(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} {$M+} unit g_playermodel; interface uses MAPDEF, g_textures, g_base, g_basic, g_weapons, utils; const A_STAND = 0; A_WALK = 1; A_DIE1 = 2; A_DIE2 = 3; A_ATTACK = 4; A_SEEUP = 5; A_SEEDOWN = 6; A_ATTACKUP = 7; A_ATTACKDOWN = 8; A_PAIN = 9; // EXTENDED A_WALKATTACK = 10; A_WALKSEEUP = 11; A_WALKSEEDOWN = 12; A_WALKATTACKUP = 13; A_WALKATTACKDOWN = 14; A_FISTSTAND = 15; A_FISTWALK = 16; A_FISTATTACK = 17; A_FISTWALKATTACK = 18; A_FISTSEEUP = 19; A_FISTSEEDOWN = 20; A_FISTATTACKUP = 21; A_FISTATTACKDOWN = 22; A_LASTBASE = A_PAIN; A_LASTEXT = A_FISTATTACKDOWN; A_LAST = A_LASTEXT; MODELSOUND_PAIN = 0; MODELSOUND_DIE = 1; W_POS_NORMAL = 0; W_POS_UP = 1; W_POS_DOWN = 2; W_POS_LAST = W_POS_DOWN; W_ACT_NORMAL = 0; W_ACT_FIRE = 1; W_ACT_LAST = W_ACT_FIRE; FLAG_BASEPOINT: TDFPoint = (X:16; Y:43); type TWeaponPoints = Array [WP_FIRST + 1..WP_LAST, A_STAND..A_LAST, TDirection.D_LEFT..TDirection.D_RIGHT] of Array of TDFPoint; TModelMatrix = Array [TDirection.D_LEFT..TDirection.D_RIGHT, A_STAND..A_LAST] of TAnimState; TModelTextures = Array [TDirection.D_LEFT..TDirection.D_RIGHT, A_STAND..A_LAST] of record Resource: String; Mask: String; Frames: Integer; Back: Boolean; end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} TModelBlood = record R, G, B, Kind: Byte; end; {$ENDIF} TModelSound = record ID: DWORD; Level: Byte; end; TModelSoundArray = Array of TModelSound; TPlayerModel = class{$IFDEF USE_MEMPOOL}(TPoolObject){$ENDIF} private FDirection: TDirection; FColor: TRGB; FCurrentAnimation: Byte; FAnimState: TAnimState; FCurrentWeapon: Byte; FFlag: Byte; FFireCounter: Byte; FID: Integer; public destructor Destroy(); override; procedure ChangeAnimation(Animation: Byte; Force: Boolean = False); procedure SetColor(Red, Green, Blue: Byte); procedure SetWeapon(Weapon: Byte); procedure SetFlag(Flag: Byte); procedure SetFire (Fire: Boolean); function GetFire (): Boolean; function PlaySound(SoundType, Level: Byte; X, Y: Integer): Boolean; procedure Update(); {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} function GetBlood (): TModelBlood; {$ENDIF} function GetName (): String; published property Direction: TDirection read FDirection write FDirection; property Animation: Byte read FCurrentAnimation; property Weapon: Byte read FCurrentWeapon; public property Color: TRGB read FColor write FColor; property AnimState: TAnimState read FAnimState; property CurrentAnimation: Byte read FCurrentAnimation; property CurrentWeapon: Byte read FCurrentWeapon; property Flag: Byte read FFlag; property ID: Integer read FID; end; procedure g_PlayerModel_LoadAll; procedure g_PlayerModel_FreeData(); function g_PlayerModel_Load(FileName: String): Boolean; function g_PlayerModel_GetNames(): SSArray; function g_PlayerModel_Get(ModelName: String): TPlayerModel; function g_PlayerModel_GetIndex (ModelName: String): Integer; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} function g_PlayerModel_GetBlood(ModelName: String): TModelBlood; {$ENDIF} procedure g_PlayerModel_LoadFake (ModelName, FileName: String); (* --- private data --- *) type TPlayerModelInfo = record Name: String; Author: String; Description: String; HaveWeapon: Boolean; ModelSpeed: Array [A_STAND..A_PAIN] of Byte; FlagPoint: TDFPoint; FlagAngle: SmallInt; WeaponPoints: TWeaponPoints; PainSounds: TModelSoundArray; DieSounds: TModelSoundArray; SlopSound: Byte; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} Blood: TModelBlood; {$ENDIF} // ======================= FileName: String; Anim: TModelTextures; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} GibsCount: Integer; GibsResource:String; GibsMask: String; GibsOnce: Integer; {$ENDIF} end; var PlayerModelsArray: Array of TPlayerModelInfo; implementation uses {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} g_gfx, {$ENDIF} g_sound, g_console, SysUtils, g_player, CONFIG, e_sound, g_options, g_map, Math, e_log, wadreader ; const FLAG_DEFPOINT: TDFPoint = (X:32; Y:16); FLAG_DEFANGLE = -20; WEAPONBASE: Array [WP_FIRST + 1..WP_LAST] of TDFPoint = ((X:8; Y:4), (X:8; Y:8), (X:16; Y:16), (X:16; Y:24), (X:16; Y:16), (X:24; Y:24), (X:16; Y:16), (X:24; Y:24), (X:16; Y:16), (X:8; Y:8)); AnimNames: Array [A_STAND..A_LASTEXT] of String = ('StandAnim','WalkAnim','Die1Anim','Die2Anim','AttackAnim', 'SeeUpAnim','SeeDownAnim','AttackUpAnim','AttackDownAnim','PainAnim', // EXTENDED 'WalkAttackAnim', 'WalkSeeUpAnim', 'WalkSeeDownAnim', 'WalkAttackUpAnim', 'WalkAttackDownAnim', 'FistStandAnim', 'FistWalkAnim', 'FistAttackAnim', 'FistWalkAttackAnim', 'FistSeeUpAnim', 'FistSeeDownAnim', 'FistAttackUpAnim', 'FistAttackDownAnim'); WeapNames: Array [WP_FIRST + 1..WP_LAST] of String = ('csaw', 'hgun', 'sg', 'ssg', 'mgun', 'rkt', 'plz', 'bfg', 'spl', 'flm'); function g_PlayerModel_GetIndex (ModelName: String): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := -1; if PlayerModelsArray <> nil then begin i := 0; while (i < Length(PlayerModelsArray)) and (PlayerModelsArray[i].Name <> ModelName) do Inc(i); if i < Length(PlayerModelsArray) then Result := i end end; function GetPoint(var str: String; var point: TDFPoint): Boolean; var a, x, y: Integer; s: String; begin Result := False; x := 0; y := 0; str := Trim(str); if Length(str) < 3 then Exit; for a := 1 to Length(str) do if (str[a] = ',') or (a = Length(str)) then begin s := Copy(str, 1, a); if s[Length(s)] = ',' then SetLength(s, Length(s)-1); Delete(str, 1, a); if (Sscanf(s, '%d:%d', [@x, @y]) < 2) or (x < -64) or (x > 128) or (y < -64) or (y > 128) then Exit; point.X := x; point.Y := y; Break; end; Result := True; end; function GetWeapPoints(str: String; weapon: Byte; anim: Byte; dir: TDirection; frames: Word; backanim: Boolean; var wpoints: TWeaponPoints): Boolean; var a, b, h: Integer; begin Result := False; if frames = 0 then Exit; backanim := backanim and (frames > 2); for a := 1 to frames do begin if not GetPoint(str, wpoints[weapon, anim, dir, a-1]) then Exit; with wpoints[weapon, anim, dir, a-1] do begin X := X - WEAPONBASE[weapon].X; Y := Y - WEAPONBASE[weapon].Y; if dir = TDirection.D_LEFT then X := -X; end; end; h := High(wpoints[weapon, anim, dir]); if backanim then for b := h downto frames do wpoints[weapon, anim, dir, b] := wpoints[weapon, anim, dir, h-b+1]; Result := True; end; procedure g_PlayerMode_ExtendPoints (id: Integer; AIdx: Integer); const CopyAnim: array [A_LASTBASE+1..A_LASTEXT] of Integer = ( A_WALK, A_WALK, A_WALK, A_WALK, A_WALK, A_STAND, A_WALK, A_ATTACK, A_WALK, A_SEEUP, A_SEEDOWN, A_ATTACKUP, A_ATTACKDOWN ); var W, I, OIdx: Integer; D: TDirection; begin OIdx := CopyAnim[AIdx]; with PlayerModelsArray[id] do begin for W := WP_FIRST + 1 to WP_LAST do begin for D := TDirection.D_LEFT to TDirection.D_RIGHT do begin SetLength(WeaponPoints[W, AIdx, D], Length(WeaponPoints[W, OIdx, D])); for I := 0 to High(WeaponPoints[W, AIdx, D]) do WeaponPoints[W, AIdx, D, I] := WeaponPoints[W, OIdx, D, I] end; end; end; end; procedure g_PlayerModel_LoadFake (ModelName, FileName: String); var id: Integer; begin SetLength(PlayerModelsArray, Length(PlayerModelsArray) + 1); id := High(PlayerModelsArray); PlayerModelsArray[id].Name := ModelName; PlayerModelsArray[id].HaveWeapon := False; PlayerModelsArray[id].FileName := FileName; end; function g_PlayerModel_Load(FileName: string): Boolean; var ID: DWORD; a, b, len, aa, bb, f: Integer; cc: TDirection; config: TConfig; pData: Pointer; WAD: TWADFile; s: string; prefix: string; ok, chk, chk2: Boolean; begin e_WriteLog(Format('Loading player model "%s"...', [FileName]), TMsgType.Notify); Result := False; WAD := TWADFile.Create; WAD.ReadFile(FileName); if {WAD.GetLastError <> DFWAD_NOERROR} not WAD.isOpen then begin WAD.Free(); Exit; end; if not WAD.GetResource('TEXT/MODEL', pData, len) then begin WAD.Free(); Exit; end; config := TConfig.CreateMem(pData, len); FreeMem(pData); s := config.ReadStr('Model', 'name', ''); if s = '' then begin config.Free(); WAD.Free(); Exit; end; SetLength(PlayerModelsArray, Length(PlayerModelsArray)+1); ID := High(PlayerModelsArray); prefix := FileName+':TEXTURES\'; PlayerModelsArray[ID].Name := s; PlayerModelsArray[ID].Author := config.ReadStr('Model', 'author', ''); PlayerModelsArray[ID].Description := config.ReadStr('Model', 'description', ''); PlayerModelsArray[ID].FileName := FileName; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} with PlayerModelsArray[ID] do begin Blood.R := MAX(0, MIN(255, config.ReadInt('Blood', 'R', 150))); Blood.G := MAX(0, MIN(255, config.ReadInt('Blood', 'G', 0))); Blood.B := MAX(0, MIN(255, config.ReadInt('Blood', 'B', 0))); case config.ReadStr('Blood', 'Kind', 'NORMAL') of 'NORMAL': Blood.Kind := BLOOD_NORMAL; 'SPARKS': Blood.Kind := BLOOD_CSPARKS; 'COMBINE': Blood.Kind := BLOOD_COMBINE; else Blood.Kind := BLOOD_NORMAL end end; {$ENDIF} for b := A_STAND to A_LAST do begin with PlayerModelsArray[ID].Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, b] do begin Resource := config.ReadStr(AnimNames[b], 'resource', ''); Mask := config.ReadStr(AnimNames[b], 'mask', ''); Frames := config.ReadInt(AnimNames[b], 'frames', 1); Back := config.ReadBool(AnimNames[b], 'backanim', False); if (Resource = '') or (Mask = '') then begin if b <= A_LASTBASE then begin config.Free(); WAD.Free(); Exit end else begin g_PlayerMode_ExtendPoints(ID, b); continue end end; end; for aa := WP_FIRST + 1 to WP_LAST do for bb := A_STAND to A_LAST do for cc := TDirection.D_LEFT to TDirection.D_RIGHT do begin f := PlayerModelsArray[ID].Anim[cc, bb].Frames; if PlayerModelsArray[ID].Anim[cc, bb].Back and (f > 2) then f := 2 * f - 2; SetLength(PlayerModelsArray[ID].WeaponPoints[aa, bb, cc], f); end; with PlayerModelsArray[ID].Anim[TDirection.D_LEFT, b] do begin Frames := PlayerModelsArray[ID].Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, b].Frames; Back := PlayerModelsArray[ID].Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, b].Back; end; PlayerModelsArray[ID].ModelSpeed[b] := Max(1, config.ReadInt(AnimNames[b], 'waitcount', 1) div 3); end; with PlayerModelsArray[ID], config do begin prefix := FileName+':SOUNDS\'; a := 1; repeat s := config.ReadStr('Sound', 'pain'+IntToStr(a), ''); if s <> '' then begin SetLength(PainSounds, Length(PainSounds)+1); g_Sound_CreateWAD(PainSounds[High(PainSounds)].ID, prefix+s); PainSounds[High(PainSounds)].Level := config.ReadInt('Sound', 'painlevel'+IntToStr(a), 1); end; a := a+1; until s = ''; a := 1; repeat s := config.ReadStr('Sound', 'die'+IntToStr(a), ''); if s <> '' then begin SetLength(DieSounds, Length(DieSounds)+1); g_Sound_CreateWAD(DieSounds[High(DieSounds)].ID, prefix+s); DieSounds[High(DieSounds)].Level := config.ReadInt('Sound', 'dielevel'+IntToStr(a), 1); end; a := a+1; until s = ''; SlopSound := Min(Max(config.ReadInt('Sound', 'slop', 0), 0), 2); {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} GibsCount := config.ReadInt('Gibs', 'count', 0); GibsResource := config.ReadStr('Gibs', 'resource', 'GIBS'); GibsMask := config.ReadStr('Gibs', 'mask', 'GIBSMASK'); GibsOnce := config.ReadInt('Gibs', 'once', -1); {$ENDIF} ok := True; for aa := WP_FIRST + 1 to WP_LAST do for bb := A_STAND to A_LAST do if not (bb in [A_DIE1, A_DIE2, A_PAIN]) then begin chk := GetWeapPoints( config.ReadStr(AnimNames[bb], WeapNames[aa] + '_points', ''), aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, bb].Frames, Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, bb].Back, WeaponPoints ); if ok and (not chk) and (aa = WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER) then begin // workaround for flamethrower chk := GetWeapPoints( config.ReadStr(AnimNames[bb], WeapNames[WEAPON_PLASMA] + '_points', ''), aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, bb].Frames, Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, bb].Back, WeaponPoints ); if chk then for f := 0 to High(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT]) do begin case bb of A_STAND, A_PAIN: begin Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].X, 6); Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].Y, 8); end; A_WALKATTACK, A_WALK: begin Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].X, 9); Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].Y, 9); end; A_ATTACK: begin Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].X, 5); Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].Y, 8); end; A_WALKSEEUP, A_SEEUP: begin Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].X, 5); Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].Y, 16); end; A_WALKSEEDOWN, A_SEEDOWN: begin Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].X, 6); Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].Y, 5); end; A_WALKATTACKUP, A_ATTACKUP: begin Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].X, 5); Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].Y, 16); end; A_WALKATTACKDOWN, A_ATTACKDOWN: begin Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].X, 6); Dec(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].Y, 4); end; end; end; end; ok := ok and (chk or (bb > A_LASTBASE)); chk2 := GetWeapPoints( config.ReadStr(AnimNames[bb], WeapNames[aa] + '2_points', ''), aa, bb, TDirection.D_LEFT, Anim[TDirection.D_LEFT, bb].Frames, Anim[TDirection.D_LEFT, bb].Back, WeaponPoints ); if not chk2 then begin for f := 0 to High(WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT]) do begin WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_LEFT, f].X := -WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].X; WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_LEFT, f].Y := WeaponPoints[aa, bb, TDirection.D_RIGHT, f].Y; end; end; if not ok then Break; end; {if ok then g_Console_Add(Info.Name+' weapon points ok') else g_Console_Add(Info.Name+' weapon points fail');} PlayerModelsArray[ID].HaveWeapon := ok; s := config.ReadStr('Model', 'flag_point', ''); if not GetPoint(s, FlagPoint) then FlagPoint := FLAG_DEFPOINT; FlagAngle := config.ReadInt('Model', 'flag_angle', FLAG_DEFANGLE); end; config.Free(); WAD.Free(); Result := True; end; function g_PlayerModel_Get (ModelName: String): TPlayerModel; var a: Integer; begin Result := nil; if PlayerModelsArray = nil then Exit; for a := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray) do begin if AnsiLowerCase(PlayerModelsArray[a].Name) = AnsiLowerCase(ModelName) then begin Result := TPlayerModel.Create; with PlayerModelsArray[a] do begin Result.FID := a; Result.ChangeAnimation(A_STAND, True); Break; end; end; end; end; function g_PlayerModel_GetNames(): SSArray; var i: DWORD; begin Result := nil; if PlayerModelsArray = nil then Exit; for i := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray) do begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); Result[High(Result)] := PlayerModelsArray[i].Name; end; end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} function g_PlayerModel_GetBlood(ModelName: string): TModelBlood; var a: Integer; begin Result.R := 150; Result.G := 0; Result.B := 0; Result.Kind := BLOOD_NORMAL; if PlayerModelsArray = nil then Exit; for a := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray) do if PlayerModelsArray[a].Name = ModelName then begin Result := PlayerModelsArray[a].Blood; Break; end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure g_PlayerModel_FreeData(); var i, b: Integer; begin e_WriteLog('Releasing models...', TMsgType.Notify); if PlayerModelsArray = nil then Exit; for i := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray) do begin with PlayerModelsArray[i] do begin if PainSounds <> nil then for b := 0 to High(PainSounds) do e_DeleteSound(PainSounds[b].ID); if DieSounds <> nil then for b := 0 to High(DieSounds) do e_DeleteSound(DieSounds[b].ID); end; end; PlayerModelsArray := nil; end; { TPlayerModel } procedure TPlayerModel.ChangeAnimation (Animation: Byte; Force: Boolean = False); var once: Boolean; speed, count: Integer; begin if not Force then if FCurrentAnimation = Animation then Exit; FCurrentAnimation := Animation; once := FCurrentAnimation in [A_STAND, A_WALK]; speed := PlayerModelsArray[FID].ModelSpeed[FCurrentAnimation]; count := PlayerModelsArray[FID].Anim[FDirection, FCurrentAnimation].Frames; FAnimState := TAnimState.Create(once, speed, count); end; destructor TPlayerModel.Destroy(); begin FAnimState.Invalidate; inherited; end; function TPlayerModel.PlaySound(SoundType, Level: Byte; X, Y: Integer): Boolean; var TempArray: array of DWORD; a: Integer; begin Result := False; SetLength(TempArray, 0); if SoundType = MODELSOUND_PAIN then begin if PlayerModelsArray[FID].PainSounds = nil then Exit; for a := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray[FID].PainSounds) do if PlayerModelsArray[FID].PainSounds[a].Level = Level then begin SetLength(TempArray, Length(TempArray) + 1); TempArray[High(TempArray)] := PlayerModelsArray[FID].PainSounds[a].ID; end; end else begin if (Level in [2, 3, 5]) and (PlayerModelsArray[FID].SlopSound > 0) then begin g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_MONSTER_SLOP', X, Y); if PlayerModelsArray[FID].SlopSound = 1 then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; if PlayerModelsArray[FID].DieSounds = nil then Exit; for a := 0 to High(PlayerModelsArray[FID].DieSounds) do if PlayerModelsArray[FID].DieSounds[a].Level = Level then begin SetLength(TempArray, Length(TempArray) + 1); TempArray[High(TempArray)] := PlayerModelsArray[FID].DieSounds[a].ID; end; if (TempArray = nil) and (Level = 5) then begin g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_MONSTER_SLOP', X, Y); Result := True; Exit; end; end; if TempArray = nil then Exit; g_Sound_PlayAt(TempArray[Random(Length(TempArray))], X, Y); Result := True; end; procedure TPlayerModel.SetColor(Red, Green, Blue: Byte); begin FColor.R := Red; FColor.G := Green; FColor.B := Blue; end; procedure TPlayerModel.SetFire (Fire: Boolean); begin if Fire then FFireCounter := PlayerModelsArray[FID].ModelSpeed[A_ATTACK] * PlayerModelsArray[FID].Anim[TDirection.D_RIGHT, A_ATTACK].Frames + 1 else FFireCounter := 0 end; function TPlayerModel.GetFire (): Boolean; begin Result := FFireCounter > 0 end; procedure TPlayerModel.SetFlag (Flag: Byte); begin FFlag := Flag end; procedure TPlayerModel.SetWeapon (Weapon: Byte); begin FCurrentWeapon := Weapon end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} function TPlayerModel.GetBlood (): TModelBlood; begin Result := PlayerModelsArray[FID].Blood end; {$ENDIF} function TPlayerModel.GetName (): String; begin Result := PlayerModelsArray[FID].Name end; procedure TPlayerModel.Update; begin if FAnimState.IsValid() then FAnimState.Update; if FFireCounter > 0 then Dec(FFireCounter) end; procedure g_PlayerModel_LoadAll; var SR: TSearchRec; knownFiles: array of AnsiString = nil; found: Boolean; wext, s: AnsiString; f: Integer; begin // load models from all possible wad types, in all known directories // this does a loosy job (linear search, ooph!), but meh for wext in wadExtensions do begin for f := High(ModelDirs) downto Low(ModelDirs) do begin if (FindFirst(ModelDirs[f]+DirectorySeparator+'*'+wext, faAnyFile, SR) = 0) then begin repeat found := false; for s in knownFiles do begin if (strEquCI1251(forceFilenameExt(SR.Name, ''), forceFilenameExt(ExtractFileName(s), ''))) then begin found := true; break; end; end; if not found then begin SetLength(knownFiles, length(knownFiles)+1); knownFiles[High(knownFiles)] := ModelDirs[f]+DirectorySeparator+SR.Name; end; until (FindNext(SR) <> 0); end; FindClose(SR); end; end; if (length(knownFiles) = 0) then raise Exception.Create('no player models found!'); if (length(knownFiles) = 1) then e_LogWriteln('1 player model found.', TMsgType.Notify) else e_LogWritefln('%d player models found.', [Integer(length(knownFiles))], TMsgType.Notify); for s in knownFiles do if not g_PlayerModel_Load(s) then e_LogWritefln('Error loading model "%s"', [s], TMsgType.Warning); end; end.