{$MODE DELPHI} unit SDL2; { Simple DirectMedia Layer Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Sam Lantinga Pascal-Header-Conversion Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Tim Blume aka End/EV1313 SDL.pas is based on the files: "sdl.h", "sdl_audio.h", "sdl_blendmode.h", "sdl_clipboard.h", "sdl_cpuinfo.h", "sdl_events.h", "sdl_error.h", "sdl_filesystem.h", "sdl_gamecontroller.h", "sdl_gesture.h", "sdl_haptic.h", "sdl_hints.h", "sdl_joystick.h", "sdl_keyboard.h", "sdl_keycode.h", "sdl_loadso.h", "sdl_log.h", "sdl_pixels.h", "sdl_power.h", "sdl_main.h", "sdl_messagebox.h", "sdl_mouse.h", "sdl_mutex.h", "sdl_rect.h", "sdl_render.h", "sdl_rwops.h", "sdl_scancode.h", "sdl_shape.h", "sdl_stdinc.h", "sdl_surface.h", "sdl_system.h", "sdl_syswm.h", "sdl_thread.h", "sdl_timer.h", "sdl_touch.h", "sdl_version.h", "sdl_video.h", "sdl_types.h" I will not translate: "sdl_opengl.h", "sdl_opengles.h" "sdl_opengles2.h" cause there's a much better OpenGL-Header avaible at delphigl.com: the dglopengl.pas Parts of the SDL.pas are from the SDL-1.2-Headerconversion from the JEDI-Team, written by Domenique Louis and others. I've changed the names of the dll for 32 & 64-Bit, so theres no conflict between 32 & 64 bit Libraries. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no case will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Special Thanks to: - DelphiGL.com - Community - Domenique Louis and everyone else from the JEDI-Team - Sam Latinga and everyone else from the SDL-Team } { Changelog: ---------- ? 31.01.2016: updated sdlevents.inc to SDL2 2.0.4, adressing issue #24 (thx to imantsg) ? 16.01.2016: Delphi 6+ bugfixes/compatibility. Thx to Peter Karpov for identifiying and testing. v.1.80-stable; 09.10.2014: added sdl_cpuinfo.h and sdl_clipboard.h v.1.74-stable; 10.11.2013: added sdl_gamecontroller.h v.1.73-stable; 08.11.2013: added sdl_hints.h and some keystate helpers thx to Cybermonkey! v.1.72-stable; 23.09.2013: fixed bug with procedures without parameters (they must have brakets) v.1.70-stable; 17.09.2013: added "sdl_messagebox.h" and "sdl_haptic.h" v.1.63-stable; 16.09.2013: added libs sdl2_image and sdl2_ttf and added sdl_audio.h v.1.62-stable; 03.09.2013: fixed. v.1.61-stable; 02.09.2013: now it should REALLY work with Mac... v.1.60-stable; 01.09.2013: now it should work with Delphi XE4 for Windows and MacOS and of course Lazarus. thx to kotai :D v.1.55-Alpha; 24.08.2013: fixed bug with SDL_GetEventState thx to d.l.i.w. v.1.54-Alpha; 24.08.2013: added sdl_loadso.h v.1.53-Alpha; 24.08.2013: renamed *really* and fixed linux comp. v.1.52-Alpha; 24.08.2013: renamed sdl.pas to sdl2.pas v.1.51-Alpha; 24.08.2013: added sdl_platform.h v.1.50-Alpha; 24.08.2013: the header is now modular. thx for the hint from d.l.i.w. v.1.40-Alpha; 13.08.2013: Added MacOS compatibility (thx to stoney-fd) v.1.34-Alpha; 05.08.2013: Added missing functions from sdl_thread.h v.1.33-Alpha; 31.07.2013: Added missing units for Linux. thx to Cybermonkey v.1.32-Alpha; 31.07.2013: Fixed three bugs, thx to grieferatwork v.1.31-Alpha; 30.07.2013: Added "sdl_power.h" v.1.30-Alpha; 26.07.2013: Added "sdl_thread.h" and "sdl_mutex.h" v.1.25-Alpha; 29.07.2013: Added Makros for SDL_RWops v.1.24-Alpha; 28.07.2013: Fixed bug with RWops and size_t v.1.23-Alpha; 27.07.2013: Fixed two bugs, thx to GrieferAtWork v.1.22-Alpha; 24.07.2013: Added "sdl_shape.h" and TSDL_Window (and ordered the translated header list ^^) v.1.21-Alpha; 23.07.2013: Added TSDL_Error v.1.20-Alpha; 19.07.2013: Added "sdl_timer.h" v.1.10-Alpha; 09.07.2013: Added "sdl_render.h" v.1.00-Alpha; 05.07.2013: Initial Alpha-Release. } {$DEFINE SDL} {$I jedi.inc} interface {$IFDEF WINDOWS} uses Windows; {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(UNIX)} {$IF NOT DEFINED(HAIKU) AND NOT DEFINED(ANDROID) AND NOT DEFINED(DARWIN)} uses X, XLib; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DARWIN} uses CocoaAll; {$ENDIF} const {$IFDEF WINDOWS} SDL_LibName = 'SDL2.dll'; {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(HAIKU)} SDL_LibName = 'libSDL2.so.0'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(UNIX)} {$IFDEF DARWIN} {$LINKLIB libSDL2} SDL_LibName = 'libSDL2.dylib'; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF FPC} SDL_LibName = 'libSDL2.so'; {$ELSE} SDL_LibName = 'libSDL2.so.0'; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MACOS} SDL_LibName = 'SDL2'; {$IFDEF FPC} {$linklib libSDL2} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$I sdltype.inc} {$I sdlversion.inc} {$I sdlerror.inc} {$I sdlplatform.inc} {$I sdlpower.inc} {$I sdlthread.inc} {$I sdlmutex.inc} {$I sdltimer.inc} {$I sdlpixels.inc} {$I sdlrect.inc} {$I sdlrwops.inc} {$I sdlaudio.inc} {$I sdlblendmode.inc} {$I sdlsurface.inc} {$I sdlshape.inc} {$I sdlvideo.inc} {$I sdlhints.inc} {$I sdlloadso.inc} {$I sdlmessagebox.inc} {$I sdlrenderer.inc} {$I sdlscancode.inc} {$I sdlkeyboard.inc} {$I sdlmouse.inc} {$I sdljoystick.inc} {$I sdlgamecontroller.inc} {$I sdlhaptic.inc} {$I sdltouch.inc} {$I sdlgesture.inc} {$I sdlsyswm.inc} {$I sdlevents.inc} {$I sdlclipboard.inc} {$I sdlcpuinfo.inc} {$I sdlfilesystem.inc} {$I sdllog.inc} {$I sdlsystem.inc} {$I sdlstdinc.inc} {$I sdl.inc} implementation //from "sdl_version.h" procedure SDL_VERSION(Out x: TSDL_Version); begin x.major := SDL_MAJOR_VERSION; x.minor := SDL_MINOR_VERSION; x.patch := SDL_PATCHLEVEL; end; function SDL_VERSIONNUM(X,Y,Z: UInt32): Cardinal; begin Result := X*1000 + Y*100 + Z; end; function SDL_COMPILEDVERSION: Cardinal; begin Result := SDL_VERSIONNUM(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION, SDL_MINOR_VERSION, SDL_PATCHLEVEL); end; function SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(X,Y,Z: Cardinal): Boolean; begin Result := SDL_COMPILEDVERSION >= SDL_VERSIONNUM(X,Y,Z); end; //from "sdl_mouse.h" function SDL_Button(button: SInt32): SInt32; begin Result := 1 shl (button - 1); end; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} //from "sdl_thread.h" function SDL_CreateThread(fn: TSDL_ThreadFunction; name: PAnsiChar; data: Pointer): PSDL_Thread; overload; begin Result := SDL_CreateThread(fn,name,data,nil,nil); end; {$ENDIF} //from "sdl_rect.h" function SDL_RectEmpty(X: TSDL_Rect): Boolean; begin Result := (X.w <= 0) or (X.h <= 0); end; function SDL_RectEquals(A: TSDL_Rect; B: TSDL_Rect): Boolean; begin Result := (A.x = B.x) and (A.y = B.y) and (A.w = B.w) and (A.h = B.h); end; //from "sdl_rwops.h" function SDL_RWsize(ctx: PSDL_RWops): SInt64; begin Result := ctx^.size(ctx); end; function SDL_RWseek(ctx: PSDL_RWops; offset: SInt64; whence: SInt32): SInt64; begin Result := ctx^.seek(ctx,offset,whence); end; function SDL_RWtell(ctx: PSDL_RWops): SInt64; begin Result := ctx^.seek(ctx, 0, RW_SEEK_CUR); end; function SDL_RWread(ctx: PSDL_RWops; ptr: Pointer; size: size_t; n: size_t): size_t; begin Result := ctx^.read(ctx, ptr, size, n); end; function SDL_RWwrite(ctx: PSDL_RWops; ptr: Pointer; size: size_t; n: size_t): size_t; begin Result := ctx^.write(ctx, ptr, size, n); end; function SDL_RWclose(ctx: PSDL_RWops): SInt32; begin Result := ctx^.close(ctx); end; //from "sdl_audio.h" function SDL_LoadWAV(_file: PAnsiChar; spec: PSDL_AudioSpec; audio_buf: PPUInt8; audio_len: PUInt32): PSDL_AudioSpec; begin Result := SDL_LoadWAV_RW(SDL_RWFromFile(_file, 'rb'), 1, spec, audio_buf, audio_len); end; function SDL_AUDIO_BITSIZE(x: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := x and SDL_AUDIO_MASK_BITSIZE; end; function SDL_AUDIO_ISFLOAT(x: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := x and SDL_AUDIO_MASK_DATATYPE; end; function SDL_AUDIO_ISBIGENDIAN(x: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := x and SDL_AUDIO_MASK_ENDIAN; end; function SDL_AUDIO_ISSIGNED(x: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := x and SDL_AUDIO_MASK_SIGNED; end; function SDL_AUDIO_ISINT(x: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := not SDL_AUDIO_ISFLOAT(x); end; function SDL_AUDIO_ISLITTLEENDIAN(x: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := not SDL_AUDIO_ISLITTLEENDIAN(x); end; function SDL_AUDIO_ISUNSIGNED(x: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := not SDL_AUDIO_ISSIGNED(x); end; //from "sdl_pixels.h" function SDL_PIXELFLAG(X: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := (X shr 28) and $0F; end; function SDL_PIXELTYPE(X: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := (X shr 24) and $0F; end; function SDL_PIXELORDER(X: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := (X shr 20) and $0F; end; function SDL_PIXELLAYOUT(X: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := (X shr 16) and $0F; end; function SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(X: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := (X shr 8) and $FF; end; function SDL_IsPixelFormat_FOURCC(format: Variant): Boolean; begin {* The flag is set to 1 because 0x1? is not in the printable ASCII range *} Result := format and SDL_PIXELFLAG(format) <> 1; end; //from "sdl_surface.h" function SDL_LoadBMP(_file: PAnsiChar): PSDL_Surface; begin Result := SDL_LoadBMP_RW(SDL_RWFromFile(_file, 'rb'), 1); end; function SDL_SaveBMP(Const surface:PSDL_Surface; Const filename:AnsiString):sInt32; begin Result := SDL_SaveBMP_RW(surface, SDL_RWFromFile(PAnsiChar(filename), 'wb'), 1) end; {** * Evaluates to true if the surface needs to be locked before access. *} function SDL_MUSTLOCK(Const S:PSDL_Surface):Boolean; begin Result := ((S^.flags and SDL_RLEACCEL) <> 0) end; //from "sdl_video.h" function SDL_WindowPos_IsUndefined(X: Variant): Variant; begin Result := (X and $FFFF0000) = SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_MASK; end; function SDL_WindowPos_IsCentered(X: Variant): Variant; begin Result := (X and $FFFF0000) = SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_MASK; end; //from "sdl_events.h" function SDL_GetEventState(type_: UInt32): UInt8; begin Result := SDL_EventState(type_, SDL_QUERY); end; // from "sdl_timer.h" function SDL_TICKS_PASSED(Const A, B:UInt32):Boolean; begin Result := ((Int64(B) - Int64(A)) <= 0) end; // from "sdl_gamecontroller.h" {** * Load a set of mappings from a file, filtered by the current SDL_GetPlatform() *} function SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile(Const FilePath:PAnsiChar):SInt32; begin Result := SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromRW(SDL_RWFromFile(FilePath, 'rb'), 1) end; end.