summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: c16bfd4)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: c16bfd4)
author | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Mon, 4 Sep 2017 17:34:29 +0000 (20:34 +0300) | ||
committer | Ketmar Dark <> | |
Mon, 4 Sep 2017 18:01:07 +0000 (21:01 +0300) |
diff --git a/src/game/g_game.pas b/src/game/g_game.pas
index a85ad9af2ab7362961e28449b46f8dc125f6467e..58abd6ef2ef281d0b7ee2b0d471708ff8ced7143 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_game.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_game.pas
g_Console_Add(cmd + ' [ID | Name] [behaviour]');
g_Console_Add('ID | Name');
- g_Console_Add(Format('%2d | %s', [b, g_Monsters_GetNameByID(b)]));
+ g_Console_Add(Format('%2d | %s', [b, g_Mons_NameByTypeId(b)]));
end else
a := StrToIntDef(P[1], 0);
if (a < MONSTER_DEMON) or (a > MONSTER_MAN) then
- a := g_Monsters_GetIDByName(P[1]);
+ a := g_Mons_TypeIdByName(P[1]);
if (a < MONSTER_DEMON) or (a > MONSTER_MAN) then
g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MSG_NO_MONSTER], [P[1]]))
diff --git a/src/game/g_holmes.pas b/src/game/g_holmes.pas
index a1248f00155a5218285e177273ba6ad5d6795595..1f548e4c2058b560b06054513333e175df7ee7bc 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_holmes.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_holmes.pas
e_log, e_input,
g_textures, g_basic, e_graphics, g_phys, g_grid, g_player, g_monsters,
- g_window, g_map, g_triggers, g_items, g_game, g_panel, g_console,
+ g_window, g_map, g_triggers, g_items, g_game, g_panel, g_console, g_gfx,
+ procedure drawAwakeCells ();
+ var
+ x, y: Integer;
+ begin
+ for y := 0 to (mapGrid.gridHeight div mapGrid.tileSize) do
+ begin
+ for x := 0 to (mapGrid.gridWidth div mapGrid.tileSize) do
+ begin
+ if awmIsSetHolmes(x*mapGrid.tileSize+mapGrid.gridX0+1, y*mapGrid.tileSize++mapGrid.gridY0+1) then
+ begin
+ fillRect(x*mapGrid.tileSize++mapGrid.gridX0, y*mapGrid.tileSize++mapGrid.gridY0, monsGrid.tileSize, monsGrid.tileSize, 128, 0, 128, 64);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
procedure hilightCell (cx, cy: Integer);
fillRect(cx, cy, monsGrid.tileSize, monsGrid.tileSize, 0, 128, 0, 64);
if showTriggers then drawTriggers();
if showGrid then drawSelectedPlatformCells();
+ drawAwakeCells();
@@ -1323,6 +1341,20 @@ procedure bcToggleDrawTriggers (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showTr
procedure bcToggleCurPos (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showMapCurPos := not showMapCurPos else showMapCurPos := (arg > 0); end;
procedure bcToggleGrid (arg: Integer=-1); begin if (arg < 0) then showGrid := not showGrid else showGrid := (arg > 0); end;
+procedure bcMonsterSpawn (s: AnsiString);
+ mon: TMonster;
+ if not gGameOn or g_Game_IsClient then
+ begin
+ conwriteln('cannot spawn monster in this mode');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ mon := g_Mons_SpawnAt(s, pmsCurMapX, pmsCurMapY);
+ if (mon = nil) then begin conwritefln('unknown monster id: ''%s''', [s]); exit; end;
+ monMarkedUID := mon.UID;
procedure bcMonsterWakeup ();
mon: TMonster;
cmdAdd('mon_cells', bcToggleMonsterCells, 'toggle "show all cells occupied by monsters" (SLOW!)', 'monster control');
cmdAdd('mon_wakeup', bcMonsterWakeup, 'toggle "show all cells occupied by monsters" (SLOW!)', 'monster control');
+ cmdAdd('mon_spawn', bcMonsterSpawn, 'spawn monster', 'monster control');
cmdAdd('mplat_step', bcOneMPlatThinkStep, 'one mplat think step', 'mplat control');
cmdAdd('mplat_toggle', bcMPlatToggle, 'activate/deactivate moving platforms', 'mplat control');
keybindAdd('C-G', 'dbg_grid');
keybindAdd('C-X', 'dbg_triggers');
+ keybindAdd('C-1', 'mon_spawn zombie');
// mouse
msbindAdd('LMB', 'atcur_select_monster');
msbindAdd('M-LMB', 'atcur_dump_monsters');
index 60e72b4f1f712390a0fabfe00d5b3c4b8a9c65ec..63b0ae55a83587d0e1118b97633e2053ed3185d2 100644 (file)
TBindArgLessCB = procedure ();
TBindToggleCB = procedure (arg: Integer); // -1: no arg
+ TBindStringCB = procedure (s: AnsiString);
PHolmesCommand = ^THolmesCommand;
THolmesCommand = record
- type TType = (TArgLess, TToggle);
+ type TType = (TArgLess, TToggle, TString);
name: AnsiString;
procedure THolmesCommand.execute (pr: TTextParser);
a: Integer = -1;
+ s: AnsiString = '';
if not assigned(cb) then exit;
- if (ctype = TType.TToggle) then
- begin
- if pr.skipBlanks() then
- begin
- if pr.eatId('true') or pr.eatId('tan') or pr.eatId('yes') then a := 1
- else if pr.eatId('false') or pr.eatId('ona') or pr.eatId('no') then a := 0
- else begin conwritefln('%s: invalid argument', [name]); exit; end;
- end;
- end;
- if pr.skipBlanks() then begin conwritefln('%s: too many arguments', [name]); exit; end;
case ctype of
- TType.TArgLess: TBindArgLessCB(cb)();
- TType.TToggle: TBindToggleCB(cb)(a);
+ TType.TToggle:
+ begin
+ if (pr.tokType <> pr.TTEOF) then
+ begin
+ if pr.eatId('true') or pr.eatId('tan') or pr.eatId('yes') then a := 1
+ else if pr.eatId('false') or pr.eatId('ona') or pr.eatId('no') then a := 0
+ else begin conwritefln('%s: invalid argument', [name]); exit; end;
+ if (pr.tokType <> pr.TTEOF) then begin conwritefln('%s: too many arguments', [name]); exit; end;
+ end;
+ TBindToggleCB(cb)(a);
+ end;
+ TType.TArgLess:
+ begin
+ if (pr.tokType <> pr.TTEOF) then begin conwritefln('%s: too many arguments', [name]); exit; end;
+ TBindArgLessCB(cb)();
+ end;
+ TType.TString:
+ begin
+ if (pr.tokType <> pr.TTEOF) then
+ begin
+ if (pr.tokType = pr.TTStr) then s := pr.expectStr(false) else s := pr.expectId;
+ if (pr.tokType <> pr.TTEOF) then begin conwritefln('%s: too many arguments', [name]); exit; end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ conwritefln('%s: string argument expected', [name]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ TBindStringCB(cb)(s);
+ end;
else assert(false);
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
procedure cmdAdd (const aname: AnsiString; cb: TBindArgLessCB; const ahelp: AnsiString; const asection: AnsiString); overload;
cmd: PHolmesCommand;
+procedure cmdAdd (const aname: AnsiString; cb: TBindStringCB; const ahelp: AnsiString; const asection: AnsiString); overload;
+ cmd: PHolmesCommand;
+ if (Length(aname) = 0) or not assigned(cb) then exit;
+ cmd := cmdNewInternal(aname, ahelp, asection);
+ cmd.cb := Pointer(@cb);
+ cmd.ctype := cmd.TType.TString;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
function getCommandHelp (const aname: AnsiString): AnsiString;
cmd: PHolmesCommand = nil;
index 5719ca4ff300322779f697deeb1bbb08510a196b..62686cd4409d24785029888d2809c4feba7e467b 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_monsters.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_monsters.pas
procedure g_Monsters_killedp ();
procedure g_Monsters_SaveState (var Mem: TBinMemoryWriter);
procedure g_Monsters_LoadState (var Mem: TBinMemoryReader);
-function g_Monsters_GetIDByName (name: String): Integer;
-function g_Monsters_GetNameByID (MonsterType: Byte): String;
-function g_Monsters_GetKilledBy (MonsterType: Byte): String;
+function g_Mons_SpawnAt (monType: Integer; x, y: Integer; dir: TDirection=D_LEFT): TMonster; overload;
+function g_Mons_SpawnAt (const typeName: AnsiString; x, y: Integer; dir: TDirection=D_LEFT): TMonster; overload;
+function g_Mons_TypeLo (): Integer; inline;
+function g_Mons_TypeHi (): Integer; inline;
+function g_Mons_TypeIdByName (const name: AnsiString): Integer;
+function g_Mons_NameByTypeId (monType: Integer): AnsiString;
+function g_Mons_GetKilledByTypeId (monType: Integer): AnsiString;
MAX_SOUL = 512; // Îãðàíè÷åíèå Lost_Soul'îâ
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
gMonsters: array of TMonster;
uidMap: array [0..65535] of TMonster; // monster knows it's index
-function g_Monsters_GetIDByName(name: String): Integer;
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
+function g_Mons_SpawnAt (monType: Integer; x, y: Integer; dir: TDirection=D_LEFT): TMonster; overload;
+ result := nil;
+ if (monType >= MONSTER_DEMON) and (monType <= MONSTER_MAN) then
+ begin
+ result := g_Monsters_Create(monType, x, y, dir);
+ end;
+function g_Mons_SpawnAt (const typeName: AnsiString; x, y: Integer; dir: TDirection=D_LEFT): TMonster; overload;
+ result := g_Mons_SpawnAt(g_Mons_TypeIdByName(typeName), x, y, dir);
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
+function g_Mons_TypeLo (): Integer; inline; begin result := Low(MONSTERTABLE); end;
+function g_Mons_TypeHi (): Integer; inline; begin result := High(MONSTERTABLE); end;
+function g_Mons_TypeIdByName (const name: String): Integer;
i: Integer;
- name := UpperCase(name);
while (i <= MONSTER_MAN) do
- if name = MONSTERTABLE[i].Name then
+ if (CompareText(name, MONSTERTABLE[i].Name) = 0) then
- Result := i;
- Exit;
+ result := i;
+ exit;
- Result := -1;
+ result := -1;
+ // HACK!
+ if (CompareText(name, 'zombie') = 0) then result := MONSTER_ZOMBY;
-function g_Monsters_GetNameByID(MonsterType: Byte): String;
+function g_Mons_NameByTypeId (monType: Integer): AnsiString;
- if MonsterType in [MONSTER_DEMON..MONSTER_MAN] then
- Result := MONSTERTABLE[MonsterType].Name
+ if (monType >= MONSTER_DEMON) and (monType <= MONSTER_MAN) then
+ result := MONSTERTABLE[monType].Name
- Result := '?';
+ result := '?';
-function g_Monsters_GetKilledBy(MonsterType: Byte): String;
+function g_Mons_GetKilledByTypeId (monType: Integer): AnsiString;
- if MonsterType in [MONSTER_DEMON..MONSTER_MAN] then
- Result := KilledByMonster[MonsterType]
+ if (monType >= MONSTER_DEMON) and (monType <= MONSTER_MAN) then
+ Result := KilledByMonster[monType]
Result := '?';
+// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
{ T M o n s t e r : }
procedure TMonster.setGameX (v: Integer); inline; begin FObj.X := v; positionChanged(); end;
diff --git a/src/game/g_panel.pas b/src/game/g_panel.pas
index bcd1c4c1d4040d2dc820e8c2747a663dd237b82b..56e3db77948c1582f02ec4462818045feeed63a7 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_panel.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_panel.pas
SysUtils, g_basic, g_map, g_game, g_gfx, e_graphics, g_weapons,
- g_console, g_language, g_monsters, g_player, e_log, GL;
+ g_console, g_language, g_monsters, g_player, g_grid, e_log, GL, utils;
monMoveList: array of TMonster = nil;
monMoveListUsed: Integer = 0;
procedure TPanel.Update();
+ ox, oy: Integer;
nx, ny: Integer;
+ ex, ey, nex, ney: Integer;
+ cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1: Integer;
+ // return `true` if we should move by dx,dy
+ function tryMPlatMove (px, py, pw, ph: Integer; out dx, dy: Integer; out squash: Boolean): Boolean;
+ var
+ u0, u1: Single;
+ tex, tey: Integer;
+ pdx, pdy: Integer;
+ begin
+ squash := false;
+ dx := 0;
+ dy := 0;
+ pdx := mMovingSpeed.X;
+ pdy := mMovingSpeed.Y;
+ // standing on the platform?
+ if (py+ph = oy) then
+ begin
+ // yes, move with it
+ mapGrid.traceBox(tex, tey, px, py, pw, ph, pdx, pdy, nil, GridTagObstacle);
+ //e_LogWritefln('entity on the platform; tracing=(%s,%s); endpoint=(%s,%s); mustbe=(%s,%s)', [px, py, tex, tey, px+pdx, py+pdy]);
+ // still in platform?
+ squash := g_Collide(tex, tey, pw, ph, nx, ny, Width, Height);
+ dx := tex-px;
+ dy := tey-py;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // not standing on the platform: trace platform to see if it hits the entity
+ // hitedge (for `it`): 0: top; 1: right; 2: bottom; 3: left
+ {
+ if g_Collide(px, py, pw, ph, ox, oy, Width, Height) then
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('entity is embedded: plr=(%s,%s)-(%s,%s); mpl=(%s,%s)-(%s,%s)', [px, py, px+pw-1, py+ph-1, ox, oy, ox+Width-1, oy+Height-1]);
+ end;
+ }
+ if sweepAABB(ox, oy, Width, Height, pdx, pdy, px, py, pw, ph, @u0, nil, @u1) then
+ begin
+ //e_LogWritefln('T: platsweep; u0=%s; u1=%s; hedge=%s; sweepAABB(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', [u0, u1, hedge, ox, oy, Width, Height, pdx, pdy, px-1, py-1, pw+2, ph+2]);
+ // yes, platform hits the entity, push the entity in the direction of the platform
+ u0 := 1.0-u0; // how much path left?
+ pdx := trunc(pdx*u0);
+ pdy := trunc(pdy*u0);
+ //e_LogWritefln(' platsweep; uleft=%s; pd=(%s,%s)', [u0, pdx, pdy]);
+ if (pdx <> 0) or (pdy <> 0) then
+ begin
+ // has some path to go, trace the entity
+ mapGrid.traceBox(tex, tey, px, py, pw, ph, pdx, pdy, nil, GridTagObstacle);
+ //e_LogWritefln(' tracebox: te=(%s,%s)', [tex, tey]);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // no movement
+ tex := px;
+ tey := py;
+ end;
+ // free to push along the whole path, or path was corrected
+ // still in platform?
+ squash := g_Collide(tex, tey, pw, ph, nx, ny, Width, Height);
+ dx := tex-px;
+ dy := tey-py;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ // no collistion, but may be embedded
+ //e_LogWritefln('F: platsweep; u0=%s; u1=%s; sweepAABB(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', [u0, u1, ox, oy, Width, Height, pdx, pdy, px-1, py-1, pw+2, ph+2]);
+ squash := (u1 >= 0.0);
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := (dx <> 0) or (dy <> 0);
+ end;
+ function monCollect (mon: TMonster): Boolean;
+ begin
+ result := false; // don't stop
+ monMoveList[monMoveListUsed] := mon;
+ Inc(monMoveListUsed);
+ end;
function doPush (px, py, pw, ph: Integer; out dx, dy: Integer): Boolean;
// dead players leaves separate body entities, so don't move 'em
if (plr = nil) or not plr.alive then exit;
plr.getMapBox(px, py, pw, ph);
- if (py+ph <> Y) then
+ if (py+ph <> oy) then
// push player
if doPush(px, py, pw, ph, dx, dy) then
- if (px+pw <= X) then exit;
- if (px >= X+Width) then exit;
+ if (px+pw <= ox) then exit;
+ if (px >= ox+Width) then exit;
plr.GameX := plr.GameX+mMovingSpeed.X;
plr.GameY := plr.GameY+mMovingSpeed.Y;
px := gib.Obj.X;
py := gib.Obj.Y;
- if (py+ph <> Y) then
+ if (py+ph <> oy) then
// push gib
if doPush(px, py, pw, ph, dx, dy) then
- if (px+pw <= X) then exit;
- if (px >= X+Width) then exit;
+ if (px+pw <= ox) then exit;
+ if (px >= ox+Width) then exit;
gib.Obj.X += mMovingSpeed.X;
gib.Obj.Y += mMovingSpeed.Y;
if (cor = nil) then exit;
cor.getMapBox(px, py, pw, ph);
- if (py+ph <> Y) then
+ if (py+ph <> oy) then
// push gib
if doPush(px, py, pw, ph, dx, dy) then
- if (px+pw <= X) then exit;
- if (px >= X+Width) then exit;
+ if (px+pw <= ox) then exit;
+ if (px >= ox+Width) then exit;
cor.moveBy(mMovingSpeed.X, mMovingSpeed.Y); // will call `positionChanged()` for us
f: Integer;
+ plr: TPlayer;
+ px, py, pw, ph, pdx, pdy: Integer;
+ squash: Boolean;
mon: TMonster;
- px, py, pw, ph: Integer;
+ sdx, sdy, he: Integer;
+ u0, u1: Single;
- if Enabled and (FCurTexture >= 0) and
+ if (not Enabled) or (Width < 1) or (Height < 1) then exit;
+ if (FCurTexture >= 0) and
(FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].Anim) and
(FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].AnTex <> nil) and
- (Width > 0) and (Height > 0) and (FAlpha < 255) then
+ (FAlpha < 255) then
FCurFrame := FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].AnTex.CurrentFrame;
FCurFrameCount := FTextureIDs[FCurTexture].AnTex.CurrentCounter;
+ // moving platform?
if mMovingActive and (not mMovingSpeed.isZero) and g_dbgpan_mplat_active then
+ (*
+ * collect all monsters and players (aka entities) along the possible platform path
+ * if entity is standing on a platform:
+ * try to move it along the platform path, checking wall collisions
+ * if entity is NOT standing on a platform, but hit with sweeped platform aabb:
+ * try to push entity
+ * if we can't push entity all the way, squash it
+ *)
+ // old rect
+ ox := X;
+ oy := Y;
+ ex := ox+Width-1;
+ ey := ox+Height-1;
+ // new rect
+ nx := ox+mMovingSpeed.X;
+ ny := oy+mMovingSpeed.Y;
+ nex := nx+Width-1;
+ ney := ny+Height-1;
+ // full rect
+ cx0 := nmin(ox, nx);
+ cy0 := nmin(oy, ny);
+ cx1 := nmax(ex, nex);
+ cy1 := nmax(ey, ney);
+ // temporarily turn off this panel, so it won't interfere with collision checks
+ mapGrid.proxyEnabled[proxyId] := false;
+ for f := 0 to High(gPlayers) do
+ begin
+ plr := gPlayers[f];
+ if (plr = nil) or (not plr.alive) then continue;
+ plr.getMapBox(px, py, pw, ph);
+ if tryMPlatMove(px, py, pw, ph, pdx, pdy, squash) then
+ begin
+ // set new position
+ plr.moveBy(pdx, pdy); // this will call `positionChanged()` for us
+ // squash player, if necessary
+ if squash then plr.Damage(15000, 0, 0, 0, HIT_TRAP);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // restore panel state
+ mapGrid.proxyEnabled[proxyId] := true;
+ // and really move it
+ X := nx;
+ Y := ny;
+ positionChanged();
+ // reverse moving direction, if necessary
+ if (mMovingSpeed.X < 0) and (nx <= mMovingStart.X) then mMovingSpeed.X := -mMovingSpeed.X
+ else if (mMovingSpeed.X > 0) and (nx >= mMovingEnd.X) then mMovingSpeed.X := -mMovingSpeed.X;
+ if (mMovingSpeed.Y < 0) and (ny <= mMovingStart.Y) then mMovingSpeed.Y := -mMovingSpeed.Y
+ else if (mMovingSpeed.Y > 0) and (ny >= mMovingEnd.Y) then mMovingSpeed.Y := -mMovingSpeed.Y;
+ (*
+ // collect monsters
monMoveListUsed := 0;
- nx := X+mMovingSpeed.X;
- ny := Y+mMovingSpeed.Y;
+ g_Mons_ForEachAt(cx0, cy0, cx1-cx0+1, cy1-cy0+1, monCollect);
+ // process collected monsters
// move monsters on lifts
- g_Mons_ForEachAt(X, Y-1, Width, 1, monMove);
+ g_Mons_ForEachAt(ox, oy-1, Width, 1, monMove);
X := nx;
Y := ny;
// fix grid
// push monsters
g_Mons_ForEachAt(nx, ny, Width, Height, monPush);
// move and push players
- for f := 0 to High(gPlayers) do plrMove(gPlayers[f]);
+ for f := 0 to High(gPlayers) do
+ begin
+ gPlayers[f].getMapBox(px, py, pw, ph);
+ //if sweepAABB(ox, oy, Width, Height, mMovingSpeed.X, mMovingSpeed.Y, px, py, pw, ph, @u0, @u1) then
+ //if sweepAABB(ox, oy, Width, Height, mMovingSpeed.X, mMovingSpeed.Y, px, py, pw, ph, @u0, @u1) then
+ sdx := -mMovingSpeed.X;
+ sdy := -mMovingSpeed.Y;
+ if sweepAABB(ox, oy, Width, Height, mMovingSpeed.X, mMovingSpeed.Y, px, py, pw, ph, @u0, @he, @u1) then
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln('player #%s sweep with platform %s: u0=%s; u1=%s; phe=%s', [f, mGUID, u0, u1, he]);
+ if (u1 > 0.0) then
+ begin
+ e_LogWritefln(' collide: %s', [g_Collide(px, py, pw, ph, nx, ny, Width, Height)]);
+ //gPlayers[f].GameX := gPlayers[f].GameX+trunc(sdx*(1.0-u0));
+ //gPlayers[f].GameY := gPlayers[f].GameY+trunc(mMovingSpeed.Y*(1.0-u0));
+ //gPlayers[f].positionChanged();
+ end;
+ end;
+ //plrMove(gPlayers[f]);
+ end;
// move and push gibs
for f := 0 to High(gGibs) do gibMove(@gGibs[f]);
// move and push corpses
for f := 0 to High(gCorpses) do corpseMove(gCorpses[f]);
- // reverse moving direction, if necessary
- if (mMovingSpeed.X < 0) and (nx <= mMovingStart.X) then mMovingSpeed.X := -mMovingSpeed.X
- else if (mMovingSpeed.X > 0) and (nx >= mMovingEnd.X) then mMovingSpeed.X := -mMovingSpeed.X;
- if (mMovingSpeed.Y < 0) and (ny <= mMovingStart.Y) then mMovingSpeed.Y := -mMovingSpeed.Y
- else if (mMovingSpeed.Y > 0) and (ny >= mMovingEnd.Y) then mMovingSpeed.Y := -mMovingSpeed.Y;
// notify moved monsters about their movement
for f := 0 to monMoveListUsed-1 do
+ *)
diff --git a/src/game/g_player.pas b/src/game/g_player.pas
index afd5b7af33fbbf7a596800a70fa1e721ee957c3d..06ae6e50340317cda52f96b1b34228d50c48f18c 100644 (file)
--- a/src/game/g_player.pas
+++ b/src/game/g_player.pas
procedure positionChanged (); //WARNING! call this after entity position was changed, or coldet will not work right!
procedure getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline;
+ procedure moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline;
property Vel: TPoint2i read FObj.Vel;
Obj: TObj;
procedure getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline;
+ procedure moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline;
procedure positionChanged (); inline; //WARNING! call this after entity position was changed, or coldet will not work right!
Obj: TObj;
procedure getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline;
+ procedure moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline;
procedure positionChanged (); inline; //WARNING! call this after entity position was changed, or coldet will not work right!
procedure LoadState(var Mem: TBinMemoryReader);
procedure getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline;
procedure moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline;
procedure positionChanged (); inline; //WARNING! call this after entity position was changed, or coldet will not work right!
h := Obj.Rect.Height;
+procedure TGib.moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline;
+ if (dx <> 0) or (dy <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Obj.X += dx;
+ Obj.Y += dy;
+ positionChanged();
+ end;
procedure TShell.getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline;
x := Obj.X;
h := Obj.Rect.Height;
+procedure TShell.moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline;
+ if (dx <> 0) or (dy <> 0) then
+ begin
+ Obj.X += dx;
+ Obj.Y += dy;
+ positionChanged();
+ end;
procedure TGib.positionChanged (); inline; begin end;
procedure TShell.positionChanged (); inline; begin end;
procedure g_Player_DrawCorpses();
i: Integer;
if mon = nil then
s := '?'
- s := g_Monsters_GetKilledBy(mon.MonsterType);
+ s := g_Mons_GetKilledByTypeId(mon.MonsterType);
case KillType of
if FKeys[b].Time = 0 then FKeys[b].Pressed := False else Dec(FKeys[b].Time);
procedure TPlayer.getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline;
h := PLAYER_RECT.Height;
+procedure TPlayer.moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline;
+ if (dx <> 0) or (dy <> 0) then
+ begin
+ FObj.X += dx;
+ FObj.Y += dy;
+ positionChanged();
+ end;
function TPlayer.Collide(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean;
Result := g_Collide(FObj.X+PLAYER_RECT.X,
procedure TCorpse.Damage(Value: Word; vx, vy: Integer);
pm: TPlayerModel;