(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_gibs; interface uses g_phys, g_base; const DefaultGibsCount = 32; DefaultGibsMax = 150; DefaultGibSize: TRectWH = (X: 8; Y: 8; Width: 16; Height: 16); type PGib = ^TGib; TGib = record alive: Boolean; RAngle: Integer; Color: TRGB; Obj: TObj; ModelID: Integer; GibID: Integer; procedure getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline; procedure moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline; procedure positionChanged; inline; //WARNING! call this after entity position was changed, or coldet will not w> end; var gGibsCount: Integer = DefaultGibsCount; // !!! make it private gGibs: Array of TGib; procedure g_Gibs_SetMax (Count: Word); function g_Gibs_GetMax (): Word; procedure g_Gibs_Create (fX, fY, mid: Integer; fColor: TRGB); procedure g_Gibs_RemoveAll; procedure g_Gibs_Update; implementation uses {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} g_gfx, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_render, {$ENDIF} g_playermodel, g_options, g_game ; type TGibsArray = Array of Integer; var CurrentGib: Integer = 0; MaxGibs: Word = DefaultGibsMax; procedure TGib.getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline; begin x := Obj.X + Obj.Rect.X; y := Obj.Y + Obj.Rect.Y; w := Obj.Rect.Width; h := Obj.Rect.Height; end; procedure TGib.moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline; begin if (dx <> 0) or (dy <> 0) then begin Obj.X += dx; Obj.Y += dy; positionChanged; end; end; procedure TGib.positionChanged (); inline; begin end; procedure g_Gibs_SetMax (Count: Word); begin MaxGibs := Count; SetLength(gGibs, Count); if CurrentGib >= Count then CurrentGib := 0; end; function g_Gibs_GetMax (): Word; begin Result := MaxGibs; end; function g_Gibs_Get (ModelID: Integer; var Gibs: TGibsArray): Boolean; var i, b: Integer; c: Boolean; begin Gibs := nil; Result := False; if (PlayerModelsArray = nil) or (gGibsCount = 0) then Exit; c := False; SetLength(Gibs, gGibsCount); for i := 0 to High(Gibs) do begin if c and (PlayerModelsArray[ModelID].GibsCount = 1) then begin SetLength(Gibs, i); Break; end; repeat b := Random(PlayerModelsArray[ModelID].GibsCount); until not ((PlayerModelsArray[ModelID].GibsOnce = b + 1) and c); Gibs[i] := b; c := PlayerModelsArray[ModelID].GibsOnce = b + 1; end; Result := True; end; procedure g_Gibs_Create (fX, fY, mid: Integer; fColor: TRGB); var a: Integer; GibsArray: TGibsArray; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} Blood: TModelBlood; {$ENDIF} begin if mid = -1 then Exit; if (gGibs = nil) or (Length(gGibs) = 0) then Exit; if not g_Gibs_Get(mid, GibsArray) then Exit; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} Blood := PlayerModelsArray[mid].Blood; {$ENDIF} for a := 0 to High(GibsArray) do begin with gGibs[CurrentGib] do begin ModelID := mid; GibID := GibsArray[a]; Color := fColor; alive := True; g_Obj_Init(@Obj); {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} Obj.Rect := r_Render_GetGibRect(ModelID, GibID); {$ELSE} Obj.Rect := DefaultGibSize; {$ENDIF} Obj.X := fX - Obj.Rect.X - (Obj.Rect.Width div 2); Obj.Y := fY - Obj.Rect.Y - (Obj.Rect.Height div 2); g_Obj_PushA(@Obj, 25 + Random(10), Random(361)); positionChanged; // this updates spatial accelerators RAngle := Random(360); {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} if gBloodCount > 0 then begin g_GFX_Blood( fX, fY, 16 * gBloodCount + Random(5 * gBloodCount), -16 + Random(33), -16 + Random(33), Random(48), Random(48), Blood.R, Blood.G, Blood.B, Blood.Kind ); end; {$ENDIF} if CurrentGib >= High(gGibs) then CurrentGib := 0 else Inc(CurrentGib); end; end; end; procedure g_Gibs_RemoveAll; var i: Integer; begin i := g_Gibs_GetMax(); g_Gibs_SetMax(0); g_Gibs_SetMax(i); end; procedure g_Gibs_Update; var i: Integer; vel: TPoint2i; mr: Word; begin if gGibs = nil then Exit; for i := 0 to High(gGibs) do if gGibs[i].alive then with gGibs[i] do begin Obj.oldX := Obj.X; Obj.oldY := Obj.Y; vel := Obj.Vel; mr := g_Obj_Move(@Obj, True, False, True); positionChanged(); // this updates spatial accelerators if WordBool(mr and MOVE_FALLOUT) then begin alive := False; Continue; end; // Отлетает от удара о стену/потолок/пол: if WordBool(mr and MOVE_HITWALL) then Obj.Vel.X := -(vel.X div 2); if WordBool(mr and (MOVE_HITCEIL or MOVE_HITLAND)) then Obj.Vel.Y := -(vel.Y div 2); if (Obj.Vel.X >= 0) then begin // Clockwise RAngle := RAngle + Abs(Obj.Vel.X)*6 + Abs(Obj.Vel.Y); if RAngle >= 360 then RAngle := RAngle mod 360; end else begin // Counter-clockwise RAngle := RAngle - Abs(Obj.Vel.X)*6 - Abs(Obj.Vel.Y); if RAngle < 0 then RAngle := (360 - (Abs(RAngle) mod 360)) mod 360; end; // Сопротивление воздуха для куска трупа: if gTime mod (GAME_TICK*3) = 0 then Obj.Vel.X := z_dec(Obj.Vel.X, 1); end; end; end.