(* Copyright (C) DooM 2D:Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) // universal spatial grid {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} {.$DEFINE D2F_DEBUG_RAYTRACE} {.$DEFINE D2F_DEBUG_XXQ} {.$DEFINE D2F_DEBUG_MOVER} {$ENDIF} {.$DEFINE GRID_USE_ORTHO_ACCEL} {$DEFINE LINEAABB2} unit g_grid; interface uses mempool; const GridTileSize = 32; // must be power of two! type TBodyProxyId = Integer; generic TBodyGridBase = class(TPoolObject) public type TGridQueryCB = function (obj: ITP; tag: Integer): Boolean is nested; // return `true` to stop type TGridRayQueryCB = function (obj: ITP; tag: Integer; x, y, prevx, prevy: Integer): Boolean is nested; // return `true` to stop type TCellQueryCB = procedure (x, y: Integer) is nested; // top-left cell corner coords const TagDisabled = $40000000; const TagFullMask = $3fffffff; private const GridCellBucketSize = 8; // WARNING! can't be less than 2! public type PBodyProxyRec = ^TBodyProxyRec; TBodyProxyRec = record private mX, mY, mWidth, mHeight: Integer; // aabb mQueryMark: LongWord; // was this object visited at this query? mObj: ITP; mTag: Integer; // `TagDisabled` set: disabled ;-) nextLink: TBodyProxyId; // next free or nothing private procedure setup (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: ITP; aTag: Integer); function getTag (): Integer; inline; procedure setTag (v: Integer); inline; function getEnabled (): Boolean; inline; procedure setEnabled (v: Boolean); inline; function getX1 (): Integer; inline; function getY1 (): Integer; inline; public property x: Integer read mX; property y: Integer read mY; property width: Integer read mWidth; property height: Integer read mHeight; property tag: Integer read getTag write setTag; property enabled: Boolean read getEnabled write setEnabled; property obj: ITP read mObj; property x0: Integer read mX; property y0: Integer read mY; property x1: Integer read getX1; property y1: Integer read getY1; end; private type PGridCell = ^TGridCell; TGridCell = record bodies: array [0..GridCellBucketSize-1] of Integer; // -1: end of list next: Integer; // in this cell; index in mCells end; TCellArray = array of TGridCell; TGridInternalCB = function (grida: Integer; bodyId: TBodyProxyId): Boolean of object; // return `true` to stop private //mTileSize: Integer; const mTileSize = GridTileSize; type TGetProxyFn = function (pxidx: Integer): PBodyProxyRec of object; public const tileSize = mTileSize; type TAtPointEnumerator = record private mCells: TCellArray; curidx, curbki: Integer; getpx: TGetProxyFn; public constructor Create (acells: TCellArray; aidx: Integer; agetpx: TGetProxyFn); function MoveNext (): Boolean; inline; function getCurrent (): PBodyProxyRec; inline; property Current: PBodyProxyRec read getCurrent; end; private mMinX, mMinY: Integer; // so grids can start at any origin mWidth, mHeight: Integer; // in tiles mGrid: array of Integer; // mWidth*mHeight, index in mCells mCells: TCellArray; // cell pool mFreeCell: Integer; // first free cell index or -1 mLastQuery: LongWord; mUsedCells: Integer; mProxies: array of TBodyProxyRec; mProxyFree: TBodyProxyId; // free mProxyCount: Integer; // currently used mProxyMaxCount: Integer; mInQuery: Boolean; public dbgShowTraceLog: Boolean; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} dbgRayTraceTileHitCB: TCellQueryCB; {$ENDIF} private function allocCell (): Integer; procedure freeCell (idx: Integer); // `next` is simply overwritten function allocProxy (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: ITP; aTag: Integer): TBodyProxyId; procedure freeProxy (body: TBodyProxyId); function forGridRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: TGridInternalCB; bodyId: TBodyProxyId): Boolean; function inserter (grida: Integer; bodyId: TBodyProxyId): Boolean; function remover (grida: Integer; bodyId: TBodyProxyId): Boolean; function getProxyEnabled (pid: TBodyProxyId): Boolean; inline; procedure setProxyEnabled (pid: TBodyProxyId; val: Boolean); inline; function getGridWidthPx (): Integer; inline; function getGridHeightPx (): Integer; inline; function getProxyById (idx: TBodyProxyId): PBodyProxyRec; inline; public constructor Create (aMinPixX, aMinPixY, aPixWidth, aPixHeight: Integer{; aTileSize: Integer=GridDefaultTileSize}); destructor Destroy (); override; function insertBody (aObj: ITP; ax, ay, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aTag: Integer=-1): TBodyProxyId; procedure removeBody (body: TBodyProxyId); // WARNING! this WILL destroy proxy! procedure moveBody (body: TBodyProxyId; nx, ny: Integer); procedure resizeBody (body: TBodyProxyId; nw, nh: Integer); procedure moveResizeBody (body: TBodyProxyId; nx, ny, nw, nh: Integer); function insideGrid (x, y: Integer): Boolean; inline; // `false` if `body` is surely invalid function getBodyXY (body: TBodyProxyId; out rx, ry: Integer): Boolean; inline; function getBodyWH (body: TBodyProxyId; out rw, rh: Integer): Boolean; inline; function getBodyDims (body: TBodyProxyId; out rx, ry, rw, rh: Integer): Boolean; inline; //WARNING: don't modify grid while any query is in progress (no checks are made!) // you can set enabled/disabled flag, tho (but iterator can still return objects disabled inside it) // no callback: return `true` on the first hit function forEachInAABB (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1; allowDisabled: Boolean=false): ITP; //WARNING: don't modify grid while any query is in progress (no checks are made!) // you can set enabled/disabled flag, tho (but iterator can still return objects disabled inside it) // no callback: return object on the first hit or nil function forEachAtPoint (x, y: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1; exittag: PInteger=nil): ITP; function atCellInPoint (x, y: Integer): TAtPointEnumerator; //WARNING: don't modify grid while any query is in progress (no checks are made!) // you can set enabled/disabled flag, tho (but iterator can still return objects disabled inside it) // cb with `(nil)` will be called before processing new tile // no callback: return object of the nearest hit or nil // if `inverted` is true, trace will register bodies *exluding* tagmask //WARNING: don't change tags in callbacks here! function traceRayOld (const x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; cb: TGridRayQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; overload; function traceRayOld (out ex, ey: Integer; const ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; cb: TGridRayQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; //WARNING: don't modify grid while any query is in progress (no checks are made!) // you can set enabled/disabled flag, tho (but iterator can still return objects disabled inside it) // cb with `(nil)` will be called before processing new tile // no callback: return object of the nearest hit or nil // if `inverted` is true, trace will register bodies *exluding* tagmask // `cb` is used unconvetionally here: if it returns `false`, tracer will ignore the object //WARNING: don't change tags in callbacks here! function traceRay (const x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; overload; function traceRay (out ex, ey: Integer; const ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; // return `false` if we're still inside at the end // line should be either strict horizontal, or strict vertical, otherwise an exception will be thrown // `true`: endpoint will point at the last "inside" pixel // `false`: endpoint will be (ax1, ay1) //WARNING: don't change tags in callbacks here! function traceOrthoRayWhileIn (out ex, ey: Integer; ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; tagmask: Integer=-1): Boolean; //WARNING: don't modify grid while any query is in progress (no checks are made!) // you can set enabled/disabled flag, tho (but iterator can still return objects disabled inside it) // trace line along the grid, calling `cb` for all objects in passed cells, in no particular order //WARNING: don't change tags in callbacks here! function forEachAlongLine (ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1; log: Boolean=false): ITP; // trace box with the given velocity; return object hit (if any) // `cb` is used unconvetionally here: if it returns `false`, tracer will ignore the object //WARNING: don't change tags in callbacks here! function traceBox (out ex, ey: Integer; const ax0, ay0, aw, ah: Integer; const dx, dy: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; // debug procedure forEachBodyCell (body: TBodyProxyId; cb: TCellQueryCB); function forEachInCell (x, y: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB): ITP; procedure dumpStats (); public //WARNING! no sanity checks! property proxyEnabled[pid: TBodyProxyId]: Boolean read getProxyEnabled write setProxyEnabled; property gridX0: Integer read mMinX; property gridY0: Integer read mMinY; property gridWidth: Integer read getGridWidthPx; // in pixels property gridHeight: Integer read getGridHeightPx; // in pixels property proxy[idx: TBodyProxyId]: PBodyProxyRec read getProxyById; end; type // common structure for all line tracers TLineWalker = record public const TileSize = GridTileSize; private wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1: Integer; // window coordinates stx, sty: Integer; // "steps" for x and y axes stleft: Integer; // "steps left" err, errinc, errmax: Integer; xd, yd: Integer; // current coord horiz: Boolean; public // call `setyp` after this constructor Create (minx, miny, maxx, maxy: Integer); procedure setClip (minx, miny, maxx, maxy: Integer); inline; // this will use `w[xy][01]` to clip coords // return `false` if the whole line was clipped away // on `true`, you should process first point, and go on function setup (x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer): Boolean; // call this *after* doing a step // WARNING! if you will do a step when this returns `true`, you will fall into limbo function done (): Boolean; inline; // as you will prolly call `done()` after doing a step anyway, this will do it for you // move to next point, return `true` when the line is complete (i.e. you should stop) function step (): Boolean; inline; // move to next tile; return `true` if the line is complete (and walker state is undefined then) function stepToNextTile (): Boolean; inline; procedure getXY (out ox, oy: Integer); inline; public // current coords property x: Integer read xd; property y: Integer read yd; end; procedure swapInt (var a: Integer; var b: Integer); inline; //function minInt (a, b: Integer): Integer; inline; //function maxInt (a, b: Integer): Integer; inline; implementation uses SysUtils, e_log, g_console, geom, utils; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure swapInt (var a: Integer; var b: Integer); inline; var t: Integer; begin t := a; a := b; b := t; end; //procedure swapInt (var a: Integer; var b: Integer); inline; begin a := a xor b; b := b xor a; a := a xor b; end; //function minInt (a, b: Integer): Integer; inline; begin if (a < b) then result := a else result := b; end; //function maxInt (a, b: Integer): Integer; inline; begin if (a > b) then result := a else result := b; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor TLineWalker.Create (minx, miny, maxx, maxy: Integer); begin setClip(minx, miny, maxx, maxy); end; procedure TLineWalker.setClip (minx, miny, maxx, maxy: Integer); inline; begin // clip rectange wx0 := minx; wy0 := miny; wx1 := maxx; wy1 := maxy; end; function TLineWalker.setup (x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer): Boolean; var sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1: Single; begin if (wx1 < wx0) or (wy1 < wy0) then begin stleft := 0; xd := x0; yd := y0; result := false; exit; end; if (x0 >= wx0) and (y0 >= wy0) and (x0 <= wx1) and (y0 <= wy1) and (x1 >= wx0) and (y1 >= wy0) and (x1 <= wx1) and (y1 <= wy1) then begin result := true; end else begin sx0 := x0; sy0 := y0; sx1 := x1; sy1 := y1; result := clipLine(sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1, wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1); if not result then begin stleft := 0; xd := x0; yd := y0; exit; end; x0 := trunc(sx0); y0 := trunc(sy0); x1 := trunc(sx1); y1 := trunc(sy1); end; // check for ortho lines if (y0 = y1) then begin // horizontal horiz := true; stleft := abs(x1-x0)+1; if (x0 < x1) then stx := 1 else stx := -1; sty := 0; errinc := 0; errmax := 10; // anything that is greater than zero end else if (x0 = x1) then begin // vertical horiz := false; stleft := abs(y1-y0)+1; stx := 0; if (y0 < y1) then sty := 1 else sty := -1; errinc := 0; errmax := 10; // anything that is greater than zero end else begin // diagonal if (abs(x1-x0) >= abs(y1-y0)) then begin // horizontal horiz := true; stleft := abs(x1-x0)+1; errinc := abs(y1-y0)+1; end else begin // vertical horiz := false; stleft := abs(y1-y0)+1; errinc := abs(x1-x0)+1; end; if (x0 < x1) then stx := 1 else stx := -1; if (y0 < y1) then sty := 1 else sty := -1; errmax := stleft; end; xd := x0; yd := y0; err := -errmax; end; function TLineWalker.done (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (stleft <= 0); end; // true: done function TLineWalker.step (): Boolean; inline; begin if horiz then begin xd += stx; err += errinc; if (err >= 0) then begin err -= errmax; yd += sty; end; end else begin yd += sty; err += errinc; if (err >= 0) then begin err -= errmax; xd += stx; end; end; Dec(stleft); result := (stleft <= 0); end; // true: done function TLineWalker.stepToNextTile (): Boolean; inline; var ex, ey: Integer; xwalk, ywalk, wklen: Integer; // to the respective edges f: Integer; begin result := false; if (stleft < 2) then begin result := true; exit; end; // max one pixel left, nothing to do // strictly horizontal? if (sty = 0) then begin // only xd if (stx < 0) then begin // xd: to left edge ex := (xd and (not (TileSize-1)))-1; stleft -= xd-ex; end else begin // xd: to right edge ex := (xd or (TileSize-1))+1; stleft -= ex-xd; end; result := (stleft <= 0); xd := ex; exit; end; // strictly vertical? if (stx = 0) then begin // only xd if (sty < 0) then begin // yd: to top edge ey := (yd and (not (TileSize-1)))-1; stleft -= yd-ey; end else begin // yd: to bottom edge ey := (yd or (TileSize-1))+1; stleft -= ey-yd; end; result := (stleft <= 0); yd := ey; exit; end; // diagonal // calculate xwalk if (stx < 0) then begin ex := (xd and (not (TileSize-1)))-1; xwalk := xd-ex; end else begin ex := (xd or (TileSize-1))+1; xwalk := ex-xd; end; // calculate ywalk if (sty < 0) then begin ey := (yd and (not (TileSize-1)))-1; ywalk := yd-ey; end else begin ey := (yd or (TileSize-1))+1; ywalk := ey-yd; end; { while (xd <> ex) and (yd <> ey) do begin if horiz then begin xd += stx; err += errinc; if (err >= 0) then begin err -= errmax; yd += sty; end; end else begin yd += sty; err += errinc; if (err >= 0) then begin err -= errmax; xd += stx; end; end; Dec(stleft); if (stleft < 1) then begin result := true; exit; end; end; } if (xwalk <= ywalk) then wklen := xwalk else wklen := ywalk; while true do begin // in which dir we want to walk? stleft -= wklen; if (stleft <= 0) then begin result := true; exit; end; if horiz then begin xd += wklen*stx; for f := 1 to wklen do begin err += errinc; if (err >= 0) then begin err -= errmax; yd += sty; end; end; end else begin yd += wklen*sty; for f := 1 to wklen do begin err += errinc; if (err >= 0) then begin err -= errmax; xd += stx; end; end; end; // check for walk completion if (xd = ex) or (yd = ey) then exit; wklen := 1; end; end; procedure TLineWalker.getXY (out ox, oy: Integer); inline; begin ox := xd; oy := yd; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure TBodyGridBase.TBodyProxyRec.setup (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: ITP; aTag: Integer); begin mX := aX; mY := aY; mWidth := aWidth; mHeight := aHeight; mQueryMark := 0; mObj := aObj; mTag := aTag; nextLink := -1; end; function TBodyGridBase.TBodyProxyRec.getTag (): Integer; inline; begin result := mTag and TagFullMask; end; procedure TBodyGridBase.TBodyProxyRec.setTag (v: Integer); inline; begin mTag := (mTag and TagDisabled) or (v and TagFullMask); end; function TBodyGridBase.TBodyProxyRec.getEnabled (): Boolean; inline; begin result := ((mTag and TagDisabled) = 0); end; procedure TBodyGridBase.TBodyProxyRec.setEnabled (v: Boolean); inline; begin if v then mTag := mTag and (not TagDisabled) else mTag := mTag or TagDisabled; end; function TBodyGridBase.TBodyProxyRec.getX1 (): Integer; inline; begin result := mX+mWidth-1; end; function TBodyGridBase.TBodyProxyRec.getY1 (): Integer; inline; begin result := mY+mHeight-1; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor TBodyGridBase.TAtPointEnumerator.Create (acells: TCellArray; aidx: Integer; agetpx: TGetProxyFn); begin mCells := acells; curidx := aidx; curbki := -1; getpx := agetpx; end; function TBodyGridBase.TAtPointEnumerator.MoveNext (): Boolean; inline; begin while (curidx <> -1) do begin while (curbki < GridCellBucketSize) do begin Inc(curbki); if (mCells[curidx].bodies[curbki] = -1) then break; result := true; exit; end; curidx := mCells[curidx].next; curbki := -1; end; result := false; end; function TBodyGridBase.TAtPointEnumerator.getCurrent (): PBodyProxyRec; inline; begin result := getpx(mCells[curidx].bodies[curbki]); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor TBodyGridBase.Create (aMinPixX, aMinPixY, aPixWidth, aPixHeight: Integer{; aTileSize: Integer=GridDefaultTileSize}); var idx: Integer; begin dbgShowTraceLog := false; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} dbgRayTraceTileHitCB := nil; {$ENDIF} { if aTileSize < 1 then aTileSize := 1; if aTileSize > 8192 then aTileSize := 8192; // arbitrary limit mTileSize := aTileSize; } if (aPixWidth < mTileSize) then aPixWidth := mTileSize; if (aPixHeight < mTileSize) then aPixHeight := mTileSize; mMinX := aMinPixX; mMinY := aMinPixY; mWidth := (aPixWidth+mTileSize-1) div mTileSize; mHeight := (aPixHeight+mTileSize-1) div mTileSize; SetLength(mGrid, mWidth*mHeight); SetLength(mCells, mWidth*mHeight); SetLength(mProxies, 8192); mFreeCell := 0; // init free list for idx := 0 to High(mCells) do begin mCells[idx].bodies[0] := -1; mCells[idx].bodies[GridCellBucketSize-1] := -1; // "has free room" flag mCells[idx].next := idx+1; end; mCells[High(mCells)].next := -1; // last cell // init grid for idx := 0 to High(mGrid) do mGrid[idx] := -1; // init proxies for idx := 0 to High(mProxies) do mProxies[idx].nextLink := idx+1; mProxies[High(mProxies)].nextLink := -1; mLastQuery := 0; mUsedCells := 0; mProxyFree := 0; mProxyCount := 0; mProxyMaxCount := 0; e_WriteLog(Format('created grid with size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize]), TMsgType.Notify); end; destructor TBodyGridBase.Destroy (); begin mCells := nil; mGrid := nil; mProxies := nil; inherited; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure TBodyGridBase.dumpStats (); var idx, mcb, ccidx, cnt: Integer; begin mcb := 0; for idx := 0 to High(mGrid) do begin ccidx := mGrid[idx]; cnt := 0; while ccidx >= 0 do begin Inc(cnt); ccidx := mCells[ccidx].next; end; if (mcb < cnt) then mcb := cnt; end; e_WriteLog(Format('grid size: %dx%d (tile size: %d); pix: %dx%d; used cells: %d; max bodies in cell: %d; max proxies allocated: %d; proxies used: %d', [mWidth, mHeight, mTileSize, mWidth*mTileSize, mHeight*mTileSize, mUsedCells, mcb, mProxyMaxCount, mProxyCount]), TMsgType.Notify); end; procedure TBodyGridBase.forEachBodyCell (body: TBodyProxyId; cb: TCellQueryCB); var g, f, ccidx: Integer; cc: PGridCell; begin if (body < 0) or (body > High(mProxies)) or not assigned(cb) then exit; for g := 0 to High(mGrid) do begin ccidx := mGrid[g]; while (ccidx <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; if (cc.bodies[f] = body) then cb((g mod mWidth)*mTileSize+mMinX, (g div mWidth)*mTileSize+mMinY); end; // next cell ccidx := cc.next; end; end; end; function TBodyGridBase.forEachInCell (x, y: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB): ITP; var f, ccidx: Integer; cc: PGridCell; begin result := Default(ITP); if not assigned(cb) then exit; Dec(x, mMinX); Dec(y, mMinY); if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= mWidth*mTileSize) or (y > mHeight*mTileSize) then exit; ccidx := mGrid[(y div mTileSize)*mWidth+(x div mTileSize)]; while (ccidx <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; if cb(mProxies[cc.bodies[f]].mObj, mProxies[cc.bodies[f]].mTag) then begin result := mProxies[cc.bodies[f]].mObj; exit; end; end; // next cell ccidx := cc.next; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.getGridWidthPx (): Integer; inline; begin result := mWidth*mTileSize; end; function TBodyGridBase.getGridHeightPx (): Integer; inline; begin result := mHeight*mTileSize; end; function TBodyGridBase.insideGrid (x, y: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin // fix coords Dec(x, mMinX); Dec(y, mMinY); result := (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x < mWidth*mTileSize) and (y < mHeight*mTileSize); end; function TBodyGridBase.getBodyXY (body: TBodyProxyId; out rx, ry: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin if (body >= 0) and (body < Length(mProxies)) then begin with mProxies[body] do begin rx := mX; ry := mY; end; result := true; end else begin rx := 0; ry := 0; result := false; end; end; function TBodyGridBase.getBodyWH (body: TBodyProxyId; out rw, rh: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin if (body >= 0) and (body < Length(mProxies)) then begin with mProxies[body] do begin rw := mWidth; rh := mHeight; end; result := true; end else begin rw := 0; rh := 0; result := false; end; end; function TBodyGridBase.getBodyDims (body: TBodyProxyId; out rx, ry, rw, rh: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin if (body >= 0) and (body < Length(mProxies)) then begin with mProxies[body] do begin rx := mX; ry := mY; rw := mWidth; rh := mHeight; end; result := true; end else begin rx := 0; ry := 0; rw := 0; rh := 0; result := false; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.getProxyEnabled (pid: TBodyProxyId): Boolean; inline; begin if (pid >= 0) and (pid < Length(mProxies)) then result := ((mProxies[pid].mTag and TagDisabled) = 0) else result := false; end; procedure TBodyGridBase.setProxyEnabled (pid: TBodyProxyId; val: Boolean); inline; begin if (pid >= 0) and (pid < Length(mProxies)) then begin if val then begin mProxies[pid].mTag := mProxies[pid].mTag and not TagDisabled; end else begin mProxies[pid].mTag := mProxies[pid].mTag or TagDisabled; end; end; end; function TBodyGridBase.getProxyById (idx: TBodyProxyId): PBodyProxyRec; inline; begin if (idx >= 0) and (idx < Length(mProxies)) then result := @mProxies[idx] else result := nil; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.allocCell (): Integer; var idx: Integer; pc: PGridCell; begin if (mFreeCell < 0) then begin // no free cells, want more mFreeCell := Length(mCells); SetLength(mCells, mFreeCell+32768); // arbitrary number for idx := mFreeCell to High(mCells) do begin mCells[idx].bodies[0] := -1; mCells[idx].bodies[GridCellBucketSize-1] := -1; // 'has free room' flag mCells[idx].next := idx+1; end; mCells[High(mCells)].next := -1; // last cell end; result := mFreeCell; pc := @mCells[result]; mFreeCell := pc.next; pc.next := -1; Inc(mUsedCells); //e_WriteLog(Format('grid: allocated new cell #%d (total: %d)', [result, mUsedCells]), MSG_NOTIFY); end; procedure TBodyGridBase.freeCell (idx: Integer); begin if (idx >= 0) and (idx < Length(mCells)) then begin with mCells[idx] do begin bodies[0] := -1; bodies[GridCellBucketSize-1] := -1; // 'has free room' flag next := mFreeCell; end; mFreeCell := idx; Dec(mUsedCells); end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.allocProxy (aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aObj: ITP; aTag: Integer): TBodyProxyId; var olen, idx: Integer; px: PBodyProxyRec; begin if (mProxyFree = -1) then begin // no free proxies, resize list olen := Length(mProxies); SetLength(mProxies, olen+8192); // arbitrary number for idx := olen to High(mProxies) do mProxies[idx].nextLink := idx+1; mProxies[High(mProxies)].nextLink := -1; mProxyFree := olen; end; // get one from list result := mProxyFree; px := @mProxies[result]; mProxyFree := px.nextLink; px.setup(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag); // add to used list px.nextLink := -1; // statistics Inc(mProxyCount); if (mProxyMaxCount < mProxyCount) then mProxyMaxCount := mProxyCount; end; procedure TBodyGridBase.freeProxy (body: TBodyProxyId); begin if (body < 0) or (body > High(mProxies)) then exit; // just in case if (mProxyCount = 0) then raise Exception.Create('wutafuuuuu in grid (no allocated proxies, what i should free now?)'); // add to free list mProxies[body].mObj := nil; mProxies[body].nextLink := mProxyFree; mProxyFree := body; Dec(mProxyCount); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.forGridRect (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: TGridInternalCB; bodyId: TBodyProxyId): Boolean; var gw, gh: Integer; ex, ey: Integer; gx, gy: Integer; begin result := false; if (w < 1) or (h < 1) or not assigned(cb) then exit; // fix coords Dec(x, mMinX); Dec(y, mMinY); // go on if (x+w <= 0) or (y+h <= 0) then exit; gw := mWidth; gh := mHeight; if (x >= gw*mTileSize) or (y >= gh*mTileSize) then exit; ex := (x+w-1) div mTileSize; ey := (y+h-1) div mTileSize; x := x div mTileSize; y := y div mTileSize; // clip rect if (x < 0) then x := 0 else if (x >= gw) then x := gw-1; if (y < 0) then y := 0 else if (y >= gh) then y := gh-1; if (ex < 0) then ex := 0 else if (ex >= gw) then ex := gw-1; if (ey < 0) then ey := 0 else if (ey >= gh) then ey := gh-1; if (x > ex) or (y > ey) then exit; // just in case // do the work for gy := y to ey do begin for gx := x to ex do begin result := cb(gy*gw+gx, bodyId); if result then exit; end; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.inserter (grida: Integer; bodyId: TBodyProxyId): Boolean; var ccidx: Integer; pc: Integer; pi: PGridCell; f: Integer; begin result := false; // never stop // add body to the given grid cell pc := mGrid[grida]; if (pc <> -1) then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} ccidx := pc; while (ccidx <> -1) do begin pi := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (pi.bodies[f] = -1) then break; if (pi.bodies[f] = bodyId) then raise Exception.Create('trying to insert already inserted proxy'); end; ccidx := pi.next; end; {$ENDIF} ccidx := pc; while (ccidx <> -1) do begin pi := @mCells[ccidx]; // check "has room" flag if (pi.bodies[GridCellBucketSize-1] = -1) then begin // can add here for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (pi.bodies[f] = -1) then begin pi.bodies[f] := bodyId; if (f+1 < GridCellBucketSize) then pi.bodies[f+1] := -1; exit; end; end; raise Exception.Create('internal error in grid inserter'); end; // no room, go to next cell in list (if there is any) ccidx := pi.next; end; // no room in cells, add new cell to list end; // either no room, or no cell at all ccidx := allocCell(); pi := @mCells[ccidx]; pi.bodies[0] := bodyId; pi.bodies[1] := -1; pi.next := pc; mGrid[grida] := ccidx; end; // assume that we cannot have one object added to bucket twice function TBodyGridBase.remover (grida: Integer; bodyId: TBodyProxyId): Boolean; var f, c: Integer; pidx, ccidx: Integer; pc: PGridCell; begin result := false; // never stop // find and remove cell pidx := -1; // previous cell index ccidx := mGrid[grida]; // current cell index while (ccidx <> -1) do begin pc := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (pc.bodies[f] = bodyId) then begin // i found her! if (f = 0) and (pc.bodies[1] = -1) then begin // this cell contains no elements, remove it if (pidx = -1) then mGrid[grida] := pc.next else mCells[pidx].next := pc.next; freeCell(ccidx); exit; end; // remove element from bucket for c := f to GridCellBucketSize-2 do begin pc.bodies[c] := pc.bodies[c+1]; if (pc.bodies[c] = -1) then break; end; pc.bodies[GridCellBucketSize-1] := -1; // "has free room" flag exit; end; end; pidx := ccidx; ccidx := pc.next; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.insertBody (aObj: ITP; aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight: Integer; aTag: Integer=-1): TBodyProxyId; begin aTag := aTag and TagFullMask; result := allocProxy(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, aObj, aTag); //insertInternal(result); forGridRect(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, inserter, result); end; procedure TBodyGridBase.removeBody (body: TBodyProxyId); var px: PBodyProxyRec; begin if (body < 0) or (body > High(mProxies)) then exit; // just in case px := @mProxies[body]; //removeInternal(body); forGridRect(px.mX, px.mY, px.mWidth, px.mHeight, remover, body); freeProxy(body); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure TBodyGridBase.moveResizeBody (body: TBodyProxyId; nx, ny, nw, nh: Integer); var px: PBodyProxyRec; x0, y0, w, h: Integer; begin if (body < 0) or (body > High(mProxies)) then exit; // just in case px := @mProxies[body]; x0 := px.mX; y0 := px.mY; w := px.mWidth; h := px.mHeight; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format('proxy #%d: MOVERESIZE: xg=%d;yg=%d;w=%d;h=%d;nx=%d;ny=%d;nw=%d;nh=%d', [body, x0-mMinX, y0-mMinY, w, h, nx-mMinX, ny-mMinY, nw, nh]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} if (nx = x0) and (ny = y0) and (nw = w) and (nh = h) then exit; // map -> grid Dec(x0, mMinX); Dec(y0, mMinY); Dec(nx, mMinX); Dec(ny, mMinY); // did any corner crossed tile boundary? if (x0 div mTileSize <> nx div mTileSize) or (y0 div mTileSize <> ny div mTileSize) or ((x0+w-1) div mTileSize <> (nx+nw-1) div mTileSize) or ((y0+h-1) div mTileSize <> (ny+nh-1) div mTileSize) then begin //writeln('moveResizeBody: cell occupation changed! old=(', x0, ',', y0, ')-(', x0+w-1, ',', y0+h-1, '); new=(', nx, ',', ny, ')-(', nx+nw-1, ',', ny+nh-1, ')'); //removeInternal(body); forGridRect(px.mX, px.mY, px.mWidth, px.mHeight, remover, body); px.mX := nx+mMinX; px.mY := ny+mMinY; px.mWidth := nw; px.mHeight := nh; //insertInternal(body); forGridRect(px.mX, px.mY, nw, nh, inserter, body); end else begin px.mX := nx+mMinX; px.mY := ny+mMinY; px.mWidth := nw; px.mHeight := nh; end; end; //TODO: optimize for horizontal/vertical moves procedure TBodyGridBase.moveBody (body: TBodyProxyId; nx, ny: Integer); var px: PBodyProxyRec; x0, y0: Integer; ogx0, ogx1, ogy0, ogy1: Integer; // old grid rect ngx0, ngx1, ngy0, ngy1: Integer; // new grid rect gx, gy: Integer; gw, gh: Integer; pw, ph: Integer; begin if (body < 0) or (body > High(mProxies)) then exit; // just in case // check if tile coords was changed px := @mProxies[body]; x0 := px.mX; y0 := px.mY; if (nx = x0) and (ny = y0) then exit; // map -> grid Dec(x0, mMinX); Dec(y0, mMinY); Dec(nx, mMinX); Dec(ny, mMinY); // check for heavy work pw := px.mWidth; ph := px.mHeight; ogx0 := x0 div mTileSize; ogy0 := y0 div mTileSize; ngx0 := nx div mTileSize; ngy0 := ny div mTileSize; ogx1 := (x0+pw-1) div mTileSize; ogy1 := (y0+ph-1) div mTileSize; ngx1 := (nx+pw-1) div mTileSize; ngy1 := (ny+ph-1) div mTileSize; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format('proxy #%d: checkmove: xg=%d;yg=%d;w=%d;h=%d;nx=%d;ny=%d og:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d); ng:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [body, x0, y0, pw, ph, nx, ny, ogx0, ogy0, ogx1, ogy1, ngx0, ngy0, ngx1, ngy1]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} if (ogx0 <> ngx0) or (ogy0 <> ngy0) or (ogx1 <> ngx1) or (ogy1 <> ngy1) then begin // crossed tile boundary, do heavy work gw := mWidth; gh := mHeight; // cycle with old rect, remove body where it is necessary // optimized for horizontal moves {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format('proxy #%d: xg=%d;yg=%d;w=%d;h=%d;nx=%d;ny=%d og:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d); ng:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [body, x0, y0, pw, ph, nx, ny, ogx0, ogy0, ogx1, ogy1, ngx0, ngy0, ngx1, ngy1]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} // remove stale marks if not ((ogy0 >= gh) or (ogy1 < 0)) and not ((ogx0 >= gw) or (ogx1 < 0)) then begin if (ogx0 < 0) then ogx0 := 0; if (ogy0 < 0) then ogy0 := 0; if (ogx1 > gw-1) then ogx1 := gw-1; if (ogy1 > gh-1) then ogy1 := gh-1; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format(' norm og:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [ogx0, ogy0, ogx1, ogy1]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} for gx := ogx0 to ogx1 do begin if (gx < ngx0) or (gx > ngx1) then begin // this column is completely outside of new rect for gy := ogy0 to ogy1 do begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format(' remove0:(%d,%d)', [gx, gy]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} remover(gy*gw+gx, body); end; end else begin // heavy checks for gy := ogy0 to ogy1 do begin if (gy < ngy0) or (gy > ngy1) then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format(' remove1:(%d,%d)', [gx, gy]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} remover(gy*gw+gx, body); end; end; end; end; end; // cycle with new rect, add body where it is necessary if not ((ngy0 >= gh) or (ngy1 < 0)) and not ((ngx0 >= gw) or (ngx1 < 0)) then begin if (ngx0 < 0) then ngx0 := 0; if (ngy0 < 0) then ngy0 := 0; if (ngx1 > gw-1) then ngx1 := gw-1; if (ngy1 > gh-1) then ngy1 := gh-1; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format(' norm ng:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [ngx0, ngy0, ngx1, ngy1]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} for gx := ngx0 to ngx1 do begin if (gx < ogx0) or (gx > ogx1) then begin // this column is completely outside of old rect for gy := ngy0 to ngy1 do begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format(' insert0:(%d,%d)', [gx, gy]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} inserter(gy*gw+gx, body); end; end else begin // heavy checks for gy := ngy0 to ngy1 do begin if (gy < ogy0) or (gy > ogy1) then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format(' insert1:(%d,%d)', [gx, gy]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} inserter(gy*gw+gx, body); end; end; end; end; end; // done end else begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format('proxy #%d: GRID OK: xg=%d;yg=%d;w=%d;h=%d;nx=%d;ny=%d og:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d); ng:(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)', [body, x0, y0, pw, ph, nx, ny, ogx0, ogy0, ogx1, ogy1, ngx0, ngy0, ngx1, ngy1]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} end; // update coordinates px.mX := nx+mMinX; px.mY := ny+mMinY; end; procedure TBodyGridBase.resizeBody (body: TBodyProxyId; nw, nh: Integer); var px: PBodyProxyRec; x0, y0, w, h: Integer; begin if (body < 0) or (body > High(mProxies)) then exit; // just in case // check if tile coords was changed px := @mProxies[body]; x0 := px.mX-mMinX; y0 := px.mY-mMinY; w := px.mWidth; h := px.mHeight; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_MOVER)} e_WriteLog(Format('proxy #%d: RESIZE: xg=%d;yg=%d;w=%d;h=%d;nw=%d;nh=%d', [body, x0, y0, w, h, nw, nh]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} if ((x0+w-1) div mTileSize <> (x0+nw-1) div mTileSize) or ((y0+h-1) div mTileSize <> (y0+nh-1) div mTileSize) then begin // crossed tile boundary, do heavy work //removeInternal(body); forGridRect(px.mX, px.mY, px.mWidth, px.mHeight, remover, body); px.mWidth := nw; px.mHeight := nh; //insertInternal(body); forGridRect(px.mX, px.mY, nw, nh, inserter, body); end else begin // nothing to do with the grid, just fix size px.mWidth := nw; px.mHeight := nh; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.atCellInPoint (x, y: Integer): TAtPointEnumerator; var ccidx: Integer = -1; begin Dec(x, mMinX); Dec(y, mMinY); if (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x < mWidth*mTileSize) and (y < mHeight*mTileSize) then ccidx := mGrid[(y div mTileSize)*mWidth+(x div mTileSize)]; result := TAtPointEnumerator.Create(mCells, ccidx, getProxyById); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // no callback: return `true` on the first hit function TBodyGridBase.forEachAtPoint (x, y: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1; exittag: PInteger=nil): ITP; var f: Integer; idx, curci: Integer; cc: PGridCell = nil; px: PBodyProxyRec; lq: LongWord; ptag: Integer; begin result := Default(ITP); if (exittag <> nil) then exittag^ := 0; tagmask := tagmask and TagFullMask; if (tagmask = 0) then exit; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_XXQ)} if (assigned(cb)) then e_WriteLog(Format('0: grid pointquery: (%d,%d)', [x, y]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} // make coords (0,0)-based Dec(x, mMinX); Dec(y, mMinY); if (x < 0) or (y < 0) or (x >= mWidth*mTileSize) or (y >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit; curci := mGrid[(y div mTileSize)*mWidth+(x div mTileSize)]; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_XXQ)} if (assigned(cb)) then e_WriteLog(Format('1: grid pointquery: (%d,%d) (%d,%d) %d', [x, y, (x div mTileSize), (y div mTileSize), curci]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} // restore coords Inc(x, mMinX); Inc(y, mMinY); // increase query counter Inc(mLastQuery); if (mLastQuery = 0) then begin // just in case of overflow mLastQuery := 1; for idx := 0 to High(mProxies) do mProxies[idx].mQueryMark := 0; end; lq := mLastQuery; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_XXQ)} if (assigned(cb)) then e_WriteLog(Format('2: grid pointquery: (%d,%d); lq=%u', [x, y, lq]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} while (curci <> -1) do begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_XXQ)} if (assigned(cb)) then e_WriteLog(Format(' cell #%d', [curci]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} cc := @mCells[curci]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]]; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_XXQ)} if (assigned(cb)) then e_WriteLog(Format(' proxy #%d; qm:%u; tag:%08x; tagflag:%d %u', [cc.bodies[f], px.mQueryMark, px.mTag, (px.mTag and tagmask), LongWord(px.mObj)]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} // shit. has to do it this way, so i can change tag in callback if (px.mQueryMark <> lq) then begin px.mQueryMark := lq; ptag := px.mTag; if ((ptag and TagDisabled) = 0) and ((ptag and tagmask) <> 0) and (x >= px.mX) and (y >= px.mY) and (x < px.mX+px.mWidth) and (y < px.mY+px.mHeight) then begin if assigned(cb) then begin if cb(px.mObj, ptag) then begin result := px.mObj; if (exittag <> nil) then exittag^ := ptag; exit; end; end else begin result := px.mObj; if (exittag <> nil) then exittag^ := ptag; exit; end; end; end; end; curci := cc.next; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // no callback: return `true` on the first hit function TBodyGridBase.forEachInAABB (x, y, w, h: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1; allowDisabled: Boolean=false): ITP; var idx: Integer; gx, gy: Integer; sx, sy, ex, ey: Integer; curci: Integer; f: Integer; cc: PGridCell = nil; px: PBodyProxyRec; lq: LongWord; gw, gh: Integer; x0, y0: Integer; ptag: Integer; begin result := Default(ITP); if (w < 1) or (h < 1) then exit; tagmask := tagmask and TagFullMask; if (tagmask = 0) then exit; x0 := x; y0 := y; // fix coords Dec(x, mMinX); Dec(y, mMinY); gw := mWidth; gh := mHeight; if (x+w <= 0) or (y+h <= 0) then exit; if (x >= gw*mTileSize) or (y >= gh*mTileSize) then exit; sx := x div mTileSize; sy := y div mTileSize; ex := (x+w-1) div mTileSize; ey := (y+h-1) div mTileSize; // clip rect if (sx < 0) then sx := 0 else if (sx >= gw) then sx := gw-1; if (sy < 0) then sy := 0 else if (sy >= gh) then sy := gh-1; if (ex < 0) then ex := 0 else if (ex >= gw) then ex := gw-1; if (ey < 0) then ey := 0 else if (ey >= gh) then ey := gh-1; if (sx > ex) or (sy > ey) then exit; // just in case // has something to do if mInQuery then raise Exception.Create('recursive queries aren''t supported'); mInQuery := true; // increase query counter Inc(mLastQuery); if (mLastQuery = 0) then begin // just in case of overflow mLastQuery := 1; for idx := 0 to High(mProxies) do mProxies[idx].mQueryMark := 0; end; //e_WriteLog(Format('grid: query #%d: (%d,%d)-(%dx%d)', [mLastQuery, minx, miny, maxx, maxy]), MSG_NOTIFY); lq := mLastQuery; // go on for gy := sy to ey do begin for gx := sx to ex do begin // process cells curci := mGrid[gy*gw+gx]; while (curci <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[curci]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]]; // shit! has to do it this way, so i can change tag in callback if (px.mQueryMark = lq) then continue; px.mQueryMark := lq; ptag := px.mTag; if (not allowDisabled) and ((ptag and TagDisabled) <> 0) then continue; if ((ptag and tagmask) = 0) then continue; if (x0 >= px.mX+px.mWidth) or (y0 >= px.mY+px.mHeight) then continue; if (x0+w <= px.mX) or (y0+h <= px.mY) then continue; if assigned(cb) then begin if cb(px.mObj, ptag) then begin result := px.mObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end else begin result := px.mObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end; curci := cc.next; end; end; end; mInQuery := false; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.forEachAlongLine (ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1; log: Boolean=false): ITP; var lw: TLineWalker; ccidx: Integer; cc: PGridCell; px: PBodyProxyRec; lq: LongWord; f, ptag: Integer; gw, gh, minx, miny: Integer; x0, y0: Integer; x1, y1: Integer; cx, cy: Integer; //px0, py0, px1, py1: Integer; begin log := false; result := Default(ITP); tagmask := tagmask and TagFullMask; if (tagmask = 0) or not assigned(cb) then exit; gw := mWidth; gh := mHeight; minx := mMinX; miny := mMinY; // make query coords (0,0)-based x0 := ax0-minx; y0 := ay0-miny; x1 := ax1-minx; y1 := ay1-miny; lw := TLineWalker.Create(0, 0, gw*mTileSize-1, gh*mTileSize-1); if not lw.setup(x0, y0, x1, y1) then exit; // out of screen if mInQuery then raise Exception.Create('recursive queries aren''t supported'); mInQuery := true; // increase query counter Inc(mLastQuery); if (mLastQuery = 0) then begin // just in case of overflow mLastQuery := 1; for f := 0 to High(mProxies) do mProxies[f].mQueryMark := 0; end; lq := mLastQuery; repeat lw.getXY(cx, cy); // check tile ccidx := mGrid[(cy div mTileSize)*gw+(cx div mTileSize)]; // process cells while (ccidx <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]]; ptag := px.mTag; if ((ptag and TagDisabled) = 0) and ((ptag and tagmask) <> 0) and (px.mQueryMark <> lq) then begin px.mQueryMark := lq; // mark as processed if cb(px.mObj, ptag) then begin result := px.mObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end; end; // next cell ccidx := cc.next; end; // done processing cells, move to next tile until lw.stepToNextTile(); mInQuery := false; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // trace box with the given velocity; return object hit (if any) // `cb` is used unconvetionally here: if it returns `false`, tracer will ignore the object function TBodyGridBase.traceBox (out ex, ey: Integer; const ax0, ay0, aw, ah: Integer; const dx, dy: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; var gx, gy: Integer; ccidx: Integer; cc: PGridCell; px: PBodyProxyRec; lq: LongWord; f, ptag: Integer; minu0: Single = 100000.0; u0: Single; cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1: Integer; hitpx: PBodyProxyRec = nil; begin result := Default(ITP); ex := ax0+dx; ey := ay0+dy; if (aw < 1) or (ah < 1) then exit; cx0 := nmin(ax0, ax0+dx); cy0 := nmin(ay0, ay0+dy); cx1 := nmax(ax0+aw-1, ax0+aw-1+dx); cy1 := nmax(ay0+ah-1, ay0+ah-1+dy); cx0 -= mMinX; cy0 -= mMinY; cx1 -= mMinX; cy1 -= mMinY; if (cx1 < 0) or (cy1 < 0) or (cx0 >= mWidth*mTileSize) or (cy0 >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit; if (cx0 < 0) then cx0 := 0; if (cy0 < 0) then cy0 := 0; if (cx1 >= mWidth*mTileSize) then cx1 := mWidth*mTileSize-1; if (cy1 >= mHeight*mTileSize) then cy1 := mHeight*mTileSize-1; // just in case if (cx0 > cx1) or (cy0 > cy1) then exit; if mInQuery then raise Exception.Create('recursive queries aren''t supported'); mInQuery := true; // increase query counter Inc(mLastQuery); if (mLastQuery = 0) then begin // just in case of overflow mLastQuery := 1; for f := 0 to High(mProxies) do mProxies[f].mQueryMark := 0; end; lq := mLastQuery; for gy := cy0 div mTileSize to cy1 div mTileSize do begin for gx := cx0 div mTileSize to cx1 div mTileSize do begin ccidx := mGrid[gy*mWidth+gx]; while (ccidx <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]]; ptag := px.mTag; if ((ptag and TagDisabled) = 0) and ((ptag and tagmask) <> 0) and (px.mQueryMark <> lq) then begin px.mQueryMark := lq; // mark as processed if assigned(cb) then begin if not cb(px.mObj, ptag) then continue; end; if not sweepAABB(ax0, ay0, aw, ah, dx, dy, px.mX, px.mY, px.mWidth, px.mHeight, @u0) then continue; if (minu0 > u0) then begin hitpx := px; result := px.mObj; minu0 := u0; if (u0 = 0.0) then begin ex := ax0; ey := ay0; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end; end; end; // next cell ccidx := cc.next; end; end; end; if (minu0 <= 1.0) then begin ex := ax0+round(dx*minu0); ey := ay0+round(dy*minu0); // just in case, compensate for floating point inexactness if (ex >= hitpx.mX) and (ey >= hitpx.mY) and (ex < hitpx.mX+hitpx.mWidth) and (ey < hitpx.mY+hitpx.mHeight) then begin ex := ax0+trunc(dx*minu0); ey := ay0+trunc(dy*minu0); end; end; mInQuery := false; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // {.$DEFINE D2F_DEBUG_OTR} function TBodyGridBase.traceOrthoRayWhileIn (out ex, ey: Integer; ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; tagmask: Integer=-1): Boolean; var ccidx: Integer; cc: PGridCell; px: PBodyProxyRec; ptag: Integer; minx, miny: Integer; f, c0, c1: Integer; x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; celly0, celly1: Integer; dy: Integer; filled: array[0..mTileSize-1] of Byte; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_OTR)} s: AnsiString = ''; {$ENDIF} begin result := false; ex := ax1; ey := ay1; if not ((ax0 = ax1) or (ay0 = ay1)) then raise Exception.Create('orthoray is not orthogonal'); tagmask := tagmask and TagFullMask; if (tagmask = 0) then exit; if (forEachAtPoint(ax0, ay0, nil, tagmask) = nil) then exit; minx := mMinX; miny := mMinY; // offset query coords to (0,0)-based x0 := ax0-minx; y0 := ay0-miny; x1 := ax1-minx; y1 := ay1-miny; if (x0 = x1) then begin if (x0 < 0) or (x0 >= mWidth*mTileSize) then exit; // oops // vertical if (y0 < y1) then begin // down if (y1 < 0) or (y0 >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit; //if (ay0 < 0) then ay0 := 0; if (y0 < 0) then exit; if (y1 >= mHeight*mTileSize) then y1 := mHeight*mTileSize-1; dy := 1; end else begin // up if (y0 < 0) or (y1 >= mHeight*mTileSize) then exit; //if (ay1 < 0) then ay1 := 0; if (y1 < 0) then exit; if (y0 >= mHeight*mTileSize) then y0 := mHeight*mTileSize-1; dy := -1; end; // check tile while true do begin ccidx := mGrid[(y0 div mTileSize)*mWidth+(x0 div mTileSize)]; FillChar(filled, sizeof(filled), 0); celly0 := y0 and (not (mTileSize-1)); celly1 := celly0+mTileSize-1; while (ccidx <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]]; ptag := px.mTag; if ((ptag and TagDisabled) = 0) and ((ptag and tagmask) <> 0) and (ax0 >= px.x0) and (ax0 <= px.x1) then begin // bound c0 and c1 to cell c0 := nclamp(px.y0-miny, celly0, celly1); c1 := nclamp(px.y1-miny, celly0, celly1); // fill the thing {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_OTR)} e_LogWritefln('**px.y0=%s; px.y1=%s; c0=%s; c1=%s; celly0=%s; celly1=%s; [%s..%s]', [px.y0-miny, px.y1-miny, c0, c1, celly0, celly1, c0-celly0, (c0-celly0)+(c1-c0)]); {$ENDIF} //assert(c0 <= c1); FillChar(filled[c0-celly0], c1-c0+1, 1); end; end; // next cell ccidx := cc.next; end; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_OTR)} s := formatstrf(' x=%s; ay0=%s; ay1=%s; y0=%s; celly0=%s; celly1=%s; dy=%s; [', [ax0, ay0, ay1, y0, celly0, celly1, dy]); for f := 0 to High(filled) do if (filled[f] <> 0) then s += '1' else s += '0'; s += ']'; e_LogWriteln(s); {$ENDIF} // now go till we hit cell boundary or empty space if (dy < 0) then begin // up while (y0 >= celly0) and (filled[y0-celly0] <> 0) do begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_OTR)} e_LogWritefln(' filled: cdy=%s; y0=%s; celly0=%s; ay0=%s; ay1=%s', [y0-celly0, y0, celly0, ay0, ay1]); {$ENDIF} Dec(y0); Dec(ay0); end; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_OTR)} e_LogWritefln(' span done: cdy=%s; y0=%s; celly0=%s; ay0=%s; ay1=%s', [y0-celly0, y0, celly0, ay0, ay1]); {$ENDIF} if (ay0 <= ay1) then begin ey := ay1; result := false; exit; end; if (y0 >= celly0) then begin ey := ay0+1; {assert(forEachAtPoint(ex, ey, nil, tagmask) <> nil);} result := true; exit; end; end else begin // down while (y0 <= celly1) and (filled[y0-celly0] <> 0) do begin Inc(y0); Inc(ay0); end; if (ay0 >= ay1) then begin ey := ay1; result := false; exit; end; if (y0 <= celly1) then begin ey := ay0-1; result := true; exit; end; end; end; end else begin // horizontal assert(false); end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TBodyGridBase.traceRay (const x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; var ex, ey: Integer; begin result := traceRay(ex, ey, x0, y0, x1, y1, cb, tagmask); end; // no callback: return `true` on the nearest hit // you are not supposed to understand this function TBodyGridBase.traceRay (out ex, ey: Integer; const ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; cb: TGridQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; var lw: TLineWalker; ccidx: Integer; cc: PGridCell; px: PBodyProxyRec; lq: LongWord; f, ptag: Integer; gw, gh, minx, miny: Integer; x0, y0: Integer; x1, y1: Integer; cx, cy: Integer; px0, py0, px1, py1: Integer; lastDistSq, distSq, hx, hy: Integer; firstCell: Boolean = true; wasHit: Boolean; begin result := Default(ITP); tagmask := tagmask and TagFullMask; if (tagmask = 0) then exit; gw := mWidth; gh := mHeight; minx := mMinX; miny := mMinY; // make query coords (0,0)-based x0 := ax0-minx; y0 := ay0-miny; x1 := ax1-minx; y1 := ay1-miny; lw := TLineWalker.Create(0, 0, gw*mTileSize-1, gh*mTileSize-1); if not lw.setup(x0, y0, x1, y1) then exit; // out of screen lastDistSq := distanceSq(ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1)+1; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} //if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then e_LogWritefln('*** traceRay: (%s,%s)-(%s,%s)', [x0, y0, x1, y1]); {$ENDIF} if mInQuery then raise Exception.Create('recursive queries aren''t supported'); mInQuery := true; // increase query counter Inc(mLastQuery); if (mLastQuery = 0) then begin // just in case of overflow mLastQuery := 1; for f := 0 to High(mProxies) do mProxies[f].mQueryMark := 0; end; lq := mLastQuery; repeat lw.getXY(cx, cy); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then dbgRayTraceTileHitCB(cx+mMinX, cy+mMinY); {$ENDIF} // check tile ccidx := mGrid[(cy div mTileSize)*gw+(cx div mTileSize)]; // process cells wasHit := false; while (ccidx <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]]; ptag := px.mTag; if ((ptag and TagDisabled) = 0) and ((ptag and tagmask) <> 0) and (px.mQueryMark <> lq) then begin px.mQueryMark := lq; // mark as processed if assigned(cb) then begin if not cb(px.mObj, ptag) then continue; end; // get adjusted proxy coords px0 := px.mX-minx; py0 := px.mY-miny; px1 := px0+px.mWidth-1; py1 := py0+px.mHeight-1; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} //if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then e_LogWritefln(' cxy=(%s,%s); pan=(%s,%s)-(%s,%s)', [cx, cy, px0, py0, px1, py1]); {$ENDIF} // inside? if firstCell and (x0 >= px0) and (y0 >= py0) and (x0 <= px1) and (y0 <= py1) then begin // oops ex := ax0; ey := ay0; result := px.mObj; mInQuery := false; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then e_LogWriteln(' INSIDE!'); {$ENDIF} exit; end; // do line-vs-aabb test if lineAABBIntersects(x0, y0, x1, y1, px0, py0, px1-px0+1, py1-py0+1, hx, hy) then begin // hit detected distSq := distanceSq(x0, y0, hx, hy); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} //if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then e_LogWritefln(' hit=(%s,%s); distSq=%s; lastDistSq=%s', [hx, hy, distSq, lastDistSq]); {$ENDIF} if (distSq < lastDistSq) then begin lastDistSq := distSq; ex := hx+minx; ey := hy+miny; result := px.mObj; wasHit := true; end; end; end; end; // next cell ccidx := cc.next; end; // done processing cells; exit if we registered a hit // next cells can't have better candidates, obviously if wasHit then begin mInQuery := false; exit; end; firstCell := false; // move to next tile until lw.stepToNextTile(); mInQuery := false; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // no callback: return `true` on the nearest hit function TBodyGridBase.traceRayOld (const x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; cb: TGridRayQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; var ex, ey: Integer; begin result := traceRayOld(ex, ey, x0, y0, x1, y1, cb, tagmask); end; // no callback: return `true` on the nearest hit // you are not supposed to understand this function TBodyGridBase.traceRayOld (out ex, ey: Integer; const ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1: Integer; cb: TGridRayQueryCB; tagmask: Integer=-1): ITP; var wx0, wy0, wx1, wy1: Integer; // window coordinates stx, sty: Integer; // "steps" for x and y axes dsx, dsy: Integer; // "lengthes" for x and y axes dx2, dy2: Integer; // "double lengthes" for x and y axes xd, yd: Integer; // current coord e: Integer; // "error" (as in bresenham algo) rem: Integer; term: Integer; xptr, yptr: PInteger; xfixed: Boolean; temp: Integer; prevx, prevy: Integer; lastDistSq: Integer; ccidx, curci: Integer; hasUntried: Boolean; lastGA: Integer = -1; ga, x, y: Integer; lastObj: ITP; wasHit: Boolean = false; gw, gh, minx, miny, maxx, maxy: Integer; cc: PGridCell; px: PBodyProxyRec; lq: LongWord; f, ptag, distSq: Integer; x0, y0, x1, y1: Integer; //swapped: Boolean = false; // true: xd is yd, and vice versa // horizontal walker {$IFDEF GRID_USE_ORTHO_ACCEL} wklen, wkstep: Integer; //wksign: Integer; hopt: Boolean; {$ENDIF} // skipper xdist, ydist: Integer; begin result := Default(ITP); lastObj := Default(ITP); tagmask := tagmask and TagFullMask; ex := ax1; // why not? ey := ay1; // why not? if (tagmask = 0) then exit; if (ax0 = ax1) and (ay0 = ay1) then begin result := forEachAtPoint(ax0, ay0, nil, tagmask, @ptag); if (result <> nil) then begin if assigned(cb) and not cb(result, ptag, ax0, ay0, ax0, ay0) then result := Default(ITP); end; exit; end; lastDistSq := distanceSq(ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1)+1; gw := mWidth; gh := mHeight; minx := mMinX; miny := mMinY; maxx := gw*mTileSize-1; maxy := gh*mTileSize-1; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_RAYTRACE)} if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then e_WriteLog(Format('TRACING: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) [(%d,%d)-(%d,%d)]; maxdistsq=%d', [ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, lastDistSq]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} x0 := ax0; y0 := ay0; x1 := ax1; y1 := ay1; // offset query coords to (0,0)-based Dec(x0, minx); Dec(y0, miny); Dec(x1, minx); Dec(y1, miny); // clip rectange wx0 := 0; wy0 := 0; wx1 := maxx; wy1 := maxy; // horizontal setup if (x0 < x1) then begin // from left to right if (x0 > wx1) or (x1 < wx0) then exit; // out of screen stx := 1; // going right end else begin // from right to left if (x1 > wx1) or (x0 < wx0) then exit; // out of screen stx := -1; // going left x0 := -x0; x1 := -x1; wx0 := -wx0; wx1 := -wx1; swapInt(wx0, wx1); end; // vertical setup if (y0 < y1) then begin // from top to bottom if (y0 > wy1) or (y1 < wy0) then exit; // out of screen sty := 1; // going down end else begin // from bottom to top if (y1 > wy1) or (y0 < wy0) then exit; // out of screen sty := -1; // going up y0 := -y0; y1 := -y1; wy0 := -wy0; wy1 := -wy1; swapInt(wy0, wy1); end; dsx := x1-x0; dsy := y1-y0; if (dsx < dsy) then begin //swapped := true; xptr := @yd; yptr := @xd; swapInt(x0, y0); swapInt(x1, y1); swapInt(dsx, dsy); swapInt(wx0, wy0); swapInt(wx1, wy1); swapInt(stx, sty); end else begin xptr := @xd; yptr := @yd; end; dx2 := 2*dsx; dy2 := 2*dsy; xd := x0; yd := y0; e := 2*dsy-dsx; term := x1; xfixed := false; if (y0 < wy0) then begin // clip at top temp := dx2*(wy0-y0)-dsx; xd += temp div dy2; rem := temp mod dy2; if (xd > wx1) then exit; // x is moved out of clipping rect, nothing to do if (xd+1 >= wx0) then begin yd := wy0; e -= rem+dsx; //if (rem > 0) then begin Inc(xd); e += dy2; end; //BUGGY if (xd < wx0) then begin xd += 1; e += dy2; end; //??? xfixed := true; end; end; if (not xfixed) and (x0 < wx0) then begin // clip at left temp := dy2*(wx0-x0); yd += temp div dx2; rem := temp mod dx2; if (yd > wy1) or (yd = wy1) and (rem >= dsx) then exit; xd := wx0; e += rem; if (rem >= dsx) then begin Inc(yd); e -= dx2; end; end; if (y1 > wy1) then begin // clip at bottom temp := dx2*(wy1-y0)+dsx; term := x0+temp div dy2; rem := temp mod dy2; if (rem = 0) then Dec(term); end; if (term > wx1) then term := wx1; // clip at right Inc(term); // draw last point //if (term = xd) then exit; // this is the only point, get out of here if (sty = -1) then yd := -yd; if (stx = -1) then begin xd := -xd; term := -term; end; dx2 -= dy2; // first move, to skip starting point // DON'T DO THIS! loop will take care of that if (xd = term) then begin //FIXME! result := forEachAtPoint(ax0, ay0, nil, tagmask, @ptag); if (result <> nil) then begin if assigned(cb) then begin if cb(result, ptag, ax0, ay0, ax0, ay0) then begin ex := ax0; ey := ay0; end else begin result := nil; end; end else begin ex := ax0; ey := ay0; end; end; exit; end; prevx := xptr^+minx; prevy := yptr^+miny; (* // move coords if (e >= 0) then begin yd += sty; e -= dx2; end else e += dy2; xd += stx; // done? if (xd = term) then exit; *) {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if (xptr^ < 0) or (yptr^ < 0) or (xptr^ >= gw*mTileSize) and (yptr^ >= gh*mTileSize) then raise Exception.Create('raycaster internal error (0)'); {$ENDIF} // DON'T DO THIS! loop will take care of that //lastGA := (yptr^ div tsize)*gw+(xptr^ div tsize); //ccidx := mGrid[lastGA]; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_RAYTRACE)} //if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then e_WriteLog('1:TRACING!', MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} //if (dbgShowTraceLog) then e_WriteLog(Format('raycast start: (%d,%d)-(%d,%d); xptr^=%d; yptr^=%d', [ax0, ay0, ax1, ay1, xptr^, yptr^]), MSG_NOTIFY); if mInQuery then raise Exception.Create('recursive queries aren''t supported'); mInQuery := true; // increase query counter Inc(mLastQuery); if (mLastQuery = 0) then begin // just in case of overflow mLastQuery := 1; for f := 0 to High(mProxies) do mProxies[f].mQueryMark := 0; end; lq := mLastQuery; {$IFDEF GRID_USE_ORTHO_ACCEL} // if this is strict horizontal/vertical trace, use optimized codepath if (ax0 = ax1) or (ay0 = ay1) then begin // horizontal trace: walk the whole tiles, calculating mindist once for each proxy in cell // stx < 0: going left, otherwise `stx` is > 0, and we're going right // vertical trace: walk the whole tiles, calculating mindist once for each proxy in cell // stx < 0: going up, otherwise `stx` is > 0, and we're going down hopt := (ay0 = ay1); // horizontal? if (stx < 0) then begin {wksign := -1;} wklen := -(term-xd); end else begin {wksign := 1;} wklen := term-xd; end; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if dbgShowTraceLog then e_LogWritefln('optimized htrace; wklen=%d', [wklen]); {$ENDIF} ga := (yptr^ div mTileSize)*gw+(xptr^ div mTileSize); // one of those will never change x := xptr^+minx; y := yptr^+miny; while (wklen > 0) do begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if dbgShowTraceLog then e_LogWritefln(' htrace; ga=%d; x=%d, y=%d; y=%d; y=%d', [ga, xptr^+minx, yptr^+miny, y, ay0]); {$ENDIF} // new tile? if (ga <> lastGA) then begin lastGA := ga; ccidx := mGrid[lastGA]; // convert coords to map (to avoid ajdusting coords inside the loop) if hopt then x := xptr^+minx else y := yptr^+miny; while (ccidx <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[ccidx]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]]; ptag := px.mTag; if ((ptag and TagDisabled) = 0) and ((ptag and tagmask) <> 0) and (px.mQueryMark <> lq) and // constant coord should be inside ((hopt and (y >= px.y0) and (y <= px.y1)) or ((not hopt) and (x >= px.x0) and (x <= px.x1))) then begin px.mQueryMark := lq; // mark as processed // inside the proxy? if (hopt and (x > px.x0) and (x < px.x1)) or ((not hopt) and (y > px.y0) and (y < px.y1)) then begin // setup prev[xy] if assigned(cb) then begin if cb(px.mObj, ptag, x, y, x, y) then begin result := px.mObj; ex := x; ey := y; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end else begin distSq := distanceSq(ax0, ay0, x, y); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if dbgShowTraceLog then e_LogWritefln(' EMBEDDED hhit(%d): a=(%d,%d), h=(%d,%d), distsq=%d; lastsq=%d', [cc.bodies[f], ax0, ay0, x, y, distSq, lastDistSq]); {$ENDIF} if (distSq < lastDistSq) then begin ex := x; ey := y; result := px.mObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end; continue; end; // remember this hitpoint if it is nearer than an old one // setup prev[xy] if hopt then begin // horizontal trace prevy := y; y := yptr^+miny; if (stx < 0) then begin // going left if (x < px.x1) then continue; // not on the right edge x := px.x1; prevx := x+1; end else begin // going right if (x > px.x0) then continue; // not on the left edge x := px.x0; prevx := x-1; end; end else begin // vertical trace prevx := x; x := xptr^+minx; if (stx < 0) then begin // going up if (y < px.y1) then continue; // not on the bottom edge y := px.y1; prevy := x+1; end else begin // going down if (y > px.y0) then continue; // not on the top edge y := px.y0; prevy := y-1; end; end; if assigned(cb) then begin if cb(px.mObj, ptag, x, y, prevx, prevy) then begin result := px.mObj; ex := prevx; ey := prevy; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end else begin distSq := distanceSq(ax0, ay0, prevx, prevy); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if dbgShowTraceLog then e_LogWritefln(' hhit(%d): a=(%d,%d), h=(%d,%d), p=(%d,%d), distsq=%d; lastsq=%d', [cc.bodies[f], ax0, ay0, x, y, prevx, prevy, distSq, lastDistSq]); {$ENDIF} if (distSq < lastDistSq) then begin wasHit := true; lastDistSq := distSq; ex := prevx; ey := prevy; lastObj := px.mObj; end; end; end; end; // next cell ccidx := cc.next; end; if wasHit and not assigned(cb) then begin result := lastObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; if assigned(cb) and cb(nil, 0, x, y, x, y) then begin result := lastObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end; // skip to next tile if hopt then begin if (stx > 0) then begin // to the right wkstep := ((xptr^ or (mTileSize-1))+1)-xptr^; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if dbgShowTraceLog then e_LogWritefln(' right step: wklen=%d; wkstep=%d', [wklen, wkstep]); {$ENDIF} if (wkstep >= wklen) then break; Inc(xptr^, wkstep); Inc(ga); end else begin // to the left wkstep := xptr^-((xptr^ and (not (mTileSize-1)))-1); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if dbgShowTraceLog then e_LogWritefln(' left step: wklen=%d; wkstep=%d', [wklen, wkstep]); {$ENDIF} if (wkstep >= wklen) then break; Dec(xptr^, wkstep); Dec(ga); end; end else begin if (stx > 0) then begin // to the down wkstep := ((yptr^ or (mTileSize-1))+1)-yptr^; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if dbgShowTraceLog then e_LogWritefln(' down step: wklen=%d; wkstep=%d', [wklen, wkstep]); {$ENDIF} if (wkstep >= wklen) then break; Inc(yptr^, wkstep); Inc(ga, mWidth); end else begin // to the up wkstep := yptr^-((yptr^ and (not (mTileSize-1)))-1); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if dbgShowTraceLog then e_LogWritefln(' up step: wklen=%d; wkstep=%d', [wklen, wkstep]); {$ENDIF} if (wkstep >= wklen) then break; Dec(yptr^, wkstep); Dec(ga, mWidth); end; end; Dec(wklen, wkstep); end; // we can travel less than one cell if wasHit and not assigned(cb) then result := lastObj else begin ex := ax1; ey := ay1; end; mInQuery := false; exit; end; {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_RAYTRACE)} if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then dbgRayTraceTileHitCB((xptr^ div mTileSize*mTileSize)+minx, (yptr^ div mTileSize*mTileSize)+miny); {$ENDIF} //e_LogWritefln('*********************', []); ccidx := -1; // can omit checks while (xd <> term) do begin // check cell(s) {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if (xptr^ < 0) or (yptr^ < 0) or (xptr^ >= gw*mTileSize) and (yptr^ >= gh*mTileSize) then raise Exception.Create('raycaster internal error (0)'); {$ENDIF} // new tile? ga := (yptr^ div mTileSize)*gw+(xptr^ div mTileSize); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_RAYTRACE)} if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then e_WriteLog(Format(' xd=%d; term=%d; gx=%d; gy=%d; ga=%d; lastga=%d', [xd, term, xptr^, yptr^, ga, lastGA]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} if (ga <> lastGA) then begin // yes {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then dbgRayTraceTileHitCB((xptr^ div mTileSize*mTileSize)+minx, (yptr^ div mTileSize*mTileSize)+miny); {$ENDIF} if (ccidx <> -1) then begin // signal cell completion if assigned(cb) then begin if cb(nil, 0, xptr^+minx, yptr^+miny, prevx, prevy) then begin result := lastObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end else if wasHit then begin result := lastObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end; lastGA := ga; ccidx := mGrid[lastGA]; end; // has something to process in this tile? if (ccidx <> -1) then begin // process cell curci := ccidx; hasUntried := false; // this will be set to `true` if we have some proxies we still want to process at the next step // convert coords to map (to avoid ajdusting coords inside the loop) x := xptr^+minx; y := yptr^+miny; // process cell list while (curci <> -1) do begin cc := @mCells[curci]; for f := 0 to GridCellBucketSize-1 do begin if (cc.bodies[f] = -1) then break; px := @mProxies[cc.bodies[f]]; ptag := px.mTag; if ((ptag and TagDisabled) = 0) and ((ptag and tagmask) <> 0) and (px.mQueryMark <> lq) then begin // can we process this proxy? if (x >= px.mX) and (y >= px.mY) and (x < px.mX+px.mWidth) and (y < px.mY+px.mHeight) then begin px.mQueryMark := lq; // mark as processed if assigned(cb) then begin if cb(px.mObj, ptag, x, y, prevx, prevy) then begin result := px.mObj; ex := prevx; ey := prevy; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end else begin // remember this hitpoint if it is nearer than an old one distSq := distanceSq(ax0, ay0, prevx, prevy); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_RAYTRACE)} if assigned(dbgRayTraceTileHitCB) then e_WriteLog(Format(' hit(%d): a=(%d,%d), h=(%d,%d), p=(%d,%d); distsq=%d; lastsq=%d', [cc.bodies[f], ax0, ay0, x, y, prevx, prevy, distSq, lastDistSq]), MSG_NOTIFY); {$ENDIF} if (distSq < lastDistSq) then begin wasHit := true; lastDistSq := distSq; ex := prevx; ey := prevy; lastObj := px.mObj; end; end; end else begin // this is possibly interesting proxy, set "has more to check" flag hasUntried := true; end; end; end; // next cell curci := cc.next; end; // still has something interesting in this cell? if not hasUntried then begin // nope, don't process this cell anymore; signal cell completion ccidx := -1; if assigned(cb) then begin if cb(nil, 0, x, y, prevx, prevy) then begin result := lastObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end else if wasHit then begin result := lastObj; mInQuery := false; exit; end; end; end; if (ccidx = -1) then begin // move to cell edge, as we have nothing to trace here anymore if (stx < 0) then xdist := xd and (not (mTileSize-1)) else xdist := xd or (mTileSize-1); if (sty < 0) then ydist := yd and (not (mTileSize-1)) else ydist := yd or (mTileSize-1); //e_LogWritefln('0: swapped=%d; xd=%d; yd=%d; stx=%d; sty=%d; e=%d; dx2=%d; dy2=%d; term=%d; xdist=%d; ydist=%d', [swapped, xd, yd, stx, sty, e, dx2, dy2, term, xdist, ydist]); while (xd <> xdist) and (yd <> ydist) do begin // step xd += stx; if (e >= 0) then begin yd += sty; e -= dx2; end else e += dy2; //e_LogWritefln(' xd=%d; yd=%d', [xd, yd]); if (xd = term) then break; end; //e_LogWritefln('1: swapped=%d; xd=%d; yd=%d; stx=%d; sty=%d; e=%d; dx2=%d; dy2=%d; term=%d; xdist=%d; ydist=%d', [swapped, xd, yd, stx, sty, e, dx2, dy2, term, xdist, ydist]); if (xd = term) then break; end; //putPixel(xptr^, yptr^); // move coords prevx := xptr^+minx; prevy := yptr^+miny; if (e >= 0) then begin yd += sty; e -= dx2; end else e += dy2; xd += stx; end; // we can travel less than one cell if wasHit and not assigned(cb) then begin result := lastObj; end else begin ex := ax1; // why not? ey := ay1; // why not? end; mInQuery := false; end; end.