(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) // grouping files with packing: // zip, pk3: PKZIP-compatible archives (store, deflate) // dfwad : D2D:F wad archives // {.$DEFINE SFS_DEBUG_ZIPFS} {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} {$SCOPEDENUMS OFF} {.$R+} unit sfsZipFS; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Contnrs, sfs; type TSFSZipVolumeType = (sfszvNone, sfszvZIP, sfszvDFWAD); TSFSZipVolume = class(TSFSVolume) protected fType: TSFSZipVolumeType; procedure ZIPReadDirectory (); procedure DFWADReadDirectory (); procedure ReadDirectory (); override; public function OpenFileByIndex (const index: Integer): TStream; override; end; TSFSZipVolumeFactory = class(TSFSVolumeFactory) public function IsMyVolumePrefix (const prefix: AnsiString): Boolean; override; function Produce (const prefix, fileName: AnsiString; st: TStream): TSFSVolume; override; procedure Recycle (vol: TSFSVolume); override; end; implementation uses xstreams, utils; type TSFSZipFileInfo = class(TSFSFileInfo) public fMethod: Byte; // 0: store; 8: deflate; 255: other fPackSz: Int64; // can be -1 end; TZLocalFileHeader = packed record version: Byte; hostOS: Byte; flags: Word; method: Word; time: LongWord; crc: LongWord; packSz: LongWord; unpackSz: LongWord; fnameSz: Word; localExtraSz: Word; end; procedure readLFH (st: TStream; var hdr: TZLocalFileHeader); {.$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} begin hdr.version := readByte(st); hdr.hostOS := readByte(st); hdr.flags := readWord(st); hdr.method := readWord(st); hdr.time := readLongWord(st); hdr.crc := readLongWord(st); hdr.packSz := readLongWord(st); hdr.unpackSz := readLongWord(st); hdr.fnameSz := readWord(st); hdr.localExtraSz := readWord(st); end; function ZIPCheckMagic (st: TStream): Boolean; var sign: packed array [0..3] of Char; begin result := false; st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 4); st.Seek(-4, soCurrent); if (sign <> 'PK'#3#4) and (sign <> 'PK'#5#6) then exit; result := true; end; function DFWADCheckMagic (st: TStream): Boolean; var sign: packed array [0..5] of Char; begin result := false; if st.Size < 10 then exit; st.ReadBuffer(sign[0], 6); {fcnt :=} readWord(st); st.Seek(-8, soCurrent); if (sign[0] <> 'D') and (sign[1] <> 'F') and (sign[2] <> 'W') and (sign[3] <> 'A') and (sign[4] <> 'D') and (sign[5] <> #$01) then exit; result := true; end; { TSFSZipVolume } procedure TSFSZipVolume.ZIPReadDirectory (); var fi: TSFSZipFileInfo; fname: AnsiString = ''; sign: packed array [0..3] of Char; lhdr: TZLocalFileHeader; ignoreFile: Boolean; efid, efsz: Word; izver: Byte; izcrc: LongWord; buf: PByte; bufsz, f: Integer; cdofs, hdrofs: Int64; cdsize: LongWord; fileOffsets: array of Int64 = nil; nameLen, extraLen, commentLen: Word; fileIdx: Integer = -1; begin // search for central dir pointer if fFileStream.size > 65636 then bufsz := 65636 else bufsz := fFileStream.size; fFileStream.position := fFileStream.size-bufsz; GetMem(buf, bufsz); cdofs := -1; cdsize := 0; try fFileStream.readBuffer(buf^, bufsz); for f := bufsz-16 downto 4 do begin if (buf[f-4] = ord('P')) and (buf[f-3] = ord('K')) and (buf[f-2] = 5) and (buf[f-1] = 6) then begin cdsize := LongWord(buf[f+8])+(LongWord(buf[f+9])<<8)+(LongWord(buf[f+10])<<16)+(LongWord(buf[f+11])<<24); cdofs := Int64(buf[f+12])+(Int64(buf[f+13])<<8)+(Int64(buf[f+14])<<16)+(Int64(buf[f+15])<<24); break; end; end; finally FreeMem(buf); end; if (cdofs >= 0) and (cdsize > 0) then begin // wow, we got central directory! process it fFileStream.position := cdofs; while cdsize >= 4 do begin Dec(cdsize, 4); fFileStream.readBuffer(sign, 4); if sign = 'PK'#1#2 then begin if cdsize < 42 then break; Dec(cdsize, 42); // skip uninteresting fields fFileStream.seek(2+2+2+2+2+2+4+4+4, soCurrent); nameLen := readWord(fFileStream); extraLen := readWord(fFileStream); commentLen := readWord(fFileStream); // skip uninteresting fields fFileStream.seek(2+2+4, soCurrent); hdrofs := readLongWord(fFileStream); // now skip name, extra and comment if cdsize < nameLen+extraLen+commentLen then break; Dec(cdsize, nameLen+extraLen+commentLen); fFileStream.seek(nameLen+extraLen+commentLen, soCurrent); SetLength(fileOffsets, length(fileOffsets)+1); fileOffsets[high(fileOffsets)] := hdrofs; //writeln('file #', high(fileOffsets), ' found at ', hdrofs); end else if sign = 'PK'#7#8 then begin if cdsize < 3*4 then break; Dec(cdsize, 3*4); fFileStream.seek(3*4, soCurrent); end else begin break; end; end; if length(fileOffsets) = 0 then exit; // no files at all fileIdx := 0; end else begin fFileStream.position := 0; end; // read local directory repeat if fileIdx >= 0 then begin if fileIdx > High(fileOffsets) then break; //writeln('reading file #', fileIdx, ' at ', fileOffsets[fileIdx]); fFileStream.position := fileOffsets[fileIdx]; Inc(fileIdx); end; while true do begin fFileStream.ReadBuffer(sign[0], Length(sign)); // skip data descriptor if sign = 'PK'#7#8 then begin fFileStream.seek(3*4, soCurrent); continue; end; break; end; if sign <> 'PK'#3#4 then break; ignoreFile := false; readLFH(fFileStream, lhdr); fi := TSFSZipFileInfo.Create(self); fi.fPackSz := 0; fi.fMethod := 0; SetLength(fname, lhdr.fnameSz); if lhdr.fnameSz > 0 then begin fFileStream.ReadBuffer(fname[1], length(fname)); fi.fName := utf8to1251(fname); end; // here we should process extra field: it may contain utf8 filename while lhdr.localExtraSz >= 4 do begin efid := readWord(fFileStream); efsz := readWord(fFileStream); Dec(lhdr.localExtraSz, 4); if efsz > lhdr.localExtraSz then break; // Info-ZIP Unicode Path Extra Field? if (efid = $7075) and (efsz > 5) then begin fFileStream.ReadBuffer(izver, 1); Dec(efsz, 1); Dec(lhdr.localExtraSz, 1); if izver = 1 then begin //writeln('!!!!!!!!!!!!'); Dec(lhdr.localExtraSz, efsz); fFileStream.ReadBuffer(izcrc, 4); // name crc, ignore it for now Dec(efsz, 4); SetLength(fname, efsz); if length(fname) > 0 then fFileStream.readBuffer(fname[1], length(fname)); fi.fName := utf8to1251(fname); //writeln('++++++ [', fi.fName, ']'); efsz := 0; end; end; // skip it if efsz > 0 then begin fFileStream.Seek(efsz, soCurrent); Dec(lhdr.localExtraSz, efsz); end; end; // skip the rest if lhdr.localExtraSz > 0 then fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.localExtraSz, soCurrent); if (lhdr.flags and 1) <> 0 then begin // encrypted file: skip it ignoreFile := true; end; if (lhdr.method <> 0) and (lhdr.method <> 8) then begin // not stored. not deflated. skip. ignoreFile := true; end; if (length(fi.fName) = 0) or (fname[length(fi.fName)] = '/') or (fname[length(fi.fName)] = '\') then begin ignoreFile := true; end else begin for f := 1 to length(fi.fName) do if fi.fName[f] = '\' then fi.fName[f] := '/'; end; fi.fOfs := fFileStream.Position; fi.fSize := lhdr.unpackSz; fi.fPackSz := lhdr.packSz; fi.fMethod := lhdr.method; if fi.fMethod = 0 then fi.fPackSz := fi.fSize; // skip packed data if fileIdx < 0 then fFileStream.Seek(lhdr.packSz, soCurrent); if ignoreFile then fi.Free(); until false; (* if (sign <> 'PK'#1#2) and (sign <> 'PK'#5#6) then begin {$IFDEF SFS_DEBUG_ZIPFS} WriteLn(ErrOutput, 'end: $', IntToHex(fFileStream.Position, 8)); WriteLn(ErrOutput, 'sign: $', sign[0], sign[1], '#', ord(sign[2]), '#', ord(sign[3])); {$ENDIF} raise ESFSError.Create('invalid .ZIP archive (no central dir)'); end; *) end; procedure TSFSZipVolume.DFWADReadDirectory (); // idiotic format var fcnt: Word; fi: TSFSZipFileInfo; f, c: Integer; fofs, fpksize: LongWord; curpath, fname: string; name: packed array [0..15] of Char; begin curpath := ''; fFileStream.Seek(6, soCurrent); // skip signature fcnt := readWord(fFileStream); if fcnt = 0 then exit; // read files for f := 0 to fcnt-1 do begin fFileStream.ReadBuffer(name[0], 16); fofs := readLongWord(fFileStream); fpksize := readLongWord(fFileStream); c := 0; fname := ''; while (c < 16) and (name[c] <> #0) do begin if name[c] = '\' then name[c] := '/' else if name[c] = '/' then name[c] := '_'; fname := fname+name[c]; Inc(c); end; // new directory? if (fofs = 0) and (fpksize = 0) then begin if length(fname) <> 0 then fname := fname+'/'; curpath := fname; continue; end; if length(fname) = 0 then continue; // just in case //writeln('DFWAD: [', curpath, '] [', fname, '] at ', fofs, ', size ', fpksize); // create file record fi := TSFSZipFileInfo.Create(self); fi.fOfs := fofs; fi.fSize := -1; fi.fPackSz := fpksize; fi.fName := fname; fi.fPath := curpath; fi.fMethod := 255; end; end; procedure TSFSZipVolume.ReadDirectory (); begin case fType of sfszvZIP: ZIPReadDirectory(); sfszvDFWAD: DFWADReadDirectory(); else raise ESFSError.Create('invalid archive'); end; end; function TSFSZipVolume.OpenFileByIndex (const index: Integer): TStream; var rs: TStream; begin result := nil; rs := nil; if fFiles = nil then exit; if (index < 0) or (index >= fFiles.Count) or (fFiles[index] = nil) then exit; try if TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fMethod = 0 then begin result := TSFSPartialStream.Create(fFileStream, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fOfs, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fSize, false); end else begin rs := TSFSPartialStream.Create(fFileStream, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fOfs, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fPackSz, false); result := TUnZStream.Create(rs, TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fSize, true, (TSFSZipFileInfo(fFiles[index]).fMethod <> 255)); end; except FreeAndNil(rs); result := nil; exit; end; end; { TSFSZipVolumeFactory } function TSFSZipVolumeFactory.IsMyVolumePrefix (const prefix: AnsiString): Boolean; begin result := StrEquCI1251(prefix, 'zip') or StrEquCI1251(prefix, 'pk3') or StrEquCI1251(prefix, 'dfwad'); end; procedure TSFSZipVolumeFactory.Recycle (vol: TSFSVolume); begin vol.Free(); end; function TSFSZipVolumeFactory.Produce (const prefix, fileName: AnsiString; st: TStream): TSFSVolume; var vt: TSFSZipVolumeType; begin vt := sfszvNone; if ZIPCheckMagic(st) then vt := sfszvZIP else if DFWADCheckMagic(st) then vt := sfszvDFWAD; if vt <> sfszvNone then begin result := TSFSZipVolume.Create(fileName, st); TSFSZipVolume(result).fType := vt; try result.DoDirectoryRead(); except {$IFDEF SFS_DEBUG_ZIPFS} on e: Exception do begin WriteLn(errOutput, 'ZIP ERROR: [', e.ClassName, ']: ', e.Message); {$ENDIF} FreeAndNil(result); raise; {$IFDEF SFS_DEBUG_ZIPFS}end;{$ENDIF} end; end else begin result := nil; end; end; var zipf: TSFSZipVolumeFactory; initialization zipf := TSFSZipVolumeFactory.Create(); SFSRegisterVolumeFactory(zipf); //finalization // SFSUnregisterVolumeFactory(zipf); end.