build-gui modified
authorAlexander Shiryaev <>
Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:54:32 +0000 (23:54 +0400)
committerAlexander Shiryaev <>
Fri, 16 Nov 2012 19:54:32 +0000 (23:54 +0400)
19 files changed:
new/Std/Mod/Api.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/CFrames.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Clocks.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Cmds.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Coder.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Debug.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Dialog.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/ETHConv.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Folds.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Headers.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Interpreter.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Links.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Loader.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Log.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Logos.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Scrollers.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/Stamps.txt [deleted file]
new/Std/Mod/ViewSizer.txt [deleted file]

diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Api.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Api.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d89cc42..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Api.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT
-               Kernel, Views, Files, Dialog, Converters, Windows, Sequencers, Stores, Meta,
-               Containers, StdDialog, Documents;
-       (* Auxiliary procedures *)
-       PROCEDURE CheckQualident (VAR str, mod, name: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; 
-               REPEAT
-                       ch := str[i]; mod[i] := ch; INC(i)
-               UNTIL (i = LEN(str)) OR (i = LEN(mod)) OR (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (CAP(ch) < "A") OR (CAP(ch) > "Z");
-               IF ch = "." THEN
-                       mod[i - 1] := 0X; j := 0;
-                       REPEAT
-                               ch := str[i]; name[j] := ch; INC(i); INC(j)
-                       UNTIL (i = LEN(str)) OR (j = LEN(name)) OR (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (CAP(ch) < "A") OR (CAP(ch) > "Z");
-                       IF ch # 0X THEN mod[0] := 0X; name[0] := 0X END
-               ELSE mod[0] := 0X; name[0] := 0X
-               END
-       END CheckQualident;
-       PROCEDURE PathToSpec (VAR path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name);
-               VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; j := 0; loc := Files.dir.This("");
-               WHILE (loc.res = 0) & (i < LEN(path) - 1) & (j < LEN(name) - 1) & (path[i] # 0X) DO
-                       ch := path[i]; INC(i);
-                       IF (j > 0) & ((ch = "/") OR (ch = "\")) THEN
-                               name[j] := 0X; j := 0;
-                               IF name = "*" THEN
-                                       IF Dialog.language # "" THEN loc := loc.This(Dialog.language) END
-                               ELSE loc := loc.This(name)
-                               END
-                       ELSE
-                               name[j] := ch; INC(j)
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF path[i] = 0X THEN name[j] := 0X
-               ELSE loc.res := 1; name := ""
-               END
-       END PathToSpec;
-       PROCEDURE ThisDialog (dialog: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View;
-               VAR fname, submod, sub, mod: Files.Name; canCreate: BOOLEAN; conv: Converters.Converter;
-                       loc: Files.Locator; file: Files.File; v: Views.View; s: Stores.Store; var: Meta.Item;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(dialog # "", 20);
-               v := NIL; file := NIL; canCreate := FALSE;
-               CheckQualident(dialog, submod, fname);
-               IF submod # "" THEN     (* is qualident *)
-                       Meta.LookupPath(dialog, var);
-                       IF var.obj = Meta.varObj THEN   (* variable exists *)
-                               canCreate := TRUE;
-                               Kernel.SplitName(submod, sub, mod);
-                               loc := Files.dir.This(sub);
-                               IF loc # NIL THEN
-                                       Kernel.MakeFileName(fname, "");
-                                       loc := loc.This("Rsrc");
-                                       IF loc # NIL THEN file := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, Files.shared) END;
-                                       IF (file = NIL) & (sub = "") THEN
-                                               loc := Files.dir.This("System"); ASSERT(loc # NIL, 100);
-                                               IF loc # NIL THEN
-                                                       loc := loc.This("Rsrc");
-                                                       IF loc # NIL THEN file := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, Files.shared) END
-                                               END
-                                       END
-                               END
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF (file = NIL) & ~canCreate THEN       (* try file name *)
-                       PathToSpec(dialog, loc, fname);
-                       IF loc.res = 0 THEN
-                               Kernel.MakeFileName(fname, "");
-                               file := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, Files.shared)
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF file # NIL THEN
-                       Kernel.MakeFileName(fname, "");
-                       conv := NIL; Converters.Import(loc, fname, conv, s);
-                       IF s # NIL THEN
-                               v := s(Views.View)
-                       END
-               ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", dialog, "", "")
-               END;
-               RETURN v
-       END ThisDialog;
-       PROCEDURE ThisMask (param: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View;
-               VAR v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               v := ThisDialog(param);
-               IF v # NIL THEN
-                       WITH v: Containers.View DO
-                               c := v.ThisController();
-                               IF c # NIL THEN
-                                       c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection})
-                               ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:NotEditable")
-                               END
-                       ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:ContainerExpected")
-                       END
-               END;
-               RETURN v
-       END ThisMask;
-       (* Interface procedures *)
-       PROCEDURE CloseDialog* (OUT closedView: Views.View);
-               CONST canClose = {Windows.neverDirty, Windows.isTool, Windows.isAux};
-               VAR w: Windows.Window; msg: Sequencers.CloseMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               closedView := NIL;
-               w := Windows.dir.First();
-               IF w # NIL THEN
-                       IF w.sub THEN
-                               closedView := w.frame.view;
-                               Windows.dir.Close(w);
-                       ELSIF (w.flags * canClose = {}) & w.seq.Dirty() THEN
-                               Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:CannotCloseDirtyWindow")
-                       ELSE
-                               msg.sticky := FALSE; w.seq.Notify(msg);
-                               IF ~msg.sticky THEN closedView := w.frame.view; Windows.dir.Close(w) END
-                       END
-               END
-       END CloseDialog;
-       PROCEDURE OpenAux* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View);
-               VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; t: Views.Title;
-       BEGIN
-               PathToSpec(file, loc, name);
-               IF loc.res = 0 THEN
-                       loc.res := 77; v := Views.OldView(loc, name); loc.res := 0;
-                       IF v # NIL THEN t := title$; Views.OpenAux(v, t)
-                       ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "")
-                       END
-               ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "")
-               END
-       END OpenAux;
-       PROCEDURE OpenAuxDialog* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View);
-               VAR t0: Views.Title; done: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.MapString(title, t0);
-               Windows.SelectByTitle(NIL, {Windows.isAux}, t0, done);
-               IF ~done THEN
-                       v := ThisMask(file);
-                       IF v # NIL THEN
-                               StdDialog.Open(v, title, NIL, "", NIL, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
-                       END
-               END
-       END OpenAuxDialog;
-       PROCEDURE OpenBrowser* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View);
-               VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; t: Views.Title;
-                       c: Containers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               PathToSpec(file, loc, name);
-               IF loc.res = 0 THEN
-                       loc.res := 77; v := Views.OldView(loc, name); loc.res := 0;
-                       IF v # NIL THEN
-                               WITH v: Containers.View DO
-                                       c := v.ThisController();
-                                       IF c # NIL THEN
-                                               c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus, Containers.noSelection} + {Containers.noCaret})
-                                       END
-                               ELSE
-                               END;
-                               t := title$;
-                               StdDialog.Open(v, t, NIL, "", NIL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE)
-                       ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "")
-                       END
-               ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "")
-               END
-       END OpenBrowser;
-       PROCEDURE OpenDoc* (file: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View);
-               VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter;
-       BEGIN
-               PathToSpec(file, loc, name);
-               IF loc.res = 0 THEN
-                       conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, name, conv);
-                       IF loc.res = 78 THEN loc := NIL; name := "" END;        (* stationery *)
-                       IF v # NIL THEN Views.Open(v, loc, name, conv)
-                       ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "")
-                       END
-               ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "")
-               END
-       END OpenDoc;
-       PROCEDURE OpenCopyOf* (file: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View);
-               VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter;
-       BEGIN
-               PathToSpec(file, loc, name);
-               IF loc.res = 0 THEN
-                       conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, name, conv);
-                       IF loc.res = 78 THEN loc := NIL; name := "" END;        (* stationary *)
-                       IF v # NIL THEN 
-                               IF v.context # NIL THEN
-                                       v := Views.CopyOf(v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc(), Views.deep);
-                                       Stores.InitDomain(v)
-                               ELSE v := Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep)
-                               END;
-                               Views.Open(v, NIL, "", conv)
-                       ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "")
-                       END
-               ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FileNotFound", file, "", "")
-               END
-       END OpenCopyOf;
-       PROCEDURE OpenToolDialog* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT v: Views.View);
-               VAR t0: Views.Title; done: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.MapString(title, t0);
-               Windows.SelectByTitle(NIL, {Windows.isTool}, t0, done);
-               IF ~done THEN
-                       v := ThisMask(file);
-                       IF v # NIL THEN
-                               StdDialog.Open(v, title, NIL, "", NIL, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
-                       END
-               END
-       END OpenToolDialog;
-END StdApi.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/CFrames.txt b/new/Std/Mod/CFrames.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7a157db..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdCFrames;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/CFrames.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Views, Dates, Dialog;
-       CONST lineUp* = 0; lineDown* = 1; pageUp* = 2; pageDown* = 3;
-       TYPE
-               Frame* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.Frame)
-                       disabled*, undef*, readOnly*, noRedraw*: BOOLEAN;
-                       font*: Fonts.Font
-               END;
-               PushButton* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
-                       default*, cancel*: BOOLEAN;
-                       Do*: PROCEDURE (f: PushButton)
-               END;
-               CheckBox* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox; OUT on: BOOLEAN);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: CheckBox; on: BOOLEAN)
-               END;
-               RadioButton* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton; OUT on: BOOLEAN);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: RadioButton; on: BOOLEAN)
-               END;
-               ScrollBar* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       Track*: PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar; dir: INTEGER; VAR pos: INTEGER);
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar; OUT size, sect, pos: INTEGER);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: ScrollBar; pos: INTEGER)
-               END;
-               Field* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       maxLen*: INTEGER;       (* max num of characters in field (w/o 0X) *)
-                       left*, right*, multiLine*, password*: BOOLEAN;
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: Field; OUT string: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: Field; IN string: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       Equal*: PROCEDURE (f: Field; IN s1, s2: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN
-               END;
-               UpDownField* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       min*, max*, inc*: INTEGER;
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField; OUT val: INTEGER);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField; val: INTEGER)
-               END;
-               DateField* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: DateField; OUT date: Dates.Date);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: DateField; IN date: Dates.Date);
-                       GetSel*: PROCEDURE (f: DateField; OUT sel: INTEGER);
-                       SetSel*: PROCEDURE (f: DateField; sel: INTEGER)
-               END;
-               TimeField* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: TimeField; OUT date: Dates.Time);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: TimeField; IN date: Dates.Time);
-                       GetSel*: PROCEDURE (f: TimeField; OUT sel: INTEGER);
-                       SetSel*: PROCEDURE (f: TimeField; sel: INTEGER)
-               END;
-               ColorField* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: ColorField; OUT col: INTEGER);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: ColorField; col: INTEGER)
-               END;
-               ListBox* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       sorted*: BOOLEAN;
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: ListBox; OUT i: INTEGER);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: ListBox; i: INTEGER);
-                       GetName*: PROCEDURE (f: ListBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR)
-               END;
-               SelectionBox* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       sorted*: BOOLEAN;
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; i: INTEGER; OUT in: BOOLEAN);
-                       Incl*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER);
-                       Excl*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER);
-                       GetName*: PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR)
-               END;
-               ComboBox* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       sorted*: BOOLEAN;
-                       Get*: PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox; OUT string: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       Set*: PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox; IN string: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       GetName*: PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR)
-               END;
-               Caption* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
-                       left*, right*: BOOLEAN;
-               END;
-               Group* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       label*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR
-               END;
-               TreeFrame* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Frame)
-                       sorted*, haslines*, hasbuttons*, atroot*, foldericons*: BOOLEAN;
-                       NofNodes*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame): INTEGER;
-                       Child*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode;
-                       Parent*: PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode;
-                       Next*:  PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode;
-                       Select*:  PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode);
-                       Selected*:  PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame): Dialog.TreeNode;
-                       SetExpansion*:  PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame; tn: Dialog.TreeNode; expanded: BOOLEAN)
-               END;
-               Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END;
-       VAR
-               setFocus*: BOOLEAN;
-               defaultFont*, defaultLightFont*: Fonts.Font;
-               dir-, stdDir-: Directory;
-       (** Frame **)
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) MouseDown* (x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET), NEW, EMPTY;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) WheelMove* (x, y: INTEGER; op, nofLines: INTEGER;
-                                                                                                                               VAR done: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) KeyDown* (ch: CHAR), NEW, EMPTY;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Restore* (l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) UpdateList*, NEW, EMPTY;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Mark* (on, focus: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Edit* (op: INTEGER; VAR v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER;
-                                                                                                       VAR singleton, clipboard: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) GetCursor* (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) Update*, NEW, EXTENSIBLE;
-               VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; root: Views.RootFrame;
-       BEGIN
-               l := f.l + f.gx; t := f.t +; r := f.r + f.gx; b := f.b +;
-               root := Views.RootOf(f);
-               Views.UpdateRoot(root, l, t, r, b, Views.keepFrames);
-               Views.ValidateRoot(root)
-       END Update;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Frame) DblClickOk* (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN TRUE
-       END DblClickOk;
-       (** Field **)
-       PROCEDURE (f: Field) Idle* (), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Field) Select* (from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Field) GetSelection* (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Field) Length* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: Field) GetCursor* (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; VAR cursor: INTEGER), EXTENSIBLE;
-       BEGIN
-               cursor := Ports.textCursor
-       END GetCursor;
-       (** UpDownField **)
-       PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Idle*, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) Select* (from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) GetSelection* (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: UpDownField) GetCursor* (x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET;
-                                                                                                                                               VAR cursor: INTEGER), EXTENSIBLE;
-       BEGIN
-               cursor := Ports.textCursor
-       END GetCursor;
-       (** SelectionBox **)
-       PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) Select* (from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) GetSelection* (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: SelectionBox) UpdateRange* (op, from, to: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE;
-       BEGIN
-               f.Update
-       END UpdateRange;
-       (** ComboBox **)
-       PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Idle* (), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Select* (from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) GetSelection* (OUT from, to: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (f: ComboBox) Length* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       (* TreeFrame **)
-       PROCEDURE (f: TreeFrame) GetSize* (OUT w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       (** Directory **)
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetPushButtonSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetCheckBoxSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetRadioButtonSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetScrollBarSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetFieldSize* (max: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetUpDownFieldSize* (max: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetDateFieldSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTimeFieldSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetColorFieldSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetListBoxSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetSelectionBoxSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetComboBoxSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetCaptionSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetGroupSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) GetTreeFrameSize* (VAR w, h: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewPushButton* (): PushButton, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCheckBox* (): CheckBox, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewRadioButton* (): RadioButton, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewScrollBar* (): ScrollBar, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewField* (): Field, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewUpDownField* (): UpDownField, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewDateField* (): DateField, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTimeField* (): TimeField, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewColorField* (): ColorField, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewListBox* (): ListBox, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewSelectionBox* (): SelectionBox, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewComboBox* (): ComboBox, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCaption* (): Caption, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewGroup* (): Group, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTreeFrame* (): TreeFrame, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d;
-               IF stdDir = NIL THEN stdDir := d END
-       END SetDir;
-       setFocus := FALSE
-END StdCFrames.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Clocks.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Clocks.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f7e4917..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdClocks;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Clocks.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT
-               Dates, Math, Domains := Stores, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Services, Properties,
-               TextModels;
-       CONST
-               minSize = 25 * Ports.point; niceSize = 42 * Ports.point;
-               minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0;
-       TYPE
-               StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       time: Dates.Time
-               END;
-               TickAction = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END;
-               Msg = RECORD (Models.Message)
-                       consumed: BOOLEAN;
-                       time: Dates.Time
-               END;
-       VAR
-               clockTime: Dates.Time;
-               action: TickAction;
-               actionIsAlive: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(r * Math.Cos(2 * Math.Pi() * g / 60) + 0.5))
-       END Cos;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(r * Math.Sin(2 * Math.Pi() * g / 60) + 0.5))
-       END Sin;
-       PROCEDURE (a: TickAction) Do;
-               VAR msg: Msg; time: Dates.Time;
-       BEGIN
-               Dates.GetTime(time);
-               IF clockTime.second = time.second THEN
-                       Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2)
-               ELSE
-                       clockTime := time;
-                       msg.consumed := FALSE;
-                       msg.time := time;
-                       Views.Omnicast(msg);
-                       IF msg.consumed THEN
-                               Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2)
-                       ELSE
-                               actionIsAlive := FALSE
-                       END
-               END
-       END Do;
-       (* View *)
-       PROCEDURE DrawTick (f: Views.Frame; m, d0, d1, s, g: INTEGER; c: Ports.Color);
-       BEGIN
-               f.DrawLine(m + Sin(d0, g), m - Cos(d0, g), m + Sin(d1, g), m - Cos(d1, g), s, c)
-       END DrawTick;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);
-       BEGIN
-               v.Externalize^(wr);
-               wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion);
-               wr.WriteByte(9)
-       END Externalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);
-               VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; format: BYTE;
-       BEGIN
-               v.Internalize^(rd);
-               IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
-                       rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, thisVersion);
-                       IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
-                               rd.ReadByte(format);
-                               v.time.second := -1
-                       END
-               END
-       END Internalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH source: StdView DO
-                       v.time.second := -1
-               END
-       END CopyFromSimpleView;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-               VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; color: Ports.Color;
-                       time: Dates.Time;
-                       i, m, d, u, hs, hd1, ms, md1, ss, sd0, sd1,  w, h: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF ~actionIsAlive THEN
-                        actionIsAlive := TRUE; Services.DoLater(action,
-               END;
-               IF v.time.second = -1 THEN Dates.GetTime(v.time) END;
-               c := v.context; c.GetSize(w, h);
-               WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); color := a.color
-               ELSE color := Ports.defaultColor
-               END;
-               u := f.unit;
-               d := h DIV u * u;
-               IF ~ODD(d DIV u) THEN DEC(d, u) END;
-               m := (h - u) DIV 2;
-               IF d >= niceSize - 2 * Ports.point THEN
-                       hs := 3 * u; ms := 3 * u; ss := u;
-                       hd1 := m * 4 DIV 6; md1 := m * 5 DIV 6; sd0 := -(m DIV 6); sd1 := m - 4 * u;
-                       i := 0; WHILE i < 12 DO DrawTick(f, m, m * 11 DIV 12, m, u, i  * 5, color); INC(i) END
-               ELSE
-                       hd1 := m * 2 DIV 4; hs := u; ms := u; ss := u;
-                       md1 := m * 3 DIV 4; sd0 := 0; sd1 := 3 * u
-               END;
-               time := v.time;
-               f.DrawOval(0, 0, d, d, u, color);
-               DrawTick(f, m, 0, m * 4 DIV 6, hs, time.hour MOD 12 * 5 + time.minute DIV 12, color);
-               DrawTick(f, m, 0, md1, ms, time.minute, color);
-               DrawTick(f, m, sd0, sd1, ss, time.second, color)
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message);
-               VAR w, h: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Msg DO
-                       msg.consumed := TRUE;
-                       IF v.time.second # msg.time.second THEN (* execute only once per view *)
-                               Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames);
-                               v.time := msg.time
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandleModelMsg;
-       PROCEDURE SizePref (v: StdView; VAR p: Properties.SizePref);
-       BEGIN
-               IF (p.w > Views.undefined) & (p.h > Views.undefined) THEN
-                       Properties.ProportionalConstraint(1, 1, p.fixedW, p.fixedH, p.w, p.h);
-                       IF p.w < minSize THEN p.w := minSize; p.h := minSize END
-               ELSE
-                       p.w := niceSize; p.h := niceSize
-               END
-       END SizePref;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO
-                       WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO
-                               SizePref(v, msg)
-                       ELSE
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandlePropMsg;
-       (** allocation **)
-       PROCEDURE New* (): Views.View;
-               VAR v: StdView;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(v); v.time.second := -1; RETURN v
-       END New;
-       PROCEDURE Deposit*;
-       BEGIN
-               Views.Deposit(New())
-       END Deposit;
-       clockTime.second := -1;
-       NEW(action); actionIsAlive := FALSE
-       IF actionIsAlive THEN Services.RemoveAction(action) END
-END StdClocks.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Cmds.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Cmds.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 76e5ae9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1016 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdCmds;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Cmds.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT
-               Fonts, Ports, Services, Stores, Sequencers, Models, Views,
-               Controllers, Containers, Properties, Dialog, Documents, Windows, Strings,
-               StdDialog, StdApi;
-       CONST
-               illegalSizeKey = "#System:IllegalFontSize";
-               defaultAllocator = "TextViews.Deposit; StdCmds.Open";
-               (* wType, hType *)
-               fix = 0; page = 1; window = 2;
-       VAR
-               size*: RECORD 
-                       size*: INTEGER
-               END;
-               layout*: RECORD
-                       wType*, hType*: INTEGER;
-                       width*, height*: REAL;
-                       doc: Documents.Document;
-                       u: INTEGER
-               END;
-               allocator*: Dialog.String;
-               propEra: INTEGER;       (* (propEra, props) form cache for StdProps() *)
-               props: Properties.StdProp;      (* valid iff propEra = Props.era *)
-               prop: Properties.Property;      (* usef for copy/paste properties *)
-       (* auxiliary procedures *)
-       PROCEDURE StdProp (): Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               IF propEra # Properties.era THEN
-                       Properties.CollectStdProp(props);
-                       propEra := Properties.era
-               END;
-               RETURN props
-       END StdProp;
-               VAR len, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               len := LEN(s);
-               i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-               j := 0; REPEAT ch := t[j]; s[i] := ch; INC(j); INC(i) UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (i = len);
-               s[len - 1] := 0X
-       END Append;     
-       (* standard commands *)
-       PROCEDURE OpenAuxDialog* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               StdApi.OpenAuxDialog(file, title, v)
-       END OpenAuxDialog;
-       PROCEDURE OpenToolDialog* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               StdApi.OpenToolDialog(file, title, v)
-       END OpenToolDialog;
-       PROCEDURE OpenDoc* (file: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               StdApi.OpenDoc(file, v)
-       END OpenDoc;
-       PROCEDURE OpenCopyOf* (file: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               StdApi.OpenCopyOf(file, v)
-       END OpenCopyOf;
-       PROCEDURE OpenAux* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR v: Views.View; 
-       BEGIN
-               StdApi.OpenAux(file, title, v)
-       END OpenAux;
-       PROCEDURE OpenBrowser* (file, title: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               StdApi.OpenBrowser(file, title, v)
-       END OpenBrowser;
-       PROCEDURE CloseDialog*;
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               StdApi.CloseDialog(v)
-       END CloseDialog;
-       PROCEDURE Open*;
-               VAR i: INTEGER; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               i := Views.Available();
-               IF i > 0 THEN Views.Fetch(v); Views.OpenView(v)
-               ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:DepositExpected")
-               END
-       END Open;
-       PROCEDURE PasteView*;
-               VAR i: INTEGER; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               i := Views.Available();
-               IF i > 0 THEN
-                       Views.Fetch(v);
-                       Controllers.PasteView(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined, FALSE)
-               ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:DepositExpected")
-               END
-       END PasteView;
-       (* file menu commands *)
-       PROCEDURE New*;
-               VAR res: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.Call(allocator, " ", res)
-       END New;
-       (* edit menu commands *)
-       PROCEDURE Undo*;
-               VAR w: Windows.Window;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath);
-               IF w # NIL THEN w.seq.Undo END
-       END Undo;
-       PROCEDURE Redo*;
-               VAR w: Windows.Window;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath);
-               IF w # NIL THEN w.seq.Redo END
-       END Redo;
-       PROCEDURE CopyProp*;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectProp(prop)
-       END CopyProp;
-       PROCEDURE PasteProp*;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, prop)
-       END PasteProp;
-       PROCEDURE Clear*;
-       (** remove the selection of the current focus **)
-               VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               msg.op := Controllers.cut; msg.view := NIL;
-               msg.clipboard := FALSE;
-               Controllers.Forward(msg)
-       END Clear;
-       PROCEDURE SelectAll*;
-       (** select whole content of current focus **)
-               VAR msg: Controllers.SelectMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               msg.set := TRUE; Controllers.Forward(msg)
-       END SelectAll;
-       PROCEDURE DeselectAll*;
-       (** select whole content of current focus **)
-               VAR msg: Controllers.SelectMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               msg.set := FALSE; Controllers.Forward(msg)
-       END DeselectAll;
-       PROCEDURE SelectDocument*;
-       (** select whole document **)
-               VAR w: Windows.Window; c: Containers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.path);
-               IF w # NIL THEN
-                       c := w.doc.ThisController();
-                       IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noSelection IN c.opts) & (c.Singleton() = NIL) THEN
-                               c.SetSingleton(w.doc.ThisView())
-                       END
-               END
-       END SelectDocument;
-       PROCEDURE SelectNextView*;
-               VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               c := Containers.Focus();
-               IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noSelection IN c.opts) THEN
-                       IF c.HasSelection() THEN v := c.Singleton() ELSE v := NIL END;
-                       IF v = NIL THEN
-                               c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v)
-                       ELSE
-                               c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v);
-                               IF v = NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v) END
-                       END;
-                       c.SelectAll(FALSE);
-                       IF v # NIL THEN c.SetSingleton(v) END
-               ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#Dev:NoTargetFocusFound")
-               END
-       END SelectNextView;
-       (** font menu commands **)
-       PROCEDURE Font* (typeface: Fonts.Typeface);
-       (** set the selection to the given font family **)
-               VAR p: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.typeface}; p.typeface := typeface;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Font;
-       PROCEDURE DefaultFont*;
-       (** set the selection to the default font family **)
-               VAR p: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.typeface}; p.typeface := Fonts.default;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END DefaultFont;
-       (** attributes menu commands **)
-       PROCEDURE Plain*;
-       (** reset the font attribute "weight" and all font style attributes of the selection **)
-               VAR p: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {, Properties.weight};
-      := {}; := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout};
-               p.weight := Fonts.normal;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Plain;
-       PROCEDURE Bold*;
-       (** change the font attribute "weight" in the selection;
-       if the selection has a homogeneously bold weight: toggle to normal, else force to bold **)
-               VAR p, p0: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectStdProp(p0);
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.weight};
-               IF (Properties.weight IN p0.valid) & (p0.weight # Fonts.normal) THEN
-                       p.weight := Fonts.normal
-               ELSE p.weight := Fonts.bold
-               END;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Bold;
-       PROCEDURE Italic*;
-       (** change the font style attribute "italic" in the selection;
-       if the selection is homogeneous wrt this attribute: toggle, else force to italic **)
-               VAR p, p0: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectStdProp(p0);
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {}; := {Fonts.italic};
-               IF ( IN p0.valid) & (Fonts.italic IN THEN
-              := {}
-               ELSE := {Fonts.italic}
-               END;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Italic;
-       PROCEDURE Underline*;
-       (** change the font style attribute "underline" in the selection;
-       if the selection is homogeneous wrt this attribute: toggle, else force to underline **)
-               VAR p, p0: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectStdProp(p0);
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {}; := {Fonts.underline};
-               IF ( IN p0.valid) & (Fonts.underline IN THEN
-              := {}
-               ELSE := {Fonts.underline}
-               END;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Underline;
-       PROCEDURE Strikeout*;
-       (** change the font style attribute "strikeout" in the selection,
-       without changing other attributes;
-       if the selection is homogeneous wrt this attribute: toggle,
-       else force to strikeout **)
-               VAR p, p0: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectStdProp(p0);
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {}; := {Fonts.strikeout};
-               IF ( IN p0.valid) & (Fonts.strikeout IN THEN
-              := {}
-               ELSE := {Fonts.strikeout}
-               END;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Strikeout;
-       PROCEDURE Size* (size: INTEGER);
-       (** set the selection to the given font size **)
-               VAR p: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.size};
-               p.size := size * Ports.point;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Size;
-       PROCEDURE SetSize*;
-               VAR p: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               IF (0 <= size.size) & (size.size < 32768) THEN
-                       NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.size};
-                       p.size := size.size * Fonts.point;
-                       Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-               ELSE
-                       Dialog.ShowMsg(illegalSizeKey)
-               END
-       END SetSize;
-       PROCEDURE InitSizeDialog*;
-               VAR p: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectStdProp(p);
-               IF Properties.size IN p.valid THEN size.size := p.size DIV Fonts.point END
-       END InitSizeDialog;
-       PROCEDURE Color* (color: Ports.Color);
-       (** set the color attributes of the selection **)
-               VAR p: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {Properties.color};
-               p.color.val := color;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Color;
-       PROCEDURE UpdateAll*;   (* for HostCmds.Toggle *)
-               VAR w: Windows.Window; pw, ph: INTEGER; dirty: BOOLEAN; msg: Models.UpdateMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.First();
-               WHILE w # NIL DO
-                       IF ~w.sub THEN
-                               dirty := w.seq.Dirty();
-                               Models.Domaincast(w.doc.Domain(), msg);
-                               IF ~dirty THEN w.seq.SetDirty(FALSE) END        (* not perfect: "undoable dirt" ... *)
-                       END;
-                       w.port.GetSize(pw, ph);
-                       w.Restore(0, 0, pw, ph);
-                       w := Windows.dir.Next(w)
-               END
-       END UpdateAll;
-       PROCEDURE RestoreAll*;
-               VAR w: Windows.Window; pw, ph: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.First();
-               WHILE w # NIL DO
-                       w.port.GetSize(pw, ph);
-                       w.Restore(0, 0, pw, ph);
-                       w := Windows.dir.Next(w)
-               END
-       END RestoreAll;
-       (** document layout dialog **)
-       PROCEDURE SetLayout*;
-               VAR opts: SET; l, t, r, b, r0, b0: INTEGER; c: Containers.Controller; script: Stores.Operation;
-       BEGIN
-               c := layout.doc.ThisController();
-               opts := c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth..Documents.winHeight};
-               IF layout.wType = page THEN INCL(opts, Documents.pageWidth)
-               ELSIF layout.wType = window THEN INCL(opts, Documents.winWidth)
-               END;
-               IF layout.hType = page THEN INCL(opts, Documents.pageHeight)
-               ELSIF layout.hType = window THEN INCL(opts, Documents.winHeight)
-               END;
-               layout.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b); r0 := r; b0 := b;
-               IF layout.wType = fix THEN r := l + SHORT(ENTIER(layout.width * layout.u)) END;
-               IF layout.hType = fix THEN b := t + SHORT(ENTIER(layout.height * layout.u)) END;
-               IF (opts # c.opts) OR (r # r0) OR (b # b0) THEN
-                       Views.BeginScript(layout.doc, "#System:ChangeLayout", script);
-                       c.SetOpts(opts);
-                       layout.doc.SetRect(l, t, r, b);
-                       Views.EndScript(layout.doc, script)
-               END
-       END SetLayout;
-       PROCEDURE InitLayoutDialog*;
-       (* guard: WindowGuard *)
-               VAR w: Windows.Window; c: Containers.Controller; l, t, r, b: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.First();
-               IF w # NIL THEN
-                       layout.doc := w.doc;
-                       c := w.doc.ThisController();
-                       IF Documents.pageWidth IN c.opts THEN layout.wType := page
-                       ELSIF Documents.winWidth IN c.opts THEN layout.wType := window
-                       ELSE layout.wType := fix
-                       END;
-                       IF Documents.pageHeight IN c.opts THEN layout.hType := page
-                       ELSIF Documents.winHeight IN c.opts THEN layout.hType := window
-                       ELSE layout.hType := fix
-                       END;
-                       IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN layout.u := * 10 ELSE layout.u := Ports.inch END;
-                       w.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b);
-                       layout.width := (r - l) DIV (layout.u DIV 100) / 100;
-                       layout.height := (b - t) DIV (layout.u DIV 100) / 100
-               END
-       END InitLayoutDialog;
-       PROCEDURE WidthGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF layout.wType # fix THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END
-       END WidthGuard;
-       PROCEDURE HeightGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF layout.hType # fix THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END
-       END HeightGuard;
-       PROCEDURE TypeNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER);
-               VAR w, h, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; d: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               layout.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b);
-               IF layout.wType = page THEN
-                       layout.doc.PollPage(w, h, l, t, r, b, d)
-               ELSIF layout.wType = window THEN
-                       layout.doc.context.GetSize(w, h); r := w - l
-               END;
-               layout.width := (r - l) DIV (layout.u DIV 100) / 100;
-               layout.doc.PollRect(l, t, r, b);
-               IF layout.hType = page THEN
-                       layout.doc.PollPage(w, h, l, t, r, b, d)
-               ELSIF layout.hType = window THEN
-                       layout.doc.context.GetSize(w, h); b := h - t
-               END;
-               layout.height := (b - t) DIV (layout.u DIV 100) / 100;
-               Dialog.Update(layout)
-       END TypeNotifier;
-       (** window menu command **)
-       PROCEDURE NewWindow*;
-       (** guard ModelViewGuard **)
-               VAR win: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; v: Views.View; title: Views.Title;
-                       seq: ANYPTR; clean: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath);
-               IF win # NIL THEN
-                       v := win.doc.ThisView();
-                       IF v.Domain() # NIL THEN seq := v.Domain().GetSequencer() ELSE seq := NIL END;
-                       clean := (seq # NIL) & ~seq(Sequencers.Sequencer).Dirty();
-                       doc := win.doc.DocCopyOf(v);
-                       (* Stores.InitDomain(doc, v.Domain()); *)
-                       ASSERT(doc.Domain() = v.Domain(), 100);
-                       win.GetTitle(title);
-                       Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(Windows.dir.New(), doc, win.flags, title);
-                       IF clean THEN seq(Sequencers.Sequencer).SetDirty(FALSE) END
-               END
-       END NewWindow;
-       (* properties *)
-               VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch, lch: CHAR; key: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; ch := name[0]; key[0] := "#"; j := 1;
-               REPEAT
-                       key[j] := ch; INC(j); lch := ch; INC(i); ch := name[i]
-               UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (ch = ".")
-                       OR ((ch >= "A") & (ch <= "Z") OR (ch >= "À") & (ch # "×") & (ch <= "Þ"))
-                               & ((lch < "A") OR (lch > "Z") & (lch < "À") OR (lch = "×") OR (lch > "Þ"));
-               IF ch = "." THEN
-                       key := "#System:" + name
-               ELSE
-                       key[j] := ":"; INC(j); key[j] := 0X; j := 0;
-                       WHILE ch # 0X DO name[j] := ch; INC(i); INC(j); ch := name[i] END;
-                       name[j] := 0X; key := key + name
-               END;
-               Dialog.MapString(key, cmd);
-               IF cmd = name THEN cmd := "" END
-       END GetCmd;
-       PROCEDURE SearchCmd (call: BOOLEAN; OUT found: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR p: Properties.Property; std: BOOLEAN; v: Views.View;  cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; pos, res: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath);
-               v := Containers.FocusSingleton(); found := FALSE;
-               IF v # NIL THEN
-                       Services.GetTypeName(v, cmd);
-                       GetCmd(cmd, cmd);
-                       IF cmd # "" THEN found := TRUE;
-                               IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END
-                       END
-               END;
-               std := FALSE;
-               Properties.CollectProp(p);
-               WHILE p # NIL DO
-                       IF p IS Properties.StdProp THEN std := TRUE
-                       ELSE
-                               Services.GetTypeName(p, cmd);
-                               GetCmd(cmd, cmd);
-                               IF cmd # "" THEN found := TRUE;
-                                       IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END
-                               ELSE
-                                       Services.GetTypeName(p, cmd);
-                                       Strings.Find(cmd, "Desc", LEN(cmd$)-4, pos);
-                                       IF LEN(cmd$)-4 = pos THEN
-                                               cmd[pos] := 0X; GetCmd(cmd, cmd);
-                                               IF cmd # "" THEN found := TRUE;
-                                                       IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END
-                                               END
-                                       END
-                               END
-                       END;
-                       p :=
-               END;
-               IF std & ~found THEN
-                       Dialog.MapString("#Host:Properties.StdProp", cmd);
-                       IF cmd # "Properties.StdProp" THEN found := TRUE;
-                               IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF ~found THEN
-                       Dialog.MapString("#System:ShowProp", cmd);
-                       IF cmd # "ShowProp" THEN found := TRUE;
-                               IF call THEN Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END
-                       END
-               END;
-               Controllers.ResetCurrentPath
-       END SearchCmd;
-       PROCEDURE ShowProp*;
-               VAR found: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               SearchCmd(TRUE, found)
-       END ShowProp;
-       PROCEDURE ShowPropGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR found: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               SearchCmd(FALSE, found);
-               IF ~found THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END ShowPropGuard;
-       (* container commands *)
-       PROCEDURE ActFocus (): Containers.Controller;
-               VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               c := Containers.Focus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       v := c.ThisView();
-                       IF v IS Documents.Document THEN
-                               v := v(Documents.Document).ThisView();
-                               IF v IS Containers.View THEN
-                                       c := v(Containers.View).ThisController()
-                               ELSE c := NIL
-                               END
-                       END
-               END;
-               RETURN c
-       END ActFocus;
-       PROCEDURE ToggleNoFocus*;
-               VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               c := ActFocus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       v := c.ThisView();
-                       IF ~((v IS Documents.Document) OR (Containers.noSelection IN c.opts)) THEN
-                               IF Containers.noFocus IN c.opts THEN
-                                       c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus})
-                               ELSE
-                                       c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noFocus})
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END ToggleNoFocus;
-       PROCEDURE OpenAsAuxDialog*;
-       (** create a new sub-window onto the focus view shown in the top window, mask mode **)
-               VAR win: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; v, u: Views.View; title: Views.Title;
-                       c: Containers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               v := Controllers.FocusView();
-               IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Containers.View) & ~(v IS Documents.Document) THEN
-                       win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); ASSERT(win # NIL, 100);
-                       doc := win.doc.DocCopyOf(v);
-                       u := doc.ThisView();
-                       c := u(Containers.View).ThisController();
-                       c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection});
-                       IF v # win.doc.ThisView() THEN
-                               c := doc.ThisController();
-                               c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth, Documents.pageHeight}
-                                                                               + {Documents.winWidth, Documents.winHeight})
-                       END;
-                       (* Stores.InitDomain(doc, v.Domain()); already done in DocCopyOf *)
-                       win.GetTitle(title);
-                       Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(Windows.dir.New(), doc,
-       {Windows.isAux, Windows.neverDirty, Windows.noResize, Windows.noHScroll, Windows.noVScroll},
-                                                                                                                       title)
-               ELSE Dialog.Beep
-               END
-       END OpenAsAuxDialog;
-       PROCEDURE OpenAsToolDialog*;
-       (** create a new sub-window onto the focus view shown in the top window, mask mode **)
-               VAR win: Windows.Window; doc: Documents.Document; v, u: Views.View; title: Views.Title;
-                       c: Containers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               v := Controllers.FocusView();
-               IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Containers.View) & ~(v IS Documents.Document) THEN
-                       win := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath); ASSERT(win # NIL, 100);
-                       doc := win.doc.DocCopyOf(v);
-                       u := doc.ThisView();
-                       c := u(Containers.View).ThisController();
-                       c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus} + {Containers.noCaret, Containers.noSelection});
-                       IF v # win.doc.ThisView() THEN
-                               c := doc.ThisController();
-                               c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Documents.pageWidth, Documents.pageHeight}
-                                                                               + {Documents.winWidth, Documents.winHeight})
-                       END;
-                       (* Stores.InitDomain(doc, v.Domain()); already done in DocCopyOf *)
-                       win.GetTitle(title);
-                       Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(Windows.dir.New(), doc,
-       {Windows.isTool, Windows.neverDirty, Windows.noResize, Windows.noHScroll, Windows.noVScroll},
-                                                                                                                       title)
-               ELSE Dialog.Beep
-               END
-       END OpenAsToolDialog;
-       PROCEDURE RecalcFocusSize*;
-               VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; bounds: Properties.BoundsPref;
-       BEGIN
-               c := Containers.Focus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       v := c.ThisView();
-                       bounds.w := Views.undefined; bounds.h := Views.undefined;
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v, bounds);
-                       v.context.SetSize(bounds.w, bounds.h)
-               END
-       END RecalcFocusSize;
-       PROCEDURE RecalcAllSizes*;
-               VAR w: Windows.Window;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.First();
-               WHILE w # NIL DO
-                       StdDialog.RecalcView(w.doc.ThisView());
-                       w := Windows.dir.Next(w)
-               END
-       END RecalcAllSizes;
-       PROCEDURE SetMode(opts: SET);
-               VAR 
-                       c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; 
-                       gm: Containers.GetOpts; sm: Containers.SetOpts;
-                       w: Windows.Window;
-       BEGIN
-               c := Containers.Focus();
-               gm.valid := {};
-               IF (c # NIL) & (c.Singleton() # NIL) THEN
-                       v := c.Singleton();
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v, gm);
-               END;
-               IF gm.valid = {} THEN
-                       w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.path);
-                       IF (w # NIL) & (w.doc.ThisView() IS Containers.View) THEN v := w.doc.ThisView() ELSE v := NIL END
-               END;
-               IF v # NIL THEN
-                       sm.valid := {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret};
-                       sm.opts := opts;
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v, sm);
-               END;
-       END SetMode;
-       PROCEDURE GetMode(OUT found: BOOLEAN; OUT opts: SET);
-               VAR c: Containers.Controller; gm: Containers.GetOpts; w: Windows.Window;
-       BEGIN
-               c := Containers.Focus();
-               gm.valid := {};
-               IF (c # NIL) & (c.Singleton() # NIL) THEN
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(c.Singleton(), gm);
-               END;
-               IF gm.valid = {}  THEN
-                       w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.path);
-                       IF (w # NIL) & (w.doc.ThisView() IS Containers.View) THEN
-                               Views.HandlePropMsg(w.doc.ThisView(), gm);
-                       END
-               END;
-               found := gm.valid # {};
-               opts := gm.opts
-       END GetMode;
-       PROCEDURE SetMaskMode*;
-       (* Guard: SetMaskGuard *)
-       BEGIN
-               SetMode({Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret})
-       END SetMaskMode;
-       PROCEDURE SetEditMode*;
-       (* Guard: SetEditGuard *)
-       BEGIN
-               SetMode({})
-       END SetEditMode;
-       PROCEDURE SetLayoutMode*;
-       (* Guard: SetLayoutGuard *)
-       BEGIN
-               SetMode({Containers.noFocus})
-       END SetLayoutMode;
-       PROCEDURE SetBrowserMode*;
-       (* Guard: SetBrowserGuard *)
-       BEGIN
-               SetMode({Containers.noCaret})
-       END SetBrowserMode;
-       (* standard guards *)
-       PROCEDURE ToggleNoFocusGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               c := ActFocus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       v := c.ThisView();
-                       IF ~((v IS Documents.Document) OR (Containers.noSelection IN c.opts)) THEN
-                               IF Containers.noFocus IN c.opts THEN par.label := "#System:AllowFocus"
-                               ELSE par.label := "#System:PreventFocus"
-                               END
-                       ELSE par.disabled := TRUE
-                       END
-               ELSE par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END ToggleNoFocusGuard;
-       PROCEDURE ReadOnlyGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               par.readOnly := TRUE
-       END ReadOnlyGuard;
-       PROCEDURE WindowGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR w: Windows.Window;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.First();
-               IF w = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END WindowGuard;
-       PROCEDURE ModelViewGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR w: Windows.Window;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath);
-               par.disabled := (w = NIL) OR (w.doc.ThisView().ThisModel() = NIL)
-       END ModelViewGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SetMaskModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret};
-               VAR opts: SET; found: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               GetMode(found, opts);
-               IF found THEN
-                       par.checked := opts * mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret}
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END SetMaskModeGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SetEditModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret};
-               VAR opts: SET; found: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               GetMode(found, opts);
-               IF found THEN
-                       par.checked := opts * mode = {}
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END SetEditModeGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SetLayoutModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret};
-               VAR opts: SET; found: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               GetMode(found, opts);
-               IF found THEN
-                       par.checked := opts * mode = {Containers.noFocus}
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END SetLayoutModeGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SetBrowserModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               CONST mode = {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret};
-               VAR opts: SET; found: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               GetMode(found, opts);
-               IF found THEN
-                       par.checked := opts * mode = {Containers.noCaret}
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END SetBrowserModeGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SelectionGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(ops);
-               IF ops.valid * {Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy} = {} THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END SelectionGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SingletonGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(ops);
-               IF ops.singleton = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END SingletonGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SelectAllGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(ops);
-               IF ~ops.selectable THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END SelectAllGuard;
-       PROCEDURE CaretGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(ops);
-               IF ops.valid * {Controllers.pasteChar .. Controllers.paste} = {} THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END CaretGuard;
-       PROCEDURE PasteCharGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(ops);
-               IF ~(Controllers.pasteChar IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END PasteCharGuard;
-       PROCEDURE PasteLCharGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(ops);
-               IF ~(Controllers.pasteChar IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END PasteLCharGuard;
-       PROCEDURE PasteViewGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR ops: Controllers.PollOpsMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(ops);
-               IF ~(Controllers.paste IN ops.valid) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END PasteViewGuard;
-       PROCEDURE ContainerGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF Containers.Focus() = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END ContainerGuard;
-       PROCEDURE UndoGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR f: Windows.Window; opName: Stores.OpName;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.MapString("#System:Undo", par.label);
-               f := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath);
-               IF (f # NIL) & f.seq.CanUndo() THEN
-                       f.seq.GetUndoName(opName);
-                       Dialog.MapString(opName, opName);
-                       Append(par.label, " ");
-                       Append(par.label, opName)
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END UndoGuard;
-       PROCEDURE RedoGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR f: Windows.Window; opName: Stores.OpName;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.MapString("#System:Redo", par.label);
-               f := Windows.dir.Focus(Controllers.frontPath);
-               IF (f # NIL) & f.seq.CanRedo() THEN
-                       f.seq.GetRedoName(opName);
-                       Dialog.MapString(opName, opName);
-                       Append(par.label, " ");
-                       Append(par.label, opName)
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END RedoGuard;
-       PROCEDURE PlainGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF props.known * {, Properties.weight} # {} THEN
-                       par.checked := ( IN props.valid)
-                               & ( = {}) & ({Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout} - = {})
-                               & (Properties.weight IN props.valid) & (props.weight = Fonts.normal)
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END PlainGuard;
-       PROCEDURE BoldGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF Properties.weight IN props.known THEN
-                       par.checked := (Properties.weight IN props.valid) & (props.weight = Fonts.bold)
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END BoldGuard;
-       PROCEDURE ItalicGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF IN props.known THEN
-                       par.checked := ( IN props.valid) & (Fonts.italic IN
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END ItalicGuard;
-       PROCEDURE UnderlineGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF IN props.known THEN
-                       par.checked := ( IN props.valid) & (Fonts.underline IN
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END UnderlineGuard;
-       PROCEDURE StrikeoutGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF IN props.known THEN
-                       par.checked := ( IN props.valid) & (Fonts.strikeout IN
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END StrikeoutGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SizeGuard* (size: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF Properties.size IN props.known THEN
-                       par.checked := (Properties.size IN props.valid) & (size = props.size DIV Ports.point)
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END SizeGuard;
-       PROCEDURE ColorGuard* (color: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF Properties.color IN props.known THEN
-                       par.checked := (Properties.color IN props.valid) & (color = props.color.val)
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END ColorGuard;
-       PROCEDURE DefaultFontGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF Properties.typeface IN props.known THEN
-                       par.checked := (Properties.typeface IN props.valid) & (props.typeface = Fonts.default)
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END DefaultFontGuard;
-       PROCEDURE TypefaceGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR props: Properties.StdProp;
-       BEGIN
-               props := StdProp();
-               IF ~(Properties.typeface IN props.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END TypefaceGuard;
-       (* standard notifiers *)
-       PROCEDURE DefaultOnDoubleClick* (op, from, to: INTEGER);
-               VAR  msg: Controllers.EditMsg; c: Containers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               IF (op = Dialog.pressed) & (from = 1) THEN
-                       Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.frontPath);
-                       c := Containers.Focus();
-                       Controllers.ResetCurrentPath;
-                       IF {Containers.noSelection, Containers.noCaret} - c.opts = {} THEN
-                               msg.op := Controllers.pasteChar;
-                               msg.char := 0DX; msg.modifiers := {};
-                               Controllers.ForwardVia(Controllers.frontPath, msg)
-                       END
-               END
-       END DefaultOnDoubleClick;
-       PROCEDURE Init;
-       BEGIN
-               allocator := defaultAllocator;
-               propEra := -1
-       END Init;
-       Init
-END StdCmds.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Coder.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Coder.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2e25873..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,682 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdCoder;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Coder.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT
-               Kernel, Files, Converters, Stores, Views, Controllers, Dialog, Documents, Windows,
-               TextModels, TextViews, TextControllers, TextMappers,
-               StdCmds;
-       CONST
-               N = 16384;
-               LineLength = 74;
-               OldVersion = 0; ThisVersion = 1;
-               Tag = "StdCoder.Decode";        (* first letter of Tag must not to appear within Tag again *)
-               Separator = "/";
-               View = 1; File = 2; List = 3;
-       TYPE
-               FileList = POINTER TO RECORD
-                       next: FileList;
-                       file: Files.File;
-                       type: Files.Type;
-                       name:Dialog.String
-               END;
-               ParList* = RECORD
-                       list*: Dialog.Selection;
-                       storeAs*: Dialog.String;
-                       files: FileList
-               END;
-       VAR
-               par*: ParList;
-               code: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
-               revCode: ARRAY 256 OF BYTE;
-               table: ARRAY N OF BYTE;
-               stdDocuType: Files.Type;
-       PROCEDURE NofSelections(IN list: Dialog.Selection): INTEGER;
-               VAR i, n: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; n := 0;
-               WHILE i # list.len DO
-                       IF list.In(i) THEN INC(n) END;
-                       INC(i)
-               END;
-               RETURN n
-       END NofSelections;
-       PROCEDURE ShowError(n: INTEGER; par: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.Beep;
-               CASE n OF
-                1: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:bad characters", par, "", "")
-               | 2: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:checksum error", par, "", "")
-               | 3: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:incompatible version", par, "", "")
-               | 4: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:filing error", par, "", "")
-               | 5: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:directory ^0 not found", par, "", "")
-               | 6: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:file ^0 not found", par, "", "")
-               | 7: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:illegal path", par, "", "")
-               | 8: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:no tag", par, "", "")
-               | 9: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:disk write protected", par, "", "")
-               | 10: Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Std:io error", par, "", "")
-               END
-       END ShowError;
-       PROCEDURE ShowSizeMsg(x: INTEGER);
-               VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; s: ARRAY 20 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(x >= 0, 20);
-               i := 0;
-               REPEAT s[i] := CHR(ORD("0") + x MOD 10); INC(i); x := x DIV 10 UNTIL x = 0;
-               s[i] := 0X;
-               DEC(i); j := 0;
-               WHILE j < i DO ch := s[j]; s[j] := s[i]; s[i] := ch; INC(j); DEC(i) END;
-               Dialog.ShowParamStatus("#Std:^0 characters coded", s, "", "")
-       END ShowSizeMsg;
-       PROCEDURE Write(dest: TextModels.Writer; x: INTEGER; VAR n: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               dest.WriteChar(code[x]); INC(n);
-               IF n = LineLength THEN dest.WriteChar(0DX); dest.WriteChar(" "); n := 0 END
-       END Write;
-       PROCEDURE WriteHeader(dest: TextModels.Writer; VAR n: INTEGER;
-               name: ARRAY OF CHAR; type: BYTE
-       );
-               VAR byte, bit, i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; tag: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               tag := Tag; i := 0; ch := tag[0];
-               WHILE ch # 0X DO dest.WriteChar(ch); INC(n); INC(i); ch := tag[i] END;
-               dest.WriteChar(" "); INC(n);
-               bit := 0; byte := 0; i := 0;
-               REPEAT
-                       ch := name[i]; INC(byte, ASH(ORD(ch), bit)); INC(bit, 8);
-                       WHILE bit >= 6 DO Write(dest, byte MOD 64, n); byte := byte DIV 64; DEC(bit, 6) END;
-                       INC(i)
-               UNTIL ch = 0X;
-               IF bit # 0 THEN Write(dest, byte, n) END;
-               Write(dest, ThisVersion, n); Write(dest, type, n)
-       END WriteHeader;
-       PROCEDURE WriteFileType(dest: TextModels.Writer; VAR n: INTEGER; t: Files.Type);
-               VAR byte, bit, i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               IF t = Kernel.docType THEN t := stdDocuType END;
-               bit := 0; byte := 0; i := 0; dest.WriteChar(" ");
-               REPEAT
-                       ch := t[i]; INC(byte, ASH(ORD(ch), bit)); INC(bit, 8);
-                       WHILE bit >= 6 DO Write(dest, byte MOD 64, n); byte := byte DIV 64; DEC(bit, 6) END;
-                       INC(i)
-               UNTIL ch = 0X;
-               IF bit # 0 THEN Write(dest, byte, n) END
-       END WriteFileType;
-       PROCEDURE WriteFile(dest: TextModels.Writer; VAR n: INTEGER; f: Files.File);
-               VAR hash, byte, bit, i, j, sum, len: INTEGER; src: Files.Reader; b: BYTE;
-       BEGIN
-               len := f.Length(); j := len; i := 6;
-               WHILE i # 0 DO Write(dest, j MOD 64, n); j := j DIV 64; DEC(i) END;
-               i := 0;
-               REPEAT table[i] := 0; INC(i) UNTIL i = N;
-               hash := 0; bit := 0; byte := 0; sum := 0; src := f.NewReader(NIL);
-               WHILE len # 0 DO
-                       src.ReadByte(b); DEC(len);
-                       sum := (sum + b MOD 256) MOD (16 * 1024);
-                       IF table[hash] = b THEN INC(bit)        (* 0 bit for correct prediction *)
-                       ELSE    (* Incorrect prediction -> 1'xxxx'xxxx bits *)
-                               table[hash] := b; INC(byte, ASH(1, bit)); INC(bit);
-                               INC(byte, ASH(b MOD 256, bit)); INC(bit, 8)
-                       END;
-                       WHILE bit >= 6 DO Write(dest, byte MOD 64, n); byte := byte DIV 64; DEC(bit, 6) END;
-                       hash := (16 * hash + b MOD 256) MOD N
-               END;
-               IF bit # 0 THEN Write(dest, byte, n) END;
-               i := 6;
-               WHILE i # 0 DO Write(dest, sum MOD 64, n); sum := sum DIV 64; DEC(i) END;
-               IF n # 0 THEN dest.WriteChar(0DX); n := 0 END
-       END WriteFile;
-       PROCEDURE Read(src: TextModels.Reader; VAR x: INTEGER; VAR res: INTEGER);
-               VAR ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               IF res = 0 THEN
-                       REPEAT src.ReadChar(ch); x := revCode[ORD(ch)] UNTIL (x >= 0) OR src.eot;
-                       IF src.eot THEN res := 1 END
-               END;
-               IF res # 0 THEN x := 0 END
-       END Read;
-       PROCEDURE ReadHeader(src: TextModels.Reader; VAR res: INTEGER;
-               VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR type: BYTE
-       );
-               VAR x, bit, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; tag: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               tag := Tag; i := 0;
-               WHILE ~src.eot & (tag[i] # 0X) DO
-                       src.ReadChar(ch);
-                       IF ch = tag[i] THEN INC(i) ELSIF ch = tag[0] THEN i := 1 ELSE i := 0 END
-               END;
-               IF ~src.eot THEN
-                       res := 0; i := 0; bit := 0; x := 0;
-                       REPEAT
-                               WHILE (res = 0) & (bit < 8) DO Read(src, j, res); INC(x, ASH(j, bit)); INC(bit, 6) END;
-                               IF res = 0 THEN
-                                       ch := CHR(x MOD 256); x := x DIV 256; DEC(bit, 8); name[i] := ch; INC(i)
-                               END
-                       UNTIL (res # 0) OR (ch = 0X);
-                       Read(src, j, res);
-                       IF res = 0 THEN
-                               IF (j = ThisVersion) OR (j = OldVersion) THEN
-                                       Read(src, j, res); type := SHORT(SHORT(j))
-                               ELSE res := 3
-                               END
-                       END
-               ELSE res := 8
-               END
-       END ReadHeader;
-       PROCEDURE ReadFileType(src: TextModels.Reader; VAR res: INTEGER; VAR ftype: Files.Type);
-               VAR x, bit, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               res := 0; i := 0; bit := 0; x := 0;
-               REPEAT
-                       WHILE (res = 0) & (bit < 8) DO Read(src, j, res); INC(x, ASH(j, bit)); INC(bit, 6) END;
-                       IF res = 0 THEN ch := CHR(x MOD 256); x := x DIV 256; DEC(bit, 8); ftype[i] := ch; INC(i) END
-               UNTIL (res # 0) OR (ch = 0X);
-               IF ftype = stdDocuType THEN ftype := Kernel.docType END
-       END ReadFileType;
-       PROCEDURE ReadFile(src: TextModels.Reader; VAR res: INTEGER; f: Files.File);
-               VAR hash, x, bit, i, j, len, sum, s: INTEGER; byte: BYTE; dest: Files.Writer;
-       BEGIN
-               res := 0; i := 0; len := 0;
-               REPEAT Read(src, x, res); len := len + ASH(x, 6 * i); INC(i) UNTIL (res # 0) OR (i = 6);
-               i := 0;
-               REPEAT table[i] := 0; INC(i) UNTIL i = N;
-               bit := 0; hash := 0; sum := 0; dest := f.NewWriter(NIL);
-               WHILE (res = 0) & (len # 0) DO
-                       IF bit = 0 THEN Read(src, x, res); bit := 6 END;
-                       IF ODD(x) THEN  (* Incorrect prediction -> 1'xxxx'xxxx *)
-                               x := x DIV 2; DEC(bit);
-                               WHILE (res = 0) & (bit < 8) DO Read(src, j, res); INC(x, ASH(j, bit)); INC(bit, 6) END;
-                               i := x MOD 256;
-                               IF i > MAX(BYTE) THEN i := i - 256 END;
-                               byte := SHORT(SHORT(i)); x := x DIV 256; DEC(bit, 8);
-                               table[hash] := byte
-                       ELSE byte := table[hash]; x := x DIV 2; DEC(bit)        (* correct prediction *)
-                       END;
-                       hash := (16 * hash + byte MOD 256) MOD N;
-                       dest.WriteByte(byte); sum := (sum + byte MOD 256) MOD (16 * 1024); DEC(len)
-               END;
-               IF res = 0 THEN
-                       i := 0; s := 0;
-                       REPEAT Read(src, x, res); s := s + ASH(x, 6 * i); INC(i) UNTIL (res # 0) OR (i = 6);
-                       IF (res = 0) & (s # sum) THEN res := 2 END
-               END
-       END ReadFile;
-       PROCEDURE ShowText (t: TextModels.Model);
-               VAR l: INTEGER; v: Views.View; wr: TextMappers.Formatter; conv: Converters.Converter;
-       BEGIN
-               l := t.Length();
-               wr.ConnectTo(t); wr.SetPos(l); wr.WriteString(" --- end of encoding ---");
-               ShowSizeMsg(l);
-               v := TextViews.dir.New(t);
-               conv := Converters.list;
-               WHILE (conv # NIL) & (conv.imp # "HostTextConv.ImportText") DO conv := END;
-               Views.Open(v, NIL, "", conv);
-               Views.SetDirty(v)
-       END ShowText;
-       PROCEDURE EncodedView*(v: Views.View): TextModels.Model;
-               VAR n: INTEGER; f: Files.File; wrs: Stores.Writer; t: TextModels.Model; wr: TextModels.Writer;
-       BEGIN
-               f := Files.dir.Temp(); wrs.ConnectTo(f); Views.WriteView(wrs, v);
-               t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL);
-               n := 0; WriteHeader(wr, n, "", View); WriteFileType(wr, n, f.type); WriteFile(wr, n, f);
-               RETURN t
-       END EncodedView;
-       PROCEDURE EncodeDocument*;
-               VAR v: Views.View; w: Windows.Window;
-       BEGIN
-               w := Windows.dir.First();
-               IF w # NIL THEN
-                       v := w.doc.OriginalView();
-                       IF (v.context # NIL) & (v.context IS Documents.Context) THEN
-                               v := v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc()
-                       END;
-                       IF v # NIL THEN ShowText(EncodedView(v)) END
-               END
-       END EncodeDocument;
-       PROCEDURE EncodeFocus*;
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               v := Controllers.FocusView();
-               IF v # NIL THEN ShowText(EncodedView(v)) END
-       END EncodeFocus;
-       PROCEDURE EncodeSelection*;
-               VAR beg, end: INTEGER; t: TextModels.Model; c: TextControllers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN
-                       c.GetSelection(beg, end);
-                       t := TextModels.CloneOf(c.text); t.InsertCopy(0, c.text, beg, end);
-                       ShowText(EncodedView(TextViews.dir.New(t)))
-               END
-       END EncodeSelection;
-       PROCEDURE EncodeFile*;
-               VAR n: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; f: Files.File;
-                       t: TextModels.Model; wr: TextModels.Writer;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.GetIntSpec("", loc, name);
-               IF loc # NIL THEN
-                       f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, TRUE);
-                       IF f # NIL THEN
-                               t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL);
-                               n := 0; WriteHeader(wr, n, name, File); WriteFileType(wr, n, f.type); WriteFile(wr, n, f);
-                               ShowText(t)
-                       END
-               END
-       END EncodeFile;
-       PROCEDURE GetFile(VAR path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name);
-               VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; ch := path[0]; loc := Files.dir.This("");
-               WHILE (ch # 0X) & (loc # NIL) DO
-                       j := 0;
-                       WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # Separator) DO name[j] := ch; INC(j); INC(i); ch := path[i] END;
-                       name[j] := 0X;
-                       IF ch = Separator THEN loc := loc.This(name); INC(i); ch := path[i] END;
-                       IF loc.res # 0 THEN loc := NIL END
-               END;
-               path[i] := 0X
-       END GetFile;
-       PROCEDURE ReadPath(rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR len: INTEGER);
-               VAR i, l: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; l := LEN(path) - 1;
-               REPEAT rd.ReadChar(ch) UNTIL rd.eot OR (ch > " ");
-               WHILE ~rd.eot & (ch > " ") & (i < l) DO path[i] := ch; INC(i); rd.ReadChar(ch) END;
-               path[i] := 0X; len := i
-       END ReadPath;
-       PROCEDURE WriteString(w: Files.Writer; IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR; len: INTEGER);
-               VAR i: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0;
-               WHILE i < len DO
-                       IF ORD(str[i]) > MAX(BYTE) THEN w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(ORD(str[i]) - 256)))
-                       ELSE w.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(ORD(str[i]))))
-                       END;
-                       INC(i)
-               END
-       END WriteString;
-       PROCEDURE EncodeFileList*;
-               TYPE
-                       FileList = POINTER TO RECORD
-                               next: FileList;
-                               f: Files.File
-                       END;
-               VAR
-                       beg, end, i, j, n: INTEGER; err: BOOLEAN;
-                       files, last: FileList;
-                       list, f: Files.File; w: Files.Writer; loc: Files.Locator;
-                       rd: TextModels.Reader; wr: TextModels.Writer; t: TextModels.Model;
-                       c: TextControllers.Controller;
-                       name: Files.Name; path, next: ARRAY 2048 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end);
-                       rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg); err := FALSE;
-                       list := Files.dir.Temp(); w := list.NewWriter(NIL); files := NIL; last := NIL;
-                       ReadPath(rd, path, i);
-                       WHILE (path # "") & (rd.Pos() - i < end) & ~err DO
-                               GetFile(path, loc, name);
-                               IF loc # NIL THEN
-                                       f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, TRUE); err := f = NIL;
-                                       IF ~err THEN
-                                               IF last = NIL THEN NEW(last); files := last ELSE NEW(; last := END;
-                                               last.f := f;
-                                               ReadPath(rd, next, j);
-                                               IF (next = "=>") & (rd.Pos() - j < end) THEN
-                                                       ReadPath(rd, next, j);
-                                                       IF next # "" THEN WriteString(w, next, j + 1); ReadPath(rd, next, j)
-                                                       ELSE err := TRUE
-                                                       END
-                                               ELSE WriteString(w, path, i + 1)
-                                               END;
-                                               path := next; i := j
-                                       END
-                               ELSE err := TRUE
-                               END
-                       END;
-                       IF ~err & (files # NIL) THEN
-                               t := TextModels.dir.New(); wr := t.NewWriter(NIL);
-                               n := 0; WriteHeader(wr, n, "", List);
-                               WriteFileType(wr, n, list.type); WriteFile(wr, n, list);
-                               WHILE files # NIL DO
-                                       WriteFileType(wr, n, files.f.type); WriteFile(wr, n, files.f); files :=
-                               END;
-                               ShowText(t)
-                       ELSIF err THEN
-                               IF path = "" THEN ShowError(7, path)
-                               ELSIF loc # NIL THEN ShowError(6, path)
-                               ELSE ShowError(5, path)
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END EncodeFileList;
-       PROCEDURE DecodeView(rd: TextModels.Reader; name: Files.Name);
-               VAR res: INTEGER; f: Files.File; ftype: Files.Type; rds: Stores.Reader; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               ReadFileType(rd, res, ftype);
-               IF res = 0 THEN
-                       f := Files.dir.Temp(); ReadFile(rd, res, f);
-                       IF res = 0 THEN
-                               rds.ConnectTo(f); Views.ReadView(rds, v); Views.Open(v, NIL, name, NIL);
-                               Views.SetDirty(v)
-                       ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-                       END
-               ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-               END
-       END DecodeView;
-       PROCEDURE DecodeFile(rd: TextModels.Reader; name: Files.Name);
-               VAR res: INTEGER; ftype: Files.Type; loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File;
-       BEGIN
-               ReadFileType(rd, res, ftype);
-               IF res = 0 THEN
-                       Dialog.GetExtSpec(name, ftype, loc, name);
-                       IF loc # NIL THEN
-                               f := Files.dir.New(loc, Files.ask);
-                               IF f # NIL THEN
-                                       ReadFile(rd, res, f);
-                                       IF res = 0 THEN
-                                               f.Register(name, ftype, Files.ask, res);
-                                               IF res # 0 THEN ShowError(4, "") END
-                                       ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-                                       END
-                               ELSIF loc.res = 4 THEN ShowError(9, "")
-                               ELSIF loc.res = 5 THEN ShowError(10, "")
-                               END
-                       END
-               ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-               END
-       END DecodeFile;
-       PROCEDURE DecodeFileList (rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR files: FileList; VAR len, res: INTEGER);
-               VAR i, n: INTEGER; b: BYTE; p: FileList;
-                       ftype: Files.Type; f: Files.File; frd: Files.Reader; path: Dialog.String;
-       BEGIN
-               ReadFileType(rd, res, ftype);
-               IF res = 0 THEN
-                       f := Files.dir.Temp(); ReadFile(rd, res, f);
-                       IF res = 0 THEN
-                               files := NIL; p := NIL; n := 0;
-                               frd := f.NewReader(NIL); frd.ReadByte(b);
-                               WHILE ~frd.eof & (res = 0) DO
-                                       INC(n); i := 0;
-                                       WHILE ~frd.eof & (b # 0) DO path[i] := CHR(b MOD 256); INC(i); frd.ReadByte(b) END;
-                                       IF (i > 4) & (path[i - 4] = ".") & (CAP(path[i - 3]) = "O")
-                                               & (CAP(path[i - 2]) = "D") & (CAP(path[i - 1]) = "C")
-                                       THEN path[i - 4] := 0X
-                                       ELSE path[i] := 0X
-                                       END;
-                                       IF ~frd.eof THEN
-                                               IF p = NIL THEN NEW(p); files := p ELSE NEW(; p := END;
-                                      := path;
-                                               frd.ReadByte(b)
-                                       ELSE res := 1
-                                       END
-                               END;
-                               p := files; len := n;
-                               WHILE (res = 0) & (p # NIL) DO
-                                       ReadFileType(rd, res, p.type);
-                                       IF res = 0 THEN p.file := Files.dir.Temp(); ReadFile(rd, res, p.file) END;
-                                       p :=
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END DecodeFileList;
-       PROCEDURE OpenDialog(files: FileList; len: INTEGER);
-               VAR i: INTEGER; p: FileList;
-       BEGIN
-               par.files := files; par.list.SetLen(len);
-               p := files; i := 0;
-               WHILE p # NIL DO par.list.SetItem(i,; INC(i); p := END;
-               par.storeAs := "";
-               Dialog.Update(par); Dialog.UpdateList(par.list);
-               StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog("Std/Rsrc/Coder", "Decode")
-       END OpenDialog;
-       PROCEDURE CloseDialog*;
-       BEGIN
-               par.files := NIL; par.list.SetLen(0); par.storeAs := "";
-               Dialog.UpdateList(par.list); Dialog.Update(par)
-       END CloseDialog;
-       PROCEDURE Select*(op, from, to: INTEGER);
-               VAR p: FileList; i: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF (op = Dialog.included) OR (op = Dialog.excluded) OR (op = Dialog.set) THEN
-                       IF NofSelections(par.list) = 1 THEN
-                               i := 0; p := par.files;
-                               WHILE ~par.list.In(i) DO INC(i); p := END;
-                               par.storeAs :=
-                       ELSE par.storeAs := ""
-                       END;
-                       Dialog.Update(par)
-               END
-       END Select;
-       PROCEDURE CopyFile(from: Files.File; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; type: Files.Type);
-               CONST BufSize = 4096;
-               VAR res, k, l: INTEGER; f: Files.File; r: Files.Reader; w: Files.Writer;
-                       buf: ARRAY BufSize OF BYTE;
-       BEGIN
-               f := Files.dir.New(loc, Files.ask);
-               IF f # NIL THEN
-                       r := from.NewReader(NIL); w := f.NewWriter(NIL); l := from.Length();
-                       WHILE l # 0 DO
-                               IF l <= BufSize THEN k := l ELSE k := BufSize END;
-                               r.ReadBytes(buf, 0, k); w.WriteBytes(buf, 0, k);
-                               l := l - k
-                       END;
-                       f.Register(name, type, Files.ask, res);
-                       IF res # 0 THEN ShowError(4, "") END
-               ELSIF loc.res = 4 THEN ShowError(9, "")
-               ELSIF loc.res = 5 THEN ShowError(10, "")
-               END
-       END CopyFile;
-       PROCEDURE StoreSelection*;
-               VAR i, n: INTEGER; p: FileList; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name;
-       BEGIN
-               n := NofSelections(par.list);
-               IF n > 1 THEN
-                       i := 0; p := par.files;
-                       WHILE n # 0 DO
-                               WHILE ~par.list.In(i) DO INC(i); p := END;
-                               GetFile(, loc, name); CopyFile(p.file, loc, name, p.type);
-                               DEC(n); INC(i); p :=
-                       END
-               ELSIF (n = 1) & (par.storeAs # "") THEN
-                       i := 0; p := par.files;
-                       WHILE ~par.list.In(i) DO INC(i); p := END;
-                       GetFile(par.storeAs, loc, name); CopyFile(p.file, loc, name, p.type)
-               END
-       END StoreSelection;
-       PROCEDURE StoreSelectionGuard*(VAR p: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR n: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               n := NofSelections(par.list);
-               p.disabled := (n = 0) OR ((n = 1) & (par.storeAs = ""))
-       END StoreSelectionGuard;
-       PROCEDURE StoreSingle*;
-               VAR i: INTEGER; p: FileList; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name;
-       BEGIN
-               IF NofSelections(par.list) = 1 THEN
-                       i := 0; p := par.files;
-                       WHILE ~par.list.In(i) DO INC(i); p := END;
-                       GetFile(, loc, name);
-                       Dialog.GetExtSpec(name, p.type, loc, name);
-                       IF loc # NIL THEN CopyFile(p.file, loc, name, p.type) END
-               END
-       END StoreSingle;
-       PROCEDURE StoreSingleGuard*(VAR p: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               p.disabled := NofSelections(par.list) # 1
-       END StoreSingleGuard;
-       PROCEDURE StoreAllFiles(files: FileList);
-               VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name;
-       BEGIN
-               WHILE files # NIL DO
-                       GetFile(, loc, name); CopyFile(files.file, loc, name, files.type); files :=
-               END
-       END StoreAllFiles;
-       PROCEDURE StoreAll*;
-       BEGIN
-               StoreAllFiles(par.files)
-       END StoreAll;
-       PROCEDURE DecodeAllFromText*(text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER; ask: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR res, i: INTEGER; type: BYTE; name: Files.Name; rd: TextModels.Reader; files: FileList;
-       BEGIN
-               CloseDialog;
-               rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg);
-               ReadHeader(rd, res, name, type);
-               i := 0;
-               WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-               IF (i > 4) & (name[i - 4] = ".") & (CAP(name[i - 3]) = "O")
-                       & (CAP(name[i - 2]) = "D") & (CAP(name[i - 1]) = "C")
-               THEN name[i - 4] := 0X
-               END;
-               IF res = 0 THEN
-                       IF type = View THEN DecodeView(rd, name)
-                       ELSIF type = File THEN DecodeFile(rd, name)
-                       ELSIF type = List THEN
-                               DecodeFileList(rd, files, i, res);
-                               IF res = 0 THEN
-                                       IF ask THEN OpenDialog(files, i) ELSE StoreAllFiles(files) END
-                               ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-                               END
-                       ELSE ShowError(3, "")
-                       END
-               ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-               END
-       END DecodeAllFromText;
-       PROCEDURE Decode*;
-               VAR beg, end: INTEGER; c: TextControllers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               CloseDialog;
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end) ELSE beg := 0 END;
-                       DecodeAllFromText(c.text, beg, TRUE)
-               END
-       END Decode;
-       PROCEDURE ListFiles(rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR wr: TextMappers.Formatter);
-               VAR i, n, res: INTEGER; b: BYTE;
-                       ftype: Files.Type; f: Files.File; frd: Files.Reader; path: Dialog.String;
-       BEGIN
-               ReadFileType(rd, res, ftype);
-               IF res = 0 THEN
-                       f := Files.dir.Temp(); ReadFile(rd, res, f);
-                       IF res = 0 THEN
-                               n := 0;
-                               frd := f.NewReader(NIL); frd.ReadByte(b);
-                               WHILE ~frd.eof & (res = 0) DO
-                                       INC(n); i := 0;
-                                       WHILE ~frd.eof & (b # 0) DO path[i] := CHR(b MOD 256); INC(i); frd.ReadByte(b) END;
-                                       IF (i > 4) & (path[i - 4] = ".") & (CAP(path[i - 3]) = "O")
-                                               & (CAP(path[i - 2]) = "D") & (CAP(path[i - 1]) = "C")
-                                       THEN path[i - 4] := 0X
-                                       ELSE path[i] := 0X
-                                       END;
-                                       IF ~frd.eof THEN wr.WriteString(path); wr.WriteLn; frd.ReadByte(b) ELSE res := 1 END
-                               END
-                       ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-                       END
-               ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-               END
-       END ListFiles;
-       PROCEDURE ListSingleton(type, name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR wr: TextMappers.Formatter);
-       BEGIN
-               wr.WriteString(type);
-               IF name # "" THEN wr.WriteString(": '"); wr.WriteString(name); wr.WriteChar("'") END;
-               wr.WriteLn
-       END ListSingleton;
-       PROCEDURE EncodedInText*(text: TextModels.Model; beg: INTEGER): TextModels.Model;
-               VAR res, i: INTEGER; type: BYTE; name: Files.Name;
-                       rd: TextModels.Reader; report: TextModels.Model; wr: TextMappers.Formatter;
-       BEGIN
-               report := TextModels.dir.New(); wr.ConnectTo(report);
-               rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg);
-               ReadHeader(rd, res, name, type);
-               i := 0;
-               WHILE name[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-               IF (i > 4) & (name[i - 4] = ".") & (CAP(name[i - 3]) = "O")
-                       & (CAP(name[i - 2]) = "D") & (CAP(name[i - 1]) = "C")
-               THEN name[i - 4] := 0X
-               END;
-               IF res = 0 THEN
-                       IF type = View THEN ListSingleton("View", name, wr)
-                       ELSIF type = File THEN ListSingleton("File", name, wr)
-                       ELSIF type = List THEN ListFiles(rd, wr)
-                       ELSE ShowError(3, "")
-                       END
-               ELSE ShowError(res, "")
-               END;
-               RETURN report
-       END EncodedInText;
-       PROCEDURE ListEncodedMaterial*;
-               VAR beg, end: INTEGER; c: TextControllers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end) ELSE beg := 0 END;
-                       Views.OpenView(TextViews.dir.New(EncodedInText(c.text, beg)))
-               END
-       END ListEncodedMaterial;
-       PROCEDURE InitCodes;
-               VAR i: BYTE; j: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               j := 0;
-               WHILE j # 256 DO revCode[j] := -1; INC(j) END;
-               code[0] := "."; revCode[ORD(".")] := 0; code[1] := ","; revCode[ORD(",")] := 1;
-               i := 2; j := ORD("0");
-               WHILE j <= ORD("9") DO code[i] := CHR(j); revCode[j] := i; INC(i); INC(j) END;
-               j := ORD("A");
-               WHILE j <= ORD("Z") DO code[i] := CHR(j); revCode[j] := i; INC(i); INC(j) END;
-               j := ORD("a");
-               WHILE j <= ORD("z") DO code[i] := CHR(j); revCode[j] := i; INC(i); INC(j) END;
-               ASSERT(i = 64, 60)
-       END InitCodes;
-       InitCodes;
-       stdDocuType[0] := 3X; stdDocuType[1] := 3X; stdDocuType[2] := 3X; stdDocuType[3] := 0X
-END StdCoder.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Debug.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Debug.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8583d7d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdDebug;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Debug.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-               Kernel, Strings, Fonts, Services, Ports, Views, Properties, Dialog, Containers, StdFolds,
-               TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextRulers;
-       CONST
-               refViewSize = 9 * Ports.point;
-               heap = 1; source = 2; module = 3; modules = 4;  (* RefView types *)
-       TYPE
-               Name = Kernel.Name;
-               ArrayPtr = POINTER TO RECORD
-                       last, t, first: INTEGER;        (* gc header *)
-                       len: ARRAY 16 OF INTEGER        (* dynamic array length table *)
-               END;
-               RefView = POINTER TO RefViewDesc;
-               RefViewDesc = RECORD
-                       type: SHORTINT;
-                       command: SHORTINT;
-                       back: RefView;
-                       adr: INTEGER;
-                       desc: Kernel.Type;
-                       ptr: ArrayPtr;
-                       name: Name
-               END;
-               Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action)
-                       text: TextModels.Model
-               END;
-               Cluster = POINTER TO RECORD [untagged]  (* must correspond to Kernel.Cluster *)
-                       size: INTEGER;
-                       next: Cluster
-               END;
-       VAR
-               out: TextMappers.Formatter;
-               path: ARRAY 4 OF Ports.Point;
-               empty: Name;
-       PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler;
-               CONST mm =;
-               VAR r: TextRulers.Ruler;
-       BEGIN
-               r := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL);
-               TextRulers.SetRight(r, 140 * mm);
-               TextRulers.AddTab(r, 4 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 34 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 80 * mm);
-               RETURN r
-       END NewRuler;
-       PROCEDURE OpenViewer (t: TextModels.Model; title: Views.Title; ruler:TextRulers.Ruler);
-               VAR v: TextViews.View; c: Containers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.MapString(title, title);
-               v := TextViews.dir.New(t);
-               v.SetDefaults(ruler, TextViews.dir.defAttr);
-               c := v.ThisController();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus, Containers.noSelection} + {Containers.noCaret})
-               END;
-               Views.OpenAux(v, title)
-       END OpenViewer;
-       PROCEDURE OpenFold (hidden: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; t: TextModels.Model; w: TextMappers.Formatter;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.MapString(hidden, hidden);
-               t := TextModels.dir.New();
-               w.ConnectTo(t); w.WriteString(hidden);
-               fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", t);
-               out.WriteView(fold)
-       END OpenFold;
-       PROCEDURE CloseFold (collaps: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; m: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", NIL);
-               out.WriteView(fold);
-               IF collaps THEN fold.Flip(); m := out.rider.Base(); out.SetPos(m.Length()) END
-       END CloseFold;
-       PROCEDURE WriteHex (n: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteIntForm(n, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 9, "0", TextMappers.showBase)
-       END WriteHex;
-       PROCEDURE WriteString (adr, len, base: INTEGER; zterm, unicode: BOOLEAN);
-               CONST beg = 0; char = 1; code = 2;
-               VAR ch: CHAR; sc: SHORTCHAR; val, mode: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               mode := beg;
-               IF base = 2 THEN SYSTEM.GET(adr, ch); val := ORD(ch) ELSE SYSTEM.GET(adr, sc); val := ORD(sc) END;
-               IF zterm & (val = 0) THEN out.WriteSString('""')
-               ELSE
-                       REPEAT
-                               IF (val >= ORD(" ")) & (val < 7FH) OR (val > 0A0H) & (val < 100H) OR unicode & (val >= 100H) THEN
-                                       IF mode # char THEN
-                                               IF mode = code THEN out.WriteSString(", ") END;
-                                               out.WriteChar(22X); mode := char
-                                       END;
-                                       out.WriteChar(CHR(val))
-                               ELSE
-                                       IF mode = char THEN out.WriteChar(22X) END;
-                                       IF mode # beg THEN out.WriteSString(", ") END;
-                                       mode := code; Strings.IntToStringForm(val, Strings.hexadecimal, 1, "0", FALSE, str);
-                                       IF str[0] > "9" THEN out.WriteChar("0") END;
-                                       out.WriteString(str); out.WriteChar("X")
-                               END;
-                               INC(adr, base); DEC(len);
-                               IF base = 2 THEN SYSTEM.GET(adr, ch); val := ORD(ch) ELSE SYSTEM.GET(adr, sc); val := ORD(sc) END
-                       UNTIL (len = 0) OR zterm & (val = 0)
-               END;
-               IF mode = char THEN out.WriteChar(22X) END
-       END WriteString;
-       PROCEDURE OutString (s: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR str: Dialog.String;
-       BEGIN
-               Dialog.MapString(s, str);
-               out.WriteString(str)
-       END OutString;
-       (* -------------------  variable display ------------------- *)
-       PROCEDURE FormOf (t: Kernel.Type): SHORTCHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               IF SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, t) DIV 256 = 0 THEN
-                       RETURN SHORT(CHR(SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, t)))
-               ELSE
-                       RETURN SHORT(CHR(16 + MOD 4))
-               END
-       END FormOf;
-       PROCEDURE LenOf (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr): INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF t.size # 0 THEN RETURN t.size
-               ELSIF ptr # NIL THEN RETURN ptr.len[ DIV 16 MOD 16 - 1]
-               ELSE RETURN 0
-               END
-       END LenOf;
-       PROCEDURE SizeOf (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr): INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               CASE FormOf(t) OF
-               | 0BX: RETURN 0
-               | 1X, 2X, 4X: RETURN 1
-               | 3X, 5X: RETURN 2
-               | 8X, 0AX: RETURN 8
-               | 11X: RETURN t.size
-               | 12X: RETURN LenOf(t, ptr) * SizeOf(t.base[0], ptr)
-               ELSE RETURN 4
-               END
-       END SizeOf;
-       PROCEDURE WriteName (t: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr);
-               VAR name: Kernel.Name; f: SHORTCHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               f := FormOf(t);
-               CASE f OF
-               | 0X: OutString("#Dev:Unknown")
-               | 1X: out.WriteSString("BOOLEAN")
-               | 2X: out.WriteSString("SHORTCHAR")
-               | 3X: out.WriteSString("CHAR")
-               | 4X: out.WriteSString("BYTE")
-               | 5X: out.WriteSString("SHORTINT")
-               | 6X: out.WriteSString("INTEGER")
-               | 7X: out.WriteSString("SHORTREAL")
-               | 8X: out.WriteSString("REAL")
-               | 9X: out.WriteSString("SET")
-               | 0AX: out.WriteSString("LONGINT")
-               | 0BX: out.WriteSString("ANYREC")
-               | 0CX: out.WriteSString("ANYPTR")
-               | 0DX: out.WriteSString("POINTER")
-               | 0EX: out.WriteSString("PROCEDURE")
-               | 0FX: out.WriteSString("STRING")
-               | 10X..13X:
-                       Kernel.GetTypeName(t, name);
-                       IF name = "!" THEN
-                               IF f = 11X THEN out.WriteSString("RECORD")
-                               ELSIF f = 12X THEN out.WriteSString("ARRAY")
-                               ELSE OutString("#Dev:Unknown")
-                               END
-                       ELSIF ( DIV 256 # 0) & (t.mod.refcnt >= 0) THEN
-                               out.WriteSString(; out.WriteChar("."); out.WriteSString(name)
-                       ELSIF f = 11X THEN
-                               out.WriteSString(; out.WriteSString(".RECORD") 
-                       ELSIF f = 12X THEN
-                               out.WriteSString("ARRAY "); out.WriteInt(LenOf(t, ptr)); t := t.base[0];
-                               WHILE (FormOf(t) = 12X) & (( DIV 256 = 0) OR (t.mod.refcnt < 0)) DO
-                                       out.WriteSString(", "); out.WriteInt(LenOf(t, ptr)); t := t.base[0]
-                               END;
-                               out.WriteSString(" OF "); WriteName(t, ptr)
-                       ELSIF f = 13X THEN
-                               out.WriteSString("POINTER")
-                       ELSE
-                               out.WriteSString("PROCEDURE")
-                       END
-               | 20X: out.WriteSString("COM.IUnknown")
-               | 21X: out.WriteSString("COM.GUID")
-               | 22X: out.WriteSString("COM.RESULT")
-               ELSE OutString("#Dev:UnknownFormat"); out.WriteInt(ORD(f))
-               END
-       END WriteName;
-       PROCEDURE WriteGuid (a: INTEGER);
-               PROCEDURE Hex (a: INTEGER);
-                       VAR x: SHORTCHAR;
-               BEGIN
-                       SYSTEM.GET(a, x);
-                       out.WriteIntForm(ORD(x), TextMappers.hexadecimal, 2, "0", FALSE)
-               END Hex;
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteChar("{");
-               Hex(a + 3); Hex(a + 2); Hex(a + 1); Hex(a);
-               out.WriteChar("-");
-               Hex(a + 5); Hex(a + 4);
-               out.WriteChar("-");
-               Hex(a + 7); Hex(a + 6);
-               out.WriteChar("-");
-               Hex(a + 8);
-               Hex(a + 9);
-               out.WriteChar("-");
-               Hex(a + 10);
-               Hex(a + 11);
-               Hex(a + 12);
-               Hex(a + 13);
-               Hex(a + 14);
-               Hex(a + 15);
-               out.WriteChar("}")
-       END WriteGuid;
-       PROCEDURE^ ShowVar (ad, ind: INTEGER; f, c: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr;
-                                                                                       back: RefView; VAR name, sel: Name);
-       PROCEDURE ShowRecord (a, ind: INTEGER; desc: Kernel.Type; back: RefView; VAR sel: Name);
-               VAR dir: Kernel.Directory; obj: Kernel.Object; name: Kernel.Name; i, j, n: INTEGER; base: Kernel.Type;
-       BEGIN
-               WriteName(desc, NIL); out.WriteTab;
-               IF desc.mod.refcnt >= 0 THEN
-                       OpenFold("#Dev:Fields");
-                       n := DIV 16 MOD 16; j := 0;
-                       WHILE j <= n DO
-                               base := desc.base[j];
-                               IF base # NIL THEN
-                                       dir := base.fields; i := 0;
-                                       WHILE i < dir.num DO
-                                               obj := SYSTEM.VAL(Kernel.Object, SYSTEM.ADR(dir.obj[i]));
-                                               Kernel.GetObjName(base.mod, obj, name);
-                                               ShowVar(a + obj.offs, ind, FormOf(obj.struct), 1X, obj.struct, NIL, back, name, sel);
-                                               INC(i)
-                                       END
-                               END;
-                               INC(j)
-                       END;
-                       out.WriteSString("   "); CloseFold((ind > 1) OR (sel # ""))
-               ELSE
-                       OutString("#Dev:Unloaded")
-               END
-       END ShowRecord;
-       PROCEDURE ShowArray (a, ind: INTEGER; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; back: RefView; VAR sel: Name);
-               VAR f: SHORTCHAR; i, n, m, size, len: INTEGER; name: Kernel.Name; eltyp, t: Kernel.Type;
-                       vi: SHORTINT; vs: BYTE; str: Dialog.String; high: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               WriteName(desc, ptr); out.WriteTab;
-               len := LenOf(desc, ptr); eltyp := desc.base[0]; f := FormOf(eltyp); size := SizeOf(eltyp, ptr);
-               IF (f = 2X) OR (f = 3X) THEN    (* string *)
-                       n := 0; m := len; high := FALSE;
-                       IF f = 2X THEN
-                               REPEAT SYSTEM.GET(a + n, vs); INC(n) UNTIL (n = 32) OR (n = len) OR (vs = 0);
-                               REPEAT DEC(m); SYSTEM.GET(a + m, vs) UNTIL (m = 0) OR (vs # 0)
-                       ELSE
-                               REPEAT
-                                       SYSTEM.GET(a + n * 2, vi); INC(n);
-                                       IF vi DIV 256 # 0 THEN high := TRUE END
-                               UNTIL (n = len) OR (vi = 0);
-                               n := MIN(n, 32);
-                               REPEAT DEC(m); SYSTEM.GET(a + m * 2, vi) UNTIL (m = 0) OR (vi # 0)
-                       END;
-                       WriteString(a, n, size, TRUE, TRUE);
-                       INC(m, 2);
-                       IF m > len THEN m := len END;
-                       IF high OR (m > n) THEN
-                               out.WriteSString("   "); OpenFold("...");
-                               out.WriteLn;
-                               IF high & (n = 32) THEN
-                                       WriteString(a, m, size, TRUE, TRUE);
-                                       out.WriteLn; out.WriteLn
-                               END;
-                               WriteString(a, m, size, FALSE, FALSE);
-                               IF m < len THEN out.WriteSString(", ..., 0X") END;
-                               out.WriteSString("   "); CloseFold(TRUE)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       t := eltyp;
-                       WHILE FormOf(t) = 12X DO t := t.base[0] END;
-                       IF FormOf(t) # 0X THEN
-                               OpenFold("#Dev:Elements");
-                               i := 0;
-                               WHILE i < len DO
-                                       Strings.IntToString(i, str);
-                                       name := "[" + SHORT(str$) + "]";
-                                       ShowVar(a, ind, f, 1X, eltyp, ptr, back, name, sel);
-                                       INC(i); INC(a, size)
-                               END;
-                               out.WriteSString("   "); CloseFold(TRUE)
-                       END
-               END
-       END ShowArray;
-       PROCEDURE ShowProcVar (a: INTEGER);
-               VAR vli, n, ref: INTEGER; m: Kernel.Module; name: Kernel.Name;
-       BEGIN
-               SYSTEM.GET(a, vli);
-               Kernel.SearchProcVar(vli, m, vli);
-               IF m = NIL THEN
-                       IF vli = 0 THEN out.WriteSString("NIL")
-                       ELSE WriteHex(vli)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       IF m.refcnt >= 0 THEN
-                               out.WriteSString(; ref := m.refs;
-                               REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, n, name) UNTIL (n = 0) OR (vli < n);
-                               IF vli < n THEN out.WriteChar("."); out.WriteSString(name) END
-                       ELSE
-                               OutString("#Dev:ProcInUnloadedMod");
-                               out.WriteSString(; out.WriteSString(" !!!")
-                       END
-               END
-       END ShowProcVar;
-       PROCEDURE ShowPointer (a: INTEGER; f: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; back: RefView; VAR sel: Name);
-               VAR adr, x: INTEGER; ptr: ArrayPtr; c: Cluster; btyp: Kernel.Type;
-       BEGIN
-               SYSTEM.GET(a, adr);
-               IF f = 13X THEN btyp := desc.base[0] ELSE btyp := NIL END;
-               IF adr = 0 THEN out.WriteSString("NIL")
-               ELSIF f = 20X THEN
-                       out.WriteChar("["); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar("]");
-                       out.WriteChar(" "); c := SYSTEM.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root());
-                       WHILE (c # NIL) & ((adr < SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c)) OR (adr >= SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c) + c.size)) DO c := END;
-                       IF c # NIL THEN
-                               ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, adr)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       IF (f = 13X) OR (f = 0CX) THEN x := adr - 4 ELSE x := adr END;
-                       IF ((adr < -4) OR (adr >= 65536)) & Kernel.IsReadable(x, adr + 16) THEN
-                               out.WriteChar("["); WriteHex(adr); out.WriteChar("]");
-                               IF (f = 13X) OR (f = 0CX) THEN
-                                       out.WriteChar(" "); c := SYSTEM.VAL(Cluster, Kernel.Root());
-                                       WHILE (c # NIL) & ((adr < SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c)) OR (adr >= SYSTEM.VAL(INTEGER, c) + c.size)) DO
-                                               c :=
-                                       END;
-                                       IF c # NIL THEN
-                                               ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, adr);
-                                               IF (f = 13X) & (FormOf(btyp) = 12X) THEN        (* array *)
-                                                       adr := SYSTEM.ADR(ptr.len[ DIV 16 MOD 16]) 
-                                               END
-                                       ELSE OutString("#Dev:IllegalPointer")
-                                       END
-                               END
-                       ELSE OutString("#Dev:IllegalAddress"); WriteHex(adr)
-                       END
-               END
-       END ShowPointer;
-       PROCEDURE ShowSelector (ref: RefView);
-               VAR b: RefView; n: SHORTINT; a, a0: TextModels.Attributes;
-       BEGIN
-               b := ref.back; n := 1;
-               IF b # NIL THEN
-                       WHILE ( = & (b.back # NIL) DO INC(n); b := b.back END;
-                       ShowSelector(b);
-                       IF n > 1 THEN out.WriteChar("(") END;
-                       out.WriteChar(".")
-               END;
-               out.WriteSString(;
-               IF ref.type = heap THEN out.WriteChar("^") END;
-               IF n > 1 THEN
-                       out.WriteChar(")");
-                       a0 := out.rider.attr; a := TextModels.NewOffset(a0, 2 * Ports.point);
-                       out.rider.SetAttr(a);
-                       out.WriteInt(n); out.rider.SetAttr(a0)
-               END
-       END ShowSelector;
-       PROCEDURE ShowVar (ad, ind: INTEGER; f, c: SHORTCHAR; desc: Kernel.Type; ptr: ArrayPtr; back: RefView;
-                                                                                       VAR name, sel: Name);
-               VAR i, j, vli, a: INTEGER; tsel: Name; a0: TextModels.Attributes;
-                       vc: SHORTCHAR; vsi: BYTE; vi: SHORTINT; vr: SHORTREAL; vlr: REAL; vs: SET;
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteLn; out.WriteTab; i := 0;
-               WHILE i < ind DO out.WriteSString("  "); INC(i) END;
-               a := ad; i := 0; j := 0;
-               IF sel # "" THEN
-                       WHILE sel[i] # 0X DO tsel[i] := sel[i]; INC(i) END;
-                       IF (tsel[i-1] # ":") & (name[0] # "[") THEN tsel[i] := "."; INC(i) END
-               END;
-               WHILE name[j] # 0X DO tsel[i] := name[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END;
-               tsel[i] := 0X;
-               a0 := out.rider.attr;
-               IF c = 3X THEN  (* varpar *)
-                       SYSTEM.GET(ad, a);
-                       out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(a0, {Fonts.italic}))
-               END;
-               IF name[0] # "[" THEN out.WriteChar(".") END;
-               out.WriteSString(name);
-               out.rider.SetAttr(a0); out.WriteTab;
-               IF (c = 3X) & (a >= 0) & (a < 65536) THEN 
-                       out.WriteTab; out.WriteSString("NIL VARPAR")
-               ELSIF f = 11X THEN
-                       Kernel.GetTypeName(desc, name);
-                       IF (c = 3X) & (name[0] # "!") THEN SYSTEM.GET(ad + 4, desc) END;        (* dynamic type *)
-                       ShowRecord(a, ind + 1, desc, back, tsel)
-               ELSIF (c = 3X) & (f = 0BX) THEN (* VAR anyrecord *)
-                       SYSTEM.GET(ad + 4, desc);
-                       ShowRecord(a, ind + 1, desc, back, tsel)
-               ELSIF f = 12X THEN
-                       IF (desc.size = 0) & (ptr = NIL) THEN SYSTEM.GET(ad, a) END;    (* dyn array val par *)
-                       IF ptr = NIL THEN ptr := SYSTEM.VAL(ArrayPtr, ad - 8) END;
-                       ShowArray(a, ind + 1, desc, ptr, back, tsel)
-               ELSE
-                       IF desc = NIL THEN desc := SYSTEM.VAL(Kernel.Type, ORD(f)) END;
-                       WriteName(desc, NIL); out.WriteTab;
-                       CASE f OF
-                       | 0X: (* SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); WriteHex(vli) *)
-                       | 1X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vc); 
-                               IF vc = 0X THEN out.WriteSString("FALSE")
-                               ELSIF vc = 1X THEN out.WriteSString("TRUE")
-                               ELSE OutString("#Dev:Undefined"); out.WriteInt(ORD(vc))
-                               END
-                       | 2X: WriteString(a, 1, 1, FALSE, FALSE)
-                       | 3X: WriteString(a, 1, 2, FALSE, TRUE);
-                                       SYSTEM.GET(a, vi);
-                                       IF vi DIV 256 # 0 THEN out.WriteString("  "); WriteString(a, 1, 2, FALSE, FALSE) END
-                       | 4X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vsi); out.WriteInt(vsi)
-                       | 5X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vi); out.WriteInt(vi)
-                       | 6X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); out.WriteInt(vli)
-                       | 7X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vr); out.WriteReal(vr)
-                       | 8X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vlr); out.WriteReal(vlr)
-                       | 9X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vs); out.WriteSet(vs)
-                       | 0AX: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); SYSTEM.GET(a + 4, i);
-                               IF (vli >= 0) & (i = 0) OR (vli < 0) & (i = -1) THEN out.WriteInt(vli)
-                               ELSE out.WriteIntForm(i, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 8, "0", TextMappers.hideBase); WriteHex(vli)
-                               END
-                       | 0CX, 0DX, 13X, 20X: ShowPointer(a, f, desc, back, tsel)
-                       | 0EX, 10X: ShowProcVar(a)
-                       | 0FX: WriteString(a, 256, 1, TRUE, FALSE)
-                       | 21X: WriteGuid(a)
-                       | 22X: SYSTEM.GET(a, vli); WriteHex(vli)
-                       ELSE 
-                       END
-               END
-       END ShowVar;
-       PROCEDURE ShowStack;
-               VAR ref, end, i, j, x, a, b, c: INTEGER; m, f: SHORTCHAR; mod: Kernel.Module; name, sel: Kernel.Name;
-                       d: Kernel.Type;
-       BEGIN
-               a := Kernel.pc; b := Kernel.fp; c := 100;
-               REPEAT
-                       mod := Kernel.modList;
-                       WHILE (mod # NIL) & ((a < mod.code) OR (a >= mod.code + mod.csize)) DO mod := END;
-                       IF mod # NIL THEN
-                               DEC(a, mod.code);
-                               IF mod.refcnt >= 0 THEN
-                                       out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteSString(; ref := mod.refs;
-                                       REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, name) UNTIL (end = 0) OR (a < end);
-                                       IF a < end THEN
-                                               out.WriteChar("."); out.WriteSString(name);
-                                               sel :=$; i := 0;
-                                               WHILE sel[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-                                               sel[i] := "."; INC(i); j := 0;
-                                               WHILE name[j] # 0X DO sel[i] := name[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END;
-                                               sel[i] := ":"; sel[i+1] := 0X;
-                                               out.WriteSString("   ["); WriteHex(a);
-                                               out.WriteSString("] ");
-                                               i := Kernel.SourcePos(mod, 0);
-                                               IF name # "$$" THEN
-                                                       Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, m, f, d, x, name);
-                                                       WHILE m # 0X DO
-                                                               IF name[0] # "@" THEN ShowVar(b + x, 0, f, m, d, NIL, NIL, name, sel) END;
-                                                               Kernel.GetRefVar(ref, m, f, d, x, name)
-                                                       END
-                                               END;
-                                               out.WriteLn
-                                       ELSE out.WriteSString(".???"); out.WriteLn
-                                       END
-                               ELSE
-                                       out.WriteChar("("); out.WriteSString(;
-                                       out.WriteSString(")   (pc="); WriteHex(a);
-                                       out.WriteSString(",  fp="); WriteHex(b); out.WriteChar(")");
-                                       out.WriteLn
-                               END
-                       ELSE
-                               out.WriteSString("<system>   (pc="); WriteHex(a);
-                               out.WriteSString(",  fp="); WriteHex(b); out.WriteChar(")");
-                               out.WriteLn
-                       END;
-                       IF (b >= Kernel.fp) & (b < Kernel.stack) THEN
-                               SYSTEM.GET(b+4, a);     (* stacked pc *)
-                               SYSTEM.GET(b, b);       (* dynamic link *)
-                               DEC(a); DEC(c)
-                       ELSE c := 0
-                       END
-               UNTIL c = 0
-       END ShowStack;
-       PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do;       (* delayed trap window open *)
-       BEGIN
-               Kernel.SetTrapGuard(TRUE);
-               OpenViewer(a.text, "#Dev:Trap", NewRuler());
-               Kernel.SetTrapGuard(FALSE);
-       END Do;
-       PROCEDURE GetTrapMsg(OUT msg: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR ref, end, a: INTEGER; mod: Kernel.Module; name: Kernel.Name; head, tail, errstr: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
-                       key: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               a := Kernel.pc; mod := Kernel.modList;
-               WHILE (mod # NIL) & ((a < mod.code) OR (a >= mod.code + mod.csize)) DO mod := END;
-               IF mod # NIL THEN
-                       DEC(a, mod.code); ref := mod.refs;
-                       REPEAT Kernel.GetRefProc(ref, end, name) UNTIL (end = 0) OR (a < end);
-                       IF a < end THEN
-                               Kernel.SplitName ($, head, tail);
-                               IF head = "" THEN head := "System" END;
-                               Strings.IntToString(Kernel.err, errstr);
-                               key := tail + "." + name + "." + errstr;
-                               Dialog.MapString("#" + head + ":" + key, msg);
-                               (* IF key # msg THEN out.WriteString(" " + msg) END; *)
-                               IF key = msg THEN msg := "" END;
-                       END
-               END
-       END GetTrapMsg;
-       PROCEDURE Trap;
-               VAR a0: TextModels.Attributes; action: Action; msg: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               out.ConnectTo(TextModels.dir.New());
-               a0 := out.rider.attr;
-               out.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewWeight(a0, Fonts.bold));
-               IF Kernel.err = 129 THEN out.WriteSString("invalid WITH")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 130 THEN out.WriteSString("invalid CASE")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 131 THEN out.WriteSString("function without RETURN")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 132 THEN out.WriteSString("type guard")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 133 THEN out.WriteSString("implied type guard")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 134 THEN out.WriteSString("value out of range")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 135 THEN out.WriteSString("index out of range")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 136 THEN out.WriteSString("string too long")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 137 THEN out.WriteSString("stack overflow")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 138 THEN out.WriteSString("integer overflow")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 139 THEN out.WriteSString("division by zero")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 140 THEN out.WriteSString("infinite real result")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 141 THEN out.WriteSString("real underflow")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 142 THEN out.WriteSString("real overflow")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 143 THEN out.WriteSString("undefined real result")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 144 THEN out.WriteSString("not a number")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 200 THEN out.WriteSString("keyboard interrupt")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 201 THEN
-                       out.WriteSString("NIL dereference")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 202 THEN
-                       out.WriteSString("illegal instruction: ");
-                       out.WriteIntForm(Kernel.val, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 5, "0", TextMappers.showBase)
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 203 THEN
-                       IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN out.WriteSString("NIL dereference (read)")
-                       ELSE out.WriteSString("illegal memory read (ad = "); WriteHex(Kernel.val); out.WriteChar(")")
-                       END
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 204 THEN
-                       IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN out.WriteSString("NIL dereference (write)")
-                       ELSE out.WriteSString("illegal memory write (ad = "); WriteHex(Kernel.val); out.WriteChar(")")
-                       END
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 205 THEN
-                       IF (Kernel.val >= -4) & (Kernel.val < 65536) THEN out.WriteSString("NIL procedure call")
-                       ELSE out.WriteSString("illegal execution (ad = "); WriteHex(Kernel.val); out.WriteChar(")")
-                       END
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 257 THEN out.WriteSString("out of memory")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 10001H THEN out.WriteSString("bus error")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 10002H THEN out.WriteSString("address error")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err = 10007H THEN out.WriteSString("fpu error")
-               ELSIF Kernel.err < 0 THEN
-                       out.WriteSString("Exception "); out.WriteIntForm(-Kernel.err, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 3, "0", TextMappers.showBase)
-               ELSE
-                       out.WriteSString("TRAP "); out.WriteInt(Kernel.err);
-                       IF Kernel.err = 126 THEN out.WriteSString("  (not yet implemented)")
-                       ELSIF Kernel.err = 125 THEN out.WriteSString("  (call of obsolete procedure)")
-                       ELSIF Kernel.err >= 100 THEN out.WriteSString("  (invariant violated)")
-                       ELSIF Kernel.err >= 60 THEN out.WriteSString("  (postcondition violated)")
-                       ELSIF Kernel.err >= 20 THEN out.WriteSString("  (precondition violated)")
-                       END
-               END;
-               GetTrapMsg(msg);
-               IF msg # "" THEN out.WriteLn; out.WriteString(msg) END;
-               out.WriteLn; out.rider.SetAttr(a0);
-               out.WriteLn; ShowStack;
-               NEW(action); action.text := out.rider.Base();
-               Services.DoLater(action,;
-               out.ConnectTo(NIL)
-       END Trap;
-       Kernel.InstallTrapViewer(Trap);
-       empty := "";
-       path[0].x := refViewSize DIV 2; path[0].y := 0;
-       path[1].x := refViewSize; path[1].y := refViewSize DIV 2;
-       path[2].x := refViewSize DIV 2; path[2].y := refViewSize;
-       path[3].x := 0; path[3].y := refViewSize DIV 2;
-END StdDebug.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Dialog.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Dialog.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 24aecdd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdDialog;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Dialog.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT
-               Kernel, Meta, Strings, Files, Stores, Models, Sequencers, Views,
-               Containers, Dialog, Properties, Documents, Converters, Windows;
-       TYPE
-               Item* = POINTER TO EXTENSIBLE RECORD
-                       next*: Item;
-                       item-, string-, filter-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR;
-                       shortcut-: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR;
-                       privateFilter-, failed, trapped: BOOLEAN;       (* filter call failed, caused a trap *)
-                       res: INTEGER    (* result code of failed filter *)
-               END;
-               FilterProcVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p: Dialog.GuardProc END;
-               FilterProcPVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p: PROCEDURE(n: INTEGER; VAR p: Dialog.Par) END;
-               ViewHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.ViewHook) END;
-       VAR curItem-: Item;     (** IN parameter for item filters **)
-       PROCEDURE GetSubLoc* (mod: ARRAY OF CHAR; cat: Files.Name;
-                                                                                       OUT loc: Files.Locator; OUT name: Files.Name);
-               VAR sub: Files.Name; file: Files.File; type: Files.Type;
-       BEGIN
-               IF (cat[0] = "S") & (cat[1] = "y") & (cat[2] = "m") THEN type := Kernel.symType
-               ELSIF (cat[0] = "C") & (cat[1] = "o") & (cat[2] = "d") & (cat[3] = "e") THEN type := Kernel.objType
-               ELSE type := ""
-               END;
-               Kernel.SplitName(mod, sub, name); Kernel.MakeFileName(name, type);
-               loc := Files.dir.This(sub); file := NIL;
-               IF loc # NIL THEN
-                       loc := loc.This(cat);
-                       IF sub = "" THEN
-                               IF loc # NIL THEN
-                                       file := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, Files.shared);
-                                       IF file = NIL THEN loc := NIL END
-                               END;
-                               IF loc = NIL THEN
-                                       loc := Files.dir.This("System");
-                                       IF loc # NIL THEN loc := loc.This(cat) END
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END GetSubLoc;
-               VAR i: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; WHILE str[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-               RETURN i
-       END Len;
-       PROCEDURE AddItem* (i: Item; item, string, filter, shortcut: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(i # NIL, 20);
-               NEW(i.item, Len(item) + 1);
-               NEW(i.string, Len(string) + 1);
-               NEW(i.filter, Len(filter) + 1);
-               ASSERT((i.item # NIL) & (i.string # NIL) & (i.filter # NIL), 100);
-               i.item^ := item$;
-               i.string^ := string$;
-               i.filter^ := filter$;
-               i.shortcut := shortcut$;
-               j := 0; ch := filter[0]; WHILE (ch # ".") & (ch # 0X) DO INC(j); ch := filter[j] END;
-               i.privateFilter := (j > 0) & (ch = 0X);
-               i.failed := FALSE; i.trapped := FALSE
-       END AddItem;
-       PROCEDURE ClearGuards* (i: Item);
-       BEGIN
-               i.failed := FALSE; i.trapped := FALSE
-       END ClearGuards;
-       PROCEDURE GetGuardProc (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: Meta.Item;
-                                                                                                               VAR par: BOOLEAN; VAR n: INTEGER);
-               VAR j, k: INTEGER; num: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               j := 0;
-               WHILE (name[j] # 0X) & (name[j] # "(") DO INC(j) END;
-               IF name[j] = "(" THEN
-                       name[j] := 0X; INC(j); k := 0;
-                       WHILE (name[j] # 0X) & (name[j] # ")") DO num[k] := name[j]; INC(j); INC(k) END;
-                       IF (name[j] = ")") & (name[j+1] = 0X) THEN
-                               num[k] := 0X; Strings.StringToInt(num, n, k);
-                               IF k = 0 THEN Meta.LookupPath(name, i); par := TRUE
-                               ELSE Meta.Lookup("", i)
-                               END
-                       ELSE Meta.Lookup("", i)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       Meta.LookupPath(name, i); par := FALSE
-               END
-       END GetGuardProc;
-       PROCEDURE CheckFilter* (i: Item; VAR failed, ok: BOOLEAN; VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR x: Meta.Item; v: FilterProcVal; vp: FilterProcPVal; p: BOOLEAN; n: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF ~i.failed THEN
-                       curItem := i;
-                       par.disabled := FALSE; par.checked := FALSE; par.label := i.item$;
-                       par.undef := FALSE; par.readOnly := FALSE;
-                       i.failed := TRUE; i.trapped := TRUE;
-                       GetGuardProc(i.filter^, x, p, n);
-                       IF (x.obj = Meta.procObj) OR (x.obj = Meta.varObj) & (x.typ = Meta.procTyp) THEN
-                               IF p THEN
-                                       x.GetVal(vp, ok);
-                                       IF ok THEN vp.p(n, par) END
-                               ELSE
-                                       x.GetVal(v, ok);
-                                       IF ok THEN v.p(par) END
-                               END
-                       ELSE ok := FALSE
-                       END;
-                       IF ok THEN i.res := 0 ELSE i.res := 1 END;
-                       i.trapped := FALSE; i.failed := ~ok
-               END;
-               failed := i.failed
-       END CheckFilter;
-       PROCEDURE HandleItem* (i: Item);
-               VAR res: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF ~i.failed THEN
-                       Views.ClearQueue; res := 0;
-                       Dialog.Call(i.string^, " ", res)
-               ELSIF (i # NIL) & i.failed THEN
-                       IF i.trapped THEN
-                               Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:ItemFilterTrapped", i.string^, i.filter^, "")
-                       ELSE
-                               Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:ItemFilterNotFound", i.string^, i.filter^, "")
-                       END
-               END
-       END HandleItem;
-       PROCEDURE RecalcView* (v: Views.View);
-       (* recalc size of all subviews of v, then v itself *)
-       VAR m: Models.Model; v1: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller;
-               minW, maxW, minH, maxH, w, h, w0, h0: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF v IS Containers.View THEN
-                       c := v(Containers.View).ThisController();
-                       IF c # NIL THEN
-                               v1 := NIL; c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v1);
-                               WHILE v1 # NIL DO
-                                       RecalcView(v1);
-                                       c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v1)
-                               END
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF v.context # NIL THEN
-                       m := v.context.ThisModel();
-                       IF (m # NIL) & (m IS Containers.Model) THEN
-                               m(Containers.Model).GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH);
-                               v.context.GetSize(w0, h0); w := w0; h := h0;
-                               Properties.PreferredSize(v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, w, h, w, h);
-                               IF (w # w0) OR (h # h0) THEN v.context.SetSize(w, h) END
-                       END
-               END
-       END RecalcView;
-       PROCEDURE Open* (v: Views.View; title: ARRAY OF CHAR;
-                                                                       loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter;
-                                                                       asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR t: Views.Title; flags, opts: SET; done: BOOLEAN; d: Documents.Document; i: INTEGER;
-                       win: Windows.Window; c: Containers.Controller; seq: ANYPTR;
-       BEGIN
-               IF conv = NIL THEN conv := Converters.list END; (* use document converter *)
-               ASSERT(v # NIL, 20);
-               flags := {}; done := FALSE;
-               IF noResize THEN
-                       flags := flags + {Windows.noResize, Windows.noHScroll, Windows.noVScroll}
-               END;
-               IF asTool THEN INCL(flags, Windows.isTool) END;
-               IF asAux THEN INCL(flags, Windows.isAux) END;
-               IF neverDirty THEN INCL(flags, Windows.neverDirty) END;
-               i := 0;
-               WHILE (i < LEN(t) - 1) & (title[i] # 0X) DO t[i] := title[i]; INC(i) END;
-               t[i] := 0X;
-               IF ~allowDuplicates THEN
-                       IF ~asTool & ~asAux THEN
-                               IF (loc # NIL) & (name # "") THEN Windows.SelectBySpec(loc, name, conv, done) END
-                       ELSE
-                               IF title # "" THEN Windows.SelectByTitle(v, flags, t, done) END
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       INCL(flags, Windows.allowDuplicates)
-               END;
-               IF ~done THEN
-                       IF v IS Documents.Document THEN
-                               IF v.context # NIL THEN
-                                       d := Documents.dir.New(
-                                                               Views.CopyOf(v(Documents.Document).ThisView(), Views.shallow), 
-                                                               Views.undefined, Views.undefined)
-                               ELSE
-                                       d := v(Documents.Document)
-                               END;
-                               ASSERT(d.context = NIL, 22);
-                               v := d.ThisView(); ASSERT(v # NIL, 23)
-                       ELSIF v.context # NIL THEN
-                               ASSERT(v.context IS Documents.Context, 24);
-                               d := v.context(Documents.Context).ThisDoc();
-                               IF d.context # NIL THEN
-                                       d := Documents.dir.New(Views.CopyOf(v, Views.shallow), Views.undefined, Views.undefined)
-                               END;
-                               ASSERT(d.context = NIL, 25)
-                               (*IF d.Domain() = NIL THEN Stores.InitDomain(d, v.Domain()) END (for views opened via Views.Old *)
-                       ELSE
-                               d := Documents.dir.New(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined)
-                       END;
-                       IF asTool OR asAux THEN
-                               c := d.ThisController();
-                               c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noSelection})
-                       END;
-                       ASSERT(d.Domain() = v.Domain(), 100);
-                       ASSERT(d.Domain() # NIL, 101);
-                       seq := d.Domain().GetSequencer();
-                       IF neverDirty & (seq # NIL) THEN
-                               ASSERT(seq IS Sequencers.Sequencer, 26);
-                               seq(Sequencers.Sequencer).SetDirty(FALSE)
-                       END;
-                       IF neverDirty THEN
-                               (* change "fit to page" to "fit to window" in secondary windows *)
-                               c := d.ThisController(); opts := c.opts;
-                               IF Documents.pageWidth IN opts THEN
-                                       opts := opts - {Documents.pageWidth} + {Documents.winWidth}
-                               END;
-                               IF Documents.pageHeight IN opts THEN
-                                       opts := opts - {Documents.pageHeight} + {Documents.winHeight}
-                               END;
-                               c.SetOpts(opts)
-                       END;
-                       win := Windows.dir.New();
-                       IF seq # NIL THEN
-                               Windows.dir.OpenSubWindow(win, d, flags, t)
-                       ELSE
-                               Windows.dir.Open(win, d, flags, t, loc, name, conv)
-                       END
-               END
-       END Open;
-       PROCEDURE (h: ViewHook) Open (v: Views.View; title: ARRAY OF CHAR;
-                                                               loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter;
-                                                               asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty: BOOLEAN);
-       BEGIN
-               Open(v, title, loc, name, conv, asTool, asAux, noResize, allowDuplicates, neverDirty)
-       END Open;
-       PROCEDURE (h: ViewHook) OldView (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name;
-                                                                                                                               VAR conv: Converters.Converter): Views.View;
-               VAR w: Windows.Window; s: Stores.Store; c: Converters.Converter;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(loc # NIL, 20); ASSERT(name # "", 21);
-               Kernel.MakeFileName(name, ""); s := NIL;
-               IF loc.res # 77 THEN
-                       w := Windows.dir.First(); c := conv;
-                       IF c = NIL THEN c := Converters.list END;       (* use document converter *)
-                       WHILE (w # NIL) & ((w.loc = NIL) OR ( = "") OR (w.loc.res = 77) OR
-                                                                                       ~Files.dir.SameFile(loc, name, w.loc, OR (w.conv # c)) DO
-                               w := Windows.dir.Next(w)
-                       END;
-                       IF w # NIL THEN s := w.doc.ThisView() END
-               END;
-               IF s = NIL THEN
-                       Converters.Import(loc, name, conv, s);
-                       IF s # NIL THEN RecalcView(s(Views.View)) END
-               END;
-               IF s # NIL THEN RETURN s(Views.View) ELSE RETURN NIL END
-       END OldView;
-       PROCEDURE (h: ViewHook) RegisterView (v: Views.View; 
-                                                                                                                       loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); ASSERT(loc # NIL, 21); ASSERT(name # "", 22);
-               Kernel.MakeFileName(name, "");
-               Converters.Export(loc, name, conv, v)
-       END RegisterView;
-       PROCEDURE Init;
-               VAR h: ViewHook;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(h); Views.SetViewHook(h)
-       END Init;
-       Init
-END StdDialog.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/ETHConv.txt b/new/Std/Mod/ETHConv.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 944e019..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/ETHConv.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT
-               Fonts, Files, Stores, Ports, Views,
-               TextModels, TextRulers, TextViews,
-               Stamps := StdStamps, Clocks := StdClocks, StdFolds;
-       CONST
-               V2Tag = -4095; (* 01 F0 *)
-               V4Tag = 496; (* F0 01 *)
-       TYPE
-               FontDesc = RECORD
-                       typeface: Fonts.Typeface;
-                       size: INTEGER;
-                       style: SET;
-                       weight: INTEGER
-               END;
-       VAR default: Fonts.Font;
-       PROCEDURE Split (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR d: FontDesc);
-               VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; ch := name[0];
-               WHILE (ch < "0") OR (ch >"9") DO
-                       d.typeface[i] := ch; INC(i); ch := name[i]
-               END;
-               d.typeface[i] := 0X;
-               d.size := 0;
-               WHILE ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") DO
-                       d.size := d.size * 10 + (ORD(ch) - 30H); INC(i); ch := name[i]
-               END;
-               CASE ch OF
-                 "b": := {}; d.weight := Fonts.bold
-               | "i": := {Fonts.italic}; d.weight := Fonts.normal
-               | "j": := {Fonts.italic}; d.weight := Fonts.bold
-               | "m": := {}; d.weight := Fonts.bold
-               ELSE := {}; d.weight := Fonts.normal    (* unknown style *)
-               END
-       END Split;
-       PROCEDURE ThisFont (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Fonts.Font; 
-               VAR d: FontDesc;
-       BEGIN
-               Split(name, d);
-               IF d.typeface = "Syntax" THEN d.typeface := default.typeface END;
-               IF d.size = 10 THEN d.size := default.size
-               ELSE d.size := (d.size - 2) * Ports.point
-               END;
-               RETURN Fonts.dir.This(d.typeface, d.size,, d.weight)
-       END ThisFont;
-       PROCEDURE ThisChar (ch: CHAR): CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               CASE ORD(ch) OF
-                 80H: ch := 0C4X | 81H: ch := 0D6X | 82H: ch := 0DCX
-               | 83H: ch := 0E4X | 84H: ch := 0F6X | 85H: ch := 0FCX
-               | 86H: ch := 0E2X | 87H: ch := 0EAX | 88H: ch := 0EEX | 89H: ch := 0F4X | 8AH: ch := 0FBX
-               | 8BH: ch := 0E0X | 8CH: ch := 0E8X | 8DH: ch := 0ECX | 8EH: ch := 0F2X | 8FH: ch := 0F9X
-               | 90H: ch := 0E9X
-               | 91H: ch := 0EBX | 92H: ch := 0EFX
-               | 93H: ch := 0E7X
-               | 94H: ch := 0E1X
-               | 95H: ch := 0F1X
-               | 9BH: ch := TextModels.hyphen
-               | 9FH: ch := TextModels.nbspace
-               | 0ABH: ch := 0DFX
-               ELSE
-                       ch := 0BFX      (* use inverted question mark for unknown character codes *)
-               END;
-               RETURN ch
-       END ThisChar;
-       PROCEDURE ^ LoadTextBlock (r: Stores.Reader; t: TextModels.Model);
-       PROCEDURE StdFold (VAR r: Stores.Reader): Views.View;
-               CONST colLeft = 0; colRight = 1; expRight = 2; expLeft = 3;
-               VAR k: BYTE; state: BOOLEAN; hidden: TextModels.Model; fold: StdFolds.Fold;
-       BEGIN
-               r.ReadByte(k);
-               CASE k MOD 4 OF
-                       | colLeft: state := StdFolds.collapsed
-                       | colRight: state := StdFolds.collapsed
-                       | expRight: state := StdFolds.expanded
-                       | expLeft: state := StdFolds.expanded
-               END;
-               IF (k MOD 4 IN {colLeft, expLeft}) & (k < 4) THEN
-                       hidden := TextModels.dir.New(); LoadTextBlock(r, hidden);
-               ELSE hidden := NIL;
-               END;
-               fold := StdFolds.dir.New(state, "", hidden);
-               RETURN fold;
-       END StdFold;
-       PROCEDURE LoadTextBlock (r: Stores.Reader; t: TextModels.Model);
-               VAR r0: Stores.Reader; wr: TextModels.Writer;
-                       org, len: INTEGER; en, ano, i, n: BYTE; col, voff, ch: CHAR; tag: INTEGER;
-                       fname: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
-                       attr: ARRAY 32 OF TextModels.Attributes;
-                       mod, proc: ARRAY 32 OF ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
-               PROCEDURE ReadNum (VAR n: INTEGER);
-                       VAR s: BYTE; ch: CHAR; y: INTEGER;
-               BEGIN
-                       s := 0; y := 0; r.ReadXChar(ch);
-                       WHILE ch >= 80X DO
-                               INC(y, ASH(ORD(ch)-128, s)); INC(s, 7); r.ReadXChar(ch)
-                       END;
-                       n := ASH((ORD(ch) + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y
-               END ReadNum;
-               PROCEDURE ReadSet (VAR s: SET);
-                       VAR x: INTEGER;
-               BEGIN
-                       ReadNum(x); s := BITS(x)
-               END ReadSet;
-               PROCEDURE Elem (VAR r: Stores.Reader; span: INTEGER);
-                       VAR v: Views.View; end, ew, eh, n, indent: INTEGER; eno, version: BYTE;
-                               p: TextRulers.Prop; opts: SET;
-               BEGIN
-                       r.ReadInt(ew); r.ReadInt(eh); r.ReadByte(eno);
-                       IF eno > en THEN en := eno; r.ReadXString(mod[eno]); r.ReadXString(proc[eno]) END;
-                       end := r.Pos() + span;
-                       IF (mod[eno] = "ParcElems") OR (mod[eno] = "StyleElems") THEN
-                               r.ReadByte(version);
-                               NEW(p);
-                               p.valid := {TextRulers.first .. TextRulers.tabs};
-                               ReadNum(indent); ReadNum(p.left);
-                               p.first := p.left + indent;
-                               ReadNum(n); p.right := p.left + n;
-                               ReadNum(p.lead);
-                               ReadNum(p.grid);
-                               ReadNum(p.dsc); p.asc := p.grid - p.dsc;
-                               ReadSet(opts); p.opts.val := {};
-                               IF ~(0 IN opts) THEN p.grid := 1 END;
-                               IF 1 IN opts THEN INCL(p.opts.val, TextRulers.leftAdjust) END;
-                               IF 2 IN opts THEN INCL(p.opts.val, TextRulers.rightAdjust) END;
-                               IF 3 IN opts THEN INCL(p.opts.val, TextRulers.pageBreak) END;
-                               INCL(p.opts.val, TextRulers.rightFixed);
-                               p.opts.mask := {TextRulers.leftAdjust .. TextRulers.pageBreak, TextRulers.rightFixed};
-                               ReadNum(n); p.tabs.len := n;
-                               i := 0; WHILE i < p.tabs.len DO ReadNum([i].stop); INC(i) END;
-                               v := TextRulers.dir.NewFromProp(p);
-                               wr.WriteView(v, ew, eh)
-                       ELSIF mod[eno] = "StampElems" THEN
-                               v := Stamps.New();
-                               wr.WriteView(v, ew, eh)
-                       ELSIF mod[eno] = "ClockElems" THEN
-                               v := Clocks.New();
-                               wr.WriteView(v, ew, eh)
-                       ELSIF mod[eno] = "FoldElems" THEN
-                               v := StdFold(r);
-                               wr.WriteView(v, ew, eh);
-                       END;
-                       r.SetPos(end)
-               END Elem;
-       BEGIN
-               (* skip inner text tags (legacy from V2) *)
-               r.ReadXInt(tag);
-               IF tag # V2Tag THEN r.SetPos(r.Pos()-2) END;
-               (* load text block *)
-               org := r.Pos(); r.ReadInt(len); INC(org, len - 2);
-               r0.ConnectTo(r.rider.Base()); r0.SetPos(org);
-               wr := t.NewWriter(NIL); wr.SetPos(0);
-               n := 0; en := 0; r.ReadByte(ano);
-               WHILE ano # 0 DO
-                       IF ano > n THEN
-                               n := ano; r.ReadXString(fname);
-                               attr[n] := TextModels.NewFont(wr.attr, ThisFont(fname))
-                       END;
-                       r.ReadXChar(col); r.ReadXChar(voff); r.ReadInt(len);
-                       wr.SetAttr(attr[ano]);
-                       IF len > 0 THEN
-                               WHILE len # 0 DO
-                                       r0.ReadXChar(ch);
-                                       IF ch >= 80X THEN ch := ThisChar(ch) END;
-                                       IF (ch >= " ") OR (ch = OR (ch = TextModels.line) THEN
-                                               wr.WriteChar(ch)
-                                       END;
-                                       DEC(len)
-                               END
-                       ELSE
-                               Elem(r, -len); r0.ReadXChar(ch)
-                       END;
-                       r.ReadByte(ano)
-               END;
-               r.ReadInt(len);
-               r.SetPos(r.Pos() + len);
-       END LoadTextBlock;
-       PROCEDURE ImportOberon* (f: Files.File): TextModels.Model;
-               VAR r: Stores.Reader; t: TextModels.Model; tag: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               r.ConnectTo(f); r.SetPos(0);
-               r.ReadXInt(tag);
-               IF tag = ORD("o") + 256 * ORD("B") THEN
-                       (* ignore file header of Oberon for Windows and DOSOberon files *)
-                       r.SetPos(34); r.ReadXInt(tag)
-               END;
-               ASSERT((tag = V2Tag) OR (tag = V4Tag), 100);
-               t := TextModels.dir.New();
-               LoadTextBlock(r, t);
-               RETURN t;
-       END ImportOberon;
-       PROCEDURE ImportETHDoc* (f: Files.File; OUT s: Stores.Store);
-               VAR t: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(f # NIL, 20);
-               t := ImportOberon(f);
-               IF t # NIL THEN s := TextViews.dir.New(t) END
-       END ImportETHDoc;
-       default := Fonts.dir.Default()
-END StdETHConv.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Folds.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Folds.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 87b2867..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,779 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdFolds;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Folds.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT
-               Domains := Stores, Ports, Stores, Containers, Models, Views, Controllers, Fonts,
-               Properties,Controls,
-               TextModels, TextViews, TextControllers, TextSetters,
-               Dialog, Services;
-       CONST
-               expanded* = FALSE; collapsed* = TRUE;
-               minVersion = 0; currentVersion = 0;
-               collapseFoldKey = "#Std:Collapse Fold";
-               expandFoldKey = "#Std:Expand Fold";
-               zoomInKey = "#Std:Zoom In";
-               zoomOutKey = "#Std:Zoom Out";
-               expandFoldsKey = "#Std:Expand Folds";
-               collapseFoldsKey = "#Std:Collapse Folds";
-               insertFoldKey = "#Std:Insert Fold";
-               setLabelKey = "#Std:Set Label";
-       TYPE
-               Label* = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
-               Fold* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       leftSide-: BOOLEAN;
-                       collapsed-: BOOLEAN;
-                       label-: Label; (* valid iff leftSide *)
-                       hidden: TextModels.Model (* valid iff leftSide; NIL if no hidden text *)
-               END;
-               Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END;
-               StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END;
-               FlipOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Domains.Operation)
-                       text: TextModels.Model; (* containing text *)
-                       leftpos, rightpos: INTEGER (* position of left and right Fold *)
-               END;
-               SetLabelOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Domains.Operation)
-                       text: TextModels.Model; (* containing text *)
-                       pos: INTEGER; (* position of fold in text *)
-                       oldlabel: Label
-               END;
-               Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) END;
-       VAR
-               dir-, stdDir-: Directory;
-               foldData*: RECORD
-                       nested*: BOOLEAN;
-                       all*: BOOLEAN;
-                       findLabel*: Label;
-                       newLabel*: Label
-               END;
-               iconFont: Fonts.Typeface;
-               leftExp, rightExp, leftColl, rightColl: ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR;
-               coloredBackg: BOOLEAN;
-               action: Action;
-               fingerprint: INTEGER;   (* for the property inspector *)
-               PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (collapsed: BOOLEAN; label: Label;
-                                                                                                                                       hiddenText: TextModels.Model): Fold, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE GetPair (fold: Fold; VAR l, r: Fold);
-               VAR c: Models.Context; text: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View;
-                       nest: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               c := fold.context; l := NIL; r := NIL;
-               WITH c: TextModels.Context DO
-                       text := c.ThisModel(); rd := text.NewReader(NIL);
-                       IF fold.leftSide THEN l := fold;
-                               rd.SetPos(c.Pos()+1); nest := 1;
-                               REPEAT rd.ReadView(v);
-                                       IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) THEN
-                                               IF v(Fold).leftSide THEN INC(nest) ELSE DEC(nest) END
-                                       END
-                               UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (nest = 0);
-                               IF v # NIL THEN r := v(Fold) ELSE r := NIL END
-                       ELSE r := fold;
-                               rd.SetPos(c.Pos()); nest := 1;
-                               REPEAT rd.ReadPrevView(v);
-                                       IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) THEN
-                                               IF ~v(Fold).leftSide THEN INC(nest) ELSE DEC(nest) END
-                                       END
-                               UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (nest = 0);
-                               IF v # NIL THEN l := v(Fold) ELSE l := NIL END
-                       END
-               ELSE (* fold not embedded in a text *)
-               END;
-               ASSERT((l = NIL) OR l.leftSide & (l.hidden # NIL), 100);
-               ASSERT((r = NIL) OR ~r.leftSide & (r.hidden = NIL), 101)
-       END GetPair;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HiddenText* (): TextModels.Model, NEW;
-               VAR l, r: Fold;
-       BEGIN
-               IF fold.leftSide THEN RETURN fold.hidden
-               ELSE GetPair(fold, l, r);
-                       IF l # NIL THEN RETURN l.hidden ELSE RETURN NIL END
-               END
-       END HiddenText;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) MatchingFold* (): Fold, NEW;
-               VAR l, r: Fold;
-       BEGIN
-               GetPair(fold, l, r);
-               IF l # NIL THEN
-                       IF fold = l THEN RETURN r ELSE RETURN l END
-               ELSE RETURN NIL
-               END
-       END MatchingFold;
-       PROCEDURE GetIcon (fold: Fold; VAR icon: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               IF fold.leftSide THEN
-                       IF fold.collapsed THEN icon := leftColl$ ELSE icon := leftExp$ END
-               ELSE
-                        IF fold.collapsed THEN icon := rightColl$ ELSE icon := rightExp$ END
-               END
-       END GetIcon;
-       PROCEDURE CalcSize (f: Fold; VAR w, h: INTEGER);
-               VAR icon: ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR; c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font;
-                       asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               GetIcon(f, icon);
-               c := f.context;
-               IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr();
-                       font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, a.font.size, {}, Fonts.normal)
-               ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default()
-               END;
-               w := font.SStringWidth(icon);
-               font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw);
-               h := asc + dsc
-       END CalcSize;
-       PROCEDURE Update (f: Fold);
-               VAR w, h: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               CalcSize(f, w, h);
-               f.context.SetSize(w, h);
-               Views.Update(f, Views.keepFrames)
-       END Update;
-       PROCEDURE FlipPair (l, r: Fold);
-               VAR text, hidden: TextModels.Model; cl, cr: Models.Context;
-                       lpos, rpos: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF (l # NIL) & (r # NIL) THEN
-                       ASSERT(l.leftSide, 100);
-                       ASSERT(~r.leftSide, 101);
-                       ASSERT(l.hidden # NIL, 102);
-                       ASSERT(r.hidden = NIL, 103);
-                       cl := l.context; cr := r.context;
-                       text := cl(TextModels.Context).ThisModel();
-                       lpos := cl(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1; rpos := cr(TextModels.Context).Pos();
-                       ASSERT(lpos <= rpos, 104);
-                       hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(text); 
-                       hidden.Insert(0, text, lpos, rpos);
-                       text.Insert(lpos, l.hidden, 0, l.hidden.Length());
-                       l.hidden := hidden; Stores.Join(l, hidden);
-                       l.collapsed := ~l.collapsed;
-                       r.collapsed := l.collapsed;
-                       Update(l); Update(r);
-                       TextControllers.SetCaret(text, lpos)
-               END
-       END FlipPair;
-       PROCEDURE (op: FlipOp) Do;
-               VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; left, right: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               rd := op.text.NewReader(NIL);
-               rd.SetPos(op.leftpos); rd.ReadView(left);
-               rd.SetPos(op.rightpos); rd.ReadView(right);
-               FlipPair(left(Fold), right(Fold));
-               op.leftpos := left.context(TextModels.Context).Pos();
-               op.rightpos := right.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()
-       END Do;
-       PROCEDURE (op: SetLabelOp) Do;
-               VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; fold: Views.View; left, right: Fold; lab: Label;
-       BEGIN
-               rd := op.text.NewReader(NIL);
-               rd.SetPos(op.pos); rd.ReadView(fold);
-               WITH fold: Fold DO
-                       GetPair(fold, left, right);
-                       IF left # NIL THEN
-                               lab := fold.label; left.label := op.oldlabel; op.oldlabel := lab;
-                               right.label := left.label
-                       END
-               END
-       END Do;
-       PROCEDURE SetProp (fold: Fold; p : Properties.Property);
-               VAR op: SetLabelOp; left, right: Fold;
-       BEGIN
-               WHILE p # NIL DO
-                       WITH p: Controls.Prop DO
-                               IF (Controls.label IN p.valid) & (p.label # fold.label) THEN
-                                       GetPair(fold, left, right);
-                                       IF left # NIL THEN
-                                               NEW(op); op.oldlabel := p.label$;
-                                               op.text := fold.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel();
-                                               op.pos := fold.context(TextModels.Context).Pos();
-                                               Views.Do(fold, setLabelKey, op)
-                                       END
-                               END
-                       ELSE
-                       END;
-                       p :=
-               END
-       END SetProp;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Flip*, NEW;
-               VAR op: FlipOp; left, right: Fold;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(fold # NIL, 20);
-               NEW(op);
-               GetPair(fold, left, right);
-               IF (left # NIL) & (right # NIL) THEN
-                       op.text := fold.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel();
-                       op.leftpos := left.context(TextModels.Context).Pos();
-                       op.rightpos := right.context(TextModels.Context).Pos();
-                       Views.BeginModification(Views.clean, fold);
-                       IF ~left.collapsed THEN Views.Do(fold, collapseFoldKey, op)
-                       ELSE Views.Do(fold, expandFoldKey, op)
-                       END;
-                       Views.EndModification(Views.clean, fold)
-               END
-       END Flip;
-       PROCEDURE ReadNext (rd: TextModels.Reader; VAR fold: Fold);
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               REPEAT rd.ReadView(v) UNTIL rd.eot OR (v IS Fold);
-               IF ~rd.eot THEN fold := v(Fold) ELSE fold := NIL END
-       END ReadNext;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) FlipNested*, NEW;
-               VAR text: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; l, r: Fold; level: INTEGER;
-                       op: Domains.Operation;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(fold # NIL, 20);
-               GetPair(fold, l, r);
-               IF (l # NIL) & (l.context # NIL) & (l.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       text := l.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel();
-                       Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text);
-                       rd := text.NewReader(NIL);
-                       rd.SetPos(l.context(TextModels.Context).Pos());
-                       IF l.collapsed THEN
-                               Models.BeginScript(text, expandFoldsKey, op);
-                               ReadNext(rd, fold); level := 1;
-                               WHILE (fold # NIL) & (level > 0) DO
-                                       IF fold.leftSide & fold.collapsed THEN fold.Flip END;
-                                       ReadNext(rd, fold);
-                                       IF fold.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END
-                               END
-                       ELSE (* l.state = expanded *)
-                               Models.BeginScript(text, collapseFoldsKey, op);
-                               level := 0;
-                               REPEAT ReadNext(rd, fold);
-                                       IF fold.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END;
-                                       IF (fold # NIL) & ~fold.leftSide & ~fold.collapsed THEN
-                                               fold.Flip;
-                                               rd.SetPos(fold.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()+1)
-                                       END
-                               UNTIL (fold = NIL) OR (level = 0)
-                       END;
-                       Models.EndScript(text, op);
-                       Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text)
-               END
-       END FlipNested;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message);
-               VAR prop: Controls.Prop; c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; asc, w: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO
-                       CalcSize(fold, msg.w, msg.h)
-               | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO
-                       msg.fixed := TRUE
-               | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE
-               | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO NEW(prop);
-                       prop.known := {Controls.label}; prop.valid := {Controls.label}; prop.readOnly := {};
-                       prop.label := fold.label$;
-                       msg.prop := prop
-               | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO SetProp(fold, msg.prop)
-               | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := fold.context;
-                       IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                               a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr();
-                               a.font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, w)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandlePropMsg;
-       PROCEDURE Track (fold: Fold; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET; VAR hit: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; c: Models.Context;
-                       w, h, asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; modifiers: SET;
-       BEGIN
-               c := fold.context; hit := FALSE;
-               WITH c: TextModels.Context DO
-                       a := c.Attr(); font := a.font;
-                       c.GetSize(w, h); in0 := FALSE;
-                       in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h);
-                       REPEAT
-                               IF in # in0 THEN
-                                       f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, FALSE); in0 := in
-                               END;
-                               f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown);
-                               in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h)
-                       UNTIL ~isDown;
-                       IF in0 THEN hit := TRUE;
-                               font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw);
-                               f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, asc + dsc, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, FALSE)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END Track;
-               PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage;
-                                                                                                                                                                                       VAR focus: Views.View);
-                       VAR hit: BOOLEAN; pos: INTEGER; l, r: Fold;
-                               context: TextModels.Context; text: TextModels.Model;
-               BEGIN
-                       WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO
-                               IF fold.context IS TextModels.Context THEN
-                                       Track(fold, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, hit);
-                                       IF hit THEN
-                                               IF Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers THEN
-                                                       fold.FlipNested
-                                               ELSE
-                                                       fold.Flip;
-                                                       context := fold.context(TextModels.Context);
-                                                       text := context.ThisModel();
-                                                       IF TextViews.FocusText() = text THEN
-                                                               GetPair(fold, l, r);
-                                                               pos := context.Pos();
-                                                               IF fold = l THEN
-                                                                       TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos + 1)
-                                                               ELSE
-                                                                       TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos)
-                                                               END;
-                                                               TextViews.ShowRange(text, pos, pos + 1, TRUE)
-                                                       END
-                                               END
-                                       END
-                               END
-                       | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO
-                               msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor
-                       ELSE
-                       END
-               END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-               VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; color: Ports.Color; c: Models.Context; font: Fonts.Font;
-                       icon: ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR; w, h: INTEGER; asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               GetIcon(fold, icon); c := fold.context;
-               IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       a := fold.context(TextModels.Context).Attr();
-                       font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, a.font.size, {}, Fonts.normal);
-                       color := a.color
-               ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color :=
-               END;
-               IF coloredBackg THEN
-                       fold.context.GetSize(w, h);
-                       f.DrawRect(f.l,, f.r,, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50);
-                       color := Ports.white
-               END;
-               font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw);
-               f.DrawSString(0, asc, color, icon, font)
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               (* fold.CopyFrom^(source); *)
-               WITH source: Fold DO
-                       ASSERT(source.leftSide = (source.hidden # NIL), 100);
-                       fold.leftSide := source.leftSide;
-                       fold.collapsed := source.collapsed;
-                       fold.label := source.label;
-                       IF source.hidden # NIL THEN
-                               fold.hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(source.hidden); Stores.Join(fold.hidden, fold);
-                               fold.hidden.InsertCopy(0, source.hidden, 0, source.hidden.Length())
-                       END
-               END
-       END CopyFromSimpleView;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);
-               VAR version: INTEGER; store: Stores.Store; xint: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               fold.Internalize^(rd);
-               IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
-               rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, currentVersion, version);
-               IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
-               rd.ReadXInt(xint);fold.leftSide := xint = 0;
-               rd.ReadXInt(xint); fold.collapsed := xint = 0;
-               rd.ReadXString(fold.label);
-               rd.ReadStore(store);
-               IF store # NIL THEN fold.hidden := store(TextModels.Model); Stores.Join(fold.hidden, fold)
-               ELSE fold.hidden := NIL
-               END;
-               fold.leftSide := store # NIL
-       END Internalize;
-       PROCEDURE (fold: Fold) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);
-               VAR xint: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               fold.Externalize^(wr);
-               wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion);
-               IF fold.hidden # NIL THEN xint := 0 ELSE xint := 1 END;
-               wr.WriteXInt(xint);
-               IF fold.collapsed THEN xint := 0 ELSE xint := 1 END;
-               wr.WriteXInt(xint);
-               wr.WriteXString(fold.label);
-               wr.WriteStore(fold.hidden)
-       END Externalize;
-       (* --------------------- expanding and collapsing in focus text ------------------------ *)
-       PROCEDURE ExpandFolds* (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR op: Domains.Operation; fold, l, r: Fold; rd: TextModels.Reader;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(text # NIL, 20);
-               Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text);
-               IF nested THEN Models.BeginScript(text, expandFoldsKey, op)
-               ELSE Models.BeginScript(text, zoomInKey, op)
-               END;
-               rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0);
-               ReadNext(rd, fold);
-               WHILE ~rd.eot DO
-                       IF fold.leftSide & fold.collapsed THEN
-                               IF (label = "") OR (label = fold.label) THEN
-                                       fold.Flip;
-                                       IF ~nested THEN 
-                                               GetPair(fold, l, r);
-                                               rd.SetPos(r.context(TextModels.Context).Pos())
-                                       END
-                               END
-                       END;
-                       ReadNext(rd, fold)
-               END;
-               Models.EndScript(text, op);
-               Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text)
-       END ExpandFolds;
-       PROCEDURE CollapseFolds* (text: TextModels.Model; nested: BOOLEAN; IN label: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR op: Domains.Operation; fold, r, l: Fold; rd: TextModels.Reader;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(text # NIL, 20);
-               Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text);
-               IF nested THEN Models.BeginScript(text, collapseFoldsKey, op)
-               ELSE Models.BeginScript(text, zoomOutKey, op)
-               END;
-               rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0);
-               ReadNext(rd, fold);
-               WHILE ~rd.eot DO
-                       IF ~fold.leftSide & ~fold.collapsed THEN
-                               GetPair(fold, l, r);
-                               IF (label = "") OR (label = l.label) THEN
-                                       fold.Flip;
-                                       GetPair(l, l, r);
-                                       rd.SetPos(r.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()+1);
-                                       IF ~nested THEN REPEAT ReadNext(rd, fold) UNTIL rd.eot OR fold.leftSide
-                                       ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold)
-                                       END
-                               ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold)
-                               END
-                       ELSE ReadNext(rd, fold)
-                       END
-               END;
-               Models.EndScript(text, op);
-               Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text)
-       END CollapseFolds;
-       PROCEDURE ZoomIn*;
-               VAR text: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               text := TextViews.FocusText();
-               IF text # NIL THEN ExpandFolds(text, FALSE, "") END
-       END ZoomIn;
-       PROCEDURE ZoomOut*;
-               VAR text: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               text := TextViews.FocusText();
-               IF text # NIL THEN CollapseFolds(text, FALSE, "") END
-       END ZoomOut;
-       PROCEDURE Expand*;
-               VAR text: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               text := TextViews.FocusText();
-               IF text # NIL THEN ExpandFolds(text, TRUE, "") END
-       END Expand;
-       PROCEDURE Collapse*;
-               VAR text: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               text := TextViews.FocusText();
-               IF text # NIL THEN CollapseFolds(text, TRUE, "") END
-       END Collapse;
-       (* ---------------------- foldData dialogbox --------------------------- *)
-       PROCEDURE FindLabelGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               par.disabled := (TextViews.Focus() = NIL) OR foldData.all
-       END FindLabelGuard;
-       PROCEDURE SetLabelGuard* ( VAR p : Dialog.Par );
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath);
-               v := Containers.FocusSingleton();
-               p.disabled := (v = NIL) OR ~(v IS Fold) OR ~v(Fold).leftSide;
-               Controllers.ResetCurrentPath()
-       END SetLabelGuard;
-       PROCEDURE ExpandLabel*;
-               VAR text: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               IF foldData.all & (foldData.findLabel # "") THEN
-                       foldData.findLabel := ""; Dialog.Update(foldData)
-               END;
-               text := TextViews.FocusText();
-               IF text # NIL THEN
-                       IF ~foldData.all THEN ExpandFolds(text, foldData.nested, foldData.findLabel)
-                       ELSE ExpandFolds(text, foldData.nested, "")
-                       END
-               END
-       END ExpandLabel;
-       PROCEDURE CollapseLabel*;
-               VAR text: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               IF foldData.all & (foldData.findLabel # "") THEN
-                       foldData.findLabel := ""; Dialog.Update(foldData)
-               END;
-               text := TextViews.FocusText();
-               IF text # NIL THEN
-                       IF ~foldData.all THEN CollapseFolds(text, foldData.nested, foldData.findLabel)
-                       ELSE CollapseFolds(text, foldData.nested, "")
-                       END
-               END
-       END CollapseLabel;
-       PROCEDURE FindFold(first: BOOLEAN);
-       VAR c : TextControllers.Controller; r: TextModels.Reader; 
-               v : Views.View; pos, i : INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       IF first THEN pos := 0 
-                       ELSE
-                               pos := c.CaretPos();
-                               IF pos = TextControllers.none THEN
-                                       c.GetSelection(i, pos);
-                                       IF pos = i THEN pos := 0 ELSE INC(pos) END;
-                                       pos := MIN(pos, c.text.Length()-1)
-                               END
-                       END;
-                       r := c.text.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(pos);
-                       REPEAT r.ReadView(v)
-                       UNTIL r.eot OR ((v IS Fold) & v(Fold).leftSide) & (foldData.all OR (v(Fold).label$ = foldData.findLabel$));
-                       IF r.eot THEN
-                               c.SetCaret(0); Dialog.Beep
-                       ELSE
-                               pos := r.Pos();
-                               c.view.ShowRange(pos-1, pos, FALSE);
-                               c.SetSelection(pos-1, pos);
-                               IF LEN(v(Fold).label) > 0 THEN
-                                       foldData.newLabel := v(Fold).label
-                               END;
-                               Dialog.Update(foldData)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       Dialog.Beep
-               END
-       END FindFold;
-       PROCEDURE FindNextFold*;
-       BEGIN
-               FindFold(FALSE)
-       END FindNextFold;
-       PROCEDURE FindFirstFold*;
-       BEGIN
-               FindFold(TRUE)
-       END FindFirstFold;
-       PROCEDURE SetLabel*;
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath);
-               v := Containers.FocusSingleton();
-               IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Fold) & (LEN(foldData.newLabel) > 0) THEN
-                       v(Fold).label := foldData.newLabel
-               ELSE
-                       Dialog.Beep
-               END;
-               Controllers.ResetCurrentPath()
-       END SetLabel;
-       PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do;
-               VAR v: Views.View; fp: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath);
-               v := Containers.FocusSingleton();
-               IF (v = NIL) OR ~(v IS Fold) THEN 
-                       fingerprint := 0;
-                       foldData.newLabel := ""
-               ELSE 
-                       fp := Services.AdrOf(v);
-                       IF fp # fingerprint THEN 
-                               foldData.newLabel := v(Fold).label;
-                               fingerprint := fp;
-                               Dialog.Update(foldData)
-                       END
-               END;
-               Controllers.ResetCurrentPath();
-               Services.DoLater(action, Services.Ticks() + Services.resolution DIV 2)
-       END Do;
-       (* ------------------------ inserting folds ------------------------ *)
-       PROCEDURE Overlaps* (text: TextModels.Model; beg, end: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
-               VAR n, level: INTEGER; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(text # NIL, 20);
-               ASSERT((beg >= 0) & (end <= text.Length()) & (beg <= end), 21);
-               rd := text.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(beg);
-               n := 0; level := 0;
-               REPEAT rd.ReadView(v);
-                       IF ~rd.eot & (rd.Pos() <= end) THEN
-                               WITH v: Fold DO INC(n);
-                                       IF v.leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END
-                               ELSE
-                               END
-                       END
-               UNTIL rd.eot OR (level < 0) OR (rd.Pos() >= end);
-               RETURN (level # 0) OR ODD(n)
-       END Overlaps;
-       PROCEDURE InsertionAttr (text: TextModels.Model; pos: INTEGER): TextModels.Attributes;
-               VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               rd := text.NewReader(NIL);
-               rd.SetPos(pos); rd.ReadChar(ch);
-               RETURN rd.attr
-       END InsertionAttr;
-       PROCEDURE Insert* (text: TextModels.Model; label: Label; beg, end: INTEGER; collapsed: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR w: TextModels.Writer; fold: Fold; insop: Domains.Operation; a: TextModels.Attributes;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(text # NIL, 20);
-               ASSERT((beg >= 0) & (end <= text.Length()) & (beg <= end), 21);
-               a := InsertionAttr(text, beg);
-               w := text.NewWriter(NIL); w.SetPos(beg);
-               IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END;
-               NEW(fold);
-               fold.leftSide := TRUE; fold.collapsed := collapsed;
-               fold.hidden := TextModels.CloneOf(text); Stores.Join(fold, fold.hidden);
-               fold.label := label$;
-               Models.BeginScript(text, insertFoldKey, insop);
-               w.WriteView(fold, 0, 0);
-               w.SetPos(end+1);
-               a := InsertionAttr(text, end+1);
-               IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END;
-               NEW(fold);
-               fold.leftSide := FALSE; fold.collapsed := collapsed;
-               fold.hidden := NIL; fold.label := "";
-               w.WriteView(fold, 0, 0);
-               Models.EndScript(text, insop)
-       END Insert;
-       PROCEDURE CreateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               IF (c # NIL) &  ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN
-                       IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end);
-                               IF Overlaps(c.text, beg, end) THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-                       END
-               ELSE par.disabled := TRUE
-               END
-       END CreateGuard;
-       PROCEDURE Create* (state: INTEGER);     (* menu cmd parameters don't accept Booleans *)
-               VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; collapsed: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               collapsed := state = 0;
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               IF (c # NIL) & ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) THEN
-                       IF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end);
-                               IF ~Overlaps(c.text, beg, end) THEN Insert(c.text, "", beg, end, collapsed) END
-                       ELSE beg := c.CaretPos(); Insert(c.text, "", beg, beg, collapsed)
-                       END
-               END
-       END Create;
-       PROCEDURE InitIcons;
-               VAR font: Fonts.Font;
-               PROCEDURE DefaultAppearance;
-               BEGIN
-                       font := Fonts.dir.Default(); iconFont := font.typeface$;
-                       leftExp := ">"; rightExp := "<";
-                       leftColl := "=>"; rightColl := "<=";
-                       coloredBackg := TRUE
-               END DefaultAppearance;
-       BEGIN
-               IF Dialog.platform = Dialog.linux THEN (* Linux *)
-                       DefaultAppearance; 
-                       coloredBackg := FALSE
-               ELSIF Dialog.platform DIV 10 = 1 THEN (* Windows *)
-                       iconFont := "Wingdings";
-                       font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, 10*Fonts.point (*arbitrary*), {}, Fonts.normal);
-                       IF font.IsAlien() THEN DefaultAppearance
-                       ELSE
-                               leftExp[0] := SHORT(CHR(240)); leftExp[1] := 0X;
-                               rightExp[0] := SHORT(CHR(239)); rightExp[1] := 0X;
-                               leftColl[0] := SHORT(CHR(232)); leftColl[1] := 0X;
-                               rightColl[0] := SHORT(CHR(231)); rightColl[1] := 0X;
-                               coloredBackg := FALSE
-                       END
-               ELSIF Dialog.platform DIV 10 = 2 THEN (* Mac *)
-                       iconFont := "Chicago";
-                       font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, 10*Fonts.point (*arbitrary*), {}, Fonts.normal);
-                       IF font.IsAlien() THEN DefaultAppearance
-                       ELSE
-                               leftExp := ">"; rightExp := "<";
-                               leftColl := "»"; rightColl := "«";
-                               coloredBackg := TRUE
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       DefaultAppearance
-               END
-       END InitIcons;
-       PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (collapsed: BOOLEAN; label: Label;
-                                                                                                                               hiddenText: TextModels.Model): Fold;
-               VAR fold: Fold;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(fold); fold.leftSide := hiddenText # NIL; fold.collapsed := collapsed;
-               fold.label := label; fold.hidden := hiddenText; 
-               IF hiddenText # NIL THEN Stores.Join(fold, fold.hidden) END;
-               RETURN fold
-       END  New;
-       PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(d # NIL, 20);
-               dir := d
-       END SetDir;
-       PROCEDURE InitMod;
-               VAR d: StdDirectory;
-       BEGIN
-               foldData.all := TRUE; foldData.nested := FALSE; foldData.findLabel := ""; foldData.newLabel := "";
-               NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d;
-               InitIcons;
-               NEW(action); Services.DoLater(action,;
-       END InitMod;
-       InitMod
-END StdFolds.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Headers.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Headers.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c87935c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdHeaders;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Headers.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-(* headers / footers support the following macros:
-                       &p - replaced by current page number as arabic numeral
-                       &r - replaced by current page number as roman numeral
-                       &R - replaced by current page number as capital roman numeral
-                       &a - replaced by current page number as alphanumeric character
-                       &A - replaced by current page number as capital alphanumeric character
-                       &d - replaced by printing date 
-                       &t - replaced by printing time
-                       &&- replaced by & character
-                       &; - specifies split point
-                       &f - filename with path/title
-       IMPORT
-               Stores, Ports, Models, Views, Properties, Printing, TextModels, Fonts, Dialog,
-               TextViews, Dates, Windows, Controllers, Containers;
-       CONST
-               minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 2;
-               mm =; point = Ports.point;
-               maxWidth = 10000 * mm;
-               alternate* = 0; number* = 1; head* = 2; foot* = 3; showFoot* = 4;
-       TYPE
-               Banner* = RECORD
-                       left*, right*: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR;
-                       gap*: INTEGER
-               END;
-               NumberInfo* = RECORD
-                       new*: BOOLEAN;
-                       first*: INTEGER
-               END;
-               View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       alternate: BOOLEAN;     (* alternate left/right *)
-                       number: NumberInfo;     (* new page number *)
-                       head, foot: Banner;
-                       font: Fonts.Font;
-                       showFoot: BOOLEAN;
-               END;
-               Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property)
-                       alternate*, showFoot*: BOOLEAN;
-                       number*: NumberInfo;
-                       head*, foot*: Banner
-               END;
-               ChangeFontOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)
-                       header: View;
-                       font: Fonts.Font
-               END;
-               ChangeAttrOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)
-                       header: View;
-                       alternate, showFoot: BOOLEAN;
-                       number: NumberInfo;
-                       head, foot: Banner
-               END;
-       VAR
-               dialog*: RECORD
-                       view: View;
-                       alternate*, showFoot*: BOOLEAN;
-                       number*: NumberInfo;
-                       head*, foot*: Banner;
-               END;
-       PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR valid: SET;
-               PROCEDURE Equal(IN b1, b2: Banner): BOOLEAN;
-               BEGIN
-                       RETURN (b1.left = b2.left) & (b1.right = b2.right) & ( =
-               END Equal;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH q: Prop DO
-                       valid := p.valid * q.valid; equal := TRUE;
-                       IF p.alternate # q.alternate THEN EXCL(valid, alternate) END;
-                       IF p.showFoot # q.showFoot THEN EXCL(valid, showFoot) END;
-                       IF ( # OR (p.number.first # q.number.first) THEN EXCL(valid, number) END;
-                       IF ~Equal(p.head, q.head) THEN EXCL(valid, head) END;
-                       IF ~Equal(p.foot, q.foot) THEN EXCL(valid, foot) END;
-                       IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END
-               END
-       END IntersectWith;
-       (* SetAttrOp *)
-       PROCEDURE (op: ChangeFontOp) Do;
-               VAR v: View; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; c: Models.Context;
-       BEGIN
-               v := op.header;
-               font := op.font; op.font := v.font; v.font := font;
-               font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
-               c := v.context;
-               c.SetSize(maxWidth, asc + dsc + 2*point);
-               Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames)
-       END Do;
-       PROCEDURE DoChangeFontOp (v: View; font: Fonts.Font);
-               VAR op: ChangeFontOp;
-       BEGIN
-               IF v.font # font THEN
-                       NEW(op); op.header := v; op.font := font;
-                       Views.Do(v,   "#System:SetProp", op)
-               END
-       END DoChangeFontOp;
-       PROCEDURE (op: ChangeAttrOp) Do;
-               VAR v: View; alternate, showFoot: BOOLEAN; number: NumberInfo; head, foot: Banner;
-       BEGIN
-               v := op.header;
-               alternate := op.alternate; showFoot := op.showFoot; number := op.number; head := op.head; foot := op.foot;
-               op.alternate := v.alternate; op.showFoot := v.showFoot; op.number := v.number; op.head := v.head;
-               op.foot := v.foot;
-               v.alternate := alternate; v.showFoot := showFoot; v.number := number; v.head := head; v.foot := foot;
-               Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames)
-       END Do;
-       PROCEDURE DoChangeAttrOp (v: View; alternate, showFoot: BOOLEAN; number: NumberInfo;
-                                                                                                       head, foot: Banner);
-               VAR op: ChangeAttrOp;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(op); op.header := v; op.alternate := alternate; op.showFoot := showFoot; 
-               op.number := number; op.head := head; op.foot := foot;
-               Views.Do(v,   "#Std:HeaderChange", op)
-       END DoChangeAttrOp;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH source: View DO
-                       v.alternate := source.alternate;
-              :=; v.number.first := source.number.first;
-                       v.head := source.head;
-                       v.foot := source.foot;
-                       v.font := source.font;
-                       v.showFoot := source.showFoot
-               END
-       END CopyFromSimpleView;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);
-       BEGIN
-               v.Externalize^(wr);
-               wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion);
-               wr.WriteString(v.head.left);
-               wr.WriteString(v.head.right);
-               wr.WriteInt(;
-               wr.WriteString(v.foot.left);
-               wr.WriteString(v.foot.right);
-               wr.WriteInt(;
-               wr.WriteString(v.font.typeface);
-               wr.WriteInt(v.font.size);
-               wr.WriteSet(;
-               wr.WriteInt(v.font.weight);
-               wr.WriteBool(v.alternate);
-               wr.WriteBool(;
-               wr.WriteInt(v.number.first);
-               wr.WriteBool(v.showFoot);
-       END Externalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);
-               VAR version: INTEGER; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v.Internalize^(rd);
-               IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
-                       rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version);
-                       IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
-                               IF version = 0 THEN
-                                       rd.ReadXString(v.head.left);
-                                       rd.ReadXString(v.head.right); 
-                              := 5*mm;
-                                       rd.ReadXString(v.foot.left);
-                                       rd.ReadXString(v.foot.right);
-                              := 5*mm;
-                                       rd.ReadXString(typeface);
-                                       rd.ReadXInt(size); 
-                                       v.font := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size * point, {}, Fonts.normal);
-                                       rd.ReadXInt(v.number.first);
-                                       rd.ReadBool(;
-                                       rd.ReadBool(v.alternate)
-                               ELSE
-                                       rd.ReadString(v.head.left);
-                                       rd.ReadString(v.head.right);
-                                       rd.ReadInt(;
-                                       rd.ReadString(v.foot.left);
-                                       rd.ReadString(v.foot.right);
-                                       rd.ReadInt(;
-                                       rd.ReadString(typeface);
-                                       rd.ReadInt(size);
-                                       rd.ReadSet(style);
-                                       rd.ReadInt(weight);
-                                       v.font := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, weight);
-                                       rd.ReadBool(v.alternate);
-                                       rd.ReadBool(;
-                                       rd.ReadInt(v.number.first);
-                                       IF version = 2 THEN rd.ReadBool(v.showFoot) ELSE v.showFoot := FALSE END
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END Internalize;
-       PROCEDURE SetProp(v: View; msg: Properties.SetMsg);
-               VAR p: Properties.Property;
-                       typeface: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: SET; weight: INTEGER;
-                       alt, sf: BOOLEAN; num: NumberInfo; h, f: Banner;
-       BEGIN
-               p := msg.prop;
-               WHILE p # NIL DO
-                       WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO
-                               IF Properties.typeface IN p.valid THEN typeface := p.typeface 
-                               ELSE typeface := v.font.typeface
-                               END;
-                               IF Properties.size IN p.valid THEN size := p.size 
-                               ELSE size := v.font.size
-                               END;
-                               IF IN p.valid THEN style :=
-                               ELSE style :=
-                               END;
-                               IF Properties.weight IN p.valid THEN weight := p.weight 
-                               ELSE weight := v.font.weight
-                               END;
-                               DoChangeFontOp (v, Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, weight) );
-                       | p: Prop DO
-                               IF alternate IN p.valid THEN alt := p.alternate ELSE alt := v.alternate END;
-                               IF showFoot IN p.valid THEN sf := p.showFoot ELSE sf := v.showFoot END;
-                               IF number IN p.valid THEN num := p.number ELSE num := v.number END;
-                               IF head IN p.valid THEN h := p.head ELSE h := v.head END;
-                               IF foot IN p.valid THEN f := p.foot ELSE f := v.foot END;
-                               DoChangeAttrOp(v, alt, sf, num, h, f)
-                       ELSE
-                       END;
-                       p :=
-               END
-       END SetProp;
-       PROCEDURE PollProp(v: View; VAR msg: Properties.PollMsg);
-               VAR sp: Properties.StdProp; p: Prop;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(sp);
-               sp.known := {Properties.size, Properties.typeface,, Properties.weight};
-               sp.valid := sp.known;
-               sp.size := v.font.size; sp.typeface := v.font.typeface; 
-      :=; := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout};
-               sp.weight := v.font.weight;
-               Properties.Insert(msg.prop, sp);
-               NEW(p);
-               p.known := {alternate, number, head, foot, showFoot}; p.valid := p.known;
-               p.head := v.head; p.foot := v.foot;
-               p.alternate := v.alternate;
-               p.showFoot := v.showFoot;
-               p.number := v.number;
-               Properties.Insert(msg.prop, p)
-       END PollProp;
-       PROCEDURE PageMsg(v: View; msg: TextViews.PageMsg);
-       BEGIN
-               IF Printing.par # NIL THEN
-                       Dialog.MapString(v.head.left, Printing.par.header.left);
-                       Dialog.MapString(v.head.right, Printing.par.header.right);
-                       Dialog.MapString(v.foot.left, Printing.par.footer.left);
-                       Dialog.MapString(v.foot.right, Printing.par.footer.right);
-                       Printing.par.header.font := v.font;
-                       Printing.par.footer.font := v.font;
-              := v.alternate;
-                       IF THEN
-                      := v.number.first - msg.current
-                       END;
-              := 5*;
-              := 5*
-               END
-       END PageMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-               VAR d, w, h: INTEGER; (*line: Line; *)asc, dsc, x0, x1, y: INTEGER;
-                       win: Windows.Window; title: Views.Title; dec: BOOLEAN;
-                       pw, ph: INTEGER;
-                       date: Dates.Date; time: Dates.Time; pageInfo: Printing.PageInfo; banner: Printing.Banner;
-       BEGIN
-               IF Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) THEN (* am drucken *) END;
-               v.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
-               win := Windows.dir.First();
-               WHILE (win # NIL) & (win.doc.Domain() # v.Domain()) DO win := Windows.dir.Next(win) END;
-               IF win = NIL THEN title := "(" + Dialog.appName + ")"
-               ELSE win.GetTitle(title)
-               END;
-               d :=; 
-               v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-               win.doc.PollPage(pw, ph, l, t, r, b, dec);
-               w := r - l;
-               f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25);
-               f.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h, 0,;
-               x0 := d; x1 := w-2*d; y := asc + d;
-               Dates.GetDate(date);
-               Dates.GetTime(time);
-               pageInfo.alternate := FALSE;
-               pageInfo.title := title;
-               banner.font := v.font;          
-               IF v.showFoot THEN
-              :=;
-                       Dialog.MapString(v.foot.left, banner.left); Dialog.MapString(v.foot.right, banner.right)
-               ELSE
-              :=;
-                       Dialog.MapString(v.head.left, banner.left); Dialog.MapString(v.head.right, banner.right)
-               END;
-               Printing.PrintBanner(f, pageInfo, banner, date, time, x0, x1, y)
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message);
-               VAR asc, dsc, w: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO
-                       msg.w := maxWidth; 
-                       IF msg.h = Views.undefined THEN
-                               v.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
-                               msg.h := asc + dsc + 2*point
-                        END
-               | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO
-                       msg.fixed := TRUE
-               | msg: TextModels.Pref DO
-                       msg.opts := {TextModels.hideable}
-               | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO
-                       PollProp(v, msg)
-               | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO
-                       SetProp(v, msg)
-               | msg: TextViews.PageMsg DO
-                       PageMsg(v, msg)
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandlePropMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message;
-                                                                                                                               VAR focus: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.EmitMsg DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg.set)
-               | msg: Properties.CollectMsg DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg.poll)
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       PROCEDURE New*(p: Prop; f: Fonts.Font): Views.View;
-               VAR v: View;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(v);
-               v.head := p.head;
-               v.foot := p.foot;
-               v.number := p.number;
-               v.alternate := p.alternate;
-               v.font := f; 
-               v.showFoot := FALSE;
-               RETURN v;       
-       END New;
-       PROCEDURE Deposit*;
-               VAR v: View;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(v);
-               v.head.left := ""; v.head.right :=  "&d&;&p"; := 5*mm;
-               v.foot.left := ""; v.foot.right := ""; := 5*mm;
-               v.font := Fonts.dir.Default();
-               v.number.first := 1; := FALSE; v.alternate := FALSE; v.showFoot := FALSE;
-               Views.Deposit(v)
-       END Deposit;
-       (* property dialog *)
-       PROCEDURE InitDialog*;
-               VAR  p: Properties.Property;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectProp(p);
-               WHILE p # NIL DO
-                       WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO
-                       | p: Prop DO
-                               dialog.alternate := p.alternate; dialog.showFoot := p.showFoot;
-                               dialog.number := p.number;
-                               dialog.head := p.head; := DIV point;
-                               dialog.foot := p.foot; := DIV point;
-                               Dialog.Update(dialog)
-                       ELSE
-                       END;
-                       p :=
-               END
-       END InitDialog;
-       PROCEDURE Set*;
-               VAR p: Prop;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p); p.valid := {alternate, number, head, foot, showFoot};
-               p.alternate := dialog.alternate; p.showFoot := dialog.showFoot;
-               p.number := dialog.number;
-               p.head := dialog.head; := * point;
-               p.foot := dialog.foot; := * point;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Set;
-       PROCEDURE HeaderGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               v := Containers.FocusSingleton();
-               IF (v # NIL) & (v IS View) THEN
-                       par.disabled := FALSE;
-                       IF (dialog.view = NIL) OR (dialog.view # v) THEN
-                               dialog.view := v(View);
-                               InitDialog
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       par.disabled := TRUE;
-                       dialog.view := NIL
-               END
-       END HeaderGuard;
-       PROCEDURE AlternateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               HeaderGuard(par);
-               IF ~par.disabled THEN par.disabled := ~ dialog.alternate END
-       END AlternateGuard;
-       PROCEDURE NewNumberGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               HeaderGuard(par);
-               IF ~par.disabled THEN par.disabled := ~ END
-       END NewNumberGuard;
-END StdHeaders.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Interpreter.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Interpreter.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b619a2c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdInterpreter;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Interpreter.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT Kernel, Meta, Strings, Views, Dialog;
-       TYPE
-               IntValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value)
-                       int: INTEGER;
-               END;
-               StrValue = POINTER TO RECORD (Meta.Value)
-                       str: Dialog.String;
-               END;
-               CallHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.CallHook) END;
-       PROCEDURE (hook: CallHook) Call (IN proc, errorMsg: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR res: INTEGER);
-               TYPE Ident = ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
-               CONST
-                       modNotFound = 10; procNotFound = 11; identExpected = 12; unknownIdent = 13;
-                       depositExpected = 14; noDepositExpected = 15; syntaxError = 16;
-                       lparenExpected = 17; rparenExpected = 18; containerExpected = 19; quoteExpected = 20;
-                       fileNotFound = 21; noController = 22; noDialog = 23; cannotUnload = 24; commaExpected = 25;
-                       incompParList = 26;
-               CONST
-                        ident = 0; dot = 1; semicolon = 2; eot = 3; lparen = 4; rparen = 5; quote = 6; comma = 7; int = 8;
-               VAR
-                       i, type: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; id: Ident; x: INTEGER;
-                       par: ARRAY 100 OF POINTER TO Meta.Value; numPar: INTEGER;
-               PROCEDURE Concat (a, b: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR c: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-               BEGIN
-                       IF a = " " THEN Dialog.MapString("#System:CommandError", c) ELSE c := a$ END;
-                       i := 0; WHILE c[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-                       c[i] := " "; INC(i);
-                       j := 0; ch := b[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO c[i] := ch; INC(i); INC(j); ch := b[j] END;
-                       c[i] := 0X
-               END Concat;
-               PROCEDURE Error (n: INTEGER; msg, par0, par1: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       VAR e, f: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
-               BEGIN
-                       IF res = 0 THEN
-                               res := n;
-                               IF errorMsg # "" THEN
-                                       Dialog.MapString(errorMsg, e);
-                                       Dialog.MapParamString(msg, par0, par1, "", f);
-                                       Concat(e, f, f);
-                                       Dialog.ShowMsg(f)
-                               END
-                       END
-               END Error;
-               PROCEDURE Init (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       VAR i: INTEGER;
-               BEGIN
-                       i := 0; WHILE i < LEN(s) DO s[i] := 0X; INC(i) END
-               END Init;
-               PROCEDURE ShowLoaderResult (IN mod: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       VAR res: INTEGER; importing, imported, object: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
-               BEGIN
-                       Kernel.GetLoaderResult(res, importing, imported, object);
-                       CASE res OF
-                       | Kernel.fileNotFound:
-                               Error(Kernel.fileNotFound, "#System:CodeFileNotFound", imported, "")
-                       | Kernel.syntaxError:
-                               Error(Kernel.syntaxError, "#System:CorruptedCodeFileFor", imported, "")
-                       | Kernel.objNotFound:
-                               Error(Kernel.objNotFound, "#System:ObjNotFoundImpFrom", imported, importing)
-                       | Kernel.illegalFPrint:
-                               Error(Kernel.illegalFPrint, "#System:ObjInconsImpFrom", imported, importing)
-                       | Kernel.cyclicImport:
-                               Error(Kernel.cyclicImport, "#System:CyclicImpFrom", imported, importing)
-                       | Kernel.noMem:
-                               Error(Kernel.noMem, "#System:NotEnoughMemoryFor", imported, "")
-                       ELSE
-                               Error(res, "#System:CannotLoadModule", mod, "")
-                       END
-               END ShowLoaderResult;
-               PROCEDURE CallProc (IN mod, proc: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       VAR i, t: Meta.Item; ok: BOOLEAN;
-               BEGIN
-                       ok := FALSE;
-                       Meta.Lookup(mod, i);
-                       IF i.obj = Meta.modObj THEN
-                               i.Lookup(proc, i);
-                               IF i.obj = Meta.procObj THEN
-                                       i.GetReturnType(t);
-                                       IF (t.typ = 0) & (i.NumParam() = numPar) THEN
-                                               i.ParamCallVal(par, t, ok)
-                                       ELSE ok := FALSE
-                                       END;
-                                       IF ~ok THEN
-                                               Error(incompParList, "#System:IncompatibleParList", mod, proc)
-                                       END
-                               ELSE
-                                       Error(Kernel.commNotFound, "#System:CommandNotFoundIn", proc, mod)
-                               END
-                       ELSE
-                               ShowLoaderResult(mod)
-                       END
-               END CallProc;
-               PROCEDURE GetCh;
-               BEGIN
-                       IF i < LEN(proc) THEN ch := proc[i]; INC(i) ELSE ch := 0X END
-               END GetCh;
-               PROCEDURE Scan;
-                       VAR j: INTEGER; num: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; r: INTEGER;
-               BEGIN
-                       IF res = 0 THEN
-                               WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch <= " ") DO GetCh END;
-                               IF ch = 0X THEN
-                                       type := eot
-                               ELSIF ch = "." THEN
-                                       type := dot; GetCh
-                               ELSIF ch = ";" THEN
-                                       type := semicolon; GetCh
-                               ELSIF ch = "(" THEN
-                                       type := lparen; GetCh
-                               ELSIF ch = ")" THEN
-                                       type := rparen; GetCh
-                               ELSIF ch = "'" THEN
-                                       type := quote; GetCh
-                               ELSIF ch = "," THEN
-                                       type := comma; GetCh
-                               ELSIF (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") OR (ch = "-") THEN
-                                       type := int; j := 0;
-                                       REPEAT num[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh UNTIL (ch < "0") OR (ch > "9") & (ch < "A") OR (ch > "H");
-                                       num[j] := 0X; Strings.StringToInt(num, x, r)
-                               ELSIF (ch >= "a") & (ch <= "z") OR (ch >= "A") & (ch <= "Z") OR
-                                               (ch >= 0C0X) & (ch # "×") & (ch # "÷") & (ch <= 0FFX) OR (ch = "_") THEN
-                                       type := ident;
-                                       id[0] := ch; j := 1; GetCh;
-                                       WHILE (ch # 0X) & (i < LEN(proc)) &
-                                                               ((ch >= "a") & (ch <= "z") OR (ch >= "A") & (ch <= "Z") OR
-                                                               (ch >= 0C0X) & (ch # "×") & (ch # "÷") & (ch <= 0FFX) OR
-                                                               (ch = "_") OR (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9")) DO
-                                               id[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh
-                                       END;
-                                       id[j] := 0X
-                               ELSE Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "")
-                               END
-                       END
-               END Scan;
-               PROCEDURE String (VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-                       VAR j: INTEGER;
-               BEGIN
-                       IF type = quote THEN
-                               j := 0;
-                               WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # "'") & (j < LEN(s) - 1) DO s[j] := ch; INC(j); GetCh END; s[j] := 0X;
-                               IF ch = "'" THEN
-                                       GetCh; Scan
-                               ELSE Error(quoteExpected, "#System:QuoteExpected", "", "")
-                               END
-                       ELSE Error(quoteExpected, "#System:QuoteExpected", "", "")
-                       END
-               END String;
-               PROCEDURE ParamList ();
-                       VAR iv: IntValue; sv: StrValue;
-               BEGIN
-                       numPar := 0;
-                       IF type = lparen THEN Scan;
-                               WHILE (numPar < LEN(par)) & (type # rparen) & (res = 0) DO
-                                       IF type = quote THEN
-                                               NEW(sv);
-                                               String(sv.str);
-                                               par[numPar] := sv;
-                                               INC(numPar)
-                                       ELSIF type = int THEN
-                                               NEW(iv);
-                                      := x; Scan;
-                                               par[numPar] := iv;
-                                               INC(numPar)
-                                       ELSE Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "")
-                                       END;
-                                       IF type = comma THEN Scan
-                                       ELSIF type # rparen THEN Error(rparenExpected, "#System:RParenExpected", "", "")
-                                       END
-                               END;
-                               Scan
-                       END
-               END ParamList;
-               PROCEDURE Command;
-                       VAR left, right: Ident;
-               BEGIN
-                       (* protect from parasitic anchors on stack *)
-                       Init(left); Init(right);
-                       left := id; Scan;
-                       IF type = dot THEN      (* Oberon command *)
-                               Scan;
-                               IF type = ident THEN
-                                       right := id; Scan; ParamList();
-                                       CallProc(left, right)
-                               ELSE Error(identExpected, "#System:IdentExpected", "", "")
-                               END
-                       ELSE Error(unknownIdent, "#System:UnknownIdent", id, "")
-                       END
-               END Command;
-       BEGIN
-               (* protect from parasitic anchors on stack *)
-               i := 0; type := 0; Init(id); x := 0;
-               Views.ClearQueue;
-               res := 0; i := 0; GetCh;
-               Scan;
-               IF type = ident THEN
-                       Command; WHILE (type = semicolon) & (res = 0) DO Scan; Command END;
-                       IF type # eot THEN Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "") END
-               ELSE Error(syntaxError, "#System:SyntaxError", "", "")
-               END;
-               IF (res = 0) & (Views.Available() > 0) THEN
-                       Error(noDepositExpected, "#System:NoDepositExpected", "", "")
-               END;
-               Views.ClearQueue
-       END Call;
-       PROCEDURE Init;
-               VAR hook: CallHook;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(hook); Dialog.SetCallHook(hook)
-       END Init;
-       Init
-END StdInterpreter.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Links.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Links.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7bc3bbc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,893 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdLinks;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Links.odc *)
-       IMPORT Kernel, Services,
-               Stores, Ports, Fonts,  Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog, Containers,
-               TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextControllers, TextSetters, TextRulers,
-               Strings, StdCmds;
-       CONST
-               kind* = 0; cmd* = 1; close* = 2;        (* constants for Prop.valid *)
-               always* = 0; ifShiftDown* = 1; never* = 2;      (* constants for close attrubute *)
-               minLinkVersion = 0; maxLinkVersion = 1;
-               minTargVersion = 0; maxTargVersion = 0;
-       TYPE
-               Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END;
-               Link* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       leftSide-: BOOLEAN;
-                       cmd: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR;
-                       close: INTEGER
-               END;
-               Target* = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       leftSide-: BOOLEAN;
-                       ident: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR
-               END;
-               Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property)
-                       cmd*: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR;
-                       link-: BOOLEAN;
-                       close*: INTEGER
-               END;
-               ChangeAttrOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)
-                       v: Views.View;
-                       cmd: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR;
-                       close: INTEGER;
-                       valid: SET
-               END;
-               StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END;
-               TrapCleaner = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.TrapCleaner) END;
-       VAR
-               dir-, stdDir-: Directory;
-               par-: Link;
-               iconFont: Fonts.Typeface;
-               linkLeft, linkRight, targetLeft, targetRight: ARRAY 8 OF SHORTCHAR;
-               coloredBackg: BOOLEAN;
-               cleaner: TrapCleaner;
-               dialog*: RECORD
-                       cmd*: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR;
-                       type-: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
-                       close*: Dialog.List;
-                       known, valid: SET;
-               END;
-               fingerprint: INTEGER;
-       (** Cleaner **)
-       PROCEDURE (c: TrapCleaner) Cleanup;
-       BEGIN
-               par := NIL
-       END Cleanup;
-       (** Properties **)
-       PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR valid: SET;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH q: Prop DO
-                       valid := p.valid * q.valid; equal := TRUE;
-                       IF (cmd IN valid) & (p.cmd^ # q.cmd^) THEN EXCL(valid, cmd) END;
-                       IF (kind IN valid) & ( # THEN EXCL(valid, kind) END;
-                       IF (close IN valid) & (p.close # q.close) THEN EXCL (valid, close) END;
-                       IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END
-               END
-       END IntersectWith;
-       PROCEDURE (op: ChangeAttrOp) Do;
-               VAR v: Views.View; s: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; c: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v := op.v; 
-               WITH 
-               | v: Link DO 
-                       IF cmd IN op.valid THEN s := op.cmd; op.cmd := v.cmd; v.cmd := s END;
-                       IF close IN op.valid THEN c := op.close; op.close := v.close; v.close := c END
-               | v: Target DO 
-                       IF cmd IN op.valid THEN s := op.cmd; op.cmd := v.ident; v.ident := s END
-               END
-       END Do;
-       PROCEDURE DoChangeAttrOp (v: Views.View; s: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; c: INTEGER; valid: SET);
-               VAR op: ChangeAttrOp;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(op); op.v := v; op.valid := valid;
-               IF close IN valid THEN 
-               op.close := c END;
-               IF cmd IN valid THEN NEW(op.cmd, LEN(s)+1); op.cmd^ := s$ END;
-               Views.Do(v,   "#Std:LinkChange", op)
-       END DoChangeAttrOp;
-       PROCEDURE SetProp(v: Views.View; msg: Properties.SetMsg);
-               VAR p: Properties.Property;
-       BEGIN
-               p := msg.prop;
-               WHILE p # NIL DO
-                       WITH p: Prop DO
-                               IF (cmd IN p.valid) OR (close IN p.valid) THEN DoChangeAttrOp(v, p.cmd, p.close, p.valid) END
-                       ELSE
-                       END;
-                       p :=
-               END
-       END SetProp;
-       PROCEDURE PollProp(v: Views.View; VAR msg: Properties.PollMsg);
-               VAR p: Prop;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p); 
-               WITH v: Link DO
-                       p.known := {kind, cmd, close}; 
-              := TRUE;
-                       p.cmd := v.cmd;
-                       p.close := v.close
-               | v: Target DO
-                       p.known := {kind, cmd}; 
-              := FALSE;
-                       p.cmd := v.ident
-               ELSE
-               END;
-               p.valid := p.known;
-               Properties.Insert(msg.prop, p)
-       END PollProp;
-       PROCEDURE InitDialog*;
-               VAR  p: Properties.Property;
-       BEGIN
-               dialog.cmd := ""; dialog.type := ""; dialog.close.index := -1;
-               dialog.known := {}; dialog.valid := {};
-               Properties.CollectProp(p);
-               WHILE p # NIL DO
-                       WITH p: Prop DO
-                               dialog.valid := p.valid; dialog.known := p.known;
-                               IF cmd IN p.valid THEN
-                                       dialog.cmd := p.cmd$
-                               END;
-                               IF kind IN p.valid THEN 
-                                       IF THEN Dialog.MapString("#Std:Link", dialog.type)
-                                       ELSE Dialog.MapString("#Std:Target", dialog.type)
-                                       END
-                               END;
-                               IF close IN p.valid THEN
-                                       dialog.close.index := p.close
-                               END
-                       ELSE
-                       END;
-                       p :=
-               END;
-               Dialog.Update(dialog)
-       END InitDialog;
-       PROCEDURE Set*;
-               VAR p: Prop;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p);
-               p.valid := dialog.valid;
-               IF cmd IN p.valid THEN
-                       NEW(p.cmd, LEN(dialog.cmd) + 1);
-                       p.cmd^ := dialog.cmd$
-               END;
-               p.close := dialog.close.index;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p);
-               fingerprint := 0        (* force actualization of fields *)
-       END Set;
-       PROCEDURE CmdGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; fp: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF ~(cmd IN dialog.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE
-               ELSIF ~(cmd IN dialog.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE
-               END;
-               Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath);
-               fp := 0;
-               c := Containers.Focus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       c.GetFirstView(Containers.selection, v);
-                       WHILE v # NIL DO fp := fp + Services.AdrOf(v); c.GetNextView(TRUE, v) END
-               END;
-               IF fp # fingerprint THEN fingerprint := fp; InitDialog END;
-               Controllers.ResetCurrentPath()
-       END CmdGuard;
-       PROCEDURE CloseGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF ~(close IN dialog.known) THEN par.disabled := TRUE
-               ELSIF ~(close IN dialog.valid) THEN par.undef := TRUE
-               END;
-       END CloseGuard;
-       PROCEDURE Notifier* (idx, op, from, to: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               IF op = Dialog.changed THEN INCL(dialog.valid, idx) END
-       END Notifier;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewLink* (IN cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR): Link, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTarget* (IN ident: ARRAY OF CHAR): Target, NEW, ABSTRACT;
-       PROCEDURE InFrame (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN (f.l <= x) & (x < f.r) & (f.t <= y) & (y < f.b)
-       END InFrame;
-       PROCEDURE Mark (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN);
-       BEGIN
-               f.MarkRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show)
-       END Mark;
-       PROCEDURE ThisPos (v: TextViews.View; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER;
-               (* "corrected" v.ThisPos: does not adjust position when crossing 50% boundary of characters *)
-               VAR loc: TextViews.Location; pos: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               pos := v.ThisPos(f, x, y); v.GetThisLocation(f, pos, loc);
-               IF (loc.y <= y) & (y < loc.y + loc.asc + loc.dsc) & (x < loc.x) THEN DEC(pos) END;
-               RETURN pos
-       END ThisPos;
-       PROCEDURE GetLinkPair (this: Link; VAR l, r: Link);
-               (* POST: BalancedPair(l, r) & (l # r) & (l = this OR r = this) OR  (l = r = NIL) *)
-               VAR t: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; level: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               l := NIL; r := NIL; level := 1;
-               IF (this.context # NIL) & (this.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       t := this.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel();
-                       rd := t.NewReader(NIL);
-                       IF this.leftSide THEN
-                               rd.SetPos(this.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1);
-                               REPEAT
-                                       rd.ReadView(v);
-                                       IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Link) THEN
-                                               IF v(Link).leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END
-                                       END
-                               UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (level = 0);
-                               IF v # NIL THEN l := this; r := v(Link) END
-                       ELSE
-                               rd.SetPos(this.context(TextModels.Context).Pos());
-                               REPEAT
-                                       rd.ReadPrevView(v);
-                                       IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Link) THEN
-                                               IF v(Link).leftSide THEN DEC(level) ELSE INC(level) END
-                                       END
-                               UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (level = 0);
-                               IF v # NIL THEN l := v(Link); r := this END
-                       END
-               END
-       END GetLinkPair;
-       PROCEDURE GetTargetPair (this: Target; VAR l, r: Target);
-               (* POST: BalancedPair(l, r) & (l # r) & (l = this OR r = this) OR  (l = r = NIL) *)
-               VAR t: TextModels.Model; rd: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; level: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               l := NIL; r := NIL; level := 1;
-               IF (this.context # NIL) & (this.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       t := this.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel();
-                       rd := t.NewReader(NIL);
-                       IF this.leftSide THEN
-                               rd.SetPos(this.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1);
-                               REPEAT
-                                       rd.ReadView(v);
-                                       IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Target) THEN
-                                               IF v(Target).leftSide THEN INC(level) ELSE DEC(level) END
-                                       END
-                               UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (level = 0);
-                               IF v # NIL THEN l := this; r := v(Target) END
-                       ELSE
-                               rd.SetPos(this.context(TextModels.Context).Pos());
-                               REPEAT
-                                       rd.ReadPrevView(v);
-                                       IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Target) THEN
-                                               IF v(Target).leftSide THEN DEC(level) ELSE INC(level) END
-                                       END
-                               UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (level = 0);
-                               IF v # NIL THEN l := v(Target); r := this END
-                       END
-               END
-       END GetTargetPair;
-       PROCEDURE GetRange (l, r: Link; VAR beg, end: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               beg := l.context(TextModels.Context).Pos();
-               end := r.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1
-       END GetRange;
-       PROCEDURE MarkRange (v: TextViews.View; f: Views.Frame; beg, end: INTEGER; show: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR b, e: TextViews.Location; r, t: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(beg < end, 20);
-               v.GetThisLocation(f, beg, b); v.GetThisLocation(f, end, e);
-               IF (b.pos < e.pos) OR (b.pos = e.pos) & (b.x < e.x) THEN
-                       IF b.start # e.start THEN
-                               r := f.r; t := b.y + b.asc + b.dsc;
-                               f.MarkRect(b.x, b.y, r, t, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show);
-                               IF t < e.y THEN f.MarkRect(0, t, r, e.y, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show) END;
-                               b.x := f.l; b.y := e.y
-                       END;
-                   f.MarkRect(b.x, b.y, e.x, e.y + e.asc + e.dsc, Ports.fill, Ports.hilite, show)
-               END
-       END MarkRange;
-       PROCEDURE Reveal (left, right: Views.View; str: ARRAY OF CHAR; opname: Stores.OpName);
-               VAR con: TextModels.Context; t: TextModels.Model; pos: INTEGER;
-                       w: TextMappers.Formatter; op: Stores.Operation;
-       BEGIN
-               con := left.context(TextModels.Context);
-               t := con.ThisModel(); pos := con.Pos();
-               w.ConnectTo(t); w.SetPos(pos);
-               IF con.Attr() # NIL THEN w.rider.SetAttr(con.Attr()) END;
-               Models.BeginScript(t, opname, op);
-               t.Delete(pos, pos + 1);
-               w.WriteChar("<");
-               IF str # "" THEN w.WriteString(str) END;
-               w.WriteChar(">");
-               con := right.context(TextModels.Context);
-               pos := con.Pos();
-               w.SetPos(pos);
-               IF con.Attr() # NIL THEN w.rider.SetAttr(con.Attr()) END;
-               t.Delete(pos, pos + 1);
-               w.WriteString("<>");
-               Models.EndScript(t, op)
-       END Reveal;
-       PROCEDURE RevealCmd (v: Link);
-               VAR left, right: Link;
-       BEGIN GetLinkPair(v, left, right);
-               IF left # NIL THEN
-                       IF v.cmd # NIL THEN Reveal(left, right, v.cmd^, "#StdLinks:Reveal Link Command") 
-                       ELSE Reveal(left, right, "", "#StdLinks:Reveal Link Command") 
-                       END
-               END
-       END RevealCmd;
-       PROCEDURE RevealTarget (targ: Target);
-               VAR  left, right: Target;
-       BEGIN GetTargetPair(targ, left, right);
-               IF left # NIL THEN
-                       IF left.ident # NIL THEN Reveal(left, right, left.ident^, "#SdtLinks:Reveal Target Ident")
-                       ELSE Reveal(left, right, "", "#SdtLinks:Reveal Target Ident")
-                       END
-               END
-       END RevealTarget;
-       PROCEDURE CallCmd (v: Link; close: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR res: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner); 
-               par := v;
-               IF v.cmd^ # "" THEN 
-                       IF close & (v.close = ifShiftDown) OR (v.close = always) THEN
-                               StdCmds.CloseDialog
-                       END;
-                       Dialog.Call(v.cmd^, "#StdLinks:Link Call Failed", res) 
-               END;
-               par := NIL;
-               Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner)
-       END CallCmd;
-       PROCEDURE TrackSingle (f: Views.Frame; VAR in: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; in0, isDown: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               in := FALSE;
-               REPEAT
-                       f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown);
-                       in0 := in; in := InFrame(f, x, y);
-                       IF in # in0 THEN Mark(f, in) END
-               UNTIL ~isDown;
-               IF in THEN Mark(f, FALSE) END
-       END TrackSingle;
-       PROCEDURE TrackRange (v: TextViews.View; f: Views.Frame; l, r: Link; x, y: INTEGER;
-                                                                                               VAR in: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR pos, beg, end: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; in0, isDown: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               in := FALSE;
-               GetRange(l, r, beg, end); pos := ThisPos(v, f, x, y);
-               IF (beg <= pos) & (pos < end) THEN
-                       REPEAT
-                               f.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); pos := ThisPos(v, f, x, y);
-                               in0 := in; in := (beg <= pos) & (pos < end);
-                               IF in # in0 THEN MarkRange(v, f, beg, end, in) END
-                       UNTIL ~isDown;
-                       IF in THEN
-                               MarkRange(v, f, beg, end, FALSE)
-                       END
-               END
-       END TrackRange;
-       PROCEDURE Track (v: Link; f: Views.Frame; c: TextControllers.Controller;
-                                                                       x, y: INTEGER; modifiers: SET);
-       (* PRE: (c # NIL) & (f.view.ThisModel() = v.context.ThisModel())  OR  (c = NIL) & (f.view = v) *)
-               VAR l, r: Link; in: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               GetLinkPair(v, l, r);
-               IF l # NIL THEN
-                       IF c # NIL THEN TrackRange(c.view, f, l, r, x, y, in)
-                       ELSE TrackSingle(f, in)
-                       END;
-                       IF in THEN
-                               IF (Controllers.modify IN modifiers) & ((c = NIL) OR ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts)) THEN
-                                       RevealCmd(l)
-                               ELSE
-                                       CallCmd(l, Controllers.extend IN modifiers)
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END Track;
-       PROCEDURE TrackTarget (targ: Target; f: Views.Frame; modifiers: SET);
-               VAR in: BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               TrackSingle(f, in);
-               IF in & (Controllers.modify IN modifiers) THEN RevealTarget(targ) END
-       END TrackTarget;
-       PROCEDURE (v: Link) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH source: Link DO
-                       ASSERT(source.leftSide = (source.cmd # NIL), 100);
-                       v.leftSide := source.leftSide;
-                       v.close := source.close;
-                       IF source.cmd # NIL THEN
-                               NEW(v.cmd, LEN(source.cmd^));
-                               v.cmd^ := source.cmd^$
-                       ELSE v.cmd := NIL
-                       END
-               END
-       END CopyFromSimpleView;
-       PROCEDURE (t: Target) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH source: Target DO
-                       ASSERT(source.leftSide = (source.ident # NIL), 100);
-                       t.leftSide := source.leftSide;
-                       IF source.ident # NIL THEN
-                               NEW(t.ident, LEN(source.ident^));
-                               t.ident^ := source.ident^$
-                       ELSE t.ident := NIL
-                       END
-               END
-       END CopyFromSimpleView;
-       PROCEDURE (v: Link) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);
-               VAR len: INTEGER; version: INTEGER; pos: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v.Internalize^(rd);
-               IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
-               rd.ReadVersion(minLinkVersion, maxLinkVersion, version);
-               IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
-               rd.ReadBool(v.leftSide);
-               rd.ReadInt(len);
-               IF len = 0 THEN v.cmd := NIL
-               ELSE NEW(v.cmd, len); rd.ReadXString(v.cmd^)
-               END;
-               v.leftSide := v.cmd # NIL;
-               IF v.leftSide THEN
-                       IF version = 1 THEN
-                               rd.ReadInt(v.close)
-                       ELSE
-                               Strings.Find(v.cmd, "StdLinks.ShowTarget", 0, pos);
-                               IF (pos # 0) THEN v.close := ifShiftDown
-                               ELSE v.close := never
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END Internalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: Link) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);
-               VAR pos, version: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v.Externalize^(wr);
-               IF v.leftSide THEN
-                       Strings.Find(v.cmd, "StdLinks.ShowTarget", 0, pos);
-                       IF (pos = 0) & (v.close = never) OR (v.close = ifShiftDown) THEN version := 0
-                       ELSE version := 1
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       version := 0
-               END;
-               wr.WriteVersion(version);
-               wr.WriteBool(v.cmd # NIL);
-               IF v.cmd = NIL THEN wr.WriteInt(0)
-               ELSE wr.WriteInt(LEN(v.cmd^)); wr.WriteXString(v.cmd^)
-               END;
-               IF version = 1 THEN wr.WriteInt(v.close) END
-       END Externalize;
-       PROCEDURE (t: Target) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);
-               VAR len: INTEGER; version: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               t.Internalize^(rd);
-               IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
-               rd.ReadVersion(minTargVersion, maxTargVersion, version);
-               IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
-               rd.ReadBool(t.leftSide);
-               rd.ReadInt(len);
-               IF len = 0 THEN t.ident := NIL
-               ELSE NEW(t.ident, len); rd.ReadXString(t.ident^)
-               END;
-               t.leftSide := t.ident # NIL
-       END Internalize;
-       PROCEDURE (t: Target) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);
-       BEGIN
-               t.Externalize^(wr);
-               wr.WriteVersion(maxTargVersion);
-               wr.WriteBool(t.ident # NIL);
-               IF t.ident = NIL THEN wr.WriteInt(0)
-               ELSE wr.WriteInt(LEN(t.ident^)); wr.WriteXString(t.ident^)
-               END
-       END Externalize;
-       PROCEDURE RestoreView (v: Views.View; f: Views.Frame; icon: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR);
-               VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color;
-                       asc, dsc, w: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               c := v.context;
-               IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr();
-                       font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, a.font.size, {}, Fonts.normal);
-                       color := a.color
-               ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color :=
-               END;
-               IF coloredBackg THEN
-               f.DrawRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25) END;
-               font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
-               f.DrawSString(1* DIV 2, asc, color, icon, font)
-       END RestoreView;
-       PROCEDURE (v: Link) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               IF v.leftSide THEN RestoreView(v, f, linkLeft)
-               ELSE RestoreView(v, f, linkRight)
-               END
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE (targ: Target) Restore* (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               IF targ.leftSide THEN RestoreView(targ, f, targetLeft)
-               ELSE RestoreView(targ, f, targetRight)
-               END
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE SizePref (v: Views.View; icon: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; VAR msg: Properties.SizePref);
-               VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font;
-                       asc, dsc, w: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               c := v.context;
-               IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr();
-                       font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, a.font.size, {}, Fonts.normal)
-               ELSE
-                       font := Fonts.dir.Default()
-               END;
-               msg.w := font.SStringWidth(icon) + 1*;
-               font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
-               msg.h := asc + dsc
-       END SizePref;
-       PROCEDURE (v: Link) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message);
-               VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; c: Models.Context; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; l, r: Link;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO
-                       IF v.leftSide THEN SizePref(v, linkLeft, msg)
-                       ELSE SizePref(v, linkRight, msg)
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO
-                       msg.hotFocus := TRUE
-               | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO
-                       msg.fixed := TRUE
-               | msg: TextModels.Pref DO
-                       msg.opts := {TextModels.hideable}
-               | msg: TextControllers.FilterPref DO
-                       msg.filter := TRUE
-               | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := v.context;
-                       IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                               a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr();
-                               a.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
-                               msg.dsc := dsc
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO
-                       IF v.leftSide THEN PollProp(v, msg) 
-                       ELSE
-                               GetLinkPair(v, l, r);
-                               IF l # NIL THEN PollProp(l, msg) END
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO
-                       IF v.leftSide THEN SetProp(v, msg)
-                       ELSE GetLinkPair(v, l, r); SetProp(l, msg)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandlePropMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (targ: Target) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message);
-               VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; c: Models.Context; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER;  l, r: Target;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO
-                       IF targ.leftSide THEN SizePref(targ, targetLeft, msg)
-                       ELSE SizePref(targ, targetRight, msg)
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO
-                       msg.hotFocus := TRUE
-               | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO
-                       msg.fixed := TRUE
-               | msg: TextModels.Pref DO
-                       msg.opts := {TextModels.hideable}
-               | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := targ.context;
-                       IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                               a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr();
-                               a.font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
-                               msg.dsc := dsc
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO
-                       IF targ.leftSide THEN PollProp(targ, msg)
-                       ELSE
-                               GetTargetPair(targ, l, r);
-                               IF l # NIL THEN PollProp(l, msg) END
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO
-                       IF targ.leftSide THEN SetProp(targ, msg)
-                       ELSE GetTargetPair(targ, l, r); SetProp(l, msg)
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandlePropMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (v: Link) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame;
-               VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View);
-               PROCEDURE isHot(c: TextControllers.Controller; x, y: INTEGER; mod: SET): BOOLEAN;
-                       VAR pos, beg, end: INTEGER;
-               BEGIN
-                       (* ignore alt, cmd, and middle clicks in edit mode *)
-                       IF ~(Containers.noCaret IN c.opts) & (mod * {17, 27, 28} # {}) THEN RETURN FALSE END;
-                       pos := ThisPos(c.view, f, x, y);
-                       (* ignore clicks in selection *)
-                       c.GetSelection(beg, end);
-                       IF (end > beg) & (pos >= beg) & (pos <= end) THEN RETURN FALSE END;
-                       IF v.leftSide THEN RETURN pos >= v.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()
-                       ELSE RETURN pos < v.context(TextModels.Context).Pos()
-                       END
-               END isHot;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO
-                       msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor
-               | msg: TextControllers.FilterPollCursorMsg DO
-                       IF isHot(msg.controller, msg.x, msg.y, {}) THEN
-                               msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor; msg.done := TRUE
-                       END
-               | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO
-                       Track(v, f, NIL, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers)
-               | msg: TextControllers.FilterTrackMsg DO
-                       IF isHot(msg.controller, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) THEN
-                               Track(v, f,  msg.controller, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers);
-                               msg.done := TRUE
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (targ: Target) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message;
-                                                                                                                                               VAR focus: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO TrackTarget(targ, f, msg.modifiers)
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (v: Link) GetCmd* (OUT cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(v.leftSide, 20);
-               ASSERT(v.cmd # NIL, 100);
-               cmd := v.cmd$
-       END GetCmd;
-       PROCEDURE (t: Target) GetIdent* (OUT ident: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(t.leftSide, 20);
-               ASSERT(t.ident # NIL, 100);
-               ident := t.ident$
-       END GetIdent;
-       (* --------------- create commands and menu guards ------------------------ *)
-       PROCEDURE GetParam (c: TextControllers.Controller; VAR param: ARRAY OF CHAR;
-                                                                       VAR lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd: INTEGER);
-               VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; i, beg, end: INTEGER;
-                       ch0, ch1, ch2: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               param[0] := 0X;
-               IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN
-                       c.GetSelection(beg, end);
-                       IF end - beg > 4 THEN
-                               rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL);
-                               rd.SetPos(beg); rd.ReadChar(ch0);
-                               rd.SetPos(end-2); rd.ReadChar(ch1); rd.ReadChar(ch2);
-                               IF (ch0 = "<") & (ch1 = "<") & (ch2 = ">") THEN
-                                       rd.SetPos(beg+1); rd.ReadChar(ch0); i := 0;
-                                       WHILE ~rd.eot & (ch0 # ">") DO
-                                               IF i < LEN(param) - 1 THEN param[i] := ch0; INC(i) END;
-                                               rd.ReadChar(ch0)
-                                       END;
-                                       param[i] := 0X;
-                                       lbrBeg := beg; lbrEnd := rd.Pos();
-                                       rbrBeg := end -2; rbrEnd := end
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END GetParam;
-       PROCEDURE CreateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR param: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               GetParam(TextControllers.Focus(), param, lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd);
-               par.disabled := param = ""
-       END CreateGuard;
-       PROCEDURE InsertionAttr (c: TextControllers.Controller; pos: INTEGER): TextModels.Attributes;
-               VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; r: TextRulers.Ruler; a: TextModels.Attributes; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL);  a := NIL;
-               rd.SetPos(pos); rd.ReadChar(ch); a := rd.attr;
-               IF a = NIL THEN c.view.PollDefaults(r, a) END;
-               RETURN a
-       END InsertionAttr;
-       PROCEDURE CreateLink*;
-               VAR lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd: INTEGER;
-                       left, right: Link; c: TextControllers.Controller;
-                       cmd: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR;
-                       op: Stores.Operation;
-                       w: TextModels.Writer; a: TextModels.Attributes;
-       BEGIN
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               GetParam(TextControllers.Focus(), cmd, lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd);
-               IF cmd # "" THEN
-                       w := c.text.NewWriter(NIL);
-                       Models.BeginScript(c.text, "#StdLinks:Create Link", op);
-                       a := InsertionAttr(c, rbrBeg);
-                       c.text.Delete(rbrBeg, rbrEnd);
-                       right := dir.NewLink("");
-                       w.SetPos(rbrBeg);
-                       IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END;
-                       w.WriteView(right, 0, 0);
-                       a := InsertionAttr(c, lbrBeg);
-                       c.text.Delete(lbrBeg, lbrEnd);
-                       left := dir.NewLink(cmd);
-                       w.SetPos(lbrBeg);
-                       IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END;
-                       w.WriteView(left, 0, 0);
-                       Models.EndScript(c.text, op)
-               END
-       END CreateLink;
-       PROCEDURE CreateTarget*;
-               VAR lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd: INTEGER;
-                       left, right: Target; c: TextControllers.Controller;
-                       ident: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR;
-                       op: Stores.Operation;
-                       w: TextModels.Writer; a: TextModels.Attributes;
-       BEGIN
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               GetParam(TextControllers.Focus(), ident, lbrBeg, lbrEnd, rbrBeg, rbrEnd);
-               IF ident # "" THEN
-                       w := c.text.NewWriter(NIL);
-                       Models.BeginScript(c.text, "#StdLinks:Create Target", op);
-                       a := InsertionAttr(c, rbrBeg);
-                       c.text.Delete(rbrBeg, rbrEnd);
-                       right := dir.NewTarget("");
-                       w.SetPos(rbrBeg);
-                       IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END;
-                       w.WriteView(right, 0, 0);
-                       a := InsertionAttr(c, lbrBeg);
-                       c.text.Delete(lbrBeg, lbrEnd);
-                       left := dir.NewTarget(ident);
-                       w.SetPos(lbrBeg);
-                       IF a # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(a) END;
-                       w.WriteView(left, 0, 0);
-                       Models.EndScript(c.text, op)
-               END
-       END CreateTarget;
-       PROCEDURE ShowTarget* (IN ident: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; rd: TextModels.Reader;
-                       v: Views.View; left, right: Target; beg, end: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               c := TextControllers.Focus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN
-                       rd := c.text.NewReader(NIL);
-                       REPEAT rd.ReadView(v)
-                       UNTIL rd.eot OR (v # NIL) & (v IS Target) & v(Target).leftSide & (v(Target).ident^ = ident);
-                       IF ~rd.eot THEN
-                               GetTargetPair(v(Target), left, right);
-                               IF (left # NIL) & (right # NIL) THEN
-                                       beg := left.context(TextModels.Context).Pos();
-                                       end := right.context(TextModels.Context).Pos() + 1;
-                                       c.SetSelection(beg, end);
-                                       c.view.SetOrigin(beg, 0)
-                               ELSE
-                                       Dialog.ShowParamMsg("target '^0' not found", ident, "", "")
-                               END
-                       ELSE
-                               Dialog.ShowParamMsg("target '^0' not found", ident, "", "")
-                       END
-               END
-       END ShowTarget;
-       (* programming interface *)
-       PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewLink (IN cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR): Link;
-               VAR link: Link; i: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(link); link.leftSide := cmd # "";
-               IF link.leftSide THEN
-                       i := 0; WHILE cmd[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-                       NEW(link.cmd, i + 1); link.cmd^ := cmd$
-               ELSE
-                       link.cmd := NIL
-               END;
-               link.close := ifShiftDown;
-               RETURN link
-       END NewLink;
-       PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewTarget (IN ident: ARRAY OF CHAR): Target;
-               VAR t: Target; i: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(t); t.leftSide := ident # "";
-               IF t.leftSide THEN
-                       i := 0; WHILE ident[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-                       NEW(t.ident, i + 1); t.ident^ := ident$
-               ELSE
-                       t.ident := NIL
-               END;
-               RETURN t
-       END NewTarget;
-       PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(d # NIL, 20);
-               dir := d
-       END SetDir;
-       PROCEDURE Init;
-               VAR font: Fonts.Font; d: StdDirectory;
-               PROCEDURE DefaultAppearance;
-               BEGIN font := Fonts.dir.Default(); iconFont := font.typeface;
-                       linkLeft := "Link"; linkRight := "~";
-                       targetLeft := "Targ"; targetRight :=  "~";
-                       coloredBackg := TRUE
-               END DefaultAppearance;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d;
-               IF Dialog.platform DIV 10 = 1 THEN (* Windows *)
-                       iconFont := "Wingdings";
-                       font := Fonts.dir.This(iconFont, 10*Fonts.point (*arbitrary*), {}, Fonts.normal);
-                       IF font.IsAlien() THEN DefaultAppearance
-                       ELSE
-                               linkLeft[0] := SHORT(CHR(246)); linkLeft[1] := 0X;
-                               linkRight[0] := SHORT(CHR(245)); linkRight[1] := 0X;
-                               targetLeft[0] := SHORT(CHR(164)); targetLeft[1] := 0X;
-                               targetRight[0] := SHORT(CHR(161)); targetRight[1] := 0X;
-                               coloredBackg := FALSE
-                       END
-               ELSIF Dialog.platform DIV 10 = 2 THEN (* Mac *)
-                       DefaultAppearance
-               ELSE
-                       DefaultAppearance
-               END;
-               NEW(cleaner);
-               dialog.close.SetResources("#Std:links")
-       END Init;
-       Init
-END StdLinks.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Loader.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Loader.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f883f21..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdLoader;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Loader.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT S := SYSTEM, Kernel, Files;
-       CONST
-               done = Kernel.done;
-               fileNotFound = Kernel.fileNotFound;
-               syntaxError = Kernel.syntaxError;
-               objNotFound = Kernel.objNotFound;
-               illegalFPrint = Kernel.illegalFPrint;
-               cyclicImport = Kernel.cyclicImport;
-               noMem = Kernel.noMem;
-               commNotFound = Kernel.commNotFound;
-               commSyntaxError = Kernel.commSyntaxError;
-               descNotFound = -1;
-               OFdir = "Code";
-               SYSdir = "System";
-               initMod = "Init";
-               OFtag = 6F4F4346H;
-               (* meta interface consts *)
-               mConst = 1; mTyp = 2; mVar = 3; mProc = 4; mField = 5;
-               mBool = 1; mChar = 2; mLChar = 3; mSInt = 4; mInt = 5; mLInt = 6;
-               mReal = 7; mLReal = 8; mSet = 9; mString = 10; mLString = 11;
-               mRecord = 1; mArray = 2; mPointer = 3; mProctyp = 4;
-               mInternal = 1; mReadonly = 2; mPrivate = 3; mExported = 4;
-               (* fixup types *)
-               absolute = 100; relative = 101; copy = 102; table = 103; tableend = 104; deref = 105; halfword = 106;
-       TYPE
-               Name = ARRAY 256 OF CHAR;
-               ModSpec = POINTER TO RECORD
-                       next, link, imp: ModSpec;
-                       name: Name;
-                       file: Files.File;
-                       mod: Kernel.Module;
-                       hs, ms, ds, cs, vs, mad, dad: INTEGER
-               END;
-               Hook = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.LoaderHook) END;
-       VAR
-               res-: INTEGER;
-               importing-, imported-, object-: Name;
-               inp: Files.Reader;
-               m: Kernel.Module;
-       PROCEDURE Error (r: INTEGER; impd, impg: ModSpec);
-       BEGIN
-               res := r; imported :=$;
-               IF impg # NIL THEN importing :=$ END;
-       END Error;
-               VAR len, i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               len := LEN(s);
-               i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END;
-               j := 0; REPEAT ch := t[j]; s[i] := ch; INC(j); INC(i) UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (i = len);
-               s[len - 1] := 0X
-       END Append;
-       PROCEDURE ThisObjFile (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Files.File;
-               VAR f: Files.File; loc: Files.Locator; dir, fname: Files.Name;
-       BEGIN
-               Kernel.SplitName(name, dir, fname);
-               Kernel.MakeFileName(fname, Kernel.objType);
-               loc := Files.dir.This(dir); loc := loc.This(OFdir);
-               f := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, TRUE);
-               IF (f = NIL) & (dir = "") THEN
-                       loc := Files.dir.This(SYSdir); loc := loc.This(OFdir);
-                       f := Files.dir.Old(loc, fname, TRUE)
-               END;
-               RETURN f
-       END ThisObjFile;
-               VAR b: BYTE; y: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               inp.ReadByte(b); y := b MOD 256;
-               inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 100H * (b MOD 256);
-               inp.ReadByte(b); y := y + 10000H * (b MOD 256);
-               inp.ReadByte(b); x := y + 1000000H * b
-       END RWord;
-               VAR b: BYTE; s, y: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               s := 0; y := 0; inp.ReadByte(b);
-               WHILE b < 0 DO INC(y, ASH(b + 128, s)); INC(s, 7); inp.ReadByte(b) END;
-               x := ASH((b + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y
-       END RNum;
-       PROCEDURE RName (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR b: BYTE; i, n: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               i := 0; n := LEN(name) - 1; inp.ReadByte(b);
-               WHILE (i < n) & (b # 0) DO name[i] := CHR(b MOD 256); INC(i); inp.ReadByte(b) END;
-               WHILE b # 0 DO inp.ReadByte(b) END;
-               name[i] := 0X
-       END RName;
-       PROCEDURE Fixup (adr: INTEGER; mod: ModSpec);
-               VAR link, offset, linkadr, t, n, x, low, hi: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               RNum(link);
-               WHILE link # 0 DO
-                       RNum(offset);
-                       WHILE link # 0 DO
-                               IF link > 0 THEN linkadr := mod.mad + + link
-                               ELSE link := -link;
-                                       IF link < THEN linkadr := mod.mad + link
-                                       ELSE linkadr := + link -
-                                       END
-                               END;
-                               S.GET(linkadr, x); t := x DIV 1000000H;
-                               n := (x + 800000H) MOD 1000000H - 800000H;
-                               IF t = absolute THEN x := adr + offset
-                               ELSIF t = relative THEN x := adr + offset - linkadr - 4
-                               ELSIF t = copy THEN S.GET(adr + offset, x)
-                               ELSIF t = table THEN x := adr + n; n := link + 4
-                               ELSIF t = tableend THEN x := adr + n; n := 0
-                               ELSIF t = deref THEN S.GET(adr+2, x); INC(x, offset);
-                               ELSIF t = halfword THEN
-                                       x := adr + offset;
-                                       low := (x + 8000H) MOD 10000H - 8000H;
-                                       hi := (x - low) DIV 10000H;
-                                       S.GET(linkadr + 4, x);
-                                       S.PUT(linkadr + 4, x DIV 10000H * 10000H + low MOD 10000H);
-                                       x := x * 10000H + hi MOD 10000H
-                               ELSE Error(syntaxError, mod, NIL)
-                               END;
-                               S.PUT(linkadr, x); link := n
-                       END;
-                       RNum(link)
-               END
-       END Fixup;
-       PROCEDURE ReadHeader (mod: ModSpec);
-               VAR n, p: INTEGER; name: Name; imp, last: ModSpec;
-       BEGIN
-               mod.file := ThisObjFile(;
-               IF (mod.file = NIL) & ( # NIL) THEN     (* try closing importing obj file *)
-             ; := NIL;
-                       mod.file := ThisObjFile(
-               END;
-               IF mod.file # NIL THEN
-                       inp := mod.file.NewReader(inp);
-                       IF inp # NIL THEN
-                               inp.SetPos(0); RWord(n); RWord(p);
-                               IF (n = OFtag) & (p = Kernel.processor) THEN
-                                       RWord(mod.hs); RWord(; RWord(mod.ds); RWord(mod.cs); RWord(mod.vs); 
-                                       RNum(n); RName(name);
-                                       IF name = THEN
-                                               mod.imp := NIL; last := NIL;
-                                               WHILE n > 0 DO
-                                                       NEW(imp); RName(;
-                                                       IF last = NIL THEN mod.imp := imp ELSE := imp END;
-                                                       last := imp; := NIL; DEC(n) 
-                                               END
-                                       ELSE Error(fileNotFound, mod, NIL)
-                                       END
-                               ELSE Error(syntaxError, mod, NIL)
-                               END
-                       ELSE Error(noMem, mod, NIL)
-                       END
-               ELSE Error(fileNotFound, mod, NIL)
-               END
-       END ReadHeader;
-       PROCEDURE ReadModule (mod: ModSpec);
-               TYPE BlockPtr = POINTER TO ARRAY [1] 1000000H OF BYTE;
-               VAR imptab, x, fp, ofp, opt, a: INTEGER;
-                       name: Name; dp, mp: BlockPtr; imp: ModSpec; obj: Kernel.Object; in, n: Kernel.Name;
-       BEGIN
-               IF mod.file = NIL THEN mod.file := ThisObjFile( END;
-               inp := mod.file.NewReader(inp);
-               IF inp # NIL THEN
-                       inp.SetPos(mod.hs);
-                       Kernel.AllocModMem(mod.ds, + mod.cs + mod.vs,, mod.mad);
-                       IF ( # 0) & (mod.mad # 0) THEN
-                               dp := S.VAL(BlockPtr,; mp := S.VAL(BlockPtr, mod.mad);
-                               inp.ReadBytes(mp^, 0,;
-                               inp.ReadBytes(dp^, 0, mod.ds);
-                               inp.ReadBytes(mp^,, mod.cs);
-                               mod.mod := S.VAL(Kernel.Module,;
-                               Fixup(S.ADR(Kernel.NewRec), mod);
-                               Fixup(S.ADR(Kernel.NewArr), mod);
-                               Fixup(mod.mad, mod);
-                               Fixup(, mod);
-                               Fixup(mod.mad +, mod);
-                               Fixup(mod.mad + + mod.cs, mod);
-                               imp := mod.imp; imptab := S.VAL(INTEGER, mod.mod.imports);
-                               WHILE (res = done) & (imp # NIL) DO
-                                       RNum(x);
-                                       WHILE (res <= done) & (x # 0) DO
-                                               RName(name); RNum(fp); opt := 0;
-                                               IF imp.mod # NIL THEN
-                                                       IF name = "" THEN obj := Kernel.ThisDesc(imp.mod, fp)
-                                                       ELSE n := SHORT(name$); obj := Kernel.ThisObject(imp.mod, n)
-                                                       END;
-                                                       IF (obj # NIL) & ( MOD 16 = x) THEN
-                                                               ofp := obj.fprint;
-                                                               IF x = mTyp THEN
-                                                                       RNum(opt);
-                                                                       IF ODD(opt) THEN ofp := obj.offs END;
-                                                                       IF (opt > 1) & ( DIV 16 MOD 16 # mExported) THEN
-                                                                               Error(objNotFound, imp, mod); object := name$
-                                                                       END;
-                                                                       Fixup(S.VAL(INTEGER, obj.struct), mod)
-                                                               ELSIF x = mVar THEN
-                                                                       Fixup(imp.mod.varBase + obj.offs, mod)
-                                                               ELSIF x = mProc THEN
-                                                                       Fixup(imp.mod.procBase + obj.offs, mod)
-                                                               END;
-                                                               IF ofp # fp THEN Error(illegalFPrint, imp, mod); object := name$ END
-                                                       ELSIF name # "" THEN
-                                                               Error(objNotFound, imp, mod); object := name$
-                                                       ELSE
-                                                               Error(descNotFound, imp, mod);  (* proceed to find failing named object *)
-                                                               RNum(opt); Fixup(0, mod)
-                                                       END
-                                               ELSE    (* imp is dll *)
-                                                       IF x IN {mVar, mProc} THEN
-                                                               in := SHORT($); n := SHORT(name$);
-                                                               a := Kernel.ThisDllObj(x, fp, in, n);
-                                                               IF a # 0 THEN Fixup(a, mod)
-                                                               ELSE Error(objNotFound, imp, mod); object := name$
-                                                               END
-                                                       ELSIF x = mTyp THEN
-                                                               RNum(opt); RNum(x);
-                                                               IF x # 0 THEN Error(objNotFound, imp, mod); object := name$ END
-                                                       END
-                                               END;
-                                               RNum(x)
-                                       END;
-                                       S.PUT(imptab, imp.mod); INC(imptab, 4); imp :=
-                               END;
-                               IF res # done THEN
-                                       Kernel.DeallocModMem(mod.ds, + mod.cs + mod.vs,, mod.mad); mod.mod := NIL
-                               END
-                       ELSE Error(noMem, mod, NIL)
-                       END
-               ELSE Error(noMem, mod, NIL)
-               END;
-               mod.file.Close; mod.file := NIL
-       END ReadModule;
-       PROCEDURE LoadMod (mod: ModSpec);
-               VAR i: ModSpec; ok: BOOLEAN; j: INTEGER; n: Kernel.Name;
-       BEGIN
-               importing := ""; imported := ""; object := ""; i := mod;
-               WHILE ( # NIL) & ( # DO i := END;
-               IF = NIL THEN ReadHeader(mod)
-               ELSE Error(cyclicImport, i,
-               END;
-               i := mod.imp;
-               WHILE (res = done) & (i # NIL) DO       (* get imported module *)
-                       IF = "$$" THEN := "Kernel" END;
-                       IF[0] = "$" THEN (* dll *)
-                               j := 1;
-                               WHILE[j] # 0X DO[j - 1] :=[j]; INC(j) END;
-                     [j - 1] := 0X; n := SHORT($);
-                               Kernel.LoadDll(n, ok);
-                               IF ~ok THEN Error(fileNotFound, i, NIL) END
-                       ELSE
-                               n := SHORT($);
-                               i.mod := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(n);       (* loaded module *)
-                               IF i.mod = NIL THEN := mod; LoadMod(i) END       (* new module *)
-                       END;
-                       i :=
-               END;
-               IF res = done THEN
-                       n := SHORT($);
-                       mod.mod := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(n);     (* guaranties uniqueness *)
-                       IF mod.mod = NIL THEN
-                               ReadModule(mod);
-                               IF res = done THEN
-                                       Kernel.RegisterMod(mod.mod);
-                                       res := done
-                               END
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF res = descNotFound THEN res := objNotFound; object := "<TypeDesc>" END;
-               IF object # "" THEN Append(imported, "."); Append(imported, object); object := "" END
-       END LoadMod;
-       PROCEDURE (h: Hook) ThisMod (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR): Kernel.Module;
-               VAR m: Kernel.Module; ms: ModSpec;
-       BEGIN
-               res := done;
-               m := Kernel.ThisLoadedMod(name);
-               IF m = NIL THEN
-                       NEW(ms); := NIL; := name$;
-                       LoadMod(ms);
-                       m := ms.mod;
-                       inp := NIL      (* free last file *)
-               END;
-               h.res := res;
-               h.importing := importing$;
-               h.imported := imported$;
-               h.object := object$;
-               RETURN m
-       END ThisMod;
-       PROCEDURE Init;
-               VAR h: Hook;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(h); Kernel.SetLoaderHook(h)
-       END Init;
-       Init;
-       m := Kernel.ThisMod("Init");
-       IF res # 0 THEN
-               CASE res OF
-               | fileNotFound: Append(imported, ": code file not found")
-               | syntaxError: Append(imported, ": corrupted code file")
-               | objNotFound: Append(imported, " not found")
-               | illegalFPrint: Append(imported, ": wrong fingerprint")
-               | cyclicImport: Append(imported, ": cyclic import")
-               | noMem: Append(imported, ": not enough memory")
-               ELSE Append(imported, ": loader error")
-               END;
-               IF res IN {objNotFound, illegalFPrint, cyclicImport} THEN
-                       Append(imported, " (imported from "); Append(imported, importing); Append(imported, ")")
-                END;
-               Kernel.FatalError(res, imported)
-       END
-END StdLoader.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Log.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Log.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 92b7617..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Log.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT
-               Log, Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Dialog, HostDialog, StdDialog,
-               TextModels, TextMappers, TextRulers, TextViews, TextControllers;
-       CONST
-               (** IntForm base **)
-               charCode* = TextMappers.charCode; decimal* = TextMappers.decimal; hexadecimal* = TextMappers.hexadecimal;
-               (** IntForm showBase **)
-               hideBase* = TextMappers.hideBase; showBase* = TextMappers.showBase;
-               mm =;
-       TYPE
-               ShowHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dialog.ShowHook) END;
-               LogHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Log.Hook) END;
-       VAR
-               logAlerts: BOOLEAN;
-               text-, buf-: TextModels.Model;
-               defruler-: TextRulers.Ruler;
-               dir-: TextViews.Directory;
-               out, subOut: TextMappers.Formatter;
-               showHook: ShowHook;
-       PROCEDURE Flush;
-       BEGIN
-               text.Append(buf); Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain())
-       END Flush;
-       PROCEDURE Char* (ch: CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteChar(ch); Flush
-       END Char;
-       PROCEDURE Int* (i: LONGINT);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteInt(i); Flush
-       END Int;
-       PROCEDURE Real* (x: REAL);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteReal(x); Flush
-       END Real;
-       PROCEDURE String* (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteString(str); Flush
-       END String;
-       PROCEDURE Bool* (x: BOOLEAN);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteBool(x); Flush
-       END Bool;
-       PROCEDURE Set* (x: SET);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteChar(" "); out.WriteSet(x); Flush
-       END Set;
-       PROCEDURE IntForm* (x: LONGINT; base, minWidth: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteIntForm(x, base, minWidth, fillCh, showBase); Flush
-       END IntForm;
-       PROCEDURE RealForm* (x: REAL; precision, minW, expW: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteRealForm(x, precision, minW, expW, fillCh); Flush
-       END RealForm;
-       PROCEDURE Tab*;
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteTab; Flush
-       END Tab;
-       PROCEDURE Ln*;
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteLn; Flush;
-               TextViews.ShowRange(text, text.Length(), text.Length(), TextViews.any)
-       END Ln;
-       PROCEDURE Para*;
-       BEGIN
-               out.WritePara; Flush;
-               TextViews.ShowRange(text, text.Length(), text.Length(), TextViews.any)
-       END Para;
-       PROCEDURE View* (v: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteView(v); Flush
-       END View;
-       PROCEDURE ViewForm* (v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteViewForm(v, w, h); Flush
-       END ViewForm;
-       PROCEDURE ParamMsg* (IN msg, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteParamMsg(msg, p0, p1, p2); Flush
-       END ParamMsg;
-       PROCEDURE Msg* (IN msg: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               out.WriteMsg(msg); Flush
-       END Msg;
-       PROCEDURE^ Open*;
-       PROCEDURE (hook: ShowHook) ShowParamMsg (IN s, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               IF Dialog.showsStatus THEN
-                       Dialog.ShowParamStatus(s, p0, p1, p2);
-                       IF logAlerts THEN
-                               ParamMsg(s, p0, p1, p2); Ln
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       IF logAlerts THEN
-                               Open;
-                               ParamMsg(s, p0, p1, p2); Ln
-                       ELSE
-                               HostDialog.ShowParamMsg(s, p0, p1, p2)
-                       END
-               END
-       END ShowParamMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (hook: ShowHook) ShowParamStatus (IN s, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               HostDialog.ShowParamStatus(s, p0, p1, p2)
-       END ShowParamStatus;
-       PROCEDURE NewView* (): TextViews.View;
-               VAR v: TextViews.View;
-       BEGIN
-               Flush;
-               Dialog.SetShowHook(showHook);   (* attach alert dialogs *)
-               v := dir.New(text);
-               v.SetDefaults(TextRulers.CopyOf(defruler, Views.deep), dir.defAttr);
-               RETURN v
-       END NewView;
-       PROCEDURE New*;
-       BEGIN
-               Views.Deposit(NewView())
-       END New;
-       PROCEDURE SetDefaultRuler* (ruler: TextRulers.Ruler);
-       BEGIN
-               defruler := ruler
-       END SetDefaultRuler;
-       PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: TextViews.Directory);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d
-       END SetDir;
-       PROCEDURE Open*;
-               VAR v: Views.View; pos: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v := NewView();
-               StdDialog.Open(v, "#Dev:Log", NIL, "", NIL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
-               Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain());
-               pos := text.Length();
-               TextViews.ShowRange(text, pos, pos, TextViews.any);
-               TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos)
-       END Open;
-       PROCEDURE Clear*;
-       BEGIN
-               Models.BeginModification(Models.notUndoable, text);
-               text.Delete(0, text.Length());
-               buf.Delete(0, buf.Length());
-               Models.EndModification(Models.notUndoable, text)
-       END Clear;
-       (* Sub support *)
-       PROCEDURE* Guard (o: ANYPTR): BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN
-                       (o # NIL) &
-                       ~(              (o IS TextModels.Model) & (o = text)
-                               OR   (o IS Stores.Domain) & (o = text.Domain())
-                               OR   (o IS TextViews.View) & (o(TextViews.View).ThisModel() = text)
-                       )
-       END Guard;
-       PROCEDURE* ClearBuf;
-               VAR subBuf: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               subBuf := subOut.rider.Base(); subBuf.Delete(0, subBuf.Length())
-       END ClearBuf;
-       PROCEDURE* FlushBuf;
-               VAR buf: TextModels.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               buf := subOut.rider.Base();
-               IF buf.Length() > 0 THEN
-                       IF ~Log.synch THEN Open() END;
-                       text.Append(buf)
-               END
-       END FlushBuf;
-       PROCEDURE* SubFlush;
-       BEGIN
-               IF Log.synch THEN
-                       FlushBuf;
-                       IF Log.force THEN Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain()) END
-               END;
-       END SubFlush;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Guard* (o: ANYPTR): BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN RETURN Guard(o)
-       END Guard;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) ClearBuf*;
-       BEGIN ClearBuf
-       END ClearBuf;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) FlushBuf*;
-       BEGIN FlushBuf
-       END FlushBuf;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Beep*;
-       BEGIN Dialog.Beep
-       END Beep;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Char* (ch: CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteChar(ch); SubFlush
-       END Char;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Int* (n: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteChar(" "); subOut.WriteInt(n); SubFlush
-       END Int;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Real* (x: REAL);
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteChar(" "); subOut.WriteReal(x); SubFlush
-       END Real;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) String* (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteString(str); SubFlush
-       END String;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Bool* (x: BOOLEAN);
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteChar(" "); subOut.WriteBool(x); SubFlush
-       END Bool;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Set* (x: SET);
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteChar(" "); subOut.WriteSet(x); SubFlush
-       END Set;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) IntForm* (x: INTEGER; base, minWidth: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR; showBase: BOOLEAN);
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteIntForm(x, base, minWidth, fillCh, showBase); SubFlush
-       END IntForm;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) RealForm* (x: REAL; precision, minW, expW: INTEGER; fillCh: CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteRealForm(x, precision, minW, expW, fillCh); SubFlush
-       END RealForm;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Tab*;
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteTab; SubFlush
-       END Tab;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Ln*;
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WriteLn; SubFlush;
-               IF Log.synch THEN Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain()) END        
-       END Ln;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) Para*;
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.WritePara; SubFlush;
-               IF Log.synch THEN Views.RestoreDomain(text.Domain()) END
-       END Para;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) View* (v: ANYPTR);
-       BEGIN
-               IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Views.View) THEN
-                       subOut.WriteView(v(Views.View)); SubFlush
-               END
-       END View;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) ViewForm* (v: ANYPTR; w, h: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(v # NIL, 20);
-               IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Views.View) THEN
-                       subOut.WriteViewForm(v(Views.View), w, h); SubFlush
-               END
-       END ViewForm;
-       PROCEDURE (log: LogHook) ParamMsg* (IN s, p0, p1, p2: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-               VAR msg: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               IF logAlerts THEN
-                       IF Log.synch THEN Open END;
-                       Dialog.MapParamString(s, p0, p1, p2, msg);
-                       i := 0; ch := msg[0];
-                       WHILE ch # 0X DO
-                               IF ch = TextModels.line THEN subOut.WriteLn
-                               ELSIF ch = TextModels.para THEN subOut.WritePara
-                               ELSIF ch = THEN subOut.WriteTab
-                               ELSIF ch >= " " THEN subOut.WriteChar(ch)
-                               END;
-                               INC(i); ch := msg[i];
-                       END;
-                       subOut.WriteLn; SubFlush
-               ELSE
-                       HostDialog.ShowParamMsg(s, p0, p1, p2)
-               END
-       END ParamMsg;
-       PROCEDURE AttachSubLog;
-               VAR h: LogHook;
-       BEGIN
-               subOut.ConnectTo(TextModels.dir.New());
-               NEW(h);
-               Log.SetHook(h);
-       END AttachSubLog;
-       PROCEDURE DetachSubLog;
-       BEGIN
-               Log.SetHook(NIL);
-       END DetachSubLog;
-       PROCEDURE Init;
-               VAR font: Fonts.Font; p: TextRulers.Prop; x: INTEGER; i: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               logAlerts := TRUE; (* logReports := FALSE; *)
-               text := TextModels.dir.New();
-               buf := TextModels.CloneOf(text);
-               out.ConnectTo(buf);
-               font := TextModels.dir.attr.font;
-               defruler := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL);
-               TextRulers.SetRight(defruler, 80*mm);
-               dir := TextViews.dir;
-               NEW(showHook)
-       END Init;
-       Init; AttachSubLog
-       DetachSubLog; 
-END StdLog.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Logos.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Logos.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7f31e5b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdLogos;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Logos.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT Ports, Stores, Views, Controllers, Properties;
-       CONST
-               W = 4;
-               baseSize = 24 * Ports.point;
-               colBase = 00202020H;
-               changeColorKey = "#System:ChangeColor";
-               minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 0;
-       TYPE
-               View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       c: Ports.Color
-               END;
-               ChangeSizeOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)
-                       view: View;
-                       size: INTEGER;
-               END;
-               ChangeColorOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)
-                       view: View;
-                       color: Ports.Color
-               END;
-       (* curve painting *)
-       PROCEDURE Paint (f: Views.Frame; size: INTEGER; col, bgnd: Ports.Color);
-               VAR i, d, s, g, m, a, b, l, l0, rl, rt, rr, rb: INTEGER; c: Ports.Color;
-       BEGIN
-               s := size DIV 10; d := size DIV 2; g := d DIV 8; m := size * W DIV 2;
-               f.DrawOval(0, s * 2, size * W, size, Ports.fill, col);
-               f.DrawOval(s * W, s * 11 DIV 4, (size - s) * W, size - s * 3 DIV 4, Ports.fill, bgnd);
-               a := m; b := m + d; c := 7 * colBase; i := 0;
-               WHILE i < 4 DO
-                       f.DrawOval(a, 0, b, d, Ports.fill, c);
-                       INC(a, g); DEC(b, g); DEC(c, colBase); INC(i)
-               END;
-               f.rider.GetRect(rl, rt, rr, rb);
-               l0 := rl; l := (f.gx + m + d DIV 2) DIV f.unit;
-               IF l < rr THEN
-                       f.rider.SetRect(l, rt, rr, rb);
-                       a := m; b := m + d; c := 0; i := 0;
-                       WHILE i < 4 DO
-                               f.DrawOval(a, 0, b, d, Ports.fill, c);
-                               INC(a, g); DEC(b, g); INC(c, colBase); INC(i)
-                       END;
-                       f.rider.SetRect(l0, rt, rr, rb)
-               END
-       END Paint;
-       (* ChangeOp *)
-       PROCEDURE (op: ChangeSizeOp) Do;
-               VAR v: View; size, w: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v := op.view;
-               size := op.size; v.context.GetSize(w, op.size); v.context.SetSize(size * W, size);
-               Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames)
-       END Do;
-       PROCEDURE (op: ChangeColorOp) Do;
-               VAR v: View; color: Ports.Color;
-       BEGIN
-               v := op.view;
-               color := op.color; op.color := v.c; v.c := color;
-               Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames)
-       END Do;
-       (* View *)
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);
-               VAR thisVersion: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
-               rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END;
-               rd.ReadInt(v.c)
-       END Internalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);
-       BEGIN
-               v.Externalize^(wr);
-               wr.WriteVersion(maxVersion);
-               wr.WriteInt(v.c)
-       END Externalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH source: View DO v.c := source.c END
-       END CopyFromSimpleView;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-               VAR w, h: INTEGER; bgnd: Ports.Color; g: Views.Frame;
-       BEGIN
-               g := f;
-               REPEAT
-                       g := Views.HostOf(g);
-                       bgnd := Views.transparent;
-                       g.view.GetBackground(bgnd)
-               UNTIL bgnd # Views.transparent;
-               v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-               Paint(f, h, v.c, bgnd)
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message;
-                                                                                                                               VAR focus: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.CollectMsg DO
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg.poll)
-               | msg: Properties.EmitMsg DO
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg.set)
-               ELSE    (* ignore other messages *)
-               END
-       END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message);
-               VAR q: Properties.Property; p: Properties.StdProp;
-                       cop: ChangeColorOp;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO
-                       IF (msg.w > Views.undefined) & (msg.h > Views.undefined) THEN
-                               (* constrain proposed size *)
-                               Properties.ProportionalConstraint(W, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h)
-                       ELSE
-                               (* return default size *)
-                               msg.w := W * baseSize; msg.h := baseSize
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO
-                       NEW(p); p.known := {Properties.color}; p.valid := p.known;
-                       p.color.val := v.c;
-                       msg.prop := p
-               | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO
-                       q := msg.prop;
-                       WHILE q # NIL DO
-                               WITH q: Properties.StdProp DO
-                                       IF Properties.color IN q.valid THEN
-                                               NEW(cop); cop.view := v; cop.color := q.color.val;
-                                               Views.Do(v, changeColorKey, cop)
-                                       END;
-                               ELSE
-                               END;
-                               q
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandlePropMsg;
-       PROCEDURE Deposit*;
-               VAR v: View;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(v); v.c := Ports.grey50; Views.Deposit(v)
-       END Deposit;
-END StdLogos.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Scrollers.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Scrollers.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 46731aa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,853 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdScrollers;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Scrollers.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT Dialog, Ports, Services, Stores, Models, Views, Properties, Controllers, StdCFrames;
-       CONST
-               (* properties & options *)
-               horBar* = 0; verBar* = 1; horHide* = 2; verHide* = 3; width* = 4; height* = 5; showBorder* = 6; savePos* = 7;
-       TYPE
-               Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property)
-                       horBar*, verBar*: BOOLEAN;
-                       horHide*, verHide*: BOOLEAN;
-                       width*, height*: INTEGER;
-                       showBorder*: BOOLEAN;
-                       savePos*: BOOLEAN
-               END;
-               ScrollBar = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       v: View;
-                       ver: BOOLEAN
-               END;
-               InnerView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       v: View
-               END;
-               View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View);
-                       view: Views.View;
-                       sbW: INTEGER;
-                       orgX, orgY: INTEGER;
-                       w, h: INTEGER;                                          (* = 0: adapt to container *)
-                       opts: SET;
-                       (* not persistent *)
-                       hor, ver: ScrollBar;
-                       inner: InnerView;
-                       rgap, bgap: INTEGER;                            (* = 0: no scrollbar *)
-                       border: INTEGER;
-                       update: Action
-               END;
-               Context = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Context)
-                       v: View;
-                       type: INTEGER
-               END;
-               Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action)
-                       v: View
-               END;
-               Op = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)
-                       v: View;
-                       p: Prop
-               END;
-               SOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)
-                       v: View;
-                       x, y: INTEGER
-               END;
-               UpdateMsg = RECORD (Views.Message)
-                       changed: BOOLEAN
-               END;
-       VAR
-               dialog*: RECORD
-                       horizontal*, vertical*: RECORD
-                               mode*: INTEGER;
-                               adapt*: BOOLEAN;
-                               size*: REAL
-                       END;
-                       showBorder*: BOOLEAN;
-                       savePos*: BOOLEAN;
-                       valid, readOnly: SET
-               END;
-       (* tools *)
-       PROCEDURE CheckPos (v: View; VAR x, y: INTEGER);
-               VAR w, h: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-               DEC(w, v.rgap + 2 * v.border);
-               DEC(h, v.bgap + 2 * v.border);
-               IF x > v.w - w THEN x := v.w - w END;
-               IF x < 0 THEN x := 0 END;
-               IF y > v.h - h THEN y := v.h - h END;
-               IF y < 0 THEN y := 0 END
-       END CheckPos;
-       PROCEDURE InnerFrame (v: View; f: Views.Frame): Views.Frame;
-               VAR g, h: Views.Frame;
-       BEGIN
-               g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.inner);
-               IF g = NIL THEN
-                       Views.InstallFrame(f, v.inner, v.border, v.border, 0, TRUE);
-                       g := Views.ThisFrame(f, v.inner)
-               END;
-               IF g # NIL THEN
-                       h := Views.ThisFrame(g, v.view);
-                       IF h = NIL THEN
-                               Views.InstallFrame(g, v.view, -v.orgX, -v.orgY, 0, TRUE);
-                               h := Views.ThisFrame(g, v.view)
-                       END
-               END;
-               RETURN h
-       END InnerFrame;
-       PROCEDURE Scroll (v: View; dir: INTEGER; ver: BOOLEAN; p: INTEGER; OUT pos: INTEGER);
-               VAR x, y: INTEGER; last: Stores.Operation; op: SOp;
-       BEGIN
-               x := v.orgX; y := v.orgY;
-               IF ver THEN pos := y ELSE pos := x END;
-               IF dir = StdCFrames.lineUp THEN
-                       DEC(pos, 10 *
-               ELSIF dir = StdCFrames.lineDown THEN
-                       INC(pos, 10 *
-               ELSIF dir = StdCFrames.pageUp THEN
-                       DEC(pos, 40 *
-               ELSIF dir = StdCFrames.pageDown THEN
-                       INC(pos, 40 *
-               ELSIF dir = Controllers.gotoPos THEN
-                       pos := p
-               END;
-               IF ver THEN CheckPos(v, x, pos); y := pos
-               ELSE CheckPos(v, pos, y); x := pos
-               END;
-               IF (x # v.orgX) OR (y # v.orgY) THEN
-                       last := Views.LastOp(v);
-                       IF ~(savePos IN v.opts) OR (last # NIL) & (last IS SOp) THEN
-                               v.orgX := x; v.orgY := y;
-                               Views.Update(v.view, Views.keepFrames)
-                       ELSE
-                               NEW(op); op.v := v; op.x := x; op.y := y;
-                               Views.Do(v, "#System:Scrolling", op)
-                       END
-               END
-       END Scroll;
-       PROCEDURE PollSection (v: View; ver: BOOLEAN; OUT size, sect, pos: INTEGER);
-               VAR w, h: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-               IF ver THEN size := v.h; sect := h - v.bgap - 2 * v.border; pos := v.orgY
-               ELSE size := v.w; sect := w - v.rgap - 2 * v.border; pos := v.orgX
-               END
-       END PollSection;
-       (* SOp *)
-       PROCEDURE (op: SOp) Do;
-               VAR x, y: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               x := op.x; op.x := op.v.orgX; op.v.orgX := x;
-               y := op.y; op.y := op.v.orgY; op.v.orgY := y;
-               Views.Update(op.v.view, Views.keepFrames)
-       END Do;
-       (* properties *)
-       PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR valid: SET;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH q: Prop DO
-                       valid := p.valid * q.valid; equal := TRUE;
-                       IF p.horBar # q.horBar THEN EXCL(valid, horBar) END;
-                       IF p.verBar # q.verBar THEN EXCL(valid, verBar) END;
-                       IF p.horHide # q.horHide THEN EXCL(valid, horHide) END;
-                       IF p.verHide # q.verHide THEN EXCL(valid, verHide) END;
-                       IF p.width # q.width THEN EXCL(valid, width) END;
-                       IF p.height # q.height THEN EXCL(valid, height) END;
-                       IF p.showBorder # q.showBorder THEN EXCL(valid, showBorder) END;
-                       IF p.savePos # q.savePos THEN EXCL(valid, savePos) END;
-                       IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END
-               END
-       END IntersectWith;
-       PROCEDURE SetProp (v: View; p: Properties.Property);
-               VAR op: Op;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH p: Prop DO
-                       NEW(op); op.v := v; op.p := p;
-                       Views.Do(v, "#System:SetProp", op)
-               END
-       END SetProp;
-       PROCEDURE PollProp (v: View; OUT prop: Prop);
-               VAR p: Prop;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(p);
-               p.valid := {horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide, width, height, showBorder, savePos};
-               p.readOnly := {width, height} - v.opts;
-               p.horBar := horBar IN v.opts;
-               p.verBar := verBar IN v.opts;
-               p.horHide := horHide IN v.opts;
-               p.verHide := verHide IN v.opts;
-               p.width := v.w;
-               p.height := v.h;
-               p.showBorder := showBorder IN v.opts;
-               p.savePos := savePos IN v.opts;
-               p.known := p.valid; prop := p
-       END PollProp;
-       (* Op *)
-       PROCEDURE (op: Op) Do;
-               VAR p: Prop; v: View; valid: SET;
-       BEGIN
-               v := op.v; p := op.p; PollProp(v, op.p); op.p.valid := p.valid;
-               valid := p.valid * ({horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide, showBorder, savePos} + v.opts * {width, height});
-               IF horBar IN valid THEN
-                       IF p.horBar THEN INCL(v.opts, horBar) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, horBar) END
-               END;
-               IF verBar IN valid THEN
-                       IF p.verBar THEN INCL(v.opts, verBar) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, verBar) END
-               END;
-               IF horHide IN valid THEN
-                       IF p.horHide THEN INCL(v.opts, horHide) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, horHide) END
-               END;
-               IF verHide IN valid THEN
-                       IF p.verHide THEN INCL(v.opts, verHide) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, verHide) END
-               END;
-               IF width IN valid THEN v.w := p.width END;
-               IF height IN valid THEN v.h := p.height END;
-               IF showBorder IN valid THEN
-                       IF p.showBorder THEN INCL(v.opts, showBorder); v.border := 2 * Ports.point
-                       ELSE EXCL(v.opts, showBorder); v.border := 0
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF savePos IN valid THEN
-                       IF p.savePos THEN INCL(v.opts, savePos) ELSE EXCL(v.opts, savePos) END
-               END;
-               Views.Update(v, Views.rebuildFrames)
-       END Do;
-       (* Action *)
-       PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do;
-               VAR msg: UpdateMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               msg.changed := FALSE;
-               Views.Broadcast(a.v, msg);
-               IF msg.changed THEN Views.Update(a.v, Views.keepFrames)
-               ELSE
-                       Views.Broadcast(a.v.hor, msg);
-                       Views.Broadcast(a.v.ver, msg)
-               END
-       END Do;
-       (* ScrollBars *)
-       PROCEDURE TrackSB (f: StdCFrames.ScrollBar; dir: INTEGER; VAR pos: INTEGER);
-               VAR s: ScrollBar; msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; pmsg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg; host, inner: Views.Frame;
-       BEGIN
-               s := f.view(ScrollBar); host := Views.HostOf(f);
-               msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := s.ver;
-               msg.op := dir; msg.done := FALSE;
-               inner := InnerFrame(s.v, host);
-               IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END;
-               IF msg.done THEN
-                       pmsg.focus := FALSE; pmsg.vertical := s.ver;
-                       pmsg.valid := FALSE; pmsg.done := FALSE;
-                       inner := InnerFrame(s.v, host);
-                       IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, pmsg) END;
-                       IF pmsg.done THEN
-                               pos := pmsg.partPos
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       Scroll(s.v, dir, s.ver, 0, pos);
-                       Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(host))
-               END
-       END TrackSB;
-       PROCEDURE SetSB (f: StdCFrames.ScrollBar; pos: INTEGER);
-               VAR s: ScrollBar; msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; p: INTEGER; host, inner: Views.Frame;
-       BEGIN
-               s := f.view(ScrollBar); host := Views.HostOf(f);
-               msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := s.ver;
-               msg.op := Controllers.gotoPos; msg.pos := pos;
-               msg.done := FALSE;
-               inner := InnerFrame(s.v, host);
-               IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END;
-               IF ~msg.done THEN
-                       Scroll(s.v, Controllers.gotoPos, s.ver, pos, p);
-                       Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(host))
-               END
-       END SetSB;
-       PROCEDURE GetSB (f: StdCFrames.ScrollBar; OUT size, sect, pos: INTEGER);
-               VAR s: ScrollBar; msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg; host, inner: Views.Frame;
-       BEGIN
-               s := f.view(ScrollBar); host := Views.HostOf(f);
-               msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := s.ver;
-               msg.wholeSize := 1; msg.partSize := 0; msg.partPos := 0;
-               msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := FALSE;
-               inner := InnerFrame(s.v, host);
-               IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END;
-               IF msg.done THEN
-                       IF msg.valid THEN
-                               size := msg.wholeSize; sect := msg.partSize; pos := msg.partPos
-                       ELSE
-                               size := 1; sect := 1; pos := 0
-                       END
-               ELSE
-                       PollSection(s.v, s.ver, size, sect, pos)
-               END
-       END GetSB;
-       PROCEDURE (s: ScrollBar) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame);
-               VAR f: StdCFrames.ScrollBar;
-       BEGIN
-               f := StdCFrames.dir.NewScrollBar();
-               f.disabled := FALSE; f.undef := FALSE; f.readOnly := FALSE;
-               f.Track := TrackSB; f.Get := GetSB; f.Set := SetSB;
-               frame := f
-       END GetNewFrame;
-       PROCEDURE (s: ScrollBar) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE (s: ScrollBar) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message;
-                                                                                                                                               VAR focus: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO
-                       WITH msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO
-                               f.GetCursor(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, msg.cursor)
-                       | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO
-                               f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers)
-                       ELSE
-                       END
-               END
-       END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (s: ScrollBar) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO
-                       WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Update() END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandleViewMsg;
-       (* View *)
-       PROCEDURE Update (v: View; f: Views.Frame);
-               VAR msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg; w, h: INTEGER; depends: BOOLEAN; inner: Views.Frame;
-       BEGIN
-               v.bgap := 0; v.rgap := 0; depends := FALSE;
-               v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-               DEC(w, 2 * v.border); DEC(h, 2 * v.border);
-               IF horBar IN v.opts THEN
-                       IF horHide IN v.opts THEN
-                               msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := FALSE;
-                               msg.wholeSize := 1; msg.partSize := 0; msg.partPos := 0;
-                               msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := FALSE;
-                               inner := InnerFrame(v, f);
-                               IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END;
-                               IF msg.done THEN
-                                       IF msg.valid THEN v.bgap := v.sbW END
-                               ELSIF v.w > 0 THEN
-                                       IF w < v.w THEN v.bgap := v.sbW
-                                       ELSIF w - v.sbW < v.w THEN depends := TRUE
-                                       END
-                               END
-                       ELSE v.bgap := v.sbW
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF verBar IN v.opts THEN
-                       IF verHide IN v.opts THEN
-                               msg.focus := FALSE; msg.vertical := TRUE;
-                               msg.wholeSize := 1; msg.partSize := 0; msg.partPos := 0;
-                               msg.valid := FALSE; msg.done := FALSE;
-                               inner := InnerFrame(v, f);
-                               IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END;
-                               IF msg.done THEN
-                                       IF msg.valid THEN v.rgap := v.sbW END
-                               ELSIF v.h > 0 THEN
-                                       IF h - v.bgap < v.h THEN v.rgap := v.sbW END
-                               END
-                       ELSE v.rgap := v.sbW
-                       END
-               END;
-               IF depends & (v.rgap > 0) THEN v.bgap := v.sbW END;
-               CheckPos(v, v.orgX, v.orgY)
-       END Update;
-       PROCEDURE Init (v: View; newView: BOOLEAN);
-               CONST min = 2 *; max = MAX(INTEGER); default = 50 *;
-               VAR c: Context; x: INTEGER; msg: Properties.ResizePref;
-       BEGIN
-               IF newView THEN
-                       v.opts := v.opts + {horBar, verBar, horHide, verHide};
-                       StdCFrames.dir.GetScrollBarSize(x, v.sbW);
-                       IF v.view.context # NIL THEN
-                               v.view.context.GetSize(v.w, v.h);
-                               v.view := Views.CopyOf(v.view, Views.shallow)
-                       ELSE
-                               v.w := Views.undefined; v.h := Views.undefined;
-                               Properties.PreferredSize(v.view, min, max, min, max, default, default, v.w, v.h)
-                       END;
-                       msg.fixed := FALSE;
-                       msg.horFitToWin := FALSE; msg.verFitToWin := FALSE;
-                       msg.horFitToPage := FALSE; msg.verFitToPage := FALSE;
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-                       IF ~msg.fixed THEN
-                               INCL(v.opts, width); INCL(v.opts, height);
-                               IF msg.horFitToWin OR msg.horFitToPage THEN v.w := 0 END;
-                               IF msg.verFitToWin OR msg.verFitToPage THEN v.h := 0 END
-                       END
-               END;
-               v.rgap := 0; v.bgap := 0;
-               IF showBorder IN v.opts THEN v.border := 2 * Ports.point ELSE v.border := 0 END;
-               NEW(v.inner); v.inner.v := v;
-               NEW(c); c.v := v; c.type := 3; v.inner.InitContext(c);
-               NEW(v.hor); v.hor.ver := FALSE; v.hor.v := v;
-               NEW(c); c.v := v; c.type := 2; v.hor.InitContext(c);
-               NEW(v.ver); v.ver.ver := TRUE; v.ver.v := v;
-               NEW(c); c.v := v; c.type := 1; v.ver.InitContext(c);
-               NEW(v.update); v.update.v := v;
-               Stores.Join(v, v.view);
-               Stores.Join(v, v.inner);
-               Stores.Join(v, v.hor);
-               Stores.Join(v, v.ver);
-               Services.DoLater(v.update,
-       END Init;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);
-               VAR thisVersion: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v.Internalize^(rd);
-               IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
-                       rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, thisVersion);
-                       IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
-                               Views.ReadView(rd, v.view);
-                               rd.ReadInt(v.sbW);
-                               rd.ReadInt(v.orgX);
-                               rd.ReadInt(v.orgY);
-                               rd.ReadInt(v.w);
-                               rd.ReadInt(v.h);
-                               rd.ReadSet(v.opts);
-                               Init(v, FALSE)
-                       END
-               END
-       END Internalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);
-       BEGIN
-               v.Externalize^(wr);
-               wr.WriteVersion(0);
-               Views.WriteView(wr, v.view);
-               wr.WriteInt(v.sbW);
-               IF savePos IN v.opts THEN
-                       wr.WriteInt(v.orgX);
-                       wr.WriteInt(v.orgY)
-               ELSE
-                       wr.WriteInt(0);
-                       wr.WriteInt(0)
-               END;
-               wr.WriteInt(v.w);
-               wr.WriteInt(v.h);
-               wr.WriteSet(v.opts);
-       END Externalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel(): Models.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN v.view.ThisModel()
-       END ThisModel;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH source: View DO
-                       IF model = NIL THEN v.view := Views.CopyOf(source.view, Views.deep)
-                       ELSE v.view := Views.CopyWithNewModel(source.view, model)
-                       END;
-                       v.sbW := source.sbW;
-                       v.orgX := source.orgX;
-                       v.orgY := source.orgY;
-                       v.w := source.w;
-                       v.h := source.h;
-                       v.opts := source.opts;
-               END;
-               Init(v, FALSE)
-       END CopyFromModelView;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) InitContext (context: Models.Context);
-               VAR c: Context;
-       BEGIN
-               v.InitContext^(context);
-               IF v.view.context = NIL THEN
-                       NEW(c); c.v := v; c.type := 0; v.view.InitContext(c)
-               END
-       END InitContext;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Neutralize;
-       BEGIN
-               v.view.Neutralize
-       END Neutralize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-               VAR w, h: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-               IF showBorder IN v.opts THEN
-                       v.border := 2 *;
-                       f.DrawRect(0,, w, v.border, Ports.fill,;
-                       f.DrawRect(, 0, v.border, h, Ports.fill,;
-                       f.DrawRect(0, h - v.border, w, h -, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25);
-                       f.DrawRect(w - v.border, 0, w -, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey25);
-                       f.DrawRect(0, 0, w,, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50);
-                       f.DrawRect(0, 0,, h, Ports.fill, Ports.grey50);
-                       f.DrawRect(0, h -, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.white);
-                       f.DrawRect(w -, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.white)
-               END;
-               Views.InstallFrame(f, v.inner, v.border, v.border, 0, TRUE);
-               IF v.bgap > 0 THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, v.hor, v.border, h - v.border - v.bgap, 0, FALSE) END;
-               IF v.rgap > 0 THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, v.ver, w - v.border - v.rgap, v.border, 0, FALSE) END
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View);
-               VAR w, h, p, n: INTEGER;smsg: Controllers.ScrollMsg; inner: Views.Frame;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Controllers.WheelMsg DO
-                       smsg.focus := FALSE; smsg.op := msg.op; smsg.pos := 0; smsg.done := FALSE; n := msg.nofLines;
-                       IF (v.rgap > 0) OR (v.bgap > 0) THEN
-                               smsg.vertical := v.rgap > 0;
-                               REPEAT
-                                       smsg.done := FALSE;
-                                       inner := InnerFrame(v, f);
-                                       IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, smsg) END;
-                                       IF ~smsg.done THEN
-                                               Scroll(v, smsg.op, smsg.vertical, 0, p);
-                                               Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f))
-                                       END;
-                                       DEC(n)
-                               UNTIL n <= 0;
-                               msg.done := TRUE
-                       ELSE
-                               focus := v.inner
-                       END
-               | msg: Controllers.CursorMessage DO
-                       v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-                       IF msg.x > w - v.border - v.rgap THEN
-                               IF msg.y <= h - v.border - v.bgap THEN focus := v.ver END
-                       ELSIF msg.y > h - v.border - v.bgap THEN focus := v.hor
-                       ELSE focus := v.inner
-                       END
-               | msg: Controllers.PollSectionMsg DO
-                       inner := InnerFrame(v, f);
-                       IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END;
-                       IF ~msg.done THEN
-                               PollSection(v, msg.vertical, msg.wholeSize, msg.partSize, msg.partPos);
-                               msg.valid := msg.partSize < msg.wholeSize;
-                               msg.done := TRUE
-                       END
-               | msg: Controllers.ScrollMsg DO
-                       inner := InnerFrame(v, f);
-                       IF inner # NIL THEN Views.ForwardCtrlMsg(inner, msg) END;
-                       IF ~msg.done THEN
-                               Scroll(v, msg.op, msg.vertical, msg.pos, p);
-                               Views.ValidateRoot(Views.RootOf(f));
-                               msg.done := TRUE
-                       END
-               ELSE focus := v.inner
-               END;
-               IF ~(msg IS Controllers.TickMsg) THEN
-                       Services.DoLater(v.update,
-               END
-       END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message);
-               VAR b, r: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: UpdateMsg DO
-                       b := v.bgap; r := v.rgap;
-                       Update(v, f);
-                       IF (v.bgap # b) OR (v.rgap # r) THEN msg.changed := TRUE END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandleViewMsg;
-       PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message);
-               VAR w, h: INTEGER; p: Properties.Property; prop: Prop; fv: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO
-                       v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-                       IF msg.atLocation THEN
-                               IF (msg.x > w - v.border - v.rgap) & (msg.y > h - v.border - v.bgap) THEN
-                                       msg.hotFocus := FALSE; msg.setFocus := FALSE
-                               ELSIF ((msg.x > w - v.border - v.rgap) OR (msg.y > h - v.border - v.bgap)) & ~msg.setFocus THEN
-                                       msg.hotFocus := TRUE
-                               END
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.SizePref DO
-                       IF (v.w > 0) & (v.h > 0) THEN
-                               IF msg.w = Views.undefined THEN msg.w := 50 * END;
-                               IF msg.h = Views.undefined THEN msg.h := 50 * END
-                       ELSE
-                               IF msg.w > v.rgap THEN DEC(msg.w, v.rgap + 2 * v.border) END;
-                               IF msg.h > v.bgap THEN DEC(msg.h, v.bgap + 2 * v.border) END;
-                               Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-                               IF msg.w > 0 THEN INC(msg.w, v.rgap + 2 * v.border) END;
-                               IF msg.h > 0 THEN INC(msg.h, v.bgap + 2 * v.border) END
-                       END;
-                       IF msg.w < 3 * v.sbW THEN msg.w := 3 * v.sbW END;
-                       IF msg.h < 3 * v.sbW THEN msg.h := 3 * v.sbW END
-               | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-                       IF v.w > 0 THEN
-                               msg.fixed := FALSE;
-                               msg.horFitToWin := TRUE;
-                               msg.horFitToPage := FALSE
-                       END;
-                       IF v.h > 0 THEN
-                               msg.fixed := FALSE;
-                               msg.verFitToWin := TRUE;
-                               msg.verFitToPage := FALSE
-                       END
-               | msg: Properties.BoundsPref DO
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-                       INC(msg.w, 2 * v.border);
-                       INC(msg.h, 2 * v.border);
-                       IF (horBar IN v.opts) & ~(horHide IN v.opts) THEN INC(msg.w, v.sbW) END;
-                       IF (verBar IN v.opts) & ~(verHide IN v.opts) THEN INC(msg.h, v.sbW) END
-               | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-                       PollProp(v, prop); Properties.Insert(msg.prop, prop)
-               | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO
-                       p := msg.prop; WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Prop) DO p := END;
-                       IF p # NIL THEN SetProp(v, p) END;
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-               | msg: Properties.ControlPref DO
-                       fv := msg.focus;
-                       IF fv = v THEN msg.focus := v.view END;
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-                       msg.focus := fv
-               ELSE
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v.view, msg);
-               END;
-       END HandlePropMsg;
-       (* InnerView *)
-       PROCEDURE (v: InnerView) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color);
-       BEGIN
-               color := Ports.background
-       END GetBackground;
-       PROCEDURE (v: InnerView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               Views.InstallFrame(f, v.v.view, -v.v.orgX, -v.v.orgY, 0, TRUE)
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE (v: InnerView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message;
-                                                                                                                                               VAR focus: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               focus := v.v.view
-       END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       (* Context *)
-       PROCEDURE (c: Context) MakeVisible (l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-               VAR w, h, x, y: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF ~(savePos IN c.v.opts) THEN
-                       c.v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-                       x := c.v.orgX; y := c.v.orgY;
-                       IF c.v.w > 0 THEN
-                               DEC(w, c.v.rgap + 2 * c.v.border);
-                               IF r > x + w - Ports.point THEN x := r - w + Ports.point END;
-                               IF l < x + Ports.point THEN x := l - Ports.point END;
-                       END;
-                       IF c.v.h > 0 THEN
-                               DEC(h, c.v.bgap + 2 * c.v.border);
-                               IF b > y + h - Ports.point THEN y := b - h + Ports.point END;
-                               IF t < y + Ports.point THEN y := t - Ports.point END;
-                       END;
-                       IF (x # c.v.orgX) OR (y # c.v.orgY) THEN
-                               CheckPos(c.v, x, y); c.v.orgX := x; c.v.orgY := y; 
-                               Views.Update(c.v.view, Views.keepFrames)
-                       END;
-                       Services.DoLater(c.v.update,
-               END
-       END MakeVisible;
-       PROCEDURE (c: Context) Consider (VAR p: Models.Proposal);
-       BEGIN
-               c.v.context.Consider(p)
-       END Consider;
-       PROCEDURE (c: Context) Normalize (): BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN ~(savePos IN c.v.opts)
-       END Normalize;
-       PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               c.v.context.GetSize(w, h);
-               DEC(w, c.v.rgap + 2 * c.v.border);
-               DEC(h, c.v.bgap + 2 * c.v.border);
-               IF c.type = 0 THEN
-                       IF c.v.w > 0 THEN w := c.v.w END;
-                       IF c.v.h > 0 THEN h := c.v.h END
-               ELSIF c.type = 1 THEN
-                       w := c.v.rgap
-               ELSIF c.type = 2 THEN
-                       h := c.v.bgap
-               END
-       END GetSize;
-       PROCEDURE (c: Context) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER);
-               VAR w0, h0, w1, h1: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(c.type = 0, 100);
-               c.v.context.GetSize(w0, h0); w1 := w0; h1 := h0;
-               IF c.v.w > 0 THEN c.v.w := w
-               ELSE w1 := w + c.v.rgap + 2 * c.v.border
-               END;
-               IF c.v.h > 0 THEN c.v.h := h
-               ELSE h1 := h + c.v.bgap + 2 * c.v.border
-               END;
-               IF (w1 # w0) OR (h1 # h0) THEN
-                       c.v.context.SetSize(w1, h1)
-               END
-       END SetSize;
-       PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Models.Model;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN NIL
-       END ThisModel;
-       (* dialog *)
-       PROCEDURE InitDialog*;
-               VAR  p: Properties.Property; u: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectProp(p);
-               WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Prop) DO p := END;
-               IF p # NIL THEN
-                       WITH p: Prop DO
-                               IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN u := DIV 10 ELSE u := Ports.inch DIV 100 END;
-                               dialog.valid := p.valid;
-                               dialog.readOnly := p.readOnly;
-                               IF ~p.horBar THEN dialog.horizontal.mode := 0
-                               ELSIF p.horHide THEN dialog.horizontal.mode := 1
-                               ELSE dialog.horizontal.mode := 2
-                               END;
-                               IF ~p.verBar THEN dialog.vertical.mode := 0
-                               ELSIF p.verHide THEN dialog.vertical.mode := 1
-                               ELSE dialog.vertical.mode := 2
-                               END;
-                               dialog.horizontal.size := p.width DIV u / 100;
-                               dialog.vertical.size := p.height DIV u / 100;
-                               dialog.horizontal.adapt := p.width = 0;
-                               dialog.vertical.adapt := p.height = 0;
-                               dialog.showBorder := p.showBorder;
-                               dialog.savePos := p.savePos
-                       END
-               END
-       END InitDialog;
-       PROCEDURE Set*;
-               VAR p: Prop; u: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN u := 10 * ELSE u := Ports.inch END;
-               NEW(p); p.valid := dialog.valid;
-               p.horBar := dialog.horizontal.mode # 0;
-               p.verBar := dialog.vertical.mode # 0;
-               p.horHide := dialog.horizontal.mode = 1;
-               p.verHide := dialog.vertical.mode = 1;
-               IF ~dialog.horizontal.adapt THEN p.width := SHORT(ENTIER(dialog.horizontal.size * u)) END;
-               IF ~dialog.vertical.adapt THEN p.height := SHORT(ENTIER(dialog.vertical.size * u)) END;
-               p.showBorder := dialog.showBorder;
-               p.savePos := dialog.savePos;
-               Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p)
-       END Set;
-       PROCEDURE DialogGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-               VAR  p: Properties.Property;
-       BEGIN
-               Properties.CollectProp(p);
-               WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Prop) DO p := END;
-               IF p = NIL THEN par.disabled := TRUE END
-       END DialogGuard;
-       PROCEDURE HorAdaptGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF width IN dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END
-       END HorAdaptGuard;
-       PROCEDURE VerAdaptGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF height IN dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE END
-       END VerAdaptGuard;
-       PROCEDURE WidthGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF dialog.horizontal.adapt THEN par.disabled := TRUE
-               ELSIF width IN dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE
-               END
-       END WidthGuard;
-       PROCEDURE HeightGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF dialog.vertical.adapt THEN par.disabled := TRUE
-               ELSIF height IN dialog.readOnly THEN par.readOnly := TRUE
-               END
-       END HeightGuard;
-       (* commands *)  
-       PROCEDURE AddScroller*;
-               VAR poll: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; v: View; replace: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(poll);
-               IF (poll.singleton # NIL) & ~(poll.singleton IS View) THEN
-                       NEW(v); v.view := poll.singleton; Init(v, TRUE);
-                       replace.old := poll.singleton; := v;
-                       Controllers.Forward(replace)
-               ELSE Dialog.Beep
-               END
-       END AddScroller;
-       PROCEDURE RemoveScroller*;
-               VAR poll: Controllers.PollOpsMsg; replace: Controllers.ReplaceViewMsg;
-       BEGIN
-               Controllers.PollOps(poll);
-               IF (poll.singleton # NIL) & (poll.singleton IS View) THEN
-                       replace.old := poll.singleton;
-              := Views.CopyOf(poll.singleton(View).view, Views.shallow);
-                       Controllers.Forward(replace)
-               ELSE Dialog.Beep
-               END
-       END RemoveScroller;
-END StdScrollers.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/Stamps.txt b/new/Std/Mod/Stamps.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 50bf0ea..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdStamps;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/Stamps.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       StdStamps are used to keep track of document changes, in particular program texts.
-       StdStamps carry a sequence number and a fingerprint of the document with them.
-       Each time the document (and therefore its fingerprint) is changed and stored,
-       the sequence number is incremented. (When determining the fingerprint of the
-       document, whitespace is ignored, except in string literals.)
-       Each StdStamp also keeps track of the history of most recent changes.
-       For the last maxHistoryEntries sequence numbers, the date and time,
-       and an optional one-line comment is stored. To avoid too many entries in the history
-       while working on a module, the most recent history entry is overwritten upon the
-       generation of a new sequence number if the current date is the same as the date in
-       the history entry.
-       IMPORT
-               SYSTEM, (* SYSTEM.ROT only, for fingerprint calculation *)
-               Strings, Dates, StdCmds,
-               Ports, Models, Stores, Containers, Properties, Views, Controllers, Fonts,
-               TextModels, TextSetters, TextMappers, TextViews, TextRulers;
-       CONST
-               setCommentKey = "#Std:Set Comment";
-               maxHistoryEntries = 25;
-               minVersion = 0; origStampVersion = 0; thisVersion = 2;
-       TYPE
-               History = ARRAY maxHistoryEntries OF RECORD
-                       fprint, snr: INTEGER;   (* fingerprint, sequence number *)
-                       date: INTEGER;                  (* days since 1/1/1 *)
-                       time: INTEGER;                  (* min + 64 * hour *)
-                       comment: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR;      (* nil if no comment  *)
-               END;
-               StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View)
-                       (*--snr: LONGINT;*)                     
-                       nentries: INTEGER;      (* number of entries in history *)
-                       history: History;                       (* newest entry in history[0] *)
-                       cache: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
-               END;
-               SetCmtOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation)
-                       stamp: StdView;
-                       oldcomment: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR;
-               END;
-       VAR
-               comment*: RECORD
-                       s*: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
-               END;
-       PROCEDURE (op: SetCmtOp) Do;
-               VAR temp: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               temp := op.stamp.history[0].comment;
-               op.stamp.history[0].comment := op.oldcomment;
-               op.oldcomment := temp;
-       END Do;
-       PROCEDURE Format (v: StdView);
-               VAR s: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; d: Dates.Date; t: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               t := v.history[0].time;
-               Dates.DayToDate(v.history[0].date, d);
-               Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.plainAbbreviated, s); v.cache := s$;
-               Strings.IntToStringForm(v.history[0].snr, Strings.decimal, 4, "0", FALSE, s);
-               v.cache := v.cache + " (" + s + ")"
-       END Format;
-       PROCEDURE FontContext (v: StdView): Fonts.Font;
-               VAR c: Models.Context;
-       BEGIN
-               c := v.context;
-               IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       RETURN c(TextModels.Context).Attr().font;
-               ELSE
-                       RETURN Fonts.dir.Default()
-               END;
-       END FontContext;
-       PROCEDURE CalcFP (t: TextModels.Model): INTEGER;
-               CONST sglQuote = "'"; dblQuote = '"';
-               VAR fp: INTEGER;  rd: TextModels.Reader; ch, quoteChar: CHAR; 
-       BEGIN
-               quoteChar := 0X; fp := 0;
-               rd := t.NewReader(NIL); rd.ReadChar(ch);
-               WHILE ~rd.eot DO
-                       IF ch = quoteChar THEN quoteChar := 0X;
-                       ELSIF (quoteChar = 0X) & ((ch = dblQuote) OR (ch = sglQuote)) THEN quoteChar := ch;
-                       END;
-                       IF (quoteChar = 0X) & (21X <= ch) & (ch # 8BX) & (ch # 8FX) & (ch # 0A0X) (* not in string literal *)
-                               OR (quoteChar # 0X) & (20X <= ch) (* within string literal *)
-                       THEN
-                               fp := SYSTEM.ROT(fp, 1) + 13 * ORD(ch);
-                       END;
-                       rd.ReadChar(ch);
-               END;
-               RETURN fp;
-       END CalcFP;
-       PROCEDURE Update (v: StdView; forcenew: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR fp: INTEGER; i: INTEGER; ndays: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; t: Dates.Time;
-       BEGIN
-               IF (v.context # NIL) & (v.context IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       fp := CalcFP(v.context(TextModels.Context).ThisModel());
-                       IF (fp # v.history[0].fprint) OR forcenew THEN
-                               Dates.GetDate(d); Dates.GetTime(t);
-                               ndays := Dates.Day(d);
-                               IF (ndays # v.history[0].date) OR forcenew THEN
-                                       (* move down entries in history list *)
-                                       i := maxHistoryEntries-1;
-                                       WHILE i > 0 DO
-                                               v.history[i] := v.history[i-1];
-                                               DEC(i);
-                                       END;
-                                       v.history[0].comment := NIL;
-                               END;
-                               IF v.nentries < maxHistoryEntries THEN INC(v.nentries) END;
-                               INC(v.history[0].snr);
-                               v.history[0].fprint := fp;
-                               v.history[0].date := ndays;
-                               v.history[0].time := t.minute + t.hour*64;
-                               Format(v);
-                               Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames);
-                       END;
-               END;
-       END Update;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer);
-               VAR i, len: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               Update(v, FALSE);
-               v.Externalize^(wr);
-               wr.WriteVersion(thisVersion);
-               (*--wr.WriteLInt(v.snr);*)
-               wr.WriteXInt(v.nentries);
-               FOR i := 0 TO v.nentries-1 DO
-                       wr.WriteInt(v.history[i].fprint);
-                       wr.WriteInt(v.history[i].snr);
-                       wr.WriteInt(v.history[i].date);
-                       wr.WriteXInt(v.history[i].time);
-                       IF v.history[i].comment # NIL THEN
-                               len := LEN(v.history[i].comment$);
-                               wr.WriteXInt(len);
-                               wr.WriteXString(v.history[i].comment^);
-                       ELSE wr.WriteXInt(0);
-                       END
-               END;
-       END Externalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader);
-               VAR version: INTEGER; format: BYTE; i, len: INTEGER;
-                       d: Dates.Date; t: Dates.Time;
-       BEGIN
-               v.Internalize^(rd);
-               IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
-                       rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, thisVersion, version);
-                       IF ~rd.cancelled THEN
-                               IF version = origStampVersion THEN (* deal with old StdStamp format *)
-                                       (* would like to calculate fingerprint, but hosting model not available at this time *)
-                                       v.history[0].fprint := 0;
-                                       v.history[0].snr := 1; v.nentries := 1;
-                                       rd.ReadXInt(d.year); rd.ReadXInt(d.month); rd.ReadXInt(;
-                                       rd.ReadXInt(t.hour); rd.ReadXInt(t.minute); rd.ReadXInt(t.second);
-                                       rd.ReadByte(format); (* format not used anymore *)
-                                       v.history[0].date := Dates.Day(d);
-                                       v.history[0].time := t.minute + t.hour*64;
-                               ELSE
-                                       IF version = 1 THEN rd.ReadInt(v.history[0].snr) END; (* red text: to be removed soon *)
-                                       rd.ReadXInt(v.nentries);
-                                       FOR i := 0 TO v.nentries-1 DO
-                                               rd.ReadInt(v.history[i].fprint);
-                                               IF version > 1 THEN rd.ReadInt(v.history[i].snr)
-                                               ELSIF (* (version = 1) & *) i > 0 THEN v.history[i].snr := v.history[i-1].snr - 1;
-                                               END; (* red text: to be removed soon *)
-                                               rd.ReadInt(v.history[i].date);
-                                               rd.ReadXInt(v.history[i].time);
-                                               rd.ReadXInt(len);
-                                               IF len > 0 THEN
-                                                       NEW(v.history[i].comment, len + 1);
-                                                       rd.ReadXString(v.history[i].comment^);
-                                               ELSE v.history[i].comment := NIL;
-                                               END
-                                       END;
-                               END;
-                               Format(v);
-                       END
-               END
-       END Internalize;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View);
-               VAR i: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               (* v.CopyFrom^(source); *)
-               WITH source: StdView DO
-                       (*--v.snr := source.snr;*)
-                       v.nentries := source.nentries;
-                       v.history := source.history;
-                       v.cache := source.cache;
-                       FOR i := 0 TO v.nentries - 1 DO
-                               IF source.history[i].comment # NIL THEN
-                                       NEW(v.history[i].comment, LEN(source.history[i].comment$) + 1);
-                                       v.history[i].comment^ := source.history[i].comment^$;
-                               END
-                       END
-               END
-       END CopyFromSimpleView;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER);
-               VAR a: TextModels.Attributes; color: Ports.Color; c: Models.Context; font: Fonts.Font;
-                       asc, dsc, fw: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               c := v.context;
-               IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN
-                       a := v.context(TextModels.Context).Attr();
-                       font := a.font;
-                       color := a.color;
-               ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default(); color :=;
-               END;
-               font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, fw);
-               f.DrawLine(f.l, asc +, f.r, asc +, 1, Ports.grey25 );
-               f.DrawString(0, asc, color, v.cache, font);
-       END Restore;
-       PROCEDURE SizePref (v: StdView; VAR p: Properties.SizePref);
-               VAR font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; s: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
-       BEGIN
-               font := FontContext(v);
-               font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w);
-      := 28; d.month := 1; d.year := 2222; p.w := 0;
-               WHILE d.month <= 12 DO
-                       Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.plainAbbreviated, s);
-                       s := s + " (0000)";
-                       w := font.StringWidth(s);
-                       IF w > p.w THEN p.w := w END;
-                       INC(d.month)
-               END;
-               p.h := asc + dsc;
-       END SizePref;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message);
-               VAR font: Fonts.Font; asc, w: INTEGER;
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO
-                       WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO
-                               SizePref(v, msg)
-                       | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO
-                               msg.fixed := TRUE
-                       | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO
-                               msg.hotFocus := TRUE
-                       | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO
-                               font := FontContext(v);
-                               font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, w);
-                       ELSE
-                       END
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandlePropMsg;
-       PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler;
-               CONST mm =;
-               VAR r: TextRulers.Ruler;
-       BEGIN
-               r := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL);
-               TextRulers.SetRight(r, 140 * mm);
-               TextRulers.AddTab(r, 15 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 35 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(r, 75 * mm);
-               RETURN r
-       END NewRuler;
-       PROCEDURE ShowHistory (v: StdView);
-               VAR text: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter;
-                       i: INTEGER; d: Dates.Date; s: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
-                       tv: TextViews.View; attr: TextModels.Attributes;
-       BEGIN
-               text := TextModels.dir.New();
-               f.ConnectTo(text);
-               attr := f.rider.attr;
-               f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(attr, {Fonts.italic}));
-               f.WriteString("seq nr."); f.WriteTab;
-               f.WriteString("fingerprint"); f.WriteTab;
-               f.WriteString("date and time"); f.WriteTab;
-               f.WriteString("comment"); f.WriteLn;
-               f.rider.SetAttr(attr); f.WriteLn;
-               (*--n := v.snr;*)
-               FOR i := 0 TO v.nentries-1 DO
-                       f.WriteIntForm(v.history[i].snr, 10, 4, "0", FALSE);
-                       (*--DEC(n);*)
-                       f.WriteTab;
-                       f.WriteIntForm(v.history[i].fprint, TextMappers.hexadecimal, 8, "0", FALSE);
-                       f.WriteTab;
-                       Dates.DayToDate(v.history[i].date, d);
-                       Dates.DateToString(d, Dates.plainAbbreviated, s);
-                       f.WriteString(s);
-                       f.WriteString("  ");
-                       f.WriteIntForm(v.history[i].time DIV 64, 10, 2, "0", FALSE);
-                       f.WriteString(":");
-                       f.WriteIntForm(v.history[i].time MOD 64, 10, 2, "0", FALSE);
-                       IF v.history[i].comment # NIL THEN
-                               f.WriteTab;
-                               f.WriteString( v.history[i].comment^);
-                       END;
-                       f.WriteLn;
-               END;
-               tv := TextViews.dir.New(text);
-               tv.SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr);
-               tv.ThisController().SetOpts({Containers.noFocus, Containers.noCaret});
-               Views.OpenAux(tv, "History");
-       END ShowHistory;
-       PROCEDURE Track (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET);
-               VAR c: Models.Context; w, h: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; m: SET;
-       BEGIN
-               c := v.context; c.GetSize(w, h); in0 := FALSE; in := TRUE;
-               REPEAT
-                       IF in # in0 THEN
-                               f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert,; in0 := in
-                       END;
-                       f.Input(x, y, m, isDown);
-                       in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h)
-               UNTIL ~isDown;
-               IF in0 THEN
-                       f.MarkRect(0, 0, w, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, Ports.hide);
-                       IF Controllers.modify IN m THEN
-                               IF v.history[0].comment # NIL THEN comment.s := v.history[0].comment^$;
-                               ELSE comment.s := "";
-                               END;
-                               StdCmds.OpenToolDialog("Std/Rsrc/Stamps", "Comment");
-                       ELSE ShowHistory(v);
-                       END
-               END
-       END Track;
-       PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (
-                               f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View);
-       BEGIN
-               WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO
-                       Track(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers)
-               | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO
-                       msg.cursor := Ports.refCursor
-               ELSE
-               END
-       END HandleCtrlMsg;
-       (* ------------ programming interface: ---------------------- *)
-       PROCEDURE GetFirstInText* (t: TextModels.Model): Views.View;
-               VAR r: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               IF t # NIL THEN
-                       r := t.NewReader(NIL);
-                       REPEAT r.ReadView(v) UNTIL (v = NIL) OR (v IS StdView);
-                       RETURN v;
-               ELSE RETURN NIL;
-               END;
-       END GetFirstInText;
-       PROCEDURE IsStamp* (v: Views.View): BOOLEAN;
-       BEGIN
-               RETURN v IS StdView;
-       END IsStamp;
-       PROCEDURE GetInfo* (v: Views.View; VAR snr, historylen: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(v IS StdView, 20);
-               WITH v: StdView DO
-                       snr := v.history[0].snr; historylen := v.nentries;
-               END
-       END GetInfo;
-       PROCEDURE GetData* (v: Views.View; entryno: INTEGER;
-                               VAR fprint: INTEGER; VAR date: Dates.Date; VAR time: Dates.Time);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(v IS StdView, 20);
-               WITH v: StdView DO
-                       IF entryno <= v.nentries THEN
-                               fprint := v.history[entryno].fprint;
-                               Dates.DayToDate(v.history[entryno].date, date);
-                               time.minute := v.history[entryno].time MOD 64;
-                               time.minute := v.history[entryno].time DIV 64;
-                               time.second := 0;
-                       END
-               END
-       END GetData;
-       (** Insert new history entry with comment in v. *)
-       PROCEDURE Stamp* (v: Views.View; comment: ARRAY OF CHAR);
-       BEGIN
-               ASSERT(v IS StdView, 20);
-               WITH v: StdView DO
-                       Update(v, TRUE);
-                       NEW(v.history[0].comment, LEN(comment$) + 1);
-                       v.history[0].comment^ := comment$;
-               END
-       END Stamp;
-       PROCEDURE New* (): Views.View;
-               VAR v: StdView; d: Dates.Date; t: Dates.Time;
-       BEGIN
-               NEW(v); v.history[0].snr := 0; v.nentries := 0;
-               v.history[0].fprint := 0;
-               Dates.GetDate(d); Dates.GetTime(t);
-               v.history[0].date := Dates.Day(d);
-               v.history[0].time := t.minute + t.hour*64;
-               Format(v);
-               RETURN v;
-       END New;
-       PROCEDURE SetComment*;
-               VAR v: Views.View; op: SetCmtOp;
-       BEGIN
-               v := GetFirstInText(TextViews.FocusText());
-               IF v # NIL THEN
-                       WITH v: StdView DO
-                               NEW(op); op.stamp := v;
-                               NEW(op.oldcomment, LEN(comment.s$) + 1);
-                               op.oldcomment^ := comment.s$;
-                               Views.Do(v, setCommentKey, op);
-                       END
-               END
-       END SetComment;
-       PROCEDURE Deposit*;
-       BEGIN
-               Views.Deposit(New())
-       END Deposit;
-END StdStamps.
diff --git a/new/Std/Mod/ViewSizer.txt b/new/Std/Mod/ViewSizer.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 9d3f6fc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-MODULE StdViewSizer;
-       (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Std/Mod/ViewSizer.odc *)
-       (* DO NOT EDIT *)
-       IMPORT Services, Ports, Dialog, Views, Containers, Properties;
-       CONST width = 1; height = 2;
-       VAR
-               size*: RECORD
-                       typeName-: Dialog.String;
-                       w*, h*: REAL;
-                       proportional*, fixedW, fixedH: BOOLEAN;
-                       unit, scaleW, scaleH, lastChanged: INTEGER;
-                       unitText: ARRAY 6 OF CHAR;
-                       view: Views.View;
-                       container: Containers.Controller
-               END;
-       PROCEDURE ConnectDialog (v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller);
-               VAR pref: Properties.ResizePref;
-       BEGIN
-               IF (v # NIL) & (v.context # NIL) THEN
-                       IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN size.unit := * 10; size.unitText := "cm"
-                       ELSE size.unit := Ports.inch; size.unitText := "inch"
-                       END;
-                       size.view := v; size.container := c;
-                       Services.GetTypeName(v, size.typeName);
-                       v.context.GetSize(size.scaleW, size.scaleH);
-                       size.w := size.scaleW / size.unit; size.h := size.scaleH / size.unit;
-                       pref.fixed := FALSE;
-                       pref.horFitToPage := FALSE; pref.verFitToPage := FALSE;
-                       pref.horFitToWin := FALSE; pref.verFitToWin := FALSE;
-                       Views.HandlePropMsg(v, pref);
-                       size.fixedW := pref.fixed;
-                       size.fixedH := pref.fixed;
-                       size.proportional := FALSE
-               ELSE
-                       size.view := NIL; size.container := c; size.typeName := ""
-               END;
-               Dialog.Update(size)
-       END ConnectDialog;
-       PROCEDURE SetViewSize*;
-       BEGIN
-               IF size.view # NIL THEN
-                       size.view.context.SetSize(SHORT(ENTIER(size.w * size.unit + 0.5)),
-                                                                                               SHORT(ENTIER(size.h * size.unit + 0.5)));
-                       IF size.container # NIL THEN size.container.SetSingleton(size.view) END;
-                       ConnectDialog(size.view, size.container)
-               ELSE Dialog.Beep
-               END
-       END SetViewSize;
-       PROCEDURE InitDialog*;
-               VAR v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller;
-       BEGIN
-               c := Containers.Focus();
-               IF c # NIL THEN v := c.Singleton() ELSE v := NIL END;
-               IF (v # size.view) OR (c # size.container) THEN ConnectDialog(v, c) END
-       END InitDialog;
-       PROCEDURE ResetDialog*;
-               VAR proportional: BOOLEAN; v: Views.View;
-       BEGIN
-               proportional := size.proportional; v := size.view;
-               size.view := NIL; InitDialog;
-               IF proportional & (v = size.view) THEN size.proportional := TRUE; Dialog.Update(size) END
-       END ResetDialog;
-       PROCEDURE WidthGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               InitDialog;
-               par.disabled := size.view = NIL;
-               par.readOnly := size.fixedW
-       END WidthGuard;
-       PROCEDURE HeightGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               InitDialog;
-               par.disabled := size.view = NIL;
-               par.readOnly := size.fixedH
-       END HeightGuard;
-       PROCEDURE ProportionGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               par.disabled := (size.view = NIL) OR size.fixedW OR size.fixedH OR (size.scaleW = 0) OR (size.scaleH = 0)
-       END ProportionGuard;
-       PROCEDURE UnitGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par);
-       BEGIN
-               IF size.view # NIL THEN par.label := size.unitText$ ELSE par.label := "" END
-       END UnitGuard;
-       PROCEDURE AdjustDialogToPref (fixedW, fixedH: BOOLEAN);
-               VAR w, h: INTEGER; w0, h0: REAL; pref: Properties.SizePref;
-       BEGIN
-               w := SHORT(ENTIER(size.w * size.unit + 0.5)); h := SHORT(ENTIER(size.h * size.unit + 0.5));
-               IF size.proportional & (w > 0) & (h > 0) & (size.scaleW > 0) & (size.scaleH > 0) THEN
-                       Properties.ProportionalConstraint(size.scaleW, size.scaleH, fixedW, fixedH, w, h)
-               END;
-               pref.w := w; pref.h := h; pref.fixedW := fixedW; pref.fixedH := fixedH;
-               Views.HandlePropMsg(size.view, pref);
-               IF ~fixedW THEN w0 := pref.w / size.unit ELSE w0 := size.w END;
-               IF ~fixedH THEN h0 := pref.h / size.unit ELSE h0 := size.h END;
-               IF (w0 # size.w) OR (h0 # size.h) THEN size.w := w0; size.h := h0; Dialog.Update(size) END
-       END AdjustDialogToPref;
-       PROCEDURE WNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               IF size.w > 0 THEN AdjustDialogToPref(TRUE, FALSE); size.lastChanged := width
-               ELSIF size.w # 0 THEN Dialog.Beep
-               END
-       END WNotifier;
-       PROCEDURE HNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               IF size.h > 0 THEN AdjustDialogToPref(FALSE, TRUE); size.lastChanged := height
-               ELSIF size.h # 0 THEN Dialog.Beep
-               END
-       END HNotifier;
-       PROCEDURE ProportionNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER);
-       BEGIN
-               IF (op = Dialog.changed) & size.proportional THEN
-                       IF size.lastChanged = width THEN AdjustDialogToPref(TRUE, FALSE)
-                       ELSIF size.lastChanged = height THEN AdjustDialogToPref(FALSE, TRUE)
-                       END
-               END
-       END ProportionNotifier;
-END StdViewSizer.
index c14316bcac153fd05dc7c4b8a6ddaefdbc64b503..aa1a4e0e85461631399db03fea0655f094a3724e 100755 (executable)
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
 TARGET=`uname -s`
 # TARGET=Linux
 ./switch-target ${TARGET} Interp
 ./switch-target ${TARGET} GUI
-./run-BlackBox <<DATA
+./run-dev0 <<DATA
 DevCompiler.CompileThis FormModels FormViews FormControllers FormCmds FormGen
 DevCompiler.CompileThis Gtk2GLib Gtk2GObject Gtk2Keysyms Gtk2Pango Gtk2Gdk Gtk2Gtk Gtk2Util