(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE a_modes.inc} {.$DEFINE IDPOOL_CHECKS} unit idpool; interface // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // type //TODO: implement getting n sequential ids TIdPool = class(TObject) public const InvalidId = $ffffffff; private type TRange = packed record first, last: LongWord; end; private mRanges: array of TRange; // available ids; sorted mRangeUsed: Integer; // used elements in `mRanges` mMaxId: LongWord; mUsedIds: Integer; private function findRangeWithId (aid: LongWord): Integer; function getHasFreeId (aid: LongWord): Boolean; function getHasAllocedId (aid: LongWord): Boolean; function getFreeIds (): Integer; inline; function getCapacity (): Integer; inline; public constructor Create (amax: LongWord=$7fffffff); destructor Destroy (); override; procedure clear (); // returns InvalidId if there are no more free ids (or throws) function alloc (dothrow: Boolean=true): LongWord; // it is NOT ok to release already released id procedure release (aid: LongWord); procedure dump (); procedure check (); public property hasFree[aid: LongWord]: Boolean read getHasFreeId; property hasAlloced[aid: LongWord]: Boolean read getHasAllocedId; property maxId: LongWord read mMaxId; property usedIds: Integer read mUsedIds; property freeIds: Integer read getFreeIds; property usedRanges: Integer read mRangeUsed; property capacity: Integer read getCapacity; end; implementation uses SysUtils; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor TIdPool.Create (amax: LongWord=$7fffffff); begin if (amax = InvalidId) then amax := InvalidId-1; mMaxId := amax; clear(); end; destructor TIdPool.Destroy (); begin mRanges := nil; inherited; end; procedure TIdPool.dump (); var f: Integer; begin writeln('=== idpool: ', mRangeUsed, ' ranges ==='); for f := 0 to mRangeUsed-1 do begin writeln(' #', f, ': [', mRanges[f].first, '-', mRanges[f].last, ']'); if (mRanges[f].last+1 = mRanges[f].first) then raise Exception.Create('unmerged ranges'); if (f > 0) and (mRanges[f-1].last >= mRanges[f].first) then raise Exception.Create('invalid range order'); if (f > 0) and (mRanges[f-1].last+1 = mRanges[f].first) then raise Exception.Create('unmerged ranges'); end; writeln('-----------'); end; procedure TIdPool.check (); var f: Integer; begin for f := 0 to mRangeUsed-1 do begin if (mRanges[f].first > mRanges[f].last) then raise Exception.Create('invalid range'); if (mRanges[f].first > mMaxId) then raise Exception.Create('invalid range'); if (mRanges[f].last > mMaxId) then raise Exception.Create('invalid range'); if (f > 0) and (mRanges[f-1].last >= mRanges[f].first) then raise Exception.Create('invalid range order'); if (f > 0) and (mRanges[f-1].last+1 = mRanges[f].first) then raise Exception.Create('unmerged ranges'); end; end; procedure TIdPool.clear (); begin SetLength(mRanges, 64); mRanges[0].first := 0; mRanges[0].last := mMaxId; mRangeUsed := 1; mUsedIds := 0; end; function TIdPool.getFreeIds (): Integer; inline; begin result := Integer(mMaxId+1-mUsedIds); end; function TIdPool.getCapacity (): Integer; inline; begin result := Length(mRanges); end; function TIdPool.findRangeWithId (aid: LongWord): Integer; var len, bot, mid, i: Integer; ls, le: LongWord; begin result := -1; if (aid > mMaxId) then exit; // -1: not found len := mRangeUsed; if (len <= 0) then exit; if (len = 1) then begin result := 0; exit; end; // yay! use binary search to find the range bot := 0; i := len-1; while (bot <> i) do begin mid := i-(i-bot) div 2; //!assert((mid >= 0) and (mid < len)); ls := mRanges[mid].first; le := mRanges[mid+1].first; if (aid >= ls) and (aid < le) then begin result := mid; exit; end; // i found her! if (aid < ls) then i := mid-1 else bot := mid; end; result := i; end; function TIdPool.getHasFreeId (aid: LongWord): Boolean; inline; var ii: Integer; begin result := false; if (aid > mMaxId) then exit; ii := findRangeWithId(aid); if (ii < 0) then exit; result := (aid >= mRanges[ii].first) and (aid <= mRanges[ii].last); end; function TIdPool.getHasAllocedId (aid: LongWord): Boolean; inline; var ii: Integer; begin result := false; if (aid > mMaxId) then exit; ii := findRangeWithId(aid); if (ii >= 0) then result := not ((aid >= mRanges[ii].first) and (aid <= mRanges[ii].last)) else result := true; end; // returns InvalidId if there are no more free ids (or throws) function TIdPool.alloc (dothrow: Boolean=true): LongWord; var c: Integer; begin if (mRangeUsed = 0) then begin // no more ids if dothrow then raise Exception.Create('TIdPool: no more free ids'); result := InvalidId; exit; end; result := mRanges[0].first; // delete first range? if (mRanges[0].last = result) then begin for c := 1 to mRangeUsed-1 do mRanges[c-1] := mRanges[c]; Dec(mRangeUsed); end else begin Inc(mRanges[0].first); end; Inc(mUsedIds); {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_CHECKS)}check();{$ENDIF} end; // it is NOT ok to release already released id procedure TIdPool.release (aid: LongWord); var ii, c: Integer; begin if (aid > mMaxId) then raise Exception.Create(Format('TIdPool: cannot release invalid id %u', [aid])); // no available ids? if (mRangeUsed = 0) then begin // just create new range if (Length(mRanges) = 0) then SetLength(mRanges, 64); mRanges[0].first := aid; mRanges[0].last := aid; mRangeUsed := 1; Dec(mUsedIds); {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_CHECKS)}check();{$ENDIF} exit; end; // before first available id? if (aid < mRanges[0].first) then begin // can we grow first range? if (aid+1 = mRanges[0].first) then begin // yep mRanges[0].first := aid; end else begin // nope, insert new first range if (mRangeUsed+1 > Length(mRanges)) then SetLength(mRanges, Length(mRanges)*2); assert(mRangeUsed < Length(mRanges)); for c := mRangeUsed downto 1 do mRanges[c] := mRanges[c-1]; Inc(mRangeUsed); mRanges[0].first := aid; mRanges[0].last := aid; end; Dec(mUsedIds); {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_CHECKS)}check();{$ENDIF} exit; end; // after last available id? if (aid > mRanges[mRangeUsed-1].last) then begin // can we grow last range? if (aid-1 = mRanges[mRangeUsed-1].last) then begin // yep mRanges[mRangeUsed-1].last := aid; end else begin // nope, insert new last range if (mRangeUsed+1 > Length(mRanges)) then SetLength(mRanges, Length(mRanges)*2); assert(mRangeUsed < Length(mRanges)); mRanges[mRangeUsed].first := aid; mRanges[mRangeUsed].last := aid; Inc(mRangeUsed); end; Dec(mUsedIds); {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_CHECKS)}check();{$ENDIF} exit; end; // alas, no more easy cases; find the nearest range ii := findRangeWithId(aid); if (ii < 0) then raise Exception.Create(Format('TIdPool: cannot release invalid id %u', [aid])); if (aid >= mRanges[ii].first) and (aid <= mRanges[ii].last) then raise Exception.Create(Format('TIdPool: cannot release unallocated id %u', [aid])); // ii should contain range where `first` is less than `aid` assert(mRanges[ii].first < aid); assert(mRanges[ii].last < aid); {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}writeln('aid=', aid, '; ii=', ii, ': [', mRanges[ii].first, '-', mRanges[ii].last, ']');{$ENDIF} // can grow this range at the end? if (mRanges[ii].last+1 = aid) then begin {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}writeln(' endgrow');{$ENDIF} // yep; can merge ranges? if (ii+1 < mRangeUsed) and (aid+1 = mRanges[ii+1].first) then begin // merge {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}writeln(' endmerge');{$ENDIF} mRanges[ii].last := mRanges[ii+1].last; for c := ii+2 to mRangeUsed do mRanges[c-1] := mRanges[c]; Dec(mRangeUsed); end else begin // change {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}writeln(' endchange');{$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_DEBUG_DUMPS)}if (ii+1 < mRangeUsed) then writeln(' ii+1=', ii+1, ': [', mRanges[ii+1].first, '-', mRanges[ii+1].last, ']');{$ENDIF} mRanges[ii].last := aid; end; Dec(mUsedIds); {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_CHECKS)}check();{$ENDIF} exit; end; // can grow next range at the start? if (ii+1 < mRangeUsed) and (aid+1 = mRanges[ii+1].first) then begin // yep; can merge ranges? if (mRanges[ii].last+1 = mRanges[ii+1].first) then begin // merge mRanges[ii].last := mRanges[ii+1].last; for c := ii+2 to mRangeUsed do mRanges[c-1] := mRanges[c]; Dec(mRangeUsed); end else begin // change mRanges[ii+1].first := aid; end; Dec(mUsedIds); {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_CHECKS)}check();{$ENDIF} exit; end; // cannot grow anything, insert empty range after ii if (mRangeUsed = Length(mRanges)) then SetLength(mRanges, Length(mRanges)*2); for c := mRangeUsed downto ii do mRanges[c+1] := mRanges[c]; Inc(ii); mRanges[ii].first := aid; mRanges[ii].last := aid; Inc(mRangeUsed); Dec(mUsedIds); {$IF DEFINED(IDPOOL_CHECKS)}check();{$ENDIF} end; end.