(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_corpses; interface uses Classes, g_phys, g_player, g_playermodel, g_base; const CORPSE_STATE_REMOVEME = 0; CORPSE_STATE_NORMAL = 1; CORPSE_STATE_MESS = 2; PLAYER_CORPSERECT: TRectWH = (X:15; Y:48; Width:34; Height:16); DefaultCorpsesMax = 20; type TCorpse = class{$IFDEF USE_MEMPOOL}(TPoolObject){$ENDIF} private FMess: Boolean; FState: Byte; FDamage: Byte; FObj: TObj; FPlayerUID: Word; FModel: TPlayerModel; public constructor Create(X, Y: Integer; ModelName: String; aMess: Boolean); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Damage(Value: Word; SpawnerUID: Word; vx, vy: Integer); procedure Update(); procedure SaveState (st: TStream); procedure LoadState (st: TStream); procedure getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline; procedure moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline; procedure positionChanged (); inline; //WARNING! call this after entity position was changed, or coldet will not work right! function ObjPtr (): PObj; inline; property Obj: TObj read FObj; // copies object property State: Byte read FState; property Mess: Boolean read FMess; property Model: TPlayerModel read FModel; property PlayerUID: Word read FPlayerUID; end; var gCorpses: Array of TCorpse; procedure g_Corpses_SetMax (Count: Word); function g_Corpses_GetMax (): Word; function g_Corpses_Create (Player: TPlayer): Integer; procedure g_Corpses_RemoveAll; procedure g_Corpses_Update; {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} function g_Corpses_GetCameraObj (Player: TPlayer): TObj; {$ENDIF} implementation uses {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} g_gfx, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} g_gibs, {$ENDIF} Math, utils, g_saveload, xstreams, g_game, g_textures, g_map ; var MaxCorpses: Word = DefaultCorpsesMax; constructor TCorpse.Create (X, Y: Integer; ModelName: String; aMess: Boolean); begin g_Obj_Init(@FObj); FObj.X := X; FObj.Y := Y; FObj.Rect := PLAYER_CORPSERECT; FMess := aMess; FModel := g_PlayerModel_Get(ModelName); if FMess then begin FState := CORPSE_STATE_MESS; FModel.ChangeAnimation(A_DIE2); end else begin FState := CORPSE_STATE_NORMAL; FModel.ChangeAnimation(A_DIE1); end; end; destructor TCorpse.Destroy; begin FModel.Free; inherited; end; function TCorpse.ObjPtr (): PObj; inline; begin Result := @FObj; end; procedure TCorpse.positionChanged; inline; begin end; procedure TCorpse.moveBy (dx, dy: Integer); inline; begin if (dx <> 0) or (dy <> 0) then begin FObj.X += dx; FObj.Y += dy; positionChanged; end; end; procedure TCorpse.getMapBox (out x, y, w, h: Integer); inline; begin x := FObj.X+PLAYER_CORPSERECT.X; y := FObj.Y+PLAYER_CORPSERECT.Y; w := PLAYER_CORPSERECT.Width; h := PLAYER_CORPSERECT.Height; end; procedure TCorpse.Damage (Value: Word; SpawnerUID: Word; vx, vy: Integer); {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} var Blood: TModelBlood; {$ENDIF} begin if FState = CORPSE_STATE_REMOVEME then Exit; FDamage := FDamage + Value; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} if FDamage > 150 then begin if FModel <> nil then begin FState := CORPSE_STATE_REMOVEME; g_Gibs_Create( FObj.X + FObj.Rect.X + (FObj.Rect.Width div 2), FObj.Y + FObj.Rect.Y + (FObj.Rect.Height div 2), FModel.id, FModel.Color ); // Звук мяса от трупа: FModel.PlaySound(MODELSOUND_DIE, 5, FObj.X, FObj.Y); // Зловещий смех: if (gBodyKillEvent <> -1) and gDelayedEvents[gBodyKillEvent].Pending then gDelayedEvents[gBodyKillEvent].Pending := False; gBodyKillEvent := g_Game_DelayEvent(DE_BODYKILL, 1050, SpawnerUID); FModel.Free; FModel := nil; end end else {$ENDIF} begin FObj.Vel.X := FObj.Vel.X + vx; FObj.Vel.Y := FObj.Vel.Y + vy; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GFX} Blood := FModel.GetBlood(); g_GFX_Blood(FObj.X+PLAYER_CORPSERECT.X+(PLAYER_CORPSERECT.Width div 2), FObj.Y+PLAYER_CORPSERECT.Y+(PLAYER_CORPSERECT.Height div 2), Value, vx, vy, 16, (PLAYER_CORPSERECT.Height*2) div 3, Blood.R, Blood.G, Blood.B, Blood.Kind); {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TCorpse.Update; var st: Word; begin if FState = CORPSE_STATE_REMOVEME then Exit; FObj.oldX := FObj.X; FObj.oldY := FObj.Y; if gTime mod (GAME_TICK*2) <> 0 then begin g_Obj_Move(@FObj, True, True, True); positionChanged(); // this updates spatial accelerators Exit; end; // Сопротивление воздуха для трупа: FObj.Vel.X := z_dec(FObj.Vel.X, 1); st := g_Obj_Move(@FObj, True, True, True); positionChanged; // this updates spatial accelerators if WordBool(st and MOVE_FALLOUT) then FState := CORPSE_STATE_REMOVEME else if FModel <> nil then FModel.Update; end; procedure TCorpse.SaveState (st: TStream); var anim: Boolean; begin assert(st <> nil); // Сигнатура трупа utils.writeSign(st, 'CORP'); utils.writeInt(st, Byte(0)); // Состояние utils.writeInt(st, Byte(FState)); // Накопленный урон utils.writeInt(st, Byte(FDamage)); // Цвет utils.writeInt(st, Byte(FModel.Color.R)); utils.writeInt(st, Byte(FModel.Color.G)); utils.writeInt(st, Byte(FModel.Color.B)); // Объект трупа Obj_SaveState(st, @FObj); utils.writeInt(st, Word(FPlayerUID)); // animation anim := (FModel <> nil); utils.writeBool(st, anim); if anim then FModel.AnimState.SaveState(st, 0, False); // animation for mask (same as animation, compat with older saves) anim := (FModel <> nil); utils.writeBool(st, anim); if anim then FModel.AnimState.SaveState(st, 0, False); end; procedure TCorpse.LoadState (st: TStream); var anim, blending: Boolean; r, g, b, alpha: Byte; stub: TAnimState; begin assert(st <> nil); // Сигнатура трупа if not utils.checkSign(st, 'CORP') then raise XStreamError.Create('invalid corpse signature'); if (utils.readByte(st) <> 0) then raise XStreamError.Create('invalid corpse version'); // Состояние FState := utils.readByte(st); // Накопленный урон FDamage := utils.readByte(st); // Цвет r := utils.readByte(st); g := utils.readByte(st); b := utils.readByte(st); FModel.SetColor(r, g, b); // Объект трупа Obj_LoadState(@FObj, st); FPlayerUID := utils.readWord(st); // animation stub := TAnimState.Create(False, 0, 0); anim := utils.readBool(st); if anim then begin stub.LoadState(st, alpha, blending); FModel.AnimState.CurrentFrame := Min(stub.CurrentFrame, FModel.AnimState.Length); end else begin FModel.Free; FModel := nil end; // animation for mask (same as animation, compat with older saves) anim := utils.readBool(st); if anim then stub.LoadState(st, alpha, blending); end; procedure g_Corpses_SetMax (Count: Word); begin MaxCorpses := Count; SetLength(gCorpses, Count); end; function g_Corpses_GetMax (): Word; begin Result := MaxCorpses; end; function g_Corpses_Create (Player: TPlayer): Integer; var i: Integer; find_id: DWORD; ok: Boolean; begin Result := -1; if Player.alive then Exit; // Разрываем связь с прежним трупом: i := Player.FCorpse; if (i >= 0) and (i < Length(gCorpses)) then begin if (gCorpses[i] <> nil) and (gCorpses[i].FPlayerUID = Player.UID) then gCorpses[i].FPlayerUID := 0; end; if Player.Obj.Y >= gMapInfo.Height+128 then Exit; {$IFDEF ENABLE_GIBS} if (Player.Health < -50) and (gGibsCount > 0) then begin g_Gibs_Create(Player.Obj.X + PLAYER_RECT_CX, Player.Obj.Y + PLAYER_RECT_CY, Player.Model.id, Player.Model.Color); end else {$ENDIF} begin if (gCorpses = nil) or (Length(gCorpses) = 0) then Exit; ok := False; for find_id := 0 to High(gCorpses) do if gCorpses[find_id] = nil then begin ok := True; Break; end; if not ok then find_id := Random(Length(gCorpses)); gCorpses[find_id] := TCorpse.Create(Player.Obj.X, Player.Obj.Y, Player.Model.GetName(), Player.Health < -20); gCorpses[find_id].FModel.Color := Player.Model.Color; gCorpses[find_id].FObj.Vel := Player.Obj.Vel; gCorpses[find_id].FObj.Accel := Player.Obj.Accel; gCorpses[find_id].FPlayerUID := Player.UID; Result := find_id; end end; procedure g_Corpses_Update; var i: Integer; begin if gCorpses <> nil then begin for i := 0 to High(gCorpses) do begin if gCorpses[i] <> nil then begin if gCorpses[i].State = CORPSE_STATE_REMOVEME then begin gCorpses[i].Free(); gCorpses[i] := nil; end else gCorpses[i].Update(); end; end; end; end; procedure g_Corpses_RemoveAll; var i: Integer; begin if gCorpses <> nil then for i := 0 to High(gCorpses) do gCorpses[i].Free(); gCorpses := nil; SetLength(gCorpses, MaxCorpses); end; {$IFDEF ENABLE_RENDER} function g_Corpses_GetCameraObj (Player: TPlayer): TObj; begin {$IFDEF ENABLE_CORPSES} if (not Player.Alive) and (not Player.Spectator) and (Player.Corpse >= 0) and (Player.Corpse < Length(gCorpses)) and (gCorpses[Player.Corpse] <> nil) and (gCorpses[Player.Corpse].PlayerUID = Player.UID) then begin gCorpses[Player.Corpse].FObj.slopeUpLeft := Player.Obj.slopeUpLeft; Result := gCorpses[Player.Corpse].Obj; end else begin Result := Player.Obj; end; {$ELSE} Result := Player.Obj; {$ENDIF} end; {$ENDIF} end.