(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_netmsg; interface uses e_msg, g_net, g_triggers, Classes, SysUtils, md5; const NET_MSG_INFO = 100; NET_MSG_CHAT = 101; NET_MSG_SND = 102; NET_MSG_GFX = 103; NET_MSG_GEVENT = 104; NET_MSG_SCORE = 105; NET_MSG_COOP = 106; NET_MSG_FLAG = 107; NET_MSG_REQFST = 108; NET_MSG_GSET = 109; NET_MSG_FLAGPOS= 110; NET_MSG_PLR = 111; NET_MSG_PLRPOS = 112; NET_MSG_PLRSTA = 113; NET_MSG_PLRDEL = 114; NET_MSG_PLRDMG = 115; NET_MSG_PLRDIE = 116; NET_MSG_PLRFIRE= 117; NET_MSG_PLRSET = 119; NET_MSG_CHEAT = 120; NET_MSG_ISPAWN = 121; NET_MSG_IDEL = 122; NET_MSG_IPOS = 123; NET_MSG_MSPAWN = 131; NET_MSG_MPOS = 132; NET_MSG_MSTATE = 133; NET_MSG_MSHOT = 134; NET_MSG_MDEL = 135; NET_MSG_PSTATE = 141; NET_MSG_PTEX = 142; NET_MSG_TSOUND = 151; NET_MSG_TMUSIC = 152; NET_MSG_SHDEL = 161; NET_MSG_SHADD = 162; NET_MSG_SHPOS = 163; NET_MSG_RCON_AUTH = 191; NET_MSG_RCON_CMD = 192; NET_MSG_TIME_SYNC = 194; NET_MSG_VOTE_EVENT = 195; { NET_MSG_MAP_REQUEST = 201; NET_MSG_MAP_RESPONSE = 202; NET_MSG_RES_REQUEST = 203; NET_MSG_RES_RESPONSE = 204; } NET_CHAT_SYSTEM = 0; NET_CHAT_PLAYER = 1; NET_CHAT_TEAM = 2; NET_RCON_NOAUTH = 0; NET_RCON_PWGOOD = 1; NET_RCON_PWBAD = 2; NET_GFX_SPARK = 1; NET_GFX_TELE = 2; NET_GFX_RESPAWN = 3; NET_GFX_FIRE = 4; NET_GFX_EXPLODE = 5; NET_GFX_BFGEXPL = 6; NET_GFX_BFGHIT = 7; NET_GFX_SHELL1 = 8; NET_GFX_SHELL2 = 9; NET_GFX_SHELL3 = 10; NET_EV_MAPSTART = 1; NET_EV_MAPEND = 2; NET_EV_CHANGE_TEAM = 3; NET_EV_PLAYER_KICK = 4; NET_EV_PLAYER_BAN = 5; NET_EV_LMS_WARMUP = 6; NET_EV_LMS_SURVIVOR = 7; NET_EV_RCON = 8; NET_EV_BIGTEXT = 9; NET_EV_SCORE = 10; NET_EV_SCORE_MSG = 11; NET_EV_LMS_START = 12; NET_EV_LMS_WIN = 13; NET_EV_TLMS_WIN = 14; NET_EV_LMS_LOSE = 15; NET_EV_LMS_DRAW = 16; NET_EV_KILLCOMBO = 17; NET_EV_PLAYER_TOUCH = 18; NET_EV_SECRET = 19; NET_EV_INTER_READY = 20; NET_EV_LMS_NOSPAWN = 21; NET_VE_STARTED = 1; NET_VE_PASSED = 2; NET_VE_FAILED = 3; NET_VE_VOTE = 4; NET_VE_REVOKE = 5; NET_VE_INPROGRESS = 6; NET_FLAG_GET = 1; NET_FLAG_DROP = 2; NET_FLAG_CAP = 3; NET_FLAG_RETURN = 4; NET_CHEAT_SUICIDE = 1; NET_CHEAT_SPECTATE = 2; NET_CHEAT_READY = 3; NET_CHEAT_DROPFLAG = 4; NET_MAX_DIFFTIME = 5000 div 36; // HOST MESSAGES procedure MH_MalformedPacket(C: pTNetClient); procedure MH_ProcessFirstSpawn (C: pTNetClient); procedure MH_RECV_Info(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); procedure MH_RECV_Chat(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); procedure MH_RECV_FullStateRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); function MH_RECV_PlayerPos(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg): Word; procedure MH_RECV_PlayerSettings(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); procedure MH_RECV_CheatRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); procedure MH_RECV_RCONPassword(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); procedure MH_RECV_RCONCommand(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); //procedure MH_RECV_MapRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); //procedure MH_RECV_ResRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); procedure MH_RECV_Vote(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); // GAME procedure MH_SEND_Everything(CreatePlayers: Boolean {= False}; ID: Integer {= NET_EVERYONE}); procedure MH_SEND_Info(ID: Byte); procedure MH_SEND_Chat(Txt: string; Mode: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_Effect(X, Y: Integer; Ang: SmallInt; Kind: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_Sound(X, Y: Integer; Name: string; Pos: Boolean = True; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_CreateShot(Proj: LongInt; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_UpdateShot(Proj: LongInt; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_DeleteShot(Proj: LongInt; X, Y: LongInt; Loud: Boolean = True; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_GameStats(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_CoopStats(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_GameEvent(EvType: Byte; EvNum: Integer = 0; EvStr: string = 'N'; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_FlagEvent(EvType: Byte; Flag: Byte; PID: Word; Quiet: Boolean = False; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_FlagPos(Flag: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_GameSettings(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); // PLAYER procedure MH_SEND_PlayerCreate(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_PlayerPos(Reliable: Boolean; PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_PlayerStats(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDelete(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDamage(PID: Word; Kind: Byte; Attacker, Value: Word; VX, VY: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_PlayerFire(PID: Word; Weapon: Byte; X, Y, AX, AY: Integer; ShotID: Integer = -1; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDeath(PID: Word; KillType, DeathType: Byte; Attacker: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_PlayerSettings(PID: Word; Mdl: string = ''; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); // ITEM procedure MH_SEND_ItemSpawn(Quiet: Boolean; IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_ItemDestroy(Quiet: Boolean; IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_ItemPos(IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); // PANEL procedure MH_SEND_PanelTexture(PGUID: Integer; AnimLoop: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_PanelState(PGUID: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); // MONSTER procedure MH_SEND_MonsterSpawn(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_MonsterPos(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_MonsterState(UID: Word; ForcedAnim: Byte = 255; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_MonsterShot(UID: Word; X, Y, VX, VY: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_MonsterDelete(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); // TRIGGER procedure MH_SEND_TriggerSound(var T: TTrigger; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_TriggerMusic(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); // MISC procedure MH_SEND_TimeSync(Time: LongWord; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); procedure MH_SEND_VoteEvent(EvType: Byte; StrArg1: string = 'a'; StrArg2: string = 'b'; IntArg1: SmallInt = 0; IntArg2: SmallInt = 0; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); // CLIENT MESSAGES // // GAME procedure MC_RECV_Chat(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_Effect(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_Sound(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_GameStats(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_CoopStats(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_GameEvent(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_FlagEvent(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_FlagPos(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_GameSettings(var M: TMsg); // PLAYER function MC_RECV_PlayerCreate(var M: TMsg): Word; function MC_RECV_PlayerPos(var M: TMsg): Word; function MC_RECV_PlayerStats(var M: TMsg): Word; function MC_RECV_PlayerDelete(var M: TMsg): Word; function MC_RECV_PlayerDamage(var M: TMsg): Word; function MC_RECV_PlayerDeath(var M: TMsg): Word; function MC_RECV_PlayerFire(var M: TMsg): Word; procedure MC_RECV_PlayerSettings(var M: TMsg); // ITEM procedure MC_RECV_ItemSpawn(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_ItemDestroy(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_ItemPos(var M: TMsg); // PANEL procedure MC_RECV_PanelTexture(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_PanelState(var M: TMsg); // MONSTER procedure MC_RECV_MonsterSpawn(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_MonsterPos(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_MonsterState(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_MonsterShot(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_MonsterDelete(var M: TMsg); // SHOT procedure MC_RECV_CreateShot(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_UpdateShot(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_DeleteShot(var M: TMsg); // TRIGGER procedure MC_RECV_TriggerSound(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_TriggerMusic(var M: TMsg); // MISC procedure MC_RECV_TimeSync(var M: TMsg); procedure MC_RECV_VoteEvent(var M: TMsg); // SERVICE procedure MC_SEND_Info(Password: string); procedure MC_SEND_Chat(Txt: string; Mode: Byte); procedure MC_SEND_PlayerPos(); procedure MC_SEND_FullStateRequest(); procedure MC_SEND_PlayerSettings(); procedure MC_SEND_CheatRequest(Kind: Byte); procedure MC_SEND_RCONPassword(Password: string); procedure MC_SEND_RCONCommand(Cmd: string); procedure MC_SEND_Vote(Start: Boolean = False; Command: string = 'a'); // DOWNLOAD //procedure MC_SEND_MapRequest(); //procedure MC_SEND_ResRequest(const resName: AnsiString); type TExternalResourceInfo = record Name: string[255]; md5: TMD5Digest; end; TResDataMsg = record MsgId: Byte; FileSize: Integer; FileData: AByte; end; TMapDataMsg = record MsgId: Byte; FileSize: Integer; FileData: AByte; ExternalResources: array of TExternalResourceInfo; end; function IsValidFileName(const S: String): Boolean; function IsValidFilePath(const S: String): Boolean; implementation uses Math, ENet, e_input, e_graphics, e_log, g_textures, g_gfx, g_sound, g_console, g_basic, g_options, g_main, g_game, g_player, g_map, g_panel, g_items, g_weapons, g_phys, g_gui, g_language, g_monsters, g_netmaster, utils, wadreader, MAPDEF; const NET_KEY_LEFT = 1 shl 0; NET_KEY_RIGHT = 1 shl 1; NET_KEY_UP = 1 shl 2; NET_KEY_DOWN = 1 shl 3; NET_KEY_JUMP = 1 shl 4; NET_KEY_FIRE = 1 shl 5; NET_KEY_OPEN = 1 shl 6; NET_KEY_CHAT = 1 shl 7; NET_KEY_FORCEDIR = 1 shl 8; //var //kBytePrev: Word = 0; //kDirPrev: TDirection = D_LEFT; //HostGameTime: Word = 0; function IsValidFileName(const S: String): Boolean; const Forbidden: set of Char = ['<', '>', '|', '"', ':', '*', '?']; var I: Integer; begin Result := S <> ''; for I := 1 to Length(S) do Result := Result and (not(S[I] in Forbidden)); end; function IsValidFilePath(const S: String): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; if not IsValidFileName(S) then exit; if FileExists(S) then exit; I := LastDelimiter('\/', S); if (I > 0) then if (not DirectoryExists(Copy(S, 1, I-1))) then exit; Result := True; end; // HOST MESSAGES // // GAME procedure MH_MalformedPacket(C: pTNetClient); begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] + _lc[I_NET_DISC_BADMSG]); g_Net_Host_Ban(C, True); end; procedure MH_RECV_Chat(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); var Txt: string; Mode: Byte; PID: Word; Pl: TPlayer; Err: Boolean; begin PID := C^.Player; Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); Err := False; try Txt := M.ReadString(); Mode := M.ReadByte(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; if (Mode = NET_CHAT_SYSTEM) then Mode := NET_CHAT_PLAYER; // prevent sending system messages from clients if (Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM) and (not gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF]) then Mode := NET_CHAT_PLAYER; // revert to player chat in non-team game if Pl = nil then MH_SEND_Chat(Txt, Mode) else MH_SEND_Chat(Pl.Name + ': ' + Txt, Mode, IfThen(Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM, Pl.Team, NET_EVERYONE)); end; procedure MH_RECV_Info(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); var Ver, PName, Model, Pw: string; R, G, B, T: Byte; WeapSwitch: Byte; TmpPrefArray: Array [WP_FIRST .. WP_LAST + 1] of Byte; SwitchEmpty: Byte; SkipF: Byte; PID: Word; Color: TRGB; I: Integer; Err: Boolean; begin Err := False; try Ver := M.ReadString(); Pw := M.ReadString(); PName := M.ReadString(); Model := M.ReadString(); R := M.ReadByte(); G := M.ReadByte(); B := M.ReadByte(); T := M.ReadByte(); WeapSwitch := M.ReadByte(); for I := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST + 1 do TmpPrefArray[I] := M.ReadByte(); SwitchEmpty := M.ReadByte(); SkipF := M.ReadByte(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; if Ver <> GAME_VERSION then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] + _lc[I_NET_DISC_VERSION]); g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_VERSION); Exit; end; if g_Net_IsAddressBanned(C^.Peer^.address.host) then begin if g_Net_IsAddressBanned(C^.Peer^.address.host, True) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] + _lc[I_NET_DISC_BAN]); g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_BAN); end else begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] + _lc[I_NET_DISC_BAN]); g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_TEMPBAN); end; Exit; end; if NetPassword <> '' then if AnsiLowerCase(NetPassword) <> AnsiLowerCase(Pw) then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_MSG] + _lc[I_NET_MSG_HOST_REJECT] + _lc[I_NET_DISC_PASSWORD]); g_Net_Host_Kick(C^.ID, NET_DISC_PASSWORD); Exit; end; if (C^.Player <> 0) then begin // already received info g_Net_Penalize(C, 'client info spam'); Exit; end; Color.R := R; Color.B := B; Color.G := G; PID := g_Player_Create(Model, Color, T, False); with g_Player_Get(PID) do begin Name := PName; WeapSwitchMode := WeapSwitch; SetWeaponPrefs(TmpPrefArray); SwitchToEmpty := SwitchEmpty; SkipFist := SkipF; if (g_Force_Model_Get() <> 0) then SetModel(g_Forced_Model_GetName()); Reset(True); end; C^.Player := PID; C^.WaitForFirstSpawn := false; C^.AuthTime := 0; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_JOIN], [PName]), True); e_WriteLog('NET: Client ' + PName + ' [' + IntToStr(C^.ID) + '] connected. Assigned player #' + IntToStr(PID) + '.', TMsgType.Notify); MH_SEND_Info(C^.ID); with g_Player_Get(PID) do begin Name := PName; FClientID := C^.ID; // round in progress, don't spawn e_LogWritefln('*** client #%u (cid #%u) authenticated...', [C.ID, C.Player]); //e_LogWritefln('spawning player with pid #%u...', [PID]); //Respawn(gGameSettings.GameType = GT_SINGLE); //k8: no, do not spawn a player yet, wait for "request full state" packet Lives := 0; Spectate; FNoRespawn := True; // `FWantsInGame` seems to mean "spawn the player on the next occasion". // that is, if we'll set it to `true`, the player can be spawned after // warmup time ran out, for example, regardless of the real player state. // also, this seems to work only for the initial connection. further // map changes could initiate resource downloading, but the player will // be spawned immediately. // the proper solution will require another player state, "ephemeral". // the player should start any map in "ephemeral" state, and turned into // real mobj only when they sent a special "i am ready" packet. this packet // must be sent after receiving the full state, so the player will get a full // map view before going into game. FWantsInGame := false; C^.WaitForFirstSpawn := true; end; //if not C^.WaitForFirstSpawn then begin for I := Low(NetClients) to High(NetClients) do begin if NetClients[I].ID = C^.ID then Continue; MH_SEND_PlayerCreate(PID, NetClients[I].ID); MH_SEND_PlayerPos(True, PID, NetClients[I].ID); MH_SEND_PlayerStats(PID, NetClients[I].ID); end; end; if gState in [STATE_INTERCUSTOM, STATE_FOLD] then MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_MAPEND, 0, 'N', C^.ID); if NetUseMaster then begin //g_Net_Slist_Update; g_Net_Slist_Pulse(); end; end; procedure MH_ProcessFirstSpawn (C: pTNetClient); var plr: TPlayer; begin if not C.WaitForFirstSpawn then exit; plr := g_Player_Get(C^.Player); if not assigned(plr) then exit; g_Net_Slist_ServerPlayerComes(); e_LogWritefln('*** client #%u (cid #%u) first spawn', [C.ID, C.Player]); C.WaitForFirstSpawn := false; plr.FNoRespawn := false; plr.FWantsInGame := true; // TODO: look into this later if (gGameSettings.MaxLives > 0) and (gLMSRespawn = LMS_RESPAWN_NONE) then begin plr.Spectate; MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_LMS_NOSPAWN, 0, 'N', C.ID); end else begin plr.Respawn(False); if gLMSRespawn > LMS_RESPAWN_NONE then MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_LMS_WARMUP, gLMSRespawnTime - gTime, 'N', C.ID); end; end; procedure MH_RECV_FullStateRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); begin //e_LogWritefln('*** client #%u (cid #%u) full state request', [C.ID, C.Player]); if C^.FullUpdateSent then begin // FullStateRequest spam? g_Net_Penalize(C, 'duplicate full state request'); exit; end; if gGameOn then begin MH_SEND_Everything((C^.State = NET_STATE_AUTH), C^.ID) end else begin C^.RequestedFullUpdate := True; end; end; // PLAYER function MH_RECV_PlayerPos(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg): Word; var Dir, i: Byte; WeaponAct: Byte; WeaponSelect: Word; PID: Word; kByte: Word; Pl: TPlayer; GT: LongWord; Err: Boolean; begin Result := 0; Err := False; if not gGameOn then Exit; try GT := M.ReadLongWord(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; PID := C^.Player; Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if Pl = nil then Exit; if (GT > gTime + NET_MAX_DIFFTIME) or (GT < Pl.NetTime) then Exit; with Pl do begin NetTime := GT; try kByte := M.ReadWord(); Dir := M.ReadByte(); WeaponAct := M.ReadByte(); WeaponSelect := M.ReadWord(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; //e_WriteLog(Format('R:ws=%d', [WeaponSelect]), MSG_WARNING); if Direction <> TDirection(Dir) then JustTeleported := False; SetDirection(TDirection(Dir)); ReleaseKeys; if kByte = NET_KEY_CHAT then begin PressKey(KEY_CHAT, 10000); Exit; end; if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_LEFT) then PressKey(KEY_LEFT, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_RIGHT) then PressKey(KEY_RIGHT, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_UP) then PressKey(KEY_UP, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_DOWN) then PressKey(KEY_DOWN, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_JUMP) then PressKey(KEY_JUMP, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_FIRE) then PressKey(KEY_FIRE, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_OPEN) then PressKey(KEY_OPEN, 10000); for i := 0 to 7 do begin if (WeaponAct and Byte(1 shl i)) <> 0 then begin //e_WriteLog(Format(' R:wn=%d', [i]), MSG_WARNING); ProcessWeaponAction(i); end; end; for i := 0 to 15 do begin if (WeaponSelect and Word(1 shl i)) <> 0 then begin //e_WriteLog(Format(' R:wn=%d', [i]), MSG_WARNING); QueueWeaponSwitch(i); end; end; end; // MH_SEND_PlayerPos(False, PID, C^.ID); end; procedure MH_RECV_CheatRequest(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); var CheatKind: Byte; Pl: TPlayer; Err: Boolean; begin Err := False; Pl := g_Player_Get(C^.Player); if Pl = nil then Exit; try CheatKind := M.ReadByte(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; case CheatKind of NET_CHEAT_SUICIDE: Pl.Damage(SUICIDE_DAMAGE, Pl.UID, 0, 0, HIT_SELF); NET_CHEAT_SPECTATE: begin if Pl.FSpectator then begin if (gGameSettings.MaxLives = 0) or (gLMSRespawn > LMS_RESPAWN_NONE) then Pl.Respawn(False) else MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_LMS_NOSPAWN, Pl.UID); end else Pl.Spectate; end; NET_CHEAT_READY: begin if gState <> STATE_INTERCUSTOM then Exit; Pl.FReady := not Pl.FReady; if Pl.FReady then begin MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_INTER_READY, Pl.UID, 'Y'); Inc(gInterReadyCount); end else begin MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_INTER_READY, Pl.UID, 'N'); Dec(gInterReadyCount); end; end; NET_CHEAT_DROPFLAG: Pl.TryDropFlag(); end; end; procedure MH_RECV_PlayerSettings(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); var TmpName: string; TmpModel: string; TmpColor: TRGB; TmpTeam: Byte; TmpWeapSwitch: Byte; TmpPrefArray: Array [WP_FIRST .. WP_LAST + 1] of Byte; TmpSwEmpty: Byte; TmpSkipF: Byte; I: Integer; Pl: TPlayer; Err: Boolean; begin Err := False; try TmpName := M.ReadString(); TmpModel := M.ReadString(); TmpColor.R := M.ReadByte(); TmpColor.G := M.ReadByte(); TmpColor.B := M.ReadByte(); TmpTeam := M.ReadByte(); TmpWeapSwitch := M.ReadByte(); for I := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST + 1 do TmpPrefArray[I] := M.ReadByte(); TmpSwEmpty := M.ReadByte(); TmpSkipF := M.ReadByte(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; Pl := g_Player_Get(C^.Player); if Pl = nil then Exit; if (gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF]) and (Pl.Team <> TmpTeam) then Pl.SwitchTeam else Pl.SetColor(TmpColor); if Pl.Name <> TmpName then begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_NAME], [Pl.Name, TmpName]), True); Pl.Name := TmpName; end; if (g_Force_Model_Get() <> 0) then TmpModel := g_Forced_Model_GetName(); if TmpModel <> Pl.Model.Name then Pl.SetModel(TmpModel); if (TmpWeapSwitch <> Pl.WeapSwitchMode) then Pl.WeapSwitchMode := TmpWeapSwitch; Pl.SetWeaponPrefs(TmpPrefArray); if (TmpSwEmpty <> Pl.SwitchToEmpty) then Pl.SwitchToEmpty := TmpSwEmpty; if (TmpSkipF <> Pl.SkipFist) then Pl.SkipFist := TmpSkipF; MH_SEND_PlayerSettings(Pl.UID, TmpModel); end; // RCON procedure MH_RECV_RCONPassword(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); var Pwd: string; Err: Boolean; begin Err := False; try Pwd := M.ReadString(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; if not NetAllowRCON then Exit; if Pwd = NetRCONPassword then begin C^.RCONAuth := True; MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_RCON, NET_RCON_PWGOOD, 'N', C^.ID); end else MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_RCON, NET_RCON_PWBAD, 'N', C^.ID); end; procedure MH_RECV_RCONCommand(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); var Cmd: string; Err: Boolean; begin Err := False; try Cmd := M.ReadString(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; if not NetAllowRCON then Exit; if not C^.RCONAuth then begin MH_SEND_GameEvent(NET_EV_RCON, NET_RCON_NOAUTH, 'N', C^.ID); Exit; end; g_Console_Process(Cmd); end; // MISC procedure MH_RECV_Vote(C: pTNetClient; var M: TMsg); var Start: Boolean; Name, Command: string; Need: Integer; Pl: TPlayer; Err: Boolean; begin Err := False; try Start := M.ReadByte() <> 0; Command := M.ReadString(); except Err := True; end; if Err then begin MH_MalformedPacket(C); Exit; end; Pl := g_Player_Get(C^.Player); if Pl = nil then Exit; Name := Pl.Name; if Start then begin if not g_Console_CommandBlacklisted(Command) then g_Game_StartVote(Command, Name); end else if gVoteInProgress then begin if (gPlayer1 <> nil) or (gPlayer2 <> nil) then Need := Floor((NetClientCount+1)/2.0) + 1 else Need := Floor(NetClientCount/2.0) + 1; if C^.Voted then begin Dec(gVoteCount); C^.Voted := False; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_REVOKED], [Name, gVoteCount, Need]), True); MH_SEND_VoteEvent(NET_VE_REVOKE, Name, 'a', gVoteCount, Need); end else begin Inc(gVoteCount); C^.Voted := True; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_VOTE], [Name, gVoteCount, Need]), True); MH_SEND_VoteEvent(NET_VE_VOTE, Name, 'a', gVoteCount, Need); g_Game_CheckVote; end; end; end; // GAME (SEND) procedure MH_SEND_Everything(CreatePlayers: Boolean {= False}; ID: Integer {= NET_EVERYONE}); function sendItemRespawn (it: PItem): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop MH_SEND_ItemSpawn(True, it.myid, ID); end; function sendMonSpawn (mon: TMonster): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop MH_SEND_MonsterSpawn(mon.UID, ID); end; function sendPanelState (pan: TPanel): Boolean; begin result := false; // don't stop MH_SEND_PanelState(pan.guid, ID); // anyway, to sync mplats if (pan.CanChangeTexture) then MH_SEND_PanelTexture(pan.guid, pan.LastAnimLoop, ID); end; var I: Integer; begin if (ID < 0) or (ID >= Length(NetClients)) then exit; // bogus client, this shouldn't happen NetClients[ID].FullUpdateSent := True; e_LogWritefln('*** client #%u (cid #%u) will get everything', [ID, NetClients[ID].Player]); MH_ProcessFirstSpawn(@NetClients[ID]); if gPlayers <> nil then begin for I := Low(gPlayers) to High(gPlayers) do begin if gPlayers[I] <> nil then begin if CreatePlayers then MH_SEND_PlayerCreate(gPlayers[I].UID, ID); MH_SEND_PlayerPos(True, gPlayers[I].UID, ID); MH_SEND_PlayerStats(gPlayers[I].UID, ID); if (gPlayers[I].Flag <> FLAG_NONE) and (gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_CTF) then begin MH_SEND_FlagEvent(FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED, gPlayers[I].Flag, gPlayers[I].UID, True, ID); end; end; end; end; g_Items_ForEachAlive(sendItemRespawn, true); // backwards g_Mons_ForEach(sendMonSpawn); g_Map_ForEachPanel(sendPanelState); if gTriggers <> nil then begin for I := Low(gTriggers) to High(gTriggers) do begin if gTriggers[I].TriggerType = TRIGGER_SOUND then begin MH_SEND_TriggerSound(gTriggers[I], ID); end; end; end; if Shots <> nil then begin for I := Low(Shots) to High(Shots) do begin if Shots[i].ShotType in [6, 7, 8] then begin MH_SEND_CreateShot(i, ID); end; end; end; MH_SEND_TriggerMusic(ID); MH_SEND_GameStats(ID); MH_SEND_CoopStats(ID); if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_CTF then begin if gFlags[FLAG_RED].State <> FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED then MH_SEND_FlagEvent(gFlags[FLAG_RED].State, FLAG_RED, 0, True, ID); if gFlags[FLAG_BLUE].State <> FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED then MH_SEND_FlagEvent(gFlags[FLAG_BLUE].State, FLAG_BLUE, 0, True, ID); end; if CreatePlayers and (ID >= 0) then NetClients[ID].State := NET_STATE_GAME; g_Net_Flush(); end; procedure MH_SEND_Info(ID: Byte); begin NetOut.Clear(); NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_INFO)); NetOut.Write(ID); NetOut.Write(NetClients[ID].Player); NetOut.Write(ExtractFileName(gGameSettings.WAD)); NetOut.Write(g_ExtractFileName(gMapInfo.Map)); NetOut.Write(gWADHash); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.GameMode); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.ScoreLimit); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.TimeLimit); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.MaxLives); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.Options); NetOut.Write(gTime); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_Chat(Txt: string; Mode: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var Name: string; i: Integer; Team: Byte; begin if (Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM) and (not gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF]) then Mode := NET_CHAT_PLAYER; Team := 0; if (Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM) then begin for i := Low(gPlayers) to High(gPlayers) do if (gPlayers[i] <> nil) and (gPlayers[i].FClientID >= 0) and (gPlayers[i].Team = ID) then begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_CHAT)); NetOut.Write(Txt); NetOut.Write(Mode); g_Net_Host_Send(gPlayers[i].FClientID, True); end; Team := ID; ID := NET_EVERYONE; end else begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_CHAT)); NetOut.Write(Txt); NetOut.Write(Mode); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; if Mode = NET_CHAT_SYSTEM then Exit; if ID = NET_EVERYONE then begin if Mode = NET_CHAT_PLAYER then begin g_Console_Add(Txt, True); e_WriteLog('[Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify); g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt)); end else if Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM then if gPlayer1 <> nil then begin if (gPlayer1.Team = TEAM_RED) and (Team = TEAM_RED) then begin g_Console_Add(#18'[Team] '#2 + Txt, True); e_WriteLog('[Team Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify); g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt)); end else if (gPlayer1.Team = TEAM_BLUE) and (Team = TEAM_BLUE) then begin g_Console_Add(#20'[Team] '#2 + Txt, True); e_WriteLog('[Team Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify); g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt)); end; end; end else begin Name := g_Net_ClientName_ByID(ID); g_Console_Add('-> ' + Name + ': ' + Txt, True); e_WriteLog('[Tell ' + Name + '] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify); g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt), False); end; end; procedure MH_SEND_Effect(X, Y: Integer; Ang: SmallInt; Kind: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_GFX)); NetOut.Write(Kind); NetOut.Write(X); NetOut.Write(Y); NetOut.Write(Ang); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False); end; procedure MH_SEND_Sound(X, Y: Integer; Name: string; Pos: Boolean = True; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SND)); NetOut.Write(Name); if Pos then begin NetOut.Write(Byte(1)); NetOut.Write(X); NetOut.Write(Y); end else NetOut.Write(Byte(0)); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False); end; procedure MH_SEND_CreateShot(Proj: LongInt; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin if (Shots = nil) or (Proj < 0) or (Proj > High(Shots)) then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SHADD)); NetOut.Write(Proj); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].ShotType); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Target); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].SpawnerUID); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Timeout); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.X); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Y); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Vel.X); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Vel.Y); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_UpdateShot(Proj: LongInt; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin if (Shots = nil) or (Proj < 0) or (Proj > High(Shots)) then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SHPOS)); NetOut.Write(Proj); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.X); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Y); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Vel.X); NetOut.Write(Shots[Proj].Obj.Vel.Y); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False); end; procedure MH_Send_DeleteShot(Proj: LongInt; X, Y: LongInt; Loud: Boolean = True; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SHDEL)); NetOut.Write(Proj); NetOut.Write(Byte(Loud)); NetOut.Write(X); NetOut.Write(Y); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_GameStats(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_SCORE)); if gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF] then begin NetOut.Write(gTeamStat[TEAM_RED].Score); NetOut.Write(gTeamStat[TEAM_BLUE].Score); end else if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_COOP then begin NetOut.Write(gCoopMonstersKilled); NetOut.Write(gCoopSecretsFound); end; g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_CoopStats(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_COOP)); NetOut.Write(gTotalMonsters); NetOut.Write(gSecretsCount); NetOut.Write(gCoopTotalMonstersKilled); NetOut.Write(gCoopTotalSecretsFound); NetOut.Write(gCoopTotalMonsters); NetOut.Write(gCoopTotalSecrets); end; procedure MH_SEND_GameEvent(EvType: Byte; EvNum: Integer = 0; EvStr: string = 'N'; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_GEVENT)); NetOut.Write(EvType); NetOut.Write(EvNum); NetOut.Write(EvStr); NetOut.Write(Byte(gLastMap)); NetOut.Write(gTime); if (EvType = NET_EV_MAPSTART) and isWadPath(EvStr) then begin NetOut.Write(Byte(1)); NetOut.Write(gWADHash); end else NetOut.Write(Byte(0)); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_FlagEvent(EvType: Byte; Flag: Byte; PID: Word; Quiet: Boolean = False; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_FLAG)); NetOut.Write(EvType); NetOut.Write(Flag); NetOut.Write(Byte(Quiet)); NetOut.Write(PID); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].State); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].CaptureTime); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.X); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Y); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Vel.X); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Vel.Y); NetOut.Write(Byte(gFlags[Flag].Direction)); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_FlagPos(Flag: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_FLAGPOS)); NetOut.Write(Flag); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.X); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Y); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Vel.X); NetOut.Write(gFlags[Flag].Obj.Vel.Y); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False); end; procedure MH_SEND_GameSettings(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_GSET)); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.GameMode); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.ScoreLimit); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.TimeLimit); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.MaxLives); NetOut.Write(gGameSettings.Options); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; // PLAYER (SEND) procedure MH_SEND_PlayerCreate(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var P: TPlayer; begin P := g_Player_Get(PID); if P = nil then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLR)); NetOut.Write(PID); NetOut.Write(P.Name); NetOut.Write(P.FActualModelName); NetOut.Write(P.FColor.R); NetOut.Write(P.FColor.G); NetOut.Write(P.FColor.B); NetOut.Write(P.Team); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_PlayerPos(Reliable: Boolean; PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var kByte: Word; Pl: TPlayer; begin Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if Pl = nil then Exit; if Pl.FDummy then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRPOS)); NetOut.Write(gTime); NetOut.Write(PID); kByte := 0; with Pl do begin NetOut.Write(FPing); NetOut.Write(FLoss); if IsKeyPressed(KEY_CHAT) then kByte := NET_KEY_CHAT else begin if IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_LEFT; if IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_RIGHT; if IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_UP; if IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_DOWN; if IsKeyPressed(KEY_JUMP) then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_JUMP; end; if JustTeleported then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_FORCEDIR; NetOut.Write(kByte); if Direction = TDirection.D_LEFT then NetOut.Write(Byte(0)) else NetOut.Write(Byte(1)); NetOut.Write(GameX); NetOut.Write(GameY); NetOut.Write(GameVelX); NetOut.Write(GameVelY); NetOut.Write(GameAccelX); NetOut.Write(GameAccelY); end; g_Net_Host_Send(ID, Reliable); end; procedure MH_SEND_PlayerStats(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var P: TPlayer; I: Integer; begin P := g_Player_Get(PID); if P = nil then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRSTA)); NetOut.Write(PID); with P do begin NetOut.Write(Byte(alive)); NetOut.Write(Byte(GodMode)); NetOut.Write(Health); NetOut.Write(Armor); NetOut.Write(Air); NetOut.Write(JetFuel); NetOut.Write(Lives); NetOut.Write(Team); for I := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST do NetOut.Write(Byte(FWeapon[I])); for I := A_BULLETS to A_HIGH do NetOut.Write(FAmmo[I]); for I := A_BULLETS to A_HIGH do NetOut.Write(FMaxAmmo[I]); for I := MR_SUIT to MR_MAX do NetOut.Write(LongWord(FMegaRulez[I])); NetOut.Write(Byte(R_ITEM_BACKPACK in FRulez)); NetOut.Write(Byte(R_KEY_RED in FRulez)); NetOut.Write(Byte(R_KEY_GREEN in FRulez)); NetOut.Write(Byte(R_KEY_BLUE in FRulez)); NetOut.Write(Byte(R_BERSERK in FRulez)); NetOut.Write(Frags); NetOut.Write(Assists); NetOut.Write(Death); NetOut.Write(CurrWeap); NetOut.Write(Byte(FSpectator)); NetOut.Write(Byte(FGhost)); NetOut.Write(Byte(FPhysics)); NetOut.Write(Byte(FNoRespawn)); NetOut.Write(Byte(FJetpack)); NetOut.Write(FFireTime); NetOut.Write(Byte(FFlaming)); NetOut.Write(FSpawnInvul); end; g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDamage(PID: Word; Kind: Byte; Attacker, Value: Word; VX, VY: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRDMG)); NetOut.Write(PID); NetOut.Write(Kind); NetOut.Write(Attacker); NetOut.Write(Value); NetOut.Write(VX); NetOut.Write(VY); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False); end; procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDeath(PID: Word; KillType, DeathType: Byte; Attacker: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRDIE)); NetOut.Write(PID); NetOut.Write(KillType); NetOut.Write(DeathType); NetOut.Write(Attacker); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_PlayerFire(PID: Word; Weapon: Byte; X, Y, AX, AY: Integer; ShotID: Integer = -1; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRFIRE)); NetOut.Write(PID); NetOut.Write(Weapon); NetOut.Write(X); NetOut.Write(Y); NetOut.Write(AX); NetOut.Write(AY); NetOut.Write(ShotID); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_PlayerDelete(PID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRDEL)); NetOut.Write(PID); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_PlayerSettings(PID: Word; Mdl: string = ''; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var Pl: TPlayer; begin Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if Pl = nil then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRSET)); NetOut.Write(PID); NetOut.Write(Pl.Name); if Mdl = '' then NetOut.Write(Pl.Model.Name) else NetOut.Write(Mdl); NetOut.Write(Pl.FColor.R); NetOut.Write(Pl.FColor.G); NetOut.Write(Pl.FColor.B); NetOut.Write(Pl.Team); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; // ITEM (SEND) procedure MH_SEND_ItemSpawn(Quiet: Boolean; IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var it: PItem; tt: Byte; begin it := g_Items_ByIdx(IID); NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_ISPAWN)); NetOut.Write(IID); NetOut.Write(Byte(Quiet)); tt := it.ItemType; if it.dropped then tt := tt or $80; NetOut.Write(tt); NetOut.Write(Byte(it.Fall)); NetOut.Write(Byte(it.Respawnable)); NetOut.Write(it.Obj.X); NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Y); NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Vel.X); NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Vel.Y); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_ItemDestroy(Quiet: Boolean; IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_IDEL)); NetOut.Write(IID); NetOut.Write(Byte(Quiet)); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_ItemPos(IID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var it: PItem; begin it := g_Items_ByIdx(IID); NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_IPOS)); NetOut.Write(IID); NetOut.Write(it.Obj.X); NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Y); NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Vel.X); NetOut.Write(it.Obj.Vel.Y); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False); end; // PANEL procedure MH_SEND_PanelTexture(PGUID: Integer; AnimLoop: Byte; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var TP: TPanel; begin TP := g_Map_PanelByGUID(PGUID); if (TP = nil) then exit; with TP do begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PTEX)); NetOut.Write(LongWord(PGUID)); NetOut.Write(FCurTexture); NetOut.Write(FCurFrame); NetOut.Write(FCurFrameCount); NetOut.Write(AnimLoop); end; g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_PanelState(PGUID: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var TP: TPanel; mpflags: Byte = 0; begin TP := g_Map_PanelByGUID(PGUID); if (TP = nil) then exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PSTATE)); NetOut.Write(LongWord(PGUID)); NetOut.Write(Byte(TP.Enabled)); NetOut.Write(TP.LiftType); NetOut.Write(TP.X); NetOut.Write(TP.Y); NetOut.Write(Word(TP.Width)); NetOut.Write(Word(TP.Height)); // mplats NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingSpeedX)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingSpeedY)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingStartX)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingStartY)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingEndX)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.movingEndY)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.sizeSpeedX)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.sizeSpeedY)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.sizeEndX)); NetOut.Write(LongInt(TP.sizeEndY)); if TP.movingActive then mpflags := mpflags or 1; if TP.moveOnce then mpflags := mpflags or 2; NetOut.Write(Byte(mpflags)); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; // TRIGGER procedure MH_SEND_TriggerSound(var T: TTrigger; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin if gTriggers = nil then Exit; if T.Sound = nil then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_TSOUND)); NetOut.Write(T.ClientID); NetOut.Write(Byte(T.Sound.IsPlaying)); NetOut.Write(LongWord(T.Sound.GetPosition)); NetOut.Write(T.SoundPlayCount); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_TriggerMusic(ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_TMUSIC)); NetOut.Write(gMusic.Name); NetOut.Write(Byte(gMusic.IsPlaying)); NetOut.Write(LongWord(gMusic.GetPosition)); NetOut.Write(Byte(gMusic.SpecPause or gMusic.IsPaused)); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; // MONSTER procedure MH_SEND_MonsterSpawn(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var M: TMonster; begin M := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID); if M = nil then Exit; with M do begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MSPAWN)); NetOut.Write(UID); NetOut.Write(MonsterType); NetOut.Write(MonsterState); NetOut.Write(MonsterAnim); NetOut.Write(MonsterTargetUID); NetOut.Write(MonsterTargetTime); NetOut.Write(MonsterBehaviour); NetOut.Write(MonsterSleep); NetOut.Write(MonsterHealth); NetOut.Write(MonsterAmmo); NetOut.Write(GameX); NetOut.Write(GameY); NetOut.Write(GameVelX); NetOut.Write(GameVelY); NetOut.Write(Byte(GameDirection)); end; g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_MonsterPos(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var M: TMonster; begin M := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID); if M = nil then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MPOS)); NetOut.Write(UID); with M do begin NetOut.Write(GameX); NetOut.Write(GameY); NetOut.Write(GameVelX); NetOut.Write(GameVelY); NetOut.Write(Byte(GameDirection)); end; g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False); end; procedure MH_SEND_MonsterState(UID: Word; ForcedAnim: Byte = 255; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var M: TMonster; begin M := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID); if M = nil then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MSTATE)); NetOut.Write(UID); with M do begin NetOut.Write(MonsterState); NetOut.Write(ForcedAnim); NetOut.Write(MonsterTargetUID); NetOut.Write(MonsterTargetTime); NetOut.Write(MonsterSleep); NetOut.Write(MonsterHealth); NetOut.Write(MonsterAmmo); NetOut.Write(MonsterPain); NetOut.Write(Byte(AnimIsReverse)); NetOut.Write(FFireTime); end; g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_MonsterShot(UID: Word; X, Y, VX, VY: Integer; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MSHOT)); NetOut.Write(UID); NetOut.Write(X); NetOut.Write(Y); NetOut.Write(VX); NetOut.Write(VY); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; procedure MH_SEND_MonsterDelete(UID: Word; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); var M: TMonster; begin M := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID); if M = nil then Exit; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_MDEL)); NetOut.Write(UID); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; // MISC procedure MH_SEND_TimeSync(Time: LongWord; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_TIME_SYNC)); NetOut.Write(Time); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, False); end; procedure MH_SEND_VoteEvent(EvType: Byte; StrArg1: string = 'a'; StrArg2: string = 'b'; IntArg1: SmallInt = 0; IntArg2: SmallInt = 0; ID: Integer = NET_EVERYONE); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_VOTE_EVENT)); NetOut.Write(EvType); NetOut.Write(IntArg1); NetOut.Write(IntArg2); NetOut.Write(StrArg1); NetOut.Write(StrArg2); g_Net_Host_Send(ID, True); end; // CLIENT MESSAGES // // GAME procedure MC_RECV_Chat(var M: TMsg); var Txt: string; Mode: Byte; begin Txt := M.ReadString(); Mode := M.ReadByte(); if Mode <> NET_CHAT_SYSTEM then begin if NetDeafLevel = 0 then begin if Mode = NET_CHAT_PLAYER then begin g_Console_Add(Txt, True); e_WriteLog('[Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify); g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt)); end else if (Mode = NET_CHAT_TEAM) and (gPlayer1 <> nil) then begin if gPlayer1.Team = TEAM_RED then g_Console_Add(b_Text_Format('\r[Team] ') + Txt, True); if gPlayer1.Team = TEAM_BLUE then g_Console_Add(b_Text_Format('\b[Team] ') + Txt, True); e_WriteLog('[Team Chat] ' + b_Text_Unformat(Txt), TMsgType.Notify); g_Game_ChatSound(b_Text_Unformat(Txt)); end; end; end else if (NetDeafLevel < 2) then g_Console_Add(Txt, True); end; procedure MC_RECV_Effect(var M: TMsg); var Kind: Byte; X, Y: Integer; Ang: SmallInt; Anim: TAnimation; ID: LongWord; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; Kind := M.ReadByte(); X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); Ang := M.ReadSmallInt(); case Kind of NET_GFX_SPARK: g_GFX_Spark(X, Y, 2 + Random(2), Ang, 0, 0); NET_GFX_TELE: begin if g_Frames_Get(ID, 'FRAMES_TELEPORT') then begin Anim := TAnimation.Create(ID, False, 3); g_GFX_OnceAnim(X, Y, Anim); Anim.Free(); end; if Ang = 1 then g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_GAME_TELEPORT', X, Y); end; NET_GFX_EXPLODE: begin if g_Frames_Get(ID, 'FRAMES_EXPLODE_ROCKET') then begin Anim := TAnimation.Create(ID, False, 6); Anim.Blending := False; g_GFX_OnceAnim(X-64, Y-64, Anim); Anim.Free(); end; if Ang = 1 then g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_WEAPON_EXPLODEROCKET', X, Y); end; NET_GFX_BFGEXPL: begin if g_Frames_Get(ID, 'FRAMES_EXPLODE_BFG') then begin Anim := TAnimation.Create(ID, False, 6); Anim.Blending := False; g_GFX_OnceAnim(X-64, Y-64, Anim); Anim.Free(); end; if Ang = 1 then g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_WEAPON_EXPLODEBFG', X, Y); end; NET_GFX_BFGHIT: begin if g_Frames_Get(ID, 'FRAMES_BFGHIT') then begin Anim := TAnimation.Create(ID, False, 4); g_GFX_OnceAnim(X-32, Y-32, Anim); Anim.Free(); end; end; NET_GFX_FIRE: begin if g_Frames_Get(ID, 'FRAMES_FIRE') then begin Anim := TAnimation.Create(ID, False, 4); g_GFX_OnceAnim(X, Y, Anim); Anim.Free(); end; if Ang = 1 then g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_FIRE', X, Y); end; NET_GFX_RESPAWN: begin if g_Frames_Get(ID, 'FRAMES_ITEM_RESPAWN') then begin Anim := TAnimation.Create(ID, False, 4); g_GFX_OnceAnim(X, Y, Anim); Anim.Free(); end; if Ang = 1 then g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_ITEM_RESPAWNITEM', X, Y); end; NET_GFX_SHELL1: g_Player_CreateShell(X, Y, 0, -2, SHELL_BULLET); NET_GFX_SHELL2: g_Player_CreateShell(X, Y, 0, -2, SHELL_SHELL); NET_GFX_SHELL3: begin g_Player_CreateShell(X, Y, 0, -2, SHELL_SHELL); g_Player_CreateShell(X, Y, 0, -2, SHELL_SHELL); end; end; end; procedure MC_RECV_Sound(var M: TMsg); var Name: string; X, Y: Integer; Pos: Boolean; begin Name := M.ReadString(); Pos := M.ReadByte() <> 0; if Pos then begin X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); g_Sound_PlayExAt(Name, X, Y); end else g_Sound_PlayEx(Name); end; procedure MC_RECV_CreateShot(var M: TMsg); var I, X, Y, XV, YV: Integer; Timeout: LongWord; Target, Spawner: Word; ShType: Byte; begin I := M.ReadLongInt(); ShType := M.ReadByte(); Target := M.ReadWord(); Spawner := M.ReadWord(); Timeout := M.ReadLongWord(); X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); XV := M.ReadLongInt(); YV := M.ReadLongInt(); I := g_Weapon_CreateShot(I, ShType, Spawner, Target, X, Y, XV, YV); if (Shots <> nil) and (I <= High(Shots)) then begin Shots[I].Timeout := Timeout; //Shots[I].Target := Target; // TODO: find a use for Target later end; end; procedure MC_RECV_UpdateShot(var M: TMsg); var I, TX, TY, TXV, TYV: Integer; begin I := M.ReadLongInt(); TX := M.ReadLongInt(); TY := M.ReadLongInt(); TXV := M.ReadLongInt(); TYV := M.ReadLongInt(); if (Shots <> nil) and (I <= High(Shots)) then with (Shots[i]) do begin Obj.X := TX; Obj.Y := TY; Obj.Vel.X := TXV; Obj.Vel.Y := TYV; end; end; procedure MC_RECV_DeleteShot(var M: TMsg); var I, X, Y: Integer; L: Boolean; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; I := M.ReadLongInt(); L := (M.ReadByte() <> 0); X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); g_Weapon_DestroyShot(I, X, Y, L); end; procedure MC_RECV_GameStats(var M: TMsg); begin if gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF] then begin gTeamStat[TEAM_RED].Score := M.ReadSmallInt(); gTeamStat[TEAM_BLUE].Score := M.ReadSmallInt(); end else if gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_COOP then begin gCoopMonstersKilled := M.ReadWord(); gCoopSecretsFound := M.ReadWord(); end; end; procedure MC_RECV_CoopStats(var M: TMsg); begin gTotalMonsters := M.ReadLongInt(); gSecretsCount := M.ReadLongInt(); gCoopTotalMonstersKilled := M.ReadWord(); gCoopTotalSecretsFound := M.ReadWord(); gCoopTotalMonsters := M.ReadWord(); gCoopTotalSecrets := M.ReadWord(); end; procedure MC_RECV_GameEvent(var M: TMsg); var EvType: Byte; EvNum: Integer; EvStr: string; EvTime: LongWord; BHash: Boolean; EvHash: TMD5Digest; pl: TPlayer; i1, i2: TStrings_Locale; pln: String; cnt: Byte; goodCmd: Boolean = true; begin FillChar(EvHash, Sizeof(EvHash), 0); EvType := M.ReadByte(); EvNum := M.ReadLongInt(); EvStr := M.ReadString(); gLastMap := M.ReadByte() <> 0; if gLastMap and (gGameSettings.GameMode = GM_COOP) then gStatsOff := True; gStatsPressed := True; EvTime := M.ReadLongWord(); BHash := M.ReadByte() <> 0; if BHash then EvHash := M.ReadMD5(); gTime := EvTime; if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then begin if (g_Res_received_map_start < 0) then exit; goodCmd := false; case EvType of NET_EV_MAPSTART: goodCmd := true; NET_EV_MAPEND: goodCmd := true; NET_EV_PLAYER_KICK: goodCmd := true; NET_EV_PLAYER_BAN: goodCmd := true; NET_EV_LMS_WARMUP: goodCmd := true; end; if not goodCmd then exit; end; case EvType of NET_EV_MAPSTART: begin if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then begin g_Res_received_map_start := -1; end else begin gGameOn := False; g_Game_ClearLoading(); g_Game_StopAllSounds(True); gSwitchGameMode := Byte(EvNum); gGameSettings.GameMode := gSwitchGameMode; gWADHash := EvHash; if not g_Game_StartMap(false{asMegawad}, EvStr, True) then begin if not isWadPath(EvStr) then g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_LOAD], [gGameSettings.WAD + ':\' + EvStr])) else g_FatalError(Format(_lc[I_GAME_ERROR_MAP_LOAD], [EvStr])); Exit; end; MC_SEND_FullStateRequest; end; end; NET_EV_MAPEND: begin gLMSRespawn := LMS_RESPAWN_NONE; gLMSRespawnTime := 0; if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then begin g_Res_received_map_start := -1; end else begin gMissionFailed := EvNum <> 0; gExit := EXIT_ENDLEVELCUSTOM; end; end; NET_EV_RCON: begin case EvNum of NET_RCON_NOAUTH: g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_RCON_NOAUTH], True); NET_RCON_PWGOOD: g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_RCON_PWD_VALID], True); NET_RCON_PWBAD: g_Console_Add(_lc[I_NET_RCON_PWD_INVALID], True); end; end; NET_EV_CHANGE_TEAM: begin if NetDeafLevel < 2 then begin if EvNum = TEAM_RED then g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_CHTEAM_RED], [EvStr]), True); if EvNum = TEAM_BLUE then g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_CHTEAM_BLUE], [EvStr]), True); end; end; NET_EV_PLAYER_KICK: begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_KICK], [EvStr]), True); if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then g_Res_received_map_start := -1; end; NET_EV_PLAYER_BAN: begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_BAN], [EvStr]), True); if (g_Res_received_map_start <> 0) then g_Res_received_map_start := -1; end; NET_EV_LMS_WARMUP: begin if EvNum > 0 then begin gLMSRespawn := LMS_RESPAWN_WARMUP; gLMSRespawnTime := gTime + EvNum; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MSG_WARMUP_START], [EvNum div 1000]), True); end else if gPlayer1 = nil then begin g_Console_Add(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT4], True); end; end; NET_EV_LMS_SURVIVOR: g_Console_Add('*** ' + _lc[I_MESSAGE_LMS_SURVIVOR] + ' ***', True); NET_EV_BIGTEXT: if NetDeafLevel < 2 then g_Game_Message(AnsiUpperCase(EvStr), Word(EvNum)); NET_EV_SCORE: begin pl := g_Player_Get(EvNum and $FFFF); if pl = nil then pln := '?' else pln := pl.Name; cnt := (EvNum shr 16) and $FF; if Pos('w', EvStr) = 0 then begin // Default score if Pos('t', EvStr) = 0 then begin // Player +/- score if Pos('-', EvStr) = 0 then begin if Pos('e', EvStr) = 0 then i1 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_ADD_OWN else i1 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_ADD_ENEMY; end else begin if Pos('e', EvStr) = 0 then i1 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_SUB_OWN else i1 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_SUB_ENEMY; end; // Which team if Pos('r', EvStr) > 0 then i2 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_TO_RED else i2 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_TO_BLUE; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[i1], [pln, cnt, _lc[i2]]), True); end else begin // Team +/- score if Pos('-', EvStr) = 0 then i1 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_ADD_TEAM else i1 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_SUB_TEAM; // Which team if Pos('r', EvStr) > 0 then i2 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_RED else i2 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_BLUE; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[i1], [_lc[i2], cnt]), True); end; end else begin // Game Win if Pos('e', EvStr) = 0 then i1 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_WIN_OWN else i1 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_WIN_ENEMY; // Which team if Pos('r', EvStr) > 0 then i2 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_TO_RED else i2 := I_PLAYER_SCORE_TO_BLUE; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[i1], [pln, _lc[i2]]), True); end; end; NET_EV_SCORE_MSG: begin if EvNum = TEAM_RED then g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_SCORE_ADD], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_RED])]), 108); if EvNum = TEAM_BLUE then g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_SCORE_ADD], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_BLUE])]), 108); if EvNum = -TEAM_RED then g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_SCORE_SUB], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_RED])]), 108); if EvNum = -TEAM_BLUE then g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_SCORE_SUB], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_BLUE])]), 108); end; NET_EV_LMS_START: begin g_Player_RemoveAllCorpses; gLMSRespawn := LMS_RESPAWN_NONE; g_Game_Message(_lc[I_MESSAGE_LMS_START], 144); end; NET_EV_LMS_WIN: g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_LMS_WIN], [AnsiUpperCase(EvStr)]), 144); NET_EV_TLMS_WIN: begin if EvNum = TEAM_RED then g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_TLMS_WIN], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_RED])]), 144); if EvNum = TEAM_BLUE then g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_TLMS_WIN], [AnsiUpperCase(_lc[I_GAME_TEAM_BLUE])]), 144); end; NET_EV_LMS_LOSE: g_Game_Message(_lc[I_MESSAGE_LMS_LOSE], 144); NET_EV_LMS_DRAW: g_Game_Message(_lc[I_GAME_WIN_DRAW], 144); NET_EV_LMS_NOSPAWN: g_Console_Add(_lc[I_PLAYER_SPECT4], True); NET_EV_KILLCOMBO: g_Game_Announce_KillCombo(EvNum); NET_EV_PLAYER_TOUCH: begin pl := g_Player_Get(EvNum); if pl <> nil then pl.Touch(); end; NET_EV_SECRET: begin pl := g_Player_Get(EvNum); if pl <> nil then begin g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_SECRET], [pl.Name]), True); g_Sound_PlayEx('SOUND_GAME_SECRET'); end; end; NET_EV_INTER_READY: begin pl := g_Player_Get(EvNum); if pl <> nil then pl.FReady := (EvStr = 'Y'); end; end; end; procedure MC_RECV_FlagPos(var M: TMsg); var Fl: Byte; begin Fl := M.ReadByte(); if Fl = FLAG_NONE then Exit; gFlags[Fl].Obj.X := M.ReadLongInt(); gFlags[Fl].Obj.Y := M.ReadLongInt(); gFlags[Fl].Obj.Vel.X := M.ReadLongInt(); gFlags[Fl].Obj.Vel.Y := M.ReadLongInt(); end; procedure MC_RECV_FlagEvent(var M: TMsg); var PID: Word; Pl: TPlayer; EvType: Byte; Fl, a: Byte; Quiet: Boolean; s, ts: string; begin EvType := M.ReadByte(); Fl := M.ReadByte(); if Fl = FLAG_NONE then Exit; Quiet := (M.ReadByte() <> 0); PID := M.ReadWord(); gFlags[Fl].State := M.ReadByte(); gFlags[Fl].CaptureTime := M.ReadLongWord(); gFlags[Fl].Obj.X := M.ReadLongInt(); gFlags[Fl].Obj.Y := M.ReadLongInt(); gFlags[Fl].Obj.Vel.X := M.ReadLongInt(); gFlags[Fl].Obj.Vel.Y := M.ReadLongInt(); gFlags[Fl].Direction := TDirection(M.ReadByte()); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if (Pl = nil) and (EvType <> FLAG_STATE_NORMAL) and (EvType <> FLAG_STATE_DROPPED) and (EvType <> FLAG_STATE_RETURNED) then Exit; case EvType of FLAG_STATE_NORMAL: begin if Quiet or (Pl = nil) then Exit; if Fl = FLAG_RED then s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED] else s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE]; g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_RETURN], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144); if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2) or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team)) or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then a := 0 else a := 1; if not sound_ret_flag[a].IsPlaying() then sound_ret_flag[a].Play(); end; FLAG_STATE_CAPTURED: begin if (Pl <> nil) then Pl.SetFlag(Fl); if Quiet then Exit; if Fl = FLAG_RED then s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED] else s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE]; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_GET], [Pl.Name, s]), True); g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_GET], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144); if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2) or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team)) or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then a := 0 else a := 1; if not sound_get_flag[a].IsPlaying() then sound_get_flag[a].Play(); end; FLAG_STATE_DROPPED: begin if (Pl <> nil) then Pl.SetFlag(FLAG_NONE); if Quiet or (Pl = nil) then Exit; if Fl = FLAG_RED then s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED] else s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE]; g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_DROP], [Pl.Name, s]), True); g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_DROP], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144); if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2) or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team)) or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then a := 0 else a := 1; if not sound_lost_flag[a].IsPlaying() then sound_lost_flag[a].Play(); end; FLAG_STATE_SCORED: begin g_Map_ResetFlag(FLAG_RED); g_Map_ResetFlag(FLAG_BLUE); if Quiet or (Pl = nil) then Exit; Pl.SetFlag(FLAG_NONE); if Fl = FLAG_RED then s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED] else s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE]; ts := Format('%.4d', [gFlags[Fl].CaptureTime]); Insert('.', ts, Length(ts) + 1 - 3); g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_CAPTURE], [Pl.Name, s, ts]), True); g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_CAPTURE], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144); if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2) or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team)) or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then a := 0 else a := 1; if not sound_cap_flag[a].IsPlaying() then sound_cap_flag[a].Play(); end; FLAG_STATE_RETURNED: begin g_Map_ResetFlag(Fl); if Quiet then Exit; if Fl = FLAG_RED then s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_RED] else s := _lc[I_PLAYER_FLAG_BLUE]; g_Game_Message(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_FLAG_RETURN], [AnsiUpperCase(s)]), 144); if ((Pl = gPlayer1) or (Pl = gPlayer2) or ((gPlayer1 <> nil) and (gPlayer1.Team = Pl.Team)) or ((gPlayer2 <> nil) and (gPlayer2.Team = Pl.Team))) then a := 0 else a := 1; if not sound_ret_flag[a].IsPlaying() then sound_ret_flag[a].Play(); end; end; end; procedure MC_RECV_GameSettings(var M: TMsg); begin gGameSettings.GameMode := M.ReadByte(); gGameSettings.ScoreLimit := M.ReadWord(); gGameSettings.TimeLimit := M.ReadWord(); gGameSettings.MaxLives := M.ReadByte(); gGameSettings.Options := M.ReadLongWord(); end; // PLAYER function MC_RECV_PlayerCreate(var M: TMsg): Word; var PID, DID: Word; PName, Model: string; Color: TRGB; T: Byte; Pl: TPlayer; begin PID := M.ReadWord(); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); PName := M.ReadString(); Model := M.ReadString(); Color.R := M.ReadByte(); Color.G := M.ReadByte(); Color.B := M.ReadByte(); T := M.ReadByte(); Result := 0; if (PID <> NetPlrUID1) and (PID <> NetPlrUID2) then begin if (Pl <> nil) then Exit; if (g_Force_Model_Get() <> 0) then Model := g_Forced_Model_GetName(); DID := g_Player_Create(Model, Color, T, False); with g_Player_Get(DID) do begin UID := PID; Name := PName; Reset(True); end; end else begin if (PID = NetPlrUID1) and (gPlayer1 <> nil) then begin gPlayer1.UID := PID; gPlayer1.Model.SetColor(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B); gPlayer1.ChangeTeam(T); end; if (PID = NetPlrUID2) and (gPlayer2 <> nil) then begin gPlayer2.UID := PID; gPlayer2.Model.SetColor(Color.R, Color.G, Color.B); gPlayer2.ChangeTeam(T); end; end; if NetDeafLevel < 3 then g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_JOIN], [PName]), True); e_WriteLog('NET: Player ' + PName + ' [' + IntToStr(PID) + '] added.', TMsgType.Notify); Result := PID; end; function MC_RECV_PlayerPos(var M: TMsg): Word; var GT: LongWord; PID: Word; kByte: Word; Pl: TPlayer; Dir: Byte; TmpX, TmpY: Integer; begin Result := 0; GT := M.ReadLongWord(); if GT < gTime - NET_MAX_DIFFTIME then begin gTime := GT; Exit; end; gTime := GT; PID := M.ReadWord(); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if Pl = nil then Exit; Result := PID; with Pl do begin FPing := M.ReadWord(); FLoss := M.ReadByte(); kByte := M.ReadWord(); Dir := M.ReadByte(); TmpX := M.ReadLongInt(); TmpY := M.ReadLongInt(); ReleaseKeys; if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_CHAT) then PressKey(KEY_CHAT, 10000) else begin if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_LEFT) then PressKey(KEY_LEFT, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_RIGHT) then PressKey(KEY_RIGHT, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_UP) then PressKey(KEY_UP, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_DOWN) then PressKey(KEY_DOWN, 10000); if LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_JUMP) then PressKey(KEY_JUMP, 10000); end; JustTeleported := LongBool(kByte and NET_KEY_FORCEDIR); if ((Pl <> gPlayer1) and (Pl <> gPlayer2)) or JustTeleported then SetDirection(TDirection(Dir)); GameVelX := M.ReadLongInt(); GameVelY := M.ReadLongInt(); GameAccelX := M.ReadLongInt(); GameAccelY := M.ReadLongInt(); SetLerp(TmpX, TmpY); if NetForcePlayerUpdate then Update(); end; end; function MC_RECV_PlayerStats(var M: TMsg): Word; var PID: Word; Pl: TPlayer; I, OldFire: Integer; OldJet, Flam: Boolean; NewTeam: Byte; begin PID := M.ReadWord(); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); Result := 0; if Pl = nil then Exit; with Pl do begin alive := (M.ReadByte() <> 0); GodMode := (M.ReadByte() <> 0); Health := M.ReadLongInt(); Armor := M.ReadLongInt(); Air := M.ReadLongInt(); JetFuel := M.ReadLongInt(); Lives := M.ReadByte(); NewTeam := M.ReadByte(); for I := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST do FWeapon[I] := (M.ReadByte() <> 0); for I := A_BULLETS to A_HIGH do FAmmo[I] := M.ReadWord(); for I := A_BULLETS to A_HIGH do FMaxAmmo[I] := M.ReadWord(); for I := MR_SUIT to MR_MAX do FMegaRulez[I] := M.ReadLongWord(); FRulez := []; if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then FRulez := FRulez + [R_ITEM_BACKPACK]; if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then FRulez := FRulez + [R_KEY_RED]; if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then FRulez := FRulez + [R_KEY_GREEN]; if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then FRulez := FRulez + [R_KEY_BLUE]; if (M.ReadByte() <> 0) then FRulez := FRulez + [R_BERSERK]; Frags := M.ReadLongInt(); Assists := M.ReadLongInt(); Death := M.ReadLongInt(); SetWeapon(M.ReadByte()); FSpectator := M.ReadByte() <> 0; if FSpectator then begin if UID = NetPlrUID1 then begin gSpectLatchPID1 := UID; gPlayer1 := nil; end; if UID = NetPlrUID2 then begin gSpectLatchPID2 := UID; gPlayer2 := nil; end; end else begin if (gPlayer1 = nil) and (gSpectLatchPID1 > 0) and (UID = gSpectLatchPID1) then begin gPlayer1 := Pl; gSpectLatchPID1 := 0; end; if (gPlayer2 = nil) and (gSpectLatchPID2 > 0) and (UID = gSpectLatchPID2) then begin gPlayer2 := Pl; gSpectLatchPID2 := 0; end; end; FGhost := M.ReadByte() <> 0; FPhysics := M.ReadByte() <> 0; FNoRespawn := M.ReadByte() <> 0; OldJet := FJetpack; FJetpack := M.ReadByte() <> 0; OldFire := FFireTime; FFireTime := M.ReadLongInt(); if (OldFire <= 0) and (FFireTime > 0) then g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_IGNITE', Obj.X, Obj.Y); Flam := M.ReadByte() <> 0; FSpawnInvul := M.ReadLongInt(); if OldJet and not FJetpack then JetpackOff else if not OldJet and FJetpack then JetpackOn; if FFlaming and not Flam then FlamerOff; if Team <> NewTeam then Pl.ChangeTeam(NewTeam); end; Result := PID; end; function MC_RECV_PlayerDamage(var M: TMsg): Word; var PID: Word; Pl: TPlayer; Kind: Byte; Attacker, Value: Word; VX, VY: Integer; begin Result := 0; if not gGameOn then Exit; PID := M.ReadWord(); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if Pl = nil then Exit; Kind := M.ReadByte(); Attacker := M.ReadWord(); Value := M.ReadWord(); VX := M.ReadWord(); VY := M.ReadWord(); with Pl do Damage(Value, Attacker, VX, VY, Kind); Result := PID; end; function MC_RECV_PlayerDeath(var M: TMsg): Word; var PID: Word; Pl: TPlayer; KillType, DeathType: Byte; Attacker: Word; begin Result := 0; if not gGameOn then Exit; PID := M.ReadWord(); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if Pl = nil then Exit; KillType := M.ReadByte(); DeathType := M.ReadByte(); Attacker := M.ReadWord(); with Pl do begin Kill(KillType, Attacker, DeathType); SoftReset; end; end; function MC_RECV_PlayerDelete(var M: TMsg): Word; var PID: Word; Pl: TPlayer; begin PID := M.ReadWord(); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); Result := 0; if Pl = nil then Exit; if NetDeafLevel < 3 then g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_LEAVE], [Pl.Name]), True); e_WriteLog('NET: Player ' + Pl.Name + ' [' + IntToStr(PID) + '] removed.', TMsgType.Notify); g_Player_Remove(PID); Result := PID; end; function MC_RECV_PlayerFire(var M: TMsg): Word; var PID: Word; Weap: Byte; Pl: TPlayer; X, Y, AX, AY: Integer; SHID: Integer; begin Result := 0; if not gGameOn then Exit; PID := M.ReadWord(); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if Pl = nil then Exit; Weap := M.ReadByte(); X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); AX := M.ReadLongInt(); AY := M.ReadLongInt(); SHID := M.ReadLongInt(); with Pl do if alive then NetFire(Weap, X, Y, AX, AY, SHID); end; procedure MC_RECV_PlayerSettings(var M: TMsg); var TmpName: string; TmpModel: string; CheckModel: string; TmpColor: TRGB; TmpTeam: Byte; Pl: TPlayer; PID: Word; begin PID := M.ReadWord(); Pl := g_Player_Get(PID); if Pl = nil then Exit; TmpName := M.ReadString(); TmpModel := M.ReadString(); TmpColor.R := M.ReadByte(); TmpColor.G := M.ReadByte(); TmpColor.B := M.ReadByte(); TmpTeam := M.ReadByte(); if (gGameSettings.GameMode in [GM_TDM, GM_CTF]) and (Pl.Team <> TmpTeam) then begin Pl.ChangeTeam(TmpTeam); if gPlayer1 = Pl then gPlayer1Settings.Team := TmpTeam; if gPlayer2 = Pl then gPlayer2Settings.Team := TmpTeam; end else Pl.SetColor(TmpColor); if Pl.Name <> TmpName then begin if NetDeafLevel < 3 then g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_PLAYER_NAME], [Pl.Name, TmpName]), True); Pl.Name := TmpName; end; if (g_Force_Model_Get() <> 0) then TmpModel := g_Forced_Model_GetName(); if TmpModel <> Pl.Model.Name then Pl.SetModel(TmpModel); end; // ITEM procedure MC_RECV_ItemSpawn(var M: TMsg); var ID: Word; AID: DWord; X, Y, VX, VY: Integer; T: Byte; Quiet, Fall{, Resp}: Boolean; Anim: TAnimation; it: PItem; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; ID := M.ReadWord(); Quiet := M.ReadByte() <> 0; T := M.ReadByte(); Fall := M.ReadByte() <> 0; {Resp :=} M.ReadByte(); X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); VX := M.ReadLongInt(); VY := M.ReadLongInt(); g_Items_Create(X, Y, T and $7F, Fall, False, False, ID); if ((T and $80) <> 0) then g_Items_SetDrop(ID); it := g_Items_ByIdx(ID); it.Obj.Vel.X := VX; it.Obj.Vel.Y := VY; if not Quiet then begin g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_ITEM_RESPAWNITEM', X, Y); if g_Frames_Get(AID, 'FRAMES_ITEM_RESPAWN') then begin Anim := TAnimation.Create(AID, False, 4); g_GFX_OnceAnim(X+(it.Obj.Rect.Width div 2)-16, Y+(it.Obj.Rect.Height div 2)-16, Anim); Anim.Free(); end; end; end; procedure MC_RECV_ItemDestroy(var M: TMsg); var ID: Word; Quiet: Boolean; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; ID := M.ReadWord(); Quiet := M.ReadByte() <> 0; if not g_Items_ValidId(ID) then exit; if not Quiet then g_Items_EmitPickupSound(ID); g_Items_Remove(ID); end; procedure MC_RECV_ItemPos(var M: TMsg); var ID: Word; X, Y, VX, VY: Integer; it: PItem; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; ID := M.ReadWord(); X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); VX := M.ReadLongInt(); VY := M.ReadLongInt(); if g_Items_ValidId(ID) then begin it := g_Items_ByIdx(ID); it.Obj.X := X; it.Obj.Y := Y; it.Obj.Vel.X := VX; it.Obj.Vel.Y := VY; it.positionChanged(); end; end; // PANEL procedure MC_RECV_PanelTexture(var M: TMsg); var TP: TPanel; PGUID: Integer; Tex, Fr: Integer; Loop, Cnt: Byte; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; PGUID := Integer(M.ReadLongWord()); Tex := M.ReadLongInt(); Fr := M.ReadLongInt(); Cnt := M.ReadByte(); Loop := M.ReadByte(); TP := g_Map_PanelByGUID(PGUID); if (TP <> nil) then begin // switch texture TP.SetTexture(Tex, Loop); TP.SetFrame(Fr, Cnt); end; end; procedure MC_RECV_PanelState(var M: TMsg); var PGUID: Integer; E: Boolean; Lift: Byte; X, Y, W, H: Integer; TP: TPanel; speedX, speedY, startX, startY, endX, endY: Integer; sizeSpX, sizeSpY, sizeEX, sizeEY: Integer; mpflags: Byte; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; PGUID := Integer(M.ReadLongWord()); E := (M.ReadByte() <> 0); Lift := M.ReadByte(); X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); W := M.ReadWord(); H := M.ReadWord(); // mplats speedX := M.ReadLongInt(); speedY := M.ReadLongInt(); startX := M.ReadLongInt(); startY := M.ReadLongInt(); endX := M.ReadLongInt(); endY := M.ReadLongInt(); sizeSpX := M.ReadLongInt(); sizeSpY := M.ReadLongInt(); sizeEX := M.ReadLongInt(); sizeEY := M.ReadLongInt(); mpflags := M.ReadByte(); // bit0: TP.movingActive; bit1: TP.moveOnce TP := g_Map_PanelByGUID(PGUID); if (TP = nil) then exit; // update lifts state if TP.isGLift then g_Map_SetLiftGUID(PGUID, Lift); // update enabled/disabled state for all panels if E then g_Map_EnableWallGUID(PGUID) else g_Map_DisableWallGUID(PGUID); // update panel position, as it can be moved (mplat) TP.X := X; TP.Y := Y; TP.Width := W; TP.Height := H; // update mplat state TP.movingSpeedX := speedX; TP.movingSpeedY := speedY; TP.movingStartX := startX; TP.movingStartY := startY; TP.movingEndX := endX; TP.movingEndY := endY; TP.sizeSpeedX := sizeSpX; TP.sizeSpeedY := sizeSpY; TP.sizeEndX := sizeEX; TP.sizeEndY := sizeEY; TP.movingActive := ((mpflags and 1) <> 0); TP.moveOnce := ((mpflags and 2) <> 0); // notify panel of it's position/size change, so it can fix other internal structures TP.positionChanged(); end; // TRIGGERS procedure MC_RECV_TriggerSound(var M: TMsg); var SPlaying: Boolean; SPos, SID: LongWord; SCount: LongInt; I: Integer; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; if gTriggers = nil then Exit; SID := M.ReadLongWord(); SPlaying := M.ReadByte() <> 0; SPos := M.ReadLongWord(); SCount := M.ReadLongInt(); for I := Low(gTriggers) to High(gTriggers) do if gTriggers[I].TriggerType = TRIGGER_SOUND then if gTriggers[I].ClientID = SID then with gTriggers[I] do begin if Sound <> nil then begin if SPlaying then begin if tgcLocal then Sound.PlayVolumeAt(X+(Width div 2), Y+(Height div 2), tgcVolume/255.0) else Sound.PlayPanVolume((tgcPan-127.0)/128.0, tgcVolume/255.0); Sound.SetPosition(SPos); end else if Sound.IsPlaying then Sound.Stop; end; SoundPlayCount := SCount; end; end; procedure MC_RECV_TriggerMusic(var M: TMsg); var MName: string; MPlaying: Boolean; MPos: LongWord; MPaused: Boolean; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; MName := M.ReadString(); MPlaying := M.ReadByte() <> 0; MPos := M.ReadLongWord(); MPaused := M.ReadByte() <> 0; MPos := MPos+1; //k8: stfu, fpc! if MPlaying then begin gMusic.SetByName(MName); gMusic.Play(True); // gMusic.SetPosition(MPos); gMusic.SpecPause := MPaused; end else if gMusic.IsPlaying then gMusic.Stop; end; // MONSTERS procedure MC_RECV_MonsterSpawn(var M: TMsg); var ID: Word; MType, MState, MDir, MAnim, MBehav: Byte; X, Y, VX, VY, MTargTime, MHealth, MAmmo, MSleep: Integer; MTarg: Word; Mon: TMonster; begin ID := M.ReadWord(); Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID); if Mon <> nil then Exit; MType := M.ReadByte(); MState := M.ReadByte(); MAnim := M.ReadByte(); MTarg := M.ReadWord(); MTargTime := M.ReadLongInt(); MBehav := M.ReadByte(); MSleep := M.ReadLongInt(); MHealth := M.ReadLongInt(); MAmmo := M.ReadLongInt(); X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); VX := M.ReadLongInt(); VY := M.ReadLongInt(); MDir := M.ReadByte(); g_Monsters_Create(MType, X, Y, TDirection(MDir), False, ID); Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID); if Mon = nil then Exit; with Mon do begin MonsterAnim := MAnim; MonsterTargetUID := MTarg; MonsterTargetTime := MTargTime; MonsterBehaviour := MBehav; MonsterSleep := MSleep; MonsterAmmo := MAmmo; SetHealth(MHealth); SetState(MState); setPosition(X, Y); // this will call positionChanged(); GameVelX := VX; GameVelY := VY; end; end; procedure MC_RECV_MonsterPos(var M: TMsg); var Mon: TMonster; ID: Word; X, Y: Integer; begin ID := M.ReadWord(); Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID); if Mon = nil then Exit; with Mon do begin X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); Mon.setPosition(X, Y); // this will call `positionChanged()` GameVelX := M.ReadLongInt(); GameVelY := M.ReadLongInt(); GameDirection := TDirection(M.ReadByte()); end; end; procedure MC_RECV_MonsterState(var M: TMsg); var ID, OldFire: Integer; MState, MFAnm: Byte; Mon: TMonster; AnimRevert: Boolean; begin ID := M.ReadWord(); Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID); if Mon = nil then Exit; MState := M.ReadByte(); MFAnm := M.ReadByte(); with Mon do begin MonsterTargetUID := M.ReadWord(); MonsterTargetTime := M.ReadLongInt(); MonsterSleep := M.ReadLongInt(); MonsterHealth := M.ReadLongInt(); MonsterAmmo := M.ReadLongInt(); MonsterPain := M.ReadLongInt(); AnimRevert := M.ReadByte() <> 0; OldFire := FFireTime; FFireTime := M.ReadLongInt(); if (OldFire <= 0) and (FFireTime > 0) then g_Sound_PlayExAt('SOUND_IGNITE', Obj.X, Obj.Y); RevertAnim(AnimRevert); if MonsterState <> MState then begin if (MState = MONSTATE_GO) and (MonsterState = MONSTATE_SLEEP) then WakeUpSound(); if (MState = MONSTATE_DIE) then DieSound(); if (MState = MONSTATE_PAIN) then MakeBloodSimple(Min(200, MonsterPain)); if (MState = MONSTATE_ATTACK) then kick(nil); if (MState = MONSTATE_DEAD) then SetDeadAnim(); SetState(MState, MFAnm); end; end; end; procedure MC_RECV_MonsterShot(var M: TMsg); var ID: Integer; Mon: TMonster; X, Y, VX, VY: Integer; begin ID := M.ReadWord(); Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID); if Mon = nil then Exit; X := M.ReadLongInt(); Y := M.ReadLongInt(); VX := M.ReadLongInt(); VY := M.ReadLongInt(); Mon.ClientAttack(X, Y, VX, VY); end; procedure MC_RECV_MonsterDelete(var M: TMsg); var ID: Integer; Mon: TMonster; begin ID := M.ReadWord(); Mon := g_Monsters_ByUID(ID); if Mon = nil then Exit; Mon.SetState(5); Mon.MonsterRemoved := True; end; procedure MC_RECV_TimeSync(var M: TMsg); var Time: LongWord; begin Time := M.ReadLongWord(); if gState = STATE_INTERCUSTOM then gServInterTime := Min(Time, 255); end; procedure MC_RECV_VoteEvent(var M: TMsg); var EvID: Byte; Str1, Str2: string; Int1, Int2: SmallInt; begin EvID := M.ReadByte(); Int1 := M.ReadSmallInt(); Int2 := M.ReadSmallInt(); Str1 := M.ReadString(); Str2 := M.ReadString(); if NetDeafLevel < 2 then case EvID of NET_VE_STARTED: g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_STARTED], [Str1, Str2, Int1]), True); NET_VE_PASSED: g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_PASSED], [Str1]), True); NET_VE_FAILED: g_Console_Add(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_FAILED], True); NET_VE_VOTE: g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_VOTE], [Str1, Int1, Int2]), True); NET_VE_INPROGRESS: g_Console_Add(Format(_lc[I_MESSAGE_VOTE_INPROGRESS], [Str1]), True); end; end; // CLIENT SEND procedure MC_SEND_Info(Password: string); var i: Integer; begin NetOut.Clear(); NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_INFO)); NetOut.Write(GAME_VERSION); NetOut.Write(Password); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Name); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Model); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.R); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.G); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.B); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Team); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.WeaponSwitch); for i := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST + 1 do NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.WeaponPreferences[i]); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.SwitchToEmpty); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.SkipFist); g_Net_Client_Send(True); end; procedure MC_SEND_Chat(Txt: string; Mode: Byte); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_CHAT)); NetOut.Write(Txt); NetOut.Write(Mode); g_Net_Client_Send(True); end; procedure MC_SEND_PlayerPos(); var kByte: Word; Predict: Boolean; strafeDir: Byte; WeaponAct: Byte = 0; WeaponSelect: Word = 0; i: Integer; begin if not gGameOn then Exit; if gPlayers = nil then Exit; if gPlayer1 = nil then Exit; kByte := 0; Predict := NetPredictSelf; // and (not NetGotKeys); if (not gConsoleShow) and (not gChatShow) and (g_ActiveWindow = nil) then begin strafeDir := P1MoveButton shr 4; P1MoveButton := P1MoveButton and $0F; if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVELEFT] and (not gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVERIGHT]) then P1MoveButton := 1 else if (not gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVELEFT]) and gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVERIGHT] then P1MoveButton := 2 else if (not gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVELEFT]) and (not gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVERIGHT]) then P1MoveButton := 0; // strafing if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_STRAFE] then begin // new strafe mechanics if (strafeDir = 0) then strafeDir := P1MoveButton; // start strafing // now set direction according to strafe (reversed) if (strafeDir = 2) then gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection.D_LEFT) else if (strafeDir = 1) then gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection.D_RIGHT) end else begin strafeDir := 0; // not strafing anymore if (P1MoveButton = 2) and gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVELEFT] then gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection.D_LEFT) else if (P1MoveButton = 1) and gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_MOVERIGHT] then gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection.D_RIGHT) else if P1MoveButton <> 0 then gPlayer1.SetDirection(TDirection(P1MoveButton-1)); end; gPlayer1.ReleaseKeys; if P1MoveButton = 1 then begin kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_LEFT; if Predict then gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_LEFT, 10000); end; if P1MoveButton = 2 then begin kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_RIGHT; if Predict then gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_RIGHT, 10000); end; if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_LOOKUP] then begin kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_UP; gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_UP, 10000); end; if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_LOOKDOWN] then begin kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_DOWN; gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_DOWN, 10000); end; if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_JUMP] then begin kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_JUMP; // gPlayer1.PressKey(KEY_JUMP, 10000); // TODO: Make a prediction option end; if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_ATTACK] then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_FIRE; if gPlayerAction[0, ACTION_ACTIVATE] then kByte := kByte or NET_KEY_OPEN; for i := WP_FACT to WP_LACT do begin if gWeaponAction[0, i] then begin WeaponAct := WeaponAct or Byte(1 shl i); gWeaponAction[0, i] := False end end; for i := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST do begin if gSelectWeapon[0, i] then begin WeaponSelect := WeaponSelect or Word(1 shl i); gSelectWeapon[0, i] := False end end; // fix movebutton state P1MoveButton := P1MoveButton or (strafeDir shl 4); end else kByte := NET_KEY_CHAT; NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRPOS)); NetOut.Write(gTime); NetOut.Write(kByte); NetOut.Write(Byte(gPlayer1.Direction)); NetOut.Write(WeaponAct); NetOut.Write(WeaponSelect); //e_WriteLog(Format('S:ws=%d', [WeaponSelect]), MSG_WARNING); g_Net_Client_Send(True); //kBytePrev := kByte; //kDirPrev := gPlayer1.Direction; end; procedure MC_SEND_Vote(Start: Boolean = False; Command: string = 'a'); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_VOTE_EVENT)); NetOut.Write(Byte(Start)); NetOut.Write(Command); g_Net_Client_Send(True); end; procedure MC_SEND_PlayerSettings(); var i: Integer; begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_PLRSET)); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Name); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Model); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.R); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.G); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Color.B); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.Team); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.WeaponSwitch); for i := WP_FIRST to WP_LAST + 1 do NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.WeaponPreferences[i]); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.SwitchToEmpty); NetOut.Write(gPlayer1Settings.SkipFist); g_Net_Client_Send(True); end; procedure MC_SEND_FullStateRequest(); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_REQFST)); g_Net_Client_Send(True); end; procedure MC_SEND_CheatRequest(Kind: Byte); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_CHEAT)); NetOut.Write(Kind); g_Net_Client_Send(True); end; procedure MC_SEND_RCONPassword(Password: string); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_RCON_AUTH)); NetOut.Write(Password); g_Net_Client_Send(True); end; procedure MC_SEND_RCONCommand(Cmd: string); begin NetOut.Write(Byte(NET_MSG_RCON_CMD)); NetOut.Write(Cmd); g_Net_Client_Send(True); end; end.