(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../../shared/a_modes.inc} unit r_animations; interface uses g_base, g_textures, MAPDEF, Imaging; // TMirrorType, TAnimationState, TDFPoint, TDynImageDataArray procedure r_AnimationState_Draw (TID: DWORD; t: TAnimationState; x, y: Integer; mirror: TMirrorType); procedure r_AnimationState_DrawEx (FID: DWORD; t: TAnimationState; x, y: Integer; mirror: TMirrorType; rpoint: TDFPoint; angle: SmallInt); function g_CreateFramesImg (ia: TDynImageDataArray; ID: PDWORD; const Name: AnsiString; BackAnimation: Boolean = false): Boolean; function g_Frames_CreateWAD (ID: PDWORD; const Name, Resource: AnsiString; mWidth, mHeight, mCount: Word; BackAnimation: Boolean=false): Boolean; function g_Frames_CreateFile (ID: PDWORD; const Name, FileName: AnsiString; mWidth, mHeight, mCount: Word; BackAnimation: Boolean = false): Boolean; function g_Frames_CreateMemory (ID: PDWORD; const Name: AnsiString; pData: Pointer; dataSize: LongInt; mWidth, mHeight, mCount: Word; BackAnimation: Boolean=false): Boolean; function g_Frames_Dup (const NewName, OldName: AnsiString): Boolean; function g_Frames_Get (out ID: LongWord; const FramesName: AnsiString): Boolean; function g_Frames_GetTexture (out ID: LongWord; const FramesName: AnsiString; Frame: Word): Boolean; function g_Frames_Exists (const FramesName: AnsiString): Boolean; procedure g_Frames_DeleteByName (const FramesName: AnsiString); procedure g_Frames_DeleteByID (ID: LongWord); procedure g_Frames_DeleteAll; type TFrames = record texturesID: array of LongWord; name: AnsiString; frameWidth, frameHeight: Word; used: Boolean; end; var framesArray: array of TFrames = nil; implementation uses SysUtils, Classes, Math, WadReader, utils, e_log, r_graphics, g_language, g_game ; procedure r_AnimationState_Draw (TID: DWORD; t: TAnimationState; x, y: Integer; mirror: TMirrorType); begin if t.enabled then e_DrawAdv(framesArray[TID].TexturesID[t.currentFrame], x, y, t.alpha, true, t.blending, 0, nil, mirror) end; procedure r_AnimationState_DrawEx (FID: DWORD; t: TAnimationState; x, y: Integer; mirror: TMirrorType; rpoint: TDFPoint; angle: SmallInt); begin if t.enabled then e_DrawAdv(framesArray[FID].TexturesID[t.currentFrame], x, y, t.alpha, true, t.blending, angle, @rpoint, mirror) end; function allocFrameSlot (): LongWord; var f: integer; begin for f := 0 to High(framesArray) do begin if (not framesArray[f].used) then begin result := f; exit; end; end; result := Length(framesArray); SetLength(framesArray, result+64); for f := result to High(framesArray) do begin with framesArray[f] do begin texturesID := nil; name := ''; frameWidth := 0; frameHeight := 0; used := false; end; end; end; function g_Frames_CreateFile (ID: PDWORD; const Name, FileName: AnsiString; mWidth, mHeight, mCount: Word; BackAnimation: Boolean = false): Boolean; var a: Integer; find_id: LongWord; begin result := false; find_id := allocFrameSlot(); if (mCount <= 2) then BackAnimation := false; if BackAnimation then SetLength(framesArray[find_id].TexturesID, mCount+mCount-2) else SetLength(framesArray[find_id].TexturesID, mCount); for a := 0 to mCount-1 do begin if not e_CreateTextureEx(FileName, framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[a], a*mWidth, 0, mWidth, mHeight) then exit; end; if BackAnimation then begin for a := 1 to mCount-2 do framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[mCount+mCount-2-a] := framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[a]; end; framesArray[find_id].used := true; framesArray[find_id].FrameWidth := mWidth; framesArray[find_id].FrameHeight := mHeight; if (Name <> '') then framesArray[find_id].Name := Name else framesArray[find_id].Name := ''; if (ID <> nil) then ID^ := find_id; result := true; end; function CreateFramesMem (pData: Pointer; dataSize: LongInt; ID: PDWORD; Name: AnsiString; mWidth, mHeight, mCount: Word; BackAnimation: Boolean = false): Boolean; var find_id: LongWord; a: Integer; begin result := false; find_id := allocFrameSlot(); if (mCount <= 2) then BackAnimation := false; if BackAnimation then SetLength(framesArray[find_id].TexturesID, mCount+mCount-2) else SetLength(framesArray[find_id].TexturesID, mCount); for a := 0 to mCount-1 do if not e_CreateTextureMemEx(pData, dataSize, framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[a], a*mWidth, 0, mWidth, mHeight) then begin //!!!FreeMem(pData); exit; end; if BackAnimation then begin for a := 1 to mCount-2 do framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[mCount+mCount-2-a] := framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[a]; end; framesArray[find_id].used := true; framesArray[find_id].FrameWidth := mWidth; framesArray[find_id].FrameHeight := mHeight; if (Name <> '') then framesArray[find_id].Name := Name else framesArray[find_id].Name := ''; if (ID <> nil) then ID^ := find_id; result := true; end; function g_CreateFramesImg (ia: TDynImageDataArray; ID: PDWORD; const Name: AnsiString; BackAnimation: Boolean = false): Boolean; var find_id: LongWord; a, mCount: Integer; begin result := false; find_id := allocFrameSlot(); mCount := Length(ia); //e_WriteLog(Format('+++ creating %d frames [%s]', [FCount, Name]), MSG_NOTIFY); if (mCount < 1) then exit; if (mCount <= 2) then BackAnimation := false; if BackAnimation then SetLength(framesArray[find_id].TexturesID, mCount+mCount-2) else SetLength(framesArray[find_id].TexturesID, mCount); //e_WriteLog(Format('+++ creating %d frames, %dx%d', [FCount, ia[0].width, ia[0].height]), MSG_NOTIFY); for a := 0 to mCount-1 do begin if not e_CreateTextureImg(ia[a], framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[a]) then exit; //e_WriteLog(Format('+++ frame %d, %dx%d', [a, ia[a].width, ia[a].height]), MSG_NOTIFY); end; if BackAnimation then begin for a := 1 to mCount-2 do framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[mCount+mCount-2-a] := framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[a]; end; framesArray[find_id].used := true; framesArray[find_id].FrameWidth := ia[0].width; framesArray[find_id].FrameHeight := ia[0].height; if (Name <> '') then framesArray[find_id].Name := Name else framesArray[find_id].Name := ''; if (ID <> nil) then ID^ := find_id; result := true; end; function g_Frames_CreateWAD (ID: PDWORD; const Name, Resource: AnsiString; mWidth, mHeight, mCount: Word; BackAnimation: Boolean=false): Boolean; var WAD: TWADFile; FileName: AnsiString; TextureData: Pointer; ResourceLength: Integer; begin result := false; // models without "advanced" animations asks for "nothing" like this; don't spam log if (Length(Resource) > 0) and ((Resource[Length(Resource)] = '/') or (Resource[Length(Resource)] = '\')) then exit; FileName := g_ExtractWadName(Resource); WAD := TWADFile.Create(); WAD.ReadFile(FileName); if not WAD.GetResource(g_ExtractFilePathName(Resource), TextureData, ResourceLength) then begin WAD.Free(); e_WriteLog(Format('Error loading texture %s', [Resource]), TMsgType.Warning); //e_WriteLog(Format('WAD Reader error: %s', [WAD.GetLastErrorStr]), MSG_WARNING); exit; end; if not CreateFramesMem(TextureData, ResourceLength, ID, Name, mWidth, mHeight, mCount, BackAnimation) then begin FreeMem(TextureData); WAD.Free(); exit; end; FreeMem(TextureData); WAD.Free(); result := true; end; function g_Frames_CreateMemory (ID: PDWORD; const Name: AnsiString; pData: Pointer; dataSize: LongInt; mWidth, mHeight, mCount: Word; BackAnimation: Boolean = false): Boolean; begin result := CreateFramesMem(pData, dataSize, ID, Name, mWidth, mHeight, mCount, BackAnimation); end; function g_Frames_Dup (const NewName, OldName: AnsiString): Boolean; var find_id, b: LongWord; a, c: Integer; begin result := false; if not g_Frames_Get(b, OldName) then exit; find_id := allocFrameSlot(); framesArray[find_id].used := true; framesArray[find_id].Name := NewName; framesArray[find_id].FrameWidth := framesArray[b].FrameWidth; framesArray[find_id].FrameHeight := framesArray[b].FrameHeight; c := High(framesArray[b].TexturesID); SetLength(framesArray[find_id].TexturesID, c+1); for a := 0 to c do framesArray[find_id].TexturesID[a] := framesArray[b].TexturesID[a]; result := true; end; procedure g_Frames_DeleteByName (const FramesName: AnsiString); var a, b: Integer; begin if (Length(framesArray) = 0) then exit; for a := 0 to High(framesArray) do begin if (StrEquCI1251(framesArray[a].Name, FramesName)) then begin if framesArray[a].TexturesID <> nil then begin for b := 0 to High(framesArray[a].TexturesID) do e_DeleteTexture(framesArray[a].TexturesID[b]); end; framesArray[a].used := false; framesArray[a].TexturesID := nil; framesArray[a].Name := ''; framesArray[a].FrameWidth := 0; framesArray[a].FrameHeight := 0; end; end; end; procedure g_Frames_DeleteByID (ID: LongWord); var b: Integer; begin if (Length(framesArray) = 0) then exit; if (framesArray[ID].TexturesID <> nil) then begin for b := 0 to High(framesArray[ID].TexturesID) do e_DeleteTexture(framesArray[ID].TexturesID[b]); end; framesArray[ID].used := false; framesArray[ID].TexturesID := nil; framesArray[ID].Name := ''; framesArray[ID].FrameWidth := 0; framesArray[ID].FrameHeight := 0; end; procedure g_Frames_DeleteAll (); var a, b: Integer; begin for a := 0 to High(framesArray) do begin if (framesArray[a].used) then begin for b := 0 to High(framesArray[a].TexturesID) do e_DeleteTexture(framesArray[a].TexturesID[b]); end; framesArray[a].used := false; framesArray[a].TexturesID := nil; framesArray[a].Name := ''; framesArray[a].FrameWidth := 0; framesArray[a].FrameHeight := 0; end; framesArray := nil; end; function g_Frames_Get (out ID: LongWord; const FramesName: AnsiString): Boolean; var a: Integer; begin result := false; if (Length(framesArray) = 0) then exit; for a := 0 to High(framesArray) do begin if (StrEquCI1251(framesArray[a].Name, FramesName)) then begin ID := a; result := true; break; end; end; if not result then g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_FRAMES], [FramesName])); end; function g_Frames_GetTexture (out ID: LongWord; const FramesName: AnsiString; Frame: Word): Boolean; var a: Integer; begin result := false; if (Length(framesArray) = 0) then exit; for a := 0 to High(framesArray) do begin if (StrEquCI1251(framesArray[a].Name, FramesName)) then begin if (Frame < Length(framesArray[a].TexturesID)) then begin ID := framesArray[a].TexturesID[Frame]; result := true; break; end; end; end; if not result then g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_FRAMES], [FramesName])); end; function g_Frames_Exists (const FramesName: AnsiString): Boolean; var a: Integer; begin result := false; if (Length(framesArray) = 0) then exit; for a := 0 to High(framesArray) do begin if (StrEquCI1251(framesArray[a].Name, FramesName)) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; end; end.