/* Copyright (C) 2020 SovietPony * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "glob.h" #include "render.h" #include "system.h" #include "files.h" #include "memory.h" #include "misc.h" #include "error.h" #include "menu.h" #include "game.h" #include "dots.h" #include "items.h" #include "sound.h" #include "music.h" #include "fx.h" #include "player.h" #include "monster.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "smoke.h" #include "view.h" #include "switch.h" // sw_secrets #include "cp866.h" #include "common/endianness.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ # include #else # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define VGA_TRANSPARENT_COLOR 0 #define DEFAULT_SKY_COLOR 0x97 #define MANCOLOR 0xD0 #define PLAYER_COLOR_OFFSET 7 #define MAXAIR 1091 #define ANIT 5 #define PL_FLASH 90 #pragma pack(1) typedef struct vgaimg { word w, h; short x, y; byte data[]; } vgaimg; typedef struct rgb { byte r, g, b; } rgb; typedef struct rgba { byte r, g, b, a; } rgba; #pragma pack() typedef struct node { struct cache *base; struct node *left, *right; struct node *up; int l, t, r, b; int leaf; } node; typedef struct cache { struct cache *next; struct node root; GLuint id; } cache; typedef struct image { node *n; GLint x, y; GLuint w, h; int res; } image; /* Render Specific */ static int SCRW; static int SCRH; static float screen_scale; static int screen_width = 320; static int screen_height = 200; static byte screen_full = 0; static int init_screen_width = 0; static int init_screen_height = 0; static byte init_screen_full = 0xFF; static rgb playpal[256]; static byte bright[256]; static GLuint lastTexture; static cache *root; /* Game */ static image scrnh[3]; // TITLEPIC INTERPIC ENDPIC static image ltn[2][2]; /* Smoke */ static image smk_spr[SMSN]; static image smk_fspr[FLSN]; /* Effects */ static image fx_spr[15]; static char fx_sprd[15]; /* Weapons */ static image wp_spr[49*2]; static char wp_sprd[49*2]; /* Items */ static image item_spr[58]; static char item_sprd[58]; /* Player */ static image plr_spr[27*2]; static image plr_msk[27*2]; static char plr_sprd[27*2]; static image plr_wpn[11][6]; /* Monsters */ static image pl_spr[2]; static image pl_msk[2]; static image mn_spr[MN_TN][29*2]; static image mn_man_msk[29*2]; static char mn_sprd[MN_TN][29*2]; static image mn_fspr[8]; static image mn_sgun[2]; /* Misc */ static image sth[22]; static image bfh[160 - '!']; static image sfh[160 - '!']; static image stone; static image stone2; static image keys[3]; static int prx = 0; static int pry = 0; /* Menu */ static int gm_tm; static image msklh[2]; static image mbarl; static image mbarm; static image mbarr; static image mbaro; static image mslotl; static image mslotm; static image mslotr; /* Map */ static const char *anm[ANIT - 1][5] = { {"WALL22_1", "WALL23_1", "WALL23_2", NULL, NULL}, {"WALL58_1", "WALL58_2", "WALL58_3", NULL, NULL}, {"W73A_1", "W73A_2", NULL, NULL, NULL}, {"RP2_1", "RP2_2", "RP2_3", "RP2_4", NULL} }; static byte w_horiz = 1; static int max_wall_width; static int max_wall_height; static int max_textures; static image walp[256]; static byte walswp[256]; static byte walani[256]; static image anip[ANIT][5]; static byte anic[ANIT]; static image horiz; /* Texture cache */ // https://blackpawn.com/texts/lightmaps/ static node *R_node_alloc (node *p, int w, int h) { assert(p); assert(w > 0); assert(h > 0); if (p->left) { assert(p->right); node *n = R_node_alloc(p->left, w, h); return n ? n : R_node_alloc(p->right, w, h); } else { int pw = p->r - p->l + 1; int ph = p->b - p->t + 1; if (p->leaf || pw < w || ph < h) { return NULL; } else if (pw == w && ph == h) { p->leaf = 1; return p; } else { p->left = malloc(sizeof(node)); p->right = malloc(sizeof(node)); if (pw - w > ph - h) { *p->left = (node) { .up = p, .l = p->l, .t = p->t, .r = p->l + w - 1, .b = p->b }; *p->right = (node) { .up = p, .l = p->l + w, .t = p->t, .r = p->r, .b = p->b }; } else { *p->left = (node) { .up = p, .l = p->l, .t = p->t, .r = p->r, .b = p->t + h - 1 }; *p->right = (node) { .up = p, .l = p->l, .t = p->t + h, .r = p->r, .b = p->b }; } return R_node_alloc(p->left, w, h); } } } static int R_node_have_leaf (node *n) { return n && (n->leaf || R_node_have_leaf(n->left) || R_node_have_leaf(n->right)); } static void R_node_free_recursive (node *n) { if (n) { R_node_free_recursive(n->left); R_node_free_recursive(n->right); free(n); } } static void R_node_free (node *n) { if (n) { //logo("free node %p {%i:%i:%i:%i}\n", n, n->l, n->t, n->r, n->b); assert(n->leaf); assert(n->left == NULL); assert(n->right == NULL); n->leaf = 0; n->base = NULL; node *p = n->up; while (p != NULL) { assert(p->leaf == 0); assert(p->left); assert(p->right); if (R_node_have_leaf(p) == 0) { R_node_free_recursive(p->left); p->left = NULL; R_node_free_recursive(p->right); p->right = NULL; p = p->up; } else { p = NULL; } } } } static void R_cache_get_max_texture_size (int *w, int *h) { GLint size = 0; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &size); size = min(max(size, 0), 512); // more can be buggy on older hardware *w = size; *h = size; } static void R_gl_bind_texture (GLuint id) { if (id != lastTexture) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id); } } static cache *R_cache_new (void) { int w, h; GLuint id; cache *c = NULL; R_cache_get_max_texture_size(&w, &h); if (w && h) { glGenTextures(1, &id); if (id) { R_gl_bind_texture(id); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, w, h, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); c = malloc(sizeof(cache)); if (c != NULL) { *c = (cache) { .id = id, .root.r = w - 1, .root.b = h - 1 }; } else { glDeleteTextures(1, &id); } } } //logo("new cache %p\n", c); return c; } static void R_cache_free (cache *root, int freetexture) { cache *next; cache *c = root; while (c != NULL) { next = c->next; R_node_free_recursive(c->root.left); R_node_free_recursive(c->root.right); if (freetexture && c->id != 0) { glDeleteTextures(1, &c->id); } free(c); c = next; } } static node *R_cache_alloc (cache *root, int w, int h) { assert(root); assert(w > 0 && h > 0); node *n = NULL; cache *p = NULL; cache *c = root; int maxw, maxh; R_cache_get_max_texture_size(&maxw, &maxh); if (w <= maxw && h <= maxh) { while (c && !n) { n = R_node_alloc(&c->root, w, h); if (n) { assert(n->leaf); n->base = c; } p = c; c = c->next; } if (!n) { c = R_cache_new(); if (c) { p->next = c; n = R_node_alloc(&c->root, w, h); if (n) { assert(n->leaf); n->base = c; } } } } if (n) { //logo("new node %p {%i:%i:%i:%i}\n", n, n->l, n->t, n->r, n->b); } else { logo("new node failed {%i:%i}\n", w, h); } return n; } static void R_cache_update (node *n, const void *data, int x, int y, int w, int h) { assert(n); assert(n->leaf); assert(n->base); assert(data); assert(x >= 0); assert(y >= 0); assert(n->l + x + w - 1 <= n->r); assert(n->t + y + h - 1 <= n->b); R_gl_bind_texture(n->base->id); glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, n->l + x, n->t + y, w, h, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); } /* Generic helpers */ static void R_init_playpal (void) { int i; byte *vgapal = M_lock(F_getresid("PLAYPAL")); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { playpal[i] = (rgb) { .r = vgapal[i * 3 + 0] * 255 / 63, .g = vgapal[i * 3 + 1] * 255 / 63, .b = vgapal[i * 3 + 2] * 255 / 63, }; bright[i] = ((int)vgapal[i * 3 + 0] + vgapal[i * 3 + 1] + vgapal[i * 3 + 2]) * 8 / (63 * 3); } M_unlock(vgapal); } static vgaimg *R_getvga (int id) { int loaded = M_was_locked(id); vgaimg *v = M_lock(id); if (v != NULL && !loaded) { v->w = short2host(v->w); v->h = short2host(v->h); v->x = short2host(v->x); v->y = short2host(v->y); } return v; } static rgba *R_extract_flame_spr (vgaimg *v) { static const byte flametab[16] = { 0xBC, 0xBA, 0xB8, 0xB6, 0xB4, 0xB2, 0xB0, 0xD5, 0xD6, 0xD7, 0xA1, 0xA0, 0xE3, 0xE2, 0xE1, 0xE0 }; int i, j; rgba *s = malloc(v->w * v->h * sizeof(rgba)); if (s != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < v->h; j++) { for (i = 0; i < v->w; i++) { int k = j * v->w + i; byte c = v->data[k] + bright[DEFAULT_SKY_COLOR]; s[k] = (rgba) { .r = playpal[flametab[c]].r, .g = playpal[flametab[c]].g, .b = playpal[flametab[c]].b, .a = v->data[k] == VGA_TRANSPARENT_COLOR ? 0x00 : 0xFF, }; } } } return s; } static rgba *R_extract_smoke_spr (vgaimg *v) { int i, j; rgba *s = malloc(v->w * v->h * sizeof(rgba)); if (s != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < v->h; j++) { for (i = 0; i < v->w; i++) { int k = j * v->w + i; byte c = ((v->data[k] + bright[DEFAULT_SKY_COLOR]) + 0x60) ^ 0x0F; byte a = 0xFF - ((int)playpal[c].r + playpal[c].g + playpal[c].b) / 3; s[k] = (rgba) { .r = playpal[c].r, .g = playpal[c].g, .b = playpal[c].b, .a = v->data[k] == VGA_TRANSPARENT_COLOR ? 0x00 : a, }; } } } return s; } static rgba *R_extract_mask_spr (vgaimg *v) { int i, j; rgba *s = malloc(v->w * v->h * sizeof(rgba)); if (s != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < v->h; j++) { for (i = 0; i < v->w; i++) { int k = j * v->w + i; byte c = v->data[k]; if (c >= 0x70 && c <= 0x7F) { byte mask = c - 0x70; mask = 0xFF - ((mask << 4) | mask); s[k] = (rgba) { .r = mask, .g = mask, .b = mask, .a = 0xFF, }; } else { s[k] = (rgba) { .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0, .a = 0, }; } } } } return s; } static rgba *R_extract_rgba_spr (vgaimg *v) { int i, j; rgba *s = malloc(v->w * v->h * sizeof(rgba)); if (s != NULL) { for (j = 0; j < v->h; j++) { for (i = 0; i < v->w; i++) { int k = j * v->w + i; byte c = v->data[k]; s[k] = (rgba) { .r = playpal[c].r, .g = playpal[c].g, .b = playpal[c].b, .a = c == VGA_TRANSPARENT_COLOR ? 0x00 : 0xFF, }; } } } return s; } /* OpenGL helpers */ static image R_gl_create_image (const rgba *buf, int w, int h) { node *n = R_cache_alloc(root, w, h); if (n) { R_cache_update(n, buf, 0, 0, w, h); } return (image) { .n = n, .w = w, .h = h, .res = -1 }; } static image R_gl_get_special_image (int id, rgba *(*fn)(vgaimg*)) { image img; //char name[8]; //F_getresname(name, id); //logo("load image: %.8s\n", name); vgaimg *v = R_getvga(id); if (v != NULL) { rgba *buf = (*fn)(v); img = R_gl_create_image(buf, v->w, v->h); img.x = v->x; img.y = v->y; img.res = id; M_unlock(v); free(buf); } else { img = (image) { .res = id }; } return img; } static image R_gl_getimage (int id) { return R_gl_get_special_image(id, &R_extract_rgba_spr); } static image R_gl_loadimage (const char name[8]) { return R_gl_getimage(F_getresid(name)); } static image R_gl_get_special_spr (const char n[4], int s, int d, rgba *(*fn)(vgaimg*)) { return R_gl_get_special_image(F_getsprid(n, s, d, NULL), fn); } static void R_gl_free_image (image *img) { if (img->n != NULL && img->res >= 0) { R_node_free(img->n); } img->n = NULL; img->res = -1; } static void R_gl_draw_quad (int x, int y, int w, int h) { glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2i(x + w, y); glVertex2i(x, y); glVertex2i(x, y + h); glVertex2i(x + w, y + h); glEnd(); } static void R_gl_draw_textured (image *img, int x, int y, int w, int h, int flip) { if (img->n) { GLfloat nw = img->n->base->root.r + 1; GLfloat nh = img->n->base->root.b + 1; GLfloat ax = (flip ? img->n->l : img->n->r + 1) / nw; GLfloat bx = (flip ? img->n->r + 1 : img->n->l) / nh; GLfloat ay = (img->n->t) / nw; GLfloat by = (img->n->b + 1) / nh; R_gl_bind_texture(img->n->base->id); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(ax, ay); glVertex2i(x + w, y); glTexCoord2f(bx, ay); glVertex2i(x, y); glTexCoord2f(bx, by); glVertex2i(x, y + h); glTexCoord2f(ax, by); glVertex2i(x + w, y + h); glEnd(); } else { glColor3ub(255, 0, 0); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); R_gl_draw_quad(x, y, w, h); } } /* fit image into rectangle without applying offset and transparency */ static void R_gl_draw_image_ext (image *img, int x, int y, int w, int h) { glDisable(GL_BLEND); glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); R_gl_draw_textured(img, x, y, w, h, 0); } /* draw sprite with offset and coloring */ static void R_gl_draw_image_color (image *img, int x, int y, int flip) { int xx = flip ? x - img->w + img->x : x - img->x; glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); R_gl_draw_textured(img, xx, y - img->y, img->w, img->h, flip); } /* draw sprite with offset */ static void R_gl_draw_image (image *img, int x, int y, int flip) { glColor3ub(255, 255, 255); R_gl_draw_image_color(img, x, y, flip); } static void R_gl_set_color (byte c) { glColor3ub(playpal[c].r, playpal[c].g, playpal[c].b); } static void R_gl_setclip (int x, int y, int w, int h) { glScissor(x * screen_scale, (SCRH - h - y) * screen_scale, w * screen_scale, h * screen_scale); } static void R_gl_setmatrix (void) { SCRW = screen_width / screen_scale; SCRH = screen_height / screen_scale; glScissor(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height); glViewport(0, 0, screen_width, screen_height); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, SCRW, SCRH, 0, 0, 1); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); } /* --- Misc --- */ static image Z_getspr (const char n[4], int s, int d, char *dir) { int h = F_getsprid(n, s, d, dir); return R_gl_getimage(h); } static image *Z_get_char_image (image *img, int ch) { image *p = NULL; ch = cp866_toupper(ch); if (ch > 32 && ch < 160) { p = &img[ch - '!']; } return p; } static int Z_get_char_width_generic (image *img, int off, int ch) { image *p = Z_get_char_image(img, ch); return p == NULL ? off : p->w - 1; } static int Z_putch_generic (image *img, int off, int ch) { image *p = Z_get_char_image(img, ch); int w = p == NULL ? off : p->w - 1; if (p != NULL && p->n != NULL) { R_gl_draw_image(p, prx, pry, 0); } prx += w; return w; } static int Z_get_string_width_generic (image *img, int off, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int i, w, ww; char buf[80]; vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap); for (i = w = ww = 0; buf[i]; ++i) { switch (buf[i]) { case '\n': case '\r': ww = max(w, ww); w = 0; break; default: w += Z_get_char_width_generic(img, off, (byte)buf[i]); } } return max(w, ww); } static int Z_printf_generic (image *img, int off, const char *fmt, va_list ap) { int i, w, ww; char buf[80]; vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap); for (i = w = ww = 0; buf[i]; ++i) { switch (buf[i]) { case '\n': pry += off + 1; case '\r': w = max(w, ww); prx = 0; w = 0; break; default: w += Z_putch_generic(img, off, (byte)buf[i]); } } return w; } static void Z_gotoxy (int x, int y) { prx = x; pry = y; } static int Z_get_big_string_width (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, fmt); int w = Z_get_string_width_generic(bfh, 12, fmt, a); va_end(a); return w; } static int Z_printbf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, fmt); int w = Z_printf_generic(bfh, 12, fmt, a); va_end(a); return w; } static int Z_get_small_string_width (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, fmt); int w = Z_get_string_width_generic(sfh, 7, fmt, a); va_end(a); return w; } static int Z_printsf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list a; va_start(a, fmt); int w =Z_printf_generic(sfh, 7, fmt, a); va_end(a); return w; } static void Z_printhf (const char *fmt, ...) { int i, c; char buf[80]; va_list a; va_start(a, fmt); vsprintf(buf, fmt, a); va_end(a); for (i = 0; buf[i]; ++i) { switch (buf[i]) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': c = buf[i] - '0'; break; case '-': c = 10; break; case '%': c = 11; break; case '\n': pry += 19; case '\r': c = -1; prx = 0; break; default: c = -1; break; } if (c >= 0) { R_gl_draw_image(&sth[c], prx, pry, 0); } prx += 14; } } /* --- Menu --- */ static image *PL_getspr (int s, int d, int msk) { int i = (s - 'A') * 2 + d; return msk ? &plr_msk[i] : &plr_spr[i]; } #define SCROLLER_MIDDLE 10 #define TEXTFIELD_MIDDLE 2 static void get_entry_size (const menu_t *m, int i, int *w, int *h) { assert(m != NULL); assert(i >= 0); assert(w != NULL); assert(h != NULL); int x = 0; int y = 0; int type = 0; menu_msg_t msg; msg.type = GM_GETENTRY; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { type = msg.integer.i; switch (type) { case GM_BUTTON: case GM_SCROLLER: case GM_TEXTFIELD: case GM_TEXTFIELD_BUTTON: msg.type = GM_GETCAPTION; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { x = Z_get_big_string_width("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } break; case GM_SMALL_BUTTON: msg.type = GM_GETCAPTION; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { x = Z_get_small_string_width("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } break; default: assert(0); } switch (type) { case GM_BUTTON: msg.type = GM_GETSTR; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { x += Z_get_big_string_width("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } y = 16; break; case GM_SMALL_BUTTON: msg.type = GM_GETSTR; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { x += Z_get_big_string_width("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } y = 12; break; case GM_SCROLLER: x += (SCROLLER_MIDDLE + 2) * 8; y = 16; break; case GM_TEXTFIELD: case GM_TEXTFIELD_BUTTON: msg.type = GM_GETSTR; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { x += (msg.string.maxlen + 2) * 8; } else { x += (TEXTFIELD_MIDDLE + 2) * 8; } y = 16; break; default: assert(0); } } *w = x; *h = y; } static void get_menu_size (const menu_t *m, int *w, int *h) { assert(m != NULL); assert(w != NULL); assert(h != NULL); int i, n, x, y, xx, yy, type; menu_msg_t msg; msg.type = GM_QUERY; if (GM_send_this(m, &msg)) { n = msg.integer.b; type = msg.integer.s; x = 0; y = 0; msg.type = GM_GETTITLE; if (GM_send_this(m, &msg)) { switch (type) { case GM_BIG: x = Z_get_big_string_width("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); break; case GM_SMALL: x = Z_get_small_string_width("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); break; default: assert(0); } } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { get_entry_size(m, i, &xx, &yy); x = max(x, xx); y += yy; } *w = x; *h = y; } else { *w = 0; *h = 0; } } static int GM_draw (void) { int i, j, n, x, y, xoff, yoff, cur, w, type, recv; const menu_t *m = GM_get(); menu_msg_t msg; if (m != NULL) { get_menu_size(m, &x, &y); x = SCRW / 2 - x / 2; y = SCRH / 2 - y / 2; // --- title --- msg.type = GM_QUERY; if (GM_send_this(m, &msg)) { cur = msg.integer.i; n = msg.integer.a; type = msg.integer.s; msg.type = GM_GETTITLE; if (GM_send_this(m, &msg)) { Z_gotoxy(x, y - 10); switch (type) { case GM_SMALL: yoff = 8; Z_printsf("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); break; case GM_BIG: yoff = 20; Z_printbf("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); break; default: assert(0); } } else { yoff = 0; } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { msg.type = GM_GETENTRY; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { type = msg.integer.i; if (i == cur) { if (type == GM_SMALL_BUTTON) { Z_gotoxy(x - 8, y + yoff); Z_printsf(">"); } else { R_gl_draw_image(&msklh[(gm_tm / 6) & 1], x - 25, y + yoff - 8, 0); } } msg.type = GM_GETCAPTION; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { Z_gotoxy(x, y + yoff); if (type == GM_SMALL_BUTTON) { xoff = Z_printsf("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } else { xoff = Z_printbf("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } } else { xoff = 0; } switch (type) { case GM_BUTTON: case GM_SMALL_BUTTON: msg.type = GM_GETSTR; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { Z_gotoxy(x + xoff, y + yoff); if (type == GM_SMALL_BUTTON) { Z_printsf("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } else { Z_printbf("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } } yoff += type == GM_BUTTON ? 16 : 12; break; case GM_TEXTFIELD: case GM_TEXTFIELD_BUTTON: yoff += 9; msg.type = GM_GETSTR; recv = GM_send(m, i, &msg); w = recv ? msg.string.maxlen : TEXTFIELD_MIDDLE; R_gl_draw_image(&mslotl, x + xoff, y + yoff, 0); for (j = 1; j <= w; j++) { R_gl_draw_image(&mslotm, x + xoff + j * 8, y + yoff, 0); } R_gl_draw_image(&mslotr, x + xoff + j * 8, y + yoff, 0); Z_gotoxy(x + xoff + 4, y + yoff - 7); if (input && i == cur) { Z_printsf("%.*s_", imax, ibuf); } else if (recv) { Z_printsf("%.*s", msg.string.maxlen, msg.string.s); } yoff += 7; break; case GM_SCROLLER: R_gl_draw_image(&mbarl, x + xoff, y + yoff, 0); for (j = 1; j < SCROLLER_MIDDLE; j++) { R_gl_draw_image(&mbarm, x + xoff + j * 8, y + yoff, 0); } R_gl_draw_image(&mbarr, x + xoff + j * 8, y + yoff, 0); msg.type = GM_GETINT; if (GM_send(m, i, &msg)) { int lev = (msg.integer.i - msg.integer.a) * ((SCROLLER_MIDDLE - 2) * 8) / msg.integer.b; R_gl_draw_image(&mbaro, x + xoff + lev + 8, y + yoff, 0); } yoff += 16; break; default: assert(0); } } } } } return m != NULL; } /* --- View --- */ static void R_draw_fld (byte *fld, int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy, int fg) { int i, j; assert(minx >= 0 && minx <= FLDW); assert(miny >= 0 && miny <= FLDH); assert(maxx >= 0 && maxx <= FLDW); assert(maxy >= 0 && maxy <= FLDH); for (j = miny; j < maxy; j++) { for (i = minx; i < maxx; i++) { byte id = fld[j * FLDW + i]; if (id != 0) { if (walp[id].res < 0) { if (fg) { switch (R_get_special_id(id)) { case 1: glColor4ub(0, 0, 255, 127); break; case 2: glColor4ub(0, 127, 0, 127); break; case 3: glColor4ub(127, 0, 0, 127); break; default: glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 127); break; } glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); R_gl_draw_quad(i * CELW, j * CELW, CELW, CELH); } } else { R_gl_draw_image(&walp[id], i * CELW, j * CELH, 0); } } } } } static void R_draw_dots (void) { int i; glDisable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBegin(GL_QUADS); for (i = 0; i < MAXDOT; i++) { if (dot[i].t != 0) { int x = dot[i].o.x; int y = dot[i].o.y; R_gl_set_color(dot[i].c); glVertex2i(x + 1, y); R_gl_set_color(dot[i].c); glVertex2i(x, y); R_gl_set_color(dot[i].c); glVertex2i(x, y + 1); R_gl_set_color(dot[i].c); glVertex2i(x + 1, y + 1); } } glEnd(); } static void R_draw_items (void) { int i, s; for (i = 0; i < MAXITEM; ++i) { s = -1; if (it[i].t && it[i].s >= 0) { switch (it[i].t & 0x7FFF) { case I_ARM1: s = it[i].s / 9 + 18; break; case I_ARM2: s = it[i].s / 9 + 20; break; case I_MEGA: s = it[i].s / 2 + 22; break; case I_INVL: s = it[i].s / 2 + 26; break; case I_SUPER: case I_RTORCH: case I_GTORCH: case I_BTORCH: s = it[i].s / 2 + (it[i].t - I_SUPER) * 4 + 35; break; case I_GOR1: case I_FCAN: s = it[i].s / 2 + (it[i].t - I_GOR1) * 3 + 51; break; case I_AQUA: s = 30; break; case I_SUIT: s = 34; break; case I_KEYR: case I_KEYG: case I_KEYB: s = (it[i].t & 0x7FFF) - I_KEYR + 31; break; case I_GUN2: s = 57; break; default: s = (it[i].t & 0x7FFF) - 1; } } if (s >= 0) { R_gl_draw_image(&item_spr[s], it[i].o.x, it[i].o.y, item_sprd[s]); } } } static int standspr (player_t *p) { if (p->f & PLF_UP) { return 'X'; } else if (p->f & PLF_DOWN) { return 'Z'; } else { return 'E'; } } static int wpnspr (player_t *p) { if (p->f & PLF_UP) { return 'C'; } else if(p->f & PLF_DOWN) { return 'E'; } else { return 'A'; } } static void R_draw_player (player_t *p) { enum {STAND, GO, DIE, SLOP, DEAD, MESS, OUT_, FALL}; // copypasted from player.c! static const int wytab[] = {-1, -2, -1, 0}; int s = 'A'; int w = 0; int wx = 0; int wy = 0; switch (p->st) { case STAND: if (p->f & PLF_FIRE) { s = standspr(p) + 1; w = wpnspr(p) + 1; } else if (p->pain) { s = 'G'; w = 'A'; wx = p->d ? 2 : -2; wy = 1; } else { s = standspr(p); w = wpnspr(p); } break; case DEAD: s = 'N'; break; case MESS: s = 'W'; break; case GO: if (p->pain) { s = 'G'; w = 'A'; wx = p->d ? 2 : -2; wy = 1; } else { s = plr_goanim[p->s / 8]; w = (p->f & PLF_FIRE) ? 'B' : 'A'; wx = p->d ? 2 : -2; wy = 1 + wytab[s - 'A']; } break; case DIE: s = plr_dieanim[p->s]; break; case SLOP: s = plr_slopanim[p->s]; break; case OUT_: s = 0; break; } if (p->wpn == 0) { w = 0; } if (w) { R_gl_draw_image(&plr_wpn[(int)p->wpn][w -'A'], p->o.x + wx, p->o.y + wy, p->d); } if (s) { R_gl_draw_image(&plr_spr[(s - 'A') * 2 + p->d], p->o.x, p->o.y, plr_sprd[(s - 'A') * 2 + p->d]); R_gl_set_color(p->color + PLAYER_COLOR_OFFSET); R_gl_draw_image_color(&plr_msk[(s - 'A') * 2 + p->d], p->o.x, p->o.y, plr_sprd[(s - 'A') * 2 + p->d]); } } static void R_draw_monsters (void) { enum {SLEEP, GO, RUN, CLIMB, DIE, DEAD, ATTACK, SHOOT, PAIN, WAIT, REVIVE, RUNOUT}; // copypasted from monster.c! int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXMN; i++) { if (mn[i].t != MN_NONE) { int x = mn[i].o.x; int y = mn[i].o.y; if (mn[i].t < MN__LAST) { if ((mn[i].t != MN_SOUL && mn[i].t != MN_PAIN) || mn[i].st != DEAD) { int ap = mn[i].ap[mn[i].ac]; int d = (ap - 'A') * 2 + mn[i].d; int dir = mn_sprd[mn[i].t - 1][d]; if (mn[i].t == MN_MAN && (ap == 'E' || ap == 'F')) { R_gl_draw_image(&mn_sgun[ap - 'E'], x, y, mn[i].d); } R_gl_draw_image(&mn_spr[mn[i].t - 1][d], x, y, dir); if (mn[i].t == MN_MAN) { R_gl_set_color(MANCOLOR + PLAYER_COLOR_OFFSET); R_gl_draw_image_color(&mn_man_msk[d], x, y, dir); } } if (mn[i].t == MN_VILE && mn[i].st == SHOOT) { R_gl_draw_image(&mn_fspr[mn[i].ac / 3], mn[i].tx, mn[i].ty, 0); } } else if (mn[i].t == MN_PL_DEAD || mn[i].t == MN_PL_MESS) { int type = mn[i].t - MN_PL_DEAD; R_gl_draw_image(&pl_spr[type], x, y, 0); R_gl_set_color(mn[i].d); R_gl_draw_image_color(&pl_msk[type], x, y, 0); } } } } static void R_draw_weapons (void) { enum {NONE, ROCKET, PLASMA, APLASMA, BALL1, BALL2, BALL7, BFGBALL, BFGHIT, MANF, REVF, FIRE}; // copypasted from weapons.c! int i, s, d, x, y; for (i = 0; i < MAXWPN; ++i) { s = -1; d = 0; switch (wp[i].t) { case REVF: case ROCKET: d = wp[i].s; if (d < 2) { d = wp[i].o.xv > 0 ? 1 : 0; x = abs(wp[i].o.xv); y = wp[i].o.yv; s = 0; if (y < 0) { if (-y >= x) { s = 30; } } else if (y > 0) { if (y >= x / 2) { s = 31; } } } else { s = (d - 2) / 2 + 1; d = 0; } break; case MANF: s=wp[i].s; if (s >= 2) { s /= 2; break; } case PLASMA: case APLASMA: case BALL1: case BALL7: case BALL2: s = wp[i].s; if (s >= 2) { s = s / 2 + 1; } switch (wp[i].t) { case PLASMA: s += 4; break; case APLASMA: s += 11; break; case BALL1: s += 32; break; case BALL2: s += 42; break; case BALL7: s += 37; d = wp[i].o.xv >= 0 ? 1 : 0; break; case MANF: s += 47; d= wp[i].o.xv>=0 ? 1 : 0; break; } break; case BFGBALL: s = wp[i].s; if (s >= 2) { s = s / 2 + 1; } s += 18; break; case BFGHIT: s = wp[i].s / 2 + 26; break; } if (s >= 0) { R_gl_draw_image(&wp_spr[s * 2 + d], wp[i].o.x, wp[i].o.y, wp_sprd[s * 2 + d]); } } } static void R_draw_smoke (void) { int i, s; for (i = 0; i < MAXSMOK; ++i) { if (sm[i].t) { switch (sm[i].s) { case 0: s = sm[i].t; if (s >= (SMSN - 1) * 3) { s = 0; } else { s = SMSN - 1 - s / 3; } R_gl_draw_image(&smk_spr[s], sm[i].x >> 8, (sm[i].y >> 8) + 1, 0); break; case 1: s = sm[i].t; if (s >= FLSN - 1) { s = 0; } else { s = FLSN - 1 - s; } R_gl_draw_image(&smk_fspr[s], sm[i].x >> 8, (sm[i].y >> 8) + 1, 0); break; } } } } static void R_draw_effects (void) { enum {NONE, TFOG, IFOG, BUBL}; // copypasted from fx.c int i, s; for (i = 0; i < MAXFX; ++i) { switch (fx[i].t) { case TFOG: s = fx[i].s / 2; R_gl_draw_image(&fx_spr[s], fx[i].x, fx[i].y, fx_sprd[s]); break; case IFOG: s = fx[i].s / 2 + 10; R_gl_draw_image(&fx_spr[s], fx[i].x, fx[i].y, fx_sprd[s]); break; case BUBL: glDisable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); R_gl_set_color(0xC0 + fx[i].s); R_gl_draw_quad(fx[i].x >> 8, fx[i].y >> 8, 1, 1); break; } } } static int get_pu_st (int t) { if (t >= PL_FLASH) { return 1; } else if((t / 9) & 1) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } static void R_draw_view (int x, int y, int w, int h, int camx, int camy) { glPushMatrix(); R_gl_setclip(x, y, w, h); glTranslatef(x, y, 0); if (w_horiz && horiz.n != NULL) { R_gl_draw_image_ext(&horiz, 0, 0, w, h); if (sky_type == 2 && lt_time < 0) { image *tanderbolt = <n[lt_type][lt_time < -5 ? 0 : 1]; if (!lt_side) { R_gl_draw_image(tanderbolt, 0, lt_ypos, 0); } else { R_gl_draw_image(tanderbolt, w - 1, lt_ypos, 1); } } } else { glDisable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); R_gl_set_color(DEFAULT_SKY_COLOR); R_gl_draw_quad(0, 0, w, h); } int maxx = min((camx + w) / CELW + 1, FLDW); int maxy = min((camy + h) / CELH + 1, FLDH); int minx = max((camx - max_wall_width) / CELW, 0); int miny = max((camy - max_wall_height) / CELH, 0); glTranslatef(-camx, -camy, 0); R_draw_fld((byte*)fldb, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, 0); R_draw_dots(); R_draw_items(); R_draw_player(&pl1); if (_2pl) { R_draw_player(&pl2); } R_draw_monsters(); R_draw_weapons(); R_draw_smoke(); R_draw_effects(); R_draw_fld((byte*)fldf, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, 1); glTranslatef(camx, camy, 0); if (sky_type == 2 && (lt_time == -4 || lt_time == -2)) { glColor4ub(255, 255, 255, 255); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_DST_COLOR, GL_SRC_COLOR); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); R_gl_draw_quad(0, 0, w, h); } glPopMatrix(); } static void R_draw_player_view (player_t *p, int x, int y, int w, int h) { p->looky = min(max(p->looky, -SCRH / 4), SCRH / 4); // TODO remove writeback int st = stone.w; int cw = w - st; int cx = min(max(p->o.x, cw / 2), FLDW * CELW - cw / 2); int cy = min(max(p->o.y - 12 + p->looky, h / 2), FLDH * CELH - h / 2); int camx = max(cx - cw / 2, 0); int camy = max(cy - h / 2, 0); glPushMatrix(); R_draw_view(x, y + 1, cw, h - 2, camx, camy); glTranslatef(x, y, 0); if (p->invl) { if (get_pu_st(p->invl)) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, GL_ZERO); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glColor4ub(191, 191, 191, 255); R_gl_draw_quad(0, 0, cw, h); } } else { if (p->suit && get_pu_st(p->suit)) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glColor4ub(0, 255, 0, 192); R_gl_draw_quad(0, 0, cw, h); } int f = min(max(p->pain * 3, 0), 255); if (f > 0) { glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glColor4ub(255, 0, 0, f); R_gl_draw_quad(0, 0, cw, h); } } R_gl_setclip(x, y, w, h); glTranslatef(-x + cw, 0, 0); R_gl_draw_image(&stone, 0, 0, 0); int i = stone.h; while (i < h) { R_gl_draw_image(&stone2, 0, i, 0); i += stone2.h; } if (p->drawst & PL_DRAWAIR) { if (p->air < PL_AIR) { int a = min(max(p->air, 0), MAXAIR) * 100 / MAXAIR; glDisable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); R_gl_set_color(0xC8); R_gl_draw_quad(10, 49, a, 2); } } if (p->drawst & PL_DRAWLIFE) { Z_gotoxy(10, 7); Z_printhf("%3d%%", p->life); } if (p->drawst & PL_DRAWARMOR) { Z_gotoxy(10, 7 + 19); Z_printhf("%3d%%", p->armor); } if (p->drawst & PL_DRAWWPN) { switch(p->wpn) { case 2: case 5: i = p->ammo; break; case 3: case 4: case 9: i = p->shel; break; case 6: i = p->rock; break; case 7: case 8: i = p->cell; break; case 10: i = p->fuel; break; default: i = -1; break; } // weapon if (p->wpn >= 0) { R_gl_draw_image(&sth[12 + p->wpn], st - 88, 58 + 19, 0); } // ammo if (p->wpn >= 2) { Z_gotoxy(st - 10 - 5 * 14, 58 + 2); Z_printhf("%5d", i); } } if (p->drawst & PL_DRAWFRAG && g_dm) { Z_gotoxy(st - 5 - 5 * 14, 77 + 5); Z_printhf("%5d", p->frag); } if (p->drawst & PL_DRAWKEYS) { int x, k, n; for (k = p->keys >> 4, n = 0, x = st - 75; n < 3; n++, k >>= 1, x += 9) { if (k & 1) { R_gl_draw_image(&keys[n], x, 91, 0); } } } if (p->drawst & PL_DRAWLIVES && !_2pl) { Z_gotoxy(st - 35, 17); Z_printhf("%d", p->lives); } glPopMatrix(); } /* --- Game --- */ static void pl_info (player_t *p, int x, int y) { dword t = p->kills * 10920 / g_time; Z_gotoxy(x + 25, y); Z_printbf("KILLS"); Z_gotoxy(x + 25, y + 15); Z_printbf("KPM"); Z_gotoxy(x + 25, y + 30); Z_printbf("SECRETS %u / %u", p->secrets, sw_secrets); Z_gotoxy(x + 255, y); Z_printbf("%u", p->kills); Z_gotoxy(x + 255, y + 15); Z_printbf("%u.%u", t / 10, t % 10); } static void R_draw_intermission (void) { int cx = SCRW / 2; word hr, mn, sc, h; Z_gotoxy(cx - 14*12/2, 20); Z_printbf("LEVEL COMPLETE"); Z_calc_time(g_time, &hr, &mn, &sc); Z_gotoxy(cx - 12*12/2, 40); Z_printbf("TIME %u:%02u:%02u", hr, mn, sc); h = 40 + SCRH / 10; if (_2pl) { Z_gotoxy(cx - 10*12/2, h); Z_printbf("PLAYER ONE"); h += 20; } pl_info(&pl1, cx - 160, h); if (_2pl) { h += 30 + SCRH / 10; Z_gotoxy(cx - 10*12/2, h); Z_printbf("PLAYER TWO"); h += 20; pl_info(&pl2, cx - 160, h); } } static void W_act (void) { int i, a; if (g_time % 3 == 0) { for (i = 1; i < max_textures; i++) { a = walani[i]; if (a != 0) { anic[a]++; if (anip[a][anic[a]].res == -1) { anic[a] = 0; } walp[i] = anip[a][anic[a]]; } } } } void R_draw (void) { W_act(); glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); R_gl_setmatrix(); switch (g_st) { case GS_ENDANIM: case GS_END2ANIM: case GS_DARKEN: case GS_BVIDEO: case GS_EVIDEO: case GS_END3ANIM: break; case GS_TITLE: R_gl_draw_image_ext(&scrnh[0], 0, 0, SCRW, SCRH); break; case GS_INTER: R_gl_draw_image_ext(&scrnh[1], 0, 0, SCRW, SCRH); R_draw_intermission(); break; case GS_ENDSCR: R_gl_draw_image_ext(&scrnh[2], 0, 0, SCRW, SCRH); break; case GS_GAME: if (_2pl) { R_draw_player_view(&pl1, 0, 0, SCRW, SCRH / 2); R_draw_player_view(&pl2, 0, SCRH / 2, SCRW, SCRH / 2); } else { R_draw_player_view(&pl1, 0, 0, SCRW, SCRH); } R_gl_setclip(0, 0, SCRW, SCRH); break; } GM_draw(); Y_swap_buffers(); } static void R_alloc (void) { char s[10]; int i, j, n; logo("R_alloc: load graphics\n"); /* Game */ scrnh[0] = R_gl_loadimage("TITLEPIC"); scrnh[1] = R_gl_loadimage("INTERPIC"); scrnh[2] = R_gl_loadimage("ENDPIC"); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sprintf(s, "LTN%c", '1' + i); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { ltn[i][j] = Z_getspr(s, j, 0, NULL); } } /* Smoke */ for (i = 0; i < SMSN; i++) { smk_spr[i] = R_gl_get_special_spr("SMOK", i, 0, &R_extract_smoke_spr); } for (i = 0; i < FLSN; i++) { smk_fspr[i] = R_gl_get_special_spr("SMOK", i, 0, &R_extract_flame_spr); } /* Effects */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { fx_spr[i] = Z_getspr("TFOG", i, 0, fx_sprd + i); } for (; i < 15; i++) { fx_spr[i] = Z_getspr("IFOG", i - 10, 0, fx_sprd + i); } /* Weapons */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("MISL", i, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("MISL", i, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 6; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("PLSS", i - 4, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("PLSS", i - 4, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 11; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("PLSE", i - 6, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("PLSE", i - 6, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 13; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("APLS", i - 11, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("APLS", i - 11, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 18; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("APBX", i - 13, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("APBX", i - 13, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for(; i < 20; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("BFS1", i - 18, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("BFS1", i - 18, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 26; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("BFE1", i - 20, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("BFE1", i - 20, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 30; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("BFE2", i - 26, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("BFE2", i - 26, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 32; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("MISL", i - 30 + 4, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("MISL", i - 30 + 4, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 37; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("BAL1", i - 32, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("BAL1", i - 32, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 42; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("BAL7", i - 37, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("BAL7", i - 37, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 47; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("BAL2", i - 42, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("BAL2", i - 42, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } for (; i < 49; i++) { wp_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("MANF", i - 47, 1, wp_sprd + i * 2); wp_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("MANF", i - 47, 2, wp_sprd + i * 2 + 1); } /* Items */ static const char snm[18][4] = { "CLIP", "SHEL", "ROCK", "CELL", "AMMO", "SBOX", "BROK", "CELP", "STIM", "MEDI", "BPAK", "CSAW", "SHOT", "SGN2", "MGUN", "LAUN", "PLAS", "BFUG" }; static const char n4[4][4] = { "SOUL", "SMRT", "SMGT", "SMBT" }; static const char n3[2][4] = { "GOR1", "FCAN" }; for (i = 0; i < 18; i++) { item_spr[i] = Z_getspr(snm[i], 0, 0, item_sprd + i); } for (; i < 20; i++) { item_spr[i] = Z_getspr("ARM1", i - 18, 0, item_sprd + i); item_spr[i + 2] = Z_getspr("ARM2", i - 18, 0, item_sprd + i); } i+=2; for (; i < 26; i++) { item_spr[i] = Z_getspr("MEGA", i - 22, 0, item_sprd + i); } for (; i < 30; i++) { item_spr[i] = Z_getspr("PINV", i - 26, 0, item_sprd + i); } item_spr[30] = Z_getspr("AQUA", 0, 0, item_sprd + 30); item_spr[31] = Z_getspr("KEYR", 0, 0, item_sprd + 31); item_spr[32] = Z_getspr("KEYG", 0, 0, item_sprd + 32); item_spr[33] = Z_getspr("KEYB", 0, 0, item_sprd + 33); item_spr[34] = Z_getspr("SUIT", 0, 0, item_sprd + 34); for (n = 35, j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, n++) { item_spr[n] = Z_getspr(n4[j], i, 0, item_sprd + n); } } for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, n++) { item_spr[n] = Z_getspr(n3[j], i, 0, item_sprd + n); } } item_spr[57] = Z_getspr("GUN2", 0, 0, item_sprd + 57); /* Player */ for (i = 0; i < 27; i++) { plr_spr[i * 2] = Z_getspr("PLAY", i, 1, plr_sprd + i * 2); plr_msk[i * 2] = R_gl_get_special_spr("PLAY", i, 1, &R_extract_mask_spr); plr_spr[i * 2 + 1] = Z_getspr("PLAY", i, 2, plr_sprd + i * 2 + 1); plr_msk[i * 2 + 1] = R_gl_get_special_spr("PLAY", i, 2, &R_extract_mask_spr); } strncpy(s, "PWPx", 4); for (i = 1; i < 11; i++) { s[3] = (i < 10 ? '0' : 'A' - 10) + i; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { plr_wpn[i][j] = Z_getspr(s, j, 1, NULL); } } /* Monsters */ static const char msn[MN_TN][4] = { "SARG", "TROO", "POSS", "SPOS", "CYBR", "CPOS", "BOSS", "BOS2", "HEAD", "SKUL", "PAIN", "SPID", "BSPI", "FATT", "SKEL", "VILE", "FISH", "BAR1", "ROBO", "PLAY" }; static const int mms[MN_TN] = { 14*2, 21*2, 21*2, 21*2, 16*2, 20*2, 15*2, 15*2, 12*2, 11*2, 13*2, 19*2, 16*2, 20*2, 17*2, 29*2, 6*2, 2*2, 17*2, 23*2 }; mn_sgun[0] = Z_getspr("PWP4", 0, 1, NULL); mn_sgun[1] = Z_getspr("PWP4", 1, 1, NULL); for (j = 0; j < MN_TN; j++) { for (i = 0; i < mms[j]; i++) { mn_spr[j][i] = Z_getspr(msn[j], i / 2, (i & 1) + 1, &mn_sprd[j][i]); if (j == MN_MAN - 1) { mn_man_msk[i] = R_gl_get_special_spr(msn[j], i / 2, (i & 1) + 1, &R_extract_mask_spr); } } if (j == MN_BARREL - 1) { for (i = 4; i < 14; i++) { mn_spr[j][i] = Z_getspr("BEXP", i / 2 - 2, (i & 1) + 1, &mn_sprd[j][i]); } } } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { mn_fspr[i] = Z_getspr("FIRE", i, 0, NULL); } pl_spr[0] = Z_getspr("PLAY", 'N' - 'A', 0, NULL); pl_msk[0] = R_gl_get_special_spr("PLAY", 'N' - 'A', 0, &R_extract_mask_spr); pl_spr[1] = Z_getspr("PLAY", 'W' - 'A', 0, NULL); pl_msk[1] = R_gl_get_special_spr("PLAY", 'W' - 'A', 0, &R_extract_mask_spr); /* Misc */ static const char mnm[22][8]={ "STTNUM0", "STTNUM1", "STTNUM2", "STTNUM3", "STTNUM4", "STTNUM5", "STTNUM6", "STTNUM7", "STTNUM8", "STTNUM9", "STTMINUS", "STTPRCNT", "FISTA0", "CSAWA0", "PISTA0", "SHOTA0", "SGN2A0", "MGUNA0", "LAUNA0", "PLASA0", "BFUGA0", "GUN2A0" }; stone = R_gl_loadimage("STONE"); stone2 = R_gl_loadimage("STONE2"); keys[0] = R_gl_loadimage("KEYRA0"); keys[1] = R_gl_loadimage("KEYGA0"); keys[2] = R_gl_loadimage("KEYBA0"); for (i = 0; i < 22; i++) { sth[i] = R_gl_loadimage(mnm[i]); } strcpy(s, "STBF_*"); for (i = '!'; i < 160; i++) { s[5] = i; bfh[i - '!'] = R_gl_getimage(F_findres(s)); } for (i = '!'; i < 160; i++) { sprintf(s, "STCFN%03d", i); sfh[i - '!'] = R_gl_getimage(F_findres(s)); } strcpy(s, "WINUM*"); for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { s[5] = i; bfh[i - '!'] = R_gl_loadimage(s); } bfh[':' - '!'] = R_gl_loadimage("WICOLON"); // menu msklh[0] = R_gl_loadimage("M_SKULL1"); msklh[1] = R_gl_loadimage("M_SKULL2"); mbarl = R_gl_loadimage("M_THERML"); mbarm = R_gl_loadimage("M_THERMM"); mbarr = R_gl_loadimage("M_THERMR"); mbaro = R_gl_loadimage("M_THERMO"); mslotl = R_gl_loadimage("M_LSLEFT"); mslotm = R_gl_loadimage("M_LSCNTR"); mslotr = R_gl_loadimage("M_LSRGHT"); // walls for (i = 1; i < ANIT; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 5 && anm[i - 1][j]; j++) { anip[i][j] = R_gl_loadimage(anm[i - 1][j]); } for(; j < 5; j++) { anip[i][j] = (image) { .n = NULL, .w = 8, .h = 8, .res = -1, }; } } } static void R_reload_textures (void); void R_set_videomode (int w, int h, int fullscreen) { assert(w > 0); assert(h > 0); int was = Y_videomode_setted(); if (root != NULL) { R_cache_free(root, 0); root = NULL; } int res = Y_set_videomode_opengl(w, h, fullscreen); if (res == 0) { if (was == 0) { ERR_failinit("Unable to set video mode\n"); } } Y_get_videomode(&screen_width, &screen_height); screen_full = Y_get_fullscreen(); screen_scale = max(1, screen_width / 320); root = R_cache_new(); assert(root); R_alloc(); R_reload_textures(); } static int video_menu_handler (menu_msg_t *msg, const menu_t *m, int i) { static int cur; static int w, h, fullscreen; static char buf[16]; static int buflen; static int vmode; const videomode_t *v; enum { VIDEOMODE, FULLSCREEN, APPLY, __NUM__ }; static const simple_menu_t sm = { GM_BIG, "Video", NULL, { { "Mode: ", NULL }, { "Fullscreen: ", NULL }, { "Apply ", NULL }, } }; if (msg->type == GM_ENTER) { Y_get_videomode(&w, &h); fullscreen = Y_get_fullscreen(); v = Y_get_videomode_list_opengl(fullscreen); vmode = 0; while (vmode < v->n && v->modes[vmode].w != w && v->modes[vmode].h != h) { vmode += 1; } if (vmode < v->n) { w = v->modes[vmode].w; h = v->modes[vmode].h; } snprintf(buf, 16, "%ix%i", w, h); buflen = strlen(buf); return 1; } if (i == VIDEOMODE) { switch (msg->type) { case GM_GETSTR: return GM_init_str(msg, buf, buflen); case GM_SELECT: v = Y_get_videomode_list_opengl(fullscreen); vmode = vmode + 1 >= v->n ? 0 : vmode + 1; if (v->n > 0) { w = v->modes[vmode].w; h = v->modes[vmode].h; } else { Y_get_videomode(&w, &h); } snprintf(buf, 16, "%ix%i", w, h); buflen = strlen(buf); return 1; } } else if (i == FULLSCREEN) { switch (msg->type) { case GM_GETSTR: return GM_init_str(msg, fullscreen ? "Yes" : "No ", 3); case GM_SELECT: fullscreen = !fullscreen; return 1; } } else if (i == APPLY) { switch (msg->type) { case GM_SELECT: R_set_videomode(w, h, fullscreen); return 1; } } return simple_menu_handler(msg, i, __NUM__, &sm, &cur); } const menu_t *R_menu (void) { static const menu_t m = { video_menu_handler }; return &m; } const cfg_t *R_args (void) { static const cfg_t args[] = { { "fullscr", &init_screen_full, Y_SW_ON }, { "window", &init_screen_full, Y_SW_OFF }, { "width", &init_screen_width, Y_DWORD }, { "height", &init_screen_height, Y_DWORD }, { NULL, NULL, 0 } // end }; return args; } const cfg_t *R_conf (void) { static const cfg_t conf[] = { { "sky", &w_horiz, Y_SW_ON }, { "fullscreen", &screen_full, Y_SW_ON }, { "screen_width", &screen_width, Y_DWORD }, { "screen_height", &screen_height, Y_DWORD }, { NULL, NULL, 0 } // end }; return conf; } void R_init (void) { logo("R_init: intialize opengl render\n"); R_init_playpal(); init_screen_width = init_screen_width > 0 ? init_screen_width : screen_width; init_screen_height = init_screen_height > 0 ? init_screen_height : screen_height; init_screen_full = init_screen_full != 0xFF ? init_screen_full : screen_full; R_set_videomode(init_screen_width, init_screen_height, init_screen_full); } void R_done (void) { R_cache_free(root, 1); Y_unset_videomode(); root = NULL; } void R_get_name (int n, char s[8]) { assert(n >= 0 && n < 256); if (walp[n].res == -1) { memset(s, 0, 8); } else if (walp[n].res == -2) { memcpy(s, "_WATER_", 8); s[7] = '0' + (intptr_t)walp[n].n - 1; } else if (walani[n] > 0) { memcpy(s, anm[walani[n] - 1][0], 8); } else { F_getresname(s, walp[n].res & 0x7FFF); } } static short getani (char n[8]) { short i = 0; while (i < ANIT - 1 && cp866_strncasecmp(n, anm[i][0], 8) != 0) { i++; } return i < ANIT - 1 ? i + 1 : 0; } int R_get_special_id (int n) { assert(n >= 0 && n <= 256); return walp[n].res == -2 ? (intptr_t)walp[n].n : -1; } static void R_reload_textures (void) { int i; char s[8]; for (i = 0; i < max_textures; i++) { R_get_name(i, s); if (walp[i].res >= 0) { walp[i] = R_gl_getimage(walp[i].res); } } if (horiz.n) { horiz = R_gl_getimage(horiz.res); } } void R_begin_load (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (walp[i].n != NULL && walp[i].res >= 0 && walani[i] == 0) { R_gl_free_image(&walp[i]); } memset(&walp[i], 0, sizeof(image)); walp[i].res = -1; walswp[i] = i; walani[i] = 0; } memset(anic, 0, sizeof(anic)); max_wall_width = 0; max_wall_height = 0; max_textures = 1; } void R_load (char s[8]) { assert(max_textures < 256); if (!s[0]) { walp[max_textures] = (image) { .n = NULL, .x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 0, .h = 0, .res = -1, }; } else if (cp866_strncasecmp(s, "_WATER_", 7) == 0) { walp[max_textures] = (image) { .n = (void*)((intptr_t)s[7] - '0' + 1), .x = 0, .y = 0, .w = 8, .h = 8, .res = -2, }; } else { walp[max_textures] = R_gl_loadimage(s); if (s[0] == 'S' && s[1] == 'W' && s[4] == '_') { walswp[max_textures] = 0; } walani[max_textures] = getani(s); } max_wall_width = max(max_wall_width, walp[max_textures].w); max_wall_height = max(max_wall_height, walp[max_textures].h); max_textures++; } void R_end_load (void) { int i, j, k, g; char s[8]; j = max_textures; for (i = 1; i < 256 && j < 256; i++) { if (walswp[i] == 0) { R_get_name(i, s); s[5] ^= 1; g = F_getresid(s); k = 1; while (k < 256 && walp[k].res != g) { k += 1; } if (k >= 256) { k = j; j += 1; max_textures += 1; walp[k] = R_gl_getimage(g); walf[k] = walf[i]; } walswp[i] = k; walswp[k] = i; } } } void R_loadsky (int sky) { char s[6]; strcpy(s, "RSKYx"); s[4] = '0' + sky; R_gl_free_image(&horiz); horiz = R_gl_loadimage(s); } void R_switch_texture (int x, int y) { assert(x >= 0 && x < FLDW); assert(y >= 0 && y < FLDH); fldb[y][x] = walswp[fldb[y][x]]; } int R_get_swp (int n) { assert(n >= 0 && n < 256); return walswp[n]; }