#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "oberon-internals.h" #include "oberon-type-compat.h" #include "oberon-common.h" #include "generator.h" // ======================================================================= // UTILS // ======================================================================= static void oberon_make_copy_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args); static oberon_type_t * oberon_new_type_ptr(int class) { oberon_type_t * x = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *x); memset(x, 0, sizeof *x); x -> class = class; return x; } static oberon_type_t * oberon_new_type_integer(int size) { oberon_type_t * x; x = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER); x -> size = size; return x; } static oberon_type_t * oberon_new_type_boolean() { oberon_type_t * x; x = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN); return x; } static oberon_type_t * oberon_new_type_real(int size) { oberon_type_t * x; x = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_REAL); x -> size = size; return x; } static oberon_type_t * oberon_new_type_char(int size) { oberon_type_t * x; x = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_CHAR); x -> size = size; return x; } static oberon_type_t * oberon_new_type_string(int size) { oberon_type_t * x; x = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_STRING); x -> size = size; return x; } static oberon_type_t * oberon_new_type_set(int size) { oberon_type_t * x; x = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_SET); x -> size = size; return x; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_new_operator(int op, oberon_type_t * result, oberon_expr_t * left, oberon_expr_t * right) { oberon_oper_t * operator; operator = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *operator); memset(operator, 0, sizeof *operator); operator -> is_item = 0; operator -> result = result; operator -> read_only = 1; operator -> op = op; operator -> left = left; operator -> right = right; return (oberon_expr_t *) operator; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_new_item(int mode, oberon_type_t * result, int read_only) { oberon_item_t * item; item = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *item); memset(item, 0, sizeof *item); item -> is_item = 1; item -> result = result; item -> read_only = read_only; item -> mode = mode; return (oberon_expr_t *)item; } static oberon_type_t * oberon_get_type_of_int_value(oberon_context_t * ctx, int64_t i) { if(i >= -128 && i <= 127) { return ctx -> byte_type; } else if(i >= -32768 && i <= 32767) { return ctx -> shortint_type; } else if(i >= -2147483648 && i <= 2147483647) { return ctx -> int_type; } else { return ctx -> longint_type; } } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_integer(oberon_context_t * ctx, int64_t i) { oberon_expr_t * expr; oberon_type_t * result; result = oberon_get_type_of_int_value(ctx, i); expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_INTEGER, result, true); expr -> item.integer = i; expr -> item.real = i; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_system_byte(oberon_context_t * ctx, int64_t i) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_SYSBYTE, ctx -> system_byte_type, true); expr -> item.integer = i; expr -> item.real = i; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_char(oberon_context_t * ctx, int64_t i) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_CHAR, ctx -> char_type, true); expr -> item.integer = i; expr -> item.real = i; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_string(oberon_context_t * ctx, char * str) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_STRING, ctx -> string_type, true); expr -> item.integer = str[0]; expr -> item.real = str[0]; expr -> item.string = str; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_real_typed(oberon_context_t * ctx, double r, oberon_type_t * result) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_REAL, result, true); expr -> item.integer = r; expr -> item.real = r; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_real(oberon_context_t * ctx, double r, bool longmode) { oberon_type_t * result; result = (longmode) ? (ctx -> longreal_type) : (ctx -> real_type); return oberon_make_real_typed(ctx, r, result); } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_boolean(oberon_context_t * ctx, bool cond) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_BOOLEAN, ctx -> bool_type, true); expr -> item.integer = cond; expr -> item.real = cond; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_set(oberon_context_t * ctx, int64_t i) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_SET, ctx -> set_type, true); expr -> item.integer = i; expr -> item.real = i; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_set_index(oberon_context_t * ctx, int64_t i) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_SET, ctx -> set_type, true); expr -> item.integer = 1 << i; expr -> item.real = 1 << i; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_set_range(oberon_context_t * ctx, int64_t x, int64_t y) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_SET, ctx -> set_type, true); expr -> item.integer = (x <= y) ? ((2 << y) - (1 << x)) : (0); expr -> item.real = expr -> item.integer; return expr; } // ======================================================================= // TABLE // ======================================================================= static oberon_scope_t * oberon_open_scope(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_scope_t * scope = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *scope); memset(scope, 0, sizeof *scope); oberon_object_t * list = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *list); memset(list, 0, sizeof *list); scope -> ctx = ctx; scope -> list = list; scope -> up = ctx -> decl; if(scope -> up) { scope -> local = scope -> up -> local; scope -> parent = scope -> up -> parent; scope -> parent_type = scope -> up -> parent_type; scope -> exit_label = scope -> up -> exit_label; } ctx -> decl = scope; return scope; } static void oberon_close_scope(oberon_scope_t * scope) { oberon_context_t * ctx = scope -> ctx; ctx -> decl = scope -> up; } static oberon_object_t * oberon_find_object_in_list(oberon_object_t * list, char * name) { oberon_object_t * x = list; while(x -> next && strcmp(x -> next -> name, name) != 0) { x = x -> next; } return x -> next; } static oberon_object_t * oberon_find_object(oberon_scope_t * scope, char * name, bool check_it) { oberon_object_t * result = NULL; oberon_scope_t * s = scope; while(result == NULL && s != NULL) { result = oberon_find_object_in_list(s -> list, name); s = s -> up; } if(check_it && result == NULL) { oberon_error(scope -> ctx, "undefined ident %s", name); } return result; } static oberon_object_t * oberon_create_object(oberon_scope_t * scope, char * name, int class, bool export, bool read_only) { oberon_object_t * newvar = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *newvar); memset(newvar, 0, sizeof *newvar); newvar -> name = name; newvar -> class = class; newvar -> export = export; newvar -> read_only = read_only; newvar -> local = scope -> local; newvar -> parent = scope -> parent; newvar -> parent_type = scope -> parent_type; newvar -> module = scope -> ctx -> mod; return newvar; } static oberon_object_t * oberon_define_object(oberon_scope_t * scope, char * name, int class, bool export, bool read_only, bool check_upscope) { if(check_upscope) { if(oberon_find_object(scope -> up, name, false)) { oberon_error(scope -> ctx, "already defined"); } } oberon_object_t * x = scope -> list; while(x -> next && strcmp(x -> next -> name, name) != 0) { x = x -> next; } if(x -> next) { oberon_error(scope -> ctx, "already defined"); } oberon_object_t * newvar; newvar = oberon_create_object(scope, name, class, export, read_only); x -> next = newvar; return newvar; } // ======================================================================= // SCANER // ======================================================================= static void oberon_get_char(oberon_context_t * ctx) { if(ctx -> code[ctx -> code_index]) { ctx -> code_index += 1; ctx -> xloc.col += 1; ctx -> c = ctx -> code[ctx -> code_index]; } } static void oberon_init_scaner(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_scanner_t * s) { ctx -> code = s -> code; ctx -> code_index = 0; ctx -> xloc.source = s -> source; ctx -> xloc.line = 1; ctx -> xloc.col = 1; ctx -> loc = ctx -> xloc; ctx -> c = ctx -> code[ctx -> code_index]; } static void oberon_read_ident(oberon_context_t * ctx) { int start = ctx -> code_index; oberon_get_char(ctx); while(isalnum(ctx -> c) || ctx -> c == '_') { oberon_get_char(ctx); } int end = ctx -> code_index; char * ident = GC_MALLOC(end - start + 1); memcpy(ident, &ctx -> code[start], end - start); ident[end - start] = 0; ctx -> string = ident; ctx -> token = IDENT; if(strcmp(ident, "MODULE") == 0) { ctx -> token = MODULE; } else if(strcmp(ident, "END") == 0) { ctx -> token = END; } else if(strcmp(ident, "VAR") == 0) { ctx -> token = VAR; } else if(strcmp(ident, "BEGIN") == 0) { ctx -> token = BEGIN; } else if(strcmp(ident, "OR") == 0) { ctx -> token = OR; } else if(strcmp(ident, "DIV") == 0) { ctx -> token = DIV; } else if(strcmp(ident, "MOD") == 0) { ctx -> token = MOD; } else if(strcmp(ident, "PROCEDURE") == 0) { ctx -> token = PROCEDURE; } else if(strcmp(ident, "RETURN") == 0) { ctx -> token = RETURN; } else if(strcmp(ident, "CONST") == 0) { ctx -> token = CONST; } else if(strcmp(ident, "TYPE") == 0) { ctx -> token = TYPE; } else if(strcmp(ident, "ARRAY") == 0) { ctx -> token = ARRAY; } else if(strcmp(ident, "OF") == 0) { ctx -> token = OF; } else if(strcmp(ident, "RECORD") == 0) { ctx -> token = RECORD; } else if(strcmp(ident, "POINTER") == 0) { ctx -> token = POINTER; } else if(strcmp(ident, "TO") == 0) { ctx -> token = TO; } else if(strcmp(ident, "NIL") == 0) { ctx -> token = NIL; } else if(strcmp(ident, "IMPORT") == 0) { ctx -> token = IMPORT; } else if(strcmp(ident, "IN") == 0) { ctx -> token = IN; } else if(strcmp(ident, "IS") == 0) { ctx -> token = IS; } else if(strcmp(ident, "IF") == 0) { ctx -> token = IF; } else if(strcmp(ident, "THEN") == 0) { ctx -> token = THEN; } else if(strcmp(ident, "ELSE") == 0) { ctx -> token = ELSE; } else if(strcmp(ident, "ELSIF") == 0) { ctx -> token = ELSIF; } else if(strcmp(ident, "WHILE") == 0) { ctx -> token = WHILE; } else if(strcmp(ident, "DO") == 0) { ctx -> token = DO; } else if(strcmp(ident, "REPEAT") == 0) { ctx -> token = REPEAT; } else if(strcmp(ident, "UNTIL") == 0) { ctx -> token = UNTIL; } else if(strcmp(ident, "FOR") == 0) { ctx -> token = FOR; } else if(strcmp(ident, "BY") == 0) { ctx -> token = BY; } else if(strcmp(ident, "LOOP") == 0) { ctx -> token = LOOP; } else if(strcmp(ident, "EXIT") == 0) { ctx -> token = EXIT; } else if(strcmp(ident, "CASE") == 0) { ctx -> token = CASE; } else if(strcmp(ident, "WITH") == 0) { ctx -> token = WITH; } } #define ISHEXDIGIT(x) \ (((x) >= '0' && (x) <= '9') || ((x) >= 'A' && (x) <= 'F')) static void oberon_read_number(oberon_context_t * ctx) { long integer; double real; char * ident; int start_i; int exp_i; int end_i; /* * mode = 0 == DEC * mode = 1 == HEX * mode = 2 == REAL * mode = 3 == LONGREAL * mode = 4 == CHAR */ int mode = 0; start_i = ctx -> code_index; while(isdigit(ctx -> c)) { oberon_get_char(ctx); } end_i = ctx -> code_index; if(ISHEXDIGIT(ctx -> c)) { mode = 1; while(ISHEXDIGIT(ctx -> c)) { oberon_get_char(ctx); } end_i = ctx -> code_index; if(ctx -> c == 'H') { mode = 1; oberon_get_char(ctx); } else if(ctx -> c == 'X') { mode = 4; oberon_get_char(ctx); } else { oberon_error(ctx, "invalid hex number"); } } else if(ctx -> c == '.') { oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == '.') { /* Чит: избегаем конфликта с DOTDOT */ ctx -> code_index -= 1; } else { mode = 2; while(isdigit(ctx -> c)) { oberon_get_char(ctx); } if(ctx -> c == 'E' || ctx -> c == 'D') { exp_i = ctx -> code_index; if(ctx -> c == 'D') { mode = 3; } oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == '+' || ctx -> c == '-') { oberon_get_char(ctx); } while(isdigit(ctx -> c)) { oberon_get_char(ctx); } } } end_i = ctx -> code_index; } if(mode == 0) { if(ctx -> c == 'H') { mode = 1; oberon_get_char(ctx); } else if(ctx -> c == 'X') { mode = 4; oberon_get_char(ctx); } } int len = end_i - start_i; ident = GC_MALLOC(len + 1); memcpy(ident, &ctx -> code[start_i], len); ident[len] = 0; ctx -> longmode = false; if(mode == 3) { int i = exp_i - start_i; ident[i] = 'E'; ctx -> longmode = true; } switch(mode) { case 0: integer = atol(ident); real = integer; ctx -> token = INTEGER; break; case 1: sscanf(ident, "%lx", &integer); real = integer; ctx -> token = INTEGER; break; case 2: case 3: sscanf(ident, "%lf", &real); integer = real; ctx -> token = REAL; break; case 4: sscanf(ident, "%lx", &integer); real = integer; ctx -> token = CHAR; break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "oberon_read_number: wat"); break; } ctx -> string = ident; ctx -> integer = integer; ctx -> real = real; } static void oberon_get_lined_char(oberon_context_t * ctx) { do { if(ctx -> c == 0xD) { oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == 0xA) { oberon_get_char(ctx); } ctx -> xloc.line += 1; ctx -> xloc.col = 1; } else if(ctx -> c == 0xA) { oberon_get_char(ctx); ctx -> xloc.line += 1; ctx -> xloc.col = 1; } else { oberon_get_char(ctx); } } while(ctx -> c == 0xD || ctx -> c == 0xA); } static void oberon_skip_space(oberon_context_t * ctx) { while(isspace(ctx -> c)) { oberon_get_lined_char(ctx); } } static void oberon_read_comment(oberon_context_t * ctx) { int nesting = 1; while(nesting >= 1) { if(ctx -> c == '(') { oberon_get_lined_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == '*') { oberon_get_lined_char(ctx); nesting += 1; } } else if(ctx -> c == '*') { oberon_get_lined_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == ')') { oberon_get_lined_char(ctx); nesting -= 1; } } else if(ctx -> c == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "unterminated comment"); } else { oberon_get_lined_char(ctx); } } } static void oberon_read_string(oberon_context_t * ctx) { int c = ctx -> c; oberon_get_char(ctx); int start = ctx -> code_index; while(ctx -> c != 0 && ctx -> c != c) { oberon_get_char(ctx); } if(ctx -> c == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "unterminated string"); } int end = ctx -> code_index; oberon_get_char(ctx); char * string = GC_MALLOC(end - start + 1); strncpy(string, &ctx -> code[start], end - start); string[end - start] = 0; ctx -> token = STRING; ctx -> string = string; ctx -> integer = string[0]; } static void oberon_read_token(oberon_context_t * ctx); static void oberon_read_symbol(oberon_context_t * ctx) { int c = ctx -> c; switch(c) { case 0: ctx -> token = EOF_; break; case ';': ctx -> token = SEMICOLON; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case ':': ctx -> token = COLON; oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == '=') { ctx -> token = ASSIGN; oberon_get_char(ctx); } break; case '.': ctx -> token = DOT; oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == '.') { ctx -> token = DOTDOT; oberon_get_char(ctx); } break; case '(': ctx -> token = LPAREN; oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == '*') { oberon_get_char(ctx); oberon_read_comment(ctx); oberon_read_token(ctx); } break; case ')': ctx -> token = RPAREN; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '=': ctx -> token = EQUAL; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '#': ctx -> token = NEQ; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '<': ctx -> token = LESS; oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == '=') { ctx -> token = LEQ; oberon_get_char(ctx); } break; case '>': ctx -> token = GREAT; oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == '=') { ctx -> token = GEQ; oberon_get_char(ctx); } break; case '+': ctx -> token = PLUS; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '-': ctx -> token = MINUS; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '*': ctx -> token = STAR; oberon_get_char(ctx); if(ctx -> c == ')') { oberon_get_char(ctx); oberon_error(ctx, "unstarted comment"); } break; case '/': ctx -> token = SLASH; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '&': ctx -> token = AND; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '~': ctx -> token = NOT; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case ',': ctx -> token = COMMA; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '[': ctx -> token = LBRACK; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case ']': ctx -> token = RBRACK; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '^': ctx -> token = UPARROW; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '"': oberon_read_string(ctx); break; case '\'': oberon_read_string(ctx); break; case '{': ctx -> token = LBRACE; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '}': ctx -> token = RBRACE; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; case '|': ctx -> token = BAR; oberon_get_char(ctx); break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "invalid char %c", ctx -> c); break; } } static void oberon_read_token(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_skip_space(ctx); ctx -> loc = ctx -> xloc; int c = ctx -> c; if(isalpha(c) || c == '_') { oberon_read_ident(ctx); } else if(isdigit(c)) { oberon_read_number(ctx); } else { oberon_read_symbol(ctx); } } // ======================================================================= // EXPRESSION // ======================================================================= static void oberon_expect_token(oberon_context_t * ctx, int token); static oberon_expr_t * oberon_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx); static void oberon_assert_token(oberon_context_t * ctx, int token); static char * oberon_assert_ident(oberon_context_t * ctx); static void oberon_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t ** type); static oberon_item_t * oberon_const_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx); static oberon_expr_t * oberno_make_dereferencing(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr); static bool oberon_is_const(oberon_expr_t * expr); static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_unary_op(oberon_context_t * ctx, int token, oberon_expr_t * a) { oberon_expr_t * expr; oberon_type_t * result; result = a -> result; if(token == MINUS) { if(result -> class == OBERON_TYPE_SET) { if(oberon_is_const(a)) { expr = oberon_make_set(ctx, ~(a -> item.integer)); } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_COMPLEMENTATION, result, a, NULL); } } else if(result -> class == OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { if(oberon_is_const(a)) { expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, -(a -> item.integer)); } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_UNARY_MINUS, result, a, NULL); } } else if(result -> class == OBERON_TYPE_REAL) { if(oberon_is_const(a)) { expr = oberon_make_real_typed(ctx, -(a -> item.real), result); } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_UNARY_MINUS, result, a, NULL); } } else { oberon_error(ctx, "incompatible operator type"); } } else if(token == NOT) { if(result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { oberon_error(ctx, "incompatible operator type"); } if(oberon_is_const(a)) { expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, !(a -> item.integer)); } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_LOGIC_NOT, result, a, NULL); } } else { oberon_error(ctx, "oberon_make_unary_op: wat"); } return expr; } static void oberon_expr_list(oberon_context_t * ctx, int * num_expr, oberon_expr_t ** first, int const_expr) { oberon_expr_t * last; *num_expr = 1; if(const_expr) { *first = last = (oberon_expr_t *) oberon_const_expr(ctx); } else { *first = last = oberon_expr(ctx); } while(ctx -> token == COMMA) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, COMMA); oberon_expr_t * current; if(const_expr) { current = (oberon_expr_t *) oberon_const_expr(ctx); } else { current = oberon_expr(ctx); } last -> next = current; last = current; *num_expr += 1; } } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_cast_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr, oberon_type_t * pref) { oberon_expr_t * cast; if((oberon_is_char_type(pref) && oberon_is_const_string(expr) && strlen(expr -> item.string) == 1)) { /* Автоматически преобразуем строку единичного размера в символ */ cast = oberon_new_item(MODE_CHAR, ctx -> char_type, true); cast -> item.integer = expr -> item.string[0]; } else if(!oberon_is_some_types(expr -> result, pref)) { cast = oberon_new_operator(OP_CAST, pref, expr, NULL); } else { cast = expr; } return cast; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_hard_cast_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr, oberon_type_t * pref) { return oberon_new_operator(OP_HARDCAST, pref, expr, NULL); } static void oberon_check_dst(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * dst) { if(dst -> read_only) { oberon_error(ctx, "read-only destination"); } if(dst -> is_item == false) { oberon_error(ctx, "not variable"); } switch(dst -> item.mode) { case MODE_VAR: case MODE_CALL: case MODE_INDEX: case MODE_FIELD: case MODE_DEREF: case MODE_NEW: /* accept */ break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "not variable"); break; } } static void oberon_check_src(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * src) { if(src -> is_item) { if(src -> item.mode == MODE_TYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "not variable"); } } } static void oberon_autocast_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_item_t * desig) { if(desig -> mode != MODE_CALL) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected mode CALL"); } oberon_type_t * fn = desig -> parent -> result; int num_args = desig -> num_args; int num_decl = fn -> num_decl; if(num_args < num_decl) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } else if(num_args > num_decl) { oberon_error(ctx, "too many arguments"); } /* Делаем проверку на запись и делаем автокаст */ oberon_expr_t * casted[num_args]; oberon_expr_t * arg = desig -> args; oberon_object_t * param = fn -> decl; for(int i = 0; i < num_args; i++) { if(param -> class == OBERON_CLASS_VAR_PARAM) { oberon_check_dst(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_compatible_arrays(param, arg)) { oberon_check_compatible_var_param(ctx, param -> type, arg -> result); } casted[i] = arg; //casted[i] = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, arg, param -> type); } else { oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_compatible_arrays(param, arg)) { oberon_check_assignment_compatible(ctx, arg, param -> type); } casted[i] = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, arg, param -> type); } arg = arg -> next; param = param -> next; } /* Создаём новый список выражений */ if(num_args > 0) { arg = casted[0]; for(int i = 0; i < num_args - 1; i++) { casted[i] -> next = casted[i + 1]; } desig -> args = arg; } } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_call_func(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_item_t * item, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { oberon_type_t * signature = item -> result; if(signature -> class != OBERON_TYPE_PROCEDURE) { oberon_error(ctx, "not a procedure"); } oberon_expr_t * call; if(signature -> sysproc) { if(signature -> genfunc == NULL) { oberon_error(ctx, "not a function-procedure"); } call = signature -> genfunc(ctx, num_args, list_args); } else { if(signature -> base -> class == OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "attempt to call procedure in expression"); } call = oberon_new_item(MODE_CALL, signature -> base, true); call -> item.parent = item; call -> item.num_args = num_args; call -> item.args = list_args; oberon_autocast_call(ctx, (oberon_item_t *) call); } return call; } static void oberon_make_call_proc(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_item_t * item, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { oberon_type_t * signature = item -> result; if(signature -> class != OBERON_TYPE_PROCEDURE) { oberon_error(ctx, "not a procedure"); } oberon_expr_t * call; if(signature -> sysproc) { if(signature -> genproc == NULL) { oberon_error(ctx, "not a procedure"); } signature -> genproc(ctx, num_args, list_args); } else { if(signature -> base -> class != OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "attempt to call function as non-typed procedure"); } call = oberon_new_item(MODE_CALL, signature -> base, true); call -> item.parent = item; call -> item.num_args = num_args; call -> item.args = list_args; oberon_autocast_call(ctx, (oberon_item_t *) call); oberon_generate_call_proc(ctx, call); } } #define ISEXPR(x) \ (((x) == PLUS) \ || ((x) == MINUS) \ || ((x) == IDENT) \ || ((x) == INTEGER) \ || ((x) == REAL) \ || ((x) == CHAR) \ || ((x) == STRING) \ || ((x) == NIL) \ || ((x) == LBRACE) \ || ((x) == LPAREN) \ || ((x) == NOT)) static oberon_expr_t * oberno_make_dereferencing(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr) { if(expr -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { oberon_error(ctx, "not a pointer"); } assert(expr -> is_item); oberon_expr_t * selector; selector = oberon_new_item(MODE_DEREF, expr -> result -> base, false); selector -> item.parent = (oberon_item_t *) expr; return selector; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_array_selector(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * desig, oberon_expr_t * index) { if(desig -> result -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { desig = oberno_make_dereferencing(ctx, desig); } assert(desig -> is_item); if(desig -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { oberon_error(ctx, "not array"); } oberon_type_t * base; base = desig -> result -> base; if(index -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "index must be integer"); } // Статическая проверка границ массива if(desig -> result -> size != 0) { if(index -> is_item) { if(index -> item.mode == MODE_INTEGER) { int arr_size = desig -> result -> size; int index_int = index -> item.integer; if(index_int < 0 || index_int > arr_size - 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "not in range (dimension size 0..%i)", arr_size - 1); } } } } oberon_expr_t * selector; selector = oberon_new_item(MODE_INDEX, base, desig -> read_only); selector -> item.parent = (oberon_item_t *) desig; selector -> item.num_args = 1; selector -> item.args = index; return selector; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_record_selector(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr, char * name) { if(expr -> result -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { expr = oberno_make_dereferencing(ctx, expr); } assert(expr -> is_item); if(expr -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_RECORD) { oberon_error(ctx, "not record"); } oberon_type_t * rec = expr -> result; oberon_object_t * field; field = oberon_find_object(rec -> scope, name, true); if(field -> export == 0) { if(field -> module != ctx -> mod) { oberon_error(ctx, "field not exported"); } } int read_only = expr -> read_only; if(field -> read_only) { if(field -> module != ctx -> mod) { read_only = 1; } } oberon_expr_t * selector; selector = oberon_new_item(MODE_FIELD, field -> type, read_only); selector -> item.var = field; selector -> item.parent = (oberon_item_t *) expr; return selector; } #define ISSELECTOR(x) \ (((x) == LBRACK) \ || ((x) == DOT) \ || ((x) == UPARROW) \ || ((x) == LPAREN)) static oberon_object_t * oberon_qualident(oberon_context_t * ctx, char ** xname, int check) { char * name; oberon_object_t * x; name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); x = oberon_find_object(ctx -> decl, name, check); if(x != NULL) { if(x -> class == OBERON_CLASS_MODULE) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, DOT); name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); /* Наличие объектов в левых модулях всегда проверяется */ x = oberon_find_object(x -> module -> decl, name, 1); if(x -> export == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "not exported"); } } } if(xname) { *xname = name; } return x; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_ident_item(oberon_context_t * ctx, char * name) { bool read_only; oberon_object_t * x; oberon_expr_t * expr; x = oberon_find_object(ctx -> decl, name, true); read_only = false; if(x -> class == OBERON_CLASS_CONST || x -> class == OBERON_CLASS_PROC) { read_only = true; } expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_VAR, x -> type, read_only); expr -> item.var = x; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_qualident_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_object_t * var; oberon_expr_t * expr; var = oberon_qualident(ctx, NULL, 1); int read_only = 0; if(var -> read_only) { if(var -> module != ctx -> mod) { read_only = 1; } } switch(var -> class) { case OBERON_CLASS_CONST: // TODO copy value expr = (oberon_expr_t *) var -> value; break; case OBERON_CLASS_TYPE: expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_TYPE, var -> type, read_only); break; case OBERON_CLASS_VAR: case OBERON_CLASS_VAR_PARAM: case OBERON_CLASS_PARAM: expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_VAR, var -> type, read_only); break; case OBERON_CLASS_PROC: expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_VAR, var -> type, true); break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "invalid designator"); break; } expr -> item.var = var; return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_designator(oberon_context_t * ctx) { char * name; oberon_expr_t * expr; oberon_object_t * objtype; expr = oberon_qualident_expr(ctx); while(expr -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_PROCEDURE && ISSELECTOR(ctx -> token)) { switch(ctx -> token) { case DOT: oberon_assert_token(ctx, DOT); name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); expr = oberon_make_record_selector(ctx, expr, name); break; case LBRACK: oberon_assert_token(ctx, LBRACK); int num_indexes = 0; oberon_expr_t * indexes = NULL; oberon_expr_list(ctx, &num_indexes, &indexes, 0); oberon_assert_token(ctx, RBRACK); for(int i = 0; i < num_indexes; i++) { expr = oberon_make_array_selector(ctx, expr, indexes); indexes = indexes -> next; } break; case UPARROW: oberon_assert_token(ctx, UPARROW); expr = oberno_make_dereferencing(ctx, expr); break; case LPAREN: oberon_assert_token(ctx, LPAREN); objtype = oberon_qualident(ctx, NULL, true); oberon_assert_token(ctx, RPAREN); oberon_check_extension_of(ctx, expr -> result, objtype -> type); expr = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, expr, objtype -> type); break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "oberon_designator: wat"); break; } } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_opt_func_parens(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr) { /* Если есть скобки - значит вызов. Если нет, то передаём указатель. */ if(ctx -> token == LPAREN) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, LPAREN); int num_args = 0; oberon_expr_t * arguments = NULL; if(ISEXPR(ctx -> token)) { oberon_expr_list(ctx, &num_args, &arguments, 0); } assert(expr -> is_item == 1); expr = oberon_make_call_func(ctx, (oberon_item_t *) expr, num_args, arguments); oberon_assert_token(ctx, RPAREN); } return expr; } static void oberon_opt_proc_parens(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr) { assert(expr -> is_item); int num_args = 0; oberon_expr_t * arguments = NULL; if(ctx -> token == LPAREN) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, LPAREN); if(ISEXPR(ctx -> token)) { oberon_expr_list(ctx, &num_args, &arguments, 0); } oberon_assert_token(ctx, RPAREN); } /* Вызов происходит даже без скобок */ oberon_make_call_proc(ctx, (oberon_item_t *) expr, num_args, arguments); } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_element(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * e1; oberon_expr_t * e2; e1 = oberon_expr(ctx); oberon_check_src(ctx, e1); if(e1 -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } e2 = NULL; if(ctx -> token == DOTDOT) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, DOTDOT); e2 = oberon_expr(ctx); oberon_check_src(ctx, e2); if(e2 -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } } oberon_expr_t * set; if(e2 == NULL && oberon_is_const(e1)) { set = oberon_make_set_index(ctx, e1 -> item.integer); } else if(e2 != NULL && oberon_is_const(e1) && oberon_is_const(e2)) { set = oberon_make_set_range(ctx, e1 -> item.integer, e2 -> item.integer); } else { set = oberon_new_operator(OP_RANGE, ctx -> set_type, e1, e2); } return set; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_set_union(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * a, oberon_expr_t * b) { if(oberon_is_const(a) && oberon_is_const(b)) { return oberon_make_set(ctx, (a -> item.integer | b -> item.integer)); } else { return oberon_new_operator(OP_UNION, ctx -> set_type, a, b); } } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_set(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * set; oberon_expr_t * elements; set = oberon_make_set(ctx, 0); oberon_assert_token(ctx, LBRACE); if(ISEXPR(ctx -> token)) { elements = oberon_element(ctx); set = oberon_make_set_union(ctx, set, elements); while(ctx -> token == COMMA) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, COMMA); elements = oberon_element(ctx); set = oberon_make_set_union(ctx, set, elements); } } oberon_assert_token(ctx, RBRACE); return set; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_factor(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * expr; oberon_type_t * result; switch(ctx -> token) { case IDENT: expr = oberon_designator(ctx); expr = oberon_opt_func_parens(ctx, expr); break; case INTEGER: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, ctx -> integer); oberon_assert_token(ctx, INTEGER); break; case CHAR: result = ctx -> char_type; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_CHAR, result, true); expr -> item.integer = ctx -> integer; oberon_assert_token(ctx, CHAR); break; case STRING: expr = oberon_make_string(ctx, ctx -> string); oberon_assert_token(ctx, STRING); break; case REAL: expr = oberon_make_real(ctx, ctx -> real, ctx -> longmode); oberon_assert_token(ctx, REAL); break; case LBRACE: expr = oberon_set(ctx); break; case LPAREN: oberon_assert_token(ctx, LPAREN); expr = oberon_expr(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, RPAREN); break; case NOT: oberon_assert_token(ctx, NOT); expr = oberon_factor(ctx); expr = oberon_make_unary_op(ctx, NOT, expr); break; case NIL: oberon_assert_token(ctx, NIL); expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_NIL, ctx -> nil_type, true); break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "invalid expression"); } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_bin_op(oberon_context_t * ctx, int token, oberon_expr_t * a, oberon_expr_t * b) { oberon_expr_t * expr; oberon_type_t * result; oberon_check_compatible_bin_expr(ctx, token, a, b); oberon_check_src(ctx, a); if(token != IS) { oberon_check_src(ctx, b); } if(token == IN) { if(oberon_is_const(a) && oberon_is_const(b)) { expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, (1 << a -> item.integer) & b -> item.integer); } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_IN, ctx -> bool_type, a, b); } } else if(token == IS) { oberon_check_type_expr(ctx, b); expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_IS, ctx -> bool_type, a, b); } else if((token >= EQUAL && token <= GEQ) || token == OR || token == AND) { if(oberon_is_string_of_one(a) && oberon_is_char_type(b -> result)) { result = b -> result; } else if(oberon_is_string_of_one(b) && oberon_is_char_type(a -> result)) { result = a -> result; } else if(oberon_is_string_of_one(a) && oberon_is_string_of_one(b)) { result = ctx -> char_type; } else { result = oberon_get_longer_type(ctx, a -> result, b -> result); } if(oberon_is_const(a) && oberon_is_const(b) && (oberon_is_real_type(result) || oberon_is_integer_type(result))) { if(oberon_is_real_type(result)) { double x = a -> item.real; double y = b -> item.real; switch(token) { case EQUAL: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x == y); break; case NEQ: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x != y); break; case LESS: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x < y); break; case LEQ: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x <= y); break; case GREAT: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x > y); break; case GEQ: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x >= y); break; case OR: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x || y); break; case AND: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x && y); break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(oberon_is_integer_type(result)) { int64_t x = a -> item.integer; int64_t y = b -> item.integer; switch(token) { case EQUAL: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x == y); break; case NEQ: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x != y); break; case LESS: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x < y); break; case LEQ: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x <= y); break; case GREAT: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x > y); break; case GEQ: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x >= y); break; case OR: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x || y); break; case AND: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, x && y); break; default: assert(0); break; } } else { assert(0); } } else { a = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, a, result); b = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, b, result); result = ctx -> bool_type; switch(token) { case EQUAL: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_EQ, result, a, b); break; case NEQ: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_NEQ, result, a, b); break; case LESS: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_LSS, result, a, b); break; case LEQ: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_LEQ, result, a, b); break; case GREAT: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_GRT, result, a, b); break; case GEQ: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_GEQ, result, a, b); break; case OR: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_LOGIC_OR, result, a, b); break; case AND: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_LOGIC_AND, result, a, b); break; default: assert(0); break; } } } else if(token == SLASH) { if(oberon_is_set_type(a -> result) && oberon_is_set_type(b -> result)) { if(oberon_is_const(a) && oberon_is_const(b)) { int64_t x = a -> item.integer; int64_t y = b -> item.integer; expr = oberon_make_set(ctx, x ^ y); } else { result = oberon_get_longer_type(ctx, a -> result, b -> result); a = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, a, result); b = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, b, result); expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_SYM_DIFFERENCE, result, a, b); } } else { result = oberon_get_longer_real_type(ctx, a -> result, b -> result); if(oberon_is_const(a) && oberon_is_const(b)) { double x = a -> item.real; double y = b -> item.real; expr = oberon_make_real_typed(ctx, x / y, result); } else { a = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, a, result); b = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, b, result); expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_DIV, result, a, b); } } } else { result = oberon_get_longer_type(ctx, a -> result, b -> result); if(oberon_is_const(a) && oberon_is_const(b)) { if(oberon_is_set_type(result)) { int64_t x = a -> item.integer; int64_t y = b -> item.integer; switch(token) { case PLUS: expr = oberon_make_set(ctx, x | y); break; case MINUS: expr = oberon_make_set(ctx, x & ~y); break; case STAR: expr = oberon_make_set(ctx, x & y); break; default: assert(0); break; } } if(oberon_is_real_type(result)) { double x = a -> item.real; double y = b -> item.real; switch(token) { case PLUS: expr = oberon_make_real_typed(ctx, x + y, result); break; case MINUS: expr = oberon_make_real_typed(ctx, x - y, result); break; case STAR: expr = oberon_make_real_typed(ctx, x * y, result); break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(oberon_is_integer_type(result)) { int64_t x = a -> item.integer; int64_t y = b -> item.integer; switch(token) { case PLUS: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, x + y); break; case MINUS: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, x - y); break; case STAR: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, x * y); break; case DIV: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, x / y); break; case MOD: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, x % y); break; default: assert(0); break; } } else { assert(0); } } else { a = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, a, result); b = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, b, result); if(oberon_is_set_type(result)) { switch(token) { case PLUS: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_UNION, result, a, b); break; case MINUS: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_DIFFERENCE, result, a, b); break; case STAR: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_INTERSECTION, result, a, b); break; default: assert(0); break; } } else if(oberon_is_real_type(result)) { switch(token) { case PLUS: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_ADD, result, a, b); break; case MINUS: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_SUB, result, a, b); break; case STAR: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_MUL, result, a, b); break; default: printf("token %i line %i\n", token, ctx -> loc.line); assert(0); break; } } else if(oberon_is_integer_type(result)) { switch(token) { case PLUS: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_ADD, result, a, b); break; case MINUS: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_SUB, result, a, b); break; case STAR: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_MUL, result, a, b); break; case DIV: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_DIV, result, a, b); break; case MOD: expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_DIV, result, a, b); break; default: printf("token %i line %i\n", token, ctx -> loc.line); assert(0); break; } } else { assert(0); } } } return expr; } #define ISMULOP(x) \ ((x) >= STAR && (x) <= AND) static oberon_expr_t * oberon_term_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_factor(ctx); while(ISMULOP(ctx -> token)) { int token = ctx -> token; oberon_read_token(ctx); oberon_expr_t * inter = oberon_factor(ctx); expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, token, expr, inter); } return expr; } #define ISADDOP(x) \ ((x) >= PLUS && (x) <= OR) static oberon_expr_t * oberon_simple_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * expr; int minus = 0; if(ctx -> token == PLUS) { minus = 0; oberon_assert_token(ctx, PLUS); } else if(ctx -> token == MINUS) { minus = 1; oberon_assert_token(ctx, MINUS); } expr = oberon_term_expr(ctx); while(ISADDOP(ctx -> token)) { int token = ctx -> token; oberon_read_token(ctx); oberon_expr_t * inter = oberon_term_expr(ctx); expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, token, expr, inter); } if(minus) { expr = oberon_make_unary_op(ctx, MINUS, expr); } return expr; } #define ISRELATION(x) \ ((x) >= EQUAL && (x) <= IS) static oberon_expr_t * oberon_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_simple_expr(ctx); while(ISRELATION(ctx -> token)) { int token = ctx -> token; oberon_read_token(ctx); oberon_expr_t * inter = oberon_simple_expr(ctx); expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, token, expr, inter); } return expr; } static bool oberon_is_const(oberon_expr_t * expr) { if(expr -> is_item == false) { return false; } switch(expr -> item.mode) { case MODE_INTEGER: case MODE_BOOLEAN: case MODE_NIL: case MODE_REAL: case MODE_CHAR: case MODE_STRING: case MODE_SET: case MODE_TYPE: case MODE_SYSBYTE: return true; break; default: return false; break; } return false; } static void oberon_check_const(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr) { if(!oberon_is_const(expr)) { oberon_error(ctx, "const expression are required"); } } static oberon_item_t * oberon_const_expr(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_expr(ctx); oberon_check_const(ctx, expr); return (oberon_item_t *) expr; } // ======================================================================= // PARSER // ======================================================================= static void oberon_decl_seq(oberon_context_t * ctx); static void oberon_statement_seq(oberon_context_t * ctx); static void oberon_initialize_decl(oberon_context_t * ctx); static void oberon_expect_token(oberon_context_t * ctx, int token) { if(ctx -> token != token) { oberon_error(ctx, "unexpected token %i (%i)", ctx -> token, token); } } static void oberon_assert_token(oberon_context_t * ctx, int token) { oberon_expect_token(ctx, token); oberon_read_token(ctx); } static char * oberon_assert_ident(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expect_token(ctx, IDENT); char * ident = ctx -> string; oberon_read_token(ctx); return ident; } static void oberon_def(oberon_context_t * ctx, int * export, int * read_only) { switch(ctx -> token) { case STAR: oberon_assert_token(ctx, STAR); *export = 1; *read_only = 0; break; case MINUS: oberon_assert_token(ctx, MINUS); *export = 1; *read_only = 1; break; default: *export = 0; *read_only = 0; break; } } static oberon_object_t * oberon_ident_def(oberon_context_t * ctx, int class, bool check_upscope) { char * name; int export; int read_only; oberon_object_t * x; name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); oberon_def(ctx, &export, &read_only); x = oberon_define_object(ctx -> decl, name, class, export, read_only, check_upscope); return x; } static void oberon_ident_list(oberon_context_t * ctx, int class, bool check_upscope, int * num, oberon_object_t ** list) { *num = 1; *list = oberon_ident_def(ctx, class, check_upscope); while(ctx -> token == COMMA) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, COMMA); oberon_ident_def(ctx, class, check_upscope); *num += 1; } } static void oberon_var_decl(oberon_context_t * ctx) { int num; oberon_object_t * list; oberon_type_t * type; type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); oberon_ident_list(ctx, OBERON_CLASS_VAR, false, &num, &list); oberon_assert_token(ctx, COLON); oberon_type(ctx, &type); oberon_object_t * var = list; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { var -> type = type; var = var -> next; } } static oberon_object_t * oberon_fp_section(oberon_context_t * ctx, int * num_decl) { int class = OBERON_CLASS_PARAM; if(ctx -> token == VAR) { oberon_read_token(ctx); class = OBERON_CLASS_VAR_PARAM; } int num; oberon_object_t * list; oberon_ident_list(ctx, class, false, &num, &list); oberon_assert_token(ctx, COLON); oberon_type_t * type; type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); oberon_type(ctx, &type); oberon_object_t * param = list; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { param -> type = type; param = param -> next; } *num_decl += num; return list; } #define ISFPSECTION \ ((ctx -> token == VAR) || (ctx -> token == IDENT)) static void oberon_formal_pars(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * signature) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, LPAREN); if(ISFPSECTION) { signature -> decl = oberon_fp_section(ctx, &signature -> num_decl); while(ctx -> token == SEMICOLON) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); oberon_fp_section(ctx, &signature -> num_decl); } } oberon_assert_token(ctx, RPAREN); if(ctx -> token == COLON) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, COLON); oberon_object_t * typeobj; typeobj = oberon_qualident(ctx, NULL, 1); if(typeobj -> class != OBERON_CLASS_TYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "function result is not type"); } if(typeobj -> type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_RECORD || typeobj -> type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { oberon_error(ctx, "records or arrays could not be result of function"); } signature -> base = typeobj -> type; } } static void oberon_opt_formal_pars(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t ** type) { oberon_type_t * signature; signature = *type; signature -> class = OBERON_TYPE_PROCEDURE; signature -> num_decl = 0; signature -> base = ctx -> notype_type; signature -> decl = NULL; if(ctx -> token == LPAREN) { oberon_formal_pars(ctx, signature); } } static void oberon_compare_signatures(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * a, oberon_type_t * b) { if(a -> num_decl != b -> num_decl) { oberon_error(ctx, "number parameters not matched"); } int num_param = a -> num_decl; oberon_object_t * param_a = a -> decl; oberon_object_t * param_b = b -> decl; for(int i = 0; i < num_param; i++) { if(strcmp(param_a -> name, param_b -> name) != 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "param %i name not matched", i + 1); } if(param_a -> type != param_b -> type) { oberon_error(ctx, "param %i type not matched", i + 1); } param_a = param_a -> next; param_b = param_b -> next; } } static void oberon_make_return(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * expr) { oberon_object_t * proc = ctx -> decl -> parent; oberon_type_t * result_type = proc -> type -> base; if(result_type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE) { if(expr != NULL) { oberon_error(ctx, "procedure has no result type"); } } else { if(expr == NULL) { oberon_error(ctx, "procedure requires expression on result"); } oberon_check_src(ctx, expr); oberon_check_assignment_compatible(ctx, expr, result_type); expr = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, expr, result_type); } proc -> has_return = 1; oberon_generate_return(ctx, expr); } static void oberon_proc_decl_body(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_object_t * proc) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); ctx -> decl = proc -> scope; oberon_decl_seq(ctx); oberon_generate_begin_proc(ctx, proc); if(ctx -> token == BEGIN) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, BEGIN); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); } oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); char * name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); if(strcmp(name, proc -> name) != 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "procedure name not matched"); } if(proc -> type -> base -> class == OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE) { oberon_make_return(ctx, NULL); } if(proc -> has_return == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "procedure requires return"); } oberon_generate_end_proc(ctx); oberon_close_scope(ctx -> decl); } static void oberon_proc_decl(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, PROCEDURE); int forward = 0; if(ctx -> token == UPARROW) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, UPARROW); forward = 1; } char * name; int export; int read_only; name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); oberon_def(ctx, &export, &read_only); oberon_scope_t * proc_scope; proc_scope = oberon_open_scope(ctx); ctx -> decl -> local = 1; oberon_type_t * signature; signature = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); oberon_opt_formal_pars(ctx, &signature); //oberon_initialize_decl(ctx); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, signature); oberon_close_scope(ctx -> decl); oberon_object_t * proc; proc = oberon_find_object(ctx -> decl, name, 0); if(proc == NULL) { proc = oberon_define_object(ctx -> decl, name, OBERON_CLASS_PROC, export, read_only, false); proc -> type = signature; proc -> scope = proc_scope; oberon_generator_init_proc(ctx, proc); } else { if(proc -> class != OBERON_CLASS_PROC) { oberon_error(ctx, "mult definition"); } if(forward == 0) { if(proc -> linked) { oberon_error(ctx, "mult procedure definition"); } } if(proc -> export != export || proc -> read_only != read_only) { oberon_error(ctx, "export type not matched"); } oberon_compare_signatures(ctx, proc -> type, signature); } proc_scope -> parent = proc; oberon_object_t * param = proc_scope -> list -> next; while(param) { param -> parent = proc; param = param -> next; } if(forward == 0) { proc -> linked = 1; oberon_proc_decl_body(ctx, proc); } } static void oberon_const_decl(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_item_t * value; oberon_object_t * constant; constant = oberon_ident_def(ctx, OBERON_CLASS_CONST, false); oberon_assert_token(ctx, EQUAL); value = oberon_const_expr(ctx); constant -> value = value; } static void oberon_make_array_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * size, oberon_type_t * base, oberon_type_t ** type) { if(size -> is_item == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "requires constant"); } if(size -> item.mode != MODE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "requires integer constant"); } oberon_type_t * arr; arr = *type; arr -> class = OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY; arr -> size = size -> item.integer; arr -> base = base; } static void oberon_qualident_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t ** type) { char * name; oberon_object_t * to; to = oberon_qualident(ctx, &name, 0); //name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); //to = oberon_find_object(ctx -> decl, name, 0); if(to != NULL) { if(to -> class != OBERON_CLASS_TYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "not a type"); } } else { to = oberon_define_object(ctx -> decl, name, OBERON_CLASS_TYPE, false, false, false); to -> type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); } *type = to -> type; } static void oberon_opt_formal_pars(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t ** type); /* * Правило граматики "type". Указатель type должен указывать на существующий объект! */ static void oberon_make_multiarray(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * sizes, oberon_type_t * base, oberon_type_t ** type) { if(sizes == NULL) { *type = base; return; } oberon_type_t * dim; dim = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); oberon_make_multiarray(ctx, sizes -> next, base, &dim); oberon_make_array_type(ctx, sizes, dim, type); } static void oberon_make_open_array(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * base, oberon_type_t * type) { type -> class = OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY; type -> size = 0; type -> base = base; } static void oberon_field_list(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * rec, oberon_scope_t * modscope) { if(ctx -> token == IDENT) { int num; oberon_object_t * list; oberon_type_t * type; type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); oberon_ident_list(ctx, OBERON_CLASS_FIELD, true, &num, &list); oberon_assert_token(ctx, COLON); oberon_scope_t * current = ctx -> decl; ctx -> decl = modscope; oberon_type(ctx, &type); ctx -> decl = current; oberon_object_t * field = list; for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) { field -> type = type; field = field -> next; } rec -> num_decl += num; } } static void oberon_type_record_body(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * rec) { oberon_scope_t * modscope = ctx -> mod -> decl; oberon_scope_t * oldscope = ctx -> decl; ctx -> decl = modscope; if(ctx -> token == LPAREN) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, LPAREN); oberon_object_t * typeobj; typeobj = oberon_qualident(ctx, NULL, true); if(typeobj -> class != OBERON_CLASS_TYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "base must be type"); } oberon_type_t * base = typeobj -> type; if(base -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { base = base -> base; } if(base -> class != OBERON_TYPE_RECORD) { oberon_error(ctx, "base must be record type"); } rec -> base = base; ctx -> decl = base -> scope; oberon_assert_token(ctx, RPAREN); } else { ctx -> decl = NULL; } oberon_scope_t * this_scope; this_scope = oberon_open_scope(ctx); this_scope -> local = true; this_scope -> parent = NULL; this_scope -> parent_type = rec; oberon_field_list(ctx, rec, modscope); while(ctx -> token == SEMICOLON) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); oberon_field_list(ctx, rec, modscope); } rec -> scope = this_scope; rec -> decl = this_scope -> list -> next; ctx -> decl = oldscope; } static void oberon_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t ** type) { if(ctx -> token == IDENT) { oberon_qualident_type(ctx, type); } else if(ctx -> token == ARRAY) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, ARRAY); int num_sizes = 0; oberon_expr_t * sizes; if(ISEXPR(ctx -> token)) { oberon_expr_list(ctx, &num_sizes, &sizes, 1); } oberon_assert_token(ctx, OF); oberon_type_t * base; base = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); oberon_type(ctx, &base); if(num_sizes == 0) { oberon_make_open_array(ctx, base, *type); } else { oberon_make_multiarray(ctx, sizes, base, type); } } else if(ctx -> token == RECORD) { oberon_type_t * rec; rec = *type; rec -> class = OBERON_TYPE_RECORD; rec -> module = ctx -> mod; oberon_assert_token(ctx, RECORD); oberon_type_record_body(ctx, rec); oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); *type = rec; } else if(ctx -> token == POINTER) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, POINTER); oberon_assert_token(ctx, TO); oberon_type_t * base; base = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); oberon_type(ctx, &base); oberon_type_t * ptr; ptr = *type; ptr -> class = OBERON_TYPE_POINTER; ptr -> base = base; } else if(ctx -> token == PROCEDURE) { oberon_open_scope(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, PROCEDURE); oberon_opt_formal_pars(ctx, type); oberon_close_scope(ctx -> decl); } else { oberon_error(ctx, "invalid type declaration"); } } static void oberon_type_decl(oberon_context_t * ctx) { char * name; oberon_object_t * newtype; oberon_type_t * type; int export; int read_only; name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); oberon_def(ctx, &export, &read_only); newtype = oberon_find_object(ctx -> decl, name, 0); if(newtype == NULL) { newtype = oberon_define_object(ctx -> decl, name, OBERON_CLASS_TYPE, export, read_only, false); newtype -> type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); assert(newtype -> type); } else { if(newtype -> class != OBERON_CLASS_TYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "mult definition"); } if(newtype -> linked) { oberon_error(ctx, "mult definition - already linked"); } newtype -> export = export; newtype -> read_only = read_only; } oberon_assert_token(ctx, EQUAL); type = newtype -> type; oberon_type(ctx, &type); if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "recursive alias declaration"); } newtype -> type = type; newtype -> linked = 1; } static void oberon_prevent_recursive_object(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_object_t * x); static void oberon_prevent_recursive_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type); static void oberon_prevent_recursive_pointer(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type) { if(type -> class != OBERON_TYPE_POINTER && type -> class != OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { return; } if(type -> recursive) { if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { oberon_error(ctx, "recursive pointer declaration"); } else { oberon_error(ctx, "recursive array declaration (pointer)"); } } if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER && type -> base -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { oberon_error(ctx, "attempt to make pointer to pointer"); } type -> recursive = 1; oberon_prevent_recursive_pointer(ctx, type -> base); type -> recursive = 0; } static void oberon_prevent_recursive_record(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type) { if(type -> class != OBERON_TYPE_RECORD) { return; } if(type -> recursive) { oberon_error(ctx, "recursive record declaration"); } type -> recursive = 1; if(type -> base) { oberon_prevent_recursive_record(ctx, type -> base); } int num_fields = type -> num_decl; oberon_object_t * field = type -> decl; for(int i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { oberon_prevent_recursive_object(ctx, field); field = field -> next; } type -> recursive = 0; } static void oberon_prevent_recursive_procedure(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type) { if(type -> class != OBERON_TYPE_PROCEDURE) { return; } if(type -> recursive) { oberon_error(ctx, "recursive procedure declaration"); } type -> recursive = 1; int num_fields = type -> num_decl; oberon_object_t * field = type -> decl; for(int i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { oberon_prevent_recursive_object(ctx, field); field = field -> next; } type -> recursive = 0; } static void oberon_prevent_recursive_array(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type) { if(type -> class != OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { return; } if(type -> recursive) { oberon_error(ctx, "recursive array declaration"); } type -> recursive = 1; oberon_prevent_recursive_type(ctx, type -> base); type -> recursive = 0; } static void oberon_prevent_recursive_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type) { if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { oberon_prevent_recursive_pointer(ctx, type); } else if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_RECORD) { oberon_prevent_recursive_record(ctx, type); } else if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { oberon_prevent_recursive_array(ctx, type); } else if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_PROCEDURE) { oberon_prevent_recursive_procedure(ctx, type); } } static void oberon_prevent_recursive_object(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_object_t * x) { switch(x -> class) { case OBERON_CLASS_VAR: case OBERON_CLASS_TYPE: case OBERON_CLASS_PARAM: case OBERON_CLASS_VAR_PARAM: case OBERON_CLASS_FIELD: oberon_prevent_recursive_type(ctx, x -> type); break; case OBERON_CLASS_CONST: case OBERON_CLASS_PROC: case OBERON_CLASS_MODULE: break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "oberon_prevent_recursive_object: wat"); break; } } static void oberon_prevent_recursive_decl(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_object_t * x = ctx -> decl -> list -> next; while(x) { oberon_prevent_recursive_object(ctx, x); x = x -> next; } } static void oberon_initialize_object(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_object_t * x); static void oberon_initialize_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type); static void oberon_initialize_record_fields(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type) { assert(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_RECORD); int num_fields = type -> num_decl; oberon_object_t * field = type -> decl; for(int i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { oberon_initialize_object(ctx, field); field = field -> next; } oberon_generator_init_record(ctx, type); } static void oberon_initialize_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type) { if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE) { oberon_error(ctx, "undeclarated type"); } if(type -> initialized) { return; } type -> initialized = 1; if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER || type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY && type -> size != 0 && type -> base -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY && type -> base -> size == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "open array not allowed as array element"); } oberon_type_t * rec = type -> base; while(rec -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY || rec -> class == OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { rec = rec -> base; } if(rec -> class == OBERON_TYPE_RECORD && rec -> initialized == 0) { rec -> initialized = 1; oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, rec); oberon_initialize_type(ctx, type -> base); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, type); oberon_initialize_record_fields(ctx, rec); } else { oberon_initialize_type(ctx, type -> base); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, type); } } else if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_RECORD) { printf("Init type: RECORD\n"); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, type); oberon_initialize_record_fields(ctx, type); } else if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_PROCEDURE) { printf("Init type: PROCEDURE\n"); int num_fields = type -> num_decl; oberon_object_t * field = type -> decl; for(int i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) { oberon_initialize_type(ctx, field -> type); field = field -> next; } oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, type); } else { oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, type); } } static void oberon_initialize_object(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_object_t * x) { if(x -> initialized) { return; } x -> initialized = 1; switch(x -> class) { case OBERON_CLASS_TYPE: oberon_initialize_type(ctx, x -> type); break; case OBERON_CLASS_VAR: case OBERON_CLASS_FIELD: if(x -> type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { if(x -> type -> size == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "open array not allowed as variable or field"); } } oberon_initialize_type(ctx, x -> type); oberon_generator_init_var(ctx, x); break; case OBERON_CLASS_PARAM: case OBERON_CLASS_VAR_PARAM: oberon_initialize_type(ctx, x -> type); oberon_generator_init_var(ctx, x); break; case OBERON_CLASS_CONST: case OBERON_CLASS_PROC: case OBERON_CLASS_MODULE: break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "oberon_initialize_object: wat"); break; } } static void oberon_initialize_decl(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_object_t * x = ctx -> decl -> list; while(x -> next) { oberon_initialize_object(ctx, x -> next); x = x -> next; } } static void oberon_prevent_undeclarated_procedures(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_object_t * x = ctx -> decl -> list; while(x -> next) { if(x -> next -> class == OBERON_CLASS_PROC) { if(x -> next -> linked == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "unresolved forward declaration"); } } x = x -> next; } } static void oberon_decl_seq(oberon_context_t * ctx) { if(ctx -> token == CONST) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, CONST); while(ctx -> token == IDENT) { oberon_const_decl(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); } } if(ctx -> token == TYPE) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, TYPE); while(ctx -> token == IDENT) { oberon_type_decl(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); } } if(ctx -> token == VAR) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, VAR); while(ctx -> token == IDENT) { oberon_var_decl(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); } } oberon_prevent_recursive_decl(ctx); oberon_initialize_decl(ctx); while(ctx -> token == PROCEDURE) { oberon_proc_decl(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); } oberon_prevent_undeclarated_procedures(ctx); } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_temp_var_item(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_type_t * type) { oberon_object_t * x; oberon_expr_t * expr; x = oberon_create_object(ctx -> decl, "TEMP", OBERON_CLASS_VAR, false, false); x -> local = true; x -> type = type; oberon_generator_init_temp_var(ctx, x); expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_VAR, type, false); expr -> item.var = x; return expr; } static void oberon_statement_seq(oberon_context_t * ctx); static void oberon_assign(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * src, oberon_expr_t * dst) { oberon_check_dst(ctx, dst); oberon_check_assignment_compatible(ctx, src, dst -> result); if(oberon_is_array_of_char_type(dst -> result) && oberon_is_string_type(src -> result)) { src -> next = dst; oberon_make_copy_call(ctx, 2, src); } else { src = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, src, dst -> result); oberon_generate_assign(ctx, src, dst); } } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_case_labels(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * val) { oberon_expr_t * e1; oberon_expr_t * e2; oberon_expr_t * cond; oberon_expr_t * cond2; e1 = (oberon_expr_t *) oberon_const_expr(ctx); e2 = NULL; if(ctx -> token == DOTDOT) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, DOTDOT); e2 = (oberon_expr_t *) oberon_const_expr(ctx); } if(e2 == NULL) { /* val == e1 */ cond = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, EQUAL, val, e1); } else { /* val >= e1 && val <= e2 */ cond = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, GEQ, val, e1); cond2 = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, LEQ, val, e2); cond = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, AND, cond, cond2); } return cond; } static void oberon_case(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_expr_t * val, gen_label_t * end) { oberon_expr_t * cond; oberon_expr_t * cond2; gen_label_t * this_end; if(ISEXPR(ctx -> token)) { this_end = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); cond = oberon_case_labels(ctx, val); while(ctx -> token == COMMA) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, COMMA); /* cond || cond2 */ cond2 = oberon_case_labels(ctx, val); cond = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, OR, cond, cond2); } oberon_assert_token(ctx, COLON); oberon_generate_branch(ctx, cond, false, this_end); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); oberon_generate_goto(ctx, end); oberon_generate_label(ctx, this_end); } } static void oberon_case_statement(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * val; oberon_expr_t * expr; gen_label_t * end; end = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, CASE); expr = oberon_expr(ctx); val = oberon_make_temp_var_item(ctx, expr -> result); oberon_assign(ctx, expr, val); oberon_assert_token(ctx, OF); oberon_case(ctx, val, end); while(ctx -> token == BAR) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, BAR); oberon_case(ctx, val, end); } if(ctx -> token == ELSE) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, ELSE); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); } else { oberon_generate_trap(ctx, -1); } oberon_generate_label(ctx, end); oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); } static void oberon_with_guard_do(oberon_context_t * ctx, gen_label_t * end) { oberon_expr_t * val; oberon_expr_t * var; oberon_expr_t * type; oberon_expr_t * cond; oberon_expr_t * cast; oberon_type_t * old_type; gen_var_t * old_var; gen_label_t * this_end; this_end = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); var = oberon_qualident_expr(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, COLON); type = oberon_qualident_expr(ctx); cond = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, IS, var, type); oberon_assert_token(ctx, DO); oberon_generate_branch(ctx, cond, false, this_end); /* Сохраняем ссылку во временной переменной */ val = oberon_make_temp_var_item(ctx, type -> result); //cast = oberno_make_record_cast(ctx, var, type -> result); cast = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, var, type -> result); oberon_assign(ctx, cast, val); /* Подменяем тип у оригинальной переменной */ old_type = var -> item.var -> type; var -> item.var -> type = type -> result; /* Подменяем ссылку на переменную */ old_var = var -> item.var -> gen_var; var -> item.var -> gen_var = val -> item.var -> gen_var; oberon_statement_seq(ctx); oberon_generate_goto(ctx, end); oberon_generate_label(ctx, this_end); /* Возвращаем исходное состояние */ var -> item.var -> gen_var = old_var; var -> item.var -> type = old_type; } static void oberon_with_statement(oberon_context_t * ctx) { gen_label_t * end; end = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, WITH); oberon_with_guard_do(ctx, end); while(ctx -> token == BAR) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, BAR); oberon_with_guard_do(ctx, end); } if(ctx -> token == ELSE) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, ELSE); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); } else { oberon_generate_trap(ctx, -2); } oberon_generate_label(ctx, end); oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); } static void oberon_statement(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_expr_t * item1; oberon_expr_t * item2; if(ctx -> token == IDENT) { item1 = oberon_designator(ctx); if(ctx -> token == ASSIGN) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, ASSIGN); item2 = oberon_expr(ctx); oberon_assign(ctx, item2, item1); } else { oberon_opt_proc_parens(ctx, item1); } } else if(ctx -> token == IF) { gen_label_t * end; gen_label_t * els; oberon_expr_t * cond; els = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); end = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, IF); cond = oberon_expr(ctx); if(cond -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { oberon_error(ctx, "condition must be boolean"); } oberon_assert_token(ctx, THEN); oberon_generate_branch(ctx, cond, false, els); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); oberon_generate_goto(ctx, end); oberon_generate_label(ctx, els); while(ctx -> token == ELSIF) { els = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, ELSIF); cond = oberon_expr(ctx); if(cond -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { oberon_error(ctx, "condition must be boolean"); } oberon_assert_token(ctx, THEN); oberon_generate_branch(ctx, cond, false, els); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); oberon_generate_goto(ctx, end); oberon_generate_label(ctx, els); } if(ctx -> token == ELSE) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, ELSE); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); } oberon_generate_label(ctx, end); oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); } else if(ctx -> token == WHILE) { gen_label_t * begin; gen_label_t * end; oberon_expr_t * cond; begin = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); end = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, WHILE); oberon_generate_label(ctx, begin); cond = oberon_expr(ctx); if(cond -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { oberon_error(ctx, "condition must be boolean"); } oberon_generate_branch(ctx, cond, false, end); oberon_assert_token(ctx, DO); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); oberon_generate_goto(ctx, begin); oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); oberon_generate_label(ctx, end); } else if(ctx -> token == REPEAT) { gen_label_t * begin; oberon_expr_t * cond; begin = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); oberon_generate_label(ctx, begin); oberon_assert_token(ctx, REPEAT); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, UNTIL); cond = oberon_expr(ctx); if(cond -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { oberon_error(ctx, "condition must be boolean"); } oberon_generate_branch(ctx, cond, true, begin); } else if(ctx -> token == FOR) { oberon_expr_t * from; oberon_expr_t * index; oberon_expr_t * to; oberon_expr_t * bound; oberon_expr_t * by; oberon_expr_t * cond; oberon_expr_t * count; gen_label_t * begin; gen_label_t * end; char * iname; int op; begin = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); end = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, FOR); iname = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); index = oberon_ident_item(ctx, iname); oberon_assert_token(ctx, ASSIGN); from = oberon_expr(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, TO); bound = oberon_make_temp_var_item(ctx, index -> result); to = oberon_expr(ctx); oberon_assign(ctx, to, bound); // сначала temp oberon_assign(ctx, from, index); // потом i if(ctx -> token == BY) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, BY); by = (oberon_expr_t *) oberon_const_expr(ctx); } else { by = oberon_make_integer(ctx, 1); } if(by -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "must be integer"); } if(by -> item.integer > 0) { op = LEQ; } else if(by -> item.integer < 0) { op = GEQ; } else { oberon_error(ctx, "zero step not allowed"); } oberon_assert_token(ctx, DO); oberon_generate_label(ctx, begin); cond = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, op, index, bound); oberon_generate_branch(ctx, cond, false, end); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); count = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, PLUS, index, by); oberon_assign(ctx, count, index); oberon_generate_goto(ctx, begin); oberon_generate_label(ctx, end); oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); } else if(ctx -> token == LOOP) { gen_label_t * begin; gen_label_t * end; begin = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); end = oberon_generator_reserve_label(ctx); oberon_open_scope(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, LOOP); oberon_generate_label(ctx, begin); ctx -> decl -> exit_label = end; oberon_statement_seq(ctx); oberon_generate_goto(ctx, begin); oberon_generate_label(ctx, end); oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); oberon_close_scope(ctx -> decl); } else if(ctx -> token == EXIT) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, EXIT); if(ctx -> decl -> exit_label == NULL) { oberon_error(ctx, "not in LOOP-END"); } oberon_generate_goto(ctx, ctx -> decl -> exit_label); } else if(ctx -> token == CASE) { oberon_case_statement(ctx); } else if(ctx -> token == WITH) { oberon_with_statement(ctx); } else if(ctx -> token == RETURN) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, RETURN); if(ISEXPR(ctx -> token)) { oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_expr(ctx); oberon_make_return(ctx, expr); } else { oberon_make_return(ctx, NULL); } } } static void oberon_statement_seq(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_statement(ctx); while(ctx -> token == SEMICOLON) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); oberon_statement(ctx); } } static void oberon_import_module(oberon_context_t * ctx, char * alias, char * name) { oberon_module_t * m = ctx -> module_list; while(m && strcmp(m -> name, name) != 0) { m = m -> next; } if(m == NULL) { oberon_scanner_t * s; s = ctx -> import_module(name); if(s == NULL) { oberon_error(ctx, "no such module %s", name); } m = oberon_compile_module(ctx, s); assert(m); } if(m -> ready == 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "cyclic module import"); } oberon_object_t * ident; ident = oberon_define_object(ctx -> decl, alias, OBERON_CLASS_MODULE, false, false, false); ident -> module = m; } static void oberon_import_decl(oberon_context_t * ctx) { char * alias; char * name; alias = name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); if(ctx -> token == ASSIGN) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, ASSIGN); name = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); } oberon_import_module(ctx, alias, name); } static void oberon_import_list(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, IMPORT); oberon_import_decl(ctx); while(ctx -> token == COMMA) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, COMMA); oberon_import_decl(ctx); } oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); } static void oberon_parse_module(oberon_context_t * ctx) { char * name1; char * name2; oberon_read_token(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, MODULE); name1 = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, SEMICOLON); ctx -> mod -> name = name1; oberon_generator_init_module(ctx, ctx -> mod); if(ctx -> token == IMPORT) { oberon_import_list(ctx); } oberon_decl_seq(ctx); oberon_generate_begin_module(ctx); if(ctx -> token == BEGIN) { oberon_assert_token(ctx, BEGIN); oberon_statement_seq(ctx); } oberon_generate_end_module(ctx); oberon_assert_token(ctx, END); name2 = oberon_assert_ident(ctx); oberon_expect_token(ctx, DOT); if(strcmp(name1, name2) != 0) { oberon_error(ctx, "module name not matched"); } oberon_generator_fini_module(ctx -> mod); } // ======================================================================= // LIBRARY // ======================================================================= static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_min_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; if(!oberon_is_type_expr(arg)) { oberon_error(ctx, "MIN accept only type"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; int bits = arg -> result -> size * 8; switch(arg -> result -> class) { case OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, -powl(2, bits - 1)); break; case OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, false); break; case OBERON_TYPE_CHAR: expr = oberon_make_char(ctx, 0); break; case OBERON_TYPE_REAL: expr = oberon_make_real_typed(ctx, (bits <= 32) ? (-FLT_MAX) : (-DBL_MAX), arg -> result); break; case OBERON_TYPE_SET: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, 0); break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "allowed only basic types"); break; } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_max_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; if(!oberon_is_type_expr(arg)) { oberon_error(ctx, "MAX accept only type"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; int bits = arg -> result -> size * 8; switch(arg -> result -> class) { case OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, powl(2, bits - 1) - 1); break; case OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN: expr = oberon_make_boolean(ctx, true); break; case OBERON_TYPE_CHAR: expr = oberon_make_char(ctx, powl(2, bits) - 1); break; case OBERON_TYPE_REAL: expr = oberon_make_real_typed(ctx, (bits <= 32) ? (FLT_MAX) : (DBL_MAX), arg -> result); break; case OBERON_TYPE_SET: expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, bits); break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "allowed only basic types"); break; } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_size_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; if(!oberon_is_type_expr(arg)) { oberon_error(ctx, "SIZE accept only type"); } int size; oberon_expr_t * expr; oberon_type_t * type = arg -> result; switch(type -> class) { case OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER: case OBERON_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case OBERON_TYPE_REAL: case OBERON_TYPE_CHAR: case OBERON_TYPE_SET: size = type -> size; break; default: oberon_error(ctx, "TODO SIZE"); break; } expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, size); return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_abs_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_number_type(arg -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "ABS accepts only numbers"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; if(oberon_is_const(arg)) { if(oberon_is_real_type(arg -> result)) { double x = arg -> item.real; expr = oberon_make_real(ctx, fabsl(x), arg -> result); } else { int64_t x = arg -> item.integer; expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, llabs(x)); } } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_ABS, arg -> result, arg, NULL); } return expr; } static void oberon_make_inc_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * dst; dst = list_args; oberon_check_dst(ctx, dst); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(dst -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expect integer"); } oberon_expr_t * step; if(num_args == 2) { step = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, step); oberon_check_const(ctx, step); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(step -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expect integer"); } } else { step = oberon_make_integer(ctx, 1); } oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, PLUS, dst, step); oberon_assign(ctx, expr, dst); } static void oberon_make_incl_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * dst; dst = list_args; oberon_check_dst(ctx, dst); if(!oberon_is_set_type(dst -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expect integer"); } oberon_expr_t * x; x = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, x); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(x -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expect integer"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, PLUS, dst, oberon_new_operator(OP_RANGE, dst -> result, x, NULL)); oberon_assign(ctx, expr, dst); } static void oberon_make_excl_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * dst; dst = list_args; oberon_check_dst(ctx, dst); if(!oberon_is_set_type(dst -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expect integer"); } oberon_expr_t * x; x = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, x); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(x -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expect integer"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, MINUS, dst, oberon_new_operator(OP_RANGE, dst -> result, x, NULL)); oberon_assign(ctx, expr, dst); } static void oberon_make_dec_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * dst; dst = list_args; oberon_check_dst(ctx, dst); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(dst -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expect integer"); } oberon_expr_t * step; if(num_args == 2) { step = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, step); oberon_check_const(ctx, step); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(step -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expect integer"); } } else { step = oberon_make_integer(ctx, 1); } oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, MINUS, dst, step); oberon_assign(ctx, expr, dst); } static void oberon_make_new_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * dst; dst = list_args; oberon_check_dst(ctx, dst); oberon_type_t * type; type = dst -> result; if(type -> class != OBERON_TYPE_POINTER) { oberon_error(ctx, "not a pointer"); } type = type -> base; oberon_expr_t * src; src = oberon_new_item(MODE_NEW, dst -> result, 0); src -> item.num_args = 0; src -> item.args = NULL; int max_args = 1; if(type -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { if(type -> size == 0) { oberon_type_t * x = type; while(x -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { if(x -> size == 0) { max_args += 1; } x = x -> base; } } if(num_args < max_args) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > max_args) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } int num_sizes = max_args - 1; oberon_expr_t * size_list = list_args -> next; oberon_expr_t * arg = size_list; for(int i = 0; i < max_args - 1; i++) { oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(arg -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "size must be integer"); } arg = arg -> next; } src -> item.num_args = num_sizes; src -> item.args = size_list; } else if(type -> class != OBERON_TYPE_RECORD) { oberon_error(ctx, "oberon_make_new_call: wat"); } if(num_args > max_args) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_assign(ctx, src, dst); } static void oberon_make_copy_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * src; src = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, src); oberon_expr_t * dst; dst = list_args -> next; oberon_check_dst(ctx, dst); if(!oberon_is_string_type(src -> result) && !oberon_is_array_of_char_type(src -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "source must be string or array of char"); } if(!oberon_is_array_of_char_type(dst -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "dst must be array of char"); } oberon_generate_copy(ctx, src, dst); } static void oberon_make_assert_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * cond; cond = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, cond); if(!oberon_is_boolean_type(cond -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected boolean"); } if(num_args == 1) { oberon_generate_assert(ctx, cond); } else { oberon_expr_t * num; num = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, num); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(num -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_check_const(ctx, num); oberon_generate_assert_n(ctx, cond, num -> item.integer); } } static void oberon_make_halt_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * num; num = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, num); if(num -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_check_const(ctx, num); oberon_generate_halt(ctx, num -> item.integer); } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_ash_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg1; arg1 = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg1); if(arg1 -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_expr_t * arg2; arg2 = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg2); if(arg2 -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; if(oberon_is_const(arg1) && oberon_is_const(arg2)) { int64_t x = arg1 -> item.integer; int64_t y = arg2 -> item.integer; int64_t v = (y > 0) ? (x << y) : (x >> labs(y)); expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, v); } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_ASH, arg1 -> result, arg1, arg2); } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_lsh_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg1; arg1 = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg1); oberon_type_t * t = arg1 -> result; if(!oberon_is_integer_type(t) && !oberon_is_char_type(t) && !oberon_is_system_byte_type(t)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer, char, or SYSTEM.BYTE"); } oberon_expr_t * arg2; arg2 = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg2); if(arg2 -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; if(oberon_is_const(arg1) && oberon_is_const(arg2)) { uint64_t x = arg1 -> item.integer; int64_t y = arg2 -> item.integer; uint64_t v = (y > 0) ? (x << y) : (x >> labs(y)); if(oberon_is_integer_type(t)) { expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, v); } else if(oberon_is_char_type(t)) { expr = oberon_make_char(ctx, v); } else { expr = oberon_make_system_byte(ctx, v); } } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_LSH, arg1 -> result, arg1, arg2); expr = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, expr, t); } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_rot_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg1; arg1 = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg1); oberon_type_t * t = arg1 -> result; if(!oberon_is_integer_type(t) && !oberon_is_char_type(t) && !oberon_is_system_byte_type(t)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer, char, or SYSTEM.BYTE"); } oberon_expr_t * arg2; arg2 = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg2); if(arg2 -> result -> class != OBERON_TYPE_INTEGER) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; if(oberon_is_const(arg1) && oberon_is_const(arg2)) { uint64_t x = arg1 -> item.integer; int64_t y = arg2 -> item.integer; uint64_t v = 0; if(y > 0) { v = (x << y) | (x >> (64 - y)); } else { y = labs(y); v = (x >> y) | (x << (64 - y)); } if(oberon_is_integer_type(t)) { expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, v); } else if(oberon_is_char_type(t)) { expr = oberon_make_char(ctx, v); } else { expr = oberon_make_system_byte(ctx, v); } } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_ROT, arg1 -> result, arg1, arg2); expr = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, expr, t); } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_cap_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_char_type(arg -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected char"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; if(oberon_is_const(arg)) { expr = oberon_make_char(ctx, toupper(arg -> item.integer)); } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_CAP, arg -> result, arg, NULL); } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_chr_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(arg -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; if(oberon_is_const(arg)) { expr = oberon_make_char(ctx, arg -> item.integer); } else { expr = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, arg, ctx -> char_type); } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_ord_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_char_type(arg -> result) && !oberon_is_string_of_one(arg)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected char"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; if(oberon_is_const(arg)) { expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, arg -> item.integer); } else { expr = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, arg, ctx -> int_type); } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_entier_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_real_type(arg -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected real"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; if(oberon_is_const(arg)) { expr = oberon_make_integer(ctx, floor(arg -> item.real)); } else { expr = oberon_new_operator(OP_ENTIER, ctx -> int_type, arg, NULL); } return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_odd_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(arg -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, MOD, arg, oberon_make_integer(ctx, 2)); expr = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, EQUAL, expr, oberon_make_integer(ctx, 1)); return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_cc_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); oberon_check_const(ctx, arg); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(arg -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } /* n >= 0 && n <= 15 */ oberon_expr_t * cond1; oberon_expr_t * cond2; cond1 = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, GEQ, arg, oberon_make_integer(ctx, 0)); cond2 = oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, LEQ, arg, oberon_make_integer(ctx, 15)); return oberon_make_bin_op(ctx, AND, cond1, cond2); } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_short_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(arg -> result -> shorter == NULL) { oberon_error(ctx, "already shorter"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, arg, arg -> result -> shorter); return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_long_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); if(arg -> result -> longer == NULL) { oberon_error(ctx, "already longer"); } oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_cast_expr(ctx, arg, arg -> result -> longer); return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_val_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * typ; typ = list_args; if(!oberon_is_type_expr(typ)) { oberon_error(ctx, "requires type"); } oberon_expr_t * arg; arg = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, arg); oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_hard_cast_expr(ctx, arg, typ -> result); return expr; } static oberon_expr_t * oberon_make_len_call(oberon_context_t * ctx, int num_args, oberon_expr_t * list_args) { if(num_args < 1) { oberon_error(ctx, "too few arguments"); } if(num_args > 2) { oberon_error(ctx, "too mach arguments"); } oberon_expr_t * v; v = list_args; oberon_check_src(ctx, v); if(!oberon_is_array_type(v -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected array"); } int n = 0; if(num_args == 2) { oberon_expr_t * num; num = list_args -> next; oberon_check_src(ctx, num); if(!oberon_is_integer_type(num -> result)) { oberon_error(ctx, "expected integer"); } oberon_check_const(ctx, num); n = num -> item.integer; } int dim = 0; oberon_type_t * arr = v -> result; while(arr -> class == OBERON_TYPE_ARRAY) { dim += 1; arr = arr -> base; } if(n < 0 || n > dim) { oberon_error(ctx, "not in range 0..%i", dim - 1); } assert(v -> is_item); oberon_expr_t * expr; expr = oberon_new_item(MODE_LEN, ctx -> int_type, true); expr -> item.parent = (oberon_item_t *) v; expr -> item.integer = n; return expr; } static void oberon_new_const(oberon_context_t * ctx, char * name, oberon_expr_t * expr) { oberon_object_t * constant; constant = oberon_define_object(ctx -> decl, name, OBERON_CLASS_CONST, true, false, false); oberon_check_const(ctx, expr); constant -> value = (oberon_item_t *) expr; } static void register_default_types(oberon_context_t * ctx) { ctx -> notype_type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NOTYPE); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> notype_type); ctx -> nil_type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_NIL); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> nil_type); ctx -> string_type = oberon_new_type_string(1); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> string_type); ctx -> bool_type = oberon_new_type_boolean(); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> bool_type); ctx -> char_type = oberon_new_type_char(1); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> char_type); ctx -> byte_type = oberon_new_type_integer(1); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> byte_type); ctx -> shortint_type = oberon_new_type_integer(2); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> shortint_type); ctx -> int_type = oberon_new_type_integer(4); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> int_type); ctx -> longint_type = oberon_new_type_integer(8); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> longint_type); ctx -> real_type = oberon_new_type_real(4); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> real_type); ctx -> longreal_type = oberon_new_type_real(8); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> longreal_type); ctx -> set_type = oberon_new_type_set(4); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> set_type); ctx -> system_byte_type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_SYSTEM_BYTE); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> system_byte_type); ctx -> system_ptr_type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_SYSTEM_PTR); oberon_generator_init_type(ctx, ctx -> system_ptr_type); /* LONG / SHORT support */ ctx -> byte_type -> shorter = NULL; ctx -> byte_type -> longer = ctx -> shortint_type; ctx -> shortint_type -> shorter = ctx -> byte_type; ctx -> shortint_type -> longer = ctx -> int_type; ctx -> int_type -> shorter = ctx -> shortint_type; ctx -> int_type -> longer = ctx -> longint_type; ctx -> longint_type -> shorter = ctx -> int_type; ctx -> longint_type -> longer = NULL; ctx -> real_type -> shorter = NULL; ctx -> real_type -> longer = ctx -> longreal_type; ctx -> longreal_type -> shorter = ctx -> real_type; ctx -> longreal_type -> longer = NULL; } static void oberon_new_intrinsic(oberon_context_t * ctx, char * name, GenerateFuncCallback f, GenerateProcCallback p) { oberon_object_t * proc; proc = oberon_define_object(ctx -> decl, name, OBERON_CLASS_PROC, true, false, false); proc -> type = oberon_new_type_ptr(OBERON_TYPE_PROCEDURE); proc -> type -> sysproc = true; proc -> type -> genfunc = f; proc -> type -> genproc = p; } static void oberon_new_intrinsic_type(oberon_context_t * ctx, char * name, oberon_type_t * type) { oberon_object_t * id; id = oberon_define_object(ctx -> decl, name, OBERON_CLASS_TYPE, true, false, false); id -> type = type; } static void oberon_begin_intrinsic_module(oberon_context_t * ctx, char * name, oberon_module_t ** m) { oberon_scope_t * module_scope; module_scope = oberon_open_scope(ctx); oberon_module_t * module; module = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *module); memset(module, 0, sizeof *module); module -> name = name; module -> intrinsic = true; module -> decl = module_scope; module -> next = ctx -> module_list; ctx -> mod = module; ctx -> module_list = module; *m = module; } static void oberon_end_intrinsic_module(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_module_t * m) { oberon_close_scope(m -> decl); m -> ready = true; ctx -> mod = NULL; } oberon_context_t * oberon_create_context(ModuleImportCallback import_module) { oberon_context_t * ctx = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *ctx); memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx); oberon_scope_t * world_scope; world_scope = oberon_open_scope(ctx); ctx -> world_scope = world_scope; ctx -> import_module = import_module; oberon_generator_init_context(ctx); /* Types */ register_default_types(ctx); /* Constants */ oberon_new_const(ctx, "TRUE", oberon_make_boolean(ctx, true)); oberon_new_const(ctx, "FALSE", oberon_make_boolean(ctx, false)); /* Types */ oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "BOOLEAN", ctx -> bool_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "CHAR", ctx -> char_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "SHORTINT", ctx -> byte_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "INTEGER", ctx -> shortint_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "LONGINT", ctx -> int_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "HUGEINT", ctx -> longint_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "REAL", ctx -> real_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "LONGREAL", ctx -> longreal_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "SET", ctx -> set_type); /* Functions */ oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "ABS", oberon_make_abs_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "ASH", oberon_make_ash_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "CAP", oberon_make_cap_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "CHR", oberon_make_chr_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "ENTIER", oberon_make_entier_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "LEN", oberon_make_len_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "LONG", oberon_make_long_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "MAX", oberon_make_max_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "MIN", oberon_make_min_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "ODD", oberon_make_odd_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "ORD", oberon_make_ord_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "SHORT", oberon_make_short_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "SIZE", oberon_make_size_call, NULL); /* Procedures */ oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "ASSERT", NULL, oberon_make_assert_call); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "COPY", NULL, oberon_make_copy_call); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "DEC", NULL, oberon_make_dec_call); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "EXCL", NULL, oberon_make_excl_call); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "HALT", NULL, oberon_make_halt_call); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "INC", NULL, oberon_make_inc_call); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "INCL", NULL, oberon_make_incl_call); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "NEW", NULL, oberon_make_new_call); /* MODULE SYSTEM */ oberon_begin_intrinsic_module(ctx, "SYSTEM", &ctx -> system_module); /* Types */ oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "BYTE", ctx -> system_byte_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "PTR", ctx -> system_ptr_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "INT32", ctx -> int_type); oberon_new_intrinsic_type(ctx, "SET32", ctx -> set_type); /* Functions */ oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "CC", oberon_make_cc_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "LSH", oberon_make_lsh_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "ROT", oberon_make_rot_call, NULL); oberon_new_intrinsic(ctx, "VAL", oberon_make_val_call, NULL); oberon_end_intrinsic_module(ctx, ctx -> system_module); return ctx; } void oberon_destroy_context(oberon_context_t * ctx) { oberon_generator_destroy_context(ctx); } oberon_module_t * oberon_compile_module(oberon_context_t * ctx, oberon_scanner_t * s) { const char * code = ctx -> code; int code_index = ctx -> code_index; oberon_location_t loc = ctx -> loc; oberon_location_t xloc = ctx -> xloc; char c = ctx -> c; int token = ctx -> token; char * string = ctx -> string; int integer = ctx -> integer; int real = ctx -> real; bool longmode = ctx -> longmode; oberon_scope_t * decl = ctx -> decl; oberon_module_t * mod = ctx -> mod; oberon_scope_t * module_scope; module_scope = oberon_open_scope(ctx); oberon_module_t * module; module = GC_MALLOC(sizeof *module); memset(module, 0, sizeof *module); module -> decl = module_scope; module -> next = ctx -> module_list; ctx -> mod = module; ctx -> module_list = module; oberon_init_scaner(ctx, s); oberon_parse_module(ctx); module -> ready = 1; ctx -> code = code; ctx -> code_index = code_index; ctx -> loc = loc; ctx -> xloc = xloc; ctx -> c = c; ctx -> token = token; ctx -> string = string; ctx -> integer = integer; ctx -> real = real; ctx -> longmode = longmode; ctx -> decl = decl; ctx -> mod = mod; return module; }