summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: d91ded7)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: d91ded7)
author | Alexander Shiryaev <> | |
Sun, 18 Nov 2012 21:00:41 +0000 (01:00 +0400) | ||
committer | Alexander Shiryaev <> | |
Sun, 18 Nov 2012 21:00:41 +0000 (01:00 +0400) |
66 files changed:
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Lang.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Lang.odc
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Lang.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Lang.odc
diff --git a/new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/PackedFiles.odc b/new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/PackedFiles.odc
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/PackedFiles.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/PackedFiles.odc
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/PackedFiles.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/PackedFiles.odc
diff --git a/new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/TextConv.odc b/new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/TextConv.odc
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/TextConv.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/TextConv.odc
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/TextConv.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/TextConv.odc
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/Mod/gen-Libc/Libc.txt.templ b/new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/Mod/gen-Libc/Libc.txt.templ
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+MODULE LinLibc [""];
+ (*
+ %%osname%%
+ %%machine%%
+ *)
+ NULL* = 0H;
+ FALSE* = 0;
+ TRUE* = 1;
+ CLOCKS_PER_SEC* = %%clockspersec%%;
+ MAP_FAILED* = -1;
+ (* MAP_PRIVATE, MAP_ANON (intFlags) *)
+ (* SA_SIGINFO (intFlags) *)
+ _NSIG* = %%nsig%%;
+ PAGE_SIZE* = 4096;
+ SIGSTKSZ* = %%sigstksz%%;
+ NAME_MAX* = %%namemax%%;
+ SEEK_SET* = 0;
+ SEEK_CUR* = 1;
+ SEEK_END* = 2;
+ P_tmpdir* = "/tmp";
+ (* O_RDWR, O_NONBLOCK (intFlags) *)
+ StrArray* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF PtrSTR;
+ (* PtrVoid, int, long, size_t, ssize_t, off_t, time_t, clock_t, sigjmp_buf *)
+ (* mode_t, intFlags, sigset_t (set) *)
+ tm* = POINTER TO tmDesc;
+ tmDesc* = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* NOTE: check record size *)
+ (* tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec, tm_wday [ , tm_gmtoff ] *)
+ END;
+ Ptrsiginfo_t* = POINTER TO siginfo_t;
+ siginfo_t = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* si_code, fault address *)
+ END;
+ Ptrucontext_t* = POINTER TO ucontext_t;
+ ucontext_t = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* IP, SP, FP *)
+ END;
+ sigaction_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: INTEGER; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; context: Ptrucontext_t),
+ sa_flags*: intFlags, sa_mask*: sigset_t
+ END;
+ stack_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ ss_sp*: PtrVoid, ss_size*: size_t, ss_flags*: intFlags
+ END;
+ stat_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ NOTE: check record size
+ st_mode*: mode_t, st_size*: off_t, st_mtime*: time_t
+ END;
+ PtrFILE* = PtrVoid;
+ PtrDIR* = PtrVoid;
+ PtrDirent* = POINTER TO Dirent;
+ Dirent = RECORD [untagged]
+ d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] NAME_MAX + 1 OF SHORTCHAR
+ END;
+ stdin*: INTEGER;
+ timezone*: INTEGER; (* or tm.tm_gmtoff *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location* (): PtrVoid;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (path: PtrSTR; VAR sp: stat_t): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] clock* (): clock_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mmap* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: intFlags; flags: intFlags; fd: int; offset: off_t): PtrVoid;
+ (* BSD *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] munmap* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mprotect* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: intFlags): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] calloc* (nmemb: size_t; size: size_t): PtrVoid;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] malloc* (size: size_t): PtrVoid;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] free* (ptr: PtrVoid);
+ (* AT&T *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] time* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): time_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] gmtime* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): tm;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] localtime* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): tm;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigsetjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; savemask: int): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] siglongjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; val: int);
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigemptyset* (VAR set: sigset_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigfillset* (VAR set: sigset_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaddset* (VAR set: sigset_t; signo: int): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigprocmask* (how: int; VAR [nil] set: sigset_t; VAR [nil] oset: sigset_t): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaction* (sig: int; VAR [nil] act: sigaction_t; VAR [nil] oact: sigaction_t): int;
+ (* BSD *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaltstack* (VAR [nil] ss: stack_t; VAR [nil] oss: stack_t): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] getenv* (s: PtrSTR): PtrSTR;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fopen* (path, mode: PtrSTR): PtrFILE;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fclose* (stream: PtrFILE): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fread* (ptr: PtrVoid; size: size_t; nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fwrite* (ptr: PtrVoid; size: size_t; nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fflush* (s: PtrFILE): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] printf* (s: PtrSTR): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89, XPG4 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fseek* (stream: PtrFILE; offset: long; whence: int): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] rename* (from, to: PtrSTR): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mkdir* (path: PtrSTR; mode: mode_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] opendir* (filename: PtrSTR): PtrDIR;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] readdir* (dirp: PtrDIR): PtrDirent;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] closedir* (dirp: PtrDIR): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89, XPG4.2 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] remove* (path: PtrSTR): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] getcwd* (buf: PtrSTR; size: size_t): PtrSTR;
+ (* ANSI C 99 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] exit* (status: int);
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] strftime* (buf: PtrSTR; maxsize: size_t; format: PtrSTR; timeptr: tm): size_t;
+ (* XXX: use fread instead *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fgets* (str: PtrSTR; size: int; stream: PtrFILE): PtrSTR;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] open* (path: PtrSTR; flags: intFlags; mode: mode_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] write* (d: int; buf: PtrVoid; nbytes: size_t): ssize_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] read* (d: int; buf: PtrVoid; nbytes: size_t): ssize_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] close* (d: int): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sysconf* (name: int): long;
+END LinLibc.
diff --git a/new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader.c b/new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader.c
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader.c
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader.c
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader.c
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader.c
diff --git a/new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Config.odc b/new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Config.odc
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Config.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Config.odc
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Config.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Config.odc
diff --git a/new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel_so_init.odc b/new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel_so_init.odc
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel_so_init.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel_so_init.odc
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel_so_init.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel_so_init.odc
diff --git a/new/_LinuxOpenBSD_Interp/Host/Mod/DevPackedFiles.odc b/new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_Interp/Host/Mod/DevPackedFiles.odc
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_Interp/Host/Mod/DevPackedFiles.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_Interp/Host/Mod/DevPackedFiles.odc
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_Interp/Host/Mod/DevPackedFiles.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_Interp/Host/Mod/DevPackedFiles.odc
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_Interp/build
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_Interp/build
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_Interp/build
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_Interp/build
similarity index 100%
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_Interp/pack-dev0
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_Interp/pack-dev0
rename from new/_LinuxOpenBSD_Interp/pack-dev0
rename to new/_FreeBSDLinuxOpenBSD_Interp/pack-dev0
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSDLinux_/Host/Mod/Console.odc b/new/_FreeBSDLinux_/Host/Mod/Console.odc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7453f8f
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSDLinux_/Host/Mod/Console.odc differ
index 0000000..7453f8f
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSDLinux_/Host/Mod/Console.odc differ
similarity index 63%
rename from new/_OpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Dates.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Dates.odc
index c8e1d4faf7500427d2403b34adcdf61bae6596e9..4aea2cd07000e1779a7a82dcfa63f8f57838414d 100644 (file)
Binary files a/new/_OpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Dates.odc and b/new/_FreeBSDOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Dates.odc differ
rename from new/_OpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Dates.odc
rename to new/_FreeBSDOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Dates.odc
index c8e1d4faf7500427d2403b34adcdf61bae6596e9..4aea2cd07000e1779a7a82dcfa63f8f57838414d 100644 (file)
Binary files a/new/_OpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Dates.odc and b/new/_FreeBSDOpenBSD_/Host/Mod/Dates.odc differ
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Host/Mod/Files.odc b/new/_FreeBSD_/Host/Mod/Files.odc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8f91c59
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/Host/Mod/Files.odc differ
index 0000000..8f91c59
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/Host/Mod/Files.odc differ
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/Dl.txt b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/Dl.txt
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+MODULE LinDl [""];
+ (*
+ A. V. Shiryaev, 2012.11
+ FreeBSD 9.0
+ 32-bit
+ *)
+ NULL* = 0H;
+ (* from FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/dlfcn.h *)
+ RTLD_LAZY* = 1;
+ RTLD_NOW* = 2;
+ RTLD_GLOBAL* = 100H;
+ RTLD_LOCAL* = 000H;
+ RTLD_TRACE* = 200H;
+ PtrVoid* = INTEGER;
+ HANDLE* = PtrVoid;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] dlopen* (file: PtrSTR; mode: INTEGER): HANDLE;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] dlclose* (handle: HANDLE): INTEGER;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] dlsym* (handle: HANDLE; symbol: PtrSTR): HANDLE;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] dlerror* (): PtrSTR;
+END LinDl.
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/Iconv.txt b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/Iconv.txt
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+MODULE LinIconv [""];
+ IMPORT Libc := LinLibc;
+ PtrVoid = Libc.PtrVoid;
+ PtrSTR* = Libc.PtrSTR;
+ size_t* = Libc.size_t;
+ iconv_t* = PtrVoid;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] iconv_open* ["libiconv_open"] (tocode, fromcode: PtrSTR): iconv_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] iconv_close* ["libiconv_close"] (cd: iconv_t): INTEGER;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] iconv* ["libiconv"] (cd: iconv_t; VAR [nil] inbuf: PtrSTR; VAR inbytesleft: size_t; VAR [nil] outbuf: PtrSTR; VAR outbytesleft: size_t): size_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] iconv_encode* ["libiconv"] (cd: iconv_t; VAR [nil] inbuf: PtrLSTR; VAR inbytesleft: size_t; VAR [nil] outbuf: PtrSTR; VAR outbytesleft: size_t): size_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] iconv_decode* ["libiconv"] (cd: iconv_t; VAR [nil] inbuf: PtrSTR; VAR inbytesleft: size_t; VAR [nil] outbuf: PtrLSTR; VAR outbytesleft: size_t): size_t;
+END LinIconv.
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/Libc.txt b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/Libc.txt
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+MODULE LinLibc [""];
+ (*
+ FreeBSD 9.0
+ i386
+ *)
+ NULL* = 0H;
+ FALSE* = 0;
+ TRUE* = 1;
+ CLOCKS_PER_SEC* = 128;
+ MAP_FAILED* = -1;
+ (* MAP_PRIVATE, MAP_ANON (intFlags) *)
+ MAP_SHARED* = {0}; (* share changes *)
+ MAP_PRIVATE* = {1}; (* changes are private *)
+ MAP_FIXED* = {4}; (* map addr must be exactly as requested *)
+ MAP_COPY* = MAP_PRIVATE; (* Obsolete *)
+ MAP_RENAME* = {5}; (* Sun: rename private pages to file *)
+ MAP_NORESERVE* = {6}; (* Sun: don't reserve needed swap area *)
+ MAP_RESERVED0080* = {7}; (* previously misimplemented MAP_INHERIT *)
+ MAP_RESERVED0100* = {8}; (* previously unimplemented MAP_NOEXTEND *)
+ MAP_HASSEMAPHORE* = {9}; (* region may contain semaphores *)
+ MAP_STACK* = {10}; (* region grows down, like a stack *)
+ MAP_NOSYNC* = {11}; (* page to but do not sync underlying file *)
+ MAP_FILE* = {}; (* map from file (default) *)
+ MAP_ANON* = {12}; (* allocated from memory, swap space *)
+ MAP_NOCORE* = {17}; (* dont include these pages in a coredump *)
+ MAP_PREFAULT_READ* = {18}; (* prefault mapping for reading *)
+ PROT_NONE* = {}; (* no permissions *)
+ PROT_READ* = {0}; (* pages can be read *)
+ PROT_WRITE* = {1}; (* pages can be written *)
+ PROT_EXEC* = {2}; (* pages can be executed *)
+ SIG_BLOCK* = 1; (* block specified signal set *)
+ SIG_UNBLOCK* = 2; (* unblock specified signal set *)
+ SIG_SETMASK* = 3; (* set specified signal set *)
+ FPE_INTOVF* = 1; (* Integer overflow. *)
+ FPE_INTDIV* = 2; (* Integer divide by zero. *)
+ FPE_FLTDIV* = 3; (* Floating point divide by zero. *)
+ FPE_FLTOVF* = 4; (* Floating point overflow. *)
+ FPE_FLTUND* = 5; (* Floating point underflow. *)
+ FPE_FLTRES* = 6; (* Floating point inexact result. *)
+ FPE_FLTINV* = 7; (* Invalid floating point operation. *)
+ FPE_FLTSUB* = 8; (* Subscript out of range. *)
+ (* SA_SIGINFO (intFlags) *)
+ SA_NOCLDSTOP* = {3}; (* do not generate SIGCHLD on child stop *)
+ SA_ONSTACK* = {0}; (* take signal on signal stack *)
+ SA_RESTART* = {1}; (* restart system call on signal return *)
+ SA_RESETHAND* = {2}; (* reset to SIG_DFL when taking signal *)
+ SA_NODEFER* = {4}; (* don't mask the signal we're delivering *)
+ SA_NOCLDWAIT* = {5}; (* don't keep zombies around *)
+ SA_SIGINFO* = {6}; (* signal handler with SA_SIGINFO args *)
+ SIGINT* = 2; (* interrupt *)
+ SIGILL* = 4; (* illegal instr. (not reset when caught) *)
+ SIGABRT* = 6; (* abort() *)
+ SIGFPE* = 8; (* floating point exception *)
+ SIGSEGV* = 11; (* segmentation violation *)
+ SIGTERM* = 15; (* software termination signal from kill *)
+ SIGRTMIN* = 65;
+ SIGRTMAX* = 126;
+ SIGHUP* = 1; (* hangup *)
+ SIGQUIT* = 3; (* quit *)
+ SIGTRAP* = 5; (* trace trap (not reset when caught) *)
+ SIGIOT* = SIGABRT; (* compatibility *)
+ SIGEMT* = 7; (* EMT instruction *)
+ SIGKILL* = 9; (* kill (cannot be caught or ignored) *)
+ SIGBUS* = 10; (* bus error *)
+ SIGSYS* = 12; (* non-existent system call invoked *)
+ SIGPIPE* = 13; (* write on a pipe with no one to read it *)
+ SIGALRM* = 14; (* alarm clock *)
+ SIGURG* = 16; (* urgent condition on IO channel *)
+ SIGSTOP* = 17; (* sendable stop signal not from tty *)
+ SIGTSTP* = 18; (* stop signal from tty *)
+ SIGCONT* = 19; (* continue a stopped process *)
+ SIGCHLD* = 20; (* to parent on child stop or exit *)
+ SIGTTIN* = 21; (* to readers pgrp upon background tty read *)
+ SIGTTOU* = 22; (* like TTIN if (tp->t_local<OSTOP) *)
+ SIGIO* = 23; (* input/output possible signal *)
+ SIGXCPU* = 24; (* exceeded CPU time limit *)
+ SIGXFSZ* = 25; (* exceeded file size limit *)
+ SIGVTALRM* = 26; (* virtual time alarm *)
+ SIGPROF* = 27; (* profiling time alarm *)
+ SIGWINCH* = 28; (* window size changes *)
+ SIGINFO* = 29; (* information request *)
+ SIGUSR1* = 30; (* user defined signal 1 *)
+ SIGUSR2* = 31; (* user defined signal 2 *)
+ SIGTHR* = 32; (* reserved by thread library. *)
+ SIGEV_NONE* = 0; (* No async notification. *)
+ SIGEV_SIGNAL* = 1; (* Generate a queued signal. *)
+ SIGEV_THREAD* = 2; (* Call back from another pthread. *)
+ _NSIG* = SIGTHR + 1;
+ PAGE_SIZE* = 4096;
+ _SC_MEMLOCK* = 30;
+ _SC_FSYNC* = 38;
+ _SC_TIMERS* = 41;
+ _SC_AIO_MAX* = 43;
+ _SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX* = 46;
+ _SC_PAGESIZE* = 47;
+ _SC_RTSIG_MAX* = 48;
+ _SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX* = 49;
+ _SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX* = 50;
+ _SC_TIMER_MAX* = 52;
+ _SC_2_PBS* = 59; (* user *)
+ _SC_2_PBS_ACCOUNTING* = 60; (* user *)
+ _SC_2_PBS_CHECKPOINT* = 61; (* user *)
+ _SC_2_PBS_LOCATE* = 62; (* user *)
+ _SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE* = 63; (* user *)
+ _SC_2_PBS_TRACK* = 64; (* user *)
+ _SC_BARRIERS* = 66; (* user *)
+ _SC_CPUTIME* = 68;
+ _SC_GETGR_R_SIZE_MAX* = 70; (* user *)
+ _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX* = 71; (* user *)
+ _SC_HOST_NAME_MAX* = 72;
+ _SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX* = 75;
+ _SC_READER_WRITER_LOCKS* = 76; (* user *)
+ _SC_REGEXP* = 77; (* user *)
+ _SC_SHELL* = 78; (* user *)
+ _SC_SPAWN* = 79; (* user *)
+ _SC_SPIN_LOCKS* = 80; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKADDR* = 82; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_ATTR_STACKSIZE* = 83; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_CPUTIME* = 84; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_KEYS_MAX* = 86; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_PRIO_INHERIT* = 87; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_PRIO_PROTECT* = 88; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_PROCESS_SHARED* = 90; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS* = 91; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_SPORADIC_SERVER* = 92; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_STACK_MIN* = 93; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREAD_THREADS_MAX* = 94; (* user *)
+ _SC_TIMEOUTS* = 95; (* user *)
+ _SC_THREADS* = 96; (* user *)
+ _SC_TRACE* = 97; (* user *)
+ _SC_TRACE_EVENT_FILTER* = 98; (* user *)
+ _SC_TRACE_INHERIT* = 99; (* user *)
+ _SC_TRACE_LOG* = 100; (* user *)
+ _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX* = 101; (* user *)
+ _SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32* = 103; (* user *)
+ _SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG* = 104; (* user *)
+ _SC_V6_LP64_OFF64* = 105; (* user *)
+ _SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG* = 106; (* user *)
+ _SC_IPV6* = 118;
+ _SC_RAW_SOCKETS* = 119;
+ _SC_SYMLOOP_MAX* = 120;
+ _SC_ATEXIT_MAX* = 107; (* user *)
+ _SC_IOV_MAX* = 56;
+ _SC_XOPEN_CRYPT* = 108; (* user *)
+ _SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N* = 109; (* user *)
+ _SC_XOPEN_LEGACY* = 110; (* user *)
+ _SC_XOPEN_SHM* = 113;
+ _SC_XOPEN_UNIX* = 115;
+ _SC_XOPEN_XCU_VERSION* = 117; (* user *)
+ _SC_CPUSET_SIZE* = 122;
+ SIGSTKSZ* = 512 * 4 + 32768 (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *);
+ EPERM* = 1; (* Operation not permitted *)
+ ENOENT* = 2; (* No such file or directory *)
+ ESRCH* = 3; (* No such process *)
+ EINTR* = 4; (* Interrupted system call *)
+ EIO* = 5; (* Input/output error *)
+ ENXIO* = 6; (* Device not configured *)
+ E2BIG* = 7; (* Argument list too long *)
+ ENOEXEC* = 8; (* Exec format error *)
+ EBADF* = 9; (* Bad file descriptor *)
+ ECHILD* = 10; (* No child processes *)
+ EDEADLK* = 11; (* Resource deadlock avoided *)
+ ENOMEM* = 12; (* Cannot allocate memory *)
+ EACCES* = 13; (* Permission denied *)
+ EFAULT* = 14; (* Bad address *)
+ EBUSY* = 16; (* Device busy *)
+ EEXIST* = 17; (* File exists *)
+ EXDEV* = 18; (* Cross-device link *)
+ ENODEV* = 19; (* Operation not supported by device *)
+ ENOTDIR* = 20; (* Not a directory *)
+ EISDIR* = 21; (* Is a directory *)
+ EINVAL* = 22; (* Invalid argument *)
+ ENFILE* = 23; (* Too many open files in system *)
+ EMFILE* = 24; (* Too many open files *)
+ ENOTTY* = 25; (* Inappropriate ioctl for device *)
+ EFBIG* = 27; (* File too large *)
+ ENOSPC* = 28; (* No space left on device *)
+ ESPIPE* = 29; (* Illegal seek *)
+ EROFS* = 30; (* Read-only filesystem *)
+ EMLINK* = 31; (* Too many links *)
+ EPIPE* = 32; (* Broken pipe *)
+ EDOM* = 33; (* Numerical argument out of domain *)
+ ERANGE* = 34; (* Result too large *)
+ EAGAIN* = 35; (* Resource temporarily unavailable *)
+ ENAMETOOLONG* = 63; (* File name too long *)
+ ENOTEMPTY* = 66; (* Directory not empty *)
+ ENOLCK* = 77; (* No locks available *)
+ ENOSYS* = 78; (* Function not implemented *)
+ EBADMSG* = 89; (* Bad message *)
+ EMULTIHOP* = 90; (* Multihop attempted *)
+ ENOLINK* = 91; (* Link has been severed *)
+ EPROTO* = 92; (* Protocol error *)
+ ENOTBLK* = 15; (* Block device required *)
+ ETXTBSY* = 26; (* Text file busy *)
+ EWOULDBLOCK* = EAGAIN; (* Operation would block *)
+ EINPROGRESS* = 36; (* Operation now in progress *)
+ EALREADY* = 37; (* Operation already in progress *)
+ ENOTSOCK* = 38; (* Socket operation on non-socket *)
+ EDESTADDRREQ* = 39; (* Destination address required *)
+ EMSGSIZE* = 40; (* Message too long *)
+ EPROTOTYPE* = 41; (* Protocol wrong type for socket *)
+ ENOPROTOOPT* = 42; (* Protocol not available *)
+ EPROTONOSUPPORT* = 43; (* Protocol not supported *)
+ ESOCKTNOSUPPORT* = 44; (* Socket type not supported *)
+ EOPNOTSUPP* = 45; (* Operation not supported *)
+ ENOTSUP* = EOPNOTSUPP; (* Operation not supported *)
+ EPFNOSUPPORT* = 46; (* Protocol family not supported *)
+ EAFNOSUPPORT* = 47; (* Address family not supported by protocol family *)
+ EADDRINUSE* = 48; (* Address already in use *)
+ EADDRNOTAVAIL* = 49; (* Can't assign requested address *)
+ ENETDOWN* = 50; (* Network is down *)
+ ENETUNREACH* = 51; (* Network is unreachable *)
+ ENETRESET* = 52; (* Network dropped connection on reset *)
+ ECONNABORTED* = 53; (* Software caused connection abort *)
+ ECONNRESET* = 54; (* Connection reset by peer *)
+ ENOBUFS* = 55; (* No buffer space available *)
+ EISCONN* = 56; (* Socket is already connected *)
+ ENOTCONN* = 57; (* Socket is not connected *)
+ ESHUTDOWN* = 58; (* Can't send after socket shutdown *)
+ ETOOMANYREFS* = 59; (* Too many references: can't splice *)
+ ETIMEDOUT* = 60; (* Operation timed out *)
+ ECONNREFUSED* = 61; (* Connection refused *)
+ ELOOP* = 62; (* Too many levels of symbolic links *)
+ EHOSTDOWN* = 64; (* Host is down *)
+ EHOSTUNREACH* = 65; (* No route to host *)
+ EPROCLIM* = 67; (* Too many processes *)
+ EUSERS* = 68; (* Too many users *)
+ EDQUOT* = 69; (* Disc quota exceeded *)
+ ESTALE* = 70; (* Stale NFS file handle *)
+ EREMOTE* = 71; (* Too many levels of remote in path *)
+ EBADRPC* = 72; (* RPC struct is bad *)
+ ERPCMISMATCH* = 73; (* RPC version wrong *)
+ EPROGUNAVAIL* = 74; (* RPC prog. not avail *)
+ EPROGMISMATCH* = 75; (* Program version wrong *)
+ EPROCUNAVAIL* = 76; (* Bad procedure for program *)
+ EFTYPE* = 79; (* Inappropriate file type or format *)
+ EAUTH* = 80; (* Authentication error *)
+ ENEEDAUTH* = 81; (* Need authenticator *)
+ EIDRM* = 82; (* Identifier removed *)
+ ENOMSG* = 83; (* No message of desired type *)
+ EOVERFLOW* = 84; (* Value too large to be stored in data type *)
+ ECANCELED* = 85; (* Operation canceled *)
+ EILSEQ* = 86; (* Illegal byte sequence *)
+ ENOATTR* = 87; (* Attribute not found *)
+ EDOOFUS* = 88; (* Programming error *)
+ ENOTCAPABLE* = 93; (* Capabilities insufficient *)
+ ECAPMODE* = 94; (* Not permitted in capability mode *)
+ ELAST* = 94; (* Must be equal largest errno *)
+ ERESTART* = -1; (* restart syscall *)
+ EJUSTRETURN* = -2; (* don't modify regs, just return *)
+ ENOIOCTL* = -3; (* ioctl not handled by this layer *)
+ EDIRIOCTL* = -4; (* do direct ioctl in GEOM *)
+ NAME_MAX* = 255;
+ SEEK_SET* = 0;
+ SEEK_CUR* = 1;
+ SEEK_END* = 2;
+ P_tmpdir* = "/tmp";
+ (* O_RDWR, O_NONBLOCK (intFlags) *)
+ O_SHLOCK* = {4}; (* open with shared file lock *)
+ O_EXLOCK* = {5}; (* open with exclusive file lock *)
+ O_ASYNC* = {6}; (* signal pgrp when data ready *)
+ O_FSYNC* = {7}; (* synchronous writes *)
+ O_NOFOLLOW* = {8}; (* don't follow symlinks *)
+ O_DIRECT* = {16};
+ O_DIRECTORY* = {17}; (* Fail if not directory *)
+ O_EXEC* = {18}; (* Open for execute only *)
+ O_TTY_INIT* = {19}; (* Restore default termios attributes *)
+ O_CLOEXEC* = {20};
+ O_RDONLY* = {}; (* open for reading only *)
+ O_WRONLY* = {0}; (* open for writing only *)
+ O_RDWR* = {1}; (* open for reading and writing *)
+ O_ACCMODE* = {0,1}; (* mask for above modes *)
+ O_NONBLOCK* = {2}; (* no delay *)
+ O_APPEND* = {3}; (* set append mode *)
+ O_SYNC* = {7}; (* POSIX synonym for O_FSYNC *)
+ O_CREAT* = {9}; (* create if nonexistent *)
+ O_TRUNC* = {10}; (* truncate to zero length *)
+ O_EXCL* = {11}; (* error if already exists *)
+ O_NOCTTY* = {15}; (* don't assign controlling terminal *)
+ StrArray* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF PtrSTR;
+ (* PtrVoid, int, long, size_t, ssize_t, off_t, time_t, clock_t, sigjmp_buf *)
+ (* mode_t, intFlags, sigset_t (set) *)
+ PtrVoid* = INTEGER;
+ int* = INTEGER;
+ long* = INTEGER;
+ ulong* = INTEGER;
+ size_t* = INTEGER;
+ ssize_t* = INTEGER;
+ off_t* = LONGINT;
+ clock_t* = INTEGER;
+ time_t* = INTEGER;
+ mode_t* = SHORTINT;
+ pid_t* = INTEGER;
+ uid_t* = INTEGER;
+ gid_t* = INTEGER;
+ dev_t* = INTEGER;
+ ino_t* = INTEGER;
+ nlink_t* = SHORTINT;
+ int8_t* = SHORTCHAR;
+ uint8_t* = SHORTCHAR;
+ int16_t* = SHORTINT;
+ uint16_t* = SHORTINT;
+ int32_t* = INTEGER;
+ uint32_t* = INTEGER;
+ int64_t* = LONGINT;
+ uint64_t* = LONGINT;
+ wchar_t* = INTEGER;
+ sigset_t* = ARRAY [untagged] 4 OF SET;
+ sigjmp_buf* = ARRAY [untagged] 12 OF INTEGER;
+ intFlags* = SET;
+ blkcnt_t* = LONGINT;
+ blksize_t* = INTEGER;
+ fflags_t* = SET;
+ tm* = POINTER TO tmDesc;
+ tmDesc* = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* NOTE: check record size *)
+ (* tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec, tm_wday [ , tm_gmtoff ] *)
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/time.h *)
+ tm_sec*: int; (* seconds after the minute [0-60] *)
+ tm_min*: int; (* minutes after the hour [0-59] *)
+ tm_hour*: int; (* hours since midnight [0-23] *)
+ tm_mday*: int; (* day of the month [1-31] *)
+ tm_mon*: int; (* months since January [0-11] *)
+ tm_year*: int; (* years since 1900 *)
+ tm_wday*: int; (* days since Sunday [0-6] *)
+ tm_yday*: int; (* days since January 1 [0-365] *)
+ tm_isdst*: int; (* Daylight Savings Time flag *)
+ tm_gmtoff*: long; (* offset from UTC in seconds *)
+ tm_zone*: PtrSTR; (* timezone abbreviation *)
+ END;
+ Ptrsiginfo_t* = POINTER TO siginfo_t;
+ siginfo_t = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* si_code, fault address *)
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ si_signo*: int; (* signal number *)
+ si_errno*: int; (* errno association *)
+ si_code*: int; (* signal code *)
+ si_pid*: pid_t; (* sending process *)
+ si_uid*: uid_t; (* sender's ruid *)
+ si_status*: int; (* exit value *)
+ si_addr*: PtrVoid; (* faulting instruction *)
+ si_value*: sigval; (* signal value *)
+ si_value*: PtrVoid;
+ _reason*: RECORD [union]
+ _fault*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _trapno*: int; (* machine specific trap code *)
+ END;
+ _timer*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _timerid*: int;
+ _overrun*: int;
+ END;
+ _mesgq*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _mqd*: int;
+ END;
+ _poll*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _band*: long; (* band event for SIGPOLL *)
+ END;
+ __spare__: RECORD [untagged]
+ __spare1__: long;
+ __spare2__: ARRAY [untagged] 7 OF int;
+ END;
+ END;
+ END;
+ Ptrucontext_t* = POINTER TO ucontext_t;
+ ucontext_t = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* IP, SP, FP *)
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/machine/signal.h *)
+ sc_mask*: sigset_t; (* signal mask to restore *)
+ sc_onstack*: int; (* sigstack state to restore *)
+ sc_gs*: int; (* machine state (struct trapframe) *)
+ sc_fs*: int;
+ sc_es*: int;
+ sc_ds*: int;
+ sc_edi*: int;
+ sc_esi*: int;
+ sc_ebp*: int;
+ sc_isp*: int;
+ sc_ebx*: int;
+ sc_edx*: int;
+ sc_ecx*: int;
+ sc_eax*: int;
+ sc_trapno*: int;
+ sc_err*: int;
+ sc_eip*: int;
+ sc_cs*: int;
+ sc_efl*: int;
+ sc_esp*: int;
+ sc_ss*: int;
+ sc_len*: int; (* sizeof(mcontext_t) *)
+ (*
+ * XXX - See <machine/ucontext.h> and <machine/npx.h> for
+ * the following fields.
+ *)
+ sc_fpformat: int;
+ sc_ownedfp: int;
+ sc_spare1: ARRAY [untagged] 1 OF int;
+ sc_fpstate: ARRAY [untagged] 128 OF int; (* FIXME: __aligned(16) *)
+ sc_fsbase: int;
+ sc_gsbase: int;
+ sc_spare2: ARRAY 6 OF int;
+ END;
+ sigaction_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: INTEGER; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; context: Ptrucontext_t),
+ sa_flags*: intFlags, sa_mask*: sigset_t
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: int; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; ptr: Ptrucontext_t); (* signal handler *)
+ sa_flags*: intFlags; (* see options *)
+ sa_mask*: sigset_t; (* signal mask to apply *)
+ END;
+ stack_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ ss_sp*: PtrVoid, ss_size*: size_t, ss_flags*: intFlags
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ ss_sp*: PtrVoid; (* signal stack base *)
+ ss_size*: size_t; (* signal stack length *)
+ ss_flags*: intFlags; (* SS_DISABLE and/or SS_ONSTACK *)
+ END;
+ stat_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ NOTE: check record size
+ st_mode*: mode_t, st_size*: off_t, st_mtime*: time_t
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/stat.h *)
+ st_dev*: dev_t; (* inode's device *)
+ st_ino*: ino_t; (* inode's number *)
+ st_mode*: mode_t; (* inode protection mode *)
+ st_nlink*: nlink_t; (* number of hard links *)
+ st_uid*: uid_t; (* user ID of the file's owner *)
+ st_gid*: gid_t; (* group ID of the file's group *)
+ st_rdev*: dev_t; (* device type *)
+ st_atim: timespec_t; (* time of last access *)
+ st_mtim: timespec_t; (* time of last data modification *)
+ st_ctim: timespec_t; (* time of last file status change *)
+ st_atime*: time_t;
+ st_atimensec*: long;
+ st_mtime*: time_t;
+ st_mtimensec*: long;
+ st_ctime*: time_t;
+ st_ctimensec*: long;
+ st_size*: off_t; (* file size, in bytes *)
+ st_blocks*: blkcnt_t; (* blocks allocated for file *)
+ st_blksize*: blksize_t; (* optimal blocksize for I/O *)
+ st_flags*: fflags_t; (* user defined flags for file *)
+ st_gen*: uint32_t; (* file generation number *)
+ st_lspare*: int32_t;
+ st_birthtim: timespec_t; (* time of file creation *)
+ __st_birthtime*: time_t;
+ __st_birthtimensec*: long;
+ ___pad: ARRAY [untagged] 2 OF INTEGER; (* FreeBSD 9.0: sizeof(struct stat) = 96 B *)
+ END;
+ PtrFILE* = PtrVoid;
+ PtrDIR* = PtrVoid;
+ PtrDirent* = POINTER TO Dirent;
+ Dirent = RECORD [untagged]
+ d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] NAME_MAX + 1 OF SHORTCHAR
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/dirent.h *)
+ d_fileno*: uint32_t; (* file number of entry *)
+ d_reclen*: uint16_t; (* length of this record *)
+ d_type*: uint8_t; (* file type, see below *)
+ d_namlen*: uint8_t; (* length of string in d_name *)
+ d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] 255 + 1 (* 256 *) OF SHORTCHAR;
+ END;
+ stdin*: INTEGER;
+ timezone*: INTEGER; (* or tm.tm_gmtoff *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location* (): PtrVoid;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (path: PtrSTR; VAR sp: stat_t): int;
+ errno*: INTEGER;
+ stdin* ["__stdinp"]: PtrFILE;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (path: PtrSTR; VAR sp: stat_t): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] clock* (): clock_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mmap* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: intFlags; flags: intFlags; fd: int; offset: off_t): PtrVoid;
+ (* BSD *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] munmap* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mprotect* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: intFlags): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] calloc* (nmemb: size_t; size: size_t): PtrVoid;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] malloc* (size: size_t): PtrVoid;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] free* (ptr: PtrVoid);
+ (* AT&T *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] time* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): time_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] gmtime* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): tm;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] localtime* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): tm;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigsetjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; savemask: int): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] siglongjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; val: int);
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigemptyset* (VAR set: sigset_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigfillset* (VAR set: sigset_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaddset* (VAR set: sigset_t; signo: int): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigprocmask* (how: int; VAR [nil] set: sigset_t; VAR [nil] oset: sigset_t): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaction* (sig: int; VAR [nil] act: sigaction_t; VAR [nil] oact: sigaction_t): int;
+ (* BSD *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaltstack* (VAR [nil] ss: stack_t; VAR [nil] oss: stack_t): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] getenv* (s: PtrSTR): PtrSTR;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fopen* (path, mode: PtrSTR): PtrFILE;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fclose* (stream: PtrFILE): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fread* (ptr: PtrVoid; size: size_t; nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fwrite* (ptr: PtrVoid; size: size_t; nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fflush* (s: PtrFILE): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] printf* (s: PtrSTR): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89, XPG4 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fseek* (stream: PtrFILE; offset: long; whence: int): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] rename* (from, to: PtrSTR): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mkdir* (path: PtrSTR; mode: mode_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] opendir* (filename: PtrSTR): PtrDIR;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] readdir* (dirp: PtrDIR): PtrDirent;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] closedir* (dirp: PtrDIR): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89, XPG4.2 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] remove* (path: PtrSTR): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] getcwd* (buf: PtrSTR; size: size_t): PtrSTR;
+ (* ANSI C 99 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] exit* (status: int);
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] strftime* (buf: PtrSTR; maxsize: size_t; format: PtrSTR; timeptr: tm): size_t;
+ (* XXX: use fread instead *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fgets* (str: PtrSTR; size: int; stream: PtrFILE): PtrSTR;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] open* (path: PtrSTR; flags: intFlags; mode: mode_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] write* (d: int; buf: PtrVoid; nbytes: size_t): ssize_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] read* (d: int; buf: PtrVoid; nbytes: size_t): ssize_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] close* (d: int): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sysconf* (name: int): long;
+END LinLibc.
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/Makefile b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/Makefile
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# This is BSD Makefile
+# ${.TARGET} $@
+# ${.ALLSRC} $^
+# ${.IMPSRC} $<
+PY = python2.7
+DEFS = clockspersec defs-map defs-prot defs-sigmask defs-signo defs-fpe defs-sa defs-errno namemax defs-fcntlo defs-basictypes defs-sc
+all: Libc.txt ${DEFS} strerrnocase.txt
+Libc.txt: Libc.txt.templ ${DEFS} libver osname machine custom fields-dirent fields-sigaction fields-siginfo fields-stack fields-stat fields-tm fields-ucontext
+ ${PY} ./ Libc.txt.templ ${.TARGET}
+clockspersec: /usr/include/time.h
+ grep CLOCKS_PER_SEC ${.ALLSRC} | head -1 | awk '{print $$3}' | tr -d '\n' > ${.TARGET}
+defs-map: /usr/include/sys/mman.h
+ ./ 2 1 s ${.ALLSRC} | grep " MAP_" > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 2 s ${.ALLSRC} | grep " MAP_" >> ${.TARGET}
+defs-prot: /usr/include/sys/mman.h
+ ./ 2 1 s ${.ALLSRC} | grep " PROT_" > ${.TARGET}
+defs-sigmask: /usr/include/sys/signal.h
+ ./ 2 2 i ${.ALLSRC} | grep " SIG_" > ${.TARGET}
+defs-signo: /usr/include/sys/signal.h
+ ./ 2 1 i ${.ALLSRC} | grep " SIG" > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 2 i ${.ALLSRC} | grep " SIG" | grep -v SIG_ >> ${.TARGET}
+defs-fpe: /usr/include/sys/signal.h
+ ./ 2 2 i ${.ALLSRC} | grep " FPE_" > ${.TARGET}
+defs-sa: /usr/include/sys/signal.h
+ ./ 2 2 s ${.ALLSRC} | grep " SA_" > ${.TARGET}
+defs-errno: /usr/include/sys/errno.h
+ ./ 2 0 i ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 1 i ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 2 i ${.ALLSRC} >> ${.TARGET}
+namemax: /usr/include/sys/syslimits.h
+ grep " NAME_MAX " ${.ALLSRC} | head -1 | awk '{print $$3}' | tr -d '\n' > ${.TARGET}
+defs-fcntlo: /usr/include/fcntl.h
+ ./ 2 2 s ${.ALLSRC} | grep -v compat | grep " O_" > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 1 s ${.ALLSRC} | grep " O_" >> ${.TARGET}
+defs-basictypes: sizeofs
+ ./sizeofs > ${.TARGET}
+defs-sc: /usr/include/unistd.h
+ ./ 2 1 i ${.ALLSRC} | grep _SC_ > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 2 i ${.ALLSRC} | grep _SC_ > ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep MADV | sed 's/_//' > ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep MADV >> ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep ILL_ >> ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep SEGV_ >> ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep BUS_ >> ${.TARGET}
+dumpstrerrno.c: defs-errno
+ grep -v ERESTART ${.ALLSRC} | grep -v EJUSTRETURN | grep -v ENOIOCTL | grep -v EDIRIOCTL | ./ > ${.TARGET}
+strerrnocase.txt: dumpstrerrno
+ ./dumpstrerrno | ./ > ${.TARGET}
+ rm -f ${DEFS} Libc.txt dumpstrerrno dumpstrerrno.c strerrnocase.txt sizeofs
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/custom b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/custom
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ errno*: INTEGER;
+ stdin* ["__stdinp"]: PtrFILE;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (path: PtrSTR; VAR sp: stat_t): int;
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/ b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-dirent b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-dirent
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/dirent.h *)
+ d_fileno*: uint32_t; (* file number of entry *)
+ d_reclen*: uint16_t; (* length of this record *)
+ d_type*: uint8_t; (* file type, see below *)
+ d_namlen*: uint8_t; (* length of string in d_name *)
+ d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] 255 + 1 (* 256 *) OF SHORTCHAR;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-sigaction b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-sigaction
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: int; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; ptr: Ptrucontext_t); (* signal handler *)
+ sa_flags*: intFlags; (* see options *)
+ sa_mask*: sigset_t; (* signal mask to apply *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-siginfo b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-siginfo
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ si_signo*: int; (* signal number *)
+ si_errno*: int; (* errno association *)
+ si_code*: int; (* signal code *)
+ si_pid*: pid_t; (* sending process *)
+ si_uid*: uid_t; (* sender's ruid *)
+ si_status*: int; (* exit value *)
+ si_addr*: PtrVoid; (* faulting instruction *)
+ si_value*: sigval; (* signal value *)
+ si_value*: PtrVoid;
+ _reason*: RECORD [union]
+ _fault*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _trapno*: int; (* machine specific trap code *)
+ END;
+ _timer*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _timerid*: int;
+ _overrun*: int;
+ END;
+ _mesgq*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _mqd*: int;
+ END;
+ _poll*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _band*: long; (* band event for SIGPOLL *)
+ END;
+ __spare__: RECORD [untagged]
+ __spare1__: long;
+ __spare2__: ARRAY [untagged] 7 OF int;
+ END;
+ END;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-stack b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-stack
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ ss_sp*: PtrVoid; (* signal stack base *)
+ ss_size*: size_t; (* signal stack length *)
+ ss_flags*: intFlags; (* SS_DISABLE and/or SS_ONSTACK *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-stat b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-stat
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/stat.h *)
+ st_dev*: dev_t; (* inode's device *)
+ st_ino*: ino_t; (* inode's number *)
+ st_mode*: mode_t; (* inode protection mode *)
+ st_nlink*: nlink_t; (* number of hard links *)
+ st_uid*: uid_t; (* user ID of the file's owner *)
+ st_gid*: gid_t; (* group ID of the file's group *)
+ st_rdev*: dev_t; (* device type *)
+ st_atim: timespec_t; (* time of last access *)
+ st_mtim: timespec_t; (* time of last data modification *)
+ st_ctim: timespec_t; (* time of last file status change *)
+ st_atime*: time_t;
+ st_atimensec*: long;
+ st_mtime*: time_t;
+ st_mtimensec*: long;
+ st_ctime*: time_t;
+ st_ctimensec*: long;
+ st_size*: off_t; (* file size, in bytes *)
+ st_blocks*: blkcnt_t; (* blocks allocated for file *)
+ st_blksize*: blksize_t; (* optimal blocksize for I/O *)
+ st_flags*: fflags_t; (* user defined flags for file *)
+ st_gen*: uint32_t; (* file generation number *)
+ st_lspare*: int32_t;
+ st_birthtim: timespec_t; (* time of file creation *)
+ __st_birthtime*: time_t;
+ __st_birthtimensec*: long;
+ ___pad: ARRAY [untagged] 2 OF INTEGER; (* FreeBSD 9.0: sizeof(struct stat) = 96 B *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-tm b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-tm
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/time.h *)
+ tm_sec*: int; (* seconds after the minute [0-60] *)
+ tm_min*: int; (* minutes after the hour [0-59] *)
+ tm_hour*: int; (* hours since midnight [0-23] *)
+ tm_mday*: int; (* day of the month [1-31] *)
+ tm_mon*: int; (* months since January [0-11] *)
+ tm_year*: int; (* years since 1900 *)
+ tm_wday*: int; (* days since Sunday [0-6] *)
+ tm_yday*: int; (* days since January 1 [0-365] *)
+ tm_isdst*: int; (* Daylight Savings Time flag *)
+ tm_gmtoff*: long; (* offset from UTC in seconds *)
+ tm_zone*: PtrSTR; (* timezone abbreviation *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-ucontext b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-ucontext
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/machine/signal.h *)
+ sc_mask*: sigset_t; (* signal mask to restore *)
+ sc_onstack*: int; (* sigstack state to restore *)
+ sc_gs*: int; (* machine state (struct trapframe) *)
+ sc_fs*: int;
+ sc_es*: int;
+ sc_ds*: int;
+ sc_edi*: int;
+ sc_esi*: int;
+ sc_ebp*: int;
+ sc_isp*: int;
+ sc_ebx*: int;
+ sc_edx*: int;
+ sc_ecx*: int;
+ sc_eax*: int;
+ sc_trapno*: int;
+ sc_err*: int;
+ sc_eip*: int;
+ sc_cs*: int;
+ sc_efl*: int;
+ sc_esp*: int;
+ sc_ss*: int;
+ sc_len*: int; (* sizeof(mcontext_t) *)
+ (*
+ * XXX - See <machine/ucontext.h> and <machine/npx.h> for
+ * the following fields.
+ *)
+ sc_fpformat: int;
+ sc_ownedfp: int;
+ sc_spare1: ARRAY [untagged] 1 OF int;
+ sc_fpstate: ARRAY [untagged] 128 OF int; (* FIXME: __aligned(16) *)
+ sc_fsbase: int;
+ sc_gsbase: int;
+ sc_spare2: ARRAY 6 OF int;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/libver b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/libver
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/machine b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/machine
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/ b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/ b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/nsig b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/nsig
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/osname b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/osname
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+FreeBSD 9.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/sigstksz b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/sigstksz
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+512 * 4 + 32768 (* FreeBSD 9.0 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/sizeofs.c b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/sizeofs.c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/signal.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define TABS "\t\t"
+#define FALSE (0)
+#define TRUE (1)
+static void D (const char *s, int sz, int set, int export)
+ int res;
+ res = printf("%s%s", TABS, s);
+ if (export) {
+ res = printf("*");
+ }
+ res = printf(" = ");
+ if (sz == 1) {
+ res = printf("SHORTCHAR");
+ } else if (sz == 2) {
+ res = printf("SHORTINT");
+ } else if (sz == 4) {
+ if (set) {
+ res = printf("SET");
+ } else {
+ res = printf("INTEGER");
+ }
+ } else if (sz == 8) {
+ if (set) {
+ res = printf("ARRAY [untagged] 2 OF SET");
+ } else {
+ res = printf("LONGINT");
+ }
+ } else {
+ res = printf("ARRAY [untagged] ");
+ if (sz % 4 == 0) {
+ if (set) {
+ res = printf("%d OF SET", sz / 4);
+ } else {
+ res = printf("%d OF INTEGER", sz / 4);
+ }
+ } else {
+ res = printf("%d OF SHORTCHAR", sz);
+ }
+ }
+ res = printf(";\n");
+int main ()
+ D("PtrVoid", sizeof(void *), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int", sizeof(int), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("long", sizeof(long), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("ulong", sizeof(unsigned long), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("size_t", sizeof(size_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("ssize_t", sizeof(ssize_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("off_t", sizeof(off_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("clock_t", sizeof(clock_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("time_t", sizeof(time_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("mode_t", sizeof(mode_t), TRUE, TRUE);
+ D("pid_t", sizeof(pid_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("uid_t", sizeof(uid_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("gid_t", sizeof(gid_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("dev_t", sizeof(dev_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("ino_t", sizeof(ino_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("nlink_t", sizeof(nlink_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int8_t", sizeof(int8_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("uint8_t", sizeof(u_int8_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int16_t", sizeof(int16_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("uint16_t", sizeof(u_int16_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int32_t", sizeof(int32_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("uint32_t", sizeof(u_int32_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int64_t", sizeof(int64_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("uint64_t", sizeof(u_int64_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("wchar_t", sizeof(wchar_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("sigset_t", sizeof(sigset_t), TRUE, TRUE);
+ D("sigjmp_buf", sizeof(sigjmp_buf), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("intFlags", sizeof(int), TRUE, TRUE);
+ /* D("FILE", sizeof(FILE), FALSE, FALSE); */
+ D("blkcnt_t", sizeof(blkcnt_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("blksize_t", sizeof(blksize_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("fflags_t", sizeof(fflags_t), TRUE, TRUE);
+ return 0;
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/ b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/Makefile b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/Makefile
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# This is BSD Makefile
+# ${.TARGET} $@
+# ${.ALLSRC} $^
+# ${.IMPSRC} $<
+CFLAGS += -Wall -O0 -g
+all: loader
+loader: loader.c
+ ${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+ rm -f loader
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..425a7b3
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader differ
index 0000000..425a7b3
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/Lin/Rsrc/loader/loader differ
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc b/new/_FreeBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aaa8e8a
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc differ
index 0000000..aaa8e8a
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc differ
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/ b/new/_FreeBSD_/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6ef9ef5
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/ differ
index 0000000..6ef9ef5
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/ differ
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/ b/new/_FreeBSD_/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e4df9fb
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/ differ
index 0000000..e4df9fb
Binary files /dev/null and b/new/_FreeBSD_/ differ
diff --git a/new/_FreeBSD_/loader b/new/_FreeBSD_/loader
--- /dev/null
+++ b/new/_FreeBSD_/loader
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_Linux_/Host/Mod/Console.odc b/new/_Linux_/Host/Mod/Console.odc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 51590a7..0000000
Binary files a/new/_Linux_/Host/Mod/Console.odc and /dev/null differ
index 51590a7..0000000
Binary files a/new/_Linux_/Host/Mod/Console.odc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/new/_Linux_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/ b/new/_Linux_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_Linux_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/ b/new/_Linux_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
index d3c865f59449d673024f744a0a591373b79b2508..a1aa80e66235486c779c158bbe2952f610b3a47d 100644 (file)
# This is GNU Makefile
-# $@ $@
+# ${.TARGET} $@
# ${.ALLSRC} $^
# ${.IMPSRC} $<
index 463cb43908e40b20d2d1ca645c675b086aacb059..fef8217bb512f941a40c5ce2810baf56aabe18eb 100644 (file)
Binary files a/new/_Linux_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc and b/new/_Linux_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc differ
Binary files a/new/_Linux_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc and b/new/_Linux_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc differ
index 79c595d441d9a42213c3523568e4bddb37e3939f..4df672dd96a1350eb30a11fba4be69abd2dff776 100644 (file)
NULL* = 0H;
index c6e699dbc162257003a413417648970c4e321e42..325b6fd6a98a20e102648e8c1f936a25cafc25fa 100644 (file)
MODULE LinLibc [""];
- A. V. Shiryaev, 2012.11
- Based on Linux' LinLibc (OpenBUGS Lin/Mod/Libc.odc)
OpenBSD 5.2
- 32-bit
+ i386
NULL* = 0H;
- TRUE* = 1;
FALSE* = 0;
+ TRUE* = 1;
- (* file constants *)
- SEEK_SET* = 0;
- SEEK_CUR* = 1;
- SEEK_END* = 2;
- NAME_MAX* = 255; (* OpenBSD /usr/include/sys/syslimits.h *)
+ CLOCKS_PER_SEC* = 100;
- (* The value of CLOCKS_PER_SEC is required to be 1 million on all XSI-conformant systems.*)
- CLOCKS_PER_SEC* = 100; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/time.h CLOCKS_PER_SEC *)
+ MAP_FAILED* = -1;
- (* temp directory defined in stdio.h *)
- P_tmpdir* = "/tmp";
+ (* MAP_PRIVATE, MAP_ANON (intFlags) *)
+ MAP_SHARED* = {0}; (* share changes *)
+ MAP_PRIVATE* = {1}; (* changes are private *)
+ MAP_COPY* = {2}; (* "copy" region at mmap time *)
+ MAP_FIXED* = {4}; (* map addr must be exactly as requested *)
+ MAP_RENAME* = {5}; (* Sun: rename private pages to file *)
+ MAP_NORESERVE* = {6}; (* Sun: don't reserve needed swap area *)
+ MAP_INHERIT* = {7}; (* region is retained after exec *)
+ MAP_NOEXTEND* = {8}; (* for MAP_FILE, don't change file size *)
+ MAP_HASSEMAPHORE* = {9}; (* region may contain semaphores *)
+ MAP_TRYFIXED* = {10}; (* attempt hint address, even within heap *)
+ MAP_FILE* = {}; (* map from file (default) *)
+ MAP_ANON* = {12}; (* allocated from memory, swap space *)
+ MAP_FLAGMASK* = {0..2,4..12};
+ MAP_INHERIT_SHARE* = {}; (* share with child *)
+ MAP_INHERIT_COPY* = {0}; (* copy into child *)
+ MAP_INHERIT_NONE* = {1}; (* absent from child *)
+ PROT_NONE* = {}; (* no permissions *)
+ PROT_READ* = {0}; (* pages can be read *)
+ PROT_WRITE* = {1}; (* pages can be written *)
+ PROT_EXEC* = {2}; (* pages can be executed *)
+ SIG_BLOCK* = 1; (* block specified signal set *)
+ SIG_UNBLOCK* = 2; (* unblock specified signal set *)
+ SIG_SETMASK* = 3; (* set specified signal set *)
+ FPE_INTDIV* = 1; (* integer divide by zero *)
+ FPE_INTOVF* = 2; (* integer overflow *)
+ FPE_FLTDIV* = 3; (* floating point divide by zero *)
+ FPE_FLTOVF* = 4; (* floating point overflow *)
+ FPE_FLTUND* = 5; (* floating point underflow *)
+ FPE_FLTRES* = 6; (* floating point inexact result *)
+ FPE_FLTINV* = 7; (* invalid floating point operation *)
+ FPE_FLTSUB* = 8; (* subscript out of range *)
+ (* SA_SIGINFO (intFlags) *)
+ SA_NOCLDSTOP* = {3}; (* do not generate SIGCHLD on child stop *)
+ SA_ONSTACK* = {0}; (* take signal on signal stack *)
+ SA_RESTART* = {1}; (* restart system on signal return *)
+ SA_RESETHAND* = {2}; (* reset to SIG_DFL when taking signal *)
+ SA_NODEFER* = {4}; (* don't mask the signal we're delivering *)
+ SA_NOCLDWAIT* = {5}; (* don't create zombies (assign to pid 1) *)
+ SA_SIGINFO* = {6}; (* generate siginfo_t *)
- (* signal constants *) (* Fake signal functions. *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- SIG_ERR* = -1; (* Error return. *)
- SIG_DFL* = 0; (* Default action. *)
- SIG_IGN* = 1; (* Ignore signal. *)
- SIG_HOLD* = 3; (* Add signal to hold mask. *) (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signalvar.h *)
- (* Signals. *)
- (* OpenBSD /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- _NSIG* = 33; (* counting 0 (mask is 1-32) *)
SIGHUP* = 1; (* hangup *)
SIGINT* = 2; (* interrupt *)
SIGQUIT* = 3; (* quit *)
SIGWINCH* = 28; (* window size changes *)
SIGTHR* = 32; (* thread library AST *)
- (* Bits in `sa_flags'. *)
- SA_NOCLDSTOP* = {3}; (* do not generate SIGCHLD on child stop *)
- SA_ONSTACK* = {0}; (* take signal on signal stack *)
- SA_RESTART* = {1}; (* restart system on signal return *)
- SA_RESETHAND* = {2}; (* reset to SIG_DFL when taking signal *)
- SA_NODEFER* = {4}; (* don't mask the signal we're delivering *)
- SA_NOCLDWAIT* = {5}; (* don't create zombies (assign to pid 1) *)
- SA_SIGINFO* = {6}; (* generate siginfo_t *)
+ _NSIG* = 33;
- (* Some aliases for the SA_ constants. *)
+ PAGE_SIZE* = 4096;
- (* code values for siginfo_t.si_code *)
- (* OpenBSD /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h *)
- FPE_INTDIV* = 1; (* integer divide by zero *)
- FPE_INTOVF* = 2; (* integer overflow *)
- FPE_FLTDIV* = 3; (* floating point divide by zero *)
- FPE_FLTOVF* = 4; (* floating point overflow *)
- FPE_FLTUND* = 5; (* floating point underflow *)
- FPE_FLTRES* = 6; (* floating point inexact result *)
- FPE_FLTINV* = 7; (* invalid floating point operation *)
- FPE_FLTSUB* = 8; (* subscript out of range *)
- ILL_ILLOPC* = 1; (* illegal opcode *)
- ILL_ILLOPN* = 2; (* illegal operand *)
- ILL_ILLADR* = 3; (* illegal addressing mode *)
- ILL_ILLTRP* = 4; (* illegal trap *)
- ILL_PRVOPC* = 5; (* privileged opcode *)
- ILL_PRVREG* = 6; (* privileged register *)
- ILL_COPROC* = 7; (* co-processor *)
- ILL_BADSTK* = 8; (* bad stack *)
- SEGV_MAPERR* = 1; (* address not mapped to object *)
- SEGV_ACCERR* = 2; (* invalid permissions *)
- BUS_ADRALN* = 1; (* invalid address alignment *)
- BUS_ADRERR* = 2; (* non-existent physical address *)
- BUS_OBJERR* = 3; (* object specific hardware error *)
- (* possible error constants for errno *)
- (* /usr/include/sys/errno.h *)
- EPERM* = 1; (* Operation not permitted *)
- ENOENT* = 2; (* No such file or directory *)
- ESRCH* = 3; (* No such process *)
- EINTR* = 4; (* Interrupted system call *)
- EIO* = 5; (* Input/output error *)
- ENXIO* = 6; (* Device not configured *)
- E2BIG* = 7; (* Argument list too long *)
- ENOEXEC* = 8; (* Exec format error *)
- EBADF* = 9; (* Bad file descriptor *)
- ECHILD* = 10; (* No child processes *)
- EDEADLK* = 11; (* Resource deadlock avoided *)
- ENOMEM* = 12; (* Cannot allocate memory *)
- EACCES* = 13; (* Permission denied *)
- EFAULT* = 14; (* Bad address *)
- EBUSY* = 16; (* Device busy *)
- EEXIST* = 17; (* File exists *)
- EXDEV* = 18; (* Cross-device link *)
- ENODEV* = 19; (* Operation not supported by device *)
- ENOTDIR* = 20; (* Not a directory *)
- EISDIR* = 21; (* Is a directory *)
- EINVAL* = 22; (* Invalid argument *)
- ENFILE* = 23; (* Too many open files in system *)
- EMFILE* = 24; (* Too many open files *)
- ENOTTY* = 25; (* Inappropriate ioctl for device *)
- ETXTBSY* = 26; (* Text file busy *)
- EFBIG* = 27; (* File too large *)
- ENOSPC* = 28; (* No space left on device *)
- ESPIPE* = 29; (* Illegal seek *)
- EROFS* = 30; (* Read-only file system *)
- EMLINK* = 31; (* Too many links *)
- EPIPE* = 32; (* Broken pipe *)
- EDOM* = 33; (* Numerical argument out of domain *)
- ERANGE* = 34; (* Result too large *)
- EAGAIN* = 35; (* Resource temporarily unavailable *)
- EWOULDBLOCK* = EAGAIN; (* Operation would block *)
- EINPROGRESS* = 36; (* Operation now in progress *)
- EALREADY* = 37; (* Operation already in progress *)
- ENOTSOCK* = 38; (* Socket operation on non-socket *)
- EDESTADDRREQ* = 39; (* Destination address required *)
- EMSGSIZE* = 40; (* Message too long *)
- EPROTOTYPE* = 41; (* Protocol wrong type for socket *)
- ENOPROTOOPT* = 42; (* Protocol not available *)
- EPROTONOSUPPORT* = 43; (* Protocol not supported *)
- EOPNOTSUPP* = 45; (* Operation not supported *)
- EAFNOSUPPORT* = 47; (* Address family not supported by protocol family *)
- EADDRINUSE* = 48; (* Address already in use *)
- EADDRNOTAVAIL* = 49; (* Can't assign requested address *)
- ENETDOWN* = 50; (* Network is down *)
- ENETUNREACH* = 51; (* Network is unreachable *)
- ENETRESET* = 52; (* Network dropped connection on reset *)
- ECONNABORTED* = 53; (* Software caused connection abort *)
- ECONNRESET* = 54; (* Connection reset by peer *)
- ENOBUFS* = 55; (* No buffer space available *)
- EISCONN* = 56; (* Socket is already connected *)
- ENOTCONN* = 57; (* Socket is not connected *)
- ETIMEDOUT* = 60; (* Operation timed out *)
- ECONNREFUSED* = 61; (* Connection refused *)
- ELOOP* = 62; (* Too many levels of symbolic links *)
- ENAMETOOLONG* = 63; (* File name too long *)
- ENOTEMPTY* = 66; (* Directory not empty *)
- EDQUOT* = 69; (* Disk quota exceeded *)
- ESTALE* = 70; (* Stale NFS file handle *)
- ENOLCK* = 77; (* No locks available *)
- ENOSYS* = 78; (* Function not implemented *)
- EILSEQ* = 84; (* Illegal byte sequence *)
- EIDRM* = 89; (* Identifier removed *)
- ENOMSG* = 90; (* No message of desired type *)
- ENOTSUP* = 91; (* Not supported *)
- ENOTBLK* = 15; (* Block device required *)
- ESOCKTNOSUPPORT* = 44; (* Socket type not supported *)
- EPFNOSUPPORT* = 46; (* Protocol family not supported *)
- ESHUTDOWN* = 58; (* Can't send after socket shutdown *)
- ETOOMANYREFS* = 59; (* Too many references: can't splice *)
- EHOSTDOWN* = 64; (* Host is down *)
- EHOSTUNREACH* = 65; (* No route to host *)
- EPROCLIM* = 67; (* Too many processes *)
- EUSERS* = 68; (* Too many users *)
- EREMOTE* = 71; (* Too many levels of remote in path *)
- EBADRPC* = 72; (* RPC struct is bad *)
- ERPCMISMATCH* = 73; (* RPC version wrong *)
- EPROGUNAVAIL* = 74; (* RPC prog. not avail *)
- EPROGMISMATCH* = 75; (* Program version wrong *)
- EPROCUNAVAIL* = 76; (* Bad procedure for program *)
- EFTYPE* = 79; (* Inappropriate file type or format *)
- EAUTH* = 80; (* Authentication error *)
- ENEEDAUTH* = 81; (* Need authenticator *)
- EIPSEC* = 82; (* IPsec processing failure *)
- ENOATTR* = 83; (* Attribute not found *)
- ENOMEDIUM* = 85; (* No medium found *)
- EMEDIUMTYPE* = 86; (* Wrong Medium Type *)
- EOVERFLOW* = 87; (* Conversion overflow *)
- ECANCELED* = 88; (* Operation canceled *)
- ELAST* = 91; (* Must be equal largest errno *)
- ERESTART* = -1; (* restart syscall *)
- EJUSTRETURN* = -2; (* don't modify regs, just return *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/setjmp.h *)
- _JBLEN = 10;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/mman.h *)
- MAP_FAILED* = -1;
- PROT_NONE* = {}; (* no permissions *)
- PROT_READ* = {0}; (* pages can be read *)
- PROT_WRITE* = {1}; (* pages can be written *)
- PROT_EXEC* = {2}; (* pages can be executed *)
- MAP_SHARED* = {0}; (* share changes *)
- MAP_PRIVATE* = {1}; (* changes are private *)
- MAP_COPY* = {2}; (* "copy" region at mmap time *)
- MAP_FIXED* = {4}; (* map addr must be exactly as requested *)
- MAP_RENAME* = {5}; (* Sun: rename private pages to file *)
- MAP_NORESERVE* = {6}; (* Sun: don't reserve needed swap area *)
- MAP_INHERIT* = {7}; (* region is retained after exec *)
- MAP_NOEXTEND* = {8}; (* for MAP_FILE, don't change file size *)
- MAP_HASSEMAPHORE* = {9}; (* region may contain semaphores *)
- MAP_TRYFIXED* = {10}; (* attempt hint address, even within heap *)
- MAP_FILE* = {}; (* map from file (default) *)
- MAP_ANON* = {12}; (* allocated from memory, swap space *)
- MAP_FLAGMASK* = {0..2,4..12};
- MAP_INHERIT_SHARE* = {}; (* share with child *)
- MAP_INHERIT_COPY* = {0}; (* copy into child *)
- MAP_INHERIT_NONE* = {1}; (* absent from child *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/param.h *)
- PAGE_SHIFT* = 12;
- PAGE_SIZE* = 4096; (* LSL(1, PAGE_SHIFT) *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2: /usr/include/fcntl.h *)
- O_SHLOCK* = {4}; (* open with shared file lock *)
- O_EXLOCK* = {5}; (* open with exclusive file lock *)
- O_ASYNC* = {6}; (* signal pgrp when data ready *)
- O_NOFOLLOW* = {8}; (* if path is a symlink, don't follow *)
- O_SYNC* = {7}; (* synchronous writes *)
- O_RDONLY* = {}; (* open for reading only *)
- O_WRONLY* = {0}; (* open for writing only *)
- O_RDWR* = {1}; (* open for reading and writing *)
- O_ACCMODE* = {0,1}; (* mask for above modes *)
- O_NONBLOCK* = {2}; (* no delay *)
- O_APPEND* = {3}; (* set append mode *)
- O_CREAT* = {9}; (* create if nonexistent *)
- O_TRUNC* = {10}; (* truncate to zero length *)
- O_EXCL* = {11}; (* error if already exists *)
- O_DSYNC* = O_SYNC; (* synchronous data writes *)
- O_RSYNC* = O_SYNC; (* synchronous reads *)
- O_NOCTTY* = {15}; (* don't assign controlling terminal *)
- O_CLOEXEC* = {16}; (* atomically set FD_CLOEXEC *)
- O_DIRECTORY* = {17}; (* fail if not a directory *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/unistd.h *)
_SC_ARG_MAX* = 1;
_SC_CLK_TCK* = 3;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/mman.h *)
- POSIX_MADV_NORMAL* = 0; (* no further special treatment *)
- POSIX_MADV_RANDOM* = 1; (* expect random page references *)
- POSIX_MADV_SEQUENTIAL* = 2; (* expect sequential page references *)
- POSIX_MADV_WILLNEED* = 3; (* will need these pages *)
- POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED* = 4; (* don't need these pages *)
- MADV_SPACEAVAIL* = 5; (* insure that resources are reserved *)
- MADV_FREE* = 6; (* pages are empty, free them *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- MINSIGSTKSZ* = 8192; (* minimum allowable stack *)
- SIGSTKSZ* = MINSIGSTKSZ + 32768; (* recommended stack size *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- SIG_BLOCK* = 1; (* block specified signal set *)
- SIG_UNBLOCK* = 2; (* unblock specified signal set *)
- SIG_SETMASK* = 3; (* set specified signal set *)
- (* OpenBSD OK *)
- __ftw_func_t* = PROCEDURE (fileName: PtrSTR; VAR [nil] stat: stat_t; flag: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: OK *)
- PtrVoid* = INTEGER;
- (* PtrWSTR* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF CHAR; *)
- PtrInt* = INTEGER;
- StrArray* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF PtrSTR;
- PtrProc* = INTEGER;
- clock_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/_types.h: 32-bit *)
- (* jmp_buf* = ARRAY [untagged] 6 OF INTEGER; (* bx, si, di, bp, sp, pc *) *)
- jmp_buf* = ARRAY [untagged] _JBLEN OF INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- mode_t* = SET; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
- off_t* = LONGINT; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 64-bit *)
+ SIGSTKSZ* = 8192 + 32768;
- SelectorFunc* = PROCEDURE (dirent: Dirent): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: OK *)
- CmpFunc* = PROCEDURE (VAR [nil] dirent1, dirent2: PtrDirent): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: OK *)
- size_t* = INTEGER; (* should be unsigned int *) (* OpenBSD 5.2: /usr/include/i386/_types.h: 32-bit *)
- ssize_t* = INTEGER; (* signed int *) (* OpenBSD 5.2: /usr/include/i386/_types.h: 32-bit *)
- sigjmp_buf* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- buf*: jmp_buf;
- (* mask_was_saved*: INTEGER;
- saved_mask*: sigset_t; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- xxx: INTEGER;
- END;
- PtrDirent* = POINTER TO Dirent;
- PtrDirentArray* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF Dirent;
- Dirent* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/dirent.h *)
- (*
- d_ino*: INTEGER; (* inode number *)
- d_off*: off_t; (* offset to this dirent *)
- d_reclen*: SHORTINT; (* length of this d_name *)
- d_type*: BYTE;
- d_name*: ARRAY[untagged] NAME_MAX+1 OF SHORTCHAR; (* file name (null-terminated) *)
- *)
- d_fileno*: INTEGER;
- d_reclen*: SHORTINT;
- d_type*: BYTE;
- d_namlen*: BYTE;
- d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] NAME_MAX + 1 (* 256 *) OF SHORTCHAR;
- END;
+ EPERM* = 1; (* Operation not permitted *)
+ ENOENT* = 2; (* No such file or directory *)
+ ESRCH* = 3; (* No such process *)
+ EINTR* = 4; (* Interrupted system call *)
+ EIO* = 5; (* Input/output error *)
+ ENXIO* = 6; (* Device not configured *)
+ E2BIG* = 7; (* Argument list too long *)
+ ENOEXEC* = 8; (* Exec format error *)
+ EBADF* = 9; (* Bad file descriptor *)
+ ECHILD* = 10; (* No child processes *)
+ EDEADLK* = 11; (* Resource deadlock avoided *)
+ ENOMEM* = 12; (* Cannot allocate memory *)
+ EACCES* = 13; (* Permission denied *)
+ EFAULT* = 14; (* Bad address *)
+ EBUSY* = 16; (* Device busy *)
+ EEXIST* = 17; (* File exists *)
+ EXDEV* = 18; (* Cross-device link *)
+ ENODEV* = 19; (* Operation not supported by device *)
+ ENOTDIR* = 20; (* Not a directory *)
+ EISDIR* = 21; (* Is a directory *)
+ EINVAL* = 22; (* Invalid argument *)
+ ENFILE* = 23; (* Too many open files in system *)
+ EMFILE* = 24; (* Too many open files *)
+ ENOTTY* = 25; (* Inappropriate ioctl for device *)
+ ETXTBSY* = 26; (* Text file busy *)
+ EFBIG* = 27; (* File too large *)
+ ENOSPC* = 28; (* No space left on device *)
+ ESPIPE* = 29; (* Illegal seek *)
+ EROFS* = 30; (* Read-only file system *)
+ EMLINK* = 31; (* Too many links *)
+ EPIPE* = 32; (* Broken pipe *)
+ EDOM* = 33; (* Numerical argument out of domain *)
+ ERANGE* = 34; (* Result too large *)
+ EAGAIN* = 35; (* Resource temporarily unavailable *)
+ EWOULDBLOCK* = EAGAIN; (* Operation would block *)
+ EINPROGRESS* = 36; (* Operation now in progress *)
+ EALREADY* = 37; (* Operation already in progress *)
+ ENOTSOCK* = 38; (* Socket operation on non-socket *)
+ EDESTADDRREQ* = 39; (* Destination address required *)
+ EMSGSIZE* = 40; (* Message too long *)
+ EPROTOTYPE* = 41; (* Protocol wrong type for socket *)
+ ENOPROTOOPT* = 42; (* Protocol not available *)
+ EPROTONOSUPPORT* = 43; (* Protocol not supported *)
+ EOPNOTSUPP* = 45; (* Operation not supported *)
+ EAFNOSUPPORT* = 47; (* Address family not supported by protocol family *)
+ EADDRINUSE* = 48; (* Address already in use *)
+ EADDRNOTAVAIL* = 49; (* Can't assign requested address *)
+ ENETDOWN* = 50; (* Network is down *)
+ ENETUNREACH* = 51; (* Network is unreachable *)
+ ENETRESET* = 52; (* Network dropped connection on reset *)
+ ECONNABORTED* = 53; (* Software caused connection abort *)
+ ECONNRESET* = 54; (* Connection reset by peer *)
+ ENOBUFS* = 55; (* No buffer space available *)
+ EISCONN* = 56; (* Socket is already connected *)
+ ENOTCONN* = 57; (* Socket is not connected *)
+ ETIMEDOUT* = 60; (* Operation timed out *)
+ ECONNREFUSED* = 61; (* Connection refused *)
+ ELOOP* = 62; (* Too many levels of symbolic links *)
+ ENAMETOOLONG* = 63; (* File name too long *)
+ ENOTEMPTY* = 66; (* Directory not empty *)
+ EDQUOT* = 69; (* Disk quota exceeded *)
+ ESTALE* = 70; (* Stale NFS file handle *)
+ ENOLCK* = 77; (* No locks available *)
+ ENOSYS* = 78; (* Function not implemented *)
+ EILSEQ* = 84; (* Illegal byte sequence *)
+ EIDRM* = 89; (* Identifier removed *)
+ ENOMSG* = 90; (* No message of desired type *)
+ ENOTSUP* = 91; (* Not supported *)
+ ENOTBLK* = 15; (* Block device required *)
+ ESOCKTNOSUPPORT* = 44; (* Socket type not supported *)
+ EPFNOSUPPORT* = 46; (* Protocol family not supported *)
+ ESHUTDOWN* = 58; (* Can't send after socket shutdown *)
+ ETOOMANYREFS* = 59; (* Too many references: can't splice *)
+ EHOSTDOWN* = 64; (* Host is down *)
+ EHOSTUNREACH* = 65; (* No route to host *)
+ EPROCLIM* = 67; (* Too many processes *)
+ EUSERS* = 68; (* Too many users *)
+ EREMOTE* = 71; (* Too many levels of remote in path *)
+ EBADRPC* = 72; (* RPC struct is bad *)
+ ERPCMISMATCH* = 73; (* RPC version wrong *)
+ EPROGUNAVAIL* = 74; (* RPC prog. not avail *)
+ EPROGMISMATCH* = 75; (* Program version wrong *)
+ EPROCUNAVAIL* = 76; (* Bad procedure for program *)
+ EFTYPE* = 79; (* Inappropriate file type or format *)
+ EAUTH* = 80; (* Authentication error *)
+ ENEEDAUTH* = 81; (* Need authenticator *)
+ EIPSEC* = 82; (* IPsec processing failure *)
+ ENOATTR* = 83; (* Attribute not found *)
+ ENOMEDIUM* = 85; (* No medium found *)
+ EMEDIUMTYPE* = 86; (* Wrong Medium Type *)
+ EOVERFLOW* = 87; (* Conversion overflow *)
+ ECANCELED* = 88; (* Operation canceled *)
+ ELAST* = 91; (* Must be equal largest errno *)
+ ERESTART* = -1; (* restart syscall *)
+ EJUSTRETURN* = -2; (* don't modify regs, just return *)
- pid_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
- uid_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
- sigval_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit (union sigval) *)
+ NAME_MAX* = 255;
- siginfo_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h *)
- si_signo*: INTEGER; (* Signal number *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- si_code*: INTEGER; (* Signal code *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- si_errno*: INTEGER; (* An errno value *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
+ SEEK_SET* = 0;
+ SEEK_CUR* = 1;
+ SEEK_END* = 2;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2: 29 * 4 B below *)
+ P_tmpdir* = "/tmp";
- si_pid*: pid_t; (* Sending process ID *)
- si_uid*: uid_t; (* Real user ID of sending process *)
- si_status*: INTEGER; (* Exit value or signal *) (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
+ (* O_RDWR, O_NONBLOCK (intFlags) *)
+ O_SHLOCK* = {4}; (* open with shared file lock *)
+ O_EXLOCK* = {5}; (* open with exclusive file lock *)
+ O_ASYNC* = {6}; (* signal pgrp when data ready *)
+ O_NOFOLLOW* = {8}; (* if path is a symlink, don't follow *)
+ O_SYNC* = {7}; (* synchronous writes *)
+ O_RDONLY* = {}; (* open for reading only *)
+ O_WRONLY* = {0}; (* open for writing only *)
+ O_RDWR* = {1}; (* open for reading and writing *)
+ O_ACCMODE* = {0,1}; (* mask for above modes *)
+ O_NONBLOCK* = {2}; (* no delay *)
+ O_APPEND* = {3}; (* set append mode *)
+ O_CREAT* = {9}; (* create if nonexistent *)
+ O_TRUNC* = {10}; (* truncate to zero length *)
+ O_EXCL* = {11}; (* error if already exists *)
+ O_DSYNC* = O_SYNC; (* synchronous data writes *)
+ O_RSYNC* = O_SYNC; (* synchronous reads *)
+ O_NOCTTY* = {15}; (* don't assign controlling terminal *)
+ O_CLOEXEC* = {16}; (* atomically set FD_CLOEXEC *)
+ O_DIRECTORY* = {17}; (* fail if not a directory *)
- (* si_utime*: clock_t; (* User time consumed *) *) (* OpenBSD: XXX *)
- si_stime*: clock_t; (* System time consumed *)
- (* si_value*: sigval_t; (* Signal value *) *) (* OpenBSD: XXX *)
- (* si_int*: INTEGER; (* POSIX.1b signal *) *) (* OpenBSD: XXX *)
- (* si_ptr*: PtrVoid; (* POSIX.1b signal *) *) (* OpenBSD: XXX *)
- (* si_addr*: PtrVoid; (* Memory location which caused fault *) *) (* OpenBSD: XXX *)
- (* si_band*: INTEGER; (* Band event *) *) (* OpenBSD: XXX *)
- (* si_fd*: INTEGER; (* File descriptor *) *) (* OpenBSD: XXX *)
- xxx: ARRAY [untagged] 25 OF INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- END;
- Ptrsiginfo_t* = POINTER TO siginfo_t;
+ StrArray* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF PtrSTR;
- (* sigset_t* = ARRAY [untagged] 128 OF BYTE; *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- (* sigset_t* = ARRAY [untagged] 4 OF BYTE; *)
+ (* PtrVoid, int, long, size_t, ssize_t, off_t, time_t, clock_t, sigjmp_buf *)
+ (* mode_t, intFlags, sigset_t (set) *)
+ PtrVoid* = INTEGER;
+ int* = INTEGER;
+ long* = INTEGER;
+ ulong* = INTEGER;
+ size_t* = INTEGER;
+ ssize_t* = INTEGER;
+ off_t* = LONGINT;
+ clock_t* = INTEGER;
+ time_t* = INTEGER;
+ mode_t* = SET;
+ pid_t* = INTEGER;
+ uid_t* = INTEGER;
+ gid_t* = INTEGER;
+ dev_t* = INTEGER;
+ ino_t* = INTEGER;
+ nlink_t* = INTEGER;
+ int8_t* = SHORTCHAR;
+ u_int8_t* = SHORTCHAR;
+ int16_t* = SHORTINT;
+ u_int16_t* = SHORTINT;
+ int32_t* = INTEGER;
+ u_int32_t* = INTEGER;
+ int64_t* = LONGINT;
+ u_int64_t* = LONGINT;
+ wchar_t* = INTEGER;
sigset_t* = SET;
+ sigjmp_buf* = ARRAY [untagged] 11 OF INTEGER;
+ intFlags* = SET;
+ FILE = ARRAY [untagged] 22 OF INTEGER;
- Ptrsigset_t* = INTEGER;
- sigaction_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: INTEGER; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; ptr: Ptrucontext_t); (* union with sa_handler*: PtrProc;*)
- sa_mask*: sigset_t;
- sa_flags*: SET;
- (* sa_restorer*: LONGINT; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- END;
- stack_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- ss_sp*: PtrVoid;
- ss_size*: size_t; (* OpenBSD *)
- ss_flags*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
+ tm* = POINTER TO tmDesc;
+ tmDesc* = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* NOTE: check record size *)
+ (* tm_year, tm_mon, tm_mday, tm_hour, tm_min, tm_sec, tm_wday [ , tm_gmtoff ] *)
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/time.h *)
+ tm_sec*: int; (* seconds after the minute [0-60] *)
+ tm_min*: int; (* minutes after the hour [0-59] *)
+ tm_hour*: int; (* hours since midnight [0-23] *)
+ tm_mday*: int; (* day of the month [1-31] *)
+ tm_mon*: int; (* months since January [0-11] *)
+ tm_year*: int; (* years since 1900 *)
+ tm_wday*: int; (* days since Sunday [0-6] *)
+ tm_yday*: int; (* days since January 1 [0-365] *)
+ tm_isdst*: int; (* Daylight Saving Time flag *)
+ tm_gmtoff*: long; (* offset from UTC in seconds *)
+ tm_zone*: PtrSTR; (* timezone abbreviation *)
- dev_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- gid_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- stat_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/stat.h *)
- st_dev*: dev_t; (* device *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- (* __pad1: SHORTINT; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- st_ino*: INTEGER; (* 64? inode *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_mode*: mode_t; (* protection *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_nlink*: INTEGER; (* number of hard links *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_uid*: uid_t; (* user ID of owner *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_gid*: gid_t; (* group ID of owner *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_rdev*: dev_t; (* device type (if inode device) *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_lspare0*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- (* __pad2: SHORTINT; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- (* OpenBSD *)
- st_atime*: time_t;
- st_atimensec*: INTEGER;
- st_mtime*: time_t;
- st_mtimensec*: INTEGER;
- st_ctime*: time_t;
- st_ctimensec*: INTEGER;
- st_size*: off_t; (* 64? total size, in bytes *) (* OpenBSD *)
- st_blocks*: LONGINT; (* OpenBSD: 64-bit *)
- st_blksize*: INTEGER; (* blocksize for filesystem I/O *)
- (* st_blocks*: INTEGER; (* 64? number of blocks allocated *) *) (* OpenBSD *)
- st_flags*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_gen*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_lspare1*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- (* OpenBSD
- st_atime*: INTEGER; (* time of last access *)
- __unused1: INTEGER;
- st_mtime*: INTEGER; (* time of last modification *)
- __unused2: INTEGER;
- st_ctime*: INTEGER; (* time of last change *)
- __unused3: INTEGER;
- __unused4: INTEGER;
- __unused5: INTEGER;
- *)
- (* OpenBSD *)
- __st_birthtime*: time_t;
- __st_birthtimensec*: INTEGER;
- st_qspare*: ARRAY [untagged] 2 OF LONGINT;
+ Ptrsiginfo_t* = POINTER TO siginfo_t;
+ siginfo_t = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* si_code, fault address *)
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h *)
+ si_signo*: int; (* signal from signal.h *)
+ si_code*: int; (* code from above *)
+ si_errno*: int; (* error from errno.h *)
+ _data*: RECORD [union]
+ _pad*: ARRAY [untagged] 29 (* SI_PAD *) OF int; (* for future growth *)
+ _proc*: RECORD [untagged] (* kill(), SIGCLD, siqqueue() *)
+ _pid*: pid_t; (* process ID *)
+ _pdata*: RECORD [union]
+ _kill*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _uid*: uid_t;
+ _value*: sigval;
+ _value*: int
+ END;
+ _cld*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _utime*: clock_t;
+ _status*: int;
+ _stime*: clock_t;
+ END;
+ END;
+ END;
+ _fault*: RECORD [untagged] (* SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, SIGILL and SIGFPE *)
+ _addr*: PtrVoid; (* faulting address *)
+ _trapno*: int; (* illegal trap number *)
+ END;
+ END;
- (* OpenBSD
- fpreg* = RECORD [untagged]
- significand*: ARRAY [untagged] 4 OF CHAR;
- exponent*: CHAR;
- END;
- *)
- (* OpenBSD *)
- (*
- fpstate* = RECORD [untagged]
- cw*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- sw*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- tag*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- ipoff*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- cssel*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- dataoff*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- datasel*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- _st: ARRAY [untagged] 8 OF fpreg;
- status*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- END;
- *)
- envxmm* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h *)
- (*0*)
- en_cw*: SHORTINT; (* FPU Control Word *)
- en_sw*: SHORTINT; (* FPU Status Word *)
- en_tw*: BYTE; (* FPU Tag Word (abridged) *)
- en_rsvd0*: BYTE;
- en_opcode*: SHORTINT; (* FPU Opcode *)
- en_fip*: INTEGER; (* FPU Instruction Pointer *)
- en_fcs*: SHORTINT; (* FPU IP selector *)
- en_rsvd1*: SHORTINT;
- (*16*)
- en_foo*: INTEGER; (* FPU Data pointer *)
- en_fos*: SHORTINT; (* FPU Data pointer selector *)
- en_rsvd2*: SHORTINT;
- en_mxcsr*: INTEGER; (* MXCSR Register State *)
- en_mxcsr_mask*: INTEGER; (* Mask for valid MXCSR bits (may be 0) *)
- END;
- (* FPU regsters in the extended save format. *)
- fpaccxmm* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h *)
- fp_bytes*: ARRAY [untagged] 10 OF BYTE;
- fp_rsvd*: ARRAY [untagged] 6 OF BYTE;
- END;
- (* SSE/SSE2 registers. *)
- xmmreg* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h *)
- sse_bytes*: ARRAY [untagged] 16 OF BYTE;
- END;
- fpstate* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h savefpu.savexmm *)
- sv_env*: envxmm; (* control/status context *)
- sv_ac*: ARRAY [untagged] 8 OF fpaccxmm; (* ST/MM regs *)
- sv_xmmregs*: ARRAY [untagged] 8 OF xmmreg; (* XMM regs *)
- sv_rsvd*: ARRAY [untagged] 16 * 14 OF BYTE;
- (* 512-bytes --- end of hardware portion of save area *)
- sv_ex_sw*: INTEGER; (* saved SW from last exception *)
- sv_ex_tw*: INTEGER; (* saved TW from last exception *)
+ Ptrucontext_t* = POINTER TO ucontext_t;
+ ucontext_t = RECORD [untagged]
+ (* IP, SP, FP *)
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/signal.h struct sigcontext *)
+ sc_gs*: int;
+ sc_fs*: int;
+ sc_es*: int;
+ sc_ds*: int;
+ sc_edi*: int;
+ sc_esi*: int;
+ sc_ebp*: int;
+ sc_ebx*: int;
+ sc_edx*: int;
+ sc_ecx*: int;
+ sc_eax*: int;
+ (* XXX *)
+ sc_eip*: int;
+ sc_cs*: int;
+ sc_eflags*: int;
+ sc_esp*: int;
+ sc_ss*: int;
+ sc_onstack*: int; (* sigstack state to restore *)
+ sc_mask*: int; (* signal mask to restore *)
+ sc_trapno*: int; (* XXX should be above *)
+ sc_err*: int;
+ sc_fpstate*: RECORD [union]
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h union savefpu *)
+ sv_87*: RECORD [untagged]
+ ...
+ END;
+ sv_xmm*: RECORD [untagged]
+ ...
+ END;
+ END;
- (* OpenBSD
- gregset_t* = ARRAY [untagged] 19 OF INTEGER;
- *)
- fpregset_t* = POINTER TO fpstate;
- (* OpenBSD
- mcontext_t* = RECORD [untagged]
- gregs*: gregset_t;
- fpregs*: fpregset_t;
- oldmask*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- cr2*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
+ sigaction_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: INTEGER; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; context: Ptrucontext_t),
+ sa_flags*: intFlags, sa_mask*: sigset_t
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: int; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; ctx: Ptrucontext_t);
+ sa_mask*: sigset_t;
+ sa_flags*: intFlags;
- *)
- Ptrucontext_t* = POINTER TO ucontext_t;
- ucontext_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/signal.h struct sigcontext *)
- (*
- uc_flags*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- uc_link*: Ptrucontext_t;
- uc_stack*: stack_t;
- uc_mcontext*: mcontext_t;
- uc_sigmask: sigset_t;
- __fpregs_mem*: fpstate;
- *)
- sc_gs*: INTEGER;
- sc_fs*: INTEGER;
- sc_es*: INTEGER;
- sc_ds*: INTEGER;
- sc_edi*: INTEGER;
- sc_esi*: INTEGER;
- sc_ebp*: INTEGER;
- sc_ebx*: INTEGER;
- sc_edx*: INTEGER;
- sc_ecx*: INTEGER;
- sc_eax*: INTEGER;
- (* XXX *)
- sc_eip*: INTEGER;
- sc_cs*: INTEGER;
- sc_eflags*: INTEGER;
- sc_esp*: INTEGER;
- sc_ss*: INTEGER;
- sc_onstack*: INTEGER; (* sigstack state to restore *)
- sc_mask*: INTEGER; (* signal mask to restore *)
- sc_trapno*: INTEGER; (* XXX should be above *)
- sc_err*: INTEGER;
- sc_fpstate*: fpregset_t; (* POINTER TO savefpu *)
+ stack_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ ss_sp*: PtrVoid, ss_size*: size_t, ss_flags*: intFlags
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ ss_sp*: PtrVoid; (* signal stack base *)
+ ss_size*: size_t; (* signal stack length *)
+ ss_flags*: intFlags; (* SS_DISABLE and/or SS_ONSTACK *)
- (* Times and Dates *)
- tm* = POINTER TO tmDesc;
- tmDesc* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/time.h *)
- tm_sec*: INTEGER; (* seconds *)
- tm_min*: INTEGER; (* minutes *)
- tm_hour*: INTEGER; (* hours *)
- tm_mday*: INTEGER; (* day of the month *)
- tm_mon*: INTEGER; (* month *)
- tm_year*: INTEGER; (* year *)
- tm_wday*: INTEGER; (* day of the week *)
- tm_yday*: INTEGER; (* day in the year *)
- tm_isdst*: INTEGER; (* daylight saving time *)
- tm_gmtoff*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- tm_zone*: PtrSTR; (* OpenBSD *)
+ stat_t* = RECORD [untagged]
+ NOTE: check record size
+ st_mode*: mode_t, st_size*: off_t, st_mtime*: time_t
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/stat.h *)
+ st_dev*: dev_t;
+ st_ino*: ino_t;
+ st_mode*: mode_t;
+ st_nlink*: nlink_t;
+ st_uid*: uid_t;
+ st_gid*: gid_t;
+ st_rdev*: dev_t;
+ st_lspare0*: int32_t;
+ st_atime*: time_t;
+ st_atimensec*: long;
+ st_mtime*: time_t;
+ st_mtimensec*: long;
+ st_ctime*: time_t;
+ st_ctimensec*: long;
+ st_size*: off_t;
+ st_blocks*: int64_t;
+ st_blksize*: u_int32_t;
+ st_flags*: u_int32_t;
+ st_gen*: u_int32_t;
+ st_lspare1*: int32_t;
+ __st_birthtime*: time_t;
+ __st_birthtimensec*: long;
+ st_qspare*: ARRAY [untagged] 2 OF int64_t;
- time_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/_types.h: 32-bit *)
- FILE = ARRAY [untagged] 88 OF BYTE; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/stdio.h *)
+ PtrFILE* = PtrVoid;
+ PtrDIR* = PtrVoid;
- wchar_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
- PtrWSTR* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF wchar_t;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- sigaltstack_t* = RECORD [untagged]
- ss_sp*: PtrVoid;
- ss_size*: size_t;
- ss_flags*: INTEGER;
+ PtrDirent* = POINTER TO Dirent;
+ Dirent = RECORD [untagged]
+ d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] NAME_MAX + 1 OF SHORTCHAR
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/dirent.h *)
+ d_fileno*: u_int32_t; (* file number of entry *)
+ d_reclen*: u_int16_t; (* length of this record *)
+ d_type*: u_int8_t; (* file type, see below *)
+ d_namlen*: u_int8_t; (* length of string in d_name *)
+ d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] 255 + 1 OF SHORTCHAR;
+ stdin*: INTEGER;
+ timezone*: INTEGER; (* or tm.tm_gmtoff *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location* (): PtrVoid;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (path: PtrSTR; VAR sp: stat_t): int;
- (* timezone*: INTEGER; (* seconds from GMT *) *) (* OpenBSD: not present *)
- (* stdin*, stdout*, stderr* : PtrFILE; (* OpenBSD: not present *) *)
(* OpenBSD: stdin, stdout, stderr *)
__sF*: ARRAY [untagged] 3 OF FILE; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/stdio.h *)
- (*
- stdin = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[0])
- stdout = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[1])
- stderr = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[2])
- *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] calloc* (nmemb, size: size_t): PtrVoid;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] clock* (): clock_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] closedir* (dir: PtrDIR): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] chmod* (path: PtrSTR; mode: mode_t);
- PROCEDURE [ccall] exit* (status: INTEGER);
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fclose* (fp: PtrFILE): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fflush* (fp: PtrFILE): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fopen* (filename, mode: PtrSTR): PtrFILE;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] feof* (fp: PtrFILE): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fread* (ptr: PtrVoid; size, nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fseek* (stream: PtrFILE; offset, origin: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] free* (p: PtrVoid);
- PROCEDURE [ccall] ftell* (stream: PtrFILE): (* LONGINT; *) INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] ftw* (filename: PtrSTR; func: __ftw_func_t; maxfds: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fwrite* (ptr: PtrVoid; size, nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] getcwd* (buf: PtrSTR; size: size_t): PtrSTR;
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] getcontext* (ucontext_t: Ptrucontext_t): INTEGER; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] gets* (s: PtrSTR); *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] gets* (s: PtrSTR): PtrSTR; (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fgets* (s: PtrSTR; n: INTEGER; fp: PtrFILE): PtrSTR;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] gmtime* (VAR timep: time_t): tm;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] kill* (pid: pid_t; sig: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] localtime* (VAR timep: time_t): tm;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] malloc* (size: size_t): PtrVoid;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mkdir* (path: PtrSTR; mode: mode_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mktime* (timeptr: tm): time_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] opendir* (filename: PtrSTR): PtrDIR;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] printf* (s: PtrSTR): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] readdir* (dir: PtrDIR): PtrDirent;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] remove* (path: PtrSTR): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] rename* (from, to: PtrSTR): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] scandir* (dir: PtrDIR; namelist: PtrDirentArray; selector: SelectorFunc; cmp: CmpFunc): INTEGER;
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] setcontext* (ucontext_t: Ptrucontext_t): INTEGER; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] setjmp* (VAR env: jmp_buf): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaction* (sig_num: INTEGER; VAR [nil] act: sigaction_t; VAR [nil] oldact: sigaction_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaddset* (set: Ptrsigset_t; sig: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigdelset* (set: Ptrsigset_t; sig: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigemptyset* (set: Ptrsigset_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigfillset* (set: Ptrsigset_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigismemeber* (set: Ptrsigset_t; sig: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] siglongjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; val: INTEGER);
- PROCEDURE [ccall] signal* (sig_num: INTEGER; sighandler: PtrProc): PtrProc;
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] sigsetjmp* ["__sigsetjmp"] (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; savemask: INTEGER): INTEGER; *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigsetjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; savemask: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- (* OpenBSD *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (filename: PtrSTR; VAR buf: stat_t): INTEGER; (* stat is a macro and expands to __xstat(3, filename, buf) *)
-(* OpenBSD: __xstat not present
- PROCEDURE [ccall] __xstat* (version: INTEGER; filename: PtrSTR; VAR buf: stat_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] strftime* (s: PtrSTR; max: size_t; format: PtrSTR; ptm: tm): size_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] time* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): time_t;
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location*(): INTEGER; *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location* ["__errno"] (): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
+ (*
+ stdin = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[0])
+ stdout = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[1])
+ stderr = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[2])
+ *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] open* (path: PtrSTR; flags: SET; mode: mode_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] close* (d: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] read* (d: INTEGER; buf: PtrVoid; nbytes: size_t): ssize_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] write* (d: INTEGER; buf: PtrVoid; nBytes: size_t): ssize_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location* ["__errno"] (): PtrVoid;
- (* OpenBSD *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mprotect* (addr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: SET): INTEGER;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (path: PtrSTR; VAR sp: stat_t): int;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] madvise* (addr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; behav: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mmap* (addr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: SET; flags: SET; fd: INTEGER; offset: off_t): PtrVoid;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] munmap* (addr: PtrVoid; len: size_t): INTEGER;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] clock* (): clock_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] getenv* (name: PtrSTR): PtrSTR;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mmap* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: intFlags; flags: intFlags; fd: int; offset: off_t): PtrVoid;
+ (* BSD *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] munmap* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mprotect* (adr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: intFlags): int;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2: Ok *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] wctomb* (s: PtrSTR; wchar: wchar_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] wcstombs* (s: PtrSTR; pwcs: PtrWSTR; n: size_t): size_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mbtowc* (pwc: PtrWSTR; s: PtrSTR; n: size_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mbstowcs* (pwcs: PtrWSTR; s: PtrSTR; n: size_t): size_t;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sysconf* (name: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaltstack* (VAR [nil] ss: sigaltstack_t; VAR [nil] oss: sigaltstack_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigreturn* (ucontext_t: Ptrucontext_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigprocmask* (how: INTEGER; VAR [nil] set: sigset_t; VAR [nil] oset: sigset_t): INTEGER;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] calloc* (nmemb: size_t; size: size_t): PtrVoid;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] malloc* (size: size_t): PtrVoid;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] free* (ptr: PtrVoid);
+ (* AT&T *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] time* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): time_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] gmtime* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): tm;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] localtime* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): tm;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigsetjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; savemask: int): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] siglongjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; val: int);
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigemptyset* (VAR set: sigset_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigfillset* (VAR set: sigset_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaddset* (VAR set: sigset_t; signo: int): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigprocmask* (how: int; VAR [nil] set: sigset_t; VAR [nil] oset: sigset_t): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaction* (sig: int; VAR [nil] act: sigaction_t; VAR [nil] oact: sigaction_t): int;
+ (* BSD *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaltstack* (VAR [nil] ss: stack_t; VAR [nil] oss: stack_t): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] getenv* (s: PtrSTR): PtrSTR;
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fopen* (path, mode: PtrSTR): PtrFILE;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fclose* (stream: PtrFILE): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fread* (ptr: PtrVoid; size: size_t; nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fwrite* (ptr: PtrVoid; size: size_t; nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fflush* (s: PtrFILE): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] printf* (s: PtrSTR): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89, XPG4 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fseek* (stream: PtrFILE; offset: long; whence: int): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] rename* (from, to: PtrSTR): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] mkdir* (path: PtrSTR; mode: mode_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] opendir* (filename: PtrSTR): PtrDIR;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] readdir* (dirp: PtrDIR): PtrDirent;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] closedir* (dirp: PtrDIR): int;
+ (* ANSI C 89, XPG4.2 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] remove* (path: PtrSTR): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] getcwd* (buf: PtrSTR; size: size_t): PtrSTR;
+ (* ANSI C 99 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] exit* (status: int);
+ (* ANSI C 89 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] strftime* (buf: PtrSTR; maxsize: size_t; format: PtrSTR; timeptr: tm): size_t;
+ (* XXX: use fread instead *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] fgets* (str: PtrSTR; size: int; stream: PtrFILE): PtrSTR;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] open* (path: PtrSTR; flags: intFlags; mode: mode_t): int;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] write* (d: int; buf: PtrVoid; nbytes: size_t): ssize_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] read* (d: int; buf: PtrVoid; nbytes: size_t): ssize_t;
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] close* (d: int): int;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] sysconf* (name: int): long;
END LinLibc.
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/Libc.txt.templ b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/Libc.txt.templ
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-MODULE LinLibc [""];
- (*
- A. V. Shiryaev, 2012.11
- Based on Linux' LinLibc (OpenBUGS Lin/Mod/Libc.odc)
- OpenBSD 5.2
- 32-bit
- *)
- NULL* = 0H;
- TRUE* = 1;
- FALSE* = 0;
- (* file constants *)
- SEEK_SET* = 0;
- SEEK_CUR* = 1;
- SEEK_END* = 2;
- NAME_MAX* = 255; (* OpenBSD /usr/include/sys/syslimits.h *)
- (* The value of CLOCKS_PER_SEC is required to be 1 million on all XSI-conformant systems.*)
- CLOCKS_PER_SEC* = 100; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/time.h CLOCKS_PER_SEC *)
- (* temp directory defined in stdio.h *)
- P_tmpdir* = "/tmp";
- (* signal constants *) (* Fake signal functions. *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- SIG_ERR* = -1; (* Error return. *)
- SIG_DFL* = 0; (* Default action. *)
- SIG_IGN* = 1; (* Ignore signal. *)
- SIG_HOLD* = 3; (* Add signal to hold mask. *) (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signalvar.h *)
- (* Signals. *)
- (* OpenBSD /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- (* Bits in `sa_flags'. *)
- (* Some aliases for the SA_ constants. *)
- (* code values for siginfo_t.si_code *)
- (* OpenBSD /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h *)
- (* possible error constants for errno *)
- (* /usr/include/sys/errno.h *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/setjmp.h *)
- _JBLEN = 10;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/mman.h *)
- MAP_FAILED* = -1;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/param.h *)
- PAGE_SHIFT* = 12;
- PAGE_SIZE* = 4096; (* LSL(1, PAGE_SHIFT) *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2: /usr/include/fcntl.h *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/unistd.h *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/mman.h *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- MINSIGSTKSZ* = 8192; (* minimum allowable stack *)
- SIGSTKSZ* = MINSIGSTKSZ + 32768; (* recommended stack size *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- (* OpenBSD OK *)
- __ftw_func_t* = PROCEDURE (fileName: PtrSTR; VAR [nil] stat: stat_t; flag: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: OK *)
- PtrVoid* = INTEGER;
- (* PtrWSTR* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF CHAR; *)
- PtrInt* = INTEGER;
- StrArray* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF PtrSTR;
- PtrProc* = INTEGER;
- clock_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/_types.h: 32-bit *)
- (* jmp_buf* = ARRAY [untagged] 6 OF INTEGER; (* bx, si, di, bp, sp, pc *) *)
- jmp_buf* = ARRAY [untagged] _JBLEN OF INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- mode_t* = SET; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
- off_t* = LONGINT; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 64-bit *)
- SelectorFunc* = PROCEDURE (dirent: Dirent): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: OK *)
- CmpFunc* = PROCEDURE (VAR [nil] dirent1, dirent2: PtrDirent): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: OK *)
- size_t* = INTEGER; (* should be unsigned int *) (* OpenBSD 5.2: /usr/include/i386/_types.h: 32-bit *)
- ssize_t* = INTEGER; (* signed int *) (* OpenBSD 5.2: /usr/include/i386/_types.h: 32-bit *)
- sigjmp_buf* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- buf*: jmp_buf;
- (* mask_was_saved*: INTEGER;
- saved_mask*: sigset_t; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- xxx: INTEGER;
- END;
- PtrDirent* = POINTER TO Dirent;
- PtrDirentArray* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF Dirent;
- Dirent* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/dirent.h *)
- (*
- d_ino*: INTEGER; (* inode number *)
- d_off*: off_t; (* offset to this dirent *)
- d_reclen*: SHORTINT; (* length of this d_name *)
- d_type*: BYTE;
- d_name*: ARRAY[untagged] NAME_MAX+1 OF SHORTCHAR; (* file name (null-terminated) *)
- *)
- d_fileno*: INTEGER;
- d_reclen*: SHORTINT;
- d_type*: BYTE;
- d_namlen*: BYTE;
- d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] NAME_MAX + 1 (* 256 *) OF SHORTCHAR;
- END;
- pid_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
- uid_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
- sigval_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit (union sigval) *)
- sigval = RECORD [union]
- sival_int*: INTEGER; (* integer value *)
- sival_ptr*: PtrVoid; (* pointer value *)
- END;
- siginfo_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h *)
- si_signo*: INTEGER; (* signal from signal.h *)
- si_code*: INTEGER; (* code from above *)
- si_errno*: INTEGER; (* error from errno.h *)
- _data*: RECORD [union]
- _pad*: ARRAY [untagged] 29 (* SI_PAD *) OF INTEGER; (* for future growth *)
- _proc*: RECORD [untagged] (* kill(), SIGCLD, siqqueue() *)
- _pid*: pid_t; (* process ID *)
- _pdata*: RECORD [union]
- _kill*: RECORD [untagged]
- _uid*: uid_t;
- _value*: sigval;
- END;
- _cld*: RECORD [untagged]
- _utime*: clock_t;
- _status*: INTEGER;
- _stime*: clock_t;
- END;
- END;
- END;
- _fault*: RECORD [untagged] (* SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, SIGILL and SIGFPE *)
- _addr*: PtrVoid; (* faulting address *)
- _trapno*: INTEGER; (* illegal trap number *)
- END;
- END;
- END;
- Ptrsiginfo_t* = POINTER TO siginfo_t;
- (* sigset_t* = ARRAY [untagged] 128 OF BYTE; *)
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- (* sigset_t* = ARRAY [untagged] 4 OF BYTE; *)
- sigset_t* = SET;
- Ptrsigset_t* = INTEGER;
- sigaction_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: INTEGER; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; ptr: Ptrucontext_t); (* union with sa_handler*: PtrProc;*)
- sa_mask*: sigset_t;
- sa_flags*: SET;
- (* sa_restorer*: LONGINT; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- END;
- stack_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
- ss_sp*: PtrVoid;
- ss_size*: size_t; (* OpenBSD *)
- ss_flags*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- END;
- dev_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- gid_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- stat_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/stat.h *)
- st_dev*: dev_t; (* device *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- (* __pad1: SHORTINT; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- st_ino*: INTEGER; (* 64? inode *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_mode*: mode_t; (* protection *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_nlink*: INTEGER; (* number of hard links *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_uid*: uid_t; (* user ID of owner *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_gid*: gid_t; (* group ID of owner *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_rdev*: dev_t; (* device type (if inode device) *) (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_lspare0*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- (* __pad2: SHORTINT; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- (* OpenBSD *)
- st_atime*: time_t;
- st_atimensec*: INTEGER;
- st_mtime*: time_t;
- st_mtimensec*: INTEGER;
- st_ctime*: time_t;
- st_ctimensec*: INTEGER;
- st_size*: off_t; (* 64? total size, in bytes *) (* OpenBSD *)
- st_blocks*: LONGINT; (* OpenBSD: 64-bit *)
- st_blksize*: INTEGER; (* blocksize for filesystem I/O *)
- (* st_blocks*: INTEGER; (* 64? number of blocks allocated *) *) (* OpenBSD *)
- st_flags*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_gen*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- st_lspare1*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD: 32-bit *)
- (* OpenBSD
- st_atime*: INTEGER; (* time of last access *)
- __unused1: INTEGER;
- st_mtime*: INTEGER; (* time of last modification *)
- __unused2: INTEGER;
- st_ctime*: INTEGER; (* time of last change *)
- __unused3: INTEGER;
- __unused4: INTEGER;
- __unused5: INTEGER;
- *)
- (* OpenBSD *)
- __st_birthtime*: time_t;
- __st_birthtimensec*: INTEGER;
- st_qspare*: ARRAY [untagged] 2 OF LONGINT;
- END;
- (* OpenBSD
- fpreg* = RECORD [untagged]
- significand*: ARRAY [untagged] 4 OF CHAR;
- exponent*: CHAR;
- END;
- *)
- (* OpenBSD *)
- (*
- fpstate* = RECORD [untagged]
- cw*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- sw*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- tag*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- ipoff*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- cssel*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- dataoff*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- datasel*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- _st: ARRAY [untagged] 8 OF fpreg;
- status*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- END;
- *)
- envxmm* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h *)
- (*0*)
- en_cw*: SHORTINT; (* FPU Control Word *)
- en_sw*: SHORTINT; (* FPU Status Word *)
- en_tw*: BYTE; (* FPU Tag Word (abridged) *)
- en_rsvd0*: BYTE;
- en_opcode*: SHORTINT; (* FPU Opcode *)
- en_fip*: INTEGER; (* FPU Instruction Pointer *)
- en_fcs*: SHORTINT; (* FPU IP selector *)
- en_rsvd1*: SHORTINT;
- (*16*)
- en_foo*: INTEGER; (* FPU Data pointer *)
- en_fos*: SHORTINT; (* FPU Data pointer selector *)
- en_rsvd2*: SHORTINT;
- en_mxcsr*: INTEGER; (* MXCSR Register State *)
- en_mxcsr_mask*: INTEGER; (* Mask for valid MXCSR bits (may be 0) *)
- END;
- (* FPU regsters in the extended save format. *)
- fpaccxmm* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h *)
- fp_bytes*: ARRAY [untagged] 10 OF BYTE;
- fp_rsvd*: ARRAY [untagged] 6 OF BYTE;
- END;
- (* SSE/SSE2 registers. *)
- xmmreg* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h *)
- sse_bytes*: ARRAY [untagged] 16 OF BYTE;
- END;
- fpstate* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h savefpu.savexmm *)
- sv_env*: envxmm; (* control/status context *)
- sv_ac*: ARRAY [untagged] 8 OF fpaccxmm; (* ST/MM regs *)
- sv_xmmregs*: ARRAY [untagged] 8 OF xmmreg; (* XMM regs *)
- sv_rsvd*: ARRAY [untagged] 16 * 14 OF BYTE;
- (* 512-bytes --- end of hardware portion of save area *)
- sv_ex_sw*: INTEGER; (* saved SW from last exception *)
- sv_ex_tw*: INTEGER; (* saved TW from last exception *)
- END;
- (* OpenBSD
- gregset_t* = ARRAY [untagged] 19 OF INTEGER;
- *)
- fpregset_t* = POINTER TO fpstate;
- (* OpenBSD
- mcontext_t* = RECORD [untagged]
- gregs*: gregset_t;
- fpregs*: fpregset_t;
- oldmask*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- cr2*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- END;
- *)
- Ptrucontext_t* = POINTER TO ucontext_t;
- ucontext_t* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/signal.h struct sigcontext *)
- (*
- uc_flags*: INTEGER; (* unsigned long int *)
- uc_link*: Ptrucontext_t;
- uc_stack*: stack_t;
- uc_mcontext*: mcontext_t;
- uc_sigmask: sigset_t;
- __fpregs_mem*: fpstate;
- *)
- sc_gs*: INTEGER;
- sc_fs*: INTEGER;
- sc_es*: INTEGER;
- sc_ds*: INTEGER;
- sc_edi*: INTEGER;
- sc_esi*: INTEGER;
- sc_ebp*: INTEGER;
- sc_ebx*: INTEGER;
- sc_edx*: INTEGER;
- sc_ecx*: INTEGER;
- sc_eax*: INTEGER;
- (* XXX *)
- sc_eip*: INTEGER;
- sc_cs*: INTEGER;
- sc_eflags*: INTEGER;
- sc_esp*: INTEGER;
- sc_ss*: INTEGER;
- sc_onstack*: INTEGER; (* sigstack state to restore *)
- sc_mask*: INTEGER; (* signal mask to restore *)
- sc_trapno*: INTEGER; (* XXX should be above *)
- sc_err*: INTEGER;
- sc_fpstate*: fpregset_t; (* POINTER TO savefpu *)
- END;
- (* Times and Dates *)
- tm* = POINTER TO tmDesc;
- tmDesc* = RECORD [untagged] (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/time.h *)
- tm_sec*: INTEGER; (* seconds *)
- tm_min*: INTEGER; (* minutes *)
- tm_hour*: INTEGER; (* hours *)
- tm_mday*: INTEGER; (* day of the month *)
- tm_mon*: INTEGER; (* month *)
- tm_year*: INTEGER; (* year *)
- tm_wday*: INTEGER; (* day of the week *)
- tm_yday*: INTEGER; (* day in the year *)
- tm_isdst*: INTEGER; (* daylight saving time *)
- tm_gmtoff*: INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- tm_zone*: PtrSTR; (* OpenBSD *)
- END;
- time_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/_types.h: 32-bit *)
- FILE = ARRAY [untagged] 88 OF BYTE; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/stdio.h *)
- wchar_t* = INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2: 32-bit *)
- PtrWSTR* = POINTER TO ARRAY [untagged] OF wchar_t;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- sigaltstack_t* = RECORD [untagged]
- ss_sp*: PtrVoid;
- ss_size*: size_t;
- ss_flags*: INTEGER;
- END;
- (* timezone*: INTEGER; (* seconds from GMT *) *) (* OpenBSD: not present *)
- (* stdin*, stdout*, stderr* : PtrFILE; (* OpenBSD: not present *) *)
- (* OpenBSD: stdin, stdout, stderr *)
- __sF*: ARRAY [untagged] 3 OF FILE; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/stdio.h *)
- (*
- stdin = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[0])
- stdout = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[1])
- stderr = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[2])
- *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] calloc* (nmemb, size: size_t): PtrVoid;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] clock* (): clock_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] closedir* (dir: PtrDIR): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] chmod* (path: PtrSTR; mode: mode_t);
- PROCEDURE [ccall] exit* (status: INTEGER);
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fclose* (fp: PtrFILE): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fflush* (fp: PtrFILE): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fopen* (filename, mode: PtrSTR): PtrFILE;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] feof* (fp: PtrFILE): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fread* (ptr: PtrVoid; size, nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fseek* (stream: PtrFILE; offset, origin: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] free* (p: PtrVoid);
- PROCEDURE [ccall] ftell* (stream: PtrFILE): (* LONGINT; *) INTEGER; (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] ftw* (filename: PtrSTR; func: __ftw_func_t; maxfds: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fwrite* (ptr: PtrVoid; size, nmemb: size_t; stream: PtrFILE): size_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] getcwd* (buf: PtrSTR; size: size_t): PtrSTR;
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] getcontext* (ucontext_t: Ptrucontext_t): INTEGER; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] gets* (s: PtrSTR); *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] gets* (s: PtrSTR): PtrSTR; (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] fgets* (s: PtrSTR; n: INTEGER; fp: PtrFILE): PtrSTR;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] gmtime* (VAR timep: time_t): tm;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] kill* (pid: pid_t; sig: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] localtime* (VAR timep: time_t): tm;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] malloc* (size: size_t): PtrVoid;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mkdir* (path: PtrSTR; mode: mode_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mktime* (timeptr: tm): time_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] opendir* (filename: PtrSTR): PtrDIR;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] printf* (s: PtrSTR): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] readdir* (dir: PtrDIR): PtrDirent;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] remove* (path: PtrSTR): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] rename* (from, to: PtrSTR): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] scandir* (dir: PtrDIR; namelist: PtrDirentArray; selector: SelectorFunc; cmp: CmpFunc): INTEGER;
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] setcontext* (ucontext_t: Ptrucontext_t): INTEGER; *) (* OpenBSD *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] setjmp* (VAR env: jmp_buf): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaction* (sig_num: INTEGER; VAR [nil] act: sigaction_t; VAR [nil] oldact: sigaction_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaddset* (set: Ptrsigset_t; sig: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigdelset* (set: Ptrsigset_t; sig: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigemptyset* (set: Ptrsigset_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigfillset* (set: Ptrsigset_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigismemeber* (set: Ptrsigset_t; sig: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] siglongjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; val: INTEGER);
- PROCEDURE [ccall] signal* (sig_num: INTEGER; sighandler: PtrProc): PtrProc;
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] sigsetjmp* ["__sigsetjmp"] (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; savemask: INTEGER): INTEGER; *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigsetjmp* (VAR env: sigjmp_buf; savemask: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- (* OpenBSD *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (filename: PtrSTR; VAR buf: stat_t): INTEGER; (* stat is a macro and expands to __xstat(3, filename, buf) *)
-(* OpenBSD: __xstat not present
- PROCEDURE [ccall] __xstat* (version: INTEGER; filename: PtrSTR; VAR buf: stat_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] strftime* (s: PtrSTR; max: size_t; format: PtrSTR; ptm: tm): size_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] time* (VAR [nil] t: time_t): time_t;
- (* PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location*(): INTEGER; *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location* ["__errno"] (): INTEGER; (* OpenBSD *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] open* (path: PtrSTR; flags: SET; mode: mode_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] close* (d: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] read* (d: INTEGER; buf: PtrVoid; nbytes: size_t): ssize_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] write* (d: INTEGER; buf: PtrVoid; nBytes: size_t): ssize_t;
- (* OpenBSD *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mprotect* (addr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: SET): INTEGER;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] madvise* (addr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; behav: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mmap* (addr: PtrVoid; len: size_t; prot: SET; flags: SET; fd: INTEGER; offset: off_t): PtrVoid;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] munmap* (addr: PtrVoid; len: size_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] getenv* (name: PtrSTR): PtrSTR;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2: Ok *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] wctomb* (s: PtrSTR; wchar: wchar_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] wcstombs* (s: PtrSTR; pwcs: PtrWSTR; n: size_t): size_t;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mbtowc* (pwc: PtrWSTR; s: PtrSTR; n: size_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] mbstowcs* (pwcs: PtrWSTR; s: PtrSTR; n: size_t): size_t;
- (* OpenBSD 5.2 *)
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sysconf* (name: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigaltstack* (VAR [nil] ss: sigaltstack_t; VAR [nil] oss: sigaltstack_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigreturn* (ucontext_t: Ptrucontext_t): INTEGER;
- PROCEDURE [ccall] sigprocmask* (how: INTEGER; VAR [nil] set: sigset_t; VAR [nil] oset: sigset_t): INTEGER;
-END LinLibc.
index 38d5ba86388ea69015e4acd6eeb4bcab1864264a..f9dd381417737ea38e55a6fb6ba20a7d6eed1d1b 100644 (file)
PY = python2.7
-DEFS = defs-errno defs-signal defs-sc defs-madv defs-siginfo defs-siginfo1 defs-sa defs-mman defs-fcntl defs-sig
+DEFS = clockspersec defs-map defs-prot defs-sigmask nsig defs-signo defs-fpe defs-sa defs-errno namemax defs-fcntlo defs-basictypes defs-sc
all: Libc.txt ${DEFS} strerrnocase.txt
-Libc.txt: Libc.txt.templ ${DEFS} sizeofs
+Libc.txt: Libc.txt.templ ${DEFS} libver osname machine custom fields-dirent fields-sigaction fields-siginfo fields-stack fields-stat fields-tm fields-ucontext
${PY} ./ Libc.txt.templ ${.TARGET}
-# perl -pe 's/\n/\r\n/' < ${.TARGET}.tmp > ${.TARGET}
-# ${PY} ./ ${.TARGET}.tmp ${.TARGET}
-# rm -f ${.TARGET}.tmp
-sizeofs: sizeofs.c
- ${CC} -O0 -g -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+ grep CLOCKS_PER_SEC /usr/include/time.h | head -1 | awk '{print $$3}' | tr -d '\n' > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 0 i /usr/include/sys/errno.h > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/sys/errno.h >> ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 0 s /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep " MAP_" > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/arpa/tftp.h | grep EACCESS > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 0 s /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep " PROT_" > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep " SIG_" > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep " SIG" > ${.TARGET}
./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep SIGWINCH >> ${.TARGET}
./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep SIGTHR >> ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep SIG_ > ${.TARGET}
+ grep "#define _NSIG" /usr/include/sys/signal.h | head -1 | awk '{print $$3}' | tr -d '\n' > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h | grep " FPE_" > ${.TARGET}
./ 2 2 s /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep " SA_" > ${.TARGET}
./ 2 3 s /usr/include/sys/signal.h | grep " SA_" >> ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 0 s /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep " PROT_" > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 0 s /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep " MAP_" >> ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 0 i /usr/include/sys/errno.h > ${.TARGET}
+ ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/sys/errno.h >> ${.TARGET}
+ grep " NAME_MAX " /usr/include/sys/syslimits.h | head -1 | awk '{print $$3}' | tr -d '\n' > ${.TARGET}
./ 2 2 s /usr/include/fcntl.h | grep -v compat | grep " O_" > ${.TARGET}
./ 2 1 s /usr/include/fcntl.h | grep " O_" >> ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h >> ${.TARGET}
+defs-basictypes: sizeofs
+ ./sizeofs > ${.TARGET}
./ 2 1 i /usr/include/unistd.h | grep _SC_ > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 0 i /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep MADV > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep MADV >> ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h | grep FPE_ > ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h | grep ILL_ >> ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h | grep SEGV_ >> ${.TARGET}
- ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h | grep BUS_ >> ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 0 i /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep MADV > ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 1 i /usr/include/sys/mman.h | grep MADV >> ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h | grep ILL_ >> ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h | grep SEGV_ >> ${.TARGET}
+# ./ 2 2 i /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h | grep BUS_ >> ${.TARGET}
dumpstrerrno.c: defs-errno
grep -v ERESTART ${.ALLSRC} | grep -v EJUSTRETURN | ./ > ${.TARGET}
./dumpstrerrno | ./ > ${.TARGET}
- rm -f sizeofs ${DEFS} Libc.txt dumpstrerrno dumpstrerrno.c strerrnocase.txt
+ rm -f ${DEFS} Libc.txt dumpstrerrno dumpstrerrno.c strerrnocase.txt sizeofs
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/custom b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/custom
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ (* OpenBSD: stdin, stdout, stderr *)
+ __sF*: ARRAY [untagged] 3 OF FILE; (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/stdio.h *)
+ (*
+ stdin = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[0])
+ stdout = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[1])
+ stderr = SYSTEM.ADR(__sF[2])
+ *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] __errno_location* ["__errno"] (): PtrVoid;
+ (* POSIX.1 *)
+ PROCEDURE [ccall] stat* (path: PtrSTR; VAR sp: stat_t): int;
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-dirent b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-dirent
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/dirent.h *)
+ d_fileno*: u_int32_t; (* file number of entry *)
+ d_reclen*: u_int16_t; (* length of this record *)
+ d_type*: u_int8_t; (* file type, see below *)
+ d_namlen*: u_int8_t; (* length of string in d_name *)
+ d_name*: ARRAY [untagged] 255 + 1 OF SHORTCHAR;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-sigaction b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-sigaction
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ sa_sigaction*: PROCEDURE [ccall] (sig: int; siginfo: Ptrsiginfo_t; ctx: Ptrucontext_t);
+ sa_mask*: sigset_t;
+ sa_flags*: intFlags;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-siginfo b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-siginfo
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h *)
+ si_signo*: int; (* signal from signal.h *)
+ si_code*: int; (* code from above *)
+ si_errno*: int; (* error from errno.h *)
+ _data*: RECORD [union]
+ _pad*: ARRAY [untagged] 29 (* SI_PAD *) OF int; (* for future growth *)
+ _proc*: RECORD [untagged] (* kill(), SIGCLD, siqqueue() *)
+ _pid*: pid_t; (* process ID *)
+ _pdata*: RECORD [union]
+ _kill*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _uid*: uid_t;
+ _value*: sigval;
+ _value*: int
+ END;
+ _cld*: RECORD [untagged]
+ _utime*: clock_t;
+ _status*: int;
+ _stime*: clock_t;
+ END;
+ END;
+ END;
+ _fault*: RECORD [untagged] (* SIGSEGV, SIGBUS, SIGILL and SIGFPE *)
+ _addr*: PtrVoid; (* faulting address *)
+ _trapno*: int; (* illegal trap number *)
+ END;
+ END;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-stack b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-stack
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/signal.h *)
+ ss_sp*: PtrVoid; (* signal stack base *)
+ ss_size*: size_t; (* signal stack length *)
+ ss_flags*: intFlags; (* SS_DISABLE and/or SS_ONSTACK *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-stat b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-stat
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/sys/stat.h *)
+ st_dev*: dev_t;
+ st_ino*: ino_t;
+ st_mode*: mode_t;
+ st_nlink*: nlink_t;
+ st_uid*: uid_t;
+ st_gid*: gid_t;
+ st_rdev*: dev_t;
+ st_lspare0*: int32_t;
+ st_atime*: time_t;
+ st_atimensec*: long;
+ st_mtime*: time_t;
+ st_mtimensec*: long;
+ st_ctime*: time_t;
+ st_ctimensec*: long;
+ st_size*: off_t;
+ st_blocks*: int64_t;
+ st_blksize*: u_int32_t;
+ st_flags*: u_int32_t;
+ st_gen*: u_int32_t;
+ st_lspare1*: int32_t;
+ __st_birthtime*: time_t;
+ __st_birthtimensec*: long;
+ st_qspare*: ARRAY [untagged] 2 OF int64_t;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-tm b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-tm
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/time.h *)
+ tm_sec*: int; (* seconds after the minute [0-60] *)
+ tm_min*: int; (* minutes after the hour [0-59] *)
+ tm_hour*: int; (* hours since midnight [0-23] *)
+ tm_mday*: int; (* day of the month [1-31] *)
+ tm_mon*: int; (* months since January [0-11] *)
+ tm_year*: int; (* years since 1900 *)
+ tm_wday*: int; (* days since Sunday [0-6] *)
+ tm_yday*: int; (* days since January 1 [0-365] *)
+ tm_isdst*: int; (* Daylight Saving Time flag *)
+ tm_gmtoff*: long; (* offset from UTC in seconds *)
+ tm_zone*: PtrSTR; (* timezone abbreviation *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-ucontext b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/fields-ucontext
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/signal.h struct sigcontext *)
+ sc_gs*: int;
+ sc_fs*: int;
+ sc_es*: int;
+ sc_ds*: int;
+ sc_edi*: int;
+ sc_esi*: int;
+ sc_ebp*: int;
+ sc_ebx*: int;
+ sc_edx*: int;
+ sc_ecx*: int;
+ sc_eax*: int;
+ (* XXX *)
+ sc_eip*: int;
+ sc_cs*: int;
+ sc_eflags*: int;
+ sc_esp*: int;
+ sc_ss*: int;
+ sc_onstack*: int; (* sigstack state to restore *)
+ sc_mask*: int; (* signal mask to restore *)
+ sc_trapno*: int; (* XXX should be above *)
+ sc_err*: int;
+ sc_fpstate*: RECORD [union]
+ (* OpenBSD 5.2 /usr/include/i386/npx.h union savefpu *)
+ sv_87*: RECORD [untagged]
+ ...
+ END;
+ sv_xmm*: RECORD [untagged]
+ ...
+ END;
+ END;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/libver b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/libver
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/machine b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/machine
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/osname b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/osname
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+OpenBSD 5.2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/sigstksz b/new/_OpenBSD_/Lin/Mod/gen-Libc/sigstksz
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+8192 + 32768
\ No newline at end of file
index 612bac6cbcfb0dffc0041f03a99db732223ef442..ac3b9255ff4a27cd7216d99b413a0d9ab80a4d6a 100644 (file)
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
-#define SZ(A, B) printf("%s %d\n", A, sizeof(B));
+#define TABS "\t\t"
-int main ()
+#define FALSE (0)
+#define TRUE (1)
+static void D (const char *s, int sz, int set, int export)
- SZ("size_t", size_t);
- SZ("ssize_t", ssize_t);
- SZ("off_t", off_t);
- SZ("clock_t", clock_t);
- SZ("mode_t", mode_t);
- SZ("pid_t", pid_t);
- SZ("uid_t", uid_t);
- SZ("sigset_t", sigset_t);
+ int res;
- SZ("wchar_t", wchar_t);
+ res = printf("%s%s", TABS, s);
+ if (export) {
+ res = printf("*");
+ }
+ res = printf(" = ");
+ if (sz == 1) {
+ res = printf("SHORTCHAR");
+ } else if (sz == 2) {
+ res = printf("SHORTINT");
+ } else if (sz == 4) {
+ if (set) {
+ res = printf("SET");
+ } else {
+ res = printf("INTEGER");
+ }
+ } else if (sz == 8) {
+ if (set) {
+ res = printf("ARRAY [untagged] 2 OF SET");
+ } else {
+ res = printf("LONGINT");
+ }
+ } else {
+ res = printf("ARRAY [untagged] ");
+ if (sz % 4 == 0) {
+ if (set) {
+ res = printf("%d OF SET", sz / 4);
+ } else {
+ res = printf("%d OF INTEGER", sz / 4);
+ }
+ } else {
+ res = printf("%d OF SHORTCHAR", sz);
+ }
+ }
+ res = printf(";\n");
+int main ()
+ D("PtrVoid", sizeof(void *), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int", sizeof(int), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("long", sizeof(long), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("ulong", sizeof(unsigned long), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("size_t", sizeof(size_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("ssize_t", sizeof(ssize_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("off_t", sizeof(off_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("clock_t", sizeof(clock_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("time_t", sizeof(time_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("mode_t", sizeof(mode_t), TRUE, TRUE);
+ D("pid_t", sizeof(pid_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("uid_t", sizeof(uid_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("gid_t", sizeof(gid_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("dev_t", sizeof(dev_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("ino_t", sizeof(ino_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("nlink_t", sizeof(nlink_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int8_t", sizeof(int8_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("u_int8_t", sizeof(u_int8_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int16_t", sizeof(int16_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("u_int16_t", sizeof(u_int16_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int32_t", sizeof(int32_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("u_int32_t", sizeof(u_int32_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("int64_t", sizeof(int64_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("u_int64_t", sizeof(u_int64_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("wchar_t", sizeof(wchar_t), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("sigset_t", sizeof(sigset_t), TRUE, TRUE);
+ D("sigjmp_buf", sizeof(sigjmp_buf), FALSE, TRUE);
+ D("intFlags", sizeof(int), TRUE, TRUE);
+ D("FILE", sizeof(FILE), FALSE, FALSE);
return 0;
index 91ee11c8910f093f98e0c061c558748136498aab..88493538f73be7812aea21f967ff6ccffb1b21f8 100644 (file)
Binary files a/new/_OpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc and b/new/_OpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc differ
Binary files a/new/_OpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc and b/new/_OpenBSD_/System/Mod/Kernel.odc differ
diff --git a/new/_OpenBSD_/ b/new/_OpenBSD_/
index 06f9b38f4cd4627b7292b0f4a87ebf1efa4ab72f..f94b31e7be6bf6292c6ec42541191508239acdbd 100644 (file)
Binary files a/new/_OpenBSD_/ and b/new/_OpenBSD_/ differ
Binary files a/new/_OpenBSD_/ and b/new/_OpenBSD_/ differ
index 4b923365b58f0f575d7ac44507f055a3dd9a0fc7..d0a5aaf53178c4d059b3729d16cc249a9939379e 100644 (file)
Binary files a/new/_OpenBSD_/ and b/new/_OpenBSD_/ differ
Binary files a/new/_OpenBSD_/ and b/new/_OpenBSD_/ differ