(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../../shared/a_modes.inc} unit r_playermodel; interface uses g_playermodel, g_base; // TPlayerModel, TRectWH procedure r_PlayerModel_Initialize; procedure r_PlayerModel_Finalize; procedure r_PlayerModel_Load; procedure r_PlayerModel_Free; procedure r_PlayerModel_Update; procedure r_PlayerModel_Draw (pm: TPlayerModel; X, Y: Integer; Alpha: Byte = 0); {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} procedure r_PlayerModel_DrawGibs; function r_PlayerModel_GetGibRect (m, id: Integer): TRectWH; {$ENDIF} implementation uses {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} g_gibs, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, Math, MAPDEF, utils, e_log, wadreader, ImagingTypes, Imaging, ImagingUtility, r_graphics, g_options, r_animations, r_textures, g_basic, g_map, g_weapons, g_animations, g_player, g_phys, g_game ; const WeapNames: Array [WP_FIRST + 1..WP_LAST] of String = ('csaw', 'hgun', 'sg', 'ssg', 'mgun', 'rkt', 'plz', 'bfg', 'spl', 'flm'); type TDirIdx = TDirection.D_LEFT..TDirection.D_RIGHT; TAnimIdx = A_STAND..A_LAST; var WeaponID: Array [WP_FIRST + 1..WP_LAST, W_POS_NORMAL..W_POS_DOWN, W_ACT_NORMAL..W_ACT_FIRE] of DWORD; Models: Array of record Frames: Array [TDirIdx, TAnimIdx] of record base: DWORD; mask: DWORD; end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} Gibs: Array of record base: DWORD; mask: DWORD; rect: TRectWH; end; {$ENDIF} end; RedFlagFrames: DWORD; BlueFlagFrames: DWORD; FlagAnimState: TAnimState; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} function r_PlayerModel_GetGibRect (m, id: Integer): TRectWH; begin Result := Models[m].Gibs[id].rect end; {$ENDIF} procedure r_PlayerModel_Initialize; begin FlagAnimState := TAnimState.Create(True, 8, 5); end; procedure r_PlayerModel_Finalize; begin FlagAnimState.Invalidate; end; procedure ExtAnimFromBaseAnim(MName: String; AIdx: Integer); const CopyAnim: array [A_LASTBASE+1..A_LASTEXT] of Integer = ( A_WALK, A_WALK, A_WALK, A_WALK, A_WALK, A_STAND, A_WALK, A_ATTACK, A_WALK, A_SEEUP, A_SEEDOWN, A_ATTACKUP, A_ATTACKDOWN ); var OIdx: Integer; AName, OName: String; begin // HACK: shitty workaround to duplicate base animations // in place of extended, replace with something better later Assert((AIdx > A_LASTBASE) and (AIdx <= A_LASTEXT)); OIdx := CopyAnim[AIdx]; AName := MName + '_RIGHTANIM' + IntToStr(AIdx); OName := MName + '_RIGHTANIM' + IntToStr(OIdx); Assert(g_Frames_Dup(AName, OName)); Assert(g_Frames_Dup(AName + '_MASK', OName + '_MASK')); AName := MName + '_LEFTANIM' + IntToStr(AIdx); OName := MName + '_LEFTANIM' + IntToStr(OIdx); if g_Frames_Exists(AName) then begin g_Frames_Dup(AName, OName); g_Frames_Dup(AName + '_MASK', OName + '_MASK'); end; end; procedure r_PlayerModel_LoadResource (resource: AnsiString; var pData: Pointer; var len: Integer); var WAD: TWADFile; begin pData := nil; len := 0; WAD := TWADFile.Create; WAD.ReadFile(g_ExtractWadName(resource)); WAD.GetResource(g_ExtractFilePathName(resource), pData, len); WAD.Free; end; function g_PlayerModel_CalcGibSize (pData: Pointer; dataSize, x, y, w, h: Integer): TRectWH; var i, j: Integer; done: Boolean; img: TImageData; function IsVoid (i, j: Integer): Boolean; begin result := Byte((PByte(img.bits) + (y+j)*img.width*4 + (x+i)*4 + 3)^) = 0 end; begin InitImage(img); assert(LoadImageFromMemory(pData, dataSize, img)); (* trace x from right to left *) done := false; i := 0; while not done and (i < w) do begin j := 0; while (j < h) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(j); done := (j < h) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false); result.x := i; inc(i); end; (* trace y from up to down *) done := false; j := 0; while not done and (j < h) do begin i := 0; while (i < w) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(i); done := (i < w) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false); result.y := j; inc(j); end; (* trace x from right to left *) done := false; i := w - 1; while not done and (i >= 0) do begin j := 0; while (j < h) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(j); done := (j < h) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false); result.width := i - result.x + 1; dec(i); end; (* trace y from down to up *) done := false; j := h - 1; while not done and (j >= 0) do begin i := 0; while (i < w) and IsVoid(i, j) do inc(i); done := (i < w) and (IsVoid(i, j) = false); result.height := j - result.y + 1; dec(j); end; FreeImage(img); end; procedure r_PlayerModel_Load; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} var base, mask: Pointer; baseLen, maskLen: Integer; {$ENDIF} var ID1, ID2: DWORD; i, a, b: Integer; prefix, aname: String; begin g_Frames_CreateWAD(@RedFlagFrames, 'FRAMES_FLAG_RED', GameWAD + ':TEXTURES\FLAGRED', 64, 64, 5, False); g_Frames_CreateWAD(@BlueFlagFrames, 'FRAMES_FLAG_BLUE', GameWAD + ':TEXTURES\FLAGBLUE', 64, 64, 5, False); for a := WP_FIRST + 1 to WP_LAST do begin g_Texture_CreateWAD(WeaponID[a][W_POS_NORMAL][W_ACT_NORMAL], GameWAD+':WEAPONS\'+UpperCase(WeapNames[a])); g_Texture_CreateWAD(WeaponID[a][W_POS_NORMAL][W_ACT_FIRE], GameWAD+':WEAPONS\'+UpperCase(WeapNames[a])+'_FIRE'); g_Texture_CreateWAD(WeaponID[a][W_POS_UP][W_ACT_NORMAL], GameWAD+':WEAPONS\'+UpperCase(WeapNames[a])+'_UP'); g_Texture_CreateWAD(WeaponID[a][W_POS_UP][W_ACT_FIRE], GameWAD+':WEAPONS\'+UpperCase(WeapNames[a])+'_UP_FIRE'); g_Texture_CreateWAD(WeaponID[a][W_POS_DOWN][W_ACT_NORMAL], GameWAD+':WEAPONS\'+UpperCase(WeapNames[a])+'_DN'); g_Texture_CreateWAD(WeaponID[a][W_POS_DOWN][W_ACT_FIRE], GameWAD+':WEAPONS\'+UpperCase(WeapNames[a])+'_DN_FIRE'); end; Models := nil; if PlayerModelsArray <> nil then begin SetLength(Models, Length(PlayerModelsArray)); for i := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray) do begin prefix := PlayerModelsArray[i].FileName + ':TEXTURES\'; for b := A_STAND to A_LAST do begin aname := PlayerModelsArray[i].Name + '_RIGHTANIM' + IntToStr(b); with PlayerModelsArray[i].Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, b] do begin if not (g_Frames_CreateWAD(@ID1, aname, prefix + Resource, 64, 64, Frames, Back) and g_Frames_CreateWAD(@ID2, aname + '_MASK', prefix + Mask, 64, 64, Frames, Back)) then begin if b > A_LASTBASE then begin ExtAnimFromBaseAnim(PlayerModelsArray[i].Name, b); continue end end; Models[i].Frames[TDirection.D_RIGHT, b].base := ID1; Models[i].Frames[TDirection.D_RIGHT, b].mask := ID2; end; with PlayerModelsArray[i].Anim[TDirection.D_LEFT, b] do begin if (Resource <> '') and (Mask <> '') then begin aname := PlayerModelsArray[i].Name + '_LEFTANIM' + IntToStr(b); g_Frames_CreateWAD(@ID1, aname, prefix + Resource, 64, 64, Frames, Back); g_Frames_CreateWAD(@ID2, aname + '_MASK', prefix + Mask, 64, 64, Frames, Back); Models[i].Frames[TDirection.D_LEFT, b].base := ID1; Models[i].Frames[TDirection.D_LEFT, b].mask := ID2; end end end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} SetLength(Models[i].Gibs, PlayerModelsArray[i].GibsCount); if PlayerModelsArray[i].GibsCount > 0 then begin r_PlayerModel_LoadResource(prefix + PlayerModelsArray[i].GibsResource, base, baseLen); r_PlayerModel_LoadResource(prefix + PlayerModelsArray[i].GibsMask, mask, maskLen); if (base <> nil) and (mask <> nil) then begin for a := 0 to PlayerModelsArray[i].GibsCount - 1 do begin if e_CreateTextureMemEx(base, baseLen, Models[i].Gibs[a].base, a * 32, 0, 32, 32) and e_CreateTextureMemEx(mask, maskLen, Models[i].Gibs[a].mask, a * 32, 0, 32, 32) then begin Models[i].Gibs[a].rect := g_PlayerModel_CalcGibSize(base, baseLen, a * 32, 0, 32, 32); with Models[i].Gibs[a].Rect do if Height > 3 then Height := Height - 1 - Random(2); // ??? end end end; FreeMem(mask); FreeMem(base); end {$ENDIF} end end end; procedure r_PlayerModel_Free; var i, a, b, c: Integer; begin e_DeleteTexture(RedFlagFrames); e_DeleteTexture(BlueFlagFrames); if PlayerModelsArray = nil then Exit; for i := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray) do begin with PlayerModelsArray[i] do begin for a := A_STAND to A_LAST do begin g_Frames_DeleteByName(Name + '_LEFTANIM' + IntToStr(a)); g_Frames_DeleteByName(Name + '_LEFTANIM' + IntToStr(a) + '_MASK'); g_Frames_DeleteByName(Name + '_RIGHTANIM' + IntToStr(a)); g_Frames_DeleteByName(Name + '_RIGHTANIM' + IntToStr(a) + '_MASK'); end; end // !!! delete gibs textures here end; for a := WP_FIRST + 1 to WP_LAST do for b := W_POS_NORMAL to W_POS_DOWN do for c := W_ACT_NORMAL to W_ACT_FIRE do e_DeleteTexture(WeaponID[a][b][c]) end; procedure r_PlayerModel_Update; begin FlagAnimState.Update end; procedure r_PlayerModel_Draw (pm: TPlayerModel; X, Y: Integer; Alpha: Byte = 0); var Mirror: TMirrorType; pos, act: Byte; fp, p: TDFPoint; FramesID: DWORD; fa: Integer; begin // Флаги: if pm.Direction = TDirection.D_LEFT then Mirror := TMirrorType.None else Mirror := TMirrorType.Horizontal; FramesID := 0; case pm.Flag of FLAG_RED: FramesID := RedFlagFrames; FLAG_BLUE: FramesID := BlueFlagFrames; end; if (FramesID <> 0) and (not (pm.CurrentAnimation in [A_DIE1, A_DIE2])) then begin fp := PlayerModelsArray[pm.id].FlagPoint; fa := PlayerModelsArray[pm.id].FlagAngle; p.X := IfThen(pm.Direction = TDirection.D_LEFT, FLAG_BASEPOINT.X, 64 - FLAG_BASEPOINT.X); p.Y := FLAG_BASEPOINT.Y; r_AnimState_DrawEx( FramesID, FlagAnimState, X + IfThen(pm.Direction = TDirection.D_LEFT, fp.X - 1, 2 * FLAG_BASEPOINT.X - fp.X + 1) - FLAG_BASEPOINT.X, Y + fp.Y - FLAG_BASEPOINT.Y + 1, 0, Mirror, False, p, IfThen(pm.Direction = TDirection.D_RIGHT, fa, -fa) ); end; // Оружие: if pm.Direction = TDirection.D_RIGHT then Mirror := TMirrorType.None else Mirror := TMirrorType.Horizontal; if PlayerModelsArray[pm.id].HaveWeapon and (not (pm.CurrentAnimation in [A_DIE1, A_DIE2, A_PAIN])) and (pm.CurrentWeapon in [WP_FIRST + 1..WP_LAST]) then begin if pm.CurrentAnimation in [A_SEEUP, A_ATTACKUP] then pos := W_POS_UP else if pm.CurrentAnimation in [A_SEEDOWN, A_ATTACKDOWN] then pos := W_POS_DOWN else pos := W_POS_NORMAL; if (pm.CurrentAnimation in [A_ATTACK, A_ATTACKUP, A_ATTACKDOWN]) or pm.GetFire() then act := W_ACT_FIRE else act := W_ACT_NORMAL; if Alpha < 201 then e_Draw( WeaponID[pm.CurrentWeapon][pos][act], X + PlayerModelsArray[pm.id].WeaponPoints[pm.CurrentWeapon, pm.CurrentAnimation, pm.Direction, pm.AnimState.CurrentFrame].X, Y + PlayerModelsArray[pm.id].WeaponPoints[pm.CurrentWeapon, pm.CurrentAnimation, pm.Direction, pm.AnimState.CurrentFrame].Y, 0, True, False, Mirror ); end; // Модель: if (pm.Direction = TDirection.D_LEFT) and (Models[pm.id].Frames[TDirection.D_LEFT, pm.CurrentAnimation].base <> 0) then begin FramesID := Models[pm.id].Frames[TDirection.D_LEFT, pm.CurrentAnimation].base; r_AnimState_Draw(FramesID, pm.AnimState, X, Y, Alpha, TMirrorType.None, False); end else begin FramesID := Models[pm.id].Frames[TDirection.D_RIGHT, pm.CurrentAnimation].base; r_AnimState_Draw(FramesID, pm.AnimState, X, Y, Alpha, Mirror, False); end; // Маска модели: e_Colors := pm.Color; if (pm.Direction = TDirection.D_LEFT) and (Models[pm.id].Frames[TDirection.D_LEFT, pm.CurrentAnimation].mask <> 0) then begin FramesID := Models[pm.id].Frames[TDirection.D_LEFT, pm.CurrentAnimation].mask; r_AnimState_Draw(FramesID, pm.AnimState, X, Y, Alpha, TMirrorType.None, False); end else begin FramesID := Models[pm.id].Frames[TDirection.D_RIGHT, pm.CurrentAnimation].mask; r_AnimState_Draw(FramesID, pm.AnimState, X, Y, Alpha, Mirror, False); end; e_Colors.R := 255; e_Colors.G := 255; e_Colors.B := 255; end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} procedure r_PlayerModel_DrawGibs; var i, fX, fY, m, id: Integer; a: TDFPoint; pobj: ^TObj; begin if gGibs <> nil then begin for i := 0 to High(gGibs) do begin if gGibs[i].alive then begin pobj := @gGibs[i].Obj; if not g_Obj_Collide(sX, sY, sWidth, sHeight, pobj) then Continue; pobj.lerp(gLerpFactor, fX, fY); a.X := pobj.Rect.X + (pobj.Rect.Width div 2); a.y := pobj.Rect.Y + (pobj.Rect.Height div 2); m := gGibs[i].ModelID; id := gGibs[i].GibID; e_DrawAdv(Models[m].Gibs[id].base, fX, fY, 0, True, False, gGibs[i].RAngle, @a, TMirrorType.None); e_Colors := gGibs[i].Color; e_DrawAdv(Models[m].Gibs[id].mask, fX, fY, 0, True, False, gGibs[i].RAngle, @a, TMirrorType.None); e_Colors.R := 255; e_Colors.G := 255; e_Colors.B := 255; end end end end; {$ENDIF} end.