(* Copyright (C) Doom 2D: Forever Developers * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit g_basic; interface uses utils, g_phys; const GAME_VERSION = '0.667'; GAME_BUILDDATE = {$I %DATE%}; GAME_BUILDTIME = {$I %TIME%}; UID_GAME = 1; UID_PLAYER = 2; UID_MONSTER = 3; UID_ITEM = 10; UID_MAX_GAME = $10; UID_MAX_PLAYER = $7FFF; UID_MAX_MONSTER = $FFFF; type TDirection = (D_LEFT, D_RIGHT); WArray = array of Word; DWArray = array of DWORD; String20 = String[20]; function g_GetBuilderName (): AnsiString; function g_GetBuildHash (full: Boolean = True): AnsiString; function g_GetBuildArch (): AnsiString; function g_CreateUID(UIDType: Byte): Word; function g_GetUIDType(UID: Word): Byte; function g_Collide(X1, Y1: Integer; Width1, Height1: Word; X2, Y2: Integer; Width2, Height2: Word): Boolean; inline; function g_CollideLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, rX, rY: Integer; rWidth, rHeight: Word): Boolean; function g_CollidePoint(X, Y, X2, Y2: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean; inline; function g_CollideLevel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean; inline; function g_CollideAround(X1, Y1: Integer; Width1, Height1: Word; X2, Y2: Integer; Width2, Height2: Word): Boolean; inline; function g_CollidePlayer(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean; inline; function g_PatchLength(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): Word; function g_TraceVector(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): Boolean; // `true`: no wall hit function g_GetAcidHit(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Byte; function g_Look(a, b: PObj; d: TDirection): Boolean; procedure IncMax(var A: Integer; B, Max: Integer); overload; procedure IncMax(var A: Single; B, Max: Single); overload; procedure IncMax(var A: Integer; Max: Integer); overload; procedure IncMax(var A: Single; Max: Single); overload; procedure IncMax(var A: Word; B, Max: Word); overload; procedure IncMax(var A: Word; Max: Word); overload; procedure IncMax(var A: SmallInt; B, Max: SmallInt); overload; procedure IncMax(var A: SmallInt; Max: SmallInt); overload; procedure DecMin(var A: Integer; B, Min: Integer); overload; procedure DecMin(var A: Single; B, Min: Single); overload; procedure DecMin(var A: Integer; Min: Integer); overload; procedure DecMin(var A: Single; Min: Single); overload; procedure DecMin(var A: Word; B, Min: Word); overload; procedure DecMin(var A: Word; Min: Word); overload; procedure DecMin(var A: Byte; B, Min: Byte); overload; procedure DecMin(var A: Byte; Min: Byte); overload; function Sign(A: Integer): ShortInt; overload; function Sign(A: Single): ShortInt; overload; function PointToRect(X, Y, X1, Y1: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Integer; function GetAngle(baseX, baseY, pointX, PointY: Integer): SmallInt; function GetAngle2(vx, vy: Integer): SmallInt; function Sscanf(const s: string; const fmt: string; const Pointers: array of Pointer): Integer; function InDWArray(a: DWORD; arr: DWArray): Boolean; function InWArray(a: Word; arr: WArray): Boolean; function InSArray(a: string; arr: SSArray): Boolean; function GetPos(UID: Word; o: PObj): Boolean; function parse(s: string): SSArray; function parse2(s: string; delim: Char): SSArray; function g_GetFileTime(fileName: String): Integer; function g_SetFileTime(fileName: String; time: Integer): Boolean; procedure SortSArray(var S: SSArray); function b_Text_Format(S: string): string; function b_Text_Unformat(S: string): string; function b_Text_Wrap(S: string; LineLen: Integer): string; function b_Text_LineCount(S: string): Integer; var gmon_dbg_los_enabled: Boolean = true; implementation uses Math, geom, e_log, g_map, g_gfx, g_player, SysUtils, MAPDEF, StrUtils, g_monsters, g_items, g_game; {$PUSH} {$WARN 2054 OFF} // unknwon env var {$WARN 6018 OFF} // unreachable code function g_GetBuilderName (): AnsiString; begin if {$I %D2DF_BUILD_USER%} <> '' then result := {$I %D2DF_BUILD_USER%} // custom else if {$I %USER%} <> '' then result := {$I %USER%} // unix username else if {$I %USERNAME%} <> '' then result := {$I %USERNAME%} // windows username else result := 'unknown' end; function g_GetBuildHash (full: Boolean = True): AnsiString; begin if {$I %D2DF_BUILD_HASH%} <> '' then if full then result := {$I %D2DF_BUILD_HASH%} else result := Copy({$I %D2DF_BUILD_HASH%}, 1, 7) else result := 'custom build' end; {$POP} function g_GetBuildArch (): AnsiString; var cpu, mode, fpu: AnsiString; begin {$IF DEFINED(CPUX86_64) OR DEFINED(CPUAMD64) OR DEFINED(CPUX64)} cpu := 'x86_64'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUI386) OR DEFINED(CPU386)} cpu := 'x86'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUI8086)} cpu := 'i8086'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUI64)} cpu := 'Itanium64'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUARM)} cpu := 'ARM'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUAVR)} cpu := 'AVR'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUPOWERPC32)} cpu := 'PowerPC_32'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUPOWERPC64)} cpu := 'PowerPC_64'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUALPHA)}} cpu := 'Alpha'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUSPARC32)} cpu := 'Sparc32'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUM68020)} cpu := 'M68020'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPU68K) OR DEFINED(CPUM68K)} cpu := 'm68k'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUSPARC)} cpu := 'unknown-sparc'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPUPOWERPC)} cpu := 'unknown-ppc'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPU86) OR DEFINED(CPU87)} cpu := 'unknown-intel'; {$ELSE} cpu := 'unknown-arch'; {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(CPU64)} mode := '64-bit'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPU32)} mode := '32-bit'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(CPU16)} mode := '16-bit'; {$ELSE} mode := 'unknown-mode'; {$ENDIF} {$IF DEFINED(FPUSOFT)} fpu := 'soft'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUSSE3)} fpu := 'sse3'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUSSE2)} fpu := 'sse2'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUSSE)} fpu := 'sse'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUSSE64)} fpu := 'sse64'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPULIBGCC)} fpu := 'libgcc'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPU68881)} fpu := '68881'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUVFP)} fpu := 'vfp'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUFPA11)} fpu := 'fpa11'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUFPA10)} fpu := 'fpa10'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUFPA)} fpu := 'fpa'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUX87)} fpu := 'x87'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUITANIUM)} fpu := 'itanium'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUSTANDARD)} fpu := 'standard'; {$ELSEIF DEFINED(FPUHARD)} fpu := 'hard'; {$ELSE} fpu := 'unknown-fpu'; {$ENDIF} result := cpu + ' ' + mode + ' ' + fpu; end; function g_PatchLength(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): Word; begin Result := Min(Round(Hypot(Abs(X2-X1), Abs(Y2-Y1))), 65535); end; function g_CollideLevel(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean; inline; begin result := g_Map_CollidePanel(X, Y, Width, Height, (PANEL_WALL or PANEL_CLOSEDOOR or PANEL_OPENDOOR), false); end; (* var a: Integer; begin Result := False; if gWalls = nil then Exit; for a := 0 to High(gWalls) do if gWalls[a].Enabled and not ( ((Y + Height <= gWalls[a].Y) or (Y >= gWalls[a].Y + gWalls[a].Height)) or ((X + Width <= gWalls[a].X) or (X >= gWalls[a].X + gWalls[a].Width)) ) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; *) function g_CollidePlayer(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean; inline; var a: Integer; begin Result := False; if gPlayers = nil then Exit; for a := 0 to High(gPlayers) do if (gPlayers[a] <> nil) and gPlayers[a].alive then if gPlayers[a].Collide(X, Y, Width, Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; function g_TraceVector(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer): Boolean; var wallHitX: Integer = 0; wallHitY: Integer = 0; (* i: Integer; dx, dy: Integer; Xerr, Yerr, d: LongWord; incX, incY: Integer; x, y: Integer; *) begin (* result := False; Assert(gCollideMap <> nil, 'g_TraceVector: gCollideMap = nil'); Xerr := 0; Yerr := 0; dx := X2-X1; dy := Y2-Y1; if dx > 0 then incX := 1 else if dx < 0 then incX := -1 else incX := 0; if dy > 0 then incY := 1 else if dy < 0 then incY := -1 else incY := 0; dx := abs(dx); dy := abs(dy); if dx > dy then d := dx else d := dy; x := X1; y := Y1; for i := 1 to d do begin Inc(Xerr, dx); Inc(Yerr, dy); if Xerr>d then begin Dec(Xerr, d); Inc(x, incX); end; if Yerr > d then begin Dec(Yerr, d); Inc(y, incY); end; if (y > gMapInfo.Height-1) or (y < 0) or (x > gMapInfo.Width-1) or (x < 0) then Exit; if ByteBool(gCollideMap[y, x] and MARK_BLOCKED) then Exit; end; Result := True; *) // `true` if no obstacles if (g_profile_los) then g_Mons_LOS_Start(); result := (g_Map_traceToNearestWall(x1, y1, x2, y2, @wallHitX, @wallHitY) = nil); if (g_profile_los) then g_Mons_LOS_End(); end; function g_CreateUID(UIDType: Byte): Word; var ok: Boolean; i: Integer; begin Result := $0; case UIDType of UID_PLAYER: begin repeat Result := UID_MAX_GAME+$1+Random(UID_MAX_PLAYER-UID_MAX_GAME+$1); ok := True; if gPlayers <> nil then for i := 0 to High(gPlayers) do if gPlayers[i] <> nil then if Result = gPlayers[i].UID then begin ok := False; Break; end; until ok; end; UID_MONSTER: begin //FIXME!!! while true do begin result := UID_MAX_PLAYER+$1+Random(UID_MAX_MONSTER-UID_MAX_GAME-UID_MAX_PLAYER+$1); if (g_Monsters_ByUID(result) = nil) then break; end; end; end; end; function g_GetUIDType(UID: Word): Byte; begin if UID <= UID_MAX_GAME then Result := UID_GAME else if UID <= UID_MAX_PLAYER then Result := UID_PLAYER else Result := UID_MONSTER; end; function g_Collide(X1, Y1: Integer; Width1, Height1: Word; X2, Y2: Integer; Width2, Height2: Word): Boolean; inline; begin Result := not ( ((Y1 + Height1 <= Y2) or (Y2 + Height2 <= Y1)) or ((X1 + Width1 <= X2) or (X2 + Width2 <= X1)) ); end; function g_CollideAround(X1, Y1: Integer; Width1, Height1: Word; X2, Y2: Integer; Width2, Height2: Word): Boolean; inline; begin Result := g_Collide(X1, Y1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Width2, Height2) or g_Collide(X1+1, Y1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Width2, Height2) or g_Collide(X1-1, Y1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Width2, Height2) or g_Collide(X1, Y1+1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Width2, Height2) or g_Collide(X1, Y1-1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Width2, Height2); end; function c(X1, Y1, Width1, Height1, X2, Y2, Width2, Height2: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin Result := not (((Y1 + Height1 <= Y2) or (Y1 >= Y2 + Height2)) or ((X1 + Width1 <= X2) or (X1 >= X2 + Width2))); end; function g_Collide2(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4: Integer): Boolean; inline; begin //Result := not (((Y2 <= Y3) or (Y1 >= Y4)) or ((X2 <= X3) or (X1 >= X4))); Result := c(X1, Y1, X2-X1, Y2-Y1, X3, Y3, X4-X3, Y4-Y3); end; function g_CollidePoint(X, Y, X2, Y2: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Boolean; inline; begin X := X-X2; Y := Y-Y2; Result := (x >= 0) and (x <= Width) and (y >= 0) and (y <= Height); end; procedure IncMax(var A: Integer; B, Max: Integer); begin if A+B > Max then A := Max else A := A+B; end; procedure IncMax(var A: Single; B, Max: Single); begin if A+B > Max then A := Max else A := A+B; end; procedure DecMin(var A: Integer; B, Min: Integer); begin if A-B < Min then A := Min else A := A-B; end; procedure DecMin(var A: Word; B, Min: Word); begin if A-B < Min then A := Min else A := A-B; end; procedure DecMin(var A: Single; B, Min: Single); begin if A-B < Min then A := Min else A := A-B; end; procedure IncMax(var A: Integer; Max: Integer); begin if A+1 > Max then A := Max else A := A+1; end; procedure IncMax(var A: Single; Max: Single); begin if A+1 > Max then A := Max else A := A+1; end; procedure IncMax(var A: Word; B, Max: Word); begin if A+B > Max then A := Max else A := A+B; end; procedure IncMax(var A: Word; Max: Word); begin if A+1 > Max then A := Max else A := A+1; end; procedure IncMax(var A: SmallInt; B, Max: SmallInt); begin if A+B > Max then A := Max else A := A+B; end; procedure IncMax(var A: SmallInt; Max: SmallInt); begin if A+1 > Max then A := Max else A := A+1; end; procedure DecMin(var A: Integer; Min: Integer); begin if A-1 < Min then A := Min else A := A-1; end; procedure DecMin(var A: Single; Min: Single); begin if A-1 < Min then A := Min else A := A-1; end; procedure DecMin(var A: Word; Min: Word); begin if A-1 < Min then A := Min else A := A-1; end; procedure DecMin(var A: Byte; B, Min: Byte); begin if A-B < Min then A := Min else A := A-B; end; procedure DecMin(var A: Byte; Min: Byte); overload; begin if A-1 < Min then A := Min else A := A-1; end; function Sign(A: Integer): ShortInt; begin if A < 0 then Result := -1 else if A > 0 then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end; function Sign(A: Single): ShortInt; const Eps = 1.0E-5; begin if Abs(A) < Eps then Result := 0 else if A < 0 then Result := -1 else Result := 1; end; function PointToRect(X, Y, X1, Y1: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Integer; begin X := X-X1; // A(0;0) --- B(W;0) Y := Y-Y1; // | | // D(0;H) --- C(W;H) if X < 0 then begin // Слева if Y < 0 then // Слева сверху: расстояние до A Result := Round(Hypot(X, Y)) else if Y > Height then // Слева снизу: расстояние до D Result := Round(Hypot(X, Y-Height)) else // Слева посередине: расстояние до AD Result := -X; end else if X > Width then begin // Справа X := X-Width; if y < 0 then // Справа сверху: расстояние до B Result := Round(Hypot(X, Y)) else if Y > Height then // Справа снизу: расстояние до C Result := Round(Hypot(X, Y-Height)) else // Справа посередине: расстояние до BC Result := X; end else // Посередине begin if Y < 0 then // Посередине сверху: расстояние до AB Result := -Y else if Y > Height then // Посередине снизу: расстояние до DC Result := Y-Height else // Внутри прямоугольника: расстояние 0 Result := 0; end; end; function g_GetAcidHit(X, Y: Integer; Width, Height: Word): Byte; const tab: array[0..3] of Byte = (0, 5, 10, 20); var a: Byte; begin a := 0; if g_Map_CollidePanel(X, Y, Width, Height, PANEL_ACID1, False) then a := a or 1; if g_Map_CollidePanel(X, Y, Width, Height, PANEL_ACID2, False) then a := a or 2; Result := tab[a]; end; function g_Look(a, b: PObj; d: TDirection): Boolean; begin if not gmon_dbg_los_enabled then begin result := false; exit; end; // always "wall hit" if ((b^.X > a^.X) and (d = TDirection.D_LEFT)) or ((b^.X < a^.X) and (d = TDirection.D_RIGHT)) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; Result := g_TraceVector(a^.X+a^.Rect.X+(a^.Rect.Width div 2), a^.Y+a^.Rect.Y+(a^.Rect.Height div 2), b^.X+b^.Rect.X+(b^.Rect.Width div 2), b^.Y+b^.Rect.Y+(b^.Rect.Height div 2)); end; function GetAngle(baseX, baseY, pointX, PointY: Integer): SmallInt; var c: Single; a, b: Integer; begin a := abs(pointX-baseX); b := abs(pointY-baseY); if a = 0 then c := 90 else c := RadToDeg(ArcTan(b/a)); if pointY < baseY then c := -c; if pointX > baseX then c := 180-c; Result := Round(c); end; function GetAngle2(vx, vy: Integer): SmallInt; var c: Single; a, b: Integer; begin a := abs(vx); b := abs(vy); if a = 0 then c := 90 else c := RadToDeg(ArcTan(b/a)); if vy < 0 then c := -c; if vx > 0 then c := 180 - c; c := c + 180; Result := Round(c); end; {function g_CollideLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, rX, rY: Integer; rWidth, rHeight: Word): Boolean; const table: array[0..8, 0..8] of Byte = ((0, 0, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 7, 2, 0, 1), (3, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 1, 3, 1), (3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 6, 1), (1, 4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 1), (2, 7, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), (2, 2, 1, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 3, 6, 5, 0, 0, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); function GetClass(x, y: Integer): Byte; begin if y < rY then begin if x < rX then Result := 7 else if x < rX+rWidth then Result := 0 else Result := 1; end else if y < rY+rHeight then begin if x < rX then Result := 6 else if x < rX+rWidth then Result := 8 else Result := 2; end else begin if x < rX then Result := 5 else if x < rX+rWidth then Result := 4 else Result := 3; end; end; begin case table[GetClass(x1, y1), GetClass(x2, y2)] of 0: Result := False; 1: Result := True; 2: Result := Abs((rY-y1))/Abs((rX-x1)) <= Abs((y2-y1))/Abs((x2-x1)); 3: Result := Abs((rY-y1))/Abs((rX+rWidth-x1)) <= Abs((y2-y1))/Abs((x2-x1)); 4: Result := Abs((rY+rHeight-y1))/Abs((rX+rWidth-x1)) >= Abs((y2-y1))/Abs((x2-x1)); 5: Result := Abs((rY+rHeight-y1))/Abs((rX-x1)) >= Abs((y2-y1))/Abs((x2-x1)); 6: Result := (Abs((rY-y1))/Abs((rX+rWidth-x1)) <= Abs((y2-y1))/Abs((x2-x1))) and (Abs((rY+rHeight-y1))/Abs((rX-x1)) >= Abs((y2-y1))/Abs((x2-x1))); 7: Result := (Abs((rY+rHeight-y1))/Abs((rX+rWidth-x1)) >= Abs((y2-y1))/Abs((x2-x1))) and (Abs((rY-y1))/Abs((rX-x1)) <= Abs((y2-y1))/Abs((x2-x1))); else Result := False; end; end;} function g_CollideLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, rX, rY: Integer; rWidth, rHeight: Word): Boolean; { var i: Integer; dx, dy: Integer; Xerr, Yerr: Integer; incX, incY: Integer; x, y, d: Integer; } begin result := lineAABBIntersects(x1, y1, x2, y2, rX, rY, rWidth, rHeight); { Result := True; Xerr := 0; Yerr := 0; dx := X2-X1; dy := Y2-Y1; if dx > 0 then incX := 1 else if dx < 0 then incX := -1 else incX := 0; if dy > 0 then incY := 1 else if dy < 0 then incY := -1 else incY := 0; dx := abs(dx); dy := abs(dy); if dx > dy then d := dx else d := dy; x := X1; y := Y1; for i := 1 to d+1 do begin Inc(Xerr, dx); Inc(Yerr, dy); if Xerr > d then begin Dec(Xerr, d); Inc(x, incX); end; if Yerr > d then begin Dec(Yerr, d); Inc(y, incY); end; if (x >= rX) and (x <= (rX + rWidth - 1)) and (y >= rY) and (y <= (rY + rHeight - 1)) then Exit; end; Result := False; } end; function GetStr(var Str: string): string; var a: Integer; begin Result := ''; for a := 1 to Length(Str) do if (a = Length(Str)) or (Str[a+1] = ' ') then begin Result := Copy(Str, 1, a); Delete(Str, 1, a+1); Str := Trim(Str); Exit; end; end; function Sscanf(const s: String; const fmt: String; const Pointers: array of Pointer): Integer; var i, j, n, m: Integer; s1: ShortString; L: LongInt; X: Extended; function GetInt(): Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (n <= Length(s)) and (s[n] = ' ') do Inc(n); while (n <= Length(s)) and (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-']) do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; Inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function GetFloat(): Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (n <= Length(s)) and (s[n] = ' ') do Inc(n); while (n <= Length(s)) and //jd >= rather than > (s[n] in ['0'..'9', '+', '-', '.', 'e', 'E']) do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; Inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function GetString(): Integer; begin s1 := ''; while (n <= Length(s)) and (s[n] = ' ') do Inc(n); while (n <= Length(s)) and (s[n] <> ' ') do begin s1 := s1 + s[n]; Inc(n); end; Result := Length(s1); end; function ScanStr(c: Char): Boolean; begin while (n <= Length(s)) and (s[n] <> c) do Inc(n); Inc(n); Result := (n <= Length(s)); end; function GetFmt(): Integer; begin Result := -1; while (True) do begin while (fmt[m] = ' ') and (m < Length(fmt)) do Inc(m); if (m >= Length(fmt)) then Break; if (fmt[m] = '%') then begin Inc(m); case fmt[m] of 'd': Result := vtInteger; 'f': Result := vtExtended; 's': Result := vtString; end; Inc(m); Break; end; if (not ScanStr(fmt[m])) then Break; Inc(m); end; end; begin n := 1; m := 1; Result := 0; s1 := ''; for i := 0 to High(Pointers) do begin j := GetFmt(); case j of vtInteger : begin if GetInt() > 0 then begin L := StrToIntDef(s1, 0); Move(L, Pointers[i]^, SizeOf(LongInt)); Inc(Result); end else Break; end; vtExtended : begin if GetFloat() > 0 then begin X := StrToFloatDef(s1, 0.0); Move(X, Pointers[i]^, SizeOf(Extended)); Inc(Result); end else Break; end; vtString : begin if GetString() > 0 then begin Move(s1, Pointers[i]^, Length(s1)+1); Inc(Result); end else Break; end; else {case} Break; end; {case} end; end; function InDWArray(a: DWORD; arr: DWArray): Boolean; var b: Integer; begin Result := False; if arr = nil then Exit; for b := 0 to High(arr) do if arr[b] = a then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; function InWArray(a: Word; arr: WArray): Boolean; var b: Integer; begin Result := False; if arr = nil then Exit; for b := 0 to High(arr) do if arr[b] = a then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; function InSArray(a: string; arr: SSArray): Boolean; var b: Integer; begin Result := False; if arr = nil then Exit; a := AnsiLowerCase(a); for b := 0 to High(arr) do if AnsiLowerCase(arr[b]) = a then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; function GetPos(UID: Word; o: PObj): Boolean; var p: TPlayer; m: TMonster; begin Result := False; case g_GetUIDType(UID) of UID_PLAYER: begin p := g_Player_Get(UID); if p = nil then Exit; if not p.alive then Exit; o^ := p.Obj; end; UID_MONSTER: begin m := g_Monsters_ByUID(UID); if m = nil then Exit; if not m.alive then Exit; o^ := m.Obj; end; else Exit; end; Result := True; end; function parse(s: String): SSArray; var a: Integer; begin Result := nil; if s = '' then Exit; while s <> '' do begin for a := 1 to Length(s) do if (s[a] = ',') or (a = Length(s)) then begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); if s[a] = ',' then Result[High(Result)] := Copy(s, 1, a-1) else // Конец строки Result[High(Result)] := s; Delete(s, 1, a); Break; end; end; end; function parse2(s: string; delim: Char): SSArray; var a: Integer; begin Result := nil; if s = '' then Exit; while s <> '' do begin for a := 1 to Length(s) do if (s[a] = delim) or (a = Length(s)) then begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result)+1); if s[a] = delim then Result[High(Result)] := Copy(s, 1, a-1) else Result[High(Result)] := s; Delete(s, 1, a); Break; end; end; end; function g_GetFileTime(fileName: String): Integer; var F: File; begin if not FileExists(fileName) then begin Result := -1; Exit; end; AssignFile(F, fileName); Reset(F); Result := FileGetDate(TFileRec(F).Handle); CloseFile(F); end; function g_SetFileTime(fileName: String; time: Integer): Boolean; var F: File; begin if (not FileExists(fileName)) or (time < 0) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; AssignFile(F, fileName); Reset(F); Result := (FileSetDate(TFileRec(F).Handle, time) = 0); CloseFile(F); end; procedure SortSArray(var S: SSArray); var b: Boolean; i: Integer; sw: ShortString; begin repeat b := False; for i := Low(S) to High(S) - 1 do if S[i] > S[i + 1] then begin sw := S[i]; S[i] := S[i + 1]; S[i + 1] := sw; b := True; end; until not b; end; function b_Text_Format(S: string): string; var Spec, Rst: Boolean; I: Integer; begin Result := ''; Spec := False; Rst := False; for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin if (not Spec) and (S[I] = '\') and (I + 1 <= Length(S)) then begin Spec := True; Rst := True; continue; end; if Spec then begin case S[I] of 'n': // line feed Result := Result + #10; '0': // black Result := Result + #1; '1': // white Result := Result + #2; 'd': // darker Result := Result + #3; 'l': // lighter Result := Result + #4; 'r': // red Result := Result + #18; 'g': // green Result := Result + #19; 'b': // blue Result := Result + #20; 'y': // yellow Result := Result + #21; '\': // escape Result := Result + '\'; else Result := Result + '\' + S[I]; end; Spec := False; end else Result := Result + S[I]; end; // reset to white at end if Rst then Result := Result + #2; end; function b_Text_Unformat(S: string): string; var Spec: Boolean; I: Integer; begin Result := ''; Spec := False; for I := 1 to Length(S) do begin if S[I] in [#1, #2, #3, #4, #10, #18, #19, #20, #21] then begin Spec := False; continue; end; if (not Spec) and (S[I] = '\') and (I + 1 <= Length(S)) then begin Spec := True; continue; end; if Spec then begin case S[I] of 'n': ; '0': ; '1': ; 'd': ; 'l': ; 'r': ; 'g': ; 'b': ; 'y': ; '\': Result := Result + '\'; else Result := Result + '\' + S[I]; end; Spec := False; end else Result := Result + S[I]; end; end; function b_Text_Wrap(S: string; LineLen: Integer): string; begin Result := WrapText(S, ''#10, [#10, ' ', '-'], LineLen); end; function b_Text_LineCount(S: string): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := IfThen(S = '', 0, 1); for I := 1 to High(S) do if S[I] = #10 then Inc(Result); end; end.