From d9d4734e5a1e0a53e1e11a16aa6e103b12b585e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ketmar Dark <>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 07:37:53 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] render fixes for NPOT textures and mplat with size changes

 src/engine/e_graphics.pas | 21 ++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/engine/e_graphics.pas b/src/engine/e_graphics.pas
index 87b31a5..1830c40 100644
--- a/src/engine/e_graphics.pas
+++ b/src/engine/e_graphics.pas
@@ -715,8 +715,9 @@ var
   scxywh: array[0..3] of GLint;
   vpxywh: array[0..3] of GLint;
-  w, h, dw, cw, ch: Integer;
+  w, h, dw, cw, ch, yofs: Integer;
   u, v, cu, cv: Single;
+  onlyOneY: Boolean;
   procedure setScissorGLInternal (x, y, w, h: Integer);
@@ -770,7 +771,7 @@ begin
   y2 := y+hgt;
   //k8: this SHOULD work... i hope
-  if (e_Textures[ID].tx.width = e_Textures[ID].tx.glwidth) and (e_Textures[ID].tx.height = e_Textures[ID].tx.glheight) then
+  if {false and} (e_Textures[ID].tx.width = e_Textures[ID].tx.glwidth) and (e_Textures[ID].tx.height = e_Textures[ID].tx.glheight) then
       glTexCoord2f(0, hgt/e_Textures[ID].tx.height); glVertex2i(x,  y);
@@ -796,24 +797,26 @@ begin
     w := e_Textures[ID].tx.width;
     h := e_Textures[ID].tx.height;
     x2 := x;
+    if (hgt > h) then begin y += hgt-h; onlyOneY := false; end else onlyOneY := true;
     while (hgt > 0) do
-      if (hgt >= h) then begin ch := h; cv := v; end else begin ch := hgt; cv := v/(h/hgt) end;
+      if (hgt >= h) then begin ch := h; cv := v; yofs := 0; end else begin ch := hgt; cv := v/(h/hgt); yofs := h-hgt; end;
+      if onlyOneY then yofs := 0;
       Dec(hgt, h);
       dw := wdt;
       x := x2;
       while (dw > 0) do
-        if (dw >= w) then begin cw := w; cu := u; end else begin cw := dw; cu := u/(w/dw) end;
+        if (dw >= w) then begin cw := w; cu := u; end else begin cw := dw; cu := u/(w/dw); end;
         Dec(dw, w);
-        glTexCoord2f(0, cv); glVertex2i(X,   Y);
-        glTexCoord2f(cu, cv); glVertex2i(X+cw, Y);
-        glTexCoord2f(cu, 0); glVertex2i(X+cw, Y+ch);
-        glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2i(X,   Y+ch);
+        glTexCoord2f(0, cv); glVertex2i(X,   Y+yofs);
+        glTexCoord2f(cu, cv); glVertex2i(X+cw, Y+yofs);
+        glTexCoord2f(cu, 0); glVertex2i(X+cw, Y+ch+yofs);
+        glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2i(X,   Y+ch+yofs);
         Inc(X, w);
-      Inc(Y, h);
+      Dec(Y, h);
     //if wassc then glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST) else glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST);