summary | shortlog | log | commit | commitdiff | tree
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 6213f51)
raw | patch | inline | side by side (parent: 6213f51)
author | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Wed, 20 Jul 2022 22:09:12 +0000 (01:09 +0300) | ||
committer | DeaDDooMER <> | |
Fri, 9 Jun 2023 08:58:15 +0000 (11:58 +0300) |
src/game/renders/opengl/r_render.pas | patch | blob | history |
index 5c03ef31c16a70021d246e1dfcd88d2240e9d4e9..792606e6fd1dff8c4633ad709608e4ff9d8f710b 100644 (file)
SysUtils, Classes, Math,
- e_log, utils,
- g_game, g_map, g_options, g_console, g_player, g_weapons, g_language,
+ e_log, utils, wadreader,
+ g_game, g_map, g_options, g_console, g_player, g_weapons, g_language, g_triggers,
g_net, g_netmaster,
r_draw, r_textures, r_fonts, r_common, r_console, r_map
r_Render_DrawTexture(f, x + w - 16, y + 240 - 32 - 4, f.width, f.height, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTUP);
- r_Render_DrawText(IntToStr(gTeamStat[TEAM_BLUE].Score), x + w - 16 - fw, y + 240 - 32 - 4, TEAMCOLOR[TEAM_RED].R, TEAMCOLOR[TEAM_RED].G, TEAMCOLOR[TEAM_RED].B, 255, menufont, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTUP);
+ r_Render_DrawText(IntToStr(gTeamStat[TEAM_BLUE].Score), x + w - 16 - fw, y + 240 - 32 - 4, TEAMCOLOR[TEAM_BLUE].R, TEAMCOLOR[TEAM_BLUE].G, TEAMCOLOR[TEAM_BLUE].B, 255, menufont, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTUP);
if gGameSettings.GameType in [GT_CUSTOM, GT_SERVER, GT_CLIENT] then
+ function r_Render_TimeToStr (t: LongWord): AnsiString;
+ var h, m, s: Integer;
+ begin
+ h := t div 1000 div 3600;
+ m := t div 1000 div 60 mod 60;
+ s := t div 1000 mod 60;
+ result := Format('%d:%.2d:%.2d', [h, m, s]);
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_DrawStatsColumns (stat: TPlayerStatArray; x, y, w, w1, w2, w3, w4: Integer);
+ var i, cw, ch, yy, team: Integer; r, g, b, rr, gg, bb: Byte; s: AnsiString;
+ begin
+ ASSERT(stat <> nil);
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize('W', stdfont, cw, ch);
+ yy := y;
+ if gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF] then
+ begin
+ for team := TEAM_RED to TEAM_BLUE do
+ begin
+ case team of
+ begin
+ s := _lc[I_GAME_TEAM_RED];
+ r := 255; g := 0; b := 0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ s := _lc[I_GAME_TEAM_BLUE];
+ r := 0; g := 0; b := 255;
+ end;
+ end;
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x, yy, r, g, b, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ r_Render_DrawText(IntToStr(gTeamStat[team].Score), x + w1, yy, r, g, b, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ INC(yy, ch);
+ INC(yy, ch div 4);
+ r_Draw_FillRect(x, yy, x + w - 1, yy, r, g, b, 255);
+ INC(yy, ch div 4);
+ for i := 0 to High(stat) do
+ begin
+ if stat[i].Team = team then
+ begin
+ rr := r; gg := g; bb := b;
+ if stat[i].Spectator then
+ begin
+ rr := r div 2; gg := g div 2; bb := b div 2;
+ end;
+ // Player name
+ if gShowPIDs then s := Format('[%5d] %s', [stat[i].UID, stat[i].Name]) else s := stat[i].Name;
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x, yy, rr, gg, bb, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ // Player ping/loss
+ s := Format(_lc[I_GAME_PING_MS], [stat[i].Ping, stat[i].Loss]);
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w1, yy, rr, gg, bb, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ // Player frags
+ s := IntToStr(stat[i].Frags);
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w1 + w2, yy, rr, gg, bb, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ // Player deaths
+ s := IntToStr(stat[i].Deaths);
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w1 + w2 + w3, yy, rr, gg, bb, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ INC(yy, ch);
+ end;
+ end;
+ INC(yy, ch);
+ end;
+ end
+ else if gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_DM, GM_COOP] then
+ begin
+ r_Render_DrawText(_lc[I_GAME_PLAYER_NAME], x, yy, 255, 127, 0, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ r_Render_DrawText(_lc[I_GAME_PING], x + w1, yy, 255, 127, 0, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ r_Render_DrawText(_lc[I_GAME_FRAGS], x + w1 + w2, yy, 255, 127, 0, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ r_Render_DrawText(_lc[I_GAME_DEATHS], x + w1 + w2 + w3, yy, 255, 127, 0, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ INC(yy, ch + 8);
+ for i := 0 to High(stat) do
+ begin
+ rr := 255; gg := 127; bb := 0;
+ if stat[i].Spectator then
+ begin
+ rr := 127; gg := 63; bb := 0;
+ end;
+ // Player color
+ r_Draw_Rect(x, yy, x + 16 - 1, yy + 16 - 1, 192, 192, 192, 255);
+ r_Draw_FillRect(x + 1, yy + 1, x + 16 - 1, yy + 16 - 1, stat[i].Color.R, stat[i].Color.G, stat[i].Color.B, 255);
+ // Player name
+ if gShowPIDs then s := Format('[%5d] %s', [stat[i].UID, stat[i].Name]) else s := stat[i].Name;
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + 16 + 8, yy, 192, 192, 192, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ // Player ping/loss
+ s := Format(_lc[I_GAME_PING_MS], [stat[i].Ping, stat[i].Loss]);
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w1, yy, rr, gg, bb, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ // Player frags
+ s := IntToStr(stat[i].Frags);
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w1 + w2, yy, rr, gg, bb, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ // Player deaths
+ s := IntToStr(stat[i].Deaths);
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w1 + w2 + w3, yy, rr, gg, bb, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ INC(yy, ch + 8);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure r_Render_DrawStats;
+ var x, y, w, h, cw, ch, players, w1, w2, w3, w4: Integer; s: AnsiString; stat: TPlayerStatArray;
+ begin
+ players := g_Player_GetCount();
+ r_Draw_GetTextSize('W', stdfont, cw, ch);
+ w := gScreenWidth - (gScreenWidth div 5);
+ h := IfThen(gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF], 32 + ch * (11 + players), 40 + ch * 5 + (ch + 8) * players);
+ x := (gScreenWidth div 2) - (w div 2);
+ y := (gScreenHeight div 2) - (h div 2);
+ r_Draw_FillRect(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1, 64, 64, 64, 224);
+ r_Draw_Rect(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1, 255, 127, 0, 255);
+ case NetMode of
+ NET_CLIENT: s := NetClientIP + ':' + IntToStr(NetClientPort);
+ otherwise s := '';
+ end;
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + 16, y + 8, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ case gGameSettings.GameMode of
+ GM_DM: if gGameSettings.MaxLives = 0 then s := _lc[I_GAME_DM] else s := _lc[I_GAME_LMS];
+ GM_TDM: if gGameSettings.MaxLives = 0 then s := _lc[I_GAME_TDM] else s := _lc[I_GAME_TLMS];
+ GM_CTF: s := _lc[I_GAME_CTF];
+ GM_COOP: if gGameSettings.MaxLives = 0 then s := _lc[I_GAME_COOP] else s := _lc[I_GAME_SURV];
+ otherwise s := 'Game mode ' + IntToStr(gGameSettings.GameMode);
+ end;
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w div 2, y + 8, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_UP);
+ r_Render_DrawText(r_Render_TimeToStr(gTime), x + w - 16, y + 8, 255, 255, 255, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTUP);
+ s := g_ExtractWadNameNoPath(gMapInfo.Map) + ':\' + g_ExtractFileName(gMapInfo.Map) + ' - ' + gMapInfo.Name;
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w div 2, y + 8 + 24, 200, 200, 200, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_UP);
+ case gGameSettings.GameMode of
+ GM_DM, GM_TDM: s := Format(_lc[I_GAME_FRAG_LIMIT], [gGameSettings.ScoreLimit]);
+ GM_CTF: s := Format(_lc[I_GAME_SCORE_LIMIT], [gGameSettings.ScoreLimit]);
+ GM_COOP: s := _lc[I_GAME_MONSTERS] + ' ' + IntToStr(gCoopMonstersKilled) + '/' + IntToStr(gTotalMonsters);
+ otherwise s := '';
+ end;
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + 16, y + 8 + 48, 200, 200, 200, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_LEFTUP);
+ case gGameSettings.GameMode of
+ GM_DM, GM_TDM, GM_CTF: s := Format(_lc[I_GAME_TIME_LIMIT], [gGameSettings.TimeLimit div 3600, (gGameSettings.TimeLimit div 60) mod 60, gGameSettings.TimeLimit mod 60]);
+ GM_COOP: s := _lc[I_GAME_SECRETS] + ' ' + IntToStr(gCoopSecretsFound) + '/' + IntToStr(gSecretsCount);
+ otherwise s := '';
+ end;
+ r_Render_DrawText(s, x + w - 16, y + 8 + 48, 200, 200, 200, 255, stdfont, TBasePoint.BP_RIGHTUP);
+ if players > 0 then
+ begin
+ stat := g_Player_GetStats();
+ SortGameStat(stat);
+ w2 := (w - 16) div 6 + 48;
+ w3 := (w - 16) div 6;
+ w4 := w3;
+ w1 := w - 16 - w2 - w3 - w4;
+ r_Render_DrawStatsColumns(stat, x + 16, y + 8 + 80, w - 16, w1, w2, w3, w4);
+ end;
+ end;
procedure r_Render_Draw;
if gExit = EXIT_QUIT then
// TODO draw holmes inspector
// TODO draw messages
- // TODO draw stats (?)
+ if IsDrawStat or (gSpectMode = SPECT_STATS) then
+ r_Render_DrawStats;
// TODO draw spectator hud