summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 79a05da)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 79a05da)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Mon, 4 Feb 2019 11:02:54 +0000 (14:02 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Sun, 10 Feb 2019 10:05:11 +0000 (13:05 +0300) |
src/lib/allegro4/allegro.pas | patch | blob | history | |
src/nogl/ | patch | blob | history |
index 388b54a1aaf0f1709d5a82d0a3803d0238a13008..51f0b35b0b289af8ce90d34e2f0662b873107499 100644 (file)
PALETTE = array [0..PAL_SIZE - 1] of RGB;
+ COLOR_MAP_T = record
+ data: array [0..PAL_SIZE - 1, 0..PAL_SIZE - 1] of cuchar;
+ end;
KeyboardCallback = procedure (scancode: cint); LibraryLibAllegroDecl;
AtExitCallback = procedure; LibraryLibAllegroDecl;
AtExitFunction = function (func: AtExitCallback): cint; LibraryLibAllegroDecl;
TimerIntCallback = procedure; LibraryLibAllegroDecl;
QuitCallback = procedure; LibraryLibAllegroDecl;
+ CreateTableCallback = procedure (pos: cint); LibraryLibAllegroDecl;
allegro_id: array [0..ALLEGRO_ERROR_SIZE] of char; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
default_palette: PALETTE; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
_current_palette: PALETTE; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
key_shifts: cint; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
+ color_map: PCOLOR_MAP_T; LibraryLibAllegroVar;
function get_desktop_resolution (width, height: Pcint): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
function get_gfx_mode_list (card: cint): PGFX_MODE_LIST; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
function scancode_to_ascii (scancode: cint): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
function scancode_to_name (scancode: cint): PChar; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure drawing_mode (mode: cint; pattern: PBITMAP; x_anchor, y_anchor: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_trans_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_alpha_blender; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_write_alpha_blender; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_add_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_burn_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_color_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_difference_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_dissolve_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_dodge_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_hue_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_invert_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_luminance_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_multiply_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_saturation_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure set_screen_blender (r, g, b, a: cint); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ function getr (col: cint): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ function getg (col: cint): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ function getb (col: cint): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ function geta (col: cint): cint; LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure create_light_table (table: PCOLOR_MAP_T; const pal: PALETTE; r, g, b: cint; callback: CreateTableCallback); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
+ procedure create_trans_table (table: PCOLOR_MAP_T; const pal: PALETTE; r, g, b: cint; callback: CreateTableCallback); LibraryLibAllegroImp;
(* MACRO *)
function install_allegro (system_id: cint; errno_ptr: Pcint; atexit_ptr: AtExitFunction): cint; inline;
function allegro_init: cint; inline;
diff --git a/src/nogl/ b/src/nogl/
index 2974fdb73063474173b1ed42272d2b8a157efee9..3f32dce7da3017af254de531b5300619863b22ad 100644 (file)
--- a/src/nogl/
+++ b/src/nogl/
ValPerCoord = 2;
StackSize = 16;
TArrayFloat = array of GLfloat;
TArrayInteger = array of Integer;
vpx, vpy: Integer;
pointSize: Integer;
matrixMode: GLenum;
+ blendMode: Integer;
+ globalTransTable: COLOR_MAP_T;
+ redTransTable: COLOR_MAP_T;
+ greenTransTable: COLOR_MAP_T;
+ blueTransTable: COLOR_MAP_T;
+ darkTransTable: COLOR_MAP_T;
+ lightTransTable: COLOR_MAP_T;
function AddTexture: Integer;
var i: Integer;
procedure glBlendFunc(sfactor, dfactor: GLenum);
+ if (sfactor = GL_SRC_ALPHA) and (dfactor = GL_ONE) then blendMode := BLEND_BLEND
+ else if (sfactor = GL_ZERO) and (dfactor = GL_SRC_ALPHA) then blendMode := BLEND_DARKER
+ else if (sfactor = GL_DST_COLOR) and (dfactor = GL_SRC_COLOR) then blendMode := BLEND_FILTER
+ else if (sfactor = GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR) and (dfactor = GL_ZERO) then blendMode := BLEND_INVERT
+ else if (sfactor = GL_SRC_ALPHA) and (dfactor = GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) then blendMode := BLEND_DEFAULT
+ end;
+ procedure SetupBlendColor (col: cint);
+ var r, g, b, a: cint;
+ begin
+ //set_trans_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_add_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_burn_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_color_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_difference_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_dissolve_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_dodge_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_hue_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_invert_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_luminance_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_multiply_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_saturation_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ //set_screen_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ r := getr(col);
+ g := getg(col);
+ b := getb(col);
+ a := geta(col);
+ color_map := @globalTransTable;
+ case blendMode of
+ begin
+ color_map := @lightTransTable;
+ set_add_blender(r, g, b, a);
+ drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, nil, 0, 0)
+ end;
+ begin
+ color_map := @darkTransTable;
+ set_multiply_blender(0, 0, 0, 255 - a);
+ drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, nil, 0, 0)
+ end;
+ begin
+ set_luminance_blender(0, 0, 0, 255);
+ if r <> 0 then
+ color_map := @redTransTable
+ else if g <> 0 then
+ color_map := @greenTransTable
+ else if b <> 0 then
+ color_map := @blueTransTable;
+ drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, nil, 0, 0)
+ end;
+ begin
+ drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_XOR, nil, 0, 0)
+ end;
+ begin
+ (* FIX texture colorize *)
+ set_saturation_blender(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, nil, 0, 0)
+ end
+ else
+ end
procedure glPointSize(size: GLfloat);
offy := vpy + stack[stack_ptr].y;
angle := stack[stack_ptr].a;
+ drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_SOLID, nil, 0, 0);
case cmds.mode of
get_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, oldx0, oldy0, oldx1, oldy1);
set_clip_rect(sdl2allegro_screen, max(oldx0, offx + x0), max(oldy0, offy + y0), min(oldx1, offx + x1), min(oldy1, offy + y1));
+ SetupBlendColor(ccol);
if angle = 0 then
for j := 0 to (y1 - y0 + h - 1) div h - 1 do
for k := 0 to (x1 - x0 + w - 1) div w - 1 do
assert(Length(cmds.c) * 2 = Length(cmds.v)); (* not enough colors *)
for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 8 - 1 do
+ begin
+ SetupBlendColor(cmds.c[i * 4]);
rectfill(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + cmds.v[i * 8], offy + cmds.v[i * 8 + 1], offx + cmds.v[i * 8 + 4], offy + cmds.v[i * 8 + 5], cmds.c[i * 4])
+ end
+ SetupBlendColor(ccol);
for i := 0 to Length(cmds.v) div 8 - 1 do
rectfill(sdl2allegro_screen, offx + cmds.v[i * 8], offy + cmds.v[i * 8 + 1], offx + cmds.v[i * 8 + 4], offy + cmds.v[i * 8 + 5], ccol)
procedure nogl_Init;
- cmds.mode := GL_INVALID_ENUM
+ cmds.mode := GL_INVALID_ENUM;
+ create_trans_table(@globalTransTable, default_palette, 255, 255, 255, nil);
+ create_trans_table(@redTransTable, default_palette, 0, 255, 255, nil);
+ create_trans_table(@greenTransTable, default_palette, 255, 0, 255, nil);
+ create_trans_table(@blueTransTable, default_palette, 255, 255, 0, nil);
+ create_trans_table(@darkTransTable, default_palette, 191, 191, 191, nil);
+ create_trans_table(@lightTransTable, default_palette, 64, 64, 64, nil);
+ color_map := @globalTransTable;
procedure nogl_Quit;