(* coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector * Understanding is not required. Only obedience. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../../shared/a_modes.inc} {.$DEFINE UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH} unit gh_ui_style; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, glgfx, xstreams, xparser, utils, hashtable; type TStyleSection = class; TStyleValue = packed record public type TType = (Empty, Bool, Int, Color, Str); public constructor Create (v: Boolean); constructor Create (v: Integer); constructor Create (ar, ag, ab: Integer; aa: Integer=255); constructor Create (const v: TGxRGBA); constructor Create (const v: AnsiString); function isEmpty (): Boolean; inline; function toString (): AnsiString; function asRGBA: TGxRGBA; inline; function asRGBADef (const def: TGxRGBA): TGxRGBA; inline; function asInt (const def: Integer=0): Integer; inline; function asBool (const def: Boolean=false): Boolean; inline; function asStr (const def: AnsiString=''): AnsiString; inline; public vtype: TType; case TType of TType.Bool: (bval: Boolean); TType.Int: (ival: Integer); TType.Color: (r, g, b, a: Byte); TType.Str: (sval: Pointer); // AnsiString end; THashStrStyleVal = specialize THashBase; THashStrSection = specialize THashBase; TStyleSection = class private mParent: TStyleSection; // for inheritance mInherits: AnsiString; mHashName: AnsiString; // for this section mCtlName: AnsiString; // for this section mVals: THashStrStyleVal; mHashes: THashStrSection; mCtls: THashStrSection; private function getTopLevel (): TStyleSection; inline; // "text-color#inactive@label" function getValue (const path: AnsiString): TStyleValue; public constructor Create (); destructor Destroy (); override; function get (name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): TStyleValue; public property value[const path: AnsiString]: TStyleValue read getValue; default; property topLevel: TStyleSection read getTopLevel; end; TUIStyle = class private mId: AnsiString; // style name ('default', for example) mMain: TStyleSection; private procedure createMain (); procedure parse (par: TTextParser); function getValue (const path: AnsiString): TStyleValue; inline; public constructor Create (const aid: AnsiString); constructor Create (st: TStream); // parse from stream constructor CreateFromFile (const fname: AnsiString); destructor Destroy (); override; function get (name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): TStyleValue; public property id: AnsiString read mId; property value[const path: AnsiString]: TStyleValue read getValue; default; end; procedure uiLoadStyles (const fname: AnsiString); procedure uiLoadStyles (st: TStream); // will return "default" (or raise an exception if there is no "default") function uiFindStyle (const stname: AnsiString): TUIStyle; implementation // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // const defaultStyleStr = 'default {'#10+ ' back-color: #008;'#10+ ' #active: { text-color: #fff; frame-color: #fff; frame-text-color: #fff; frame-icon-color: #0f0; }'#10+ ' #inactive: { text-color: #aaa; frame-color: #aaa; frame-text-color: #aaa; frame-icon-color: #0a0; }'#10+ ' #disabled: { text-color: #666; frame-color: #888; frame-text-color: #888; frame-icon-color: #080; }'#10+ ' @simple_text: { text-color: #ff0; #inactive(#active); }'#10+ ' @cb_listbox: { current-item-back-color: #080; text-color: #ff0; #inactive(#active) { current-item-back-color: #000; } }'#10+ ' @window: { #inactive(#active): { darken: 128; } }'#10+ ' @button: { back-color: #999; text-color: #000; hot-color: #600; #active: { back-color: #fff; hot-color: #c00; } #disabled: { back-color: #444; text-color: #333; hot-color: #333; } }'#10+ ' @label: { #active: {back-color: #440;} #inactive(#active); }'#10+ ' @static: { text-color: #ff0; #inactive(#active); }'#10+ ' @box: { #inactive(#active); }'#10+ '}'#10+ ''; var styles: array of TUIStyle = nil; function createDefaultStyle (): TUIStyle; var st: TStream; begin result := nil; st := TStringStream.Create(defaultStyleStr); st.position := 0; try result := TUIStyle.Create(st); finally FreeAndNil(st); end; end; function uiFindStyle (const stname: AnsiString): TUIStyle; var stl: TUIStyle; begin if (Length(stname) > 0) then begin for stl in styles do if (strEquCI1251(stl.mId, stname)) then begin result := stl; exit; end; end; for stl in styles do if (strEquCI1251(stl.mId, 'default')) then begin result := stl; exit; end; stl := createDefaultStyle(); SetLength(styles, Length(styles)+1); styles[High(styles)] := stl; result := stl; end; procedure uiLoadStyles (const fname: AnsiString); var st: TStream; begin st := openDiskFileRO(fname); try uiLoadStyles(st); finally st.Free(); end; end; procedure uiLoadStyles (st: TStream); var par: TTextParser; stl: TUIStyle = nil; f: Integer; begin if (st = nil) then raise Exception.Create('cannot load UI styles from nil stream'); par := TFileTextParser.Create(st, false, [par.TOption.SignedNumbers, par.TOption.DollarIsId, par.TOption.DashIsId, par.TOption.HtmlColors]); styles := nil; try while (not par.isEOF) do begin stl := TUIStyle.Create(''); stl.parse(par); //writeln('new style: <', stl.mId, '>'); f := 0; while (f < Length(styles)) do begin if (strEquCI1251(styles[f].mId, stl.mId)) then break; Inc(f); end; if (f < Length(styles)) then begin FreeAndNil(styles[f]); end else begin f := Length(styles); SetLength(styles, f+1); end; styles[f] := stl; stl := nil; end; finally stl.Free(); par.Free(); end; // we should have "default" style for f := 0 to High(styles) do if (strEquCI1251(styles[f].mId, 'default')) then exit; stl := createDefaultStyle(); SetLength(styles, Length(styles)+1); styles[High(styles)] := stl; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure freeValueCB (var v: TStyleValue); begin if (v.vtype = v.TType.Str) then begin AnsiString(v.sval) := ''; end; v.vtype := v.TType.Empty; end; constructor TStyleValue.Create (v: Boolean); begin vtype := TType.Bool; bval := v; end; constructor TStyleValue.Create (v: Integer); begin vtype := TType.Int; ival := v; end; constructor TStyleValue.Create (const v: AnsiString); begin vtype := TType.Str; sval := Pointer(v); end; constructor TStyleValue.Create (ar, ag, ab: Integer; aa: Integer=255); begin vtype := TType.Color; r := nmax(0, nmin(ar, 255)); g := nmax(0, nmin(ag, 255)); b := nmax(0, nmin(ab, 255)); a := nmax(0, nmin(aa, 255)); end; constructor TStyleValue.Create (const v: TGxRGBA); begin vtype := TType.Color; r := v.r; g := v.g; b := v.b; a := v.a; end; function TStyleValue.isEmpty (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (vtype = TType.Empty); end; function TStyleValue.asRGBA: TGxRGBA; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Color) then result := TGxRGBA.Create(r, g, b, a) else result := TGxRGBA.Create(0, 0, 0, 0); end; function TStyleValue.asRGBADef (const def: TGxRGBA): TGxRGBA; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Color) then result := TGxRGBA.Create(r, g, b, a) else result := def; end; function TStyleValue.asInt (const def: Integer=0): Integer; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Int) then result := ival else if (vtype = TType.Bool) then begin if (bval) then result := 1 else result := 0; end else result := def; end; function TStyleValue.asBool (const def: Boolean=false): Boolean; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Bool) then result := bval else if (vtype = TType.Int) then result := (ival <> 0) else result := def; end; function TStyleValue.asStr (const def: AnsiString=''): AnsiString; inline; begin if (vtype = TType.Str) then result := AnsiString(sval) else result := def; end; function TStyleValue.toString (): AnsiString; begin case vtype of TType.Empty: result := ''; TType.Bool: if bval then result := 'true' else result := 'false'; TType.Int: result := formatstrf('%s', [ival]); TType.Color: if (a = 255) then result := formatstrf('rgb(%s,%s,%s)', [r, g, b]) else result := formatstrf('rgba(%s,%s,%s)', [r, g, b, a]); else result := ''; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure freeSectionCB (var v: TStyleSection); begin FreeAndNil(v); end; function splitPath (const path: AnsiString; out name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): Boolean; var hashPos, atPos: Integer; begin result := false; name := ''; hash := ''; ctl := ''; hashPos := pos('#', path); atPos := pos('@', path); // split if (atPos > 0) then begin // has ctl, and (possible) hash if (hashPos > 0) then begin // has ctl and hash if (atPos < hashPos) then begin // @ctl#hash if (atPos > 1) then name := Copy(path, 1, atPos-1); Inc(atPos); // skip "at" if (atPos < hashPos) then ctl := Copy(path, atPos, hashPos-atPos); Inc(hashPos); // skip hash if (hashPos <= Length(path)) then hash := Copy(path, hashPos, Length(path)-hashPos+1); end else begin // #hash@ctl if (hashPos > 1) then name := Copy(path, 1, hashPos-1); Inc(hashPos); // skip hash if (hashPos < atPos) then hash := Copy(path, hashPos, atPos-hashPos); Inc(atPos); // skip "at" if (atPos <= Length(path)) then ctl := Copy(path, atPos, Length(path)-atPos+1); end; end else begin // has only ctl if (atPos > 1) then name := Copy(path, 1, atPos-1); Inc(atPos); // skip "at" if (atPos <= Length(path)) then ctl := Copy(path, atPos, Length(path)-atPos+1); end; end else if (hashPos > 0) then begin // has hash if (hashPos > 1) then name := Copy(path, 1, hashPos-1); Inc(hashPos); // skip hash if (hashPos <= Length(path)) then hash := Copy(path, hashPos, Length(path)-hashPos+1); end else begin // only name name := path; end; result := true; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor TStyleSection.Create (); begin mParent := nil; mInherits := ''; mHashName := ''; mCtlName := ''; mVals := THashStrStyleVal.Create(freeValueCB); mHashes := THashStrSection.Create(freeSectionCB); mCtls := THashStrSection.Create(freeSectionCB); end; destructor TStyleSection.Destroy (); begin FreeAndNil(mVals); FreeAndNil(mHashes); FreeAndNil(mCtls); mParent := nil; mInherits := ''; mHashName := ''; mCtlName := ''; inherited; end; function TStyleSection.getTopLevel (): TStyleSection; inline; begin result := self; while (result.mParent <> nil) do result := result.mParent; end; function TStyleSection.get (name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): TStyleValue; var tmp: AnsiString; sect, s1, so: TStyleSection; jumpsLeft: Integer = 32; // max inheritance level skipInherits: Boolean = false; begin result.vtype := result.TType.Empty; if (Length(name) = 0) then exit; // alas {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('***GET: <', name, '#', hash, '@', ctl, '>');{$ENDIF} // try control sect := self; if (Length(ctl) > 0) then begin if (not strEquCI1251(ctl, mCtlName)) then begin // has ctl section? if (not topLevel.mCtls.get(ctl, sect)) then sect := topLevel; end; end; // has hash? if (Length(hash) > 0) then begin if (not strEquCI1251(hash, sect.mHashName)) then begin if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then sect := s1; end; end; // try name, go up with inheritance while (jumpsLeft > 0) do begin if (sect.mVals.get(name, result)) then begin if (not result.isEmpty) then exit; // i found her! end; // go up if (skipInherits) or (Length(sect.mInherits) = 0) then begin skipInherits := false; // for hash section: try parent section first if (Length(sect.mHashName) > 0) then begin {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('search for <#', hash, '@', ctl, '> at <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>: hash up');{$ENDIF} sect := sect.mParent; if (sect = nil) then break; // alas {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' hash up: trying <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>');{$ENDIF} if (sect.mVals.get(name, result)) then begin if (not result.isEmpty) then exit; // i found her! end; // move another parent up sect := sect.mParent; if (sect = nil) then break; // alas {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' hash up: jumped up twice to <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>');{$ENDIF} end else begin // one parent up {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('search for <#', hash, '@', ctl, '> at <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>: jump up');{$ENDIF} sect := sect.mParent; if (sect = nil) then break; // alas end; // here, we should have non-hash section assert(Length(sect.mHashName) = 0); // if we want hash, try to find it, otherwise do nothing if (Length(hash) > 0) then begin {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' search for <#', hash, '@', ctl, '> at <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>: hash down');{$ENDIF} if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then begin sect := s1; {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' found <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>');{$ENDIF} end; end; end else begin // inheritance Dec(jumpsLeft); if (jumpsLeft < 1) then break; // alas {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('inherits: <', sect.mInherits, '>');{$ENDIF} // parse inherit string if (not splitPath(sect.mInherits, tmp, hash, ctl)) then exit; // alas {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('inherits: <', hash, '>:<', ctl, '>');{$ENDIF} // find section if (Length(ctl) > 0) then begin // ctl if (strEquCI1251(ctl, '$main$')) then sect := topLevel else if (strEquCI1251(ctl, '$up$')) then begin if (Length(sect.mHashName) <> 0) then sect := sect.mParent.mParent else sect := sect.mParent; end else if (not topLevel.mCtls.get(ctl, sect)) then sect := topLevel; if (sect = nil) then break; // alas if (Length(hash) > 0) then begin if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then sect := s1; end; end else begin // hash assert(Length(hash) > 0); // dummy loop, so i can use `break` repeat // get out of hash section if (Length(sect.mHashName) > 0) then begin {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln('hash-jump-up: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '>');{$ENDIF} sect := sect.mParent; if (sect = nil) then break; // alas // check for hash section in parent; use parent if there is no such hash section {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' checking parent: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '> for <#', hash, '>');{$ENDIF} so := sect; if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then begin if (s1 <> sect) and (s1 <> so) then begin {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' found in parent: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '> for <#', hash, '>');{$ENDIF} sect := s1; end; end; end else begin // we're in parent, try to find hash section {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' checking: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '> for <#', hash, '>');{$ENDIF} if (sect.mHashes.get(hash, s1)) then begin {$IFDEF UI_STYLE_DEBUG_SEARCH}writeln(' found: <#', sect.mHashName, '@', sect.mCtlName, '> for <#', hash, '>');{$ENDIF} sect := s1; end else begin // reuse current parent, but don't follow inheritance for it skipInherits := true; end; end; until true; if (sect = nil) then break; end; end; end; // alas result.vtype := result.TType.Empty; end; // "text-color#inactive@label" function TStyleSection.getValue (const path: AnsiString): TStyleValue; var name, hash, ctl: AnsiString; begin result.vtype := result.TType.Empty; if (not splitPath(path, name, hash, ctl)) then exit; // alas //writeln('name:<', name, '>; hash:<', hash, '>; ctl:<', ctl, '>'); result := get(name, hash, ctl); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor TUIStyle.Create (const aid: AnsiString); begin mId := aid; createMain(); end; constructor TUIStyle.Create (st: TStream); // parse from stream var par: TTextParser; begin mId := ''; createMain(); if (st = nil) then exit; par := TFileTextParser.Create(st, false, [par.TOption.SignedNumbers, par.TOption.DollarIsId, par.TOption.DashIsId, par.TOption.HtmlColors]); try parse(par); finally par.Free(); end; end; constructor TUIStyle.CreateFromFile (const fname: AnsiString); var st: TStream; begin st := openDiskFileRO(fname); try Create(st); finally st.Free(); end; end; destructor TUIStyle.Destroy (); begin mId := ''; FreeAndNil(mMain); end; procedure TUIStyle.createMain (); begin mMain := TStyleSection.Create(); mMain.mCtlName := '$main$'; end; function TUIStyle.getValue (const path: AnsiString): TStyleValue; inline; begin result := mMain[path]; end; function TUIStyle.get (name, hash, ctl: AnsiString): TStyleValue; begin result := mMain.get(name, hash, ctl); end; procedure TUIStyle.parse (par: TTextParser); function getByte (): Byte; begin if (par.tokType <> par.TTInt) then par.expectInt(); if (par.tokInt < 0) or (par.tokInt > 255) then par.error('invalid byte value'); result := Byte(par.tokInt); par.skipToken(); end; procedure parseSection (sect: TStyleSection; ctlAllowed: Boolean; hashAllowed: Boolean); var s, inh: AnsiString; sc: TStyleSection = nil; v: TStyleValue; procedure parseInherit (); begin inh := ''; if (par.eatDelim('(')) then begin if (par.eatDelim(')')) then par.error('empty inheritance is not allowed'); if (par.eatDelim('#')) then begin inh := '#'; inh += par.expectId(); end; if (par.eatDelim('@')) then begin inh += '#'; inh += par.expectId(); end; par.expectDelim(')'); end; end; function nib2c (n: Integer): Byte; inline; begin if (n < 0) then result := 0 else if (n > 15) then result := 255 else result := Byte(255*n div 15); end; begin s := ''; inh := ''; par.expectDelim('{'); while (not par.isDelim('}')) do begin while (par.eatDelim(';')) do begin end; // ctl if ctlAllowed and (par.eatDelim('@')) then begin s := par.expectId(); parseInherit(); par.eatDelim(':'); // optional if (not sect.mCtls.get(s, sc)) then begin // create new section sc := TStyleSection.Create(); sc.mParent := sect; sc.mInherits := inh; sc.mHashName := ''; sc.mCtlName := s; sect.mCtls.put(s, sc); end else begin assert(sc.mParent = sect); assert(sc.mHashName = ''); assert(sc.mCtlName = s); if (Length(sc.mInherits) <> 0) and (Length(inh) <> 0) then par.error('double inheritance'); sc.mInherits := inh; end; if (not par.eatDelim(';')) then parseSection(sc, false, true); continue; end; // hash if hashAllowed and (par.eatDelim('#')) then begin s := par.expectId(); parseInherit(); par.eatDelim(':'); // optional if (not sect.mHashes.get(s, sc)) then begin // create new section sc := TStyleSection.Create(); sc.mParent := sect; sc.mInherits := inh; sc.mHashName := s; sc.mCtlName := ''; sect.mHashes.put(s, sc); end else begin assert(sc.mParent = sect); assert(sc.mHashName = s); assert(sc.mCtlName = ''); if (Length(sc.mInherits) <> 0) and (Length(inh) <> 0) then par.error('double inheritance'); sc.mInherits := inh; end; if (not par.eatDelim(';')) then parseSection(sc, false, false); continue; end; // name s := par.expectId(); par.expectDelim(':'); if (par.eatId('rgb')) or (par.eatId('rgba')) then begin // color par.expectDelim('('); v.vtype := v.TType.Color; v.r := getByte(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional v.g := getByte(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional v.b := getByte(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional if (par.tokType = par.TTInt) then begin v.a := getByte(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional end else begin v.a := 255; // opaque end; par.expectDelim(')'); end else if (par.isId) and (par.tokStr[1] = '#') then begin // html color assert((Length(par.tokStr) = 4) or (Length(par.tokStr) = 7)); //writeln('<', par.tokStr, '>; {', par.curChar, '}'); v.vtype := v.TType.Color; if (Length(par.tokStr) = 4) then begin // #rgb v.r := nib2c(digitInBase(par.tokStr[2], 16)); v.g := nib2c(digitInBase(par.tokStr[3], 16)); v.b := nib2c(digitInBase(par.tokStr[4], 16)); end else begin // #rrggbb v.r := Byte(digitInBase(par.tokStr[2], 16)*16+digitInBase(par.tokStr[3], 16)); v.g := Byte(digitInBase(par.tokStr[4], 16)*16+digitInBase(par.tokStr[5], 16)); v.b := Byte(digitInBase(par.tokStr[6], 16)*16+digitInBase(par.tokStr[7], 16)); end; v.a := 255; //writeln(' r=', v.r, '; g=', v.g, '; b=', v.b); par.skipToken(); end else if (par.eatId('true')) or (par.eatId('tan')) then begin v.vtype := v.TType.Bool; v.bval := true; end else if (par.eatId('false')) or (par.eatId('ona')) then begin v.vtype := v.TType.Bool; v.bval := false; end else if (par.isStr) then begin // string value v := TStyleValue.Create(par.tokStr); par.skipToken(); end else if (par.eatId('inherit')) then begin v.vtype := v.TType.Empty; end else begin // should be int v.vtype := v.TType.Int; v.ival := par.expectInt(); end; par.expectDelim(';'); sect.mVals.put(s, v); end; par.expectDelim('}'); end; begin // style name if (not par.isIdOrStr) then begin if (Length(mId) = 0) then par.error('style name expected'); end else begin mId := par.tokStr; end; if (Length(mId) = 0) then mId := 'default'; par.skipToken(); if (not par.eatDelim(';')) then parseSection(mMain, true, true); end; end.