(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE g_amodes.inc} unit g_net; interface uses e_log, e_fixedbuffer, ENet, Classes; const NET_PROTOCOL_VER = 172; NET_MAXCLIENTS = 24; NET_CHAN_SERVICE = 0; NET_CHAN_IMPORTANT = 1; NET_CHAN_GAME = 2; NET_CHAN_PLAYER = 3; NET_CHAN_PLAYERPOS = 4; NET_CHAN_MONSTER = 5; NET_CHAN_MONSTERPOS = 6; NET_CHAN_LARGEDATA = 7; NET_CHAN_CHAT = 8; NET_CHAN_DOWNLOAD = 9; NET_CHAN_SHOTS = 10; CH_RELIABLE = 0; CH_UNRELIABLE = 1; CH_DOWNLOAD = 2; CH_MAX = CH_UNRELIABLE; // don't change this NET_CHANS = 3; NET_NONE = 0; NET_SERVER = 1; NET_CLIENT = 2; NET_BUFSIZE = 65536; NET_EVERYONE = -1; NET_DISC_NONE: enet_uint32 = 0; NET_DISC_PROTOCOL: enet_uint32 = 1; NET_DISC_VERSION: enet_uint32 = 2; NET_DISC_FULL: enet_uint32 = 3; NET_DISC_KICK: enet_uint32 = 4; NET_DISC_DOWN: enet_uint32 = 5; NET_DISC_PASSWORD: enet_uint32 = 6; NET_DISC_TEMPBAN: enet_uint32 = 7; NET_DISC_BAN: enet_uint32 = 8; NET_DISC_MAX: enet_uint32 = 8; NET_STATE_NONE = 0; NET_STATE_AUTH = 1; NET_STATE_GAME = 2; BANLIST_FILENAME = 'banlist.txt'; NETDUMP_FILENAME = 'netdump'; type TNetClient = record ID: Byte; Used: Boolean; State: Byte; Peer: pENetPeer; Player: Word; RequestedFullUpdate: Boolean; RCONAuth: Boolean; Voted: Boolean; SendBuf: array [0..CH_MAX] of TBuffer; end; TBanRecord = record IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean; end; pTNetClient = ^TNetClient; AByte = array of Byte; var NetInitDone: Boolean = False; NetMode: Byte = NET_NONE; NetDump: Boolean = False; NetServerName: string = 'Unnamed Server'; NetPassword: string = ''; NetPort: Word = 25666; NetAllowRCON: Boolean = False; NetRCONPassword: string = ''; NetTimeToUpdate: Cardinal = 0; NetTimeToReliable: Cardinal = 0; NetTimeToMaster: Cardinal = 0; NetHost: pENetHost = nil; NetPeer: pENetPeer = nil; NetEvent: ENetEvent; NetAddr: ENetAddress; NetPongAddr: ENetAddress; NetPongSock: ENetSocket = ENET_SOCKET_NULL; NetUseMaster: Boolean = True; NetSlistAddr: ENetAddress; NetSlistIP: string = 'mpms.doom2d.org'; NetSlistPort: Word = 25665; NetClientIP: string = ''; NetClientPort: Word = 25666; NetIn, NetOut: TBuffer; NetSend: array [0..CH_MAX] of TBuffer; NetClients: array of TNetClient = nil; NetClientCount: Byte = 0; NetMaxClients: Byte = 255; NetBannedHosts: array of TBanRecord = nil; NetState: Integer = NET_STATE_NONE; NetMyID: Integer = -1; NetPlrUID1: Integer = -1; NetPlrUID2: Integer = -1; NetInterpLevel: Integer = 1; NetUpdateRate: Cardinal = 0; // as soon as possible NetRelupdRate: Cardinal = 18; // around two times a second NetMasterRate: Cardinal = 60000; NetForcePlayerUpdate: Boolean = False; NetPredictSelf: Boolean = True; NetGotKeys: Boolean = False; NetGotEverything: Boolean = False; NetDumpFile: TStream; function g_Net_Init(): Boolean; procedure g_Net_Cleanup(); procedure g_Net_Free(); procedure g_Net_Flush(); function g_Net_Host(IPAddr: LongWord; Port: enet_uint16; MaxClients: Cardinal = 16): Boolean; procedure g_Net_Host_Die(); procedure g_Net_Host_Send(ID: Integer; Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_GAME); function g_Net_Host_Update(): enet_size_t; procedure g_Net_Host_FlushBuffers(); function g_Net_Connect(IP: string; Port: enet_uint16): Boolean; procedure g_Net_Disconnect(Forced: Boolean = False); procedure g_Net_Client_Send(Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_GAME); function g_Net_Client_Update(): enet_size_t; function g_Net_Client_UpdateWhileLoading(): enet_size_t; procedure g_Net_Client_FlushBuffers(); function g_Net_Client_ByName(Name: string): pTNetClient; function g_Net_Client_ByPlayer(PID: Word): pTNetClient; function g_Net_ClientName_ByID(ID: Integer): string; procedure g_Net_SendData(Data:AByte; peer: pENetPeer; Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_DOWNLOAD); function g_Net_Wait_Event(msgId: Word): TMemoryStream; function IpToStr(IP: LongWord): string; function StrToIp(IPstr: string; var IP: LongWord): Boolean; function g_Net_IsHostBanned(IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean = False): Boolean; procedure g_Net_BanHost(IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean = True); overload; procedure g_Net_BanHost(IP: string; Perm: Boolean = True); overload; function g_Net_UnbanHost(IP: string): Boolean; overload; function g_Net_UnbanHost(IP: LongWord): Boolean; overload; procedure g_Net_UnbanNonPermHosts(); procedure g_Net_SaveBanList(); procedure g_Net_DumpStart(); procedure g_Net_DumpSendBuffer(Buf: pTBuffer); procedure g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(Buf: penet_uint8; Len: LongWord); procedure g_Net_DumpEnd(); implementation uses SysUtils, e_input, g_nethandler, g_netmsg, g_netmaster, g_player, g_window, g_console, g_main, g_game, g_language, g_weapons, utils; { /// SERVICE FUNCTIONS /// } procedure SendBuffer(B: pTBuffer; Ch: Integer; Peer: pENetPeer); var P: pENetPacket; Fl: enet_uint32; begin if Ch = CH_RELIABLE then Fl := ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE else Fl := 0; if B^.WritePos > 0 then begin P := enet_packet_create(Addr(B^.Data), B^.WritePos, Fl); if P <> nil then begin if Peer = nil then enet_host_broadcast(NetHost, Ch, P) else enet_peer_send(Peer, Ch, P); end; if NetDump then g_Net_DumpSendBuffer(B); e_Buffer_Clear(B); end; end; function g_Net_FindSlot(): Integer; var I: Integer; F: Boolean; N, C: Integer; begin N := -1; F := False; C := 0; for I := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do begin if NetClients[I].Used then Inc(C) else if not F then begin F := True; N := I; end; end; if C >= NetMaxClients then begin Result := -1; Exit; end; if not F then begin if (Length(NetClients) >= NetMaxClients) then N := -1 else begin SetLength(NetClients, Length(NetClients) + 1); N := High(NetClients); end; end; if N >= 0 then begin NetClients[N].Used := True; NetClients[N].ID := N; NetClients[N].RequestedFullUpdate := False; NetClients[N].RCONAuth := False; NetClients[N].Voted := False; NetClients[N].Player := 0; NetClients[N].Peer := nil; for I := 0 to CH_MAX do e_Buffer_Clear(Addr(NetClients[N].SendBuf[CH_MAX])); end; Result := N; end; function g_Net_Init(): Boolean; var F: TextFile; IPstr: string; IP: LongWord; I: Integer; begin e_Buffer_Clear(@NetIn); e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); for I := 0 to CH_MAX do e_Buffer_Clear(@NetSend[i]); SetLength(NetClients, 0); NetPeer := nil; NetHost := nil; NetMyID := -1; NetPlrUID1 := -1; NetPlrUID2 := -1; NetAddr.port := 25666; SetLength(NetBannedHosts, 0); if FileExists(DataDir + BANLIST_FILENAME) then begin Assign(F, DataDir + BANLIST_FILENAME); Reset(F); while not EOF(F) do begin Readln(F, IPstr); if StrToIp(IPstr, IP) then g_Net_BanHost(IP); end; CloseFile(F); g_Net_SaveBanList(); end; Result := (enet_initialize() = 0); end; procedure g_Net_Flush(); begin if NetMode = NET_SERVER then g_Net_Host_FlushBuffers() else g_Net_Client_FlushBuffers(); enet_host_flush(NetHost); end; procedure g_Net_Cleanup(); var I: Integer; begin e_Buffer_Clear(@NetIn); e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); for i := 0 to CH_MAX do e_Buffer_Clear(@NetSend[i]); SetLength(NetClients, 0); NetClientCount := 0; NetPeer := nil; NetHost := nil; NetMPeer := nil; NetMHost := nil; NetMyID := -1; NetPlrUID1 := -1; NetPlrUID2 := -1; NetState := NET_STATE_NONE; NetPongSock := ENET_SOCKET_NULL; NetTimeToMaster := 0; NetTimeToUpdate := 0; NetTimeToReliable := 0; NetMode := NET_NONE; if NetDump then g_Net_DumpEnd(); end; procedure g_Net_Free(); begin g_Net_Cleanup(); enet_deinitialize(); NetInitDone := False; end; { /// SERVER FUNCTIONS /// } function g_Net_Host(IPAddr: LongWord; Port: enet_uint16; MaxClients: Cardinal = 16): Boolean; begin if NetMode <> NET_NONE then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_INGAME]); Result := False; Exit; end; Result := True; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST], [Port])); if not NetInitDone then begin if (not g_Net_Init()) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_FERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_ENET]); Result := False; Exit; end else NetInitDone := True; end; NetAddr.host := IPAddr; NetAddr.port := Port; NetHost := enet_host_create(@NetAddr, NET_MAXCLIENTS, NET_CHANS, 0, 0); if (NetHost = nil) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + Format(_lc[I_NET_ERR_HOST], [Port])); Result := False; g_Net_Cleanup; Exit; end; NetPongSock := enet_socket_create(ENET_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM); if NetPongSock <> ENET_SOCKET_NULL then begin NetPongAddr.host := IPAddr; NetPongAddr.port := Port + 1; if enet_socket_bind(NetPongSock, @NetPongAddr) < 0 then begin enet_socket_destroy(NetPongSock); NetPongSock := ENET_SOCKET_NULL; end else enet_socket_set_option(NetPongSock, ENET_SOCKOPT_NONBLOCK, 1); end; NetMode := NET_SERVER; e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); if NetDump then g_Net_DumpStart(); end; procedure g_Net_Host_Die(); var I: Integer; begin if NetMode <> NET_SERVER then Exit; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_DISCALL]); for I := 0 to High(NetClients) do if NetClients[I].Used then enet_peer_disconnect(NetClients[I].Peer, NET_DISC_DOWN); while enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 1000) > 0 do if NetEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE then enet_packet_destroy(NetEvent.packet); for I := 0 to High(NetClients) do if NetClients[I].Used then begin FreeMemory(NetClients[I].Peer^.data); NetClients[I].Peer^.data := nil; enet_peer_reset(NetClients[I].Peer); NetClients[I].Peer := nil; NetClients[I].Used := False; end; if (NetMPeer <> nil) and (NetMHost <> nil) then g_Net_Slist_Disconnect; if NetPongSock <> ENET_SOCKET_NULL then enet_socket_destroy(NetPongSock); g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_DIE]); enet_host_destroy(NetHost); NetMode := NET_NONE; g_Net_Cleanup; e_WriteLog('NET: Server stopped', MSG_NOTIFY); end; procedure g_Net_Host_FlushBuffers(); var I: Integer; begin // send broadcast SendBuffer(@NetSend[CH_RELIABLE], CH_RELIABLE, nil); SendBuffer(@NetSend[CH_UNRELIABLE], CH_UNRELIABLE, nil); // send to individual clients if NetClients <> nil then for I := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do with NetClients[I] do begin SendBuffer(@SendBuf[CH_RELIABLE], CH_RELIABLE, Peer); SendBuffer(@SendBuf[CH_UNRELIABLE], CH_UNRELIABLE, Peer); end; end; procedure g_Net_Host_Send(ID: Integer; Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_GAME); var I: Integer; B: pTBuffer; begin if (Reliable) then I := CH_RELIABLE else I := CH_UNRELIABLE; if (ID >= 0) then begin if (ID > High(NetClients)) or (NetClients[ID].Peer = nil) then begin e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); Exit; end; B := Addr(NetClients[ID].SendBuf[I]); end else begin B := Addr(NetSend[I]); end; e_Buffer_Write(B, @NetOut); e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); end; procedure g_Net_Host_CheckPings(); var ClAddr: ENetAddress; Buf: ENetBuffer; Len: Integer; ClTime: Int64; Ping: array [0..9] of Byte; NPl: Byte; begin if NetPongSock = ENET_SOCKET_NULL then Exit; Buf.data := Addr(Ping[0]); Buf.dataLength := 2+8; Ping[0] := 0; Len := enet_socket_receive(NetPongSock, @ClAddr, @Buf, 1); if Len < 0 then Exit; if (Ping[0] = Ord('D')) and (Ping[1] = Ord('F')) then begin ClTime := Int64(Addr(Ping[2])^); e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); e_Buffer_Write(@NetOut, Byte(Ord('D'))); e_Buffer_Write(@NetOut, Byte(Ord('F'))); e_Buffer_Write(@NetOut, ClTime); g_Net_Slist_WriteInfo(); NPl := 0; if gPlayer1 <> nil then Inc(NPl); if gPlayer2 <> nil then Inc(NPl); e_Buffer_Write(@NetOut, NPl); e_Buffer_Write(@NetOut, gNumBots); Buf.data := Addr(NetOut.Data[0]); Buf.dataLength := NetOut.WritePos; enet_socket_send(NetPongSock, @ClAddr, @Buf, 1); e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); end; end; function g_Net_Host_Update(): enet_size_t; var IP: string; Port: Word; ID, I: Integer; TC: pTNetClient; TP: TPlayer; begin IP := ''; Result := 0; if NetUseMaster then begin g_Net_Slist_Check; g_Net_Host_CheckPings; end; while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 0) > 0) do begin case (NetEvent.kind) of ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT: begin IP := IpToStr(NetEvent.Peer^.address.host); Port := NetEvent.Peer^.address.port; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_CONN], [IP, Port])); if (NetEvent.data <> NET_PROTOCOL_VER) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] + _lc[I_NET_DISC_PROTOCOL]); NetEvent.peer^.data := GetMemory(SizeOf(Byte)); Byte(NetEvent.peer^.data^) := 255; enet_peer_disconnect(NetEvent.peer, NET_DISC_PROTOCOL); enet_host_flush(NetHost); Exit; end; ID := g_Net_FindSlot(); if ID < 0 then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] + _lc[I_NET_DISC_FULL]); NetEvent.Peer^.data := GetMemory(SizeOf(Byte)); Byte(NetEvent.peer^.data^) := 255; enet_peer_disconnect(NetEvent.peer, NET_DISC_FULL); enet_host_flush(NetHost); Exit; end; NetClients[ID].Peer := NetEvent.peer; NetClients[ID].Peer^.data := GetMemory(SizeOf(Byte)); Byte(NetClients[ID].Peer^.data^) := ID; NetClients[ID].State := NET_STATE_AUTH; NetClients[ID].RCONAuth := False; enet_peer_timeout(NetEvent.peer, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT * 2, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MINIMUM * 2, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MAXIMUM * 2); Inc(NetClientCount); g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_ADD], [ID])); end; ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE: begin ID := Byte(NetEvent.peer^.data^); if ID > High(NetClients) then Exit; TC := @NetClients[ID]; if NetDump then g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(NetEvent.packet^.data, NetEvent.packet^.dataLength); g_Net_HostMsgHandler(TC, NetEvent.packet); end; ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT: begin ID := Byte(NetEvent.peer^.data^); if ID > High(NetClients) then Exit; TC := @NetClients[ID]; if TC = nil then Exit; if not (TC^.Used) then Exit; TP := g_Player_Get(TC^.Player); if TP <> nil then begin TP.Lives := 0; TP.Kill(K_SIMPLEKILL, 0, HIT_DISCON); g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_LEAVE], [TP.Name]), True); e_WriteLog('NET: Client ' + TP.Name + ' [' + IntToStr(ID) + '] disconnected.', MSG_NOTIFY); g_Player_Remove(TP.UID); end; TC^.Used := False; TC^.State := NET_STATE_NONE; TC^.Peer := nil; TC^.Player := 0; TC^.RequestedFullUpdate := False; FreeMemory(NetEvent.peer^.data); NetEvent.peer^.data := nil; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_DISC], [ID])); Dec(NetClientCount); if NetUseMaster then g_Net_Slist_Update; end; end; end; end; { /// CLIENT FUNCTIONS /// } procedure g_Net_Disconnect(Forced: Boolean = False); begin if NetMode <> NET_CLIENT then Exit; if (NetHost = nil) or (NetPeer = nil) then Exit; if not Forced then begin enet_peer_disconnect(NetPeer, NET_DISC_NONE); while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 1500) > 0) do begin if (NetEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) then begin NetPeer := nil; break; end; if (NetEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE) then enet_packet_destroy(NetEvent.packet); end; if NetPeer <> nil then begin enet_peer_reset(NetPeer); NetPeer := nil; end; end else begin e_WriteLog('NET: Kicked from server: ' + IntToStr(NetEvent.data), MSG_NOTIFY); if (NetEvent.data <= NET_DISC_MAX) then g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_KICK] + _lc[TStrings_Locale(Cardinal(I_NET_DISC_NONE) + NetEvent.data)], True); end; if NetHost <> nil then begin enet_host_destroy(NetHost); NetHost := nil; end; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_CLIENT_DISC]); g_Net_Cleanup; e_WriteLog('NET: Disconnected', MSG_NOTIFY); end; procedure g_Net_Client_FlushBuffers(); begin SendBuffer(@NetSend[CH_RELIABLE], CH_RELIABLE, NetPeer); SendBuffer(@NetSend[CH_UNRELIABLE], CH_UNRELIABLE, NetPeer); end; procedure g_Net_Client_Send(Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_GAME); var I: Integer; begin if (Reliable) then I := CH_RELIABLE else I := CH_UNRELIABLE; e_Buffer_Write(@NetSend[I], @NetOut); e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); end; function g_Net_Client_Update(): enet_size_t; begin Result := 0; while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 0) > 0) do begin case NetEvent.kind of ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE: begin if NetDump then g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(NetEvent.packet^.data, NetEvent.packet^.dataLength); g_Net_ClientMsgHandler(NetEvent.packet); end; ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT: begin g_Net_Disconnect(True); Result := 1; Exit; end; end; end end; function g_Net_Client_UpdateWhileLoading(): enet_size_t; begin Result := 0; while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 0) > 0) do begin case NetEvent.kind of ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE: begin if NetDump then g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(NetEvent.packet^.data, NetEvent.packet^.dataLength); g_Net_ClientLightMsgHandler(NetEvent.packet); end; ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT: begin g_Net_Disconnect(True); Result := 1; Exit; end; end; end; end; function g_Net_Connect(IP: string; Port: enet_uint16): Boolean; var OuterLoop: Boolean; begin if NetMode <> NET_NONE then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_INGAME], True); Result := False; Exit; end; Result := True; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + Format(_lc[I_NET_MSG_CLIENT_CONN], [IP, Port])); if not NetInitDone then begin if (not g_Net_Init()) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_FERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_ENET], True); Result := False; Exit; end else NetInitDone := True; end; NetHost := enet_host_create(nil, 1, NET_CHANS, 0, 0); if (NetHost = nil) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_CLIENT], True); g_Net_Cleanup; Result := False; Exit; end; enet_address_set_host(@NetAddr, PChar(Addr(IP[1]))); NetAddr.port := Port; NetPeer := enet_host_connect(NetHost, @NetAddr, NET_CHANS, NET_PROTOCOL_VER); if (NetPeer = nil) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_CLIENT], True); enet_host_destroy(NetHost); g_Net_Cleanup; Result := False; Exit; end; OuterLoop := True; while OuterLoop do begin while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @NetEvent, 0) > 0) do begin if (NetEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_CLIENT_DONE]); NetMode := NET_CLIENT; e_Buffer_Clear(@NetOut); enet_peer_timeout(NetPeer, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT * 2, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MINIMUM * 2, ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MAXIMUM * 2); NetClientIP := IP; NetClientPort := Port; if NetDump then g_Net_DumpStart(); Exit; end; end; ProcessLoading(); e_PollInput(); if e_KeyPressed(IK_ESCAPE) or e_KeyPressed(IK_SPACE) then OuterLoop := False; end; g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_TIMEOUT], True); if NetPeer <> nil then enet_peer_reset(NetPeer); if NetHost <> nil then begin enet_host_destroy(NetHost); NetHost := nil; end; g_Net_Cleanup(); Result := False; end; function IpToStr(IP: LongWord): string; var Ptr: Pointer; begin Result := ''; Ptr := Addr(IP); e_Raw_Seek(0); Result := Result + IntToStr(e_Raw_Read_Byte(Ptr)) + '.'; Result := Result + IntToStr(e_Raw_Read_Byte(Ptr)) + '.'; Result := Result + IntToStr(e_Raw_Read_Byte(Ptr)) + '.'; Result := Result + IntToStr(e_Raw_Read_Byte(Ptr)); e_Raw_Seek(0); end; function StrToIp(IPstr: string; var IP: LongWord): Boolean; var EAddr: ENetAddress; begin Result := enet_address_set_host(@EAddr, PChar(@IPstr[1])) = 0; IP := EAddr.host; end; function g_Net_Client_ByName(Name: string): pTNetClient; var a: Integer; pl: TPlayer; begin Result := nil; for a := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do if (NetClients[a].Used) and (NetClients[a].State = NET_STATE_GAME) then begin pl := g_Player_Get(NetClients[a].Player); if pl = nil then continue; if Copy(LowerCase(pl.Name), 1, Length(Name)) <> LowerCase(Name) then continue; if NetClients[a].Peer <> nil then begin Result := @NetClients[a]; Exit; end; end; end; function g_Net_Client_ByPlayer(PID: Word): pTNetClient; var a: Integer; begin Result := nil; for a := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do if (NetClients[a].Used) and (NetClients[a].State = NET_STATE_GAME) then if NetClients[a].Player = PID then begin Result := @NetClients[a]; Exit; end; end; function g_Net_ClientName_ByID(ID: Integer): string; var a: Integer; pl: TPlayer; begin Result := ''; if ID = NET_EVERYONE then Exit; for a := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do if (NetClients[a].ID = ID) and (NetClients[a].Used) and (NetClients[a].State = NET_STATE_GAME) then begin pl := g_Player_Get(NetClients[a].Player); if pl = nil then Exit; Result := pl.Name; end; end; procedure g_Net_SendData(Data:AByte; peer: pENetPeer; Reliable: Boolean; Chan: Byte = NET_CHAN_DOWNLOAD); var P: pENetPacket; F: enet_uint32; dataLength: Cardinal; begin dataLength := Length(Data); if (Reliable) then F := LongWord(ENET_PACKET_FLAG_RELIABLE) else F := 0; if (peer <> nil) then begin P := enet_packet_create(@Data[0], dataLength, F); if not Assigned(P) then Exit; enet_peer_send(peer, CH_DOWNLOAD, P); end else begin P := enet_packet_create(@Data[0], dataLength, F); if not Assigned(P) then Exit; enet_host_broadcast(NetHost, CH_DOWNLOAD, P); end; enet_host_flush(NetHost); end; function g_Net_Wait_Event(msgId: Word): TMemoryStream; var downloadEvent: ENetEvent; OuterLoop: Boolean; MID: Byte; Ptr: Pointer; Len: LongWord; msgStream: TMemoryStream; begin FillChar(downloadEvent, SizeOf(downloadEvent), 0); msgStream := nil; OuterLoop := True; while OuterLoop do begin while (enet_host_service(NetHost, @downloadEvent, 0) > 0) do begin if (downloadEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE) and (downloadEvent.packet^.dataLength > 2) then begin Len := PWord(downloadEvent.packet^.data)^; if Len = 0 then break; Ptr := downloadEvent.packet^.data + 2; // skip length MID := Byte(Ptr^); if (MID = msgId) then begin msgStream := TMemoryStream.Create; msgStream.SetSize(downloadEvent.packet^.dataLength - 2); msgStream.WriteBuffer(Ptr^, downloadEvent.packet^.dataLength - 2); msgStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); OuterLoop := False; enet_packet_destroy(downloadEvent.packet); break; end else begin enet_packet_destroy(downloadEvent.packet); end; end else if (downloadEvent.kind = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) then begin if (downloadEvent.data <= NET_DISC_MAX) then g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG_ERROR] + _lc[I_NET_ERR_CONN] + ' ' + _lc[TStrings_Locale(Cardinal(I_NET_DISC_NONE) + downloadEvent.data)], True); OuterLoop := False; Break; end; end; ProcessLoading(); e_PollInput(); if e_KeyPressed(IK_ESCAPE) or e_KeyPressed(IK_SPACE) then break; end; Result := msgStream; end; function g_Net_IsHostBanned(IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean = False): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; if NetBannedHosts = nil then Exit; for I := 0 to High(NetBannedHosts) do if (NetBannedHosts[I].IP = IP) and ((not Perm) or (NetBannedHosts[I].Perm)) then begin Result := True; break; end; end; procedure g_Net_BanHost(IP: LongWord; Perm: Boolean = True); overload; var I, P: Integer; begin if IP = 0 then Exit; if g_Net_IsHostBanned(IP, Perm) then Exit; P := -1; for I := Low(NetBannedHosts) to High(NetBannedHosts) do if NetBannedHosts[I].IP = 0 then begin P := I; break; end; if P < 0 then begin SetLength(NetBannedHosts, Length(NetBannedHosts) + 1); P := High(NetBannedHosts); end; NetBannedHosts[P].IP := IP; NetBannedHosts[P].Perm := Perm; end; procedure g_Net_BanHost(IP: string; Perm: Boolean = True); overload; var a: LongWord; b: Boolean; begin b := StrToIp(IP, a); if b then g_Net_BanHost(a, Perm); end; procedure g_Net_UnbanNonPermHosts(); var I: Integer; begin if NetBannedHosts = nil then Exit; for I := Low(NetBannedHosts) to High(NetBannedHosts) do if (NetBannedHosts[I].IP > 0) and not NetBannedHosts[I].Perm then begin NetBannedHosts[I].IP := 0; NetBannedHosts[I].Perm := True; end; end; function g_Net_UnbanHost(IP: string): Boolean; overload; var a: LongWord; begin Result := StrToIp(IP, a); if Result then Result := g_Net_UnbanHost(a); end; function g_Net_UnbanHost(IP: LongWord): Boolean; overload; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; if IP = 0 then Exit; if NetBannedHosts = nil then Exit; for I := 0 to High(NetBannedHosts) do if NetBannedHosts[I].IP = IP then begin NetBannedHosts[I].IP := 0; NetBannedHosts[I].Perm := True; Result := True; // no break here to clear all bans of this host, perm and non-perm end; end; procedure g_Net_SaveBanList(); var F: TextFile; I: Integer; begin Assign(F, DataDir + BANLIST_FILENAME); Rewrite(F); if NetBannedHosts <> nil then for I := 0 to High(NetBannedHosts) do if NetBannedHosts[I].Perm and (NetBannedHosts[I].IP > 0) then Writeln(F, IpToStr(NetBannedHosts[I].IP)); CloseFile(F); end; procedure g_Net_DumpStart(); begin if NetMode = NET_SERVER then NetDumpFile := createDiskFile(NETDUMP_FILENAME + '_server') else NetDumpFile := createDiskFile(NETDUMP_FILENAME + '_client'); end; procedure g_Net_DumpSendBuffer(Buf: pTBuffer); begin writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($BA)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($BE)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($FF)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, gTime); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($FF)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, LongWord(Buf^.WritePos)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($FF)); NetDumpFile.WriteBuffer(Buf^.Data[0], Buf^.WritePos); end; procedure g_Net_DumpRecvBuffer(Buf: penet_uint8; Len: LongWord); begin if (Buf = nil) or (Len = 0) then Exit; writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($B0)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($0B)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($FF)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, gTime); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($FF)); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Len); writeInt(NetDumpFile, Byte($FF)); NetDumpFile.WriteBuffer(Buf^, Len); end; procedure g_Net_DumpEnd(); begin NetDumpFile.Free(); NetDumpFile := nil; end; end.