unit g_console; interface procedure g_Console_Init(); procedure g_Console_Update(); procedure g_Console_Draw(); procedure g_Console_Switch(); procedure g_Console_Char(C: Char); procedure g_Console_Control(K: Word); procedure g_Console_Process(L: String; Quiet: Boolean = False); procedure g_Console_Add(L: String; Show: Boolean = False); procedure g_Console_Clear(); function g_Console_CommandBlacklisted(C: String): Boolean; procedure g_Console_Chat_Switch(Team: Boolean = False); var gConsoleShow: Boolean; // True - консоль открыта или открывается gChatShow: Boolean; gChatTeam: Boolean = False; gAllowConsoleMessages: Boolean = True; gChatEnter: Boolean = True; gJustChatted: Boolean = False; // чтобы админ в интере чатясь не проматывал статистику implementation uses g_textures, g_main, e_graphics, e_input, g_game, SysUtils, g_basic, g_options, wadreader, Math, g_menu, g_language, g_net, g_netmsg, e_log; type TCmdProc = procedure (P: SArray); TCommand = record Cmd: String; Proc: TCmdProc; end; TAlias = record Name: String; Commands: SArray; end; const Step = 32; Alpha = 25; MsgTime = 144; MaxScriptRecursion = 16; DEBUG_STRING = 'DEBUG MODE'; var ID: DWORD; RecursionDepth: Word = 0; RecursionLimitHit: Boolean = False; Cons_Y: SmallInt; Cons_Shown: Boolean; // Рисовать ли консоль? Line: String; CPos: Word; ConsoleHistory: SArray; CommandHistory: SArray; Whitelist: SArray; Commands: Array of TCommand; Aliases: Array of TAlias; CmdIndex: Word; Offset: Word; MsgArray: Array [0..4] of record Msg: String; Time: Word; end; function GetStrACmd(var Str: String): String; var a: Integer; begin Result := ''; for a := 1 to Length(Str) do if (a = Length(Str)) or (Str[a+1] = ';') then begin Result := Copy(Str, 1, a); Delete(Str, 1, a+1); Str := Trim(Str); Exit; end; end; function ParseAlias(Str: String): SArray; begin Result := nil; Str := Trim(Str); if Str = '' then Exit; while Str <> '' do begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); Result[High(Result)] := GetStrACmd(Str); end; end; procedure ConsoleCommands(P: SArray); var Cmd, s: String; a, b: Integer; F: TextFile; begin Cmd := LowerCase(P[0]); s := ''; if Cmd = 'clear' then begin ConsoleHistory := nil; for a := 0 to High(MsgArray) do with MsgArray[a] do begin Msg := ''; Time := 0; end; end; if Cmd = 'clearhistory' then CommandHistory := nil; if Cmd = 'showhistory' then if CommandHistory <> nil then begin g_Console_Add(''); for a := 0 to High(CommandHistory) do g_Console_Add(' '+CommandHistory[a]); end; if Cmd = 'commands' then begin g_Console_Add(''); g_Console_Add('Commands list:'); for a := High(Commands) downto 0 do g_Console_Add(' '+Commands[a].Cmd); end; if Cmd = 'time' then g_Console_Add(TimeToStr(Now), True); if Cmd = 'date' then g_Console_Add(DateToStr(Now), True); if Cmd = 'echo' then if Length(P) > 1 then begin if P[1] = 'ololo' then gCheats := True else begin s := ''; for a := 1 to High(P) do s := s + P[a] + ' '; g_Console_Add(b_Text_Format(s), True); end; end else g_Console_Add(''); if Cmd = 'dump' then begin if ConsoleHistory <> nil then begin if Length(P) > 1 then s := P[1] else s := GameDir+'/console.txt'; {$I-} AssignFile(F, s); Rewrite(F); if IOResult <> 0 then begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_ERROR_WRITE], [s])); CloseFile(F); Exit; end; for a := 0 to High(ConsoleHistory) do WriteLn(F, ConsoleHistory[a]); CloseFile(F); g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_DUMPED], [s])); {$I+} end; end; if Cmd = 'exec' then begin // exec if Length(P) > 1 then begin s := GameDir+'/'+P[1]; {$I-} AssignFile(F, s); Reset(F); if IOResult <> 0 then begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_ERROR_READ], [s])); CloseFile(F); Exit; end; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_EXEC], [s])); while not EOF(F) do begin ReadLn(F, s); if IOResult <> 0 then begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_ERROR_READ], [s])); CloseFile(F); Exit; end; if Pos('#', s) <> 1 then // script comment begin // prevents endless loops Inc(RecursionDepth); RecursionLimitHit := (RecursionDepth > MaxScriptRecursion) or RecursionLimitHit; if not RecursionLimitHit then g_Console_Process(s, True); Dec(RecursionDepth); end; end; if (RecursionDepth = 0) and RecursionLimitHit then begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_CONSOLE_ERROR_CALL], [s])); RecursionLimitHit := False; end; CloseFile(F); {$I+} end else g_Console_Add('exec