(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_window; interface uses utils; function SDLMain (): Integer; function GetTimer (): Int64; procedure ResetTimer (); procedure PushExitEvent (); function ProcessMessage (): Boolean; procedure ReDrawWindow (); procedure SwapBuffers (); procedure Sleep (ms: LongWord); function GetDisplayModes (dbpp: LongWord; var selres: LongWord): SSArray; function g_Window_SetDisplay (preserveGL: Boolean=false): Boolean; function g_Window_SetSize (w, h: Word; fullscreen: Boolean): Boolean; procedure g_SetVSync (vsync: Boolean); procedure ProcessLoading (forceUpdate: Boolean=false); // returns `true` if quit event was received function g_ProcessMessages (): Boolean; var gwin_dump_extensions: Boolean = false; gwin_has_stencil: Boolean = false; gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments: Boolean = false; g_dbg_aimline_on: Boolean = false; implementation uses {$IFDEF WINDOWS}Windows,{$ENDIF} {$INCLUDE ../nogl/noGLuses.inc} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} g_holmes, sdlcarcass, fui_ctls, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, MAPDEF, SDL2, e_graphics, e_log, e_texture, g_main, g_console, e_input, g_options, g_game, g_basic, g_textures, e_sound, g_sound, g_menu, ENet, g_net, g_map, g_gfx, g_monsters, xprofiler, g_touch; const ProgressUpdateMSecs = 1;//100; var h_Wnd: PSDL_Window = nil; h_GL: TSDL_GLContext = nil; Time, Time_Delta, Time_Old: Int64; flag: Boolean; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} wTitle: PChar = nil; wasFullscreen: Boolean = true; // so we need to recreate the window {$ENDIF} wNeedTimeReset: Boolean = false; wMinimized: Boolean = false; wMaximized: Boolean = false; wLoadingProgress: Boolean = false; wLoadingQuit: Boolean = false; {$IFNDEF WINDOWS} ticksOverflow: Int64 = -1; lastTicks: Uint32 = 0; // to detect overflow {$ENDIF} procedure KillGLWindow (preserveGL: Boolean); begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if (h_GL <> nil) and (not preserveGL) then begin if (assigned(oglDeinitCB)) then oglDeinitCB(); end; {$ENDIF} if (h_Wnd <> nil) then SDL_DestroyWindow(h_Wnd); if (h_GL <> nil) and (not preserveGL) then begin {$IFDEF USE_NANOGL} nanoGL_Destroy; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_NOGL} nogl_Quit; {$ENDIF} SDL_GL_DeleteContext(h_GL); end; h_Wnd := nil; if (not preserveGL) then h_GL := nil; end; function g_Window_SetDisplay (preserveGL: Boolean = false): Boolean; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} var mode, cmode: TSDL_DisplayMode; wFlags: LongWord = 0; nw, nh: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} result := false; e_WriteLog('Setting display mode...', TMsgType.Notify); wFlags := SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL {or SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE}; if gFullscreen then wFlags := wFlags {or SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN} else wFlags := wFlags or SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; if (not gFullscreen) and (not preserveGL) and gWinMaximized then wFlags := wFlags or SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED else gWinMaximized := false; if gFullscreen then begin mode.w := gScreenWidth; mode.h := gScreenHeight; mode.format := 0; mode.refresh_rate := 0; mode.driverdata := nil; if (SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(0, @mode, @cmode) = nil) then begin e_WriteLog('SDL: cannot find display mode for '+IntToStr(gScreenWidth), TMsgType.Notify); gScreenWidth := 800; gScreenHeight := 600; end else begin e_WriteLog('SDL: found display mode for '+IntToStr(gScreenWidth)+'x'+IntToStr(gScreenHeight)+': '+IntToStr(cmode.w)+'x'+IntToStr(cmode.h), TMsgType.Notify); gScreenWidth := cmode.w; gScreenHeight := cmode.h; end; end; if (preserveGL) and (h_Wnd <> nil) and (not gFullscreen) and (not wasFullscreen) then begin //SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize(h_Wnd, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight); //SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(h_Wnd, @cmode); if (wMaximized) then SDL_RestoreWindow(h_Wnd); wMaximized := false; gWinMaximized := false; SDL_SetWindowSize(h_Wnd, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight); //SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(h_Wnd, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); //SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(h_Wnd, 0); end else begin KillGLWindow(preserveGL); h_Wnd := SDL_CreateWindow(PChar(wTitle), gWinRealPosX, gWinRealPosY, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, wFlags); if gFullscreen then SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(h_Wnd, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); if (h_Wnd = nil) then exit; end; wasFullscreen := gFullscreen; SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(h_Wnd, h_GL); SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); if (h_GL <> nil) then g_SetVSync(gVSync); if (gFullscreen) then begin nw := 0; nh := 0; SDL_GetWindowSize(h_Wnd, @nw, @nh); if (nw > 128) and (nh > 128) then begin e_WriteLog('SDL: fullscreen window got size '+IntToStr(nw)+'x'+IntToStr(nh)+': '+IntToStr(gScreenWidth)+'x'+IntToStr(gScreenHeight), TMsgType.Notify); gScreenWidth := nw; gScreenHeight := nh; end else begin e_WriteLog('SDL: fullscreen window got invalid size: '+IntToStr(nw)+'x'+IntToStr(nh), TMsgType.Notify); end; end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} fuiScrWdt := gScreenWidth; fuiScrHgt := gScreenHeight; if (h_GL <> nil) and (not preserveGL) then begin if (assigned(oglInitCB)) then oglInitCB(); end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} result := true; end; function GetDisplayModes (dbpp: LongWord; var selres: LongWord): SSArray; var mode: TSDL_DisplayMode; res, i, k, n, pw, ph: Integer; begin SetLength(result, 0); {$IFDEF HEADLESS}exit;{$ENDIF} k := 0; selres := 0; n := SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(0); pw := 0; ph := 0; for i := 0 to n do begin res := SDL_GetDisplayMode(0, i, @mode); if res < 0 then continue; if SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(mode.format) = gBPP then continue; if (mode.w = pw) and (mode.h = ph) then continue; if (mode.w = gScreenWidth) and (mode.h = gScreenHeight) then selres := k; Inc(k); SetLength(result, k); result[k-1] := IntToStr(mode.w) + 'x' + IntToStr(mode.h); pw := mode.w; ph := mode.h end; e_WriteLog('SDL: Got ' + IntToStr(k) + ' resolutions.', TMsgType.Notify); end; procedure Sleep (ms: LongWord); begin SDL_Delay(ms); end; procedure ChangeWindowSize (requested: Boolean); begin e_LogWritefln(' ChangeWindowSize: (ws=%dx%d) (ss=%dx%d)', [gWinSizeX, gWinSizeY, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight]); gWinSizeX := gScreenWidth; gWinSizeY := gScreenHeight; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} fuiScrWdt := gScreenWidth; fuiScrHgt := gScreenHeight; {$ENDIF} e_ResizeWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight); g_Game_SetupScreenSize(); {$IF DEFINED(ANDROID)} (* This will fix menu reset on keyboard showing *) if requested then g_Menu_Reset; {$ELSE} g_Menu_Reset; {$ENDIF} g_Game_ClearLoading(); {$ENDIF} end; function g_Window_SetSize (w, h: Word; fullscreen: Boolean): Boolean; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} var preserve: Boolean; {$ENDIF} begin result := false; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} preserve := false; if (gScreenWidth <> w) or (gScreenHeight <> h) then begin result := true; preserve := true; gScreenWidth := w; gScreenHeight := h; end; if (gFullscreen <> fullscreen) then begin result := true; preserve := true; gFullscreen := fullscreen; preserve := true; end; if result then begin g_Window_SetDisplay(preserve); ChangeWindowSize(true); end; {$ENDIF} end; function WindowEventHandler (constref ev: TSDL_WindowEvent): Boolean; var wActivate, wDeactivate: Boolean; begin result := false; wActivate := false; wDeactivate := false; case ev.event of SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED: begin if not (gFullscreen or gWinMaximized) then begin gWinRealPosX := ev.data1; gWinRealPosY := ev.data2; end; end; SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED: begin e_UnpressAllKeys(); if not wMinimized then begin e_ResizeWindow(0, 0); wMinimized := true; if g_debug_WinMsgs then begin g_Console_Add('Now minimized'); e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now minimized', TMsgType.Notify); end; wDeactivate := true; end; end; SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: begin e_LogWritefln('Resize: (os=%dx%d) (ns=%dx%d)', [gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, Integer(ev.data1), Integer(ev.data2)]); {if (gFullscreen) then begin e_LogWriteln(' fullscreen fix applied.'); if (gScreenWidth <> ev.data1) or (gScreenHeight <> ev.data2) then begin SDL_SetWindowSize(h_Wnd, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight); end; end else} begin gScreenWidth := ev.data1; gScreenHeight := ev.data2; end; ChangeWindowSize(false); SwapBuffers(); if g_debug_WinMsgs then begin g_Console_Add('Resized to ' + IntToStr(ev.data1) + 'x' + IntToStr(ev.data2)); e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Resized to ' + IntToStr(ev.data1) + 'x' + IntToStr(ev.data2), TMsgType.Notify); end; end; SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED: SwapBuffers(); SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MAXIMIZED: begin wMaximized := true; if wMinimized then begin e_ResizeWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight); wMinimized := false; wActivate := true; end; if (not gWinMaximized) and (not gFullscreen) then begin gWinMaximized := true; if g_debug_WinMsgs then begin g_Console_Add('Now maximized'); e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now maximized', TMsgType.Notify); end; end; end; SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED: begin wMaximized := false; if wMinimized then begin e_ResizeWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight); wMinimized := false; wActivate := true; end; gWinMaximized := false; if g_debug_WinMsgs then begin g_Console_Add('Now restored'); e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now restored', TMsgType.Notify); end; end; SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: begin wActivate := true; //e_WriteLog('window gained focus!', MSG_NOTIFY); end; SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: begin wDeactivate := true; e_UnpressAllKeys(); //e_WriteLog('window lost focus!', MSG_NOTIFY); end; end; if wDeactivate then begin if gWinActive then begin e_WriteLog('deactivating window', TMsgType.Notify); e_EnableInput := false; e_ClearInputBuffer(); if gMuteWhenInactive then begin //e_WriteLog('deactivating sounds', MSG_NOTIFY); e_MuteChannels(true); end; if g_debug_WinMsgs then begin g_Console_Add('Now inactive'); e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now inactive', TMsgType.Notify); end; gWinActive := false; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if assigned(winBlurCB) then winBlurCB(); {$ENDIF} end; end else if wActivate then begin if not gWinActive then begin //e_WriteLog('activating window', MSG_NOTIFY); e_EnableInput := true; if gMuteWhenInactive then begin //e_WriteLog('activating sounds', MSG_NOTIFY); e_MuteChannels(false); end; if g_debug_WinMsgs then begin g_Console_Add('Now active'); e_WriteLog('[DEBUG] WinMsgs: Now active', TMsgType.Notify); end; gWinActive := true; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if assigned(winFocusCB) then winFocusCB(); {$ENDIF} end; end; end; function EventHandler (var ev: TSDL_Event): Boolean; var key, keychr: Word; uc: UnicodeChar; down: Boolean; begin result := false; case ev.type_ of SDL_WINDOWEVENT: result := WindowEventHandler(ev.window); SDL_QUITEV: begin if (gExit <> EXIT_QUIT) then begin if not wLoadingProgress then begin g_Game_Free(); g_Game_Quit(); end else begin wLoadingQuit := true; end; end; result := true; end; SDL_KEYDOWN, SDL_KEYUP: begin key := ev.key.keysym.scancode; if key = SDL_SCANCODE_AC_BACK then key := SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE; down := (ev.type_ = SDL_KEYDOWN); {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS) and DEFINED(ENABLE_HOLMES)} if fuiOnSDLEvent(ev) then begin // event eaten, but... if not down then e_KeyUpDown(key, false); exit; end; {$ENDIF} e_KeyUpDown(key, down); if down then KeyPress(key); end; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS) and DEFINED(ENABLE_HOLMES)} SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP, SDL_MOUSEWHEEL, SDL_MOUSEMOTION: fuiOnSDLEvent(ev); {$ENDIF} SDL_TEXTINPUT: begin Utf8ToUnicode(@uc, PChar(ev.text.text), 1); keychr := Word(uc); if (keychr > 127) then keychr := Word(wchar2win(WideChar(keychr))); if (keychr > 0) and (keychr <= 255) then CharPress(AnsiChar(keychr)); end; SDL_FINGERMOTION, SDL_FINGERDOWN, SDL_FINGERUP: g_Touch_HandleEvent(ev.tfinger); // other key presses and joysticks are handled in e_input end; end; procedure SwapBuffers (); begin {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} SDL_GL_SwapWindow(h_Wnd); {$ENDIF} end; function CreateGLWindow (Title: PChar): Boolean; begin result := false; gWinSizeX := gScreenWidth; gWinSizeY := gScreenHeight; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} wTitle := Title; {$ENDIF} e_WriteLog('Creating window', TMsgType.Notify); if not g_Window_SetDisplay() then begin KillGLWindow(false); e_WriteLog('Window creation error (resolution not supported?)', TMsgType.Fatal); exit; end; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} h_GL := SDL_GL_CreateContext(h_Wnd); if (h_GL = nil) then exit; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} fuiScrWdt := gScreenWidth; fuiScrHgt := gScreenHeight; {$ENDIF} SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(h_Wnd, h_GL); {$IFDEF USE_NANOGL} if nanoGL_Init() = 0 then begin KillGLWindow(false); e_WriteLog('nanoGL initialization error', TMsgType.Fatal); exit; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF USE_NOGL} nogl_Init; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if (assigned(oglInitCB)) then oglInitCB(); {$ENDIF} if (h_GL <> nil) then g_SetVSync(gVSync); {$ENDIF} e_ResizeWindow(gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight); e_InitGL(); result := true; end; {$IFDEF WINDOWS} // windoze sux; in headless mode `GetTickCount()` (and SDL) returns shit function GetTimer (): Int64; var F, C: Int64; begin QueryPerformanceFrequency(F); QueryPerformanceCounter(C); result := Round(C/F*1000{000}); end; {$ELSE} function GetTimer (): Int64; var t: Uint32; tt: Int64; begin t := SDL_GetTicks(); if (ticksOverflow = -1) then begin ticksOverflow := 0; lastTicks := t; end else begin if (lastTicks > t) then begin // overflow, increment overflow ;-) ticksOverflow := ticksOverflow+(Int64($ffffffff)+Int64(1)); tt := (Int64($ffffffff)+Int64(1))+Int64(t); t := Uint32(tt-lastTicks); end; end; lastTicks := t; result := ticksOverflow+Int64(t); end; {$ENDIF} procedure ResetTimer (); begin wNeedTimeReset := true; end; procedure PushExitEvent (); var ev: TSDL_Event; begin ev.type_ := SDL_QUITEV; SDL_PushEvent(@ev); end; var prevLoadingUpdateTime: UInt64 = 0; procedure ProcessLoading (forceUpdate: Boolean=false); var ev: TSDL_Event; ID: LongWord; stt: UInt64; begin FillChar(ev, sizeof(ev), 0); wLoadingProgress := true; while (SDL_PollEvent(@ev) > 0) do begin EventHandler(ev); if (ev.type_ = SDL_QUITEV) then break; end; e_PollJoysticks(); if (ev.type_ = SDL_QUITEV) or (gExit = EXIT_QUIT) then begin wLoadingProgress := false; exit; end; if not wMinimized then begin if forceUpdate then begin prevLoadingUpdateTime := getTimeMilli(); end else begin stt := getTimeMilli(); if (stt < prevLoadingUpdateTime) or (stt-prevLoadingUpdateTime >= ProgressUpdateMSecs) then begin prevLoadingUpdateTime := stt; forceUpdate := true; end; end; if forceUpdate then begin if g_Texture_Get('INTER', ID) then begin e_DrawSize(ID, 0, 0, 0, false, false, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight); e_DarkenQuadWH(0, 0, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight, 150); end else begin e_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, 0, 0, 0); end; DrawLoadingStat(); SwapBuffers(); end; end; e_SoundUpdate(); if NetMode = NET_SERVER then begin g_Net_Host_Update(); end else begin if (NetMode = NET_CLIENT) and (NetState <> NET_STATE_AUTH) then g_Net_Client_UpdateWhileLoading(); end; wLoadingProgress := false; end; function g_ProcessMessages (): Boolean; var ev: TSDL_Event; begin result := false; FillChar(ev, SizeOf(ev), 0); while (SDL_PollEvent(@ev) > 0) do begin result := EventHandler(ev); if (ev.type_ = SDL_QUITEV) then exit; end; e_PollJoysticks(); end; function ProcessMessage (): Boolean; var i, t: Integer; begin result := g_ProcessMessages(); Time := GetTimer(); Time_Delta := Time-Time_Old; flag := false; if wNeedTimeReset then begin Time_Delta := 28; wNeedTimeReset := false; end; g_Map_ProfilersBegin(); g_Mons_ProfilersBegin(); t := Time_Delta div 28; if (t > 0) then begin flag := true; for i := 1 to t do begin if (NetMode = NET_SERVER) then g_Net_Host_Update() else if (NetMode = NET_CLIENT) then g_Net_Client_Update(); Update(); end; end else begin if (NetMode = NET_SERVER) then g_Net_Host_Update() else if (NetMode = NET_CLIENT) then g_Net_Client_Update(); end; g_Map_ProfilersEnd(); g_Mons_ProfilersEnd(); if wLoadingQuit then begin g_Game_Free(); g_Game_Quit(); end; if (gExit = EXIT_QUIT) then begin result := true; exit; end; // Время предыдущего обновления if flag then begin Time_Old := Time-(Time_Delta mod 28); if (not wMinimized) then begin Draw(); SwapBuffers(); end; end else begin Sleep(1); // release time slice, so we won't eat 100% CPU end; e_SoundUpdate(); end; procedure ReDrawWindow (); begin SwapBuffers(); end; procedure g_SetVSync (vsync: Boolean); {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} var v: Byte; {$ENDIF} begin {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} if vsync then v := 1 else v := 0; if (SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(v) <> 0) then begin e_WriteLog('oops; can''t change vsync option, restart required', TMsgType.Warning); end else begin if vsync then e_WriteLog('VSync: ON', TMsgType.Notify) else e_WriteLog('VSync: OFF', TMsgType.Notify); end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure InitOpenGL (); begin {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} {$IF DEFINED(USE_GLES1)} SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES); {$ELSE} SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 2); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8); // lights; it is enough to have 1-bit stencil buffer for lighting, but... {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; function glHasExtension (const name: AnsiString): Boolean; var exts: PChar; i: Integer; found: Boolean; extName: ShortString; begin result := false; if (Length(name) = 0) then exit; exts := glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); if (exts = nil) then exit; while (exts[0] <> #0) and (exts[0] = ' ') do Inc(exts); while (exts[0] <> #0) do begin if gwin_dump_extensions then begin i := 0; while (exts[i] <> #0) and (exts[i] <> ' ') do Inc(i); if i > 255 then begin e_WriteLog('FUUUUUUUUUUUUU', TMsgType.Warning); end else begin Move(exts^, extName[1], i); extName[0] := Char(i); e_WriteLog(Format('EXT: %s', [extName]), TMsgType.Notify); end; end; found := true; for i := 0 to length(name)-1 do begin if (exts[i] = #0) then begin found := false; break; end; if (exts[i] <> name[i+1]) then begin found := false; break; end; end; if found and ((exts[Length(name)] = #0) or (exts[Length(name)] = ' ')) then begin result := true; exit; end; while (exts[0] <> #0) and (exts[0] <> ' ') do Inc(exts); while (exts[0] <> #0) and (exts[0] = ' ') do Inc(exts); end; end; function SDLMain (): Integer; var idx: Integer; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} ltmp: Integer; {$ENDIF} arg: AnsiString; mdfo: TStream; {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} itmp: Integer; valres: Word; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF HEADLESS} e_NoGraphics := true; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if (not g_holmes_imfunctional) then begin uiInitialize(); uiContext.font := 'win14'; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} idx := 1; while (idx <= ParamCount) do begin arg := ParamStr(idx); Inc(idx); if arg = '--opengl-dump-exts' then gwin_dump_extensions := true; //if arg = '--twinkletwinkle' then gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments := true; if arg = '--jah' then g_profile_history_size := 100; if arg = '--no-particles' then gpart_dbg_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-los' then gmon_dbg_los_enabled := false; if arg = '--profile-render' then g_profile_frame_draw := true; if arg = '--profile-coldet' then g_profile_collision := true; if arg = '--profile-los' then g_profile_los := true; if arg = '--no-part-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-part-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particles-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particles-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particle-phys' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; if arg = '--no-particle-physics' then gpart_dbg_phys_enabled := false; {.$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if arg = '--aimline' then g_dbg_aimline_on := true; {.$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_HOLMES} if arg = '--holmes' then begin g_holmes_enabled := true; g_Game_SetDebugMode(); end; if (arg = '--holmes-ui-scale') or (arg = '-holmes-ui-scale') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin if not conParseFloat(fuiRenderScale, ParamStr(idx)) then fuiRenderScale := 1.0; Inc(idx); end; end; if (arg = '--holmes-font') or (arg = '-holmes-font') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin itmp := 0; val(ParamStr(idx), itmp, valres); {$IFNDEF HEADLESS} if (valres = 0) and (not g_holmes_imfunctional) then begin case itmp of 8: uiContext.font := 'win8'; 14: uiContext.font := 'win14'; 16: uiContext.font := 'win16'; end; end; {$ELSE} // fuck off, fpc! itmp := itmp; valres := valres; {$ENDIF} Inc(idx); end; end; {$ENDIF} if (arg = '--game-scale') or (arg = '-game-scale') then begin if (idx <= ParamCount) then begin if not conParseFloat(g_dbg_scale, ParamStr(idx)) then g_dbg_scale := 1.0; Inc(idx); end; end; if (arg = '--write-mapdef') or (arg = '-write-mapdef') then begin mdfo := createDiskFile('mapdef.txt'); mdfo.WriteBuffer(defaultMapDef[1], Length(defaultMapDef)); mdfo.Free(); Halt(0); end; end; e_WriteLog('Initializing OpenGL', TMsgType.Notify); InitOpenGL(); e_WriteLog('Creating GL window', TMsgType.Notify); if not CreateGLWindow(PChar(Format('Doom 2D: Forever %s', [GAME_VERSION]))) then begin result := 0; e_WriteLog('Unable to create GL window: ' + SDL_GetError(), TMsgType.Fatal); exit; end; {EnumDisplayModes();} {$IFDEF HEADLESS} //gwin_k8_enable_light_experiments := false; gwin_has_stencil := false; glLegacyNPOT := false; gwin_dump_extensions := false; {$ELSE} SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, @ltmp); e_LogWritefln('stencil buffer size: %s', [ltmp]); gwin_has_stencil := (ltmp > 0); if glHasExtension('GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two') or glHasExtension('GL_OES_texture_npot') then begin e_WriteLog('NPOT textures: YES', TMsgType.Notify); glLegacyNPOT := false; end else begin e_WriteLog('NPOT textures: NO', TMsgType.Warning); glLegacyNPOT := true; end; gwin_dump_extensions := false; {$ENDIF} Init(); Time_Old := GetTimer(); // Командная строка if (ParamCount > 0) then g_Game_Process_Params(); // Запрос языка if (not gGameOn) and gAskLanguage then g_Menu_AskLanguage(); e_WriteLog('Entering the main loop', TMsgType.Notify); // main loop while not ProcessMessage() do begin end; Release(); KillGLWindow(false); result := 0; end; end.