(* coded by Ketmar // Invisible Vector * Understanding is not required. Only obedience. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . *) {$INCLUDE ../shared/a_modes.inc} unit fui_events; {$IFNDEF USE_SDL2} {$FATAL SDL2 required for flexui fui_events} {$ENDIF} interface uses SysUtils, Classes, SDL2; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // type TFUIEvent = packed record public // keyboard modifiers const ModCtrl = $0001; ModAlt = $0002; ModShift = $0004; ModHyper = $0008; // mouse buttons const // both for but and for bstate None = 0; Left = $0001; Right = $0002; Middle = $0004; WheelUp = $0008; WheelDown = $0010; // event types type TType = (Key, Mouse, User); TKind = (Release, Press, Motion, SimpleChar, Other); // SimpleChar: keyboard event with `ch`, but without `scan` (it is zero) // event state type TState = ( None, // or "mine" Sinking, Bubbling, Eaten, Cancelled ); private mType: TType; // event type: keyboard, mouse, etc... mKind: TKind; // motion, press, release mState: TState; function getEaten (): Boolean; inline; function getCancelled (): Boolean; inline; function getNoState (): Boolean; inline; function getSinking (): Boolean; inline; function getBubbling (): Boolean; inline; public x, y: Integer; // current mouse position dx, dy: Integer; // for wheel this is wheel motion, otherwise this is relative mouse motion bstate: Word; // button state BEFORE event (i.e. press/release modifications aren't done yet) kstate: Word; // keyboard state (see TFUIKeyEvent); // mouse events but: Word; // current pressed/released button, or 0 for motion // keyboard events scan: Word; // SDL_SCANCODE_XXX or 0 for character event ch: AnsiChar; // converted to 1251; can be #0 // user tags itag: Integer; ptag: Pointer; public // initial state is "None" constructor Create (atype: TType; akind: TKind); // event type checkers function mouse (): Boolean; inline; function key (): Boolean; inline; function user (): Boolean; inline; function press (): Boolean; inline; function release (): Boolean; inline; function motion (): Boolean; inline; function other (): Boolean; inline; function simpleChar (): Boolean; inline; function alive (): Boolean; inline; // not eaten and not cancelled procedure eat (); inline; procedure cancel (); inline; procedure setSinking (); inline; procedure setBubbling (); inline; procedure setMine (); inline; // compares `scan` with `c` function isHot (c: AnsiChar): Boolean; public property etype: TType read mType; // event type: keyboard, mouse, etc... property ekind: TKind read mKind; // motion, press, release property state: TState read mState; property eaten: Boolean read getEaten; property cancelled: Boolean read getCancelled; property nostate: Boolean read getNoState; property mine: Boolean read getNoState; property sinking: Boolean read getSinking; property bubbling: Boolean read getBubbling; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // call this on window deactivation, for example procedure fuiResetKMState (sendEvents: Boolean=true); // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // event handlers var fuiEventCB: procedure (var ev: TFUIEvent) = nil; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function fuiMouseX (): Integer; inline; function fuiMouseY (): Integer; inline; function fuiButState (): Word; inline; function fuiModState (): Word; inline; procedure fuiSetMouseX (v: Integer); inline; procedure fuiSetMouseY (v: Integer); inline; procedure fuiSetButState (v: Word); inline; procedure fuiSetModState (v: Word); inline; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // any mods = 255: nothing was defined function parseModKeys (const s: AnsiString; out kmods: Byte; out mbuts: Byte): AnsiString; operator = (constref ev: TFUIEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean; operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: TFUIEvent): Boolean; implementation var curButState: Word = 0; curModState: Word = 0; curMsX: Integer = 0; curMsY: Integer = 0; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function locase1251 (ch: AnsiChar): AnsiChar; inline; begin if ch < #128 then begin if (ch >= 'A') and (ch <= 'Z') then Inc(ch, 32); end else begin if (ch >= #192) and (ch <= #223) then begin Inc(ch, 32); end else begin case ch of #168, #170, #175: Inc(ch, 16); #161, #178: Inc(ch); end; end; end; result := ch; end; function strEquCI (const s0, s1: AnsiString): Boolean; var f: Integer; c0, c1: AnsiChar; begin result := (Length(s0) = Length(s1)); if result then begin for f := 1 to Length(s0) do begin c0 := s0[f]; if (c0 >= 'a') and (c0 <= 'z') then Dec(c0, 32); // poor man's `toupper()` c1 := s1[f]; if (c1 >= 'a') and (c1 <= 'z') then Dec(c1, 32); // poor man's `toupper()` if (c0 <> c1) then begin result := false; exit; end; end; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // function fuiMouseX (): Integer; inline; begin result := curMsX; end; function fuiMouseY (): Integer; inline; begin result := curMsY; end; function fuiButState (): Word; inline; begin result := curButState; end; function fuiModState (): Word; inline; begin result := curModState; end; procedure fuiSetMouseX (v: Integer); inline; begin curMsX := v; end; procedure fuiSetMouseY (v: Integer); inline; begin curMsY := v; end; procedure fuiSetButState (v: Word); inline; begin curButState := v; end; procedure fuiSetModState (v: Word); inline; begin curModState := v; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constructor TFUIEvent.Create (atype: TType; akind: TKind); begin FillChar(self, sizeof(self), 0); mType := atype; mKind := akind; mState := TState.None; end; function TFUIEvent.mouse (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mType = TType.Mouse); end; function TFUIEvent.key (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mType = TType.Key); end; function TFUIEvent.user (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mType = TType.User); end; function TFUIEvent.press (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mKind = TKind.Press); end; function TFUIEvent.release (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mKind = TKind.Release); end; function TFUIEvent.motion (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mKind = TKind.Motion); end; function TFUIEvent.other (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mKind = TKind.Other); end; function TFUIEvent.simpleChar (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mKind = TKind.SimpleChar); end; function TFUIEvent.alive (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mState <> TState.Cancelled) and (mState <> TState.Eaten); end; procedure TFUIEvent.eat (); inline; begin if (alive) then mState := TState.Eaten; end; procedure TFUIEvent.cancel (); inline; begin if (alive) then mState := TState.Cancelled; end; procedure TFUIEvent.setSinking (); inline; begin if (alive) then mState := TState.Sinking; end; procedure TFUIEvent.setBubbling (); inline; begin if (alive) then mState := TState.Bubbling; end; procedure TFUIEvent.setMine (); inline; begin if (alive) then mState := TState.None; end; function TFUIEvent.getEaten (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mState = TState.Eaten); end; function TFUIEvent.getCancelled (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mState = TState.Cancelled); end; function TFUIEvent.getNoState (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mState = TState.None); end; function TFUIEvent.getSinking (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mState = TState.Sinking); end; function TFUIEvent.getBubbling (): Boolean; inline; begin result := (mState = TState.Bubbling); end; function TFUIEvent.isHot (c: AnsiChar): Boolean; begin result := false; if (c = #0) then exit; if (not alive) or (not key) then exit; c := locase1251(c); if (simpleChar) then begin if (ch = #0) then exit; result := (locase1251(ch) = c); end else begin case scan of SDL_SCANCODE_A: result := (c = 'a') or (c = 'ô'); SDL_SCANCODE_B: result := (c = 'b') or (c = 'è'); SDL_SCANCODE_C: result := (c = 'c') or (c = 'ñ'); SDL_SCANCODE_D: result := (c = 'd') or (c = 'â'); SDL_SCANCODE_E: result := (c = 'e') or (c = 'ó'); SDL_SCANCODE_F: result := (c = 'f') or (c = 'à'); SDL_SCANCODE_G: result := (c = 'g') or (c = 'ï'); SDL_SCANCODE_H: result := (c = 'h') or (c = 'ð'); SDL_SCANCODE_I: result := (c = 'i') or (c = 'ø'); SDL_SCANCODE_J: result := (c = 'j') or (c = 'î'); SDL_SCANCODE_K: result := (c = 'k') or (c = 'ë'); SDL_SCANCODE_L: result := (c = 'l') or (c = 'ä'); SDL_SCANCODE_M: result := (c = 'm') or (c = 'ü'); SDL_SCANCODE_N: result := (c = 'n') or (c = 'ò'); SDL_SCANCODE_O: result := (c = 'o') or (c = 'ù'); SDL_SCANCODE_P: result := (c = 'p') or (c = 'ç'); SDL_SCANCODE_Q: result := (c = 'q') or (c = 'é'); SDL_SCANCODE_R: result := (c = 'r') or (c = 'ê'); SDL_SCANCODE_S: result := (c = 's') or (c = 'û'); SDL_SCANCODE_T: result := (c = 't') or (c = 'å'); SDL_SCANCODE_U: result := (c = 'u') or (c = 'ã'); SDL_SCANCODE_V: result := (c = 'v') or (c = 'ì'); SDL_SCANCODE_W: result := (c = 'w') or (c = 'ö'); SDL_SCANCODE_X: result := (c = 'x') or (c = '÷'); SDL_SCANCODE_Y: result := (c = 'y') or (c = 'í'); SDL_SCANCODE_Z: result := (c = 'z') or (c = 'ÿ'); SDL_SCANCODE_1: result := (c = '1') or (c = '!'); SDL_SCANCODE_2: result := (c = '2') or (c = '@'); SDL_SCANCODE_3: result := (c = '3') or (c = '#'); SDL_SCANCODE_4: result := (c = '4') or (c = '$'); SDL_SCANCODE_5: result := (c = '5') or (c = '%'); SDL_SCANCODE_6: result := (c = '6') or (c = '^'); SDL_SCANCODE_7: result := (c = '7') or (c = '&'); SDL_SCANCODE_8: result := (c = '8') or (c = '*'); SDL_SCANCODE_9: result := (c = '9') or (c = '('); SDL_SCANCODE_0: result := (c = '0') or (c = ')'); SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN: result := (c = #13) or (c = #10); SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE: result := (c = #27); SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE: result := (c = #8); SDL_SCANCODE_TAB: result := (c = #9); SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE: result := (c = ' '); SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS: result := (c = '-'); SDL_SCANCODE_EQUALS: result := (c = '='); SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET: result := (c = '[') or (c = '{') or (c = 'õ'); SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET: result := (c = ']') or (c = '}') or (c = 'ú'); SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSLASH, SDL_SCANCODE_NONUSHASH: result := (c = '\') or (c = '|'); SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON: result := (c = ';') or (c = ':') or (c = 'æ'); SDL_SCANCODE_APOSTROPHE: result := (c = '''') or (c = '"') or (c = 'ý'); SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE: result := (c = '`') or (c = '~') or (c = '¸'); SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA: result := (c = ',') or (c = '<') or (c = 'á'); SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD: result := (c = '.') or (c = '>') or (c = '.') or (c = 'þ'); SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH: result := (c = '/') or (c = '?') or (c = 'þ'); // ju: not a bug! end; end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // any mods = 255: nothing was defined function parseModKeys (const s: AnsiString; out kmods: Byte; out mbuts: Byte): AnsiString; var pos, epos: Integer; begin kmods := 255; mbuts := 255; pos := 1; //while (pos <= Length(s)) and (s[pos] <= ' ') do Inc(pos); if (pos < Length(s)) and ((s[pos] = '+') or (s[pos] = '-') or (s[pos] = '*')) then Inc(pos); while (pos <= Length(s)) do begin if (Length(s)-pos >= 1) and (s[pos+1] = '-') then begin case s[pos] of 'C', 'c': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or TFUIEvent.ModCtrl; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end; 'M', 'm': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or TFUIEvent.ModAlt; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end; 'S', 's': begin if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; kmods := kmods or TFUIEvent.ModShift; Inc(pos, 2); continue; end; end; break; end; if (Length(s)-pos >= 3) and (s[pos+3] = '-') and ((s[pos+1] = 'M') or (s[pos+1] = 'm')) and ((s[pos+2] = 'B') or (s[pos+2] = 'b')) then begin case s[pos] of 'L', 'l': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or TFUIEvent.Left; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end; 'R', 'r': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or TFUIEvent.Right; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end; 'M', 'm': begin if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; mbuts := mbuts or TFUIEvent.Middle; Inc(pos, 4); continue; end; end; break; end; break; end; epos := Length(s)+1; while (epos > pos) and (s[epos-1] <= ' ') do Dec(epos); if (epos > pos) then result := Copy(s, pos, epos-pos) else result := ''; end; operator = (const s: AnsiString; constref ev: TFUIEvent): Boolean; begin result := (ev = s); end; operator = (constref ev: TFUIEvent; const s: AnsiString): Boolean; var kmods: Byte = 255; mbuts: Byte = 255; kname: AnsiString; but: Integer = -1; modch: AnsiChar = ' '; kfound: Boolean; f: Integer; begin result := false; if (Length(s) = 0) then exit; // oops; i still want to compare dead events //if (not ev.alive) then exit; // dead events aren't equal to anything if (ev.user) then exit; // user events aren't equal to anything if (ev.simpleChar) or (ev.other) then exit; // those events are uncomparable for now if (s[1] = '+') then begin if (not ev.press) then exit; modch := '+'; end else if (s[1] = '-') then begin if (not ev.release) then exit; modch := '-'; end else if (s[1] = '*') then begin if (not ev.motion) then exit; end else if (not ev.press) then exit; kname := parseModKeys(s, kmods, mbuts); //if (ev.mouse) then writeln('compare: ', ev.mKind, ':', ev.mType, '; kstate=', ev.kstate, '; bstate=', ev.bstate, '; s=<', s, '>; kname=<', kname, '>; kmods=', kmods, '; mbuts=', mbuts); if (Length(kname) = 0) then exit; // some error occured if (strEquCI(kname, 'Enter')) then kname := 'RETURN'; if (mbuts = 255) then mbuts := 0; if (kmods = 255) then kmods := 0; if (ev.kstate <> kmods) then exit; if (strEquCI(kname, 'LMB')) then but := TFUIEvent.Left else if (strEquCI(kname, 'RMB')) then but := TFUIEvent.Right else if (strEquCI(kname, 'MMB')) then but := TFUIEvent.Middle else if (strEquCI(kname, 'WheelUp')) or strEquCI(kname, 'WUP') then but := TFUIEvent.WheelUp else if (strEquCI(kname, 'WheelDown')) or strEquCI(kname, 'WDN') or strEquCI(kname, 'WDOWN') then but := TFUIEvent.WheelDown else if (strEquCI(kname, 'None')) then but := 0 else begin // try keyboard if (not ev.key) then exit; if (strEquCI(kname, 'Empty')) or (strEquCI(kname, 'NoKey')) then begin kfound := (ev.scan = 0); end else begin kfound := false; for f := 1 to SDL_NUM_SCANCODES-1 do begin if (strEquCI(kname, SDL_GetScancodeName(f))) then begin kfound := (ev.scan = f); break; end; end; end; if (not kfound) then exit; end; //writeln(' scan=', ev.scan, '; found=', kfound); if (but <> -1) and (not ev.mouse) then exit; // mouse kname, but not mouse event // fix mouse buttons if (ev.mouse) then begin if (modch = '-') then mbuts := mbuts or but else if (modch = '+') then mbuts := mbuts and (not but); result := (ev.bstate = mbuts) and (ev.but = but); end else begin result := (ev.bstate = mbuts); end; end; // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // procedure fuiResetKMState (sendEvents: Boolean=true); var mask: Word; ev: TFUIEvent; begin // generate mouse release events if (curButState <> 0) then begin if (sendEvents) then begin mask := 1; while (mask <> 0) do begin // checked each time, 'cause `evMouseCB` can be changed from the handler if ((curButState and mask) <> 0) and (assigned(fuiEventCB)) then begin ev := TFUIEvent.Create(TFUIEvent.TType.Mouse, TFUIEvent.TKind.Release); ev.x := curMsX; ev.y := curMsY; ev.but := mask; ev.bstate := curButState; ev.kstate := curModState; curButState := curButState and (not mask); fuiEventCB(ev); end; mask := mask shl 1; end; end; curButState := 0; end; // generate modifier release events if (curModState <> 0) then begin if (sendEvents) then begin mask := 1; while (mask <= 8) do begin // checked each time, 'cause `evMouseCB` can be changed from the handler if ((curModState and mask) <> 0) and (assigned(fuiEventCB)) then begin ev := TFUIEvent.Create(TFUIEvent.TType.Key, TFUIEvent.TKind.Release); case mask of TFUIEvent.ModCtrl: begin ev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL; {kev.sym := SDLK_LCTRL;}{arbitrary} end; TFUIEvent.ModAlt: begin ev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LALT; {kev.sym := SDLK_LALT;}{arbitrary} end; TFUIEvent.ModShift: begin ev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT; {kev.sym := SDLK_LSHIFT;}{arbitrary} end; TFUIEvent.ModHyper: begin ev.scan := SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI; {kev.sym := SDLK_LGUI;}{arbitrary} end; else assert(false); end; ev.x := curMsX; ev.y := curMsY; //mev.bstate := 0{curMsButState}; // anyway ev.kstate := curModState; curModState := curModState and (not mask); fuiEventCB(ev); end; mask := mask shl 1; end; end; curModState := 0; end; end; end.