(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$I ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit e_res; interface uses SysUtils, Utils, Classes; var debug_e_res: Boolean; {-------------------------------------------} {--- insert separator beetwin a and b ---} {--- result are correct if (a or b) = '' ---} {--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---} function e_CatPath (a, b: AnsiString): AnsiString; {--- remove last entry from path ---} function e_UpperDir (path: AnsiString): AnsiString; {--- not absolute and have no relative dirs ---} function e_IsValidResourceName (name: AnsiString): Boolean; {-----------------------------------------------------------------------} {--- try to open/create file in one dir from `dirs` in reverse order ---} {--- e_OpenResourceRW tries to create if not exists ---} {--- create dirs if not exists ---} {--- result <> nil, throws exceptions on errors ---} {--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---} function e_CreateResource (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream; function e_OpenResourceRO (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream; function e_OpenResourceRW (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream; {--- same as shared/utils ---} function e_FindResource (dirs: SSArray; var name: AnsiString; nameIsDir: Boolean = false): Boolean; function e_FindWad (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): AnsiString; {--- returns relative wad name; never empty string ---} function e_FindWadRel (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): AnsiString; {--- prepend dirs to 'disk.wad:\file'. if empty disk string then prepend defWad ---} {--- return empty string if error occured or 'path/to/disk.wad:\file' on success ---} function e_GetResourcePath (dirs: SSArray; path: AnsiString; defWad: AnsiString): AnsiString; {--- same as SysUtils.FinFirst ---} function e_FindFirst (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString; attr: LongInt; out Rslt: TSearchRec): LongInt; {--- try to get a writeable directory from list, throws if no one directory created ---} {--- (unless `required` is `false`: in this case, returns empty string) ---} {--- creates all necessary subdirs, if it can ---} function e_GetWriteableDir (dirs: SSArray; required: Boolean=true): AnsiString; function e_CanCreateFilesAt (dir: AnsiString): Boolean; implementation uses WadReader, e_log, hashtable; type SpawnProc = function (pathname: AnsiString): Tstream; var writeableDirs: THashStrCIStr = nil; function e_UpperDir (path: AnsiString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin i := High(path); while (i >= 1) and (path[i] <> '/') and (path[i] <> '\') do Dec(i); result := Copy(path, 1, i) end; function HasRelativeDirs (name: AnsiString): Boolean; var i: Integer; ch: Char; begin i := 1; result := false; while (result = false) and (name[i] <> #0) do begin ch := name[i]; if (ch = '/') or (ch = '\') then begin Inc(i); if name[i] = '.' then begin Inc(i); if name[i] = '.' then begin Inc(i); ch := name[i]; result := (ch = #0) or (ch = '/') or (ch = '\') end end end else begin Inc(i) end end end; function HasAbsoluteDirs (name: AnsiString): Boolean; begin result := (name = '') or (name[1] = '/') or (name[1] = '\') end; function e_IsValidResourceName (name: AnsiString): Boolean; begin result := (HasAbsoluteDirs(name) = false) and (HasRelativeDirs(name) = false) end; function SpawnStream (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString; p: SpawnProc; createNewDir: Boolean): TStream; var i: Integer; begin result := nil; assert(dirs <> nil); assert(e_IsValidResourceName(name)); i := High(dirs); while (i >= 0) and (result = nil) do begin try if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln(' %s', [dirs[i]]); if (createNewDir = false) or (ForceDirectories(dirs[i]) = true) then result := p(e_CatPath(dirs[i], name)) finally Dec(i) end end end; function e_CreateResource (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream; begin if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln('e_CreateResource %s', [name]); result := SpawnStream(dirs, name, @createDiskFile, true); if result = nil then raise Exception.Create('can''t create resource "' + name + '"'); end; function e_OpenResourceRO (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream; begin if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln('e_OpenResourceRO %s', [name]); result := SpawnStream(dirs, name, @openDiskFileRO, false); if result = nil then raise EFileNotFoundException.Create('can''t open resource "' + name + '"') end; function e_OpenResourceRW (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): TStream; begin if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln('e_OpenResourceRW %s', [name]); result := SpawnStream(dirs, name, @openDiskFileRW, true); if result = nil then raise Exception.Create('can''t create resource "' + name + '"') end; function e_CatPath (a, b: AnsiString): AnsiString; begin if a = '' then result := b else if b = '' then result := a else result := a + '/' + b end; function e_FindResource (dirs: SSArray; var name: AnsiString; nameIsDir: Boolean = false): Boolean; var i: Integer; dir: AnsiString; begin if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln('e_FindResource %s (%s)', [name, nameIsDir]); result := false; assert(dirs <> nil); assert(e_IsValidResourceName(name)); i := High(dirs); dir := name; while (i >= 0) and (result = false) do begin dir := e_CatPath(dirs[i], name); result := findFileCI(dir, nameIsDir); if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln(' %s -> %s', [dir, result]); Dec(i) end; if result = true then name := dir; if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln(' result = %s (%s)', [name, result]); end; function e_FindWad (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln('e_FindWad "%s"', [name]); result := ''; assert(dirs <> nil); assert(e_IsValidResourceName(name)); i := High(dirs); while (i >= 0) and (result = '') do begin result := findDiskWad(dirs[i] + DirectorySeparator + name); if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln(' %s -> %s', [dirs[i] + DirectorySeparator + name, result]); Dec(i) end end; function e_FindWadRel (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString): AnsiString; var s: AnsiString; maxpfx: AnsiString = ''; pfx: AnsiString; begin result := name; if not findFileCI(name) then exit; for s in dirs do begin if (length(s) = 0) then continue; if (length(name) <= length(s)) then continue; if (length(s) < length(maxpfx)) then continue; pfx := s; if not findFileCI(pfx, true) then continue; if (pfx[length(pfx)] <> '/') and (pfx[length(pfx)] <> '\') then pfx := pfx+'/'; if (length(pfx)+1 > length(name)) then continue; if (strEquCI1251(copy(name, 1, length(pfx)), pfx)) then maxpfx := pfx; end; if (length(maxpfx) > 0) then begin result := name; Delete(result, 1, length(maxpfx)); end; end; function e_GetResourcePath (dirs: SSArray; path: AnsiString; defWad: AnsiString): AnsiString; var diskName, fileName: AnsiString; begin if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln('e_GetResourcePath %s (%s)', [path, defWad]); assert(length(dirs) > 0); assert(path <> ''); assert(defWad <> ''); diskName := g_ExtractWadName(path); fileName := g_ExtractFilePathName(path); if diskName = '' then diskName := defWad else diskName := e_FindWad(dirs, diskName); if diskName = '' then result := '' else result := diskName + ':\' + fileName; if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln(' this>>> %s', [result]); end; function e_FindFirst (dirs: SSArray; name: AnsiString; attr: LongInt; out Rslt: TSearchRec): LongInt; var i: Integer; dir: AnsiString; begin if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln('e_FindFirst %s', [name]); assert(dirs <> nil); assert(e_IsValidResourceName(name)); i := High(dirs); result := -1; while (i >= 0) and (result <> 0) do begin dir := dirs[i] + DirectorySeparator + name; result := FindFirst(dir, attr, Rslt); if debug_e_res then e_LogWritefln(' %s: %s -- %s', [i, dir, result]); Dec(i); end end; // k8: sorry. i know that this sux, but checking directory access rights is unreliable (unportable). function e_CanCreateFilesAt (dir: AnsiString): Boolean; var f: Integer; st: TStream = nil; sr: TSearchRec; fn: AnsiString; begin result := false; for f := 0 to $7fffffff do begin fn := Format('%s/$$$temptest$$$_%d.$$$%d$$$', [dir, f, f]); if (FindFirst(fn, faAnyFile, sr) = 0) then begin FindClose(sr); continue; end; FindClose(sr); try st := TFileStream.Create(fn, fmCreate); except // sorry st := nil; // just in case end; if assigned(st) then begin st.Free(); try DeleteFile(fn); except end; result := true; end; exit; end; end; function e_GetWriteableDir (dirs: SSArray; required: Boolean=true): AnsiString; var f: Integer; begin assert(length(dirs) > 0); result := ''; if assigned(writeableDirs) then begin for f := High(dirs) downto Low(dirs) do begin if (writeableDirs.get(dirs[f], result)) then begin //writeln('*** KNOWN WRITEABLE DIR: "', result, '"'); exit; end; end; end; for f := High(dirs) downto Low(dirs) do begin try if ForceDirectories(dirs[f]) then begin result := dirs[f]; if (findFileCI(result, true)) then begin if e_CanCreateFilesAt(result) then begin if not assigned(writeableDirs) then writeableDirs := THashStrCIStr.Create(); writeableDirs.put(dirs[f], result); //writeln('*** NEW WRITEABLE DIR: "', result, '" ("', dirs[f], '"); rq=', required); exit; end; end; end; except // sorry end; end; if required then raise Exception.Create(Format('unable to create directory "%s"', [dirs[High(dirs)]])); result := ''; end; end.