(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_holmes; interface uses mempool, geom, e_log, e_input, g_textures, g_basic, r_graphics, g_phys, g_grid, g_player, g_monsters, g_window, g_map, g_triggers, g_items, g_game, g_panel, g_console, g_gfx, xprofiler, sdlcarcass, fui_common, fui_events, fui_ctls, fui_gfx_gl; procedure g_Holmes_Draw (); procedure g_Holmes_DrawUI (); procedure g_Holmes_OnEvent (var ev: TFUIEvent); // hooks for player procedure g_Holmes_plrViewPos (viewPortX, viewPortY: Integer); procedure g_Holmes_plrViewSize (viewPortW, viewPortH: Integer); procedure g_Holmes_plrLaser (ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer); var g_holmes_imfunctional: Boolean = false; g_holmes_enabled: Boolean = {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)}true{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF}; implementation uses {$INCLUDE ../nogl/noGLuses.inc} {rttiobj,} typinfo, e_res, SysUtils, Classes, SDL2, MAPDEF, g_options, utils, hashtable, xparser; var hlmContext: TGxContext = nil; //globalInited: Boolean = false; msX: Integer = -666; msY: Integer = -666; msB: Word = 0; // button state kbS: Word = 0; // keyboard modifiers state showGrid: Boolean = {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)}false{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF}; showMonsInfo: Boolean = false; showMonsLOS2Plr: Boolean = false; showAllMonsCells: Boolean = false; showMapCurPos: Boolean = false; showLayersWindow: Boolean = false; showOutlineWindow: Boolean = false; showTriggers: Boolean = {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)}false{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF}; showTraceBox: Boolean = {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)}false{$ELSE}false{$ENDIF}; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // {$INCLUDE g_holmes.inc} {$INCLUDE g_holmes_ol.inc} // outliner // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // {$INCLUDE g_holmes_cmd.inc} procedure holmesInitCommands (); forward; procedure holmesInitBinds (); forward; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var g_ol_nice: Boolean = false; g_ol_fill_walls: Boolean = false; g_ol_rlayer_back: Boolean = false; g_ol_rlayer_step: Boolean = false; g_ol_rlayer_wall: Boolean = false; g_ol_rlayer_door: Boolean = false; g_ol_rlayer_acid1: Boolean = false; g_ol_rlayer_acid2: Boolean = false; g_ol_rlayer_water: Boolean = false; g_ol_rlayer_fore: Boolean = false; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var winHelp: TUITopWindow = nil; winOptions: TUITopWindow = nil; winLayers: TUITopWindow = nil; winOutlines: TUITopWindow = nil; procedure createHelpWindow (); forward; procedure createOptionsWindow (); forward; procedure createLayersWindow (); forward; procedure createOutlinesWindow (); forward; procedure toggleLayersWindowCB (me: TUIControl); begin showLayersWindow := not showLayersWindow; if showLayersWindow then begin if (winLayers = nil) then createLayersWindow(); uiAddWindow(winLayers); end else begin uiRemoveWindow(winLayers); end; end; procedure toggleOutlineWindowCB (me: TUIControl); begin showOutlineWindow := not showOutlineWindow; if showOutlineWindow then begin if (winOutlines = nil) then createOutlinesWindow(); uiAddWindow(winOutlines); end else begin uiRemoveWindow(winOutlines); end; end; procedure createHelpWindow (); procedure addHelpEmptyLine (); var stx: TUIStaticText; begin stx := TUIStaticText.Create(); stx.flExpand := true; stx.halign := 0; // center stx.text := ''; stx.header := false; stx.line := false; winHelp.appendChild(stx); end; procedure addHelpCaptionLine (const txt: AnsiString); var stx: TUIStaticText; begin stx := TUIStaticText.Create(); stx.flExpand := true; stx.halign := 0; // center stx.text := txt; stx.header := true; stx.line := true; winHelp.appendChild(stx); end; procedure addHelpCaption (const txt: AnsiString); var stx: TUIStaticText; begin stx := TUIStaticText.Create(); stx.flExpand := true; stx.halign := 0; // center stx.text := txt; stx.header := true; stx.line := false; winHelp.appendChild(stx); end; procedure addHelpKeyMouse (const key, txt, grp: AnsiString); var box: TUIHBox; span: TUISpan; stx: TUIStaticText; begin box := TUIHBox.Create(); box.flExpand := true; // key stx := TUIStaticText.Create(); stx.flExpand := true; stx.halign := 1; // right stx.valign := 0; // center stx.text := key; stx.header := true; stx.line := false; stx.flHGroup := grp; box.appendChild(stx); // span span := TUISpan.Create(); span.flDefaultSize := TLaySize.Create(12, 1); span.flExpand := true; box.appendChild(span); // text stx := TUIStaticText.Create(); stx.flExpand := true; stx.halign := -1; // left stx.valign := 0; // center stx.text := txt; stx.header := false; stx.line := false; box.appendChild(stx); winHelp.appendChild(box); end; procedure addHelpKey (const key, txt: AnsiString); begin addHelpKeyMouse(key, txt, 'help-keys'); end; procedure addHelpMouse (const key, txt: AnsiString); begin addHelpKeyMouse(key, txt, 'help-mouse'); end; var slist: array of AnsiString = nil; cmd: PHolmesCommand; bind: THolmesBinding; f: Integer; { llb: TUISimpleText; maxkeylen: Integer; s: AnsiString; } begin winHelp := TUITopWindow.Create('Holmes Help'); winHelp.escClose := true; winHelp.flHoriz := false; // keyboard for cmd in cmdlist do cmd.helpmark := false; //maxkeylen := 0; for bind in keybinds do begin if (Length(bind.key) = 0) then continue; if cmdlist.get(bind.cmdName, cmd) then begin if (Length(cmd.help) > 0) then begin cmd.helpmark := true; //if (maxkeylen < Length(bind.key)) then maxkeylen := Length(bind.key); end; end; end; for cmd in cmdlist do begin if not cmd.helpmark then continue; if (Length(cmd.help) = 0) then begin cmd.helpmark := false; continue; end; f := 0; while (f < Length(slist)) and (CompareText(slist[f], cmd.section) <> 0) do Inc(f); if (f = Length(slist)) then begin SetLength(slist, Length(slist)+1); slist[High(slist)] := cmd.section; end; end; addHelpCaptionLine('KEYBOARD'); //llb := TUISimpleText.Create(0, 0); for f := 0 to High(slist) do begin //if (f > 0) then llb.appendItem(''); if (f > 0) then addHelpEmptyLine(); //llb.appendItem(slist[f], true, true); addHelpCaption(slist[f]); for cmd in cmdlist do begin if not cmd.helpmark then continue; if (CompareText(cmd.section, slist[f]) <> 0) then continue; for bind in keybinds do begin if (Length(bind.key) = 0) then continue; if (cmd.name = bind.cmdName) then begin //s := bind.key; //while (Length(s) < maxkeylen) do s += ' '; //s := ' '+s+' -- '+cmd.help; //llb.appendItem(s); addHelpMouse(bind.key, cmd.help); end; end; end; end; // mouse for cmd in cmdlist do cmd.helpmark := false; //maxkeylen := 0; for bind in msbinds do begin if (Length(bind.key) = 0) then continue; if cmdlist.get(bind.cmdName, cmd) then begin if (Length(cmd.help) > 0) then begin cmd.helpmark := true; //if (maxkeylen < Length(bind.key)) then maxkeylen := Length(bind.key); end; end; end; //llb.appendItem(''); //llb.appendItem('mouse', true, true); if (f > 0) then addHelpEmptyLine(); addHelpCaptionLine('MOUSE'); for bind in msbinds do begin if (Length(bind.key) = 0) then continue; if cmdlist.get(bind.cmdName, cmd) then begin if (Length(cmd.help) > 0) then begin //s := bind.key; //while (Length(s) < maxkeylen) do s += ' '; //s := ' '+s+' -- '+cmd.help; //llb.appendItem(s); addHelpKey(bind.key, cmd.help); end; end; end; //winHelp.appendChild(llb); uiLayoutCtl(winHelp); winHelp.escClose := true; winHelp.centerInScreen(); end; procedure winLayersClosed (me: TUIControl); begin showLayersWindow := false; end; procedure winOutlinesClosed (me: TUIControl); begin showOutlineWindow := false; end; procedure addCheckBox (parent: TUIControl; const text: AnsiString; pvar: PBoolean; const aid: AnsiString=''); var cb: TUICheckBox; begin cb := TUICheckBox.Create(); cb.flExpand := true; cb.setVar(pvar); cb.text := text; cb.id := aid; parent.appendChild(cb); end; procedure addButton (parent: TUIControl; const text: AnsiString; cb: TUIControl.TActionCB); var but: TUIButton; begin but := TUIButton.Create(); //but.flExpand := true; but.actionCB := cb; but.text := text; parent.appendChild(but); end; procedure actionFillWalls (cb: TUIControl); begin TUICheckBox(cb).checked := not TUICheckBox(cb).checked; TUICheckBox(cb.topLevel['cbcontour']).enabled := not TUICheckBox(cb).checked; end; procedure createLayersWindow (); var box: TUIVBox; begin winLayers := TUITopWindow.Create('layers'); winLayers.flHoriz := false; winLayers.x0 := 10; winLayers.y0 := 10; winLayers.flHoriz := false; winLayers.escClose := true; winLayers.closeCB := winLayersClosed; box := TUIVBox.Create(); addCheckBox(box, '~background', @g_rlayer_back); addCheckBox(box, '~steps', @g_rlayer_step); addCheckBox(box, '~walls', @g_rlayer_wall); addCheckBox(box, '~doors', @g_rlayer_door); addCheckBox(box, 'acid~1', @g_rlayer_acid1); addCheckBox(box, 'acid~2', @g_rlayer_acid2); addCheckBox(box, 'wate~r', @g_rlayer_water); addCheckBox(box, '~foreground', @g_rlayer_fore); winLayers.appendChild(box); uiLayoutCtl(winLayers); end; procedure createOutlinesWindow (); var box: TUIVBox; begin winOutlines := TUITopWindow.Create('outlines'); winOutlines.flHoriz := false; winOutlines.x0 := 100; winOutlines.y0 := 30; winOutlines.flHoriz := false; winOutlines.escClose := true; winOutlines.closeCB := winOutlinesClosed; box := TUIVBox.Create(); box.hasFrame := true; box.caption := 'layers'; addCheckBox(box, '~background', @g_ol_rlayer_back); addCheckBox(box, '~steps', @g_ol_rlayer_step); addCheckBox(box, '~walls', @g_ol_rlayer_wall); addCheckBox(box, '~doors', @g_ol_rlayer_door); addCheckBox(box, 'acid~1', @g_ol_rlayer_acid1); addCheckBox(box, 'acid~2', @g_ol_rlayer_acid2); addCheckBox(box, 'wate~r', @g_ol_rlayer_water); addCheckBox(box, '~foreground', @g_ol_rlayer_fore); winOutlines.appendChild(box); box := TUIVBox.Create(); box.hasFrame := true; box.caption := 'options'; addCheckBox(box, 'fi~ll walls', @g_ol_fill_walls, 'cbfill'); addCheckBox(box, 'con~tours', @g_ol_nice, 'cbcontour'); winOutlines.appendChild(box); winOutlines.setActionCBFor('cbfill', actionFillWalls); uiLayoutCtl(winOutlines); end; procedure createOptionsWindow (); var box: TUIBox; span: TUISpan; begin winOptions := TUITopWindow.Create('Holmes Options'); winOptions.flHoriz := false; winOptions.flHoriz := false; winOptions.escClose := true; box := TUIVBox.Create(); box.hasFrame := true; box.caption := 'visual'; addCheckBox(box, 'map ~grid', @showGrid); addCheckBox(box, 'cursor ~position on map', @showMapCurPos); addCheckBox(box, '~monster info', @showMonsInfo); addCheckBox(box, 'monster LO~S to player', @showMonsLOS2Plr); addCheckBox(box, 'monster ~cells (SLOW!)', @showAllMonsCells); addCheckBox(box, 'draw ~triggers (SLOW!)', @showTriggers); winOptions.appendChild(box); box := TUIHBox.Create(); box.hasFrame := true; box.caption := 'windows'; box.captionAlign := 0; box.flAlign := 0; addButton(box, '~layers', toggleLayersWindowCB); span := TUISpan.Create(); span.flExpand := true; span.flDefaultSize := TLaySize.Create(4, 1); box.appendChild(span); addButton(box, '~outline', toggleOutlineWindowCB); winOptions.appendChild(box); uiLayoutCtl(winOptions); winOptions.centerInScreen(); end; procedure toggleLayersWindow (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showLayersWindow := not showLayersWindow else showLayersWindow := (arg > 0); showLayersWindow := not showLayersWindow; // hack for callback toggleLayersWindowCB(nil); end; procedure toggleOutlineWindow (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showOutlineWindow := not showOutlineWindow else showOutlineWindow := (arg > 0); showOutlineWindow := not showOutlineWindow; // hack for callback toggleOutlineWindowCB(nil); end; procedure toggleHelpWindow (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (winHelp = nil) then begin if (arg = 0) then exit; createHelpWindow(); end; if (arg < 0) then begin if not uiVisibleWindow(winHelp) then uiAddWindow(winHelp) else uiRemoveWindow(winHelp); end else if (arg = 0) then begin if uiVisibleWindow(winHelp) then uiRemoveWindow(winHelp); end else begin if (not uiVisibleWindow(winHelp)) then uiAddWindow(winHelp); end; if (not uiVisibleWindow(winHelp)) then FreeAndNil(winHelp); end; procedure toggleOptionsWindow (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (winOptions = nil) then createOptionsWindow(); if (arg < 0) then begin if not uiVisibleWindow(winOptions) then uiAddWindow(winOptions) else uiRemoveWindow(winOptions); end else if (arg = 0) then begin if uiVisibleWindow(winOptions) then uiRemoveWindow(winOptions); end else begin if not uiVisibleWindow(winOptions) then uiAddWindow(winOptions); end end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var vpSet: Boolean = false; vpx, vpy: Integer; vpw, vph: Integer; laserSet: Boolean = false; laserX0, laserY0, laserX1, laserY1: Integer; monMarkedUID: Integer = -1; platMarkedGUID: Integer = -1; procedure g_Holmes_plrViewPos (viewPortX, viewPortY: Integer); begin vpSet := true; vpx := viewPortX; vpy := viewPortY; end; procedure g_Holmes_plrViewSize (viewPortW, viewPortH: Integer); begin vpSet := true; vpw := viewPortW; vph := viewPortH; end; procedure g_Holmes_plrLaser (ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer); begin laserSet := true; laserX0 := ax0; laserY0 := ay0; laserX1 := ax1; laserY1 := ay1; laserSet := laserSet; // shut up, fpc! end; function pmsCurMapX (): Integer; inline; begin result := round(msX/g_dbg_scale)+vpx; end; function pmsCurMapY (): Integer; inline; begin result := round(msY/g_dbg_scale)+vpy; end; {$IFDEF HOLMES_OLD_OUTLINES} var edgeBmp: array of Byte = nil; procedure drawOutlines (); var r, g, b: Integer; procedure clearEdgeBmp (); begin SetLength(edgeBmp, (gScreenWidth+4)*(gScreenHeight+4)); FillChar(edgeBmp[0], Length(edgeBmp)*sizeof(edgeBmp[0]), 0); end; procedure drawPanel (pan: TPanel); var sx, len, y0, y1: Integer; begin if (pan = nil) or (pan.Width < 1) or (pan.Height < 1) then exit; if (pan.X+pan.Width <= vpx-1) or (pan.Y+pan.Height <= vpy-1) then exit; if (pan.X >= vpx+vpw+1) or (pan.Y >= vpy+vph+1) then exit; if g_ol_nice or g_ol_fill_walls then begin sx := pan.X-(vpx-1); len := pan.Width; if (len > gScreenWidth+4) then len := gScreenWidth+4; if (sx < 0) then begin len += sx; sx := 0; end; if (sx+len > gScreenWidth+4) then len := gScreenWidth+4-sx; if (len < 1) then exit; assert(sx >= 0); assert(sx+len <= gScreenWidth+4); y0 := pan.Y-(vpy-1); y1 := y0+pan.Height; if (y0 < 0) then y0 := 0; if (y1 > gScreenHeight+4) then y1 := gScreenHeight+4; while (y0 < y1) do begin FillChar(edgeBmp[y0*(gScreenWidth+4)+sx], len*sizeof(edgeBmp[0]), 1); Inc(y0); end; end else begin drawRect(pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height, r, g, b); end; end; var lsx: Integer = -1; lex: Integer = -1; lsy: Integer = -1; procedure flushLine (); begin if (lsy > 0) and (lsx > 0) then begin if (lex = lsx) then begin glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2f(lsx-1+vpx+0.37, lsy-1+vpy+0.37); glEnd(); end else begin glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(lsx-1+vpx+0.37, lsy-1+vpy+0.37); glVertex2f(lex-0+vpx+0.37, lsy-1+vpy+0.37); glEnd(); end; end; lsx := -1; lex := -1; end; procedure startLine (y: Integer); begin flushLine(); lsy := y; end; procedure putPixel (x: Integer); begin if (x < 1) then exit; if (lex+1 <> x) then flushLine(); if (lsx < 0) then lsx := x; lex := x; end; procedure drawEdges (); var x, y: Integer; a: PByte; begin glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glLineWidth(1); glPointSize(1); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); glColor4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, 1.0); for y := 1 to vph do begin a := @edgeBmp[y*(gScreenWidth+4)+1]; startLine(y); for x := 1 to vpw do begin if (a[0] <> 0) then begin if (a[-1] = 0) or (a[1] = 0) or (a[-(gScreenWidth+4)] = 0) or (a[gScreenWidth+4] = 0) or (a[-(gScreenWidth+4)-1] = 0) or (a[-(gScreenWidth+4)+1] = 0) or (a[gScreenWidth+4-1] = 0) or (a[gScreenWidth+4+1] = 0) then begin putPixel(x); end; end; Inc(a); end; flushLine(); end; end; procedure drawFilledWalls (); var x, y: Integer; a: PByte; begin glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glLineWidth(1); glPointSize(1); glDisable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH); glDisable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH); glColor4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, 1.0); for y := 1 to vph do begin a := @edgeBmp[y*(gScreenWidth+4)+1]; startLine(y); for x := 1 to vpw do begin if (a[0] <> 0) then putPixel(x); Inc(a); end; flushLine(); end; end; procedure doWallsOld (parr: array of TPanel; ptype: Word; ar, ag, ab: Integer); var f: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin r := ar; g := ag; b := ab; if g_ol_nice or g_ol_fill_walls then clearEdgeBmp(); for f := 0 to High(parr) do begin pan := parr[f]; if (pan = nil) or not pan.Enabled or (pan.Width < 1) or (pan.Height < 1) then continue; if ((pan.PanelType and ptype) = 0) then continue; drawPanel(pan); end; if g_ol_nice then drawEdges(); if g_ol_fill_walls then drawFilledWalls(); end; var xptag: Word; function doWallCB (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop //if (pan = nil) or not pan.Enabled or (pan.Width < 1) or (pan.Height < 1) then exit; if ((pan.PanelType and xptag) = 0) then exit; drawPanel(pan); end; procedure doWalls (parr: array of TPanel; ptype: Word; ar, ag, ab: Integer); begin r := ar; g := ag; b := ab; xptag := ptype; if ((ptype and (PANEL_WALL or PANEL_OPENDOOR or PANEL_CLOSEDOOR)) <> 0) then ptype := GridTagWall or GridTagDoor else panelTypeToTag(ptype); if g_ol_nice or g_ol_fill_walls then clearEdgeBmp(); mapGrid.forEachInAABB(vpx-1, vpy-1, vpw+2, vph+2, doWallCB, ptype); if g_ol_nice then drawEdges(); if g_ol_fill_walls then drawFilledWalls(); end; begin if g_ol_rlayer_back then doWallsOld(gRenderBackgrounds, PANEL_BACK, 255, 127, 0); if g_ol_rlayer_step then doWallsOld(gSteps, PANEL_STEP, 192, 192, 192); if g_ol_rlayer_wall then doWallsOld(gWalls, PANEL_WALL, 255, 255, 255); if g_ol_rlayer_door then doWallsOld(gWalls, PANEL_OPENDOOR or PANEL_CLOSEDOOR, 0, 255, 0); if g_ol_rlayer_acid1 then doWallsOld(gAcid1, PANEL_ACID1, 255, 0, 0); if g_ol_rlayer_acid2 then doWallsOld(gAcid2, PANEL_ACID2, 198, 198, 0); if g_ol_rlayer_water then doWallsOld(gWater, PANEL_WATER, 0, 255, 255); if g_ol_rlayer_fore then doWallsOld(gRenderForegrounds, PANEL_FORE, 210, 210, 210); end; {$ELSE} var oliner: TOutliner = nil; procedure drawOutlines (); var r, g, b: Integer; procedure clearOliner (); begin //if (oliner <> nil) and ((oliner.height <> vph+2) or (oliner.width <> vpw+2)) then begin oliner.Free(); oliner := nil; end; if (oliner = nil) then oliner := TOutliner.Create(vpw+2, vph+2) else oliner.setup(vpw+2, vph+2); end; procedure drawOutline (ol: TOutliner; sx, sy: Integer); procedure xline (x0, x1, y: Integer); var x: Integer; begin if (g_dbg_scale < 1.0) then begin glBegin(GL_POINTS); for x := x0 to x1 do glVertex2f(sx+x+0.375, sy+y+0.375); glEnd(); end else begin glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(sx+x0+0, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+x1+1, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+x1+1, sy+y+1); glVertex2f(sx+x0+0, sy+y+1); glEnd(); end; end; var y: Integer; sp: TOutliner.TSpanX; begin if (ol = nil) then exit; glPointSize(1); glDisable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH); for y := 0 to ol.height-1 do begin for sp in ol.eachSpanAtY(y) do begin if (g_dbg_scale <= 1.0) then begin glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+0.375, sy+y+0.375); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+0.375, sy+y+0.375); glEnd(); end else begin glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+0, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+1, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+1, sy+y+1); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+0, sy+y+1); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+0, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+1, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+1, sy+y+1); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+0, sy+y+1); glEnd(); end; end; for sp in ol.eachSpanEdgeAtY(y, -1) do begin xline(sp.x0, sp.x1, y); { glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+0, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+1, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+1, sy+y+1); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+0, sy+y+1); glEnd(); } end; for sp in ol.eachSpanEdgeAtY(y, +1) do begin xline(sp.x0, sp.x1, y); { glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+0, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+1, sy+y+0); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x1+1, sy+y+1); glVertex2f(sx+sp.x0+0, sy+y+1); glEnd(); } end; end; end; procedure doWallsOld (parr: array of TPanel; ptype: Word; ar, ag, ab: Integer); var f: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin r := ar; g := ag; b := ab; if g_ol_nice then clearOliner(); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(r, g, b); for f := 0 to High(parr) do begin pan := parr[f]; if (pan = nil) or not pan.Enabled or (pan.Width < 1) or (pan.Height < 1) then continue; if ((pan.PanelType and ptype) = 0) then continue; if (pan.X > vpx+vpw+41) or (pan.Y > vpy+vph+41) then continue; if (pan.X+pan.Width < vpx-41) then continue; if (pan.Y+pan.Height < vpy-41) then continue; if g_ol_nice then begin oliner.addRect(pan.X-(vpx+1), pan.Y-(vpy+1), pan.Width, pan.Height); end; if g_ol_fill_walls then begin hlmContext.fillRect(pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height); end else if not g_ol_nice then begin hlmContext.rect(pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height); end; end; if g_ol_nice then begin glColor4f(r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0, 1.0); drawOutline(oliner, vpx+1, vpy+1); end; end; begin if (vpw < 2) or (vph < 2) then exit; if g_ol_rlayer_back then doWallsOld(gRenderBackgrounds, PANEL_BACK, 255, 127, 0); if g_ol_rlayer_step then doWallsOld(gSteps, PANEL_STEP, 192, 192, 192); if g_ol_rlayer_wall then doWallsOld(gWalls, PANEL_WALL, 255, 255, 255); if g_ol_rlayer_door then doWallsOld(gWalls, PANEL_OPENDOOR or PANEL_CLOSEDOOR, 0, 255, 0); if g_ol_rlayer_acid1 then doWallsOld(gAcid1, PANEL_ACID1, 255, 0, 0); if g_ol_rlayer_acid2 then doWallsOld(gAcid2, PANEL_ACID2, 198, 198, 0); if g_ol_rlayer_water then doWallsOld(gWater, PANEL_WATER, 0, 255, 255); if g_ol_rlayer_fore then doWallsOld(gRenderForegrounds, PANEL_FORE, 210, 210, 210); end; {$ENDIF} procedure plrDebugDraw (); procedure drawTileGrid (); var x, y: Integer; begin hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(96, 96, 96); for y := 0 to (mapGrid.gridHeight div mapGrid.tileSize) do begin hlmContext.line(mapGrid.gridX0, mapGrid.gridY0+y*mapGrid.tileSize, mapGrid.gridX0+mapGrid.gridWidth, mapGrid.gridY0+y*mapGrid.tileSize); end; hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(96, 96, 96); for x := 0 to (mapGrid.gridWidth div mapGrid.tileSize) do begin hlmContext.line(mapGrid.gridX0+x*mapGrid.tileSize, mapGrid.gridY0, mapGrid.gridX0+x*mapGrid.tileSize, mapGrid.gridY0+y*mapGrid.gridHeight); end; end; procedure drawAwakeCells (); var x, y: Integer; begin hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(128, 0, 128, 64); for y := 0 to (mapGrid.gridHeight div mapGrid.tileSize) do begin for x := 0 to (mapGrid.gridWidth div mapGrid.tileSize) do begin if awmIsSetHolmes(x*mapGrid.tileSize+mapGrid.gridX0+1, y*mapGrid.tileSize++mapGrid.gridY0+1) then begin hlmContext.fillRect(x*mapGrid.tileSize++mapGrid.gridX0, y*mapGrid.tileSize++mapGrid.gridY0, monsGrid.tileSize, monsGrid.tileSize); end; end; end; end; procedure drawTraceBox (); var plr: TPlayer; px, py, pw, ph: Integer; pdx, pdy: Integer; ex, ey: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin if (Length(gPlayers) < 1) then exit; plr := gPlayers[0]; if (plr = nil) then exit; plr.getMapBox(px, py, pw, ph); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 255, 200); hlmContext.rect(px, py, pw, ph); pdx := pmsCurMapX-(px+pw div 2); pdy := pmsCurMapY-(py+ph div 2); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 255, 200); hlmContext.line(px+pw div 2, py+ph div 2, px+pw div 2+pdx, py+ph div 2+pdy); pan := mapGrid.traceBox(ex, ey, px, py, pw, ph, pdx, pdy, GridTagObstacle); if (pan = nil) then begin hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 255, 255, 180); hlmContext.rect(px+pdx, py+pdy, pw, ph); end else begin hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 255, 0, 180); hlmContext.rect(px+pdx, py+pdy, pw, ph); end; hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 127, 0, 180); hlmContext.rect(ex, ey, pw, ph); end; procedure hilightCell (cx, cy: Integer); begin hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 128, 0, 64); hlmContext.fillRect(cx, cy, monsGrid.tileSize, monsGrid.tileSize); end; procedure hilightBodyCells (proxyId: Integer); var it: CellCoordIter; pcellxy: PGridCellCoord; begin //monsGrid.forEachBodyCell(mon.proxyId, hilightCell); it := monsGrid.forEachBodyCell(proxyId); for pcellxy in it do hilightCell(pcellxy^.x, pcellxy^.y); it.release(); end; procedure hilightCell1 (cx, cy: Integer); begin //e_WriteLog(Format('h1: (%d,%d)', [cx, cy]), MSG_NOTIFY); cx := cx and (not (monsGrid.tileSize-1)); cy := cy and (not (monsGrid.tileSize-1)); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 255, 0, 92); hlmContext.fillRect(cx, cy, monsGrid.tileSize, monsGrid.tileSize); end; function hilightWallTrc (pan: TPanel; tag: Integer; x, y, prevx, prevy: Integer): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop if (pan = nil) then exit; // cell completion, ignore //e_WriteLog(Format('h1: (%d,%d)', [cx, cy]), MSG_NOTIFY); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 128, 128, 64); hlmContext.fillRect(pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height); end; procedure monsCollector (mon: TMonster); var ex, ey: Integer; mx, my, mw, mh: Integer; begin mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 255, 0, 160); hlmContext.rect(mx, my, mw, mh); //e_DrawQuad(mx, my, mx+mw-1, my+mh-1, 255, 255, 0, 96); if lineAABBIntersects(laserX0, laserY0, laserX1, laserY1, mx, my, mw, mh, ex, ey) then begin //e_DrawPoint(8, ex, ey, 0, 255, 0); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 255, 0, 220); hlmContext.fillRect(ex-2, ey-2, 7, 7); end; end; procedure drawMonsterInfo (mon: TMonster); var mx, my, mw, mh: Integer; procedure drawMonsterTargetLine (); var emx, emy, emw, emh: Integer; enemy: TMonster; eplr: TPlayer; ex, ey: Integer; begin if (g_GetUIDType(mon.MonsterTargetUID) = UID_PLAYER) then begin eplr := g_Player_Get(mon.MonsterTargetUID); if (eplr <> nil) then eplr.getMapBox(emx, emy, emw, emh) else exit; end else if (g_GetUIDType(mon.MonsterTargetUID) = UID_MONSTER) then begin enemy := g_Monsters_ByUID(mon.MonsterTargetUID); if (enemy <> nil) then enemy.getMapBox(emx, emy, emw, emh) else exit; end else begin exit; end; mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 0); hlmContext.line(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2); if (g_Map_traceToNearestWall(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2, @ex, @ey) <> nil) then begin hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 255, 0); hlmContext.line(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, ex, ey); end; end; procedure drawLOS2Plr (); var emx, emy, emw, emh: Integer; eplr: TPlayer; ex, ey: Integer; begin eplr := gPlayers[0]; if (eplr = nil) then exit; eplr.getMapBox(emx, emy, emw, emh); mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 0); hlmContext.line(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := hilightCell1; {$ENDIF} if (g_Map_traceToNearestWall(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2, @ex, @ey) <> nil) then //if (mapGrid.traceRay(ex, ey, mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, emx+emw div 2, emy+emh div 2, hilightWallTrc, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)) <> nil) then begin hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 255, 0); hlmContext.line(mx+mw div 2, my+mh div 2, ex, ey); end; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := nil; {$ENDIF} end; begin if (mon = nil) then exit; mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh); //mx += mw div 2; //monsGrid.forEachBodyCell(mon.proxyId, hilightCell); hilightBodyCells(mon.proxyId); if showMonsInfo then begin //fillRect(mx-4, my-7*8-6, 110, 7*8+6, 0, 0, 94, 250); hlmContext.font := 'msx6'; hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 127, 0); hlmContext.darkenRect(mx-4, my-7*hlmContext.charWidth(' ')-6, 110, 7*hlmContext.charWidth(' ')+6, 128); my -= 8; my -= 2; // type hlmContext.drawText(mx, my, Format('%s(U:%u)', [monsTypeToString(mon.MonsterType), mon.UID])); my -= hlmContext.charWidth(' '); // beh hlmContext.drawText(mx, my, Format('Beh: %s', [monsBehToString(mon.MonsterBehaviour)])); my -= hlmContext.charWidth(' '); // state hlmContext.drawText(mx, my, Format('State:%s (%d)', [monsStateToString(mon.MonsterState), mon.MonsterSleep])); my -= hlmContext.charWidth(' '); // health hlmContext.drawText(mx, my, Format('Health:%d', [mon.MonsterHealth])); my -= hlmContext.charWidth(' '); // ammo hlmContext.drawText(mx, my, Format('Ammo:%d', [mon.MonsterAmmo])); my -= hlmContext.charWidth(' '); // target hlmContext.drawText(mx, my, Format('TgtUID:%u', [mon.MonsterTargetUID])); my -= hlmContext.charWidth(' '); hlmContext.drawText(mx, my, Format('TgtTime:%d', [mon.MonsterTargetTime])); my -= hlmContext.charWidth(' '); end; drawMonsterTargetLine(); if showMonsLOS2Plr then drawLOS2Plr(); { property MonsterRemoved: Boolean read FRemoved write FRemoved; property MonsterPain: Integer read FPain write FPain; property MonsterAnim: Byte read FCurAnim write FCurAnim; } end; function highlightAllMonsterCells (mon: TMonster): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop //monsGrid.forEachBodyCell(mon.proxyId, hilightCell); hilightBodyCells(mon.proxyId); end; procedure drawSelectedPlatformCells (); var pan: TPanel; begin if not showGrid then exit; pan := g_Map_PanelByGUID(platMarkedGUID); if (pan = nil) then exit; //mapGrid.forEachBodyCell(pan.proxyId, hilightCell); hilightBodyCells(pan.proxyId); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 200, 0, 200); hlmContext.rect(pan.x, pan.y, pan.width, pan.height); end; procedure drawTrigger (var trig: TTrigger); procedure drawPanelDest (pguid: Integer); var pan: TPanel; begin pan := g_Map_PanelByGUID(pguid); if (pan = nil) then exit; hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 255, 220); hlmContext.line(trig.trigCenter.x, trig.trigCenter.y, pan.x+pan.width div 2, pan.y+pan.height div 2); end; var tts: AnsiString; tx: Integer; begin hlmContext.font := 'msx6'; hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 255, 96); hlmContext.fillRect(trig.x, trig.y, trig.width, trig.height); tts := trigType2Str(trig.TriggerType); tx := trig.x+(trig.width-Length(tts)*6) div 2; hlmContext.darkenRect(tx-2, trig.y-10, Length(tts)*6+4, 10, 64); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 127, 0); hlmContext.drawText(tx, trig.y-9, tts); tx := trig.x+(trig.width-Length(trig.mapId)*6) div 2; hlmContext.darkenRect(tx-2, trig.y-20, Length(trig.mapId)*6+4, 10, 64); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 255, 0); hlmContext.drawText(tx, trig.y-19, trig.mapId); drawPanelDest(trig.trigPanelGUID); case trig.TriggerType of TRIGGER_NONE: begin end; TRIGGER_EXIT: begin end; TRIGGER_TELEPORT: begin end; TRIGGER_OPENDOOR: begin end; TRIGGER_CLOSEDOOR: begin end; TRIGGER_DOOR: begin end; TRIGGER_DOOR5: begin end; TRIGGER_CLOSETRAP: begin end; TRIGGER_TRAP: begin end; TRIGGER_SECRET: begin end; TRIGGER_LIFTUP: begin end; TRIGGER_LIFTDOWN: begin end; TRIGGER_LIFT: begin end; TRIGGER_TEXTURE: begin end; TRIGGER_ON, TRIGGER_OFF, TRIGGER_ONOFF, TRIGGER_PRESS: begin if (trig.trigDataRec.trigTWidth > 0) and (trig.trigDataRec.trigTHeight > 0) then begin hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 255, 255, 42); hlmContext.fillRect( trig.trigDataRec.trigTX, trig.trigDataRec.trigTY, trig.trigDataRec.trigTWidth, trig.trigDataRec.trigTHeight); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 255, 220); hlmContext.line( trig.trigCenter.x, trig.trigCenter.y, trig.trigDataRec.trigTX+trig.trigDataRec.trigTWidth div 2, trig.trigDataRec.trigTY+trig.trigDataRec.trigTHeight div 2); end; end; TRIGGER_SOUND: begin end; TRIGGER_SPAWNMONSTER: begin end; TRIGGER_SPAWNITEM: begin end; TRIGGER_MUSIC: begin end; TRIGGER_PUSH: begin end; TRIGGER_SCORE: begin end; TRIGGER_MESSAGE: begin end; TRIGGER_DAMAGE: begin end; TRIGGER_HEALTH: begin end; TRIGGER_SHOT: begin end; TRIGGER_EFFECT: begin end; TRIGGER_SCRIPT: begin end; end; //trigType2Str //trigPanelId: Integer; end; procedure drawTriggers (); var f: Integer; begin for f := 0 to High(gTriggers) do drawTrigger(gTriggers[f]); end; procedure drawGibsBoxes (); var f: Integer; px, py, pw, ph: Integer; gib: PGib; begin for f := 0 to High(gGibs) do begin gib := @gGibs[f]; if gib.alive then begin gib.getMapBox(px, py, pw, ph); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 255); hlmContext.rect(px, py, pw, ph); end; end; end; var mon: TMonster; mit: PMonster; it: TMonsterGrid.Iter; mx, my, mw, mh: Integer; //pan: TPanel; //ex, ey: Integer; s: AnsiString; dx, dy: Integer; begin if (gPlayer1 = nil) then exit; if (hlmContext = nil) then hlmContext := TGxContext.Create(); gxSetContext(hlmContext); try //glScissor(0, gScreenHeight-gPlayerScreenSize.Y-1, vpw, vph); //hlmContext.clip := TGxRect.Create(0, gScreenHeight-gPlayerScreenSize.Y-1, gPlayerScreenSize.X, gPlayerScreenSize.Y); { glScalef(g_dbg_scale, g_dbg_scale, 1.0); glTranslatef(-vpx, -vpy, 0); } hlmContext.glSetScaleTrans(g_dbg_scale, -vpx, -vpy); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glScissor(0, gScreenHeight-gPlayerScreenSize.Y-1, gPlayerScreenSize.X, gPlayerScreenSize.Y); if (showGrid) then drawTileGrid(); drawOutlines(); if (laserSet) then begin //g_Mons_AlongLine(laserX0, laserY0, laserX1, laserY1, monsCollector, true); it := monsGrid.forEachAlongLine(laserX0, laserY0, laserX1, laserY1, -1, true); for mit in it do monsCollector(mit^); it.release(); end; if (monMarkedUID <> -1) then begin mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(monMarkedUID); if (mon <> nil) then begin mon.getMapBox(mx, my, mw, mh); //e_DrawQuad(mx, my, mx+mw-1, my+mh-1, 255, 0, 0, 30); hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 0, 0, 220); hlmContext.rect(mx, my, mw, mh); drawMonsterInfo(mon); end; end; if showAllMonsCells and showGrid then g_Mons_ForEach(highlightAllMonsterCells); if showTriggers then drawTriggers(); if showGrid then drawSelectedPlatformCells(); //drawAwakeCells(); if showTraceBox then drawTraceBox(); //drawGibsBoxes(); //pan := g_Map_traceToNearest(16, 608, 16, 8, (GridTagObstacle or GridTagLiquid), @ex, @ey); (* {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := hilightCell1; {$ENDIF} pan := mapGrid.traceRay(ex, ey, 16, 608, 16, 8, nil, (GridTagObstacle or GridTagLiquid)); if (pan <> nil) then writeln('end=(', ex, ',', ey, ')'); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := nil; {$ENDIF} pan := g_Map_PanelAtPoint(16, 608, (GridTagObstacle or GridTagLiquid)); if (pan <> nil) then writeln('hit!'); *) finally gxSetContext(nil); end; if showMapCurPos then begin s := Format('mappos:(%d,%d)', [pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY]); gxSetContext(hlmContext); hlmContext.font := 'win8'; hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 0, 0); for dy := -1 to 1 do begin for dx := -1 to 1 do begin if (dx <> 0) or (dy <> 0) then hlmContext.drawText(4+dx, gScreenHeight-10+dy, s); end; end; hlmContext.color := TGxRGBA.Create(255, 255, 0); hlmContext.drawText(4, gScreenHeight-10, s); gxSetContext(nil); end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure onKeyEvent (var ev: TFUIEvent); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} var pan: TPanel; ex, ey: Integer; dx, dy: Integer; {$ENDIF} procedure dummyWallTrc (cx, cy: Integer); begin end; begin // press if (ev.press) then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} // C-UP, C-DOWN, C-LEFT, C-RIGHT: trace 10 pixels from cursor in the respective direction if ((ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_UP) or (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN) or (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT) or (ev.scan = SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT)) and ((ev.kstate and TFUIEvent.ModCtrl) <> 0) then begin ev.eat(); dx := pmsCurMapX; dy := pmsCurMapY; case ev.scan of SDL_SCANCODE_UP: dy -= 120; SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN: dy += 120; SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT: dx -= 120; SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT: dx += 120; end; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} //mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := dummyWallTrc; mapGrid.dbgShowTraceLog := true; {$ENDIF} pan := g_Map_traceToNearest(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, dx, dy, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor or GridTagStep or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2 or GridTagWater), @ex, @ey); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} //mapGrid.dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := nil; mapGrid.dbgShowTraceLog := false; {$ENDIF} e_LogWritefln('v-trace: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d); end=(%d,%d); hit=%d', [pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, dx, dy, ex, ey, (pan <> nil)]); exit; end; {$ENDIF} end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure g_Holmes_OnEvent (var ev: TFUIEvent); {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} var doeat: Boolean = false; {$ENDIF} begin {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} if g_Game_IsNet then exit; if not g_holmes_enabled then exit; if g_holmes_imfunctional then exit; holmesInitCommands(); holmesInitBinds(); msB := ev.bstate; kbS := ev.kstate; if (ev.key) then begin case ev.scan of SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL, SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL, SDL_SCANCODE_LALT, SDL_SCANCODE_RALT, SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT, SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT: doeat := true; end; end else if (ev.mouse) then begin msX := ev.x; msY := ev.y; msB := ev.bstate; kbS := ev.kstate; msB := msB; end; uiDispatchEvent(ev); if (not ev.alive) then exit; if (ev.mouse) then begin if (gPlayer1 <> nil) and (vpSet) then msbindExecute(ev); ev.eat(); end else begin if keybindExecute(ev) then ev.eat(); if (ev.alive) then onKeyEvent(ev); end; if (doeat) then ev.eat(); {$ENDIF} end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure g_Holmes_Draw (); begin if g_Game_IsNet then exit; if not g_holmes_enabled then exit; if g_holmes_imfunctional then exit; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} holmesInitCommands(); holmesInitBinds(); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); // modify color buffer glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); if gGameOn then plrDebugDraw(); {$ENDIF} laserSet := false; end; procedure g_Holmes_DrawUI (); begin if g_Game_IsNet then exit; if not g_holmes_enabled then exit; if g_holmes_imfunctional then exit; {$IF not DEFINED(HEADLESS)} gGfxDoClear := false; //if assigned(prerenderFrameCB) then prerenderFrameCB(); uiDraw(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); try //glLoadIdentity(); if assigned(postrenderFrameCB) then postrenderFrameCB(); finally glPopMatrix(); end; {$ENDIF} end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure bcOneMonsterThinkStep (); begin gmon_debug_think := false; gmon_debug_one_think_step := true; end; procedure bcOneMPlatThinkStep (); begin g_dbgpan_mplat_active := false; g_dbgpan_mplat_step := true; end; procedure bcMPlatToggle (); begin g_dbgpan_mplat_active := not g_dbgpan_mplat_active; end; procedure bcToggleMonsterInfo (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showMonsInfo := not showMonsInfo else showMonsInfo := (arg > 0); end; procedure bcToggleMonsterLOSPlr (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showMonsLOS2Plr := not showMonsLOS2Plr else showMonsLOS2Plr := (arg > 0); end; procedure bcToggleMonsterCells (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showAllMonsCells := not showAllMonsCells else showAllMonsCells := (arg > 0); end; procedure bcToggleDrawTriggers (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showTriggers := not showTriggers else showTriggers := (arg > 0); end; procedure bcToggleCurPos (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showMapCurPos := not showMapCurPos else showMapCurPos := (arg > 0); end; procedure bcToggleGrid (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showGrid := not showGrid else showGrid := (arg > 0); end; procedure bcMonsterSpawn (s: AnsiString); var mon: TMonster; begin if not gGameOn or g_Game_IsClient then begin conwriteln('cannot spawn monster in this mode'); exit; end; mon := g_Mons_SpawnAt(s, pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY); if (mon = nil) then begin conwritefln('unknown monster id: ''%s''', [s]); exit; end; monMarkedUID := mon.UID; end; procedure bcMonsterWakeup (); var mon: TMonster; begin if (monMarkedUID <> -1) then begin mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(monMarkedUID); if (mon <> nil) then mon.WakeUp(); end; end; procedure bcPlayerTeleport (); var x, y, w, h: Integer; begin //e_WriteLog(Format('TELEPORT: (%d,%d)', [pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY]), MSG_NOTIFY); if (gPlayers[0] <> nil) then begin gPlayers[0].getMapBox(x, y, w, h); gPlayers[0].TeleportTo(pmsCurMapX-w div 2, pmsCurMapY-h div 2, true, 69); // 69: don't change dir end; end; procedure dbgToggleTraceBox (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showTraceBox := not showTraceBox else showTraceBox := (arg > 0); end; procedure dbgToggleHolmesPause (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then g_Game_HolmesPause(not gPauseHolmes) else g_Game_HolmesPause(arg > 0); end; procedure cbAtcurSelectMonster (); function monsAtDump (mon: TMonster{; tag: Integer}): Boolean; begin result := true; // stop e_WriteLog(Format('monster #%d (UID:%u) (proxyid:%d)', [mon.arrIdx, mon.UID, mon.proxyId]), TMsgType.Notify); monMarkedUID := mon.UID; dumpPublishedProperties(mon); end; var plr: TPlayer; x, y, w, h: Integer; mit: PMonster; it: TMonsterGrid.Iter; begin monMarkedUID := -1; if (Length(gPlayers) > 0) then begin plr := gPlayers[0]; if (plr <> nil) then begin plr.getMapBox(x, y, w, h); if (pmsCurMapX >= x) and (pmsCurMapY >= y) and (pmsCurMapX < x+w) and (pmsCurMapY < y+h) then begin dumpPublishedProperties(plr); end; end; end; //e_WriteLog('===========================', MSG_NOTIFY); it := monsGrid.forEachAtPoint(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY); for mit in it do monsAtDump(mit^); it.release(); //e_WriteLog('---------------------------', MSG_NOTIFY); end; procedure cbAtcurDumpMonsters (); function monsAtDump (mon: TMonster{; tag: Integer}): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop e_WriteLog(Format('monster #%d (UID:%u) (proxyid:%d)', [mon.arrIdx, mon.UID, mon.proxyId]), TMsgType.Notify); end; var mit: PMonster; it: TMonsterGrid.Iter; begin it := monsGrid.forEachAtPoint(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY); if (it.length > 0) then begin e_WriteLog('===========================', TMsgType.Notify); for mit in it do monsAtDump(mit^); e_WriteLog('---------------------------', TMsgType.Notify); end; it.release(); end; procedure cbAtcurDumpWalls (); function wallToggle (pan: TPanel{; tag: Integer}): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop if (platMarkedGUID = -1) then platMarkedGUID := pan.guid; e_LogWritefln('wall ''%s'' #%d(%d); enabled=%d (%d); (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [pan.mapId, pan.arrIdx, pan.proxyId, Integer(pan.Enabled), Integer(mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId]), pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]); dumpPublishedProperties(pan); end; var hasTrigs: Boolean = false; f: Integer; trig: PTrigger; mwit: PPanel; it: TPanelGrid.Iter; begin platMarkedGUID := -1; it := mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)); if (it.length > 0) then begin e_WriteLog('=== TOGGLE WALL ===', TMsgType.Notify); for mwit in it do wallToggle(mwit^); e_WriteLog('--- toggle wall ---', TMsgType.Notify); end; it.release(); if showTriggers then begin for f := 0 to High(gTriggers) do begin trig := @gTriggers[f]; if (pmsCurMapX >= trig.x) and (pmsCurMapY >= trig.y) and (pmsCurMapX < trig.x+trig.width) and (pmsCurMapY < trig.y+trig.height) then begin if not hasTrigs then begin writeln('=== TRIGGERS ==='); hasTrigs := true; end; writeln('trigger ''', trig.mapId, ''' of type ''', trigType2Str(trig.TriggerType), ''''); end; end; if hasTrigs then writeln('--- triggers ---'); end; end; procedure cbAtcurToggleWalls (); function wallToggle (pan: TPanel{; tag: Integer}): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop //e_WriteLog(Format('wall #%d(%d); enabled=%d (%d); (%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [pan.arrIdx, pan.proxyId, Integer(pan.Enabled), Integer(mapGrid.proxyEnabled[pan.proxyId]), pan.X, pan.Y, pan.Width, pan.Height]), MSG_NOTIFY); if pan.Enabled then g_Map_DisableWallGUID(pan.guid) else g_Map_EnableWallGUID(pan.guid); end; var mwit: PPanel; it: TPanelGrid.Iter; begin //e_WriteLog('=== TOGGLE WALL ===', MSG_NOTIFY); //e_WriteLog('--- toggle wall ---', MSG_NOTIFY); it := mapGrid.forEachAtPoint(pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor)); for mwit in it do wallToggle(mwit^); it.release(); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure holmesInitCommands (); begin if (cmdlist <> nil) then exit; cmdAdd('win_layers', toggleLayersWindow, 'toggle layers window', 'window control'); cmdAdd('win_outline', toggleOutlineWindow, 'toggle outline window', 'window control'); cmdAdd('win_help', toggleHelpWindow, 'toggle help window', 'window control'); cmdAdd('win_options', toggleOptionsWindow, 'toggle options window', 'window control'); cmdAdd('mon_think_step', bcOneMonsterThinkStep, 'one monster think step', 'monster control'); cmdAdd('mon_info', bcToggleMonsterInfo, 'toggle monster info', 'monster control'); cmdAdd('mon_los_plr', bcToggleMonsterLOSPlr, 'toggle monster LOS to player', 'monster control'); cmdAdd('mon_cells', bcToggleMonsterCells, 'toggle "show all cells occupied by monsters" (SLOW!)', 'monster control'); cmdAdd('mon_wakeup', bcMonsterWakeup, 'wake up selected monster', 'monster control'); cmdAdd('mon_spawn', bcMonsterSpawn, 'spawn monster', 'monster control'); cmdAdd('mplat_step', bcOneMPlatThinkStep, 'one mplat think step', 'mplat control'); cmdAdd('mplat_toggle', bcMPlatToggle, 'activate/deactivate moving platforms', 'mplat control'); cmdAdd('plr_teleport', bcPlayerTeleport, 'teleport player', 'player control'); cmdAdd('dbg_curpos', bcToggleCurPos, 'toggle "show cursor position on the map"', 'various'); cmdAdd('dbg_grid', bcToggleGrid, 'toggle grid', 'various'); cmdAdd('dbg_triggers', bcToggleDrawTriggers, 'show/hide triggers (SLOW!)', 'various'); cmdAdd('atcur_select_monster', cbAtcurSelectMonster, 'select monster to operate', 'monster control'); cmdAdd('atcur_dump_monsters', cbAtcurDumpMonsters, 'dump monsters in cell', 'monster control'); cmdAdd('atcur_dump_walls', cbAtcurDumpWalls, 'dump walls in cell', 'wall control'); cmdAdd('atcur_disable_walls', cbAtcurToggleWalls, 'disable walls', 'wall control'); cmdAdd('dbg_tracebox', dbgToggleTraceBox, 'test traceBox()', 'player control'); cmdAdd('hlm_pause', dbgToggleHolmesPause, '"Holmes" pause mode', 'game control'); end; procedure holmesInitBinds (); var st: TStream = nil; pr: TTextParser = nil; s, kn, v: AnsiString; kmods: Byte; mbuts: Byte; begin kbS := kbS; if not keybindsInited then begin // keyboard keybindAdd('F1', 'win_help'); keybindAdd('M-F1', 'win_options'); keybindAdd('C-O', 'win_outline'); keybindAdd('C-L', 'win_layers'); keybindAdd('M-M', 'mon_think_step'); keybindAdd('M-I', 'mon_info'); keybindAdd('M-L', 'mon_los_plr'); keybindAdd('M-G', 'mon_cells'); keybindAdd('M-A', 'mon_wakeup'); keybindAdd('M-P', 'mplat_step'); keybindAdd('M-O', 'mplat_toggle'); keybindAdd('C-T', 'plr_teleport'); keybindAdd('M-T', 'dbg_tracebox'); keybindAdd('C-P', 'dbg_curpos'); keybindAdd('C-G', 'dbg_grid'); keybindAdd('C-X', 'dbg_triggers'); keybindAdd('C-1', 'mon_spawn zombie'); keybindAdd('C-S-P', 'hlm_pause'); // mouse msbindAdd('LMB', 'atcur_select_monster'); msbindAdd('M-LMB', 'atcur_dump_monsters'); msbindAdd('RMB', 'atcur_dump_walls'); msbindAdd('M-RMB', 'atcur_disable_walls'); // load bindings from file try st := e_OpenResourceRO(ConfigDirs, 'holmes.rc'); pr := TFileTextParser.Create(st); conwriteln('parsing "holmes.rc"...'); while (pr.tokType <> pr.TTEOF) do begin s := pr.expectId(); if (s = 'stop') then break else if (s = 'unbind_keys') then keybinds := nil else if (s = 'unbind_mouse') then msbinds := nil else if (s = 'bind') then begin if (pr.tokType = pr.TTStr) then s := pr.expectStr(false) else if (pr.tokType = pr.TTInt) then s := Format('%d', [pr.expectInt()]) else s := pr.expectId(); if (pr.tokType = pr.TTStr) then v := pr.expectStr(false) else if (pr.tokType = pr.TTInt) then v := Format('%d', [pr.expectInt()]) else v := pr.expectId(); kn := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts); if (CompareText(kn, 'lmb') = 0) or (CompareText(kn, 'rmb') = 0) or (CompareText(kn, 'mmb') = 0) or (CompareText(kn, 'None') = 0) then begin msbindAdd(s, v); end else begin keybindAdd(s, v); end; end; end; except on e: Exception do // sorry if (pr <> nil) then conwritefln('Holmes config parse error at (%s,%s): %s', [pr.tokLine, pr.tokCol, e.message]); end; if (pr <> nil) then pr.Free() else st.Free(); // ownership end; end; begin // shut up, fpc! msB := msB; vpSet := vpSet; fuiEventCB := g_Holmes_OnEvent; //uiContext.font := 'win14'; conRegVar('hlm_ui_scale', @fuiRenderScale, 0.01, 5.0, 'Holmes UI scale', '', false); end.