implementation uses Allegro, Math, SDL2, e_Log; const GL_INVALID_ENUM = $0500; const ValPerVertex = 2; ValPerColor = 1; (* colors stored in one integer *) ValPerCoord = 2; StackSize = 16; BLEND_BLEND = 0; BLEND_DARKER = 1; BLEND_FILTER = 2; BLEND_INVERT = 3; BLEND_DEFAULT = 5; type TArrayFloat = array of GLfloat; TArrayInteger = array of Integer; TCmds = record mode: GLenum; v: TArrayInteger; c: TArrayInteger; t: TArrayFloat; end; TArrayTexture = array of record used: Boolean; bmp: PBITMAP; end; var cmds: TCmds; tex: TArrayTexture; ctex: Integer; ccol: Integer; clearColor: cint; stack: array [0..StackSize - 1] of record x, y, a: Integer; end; stack_ptr: Integer; vpx, vpy: Integer; pointSize: Integer; matrixMode: GLenum; blendMode: Integer; vram_usage, xram_usage: Integer; function AddTexture: Integer; var i: Integer; begin for i := 1 to High(tex) do if not tex[i].used then begin tex[i].used := true; tex[i].bmp := nil; result := i; exit end; i := Length(tex); SetLength(tex, i + 1); tex[i].used := true; tex[i].bmp := nil; result := i end; procedure RemoveTexture(i: Integer); begin assert(i >= 0); assert(i <= High(tex)); assert((i = 0) or tex[i].used); (* free unallocated texture *) tex[i].used := false; if tex[i].bmp <> nil then destroy_bitmap(tex[i].bmp); tex[i].bmp := nil end; procedure Addi (var x: TArrayInteger; f: Integer); var i: Integer; begin i := Length(x); SetLength(x, i + 1); x[i] := f; end; procedure Addf (var x: TArrayFloat; f: GLfloat); var i: Integer; begin i := Length(x); SetLength(x, i + 1); x[i] := f; end; (** Open GL **) procedure glEnable(cap: GLenum); begin end; procedure glDisable(cap: GLenum); begin end; function glIsEnabled(cap: GLenum): GLboolean; begin result := 0 end; function glGetString(name: GLenum): PChar; begin if name = GL_EXTENSIONS then (* separated by space *) result := 'GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two' else result := nil end; procedure glClearColor(red, green, blue, alpha: GLclampf); begin clearColor := makeacol(floor(red * 255), floor(green * 255), floor(blue * 255), floor(alpha * 255)); end; procedure glClear(mask: GLbitfield); begin if (mask and GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) <> 0 then clear_to_color(sdl2allegro_screen, clearColor) end; procedure glAlphaFunc(func: GLenum; ref: GLclampf); begin end; procedure glBlendFunc(sfactor, dfactor: GLenum); begin if (sfactor = GL_SRC_ALPHA) and (dfactor = GL_ONE) then blendMode := BLEND_BLEND else if (sfactor = GL_ZERO) and (dfactor = GL_SRC_ALPHA) then blendMode := BLEND_DARKER else if (sfactor = GL_DST_COLOR) and (dfactor = GL_SRC_COLOR) then blendMode := BLEND_FILTER else if (sfactor = GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR) and (dfactor = GL_ZERO) then blendMode := BLEND_INVERT else if (sfactor = GL_SRC_ALPHA) and (dfactor = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) then blendMode := BLEND_DEFAULT else ASSERT(FALSE) end; procedure SetupBlendColor (col: cint); var r, g, b, a: cint; begin //set_trans_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_add_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_burn_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_color_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_difference_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_dissolve_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_dodge_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_hue_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_invert_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_luminance_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_multiply_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_saturation_blender(r, g, b, a); //set_screen_blender(r, g, b, a); r := getr(col); g := getg(col); b := getb(col); a := geta(col); color_map := @globalTransTable; case blendMode of BLEND_BLEND: begin color_map := @lightTransTable; set_add_blender(r, g, b, a); drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, nil, 0, 0) end; BLEND_DARKER: begin color_map := @darkTransTable; set_multiply_blender(0, 0, 0, 255 - a); drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, nil, 0, 0) end; BLEND_FILTER: begin set_luminance_blender(0, 0, 0, 255); if r <> 0 then color_map := @redTransTable else if g <> 0 then color_map := @greenTransTable else if b <> 0 then color_map := @blueTransTable; drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, nil, 0, 0) end; BLEND_INVERT: begin drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_XOR, nil, 0, 0) end; BLEND_DEFAULT: begin (* FIX texture colorize *) if sdl2allegro_bpp <= 8 then begin drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_SOLID, nil, 0, 0) end else begin set_color_blender(0, 0, 0, 0); drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, nil, 0, 0) end end else ASSERT(FALSE) end end; procedure glPointSize(size: GLfloat); begin ASSERT(size >= 0); if size <= 1.0 then pointSize := ceil(size) else pointSize := floor(size) end; procedure glLineWidth(width: GLfloat); begin (* width > 1 used in rare cases, not critical *) end; procedure glGetIntegerv(pname: GLenum; params: PGLint); begin params^ := 0 end; procedure glFlush; begin end; procedure glFinish; begin end; procedure glBegin(mode: GLenum); begin assert(cmds.mode = GL_INVALID_ENUM); assert((mode = GL_POINTS) or (mode = GL_LINES) or (mode = GL_QUADS)); cmds.mode := mode; SetLength(cmds.v, 0); SetLength(cmds.c, 0); SetLength(cmds.t, 0); end; procedure glEnd; var i, j, k, w, h, x0, y0, x1, y1, offx, offy, tmp, s0, t0, s1, t1, angle: Integer; oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1: cint; flipv, fliph: Boolean; draw_sprite_proc: procedure (bmp, sprite: Allegro.PBITMAP; x, y: cint); cdecl; rotate_sprite_proc: procedure (bmp, sprite: Allegro.PBITMAP; x, y: cint; a: cint32); cdecl; begin assert(cmds.mode <> GL_INVALID_ENUM); assert(Length(cmds.v) mod ValPerVertex = 0); assert(Length(cmds.c) mod ValPerColor = 0); assert(Length(cmds.t) mod ValPerCoord = 0); offx := vpx + stack[stack_ptr].x; offy := vpy + stack[stack_ptr].y; angle := stack[stack_ptr].a; drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_SOLID, nil, 0, 0); case cmds.mode of GL_POINTS: begin (* implement case for texture coords? *) if pointSize = 1 then begin if Length(cmds.c) <> 0 then begin assert(Length(cmds.c) * 2 = Length(cmds.v)); (* not enough colors *) for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 2 - 1 do putpixel(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + cmds.v[i * 2], offy + cmds.v[i * 2 + 1], cmds.c[i]) end else begin for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 2 - 1 do putpixel(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + cmds.v[i * 2], offy + cmds.v[i * 2 + 1], ccol) end end else if pointSize > 1 then begin x0 := offx - pointSize div 2; y0 := offy - pointSize div 2; x1 := offx - (pointSize - 1) div 2; y1 := offy - (pointSize - 1) div 2; if Length(cmds.c) <> 0 then begin assert(Length(cmds.c) * 2 = Length(cmds.v)); (* not enough colors *) for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 2 - 1 do begin w := cmds.v[i * 2 + 0]; h := cmds.v[i * 2 + 1]; rectfill(sdl2allegro_screen, x0 + w, y0 + h, x1 + w, y1 + h, cmds.c[i]) end end else begin for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 2 - 1 do begin w := cmds.v[i * 2 + 0]; h := cmds.v[i * 2 + 1]; rectfill(sdl2allegro_screen, x0 + w, y0 + h, x1 + w, y1 + h, ccol) end end end end; GL_LINES: begin assert(Length(cmds.v) mod 4 = 0); (* broken line *) (* implement case for texture coords? *) if Length(cmds.c) <> 0 then begin assert(Length(cmds.c) * 2 = Length(cmds.v)); for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 4 - 1 do fastline(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + cmds.v[i * 4], offy + cmds.v[i * 4 + 1], offx + cmds.v[i * 4 + 2], offy + cmds.v[i * 4 + 3], cmds.c[i * 2]) end else begin for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 4 - 1 do fastline(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + cmds.v[i * 4], offy + cmds.v[i * 4 + 1], offx + cmds.v[i * 4 + 2], offy + cmds.v[i * 4 + 3], ccol) end end; GL_QUADS: begin ASSERT(Length(cmds.v) mod 8 = 0); (* broken quad *) if Length(cmds.t) <> 0 then begin ASSERT(Length(cmds.t) = Length(cmds.v)); (* not enough texture coords *) ASSERT(ctex >= 0); ASSERT(ctex <= High(tex)); ASSERT(tex[ctex].bmp <> nil); for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 8 - 1 do begin flipv := False; fliph := False; x0 := cmds.v[i * 8 + 0]; y0 := cmds.v[i * 8 + 1]; x1 := cmds.v[i * 8 + 4]; y1 := cmds.v[i * 8 + 5]; if x1 < x0 then begin tmp := x0; x0 := x1; x1 := tmp; fliph := not fliph end; if y1 < y0 then begin tmp := y0; y0 := y1; y1 := tmp; flipv := not flipv end; w := tex[ctex].bmp.w; h := tex[ctex].bmp.h; s0 := Trunc(cmds.t[i * 8 + 0] * w); t0 := Trunc(cmds.t[i * 8 + 1] * h); s1 := Trunc(cmds.t[i * 8 + 4] * w); t1 := Trunc(cmds.t[i * 8 + 5] * h); if s1 < s0 then begin tmp := s0; s0 := s1; s1 := tmp; fliph := not fliph; end; if t1 < t0 then begin tmp := t0; t0 := t1; t1 := tmp; flipv := not flipv; end; if fliph then begin tmp := s0; s0 := w - s1; s1 := w - tmp; end; if flipv then begin tmp := t0; t0 := h - t1; t1 := h - tmp; end; s0 := s0 mod w; t0 := t0 mod h; s1 := s1 mod w; t1 := t1 mod h; if flipv and fliph then draw_sprite_proc := Allegro.draw_sprite_vh_flip else if flipv then draw_sprite_proc := Allegro.draw_sprite_v_flip else if fliph then draw_sprite_proc := Allegro.draw_sprite_h_flip else draw_sprite_proc := Allegro.draw_sprite; if flipv and fliph then rotate_sprite_proc := Allegro.rotate_sprite_v_flip (* ??? *) else if flipv then rotate_sprite_proc := Allegro.rotate_sprite_v_flip else if fliph then rotate_sprite_proc := Allegro.rotate_sprite (* ??? *) else rotate_sprite_proc := Allegro.rotate_sprite; oldx0 := 0; oldy0 := 0; oldx1 := 0; oldy1 := 0; get_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1); set_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, max(oldx0, offx + x0), max(oldy0, offy + y0), min(oldx1, offx + x1), min(oldy1, offy + y1)); SetupBlendColor(ccol); if angle = 0 then for j := 0 to (y1 - y0 + h - 1) div h - 1 do for k := 0 to (x1 - x0 + w - 1) div w - 1 do draw_sprite_proc(sdl2allegro_screen, tex[ctex].bmp, offx + x0 + k * w - s0, offy + y0 + j * h - t0) else for j := 0 to (y1 - y0 + h - 1) div h - 1 do for k := 0 to (x1 - x0 + w - 1) div w - 1 do rotate_sprite_proc(sdl2allegro_screen, tex[ctex].bmp, offx + x0 + k * w - s0, offy + y0 + j * h - t0, angle); set_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1); //rect(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + x0, offy + y0, offx + x1, offy + y1, makecol(255, 0, 0)); //rect(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + oldx0, offy + oldy0, offx + oldx1, offy + oldx1, makecol(0, 255, 0)); end end else if Length(cmds.c) <> 0 then begin assert(Length(cmds.c) * 2 = Length(cmds.v)); (* not enough colors *) for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 8 - 1 do begin SetupBlendColor(cmds.c[i * 4]); rectfill(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + cmds.v[i * 8], offy + cmds.v[i * 8 + 1], offx + cmds.v[i * 8 + 4], offy + cmds.v[i * 8 + 5], cmds.c[i * 4]) end end else begin SetupBlendColor(ccol); for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 8 - 1 do rectfill(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + cmds.v[i * 8], offy + cmds.v[i * 8 + 1], offx + cmds.v[i * 8 + 4], offy + cmds.v[i * 8 + 5], ccol) end end; else assert(false) end; SetLength(cmds.v, 0); SetLength(cmds.c, 0); SetLength(cmds.t, 0); cmds.mode := GL_INVALID_ENUM; end; procedure glVertex2f(x, y: GLfloat); begin Addi(cmds.v, ceil(x)); Addi(cmds.v, ceil(y)) end; procedure glVertex2i(x, y: GLint); begin Addi(cmds.v, x); Addi(cmds.v, y) end; procedure glColor4f(red, green, blue, alpha: GLfloat); begin ccol := makeacol(floor(red * 255), floor(green * 255), floor(blue * 255), floor(alpha * 255)); Addi(cmds.c, ccol) end; procedure glColor4ub(red, green, blue, alpha: GLubyte); begin ccol := makeacol(red, green, blue, alpha); Addi(cmds.c, ccol) end; procedure glColor3ub(red, green, blue: GLubyte); begin ccol := makecol(red, green, blue); Addi(cmds.c, ccol) end; procedure glTexCoord2f(s, t: GLfloat); begin Addf(cmds.t, s); Addf(cmds.t, t); end; procedure glTexCoord2i(s, t: GLint); begin Addf(cmds.t, s); Addf(cmds.t, t); end; procedure glReadPixels(x, y: GLint; width, height: GLsizei; format, atype: GLenum; pixels: Pointer); begin end; procedure glLoadIdentity; begin if matrixMode <> GL_MODELVIEW then Exit; with stack[stack_ptr] do begin x := 0; y := 0; (* TODO Rotation and scale *) end end; procedure glMatrixMode(mode: GLenum); begin (* GL_PROJECTION -> verify or ignore *) (* GL_MODELVIEW -> apply *) ASSERT((mode = GL_PROJECTION) or (mode = GL_MODELVIEW)); matrixMode := mode; end; procedure glLoadMatrixd(const m: PGLdouble); begin if matrixMode <> GL_MODELVIEW then Exit; (* e_LogWritefln('glLoadMatrix:', []); e_LogWritefln('| %s %s %s %s |', [m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3]]); e_LogWritefln('| %s %s %s %s |', [m[4], m[5], m[6], m[7]]); e_LogWritefln('| %s %s %s %s |', [m[8], m[9], m[10], m[11]]); e_LogWritefln('| %s %s %s %s |', [m[12], m[13], m[14], m[15]]); *) with stack[stack_ptr] do begin x := Trunc(m[3]); y := Trunc(m[7]); ASSERT(m[11] = 0); (* TODO Rotation and Scale *) end end; procedure glPushMatrix; begin if matrixMode <> GL_MODELVIEW then Exit; stack[stack_ptr + 1] := stack[stack_ptr]; INC(stack_ptr); end; procedure glPopMatrix; begin if matrixMode <> GL_MODELVIEW then Exit; DEC(stack_ptr) end; procedure glTranslatef(x, y, z: GLfloat); begin if matrixMode <> GL_MODELVIEW then Exit; ASSERT(z = 0); (* 3D not supported *) stack[stack_ptr].x += Trunc(x); stack[stack_ptr].y += Trunc(y); end; procedure glRotatef(angle, x, y, z: GLfloat); begin if matrixMode <> GL_MODELVIEW then Exit; ASSERT(x = 0); (* 3D not supported *) ASSERT(y = 0); (* 3D not supported *) // angle 360deg == 256 with conversion to fixed point 16.16 stack[stack_ptr].a += floor(angle * z * 0.71111) * 65536 end; procedure glScalef(x, y, z: GLfloat); begin if matrixMode <> GL_MODELVIEW then Exit; (* 3D not supported, but z can be any *) (* TODO Scale *) end; procedure glViewport(x, y: GLint; width, height: GLsizei); begin vpx := x; vpy := y; set_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, x, y, x + width, y + height); end; procedure glScissor(x, y: GLint; width, height: GLsizei); begin //set_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, x, y, width, height) end; procedure glStencilMask(mask: GLuint); begin end; procedure glStencilFunc(func: GLenum; ref: GLint; mask: GLuint); begin end; procedure glStencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass: GLenum); begin end; procedure glColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha: GLboolean); begin end; procedure glBindTexture(target: GLenum; texture: GLuint); begin assert(target = GL_TEXTURE_2D); ctex := texture; end; procedure glGenTextures(n: GLsizei; textures: PGLuint); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to n - 1 do textures[i] := AddTexture end; procedure glTexEnvi(target: GLenum; pname: GLenum; param: GLint); begin end; procedure glTexParameterf(target: GLenum; pname: GLenum; param: GLfloat); begin end; procedure glTexParameteri(target: GLenum; pname: GLenum; param: GLint); begin end; procedure glTexImage2D(target: GLenum; level, internalformat: GLint; width, height: GLsizei; border: GLint; format, atype: GLenum; const pixels: Pointer); var i, j, adr: Integer; p: PByte; color, trans: cint; begin assert(target = GL_TEXTURE_2D); assert(level = 0); assert((internalformat = GL_RGBA) or (internalformat = GL_RGB)); assert((format = GL_RGBA) or (format = GL_RGB)); assert(border = 0); assert(atype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); assert(ctex >= 0); assert(ctex <= High(tex)); assert(tex[ctex].used); if tex[ctex].bmp <> nil then destroy_bitmap(tex[ctex].bmp); tex[ctex].bmp := create_system_bitmap(width, height); if tex[ctex].bmp = nil then tex[ctex].bmp := create_bitmap(width, height); assert(tex[ctex].bmp <> nil); vram_usage += width * height; if pixels = nil then exit; p := pixels; if format = GL_RGBA then begin xram_usage += width * height * 4; if sdl2allegro_bpp <= 8 then trans := 0 else trans := makeacol(255, 0, 255, 0); for j := 0 to height - 1 do for i := 0 to width - 1 do begin adr := j * width * 4 + i * 4; if p[adr + 3] = 0 then color := trans else color := makeacol(p[adr], p[adr + 1], p[adr + 2], p[adr + 3]); putpixel(tex[ctex].bmp, i, j, color) end end else begin xram_usage += width * height * 3; for j := 0 to height - 1 do for i := 0 to width - 1 do begin adr := j * width * 3 + i * 3; putpixel(tex[ctex].bmp, i, j, makecol(p[adr], p[adr + 1], p[adr + 2])) end end end; procedure glTexSubImage2D(target: GLenum; level, xoffset, yoffset: GLint; width, height: GLsizei; format, atype: GLenum; const pixels: Pointer); var i, j, adr: Integer; p: PByte; color, trans: Cint; begin assert(target = GL_TEXTURE_2D); assert(level = 0); assert((format = GL_RGBA) or (format = GL_RGB)); assert(atype = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); assert(ctex >= 0); assert(ctex <= High(tex)); assert(tex[ctex].used); assert(xoffset = 0); assert(yoffset = 0); if pixels = nil then exit; p := pixels; if format = GL_RGBA then begin xram_usage += width * height * 4; if sdl2allegro_bpp <= 8 then trans := 0 else trans := makeacol(255, 0, 255, 0); for j := 0 to height - 1 do for i := 0 to width - 1 do begin adr := j * width * 4 + i * 4; if p[adr + 3] = 0 then color := trans else color := makeacol(p[adr], p[adr + 1], p[adr + 2], p[adr + 3]); putpixel(tex[ctex].bmp, i, j, color) end end else begin xram_usage += width * height * 4; for j := 0 to height - 1 do for i := 0 to width - 1 do begin adr := j * width * 3 + i * 3; putpixel(tex[ctex].bmp, i, j, makecol(p[adr], p[adr + 1], p[adr + 2])) end end end; procedure glDeleteTextures(n: GLsizei; const textures: PGLuint); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to n - 1 do RemoveTexture(textures[i]) end; procedure nogl_Init; begin cmds.mode := GL_INVALID_ENUM; end; procedure nogl_Quit; begin e_LogWritefln('vram=%s xram=%s', [vram_usage, xram_usage]); end; initialization