(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_options; interface uses g_language, g_weapons; type TPlayerControl = record KeyRight: Word; KeyLeft: Word; KeyUp: Word; KeyDown: Word; KeyFire: Word; KeyJump: Word; KeyNextWeapon: Word; KeyPrevWeapon: Word; KeyOpen: Word; KeyStrafe: Word; KeyWeapon: array [WP_FIRST..WP_LAST] of Word; KeyRight2: Word; KeyLeft2: Word; KeyUp2: Word; KeyDown2: Word; KeyFire2: Word; KeyJump2: Word; KeyNextWeapon2: Word; KeyPrevWeapon2: Word; KeyOpen2: Word; KeyStrafe2: Word; KeyWeapon2: array [WP_FIRST..WP_LAST] of Word; end; TGameControls = record TakeScreenshot: Word; Stat: Word; Chat: Word; TeamChat: Word; end; TControls = record GameControls: TGameControls; P1Control: TPlayerControl; P2Control: TPlayerControl; end; function GenPlayerName (n: Integer): String; procedure g_Options_SetDefault(); procedure g_Options_Read(FileName: String); procedure g_Options_Write(FileName: String); procedure g_Options_Write_Language(FileName: String); procedure g_Options_Write_Video(FileName: String); procedure g_Options_Write_Gameplay_Custom(FileName: String); procedure g_Options_Write_Gameplay_Net(FileName: String); procedure g_Options_Write_Net_Server(FileName: String); procedure g_Options_Write_Net_Client(FileName: String); const DF_Default_Megawad_Start = 'megawads/DOOM2D.WAD:\MAP01'; var gGameControls: TControls; gScreenWidth: Word; gScreenHeight: Word; gWinRealPosX: Integer; gWinRealPosY: Integer; gBPP: Byte; gFreq: Byte; gFullscreen: Boolean; gWinMaximized: Boolean; gVSync: Boolean; glLegacyNPOT: Boolean; gTextureFilter: Boolean; gNoSound: Boolean; gSoundLevel: Byte; gMusicLevel: Byte; gMaxSimSounds: Byte; gMuteWhenInactive: Boolean; gAdvCorpses: Boolean; gAdvBlood: Boolean; gAdvGibs: Boolean; gGibsCount: Integer; gBloodCount: Byte; gFlash: Byte; gDrawBackGround: Boolean; gShowMessages: Boolean; gRevertPlayers: Boolean; gLanguage: String; gAskLanguage: Boolean; gcMap: String; gcGameMode: String; gcTimeLimit: Word; gcGoalLimit: Word; gcMaxLives: Byte; gcPlayers: Byte; gcTeamDamage: Boolean; gcAllowExit: Boolean; gcWeaponStay: Boolean; gcMonsters: Boolean; gcBotsVS: String; gnMap: String; gnGameMode: String; gnTimeLimit: Word; gnGoalLimit: Word; gnMaxLives: Byte; gnPlayers: Byte; gnTeamDamage: Boolean; gnAllowExit: Boolean; gnWeaponStay: Boolean; gnMonsters: Boolean; gnBotsVS: String; gsSDLSampleRate: Integer; gsSDLBufferSize: Integer; gSFSDebug: Boolean; gSFSFastMode: Boolean; gDefaultMegawadStart: AnsiString; gBerserkAutoswitch: Boolean; implementation uses {$INCLUDE ../nogl/noGLuses.inc} e_log, e_input, g_window, g_sound, g_gfx, g_player, Math, g_map, g_net, g_netmaster, SysUtils, CONFIG, g_game, g_main, e_texture, g_items, wadreader, e_graphics, g_touch, SDL2, envvars; var machine: Integer; function GenPlayerName (n: Integer): String; begin ASSERT(n >= 1); Result := GetUserName; if Result = '' then Result := 'Player' + IntToStr(machine MOD 10000); if n = 1 then Result := Copy(Result, 1, 12) + ' ' else Result := Copy(Result, 1, 10) + ' ' + IntToStr(n) end; procedure g_Options_SetDefaultVideo; var target, closest, display: TSDL_DisplayMode; percentage: Integer; begin (* Display 0 = Primary display *) SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(0, @display); {$IF DEFINED(ANDROID)} gScreenWidth := display.w; gScreenHeight := display.h; //gBPP := SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(dispaly.format); gBPP := 32; gFullScreen := True; (* rotation not allowed? *) {$ELSE} (* Window must be smaller than display *) closest.w := display.w; closest.h := display.h; percentage := 75; while (display.w - closest.w < 48) or (display.h - closest.h < 48) do begin if percentage < 25 then begin closest.w := display.w * 75 div 100; closest.h := display.h * 75 div 100; break; end; target.w := display.w * percentage div 100; target.h := display.h * percentage div 100; target.format := 0; (* didn't care *) target.refresh_rate := 0; (* didn't care *) target.driverdata := nil; (* init *) SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode(0, @target, @closest); Dec(percentage); end; gScreenWidth := closest.w; gScreenHeight := closest.h; //gBPP := SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(closest.format); (* Resolution list didn't work for some reason *) gBPP := 32; gFullScreen := False; {$ENDIF} (* Must be positioned on primary display *) gWinRealPosX := SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED; gWinRealPosY := SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED; gWinMaximized := False; gVSync := True; gTextureFilter := True; glLegacyNPOT := False; e_LogWriteLn('g_Options_SetDefaultVideo: w = ' + IntToStr(gScreenWidth) + ' h = ' + IntToStr(gScreenHeight)); end; procedure g_Options_SetDefault(); var i: Integer; begin (* section Sound *) gNoSound := False; gSoundLevel := 75; gMusicLevel := 65; gMaxSimSounds := 8; gMuteWhenInactive := False; gAnnouncer := ANNOUNCE_MEPLUS; gSoundEffectsDF := True; gUseChatSounds := True; gsSDLSampleRate := 44100; gsSDLBufferSize := 2048; g_Sound_SetupAllVolumes(gSoundLevel, gMusicLevel); (* section GameControls *) with gGameControls.GameControls do begin TakeScreenshot := SDL_SCANCODE_F12; Stat := SDL_SCANCODE_TAB; Chat := SDL_SCANCODE_T; TeamChat := SDL_SCANCODE_Y; end; (* section Player1 *) with gGameControls.P1Control do begin KeyRight := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6; KeyLeft := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4; KeyUp := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_8; KeyDown := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5; KeyFire := SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH; KeyJump := SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL; KeyNextWeapon := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9; KeyPrevWeapon := SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7; KeyOpen := SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT; KeyStrafe := SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD; for i := 0 to 9 do begin KeyWeapon[i] := SDL_SCANCODE_1 + i (* 1, ..., 9, 0 *) end; KeyWeapon[10] := SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS; for i := 11 to High(KeyWeapon) do begin KeyWeapon[i] := 0 end; KeyRight2 := VK_RIGHT; KeyLeft2 := VK_LEFT; KeyUp2 := VK_UP; KeyDown2 := VK_DOWN; KeyFire2 := VK_FIRE; KeyJump2 := VK_JUMP; KeyNextWeapon2 := VK_NEXT; KeyPrevWeapon2 := VK_PREV; KeyOpen2 := VK_OPEN; KeyStrafe2 := VK_STRAFE; for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do begin KeyWeapon2[i] := VK_0 + i end; end; with gPlayer1Settings do begin Name := GenPlayerName(1); Model := STD_PLAYER_MODEL; Color.R := PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.R; Color.G := PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.G; Color.B := PLAYER1_DEF_COLOR.B; Team := TEAM_RED; end; (* section Player2 *) with gGameControls.P2Control do begin KeyRight := SDL_SCANCODE_D; KeyLeft := SDL_SCANCODE_A; KeyUp := SDL_SCANCODE_W; KeyDown := SDL_SCANCODE_S; KeyFire := SDL_SCANCODE_G; KeyJump := SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE; KeyNextWeapon := SDL_SCANCODE_E; KeyPrevWeapon := SDL_SCANCODE_Q; KeyOpen := SDL_SCANCODE_F; KeyStrafe := SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT; for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon) do begin KeyWeapon[i] := 0 end; KeyRight2 := 0; KeyLeft2 := 0; KeyUp2 := 0; KeyDown2 := 0; KeyFire2 := 0; KeyJump2 := 0; KeyNextWeapon2 := 0; KeyPrevWeapon2 := 0; KeyOpen2 := 0; KeyStrafe2 := 0; for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do begin KeyWeapon2[i] := 0; end end; with gPlayer2Settings do begin Name := GenPlayerName(2); Model := STD_PLAYER_MODEL; Color.R := PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.R; Color.G := PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.G; Color.B := PLAYER2_DEF_COLOR.B; Team := TEAM_BLUE; end; (* section Joysticks *) for i := 0 to e_MaxJoys - 1 do begin e_JoystickDeadzones[i] := 8192 end; (* section Touch *) g_touch_size := 1.0; g_touch_fire := True; g_touch_offset := 50; g_touch_alt := False; (* section Game *) g_GFX_SetMax(2000); g_Shells_SetMax(300); g_Gibs_SetMax(150); g_Corpses_SetMax(20); gGibsCount := 32; ITEM_RESPAWNTIME := 60 * 36; gBloodCount := 4; gAdvBlood := True; gAdvCorpses := True; gAdvGibs := True; gFlash := 1; gDrawBackGround := True; gShowMessages := True; gRevertPlayers := False; gChatBubble := 4; gPlayerIndicator := True; gSFSDebug := False; gSFSFastMode := False; e_FastScreenshots := True; gDefaultMegawadStart := DF_Default_Megawad_Start; gBerserkAutoswitch := True; g_dbg_scale := 1.0; gAskLanguage := True; gLanguage := LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; (* section GameplayCustom *) gcMap := ''; gcGameMode := _lc[I_MENU_GAME_TYPE_DM]; gcTimeLimit := 0; gcGoalLimit := 0; gcMaxLives := 0; gcPlayers := 1; gcTeamDamage := False; gcAllowExit := True; gcWeaponStay := False; gcMonsters := False; gcBotsVS := 'Everybody'; (* section GameplayNetwork *) gnMap := ''; gnGameMode := _lc[I_MENU_GAME_TYPE_DM]; gnTimeLimit := 0; gnGoalLimit := 0; gnMaxLives := 0; gnPlayers := 1; gnTeamDamage := False; gnAllowExit := True; gnWeaponStay := False; gnMonsters := False; gnBotsVS := 'Everybody'; (* section MasterServer *) NetSlistIP := 'mpms.doom2d.org'; NetSlistPort := 25665; g_Net_Slist_Set(NetSlistIP, NetSlistPort); (* section Server *) NetServerName := 'Unnamed Server'; NetPassword := ''; NetPort := 25666; NetMaxClients := 16; NetAllowRCON := False; NetRCONPassword := 'default'; NetUseMaster := True; NetUpdateRate := 0; NetRelupdRate := 18; NetMasterRate := 60000; NetForwardPorts := False; (* section Client *) NetInterpLevel := 2; NetForcePlayerUpdate := False; NetPredictSelf := True; NetClientIP := ''; NetClientPort := NetPort; end; procedure g_Options_Read(FileName: String); var i: Integer; config: TConfig; section: String; procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: Integer; param: String; minv: Integer = Low(Integer); maxv: Integer = High(Integer)); begin v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, v), maxv), minv) end; procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: LongWord; param: String; minv: LongWord = Low(LongWord); maxv: LongWord = High(LongWord)); overload; begin v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, v), maxv), minv) end; procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: Word; param: String; minv: Word = Low(Word); maxv: Word = High(Word)); overload; begin v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, v), maxv), minv) end; procedure ReadInteger (VAR v: Byte; param: String; minv: Byte = Low(Byte); maxv: Byte = High(Byte)); overload; begin v := Max(Min(config.ReadInt(section, param, v), maxv), minv) end; procedure ReadBoolean (VAR v: Boolean; param: String); begin v := config.ReadBool(section, param, v) end; procedure ReadString (VAR v: String; param: String); begin v := config.ReadStr(section, param, v) end; begin gAskLanguage := True; e_WriteLog('Reading config', TMsgType.Notify); g_Options_SetDefault; if FileExists(FileName) = False then begin e_WriteLog('Config file '+FileName+' not found', TMsgType.Warning); g_Options_SetDefaultVideo; Exit end; config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName); section := 'Video'; ReadInteger(gScreenWidth, 'ScreenWidth', 0); ReadInteger(gScreenHeight, 'ScreenHeight', 0); ReadInteger(gWinRealPosX, 'WinPosX', 60); ReadInteger(gWinRealPosY, 'WinPosY', 60); ReadBoolean(gFullScreen, 'Fullscreen'); ReadBoolean(gWinMaximized, 'Maximized'); ReadInteger(gBPP, 'BPP', 0); ReadInteger(gFreq, 'Freq', 0); ReadBoolean(gVSync, 'VSync'); ReadBoolean(gTextureFilter, 'TextureFilter'); ReadBoolean(glLegacyNPOT, 'LegacyCompatible'); section := 'Sound'; ReadBoolean(gNoSound, 'NoSound'); ReadInteger(gSoundLevel, 'SoundLevel', 0, 255); ReadInteger(gMusicLevel, 'MusicLevel', 0, 255); ReadInteger(gMaxSimSounds, 'MaxSimSounds', 2, 66); ReadBoolean(gMuteWhenInactive, 'MuteInactive'); ReadInteger(gAnnouncer, 'Announcer', ANNOUNCE_NONE, ANNOUNCE_ALL); ReadBoolean(gSoundEffectsDF, 'SoundEffectsDF'); ReadBoolean(gUseChatSounds, 'ChatSounds'); ReadInteger(gsSDLSampleRate, 'SDLSampleRate', 11025, 96000); ReadInteger(gsSDLBufferSize, 'SDLBufferSize', 64, 16384); section := 'GameControls'; with gGameControls.GameControls do begin ReadInteger(TakeScreenshot, 'TakeScreenshot'); ReadInteger(Stat, 'Stat'); ReadInteger(Chat, 'Chat'); ReadInteger(TeamChat, 'TeamChat'); end; section := 'Player1'; with gGameControls.P1Control do begin ReadInteger(KeyRight, 'KeyRight'); ReadInteger(KeyLeft, 'KeyLeft'); ReadInteger(KeyUp, 'KeyUp'); ReadInteger(KeyDown, 'KeyDown'); ReadInteger(KeyFire, 'KeyFire'); ReadInteger(KeyJump, 'KeyJump'); ReadInteger(KeyNextWeapon, 'KeyNextWeapon'); ReadInteger(KeyPrevWeapon, 'KeyPrevWeapon'); ReadInteger(KeyOpen, 'KeyOpen'); ReadInteger(KeyStrafe, 'KeyStrafe'); for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon) do begin ReadInteger(KeyWeapon[i], 'KeyWeapon' + IntToStr(i)) end; ReadInteger(KeyRight2, 'KeyRight2'); ReadInteger(KeyLeft2, 'KeyLeft2'); ReadInteger(KeyUp2, 'KeyUp2'); ReadInteger(KeyDown2, 'KeyDown2'); ReadInteger(KeyFire2, 'KeyFire2'); ReadInteger(KeyJump2, 'KeyJump2'); ReadInteger(KeyNextWeapon2, 'KeyNextWeapon2'); ReadInteger(KeyPrevWeapon2, 'KeyPrevWeapon2'); ReadInteger(KeyOpen2, 'KeyOpen2'); ReadInteger(KeyStrafe2, 'KeyStrafe2'); for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do begin ReadInteger(KeyWeapon2[i], 'KeyWeapon2' + IntToStr(i)) end; end; section := 'Player1'; with gPlayer1Settings do begin ReadString(Name, 'name'); ReadString(Model, 'model'); ReadInteger(Color.R, 'red', 0, 255); ReadInteger(Color.G, 'green', 0, 255); ReadInteger(Color.B, 'blue', 0, 255); ReadInteger(Team, 'team'); if (Team < TEAM_RED) or (Team > TEAM_BLUE) then Team := TEAM_RED; end; section := 'Player2'; with gGameControls.P2Control do begin ReadInteger(KeyRight, 'KeyRight'); ReadInteger(KeyLeft, 'KeyLeft'); ReadInteger(KeyUp, 'KeyUp'); ReadInteger(KeyDown, 'KeyDown'); ReadInteger(KeyFire, 'KeyFire'); ReadInteger(KeyJump, 'KeyJump'); ReadInteger(KeyNextWeapon, 'KeyNextWeapon'); ReadInteger(KeyPrevWeapon, 'KeyPrevWeapon'); ReadInteger(KeyOpen, 'KeyOpen'); ReadInteger(KeyStrafe, 'KeyStrafe'); for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon) do begin ReadInteger(KeyWeapon[i], 'KeyWeapon' + IntToStr(i)) end; ReadInteger(KeyRight2, 'KeyRight2'); ReadInteger(KeyLeft2, 'KeyLeft2'); ReadInteger(KeyUp2, 'KeyUp2'); ReadInteger(KeyDown2, 'KeyDown2'); ReadInteger(KeyFire2, 'KeyFire2'); ReadInteger(KeyJump2, 'KeyJump2'); ReadInteger(KeyNextWeapon2, 'KeyNextWeapon2'); ReadInteger(KeyPrevWeapon2, 'KeyPrevWeapon2'); ReadInteger(KeyOpen2, 'KeyOpen2'); ReadInteger(KeyStrafe2, 'KeyStrafe2'); for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do begin ReadInteger(KeyWeapon2[i], 'KeyWeapon2' + IntToStr(i)) end; end; section := 'Player2'; with gPlayer2Settings do begin ReadString(Name, 'name'); ReadString(Model, 'model'); ReadInteger(Color.R, 'red', 0, 255); ReadInteger(Color.G, 'green', 0, 255); ReadInteger(Color.B, 'blue', 0, 255); ReadInteger(Team, 'team'); if (Team < TEAM_RED) or (Team > TEAM_BLUE) then Team := TEAM_RED; end; section := 'Joysticks'; for i := 0 to e_MaxJoys - 1 do begin ReadInteger(e_JoystickDeadzones[i], 'Deadzone' + IntToStr(i)) end; section := 'Touch'; i := Trunc(g_touch_size * 10); ReadInteger(i, 'Size', 0); g_touch_size := i / 10; ReadBoolean(g_touch_fire, 'Fire'); i := Round(g_touch_offset); ReadInteger(i, 'Offset', 0, 100); g_touch_offset := i; ReadBoolean(g_touch_alt, 'Alt'); section := 'Game'; ReadInteger(i, 'MaxParticles', 0, 50000); g_GFX_SetMax(i); ReadInteger(i, 'MaxShells', 0, 600); g_Shells_SetMax(i); ReadInteger(i, 'MaxGibs', 0, 500); g_Gibs_SetMax(i); ReadInteger(i, 'MaxCorpses', 0, 100); g_Corpses_SetMax(i); ReadInteger(i, 'GibsCount'); case i of 0: gGibsCount := 0; 1: gGibsCount := 8; 2: gGibsCount := 16; 3: gGibsCount := 32; else gGibsCount := 48; end; i := ITEM_RESPAWNTIME div 36; ReadInteger(i, 'ItemRespawnTime', 0); ITEM_RESPAWNTIME := i * 36; ReadInteger(gBloodCount, 'BloodCount', 0, 4); ReadBoolean(gAdvBlood, 'AdvancesBlood'); ReadBoolean(gAdvCorpses, 'AdvancesCorpses'); ReadBoolean(gAdvGibs, 'AdvancesGibs'); ReadInteger(gFlash, 'Flash', 0, 2); ReadBoolean(gDrawBackGround, 'BackGround'); ReadBoolean(gShowMessages, 'Messages'); ReadBoolean(gRevertPlayers, 'RevertPlayers'); ReadInteger(gChatBubble, 'ChatBubble', 0, 4); ReadBoolean(gPlayerIndicator, 'PlayerIndicator'); ReadBoolean(gSFSDebug, 'SFSDebug'); wadoptDebug := gSFSDebug; ReadBoolean(gSFSFastMode, 'SFSFastMode'); wadoptFast := gSFSFastMode; ReadBoolean(e_FastScreenshots, 'FastScreenshots'); ReadString(gDefaultMegawadStart, 'DefaultMegawadStart'); ReadBoolean(gBerserkAutoswitch, 'BerserkAutoswitching'); i := Trunc(g_dbg_scale * 100); ReadInteger(i, 'Scale', 100); g_dbg_scale := i / 100; ReadString(gLanguage, 'Language'); if (gLanguage = LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN) or (gLanguage = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH) then gAskLanguage := False else gLanguage := LANGUAGE_ENGLISH; section := 'GameplayCustom'; ReadString(gcMap, 'Map'); ReadString(gcGameMode, 'GameMode'); ReadInteger(gcTimeLimit, 'TimeLimit', 0, 65535); ReadInteger(gcGoalLimit, 'GoalLimit', 0, 65535); ReadInteger(gcMaxLives, 'MaxLives', 0, 255); ReadInteger(gcPlayers, 'Players', 0, 2); ReadBoolean(gcTeamDamage, 'TeamDamage'); ReadBoolean(gcAllowExit, 'AllowExit'); ReadBoolean(gcWeaponStay, 'WeaponStay'); ReadBoolean(gcMonsters, 'Monsters'); ReadString(gcBotsVS, 'BotsVS'); with gGameSettings do begin GameMode := g_Game_TextToMode(gcGameMode); if GameMode = GM_NONE then GameMode := GM_DM; if GameMode = GM_SINGLE then GameMode := GM_COOP; TimeLimit := gcTimeLimit; GoalLimit := gcGoalLimit; MaxLives := gcMaxLives; Options := 0; if gcTeamDamage then Options := Options or GAME_OPTION_TEAMDAMAGE; if gcAllowExit then Options := Options or GAME_OPTION_ALLOWEXIT; if gcWeaponStay then Options := Options or GAME_OPTION_WEAPONSTAY; if gcMonsters then Options := Options or GAME_OPTION_MONSTERS; if gcBotsVS = 'Everybody' then Options := Options or GAME_OPTION_BOTVSPLAYER or GAME_OPTION_BOTVSMONSTER; if gcBotsVS = 'Players' then Options := Options or GAME_OPTION_BOTVSPLAYER; if gcBotsVS = 'Monsters' then Options := Options or GAME_OPTION_BOTVSMONSTER; end; section := 'GameplayNetwork'; ReadString(gnMap, 'Map'); ReadString(gnGameMode, 'GameMode'); ReadInteger(gnTimeLimit, 'TimeLimit', 0, 65535); ReadInteger(gnGoalLimit, 'GoalLimit', 0, 65535); ReadInteger(gnMaxLives, 'MaxLives', 0, 255); ReadInteger(gnPlayers, 'Players', 0, 2); ReadBoolean(gnTeamDamage, 'TeamDamage'); ReadBoolean(gnAllowExit, 'AllowExit'); ReadBoolean(gnWeaponStay, 'WeaponStay'); ReadBoolean(gnMonsters, 'Monsters'); ReadString(gnBotsVS, 'BotsVS'); section := 'MasterServer'; ReadString(NetSlistIP, 'IP'); ReadInteger(NetSlistPort, 'Port', 0, 65535); g_Net_Slist_Set(NetSlistIP, NetSlistPort); section := 'Server'; ReadString(NetServerName, 'Name'); ReadString(NetPassword, 'Password'); ReadInteger(NetPort, 'Port', 0, 65535); ReadInteger(NetMaxClients, 'MaxClients', 0, NET_MAXCLIENTS); ReadBoolean(NetAllowRCON, 'RCON'); ReadString(NetRCONPassword, 'RCONPassword'); ReadBoolean(NetUseMaster, 'SyncWithMaster'); ReadInteger(NetUpdateRate, 'UpdateInterval', 0); ReadInteger(NetRelupdRate, 'ReliableUpdateInterval', 0); ReadInteger(NetMasterRate, 'MasterSyncInterval', 1); ReadBoolean(NetForwardPorts, 'ForwardPorts'); section := 'Client'; ReadInteger(NetInterpLevel, 'InterpolationSteps', 0); ReadBoolean(NetForcePlayerUpdate, 'ForcePlayerUpdate'); ReadBoolean(NetPredictSelf, 'PredictSelf'); ReadString(NetClientIP, 'LastIP'); ReadInteger(NetClientPort, 'LastPort', 0, 65535); config.Free(); //if gTextureFilter then TEXTUREFILTER := GL_LINEAR else TEXTUREFILTER := GL_NEAREST; end; procedure g_Options_Write(FileName: String); var config: TConfig; i: Integer; begin e_WriteLog('Writing config', TMsgType.Notify); config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName); config.WriteInt('Video', 'ScreenWidth', gScreenWidth); config.WriteInt('Video', 'ScreenHeight', gScreenHeight); config.WriteInt('Video', 'WinPosX', gWinRealPosX); config.WriteInt('Video', 'WinPosY', gWinRealPosY); config.WriteBool('Video', 'Fullscreen', gFullScreen); config.WriteBool('Video', 'Maximized', gWinMaximized); config.WriteInt('Video', 'BPP', gBPP); config.WriteBool('Video', 'VSync', gVSync); config.WriteBool('Video', 'TextureFilter', gTextureFilter); config.WriteBool('Video', 'LegacyCompatible', glLegacyNPOT); config.WriteBool('Sound', 'NoSound', gNoSound); config.WriteInt('Sound', 'SoundLevel', gSoundLevel); config.WriteInt('Sound', 'MusicLevel', gMusicLevel); config.WriteInt('Sound', 'MaxSimSounds', gMaxSimSounds); config.WriteBool('Sound', 'MuteInactive', gMuteWhenInactive); config.WriteInt('Sound', 'Announcer', gAnnouncer); config.WriteBool('Sound', 'SoundEffectsDF', gSoundEffectsDF); config.WriteBool('Sound', 'ChatSounds', gUseChatSounds); config.WriteInt('Sound', 'SDLSampleRate', gsSDLSampleRate); config.WriteInt('Sound', 'SDLBufferSize', gsSDLBufferSize); with config, gGameControls.GameControls do begin WriteInt('GameControls', 'TakeScreenshot', TakeScreenshot); WriteInt('GameControls', 'Stat', Stat); WriteInt('GameControls', 'Chat', Chat); WriteInt('GameControls', 'TeamChat', TeamChat); end; with config, gGameControls.P1Control, gPlayer1Settings do begin WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyRight', KeyRight); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyLeft', KeyLeft); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyUp', KeyUp); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyDown', KeyDown); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyFire', KeyFire); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyJump', KeyJump); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyNextWeapon', KeyNextWeapon); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyPrevWeapon', KeyPrevWeapon); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyOpen', KeyOpen); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyStrafe', KeyStrafe); for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon) do WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyWeapon' + IntToStr(i), KeyWeapon[i]); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyRight2', KeyRight2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyLeft2', KeyLeft2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyUp2', KeyUp2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyDown2', KeyDown2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyFire2', KeyFire2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyJump2', KeyJump2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyNextWeapon2', KeyNextWeapon2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyPrevWeapon2', KeyPrevWeapon2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyOpen2', KeyOpen2); WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyStrafe2', KeyStrafe2); for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do WriteInt('Player1', 'KeyWeapon2' + IntToStr(i), KeyWeapon2[i]); WriteStr('Player1', 'Name', Name); WriteStr('Player1', 'model', Model); WriteInt('Player1', 'red', Color.R); WriteInt('Player1', 'green', Color.G); WriteInt('Player1', 'blue', Color.B); WriteInt('Player1', 'team', Team); end; with config, gGameControls.P2Control, gPlayer2Settings do begin WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyRight', KeyRight); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyLeft', KeyLeft); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyUp', KeyUp); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyDown', KeyDown); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyFire', KeyFire); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyJump', KeyJump); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyNextWeapon', KeyNextWeapon); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyPrevWeapon', KeyPrevWeapon); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyOpen', KeyOpen); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyStrafe', KeyStrafe); for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon) do WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyWeapon' + IntToStr(i), KeyWeapon[i]); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyRight2', KeyRight2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyLeft2', KeyLeft2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyUp2', KeyUp2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyDown2', KeyDown2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyFire2', KeyFire2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyJump2', KeyJump2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyNextWeapon2', KeyNextWeapon2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyPrevWeapon2', KeyPrevWeapon2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyOpen2', KeyOpen2); WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyStrafe2', KeyStrafe2); for i := 0 to High(KeyWeapon2) do WriteInt('Player2', 'KeyWeapon2' + IntToStr(i), KeyWeapon2[i]); WriteStr('Player2', 'Name', Name); WriteStr('Player2', 'model', Model); WriteInt('Player2', 'red', Color.R); WriteInt('Player2', 'green', Color.G); WriteInt('Player2', 'blue', Color.B); WriteInt('Player2', 'team', Team); end; for i := 0 to e_MaxJoys-1 do config.WriteInt('Joysticks', 'Deadzone' + IntToStr(i), e_JoystickDeadzones[i]); config.WriteInt('Touch', 'Size', Round(g_touch_size * 10)); config.WriteBool('Touch', 'Fire', g_touch_fire); config.WriteInt('Touch', 'Offset', Round(g_touch_offset)); config.WriteBool('Touch', 'Alt', g_touch_alt); with config do case gGibsCount of 0: config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 0); 8: config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 1); 16: config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 2); 32: config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 3); else config.WriteInt('Game', 'GibsCount', 4); end; config.WriteInt('Game', 'ItemRespawnTime', ITEM_RESPAWNTIME div 36); config.WriteInt('Game', 'MaxParticles', g_GFX_GetMax()); config.WriteInt('Game', 'MaxShells', g_Shells_GetMax()); config.WriteInt('Game', 'MaxGibs', g_Gibs_GetMax()); config.WriteInt('Game', 'MaxCorpses', g_Corpses_GetMax()); config.WriteInt('Game', 'BloodCount', gBloodCount); config.WriteBool('Game', 'AdvancesBlood', gAdvBlood); config.WriteBool('Game', 'AdvancesCorpses', gAdvCorpses); config.WriteBool('Game', 'AdvancesGibs', gAdvGibs); config.WriteInt('Game', 'Flash', gFlash); config.WriteBool('Game', 'BackGround', gDrawBackGround); config.WriteBool('Game', 'Messages', gShowMessages); config.WriteBool('Game', 'RevertPlayers', gRevertPlayers); config.WriteInt('Game', 'ChatBubble', gChatBubble); config.WriteBool('Game', 'PlayerIndicator', gPlayerIndicator); config.WriteBool('Game', 'SFSDebug', gSFSDebug); config.WriteBool('Game', 'SFSFastMode', gSFSFastMode); config.WriteBool('Game', 'FastScreenshots', e_FastScreenshots); config.WriteStr('Game', 'DefaultMegawadStart', gDefaultMegawadStart); config.WriteBool('Game', 'BerserkAutoswitching', gBerserkAutoswitch); config.WriteInt('Game', 'Scale', Round(g_dbg_scale * 100)); config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'Map', gcMap); config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'GameMode', gcGameMode); config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'TimeLimit', gcTimeLimit); config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'GoalLimit', gcGoalLimit); config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'MaxLives', gcMaxLives); config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'Players', gcPlayers); config.WriteBool('GameplayCustom', 'TeamDamage', gcTeamDamage); config.WriteBool('GameplayCustom', 'AllowExit', gcAllowExit); config.WriteBool('GameplayCustom', 'WeaponStay', gcWeaponStay); config.WriteBool('GameplayCustom', 'Monsters', gcMonsters); config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'BotsVS', gcBotsVS); config.WriteStr ('GameplayNetwork', 'Map', gnMap); config.WriteStr ('GameplayNetwork', 'GameMode', gnGameMode); config.WriteInt ('GameplayNetwork', 'TimeLimit', gnTimeLimit); config.WriteInt ('GameplayNetwork', 'GoalLimit', gnGoalLimit); config.WriteInt ('GameplayNetwork', 'MaxLives', gnMaxLives); config.WriteInt ('GameplayNetwork', 'Players', gnPlayers); config.WriteBool('GameplayNetwork', 'TeamDamage', gnTeamDamage); config.WriteBool('GameplayNetwork', 'AllowExit', gnAllowExit); config.WriteBool('GameplayNetwork', 'WeaponStay', gnWeaponStay); config.WriteBool('GameplayNetwork', 'Monsters', gnMonsters); config.WriteStr ('GameplayNetwork', 'BotsVS', gnBotsVS); config.WriteStr('MasterServer', 'IP', NetSlistIP); config.WriteInt('MasterServer', 'Port', NetSlistPort); config.WriteStr ('Server', 'Name', NetServerName); config.WriteStr ('Server', 'Password', NetPassword); config.WriteInt ('Server', 'Port', NetPort); config.WriteInt ('Server', 'MaxClients', NetMaxClients); config.WriteBool('Server', 'RCON', NetAllowRCON); config.WriteStr ('Server', 'RCONPassword', NetRCONPassword); config.WriteBool('Server', 'SyncWithMaster', NetUseMaster); config.WriteBool('Server', 'ForwardPorts', NetForwardPorts); config.WriteInt ('Server', 'UpdateInterval', NetUpdateRate); config.WriteInt ('Server', 'ReliableUpdateInterval', NetRelupdRate); config.WriteInt ('Server', 'MasterSyncInterval', NetMasterRate); config.WriteInt ('Client', 'InterpolationSteps', NetInterpLevel); config.WriteBool ('Client', 'ForcePlayerUpdate', NetForcePlayerUpdate); config.WriteBool ('Client', 'PredictSelf', NetPredictSelf); config.WriteStr ('Client', 'LastIP', NetClientIP); config.WriteInt ('Client', 'LastPort', NetClientPort); config.SaveFile(FileName); config.Free(); end; procedure g_Options_Write_Language(FileName: String); var config: TConfig; begin e_WriteLog('Writing language config', TMsgType.Notify); config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName); config.WriteStr('Game', 'Language', gLanguage); config.SaveFile(FileName); config.Free(); end; procedure g_Options_Write_Video(FileName: String); var config: TConfig; sW, sH: Integer; begin e_WriteLog('Writing resolution to config', TMsgType.Notify); config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName); if gWinMaximized and (not gFullscreen) then begin sW := gWinSizeX; sH := gWinSizeY; end else begin sW := gScreenWidth; sH := gScreenHeight; end; e_LogWritefln(' (ws=%dx%d) (ss=%dx%d)', [gWinSizeX, gWinSizeY, gScreenWidth, gScreenHeight]); config.WriteInt('Video', 'ScreenWidth', sW); config.WriteInt('Video', 'ScreenHeight', sH); config.WriteInt('Video', 'WinPosX', gWinRealPosX); config.WriteInt('Video', 'WinPosY', gWinRealPosY); config.WriteBool('Video', 'Fullscreen', gFullscreen); config.WriteBool('Video', 'Maximized', gWinMaximized); config.WriteStr('Player1', 'Name', gPlayer1Settings.Name); config.WriteStr('Player2', 'Name', gPlayer2Settings.Name); config.SaveFile(FileName); config.Free(); end; procedure g_Options_Write_Gameplay_Custom(FileName: String); var config: TConfig; begin e_WriteLog('Writing custom gameplay config', TMsgType.Notify); config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName); config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'Map', gcMap); config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'GameMode', gcGameMode); config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'TimeLimit', gcTimeLimit); config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'GoalLimit', gcGoalLimit); config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'MaxLives', gcMaxLives); config.WriteInt ('GameplayCustom', 'Players', gcPlayers); config.WriteBool('GameplayCustom', 'TeamDamage', gcTeamDamage); config.WriteBool('GameplayCustom', 'AllowExit', gcAllowExit); config.WriteBool('GameplayCustom', 'WeaponStay', gcWeaponStay); config.WriteBool('GameplayCustom', 'Monsters', gcMonsters); config.WriteStr ('GameplayCustom', 'BotsVS', gcBotsVS); config.SaveFile(FileName); config.Free(); end; procedure g_Options_Write_Gameplay_Net(FileName: String); var config: TConfig; begin e_WriteLog('Writing network gameplay config', TMsgType.Notify); config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName); config.WriteStr ('GameplayNetwork', 'Map', gnMap); config.WriteStr ('GameplayNetwork', 'GameMode', gnGameMode); config.WriteInt ('GameplayNetwork', 'TimeLimit', gnTimeLimit); config.WriteInt ('GameplayNetwork', 'GoalLimit', gnGoalLimit); config.WriteInt ('GameplayNetwork', 'MaxLives', gnMaxLives); config.WriteInt ('GameplayNetwork', 'Players', gnPlayers); config.WriteBool('GameplayNetwork', 'TeamDamage', gnTeamDamage); config.WriteBool('GameplayNetwork', 'AllowExit', gnAllowExit); config.WriteBool('GameplayNetwork', 'WeaponStay', gnWeaponStay); config.WriteBool('GameplayNetwork', 'Monsters', gnMonsters); config.WriteStr ('GameplayNetwork', 'BotsVS', gnBotsVS); config.SaveFile(FileName); config.Free(); end; procedure g_Options_Write_Net_Server(FileName: String); var config: TConfig; begin e_WriteLog('Writing server config', TMsgType.Notify); config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName); config.WriteStr ('Server', 'Name', NetServerName); config.WriteStr ('Server', 'Password', NetPassword); config.WriteInt ('Server', 'Port', NetPort); config.WriteInt ('Server', 'MaxClients', NetMaxClients); config.WriteBool('Server', 'SyncWithMaster', NetUseMaster); config.WriteBool('Server', 'ForwardPorts', NetForwardPorts); config.SaveFile(FileName); config.Free(); end; procedure g_Options_Write_Net_Client(FileName: String); var config: TConfig; begin e_WriteLog('Writing client config', TMsgType.Notify); config := TConfig.CreateFile(FileName); config.WriteStr('Client', 'LastIP', NetClientIP); config.WriteInt('Client', 'LastPort', NetClientPort); config.SaveFile(FileName); config.Free(); end; initialization machine := Random(10000) end.