(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE a_modes.inc} {.$DEFINE RBHASH_DEBUG_RESIZE} {.$DEFINE RBHASH_DEBUG_INSERT} {.$DEFINE RBHASH_DEBUG_DELETE} {.$DEFINE RBHASH_DEBUG_COMPACT} {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} {$DEFINE RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} {$ENDIF} // hash table (robin hood) unit hashtable; interface type // WARNING! don't put structures into hash, use ponters or ids! generic THashBase = class(TObject) private const InitSize = {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)}16{$ELSE}512{$ENDIF}; // *MUST* be power of two const LoadFactorPrc = 90; // it is ok for robin hood hashes public type THashFn = function (constref o: KeyT): LongWord; type TEquFn = function (constref a, b: KeyT): Boolean; type TIteratorFn = function (constref k: KeyT; constref v: ValueT): Boolean is nested; // return `true` to stop type PEntry = ^TEntry; TEntry = record public key: KeyT; value: ValueT; private hash: LongWord; // key hash or 0 nextFree: PEntry; // next free entry end; private type TEntryArray = array of TEntry; TValEnumerator = record private mEntries: TEntryArray; mFirstEntry, mLastEntry, cur: Integer; public constructor Create (aents: TEntryArray; afirst, alast: Integer); function MoveNext (): Boolean; inline; function getCurrent (): ValueT; inline; property Current: ValueT read getCurrent; end; TKeyEnumerator = record private mEntries: TEntryArray; mFirstEntry, mLastEntry, cur: Integer; public constructor Create (aents: TEntryArray; afirst, alast: Integer); function MoveNext (): Boolean; inline; function getCurrent (): KeyT; inline; property Current: KeyT read getCurrent; end; TKeyValEnumerator = record private mEntries: TEntryArray; mFirstEntry, mLastEntry, cur: Integer; public constructor Create (aents: TEntryArray; afirst, alast: Integer); function MoveNext (): Boolean; inline; function getCurrent (): PEntry; inline; property Current: PEntry read getCurrent; end; private hashfn: THashFn; equfn: TEquFn; mBuckets: array of PEntry; // entries, points to mEntries elements mBucketsUsed: Integer; mEntries: TEntryArray; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} mEntriesUsed: Integer; {$ENDIF} mFreeEntryHead: PEntry; mFirstEntry, mLastEntry: Integer; mSeed: LongWord; private function allocEntry (): PEntry; procedure releaseEntry (e: PEntry); //function distToStIdx (idx: LongWord): LongWord; inline; procedure putEntryInternal (swpe: PEntry); function getCapacity (): Integer; inline; public constructor Create (ahashfn: THashFn; aequfn: TEquFn); destructor Destroy (); override; procedure clear (); procedure reset (); // don't shrink buckets procedure rehash (); procedure compact (); // call this instead of `rehash()` after alot of deletions function get (constref akey: KeyT; out rval: ValueT): Boolean; // `true`: found function put (constref akey: KeyT; constref aval: ValueT): Boolean; // `true`: replaced function has (constref akey: KeyT): Boolean; // `true`: found function del (constref akey: KeyT): Boolean; // `true`: deleted //WARNING! don't modify table in iterator (queries are ok, though) function forEach (it: TIteratorFn): Boolean; // default `for ... in` enums values function GetEnumerator (): TValEnumerator; function byKey (): TKeyEnumerator; function byValue (): TValEnumerator; function byKeyValue (): TKeyValEnumerator; // PEntry property count: Integer read mBucketsUsed; property capacity: Integer read getCapacity; end; type TJoaatHasher = record private seed: LongWord; // initial seed value; MUST BE FIRST hash: LongWord; // current value public constructor Create (aseed: LongWord); procedure reset (); inline; overload; procedure reset (aseed: LongWord); inline; overload; procedure put (constref buf; len: LongWord); // current hash value // you can continue putting data, as this is not destructive function value: LongWord; inline; end; type THashIntInt = specialize THashBase; THashStrInt = specialize THashBase; function hashNewIntInt (): THashIntInt; function hashNewStrInt (): THashStrInt; function u32Hash (a: LongWord): LongWord; inline; function fnvHash (constref buf; len: LongWord): LongWord; function joaatHash (constref buf; len: LongWord): LongWord; function nextPOT (x: LongWord): LongWord; inline; implementation uses SysUtils; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // {$PUSH} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} function nextPOT (x: LongWord): LongWord; inline; begin result := x; result := result or (result shr 1); result := result or (result shr 2); result := result or (result shr 4); result := result or (result shr 8); result := result or (result shr 16); // already pot? if (x <> 0) and ((x and (x-1)) = 0) then result := result and (not (result shr 1)) else result += 1; end; {$POP} // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function hiiequ (constref a, b: Integer): Boolean; begin result := (a = b); end; function hsiequ (constref a, b: AnsiString): Boolean; begin result := (a = b); end; {$PUSH} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} function hiihash (constref k: Integer): LongWord; begin result := k; result -= (result shl 6); result := result xor (result shr 17); result -= (result shl 9); result := result xor (result shl 4); result -= (result shl 3); result := result xor (result shl 10); result := result xor (result shr 15); end; function hsihash (constref k: AnsiString): LongWord; begin if (Length(k) > 0) then result := fnvHash(PAnsiChar(k)^, Length(k)) else result := 0; end; {$POP} function hashNewIntInt (): THashIntInt; begin result := THashIntInt.Create(hiihash, hiiequ); end; function hashNewStrInt (): THashStrInt; begin result := THashStrInt.Create(hsihash, hsiequ); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // {$PUSH} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} constructor TJoaatHasher.Create (aseed: LongWord); begin reset(aseed); end; procedure TJoaatHasher.reset (); inline; overload; begin hash := seed; end; procedure TJoaatHasher.reset (aseed: LongWord); inline; overload; begin seed := aseed; hash := aseed; end; procedure TJoaatHasher.put (constref buf; len: LongWord); var bytes: PByte; h: LongWord; begin if (len < 1) then exit; bytes := PByte(@buf); h := hash; while (len > 0) do begin h += bytes^; h += (h shl 10); h := h xor (h shr 6); Dec(len); Inc(bytes); end; hash := h; end; function TJoaatHasher.value: LongWord; inline; begin result := hash; result += (result shl 3); result := result xor (result shr 11); result += (result shl 15); end; {$POP} function joaatHash (constref buf; len: LongWord): LongWord; var h: TJoaatHasher; begin h := TJoaatHasher.Create(0); h.put(PByte(@buf)^, len); result := h.value; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // {$PUSH} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} // fnv-1a: http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/fnv/ function fnvHash (constref buf; len: LongWord): LongWord; var b: PByte; begin b := @buf; result := 2166136261; // fnv offset basis while (len > 0) do begin result := result xor b^; result := result*16777619; // 32-bit fnv prime Inc(b); Dec(len); end; end; {$POP} {$PUSH} {$RANGECHECKS OFF} function u32Hash (a: LongWord): LongWord; inline; begin result := a; result -= (result shl 6); result := result xor (result shr 17); result -= (result shl 9); result := result xor (result shl 4); result -= (result shl 3); result := result xor (result shl 10); result := result xor (result shr 15); end; {$POP} // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THashBase.Create (ahashfn: THashFn; aequfn: TEquFn); begin if not assigned(ahashfn) then raise Exception.Create('cannot create hash without hash function'); if not assigned(aequfn) then raise Exception.Create('cannot create hash without equality function'); hashfn := ahashfn; equfn := aequfn; mSeed := u32Hash($29a); clear(); end; destructor THashBase.Destroy (); begin mBuckets := nil; mEntries := nil; inherited; end; procedure THashBase.clear (); var idx: Integer; begin SetLength(mBuckets, InitSize); for idx := 0 to High(mBuckets) do mBuckets[idx] := nil; SetLength(mEntries, Length(mBuckets)); { for idx := 0 to High(mEntries)-1 do begin mEntries[idx].hash := 0; mEntries[idx].nextFree := @mEntries[idx+1]; //idx+1; end; mEntries[High(mEntries)].hash := 0; mEntries[High(mEntries)].nextFree := nil; } { for idx := 0 to High(mEntries) do begin mEntries[idx].hash := 0; mEntries[idx].nextFree := nil; end; } mBucketsUsed := 0; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} mEntriesUsed := 0; {$ENDIF} mFreeEntryHead := nil; //@mEntries[0]; mFirstEntry := -1; mLastEntry := -1; end; procedure THashBase.reset (); var idx: Integer; begin if (mBucketsUsed > 0) then begin for idx := 0 to High(mBuckets) do mBuckets[idx] := nil; { for idx := 0 to High(mEntries)-1 do begin mEntries[idx].hash := 0; mEntries[idx].nextFree := @mEntries[idx+1]; //idx+1; end; mEntries[High(mEntries)].hash := 0; mEntries[High(mEntries)].nextFree := nil; } { if (mFirstEntry >= 0) then begin for idx := mFirstEntry to mLastEntry do begin mEntries[idx].hash := 0; mEntries[idx].nextFree := nil; end; end; } mBucketsUsed := 0; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} mEntriesUsed := 0; {$ENDIF} mFreeEntryHead := nil; //@mEntries[0]; mFirstEntry := -1; mLastEntry := -1; end; end; function THashBase.getCapacity (): Integer; inline; begin result := Length(mBuckets); end; function THashBase.allocEntry (): PEntry; var idx: Integer; begin if (mFreeEntryHead = nil) then begin if (mLastEntry = High(mEntries)) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (0.0)'); Inc(mLastEntry); if (mFirstEntry = -1) then begin if (mLastEntry <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (0.1)'); mFirstEntry := 0; end; result := @mEntries[mLastEntry]; result.nextFree := nil; // just in case {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} Inc(mEntriesUsed); {$ENDIF} exit; end; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (mFreeEntryHead = nil) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (0)'); if (mFreeEntryHead.hash <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (1)'); {$ENDIF} result := mFreeEntryHead; mFreeEntryHead := result.nextFree; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} Inc(mEntriesUsed); {$ENDIF} result.nextFree := nil; // just in case // fix mFirstEntry and mLastEntry idx := Integer((PtrUInt(result)-PtrUInt(@mEntries[0])) div sizeof(mEntries[0])); {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (idx < 0) or (idx > High(mEntries)) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (invalid entry address)'); if (result <> @mEntries[idx]) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (wtf?!)'); {$ENDIF} if (mFirstEntry < 0) or (idx < mFirstEntry) then mFirstEntry := idx; if (idx > mLastEntry) then mLastEntry := idx; end; procedure THashBase.releaseEntry (e: PEntry); var cidx, idx: Integer; begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (mEntriesUsed = 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator'); if (mEntriesUsed <> mBucketsUsed) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (entry/bucket count mismatch)'); if (e = nil) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (trying to release nil entry)'); if (e.hash = 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (trying to release unallocated entry)'); {$ENDIF} idx := Integer((PtrUInt(e)-PtrUInt(@mEntries[0])) div sizeof(mEntries[0])); {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (idx < 0) or (idx > High(mEntries)) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (invalid entry address)'); if (e <> @mEntries[idx]) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (wtf?!)'); {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} Dec(mEntriesUsed); {$ENDIF} e.hash := 0; e.nextFree := mFreeEntryHead; mFreeEntryHead := e; //idx; // fix mFirstEntry and mLastEntry {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (mFirstEntry < 0) or (mLastEntry < 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (invalid first/last range; 0)'); {$ENDIF} if (mFirstEntry = mLastEntry) then begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (mEntriesUsed <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (invalid first/last range; 1)'); {$ENDIF} mFirstEntry := -1; mLastEntry := -1; end else begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (mEntriesUsed = 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (invalid first/last range; 2)'); {$ENDIF} // fix first entry index if (idx = mFirstEntry) then begin cidx := idx+1; while (mEntries[cidx].hash = 0) do Inc(cidx); {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (cidx > High(mEntries)) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (invalid first/last range; 3)'); {$ENDIF} mFirstEntry := cidx; end; // fix last entry index if (idx = mLastEntry) then begin cidx := idx-1; while (mEntries[cidx].hash = 0) do Dec(cidx); {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (cidx < 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash entry allocator (invalid first/last range; 3)'); {$ENDIF} mLastEntry := cidx; end; end; end; (* function THashBase.distToStIdx (idx: LongWord): LongWord; inline; begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} assert(idx < Length(mBuckets)); assert(mBuckets[idx] <> nil); {$ENDIF} result := mBuckets[idx].hash and High(mBuckets); if (result <= idx) then result := idx-result else result := idx+(Length(mBuckets)-result); end; *) function THashBase.has (constref akey: KeyT): Boolean; var khash, idx: LongWord; dist, pdist: LongWord; bhigh: LongWord; begin result := false; if (mBucketsUsed = 0) then exit; bhigh := High(mBuckets); khash := hashfn(akey) xor mSeed; if (khash = 0) then khash := $29a; idx := khash and bhigh; if (mBuckets[idx] = nil) then exit; for dist := 0 to bhigh do begin if (mBuckets[idx] = nil) then break; //pdist := distToStIdx(idx); pdist := mBuckets[idx].hash and bhigh; if (pdist <= idx) then pdist := idx-pdist else pdist := idx+((bhigh+1)-pdist); // if (dist > pdist) then break; result := (mBuckets[idx].hash = khash) and equfn(mBuckets[idx].key, akey); if result then break; idx := (idx+1) and bhigh; end; end; function THashBase.get (constref akey: KeyT; out rval: ValueT): Boolean; var khash, idx: LongWord; dist, pdist: LongWord; bhigh: LongWord; begin result := false; if (mBucketsUsed = 0) then begin rval := Default(ValueT); exit; end; bhigh := High(mBuckets); khash := hashfn(akey) xor mSeed; if (khash = 0) then khash := $29a; idx := khash and bhigh; if (mBuckets[idx] = nil) then begin rval := Default(ValueT); exit; end; for dist := 0 to bhigh do begin if (mBuckets[idx] = nil) then break; //pdist := distToStIdx(idx); pdist := mBuckets[idx].hash and bhigh; if (pdist <= idx) then pdist := idx-pdist else pdist := idx+((bhigh+1)-pdist); // if (dist > pdist) then break; result := (mBuckets[idx].hash = khash) and equfn(mBuckets[idx].key, akey); if result then begin rval := mBuckets[idx].value; break; end; idx := (idx+1) and bhigh; end; if not result then rval := Default(ValueT); // just in case end; procedure THashBase.putEntryInternal (swpe: PEntry); var idx, dist, pcur, pdist: LongWord; tmpe: PEntry; // current entry to swap (or nothing) bhigh: LongWord; begin bhigh := High(mBuckets); idx := swpe.hash and bhigh; {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_INSERT}writeln('inserting key ', swpe.key, '; value=', swpe.value, '; wantidx=', idx, '; bhigh=', bhigh);{$ENDIF} pcur := 0; for dist := 0 to bhigh do begin if (mBuckets[idx] = nil) then begin // put entry {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_INSERT}writeln(' inserted to ', idx);{$ENDIF} mBuckets[idx] := swpe; Inc(mBucketsUsed); break; end; //pdist := distToStIdx(idx); pdist := mBuckets[idx].hash and bhigh; if (pdist <= idx) then pdist := idx-pdist else pdist := idx+((bhigh+1)-pdist); // if (pcur > pdist) then begin // swapping the current bucket with the one to insert tmpe := mBuckets[idx]; mBuckets[idx] := swpe; swpe := tmpe; pcur := pdist; end; idx := (idx+1) and bhigh; Inc(pcur); end; end; function THashBase.put (constref akey: KeyT; constref aval: ValueT): Boolean; var khash, idx, dist, pdist: LongWord; swpe: PEntry = nil; // current entry to swap (or nothing) bhigh: LongWord; newsz, eidx: Integer; begin result := false; bhigh := High(mBuckets); khash := hashfn(akey) xor mSeed; if (khash = 0) then khash := $29a; idx := khash and bhigh; // check if we already have this key if (mBucketsUsed <> 0) and (mBuckets[idx] <> nil) then begin for dist := 0 to bhigh do begin if (mBuckets[idx] = nil) then break; //pdist := distToStIdx(idx); pdist := mBuckets[idx].hash and bhigh; if (pdist <= idx) then pdist := idx-pdist else pdist := idx+((bhigh+1)-pdist); // if (dist > pdist) then break; result := (mBuckets[idx].hash = khash) and equfn(mBuckets[idx].key, akey); if result then begin // replace element //mBuckets[idx].key := akey; mBuckets[idx].value := aval; exit; end; idx := (idx+1) and bhigh; end; end; // need to resize hash? if (mBucketsUsed >= (bhigh+1)*LoadFactorPrc div 100) then begin newsz := Length(mBuckets); if (Length(mEntries) <> newsz) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table (resize)'); if (newsz <= 1024*1024*1024) then newsz *= 2 else raise Exception.Create('hash table too big'); {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_RESIZE} writeln('resizing hash; used=', mBucketsUsed, '; total=', (bhigh+1), '; maxload=', (bhigh+1)*LoadFactorPrc div 100, '; newsz=', newsz); {$ENDIF} SetLength(mBuckets, newsz); // resize entries array eidx := Length(mEntries); SetLength(mEntries, newsz); while (eidx < Length(mEntries)) do begin mEntries[eidx].hash := 0; Inc(eidx); end; // mFreeEntryHead will be fixed in `rehash()` // reinsert entries rehash(); // as seed was changed, recalc hash khash := hashfn(akey) xor mSeed; if (khash = 0) then khash := $29a; end; // create new entry swpe := allocEntry(); swpe.key := akey; swpe.value := aval; swpe.hash := khash; putEntryInternal(swpe); end; // see http://codecapsule.com/2013/11/17/robin-hood-hashing-backward-shift-deletion/ function THashBase.del (constref akey: KeyT): Boolean; var khash, idx, idxnext, pdist, dist: LongWord; bhigh: LongWord; begin result := false; if (mBucketsUsed = 0) then exit; bhigh := High(mBuckets); khash := hashfn(akey) xor mSeed; if (khash = 0) then khash := $29a; idx := khash and bhigh; // find key if (mBuckets[idx] = nil) then exit; // no key for dist := 0 to bhigh do begin if (mBuckets[idx] = nil) then break; //pdist := distToStIdx(idxcur); pdist := mBuckets[idx].hash and bhigh; if (pdist <= idx) then pdist := idx-pdist else pdist := idx+((bhigh+1)-pdist); // if (dist > pdist) then break; result := (mBuckets[idx].hash = khash) and equfn(mBuckets[idx].key, akey); if result then break; idx := (idx+1) and bhigh; end; if not result then begin // key not found {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_DELETE} writeln('del: key ', akey, ': not found'); {$ENDIF} exit; end; {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_DELETE} writeln('del: key ', akey, ': found at ', idx, '; ek=', mBuckets[idx].key, '; ev=', mBuckets[idx].value); {$ENDIF} releaseEntry(mBuckets[idx]); idxnext := (idx+1) and bhigh; for dist := 0 to bhigh do begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_DELETE} writeln(' dist=', dist, '; idx=', idx, '; idxnext=', idxnext, '; ce=', (mBuckets[idx] <> nil), '; ne=', (mBuckets[idxnext] <> nil)); {$ENDIF} if (mBuckets[idxnext] = nil) then begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_DELETE}writeln(' idxnext nil');{$ENDIF} mBuckets[idx] := nil; break; end; //pdist := distToStIdx(idxnext); pdist := mBuckets[idxnext].hash and bhigh; if (pdist <= idxnext) then pdist := idxnext-pdist else pdist := idxnext+((bhigh+1)-pdist); // if (pdist = 0) then begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_DELETE}writeln(' pdist is zero');{$ENDIF} mBuckets[idx] := nil; break; end; {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_DELETE}writeln(' pdist=', pdist);{$ENDIF} mBuckets[idx] := mBuckets[idxnext]; idx := (idx+1) and bhigh; idxnext := (idxnext+1) and bhigh; end; Dec(mBucketsUsed); end; procedure THashBase.rehash (); var idx: Integer; lastfree: PEntry; e: PEntry = nil; // shut up, fpc! {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} cnt: Integer = 0; {$ENDIF} begin // change seed, to minimize pathological cases if (mSeed = 0) then mSeed := $29a; mSeed := u32Hash(mSeed); // clear buckets for idx := 0 to High(mBuckets) do mBuckets[idx] := nil; mBucketsUsed := 0; // reinsert entries mFreeEntryHead := nil; lastfree := nil; for idx := 0 to High(mEntries) do begin e := @mEntries[idx]; if (e.hash <> 0) then begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (e.nextFree <> nil) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in rehash: inconsistent'); if (cnt = 0) and (idx <> mFirstEntry) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in rehash: inconsistent (1)'); Inc(cnt); if (cnt = mBucketsUsed) and (idx <> mLastEntry) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in rehash: inconsistent (2)'); {$ENDIF} e.hash := hashfn(e.key) xor mSeed; if (e.hash = 0) then e.hash := $29a; putEntryInternal(e); end else begin if (lastfree <> nil) then lastfree.nextFree := e else mFreeEntryHead := e; lastfree := e; end; end; if (lastfree <> nil) then e.nextFree := nil; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (cnt <> mBucketsUsed) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table resize (invalid first/last range; 0)'); if (cnt <> mEntriesUsed) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table resize (invalid first/last range; 1)'); {$ENDIF} end; procedure THashBase.compact (); var newsz, didx, f: Integer; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} cnt: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin newsz := nextPOT(LongWord(mBucketsUsed)); if (newsz >= 1024*1024*1024) then exit; if (newsz*2 >= Length(mBuckets)) then exit; if (newsz*2 < 128) then exit; {$IFDEF RBHASH_DEBUG_COMPACT}writeln('compacting; used=', mBucketsUsed, '; oldsizePOT=', newsz, '; newsize=', newsz*2);{$ENDIF} newsz *= 2; // move all entries to top if (mFirstEntry >= 0) then begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (mBucketsUsed < 1) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table (invalid bucket count; 0)'); {$ENDIF} didx := 0; while (didx < Length(mEntries)) do if (mEntries[didx].hash <> 0) then Inc(didx) else break; f := didx+1; // copy entries while true do begin if (mEntries[f].hash <> 0) then begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (didx >= f) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash: inconsistent'); {$ENDIF} mEntries[didx] := mEntries[f]; mEntries[f].hash := 0; Inc(didx); if (f = mLastEntry) then break; while (didx < Length(mEntries)) do if (mEntries[didx].hash <> 0) then Inc(didx) else break; end; Inc(f); end; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (didx <> mBucketsUsed) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table (invalid first/last range; 1)'); {$ENDIF} mFirstEntry := 0; mLastEntry := mBucketsUsed-1; {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} cnt := 0; for f := mFirstEntry to mLastEntry do begin if (mEntries[f].hash = 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table (invalid first/last range; 2)'); Inc(cnt); end; if (cnt <> mBucketsUsed) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table (invalid first/last range; 3)'); if (cnt <> mEntriesUsed) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table (invalid first/last range; 4)'); for f := mLastEntry+1 to High(mEntries) do begin if (mEntries[f].hash <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table (invalid first/last range; 5)'); end; {$ENDIF} end else begin {$IFDEF RBHASH_SANITY_CHECKS} if (mBucketsUsed <> 0) then raise Exception.Create('internal error in hash table (invalid bucket count; 1)'); {$ENDIF} end; // shrink SetLength(mBuckets, newsz); SetLength(mEntries, newsz); // mFreeEntryHead will be fixed in `rehash()` // reinsert entries rehash(); end; function THashBase.forEach (it: TIteratorFn): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin result := false; if not assigned(it) then exit; i := mFirstEntry; if (i < 0) then exit; while (i <= mLastEntry) do begin if (mEntries[i].hash <> 0) then begin result := it(mEntries[i].key, mEntries[i].value); if result then exit; end; Inc(i); end; end; // enumerators function THashBase.GetEnumerator (): TValEnumerator; begin if (Length(mEntries) > 0) then result := TValEnumerator.Create(mEntries, mFirstEntry, mLastEntry) else result := TValEnumerator.Create(nil, -1, -1); end; function THashBase.byKey (): TKeyEnumerator; begin if (Length(mEntries) > 0) then result := TKeyEnumerator.Create(mEntries, mFirstEntry, mLastEntry) else result := TKeyEnumerator.Create(nil, -1, -1); end; function THashBase.byValue (): TValEnumerator; begin if (Length(mEntries) > 0) then result := TValEnumerator.Create(mEntries, mFirstEntry, mLastEntry) else result := TValEnumerator.Create(nil, -1, -1); end; function THashBase.byKeyValue (): TKeyValEnumerator; // PEntry begin if (Length(mEntries) > 0) then result := TKeyValEnumerator.Create(mEntries, mFirstEntry, mLastEntry) else result := TKeyValEnumerator.Create(nil, -1, -1); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THashBase.TValEnumerator.Create (aents: TEntryArray; afirst, alast: Integer); begin mEntries := aents; mFirstEntry := afirst; mLastEntry := alast; cur := mFirstEntry-1; end; function THashBase.TValEnumerator.MoveNext (): Boolean; inline; begin Inc(cur); while (cur <= mLastEntry) do begin if (mEntries[cur].hash <> 0) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; result := false; end; function THashBase.TValEnumerator.getCurrent (): ValueT; inline; begin result := mEntries[cur].value; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THashBase.TKeyEnumerator.Create (aents: TEntryArray; afirst, alast: Integer); begin mEntries := aents; mFirstEntry := afirst; mLastEntry := alast; cur := mFirstEntry-1; end; function THashBase.TKeyEnumerator.MoveNext (): Boolean; inline; begin Inc(cur); while (cur <= mLastEntry) do begin if (mEntries[cur].hash <> 0) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; result := false; end; function THashBase.TKeyEnumerator.getCurrent (): KeyT; inline; begin result := mEntries[cur].key; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THashBase.TKeyValEnumerator.Create (aents: TEntryArray; afirst, alast: Integer); begin mEntries := aents; mFirstEntry := afirst; mLastEntry := alast; cur := mFirstEntry-1; end; function THashBase.TKeyValEnumerator.MoveNext (): Boolean; inline; begin Inc(cur); while (cur <= mLastEntry) do begin if (mEntries[cur].hash <> 0) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; result := false; end; function THashBase.TKeyValEnumerator.getCurrent (): PEntry; inline; begin result := @mEntries[cur]; end; end.