(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} {$M+} unit gh_ui; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, GL, GLExt, SDL2, gh_ui_common, sdlcarcass, glgfx, xparser; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // type THControlClass = class of THControl; THControl = class public type TActionCB = procedure (me: THControl; uinfo: Integer); private mParent: THControl; mId: AnsiString; mX, mY: Integer; mWidth, mHeight: Integer; mFrameWidth, mFrameHeight: Integer; mEnabled: Boolean; mCanFocus: Boolean; mChildren: array of THControl; mFocused: THControl; // valid only for top-level controls mGrab: THControl; // valid only for top-level controls mEscClose: Boolean; // valid only for top-level controls mEatKeys: Boolean; mDrawShadow: Boolean; private scis: TScissorSave; scallowed: Boolean; protected function getEnabled (): Boolean; procedure setEnabled (v: Boolean); inline; function getFocused (): Boolean; inline; procedure setFocused (v: Boolean); inline; function isMyChild (ctl: THControl): Boolean; function findFirstFocus (): THControl; function findLastFocus (): THControl; function findNextFocus (cur: THControl): THControl; function findPrevFocus (cur: THControl): THControl; procedure activated (); virtual; procedure blurred (); virtual; //WARNING! do not call scissor functions outside `.draw*()` API! // reset scissor to whole control procedure resetScissor (); // set scissor to this internal rect (in local coords) procedure setScissor (lx, ly, lw, lh: Integer); // DO NOT USE! procedure setScissorGLInternal (x, y, w, h: Integer); public actionCB: TActionCB; private mDefSize: TLaySize; // default size mMaxSize: TLaySize; // maximum size mFlex: Integer; mHoriz: Boolean; mCanWrap: Boolean; mLineStart: Boolean; mHGroup: AnsiString; mVGroup: AnsiString; mAlign: Integer; mExpand: Boolean; mLayDefSize: TLaySize; mLayMaxSize: TLaySize; public // layouter interface function getDefSize (): TLaySize; inline; // default size; <0: use max size //procedure setDefSize (const sz: TLaySize); inline; // default size; <0: use max size function getMargins (): TLayMargins; inline; function getMaxSize (): TLaySize; inline; // max size; <0: set to some huge value //procedure setMaxSize (const sz: TLaySize); inline; // max size; <0: set to some huge value function getFlex (): Integer; inline; // <=0: not flexible function isHorizBox (): Boolean; inline; // horizontal layout for children? procedure setHorizBox (v: Boolean); inline; // horizontal layout for children? function canWrap (): Boolean; inline; // for horizontal boxes: can wrap children? for child: `false` means 'nonbreakable at *next* ctl' procedure setCanWrap (v: Boolean); inline; // for horizontal boxes: can wrap children? for child: `false` means 'nonbreakable at *next* ctl' function isLineStart (): Boolean; inline; // `true` if this ctl should start a new line; ignored for vertical boxes procedure setLineStart (v: Boolean); inline; // `true` if this ctl should start a new line; ignored for vertical boxes function getAlign (): Integer; inline; // aligning in non-main direction: <0: left/up; 0: center; >0: right/down procedure setAlign (v: Integer); inline; // aligning in non-main direction: <0: left/up; 0: center; >0: right/down function getExpand (): Boolean; inline; // expanding in non-main direction: `true` will ignore align and eat all available space procedure setExpand (v: Boolean); inline; // expanding in non-main direction: `true` will ignore align and eat all available space function getHGroup (): AnsiString; inline; // empty: not grouped procedure setHGroup (const v: AnsiString); inline; // empty: not grouped function getVGroup (): AnsiString; inline; // empty: not grouped procedure setVGroup (const v: AnsiString); inline; // empty: not grouped procedure setActualSizePos (constref apos: TLayPos; constref asize: TLaySize); inline; procedure layPrepare (); virtual; // called before registering control in layouter public property flex: Integer read mFlex write mFlex; property flDefaultSize: TLaySize read mDefSize write mDefSize; property flMaxSize: TLaySize read mMaxSize write mMaxSize; property flHoriz: Boolean read isHorizBox write setHorizBox; property flCanWrap: Boolean read canWrap write setCanWrap; property flLineStart: Boolean read isLineStart write setLineStart; property flAlign: Integer read getAlign write setAlign; property flExpand: Boolean read getExpand write setExpand; property flHGroup: AnsiString read getHGroup write setHGroup; property flVGroup: AnsiString read getVGroup write setVGroup; protected function parsePos (par: TTextParser): TLayPos; function parseSize (par: TTextParser): TLaySize; function parseBool (par: TTextParser): Boolean; function parseAnyAlign (par: TTextParser): Integer; function parseHAlign (par: TTextParser): Integer; function parseVAlign (par: TTextParser): Integer; procedure parseTextAlign (par: TTextParser; var h, v: Integer); procedure parseChildren (par: TTextParser); // par should be on '{'; final '}' is eaten public // par is on property data // there may be more data in text stream, don't eat it! // return `true` if property name is valid and value was parsed // return `false` if property name is invalid; don't advance parser in this case // throw on property data errors function parseProperty (const prname: AnsiString; par: TTextParser): Boolean; virtual; // par should be on '{'; final '}' is eaten procedure parseProperties (par: TTextParser); public constructor Create (); constructor Create (ax, ay, aw, ah: Integer); destructor Destroy (); override; // `sx` and `sy` are screen coordinates procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); virtual; // called after all children drawn procedure drawControlPost (sx, sy: Integer); virtual; procedure draw (); virtual; function topLevel (): THControl; inline; // returns `true` if global coords are inside this control function toLocal (var x, y: Integer): Boolean; procedure toGlobal (var x, y: Integer); // x and y are global coords function controlAtXY (x, y: Integer): THControl; function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; virtual; // returns `true` if event was eaten function keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; virtual; // returns `true` if event was eaten function prevSibling (): THControl; function nextSibling (): THControl; function firstChild (): THControl; inline; function lastChild (): THControl; inline; procedure appendChild (ctl: THControl); virtual; public property id: AnsiString read mId; property x0: Integer read mX; property y0: Integer read mY; property height: Integer read mHeight; property width: Integer read mWidth; property enabled: Boolean read getEnabled write setEnabled; property parent: THControl read mParent; property focused: Boolean read getFocused write setFocused; property escClose: Boolean read mEscClose write mEscClose; property eatKeys: Boolean read mEatKeys write mEatKeys; end; THTopWindow = class(THControl) private mTitle: AnsiString; mDragging: Boolean; mDragStartX, mDragStartY: Integer; mWaitingClose: Boolean; mInClose: Boolean; mFreeOnClose: Boolean; // default: false protected procedure blurred (); override; public closeCB: TActionCB; // called after window was removed from ui window list public constructor Create (const atitle: AnsiString; ax, ay: Integer; aw: Integer=-1; ah: Integer=-1); function parseProperty (const prname: AnsiString; par: TTextParser): Boolean; override; procedure centerInScreen (); // `sx` and `sy` are screen coordinates procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); override; procedure drawControlPost (sx, sy: Integer); override; function keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; override; // returns `true` if event was eaten function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; override; // returns `true` if event was eaten public property freeOnClose: Boolean read mFreeOnClose write mFreeOnClose; end; THCtlSimpleText = class(THControl) private type PItem = ^TItem; TItem = record title: AnsiString; centered: Boolean; hline: Boolean; end; private mItems: array of TItem; public constructor Create (ax, ay: Integer); destructor Destroy (); override; procedure appendItem (const atext: AnsiString; acentered: Boolean=false; ahline: Boolean=false); procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); override; function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; override; function keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; override; end; THCtlCBListBox = class(THControl) private type PItem = ^TItem; TItem = record title: AnsiString; varp: PBoolean; actionCB: TActionCB; end; private mItems: array of TItem; mCurIndex: Integer; public constructor Create (ax, ay: Integer); destructor Destroy (); override; procedure appendItem (const atext: AnsiString; bv: PBoolean; aaction: TActionCB=nil); procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); override; function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; override; function keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; override; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THCtlBox = class(THControl) private mHasFrame: Boolean; mCaption: AnsiString; public constructor Create (ahoriz: Boolean); function parseProperty (const prname: AnsiString; par: TTextParser): Boolean; override; procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); override; function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; override; function keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; override; end; THCtlHBox = class(THCtlBox) public procedure AfterConstruction (); override; // so it will be correctly initialized when created from parser end; THCtlVBox = class(THCtlBox) public procedure AfterConstruction (); override; // so it will be correctly initialized when created from parser end; THCtlTextLabel = class(THControl) private mText: AnsiString; mHAlign: Integer; // -1: left; 0: center; 1: right; default: left mVAlign: Integer; // -1: top; 0: center; 1: bottom; default: center public constructor Create (const atext: AnsiString); //destructor Destroy (); override; function parseProperty (const prname: AnsiString; par: TTextParser): Boolean; override; procedure drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); override; function mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; override; function keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; override; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function uiMouseEvent (ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; function uiKeyEvent (ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; procedure uiDraw (); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure uiAddWindow (ctl: THControl); procedure uiRemoveWindow (ctl: THControl); // will free window if `mFreeOnClose` is `true` function uiVisibleWindow (ctl: THControl): Boolean; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // do layouting procedure uiLayoutCtl (ctl: THControl); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var gh_ui_scale: Single = 1.0; implementation uses gh_flexlay, utils; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var knownCtlClasses: array of record klass: THControlClass; name: AnsiString; end = nil; procedure registerCtlClass (aklass: THControlClass; const aname: AnsiString); begin assert(aklass <> nil); assert(Length(aname) > 0); SetLength(knownCtlClasses, Length(knownCtlClasses)+1); knownCtlClasses[High(knownCtlClasses)].klass := aklass; knownCtlClasses[High(knownCtlClasses)].name := aname; end; function findCtlClass (const aname: AnsiString): THControlClass; var f: Integer; begin for f := 0 to High(knownCtlClasses) do begin if (strEquCI1251(aname, knownCtlClasses[f].name)) then begin result := knownCtlClasses[f].klass; exit; end; end; result := nil; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // type TFlexLayouter = specialize TFlexLayouterBase; procedure uiLayoutCtl (ctl: THControl); var lay: TFlexLayouter; begin if (ctl = nil) then exit; lay := TFlexLayouter.Create(); try lay.setup(ctl); //lay.layout(); writeln('============================'); lay.dumpFlat(); writeln('=== initial ==='); lay.dump(); //lay.calcMaxSizeInternal(0); { lay.firstPass(); writeln('=== after first pass ==='); lay.dump(); lay.secondPass(); writeln('=== after second pass ==='); lay.dump(); } lay.layout(); writeln('=== final ==='); lay.dump(); finally FreeAndNil(lay); end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var uiTopList: array of THControl = nil; function uiMouseEvent (ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var f, c: Integer; lx, ly: Integer; ctmp: THControl; begin ev.x := trunc(ev.x/gh_ui_scale); ev.y := trunc(ev.y/gh_ui_scale); ev.dx := trunc(ev.dx/gh_ui_scale); //FIXME ev.dy := trunc(ev.dy/gh_ui_scale); //FIXME if (Length(uiTopList) = 0) then result := false else result := uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].mouseEvent(ev); if not result and (ev.press) then begin for f := High(uiTopList) downto 0 do begin lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if uiTopList[f].toLocal(lx, ly) then begin result := true; if uiTopList[f].mEnabled and (f <> High(uiTopList)) then begin uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].blurred(); ctmp := uiTopList[f]; ctmp.mGrab := nil; for c := f+1 to High(uiTopList) do uiTopList[c-1] := uiTopList[c]; uiTopList[High(uiTopList)] := ctmp; ctmp.activated(); result := ctmp.mouseEvent(ev); end; exit; end; end; end; end; function uiKeyEvent (ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; begin ev.x := trunc(ev.x/gh_ui_scale); ev.y := trunc(ev.y/gh_ui_scale); if (Length(uiTopList) = 0) then result := false else result := uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].keyEvent(ev); if (ev.release) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; procedure uiDraw (); var f: Integer; ctl: THControl; begin glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); try glLoadIdentity(); glScalef(gh_ui_scale, gh_ui_scale, 1); for f := 0 to High(uiTopList) do begin ctl := uiTopList[f]; ctl.draw(); if (f <> High(uiTopList)) then darkenRect(ctl.x0, ctl.y0, ctl.width, ctl.height, 128); end; finally glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); end; end; procedure uiAddWindow (ctl: THControl); var f, c: Integer; begin if (ctl = nil) then exit; ctl := ctl.topLevel; if not (ctl is THTopWindow) then exit; // alas for f := 0 to High(uiTopList) do begin if (uiTopList[f] = ctl) then begin if (f <> High(uiTopList)) then begin uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].blurred(); for c := f+1 to High(uiTopList) do uiTopList[c-1] := uiTopList[c]; uiTopList[High(uiTopList)] := ctl; ctl.activated(); end; exit; end; end; if (Length(uiTopList) > 0) then uiTopList[High(uiTopList)].blurred(); SetLength(uiTopList, Length(uiTopList)+1); uiTopList[High(uiTopList)] := ctl; ctl.activated(); end; procedure uiRemoveWindow (ctl: THControl); var f, c: Integer; begin if (ctl = nil) then exit; ctl := ctl.topLevel; if not (ctl is THTopWindow) then exit; // alas for f := 0 to High(uiTopList) do begin if (uiTopList[f] = ctl) then begin ctl.blurred(); for c := f+1 to High(uiTopList) do uiTopList[c-1] := uiTopList[c]; SetLength(uiTopList, Length(uiTopList)-1); if (ctl is THTopWindow) then begin try if assigned(THTopWindow(ctl).closeCB) then THTopWindow(ctl).closeCB(ctl, 0); finally if (THTopWindow(ctl).mFreeOnClose) then FreeAndNil(ctl); end; end; exit; end; end; end; function uiVisibleWindow (ctl: THControl): Boolean; var f: Integer; begin result := false; if (ctl = nil) then exit; ctl := ctl.topLevel; if not (ctl is THTopWindow) then exit; // alas for f := 0 to High(uiTopList) do begin if (uiTopList[f] = ctl) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THControl.Create (); begin mParent := nil; mX := 0; mY := 0; mWidth := 64; mHeight := 8; mFrameWidth := 0; mFrameHeight := 0; mEnabled := true; mCanFocus := true; mChildren := nil; mFocused := nil; mGrab := nil; mEscClose := false; mEatKeys := false; scallowed := false; mDrawShadow := false; actionCB := nil; // layouter interface mDefSize := TLaySize.Create(64, 8); // default size mMaxSize := TLaySize.Create(-1, -1); // maximum size mFlex := 0; mHoriz := true; mCanWrap := false; mLineStart := false; mHGroup := ''; mVGroup := ''; mAlign := -1; // left/top mExpand := false; end; constructor THControl.Create (ax, ay, aw, ah: Integer); begin Create(); mX := ax; mY := ay; mWidth := aw; mHeight := ah; end; destructor THControl.Destroy (); var f, c: Integer; begin if (mParent <> nil) then begin setFocused(false); for f := 0 to High(mParent.mChildren) do begin if (mParent.mChildren[f] = self) then begin for c := f+1 to High(mParent.mChildren) do mParent.mChildren[c-1] := mParent.mChildren[c]; SetLength(mParent.mChildren, Length(mParent.mChildren)-1); end; end; end; for f := 0 to High(mChildren) do begin mChildren[f].mParent := nil; mChildren[f].Free(); end; mChildren := nil; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function THControl.getDefSize (): TLaySize; inline; begin result := mLayDefSize; end; function THControl.getMaxSize (): TLaySize; inline; begin result := mLayMaxSize; end; function THControl.getFlex (): Integer; inline; begin result := mFlex; end; function THControl.isHorizBox (): Boolean; inline; begin result := mHoriz; end; procedure THControl.setHorizBox (v: Boolean); inline; begin mHoriz := v; end; function THControl.canWrap (): Boolean; inline; begin result := mCanWrap; end; procedure THControl.setCanWrap (v: Boolean); inline; begin mCanWrap := v; end; function THControl.isLineStart (): Boolean; inline; begin result := mLineStart; end; procedure THControl.setLineStart (v: Boolean); inline; begin mLineStart := v; end; function THControl.getAlign (): Integer; inline; begin result := mAlign; end; procedure THControl.setAlign (v: Integer); inline; begin mAlign := v; end; function THControl.getExpand (): Boolean; inline; begin result := mExpand; end; procedure THControl.setExpand (v: Boolean); inline; begin mExpand := v; end; function THControl.getHGroup (): AnsiString; inline; begin result := mHGroup; end; procedure THControl.setHGroup (const v: AnsiString); inline; begin mHGroup := v; end; function THControl.getVGroup (): AnsiString; inline; begin result := mVGroup; end; procedure THControl.setVGroup (const v: AnsiString); inline; begin mVGroup := v; end; function THControl.getMargins (): TLayMargins; inline; begin result := TLayMargins.Create(mFrameHeight, mFrameWidth, mFrameHeight, mFrameWidth); end; procedure THControl.setActualSizePos (constref apos: TLayPos; constref asize: TLaySize); inline; begin //writeln(self.className, '; pos=', apos.toString, '; size=', asize.toString); if (mParent <> nil) then begin mX := apos.x; mY := apos.y; end; mWidth := asize.w; mHeight := asize.h; end; procedure THControl.layPrepare (); begin mLayDefSize := mDefSize; mLayMaxSize := mMaxSize; if (mLayMaxSize.w >= 0) then mLayMaxSize.w += mFrameWidth*2; if (mLayMaxSize.h >= 0) then mLayMaxSize.h += mFrameHeight*2; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function THControl.parsePos (par: TTextParser): TLayPos; var ech: AnsiChar = ')'; begin if (par.eatDelim('[')) then ech := ']' else par.expectDelim('('); result.x := par.expectInt(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional comma result.y := par.expectInt(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional comma par.expectDelim(ech); end; function THControl.parseSize (par: TTextParser): TLaySize; var ech: AnsiChar = ')'; begin if (par.eatDelim('[')) then ech := ']' else par.expectDelim('('); result.h := par.expectInt(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional comma result.w := par.expectInt(); par.eatDelim(','); // optional comma par.expectDelim(ech); end; function THControl.parseBool (par: TTextParser): Boolean; begin result := par.eatIdOrStr('true', false) or par.eatIdOrStr('yes', false) or par.eatIdOrStr('tan', false); if not result then begin if (not par.eatIdOrStr('false', false)) and (not par.eatIdOrStr('no', false)) and (not par.eatIdOrStr('ona', false)) then begin par.error('boolean value expected'); end; end; end; function THControl.parseAnyAlign (par: TTextParser): Integer; begin if (par.eatIdOrStr('left', false)) or (par.eatIdOrStr('top', false)) then result := -1 else if (par.eatIdOrStr('right', false)) or (par.eatIdOrStr('bottom', false)) then result := 1 else if (par.eatIdOrStr('center', false)) then result := 0 else par.error('invalid align value'); end; function THControl.parseHAlign (par: TTextParser): Integer; begin if (par.eatIdOrStr('left', false)) then result := -1 else if (par.eatIdOrStr('right', false)) then result := 1 else if (par.eatIdOrStr('center', false)) then result := 0 else par.error('invalid horizontal align value'); end; function THControl.parseVAlign (par: TTextParser): Integer; begin if (par.eatIdOrStr('top', false)) then result := -1 else if (par.eatIdOrStr('bottom', false)) then result := 1 else if (par.eatIdOrStr('center', false)) then result := 0 else par.error('invalid vertical align value'); end; procedure THControl.parseTextAlign (par: TTextParser; var h, v: Integer); var wasH: Boolean = false; wasV: Boolean = false; begin while true do begin if (par.eatIdOrStr('left', false)) then begin if wasH then par.error('too many align directives'); wasH := true; h := -1; continue; end; if (par.eatIdOrStr('right', false)) then begin if wasH then par.error('too many align directives'); wasH := true; h := 1; continue; end; if (par.eatIdOrStr('hcenter', false)) then begin if wasH then par.error('too many align directives'); wasH := true; h := 0; continue; end; if (par.eatIdOrStr('top', false)) then begin if wasV then par.error('too many align directives'); wasV := true; v := -1; continue; end; if (par.eatIdOrStr('bottom', false)) then begin if wasV then par.error('too many align directives'); wasV := true; v := 1; continue; end; if (par.eatIdOrStr('vcenter', false)) then begin if wasV then par.error('too many align directives'); wasV := true; v := 0; continue; end; if (par.eatIdOrStr('center', false)) then begin if wasV or wasH then par.error('too many align directives'); wasV := true; wasH := true; h := 0; v := 0; continue; end; break; end; if not wasV and not wasH then par.error('invalid align value'); end; // par should be on '{'; final '}' is eaten procedure THControl.parseProperties (par: TTextParser); var pn: AnsiString; begin if (not par.eatDelim('{')) then exit; while (not par.eatDelim('}')) do begin if (not par.isIdOrStr) then par.error('property name expected'); pn := par.tokStr; par.skipToken(); par.eatDelim(':'); // optional if not parseProperty(pn, par) then par.errorfmt('invalid property name ''%s''', [pn]); par.eatDelim(','); // optional end; end; // par should be on '{' procedure THControl.parseChildren (par: TTextParser); var cc: THControlClass; ctl: THControl; begin par.expectDelim('{'); while (not par.eatDelim('}')) do begin if (not par.isIdOrStr) then par.error('control name expected'); cc := findCtlClass(par.tokStr); if (cc = nil) then par.errorfmt('unknown control name: ''%s''', [par.tokStr]); //writeln('children for <', par.tokStr, '>: <', cc.className, '>'); par.skipToken(); par.eatDelim(':'); // optional ctl := cc.Create(); //writeln(' mHoriz=', ctl.mHoriz); try ctl.parseProperties(par); except FreeAndNil(ctl); raise; end; //writeln(': ', ctl.mDefSize.toString); appendChild(ctl); par.eatDelim(','); // optional end; end; function THControl.parseProperty (const prname: AnsiString; par: TTextParser): Boolean; begin result := true; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'id')) then begin mId := par.expectStrOrId(true); exit; end; // allow empty strings if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'flex')) then begin flex := par.expectInt(); exit; end; // sizes if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'defsize')) then begin mDefSize := parseSize(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'maxsize')) then begin mMaxSize := parseSize(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'wrap')) then begin mCanWrap := parseBool(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'linestart')) then begin mLineStart := parseBool(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'expand')) then begin mExpand := parseBool(par); exit; end; // align if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'align')) then begin mAlign := parseAnyAlign(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'hgroup')) then begin mHGroup := par.expectStrOrId(true); exit; end; // allow empty strings if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'vgroup')) then begin mVGroup := par.expectStrOrId(true); exit; end; // allow empty strings // other if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'canfocus')) then begin mCanFocus := parseBool(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'enabled')) then begin mEnabled := parseBool(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'disabled')) then begin mEnabled := not parseBool(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'escclose')) then begin mEscClose := not parseBool(par); exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'eatkeys')) then begin mEatKeys := not parseBool(par); exit; end; result := false; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure THControl.activated (); begin end; procedure THControl.blurred (); begin mGrab := nil; end; function THControl.topLevel (): THControl; inline; begin result := self; while (result.mParent <> nil) do result := result.mParent; end; function THControl.getEnabled (): Boolean; var ctl: THControl; begin result := false; if (not mEnabled) or (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; ctl := mParent; while (ctl <> nil) do begin if (not ctl.mEnabled) or (ctl.mWidth < 1) or (ctl.mHeight < 1) then exit; ctl := ctl.mParent; end; result := true; end; procedure THControl.setEnabled (v: Boolean); inline; begin if (mEnabled = v) then exit; mEnabled := v; if not v and focused then setFocused(false); end; function THControl.getFocused (): Boolean; inline; begin if (mParent = nil) then result := (Length(uiTopList) > 0) and (uiTopList[High(uiTopList)] = self) else result := (topLevel.mFocused = self); end; procedure THControl.setFocused (v: Boolean); inline; var tl: THControl; begin tl := topLevel; if not v then begin if (tl.mFocused = self) then begin tl.blurred(); tl.mFocused := tl.findNextFocus(self); if (tl.mFocused = self) then tl.mFocused := nil; end; exit; end; if (not mEnabled) or (not mCanFocus) then exit; if (tl.mFocused <> self) then begin tl.mFocused.blurred(); tl.mFocused := self; if (tl.mGrab <> self) then tl.mGrab := nil; activated(); end; end; function THControl.isMyChild (ctl: THControl): Boolean; begin result := true; while (ctl <> nil) do begin if (ctl.mParent = self) then exit; ctl := ctl.mParent; end; result := false; end; // returns `true` if global coords are inside this control function THControl.toLocal (var x, y: Integer): Boolean; var ctl: THControl; begin ctl := self; while (ctl <> nil) do begin Dec(x, ctl.mX); Dec(y, ctl.mY); ctl := ctl.mParent; end; result := (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x < mWidth) and (y < mHeight); end; procedure THControl.toGlobal (var x, y: Integer); var ctl: THControl; begin ctl := self; while (ctl <> nil) do begin Inc(x, ctl.mX); Inc(y, ctl.mY); ctl := ctl.mParent; end; end; // x and y are global coords function THControl.controlAtXY (x, y: Integer): THControl; var lx, ly: Integer; f: Integer; begin result := nil; if (not mEnabled) or (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; lx := x; ly := y; if not toLocal(lx, ly) then exit; for f := High(mChildren) downto 0 do begin result := mChildren[f].controlAtXY(x, y); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; result := self; end; function THControl.prevSibling (): THControl; var f: Integer; begin if (mParent <> nil) then begin for f := 1 to High(mParent.mChildren) do begin if (mParent.mChildren[f] = self) then begin result := mParent.mChildren[f-1]; exit; end; end; end; result := nil; end; function THControl.nextSibling (): THControl; var f: Integer; begin if (mParent <> nil) then begin for f := 0 to High(mParent.mChildren)-1 do begin if (mParent.mChildren[f] = self) then begin result := mParent.mChildren[f+1]; exit; end; end; end; result := nil; end; function THControl.firstChild (): THControl; inline; begin if (Length(mChildren) <> 0) then result := mChildren[0] else result := nil; end; function THControl.lastChild (): THControl; inline; begin if (Length(mChildren) <> 0) then result := mChildren[High(mChildren)] else result := nil; end; function THControl.findFirstFocus (): THControl; var f: Integer; begin result := nil; if enabled then begin for f := 0 to High(mChildren) do begin result := mChildren[f].findFirstFocus(); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; if mCanFocus then result := self; end; end; function THControl.findLastFocus (): THControl; var f: Integer; begin result := nil; if enabled then begin for f := High(mChildren) downto 0 do begin result := mChildren[f].findLastFocus(); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; if mCanFocus then result := self; end; end; function THControl.findNextFocus (cur: THControl): THControl; begin result := nil; if enabled then begin if not isMyChild(cur) then cur := nil; if (cur = nil) then begin result := findFirstFocus(); exit; end; result := cur.findFirstFocus(); if (result <> nil) and (result <> cur) then exit; while true do begin cur := cur.nextSibling; if (cur = nil) then break; result := cur.findFirstFocus(); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; result := findFirstFocus(); end; end; function THControl.findPrevFocus (cur: THControl): THControl; begin result := nil; if enabled then begin if not isMyChild(cur) then cur := nil; if (cur = nil) then begin result := findLastFocus(); exit; end; //FIXME! result := cur.findLastFocus(); if (result <> nil) and (result <> cur) then exit; while true do begin cur := cur.prevSibling; if (cur = nil) then break; result := cur.findLastFocus(); if (result <> nil) then exit; end; result := findLastFocus(); end; end; procedure THControl.appendChild (ctl: THControl); begin if (ctl = nil) then exit; if (ctl.mParent <> nil) then exit; SetLength(mChildren, Length(mChildren)+1); mChildren[High(mChildren)] := ctl; ctl.mParent := self; Inc(ctl.mX, mFrameWidth); Inc(ctl.mY, mFrameHeight); if (ctl.mWidth > 0) and (ctl.mHeight > 0) and (ctl.mX+ctl.mWidth > mFrameWidth) and (ctl.mY+ctl.mHeight > mFrameHeight) then begin if (mWidth+mFrameWidth < ctl.mX+ctl.mWidth) then mWidth := ctl.mX+ctl.mWidth+mFrameWidth; if (mHeight+mFrameHeight < ctl.mY+ctl.mHeight) then mHeight := ctl.mY+ctl.mHeight+mFrameHeight; end; if (mFocused = nil) and ctl.mEnabled and ctl.mCanFocus and (ctl.mWidth > 0) and (ctl.mHeight > 0) then mFocused := ctl; end; procedure THControl.setScissorGLInternal (x, y, w, h: Integer); begin if not scallowed then exit; x := trunc(x*gh_ui_scale); y := trunc(y*gh_ui_scale); w := trunc(w*gh_ui_scale); h := trunc(h*gh_ui_scale); scis.combineRect(x, y, w, h); end; procedure THControl.resetScissor (); var x, y: Integer; begin if not scallowed then exit; x := 0; y := 0; toGlobal(x, y); setScissorGLInternal(x, y, mWidth, mHeight); end; procedure THControl.setScissor (lx, ly, lw, lh: Integer); var x, y: Integer; //ox, oy, ow, oh: Integer; begin if not scallowed then exit; //ox := lx; oy := ly; ow := lw; oh := lh; if not intersectRect(lx, ly, lw, lh, 0, 0, mWidth, mHeight) then begin //writeln('oops: <', self.className, '>: old=(', ox, ',', oy, ')-[', ow, ',', oh, ']'); glScissor(0, 0, 0, 0); exit; end; x := lx; y := ly; toGlobal(x, y); setScissorGLInternal(x, y, lw, lh); end; procedure THControl.draw (); var f: Integer; x, y: Integer; begin if (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; x := 0; y := 0; toGlobal(x, y); //conwritefln('[%s]: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) (%d,%d)', [ClassName, mX, mY, mWidth, mHeight, x, y]); scis.save(true); // scissoring enabled try //glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); scallowed := true; resetScissor(); drawControl(x, y); if (mFrameWidth <> 0) or (mFrameHeight <> 0) then setScissor(mFrameWidth, mFrameHeight, mWidth-mFrameWidth*2, mHeight-mFrameHeight*2); for f := 0 to High(mChildren) do mChildren[f].draw(); if (mFrameWidth <> 0) or (mFrameHeight <> 0) then resetScissor(); drawControlPost(x, y); finally scis.restore(); scallowed := false; end; end; procedure THControl.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); begin if (mParent = nil) then darkenRect(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 64); end; procedure THControl.drawControlPost (sx, sy: Integer); begin // shadow if mDrawShadow and (mWidth > 0) and (mHeight > 0) then begin setScissorGLInternal(sx+8, sy+8, mWidth, mHeight); darkenRect(sx+mWidth, sy+8, 8, mHeight, 128); darkenRect(sx+8, sy+mHeight, mWidth-8, 8, 128); end; end; function THControl.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var ctl: THControl; begin result := false; if not mEnabled then exit; if (mParent = nil) then begin if (mGrab <> nil) then begin result := mGrab.mouseEvent(ev); if (ev.release) then mGrab := nil; exit; end; end; if (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; ctl := controlAtXY(ev.x, ev.y); if (ctl <> nil) and (ctl <> self) then begin if (ctl <> topLevel.mFocused) then ctl.setFocused(true); result := ctl.mouseEvent(ev); end else if (ctl = self) and assigned(actionCB) then begin actionCB(self, 0); end; end; function THControl.keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; var ctl: THControl; begin result := false; if not mEnabled then exit; if (topLevel.mFocused <> self) and isMyChild(topLevel.mFocused) and topLevel.mFocused.mEnabled then result := topLevel.mFocused.keyEvent(ev); if (mParent = nil) then begin if (ev = 'S-Tab') then begin result := true; ctl := findPrevFocus(mFocused); if (ctl <> mFocused) then begin mGrab := nil; mFocused := ctl; end; exit; end; if (ev = 'Tab') then begin result := true; ctl := findNextFocus(mFocused); if (ctl <> mFocused) then begin mGrab := nil; mFocused := ctl; end; exit; end; if mEscClose and (ev = 'Escape') then begin result := true; uiRemoveWindow(self); exit; end; end; if mEatKeys then result := true; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THTopWindow.Create (const atitle: AnsiString; ax, ay: Integer; aw: Integer=-1; ah: Integer=-1); begin inherited Create(ax, ay, aw, ah); mFrameWidth := 8; mFrameHeight := 8; mTitle := atitle; if (mWidth < mFrameWidth*2+3*8) then mWidth := mFrameWidth*2+3*8; if (mHeight < mFrameHeight*2) then mHeight := mFrameHeight*2; if (Length(mTitle) > 0) then begin if (mWidth < Length(mTitle)*8+mFrameWidth*2+3*8) then mWidth := Length(mTitle)*8+mFrameWidth*2+3*8; end; mDragging := false; mDrawShadow := true; mWaitingClose := false; mInClose := false; closeCB := nil; end; function THTopWindow.parseProperty (const prname: AnsiString; par: TTextParser): Boolean; begin if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'title')) or (strEquCI1251(prname, 'caption')) then begin mTitle := par.expectStrOrId(true); result := true; exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'children')) then begin parseChildren(par); result := true; exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'orientation')) or (strEquCI1251(prname, 'orient')) then begin if (par.eatIdOrStr('horizontal', false)) or (par.eatIdOrStr('horiz', false)) then mHoriz := true else if (par.eatIdOrStr('vertical', false)) or (par.eatIdOrStr('vert', false)) then mHoriz := false else par.error('`horizontal` or `vertical` expected'); result := true; exit; end; result := inherited parseProperty(prname, par); end; procedure THTopWindow.centerInScreen (); begin if (mWidth > 0) and (mHeight > 0) then begin mX := trunc((gScrWidth/gh_ui_scale-mWidth)/2); mY := trunc((gScrHeight/gh_ui_scale-mHeight)/2); end; end; procedure THTopWindow.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); begin fillRect(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 0, 0, 128); end; procedure THTopWindow.drawControlPost (sx, sy: Integer); const r = 255; const g = 255; const b = 255; var tx: Integer; begin if mDragging then begin drawRectUI(mX+4, mY+4, mWidth-8, mHeight-8, r, g, b); end else begin drawRectUI(mX+3, mY+3, mWidth-6, mHeight-6, r, g, b); drawRectUI(mX+5, mY+5, mWidth-10, mHeight-10, r, g, b); setScissor(mFrameWidth, 0, 3*8, 8); fillRect(mX+mFrameWidth, mY, 3*8, 8, 0, 0, 128); drawText8(mX+mFrameWidth, mY, '[ ]', r, g, b); if mInClose then drawText8(mX+mFrameWidth+7, mY, '#', 0, 255, 0) else drawText8(mX+mFrameWidth+7, mY, '*', 0, 255, 0); end; if (Length(mTitle) > 0) then begin setScissor(mFrameWidth+3*8, 0, mWidth-mFrameWidth*2-3*8, 8); tx := (mX+3*8)+((mWidth-3*8)-Length(mTitle)*8) div 2; fillRect(tx-3, mY, Length(mTitle)*8+3+2, 8, 0, 0, 128); drawText8(tx, mY, mTitle, r, g, b); end; inherited drawControlPost(sx, sy); end; procedure THTopWindow.blurred (); begin mDragging := false; mWaitingClose := false; mInClose := false; inherited; end; function THTopWindow.keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; begin result := inherited keyEvent(ev); if not getFocused then exit; if (ev = 'M-F3') then begin uiRemoveWindow(self); result := true; exit; end; end; function THTopWindow.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var lx, ly: Integer; begin result := false; if not mEnabled then exit; if (mWidth < 1) or (mHeight < 1) then exit; if mDragging then begin mX += ev.x-mDragStartX; mY += ev.y-mDragStartY; mDragStartX := ev.x; mDragStartY := ev.y; if (ev.release) then mDragging := false; result := true; exit; end; lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if toLocal(lx, ly) then begin if (ev.press) then begin if (ly < 8) then begin if (lx >= mFrameWidth) and (lx < mFrameWidth+3*8) then begin //uiRemoveWindow(self); mWaitingClose := true; mInClose := true; end else begin mDragging := true; mDragStartX := ev.x; mDragStartY := ev.y; end; result := true; exit; end; if (lx < mFrameWidth) or (lx >= mWidth-mFrameWidth) or (ly >= mHeight-mFrameHeight) then begin mDragging := true; mDragStartX := ev.x; mDragStartY := ev.y; result := true; exit; end; end; if (ev.release) then begin if mWaitingClose and (lx >= mFrameWidth) and (lx < mFrameWidth+3*8) then begin uiRemoveWindow(self); result := true; exit; end; mWaitingClose := false; mInClose := false; end; if (ev.motion) then begin if mWaitingClose then begin mInClose := (lx >= mFrameWidth) and (lx < mFrameWidth+3*8); result := true; exit; end; end; end else begin mInClose := false; if (not ev.motion) then mWaitingClose := false; end; result := inherited mouseEvent(ev); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THCtlSimpleText.Create (ax, ay: Integer); begin mItems := nil; inherited Create(ax, ay, 4, 4); end; destructor THCtlSimpleText.Destroy (); begin mItems := nil; inherited; end; procedure THCtlSimpleText.appendItem (const atext: AnsiString; acentered: Boolean=false; ahline: Boolean=false); var it: PItem; begin if (Length(atext)*8+3*8+2 > mWidth) then mWidth := Length(atext)*8+3*8+2; SetLength(mItems, Length(mItems)+1); it := @mItems[High(mItems)]; it.title := atext; it.centered := acentered; it.hline := ahline; if (Length(mItems)*8 > mHeight) then mHeight := Length(mItems)*8; end; procedure THCtlSimpleText.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); var f, tx: Integer; it: PItem; r, g, b: Integer; begin for f := 0 to High(mItems) do begin it := @mItems[f]; tx := sx; r := 255; g := 255; b := 0; if it.centered then begin b := 255; tx := sx+(mWidth-Length(it.title)*8) div 2; end; if it.hline then begin b := 255; if (Length(it.title) = 0) then begin drawHLine(sx+4, sy+3, mWidth-8, r, g, b); end else if (tx-3 > sx+4) then begin drawHLine(sx+4, sy+3, tx-3-(sx+3), r, g, b); drawHLine(tx+Length(it.title)*8, sy+3, mWidth-4, r, g, b); end; end; drawText8(tx, sy, it.title, r, g, b); Inc(sy, 8); end; end; function THCtlSimpleText.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var lx, ly: Integer; begin result := inherited mouseEvent(ev); lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if not result and toLocal(lx, ly) then begin result := true; end; end; function THCtlSimpleText.keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; begin result := inherited keyEvent(ev); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THCtlCBListBox.Create (ax, ay: Integer); begin mItems := nil; mCurIndex := -1; inherited Create(ax, ay, 4, 4); end; destructor THCtlCBListBox.Destroy (); begin mItems := nil; inherited; end; procedure THCtlCBListBox.appendItem (const atext: AnsiString; bv: PBoolean; aaction: TActionCB=nil); var it: PItem; begin if (Length(atext)*8+3*8+2 > mWidth) then mWidth := Length(atext)*8+3*8+2; SetLength(mItems, Length(mItems)+1); it := @mItems[High(mItems)]; it.title := atext; it.varp := bv; it.actionCB := aaction; if (Length(mItems)*8 > mHeight) then mHeight := Length(mItems)*8; if (mCurIndex < 0) then mCurIndex := 0; end; procedure THCtlCBListBox.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); var f, tx: Integer; it: PItem; begin for f := 0 to High(mItems) do begin it := @mItems[f]; if (mCurIndex = f) then fillRect(sx, sy, mWidth, 8, 0, 128, 0); if (it.varp <> nil) then begin if it.varp^ then drawText8(sx, sy, '[x]', 255, 255, 255) else drawText8(sx, sy, '[ ]', 255, 255, 255); drawText8(sx+3*8+2, sy, it.title, 255, 255, 0); end else if (Length(it.title) > 0) then begin tx := sx+(mWidth-Length(it.title)*8) div 2; if (tx-3 > sx+4) then begin drawHLine(sx+4, sy+3, tx-3-(sx+3), 255, 255, 255); drawHLine(tx+Length(it.title)*8, sy+3, mWidth-4, 255, 255, 255); end; drawText8(tx, sy, it.title, 255, 255, 255); end else begin drawHLine(sx+4, sy+3, mWidth-8, 255, 255, 255); end; Inc(sy, 8); end; end; function THCtlCBListBox.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var lx, ly: Integer; it: PItem; begin result := inherited mouseEvent(ev); lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if not result and toLocal(lx, ly) then begin result := true; if (ev = 'lmb') then begin ly := ly div 8; if (ly >= 0) and (ly < Length(mItems)) then begin it := @mItems[ly]; if (it.varp <> nil) then begin mCurIndex := ly; it.varp^ := not it.varp^; if assigned(it.actionCB) then it.actionCB(self, Integer(it.varp^)); if assigned(actionCB) then actionCB(self, ly); end; end; end; end; end; function THCtlCBListBox.keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; var it: PItem; begin result := inherited keyEvent(ev); if not getFocused then exit; //result := true; if (ev = 'Home') or (ev = 'PageUp') then begin result := true; mCurIndex := 0; end; if (ev = 'End') or (ev = 'PageDown') then begin result := true; mCurIndex := High(mItems); end; if (ev = 'Up') then begin result := true; if (Length(mItems) > 0) then begin if (mCurIndex < 0) then mCurIndex := Length(mItems); while (mCurIndex > 0) do begin Dec(mCurIndex); if (mItems[mCurIndex].varp <> nil) then break; end; end else begin mCurIndex := -1; end; end; if (ev = 'Down') then begin result := true; if (Length(mItems) > 0) then begin if (mCurIndex < 0) then mCurIndex := -1; while (mCurIndex < High(mItems)) do begin Inc(mCurIndex); if (mItems[mCurIndex].varp <> nil) then break; end; end else begin mCurIndex := -1; end; end; if (ev = 'Space') or (ev = 'Enter') then begin result := true; if (mCurIndex >= 0) and (mCurIndex < Length(mItems)) and (mItems[mCurIndex].varp <> nil) then begin it := @mItems[mCurIndex]; it.varp^ := not it.varp^; if assigned(it.actionCB) then it.actionCB(self, Integer(it.varp^)); if assigned(actionCB) then actionCB(self, mCurIndex); end; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THCtlBox.Create (ahoriz: Boolean); begin inherited Create(); mHoriz := ahoriz; end; function THCtlBox.parseProperty (const prname: AnsiString; par: TTextParser): Boolean; begin if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'orientation')) or (strEquCI1251(prname, 'orient')) then begin if (par.eatIdOrStr('horizontal', false)) or (par.eatIdOrStr('horiz', false)) then mHoriz := true else if (par.eatIdOrStr('vertical', false)) or (par.eatIdOrStr('vert', false)) then mHoriz := false else par.error('`horizontal` or `vertical` expected'); result := true; exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'frame')) then begin mHasFrame := parseBool(par); if (mHasFrame) then begin mFrameWidth := 8; mFrameHeight := 8; end else begin mFrameWidth := 0; mFrameHeight := 0; end; result := true; exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'title')) or (strEquCI1251(prname, 'caption')) then begin mCaption := par.expectStrOrId(true); mDefSize := TLaySize.Create(Length(mCaption)*8+2+8*2, 8*2+2); result := true; exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'children')) then begin parseChildren(par); result := true; exit; end; result := inherited parseProperty(prname, par); end; procedure THCtlBox.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); var r, g, b: Integer; tx: Integer; begin if focused then begin r := 255; g := 255; b := 255; end else begin r := 255; g := 255; b := 0; end; if mHasFrame then begin // draw frame drawRectUI(mX+3, mY+3, mWidth-6, mHeight-6, r, g, b); end; if (Length(mCaption) > 0) then begin setScissor(mFrameWidth+1, 0, mWidth-mFrameWidth-2, 8); tx := mX+((mWidth-Length(mCaption)*8) div 2)-1; if mHasFrame then fillRect(tx, mY, Length(mCaption)*8+2, 8, 0, 0, 128); drawText8(tx+1, mY, mCaption, r, g, b); end; end; function THCtlBox.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var lx, ly: Integer; begin result := inherited mouseEvent(ev); lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if not result and toLocal(lx, ly) then begin result := true; end; end; //TODO: navigation with arrow keys, according to box orientation function THCtlBox.keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; begin result := inherited keyEvent(ev); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure THCtlHBox.AfterConstruction (); begin inherited AfterConstruction(); mHoriz := true; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure THCtlVBox.AfterConstruction (); begin inherited AfterConstruction(); mHoriz := false; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor THCtlTextLabel.Create (const atext: AnsiString); begin inherited Create(); mHAlign := -1; mVAlign := 0; mText := atext; mDefSize := TLaySize.Create(Length(atext)*8, 8); end; function THCtlTextLabel.parseProperty (const prname: AnsiString; par: TTextParser): Boolean; begin if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'title')) or (strEquCI1251(prname, 'caption')) then begin mText := par.expectStrOrId(true); mDefSize := TLaySize.Create(Length(mText)*8, 8); result := true; exit; end; if (strEquCI1251(prname, 'textalign')) then begin parseTextAlign(par, mHAlign, mVAlign); result := true; exit; end; result := inherited parseProperty(prname, par); end; procedure THCtlTextLabel.drawControl (sx, sy: Integer); var xpos, ypos: Integer; begin // debug fillRect(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 96, 96, 0); drawRectUI(sx, sy, mWidth, mHeight, 96, 96, 96); if (Length(mText) > 0) then begin if (mHAlign < 0) then xpos := 0 else if (mHAlign > 0) then xpos := mWidth-Length(mText)*8 else xpos := (mWidth-Length(mText)*8) div 2; if (mVAlign < 0) then ypos := 0 else if (mVAlign > 0) then ypos := mHeight-8 else ypos := (mHeight-8) div 2; drawText8(sx+xpos, sy+ypos, mText, 255, 255, 255); end; end; function THCtlTextLabel.mouseEvent (var ev: THMouseEvent): Boolean; var lx, ly: Integer; begin result := inherited mouseEvent(ev); lx := ev.x; ly := ev.y; if not result and toLocal(lx, ly) then begin result := true; end; end; function THCtlTextLabel.keyEvent (var ev: THKeyEvent): Boolean; begin result := inherited keyEvent(ev); end; initialization registerCtlClass(THCtlBox, 'box'); registerCtlClass(THCtlHBox, 'hbox'); registerCtlClass(THCtlVBox, 'vbox'); registerCtlClass(THCtlTextLabel, 'label'); end.