc_iconst_2* = 5; opc_iconst_3* = 6; opc_iconst_4* = 7; opc_iconst_5* = 8; opc_lconst_0* = 9; opc_lconst_1* = 10; opc_fconst_0* = 11; opc_fconst_1* = 12; opc_fconst_2* = 13; opc_dconst_0* = 14; opc_dconst_1* = 15; opc_bipush* = 16; opc_sipush* = 17; opc_ldc* = 18; opc_ldc_w* = 19; opc_ldc2_w* = 20; opc_iload* = 21; opc_lload* = 22; opc_fload* = 23; opc_dload* = 24; opc_aload* = 25; opc_iload_0* = 26; opc_iload_1* = 27; opc_iload_2* = 28; opc_iload_3* = 29; opc_lload_0* = 30; opc_lload_1* = 31; opc_lload_2* = 32; opc_lload_3* = 33; opc_fload_0* = 34; opc_fload_1* = 35; opc_fload_2* = 36; opc_fload_3* = 37; opc_dload_0* = 38; opc_dload_1* = 39; opc_dload_2* = 40; opc_dload_3* = 41; opc_aload_0* = 42; opc_aload_1* = 43; opc_aload_2* = 44; opc_aload_3* = 45; opc_iaload* = 46; opc_laload* = 47; opc_faload* = 48; opc_daload* = 49; opc_aaload* = 50; opc_baload* = 51; opc_caload* = 52; opc_saload* = 53; opc_istore* = 54; opc_lstore* = 55; opc_fstore* = 56; opc_dstore* = 57; opc_astore* = 58; opc_istore_0* = 59; opc_istore_1* = 60; opc_istore_2* = 61; opc_istore_3* = 62; opc_lstore_0* = 63; opc_lstore_1* = 64; opc_lstore_2* = 65; opc_lstore_3* = 66; opc_fstore_0* = 67; opc_fstore_1* = 68; opc_fstore_2* = 69; opc_fstore_3* = 70; opc_dstore_0* = 71; opc_dstore_1* = 72; opc_dstore_2* = 73; opc_dstore_3* = 74; opc_astore_0* = 75; opc_astore_1* = 76; opc_astore_2* = 77; opc_astore_3* = 78; opc_iastore* = 79; opc_lastore* = 80; opc_fastore* = 81; opc_dastore* = 82; opc_aastore* = 83; opc_bastore* = 84; opc_castore* = 85; opc_sastore* = 86; opc_pop* = 87; opc_pop2* = 88; opc_dup* = 89; opc_dup_x1* = 90; opc_dup_x2* = 91; opc_dup2* = 92; opc_dup2_x1* = 93; opc_dup2_x2* = 94; opc_swap* = 95; opc_iadd* = 96; opc_ladd* = 97; opc_fadd* = 98; opc_dadd* = 99; opc_isub* = 100; opc_lsub* = 101; opc_fsub* = 102; opc_dsub* = 103; opc_imul* = 104; opc_lmul* = 105; opc_fmul* = 106; opc_dmul* = 107; opc_idiv* = 108; opc_ldiv* = 109; opc_fdiv* = 110; opc_ddiv* = 111; opc_irem* = 112; opc_lrem* = 113; opc_frem* = 114; opc_drem* = 115; opc_ineg* = 116; opc_lneg* = 117; opc_fneg* = 118; opc_dneg* = 119; opc_ishl* = 120; opc_lshl* = 121; opc_ishr* = 122; opc_lshr* = 123; opc_iushr* = 124; opc_lushr* = 125; opc_iand* = 126; opc_land* = 127; opc_ior* = 128; opc_lor* = 129; opc_ixor* = 130; opc_lxor* = 131; opc_iinc* = 132; opc_i2l* = 133; opc_i2f* = 134; opc_i2d* = 135; opc_l2i* = 136; opc_l2f* = 137; opc_l2d* = 138; opc_f2i* = 139; opc_f2l* = 140; opc_f2d* = 141; opc_d2i* = 142; opc_d2l* = 143; opc_d2f* = 144; opc_i2b* = 145; opc_i2c* = 146; opc_i2s* = 147; opc_lcmp* = 148; opc_fcmpl* = 149; opc_fcmpg* = 150; opc_dcmpl* = 151; opc_dcmpg* = 152; opc_ifeq* = 153; opc_ifne* = 154; opc_iflt* = 155; opc_ifge* = 156; opc_ifgt* = 157; opc_ifle* = 158; opc_if_icmpeq* = 159; opc_if_icmpne* = 160; opc_if_icmplt* = 161; opc_if_icmpge* = 162; opc_if_icmpgt* = 163; opc_if_icmple* = 164; opc_if_acmpeq* = 165; opc_if_acmpne* = 166; opc_goto* = 167; opc_jsr* = 168; opc_ret* = 169; opc_tableswitch* = 170; opc_lookupswitch* = 171; opc_ireturn* = 172; opc_lreturn* = 173; opc_freturn* = 174; opc_dreturn* = 175; opc_areturn* = 176; opc_return* = 177; opc_getstatic* = 178; opc_putstatic* = 179; opc_getfield* = 180; opc_putfield* = 181; opc_invokevirtual* = 182; opc_invokespecial* = 183; opc_invokestatic* = 184; opc_invokeinterface* = 185; opc_xxxunusedxxx = 186; opc_new* = 187; opc_newarray* = 188; opc_anewarray* = 189; opc_arraylength* = 190; opc_athrow* = 191; opc_checkcast* = 192; opc_instanceof* = 193; opc_monitorenter* = 194; opc_monitorexit* = 195; opc_wide* = 196; opc_multianewarray* = 197; opc_ifnull* = 198; opc_ifnonnull* = 199; opc_goto_w* = 200; opc_jsr_w* = 201; opc_breakpoint* = 202; (* ============================================================ *) TYPE OpName* = ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; (* ============================================================ *) VAR op* : ARRAY 203 OF OpName; dl* : ARRAY 203 OF INTEGER; VAR dirStr* : ARRAY 14 OF OpName; access* : ARRAY 12 OF OpName; (* ============================================================ *) BEGIN dirStr[dot_error] := ".ERROR"; dirStr[dot_catch] := ".catch"; dirStr[dot_class] := ".class"; dirStr[dot_end] := ".end method"; dirStr[dot_field] := ".field"; dirStr[dot_implements] := ".implements"; dirStr[dot_interface] := ".interface"; dirStr[dot_limit] := ".limit"; dirStr[dot_line] := ".line"; dirStr[dot_method] := ".method"; dirStr[dot_source] := ".source"; dirStr[dot_super] := ".super"; dirStr[dot_throws] := ".throws"; dirStr[dot_var] := ".var"; access[ 0] := "public"; access[ 1] := "private"; access[ 2] := "protected"; access[ 3] := "static"; access[ 4] := "final"; access[ 5] := "synchronized"; access[ 6] := "native"; access[ 7] := "volatile"; access[ 8] := "abstract"; access[ 9] := "transient"; access[10] := "interface"; op[opc_nop] := "nop"; op[opc_aconst_null] := "aconst_null"; op[opc_iconst_m1] := "iconst_m1"; op[opc_iconst_0] := "iconst_0"; op[opc_iconst_1] := "iconst_1"; op[opc_iconst_2] := "iconst_2"; op[opc_iconst_3] := "iconst_3"; op[opc_iconst_4] := "iconst_4"; op[opc_iconst_5] := "iconst_5"; op[opc_lconst_0] := "lconst_0"; op[opc_lconst_1] := "lconst_1"; op[opc_fconst_0] := "fconst_0"; op[opc_fconst_1] := "fconst_1"; op[opc_fconst_2] := "fconst_2"; op[opc_dconst_0] := "dconst_0"; op[opc_dconst_1] := "dconst_1"; op[opc_bipush] := "bipush"; op[opc_sipush] := "sipush"; op[opc_ldc] := "ldc"; op[opc_ldc_w] := "ldc_w"; op[opc_ldc2_w] := "ldc2_w"; op[opc_iload] := "iload"; op[opc_lload] := "lload"; op[opc_fload] := "fload"; op[opc_dload] := "dload"; op[opc_aload] := "aload"; op[opc_iload_0] := "iload_0"; op[opc_iload_1] := "iload_1"; op[opc_iload_2] := "iload_2"; op[opc_iload_3] := "iload_3"; op[opc_lload_0] := "lload_0"; op[opc_lload_1] := "lload_1"; op[opc_lload_2] := "lload_2"; op[opc_lload_3] := "lload_3"; op[opc_fload_0] := "fload_0"; op[opc_fload_1] := "fload_1"; op[opc_fload_2] := "fload_2"; op[opc_fload_3] := "fload_3"; op[opc_dload_0] := "dload_0"; op[opc_dload_1] := "dload_1"; op[opc_dload_2] := "dload_2"; op[opc_dload_3] := "dload_3"; op[opc_aload_0] := "aload_0"; op[opc_aload_1] := "aload_1"; op[opc_aload_2] := "aload_2"; op[opc_aload_3] := "aload_3"; op[opc_iaload] := "iaload"; op[opc_laload] := "laload"; op[opc_faload] := "faload"; op[opc_daload] := "daload"; op[opc_aaload] := "aaload"; op[opc_baload] := "baload"; op[opc_caload] := "caload"; op[opc_saload] := "saload"; op[opc_istore] := "istore"; op[opc_lstore] := "lstore"; op[opc_fstore] := "fstore"; op[opc_dstore] := "dstore"; op[opc_astore] := "astore"; op[opc_istore_0] := "istore_0"; op[opc_istore_1] := "istore_1"; op[opc_istore_2] := "istore_2"; op[opc_istore_3] := "istore_3"; op[opc_lstore_0] := "lstore_0"; op[opc_lstore_1] := "lstore_1"; op[opc_lstore_2] := "lstore_2"; op[opc_lstore_3] := "lstore_3"; op[opc_fstore_0] := "fstore_0"; op[opc_fstore_1] := "fstore_1"; op[opc_fstore_2] := "fstore_2"; op[opc_fstore_3] := "fstore_3"; op[opc_dstore_0] := "dstore_0"; op[opc_dstore_1] := "dstore_1"; op[opc_dstore_2] := "dstore_2"; op[opc_dstore_3] := "dstore_3"; op[opc_astore_0] := "astore_0"; op[opc_astore_1] := "astore_1"; op[opc_astore_2] := "astore_2"; op[opc_astore_3] := "astore_3"; op[opc_iastore] := "iastore"; op[opc_lastore] := "lastore"; op[opc_fastore] := "fastore"; op[opc_dastore] := "dastore"; op[opc_aastore] := "aastore"; op[opc_bastore] := "bastore"; op[opc_castore] := "castore"; op[opc_sastore] := "sastore"; op[opc_pop] := "pop"; op[opc_pop2] := "pop2"; op[opc_dup] := "dup"; op[opc_dup_x1] := "dup_x1"; op[opc_dup_x2] := "dup_x2"; op[opc_dup2] := "dup2"; op[opc_dup2_x1] := "dup2_x1"; op[opc_dup2_x2] := "dup2_x2"; op[opc_swap] := "swap"; op[opc_iadd] := "iadd"; op[opc_ladd] := "ladd"; op[opc_fadd] := "fadd"; op[opc_dadd] := "dadd"; op[opc_isub] := "isub"; op[opc_lsub] := "lsub"; op[opc_fsub] := "fsub"; op[opc_dsub] := "dsub"; op[opc_imul] := "imul"; op[opc_lmul] := "lmul"; op[opc_fmul] := "fmul"; op[opc_dmul] := "dmul"; op[opc_idiv] := "idiv"; op[opc_ldiv] := "ldiv"; op[opc_fdiv] := "fdiv"; op[opc_ddiv] := "ddiv"; op[opc_irem] := "irem"; op[opc_lrem] := "lrem"; op[opc_frem] := "frem"; op[opc_drem] := "drem"; op[opc_ineg] := "ineg"; op[opc_lneg] := "lneg"; op[opc_fneg] := "fneg"; op[opc_dneg] := "dneg"; op[opc_ishl] := "ishl"; op[opc_lshl] := "lshl"; op[opc_ishr] := "ishr"; op[opc_lshr] := "lshr"; op[opc_iushr] := "iushr"; op[opc_lushr] := "lushr"; op[opc_iand] := "iand"; op[opc_land] := "land"; op[opc_ior] := "ior"; op[opc_lor] := "lor"; op[opc_ixor] := "ixor"; op[opc_lxor] := "lxor"; op[opc_iinc] := "iinc"; op[opc_i2l] := "i2l"; op[opc_i2f] := "i2f"; op[opc_i2d] := "i2d"; op[opc_l2i] := "l2i"; op[opc_l2f] := "l2f"; op[opc_l2d] := "l2d"; op[opc_f2i] := "f2i"; op[opc_f2l] := "f2l"; op[opc_f2d] := "f2d"; op[opc_d2i] := "d2i"; op[opc_d2l] := "d2l"; op[opc_d2f] := "d2f"; op[opc_i2b] := "i2b"; op[opc_i2c] := "i2c"; op[opc_i2s] := "i2s"; op[opc_lcmp] := "lcmp"; op[opc_fcmpl] := "fcmpl"; op[opc_fcmpg] := "fcmpg"; op[opc_dcmpl] := "dcmpl"; op[opc_dcmpg] := "dcmpg"; op[opc_ifeq] := "ifeq"; op[opc_ifne] := "ifne"; op[opc_iflt] := "iflt"; op[opc_ifge] := "ifge"; op[opc_ifgt] := "ifgt"; op[opc_ifle] := "ifle"; op[opc_if_icmpeq] := "if_icmpeq"; op[opc_if_icmpne] := "if_icmpne"; op[opc_if_icmplt] := "if_icmplt"; op[opc_if_icmpge] := "if_icmpge"; op[opc_if_icmpgt] := "if_icmpgt"; op[opc_if_icmple] := "if_icmple"; op[opc_if_acmpeq] := "if_acmpeq"; op[opc_if_acmpne] := "if_acmpne"; op[opc_goto] := "goto"; op[opc_jsr] := "jsr"; op[opc_ret] := "ret"; op[opc_tableswitch] := "tableswitch"; op[opc_lookupswitch] := "lookupswitch"; op[opc_ireturn] := "ireturn"; op[opc_lreturn] := "lreturn"; op[opc_freturn] := "freturn"; op[opc_dreturn] := "dreturn"; op[opc_areturn] := "areturn"; op[opc_return] := "return"; op[opc_getstatic] := "getstatic"; op[opc_putstatic] := "putstatic"; op[opc_getfield] := "getfield"; op[opc_putfield] := "putfield"; op[opc_invokevirtual] := "invokevirtual"; op[opc_invokespecial] := "invokespecial"; op[opc_invokestatic] := "invokestatic"; op[opc_invokeinterface] := "invokeinterface"; op[opc_xxxunusedxxx] := "xxxunusedxxx"; op[opc_new] := "new"; op[opc_newarray] := "newarray"; op[opc_anewarray] := "anewarray"; op[opc_arraylength] := "arraylength"; op[opc_athrow] := "athrow"; op[opc_checkcast] := "checkcast"; op[opc_instanceof] := "instanceof"; op[opc_monitorenter] := "monitorenter"; op[opc_monitorexit] := "monitorexit"; op[opc_wide] := "wide"; op[opc_multianewarray] := "multianewarray"; op[opc_ifnull] := "ifnull"; op[opc_ifnonnull] := "ifnonnull"; op[opc_goto_w] := "goto_w"; op[opc_jsr_w] := "jsr_w"; op[opc_breakpoint] := "breakpoint"; dl[opc_nop] := 0; dl[opc_aconst_null] := 1; dl[opc_iconst_m1] := 1; dl[opc_iconst_0] := 1; dl[opc_iconst_1] := 1; dl[opc_iconst_2] := 1; dl[opc_iconst_3] := 1; dl[opc_iconst_4] := 1; dl[opc_iconst_5] := 1; dl[opc_lconst_0] := 2; dl[opc_lconst_1] := 2; dl[opc_fconst_0] := 1; dl[opc_fconst_1] := 1; dl[opc_fconst_2] := 1; dl[opc_dconst_0] := 2; dl[opc_dconst_1] := 2; dl[opc_bipush] := 1; dl[opc_sipush] := 1; dl[opc_ldc] := 1; dl[opc_ldc_w] := 1; dl[opc_ldc2_w] := 2; dl[opc_iload] := 1; dl[opc_lload] := 2; dl[opc_fload] := 1; dl[opc_dload] := 2; dl[opc_aload] := 1; dl[opc_iload_0] := 1; dl[opc_iload_1] := 1; dl[opc_iload_2] := 1; dl[opc_iload_3] := 1; dl[opc_lload_0] := 2; dl[opc_lload_1] := 2; dl[opc_lload_2] := 2; dl[opc_lload_3] := 2; dl[opc_fload_0] := 1; dl[opc_fload_1] := 1; dl[opc_fload_2] := 1; dl[opc_fload_3] := 1; dl[opc_dload_0] := 2; dl[opc_dload_1] := 2; dl[opc_dload_2] := 2; dl[opc_dload_3] := 2; dl[opc_aload_0] := 1; dl[opc_aload_1] := 1; dl[opc_aload_2] := 1; dl[opc_aload_3] := 1; dl[opc_iaload] := -1; (* pop 2, push 1 *) dl[opc_laload] := 0; (* pop 2, push 2 *) dl[opc_faload] := -1; (* pop 2, push 1 *) dl[opc_daload] := 0; (* pop 2, push 2 *) dl[opc_aaload] := -1; (* pop 2, push 1 *) dl[opc_baload] := -1; (* pop 2, push 1 *) dl[opc_caload] := -1; (* pop 2, push 1 *) dl[opc_saload] := -1; (* pop 2, push 1 *) dl[opc_istore] := -1; dl[opc_lstore] := -2; dl[opc_fstore] := -1; dl[opc_dstore] := -2; dl[opc_astore] := -1; dl[opc_istore_0] := -1; dl[opc_istore_1] := -1; dl[opc_istore_2] := -1; dl[opc_istore_3] := -1; dl[opc_lstore_0] := -2; dl[opc_lstore_1] := -2; dl[opc_lstore_2] := -2; dl[opc_lstore_3] := -2; dl[opc_fstore_0] := -1; dl[opc_fstore_1] := -1; dl[opc_fstore_2] := -1; dl[opc_fstore_3] := -1; dl[opc_dstore_0] := -2; dl[opc_dstore_1] := -2; dl[opc_dstore_2] := -2; dl[opc_dstore_3] := -2; dl[opc_astore_0] := -1; dl[opc_astore_1] := -1; dl[opc_astore_2] := -1; dl[opc_astore_3] := -1; dl[opc_iastore] := -3; dl[opc_lastore] := -4; dl[opc_fastore] := -3; dl[opc_dastore] := -4; dl[opc_aastore] := -3; dl[opc_bastore] := -3; dl[opc_castore] := -3; dl[opc_sastore] := -3; dl[opc_pop] := -1; dl[opc_pop2] := -2; dl[opc_dup] := 1; dl[opc_dup_x1] := 1; dl[opc_dup_x2] := 1; dl[opc_dup2] := 2; dl[opc_dup2_x1] := 2; dl[opc_dup2_x2] := 2; dl[opc_swap] := 0; dl[opc_iadd] := -1; dl[opc_ladd] := -2; dl[opc_fadd] := -1; dl[opc_dadd] := -2; dl[opc_isub] := -1; dl[opc_lsub] := -2; dl[opc_fsub] := -1; dl[opc_dsub] := -2; dl[opc_imul] := -1; dl[opc_lmul] := -2; dl[opc_fmul] := -1; dl[opc_dmul] := -2; dl[opc_idiv] := -1; dl[opc_ldiv] := -2; dl[opc_fdiv] := -1; dl[opc_ddiv] := -2; dl[opc_irem] := -1; dl[opc_lrem] := -2; dl[opc_frem] := -1; dl[opc_drem] := -2; dl[opc_ineg] := 0; dl[opc_lneg] := 0; dl[opc_fneg] := 0; dl[opc_dneg] := 0; dl[opc_ishl] := -1; dl[opc_lshl] := -1; dl[opc_ishr] := -1; dl[opc_lshr] := -1; dl[opc_iushr] := -1; dl[opc_lushr] := -1; dl[opc_iand] := -1; dl[opc_land] := -2; dl[opc_ior] := -1; dl[opc_lor] := -2; dl[opc_ixor] := -1; dl[opc_lxor] := -2; dl[opc_iinc] := 0; dl[opc_i2l] := 1; dl[opc_i2f] := 0; dl[opc_i2d] := 1; dl[opc_l2i] := -1; dl[opc_l2f] := -1; dl[opc_l2d] := 0; dl[opc_f2i] := 0; dl[opc_f2l] := 1; dl[opc_f2d] := 1; dl[opc_d2i] := -1; dl[opc_d2l] := 0; dl[opc_d2f] := -1; dl[opc_i2b] := 0; dl[opc_i2c] := 0; dl[opc_i2s] := 0; dl[opc_lcmp] := -3; dl[opc_fcmpl] := -1; dl[opc_fcmpg] := -1; dl[opc_dcmpl] := -3; dl[opc_dcmpg] := -3; dl[opc_ifeq] := -1; dl[opc_ifne] := -1; dl[opc_iflt] := -1; dl[opc_ifge] := -1; dl[opc_ifgt] := -1; dl[opc_ifle] := -1; dl[opc_if_icmpeq] := -2; dl[opc_if_icmpne] := -2; dl[opc_if_icmplt] := -2; dl[opc_if_icmpge] := -2; dl[opc_if_icmpgt] := -2; dl[opc_if_icmple] := -2; dl[opc_if_acmpeq] := -2; dl[opc_if_acmpne] := -2; dl[opc_goto] := 0; dl[opc_jsr] := 1; dl[opc_ret] := 0; dl[opc_tableswitch] := -1; dl[opc_lookupswitch] := -1; dl[opc_ireturn] := -1; (* don't care ? *) dl[opc_lreturn] := -2; (* don't care ? *) dl[opc_freturn] := -1; (* don't care ? *) dl[opc_dreturn] := -2; (* don't care ? *) dl[opc_areturn] := -1; (* don't care ? *) dl[opc_return] := 0; (* don't care ? *) (* Defaults for single word load/store short Vs long *) dl[opc_getstatic] := 1; (* Special case 1 or 2 *) dl[opc_putstatic] := -1; (* Special case -1 or -2 *) dl[opc_getfield] := 0; (* Special case 0 or 1 *) dl[opc_putfield] := -2; (* Special case -2 or -3 *) dl[opc_invokevirtual] := 0; (* Special case *) dl[opc_invokespecial] := -1; (* Special case *) dl[opc_invokestatic] := 0; (* Special case *) dl[opc_invokeinterface] := 0; (* Special case *) dl[opc_xxxunusedxxx] := 0; dl[opc_new] := 1; dl[opc_newarray] := 0; dl[opc_anewarray] := 0; dl[opc_arraylength] := 0; dl[opc_athrow] := -1; (* don't care *) dl[opc_checkcast] := 0; dl[opc_instanceof] := 0; dl[opc_monitorenter] := -1; dl[opc_monitorexit] := -1; dl[opc_wide] := 0; dl[opc_multianewarray] := 0; (* Special case (1-dim#) *) dl[opc_ifnull] := -1; dl[opc_ifnonnull] := -1; dl[opc_goto_w] := 0; dl[opc_jsr_w] := 1; dl[opc_breakpoint] := 0; END JVMcodes. 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