(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} {.$DEFINE D2F_DEBUG_FALL_MPLAT} {/$DEFINE D2F_DEBUG_PART_AWAKE} unit g_gfx; interface uses e_log; const BLOOD_NORMAL = 0; BLOOD_SPARKS = 1; BLOOD_CSPARKS = 2; BLOOD_COMBINE = 3; MARK_FREE = 0; MARK_WALL = 1; MARK_WATER = 2; MARK_ACID = 4; MARK_LIFTDOWN = 8; MARK_LIFTUP = 16; MARK_DOOR = 32; MARK_LIFTLEFT = 64; MARK_LIFTRIGHT = 128; MARK_BLOCKED = MARK_WALL or MARK_DOOR; MARK_LIQUID = MARK_WATER or MARK_ACID; MARK_LIFT = MARK_LIFTDOWN or MARK_LIFTUP or MARK_LIFTLEFT or MARK_LIFTRIGHT; R_GFX_NONE = 0; R_GFX_TELEPORT = 1; R_GFX_FLAME = 2; R_GFX_EXPLODE_ROCKET = 3; R_GFX_EXPLODE_BFG = 4; R_GFX_BFG_HIT = 5; R_GFX_FIRE = 6; R_GFX_ITEM_RESPAWN = 7; R_GFX_SMOKE = 8; R_GFX_EXPLODE_SKELFIRE = 9; R_GFX_EXPLODE_PLASMA = 10; R_GFX_EXPLODE_BSPFIRE = 11; R_GFX_EXPLODE_IMPFIRE = 12; R_GFX_EXPLODE_CACOFIRE = 13; R_GFX_EXPLODE_BARONFIRE = 14; R_GFX_TELEPORT_FAST = 15; R_GFX_SMOKE_TRANS = 16; R_GFX_FLAME_RAND = 17; R_GFX_LAST = 17; R_GFX_FLAME_WIDTH = 32; R_GFX_FLAME_HEIGHT = 32; R_GFX_SMOKE_WIDTH = 32; R_GFX_SMOKE_HEIGHT = 32; procedure g_GFX_Init (); procedure g_GFX_Free (); procedure g_GFX_Blood (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; vx, vy: Integer; devX, devY: Word; cr, cg, cb: Byte; kind: Byte=BLOOD_NORMAL); procedure g_GFX_Spark (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; angle: SmallInt; devX, devY: Byte); procedure g_GFX_Water (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; fVelX, fVelY: Single; devX, devY, color: Byte; simple: Boolean=false; cr: Byte=0; cg: Byte=0; cb: Byte=0); procedure g_GFX_SimpleWater (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; fVelX, fVelY: Single; defColor, cr, cg, cb: Byte); procedure g_GFX_Bubbles (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; devX, devY: Byte); procedure g_GFX_SetMax (count: Integer); function g_GFX_GetMax (): Integer; procedure g_Mark (x, y, Width, Height: Integer; t: Byte; st: Boolean=true); procedure g_GFX_QueueEffect (AnimType, X, Y: Integer); procedure g_GFX_Update (); var gpart_dbg_enabled: Boolean = true; gpart_dbg_phys_enabled: Boolean = true; //WARNING: only for Holmes! function awmIsSetHolmes (x, y: Integer): Boolean; inline; type (* private state *) TPartType = (Blood, Spark, Bubbles, Water); TPartState = (Free, Normal, Stuck, Sleeping); TFloorType = (Wall, LiquidIn, LiquidOut); // Wall: floorY is just before floor // LiquidIn: floorY is liquid *start* (i.e. just in a liquid) // LiquidOut: floorY is liquid *end* (i.e. just out of a liquid) TEnvType = (EAir, ELiquid, EWall); // where particle is now // note: this MUST be record, so we can keep it in // dynamic array and has sequential memory access pattern PParticle = ^TParticle; TParticle = record x, y: Integer; oldX, oldY: Integer; velX, velY: Single; accelX, accelY: Single; state: TPartState; particleType: TPartType; red, green, blue: Byte; alpha: Byte; time, liveTime, waitTime: Word; stickDX: Integer; // STATE_STICK: -1,1: stuck to a wall; 0: stuck to ceiling justSticked: Boolean; // not used floorY: Integer; // actually, floor-1; `Unknown`: unknown floorType: TFloorType; env: TEnvType; // where particle is now ceilingY: Integer; // actually, ceiling+1; `Unknown`: unknown wallEndY: Integer; // if we stuck to a wall, this is where wall ends //k8: sorry, i have to emulate virtual methods this way, 'cause i haet `Object` procedure thinkerBloodAndWater (); procedure thinkerSpark (); procedure thinkerBubble (); procedure findFloor (force: Boolean=false); // this updates `floorY` if forced or Unknown procedure findCeiling (force: Boolean=false); // this updates `ceilingY` if forced or Unknown procedure freeze (); inline; // remove velocities and acceleration procedure sleep (); inline; // switch to sleep mode function checkAirStreams (): Boolean; // `true`: affected by air stream function alive (): Boolean; inline; procedure die (); inline; procedure think (); inline; end; var (* private state *) Particles: array of TParticle = nil; implementation uses {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_render, {$ENDIF} g_map, g_panel, Math, utils, g_options, SysUtils, MAPDEF ; const Unknown = Integer($7fffffff); var MaxParticles: Integer = 0; CurrentParticle: Integer = 0; // awakeMap has one bit for each map grid cell; on g_Mark, // corresponding bits will be set, and in `think()` all particles // in marked cells will be awaken awakeMap: packed array of LongWord = nil; awakeMapH: Integer = -1; awakeMapW: Integer = -1; awakeMinX, awakeMinY: Integer; awakeDirty: Boolean = false; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_PART_AWAKE)} awakeMapHlm: packed array of LongWord = nil; {$ENDIF} procedure g_GFX_QueueEffect (AnimType, X, Y: Integer); begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} r_Render_QueueEffect(AnimType, X, Y) {$ENDIF} end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function awmIsSetHolmes (x, y: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_PART_AWAKE)} if (Length(awakeMapHlm) = 0) then begin result := false; exit; end; x := (x-awakeMinX) div mapGrid.tileSize; y := (y-awakeMinY) div mapGrid.tileSize; if (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x div 32 < awakeMapW) and (y < awakeMapH) then begin if (y*awakeMapW+x div 32 < Length(awakeMapHlm)) then begin result := ((awakeMapHlm[y*awakeMapW+x div 32] and (LongWord(1) shl (x mod 32))) <> 0); end else begin result := false; end; end else begin result := false; end; {$ELSE} result := false; {$ENDIF} end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // HACK! using mapgrid procedure awmClear (); inline; begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_PART_AWAKE)} if (Length(awakeMap) > 0) then begin if (Length(awakeMapHlm) <> Length(awakeMap)) then SetLength(awakeMapHlm, Length(awakeMap)); Move(awakeMap[0], awakeMapHlm[0], Length(awakeMap)*sizeof(awakeMap[0])); end; {$ENDIF} if awakeDirty and (awakeMapW > 0) then begin FillDWord(awakeMap[0], Length(awakeMap), 0); awakeDirty := false; end; end; procedure awmSetup (); begin assert(mapGrid <> nil); awakeMapW := (mapGrid.gridWidth+mapGrid.tileSize-1) div mapGrid.tileSize; awakeMapW := (awakeMapW+31) div 32; // LongWord has 32 bits ;-) awakeMapH := (mapGrid.gridHeight+mapGrid.tileSize-1) div mapGrid.tileSize; awakeMinX := mapGrid.gridX0; awakeMinY := mapGrid.gridY0; SetLength(awakeMap, awakeMapW*awakeMapH); {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_PART_AWAKE)} SetLength(awakeMapHlm, awakeMapW*awakeMapH); FillDWord(awakeMapHlm[0], Length(awakeMapHlm), 0); {$ENDIF} //{$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} e_LogWritefln('particle awake map: %sx%s (for grid of size %sx%s)', [awakeMapW, awakeMapH, mapGrid.gridWidth, mapGrid.gridHeight]); //{$ENDIF} awakeDirty := true; awmClear(); end; function awmIsSet (x, y: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin x := (x-awakeMinX) div mapGrid.tileSize; y := (y-awakeMinY) div mapGrid.tileSize; if (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x div 32 < awakeMapW) and (y < awakeMapH) then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} assert(y*awakeMapW+x div 32 < Length(awakeMap)); {$ENDIF} result := ((awakeMap[y*awakeMapW+x div 32] and (LongWord(1) shl (x mod 32))) <> 0); end else begin result := false; end; end; procedure awmSet (x, y: Integer); inline; var v: PLongWord; begin x := (x-awakeMinX) div mapGrid.tileSize; y := (y-awakeMinY) div mapGrid.tileSize; if (x >= 0) and (y >= 0) and (x div 32 < awakeMapW) and (y < awakeMapH) then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} assert(y*awakeMapW+x div 32 < Length(awakeMap)); {$ENDIF} v := @awakeMap[y*awakeMapW+x div 32]; v^ := v^ or (LongWord(1) shl (x mod 32)); awakeDirty := true; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // st: set mark // t: mark type // currently unused procedure g_Mark (x, y, Width, Height: Integer; t: Byte; st: Boolean=true); const Extrude = 1; var dx, dy, ex, ey: Integer; v: PLongWord; begin if (not gpart_dbg_enabled) or (not gpart_dbg_phys_enabled) then exit; if (awakeMapW < 1) or (awakeMapH < 1) then exit; if (Width < 1) or (Height < 1) then exit; // make some border, so we'll hit particles around the panel ex := x+Width+Extrude-1-awakeMinX; ey := y+Height+Extrude-1-awakeMinY; x := (x-Extrude)-awakeMinX; y := (y-Extrude)-awakeMinY; x := x div mapGrid.tileSize; y := y div mapGrid.tileSize; ex := ex div mapGrid.tileSize; ey := ey div mapGrid.tileSize; // has something to do? if (ex < 0) or (ey < 0) or (x >= awakeMapW*32) or (y >= awakeMapH) then exit; if (x < 0) then x := 0; if (y < 0) then y := 0; if (ex >= awakeMapW*32) then ex := awakeMapW*32-1; if (ey >= awakeMapH) then ey := awakeMapH; awakeDirty := true; for dy := y to ey do begin for dx := x to ex do begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG)} assert((dx >= 0) and (dy >= 0) and (dx div 32 < awakeMapW) and (dy < awakeMapH)); assert(dy*awakeMapW+dx div 32 < Length(awakeMap)); {$ENDIF} v := @awakeMap[dy*awakeMapW+dx div 32]; v^ := v^ or (LongWord(1) shl (dx mod 32)); end; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function TParticle.alive (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (state <> TPartState.Free); end; procedure TParticle.die (); inline; begin state := TPartState.Free; end; // remove velocities and acceleration procedure TParticle.freeze (); inline; begin // stop right there, you criminal scum! velX := 0; velY := 0; accelX := 0; accelY := 0; end; // `true`: affected by air stream function TParticle.checkAirStreams (): Boolean; var pan: TPanel; r: Integer; begin pan := g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, GridTagLift); result := (pan <> nil) and WordBool(pan.PanelType and (PANEL_LIFTUP or PANEL_LIFTDOWN or PANEL_LIFTLEFT or PANEL_LIFTRIGHT)); r := Random(3); if result then begin case pan.LiftType of LIFTTYPE_UP: begin if (velY > -1-r) then velY -= 0.8; if (abs(velX) > 0.1) then velX -= velX/10.0; velX += (Random-Random)*0.2; accelY := 0.15; end; LIFTTYPE_DOWN: begin if (velY < 1+r) then velY += 0.8; accelY := 0.15; end; LIFTTYPE_LEFT: begin if (velX > -8-r) then velX -= (8+r) div 2; accelY := 0.15; end; LIFTTYPE_RIGHT: begin if (velX < 8+r) then velX += (8+r) div 2; accelY := 0.15; end; else result := false; end; // awake if result and (state = TPartState.Sleeping) then state := TPartState.Normal; end; end; // switch to sleep mode procedure TParticle.sleep (); inline; begin if not checkAirStreams() then begin state := TPartState.Sleeping; freeze(); end; end; procedure TParticle.findFloor (force: Boolean=false); var ex: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin if (not force) and (floorY <> Unknown) then exit; // stuck in the wall? rescan, 'cause it can be mplat if (env = TEnvType.EWall) then begin pan := g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, (GridTagObstacle or GridTagLiquid)); if (pan <> nil) then begin // either in a wall, or in a liquid if ((pan.tag and GridTagObstacle) <> 0) then begin // we are in the wall, wtf?! floorY := y; env := TEnvType.EWall; floorType := TFloorType.Wall; state := TPartState.Sleeping; // anyway exit; end; // we are in liquid, trace to liquid end env := TEnvType.ELiquid; end; end; // are we in a liquid? if (env = TEnvType.ELiquid) then begin // trace out of the liquid //env := TEnvType.ELiquid; floorType := TFloorType.LiquidOut; //e_LogWritefln('tracing out of a liquid; floorY=%s; y=%s', [floorY, y]); mapGrid.traceOrthoRayWhileIn(ex, floorY, x, y, x, g_Map_MaxY, GridTagLiquid); floorY += 1; // so `floorY` is just out of a liquid //e_LogWritefln(' traced out of a liquid; floorY=%s; y=%s', [floorY, y]); end else begin // in the air assert(env = TEnvType.EAir); //env := TEnvType.EAir; pan := g_Map_traceToNearest(x, y, x, g_Map_MaxY, (GridTagObstacle or GridTagLiquid), @ex, @floorY); if (pan <> nil) then begin // wall or liquid if ((pan.tag and GridTagObstacle) <> 0) then begin // wall floorType := TFloorType.Wall; end else begin // liquid floorType := TFloorType.LiquidIn; // entering liquid floorY += 1; // so `floorY` is just in a liquid end; end else begin // out of the level; assume wall, but it doesn't really matter floorType := TFloorType.Wall; floorY := g_Map_MaxY+2; end; end; end; procedure TParticle.findCeiling (force: Boolean=false); var ex: Integer; begin if (not force) and (ceilingY <> Unknown) then exit; if (nil = g_Map_traceToNearest(x, y, x, g_Map_MinY, GridTagSolid, @ex, @ceilingY)) then begin ceilingY := g_Map_MinY-2; end; end; procedure TParticle.think (); inline; procedure awake (); begin if (state = TPartState.Stuck) then begin //writeln('awaking particle at (', x, ',', y, ')'); if (stickDX = 0) then begin state := TPartState.Normal; // stuck to a ceiling end else begin // stuck to a wall, check if wall is still there if (wallEndY <> Unknown) then begin wallEndY := Unknown; if (g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x+stickDX, y, GridTagObstacle) = nil) then begin // a wall was moved out, start falling state := TPartState.Normal; if (velY = 0) then velY := 0.1; if (accelY = 0) then accelY := 0.5; end; end; end; end else begin state := TPartState.Normal; if (velY = 0) then velY := 0.1; if (accelY = 0) then accelY := 0.5; end; floorY := Unknown; ceilingY := Unknown; end; begin oldx := x; oldy := y; // awake sleeping particle, if necessary if awakeDirty then begin if awmIsSet(x, y) then awake(); { case state of TPartState.Sleeping, TPartState.Stuck: if awmIsSet(x, y) then awake(); else if (env = TEnvType.EWall) and awmIsSet(x, y) then awake(); end; } end; case particleType of TPartType.Blood, TPartType.Water: thinkerBloodAndWater(); TPartType.Spark: thinkerSpark(); TPartType.Bubbles: thinkerBubble(); end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure TParticle.thinkerBloodAndWater (); procedure stickToCeiling (); begin state := TPartState.Stuck; stickDX := 0; freeze(); ceilingY := y; // yep end; procedure stickToWall (dx: Integer); var ex: Integer; begin state := TPartState.Stuck; if (dx > 0) then stickDX := 1 else stickDX := -1; freeze(); // find next floor transition findFloor(); // find `wallEndY` mapGrid.traceOrthoRayWhileIn(ex, wallEndY, x+stickDX, y, x+stickDX, floorY+1, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor or GridTagStep)); end; procedure hitAFloor (); begin state := TPartState.Sleeping; // we aren't moving anymore freeze(); floorY := y; // yep floorType := TFloorType.Wall; // yep end; // `true`: didn't, get outa thinker function drip (): Boolean; begin case particleType of TPartType.Blood: result := (Random(200) = 100); TPartType.Water: result := (Random(30) = 15); else raise Exception.Create('internal error in particle engine: drip'); end; if result then begin velY := 0.5; accelY := 0.15; // if we're falling from ceiling, switch to normal mode if (state = TPartState.Stuck) and (stickDX = 0) then state := TPartState.Normal; end; end; // switch to freefall mode procedure freefall (); begin state := TPartState.Normal; velY := 0.5; accelY := 0.15; end; procedure applyGravity (inLiquid: Boolean); begin state := TPartState.Normal; if inLiquid then begin velY := 0.5; accelY := 0.15; end else begin velY := 0.8; accelY := 0.5; end; end; label _done, _gravityagain, _stuckagain; var pan: TPanel; dx, dy: SmallInt; ex, ey: Integer; checkEnv, inAir, inStep: Boolean; floorJustTraced: Boolean; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_FALL_MPLAT)} oldFloorY: Integer; {$ENDIF} begin if not gpart_dbg_phys_enabled then begin x += round(velX); y += round(velY); goto _done; end; if gAdvBlood then begin // still check for air streams when sleeping (no) if (state = TPartState.Sleeping) then begin {checkAirStreams();} goto _done; end; // so blood will dissolve // process stuck particles if (state = TPartState.Stuck) then begin // stuck to a ceiling? if (stickDX = 0) then begin // yeah, stuck to a ceiling if (ceilingY = Unknown) then findCeiling(); // dropped from a ceiling? if (y > ceilingY) then begin // yep velY := 0.5; accelY := 0.15; state := TPartState.Normal; end else begin // otherwise, try to drip if drip() then goto _done; end; end else begin // stuck to a wall if (wallEndY = Unknown) then begin // this can happen if mplat was moved out; find new `wallEndY` findFloor(true); // force trace, just in case if (floorType = TFloorType.LiquidOut) then env := TEnvType.ELiquid else env := TEnvType.EAir; mapGrid.traceOrthoRayWhileIn(ex, wallEndY, x+stickDX, y, x+stickDX, floorY+1, (GridTagWall or GridTagDoor or GridTagStep)); end; _stuckagain: // floor transition? if (wallEndY <= floorY) and (y >= floorY) then begin y := floorY; case floorType of TFloorType.Wall: // hit the ground begin // check if our ground wasn't moved since the last scan findFloor(true); // force trace if (y = floorY) then begin sleep(); goto _done; // nothing to do anymore end; // otherwise, do it again goto _stuckagain; end; TFloorType.LiquidIn: // entering the liquid begin // rescan, so we'll know when we'll exit the liquid findFloor(true); // force rescan end; TFloorType.LiquidOut: // exiting the liquid begin // rescan, so we'll know when we'll enter something interesting findFloor(true); // force rescan if (floorType = TFloorType.Wall) and (floorY = y) then begin sleep(); goto _done; end; end; end; end; // wall transition? if (floorY <= wallEndY) and (y >= wallEndY) then begin // just unstuck from the wall, switch to freefall mode y := wallEndY; freefall(); end else begin // otherwise, try to drip if drip() then goto _done; end; end; // nope, process as usual end; // it is important to have it here dx := round(velX); dy := round(velY); inAir := checkAirStreams(); // gravity, if not stuck if (state <> TPartState.Stuck) and (abs(velX) < 0.1) and (abs(velY) < 0.1) then begin floorJustTraced := (floorY = Unknown); if floorJustTraced then findFloor(); _gravityagain: // floor transition? if (y = floorY) then begin case floorType of TFloorType.Wall: // hit the ground begin // check if our ground wasn't moved since the last scan if not floorJustTraced then begin findFloor(true); // force trace if (floorType = TFloorType.LiquidOut) then env := TEnvType.ELiquid else env := TEnvType.EAir; if (y <> floorY) then goto _gravityagain; end; // otherwise, nothing to do end; TFloorType.LiquidIn: // entering the liquid begin // rescan, so we'll know when we'll exit the liquid findFloor(true); // force rescan applyGravity(true); end; TFloorType.LiquidOut: // exiting the liquid begin // rescan, so we'll know when we'll enter something interesting findFloor(true); // force rescan if (floorType <> TFloorType.Wall) or (floorY <> y) then applyGravity(floorType = TFloorType.LiquidIn); end; end; end else begin // looks like we're in the air applyGravity(false); end; end; // trace movement if (dx <> 0) then begin // has some horizontal velocity inStep := False; pan := g_Map_traceToNearest(x, y, x+dx, y+dy, GridTagSolid, @ex, @ey); if (pan = nil) and (dy >= 0) then begin // do not stuck inside step if g_Map_traceToNearest(x, y, x, y, GridTagStep, nil, nil) = nil then // check for step panel below pan := g_Map_traceToNearest(x, y, x, y+dy, GridTagStep, nil, @ey); inStep := pan <> nil; if inStep then begin // stick to panel edges if ex < pan.X then ex := pan.X else if ex > pan.X + pan.Width - 1 then ex := pan.X + pan.Width - 1; end; end; checkEnv := (x <> ex); x := ex; y := ey; if checkEnv then begin // dunno yet floorY := Unknown; ceilingY := Unknown; // check environment (air/liquid) if (g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, GridTagLiquid) <> nil) then env := TEnvType.ELiquid else env := TEnvType.EAir; end; if (pan <> nil) then begin if inStep then stickToWall(dx) else begin // we stuck // the only case when we can have both ceiling and wall is corner; stick to wall in this case // check if we stuck to a wall if (dx < 0) then dx := -1 else dx := 1; if (g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x+dx, y, GridTagSolid) <> nil) then begin // stuck to a wall stickToWall(dx); end else begin // stuck to a ceiling stickToCeiling(); end; end; end; end else if (dy <> 0) then begin // has only vertical velocity if (dy < 0) then begin // flying up if (ceilingY = Unknown) then findCeiling(); // need to do this anyway y += dy; if (y <= ceilingY) then begin y := ceilingY; stickToCeiling(); end; // oops, hit a ceiling // environment didn't changed end else begin while (dy > 0) do begin // falling down floorJustTraced := (floorY = Unknown); if floorJustTraced then findFloor(); if (floorType = TFloorType.LiquidOut) then env := TEnvType.ELiquid else env := TEnvType.EAir; y += dy; //e_LogWritefln('floorY=%s; newy=%s; dY=%s; floorType=%s', [floorY, y, dY, floorType]); if (y >= floorY) then begin // floor transition dy := y-floorY; y := floorY; //e_LogWritefln(' HIT FLOORY: floorY=%s; newy=%s; dY=%s; floorType=%s', [floorY, y, dY, floorType]); case floorType of TFloorType.Wall: // hit the ground begin // check if our ground wasn't moved since the last scan if not floorJustTraced then begin {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_FALL_MPLAT)} oldFloorY := floorY; {$ENDIF} findFloor(true); // force trace {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_FALL_MPLAT)} if (floorY <> oldFloorY) then begin e_LogWritefln('force rescanning vpart at (%s,%s); oldFloorY=%s; floorY=%s', [x, y, oldFloorY, floorY]); end; {$ENDIF} if (floorType = TFloorType.LiquidOut) then env := TEnvType.ELiquid else env := TEnvType.EAir; if (y <> floorY) then continue; end; // environment didn't changed if not inAir then hitAFloor(); break; // done with vertical movement end; TFloorType.LiquidIn: // entering the liquid begin // we're entered the liquid env := TEnvType.ELiquid; // rescan, so we'll know when we'll exit the liquid findFloor(true); // force rescan end; TFloorType.LiquidOut: // exiting the liquid begin // we're exited the liquid env := TEnvType.EAir; // rescan, so we'll know when we'll enter something interesting findFloor(true); // force rescan if (floorType = TFloorType.Wall) and (floorY = y) then begin if not inAir then hitAFloor(); break; // done with vertical movement end; end; end; end else begin break; // done with vertical movement end; end; end; end; end // if gAdvBlood else begin // simple blood dx := round(velX); dy := round(velY); y += dy; x += dx; if (g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, GridTagObstacle) <> nil) then begin die(); exit; end; end; _done: if (x < g_Map_MinX) or (y < g_Map_MinY) or (x > g_Map_MaxX) or (y > g_Map_MaxY) then begin die(); end; velX += accelX; velY += accelY; // blood will dissolve in other liquids if (particleType = TPartType.Blood) then begin if (env = TEnvType.ELiquid) then begin if waitTime > 0 then waitTime -= 1 else time += 1; if (liveTime <= 0) then begin die(); exit; end; ex := 255-trunc(255.0*time/liveTime); if (ex <= 10) then begin die(); exit; end; if (ex > 250) then ex := 255; alpha := Byte(ex); end; end else begin // water will disappear in any liquid if (env = TEnvType.ELiquid) then begin die(); exit; end; if waitTime > 0 then waitTime -= 1 else time += 1; // dry water if (liveTime <= 0) then begin die(); exit; end; ex := 255-trunc(255.0*time/liveTime); if (ex <= 10) then begin die(); exit; end; if (ex > 250) then ex := 255; alpha := Byte(ex); end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure g_GFX_SparkVel (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; vx, vy: Integer; devX, devY: Byte); forward; procedure g_GFX_Blood (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; vx, vy: Integer; devX, devY: Word; cr, cg, cb: Byte; kind: Byte = BLOOD_NORMAL); function genColor (cbase, crnd: Integer; def: Byte=0): Byte; begin if (cbase > 0) then begin cbase += crnd; if (cbase < 0) then result := 0 else if (cbase > 255) then result := 255 else result := Byte(cbase); end else begin result := def; end; end; var a: Integer; devX1, devX2, devY1, devY2: Integer; l: Integer; crnd: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin if not gpart_dbg_enabled then exit; if (kind = BLOOD_SPARKS) then begin g_GFX_SparkVel(fX, fY, 2+Random(2), -vx div 2, -vy div 2, devX, devY); exit; end else if (kind = BLOOD_CSPARKS) OR (kind = BLOOD_COMBINE) then begin g_GFX_SparkVel(fX, fY, count, -vx div 2, -vy div 2, devX, devY); if kind <> BLOOD_COMBINE then exit end; l := Length(Particles); if (l = 0) then exit; if (count > l) then count := l; devX1 := devX div 2; devX2 := devX+1; devY1 := devY div 2; devY2 := devY+1; for a := 1 to count do begin with Particles[CurrentParticle] do begin x := fX-devX1+Random(devX2); y := fY-devY1+Random(devY2); oldx := x; oldy := y; // check for level bounds if (x < g_Map_MinX) or (y < g_Map_MinY) or (x > g_Map_MaxX) or (y > g_Map_MaxY) then continue; // in what environment we are starting in? pan := g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, (GridTagSolid or GridTagLiquid)); if (pan <> nil) then begin // either in a wall, or in a liquid if ((pan.tag and GridTagSolid) <> 0) then continue; // don't spawn in walls env := TEnvType.ELiquid; end else begin env := TEnvType.EAir; end; velX := vx+(Random-Random)*3; velY := vy+(Random-Random)*3; if (velY > -4) then begin if (velY-4 < -4) then velY := -4 else velY := velY-4; end; accelX := -sign(velX)*Random/100; accelY := 0.8; crnd := 20*Random(6)-50; red := genColor(cr, CRnd, 0); green := genColor(cg, CRnd, 0); blue := genColor(cb, CRnd, 0); alpha := 255; particleType := TPartType.Blood; state := TPartState.Normal; time := 0; liveTime := 120+Random(40); waitTime := 20; floorY := Unknown; ceilingY := Unknown; end; if (CurrentParticle >= MaxParticles-1) then CurrentParticle := 0 else CurrentParticle += 1; end; end; procedure g_GFX_Water (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; fVelX, fVelY: Single; devX, devY, color: Byte; simple: Boolean=false; cr: Byte=0; cg: Byte=0; cb: Byte=0); var a: Integer; devX1, devX2, devY1, devY2: Integer; l: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin if not gpart_dbg_enabled then exit; l := Length(Particles); if (l = 0) then exit; if (count > l) then count := l; if (abs(fVelX) < 3.0) then fVelX := 3.0-6.0*Random; devX1 := devX div 2; devX2 := devX+1; devY1 := devY div 2; devY2 := devY+1; if (not simple) and (color > 3) then color := 0; for a := 1 to count do begin with Particles[CurrentParticle] do begin if not simple then begin x := fX-devX1+Random(devX2); y := fY-devY1+Random(devY2); if (abs(fVelX) < 0.5) then velX := 1.0-2.0*Random else velX := fVelX*Random; if (Random(10) < 7) then velX := -velX; velY := fVelY*Random; accelX := 0.0; accelY := 0.8; end else begin x := fX; y := fY; velX := fVelX; velY := fVelY; accelX := 0.0; accelY := 0.8; end; oldx := x; oldy := y; // check for level bounds if (x < g_Map_MinX) or (y < g_Map_MinY) or (x > g_Map_MaxX) or (y > g_Map_MaxY) then continue; // this hack will allow water spawned in water to fly out // it can happen when player fell from a huge height (see "DOOM2D.WAD:\MAP03", for example) if (fVelY >= 0) then begin // in what environment we are starting in? pan := g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, (GridTagObstacle or GridTagLiquid)); end else begin pan := g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, GridTagObstacle); end; if (pan <> nil) then continue; env := TEnvType.EAir; // color case color of 1: // reddish begin red := 155+Random(9)*10; green := trunc(150*Random); blue := green; end; 2: // greenish begin red := trunc(150*Random); green := 175+Random(9)*10; blue := red; end; 3: // bluish begin red := trunc(200*Random); green := red; blue := 175+Random(9)*10; end; 4: // Свой цвет, светлее begin red := 20+Random(19)*10; green := red; blue := red; red := nmin(red+cr, 255); green := nmin(green+cg, 255); blue := nmin(blue+cb, 255); end; 5: // Свой цвет, темнее begin red := 20+Random(19)*10; green := red; blue := red; red := nmax(cr-red, 0); green := nmax(cg-green, 0); blue := nmax(cb-blue, 0); end; else // grayish begin red := 90+random(12)*10; green := red; blue := red; end; end; alpha := 255; particleType := TPartType.Water; state := TPartState.Normal; time := 0; liveTime := 60+Random(60); waitTime := 120; floorY := Unknown; ceilingY := Unknown; end; if (CurrentParticle >= MaxParticles-1) then CurrentParticle := 0 else CurrentParticle += 1; end; end; procedure g_GFX_SimpleWater (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; fVelX, fVelY: Single; defColor, cr, cg, cb: Byte); begin g_GFX_Water(fX, fY, count, 0, 0, 0, 0, defColor, true, cr, cg, cb); end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure TParticle.thinkerBubble (); var dy: Integer; begin dy := round(velY); if (dy <> 0) then begin y += dy; if (dy < 0) then begin if (y <= ceilingY) then begin die(); exit; end; end else begin if (y >= floorY) then begin die(); exit; end; end; if (y < g_Map_MinY) or (y > g_Map_MaxY) then begin die(); exit; end; end; if (velY > -4) then velY += accelY; if waitTime > 0 then waitTime -= 1 else time += 1; end; {.$DEFINE D2F_DEBUG_BUBBLES} procedure g_GFX_Bubbles (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; devX, devY: Byte); var a, liquidx: Integer; devX1, devX2, devY1, devY2: Integer; l: Integer; {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_BUBBLES)} stt: UInt64; nptr, ptr: Boolean; {$ENDIF} begin if not gpart_dbg_enabled then exit; l := Length(Particles); if (l = 0) then exit; if (count > l) then count := l; devX1 := devX div 2; devX2 := devX+1; devY1 := devY div 2; devY2 := devY+1; for a := 1 to count do begin with Particles[CurrentParticle] do begin x := fX-devX1+Random(devX2); y := fY-devY1+Random(devY2); oldx := x; oldy := y; // check for level bounds if (x < g_Map_MinX) or (y < g_Map_MinY) or (x > g_Map_MaxX) or (y > g_Map_MaxY) then continue; (* // don't spawn bubbles outside of the liquid if not isLiquidAt(X, Y) {ByteBool(gCollideMap[Y, X] and MARK_LIQUID)} then Continue; *) // trace liquid, so we'll know where it ends; do it in 8px steps for speed // tracer will return `false` if we started outside of the liquid {$IF DEFINED(D2F_DEBUG_BUBBLES)} stt := getTimeMicro(); ptr := mapGrid.traceOrthoRayWhileIn(liquidx, liquidTopY, x, y, x, 0, GridTagWater or GridTagAcid1 or GridTagAcid2); stt := getTimeMicro()-stt; e_LogWritefln('traceOrthoRayWhileIn: time=%s (%s); liquidTopY=%s', [Integer(stt), ptr, liquidTopY]); // stt := getTimeMicro(); nptr := g_Map_TraceLiquidNonPrecise(x, y, 0, -8, liquidx, liquidTopY); stt := getTimeMicro()-stt; e_LogWritefln('g_Map_TraceLiquidNonPrecise: time=%s (%s); liquidTopY=%s', [Integer(stt), nptr, liquidTopY]); if not nptr then continue; {$ELSE} if not g_Map_TraceLiquidNonPrecise(x, y, 0, -8, liquidx, ceilingY) then continue; if not g_Map_TraceLiquidNonPrecise(x, y, 0, +8, liquidx, floorY) then continue; {$ENDIF} velX := 0; velY := -1-Random; accelX := 0; accelY := velY/10; red := 255; green := 255; blue := 255; alpha := 255; state := TPartState.Normal; particleType := TPartType.Bubbles; time := 0; liveTime := 65535; waitTime := 0; end; if (CurrentParticle >= MaxParticles-1) then CurrentParticle := 0 else CurrentParticle += 1; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure TParticle.thinkerSpark (); label _done; var dx, dy: SmallInt; pan: TPanel; ex, ey: Integer; begin if not gpart_dbg_phys_enabled then begin x += round(velX); y += round(velY); goto _done; end; dx := round(velX); dy := round(velY); //writeln('spark0: pos=(', x, ',', y, '); delta=(', dx, ',', dy, '); state=', state, '; ceilingY=', ceilingY, '; floorY=', floorY); // apply gravity if (abs(velX) < 0.1) and (abs(velY) < 0.1) then begin velY := 0.8; accelY := 0.5; end; // flying if (dx <> 0) then begin // has some horizontal velocity pan := g_Map_traceToNearest(x, y, x+dx, y+dy, (GridTagSolid or GridTagLiquid), @ex, @ey); if (x <> ex) then begin floorY := Unknown; ceilingY := Unknown; end; // dunno yet x := ex; y := ey; if (pan <> nil) then begin if ((pan.tag and GridTagLiquid) <> 0) then begin die(); exit; end; // die in liquid // hit the wall; falling down vertically velX := 0; accelX := 0; end; end else if (dy <> 0) then begin // has some vertical velocity if (dy < 0) then begin // flying up if (ceilingY = Unknown) then findCeiling(); // need to do this anyway y += dy; if (y <= ceilingY) then begin // oops, hit a ceiling y := ceilingY; velY := -velY; accelY := abs(accelY); end; // environment didn't changed end else begin // falling down if (floorY = Unknown) then findFloor(); // need to do this anyway y += dy; if (y >= floorY) then begin // hit something except a floor? if (floorType <> TFloorType.Wall) then begin die(); exit; end; // yep: just die // otherwise, go to sleep y := floorY; sleep(); // environment didn't changed end; end; end; _done: if (x < g_Map_MinX) or (y < g_Map_MinY) or (x > g_Map_MaxX) or (y > g_Map_MaxY) then begin die(); end; if (velX <> 0.0) then velX += accelX; if (velY <> 0.0) then begin if (accelY < 10) then accelY += 0.08; velY += accelY; end; //writeln('spark1: pos=(', x, ',', y, '); delta=(', velX:6:3, ',', velY:6:3, '); state=', state, '; ceilingY=', ceilingY, '; floorY=', floorY); if waitTime > 0 then waitTime -= 1 else time += 1; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure g_GFX_SparkVel (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; vx, vy: Integer; devX, devY: Byte); var a: Integer; devX1, devX2, devY1, devY2: Integer; l: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin if not gpart_dbg_enabled then exit; l := Length(Particles); if (l = 0) then exit; if (count > l) then count := l; devX1 := devX div 2; devX2 := devX+1; devY1 := devY div 2; devY2 := devY+1; for a := 1 to count do begin with Particles[CurrentParticle] do begin x := fX-devX1+Random(devX2); y := fY-devY1+Random(devY2); oldx := x; oldy := y; // check for level bounds if (x < g_Map_MinX) or (y < g_Map_MinY) or (x > g_Map_MaxX) or (y > g_Map_MaxY) then continue; // in what environment we are starting in? pan := g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, (GridTagSolid or GridTagLiquid)); if (pan <> nil) then begin // either in a wall, or in a liquid //if ((pan.tag and GridTagSolid) <> 0) then continue; // don't spawn in walls //env := TEnvType.ELiquid; continue; end else begin env := TEnvType.EAir; end; velX := vx+(Random-Random)*3; velY := vy+(Random-Random)*3; if (velY > -4) then begin if (velY-4 < -4) then velY := -4 else velY := velY-4; end; accelX := -sign(velX)*Random/100; accelY := 0.8; red := 255; green := 100+Random(155); blue := 64; alpha := 255; particleType := TPartType.Spark; state := TPartState.Normal; time := 0; liveTime := 30+Random(60); waitTime := 0; floorY := Unknown; ceilingY := Unknown; end; if (CurrentParticle >= MaxParticles-1) then CurrentParticle := 0 else CurrentParticle += 1; end; end; procedure g_GFX_Spark (fX, fY: Integer; count: Word; angle: SmallInt; devX, devY: Byte); var a: Integer; b: Single; devX1, devX2, devY1, devY2: Integer; baseVelX, baseVelY: Single; l: Integer; pan: TPanel; begin if not gpart_dbg_enabled then exit; l := Length(Particles); if (l = 0) then exit; if (count > l) then count := l; angle := 360-angle; devX1 := devX div 2; devX2 := devX+1; devY1 := devY div 2; devY2 := devY+1; b := DegToRad(angle); baseVelX := cos(b); baseVelY := 1.6*sin(b); if (abs(baseVelX) < 0.01) then baseVelX := 0.0; if (abs(baseVelY) < 0.01) then baseVelY := 0.0; for a := 1 to count do begin with Particles[CurrentParticle] do begin x := fX-devX1+Random(devX2); y := fY-devY1+Random(devY2); oldx := x; oldy := y; // check for level bounds if (x < g_Map_MinX) or (y < g_Map_MinY) or (x > g_Map_MaxX) or (y > g_Map_MaxY) then continue; // in what environment we are starting in? pan := g_Map_PanelAtPoint(x, y, (GridTagSolid or GridTagLiquid)); if (pan <> nil) then begin // either in a wall, or in a liquid //if ((pan.tag and GridTagSolid) <> 0) then continue; // don't spawn in walls //env := TEnvType.ELiquid; continue; end else begin env := TEnvType.EAir; end; velX := baseVelX*Random; velY := baseVelY-Random; accelX := velX/3.0; accelY := velY/5.0; red := 255; green := 100+Random(155); blue := 64; alpha := 255; particleType := TPartType.Spark; state := TPartState.Normal; time := 0; liveTime := 30+Random(60); waitTime := 0; floorY := Unknown; ceilingY := Unknown; end; if (CurrentParticle >= MaxParticles-1) then CurrentParticle := 0 else CurrentParticle += 1; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure g_GFX_SetMax (count: Integer); var a: Integer; begin if count > 50000 then count := 50000; if (count < 1) then count := 1; SetLength(Particles, count); for a := 0 to High(Particles) do Particles[a].die(); MaxParticles := count; CurrentParticle := 0; end; function g_GFX_GetMax (): Integer; begin result := MaxParticles; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure g_GFX_Init (); begin //g_Game_SetLoadingText(_lc[I_LOAD_COLLIDE_MAP]+' 1/6', 0, False); //SetLength(gCollideMap, gMapInfo.Height+1); //for a := 0 to High(gCollideMap) do SetLength(gCollideMap[a], gMapInfo.Width+1); awmSetup(); {$IFDEF HEADLESS} gpart_dbg_enabled := false; {$ENDIF} end; procedure g_GFX_Free (); var a: Integer; begin Particles := nil; SetLength(Particles, MaxParticles); for a := 0 to High(Particles) do Particles[a].die(); CurrentParticle := 0; awakeMap := nil; // why not? awakeMapH := -1; awakeMapW := -1; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure g_GFX_Update (); var a: Integer; w, h: Integer; len: Integer; begin if not gpart_dbg_enabled then exit; if (Particles <> nil) then begin w := gMapInfo.Width; h := gMapInfo.Height; len := High(Particles); for a := 0 to len do begin if Particles[a].alive then begin with Particles[a] do begin if (time = liveTime) then begin die(); continue; end; if (x+1 >= w) or (y+1 >= h) or (x <= 0) or (y <= 0) then begin die(); end; think(); end; // with end; // if end; // for end; // Particles <> nil // clear awake map awmClear(); end; end.