(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$MODE OBJFPC} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$ENDIF} {$DEFINE UTFEXTRA} {.$DEFINE ONELINELOG} {$IFDEF WINDOWS} {$UNDEF ONELINELOG} {$ENDIF} program __wadcvt__; uses SysUtils, Classes, {$IFDEF USE_SDL} SDL in '../lib/sdl/sdl.pas', {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_SDL2} SDL2 in '../lib/sdl2/sdl2.pas', {$ENDIF} {$I ../shared/vampimg.inc} mempool in '../shared/mempool.pas', utils in '../shared/utils.pas', xstreams in '../shared/xstreams.pas', xparser in '../shared/xparser.pas', xdynrec in '../shared/xdynrec.pas', crc, sfs in '../sfs/sfs.pas', sfsPlainFS in '../sfs/sfsPlainFS.pas', sfsZipFS in '../sfs/sfsZipFS.pas', paszlib, wadreader in '../shared/wadreader.pas', hashtable in '../shared/hashtable.pas', conbuf in '../shared/conbuf.pas', MAPDEF in '../shared/MAPDEF.pas', CONFIG in '../shared/CONFIG.pas', e_log in '../engine/e_log.pas'; {.$WARNINGS ON} {.$NOTES ON} {.$HINTS ON} var optConvertATX: Boolean = false; optConvertTGA: Boolean = false; optLoCaseNames: Boolean = false; optAggressivePng: Boolean = false; optRecompress: Boolean = false; function convertAnimTexture (wadSt: TStream; wadName: AnsiString): TMemoryStream; var WAD: TWADFile = nil; TextureWAD: PChar = nil; TextData: Pointer = nil; TextureData: Pointer = nil; cfg: TConfig = nil; ResLength: Integer; TextureResource: String; _width, _height, _framecount, _speed: Integer; _backanimation: Boolean; ia: TDynImageDataArray = nil; f: Integer; img: TImageData; x, y, ofsx, ofsy, nx, ny: Integer; clr: TColor32Rec; sto: TMemoryStream = nil; buf: PChar; buflen: Integer; begin result := nil; wadSt.position := 0; buflen := Integer(wadSt.size); GetMem(buf, buflen); try wadSt.ReadBuffer(buf^, buflen); WAD := TWADFile.Create(); //WAD.ReadFile(wadName); WAD.ReadMemory(buf, buflen); // Читаем INI-ресурс аним. текстуры и запоминаем его установки: if not WAD.GetResource('TEXT/ANIM', TextData, ResLength) then begin writeln(Format('Animated texture file "%s" has invalid INI', [wadName])); exit; end; try cfg := TConfig.CreateMem(TextData, ResLength); TextureResource := cfg.ReadStr('', 'resource', ''); if TextureResource = '' then begin writeln(Format('Animated texture WAD file "%s" has no "resource"', [wadName])); exit; end; _width := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framewidth', 0); _height := cfg.ReadInt('', 'frameheight', 0); _framecount := cfg.ReadInt('', 'framecount', 0); _speed := cfg.ReadInt('', 'waitcount', 0); _backanimation := cfg.ReadBool('', 'backanimation', False); if _speed < 0 then _speed := 0; if (_width < 1) or (_width > 16383) or (_height < 1) or (_height > 16383) then begin writeln('invalid animation dimensions: ', _width, 'x', _height); exit; end; if (_framecount < 1) or (_framecount > 1024) then begin writeln('invalid frame count: ', _framecount); exit; end; cfg.Free(); cfg := nil; // Читаем ресурс текстур (кадров) аним. текстуры в память: if not WAD.GetResource('TEXTURES/'+TextureResource, TextureData, ResLength) then begin writeln(Format('Animated texture WAD file "%s" has no texture "%s"', [wadName, 'TEXTURES/'+TextureResource])); exit; end; if not LoadImageFromMemory(TextureData, ResLength, img) then begin writeln(Format('Animated texture file "%s" has invalid texture image', [wadName])); exit; end; //writeln('texture image: ', img.width, 'x', img.height, ' (', img.width div _width, ' frames)'); WAD.Free(); WAD := nil; // now create animation frames GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItems(); GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItemsForSaving(); GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaFrameDelay, _speed*28); if _backanimation then GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops, 1) else GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops, 0); SetLength(ia, _framecount); //writeln('creating ', length(ia), ' animation frames...'); for f := 0 to high(ia) do begin GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaFrameDelay, _speed*28, f); if _backanimation then GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops, 1, f) else GlobalMetadata.SetMetaItem(SMetaAnimationLoops, 0, f); InitImage(ia[f]); NewImage(_width, _height, TImageFormat.ifA8R8G8B8, ia[f]); ofsx := f*_width; ofsy := 0; for y := 0 to _height-1 do begin for x := 0 to _width-1 do begin nx := ofsx+x; ny := ofsy+y; if (nx >= 0) and (ny >= 0) and (nx < img.width) and (ny < img.height) then begin clr := GetPixel32(img, nx, ny); end else begin clr.r := 0; clr.g := 0; clr.b := 0; clr.a := 0; end; SetPixel32(ia[f], x, y, clr); end; end; //writeln('resizing image...'); //ResizeImage(ia[f], 320, 200, TResizeFilter.rfNearest); end; GlobalMetadata.CopyLoadedMetaItemsForSaving; sto := TMemoryStream.Create(); //writeln(' ... [', ChangeFileExt(wadName, '.png'), '] (', length(ia), ') '); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGCompressLevel, 9); if optAggressivePng then Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGPreFilter, 6); if SaveMultiImageToStream('png', sto, ia) then begin sto.position := 0; result := sto; sto := nil; end else begin //writeln(' ...WTF?!'); end; finally FreeImage(img); end; finally for f := 0 to High(ia) do FreeImage(ia[f]); WAD.Free(); cfg.Free(); if TextureWAD <> nil then FreeMem(TextureWAD); if TextData <> nil then FreeMem(TextData); if TextureData <> nil then FreeMem(TextureData); sto.Free(); FreeMem(buf); end; end; function recompressImageToPng (ist: TStream): TStream; var ia: TDynImageDataArray = nil; sto: TMemoryStream = nil; f: Integer; begin result := nil; ist.position := 0; GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItems(); GlobalMetadata.ClearMetaItemsForSaving(); if not LoadMultiImageFromStream(ist, ia) then exit; try GlobalMetadata.CopyLoadedMetaItemsForSaving; sto := TMemoryStream.Create(); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGCompressLevel, 9); if optAggressivePng then Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGPreFilter, 6); if SaveMultiImageToStream('png', sto, ia) then begin sto.position := 0; result := sto; sto := nil; end; finally sto.Free(); for f := 0 to High(ia) do FreeImage(ia[f]); end; end; // returs crc function zpack (ds: TStream; ss: TStream; var aborted: Boolean): LongWord; const IBSize = 65536; OBSize = 65536; var zst: TZStream; ib, ob: PByte; err: Integer; rd: Integer; eof: Boolean; crc: LongWord; dstp, srcsize: Int64; begin result := 0; //aborted := true; exit; aborted := false; crc := crc32(0, nil, 0); GetMem(ib, IBSize); GetMem(ob, OBSize); ss.position := 0; dstp := ds.position; srcsize := ss.size; try zst.next_out := ob; zst.avail_out := OBSize; zst.next_in := ib; zst.avail_in := 0; err := deflateInit2(zst, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, -15, 9, 0); if err <> Z_OK then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err)); try eof := false; repeat if zst.avail_in = 0 then begin // read input buffer part rd := ss.read(ib^, IBSize); if rd < 0 then raise Exception.Create('reading error'); //writeln(' read ', rd, ' bytes'); eof := (rd = 0); if rd <> 0 then begin crc := crc32(crc, Pointer(ib), rd); result := crc; end; zst.next_in := ib; zst.avail_in := rd; end; // now process the whole input while zst.avail_in > 0 do begin err := deflate(zst, Z_NO_FLUSH); if err <> Z_OK then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err)); if zst.avail_out < OBSize then begin //writeln(' written ', OBSize-zst.avail_out, ' bytes'); if ds.position+(OBSize-zst.avail_out)-dstp >= srcsize then begin // this will be overwritten anyway aborted := true; exit; end; ds.writeBuffer(ob^, OBSize-zst.avail_out); zst.next_out := ob; zst.avail_out := OBSize; end; end; until eof; // do leftovers while true do begin zst.avail_in := 0; err := deflate(zst, Z_FINISH); if (err <> Z_OK) and (err <> Z_STREAM_END) then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err)); if zst.avail_out < OBSize then begin //writeln(' .written ', OBSize-zst.avail_out, ' bytes'); if ds.position+(OBSize-zst.avail_out)-dstp >= srcsize then begin // this will be overwritten anyway aborted := true; exit; end; ds.writeBuffer(ob^, OBSize-zst.avail_out); zst.next_out := ob; zst.avail_out := OBSize; end; if err <> Z_OK then break; end; // succesfully flushed? if (err <> Z_STREAM_END) then raise Exception.Create(zerror(err)); finally deflateEnd(zst); end; finally FreeMem(ob); FreeMem(ib); end; end; { procedure TProg.putStr (const s: AnsiString; newline: Boolean=false); begin write(#13, s); while lastlen > length(s) do begin write(' '); Dec(lastlen); end; if newline then begin writeln; lastlen := 0; end else begin lastlen := length(s); end; end; procedure TProg.onProgress (sender: TObject; const percent: double); var prc: Integer; begin prc := trunc(percent*100.0); putStr(Format('compressing %-33s %3d%%', [lastname, prc])); end; procedure TProg.onFileStart (sender: TObject; const fileName: AnsiString); begin lastname := fileName; putStr(Format('compressing %-33s %3d%%', [lastname, 0])); end; procedure TProg.onFileEnd (sender: TObject; const ratio: double); begin putStr(Format('compressed %-33s %f', [lastname, ratio]), true); end; } // returns new file name function detectExt (fpath, fname: AnsiString; fs: TStream): AnsiString; var buf: PChar; buflen: Integer; f: Integer; st: string[24]; img: string; begin result := fname; if length(ExtractFileExt(fname)) <> 0 then exit; if fs.size < 16 then exit; buflen := Integer(fs.size); GetMem(buf, buflen); try fs.ReadBuffer(buf^, buflen); // xm Move(buf^, (PChar(@st[1]))^, 16); st[0] := #16; if (st = 'Extended Module:') then begin result := result+'.xm'; exit; end; if (buf[0] = 'D') and (buf[1] = 'F') and (buf[2] = 'W') and (buf[3] = 'A') and (buf[4] = 'D') and (buf[5] = #$1) then begin result := result+'.wad'; exit; end; if (buf[0] = 'M') and (buf[1] = 'A') and (buf[2] = 'P') and (buf[3] = #$1) then begin result := result+'.dfmap'; exit; end; if (buf[0] = 'M') and (buf[1] = 'T') and (buf[2] = 'h') and (buf[3] = 'd') then begin result := result+'.mid'; exit; end; if (buf[0] = 'R') and (buf[1] = 'I') and (buf[2] = 'F') and (buf[3] = 'F') and (buf[8] = 'W') and (buf[9] = 'A') and (buf[10] = 'V') and (buf[11] = 'E') then begin result := result+'.wav'; exit; end; // mp3 (stupid hack) for f := 0 to 128-6 do begin if (buf[f+0] = #$4) and (buf[f+1] = 'L') and (buf[f+2] = 'A') and (buf[f+3] = 'M') and (buf[f+4] = 'E') and (buf[f+5] = '3') then begin result := result+'.mp3'; exit; end; end; // more mp3 hacks if (buf[0] = 'I') and (buf[1] = 'D') and (buf[2] = '3') and (buf[3] <= #4) then begin result := result+'.mp3'; exit; end; if buflen > 128 then begin if (buf[buflen-128] = 'T') and (buf[buflen-127] = 'A') and (buf[buflen-126] = 'G') then begin result := result+'.mp3'; exit; end; end; // targa (stupid hack; this "signature" is not required by specs) { if buflen >= 18 then begin Move((buf+buflen-18)^, (PChar(@st[1]))^, 16); st[0] := #16; if st = 'TRUEVISION-XFILE' then begin result := result+'.tga'; exit; end; end; } // detect image format img := DetermineMemoryFormat(buf, buflen); if length(img) > 0 then begin result := result+'.'+img; exit; end; // check if this is text file if buflen > 16 then begin for f := 0 to buflen-1 do begin if buf[f] = #127 then exit; if buf[f] < #32 then begin if (buf[f] <> #9) and (buf[f] <> #10) and (buf[f] <> #13) then exit; end; end; result := result+'.txt'; end; finally FreeMem(buf); end; end; type TFileInfo = class public name: AnsiString; pkofs: Int64; // offset of file header size: Int64; pksize: Int64; crc: LongWord; method: Word; constructor Create (); end; constructor TFileInfo.Create (); begin name := ''; pkofs := 0; size := 0; pksize := 0; crc := crc32(0, nil, 0); method := 0; end; const uni2wint: array [128..255] of Word = ( $0402,$0403,$201A,$0453,$201E,$2026,$2020,$2021,$20AC,$2030,$0409,$2039,$040A,$040C,$040B,$040F, $0452,$2018,$2019,$201C,$201D,$2022,$2013,$2014,$003F,$2122,$0459,$203A,$045A,$045C,$045B,$045F, $00A0,$040E,$045E,$0408,$00A4,$0490,$00A6,$00A7,$0401,$00A9,$0404,$00AB,$00AC,$00AD,$00AE,$0407, $00B0,$00B1,$0406,$0456,$0491,$00B5,$00B6,$00B7,$0451,$2116,$0454,$00BB,$0458,$0405,$0455,$0457, $0410,$0411,$0412,$0413,$0414,$0415,$0416,$0417,$0418,$0419,$041A,$041B,$041C,$041D,$041E,$041F, $0420,$0421,$0422,$0423,$0424,$0425,$0426,$0427,$0428,$0429,$042A,$042B,$042C,$042D,$042E,$042F, $0430,$0431,$0432,$0433,$0434,$0435,$0436,$0437,$0438,$0439,$043A,$043B,$043C,$043D,$043E,$043F, $0440,$0441,$0442,$0443,$0444,$0445,$0446,$0447,$0448,$0449,$044A,$044B,$044C,$044D,$044E,$044F ); function toUtf8 (const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var uc: PUnicodeChar; xdc: PChar; pos, f: Integer; begin GetMem(uc, length(s)*8); GetMem(xdc, length(s)*8); try FillChar(uc^, length(s)*8, 0); FillChar(xdc^, length(s)*8, 0); pos := 0; for f := 1 to length(s) do begin if ord(s[f]) < 128 then uc[pos] := UnicodeChar(ord(s[f])) else uc[pos] := UnicodeChar(uni2wint[ord(s[f])]); Inc(pos); end; FillChar(xdc^, length(s)*8, 0); f := UnicodeToUtf8(xdc, length(s)*8, uc, pos); while (f > 0) and (xdc[f-1] = #0) do Dec(f); SetLength(result, f); Move(xdc^, result[1], f); finally FreeMem(xdc); FreeMem(uc); end; end; // this will write "extra field length" and extra field itself {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} const UtfFlags = 0; type TByteArray = array of Byte; function buildUtfExtra (fname: AnsiString): TByteArray; var crc: LongWord; fu: AnsiString; sz: Word; begin fu := toUtf8(fname); if fu = fname then begin result := nil; exit; end; // no need to write anything crc := crc32(0, @fname[1], length(fname)); sz := 2+2+1+4+length(fu); SetLength(result, sz); result[0] := ord('u'); result[1] := ord('p'); Dec(sz, 4); result[2] := sz and $ff; result[3] := (sz shr 8) and $ff; result[4] := 1; result[5] := crc and $ff; result[6] := (crc shr 8) and $ff; result[7] := (crc shr 16) and $ff; result[8] := (crc shr 24) and $ff; Move(fu[1], result[9], length(fu)); end; {$ELSE} const UtfFlags = (1 shl 11); // bit 11 {$ENDIF} function ZipOne (ds: TStream; fname: AnsiString; st: TStream; dopack: Boolean=true): TFileInfo; var oldofs, nfoofs, pkdpos, rd: Int64; sign: packed array [0..3] of Char; buf: PChar; bufsz: Integer; aborted: Boolean = false; {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} ef: TByteArray; {$ENDIF} begin result := TFileInfo.Create(); result.pkofs := ds.position; result.size := st.size; if result.size > 0 then result.method := 8 else result.method := 0; if not dopack then begin result.method := 0; result.pksize := result.size; end; {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} result.name := fname; ef := buildUtfExtra(result.name); {$ELSE} result.name := toUtf8(fname); {$ENDIF} // write local header sign := 'PK'#3#4; ds.writeBuffer(sign, 4); writeInt(ds, Word($0A10)); // version to extract writeInt(ds, Word(UtfFlags)); // flags writeInt(ds, Word(result.method)); // compression method writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // file time writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // file date nfoofs := ds.position; writeInt(ds, LongWord(result.crc)); // crc32 writeInt(ds, LongWord(result.pksize)); // packed size writeInt(ds, LongWord(result.size)); // unpacked size writeInt(ds, Word(length(fname))); // name length {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} writeInt(ds, Word(length(ef))); // extra field length {$ELSE} writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // extra field length {$ENDIF} ds.writeBuffer(fname[1], length(fname)); {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} if length(ef) > 0 then ds.writeBuffer(ef[0], length(ef)); {$ENDIF} if dopack then begin // now write packed data if result.size > 0 then begin pkdpos := ds.position; st.position := 0; result.crc := zpack(ds, st, aborted); result.pksize := ds.position-pkdpos; if {result.pksize >= result.size} aborted then begin // there's no sence to pack this file, so just store it st.position := 0; ds.position := result.pkofs; result.Free(); // store it result := ZipOne(ds, fname, st, false); exit; end else begin // fix header oldofs := ds.position; ds.position := nfoofs; writeInt(ds, LongWord(result.crc)); // crc32 writeInt(ds, LongWord(result.pksize)); // crc32 ds.position := oldofs; end; end; end else begin bufsz := 1024*1024; GetMem(buf, bufsz); try st.position := 0; result.crc := crc32(0, nil, 0); result.pksize := 0; while result.pksize < result.size do begin rd := result.size-result.pksize; if rd > bufsz then rd := bufsz; st.readBuffer(buf^, rd); ds.writeBuffer(buf^, rd); Inc(result.pksize, rd); result.crc := crc32(result.crc, buf, rd); end; finally FreeMem(buf); end; // fix header oldofs := ds.position; ds.position := nfoofs; writeInt(ds, LongWord(result.crc)); // crc32 ds.position := oldofs; write('(S) '); end; end; procedure writeCentralDir (ds: TStream; files: array of TFileInfo); var cdofs, cdend: Int64; sign: packed array [0..3] of Char; f: Integer; {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} ef: TByteArray; {$ENDIF} begin cdofs := ds.position; for f := 0 to high(files) do begin {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} ef := buildUtfExtra(files[f].name); {$ENDIF} sign := 'PK'#1#2; ds.writeBuffer(sign, 4); writeInt(ds, Word($0A10)); // version made by writeInt(ds, Word($0010)); // version to extract writeInt(ds, Word(UtfFlags)); // flags writeInt(ds, Word(files[f].method)); // compression method writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // file time writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // file date writeInt(ds, LongWord(files[f].crc)); writeInt(ds, LongWord(files[f].pksize)); writeInt(ds, LongWord(files[f].size)); writeInt(ds, Word(length(files[f].name))); // name length {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} writeInt(ds, Word(length(ef))); // extra field length {$ELSE} writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // extra field length {$ENDIF} writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // comment length writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // disk start writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // internal attributes writeInt(ds, LongWord(0)); // external attributes writeInt(ds, LongWord(files[f].pkofs)); // header offset ds.writeBuffer(files[f].name[1], length(files[f].name)); {$IFDEF UTFEXTRA} if length(ef) > 0 then ds.writeBuffer(ef[0], length(ef)); {$ENDIF} end; cdend := ds.position; // write end of central dir sign := 'PK'#5#6; ds.writeBuffer(sign, 4); writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // disk number writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // disk with central dir writeInt(ds, Word(length(files))); // number of files on this dist writeInt(ds, Word(length(files))); // number of files total writeInt(ds, LongWord(cdend-cdofs)); // size of central directory writeInt(ds, LongWord(cdofs)); // central directory offset writeInt(ds, Word(0)); // archive comment length end; var fs, fo, ast: TStream; fl: TSFSFileList; f, c: Integer; infname: AnsiString = ''; outfname: AnsiString = ''; dvfn: AnsiString; newname: AnsiString; files: array of TFileInfo; nfo: TFileInfo; nomoreopts: Boolean; arg: AnsiString; begin if ParamCount() < 1 then begin WriteLn('usage: wadcvt file.wad'); Halt(1); end; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGCompressLevel, 9); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGLoadAnimated, 1); Imaging.SetOption(ImagingGIFLoadAnimated, 1); for f := 1 to ParamCount() do begin arg := ParamStr(f); if length(arg) = 0 then continue; if not nomoreopts and (arg[1] = '-') then begin if arg = '--apng' then optConvertATX := true else if arg = '--tga' then optConvertTGA := true else if arg = '--locase' then optLoCaseNames := true else if arg = '--nocase' then optLoCaseNames := false else if arg = '--aggressive' then begin optAggressivePng := true; Imaging.SetOption(ImagingPNGPreFilter, 6); end else if arg = '--recompress' then optRecompress := true else if (arg = '--help') or (arg = '-h') then begin writeln('usage: wadcvt [options] file.wad'); writeln('options:'); writeln(' --apng convert animated textures to APNG format'); writeln(' --tga convert Targa images to PNG format'); {$IFNDEF WINDOWS} writeln(' --locase convert file names to lower case'); {$ENDIF} Halt(1); end else if arg = '--' then nomoreopts := true else begin writeln('unknown option: "', arg, '"'); Halt(1); end; end else begin if length(infname) = 0 then infname := arg else if length(outfname) = 0 then outfname := arg else begin writeln('FATAL: too many arguments!'); Halt(1); end; end; end; if not StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(infname), '.wad') and not StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(infname), '.dfwad') then begin writeln('wtf?!'); Halt(1); end; if length(outfname) = 0 then outfname := ChangeFileExt(infname, '.pk3'); if not SFSAddDataFile(infname) then begin WriteLn('shit!'); Halt(1); end; dvfn := SFSGetLastVirtualName(infname); files := nil; fl := SFSFileList(dvfn); if fl = nil then begin writeln('wtf?!'); Halt(1); end; {$IFNDEF WINDOWS} optLoCaseNames := true; {$ENDIF} fo := TFileStream.Create(outfname, fmCreate); try for f := 0 to fl.Count-1 do begin if length(fl[f].fName) = 0 then continue; fs := SFSFileOpen(dvfn+'::'+fl[f].fPath+fl[f].fName); newname := detectExt(fl[f].fPath, fl[f].fName, fs); //fs.Free(); //fs := SFSFileOpen(dvfn+'::'+fl[f].fPath+fl[f].fName); fs.position := 0; {$IFNDEF ONELINELOG} write(#13'[', f+1, '/', fl.Count, ']: ', fl[f].fPath, newname, ' ', fs.size, ' ... '#27'[K'); {$ELSE} write('[', f+1, '/', fl.Count, ']: ', fl[f].fPath, newname, ' ', fs.size, ' ... '); {$ENDIF} //writeln(' : ', newname, ' : [', ExtractFileExt(newname), ']'); if optConvertATX and (StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(newname), '.dfwad') or StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(newname), '.wad')) then begin //writeln(' ANIMTEXT!'); ast := convertAnimTexture(fs, newname); if ast <> nil then begin fs.Free(); fs := ast; newname := ChangeFileExt(newname, '.png'); {$IFNDEF ONELINELOG} write('APNG '); {$ENDIF} end; end else if optRecompress or (optConvertTGA and (StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(newname), '.tga') or StrEquCI1251(ExtractFileExt(newname), '.bmp'))) then begin ast := recompressImageToPng(fs); if ast <> nil then begin fs.Free(); fs := ast; newname := ChangeFileExt(newname, '.png'); {$IFNDEF ONELINELOG} write('PNG '); {$ENDIF} end; fs.position := 0; end; newname := fl[f].fPath+newname; if optLoCaseNames then for c := 1 to length(newname) do newname[c] := LoCase1251(newname[c]); nfo := ZipOne(fo, newname, fs); write(nfo.pksize, ' DONE'); {$IFNDEF ONELINELOG} writeln; {$ENDIF} SetLength(files, length(files)+1); files[high(files)] := nfo; end; {$IFNDEF ONELINELOG} writeln(fl.Count, ' files processed.'); {$ELSE} writeln(#13, fl.Count, ' files processed.'#27'[K'); {$ENDIF} writeCentralDir(fo, files); except fo.Free(); fo := nil; DeleteFile(outfname); end; if fo <> nil then fo.Free(); end.