monster.c monster.h moved to repo. Added license notification
authorAndriy Shinkarchuck <>
Sun, 24 Jul 2011 16:16:15 +0000 (19:16 +0300)
committerAndriy Shinkarchuck <>
Sun, 24 Jul 2011 16:16:15 +0000 (19:16 +0300)
monster.c [new file with mode: 0755]
monster.h [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/monster.c b/monster.c
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..ed7604e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/monster.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1031 @@
+   Copyright (C) Prikol Software 1996-1997
+   Copyright (C) Aleksey Volynskov 1996-1997
+   Copyright (C) <> 2011
+   This file is part of the Doom2D:Rembo project.
+   Doom2D:Rembo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation.
+   Doom2D:Rembo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, see <> or
+   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+   51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+#include "glob.h"
+//#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "vga.h"
+#include "files.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "view.h"
+#include "bmap.h"
+#include "dots.h"
+#include "weapons.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "monster.h"
+#include "items.h"
+#include "switch.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "fx.h"
+#include "smoke.h"
+#define MANCOLOR 0xD0
+#define MAX_ATM 90
+#define MN_TN (MN__LAST-MN_DEMON)
+extern byte z_mon;
+#pragma pack(1)
+typedef struct{
+  obj_t o;
+  byte t,d,st,ftime;
+  int fobj;
+  int s;
+  char *ap;
+  int aim,life,pain,ac,tx,ty,ammo;
+  short atm;
+#pragma pack(0)
+typedef struct{
+  int r,h,l,mp,rv,jv,sp,minp;
+byte nomon=1;
+static char *sleepanim[MN_TN]={
+  "A","A","AAABBB"
+}, *goanim[MN_TN]={
+}, *painanim[MN_TN]={
+  "H","H","G","G","G","G","H","H","F","E","G","I","I","J","L","Q","EECCDDCC",
+  "A","D","G"
+}, *waitanim[MN_TN]={
+  "A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","AABB","A","A","A","I","K","A","A",
+  "A","D","E"
+}, *attackanim[MN_TN]={
+}, *dieanim[MN_TN]={
+}, *slopanim[MN_TN]={
+  "OOOPPPQQQRRRSSS","","","","","","","","","","","","","","OOPPQQRRSSTTUUVV"
+}, *deadanim[MN_TN]={
+  "N","M","L","L","P","N","O","O","L","","","S","P","T","Q","Z","C","","D","N"
+}, *messanim[MN_TN]={
+  "","U","U","U","","T","","","","","","","","","","","","","","W"
+int hit_xv,hit_yv;
+static void *spr[MN_TN][29*2],*fspr[8],*fsnd,*pauksnd,*trupsnd,*sgun[2];
+static char sprd[MN_TN][29*2];
+static void *snd[MN_TN][5],*impsitsnd[2],*impdthsnd[2],*firsnd,*slopsnd,*gsnd[4];
+static void *swgsnd,*pchsnd,*pl_spr[2],*telesnd;
+static void *positsnd[3],*podthsnd[3];
+static mn_t mn[MAXMN];
+static int mnum,gsndt;
+static mnsz_t mnsz[MN_TN+1]={
+//rad  ht  life  pain rv jv  slop min_pn
+    0,  0,    0,    0, 0, 0,    0,    0,       // none
+   15, 28,   60,   20, 7,10,   0,   10,        // demon
+   10, 28,   25,   15, 3,10,   30,    0,       // imp
+   10, 28,   15,   10, 3,10,   30,    0,       // zomby
+   10, 28,   20,   10, 3,10,   30,    0,       // sergeant
+   20, 55,  500,   70, 5,10,   0,   50,        // cyberdemon
+   12, 28,   60,   20, 3,10,   30,   10,       // chaingunner
+   12, 32,  150,   40, 3,10,    0,   30,       // baron of hell
+   12, 32,   75,   40, 3,10,    0,   30,       // hell knight
+   15, 28,  100,   10, 4, 4,    0,    0,       // cacodemon
+    8, 18,   60,   10, 4, 4,    0,    0,       // lost soul
+   15, 28,  100,   10, 4, 4,    0,    0,       // pain elemental
+   64, 50,  500,   70, 4,10,    0,   50,       // spider mastermind
+   25, 27,  150,   20, 4,10,    0,    0,       // arachnotron
+   18, 30,  200,   40, 3, 7,    0,   20,       // mancubus
+   17, 36,  200,   40, 6,11,    0,   20,       // revenant
+   17, 36,  150,   30, 7,12,    0,   10,       // archvile
+    5,  5,   35,   20,14, 6,    0,   10,       // fish
+    5, 17,   20,    0, 7, 6,    0,    0,       // barrel
+   17, 38,   20,   40, 3, 6,    0,   20,       // robot
+    8, 26,  400,   70, 8,10,   30,   50                // man
+void MN_savegame(FILE* h) {
+  int n;
+  for(n=MAXMN;--n;) if(mn[n].t) break;
+  ++n;myfwrite(&n,1,4,h);
+  myfwrite(mn,1,n*sizeof(mn[0]),h);
+  myfwrite(&mnum,1,4,h);myfwrite(&gsndt,1,4,h);
+static void setst(int,int);
+void MN_loadgame(FILE* h) {
+  int n,c;
+  myfread(&n,1,4,h);
+  myfread(mn,1,n*sizeof(mn[0]),h);
+  myfread(&mnum,1,4,h);myfread(&gsndt,1,4,h);
+  for(n=0;n<MAXMN;++n) if(mn[n].t) {
+    c=mn[n].ac;setst(n,mn[n].st);mn[n].ac=c;
+  }
+#define GGAS_TOTAL (MN__LAST-MN_DEMON+16+10)
+void MN_alloc(void) {
+  int i,j;
+  static char sn[MN_TN][5][6]={
+       {"BGACT","POPAIN","CLAW","",""},
+       {"POSACT","POPAIN","","",""},
+       {"POSACT","POPAIN","","",""},
+       {"","DMPAIN","HOOF","CYBSIT","CYBDTH"},
+       {"POSACT","POPAIN","","",""},
+       {"","DMPAIN","","BRSSIT","BRSDTH"},
+       {"","DMPAIN","","KNTSIT","KNTDTH"},
+       {"DMACT","DMPAIN","","CACSIT","CACDTH"},
+       {"DMACT","PEPAIN","","PESIT","PEDTH"},
+       {"","DMPAIN","METAL","SPISIT","SPIDTH"},
+       {"","","BITE1","",""},
+       {"","","","","BAREXP"},
+       {"BSPACT","","BSPWLK","BSPSIT","BSPDTH"},
+       {"HAHA1","PLPAIN","","STOP1","PDIEHI"}
+  },msn[MN_TN][4]={
+       "SARG","TROO","POSS","SPOS","CYBR","CPOS","BOSS","BOS2","HEAD","SKUL",
+  };
+  static char gsn[6]="GOOD0";
+  static int mms[MN_TN]={
+       14*2,21*2,21*2,21*2,16*2,20*2,15*2,15*2,12*2,11*2,13*2,19*2,16*2,
+       20*2,17*2,29*2,6*2,2*2,17*2,23*2
+  };
+  sgun[0]=Z_getspr("PWP4",0,1,NULL);
+  sgun[1]=Z_getspr("PWP4",1,1,NULL);
+  for(j=0;j<MN_TN;++j) {
+    for(i=0;i<mms[j];++i) spr[j][i]=Z_getspr(msn[j],i/2,(i&1)+1,&sprd[j][i]);
+    if(j==MN_BARREL-1)
+      for(i=4;i<14;++i) spr[j][i]=Z_getspr("BEXP",i/2-2,(i&1)+1,&sprd[j][i]);
+    for(i=0;i<5;++i)
+      if(sn[j][i][0]) snd[j][i]=Z_getsnd(sn[j][i]);
+       else snd[j][i]=NULL;
+    logo_gas(j+5,GGAS_TOTAL);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<8;++i) fspr[i]=Z_getspr("FIRE",i,0,NULL);
+  pl_spr[0]=Z_getspr("PLAY",'N'-'A',0,NULL);
+  pl_spr[1]=Z_getspr("PLAY",'W'-'A',0,NULL);
+  impsitsnd[0]=Z_getsnd("BGSIT1");
+  impsitsnd[1]=Z_getsnd("BGSIT2");
+  impdthsnd[0]=Z_getsnd("BGDTH1");
+  impdthsnd[1]=Z_getsnd("BGDTH2");
+  positsnd[0]=Z_getsnd("POSIT1");
+  positsnd[1]=Z_getsnd("POSIT2");
+  positsnd[2]=Z_getsnd("POSIT3");
+  podthsnd[0]=Z_getsnd("PODTH1");
+  podthsnd[1]=Z_getsnd("PODTH2");
+  podthsnd[2]=Z_getsnd("PODTH3");
+  fsnd=Z_getsnd("FLAME");
+  firsnd=Z_getsnd("FIRSHT");
+  slopsnd=Z_getsnd("SLOP");
+  swgsnd=Z_getsnd("SKESWG");
+  pchsnd=Z_getsnd("SKEPCH");
+  telesnd=Z_getsnd("TELEPT");
+  pauksnd=Z_getsnd("PAUK1");
+  trupsnd=Z_getsnd("UTRUP");
+  for(i=0;i<4;++i) {gsn[4]=i+'1';gsnd[i]=Z_getsnd(gsn);}
+void MN_init(void) {
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) {mn[i].t=0;mn[i].st=SLEEP;}
+  gsndt=mnum=0;
+static void setst(int i,int st) {
+  char *a;
+  int t;
+  switch(mn[i].st) {
+    case DIE: case DEAD:
+      if(st!=DEAD && st!=REVIVE) return;
+  }
+  mn[i].ac=0;
+  t=mn[i].t-1;
+  switch(mn[i].st=st) {
+       case SLEEP: a=sleepanim[t];break;
+       case PAIN: a=painanim[t];break;
+       case WAIT: a=waitanim[t];break;
+       case CLIMB:
+       case RUN: case RUNOUT:
+       case GO: a=goanim[t];break;
+       case SHOOT:
+         if(t==MN_SKEL-1) {a="KKKKJJ";break;}
+         if(t==MN_ROBO-1) {a="MN";break;}
+       case ATTACK: a=attackanim[t];
+         if(st==ATTACK && t==MN_VILE-1) a="[[\\\\]]";
+         break;
+       case DIE:
+         if(g_map==9 && t==MN_BSP-1) Z_sound(pauksnd,128);
+         a=dieanim[t];break;
+       case DEAD:
+         a=deadanim[t];
+         if(mn[i].ap==slopanim[t]) a=messanim[t];
+         if(t==MN_BARREL-1) {mn[i].t=0;}
+         break;
+       case REVIVE:
+         a=(mn[i].ap==messanim[t])?slopanim[t]:dieanim[t];
+         mn[i].ac=strlen(a)-1;
+         mn[i].o.r=mnsz[t+1].r;mn[i].o.h=mnsz[t+1].h;
+         mn[i].life=mnsz[t+1].l;mn[i].ammo=mn[i].pain=0;
+         ++mnum;
+         break;
+  }
+  mn[i].ap=a;
+int MN_spawn(int x,int y,byte d,int t) {
+  int i;
+  if(g_dm && nomon && t<MN_PL_DEAD) return -1;
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(!mn[i].t) goto ok;
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t>=MN_PL_DEAD) goto ok;
+  return -1;
+  mn[i].o.x=x;mn[i].o.y=y;
+  mn[i].o.xv=mn[i].o.yv=mn[i].o.vx=mn[i].o.vy=0;
+  mn[i].d=d;mn[i].t=t;
+  mn[i].st=SLEEP;
+  if(t<MN_PL_DEAD) {
+    mn[i].o.r=mnsz[t].r;mn[i].o.h=mnsz[t].h;
+    mn[i].life=mnsz[t].l;
+    setst(i,SLEEP);mn[i].s=myrand(18);
+    ++mnum;
+  }else {mn[i].o.r=8;mn[i].o.h=6;mn[i].life=0;mn[i].st=DEAD;}
+  mn[i].aim=-3;mn[i].atm=0;
+  mn[i].pain=0;
+  mn[i].ammo=0;
+  mn[i].ftime=0;
+  return i;
+int MN_spawn_deadpl(obj_t *o,byte c,int t) {
+  int i;
+  if((i=MN_spawn(o->x,o->y,c,t+MN_PL_DEAD))==-1) return -1;
+  mn[i].o=*o;return i;
+static int isfriend(int a,int b) {
+  if(a==MN_BARREL || b==MN_BARREL) return 1;
+  if(a==b) switch(a) {
+    case MN_IMP: case MN_DEMON:
+    case MN_BARON: case MN_KNIGHT:
+    case MN_CACO: case MN_SOUL:
+    case MN_MANCUB: case MN_SKEL:
+    case MN_FISH:
+      return 1;
+  }
+  if(a==MN_SOUL && b==MN_PAIN) return 1;
+  if(b==MN_SOUL && a==MN_PAIN) return 1;
+  return 0;
+static int MN_findnewprey(int i) {
+  int a,b,l;
+  a=!PL_isdead(&pl1);
+  if(_2pl) b=!PL_isdead(&pl2); else b=0;
+  if(a) {
+       if(b) mn[i].aim=(abs(mn[i].o.x-pl1.o.x)+abs(mn[i].o.y-pl1.o.y)
+           <= abs(mn[i].o.x-pl2.o.x)+abs(mn[i].o.y-pl2.o.y))?-1:-2;
+       else mn[i].aim=-1;
+  }else{
+       if(b) mn[i].aim=-2;
+       else{
+         for(a=0,b=32000,mn[i].aim=-3;a<MAXMN;++a)
+           if(mn[a].t && mn[a].st!=DEAD && a!=i && !isfriend(mn[a].t,mn[i].t))
+             if((l=abs(mn[i].o.x-mn[a].o.x)+abs(mn[i].o.y-mn[a].o.y))<b)
+               {mn[i].aim=a;b=l;}
+         if(mn[i].aim<0) {mn[i].atm=MAX_ATM;return 0;} else mn[i].atm=0;
+       }
+  }
+  return 1;
+int Z_getobjpos(int i,obj_t *o) {
+  if(i==-1) {*o=pl1.o;return !PL_isdead(&pl1);}
+  if(_2pl) if(i==-2) {*o=pl2.o;return !PL_isdead(&pl2);}
+  if(i>=0 && i<MAXMN) if(mn[i].t && mn[i].st!=DEAD)
+       {*o=mn[i].o;return 1;}
+  return 0;
+static void *wakeupsnd(int t) {
+  switch(t) {
+       case MN_IMP: return impsitsnd[myrand(2)];
+       case MN_ZOMBY: case MN_SERG: case MN_CGUN:
+         return positsnd[myrand(3)];
+  }
+  return snd[t-1][3];
+static void *dthsnd(int t) {
+  switch(t) {
+       case MN_IMP: return impdthsnd[myrand(2)];
+       case MN_ZOMBY: case MN_SERG: case MN_CGUN:
+         return podthsnd[myrand(3)];
+  }
+  return snd[t-1][4];
+static int canshoot(int t) {
+  switch(t) {
+       case MN_DEMON: case MN_FISH: case MN_BARREL:
+         return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
+static int shoot(int i,obj_t *o,int n) {
+  int xd,yd,m;
+  if(mn[i].ammo<0) return 0;
+  if(!n) switch(mn[i].t) {
+       case MN_FISH: case MN_BARREL:
+       case MN_DEMON: return 0;
+       case MN_CGUN:
+       case MN_BSP:
+       case MN_ROBO:
+         if(++mn[i].ammo>=50) mn[i].ammo=(mn[i].t==MN_ROBO)?-200:-50;
+         break;
+       case MN_MAN:
+         break;
+       case MN_MANCUB:
+         if(++mn[i].ammo>=5) mn[i].ammo=-50;
+         break;
+       case MN_SPIDER:
+         if(++mn[i].ammo>=100) mn[i].ammo=-50;
+         break;
+       case MN_CYBER:
+         if(rand()&1) return 0;
+         if(++mn[i].ammo>=10) mn[i].ammo=-50;
+         break;
+       case MN_BARON: case MN_KNIGHT:
+         if(rand()&7) return 0;
+         break;
+       case MN_SKEL:
+         if(rand()&31) return 0;
+         break;
+       case MN_VILE:
+         if(rand()&7) return 0;
+         break;
+       case MN_PAIN:
+         if(rand()&7) return 0;
+         break;
+       default:
+         if(rand()&15) return 0;
+  }
+  if(!Z_look(&mn[i].o,o,mn[i].d)) return 0;
+  mn[i].atm=0;
+  mn[i].tx=o->x+(o->xv+o->vx)*6;mn[i].ty=o->y-o->h/2+(o->yv+o->vy)*6;
+  if(abs(mn[i].tx-mn[i].o.x)<abs(mn[i].ty-mn[i].o.y+mn[i].o.h/2)) return 0;
+  switch(mn[i].t) {
+       case MN_IMP: case MN_BARON: case MN_KNIGHT: case MN_CACO:
+         setst(i,SHOOT);Z_sound(firsnd,128);break;
+       case MN_SKEL:
+         setst(i,SHOOT);Z_sound(snd[MN_SKEL-1][2],128);break;
+       case MN_VILE:
+         mn[i].tx=o->x;mn[i].ty=o->y;
+         setst(i,SHOOT);Z_sound(fsnd,128);
+         Z_sound(snd[MN_VILE-1][2],128);break;
+       case MN_SOUL:
+         setst(i,ATTACK);Z_sound(snd[MN_SOUL-1][2],128);
+         yd=mn[i].ty-mn[i].o.y+mn[i].o.h/2;xd=mn[i].tx-mn[i].o.x;
+         if(!(m=max(abs(xd),abs(yd)))) m=1;
+         mn[i].o.xv=xd*16/m;mn[i].o.yv=yd*16/m;
+         break;
+       case MN_MANCUB: if(mn[i].ammo==1) Z_sound(snd[MN_MANCUB-1][2],128);
+       case MN_ZOMBY: case MN_SERG: case MN_BSP: case MN_ROBO:
+       case MN_CYBER: case MN_CGUN: case MN_SPIDER:
+       case MN_PAIN: case MN_MAN:
+         setst(i,SHOOT);break;
+       default:
+         return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
+static int kick(int i,obj_t *o) {
+  switch(mn[i].t) {
+       case MN_FISH:
+         setst(i,ATTACK);return 1;
+       case MN_DEMON:
+         setst(i,ATTACK);Z_sound(snd[0][2],128);return 1;
+       case MN_IMP:
+         setst(i,ATTACK);Z_sound(snd[1][2],128);return 1;
+       case MN_SKEL:
+         setst(i,ATTACK);Z_sound(swgsnd,128);return 1;
+       case MN_ROBO:
+         setst(i,ATTACK);Z_sound(swgsnd,128);return 1;
+       case MN_BARON: case MN_KNIGHT: case MN_CACO: case MN_MANCUB:
+         return shoot(i,o,1);
+  }
+  return 0;
+static int iscorpse(obj_t *o,int n) {
+  int i;
+  if(!n) if(rand()&7) return -3;
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t) if(mn[i].st==DEAD)
+    if(Z_overlap(o,&mn[i].o)) switch(mn[i].t) {
+      case MN_SOUL: case MN_PAIN:
+      case MN_CYBER: case MN_SPIDER:
+      case MN_PL_DEAD: case MN_PL_MESS:
+      case MN_VILE: case MN_BARREL:
+        continue;
+      default:
+        return i;
+    }
+  return -3;
+void MN_act(void) {
+  int i,st,sx,sy,t;
+  static obj_t o;
+  static int pt_x=0,pt_xs=1,pt_y=0,pt_ys=1;
+  if(abs(pt_x+=pt_xs) > 123) pt_xs=-pt_xs;
+  if(abs(pt_y+=pt_ys) > 50) pt_ys=-pt_ys;
+  if(gsndt>0) if(--gsndt==0) {
+       Z_sound(gsnd[myrand(4)],128);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if((t=mn[i].t)!=0) {
+  switch(t) {
+       case MN_FISH:
+         if(!Z_inwater(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.h)) break;
+       case MN_SOUL: case MN_PAIN: case MN_CACO:
+         if(mn[i].st!=DIE && mn[i].st!=DEAD) --mn[i].o.yv;
+         break;
+  }z_mon=1;st=Z_moveobj(&mn[i].o);z_mon=0;
+  BM_mark(&mn[i].o,BM_MONSTER);
+  if(st&Z_FALLOUT) {
+    if(t==MN_ROBO) g_exit=1;
+    mn[i].t=0;--mnum;continue;
+  }
+  if(st&Z_HITWATER) Z_splash(&mn[i].o,mn[i].o.r+mn[i].o.h);
+  SW_press(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.h,8,i);
+  if(mn[i].ftime) {
+    --mn[i].ftime;
+    SMK_flame(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,
+      mn[i].o.xv+mn[i].o.vx,mn[i].o.yv+mn[i].o.vy,
+      mn[i].o.r/2,mn[i].o.h/2,rand()%(200*2+1)-200,-500,1,mn[i].fobj);
+  }
+  if(st&Z_INWATER) mn[i].ftime=0;
+  if(mn[i].st==DEAD) continue;
+  if(st&Z_INWATER) if(!(rand()&31)) switch(t) {
+    case MN_FISH:
+      if(rand()&3) break;
+    case MN_ROBO: case MN_BARREL:
+    case MN_PL_DEAD: case MN_PL_MESS:
+      FX_bubble(mn[i].o.x+((rand()&1)*2-1)*myrand(mn[i].o.r+1),
+        mn[i].o.y-myrand(mn[i].o.h+1),0,0,1
+      );
+      break;
+    default:
+      FX_bubble(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h*3/4,0,0,5);
+  }
+  if(t==MN_BARREL) {
+    if(!mn[i].ap[++mn[i].ac]) {
+      mn[i].ac=0;if(mn[i].st==DIE || mn[i].st==DEAD) {mn[i].t=0;}
+    }else if(mn[i].st==DIE && mn[i].ac==2) Z_explode(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-8,30,mn[i].aim);
+    continue;
+  }
+  if(t==MN_SOUL) if(st&Z_HITAIR) Z_set_speed(&mn[i].o,16);
+  if(mn[i].ammo<0) ++mn[i].ammo;
+  if(mn[i].o.yv<0)
+       if(st&Z_INWATER) mn[i].o.yv=-4;
+  ++mn[i].atm;
+  switch(mn[i].st) {
+   case PAIN:
+       if(mn[i].pain>=mnsz[t].mp)
+         {mn[i].pain=mnsz[t].mp;Z_sound(snd[t-1][1],128);}
+       if((mn[i].pain-=5)<=mnsz[t].minp)
+         {setst(i,GO);mn[i].pain=0;mn[i].ammo=-9;}
+       break;
+   case SLEEP:
+       if(++mn[i].s>=18) mn[i].s=0; else break;
+       if(Z_look(&mn[i].o,&pl1.o,mn[i].d))
+         {setst(i,GO);mn[i].aim=-1;mn[i].atm=0;Z_sound(wakeupsnd(t),128);}
+       if(_2pl) if(Z_look(&mn[i].o,&pl2.o,mn[i].d))
+         {setst(i,GO);mn[i].aim=-2;mn[i].atm=0;Z_sound(wakeupsnd(t),128);}
+       break;
+   case WAIT:
+       if(--mn[i].s<0) setst(i,GO);
+       break;
+   case GO:
+        if(st&Z_BLOCK) {mn[i].d^=1;setst(i,RUNOUT);mn[i].s=40;break;}
+       if(t==MN_VILE) if(iscorpse(&mn[i].o,0)>=0) {
+         setst(i,ATTACK);mn[i].o.xv=0;break;
+       }
+       if(!Z_getobjpos(mn[i].aim,&o) || mn[i].atm>MAX_ATM)
+         if(!MN_findnewprey(i)) {
+               mn[i].aim=-3;
+               o.x=mn[i].o.x+pt_x;o.y=mn[i].o.y+pt_y;
+               o.xv=o.vx=o.yv=o.vy=o.r=0;o.h=1;
+         }else Z_getobjpos(mn[i].aim,&o);
+         if(Z_overlap(&mn[i].o,&o)) {
+           mn[i].atm=0;
+           if(kick(i,&o)) break;
+         }
+         sx=o.x-mn[i].o.x;
+         sy=o.y-o.h/2-mn[i].o.y+mn[i].o.h/2;
+         if(!(st&Z_BLOCK)) if(abs(sx)<20)
+           if(t!=MN_FISH) {setst(i,RUN);mn[i].s=15;mn[i].d=rand()&1;break;}
+         if(st&Z_HITWALL) {
+               if(SW_press(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.h,2,i))
+                 {setst(i,WAIT);mn[i].s=4;break;}
+               switch(t) {
+                 case MN_CACO: case MN_SOUL: case MN_PAIN: case MN_FISH:
+                       break;
+                 default:
+                       if(Z_canstand(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].o.r))
+                         {mn[i].o.yv=-mnsz[t].jv;setst(i,CLIMB);break;}
+               }break;
+         }
+         mn[i].d=(sx>0)?1:0;
+         if(canshoot(t))
+               if(abs(sx)>abs(sy)) if(shoot(i,&o,0)) break;
+         switch(t) {
+               case MN_FISH:
+                 if(!(st&Z_INWATER)) {
+                   if(Z_canstand(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].o.r)) {
+                     mn[i].o.yv=-6;
+                     mn[i].o.vx+=rand()%17-8;
+                   }setst(i,PAIN);mn[i].pain+=50;break;
+                 }
+               case MN_CACO: case MN_SOUL: case MN_PAIN:
+                 if(abs(sy)>4) mn[i].o.yv=(sy<0)?-4:4; else mn[i].o.yv=0;
+                 if(t==MN_FISH) if(mn[i].o.yv<0)
+                   if(!Z_inwater(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-8,mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.h))
+                     {mn[i].o.yv=0;setst(i,RUN);mn[i].d=rand()&1;mn[i].s=20;}
+                 break;
+               default:
+                 if(sy<-20) if(Z_canstand(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].o.r))
+                       if(!(rand()&3)) mn[i].o.yv=-mnsz[t].jv;
+         }
+       if(++mn[i].s>=8) {
+         mn[i].s=0;
+         if(!(rand()&7)) Z_sound(snd[t-1][0],128);
+       }
+       mn[i].o.xv=((mn[i].d)?1:-1)*mnsz[t].rv;
+       if(st&Z_INWATER) mn[i].o.xv/=2;
+         else if(t==MN_FISH) mn[i].o.xv=0;
+       break;
+   case RUN:
+        if(st&Z_BLOCK) {setst(i,RUNOUT);mn[i].d^=1;mn[i].s=40;break;}
+       if(--mn[i].s<=0 || ((st&Z_HITWALL) && mn[i].o.yv+mn[i].o.vy==0)) {
+         setst(i,GO);mn[i].s=0;if(st&(Z_HITWALL|Z_BLOCK)) mn[i].d^=1;
+         if(!(rand()&7)) Z_sound(snd[t-1][0],128);
+       }mn[i].o.xv=((mn[i].d)?1:-1)*mnsz[t].rv;
+       if(st&Z_INWATER) mn[i].o.xv/=2;
+         else if(t==MN_FISH) mn[i].o.xv=0;
+       break;
+   case RUNOUT:
+        if(!(st&Z_BLOCK) && mn[i].s>0) mn[i].s=0;
+       if(--mn[i].s<=-18) {
+         setst(i,GO);mn[i].s=0;if(st&(Z_HITWALL|Z_BLOCK)) mn[i].d^=1;
+         if(!(rand()&7)) Z_sound(snd[t-1][0],128);
+       }mn[i].o.xv=((mn[i].d)?1:-1)*mnsz[t].rv;
+       if(st&Z_INWATER) mn[i].o.xv/=2;
+         else if(t==MN_FISH) mn[i].o.xv=0;
+       break;
+   case CLIMB:
+       if(mn[i].o.yv+mn[i].o.vy>=0 || !(st&Z_HITWALL)) {
+         setst(i,GO);mn[i].s=0;
+         if(st&(Z_HITWALL|Z_BLOCK)) {mn[i].d^=1;setst(i,RUN);mn[i].s=15;}
+       }mn[i].o.xv=((mn[i].d)?1:-1)*mnsz[t].rv;
+       if(st&Z_INWATER) mn[i].o.xv/=2;
+         else if(t==MN_FISH) mn[i].o.xv=0;
+       break;
+   case ATTACK:
+   case SHOOT:
+       if(t==MN_SOUL) {if(st&(Z_HITWALL|Z_HITCEIL|Z_HITLAND)) setst(i,GO); break;}
+       if(t!=MN_FISH) mn[i].o.xv=Z_dec(mn[i].o.xv,1);
+       if(t==MN_VILE && mn[i].st==SHOOT) {
+          if(!Z_getobjpos(mn[i].aim,&o)) {setst(i,GO);break;}
+          if(!Z_look(&mn[i].o,&o,mn[i].d)) {setst(i,GO);break;}
+          if(Z_inwater(o.x,o.y,o.r,o.h)) {setst(i,GO);break;}
+          mn[i].tx=o.x;mn[i].ty=o.y;
+          Z_hitobj(mn[i].aim,2,i,HIT_SOME);
+       }break;
+  }
+  if(mn[i].st==REVIVE) {
+    if(--mn[i].ac==0) setst(i,GO);
+  }else ++mn[i].ac;
+  if(!mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]) switch(mn[i].st) {
+       case ATTACK:
+         switch(t) {
+               case MN_SOUL: mn[i].ac=0;
+               case MN_IMP:
+               case MN_DEMON:
+                 if(Z_hit(&mn[i].o,15,i,HIT_SOME)) if(t==MN_SOUL) setst(i,GO);
+                 break;
+               case MN_FISH:
+                 if(Z_hit(&mn[i].o,10,i,HIT_SOME))
+                   Z_sound(snd[MN_FISH-1][2],128);
+                 break;
+               case MN_SKEL: case MN_ROBO:
+                 o=mn[i].o;o.xv=mn[i].d?50:-50;
+                 if(Z_hit(&o,50,i,HIT_SOME)) Z_sound(pchsnd,128);
+                 break;
+               case MN_VILE:
+                 sx=iscorpse(&mn[i].o,1);
+                 if(sx==-3) break;
+                 if(!mn[sx].t || mn[sx].st!=DEAD) break;
+                 setst(sx,REVIVE);Z_sound(slopsnd,128);
+                 hit_xv=hit_yv=0;MN_hit(i,5,-3,HIT_SOME);
+                 break;
+         }if(t!=MN_SOUL && mn[i].st!=DIE) setst(i,GO);
+         break;
+       case SHOOT:
+         switch(t) {
+               case MN_IMP:
+                 WP_ball1(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_ZOMBY:
+                 WP_pistol(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_SERG:
+                 WP_shotgun(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_MAN:
+                 WP_dshotgun(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 mn[i].ammo=-36;break;
+               case MN_CYBER:
+                 WP_rocket(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_SKEL:
+                 WP_revf(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i,mn[i].aim);
+                 break;
+               case MN_CGUN:
+               case MN_SPIDER:
+                 WP_mgun(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_BSP:
+                 WP_aplasma(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_ROBO:
+                 WP_plasma(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*15,mn[i].o.y-30,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_MANCUB:
+                 WP_manfire(mn[i].o.x+(mn[i].d*2-1)*mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_BARON: case MN_KNIGHT:
+                 WP_ball7(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_CACO:
+                 WP_ball2(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,i);
+                 break;
+               case MN_PAIN:
+                 if((sx=MN_spawn(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].d,MN_SOUL))==-1) break;
+                 Z_getobjpos(mn[sx].aim=mn[i].aim,&o);mn[sx].atm=0;
+                 shoot(sx,&o,1);
+                 break;
+         }
+         if(t==MN_CGUN || t==MN_SPIDER || t==MN_BSP || t==MN_MANCUB || t==MN_ROBO)
+            if(!Z_getobjpos(mn[i].aim,&o)) MN_findnewprey(i);
+               else if(shoot(i,&o,0)) break;
+         setst(i,GO);break;
+       case DIE:
+         setst(i,DEAD);
+         if(t==MN_PAIN || t==MN_SOUL) mn[i].ftime=0;
+         if(t==MN_PAIN) {
+               if((sx=MN_spawn(mn[i].o.x-15,mn[i].o.y,0,MN_SOUL))==-1) break;
+               setst(sx,GO);
+               if((sx=MN_spawn(mn[i].o.x+15,mn[i].o.y,1,MN_SOUL))==-1) break;
+               setst(sx,GO);
+               if((sx=MN_spawn(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-10,1,MN_SOUL))==-1) break;
+               setst(sx,GO);
+         }break;
+       default: mn[i].ac=0;
+  }
+  switch(mn[i].st) {
+       case GO: case RUN: case CLIMB: case RUNOUT:
+         if(t==MN_CYBER || t==MN_SPIDER || t==MN_BSP) {
+           if(mn[i].ac==0 || mn[i].ac==6) Z_sound(snd[t-1][2],128);
+         }else if(t==MN_ROBO)
+           if(mn[i].ac==0 || mn[i].ac==12) Z_sound(snd[t-1][2],128);
+  }
+  }
+void MN_mark(void) {
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t!=0) BM_mark(&mn[i].o,BM_MONSTER);
+void MN_draw(void) {
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t) {
+       if(mn[i].t>=MN_PL_DEAD) {
+         Z_drawmanspr(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,pl_spr[mn[i].t-MN_PL_DEAD],0,mn[i].d);
+         continue;
+       }
+       if((mn[i].t!=MN_SOUL && mn[i].t!=MN_PAIN) || mn[i].st!=DEAD) {
+         if(mn[i].t!=MN_MAN)
+           Z_drawspr(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,
+               spr[mn[i].t-1][(mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]-'A')*2+mn[i].d],
+               sprd[mn[i].t-1][(mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]-'A')*2+mn[i].d]);
+         else{
+           if(mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]=='E' || mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]=='F')
+             Z_drawspr(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,sgun[mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]-'E'],mn[i].d);
+           Z_drawmanspr(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,
+               spr[mn[i].t-1][(mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]-'A')*2+mn[i].d],
+               sprd[mn[i].t-1][(mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]-'A')*2+mn[i].d],MANCOLOR);
+         }
+       }
+       if(mn[i].t==MN_VILE && mn[i].st==SHOOT) {
+         Z_drawspr(mn[i].tx,mn[i].ty,fspr[mn[i].ac/3],0);
+        }
+  }
+int MN_hit(int n,int d,int o,int t) {
+  int i;
+  if(mn[n].st==DEAD || mn[n].st==DIE) return 0;
+  if(o==n) {
+       if(t!=HIT_ROCKET && t!=HIT_ELECTRO) return 0;
+       if(mn[n].t==MN_CYBER || mn[n].t==MN_BARREL) return 1;
+  }
+  if(o>=0) {
+       if(mn[o].t==MN_SOUL && mn[n].t==MN_PAIN) return 0;
+       if(mn[o].t==mn[n].t) switch(mn[n].t) {
+         case MN_IMP: case MN_DEMON:
+         case MN_BARON: case MN_KNIGHT:
+         case MN_CACO: case MN_SOUL:
+         case MN_MANCUB: case MN_SKEL:
+         case MN_FISH:
+               return 0;
+       }
+  }
+  if(t==HIT_FLAME) if(mn[n].ftime && mn[n].fobj==o) {if(g_time&31) return 1;}
+    else {mn[n].ftime=255;mn[n].fobj=o;}
+  if(t==HIT_ELECTRO) if(mn[n].t==MN_FISH)
+    {setst(n,RUN);mn[n].s=20;mn[n].d=rand()&1;return 1;}
+  if(t==HIT_TRAP) mn[n].life=-100;
+  if(mn[n].t==MN_ROBO) d=0;
+  if((mn[n].life-=d)<=0) --mnum;
+  if(!mn[n].pain) mn[n].pain=3;
+  mn[n].pain+=d;
+  if(mn[n].st!=PAIN) {
+       if(mn[n].pain>=mnsz[mn[n].t].minp) setst(n,PAIN);
+  }
+  if(mn[n].t!=MN_BARREL)
+    DOT_blood(mn[n].o.x,mn[n].o.y-mn[n].o.h/2,hit_xv,hit_yv,d*2);
+  mn[n].aim=o;mn[n].atm=0;
+  if(mn[n].life<=0) {
+       if(mn[n].t!=MN_BARREL)
+         if(o==-1) ++pl1.kills;
+         else if(o==-2) ++pl2.kills;
+       setst(n,DIE);
+       switch(mn[n].t) {
+         case MN_ZOMBY: i=I_CLIP;break;
+         case MN_SERG: i=I_SGUN;break;
+         case MN_CGUN: i=I_MGUN;break;
+         case MN_MAN: i=I_KEYR;break;
+         default: i=0;
+       }if(i) IT_spawn(mn[n].o.x,mn[n].o.y,i);
+       mn[n].o.xv=0;mn[n].o.h=6;
+       if(mn[n].life<=-mnsz[mn[n].t].sp)
+         switch(mn[n].t) {
+               case MN_IMP: case MN_ZOMBY: case MN_SERG: case MN_CGUN:
+               case MN_MAN:
+                 mn[n].ap=slopanim[mn[n].t-1];
+                 Z_sound(slopsnd,128);
+                 break;
+               case MN_BSP: if(g_map==9) break;
+               default:
+                 Z_sound(dthsnd(mn[n].t),128);
+         }
+       else if(mn[n].t!=MN_BSP || g_map!=9) Z_sound(dthsnd(mn[n].t),128);
+       mn[n].life=0;
+  }else if(mn[n].st==SLEEP) {setst(n,GO);mn[n].pain=mnsz[mn[n].t].mp;}
+  return 1;
+#define hit(o,x,y) (y<=o.y && y>o.y-o.h && x>=o.x-o.r && x<=o.x+o.r)
+int Z_gunhit(int x,int y,int o,int xv,int yv) {
+  int i;
+  if(o!=-1) if(hit(pl1.o,x,y)) if(PL_hit(&pl1,3,o,HIT_SOME))
+    {pl1.o.vx+=xv;pl1.o.vy+=yv;return -1;}
+  if(_2pl && o!=-2) if(hit(pl2.o,x,y)) if(PL_hit(&pl2,3,o,HIT_SOME))
+    {pl2.o.vx+=xv;pl2.o.vy+=yv;return -2;}
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t && o!=i)
+    if(hit(mn[i].o,x,y)) if(MN_hit(i,3,o,HIT_SOME))
+      {mn[i].o.vx+=xv;mn[i].o.vy+=yv;return 1;}
+  return 0;
+static void goodsnd(void) {
+  if(!g_dm) return;
+  gsndt=18;
+int Z_hit(obj_t *o,int d,int own,int t) {
+  int i;
+  hit_xv=o->xv+o->vx;
+  hit_yv=o->yv+o->vy;
+  if(Z_overlap(o,&pl1.o)) if(PL_hit(&pl1,d,own,t)) {
+       pl1.o.vx+=(o->xv+o->vx)*((t==HIT_BFG)?8:1)/4;
+       pl1.o.vy+=(o->yv+o->vy)*((t==HIT_BFG)?8:1)/4;
+       if(t==HIT_BFG) goodsnd();
+       return -1;
+  }
+  if(_2pl) if(Z_overlap(o,&pl2.o)) if(PL_hit(&pl2,d,own,t)) {
+       pl2.o.vx+=(o->xv+o->vx)*((t==HIT_BFG)?8:1)/4;
+       pl2.o.vy+=(o->yv+o->vy)*((t==HIT_BFG)?8:1)/4;
+       if(t==HIT_BFG) goodsnd();
+       return -2;
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t)
+    if(Z_overlap(o,&mn[i].o)) if(MN_hit(i,d,own,t)) {
+         mn[i].o.vx+=(o->xv+o->vx)*((t==HIT_BFG)?8:1)/4;
+         mn[i].o.vy+=(o->yv+o->vy)*((t==HIT_BFG)?8:1)/4;
+         return 1;
+    }
+  return 0;
+void MN_killedp(void) {
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t==MN_MAN)
+    if(mn[i].st!=DEAD && mn[i].st!=DIE && mn[i].st!=SLEEP)
+      Z_sound(trupsnd,128);
+int Z_hitobj(int obj,int d,int own,int t) {
+  hit_xv=hit_yv=0;
+  if(obj==-1) return PL_hit(&pl1,d,own,t);
+  else if(obj==-2 && _2pl) return PL_hit(&pl2,d,own,t);
+  else if(obj<0 || obj>=MAXMN) return 0;
+  if(mn[obj].t) return MN_hit(obj,d,own,t);
+  return 0;
+void Z_explode(int x,int y,int rad,int own) {
+  long r;
+  int dx,dy,m,i;
+  if(x<-100 || x>FLDW*CELW+100) return;
+  if(y<-100 || y>FLDH*CELH+100) return;
+  r=(long)rad*rad;
+  dx=pl1.o.x-x;dy=pl1.o.y-pl1.o.h/2-y;
+  if((long)dx*dx+(long)dy*dy<r) {
+    if(!(m=max(abs(dx),abs(dy)))) m=1;
+       pl1.o.vx+=hit_xv=dx*10/m;
+       pl1.o.vy+=hit_yv=dy*10/m;
+       PL_hit(&pl1,100*(rad-m)/rad,own,HIT_ROCKET);
+  }
+  if(_2pl) {
+    dx=pl2.o.x-x;dy=pl2.o.y-pl2.o.h/2-y;
+    if((long)dx*dx+(long)dy*dy<r) {
+      if(!(m=max(abs(dx),abs(dy)))) m=1;
+         pl2.o.vx+=hit_xv=dx*10/m;
+         pl2.o.vy+=hit_yv=dy*10/m;
+      PL_hit(&pl2,100*(rad-m)/rad,own,HIT_ROCKET);
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t) {
+    dx=mn[i].o.x-x;dy=mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2-y;
+    if((long)dx*dx+(long)dy*dy<r) {
+      if(!(m=max(abs(dx),abs(dy)))) m=1;
+         mn[i].o.vx+=hit_xv=dx*10/m;
+         mn[i].o.vy+=hit_yv=dy*10/m;
+         MN_hit(i,mn[i].o.r*10*(rad-m)/rad,own,HIT_ROCKET);
+    }
+  }
+void Z_bfg9000(int x,int y,int own) {
+  int dx,dy,i;
+  hit_xv=hit_yv=0;
+  if(x<-100 || x>FLDW*CELW+100) return;
+  if(y<-100 || y>FLDH*CELH+100) return;
+  dx=pl1.o.x-x;dy=pl1.o.y-pl1.o.h/2-y;
+  if(own!=-1) if((long)dx*dx+(long)dy*dy<16000)
+   if(Z_cansee(x,y,pl1.o.x,pl1.o.y-pl1.o.h/2)) {
+    if(PL_hit(&pl1,50,own,HIT_SOME))
+      WP_bfghit(pl1.o.x,pl1.o.y-pl1.o.h/2,own);
+  }
+  if(_2pl) {
+    dx=pl2.o.x-x;dy=pl2.o.y-pl2.o.h/2-y;
+    if(own!=-2) if((long)dx*dx+(long)dy*dy<16000)
+     if(Z_cansee(x,y,pl2.o.x,pl2.o.y-pl2.o.h/2)) {
+      if(PL_hit(&pl2,50,own,HIT_SOME))
+       WP_bfghit(pl2.o.x,pl2.o.y-pl2.o.h/2,own);
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t && own!=i) {
+    dx=mn[i].o.x-x;dy=mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2-y;
+    if((long)dx*dx+(long)dy*dy<16000)
+     if(Z_cansee(x,y,mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2)) {
+      if(MN_hit(i,50,own,HIT_SOME))
+       WP_bfghit(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h/2,own);
+    }
+  }
+int Z_chktrap(int t,int d,int o,int ht) {
+  int i,s;
+  hit_xv=hit_yv=0;
+  s=0;
+  if(Z_istrapped(pl1.o.x,pl1.o.y,pl1.o.r,pl1.o.h)) {
+    s=1;
+       if(t) PL_hit(&pl1,d,o,ht);
+  }
+  if(_2pl) if(Z_istrapped(pl2.o.x,pl2.o.y,pl2.o.r,pl2.o.h)) {
+       s=1;
+       if(t) PL_hit(&pl2,d,o,ht);
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t && mn[i].st!=DEAD)
+    if(Z_istrapped(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].o.r,mn[i].o.h)) {
+      s=1;
+         if(t) MN_hit(i,d,o,ht);
+       }
+  return s;
+void Z_teleobj(int o,int x,int y) {
+  obj_t *p;
+  if(o==-1) p=&pl1.o;
+  else if(o==-2) p=&pl2.o;
+  else if(o>=0 && o<MAXMN) p=&mn[o].o;
+  else return;
+  FX_tfog(p->x,p->y);FX_tfog(p->x=x,p->y=y);
+  Z_sound(telesnd,128);
+void MN_warning(int l,int t,int r,int b) {
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;i<MAXMN;++i) if(mn[i].t && mn[i].t!=MN_CACO && mn[i].t!=MN_SOUL
+      && mn[i].t!=MN_PAIN && mn[i].t!=MN_FISH)
+    if(mn[i].st!=DIE && mn[i].st!=DEAD && mn[i].st!=SLEEP)
+      if(mn[i].o.x+mn[i].o.r>=l && mn[i].o.x-mn[i].o.r<=r
+      && mn[i].o.y>=t && mn[i].o.y-mn[i].o.h<=b)
+        if(Z_canstand(mn[i].o.x,mn[i].o.y,mn[i].o.r))
+          mn[i].o.yv=-mnsz[mn[i].t].jv;
diff --git a/monster.h b/monster.h
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..376b1a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/monster.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+   Copyright (C) Prikol Software 1996-1997
+   Copyright (C) Aleksey Volynskov 1996-1997
+   Copyright (C) <> 2011
+   This file is part of the Doom2D:Rembo project.
+   Doom2D:Rembo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+   published by the Free Software Foundation.
+   Doom2D:Rembo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this program; if not, see <> or
+   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+   51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
+// Monsters
+#define MAXMN 200
+  MN__LAST,
+void MN_init(void);
+void MN_alloc(void);
+int MN_spawn(int,int,byte,int);
+int MN_spawn_deadpl(obj_t *,byte,int);
+void MN_act(void);
+void MN_mark(void);
+void MN_draw(void);
+void MN_warning(int l,int t,int r,int b);
+void MN_killedp(void);