(* ==================================================================== *) (* *) (* ExprDesc Module for the Gardens Point Component Pascal Compiler. *) (* Implements Expr. Descriptors that are extensions of Symbols.Expr *) (* Copyright (c) John Gough 1999, 2000. *) (* *) (* ==================================================================== *) MODULE ExprDesc; IMPORT GPCPcopyright, RTS, Console, Builtin, G := CompState, S := CPascalS, L := LitValue, D := Symbols, I := IdDesc, T := TypeDesc, H := DiagHelper, V := VarSets, FileNames; (* ============================================================ *) CONST (* expr-kinds *) (* leaves *) qualId* = 0; numLt* = 1; realLt* = 2; charLt* = 3; strLt* = 4; nilLt* = 5; tBool* = 6; fBool* = 7; setLt* = 8; setXp* = 9; (* unaries *) deref* = 10; selct* = 11; tCheck* = 12; mkStr* = 13; fnCall* = 14; prCall* = 15; mkBox* = 16; compl* = 17; sprMrk* = 18; neg* = 19; absVl* = 20; entVl* = 21; capCh* = 22; strLen* = 23; strChk* = 24; cvrtUp* = 25; cvrtDn* = 26; oddTst* = 27; mkNStr* = 28; getTp* = 29; (* leaves *) typOf* = 30; infLt* = 31; nInfLt* = 32; (* binaries *) index* = 32; range* = 33; lenOf* = 34; maxOf* = 35; minOf* = 36; bitAnd* = 37; bitOr* = 38; bitXor* = 39; plus* = 40; minus* = 41; greT* = 42; greEq* = 43; notEq* = 44; lessEq* = 45; lessT* = 46; equal* = 47; isOp* = 48; inOp* = 49; mult* = 50; slash* = 51; modOp* = 52; divOp* = 53; blNot* = 54; blOr* = 55; blAnd* = 56; strCat* = 57; ashInt* = 58; rem0op* = 59; div0op* = 60; lshInt* = 61; rotInt* = 62; (* more unaries *) adrOf* = 70; (* ============================================================ *) TYPE LeafX* = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD (D.Expr) (* ... inherited from Expr ... ------------- * * kind- : INTEGER; (* tag for unions *) * token* : S.Token; (* exp mark token *) * type* : Type; * ----------------------------------------- *) value* : L.Value; END; (* ------------------------------ *) IdLeaf* = POINTER TO RECORD (LeafX) ident* : D.Idnt; (* qualified-idnt *) END; SetExp* = POINTER TO RECORD (LeafX) varSeq* : D.ExprSeq; END; (* ============================================================ *) TYPE UnaryX* = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD (D.Expr) (* ... inherited from Expr ... ------------- * * kind- : INTEGER; (* tag for unions *) * token* : S.Token; (* exp mark token *) * type* : Type; * ----------------------------------------- *) kid* : D.Expr; END; (* ------------------------------ *) IdentX* = POINTER TO RECORD (UnaryX) ident* : D.Idnt; (* field selction *) END; CallX* = POINTER TO RECORD (UnaryX) actuals* : D.ExprSeq; END; (* ============================================================ *) TYPE BinaryX* = POINTER TO RECORD (D.Expr) (* ... inherited from Expr ... ------------- * * kind- : INTEGER; (* tag for unions *) * token* : S.Token; (* exp mark token *) * type* : Type; * ----------------------------------------- *) lKid* : D.Expr; rKid* : D.Expr; END; (* ------------------------------ *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE isPowerOf2(val : LONGINT) : BOOLEAN; VAR lo, hi : INTEGER; BEGIN IF val < 0 THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE lo := RTS.loInt(val); hi := RTS.hiInt(val); IF hi = 0 THEN RETURN BITS(lo) * BITS(-lo) = BITS(lo); ELSIF lo = 0 THEN RETURN BITS(hi) * BITS(-hi) = BITS(hi); ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END; END isPowerOf2; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE coverType(a,b : D.Type) : D.Type; BEGIN IF a.includes(b) THEN RETURN a; ELSIF b.includes(a) THEN RETURN b; ELSIF a = Builtin.uBytTp THEN RETURN coverType(Builtin.sIntTp, b); ELSIF b = Builtin.uBytTp THEN RETURN coverType(a, Builtin.sIntTp); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END coverType; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE log2(val : LONGINT) : INTEGER; VAR lo, hi, nm : INTEGER; BEGIN lo := RTS.loInt(val); hi := RTS.hiInt(val); IF hi = 0 THEN FOR nm := 0 TO 31 DO IF ODD(lo) THEN RETURN nm ELSE lo := lo DIV 2 END; END; ELSE FOR nm := 32 TO 63 DO IF ODD(hi) THEN RETURN nm ELSE hi := hi DIV 2 END; END; END; THROW("Bad log2 argument"); RETURN 0; END log2; (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE^ (x : LeafX)charValue*() : CHAR,NEW; PROCEDURE^ convert(expr : D.Expr; dstT : D.Type) : D.Expr; PROCEDURE^ FormalsVsActuals*(prcX : D.Expr; actSeq : D.ExprSeq); (* ============================================================ *) (* LeafX Constructor methods *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE mkLeafVal*(k : INTEGER; v : L.Value) : LeafX; VAR n : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(n); n.token := S.prevTok; n.SetKind(k); n.value := v; RETURN n; END mkLeafVal; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkNilX*() : LeafX; VAR n : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(n); n.type := Builtin.anyPtr; n.token := S.prevTok; n.SetKind(nilLt); RETURN n; END mkNilX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkInfX*() : LeafX; VAR n : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(n); (* * Here is a dirty trick! * We assign this the type SHORTREAL, and trap * the attempt to coerce the value to REAL. * If the value is coerced we assign it the type * Bi.realTp so that the correct constant is emitted. *) n.type := Builtin.sReaTp; n.token := S.prevTok; n.SetKind(infLt); RETURN n; END mkInfX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkNegInfX*() : LeafX; VAR n : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(n); n.type := Builtin.sReaTp; n.token := S.prevTok; n.SetKind(nInfLt); RETURN n; END mkNegInfX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkTrueX*() : LeafX; VAR n : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(n); n.type := Builtin.boolTp; n.token := S.prevTok; n.SetKind(tBool); RETURN n; END mkTrueX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkFalseX*() : LeafX; VAR n : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(n); n.type := Builtin.boolTp; n.token := S.prevTok; n.SetKind(fBool); RETURN n; END mkFalseX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkIdLeaf*(id : D.Idnt) : IdLeaf; VAR l : IdLeaf; BEGIN NEW(l); (* l.type := NIL; *) l.token := S.prevTok; l.SetKind(qualId); l.ident := id; RETURN l; END mkIdLeaf; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkEmptySet*() : SetExp; VAR l : SetExp; BEGIN NEW(l); l.type := Builtin.setTp; l.token := S.prevTok; l.SetKind(setXp); RETURN l; END mkEmptySet; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkSetLt*(s : SET) : SetExp; VAR l : SetExp; BEGIN NEW(l); l.token := S.prevTok; l.SetKind(setLt); l.type := Builtin.setTp; l.value := L.newSetVal(s); RETURN l; END mkSetLt; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkCharLt*(ch : CHAR) : LeafX; VAR l : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(l); l.token := S.prevTok; l.type := Builtin.charTp; l.SetKind(charLt); l.value := L.newChrVal(ch); RETURN l; END mkCharLt; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkNumLt*(nm : LONGINT) : LeafX; VAR l : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(l); l.token := S.prevTok; l.SetKind(numLt); IF (nm <= MAX(INTEGER)) & (nm >= MIN(INTEGER)) THEN l.type := Builtin.intTp; ELSE l.type := Builtin.lIntTp; END; l.value := L.newIntVal(nm); RETURN l; END mkNumLt; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkRealLt*(rv : REAL) : LeafX; VAR l : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(l); l.token := S.prevTok; l.type := Builtin.realTp; l.SetKind(realLt); l.value := L.newFltVal(rv); RETURN l; END mkRealLt; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkStrLt*(IN sv : ARRAY OF CHAR) : LeafX; VAR l : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(l); l.token := S.prevTok; l.SetKind(strLt); l.type := Builtin.strTp; l.value := L.newStrVal(sv); RETURN l; END mkStrLt; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkStrLenLt*(str : L.CharOpen; len : INTEGER) : LeafX; VAR l : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(l); l.token := S.prevTok; l.SetKind(strLt); l.type := Builtin.strTp; l.value := L.newStrLenVal(str, len); RETURN l; END mkStrLenLt; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE tokToStrLt*(pos,len : INTEGER) : LeafX; (** Generate a LeafX for this string, stripping off the quote * * characters which surround it in the scanner buffer. *) VAR l : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(l); l.token := S.prevTok; l.SetKind(strLt); l.type := Builtin.strTp; l.value := L.newBufVal(pos+1,len-2); RETURN l; END tokToStrLt; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE translateStrLt*(pos,len : INTEGER) : LeafX; (** Generate a LeafX for this string, stripping off the quote * * characters which surround it in the scanner buffer. *) VAR l : LeafX; BEGIN NEW(l); l.token := S.prevTok; l.SetKind(strLt); l.type := Builtin.strTp; l.value := L.escapedString(pos+2,len-3); RETURN l; END translateStrLt; (* ============================================================ *) (* UnaryX Constructor methods *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE newUnaryX*(tag : INTEGER; kid : D.Expr) : UnaryX; VAR u : UnaryX; BEGIN NEW(u); u.token := S.prevTok; u.SetKind(tag); u.kid := kid; RETURN u; END newUnaryX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkDeref*(kid : D.Expr) : D.Expr; VAR new : UnaryX; BEGIN new := newUnaryX(deref, kid); new.token := kid.token; new.type := kid.type(T.Pointer).boundTp; RETURN new; END mkDeref; (* ---------------------------- *) PROCEDURE newIdentX*(tag : INTEGER; id : D.Idnt; kid : D.Expr) : IdentX; VAR u : IdentX; BEGIN NEW(u); u.token := S.prevTok; u.SetKind(tag); u.ident := id; u.kid := kid; RETURN u; END newIdentX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE newCallX*(tag : INTEGER; prm : D.ExprSeq; kid : D.Expr) : CallX; VAR u : CallX; BEGIN (* * * NEW(u); u.token := S.prevTok; * * EXPERIMENTAL *) NEW(u); u.token := kid.token; u.SetKind(tag); u.actuals := prm; u.kid := kid; RETURN u; END newCallX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE newCallT*(tag : INTEGER; prm : D.ExprSeq; kid : D.Expr; tok : S.Token) : CallX; VAR u : CallX; BEGIN NEW(u); u.token := tok; u.SetKind(tag); u.actuals := prm; u.kid := kid; RETURN u; END newCallT; (* ============================================================ *) (* BinaryX Constructor methods *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE newBinaryX*(tag : INTEGER; lSub,rSub : D.Expr) : BinaryX; VAR b : BinaryX; BEGIN NEW(b); b.token := S.prevTok; b.SetKind(tag); b.lKid := lSub; b.rKid := rSub; RETURN b; END newBinaryX; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE newBinaryT*(k : INTEGER; l,r : D.Expr; t : S.Token) : BinaryX; VAR b : BinaryX; BEGIN NEW(b); b.token := t; b.SetKind(k); b.lKid := l; b.rKid := r; RETURN b; END newBinaryT; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE maxOfType*(t : T.Base) : LeafX; BEGIN CASE t.tpOrd OF | T.byteN : RETURN mkNumLt(MAX(BYTE)); | T.uBytN : RETURN mkNumLt(255); | T.sIntN : RETURN mkNumLt(MAX(SHORTINT)); | T.intN : RETURN mkNumLt(MAX(INTEGER)); | T.lIntN : RETURN mkNumLt(MAX(LONGINT)); | T.sReaN : RETURN mkRealLt(MAX(SHORTREAL)); | T.realN : RETURN mkRealLt(MAX(REAL)); | T.sChrN : RETURN mkCharLt(MAX(SHORTCHAR)); | T.charN : RETURN mkCharLt(MAX(CHAR)); | T.setN : RETURN mkNumLt(31); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END maxOfType; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE minOfType*(t : T.Base) : LeafX; BEGIN CASE t.tpOrd OF | T.byteN : RETURN mkNumLt(MIN(BYTE)); | T.uBytN : RETURN mkNumLt(0); | T.sIntN : RETURN mkNumLt(MIN(SHORTINT)); | T.intN : RETURN mkNumLt(MIN(INTEGER)); | T.lIntN : RETURN mkNumLt(MIN(LONGINT)); | T.sReaN : RETURN mkRealLt(-MAX(SHORTREAL)); (* for bootstrap *) | T.realN : RETURN mkRealLt(-MAX(REAL)); (* for bootstrap *) (* * | T.sReaN : RETURN mkRealLt(MIN(SHORTREAL)); (* production version *) * | T.realN : RETURN mkRealLt(MIN(REAL)); (* production version *) *) | T.sChrN, T.charN : RETURN mkCharLt(0X); | T.setN : RETURN mkNumLt(0); ELSE RETURN NIL; END; END minOfType; (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE coerceUp*(x : D.Expr; t : D.Type) : D.Expr; (* * Fix to string arrays coerced to native strings: kjg April 2006 *) BEGIN IF x.kind = realLt THEN RETURN x; ELSIF (t = G.ntvStr) OR (t = G.ntvObj) & x.isString() THEN RETURN newUnaryX(mkNStr, x); ELSIF x.kind = numLt THEN IF ~t.isRealType() THEN x.type := t; RETURN x; ELSE RETURN mkRealLt(x(LeafX).value.long()); END; ELSIF x.isInf() THEN x.type := t; RETURN x; ELSE RETURN convert(x, t); END; END coerceUp; (* ============================================================ *) (* Various attribution methods *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (i : LeafX)TypeErase*() : D.Expr, EXTENSIBLE; (* If the type of the leaf is a compound, it must be erased *) BEGIN IF i.type.isCompoundType() THEN Console.WriteString("FOUND A COMPOUND LEAFX!");Console.WriteLn; END; RETURN i; END TypeErase; PROCEDURE (i : IdLeaf)TypeErase*() : D.Expr; BEGIN RETURN i; END TypeErase; PROCEDURE (i : SetExp)TypeErase*() : D.Expr; VAR exprN : D.Expr; index : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR index := 0 TO i.varSeq.tide - 1 DO exprN := i.varSeq.a[index]; IF exprN # NIL THEN exprN := exprN.TypeErase(); END; END; RETURN i; END TypeErase; PROCEDURE (i : UnaryX)TypeErase*() : D.Expr,EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN IF i.kid = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; i.kid := i.kid.TypeErase(); IF i.kid = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; RETURN i; END TypeErase; PROCEDURE (i : IdentX)TypeErase*() : D.Expr; BEGIN (* If the IdentX is a type assertion node, and * the assertion is to a compound type, replace * the IdentX with a sequance of assertions *) IF i.kind = tCheck THEN (* IF i.ident.... *) END; RETURN i; END TypeErase; PROCEDURE (i : CallX)TypeErase*() : D.Expr; VAR exprN : D.Expr; index : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR index := 0 TO i.actuals.tide - 1 DO exprN := i.actuals.a[index]; IF exprN # NIL THEN exprN := exprN.TypeErase(); END; END; RETURN i; END TypeErase; PROCEDURE (i : BinaryX)TypeErase*() : D.Expr; VAR rslt : D.Expr; BEGIN IF (i.lKid = NIL) OR (i.rKid = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; i.lKid := i.lKid.TypeErase(); (* process subtree *) i.rKid := i.rKid.TypeErase(); (* process subtree *) IF (i.lKid = NIL) OR (i.rKid = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; RETURN i; END TypeErase; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE isRelop(op : INTEGER) : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (op = equal) OR (op = notEq) OR (op = lessEq) OR (op = lessT) OR (op = greEq) OR (op = greT) OR (op = inOp) OR (op = isOp); END isRelop; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE getQualType*(exp : D.Expr) : D.Type; (* Return the qualified type with TypId descriptor in the * * IdLeaf exp, otherwise return the NIL pointer. *) VAR leaf : IdLeaf; tpId : D.Idnt; BEGIN IF ~(exp IS IdLeaf) THEN RETURN NIL END; leaf := exp(IdLeaf); IF ~(leaf.ident IS I.TypId) THEN RETURN NIL END; tpId := leaf.ident; RETURN tpId.type; END getQualType; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE CheckIsVariable*(e : D.Expr); VAR isVar : BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (e = NIL) THEN RETURN; END; WITH e : IdentX DO IF e.ident IS I.OvlId THEN e.ident := e.ident(I.OvlId).fld; END; isVar := (e.ident # NIL) & (e.ident IS I.FldId); | e : IdLeaf DO IF e.ident IS I.OvlId THEN e.ident := e.ident(I.OvlId).fld; END; isVar := (e.ident # NIL) & ((e.ident IS I.VarId) OR (e.ident IS I.LocId)); | e : BinaryX DO isVar := e.kind = index; | e : UnaryX DO IF e.kind = tCheck THEN isVar := TRUE; e.ExprError(222); ELSE isVar := e.kind = deref; END; ELSE isVar := FALSE; END; IF (~isVar) THEN e.ExprError(85); END; END CheckIsVariable; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (i : LeafX)exprAttr*() : D.Expr,EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN (* most of these are done already ... *) IF (i.kind = numLt) & i.inRangeOf(Builtin.intTp) THEN i.type := Builtin.intTp; END; RETURN i; END exprAttr; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (i : IdLeaf)exprAttr*() : D.Expr; (* If this references a constant, then return literal *) (* ----------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE constClone(i : IdLeaf) : D.Expr; VAR conXp : D.Expr; clone : LeafX; (* ----------------------------------------- * * We must clone the literal rather than * * just take a reference copy, as it may * * appear in a later error message. If it * * does, it needs to have correct line:col. * * ----------------------------------------- *) BEGIN conXp := i.ident(I.ConId).conExp; WITH conXp : SetExp DO clone := mkSetLt({}); clone.value := conXp.value; | conXp : LeafX DO clone := mkLeafVal(conXp.kind, conXp.value); clone.type := conXp.type; END; clone.token := i.token; RETURN clone; END constClone; (* --------------------------------- *) BEGIN IF (i.ident # NIL) & (i.ident IS I.ConId) THEN IF i.ident(I.ConId).isStd THEN IF i.ident = Builtin.trueC THEN RETURN mkTrueX(); ELSIF i.ident = Builtin.falsC THEN RETURN mkFalseX(); ELSIF i.ident = Builtin.nilC THEN RETURN mkNilX(); ELSIF i.ident = Builtin.infC THEN RETURN mkInfX(); ELSIF i.ident = Builtin.nInfC THEN RETURN mkNegInfX(); ELSE i.ExprError(19); RETURN NIL; END; ELSE RETURN constClone(i); END; ELSE RETURN i; END; END exprAttr; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (i : SetExp)exprAttr*() : D.Expr; VAR exprN : D.Expr; (* the n-th expression *) index : INTEGER; (* reading index *) write : INTEGER; (* writing index *) cPart : SET; (* constant accumulator *) rngXp : BinaryX; num : INTEGER; (* ----------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE isLitRange(exp : BinaryX) : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (exp.lKid # NIL) & (exp.rKid # NIL) & (exp.lKid.kind = numLt) & (exp.rKid.kind = numLt); END isLitRange; (* ----------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE mkSetFromRange(exp : BinaryX) : SET; VAR ln,rn : INTEGER; BEGIN ln := exp.lKid(LeafX).value.int(); rn := exp.rKid(LeafX).value.int(); IF (ln > 31) OR (ln < 0) THEN exp.lKid.ExprError(28); RETURN {} END; IF (rn > 31) OR (rn < 0) THEN exp.rKid.ExprError(29); RETURN {} END; IF rn < ln THEN exp.ExprError(30); RETURN {} END; RETURN {ln .. rn} END mkSetFromRange; (* ----------------------------------- *) BEGIN (* body of (i : SetExp)exprAttr *) write := 0; cPart := {}; FOR index := 0 TO i.varSeq.tide - 1 DO exprN := i.varSeq.a[index]; IF exprN # NIL THEN exprN := exprN.exprAttr(); IF exprN.kind = numLt THEN (* singleton element *) num := exprN(LeafX).value.int(); IF (num < 32) & (num >= 0) THEN INCL(cPart, num); ELSE exprN.ExprError(303); END; ELSIF exprN.kind = range THEN rngXp := exprN(BinaryX); IF isLitRange(rngXp) THEN (* const elem range *) cPart := cPart + mkSetFromRange(rngXp); ELSE IF ~rngXp.lKid.isIntExpr() THEN rngXp.lKid.ExprError(37) END; IF ~rngXp.rKid.isIntExpr() THEN rngXp.rKid.ExprError(37) END; i.varSeq.a[write] := exprN; INC(write); END; ELSE (* variable element(s) *) IF ~exprN.isIntExpr() THEN exprN.ExprError(37) END; i.varSeq.a[write] := exprN; INC(write); END; END; END; IF write # i.varSeq.tide THEN (* expression changed *) i.value := L.newSetVal(cPart); IF write = 0 THEN (* set is all constant *) i.SetKind(setLt); END; i.varSeq.ResetTo(write); (* truncate elem list *) ELSIF write = 0 THEN (* this is empty set *) i.SetKind(setLt); END; i.type := Builtin.setTp; RETURN i; END exprAttr; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (i : UnaryX)exprAttr*() : D.Expr,EXTENSIBLE; VAR leaf : LeafX; rslt : D.Expr; BEGIN IF i.kid = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; i.kid := i.kid.exprAttr(); IF i.kid = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; rslt := i; CASE i.kind OF | neg : (* Fold constants and mark sets *) IF i.kid.kind = setXp THEN i.SetKind(compl); i.type := Builtin.setTp; ELSIF i.kid.kind = setLt THEN leaf := i.kid(LeafX); leaf.value := L.newSetVal(-leaf.value.set()); rslt := leaf; ELSIF i.kid.kind = numLt THEN leaf := i.kid(LeafX); leaf.value := L.newIntVal(-leaf.value.long()); rslt := leaf; ELSIF i.kid.kind = realLt THEN leaf := i.kid(LeafX); leaf.value := L.newFltVal(-leaf.value.real()); rslt := leaf; ELSE i.type := i.kid.type; END; | blNot : (* Type check subtree, and fold consts *) IF i.kid.type # Builtin.boolTp THEN i.ExprError(36) END; IF i.kid.kind = blNot THEN (* fold double negation *) rslt := i.kid(UnaryX).kid; ELSIF i.kid.kind = tBool THEN rslt := mkFalseX(); ELSIF i.kid.kind = fBool THEN rslt := mkTrueX(); ELSE i.type := Builtin.boolTp; END; ELSE (* Nothing to do. Parser did type check already *) (* mkStr, absVl, convert, capCh, entVl, strLen, lenOf, oddTst *) (* tCheck *) END; RETURN rslt; END exprAttr; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (i : IdentX)exprAttr*() : D.Expr; BEGIN IF (i.kind = selct) & (i.ident # NIL) & (i.ident IS I.ConId) THEN RETURN i.ident(I.ConId).conExp.exprAttr(); ELSE ASSERT((i.kind = selct) OR (i.kind = cvrtUp) OR (i.kind = cvrtDn)); RETURN i; END; END exprAttr; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (i : CallX)exprAttr*() : D.Expr; (* fnCall nodes are attributed during parsing of the designator * * so there is nothing left to do here. Do not recurse further down. *) BEGIN RETURN i END exprAttr; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE checkCall*(i : CallX) : D.Expr; VAR prTp : T.Procedure; prXp : D.Expr; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE length(arg0 : D.Expr; arg1 : LeafX) : D.Expr; VAR dimN : INTEGER; dIdx : INTEGER; cTyp : D.Type; cLen : INTEGER; BEGIN dimN := arg1.value.int(); IF dimN < 0 THEN arg1.ExprError(46); RETURN NIL END; (* * Take care of LEN(typename) case ... kjg December 2004 *) WITH arg0 : IdLeaf DO IF arg0.ident IS I.TypId THEN arg0.type := arg0.ident.type END; ELSE END; IF arg0.type.kind = T.ptrTp THEN arg0 := mkDeref(arg0) END; cLen := 0; cTyp := arg0.type; IF cTyp.kind = T.vecTp THEN IF dimN # 0 THEN arg1.ExprError(231) END; ELSE FOR dIdx := 0 TO dimN DO IF cTyp.kind = T.arrTp THEN cLen := cTyp(T.Array).length; cTyp := cTyp(T.Array).elemTp; ELSE arg1.ExprError(40); RETURN NIL; END; END; END; IF cLen = 0 THEN (* must compute at runtime *) RETURN newBinaryX(lenOf, arg0, arg1); ELSE RETURN mkNumLt(cLen); END; END length; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE stdFunction(i : CallX; act : D.ExprSeq) : D.Expr; (* Assert: prc holds a procedure ident descriptor of a standard Fn. *) VAR prc : IdLeaf; funI : I.PrcId; rslt : D.Expr; leaf : LeafX; arg0 : D.Expr; arg1 : D.Expr; typ0 : D.Type; dstT : D.Type; funN : INTEGER; lVal : LONGINT; rVal : REAL; ptrT : T.Pointer; BEGIN prc := i.kid(IdLeaf); rslt := NIL; arg0 := NIL; arg1 := NIL; funI := prc.ident(I.PrcId); funN := funI.stdOrd; IF act.tide >= 1 THEN arg0 := act.a[0]; IF arg0 # NIL THEN arg0 := arg0.exprAttr() END; IF act.tide >= 2 THEN arg1 := act.a[1]; IF arg1 # NIL THEN arg1 := arg1.exprAttr() END; IF arg1 = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; END; IF arg0 = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; END; (* * Now we check the per-case semantics. *) CASE funN OF (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.absP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.isNumericExpr() THEN IF arg0.kind = numLt THEN leaf := arg0(LeafX); leaf.value := L.absV(leaf.value); IF leaf.value = NIL THEN arg0.ExprError(39)END; rslt := leaf; ELSIF arg0.kind = realLt THEN rslt := mkRealLt(ABS(arg0(LeafX).value.real())); ELSE rslt := newUnaryX(absVl, arg0); END; rslt.type := arg0.type; ELSE arg0.ExprError(38); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) (* Extended to LONGINT (1:01:2013) *) (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.ashP : IF act.tide < 2 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF ~arg0.isIntExpr() THEN arg0.ExprError(37) END; IF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(37) END; (* NO FOLDING IN THIS VERSION IF (arg0.kind = numLt) & (arg1.kind = numLt) THEN rslt := mkNumLt(ASH(arg0(LeafX).value.int(), arg1(LeafX).value.int())); ELSE *) IF arg0.type = Builtin.lIntTp THEN dstT := Builtin.lIntTp; ELSE IF arg0.type # Builtin.intTp THEN arg0 := convert(arg0, Builtin.intTp); END; dstT := Builtin.intTp; END; IF arg1.type # Builtin.intTp THEN arg1 := convert(arg1, Builtin.intTp); END; rslt := newBinaryX(ashInt, arg0, arg1); (* END; *) rslt.type := dstT; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.lshP : IF act.tide < 2 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF ~arg0.isIntExpr() THEN arg0.ExprError(37) END; IF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(37) END; (* FIXME, no folding yet ... *) IF arg0.type = Builtin.lIntTp THEN dstT := Builtin.lIntTp; ELSE IF arg0.type # Builtin.intTp THEN arg0 := convert(arg0, Builtin.intTp); END; dstT := Builtin.intTp; END; IF arg1.type # Builtin.intTp THEN arg1 := convert(arg1, Builtin.intTp); END; rslt := newBinaryX(lshInt, arg0, arg1); rslt.type := dstT; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.rotP : IF act.tide < 2 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF ~arg0.isIntExpr() THEN arg0.ExprError(37) END; IF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(37) END; (* Do not convert arg0 to intTp *) IF arg1.type # Builtin.intTp THEN arg1 := convert(arg1, Builtin.intTp); END; rslt := newBinaryX(rotInt, arg0, arg1); rslt.type := arg0.type; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.bitsP : IF act.tide < 1 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE rslt := arg0; IF rslt.isIntExpr() THEN (* * BITS accepts an integer expression * which may be either short or long. * In the case of short values these * are sign-extended to 32 bits. * In the case of long values gpcp * performs an unsigned conversion to * uint32, capturing the 32 least * significant bits of the long value. *) IF rslt.kind = numLt THEN (* Pull out ALL of the bits of the numLt. *) (* At compile-time gpcp will convert from *) (* int64 to uint32 using the elsepart below *) rslt := mkSetLt(BITS(arg0(LeafX).value.long())); rslt.type := Builtin.setTp; ELSE (* Graft an unchecked conversion onto the *) (* root of the argument expression tree. *) rslt := convert(rslt, Builtin.setTp); END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(56); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.capP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.isCharExpr() THEN IF arg0.isCharLit() THEN rslt := mkCharLt(CAP(arg0(LeafX).charValue())); ELSE rslt := newUnaryX(capCh, arg0); END; rslt.type := Builtin.charTp; ELSE arg0.ExprError(43); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.chrP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.isIntExpr() THEN IF arg0.kind = numLt THEN lVal := arg0(LeafX).value.long(); IF (lVal >= 0) & (lVal <= LONG(ORD(MAX(CHAR)))) THEN rslt := mkCharLt(CHR(lVal)); rslt.type := Builtin.charTp; ELSE arg0.ExprError(44); END; ELSE rslt := convert(arg0, Builtin.charTp); END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(37); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.entP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE dstT := Builtin.lIntTp; IF arg0.isRealExpr() THEN IF arg0.kind = realLt THEN leaf := mkLeafVal(numLt, L.entV(arg0(LeafX).value)); IF leaf.value = NIL THEN arg0.ExprError(55); ELSIF i.inRangeOf(Builtin.intTp) THEN dstT := Builtin.intTp; END; rslt := leaf; ELSE rslt := newUnaryX(entVl, arg0); END; rslt.type := dstT; ELSE arg0.ExprError(45); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.lenP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF act.tide = 1 THEN IF arg0.kind = strLt THEN rslt := mkNumLt(arg0(LeafX).value.len()); ELSIF arg0.kind = mkStr THEN rslt := newUnaryX(strLen, arg0); ELSE (* add default dimension *) D.AppendExpr(act, mkNumLt(0)); END; END; IF act.tide = 2 THEN arg1 := act.a[1]; IF arg1.kind = numLt THEN rslt := length(arg0, arg1(LeafX)); ELSE arg1.ExprError(46); END; END; IF rslt # NIL THEN rslt.type := Builtin.intTp END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.tpOfP : IF G.strict THEN prc.ExprError(221); END; IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF arg0.type = Builtin.metaTp THEN ASSERT(arg0 IS IdLeaf); rslt := arg0; rslt.SetKind(typOf); ELSIF arg0.isVarDesig() THEN IF arg0.type.isDynamicType() THEN rslt := newUnaryX(getTp, arg0); ELSE dstT := arg0.type; IF dstT.idnt = NIL THEN (* Anonymous type *) dstT.idnt := I.newAnonId(dstT.serial); dstT.idnt.type := dstT; END; rslt := mkIdLeaf(dstT.idnt); rslt.SetKind(typOf); END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(85); END; IF rslt # NIL THEN rslt.type := G.ntvTyp END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.adrP : IF G.strict THEN prc.ExprError(221); END; IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF arg0.isVarDesig() THEN rslt := newUnaryX(adrOf, arg0); ELSE arg0.ExprError(85); END; IF rslt # NIL THEN rslt.type := Builtin.intTp END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.maxP, Builtin.minP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF act.tide = 1 THEN (* should be the MAX(TypeName) case *) dstT := getQualType(arg0); IF dstT.kind # T.basTp THEN prc.ExprError(48) END; IF funN = Builtin.maxP THEN rslt := maxOfType(dstT(T.Base)); ELSE rslt := minOfType(dstT(T.Base)); END; IF rslt # NIL THEN rslt.type := dstT END; ELSE (* must be the MAX(exp1, exp2) case *) (* * Note that for literals, coverType is always >= int. *) dstT := coverType(arg0.type, arg1.type); IF dstT = NIL THEN arg0.ExprError(38); ELSIF (arg0.kind = numLt) & (arg1.kind = numLt) THEN IF funN = Builtin.maxP THEN lVal := MAX(arg0(LeafX).value.long(),arg1(LeafX).value.long()); ELSE lVal := MIN(arg0(LeafX).value.long(),arg1(LeafX).value.long()); END; rslt := mkNumLt(lVal); ELSIF (arg0.kind = realLt) & (arg1.kind = realLt) THEN IF funN = Builtin.maxP THEN rVal := MAX(arg0(LeafX).value.real(),arg1(LeafX).value.real()); ELSE rVal := MIN(arg0(LeafX).value.real(),arg1(LeafX).value.real()); END; rslt := mkRealLt(rVal); ELSE IF arg0.type # dstT THEN arg0 := convert(arg0, dstT) END; IF arg1.type # dstT THEN arg1 := convert(arg1, dstT) END; IF funN = Builtin.maxP THEN rslt := newBinaryX(maxOf, arg0, arg1) ELSE rslt := newBinaryX(minOf, arg0, arg1) END; END; IF rslt # NIL THEN rslt.type := dstT END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.oddP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE rslt := arg0; IF ~rslt.isIntExpr() THEN rslt.ExprError(37); ELSIF rslt.kind = numLt THEN (* calculate right now *) IF ODD(rslt(LeafX).value.int()) THEN rslt := mkTrueX(); ELSE rslt := mkFalseX(); END; ELSE (* else leave to runtime*) rslt := newUnaryX(oddTst, rslt); END; rslt.type := Builtin.boolTp; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.ordP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE rslt := arg0; IF rslt.isCharLit() THEN rslt := mkNumLt(ORD(rslt(LeafX).charValue())); ELSIF rslt.kind = setLt THEN rslt := mkNumLt(rslt(LeafX).value.int()); ELSIF rslt.isCharExpr() OR rslt.isSetExpr() THEN rslt := convert(rslt, Builtin.intTp); ELSE prc.ExprError(50); END; rslt.type := Builtin.intTp; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.uBytP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE rslt := arg0; dstT := Builtin.uBytTp; IF rslt.kind = numLt THEN IF ~rslt.inRangeOf(dstT) THEN rslt.ExprError(26) END; ELSIF arg0.isNumericExpr() THEN rslt := convert(rslt, dstT); ELSE rslt.ExprError(226); END; rslt.type := dstT; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.mStrP : IF G.strict THEN prc.ExprError(221); END; IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF ~arg0.isString() & ~arg0.isCharArray() THEN arg0.ExprError(41); END; rslt := newUnaryX(mkNStr, arg0); rslt.type := G.ntvStr; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.boxP : IF G.strict THEN prc.ExprError(221); END; IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE typ0 := arg0.type; rslt := newUnaryX(mkBox, arg0); WITH typ0 : T.Record DO IF D.isFn IN typ0.xAttr THEN ptrT := G.ntvObj(T.Pointer); ELSE ptrT := T.newPtrTp(); ptrT.boundTp := typ0; END; | typ0 : T.Array DO ptrT := T.newPtrTp(); IF typ0.length = 0 THEN (* typ0 already an open array *) ptrT.boundTp := typ0; ELSE (* corresponding open array *) ptrT.boundTp := T.mkArrayOf(typ0.elemTp); END; ELSE ptrT := T.newPtrTp(); IF typ0.isStringType() THEN ptrT.boundTp := Builtin.chrArr; ELSE arg0.ExprError(140); END; END; rslt.type := ptrT; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.shrtP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE rslt := arg0; IF rslt.kind = charLt THEN (* do right away *) IF ~rslt.inRangeOf(Builtin.sChrTp) THEN rslt.ExprError(168) END; rslt.type := Builtin.sChrTp; ELSIF rslt.kind = strLt THEN (* do right away *) IF ~L.isShortStr(rslt(LeafX).value) THEN rslt.ExprError(168) END; rslt.type := Builtin.sStrTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.strTp THEN (* do at runtime *) rslt := newUnaryX(strChk, rslt); rslt.type := Builtin.sStrTp; ELSE IF rslt.type = Builtin.lIntTp THEN dstT := Builtin.intTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.intTp THEN dstT := Builtin.sIntTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.sIntTp THEN dstT := Builtin.byteTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.realTp THEN dstT := Builtin.sReaTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.charTp THEN dstT := Builtin.sChrTp; ELSE rslt.ExprError(51); dstT := Builtin.intTp; END; IF rslt.kind = numLt THEN IF ~rslt.inRangeOf(dstT) THEN rslt.ExprError(26) END; ELSE rslt := convert(rslt, dstT); END; END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.longP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE rslt := arg0; IF rslt.type = Builtin.intTp THEN dstT := Builtin.lIntTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.sIntTp THEN dstT := Builtin.intTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.byteTp THEN dstT := Builtin.sIntTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.sReaTp THEN dstT := Builtin.realTp; ELSIF rslt.type = Builtin.sChrTp THEN dstT := Builtin.charTp; ELSE rslt.ExprError(47); dstT := Builtin.lIntTp; END; rslt := convert(rslt, dstT); END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.sizeP : prc.ExprError(167); (* ---------------------------- *) ELSE prc.ExprError(42); END; RETURN rslt; END stdFunction; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE StdProcedure(i : CallX; act : D.ExprSeq); (* Assert: prc holds a procedure ident descriptor of a standard Pr. *) VAR prc : IdLeaf; funI : I.PrcId; funN : INTEGER; argN : INTEGER; errN : INTEGER; arg0 : D.Expr; arg1 : D.Expr; argT : D.Type; bndT : D.Type; ptrT : T.Pointer; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE CheckNonZero(arg : D.Expr); BEGIN IF arg(LeafX).value.int() <= 0 THEN arg.ExprError(68) END; END CheckNonZero; (* --------------------------- *) BEGIN prc := i.kid(IdLeaf); arg0 := NIL; arg1 := NIL; funI := prc.ident(I.PrcId); funN := funI.stdOrd; IF act.tide >= 1 THEN arg0 := act.a[0].exprAttr(); act.a[0] := arg0; IF act.tide >= 2 THEN arg1 := act.a[1].exprAttr(); IF arg1 = NIL THEN RETURN END; act.a[1] := arg1; END; IF arg0 = NIL THEN RETURN END; END; (* * Now we check the per-case semantics. *) CASE funN OF (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.asrtP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.type # Builtin.boolTp THEN arg0.ExprError(36); END; IF (arg1 # NIL) & (arg1.kind # numLt) THEN arg1.ExprError(91); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.incP, Builtin.decP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.isVarDesig() THEN arg0.CheckWriteable(); IF ~arg0.isIntExpr() THEN arg0.ExprError(37) END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(85); END; IF arg1 = NIL THEN D.AppendExpr(act, mkNumLt(1)); ELSIF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(37); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.inclP, Builtin.exclP : IF act.tide < 2 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.isVarDesig() THEN arg0.CheckWriteable(); IF ~arg0.isSetExpr() THEN arg0.ExprError(35) END; IF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(37) END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(85); END; IF arg1.isIntExpr() THEN IF (arg1.kind = numLt) & (* Should be warning only? *) ~arg1.inRangeOf(Builtin.setTp) THEN arg1.ExprError(303) END; ELSE arg1.ExprError(37); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.getP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.type # Builtin.intTp THEN arg0.ExprError(37) END; IF ~arg1.isVarDesig() THEN arg1.ExprError(85) END; IF arg1.type.kind # T.basTp THEN arg1.ExprError(48) END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.putP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.type # Builtin.intTp THEN arg0.ExprError(37) END; IF arg1.type.kind # T.basTp THEN arg1.ExprError(48) END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.cutP : IF act.tide < 2 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF arg0.isVarDesig() THEN arg0.CheckWriteable(); IF ~arg0.isVectorExpr() THEN arg0.ExprError(229) END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(85); END; IF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(37) END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.apndP : IF act.tide < 2 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF arg0.isVarDesig() THEN argT := arg0.type; arg0.CheckWriteable(); WITH argT : T.Vector DO IF ~argT.elemTp.assignCompat(arg1) THEN IF arg1.type.isOpenArrType() THEN errN := 142; ELSIF arg1.type.isExtnRecType() THEN errN := 143; ELSIF (arg1.type.kind = T.prcTp) & (arg1.kind = qualId) & ~arg1.isProcVar() THEN errN := 165; ELSIF argT.elemTp.isCharArrayType() & arg1.type.isStringType() THEN errN := 27; ELSE errN := 83; END; IF errN # 83 THEN arg1.ExprError(errN); ELSE D.RepTypesErrTok(83, argT.elemTp, arg1.type, arg1.token); END; END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(229); END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(85); END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.subsP, Builtin.unsbP : IF G.strict THEN prc.ExprError(221); END; IF act.tide < 2 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSE IF arg0.isVarDesig() THEN arg0.CheckWriteable(); IF ~arg0.type.isEventType() THEN arg0.ExprError(210) END; IF ~arg1.isProcLit() THEN arg1.ExprError(211) END; IF ~arg0.type.assignCompat(arg1) THEN arg1.ExprError(83) END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(85); END; END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.haltP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF arg0.kind # numLt THEN arg0.ExprError(93); END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.throwP : IF G.strict THEN prc.ExprError(221); END; IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF act.tide > 1 THEN prc.ExprError(23); ELSIF G.ntvExc.assignCompat(arg0) OR G.ntvStr.assignCompat(arg0) THEN (* skip *) ELSE arg0.ExprError(193); END; (* ---------------------------- *) | Builtin.newP : IF act.tide = 0 THEN prc.ExprError(22); ELSIF arg0.type # NIL THEN argT := arg0.type; IF ~arg0.isVarDesig() THEN arg0.ExprError(85); ELSE arg0.CheckWriteable(); WITH argT : T.Base DO arg0.ExprError(90); | argT : T.Vector DO IF act.tide = 1 THEN prc.ExprError(95); ELSIF act.tide > 2 THEN prc.ExprError(97); ELSIF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(98); ELSIF arg1.kind = numLt THEN CheckNonZero(arg1); END; | argT : T.Pointer DO bndT := argT.boundTp; IF act.tide = 1 THEN (* * Bound-type must be a record or a fixed * length, one-dimensional array type. *) IF bndT.kind = T.recTp THEN bndT(T.Record).InstantiateCheck(arg0.token); ELSIF bndT.kind = T.arrTp THEN IF bndT.isOpenArrType() THEN arg0.ExprError(95) END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(96); END; ELSE (* * This must be a possibly multi-dimensional array type. *) IF ~bndT.isOpenArrType() THEN arg0.ExprError(99); ELSIF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(98); ELSE IF arg1.kind = numLt THEN CheckNonZero(arg1) END; bndT := bndT(T.Array).elemTp; FOR argN := 2 TO act.tide-1 DO arg1 := act.a[argN].exprAttr(); IF arg1.kind = numLt THEN CheckNonZero(arg1) END; IF ~bndT.isOpenArrType() THEN arg0.ExprError(97); ELSIF ~arg1.isIntExpr() THEN arg1.ExprError(98); ELSE bndT := bndT(T.Array).elemTp; END; act.a[argN] := arg1; (* update expression *) END; (* check if we need more length params *) IF bndT.isOpenArrType() THEN arg1.ExprError(100) END; END; END; ELSE arg0.ExprError(94); END; (* with argT *) END; (* if isVarDesig() *) END; (* if *) (* ---------------------------- *) ELSE prc.ExprError(92); END; END StdProcedure; (* --------------------------- *) BEGIN (* body of checkCall *) prXp := i.kid; prTp := prXp.type(T.Procedure); IF i.kind = prCall THEN IF prXp.isStdProc() THEN StdProcedure(i, i.actuals); ELSIF prXp.kind = fnCall THEN prXp.ExprError(80); ELSE FormalsVsActuals(prXp, i.actuals); IF prTp.retType # NIL THEN i.ExprError(74) END; i.type := NIL; END; ELSIF i.kind = fnCall THEN IF prXp.isStdFunc() THEN RETURN stdFunction(i, i.actuals); ELSE FormalsVsActuals(prXp, i.actuals); IF prTp.retType = NIL THEN i.ExprError(24); ELSIF prTp.retType IS T.Opaque THEN prTp.retType := prTp.retType.elaboration(); END; i.type := prTp.retType; END; ELSE Console.WriteString("unexpected callx"); Console.WriteLn; i.Diagnose(0); END; RETURN i; END checkCall; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE CheckSuper*(c : CallX; s : D.Scope); VAR kid1, kid2 : D.Expr; BEGIN (* ------------------------------------------------- * * Precondition: c.kid.kind = sprMrk. * The only correct expression cases are * * CallX * IdentX --- (kind = sprMrk) * IdLeaf --- (ident = s(MthId).rcvFrm) * * CallX * IdentX --- (kind = sprMrk) * UnaryX --- (kind = deref) * IdLeaf --- (ident = s(MthId).rcvFrm) * * ------------------------------------------------- *) kid1 := c.kid; kid1.ExprError(300); (* A warning only ... *) WITH kid1 : IdentX DO kid2 := kid1.kid; IF kid2.kind = deref THEN kid2 := kid2(UnaryX).kid END; WITH kid2 : IdLeaf DO WITH s : I.MthId DO IF kid2.ident # s.rcvFrm THEN c.ExprError(166) END; ELSE c.ExprError(166); END; ELSE c.ExprError(166); END; ELSE c.ExprError(166); END; END CheckSuper; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (i : BinaryX)exprAttr*() : D.Expr; VAR rslt : D.Expr; kind : INTEGER; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE chrOp(i : BinaryX) : D.Expr; VAR ch1,ch2 : CHAR; dRes : BOOLEAN; rslt : D.Expr; BEGIN rslt := i; IF i.lKid.isCharLit() & i.rKid.isCharLit() THEN ch1 := i.lKid(LeafX).charValue(); ch2 := i.rKid(LeafX).charValue(); CASE i.kind OF | greT : dRes := ch1 > ch2; | greEq : dRes := ch1 >= ch2; | notEq : dRes := ch1 # ch2; | lessEq : dRes := ch1 <= ch2; | lessT : dRes := ch1 < ch2; | equal : dRes := ch1 = ch2; ELSE i.ExprError(171); RETURN NIL; END; IF dRes THEN rslt := mkTrueX(); ELSE rslt := mkFalseX(); END; ELSIF ~isRelop(i.kind) THEN i.ExprError(171); ELSE i.lKid.type := Builtin.charTp; i.rKid.type := Builtin.charTp; END; rslt.type := Builtin.boolTp; RETURN rslt; END chrOp; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE strOp(i : BinaryX) : D.Expr; VAR fold : BOOLEAN; sRes : INTEGER; bRes : BOOLEAN; rslt : D.Expr; BEGIN (* Pre: lKid,rKid are a string-valued expressions *) IF i.kind = strCat THEN RETURN i END; (* ALREADY DONE *) fold := i.lKid.isStrLit() & i.rKid.isStrLit(); rslt := i; IF i.kind = plus THEN IF fold THEN rslt := mkLeafVal(strLt, L.concat(i.lKid(LeafX).value, i.rKid(LeafX).value)); ELSE i.SetKind(strCat); (* can't assign via rslt, it is readonly! *) END; rslt.type := Builtin.strTp; ELSIF isRelop(i.kind) THEN IF fold THEN sRes := L.strCmp(i.lKid(LeafX).value, i.rKid(LeafX).value); CASE i.kind OF | greT : bRes := sRes > 1; | greEq : bRes := sRes >= 0; | notEq : bRes := sRes # 0; | lessEq : bRes := sRes <= 0; | lessT : bRes := sRes < 0; | equal : bRes := sRes = 0; END; IF bRes THEN rslt := mkTrueX(); ELSE rslt := mkFalseX(); END; (* ELSE nothing to do *) END; rslt.type := Builtin.boolTp; ELSE i.ExprError(171); RETURN NIL; END; RETURN rslt; END strOp; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE setOp(i : BinaryX) : D.Expr; VAR newX : D.Expr; rsTp : D.Type; dRes : BOOLEAN; lSet,rSet,dSet : SET; BEGIN (* Pre: lKid is a set-valued expression *) rsTp := Builtin.setTp; dRes := FALSE; dSet := {}; IF ~i.rKid.isSetExpr() THEN i.rKid.ExprError(35); RETURN NIL END; IF (i.lKid.kind = setLt) & (i.rKid.kind = setLt) THEN lSet := i.lKid(LeafX).value.set(); rSet := i.rKid(LeafX).value.set(); CASE i.kind OF | plus, bitOr: dSet := lSet + rSet; | minus : dSet := lSet - rSet; | mult, bitAnd: dSet := lSet * rSet; | slash,bitXor: dSet := lSet / rSet; | greT : dRes := lSet > rSet; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | greEq : dRes := lSet >= rSet; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | notEq : dRes := lSet # rSet; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | lessEq : dRes := lSet <= rSet; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | lessT : dRes := lSet < rSet; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | equal : dRes := lSet = rSet; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; ELSE i.ExprError(171); END; IF rsTp # Builtin.boolTp THEN newX := mkSetLt(dSet); ELSIF dRes THEN newX := mkTrueX(); ELSE newX := mkFalseX(); END; ELSE CASE i.kind OF | plus : i.SetKind(bitOr); | mult : i.SetKind(bitAnd); | slash : i.SetKind(bitXor); | minus : i.SetKind(bitAnd); i.rKid := newUnaryX(compl, i.rKid); i.rKid.type := rsTp; | greT, greEq, notEq, lessEq, lessT, equal : rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; ELSE i.ExprError(171); END; newX := i; END; newX.type := rsTp; RETURN newX; END setOp; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE numOp(i : BinaryX) : D.Expr; VAR newX : D.Expr; rsTp : D.Type; dRes : BOOLEAN; rLit : LONGINT; lVal, rVal, dVal : L.Value; lFlt, rFlt, dFlt : REAL; BEGIN (* Pre: rKid is a numeric expression *) dRes := FALSE; dFlt := 0.0; dVal := NIL; IF ~i.lKid.isNumericExpr() THEN i.lKid.ExprError(38); RETURN NIL END; IF i.kind = slash THEN rsTp := Builtin.realTp; ELSE rsTp := coverType(i.lKid.type, i.rKid.type); IF rsTp = NIL THEN i.ExprError(38); RETURN NIL END; END; (* First we coerce to a common type, if that is necessary *) IF rsTp # i.lKid.type THEN i.lKid := coerceUp(i.lKid, rsTp) END; IF rsTp # i.rKid.type THEN i.rKid := coerceUp(i.rKid, rsTp) END; IF (i.lKid.kind = numLt) & (i.rKid.kind = numLt) THEN lVal := i.lKid(LeafX).value; rVal := i.rKid(LeafX).value; CASE i.kind OF | plus : dVal := L.addV(lVal, rVal); | minus : dVal := L.subV(lVal, rVal); | mult : dVal := L.mulV(lVal, rVal); | modOp : dVal := L.modV(lVal, rVal); | divOp : dVal := L.divV(lVal, rVal); | rem0op : dVal := L.rem0V(lVal, rVal); | div0op : dVal := L.div0V(lVal, rVal); | slash : dVal := L.slashV(lVal, rVal); rsTp := Builtin.realTp; | greT : dRes := lVal.long() > rVal.long(); rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | greEq : dRes := lVal.long() >= rVal.long(); rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | notEq : dRes := lVal.long() # rVal.long(); rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | lessEq : dRes := lVal.long() <= rVal.long(); rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | lessT : dRes := lVal.long() < rVal.long(); rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | equal : dRes := lVal.long() = rVal.long(); rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; ELSE i.ExprError(171); END; IF rsTp = Builtin.realTp THEN newX := mkRealLt(dFlt); ELSIF rsTp # Builtin.boolTp THEN (* ==> some int type *) newX := mkLeafVal(numLt, dVal); ELSIF dRes THEN newX := mkTrueX(); ELSE newX := mkFalseX(); END; ELSIF (i.lKid.kind = realLt) & (i.rKid.kind = realLt) THEN lFlt := i.lKid(LeafX).value.real(); rFlt := i.rKid(LeafX).value.real(); CASE i.kind OF | plus : dFlt := lFlt + rFlt; | minus : dFlt := lFlt - rFlt; | mult : dFlt := lFlt * rFlt; | slash : dFlt := lFlt / rFlt; | greT : dRes := lFlt > rFlt; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | greEq : dRes := lFlt >= rFlt; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | notEq : dRes := lFlt # rFlt; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | lessEq : dRes := lFlt <= rFlt; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | lessT : dRes := lFlt < rFlt; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; | equal : dRes := lFlt = rFlt; rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; ELSE i.ExprError(171); END; IF rsTp # Builtin.boolTp THEN newX := mkRealLt(dFlt); ELSIF dRes THEN newX := mkTrueX(); ELSE newX := mkFalseX(); END; (* * SHOULD FOLD IEEE INFINITIES HERE! *) ELSE CASE i.kind OF | plus, minus, mult, slash : (* skip *) | rem0op, div0op : IF rsTp.isRealType() THEN i.ExprError(45) END; | modOp, divOp : IF rsTp.isRealType() THEN i.ExprError(45); ELSIF (i.rKid.kind = numLt) THEN rLit := i.rKid(LeafX).value.long(); IF isPowerOf2(rLit) THEN IF i.kind = modOp THEN i.SetKind(bitAnd); i.rKid := mkNumLt(rLit - 1); ELSE i.SetKind(ashInt); i.rKid := mkNumLt(-log2(rLit)); (* neg ==> right shift *) END; END; END; | greT, greEq, notEq, lessEq, lessT, equal : rsTp := Builtin.boolTp; ELSE i.ExprError(171); END; newX := i; END; newX.type := rsTp; RETURN newX; END numOp; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE isTest(b : BinaryX) : D.Expr; VAR dstT : D.Type; BEGIN IF b.lKid.type = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; dstT := getQualType(b.rKid); IF dstT = NIL THEN b.rKid.ExprError(5); RETURN NIL END; IF ~b.lKid.hasDynamicType() THEN b.lKid.ExprError(17); RETURN NIL END; IF ~b.lKid.type.isBaseOf(dstT) THEN b.ExprError(34); RETURN NIL END; b.type := Builtin.boolTp; RETURN b; END isTest; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE inTest(b : BinaryX) : D.Expr; VAR sVal : SET; iVal : INTEGER; rslt : D.Expr; BEGIN IF ~b.lKid.isIntExpr() THEN b.lKid.ExprError(37); RETURN NIL END; IF ~b.rKid.isSetExpr() THEN b.rKid.ExprError(35); RETURN NIL END; rslt := b; IF (b.lKid.kind = strLt) & (b.rKid.kind = setLt) THEN iVal := b.lKid(LeafX).value.int(); sVal := b.rKid(LeafX).value.set(); IF iVal IN sVal THEN rslt := mkTrueX(); ELSE rslt := mkFalseX(); END; END; rslt.type := Builtin.boolTp; RETURN rslt; END inTest; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE EqualOkCheck(node : BinaryX); VAR lTp,rTp : D.Type; BEGIN lTp := node.lKid.type; rTp := node.rKid.type; IF (lTp = NIL) OR (rTp = NIL) THEN RETURN END; (* * The permitted cases here are: * comparisons of Booleans * comparisons of pointers (maybe sanity checked?) * comparisons of procedures (maybe sanity checked?) *) IF (node.lKid.isBooleanExpr() & node.rKid.isBooleanExpr()) OR (node.lKid.isPointerExpr() & node.rKid.isPointerExpr()) OR (node.lKid.isProcExpr() & node.rKid.isProcExpr()) THEN node.type := Builtin.boolTp; ELSE D.RepTypesErrTok(57, node.lKid.type, node.rKid.type, node.token); END; END EqualOkCheck; (* --------------------------- *) PROCEDURE boolBinOp(i : BinaryX) : D.Expr; VAR rslt : D.Expr; BEGIN IF i.lKid.type # Builtin.boolTp THEN i.lKid.ExprError(36) END; IF i.rKid.type # Builtin.boolTp THEN i.rKid.ExprError(36) END; IF i.lKid.kind = tBool THEN IF i.kind = blOr THEN rslt := i.lKid; (* return the TRUE *) ELSE rslt := i.rKid; (* return the rhs-expr *) END; ELSIF i.lKid.kind = fBool THEN IF i.kind = blOr THEN rslt := i.rKid; (* return the rhs-expr *) ELSE rslt := i.lKid; (* return the FALSE *) END; ELSE rslt := i; rslt.type := Builtin.boolTp; END; RETURN rslt; END boolBinOp; (* --------------------------- *) BEGIN (* BinaryX exprAttr body *) rslt := NIL; kind := i.kind; (* * The following cases are fully attributed already * perhaps as a result of a call of checkCall() *) IF (kind = index) OR (kind = ashInt) OR (kind = lshInt) OR (kind = rotInt) OR (kind = lenOf) OR (kind = minOf) OR (kind = maxOf) THEN RETURN i END; (* * First, attribute the subtrees. *) IF (i.lKid = NIL) OR (i.rKid = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; i.lKid := i.lKid.exprAttr(); (* process subtree *) i.rKid := i.rKid.exprAttr(); (* process subtree *) IF (i.lKid = NIL) OR (i.rKid = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; (* * Deal with unique cases first... IN and IS, then OR and & *) IF kind = range THEN rslt := i; ELSIF kind = inOp THEN rslt := inTest(i); ELSIF kind = isOp THEN rslt := isTest(i); ELSIF (kind = blOr) OR (kind = blAnd) THEN rslt := boolBinOp(i); (* * Deal with set-valued expressions, including constant folding. *) ELSIF i.lKid.isSetExpr() THEN rslt := setOp(i); (* * Deal with numerical expressions, including constant folding. * Note that we test the right subtree, to avoid (num IN set) case. *) ELSIF i.rKid.isNumericExpr() THEN rslt := numOp(i); (* * Deal with string expressions, including constant folding. * Note that this must be done before dealing characters so * as to correctly deal with literal strings of length one. *) ELSIF (i.lKid.isString() OR i.lKid.isCharArray()) & (i.rKid.isString() OR i.rKid.isCharArray()) THEN rslt := strOp(i); (* * Deal with character expressions, including constant folding. *) ELSIF i.lKid.isCharExpr() & i.rKid.isCharExpr() THEN rslt := chrOp(i); (* * Now all the irregular cases. *) ELSIF (kind = equal) OR (kind = notEq) THEN EqualOkCheck(i); i.type := Builtin.boolTp; rslt := i; ELSE i.ExprError(171); END; RETURN rslt; END exprAttr; (* ============================================================ *) (* Flow attribution for actual parameter lists *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (cXp : CallX)liveActuals(scp : D.Scope; set : V.VarSet) : V.VarSet,NEW; VAR idx : INTEGER; act : D.Expr; xKd : D.Expr; frm : I.ParId; pTp : T.Procedure; new : V.VarSet; BEGIN new := set.newCopy(); xKd := cXp.kid; pTp := xKd.type(T.Procedure); FOR idx := 0 TO cXp.actuals.tide-1 DO act := cXp.actuals.a[idx]; frm := pTp.formals.a[idx]; IF frm.parMod # D.out THEN (* * We accumulate the effect of each evaluation, using * "set" as input in each case. This is conservative, * assuming parallel (but strict) evaluation. *) new := act.checkLive(scp, set).cup(new); ELSE new := act.assignLive(scp, new); END; END; (* * If locals are uplevel addressed we presume that they * might be initialized by any call of a nested procedure. *) IF scp IS I.Procs THEN WITH xKd : IdentX DO IF xKd.ident.dfScp = scp THEN scp.UplevelInitialize(new) END; | xKd : IdLeaf DO IF xKd.ident.dfScp = scp THEN scp.UplevelInitialize(new) END; | xKd : UnaryX DO ASSERT(xKd.kind = tCheck); END (* skip *) END; (* #### kjg, Sep-2001 *) RETURN new; END liveActuals; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : CallX)liveStdProc(scp : D.Scope; set : V.VarSet) : V.VarSet,NEW; (** Compute the live-out set as a result of the call of this *) (* standard procedure. Standard functions are all inline. *) VAR funI : I.PrcId; funN : INTEGER; arg0 : D.Expr; tmpS : V.VarSet; indx : INTEGER; BEGIN funI := x.kid(IdLeaf).ident(I.PrcId); funN := funI.stdOrd; arg0 := x.actuals.a[0]; (* * Now we check the per-case semantics. *) IF funN = Builtin.newP THEN (* * It is tempting, but incorrect to omit the newCopy() * and chain the values from arg to arg. However we do * not guarantee the order of evaluation (for native code). * Likewise, it is not quite correct to skip the "cup" with * tmpS := arg0.assignLive(scp, tmpS); * since one of the LEN evals might have a side-effect on * the base qualId of the first parameter. *) IF x.actuals.tide > 1 THEN tmpS := set.newCopy(); FOR indx := 1 TO x.actuals.tide-1 DO tmpS := tmpS.cup(x.actuals.a[indx].checkLive(scp, set)); END; tmpS := tmpS.cup(arg0.assignLive(scp, set)); ELSE tmpS := arg0.assignLive(scp, set); END; ELSIF funN = Builtin.asrtP THEN tmpS := arg0.checkLive(scp, set); (* arg1 is a literal! *) ELSIF (funN = Builtin.haltP) OR (funN = Builtin.throwP) THEN tmpS := arg0.checkLive(scp, set); (* and discard *) tmpS := V.newUniv(set.cardinality()); ELSIF funN = Builtin.getP THEN tmpS := arg0.checkLive(scp, set); tmpS := tmpS.cup(x.actuals.a[1].assignLive(scp, set)); ELSIF funN = Builtin.putP THEN tmpS := arg0.checkLive(scp, set); tmpS := tmpS.cup(x.actuals.a[1].checkLive(scp, set)); ELSE (* Builtin.incP, decP, inclP, exclP, cutP, apndP *) tmpS := arg0.assignLive(scp, set); IF x.actuals.tide = 2 THEN tmpS := tmpS.cup(x.actuals.a[1].checkLive(scp, set)); END; END; RETURN tmpS; END liveStdProc; (* ============================================================ *) (* Flow attribution for leaves: nothing to do for LeafX *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)checkLive*(scp : D.Scope; lIn : V.VarSet) : V.VarSet; (* If the variable is local, check that is is live *) (* Assert: expression has been fully attributed. *) BEGIN IF (x.ident.kind # I.conId) & (x.ident.dfScp = scp) & ~x.ident.isIn(lIn) THEN IF x.isPointerExpr() THEN x.ExprError(316); ELSE x.ExprError(135); END; END; RETURN lIn; END checkLive; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : SetExp)checkLive*(scp : D.Scope; lIn : V.VarSet) : V.VarSet; (* Assert: expression has been fully attributed. *) BEGIN (* Really: recurse over set elements *) RETURN lIn; END checkLive; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : LeafX)BoolLive*(scp : D.Scope; set : V.VarSet; OUT tru,fal : V.VarSet); BEGIN IF x.kind = tBool THEN tru := set; fal := V.newUniv(set.cardinality()); ELSIF x.kind = fBool THEN tru := V.newUniv(set.cardinality()); fal := set; ELSE tru := x.checkLive(scp, set); fal := tru; END; END BoolLive; (* ============================================================ *) (* Flow attribution for unaries: nothing to do for IdentX *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (x : UnaryX)BoolLive*(scp : D.Scope; set : V.VarSet; OUT tru,fal : V.VarSet); BEGIN IF x.kind = blNot THEN x.kid.BoolLive(scp, set, fal, tru); ELSE tru := x.checkLive(scp, set); fal := tru; END; END BoolLive; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : UnaryX)checkLive*(scp : D.Scope; lIn : V.VarSet) : V.VarSet,EXTENSIBLE; (* Assert: expression has been fully attributed. *) BEGIN RETURN x.kid.checkLive(scp, lIn); END checkLive; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : CallX)checkLive*(scp : D.Scope; lIn : V.VarSet) : V.VarSet; (* Assert: expression has been fully attributed. *) VAR tmpS : V.VarSet; BEGIN tmpS := x.kid.checkLive(scp, lIn); IF (x.kind = prCall) & x.kid.isStdProc() THEN RETURN x.liveStdProc(scp, tmpS); ELSE RETURN x.liveActuals(scp, tmpS); END; END checkLive; (* ============================================================ *) (* Flow attribution for binary expressions *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (x : BinaryX)BoolLive*(scp : D.Scope; set : V.VarSet; OUT tru,fal : V.VarSet); (** If this is a short-circuit operator evaluate the two *) (* subtrees and combine. Otherwise return unconditional set. *) VAR lhT, lhF, rhT, rhF : V.VarSet; BEGIN IF x.kind = blOr THEN x.lKid.BoolLive(scp, set, lhT, lhF); x.rKid.BoolLive(scp, lhF, rhT, fal); tru := lhT.cap(rhT); ELSIF x.kind = blAnd THEN x.lKid.BoolLive(scp, set, lhT, lhF); x.rKid.BoolLive(scp, lhT, tru, rhF); fal := lhF.cap(rhF); ELSE tru := x.checkLive(scp, set); fal := tru; END; END BoolLive; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : BinaryX)checkLive*(scp : D.Scope; lIn : V.VarSet) : V.VarSet; (* Assert: expression has been fully attributed. *) (** Compute the live-out set resulting from the evaluation of *) (* this expression, and check that any used occurrences of *) (* local variables are in the live set. Beware of the case *) (* where this is a Boolean expression with side effects! *) VAR fSet, tSet : V.VarSet; BEGIN IF (x.kind = blOr) OR (x.kind = blAnd) THEN x.lKid.BoolLive(scp, lIn, tSet, fSet); IF x.kind = blOr THEN (* * If this evaluation short circuits, then the result * is tSet. If the second factor is evaluated, the result * is obtained by passing fSet as input to the second * term evaluation. Thus the guaranteed output is the * intersection of tSet and x.rKid.checkLive(fSet). *) RETURN tSet.cap(x.rKid.checkLive(scp, fSet)); ELSE (* x.kind = blAnd *) (* * If this evaluation short circuits, then the result * is fSet. If the second factor is evaluated, the result * is obtained by passing tSet as input to the second * factor evaluation. Thus the guaranteed output is the * intersection of fSet and x.rKid.checkLive(tSet). *) RETURN fSet.cap(x.rKid.checkLive(scp, tSet)); END; ELSE (* TO DO : check that this is OK for all the inlined standard functions *) RETURN x.lKid.checkLive(scp, lIn).cup(x.rKid.checkLive(scp, lIn)); END; END checkLive; (* ============================================================ *) (* Assign flow attribution for qualified id expressions *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (p : IdLeaf)assignLive*(scpe : D.Scope; lvIn : V.VarSet) : V.VarSet; VAR tmpS : V.VarSet; BEGIN (* Invariant: input set lvIn is unchanged *) IF p.ident.dfScp = scpe THEN tmpS := lvIn.newCopy(); tmpS.Incl(p.ident(I.AbVar).varOrd); RETURN tmpS; ELSE RETURN lvIn; END; END assignLive; (* ============================================================ *) (* Predicates on Expr extensions *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)hasDynamicType*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (x.ident # NIL) & x.ident.isDynamic(); END hasDynamicType; (* -------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)isWriteable*() : BOOLEAN; (* A qualident is writeable if the IdLeaf is writeable *) BEGIN RETURN x.ident.mutable(); END isWriteable; PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)CheckWriteable*(); (* A qualident is writeable if the IdLeaf is writeable *) BEGIN x.ident.CheckMutable(x); END CheckWriteable; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : UnaryX)isWriteable*() : BOOLEAN,EXTENSIBLE; (* A referenced object is always writeable. *) (* tCheck nodes are always NOT writeable. *) BEGIN RETURN x.kind = deref END isWriteable; PROCEDURE (x : UnaryX)CheckWriteable*(),EXTENSIBLE; (* A referenced object is always writeable. *) (* tCheck nodes are always NOT writeable. *) BEGIN IF x.kind # deref THEN x.ExprError(103) END; END CheckWriteable; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdentX)isWriteable*() : BOOLEAN; (* This case depends on the mutability of the record field, * * other cases of IdentX are not writeable at all. *) BEGIN RETURN (x.kind = selct) & x.ident.mutable() & x.kid.isWriteable(); END isWriteable; PROCEDURE (x : IdentX)CheckWriteable*(); (* This case depends on the mutability of the record field, * * other cases of IdentX are not writeable at all. *) BEGIN IF x.kind = selct THEN x.ident.CheckMutable(x); x.kid.CheckWriteable(); ELSE x.ExprError(103); END; END CheckWriteable; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : BinaryX)isWriteable*() : BOOLEAN; (* The only possibly writeable case here is for array * * elements. These are writeable if the underlying array is *) BEGIN RETURN (x.kind = index) & x.lKid.isWriteable(); END isWriteable; PROCEDURE (x : BinaryX)CheckWriteable*(); (* The only possibly writeable case here is for array * * elements. These are writeable if the underlying array is *) BEGIN IF x.kind # index THEN x.ExprError(103); ELSE x.lKid.CheckWriteable(); END; END CheckWriteable; (* -------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)isVarDesig*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN x.ident IS I.AbVar; (* varId or parId *) END isVarDesig; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : UnaryX)isVarDesig*() : BOOLEAN,EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN x.kind = deref END isVarDesig; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdentX)isVarDesig*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN x.kind = selct; END isVarDesig; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : BinaryX)isVarDesig*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN x.kind = index; END isVarDesig; (* -------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)isProcLit*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* * True if this is a concrete procedure *) RETURN (x.ident.kind = I.conPrc) OR (x.ident.kind = I.fwdPrc); END isProcLit; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdentX)isProcLit*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* * True if this is a concrete procedure *) RETURN (x.ident.kind = I.conMth) OR (x.ident.kind = I.fwdMth); END isProcLit; (* -------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)isProcVar*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* * True if this has procedure type, but is not a concrete procedure *) RETURN x.type.isProcType() & (x.ident.kind # I.conPrc) & (x.ident.kind # I.fwdPrc) & (x.ident.kind # I.ctorP); END isProcVar; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdentX)isProcVar*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* * True if this is a selct, and field has procedure type *) RETURN (x.kind = selct) & (x.ident IS I.FldId) & x.type.isProcType(); END isProcVar; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : UnaryX)isProcVar*() : BOOLEAN,EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN (* * This depends on the fact that x.kid will be * of System.Delegate type, and is being cast * to some subtype of Procedure or Event type. *) RETURN (x.kind = tCheck) & x.type.isProcType(); END isProcVar; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : BinaryX)isProcVar*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN (* * True if this is an index, and element has procedure type *) RETURN (x.kind = index) & x.type.isProcType(); END isProcVar; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : LeafX)isNil*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN x.kind = nilLt END isNil; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : LeafX)isInf*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (x.kind = infLt) OR (x.kind = nInfLt) END isInf; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : LeafX)isNumLit*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN x.kind = numLt END isNumLit; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : LeafX)isCharLit*() : BOOLEAN; (** A literal character, or a literal string of length = 1. *) BEGIN RETURN (x.kind = charLt) OR ((x.kind = strLt) & (x.value.len() = 1)); END isCharLit; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : LeafX)isStrLit*() : BOOLEAN; (* If this is a LeafX of string type, it must b a lit-string. *) BEGIN RETURN x.kind = strLt END isStrLit; (* ==================================================================== *) (* Possible structures of procedure call expressions are: *) (* ==================================================================== *) (* o o *) (* / / *) (* [CallX] [CallX] *) (* / +--- actuals --> ... / +--- actuals --> ... *) (* / / *) (* [IdentX] [IdLeaf] *) (* / +--- ident ---> [PrcId] +--- ident ---> [PrcId] *) (* / *) (* kid expr *) (* *) (* ==================================================================== *) (* only the right hand side case can be a standard proc or function *) (* ==================================================================== *) PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)isStdFunc*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (x.ident # NIL) & (x.ident.kind = I.conPrc) & (x.ident(I.PrcId).stdOrd # 0); END isStdFunc; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : IdLeaf)isStdProc*() : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (x.ident # NIL) & (x.ident.kind = I.conPrc) & (x.ident(I.PrcId).stdOrd # 0); END isStdProc; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (p : CallX)NoteCall*(s : D.Scope); BEGIN p.kid.NoteCall(s); END NoteCall; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (p : IdLeaf)NoteCall*(s : D.Scope); VAR proc : I.PrcId; BEGIN IF (p.ident # NIL) & ((p.ident.kind = I.fwdPrc) OR (p.ident.kind = I.conPrc)) THEN proc := p.ident(I.PrcId); IF proc.stdOrd = 0 THEN INCL(proc.pAttr, I.called) END; END; END NoteCall; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (p : IdentX)NoteCall*(s : D.Scope); VAR proc : I.MthId; BEGIN IF (p.ident # NIL) & ((p.ident.kind = I.fwdMth) OR (p.ident.kind = I.conMth)) THEN proc := p.ident(I.MthId); INCL(proc.pAttr, I.called); END; END NoteCall; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (x : LeafX)inRangeOf*(dst : D.Type) : BOOLEAN; VAR lVal : LONGINT; cVal : CHAR; sLen : INTEGER; aLen : INTEGER; BEGIN IF x.kind = numLt THEN lVal := x.value.long(); IF dst.kind = T.vecTp THEN RETURN TRUE; ELSIF dst.kind = T.arrTp THEN sLen := dst(T.Array).length; RETURN (lVal >= 0) & (* check open array later *) ((sLen = 0) OR (lVal < sLen)) (* otherwise check now *) ELSIF dst = Builtin.setTp THEN RETURN (lVal >= 0) & (lVal <= 31); ELSIF ~dst.isNumType() THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE CASE dst(T.Base).tpOrd OF | T.uBytN : RETURN (lVal >= ORD(MIN(SHORTCHAR))) & (lVal <= ORD(MAX(SHORTCHAR))); | T.byteN : RETURN (lVal >= MIN(BYTE)) & (lVal <= MAX(BYTE)); | T.sIntN : RETURN (lVal >= MIN(SHORTINT)) & (lVal <= MAX(SHORTINT)); | T.intN : RETURN (lVal >= MIN(INTEGER)) & (lVal <= MAX(INTEGER)); | T.lIntN : RETURN TRUE; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END END; (* * Changed for to allow S1 to be compat with ARRAY OF CHAR (kjg) * * ELSIF x.isCharLit() THEN * IF ~dst.isCharType() THEN *) ELSIF dst.isCharType() THEN IF ~x.isCharLit() THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE cVal := x.charValue(); IF dst(T.Base).tpOrd = T.sChrN THEN RETURN (cVal >= MIN(SHORTCHAR)) & (cVal <= MAX(SHORTCHAR)); ELSE RETURN TRUE; END; END; (* * ELSIF x.kind = strLt THEN * IF ~dst.isCharArrayType() THEN *) ELSIF dst.isCharArrayType() THEN IF x.kind # strLt THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE aLen := dst(T.Array).length; sLen := x.value.len(); RETURN (aLen = 0) OR (* lhs is open array, runtime test *) (aLen > sLen); (* string fits in fixed array OK *) END; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END inRangeOf; (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (x : LeafX)charValue*() : CHAR,NEW; (** A literal character, or a literal string of length = 1. *) VAR chr : CHAR; BEGIN IF x.kind = charLt THEN chr := x.value.char(); ELSE (* x.kind = strLt *) chr := x.value.chr0(); END; RETURN chr; END charValue; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE convert(expr : D.Expr; dstT : D.Type) : D.Expr; (* Make permitted base-type coercions explicit in the AST *) VAR rslt : D.Expr; expT : D.Type; valu : INTEGER; BEGIN expT := expr.type; IF (expT = dstT) OR (dstT.kind # T.basTp) OR (dstT = Builtin.anyPtr) THEN RETURN expr; ELSIF (dstT = Builtin.charTp) & (expT = Builtin.strTp) THEN expr.type := dstT; RETURN expr; ELSIF (dstT = Builtin.sChrTp) & (expT = Builtin.strTp) THEN valu := ORD(expr(LeafX).value.chr0()); IF (valu < 255) THEN expr.type := dstT; RETURN expr; ELSE expr.type := Builtin.charTp; END; END; IF dstT.includes(expr.type) THEN rslt := newIdentX(cvrtUp, dstT.idnt, expr); ELSE rslt := newIdentX(cvrtDn, dstT.idnt, expr); END; rslt.type := dstT; RETURN rslt; END convert; (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE FormalsVsActuals*(prcX : D.Expr; actSeq : D.ExprSeq); VAR prcT : T.Procedure; index : INTEGER; bound : INTEGER; frmMod : INTEGER; actual : D.Expr; formal : I.ParId; frmTyp : D.Type; actTyp : D.Type; frmSeq : I.ParSeq; fIsPtr : BOOLEAN; (* ---------------------------- *) PROCEDURE CheckCompatible(frm : D.Idnt; act : D.Expr); BEGIN IF frm.paramCompat(act) OR frm.type.arrayCompat(act.type) THEN (* is OK, skip *) ELSE D.RepTypesErrTok(21, act.type, frm.type, act.token); IF (act.type IS T.Opaque) & (act.type.idnt # NIL) & (act.type.idnt.dfScp # NIL) THEN S.SemError.RepSt1(175, D.getName.ChPtr(act.type.idnt.dfScp), act.token.lin, act.token.col); END; END; END CheckCompatible; (* ---------------------------- *) PROCEDURE CheckVarModes(mod : INTEGER; exp : D.Expr); (* ---------------------------- *) PROCEDURE hasReferenceType(t : D.Type) : BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (t.kind = T.ptrTp) OR (t.kind = T.recTp) OR (t.kind = T.arrTp) OR (t.kind = T.namTp) OR (t = Builtin.strTp) OR (t = Builtin.anyPtr); END hasReferenceType; (* ---------------------------- *) PROCEDURE MarkAddrsd(id : D.Idnt); BEGIN WITH id : I.LocId DO INCL(id.locAtt, I.addrsd); ELSE END; END MarkAddrsd; (* ---------------------------- *) BEGIN (* Assert: mod is IN, OUT, or VAR *) IF mod = D.in THEN (* IN mode only *) (* * Not strictly correct according to the report, but an * * innocuous extension -- allow literal strings here. * * * IF (exp.type # Builtin.strTp) & ~exp.isVarDesig() THEN *) IF ~exp.isVarDesig() & (exp.type # NIL) & ~hasReferenceType(exp.type) THEN exp.ExprError(174); END; ELSE exp.CheckWriteable(); (* OUT and VAR modes *) WITH exp : IdLeaf DO MarkAddrsd(exp.ident) ELSE END; END; END CheckVarModes; (* ---------------------------- *) BEGIN prcT := prcX.type(T.Procedure); frmSeq := prcT.formals; bound := MIN(actSeq.tide, frmSeq.tide) - 1; FOR index := 0 TO bound DO formal := frmSeq.a[index]; actual := actSeq.a[index]; (* compute attributes for the actual param expression *) IF actual # NIL THEN actual := actual.exprAttr() END; (* Now check the semantic rules for conformance *) IF (actual # NIL) & (formal # NIL) & (actual.type # NIL) & (formal.type # NIL) THEN frmTyp := formal.type; actTyp := actual.type; IF frmTyp IS T.Procedure THEN formal.IdError(301); IF G.targetIsJVM() THEN formal.IdError(320); ELSIF (frmTyp # actTyp) & ~actual.isProcLit() THEN formal.IdError(191) END; END; IF frmTyp IS T.Opaque THEN formal.type := frmTyp.resolve(1); frmTyp := formal.type; END; frmMod := formal.parMode(); fIsPtr := frmTyp.isPointerType(); IF (actTyp.kind = T.ptrTp) & ~fIsPtr THEN actual := mkDeref(actual) END; CheckCompatible(formal, actual); IF frmMod # D.val THEN (* IN, OUT or VAR modes *) CheckVarModes(frmMod, actual); IF (frmMod = D.out) & (actTyp # frmTyp) & actTyp.isDynamicType() THEN D.RepTypesErrTok(306, actTyp, frmTyp, actual.token); END; ELSIF actTyp # frmTyp THEN actual := convert(actual, frmTyp); IF ~frmTyp.valCopyOK() THEN formal.IdError(153) END; END; actSeq.a[index] := actual; END; END; IF frmSeq.tide > actSeq.tide THEN IF actSeq.tide = 0 THEN prcX.ExprError(149); ELSE actSeq.a[actSeq.tide-1].ExprError(22); END; ELSIF actSeq.tide > frmSeq.tide THEN actual := actSeq.a[frmSeq.tide]; IF actual # NIL THEN actSeq.a[frmSeq.tide].ExprError(23); ELSE prcX.ExprError(23); END; END; END FormalsVsActuals; (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE AttributePars*(actSeq : D.ExprSeq); VAR actual : D.Expr; index : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR index := 0 TO actSeq.tide-1 DO actual := actSeq.a[index]; IF actual # NIL THEN actSeq.a[index] := actual.exprAttr(); END; END; END AttributePars; (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE MatchPars*(frmSeq : I.ParSeq; actSeq : D.ExprSeq) : BOOLEAN; VAR index : INTEGER; actual : D.Expr; formal : I.ParId; frmTyp : D.Type; actTyp : D.Type; fIsPtr : BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (frmSeq.tide # actSeq.tide) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; FOR index := 0 TO frmSeq.tide-1 DO formal := frmSeq.a[index]; actual := actSeq.a[index]; (* Now check the semantic rules for conformance *) IF (actual # NIL) & (formal # NIL) & (actual.type # NIL) & (formal.type # NIL) THEN IF ~(formal.paramCompat(actual) OR formal.type.arrayCompat(actual.type)) THEN RETURN FALSE; END; ELSE RETURN FALSE; END; END; RETURN TRUE; END MatchPars; (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE (p : BinaryX)enterGuard*(tmp : D.Idnt) : D.Idnt; VAR oldI : D.Idnt; junk : BOOLEAN; lHash : INTEGER; lQual : IdLeaf; rQual : IdLeaf; BEGIN IF (p.lKid = NIL) OR ~(p.lKid IS IdLeaf) OR (p.rKid = NIL) OR ~(p.rKid IS IdLeaf) THEN RETURN NIL END; lQual := p.lKid(IdLeaf); rQual := p.rKid(IdLeaf); IF (lQual.ident = NIL) OR (rQual.ident = NIL) THEN RETURN NIL END; (* * We first determine if this is a local variable. * If it is, we must overwrite this in the local scope * with the temporary of the guard type. * If any case, we return the previous local. *) lHash := lQual.ident.hash; tmp.hash := lHash; tmp.type := rQual.ident.type; (* * It is an essential requirement of the host execution systems * that the runtime type of the guarded variable may not be changed * within the guarded region. In the case of pointer to record * types this is guaranteed by making the "tmp" copy immutable. * Note that making the pointer variable read-only does not prevent * the guarded region from mutating fields of the record. * * In case the the guarded variable is an extensible record type. * no action is required. Any attempt to perform an entire * assignment to the guarded variable will be a type-error. * Every assignment to the entire variable will be either - * Error 83 (Expression not assignment compatible with destination), OR * Error 143 (Cannot assign entire extensible or abstract record). *) IF ~tmp.type.isRecordType() THEN tmp.SetKind(I.conId) END; (* mark immutable *) oldI := tmp.dfScp.symTb.lookup(lHash); IF oldI = NIL THEN (* not local *) junk := tmp.dfScp.symTb.enter(lHash, tmp); ASSERT(junk); ELSE tmp.dfScp.symTb.Overwrite(lHash, tmp); END; RETURN oldI; END enterGuard; PROCEDURE (p : BinaryX)ExitGuard*(sav : D.Idnt; tmp : D.Idnt); BEGIN IF tmp.type = NIL THEN RETURN END; IF sav = NIL THEN (* remove tmp from tmp.dfScp.symTb *) tmp.dfScp.symTb.RemoveLeaf(tmp.hash); ELSE (* overwrite with previous value *) tmp.dfScp.symTb.Overwrite(tmp.hash, sav); END; END ExitGuard; (* ============================================================ *) (* Diagnostic methods *) (* ============================================================ *) PROCEDURE Diag(i : INTEGER; e : D.Expr); BEGIN IF e = NIL THEN H.Indent(i); Console.WriteString(""); Console.WriteLn; ELSE e.Diagnose(i); END; END Diag; (* ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE PType(t : D.Type); BEGIN IF t # NIL THEN Console.WriteString(t.name()); ELSE Console.WriteString(""); END; END PType; (* -------------------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (s : LeafX)Diagnose*(i : INTEGER),EXTENSIBLE; VAR name : FileNames.NameString; BEGIN H.Indent(i); CASE s.kind OF | realLt : Console.WriteString("realLt "); RTS.RealToStr(s.value.real(), name); Console.WriteString(name$); | numLt : Console.WriteString("numLt "); Console.WriteInt(s.value.int(), 0); | charLt : Console.WriteString("charLt '"); Console.Write(s.value.char()); Console.Write("'"); | strLt : Console.WriteString("strLt "); s.value.GetStr(name); Console.Write('"'); Console.WriteString(name$); Console.WriteString('" LEN='); Console.WriteInt(s.value.len(),1); | infLt : Console.WriteString("INF "); PType(s.type); | nInfLt : Console.WriteString("NEG-INF "); PType(s.type); | nilLt : Console.WriteString("NIL "); PType(s.type); | tBool : Console.WriteString("TRUE BOOLEAN"); | fBool : Console.WriteString("FALSE BOOLEAN"); ELSE Console.WriteString("?leaf? "); END; Console.WriteLn; END Diagnose; (* ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (s : IdLeaf)Diagnose*(i : INTEGER); VAR name : FileNames.NameString; BEGIN H.Indent(i); D.getName.Of(s.ident, name); Console.WriteString(name); Console.Write(':'); Console.Write(' '); PType(s.type); Console.WriteLn; END Diagnose; (* ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (s : SetExp)Diagnose*(i : INTEGER); VAR j : INTEGER; v : SET; ch : CHAR; BEGIN ch := 0X; H.Indent(i); Console.WriteString("setLt {"); IF s.value # NIL THEN v := s.value.set(); FOR j := 0 TO 31 DO IF j IN v THEN ch := '1' ELSE ch := '.' END; Console.Write(ch); END; END; Console.Write("}"); IF s.kind = setLt THEN Console.WriteLn; ELSE Console.WriteString(" + "); Console.WriteLn; FOR j := 0 TO s.varSeq.tide - 1 DO Diag(i+4, s.varSeq.a[j]); END; END; END Diagnose; (* ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (s : UnaryX)Diagnose*(i : INTEGER),EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN H.Indent(i); CASE s.kind OF | deref : Console.WriteString("'^' "); | compl : Console.WriteString("compl "); | sprMrk : Console.WriteString("super "); | neg : Console.WriteString("neg "); | absVl : Console.WriteString("ABS "); | entVl : Console.WriteString("ENTIER "); | capCh : Console.WriteString("CAP "); | strLen : Console.WriteString("strLen "); | strChk : Console.WriteString("strChk "); | mkStr : Console.WriteString("$ "); | tCheck : Console.WriteString("tCheck "); IF s.type # NIL THEN Console.WriteString(s.type.name()) END; END; PType(s.type); Console.WriteLn; Diag(i+4, s.kid); END Diagnose; (* ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (s : IdentX)Diagnose*(i : INTEGER); VAR name : FileNames.NameString; BEGIN H.Indent(i); D.getName.Of(s.ident, name); IF s.kind = sprMrk THEN Console.WriteString("sprMrk " + name); ELSIF s.kind = cvrtUp THEN Console.WriteString("cvrtUp: " + name); ELSIF s.kind = cvrtDn THEN Console.WriteString("cvrtDn: " + name); ELSE Console.WriteString("selct: " + name); END; Console.Write(' '); PType(s.type); Console.WriteLn; Diag(i+4, s.kid); END Diagnose; (* ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (s : CallX)Diagnose*(i : INTEGER); BEGIN H.Indent(i); IF s.kind = fnCall THEN Console.WriteString("CallX(fn) "); PType(s.type); ELSE Console.WriteString("CallX(pr)"); END; Console.WriteLn; Diag(i+4, s.kid); END Diagnose; (* ------------------------------- *) PROCEDURE (s : BinaryX)Diagnose*(i : INTEGER); BEGIN H.Indent(i); CASE s.kind OF | index : Console.WriteString("index "); | range : Console.WriteString("range "); | lenOf : Console.WriteString("lenOf "); | maxOf : Console.WriteString("maxOf "); | minOf : Console.WriteString("minOf "); | bitAnd : Console.WriteString("bitAND "); | bitOr : Console.WriteString("bitOR "); | bitXor : Console.WriteString("bitXOR "); | plus : Console.WriteString("'+' "); | minus : Console.WriteString("'-' "); | greT : Console.WriteString("'>' "); | greEq : Console.WriteString("'>=' "); | notEq : Console.WriteString("'#' "); | lessEq : Console.WriteString("'<=' "); | lessT : Console.WriteString("'<' "); | equal : Console.WriteString("'=' "); | isOp : Console.WriteString("IS "); | inOp : Console.WriteString("IN "); | mult : Console.WriteString("'*' "); | slash : Console.WriteString("'/' "); | modOp : Console.WriteString("MOD "); | divOp : Console.WriteString("DIV "); | rem0op : Console.WriteString("REM0 "); | div0op : Console.WriteString("DIV0 "); | blNot : Console.WriteString("'~' "); | blOr : Console.WriteString("OR "); | blAnd : Console.WriteString("'&' "); | strCat : Console.WriteString("strCat "); | ashInt : Console.WriteString("ASH "); | lshInt : Console.WriteString("LSH "); | rotInt : Console.WriteString("ROT "); END; PType(s.type); Console.WriteLn; Diag(i+4, s.lKid); Diag(i+4, s.rKid); END Diagnose; (* ============================================================ *) BEGIN (* ====================================================== *) END ExprDesc. (* ============================================== *) (* ============================================================ *)