(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE a_modes.inc} unit CONFIG; { ----------------------------------- CONFIG.PAS ÂÅÐÑÈß ÎÒ 24.09.06 ----------------------------------- } interface uses mempool; type TParam = record Param: ShortString; Value: ShortString; Section: Word; end; TConfig = class(TPoolObject) private FParams: array of TParam; FSections: array of ShortString; FCurrentSection: Word; function ReadParam(Section, Param, Default: string): string; procedure WriteParam(Section, Param, Value: string); procedure ProcessStr(Str: string); public constructor Create(); constructor CreateFile(FileName: string); constructor CreateMem(pData: Pointer; _Length: LongWord); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure FreeConfig(); procedure SaveFile(FileName: string); function ReadInt(Section, Param: string; Default: Integer): Integer; function ReadStr(Section, Param: string; Default: String): string; function ReadBool(Section, Param: string; Default: Boolean): Boolean; function SectionExists(Section: string): Boolean; procedure WriteInt(Section, Param: string; Value: Integer); procedure WriteStr(Section, Param, Value: string); procedure WriteBool(Section, Param: string; Value: Boolean); end; implementation uses SysUtils, BinEditor; { TConfig } constructor TConfig.Create(); begin inherited Create; FreeConfig(); end; constructor TConfig.CreateFile(FileName: string); var f: TextFile; a: string; begin FreeConfig(); if not FileExists(FileName) then Exit; AssignFile(f, FileName); Reset(f); while not EOF(f) do begin Readln(f, a); ProcessStr(a); end; CloseFile(f); end; constructor TConfig.CreateMem(pData: Pointer; _Length: LongWord); var a: Integer; str: string; begin FreeConfig(); if _Length = 0 then Exit; if pData = nil then Exit; SetLength(str, _Length); CopyMemory(@str[1], pData, _Length); while Str <> '' do begin for a := 2 to Length(Str) do if (Str[a-1]+Str[a] = #13#10) or (a = Length(Str)) then begin if a <> Length(Str) then ProcessStr(Copy(Str, 1, a-2)) else ProcessStr(Str); Delete(Str, 1, a); Str := Trim(Str); Break; end; end; end; destructor TConfig.Destroy(); begin FParams := nil; FSections := nil; inherited; end; procedure TConfig.FreeConfig(); begin FParams := nil; FSections := nil; SetLength(FSections, 1); FSections[0] := ''; FCurrentSection := 0; end; procedure TConfig.ProcessStr(Str: string); var a, l: Integer; begin Str := Trim(Str); if (Str <> '') and (Length(Str) > 2) and (Str[1] <> ';') then begin l := Length(Str); if Pos('=', Str) > 0 then begin SetLength(FParams, Length(FParams)+1); with FParams[High(FParams)] do begin a := Pos('=', Str); Param := Trim(Copy(Str, 1, a-1)); Value := Trim(Copy(Str, a+1, l)); Section := FCurrentSection; end; end else if (Str[1] = '[') and (Str[l] = ']') then begin SetLength(FSections, Length(FSections)+1); FCurrentSection := High(FSections); FSections[FCurrentSection] := Trim(Copy(Str, 2, l-2)); end; end; end; function TConfig.ReadBool(Section, Param: string; Default: Boolean): Boolean; var a: Integer; begin if Default then a := 1 else a := 0; Result := StrToIntDef(ReadParam(Section, Param, IntToStr(a)), a) <> 0; end; function TConfig.ReadInt(Section, Param: string; Default: Integer): Integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(ReadParam(Section, Param, IntToStr(Default)), Default); end; function TConfig.ReadParam(Section, Param, Default: string): string; var a: Integer; s: Word; ok: Boolean; p: string; begin Result := default; if FParams = nil then Exit; if FSections = nil then Exit; ok := False; s := 0; for a := 0 to High(FSections) do if LowerCase(FSections[a]) = LowerCase(Section) then begin s := a; ok := True; end; if not ok then Exit; p := LowerCase(Param); for a := 0 to High(FParams) do if (FParams[a].Section = s) and (LowerCase(FParams[a].Param) = p) then begin Result := FParams[a].Value; Break; end; end; function TConfig.ReadStr(Section, Param, Default: string): string; begin Result := ReadParam(Section, Param, Default); end; procedure TConfig.SaveFile(FileName: string); var f: TextFile; a: Integer; b: Integer; begin AssignFile(f, FileName); Rewrite(f); if (FSections <> nil) or (FParams <> nil) then begin if FSections <> nil then for a := 0 to High(FSections) do begin if FSections[a] <> '' then Writeln(f, '['+FSections[a]+']'); if FParams <> nil then for b := 0 to High(FParams) do if FParams[b].Section = a then WriteLn(f, FParams[b].Param+'='+FParams[b].Value); if (a <> High(FSections)) and (FSections[a] <> '') then WriteLn(f, ''); end; end; CloseFile(f); end; function TConfig.SectionExists(Section: string): Boolean; var a: Integer; begin Result := False; if FSections = nil then Exit; Section := LowerCase(Section); for a := 0 to High(FSections) do if Section = LowerCase(FSections[a]) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; procedure TConfig.WriteBool(Section, Param: string; Value: Boolean); begin WriteParam(Section, Param, BoolToStr(Value)); end; procedure TConfig.WriteInt(Section, Param: string; Value: Integer); begin WriteParam(Section, Param, IntToStr(Value)); end; procedure TConfig.WriteParam(Section, Param, Value: string); var a, b: Integer; ok: Boolean; begin a := 0; b := 0; ok := False; if FSections <> nil then for a := 0 to High(FSections) do if FSections[a] = Section then begin ok := True; Break; end; if not ok then begin SetLength(FSections, Length(FSections)+1); a := High(FSections); FSections[a] := Section; end; ok := False; if FParams <> nil then for b := 0 to High(FParams) do if (LowerCase(FParams[b].Param) = LowerCase(Param)) and (FParams[b].Section = a) then begin ok := True; Break; end; if ok then FParams[b].Value := Value else begin SetLength(FParams, Length(FParams)+1); FParams[High(FParams)].Param := Param; FParams[High(FParams)].Value := Value; FParams[High(FParams)].Section := a; end; end; procedure TConfig.WriteStr(Section, Param, Value: string); begin WriteParam(Section, Param, Value); end; end.