interface uses fmod, fmodtypes, fmoderrors, e_log, SysUtils; type TSoundRec = record Data: Pointer; Sound: FMOD_SOUND; isMusic: Boolean; nRefs: Integer; end; TBasicSound = class (TObject) private FChannel: FMOD_CHANNEL; protected FID: DWORD; FMusic: Boolean; FPosition: DWORD; FPriority: Integer; function RawPlay(Pan: Single; Volume: Single; aPos: DWORD): Boolean; public constructor Create(); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure SetID(ID: DWORD); procedure FreeSound(); function IsPlaying(): Boolean; procedure Stop(); function IsPaused(): Boolean; procedure Pause(Enable: Boolean); function GetVolume(): Single; procedure SetVolume(Volume: Single); function GetPan(): Single; procedure SetPan(Pan: Single); function IsMuted(): Boolean; procedure Mute(Enable: Boolean); function GetPosition(): DWORD; procedure SetPosition(aPos: DWORD); procedure SetPriority(priority: Integer); end; const NO_SOUND_ID = DWORD(-1); function e_InitSoundSystem(NoOutput: Boolean = False): Boolean; function e_LoadSound(FileName: string; var ID: DWORD; bLoop: Boolean): Boolean; function e_LoadSoundMem(pData: Pointer; Length: Integer; var ID: DWORD; bLoop: Boolean): Boolean; function e_PlaySound(ID: DWORD): Integer; function e_PlaySoundPan(ID: DWORD; Pan: Single): Integer; function e_PlaySoundVolume(ID: DWORD; Volume: Single): Integer; function e_PlaySoundPanVolume(ID: DWORD; Pan, Volume: Single): Integer; procedure e_ModifyChannelsVolumes(SoundMod: Single; setMode: Boolean); procedure e_MuteChannels(Enable: Boolean); procedure e_StopChannels(); procedure e_DeleteSound(ID: DWORD); procedure e_RemoveAllSounds(); procedure e_ReleaseSoundSystem(); procedure e_SoundUpdate(); var e_SoundsArray: array of TSoundRec = nil; implementation uses g_window, g_options, BinEditor; const N_CHANNELS = 512; var F_System: FMOD_SYSTEM = nil; SoundMuted: Boolean = False; function Channel_Callback(channel: FMOD_CHANNEL; callbacktype: FMOD_CHANNEL_CALLBACKTYPE; commanddata1: Pointer; commanddata2: Pointer): FMOD_RESULT; {$IFDEF WIN32} stdcall; {$ELSE} cdecl; {$ENDIF} var res: FMOD_RESULT; sound: FMOD_SOUND; ud: Pointer; id: DWORD; begin res := FMOD_OK; if callbacktype = FMOD_CHANNEL_CALLBACKTYPE_END then begin res := FMOD_Channel_GetCurrentSound(channel, sound); if res = FMOD_OK then begin res := FMOD_Sound_GetUserData(sound, ud); if res = FMOD_OK then begin id := DWORD(ud^); if id < DWORD(Length(e_SoundsArray)) then if e_SoundsArray[id].nRefs > 0 then Dec(e_SoundsArray[id].nRefs); end; end; end; Result := res; end; function TryInitWithOutput(Output: FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE; OutputName: String): FMOD_RESULT; begin e_WriteLog('Trying with ' + OutputName + '...', MSG_WARNING); Result := FMOD_System_SetOutput(F_System, Output); if Result <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error setting FMOD output to ' + OutputName + '!', MSG_WARNING); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(Result), MSG_WARNING); Exit; end; Result := FMOD_System_Init(F_System, N_CHANNELS, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, nil); if Result <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error initializing FMOD system!', MSG_WARNING); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(Result), MSG_WARNING); Exit; end; end; function e_TrySS (Freq: Integer; forceNoSound: Integer): Boolean; var res: FMOD_RESULT; ver: Cardinal; output: FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE; drv: Integer; begin Result := False; e_WriteLog(Format('Trying to initialize FMOD with %d', [Freq]), MSG_NOTIFY); res := FMOD_System_Create(F_System); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error creating FMOD system:', MSG_FATALERROR); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(res), MSG_FATALERROR); Exit; end; res := FMOD_System_GetVersion(F_System, ver); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error getting FMOD version:', MSG_FATALERROR); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(res), MSG_FATALERROR); Exit; end; if ver < FMOD_VERSION then begin e_WriteLog('FMOD library version is too old! Need '+IntToStr(FMOD_VERSION), MSG_FATALERROR); Exit; end; res := FMOD_System_SetSoftwareFormat(F_System, Freq, FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM16, 0, 0, FMOD_DSP_RESAMPLER_LINEAR); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error setting FMOD software format!', MSG_FATALERROR); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(res), MSG_FATALERROR); Exit; end; if forceNoSound = 2 then begin res := TryInitWithOutput(FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_NOSOUND, 'OUTPUTTYPE_NOSOUND'); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('FMOD: Giving up, can''t init with NOSOUND.', MSG_FATALERROR); Exit; end; end else begin res := FMOD_System_Init(F_System, N_CHANNELS, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, nil); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error initializing FMOD system!', MSG_WARNING); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(res), MSG_WARNING); {$IFDEF LINUX} res := TryInitWithOutput(FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_ALSA, 'OUTPUTTYPE_ALSA'); if res <> FMOD_OK then res := TryInitWithOutput(FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_OSS, 'OUTPUTTYPE_OSS'); {$ENDIF} if (res <> FMOD_OK) and (forceNoSound <> 1) then Exit; if res <> FMOD_OK then res := TryInitWithOutput(FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_NOSOUND, 'OUTPUTTYPE_NOSOUND'); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('FMOD: Giving up, can''t init any output.', MSG_FATALERROR); Exit; end; end; end; res := FMOD_System_GetOutput(F_System, output); if res <> FMOD_OK then e_WriteLog('Error getting FMOD output!', MSG_WARNING) else case output of FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_NOSOUND: e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: NOSOUND', MSG_NOTIFY); FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_NOSOUND_NRT: e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: NOSOUND_NRT', MSG_NOTIFY); FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_DSOUND: e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: DSOUND', MSG_NOTIFY); FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_WINMM: e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: WINMM', MSG_NOTIFY); FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_OPENAL: e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: OPENAL', MSG_NOTIFY); FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_WASAPI: e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: WASAPI', MSG_NOTIFY); FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_ASIO: e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: ASIO', MSG_NOTIFY); FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_OSS: e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: OSS', MSG_NOTIFY); FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_ALSA: e_Writelog('FMOD Output Method: ALSA', MSG_NOTIFY); else e_WriteLog('FMOD Output Method: Unknown', MSG_NOTIFY); end; res := FMOD_System_GetDriver(F_System, drv); if res <> FMOD_OK then e_WriteLog('Error getting FMOD driver!', MSG_WARNING) else e_WriteLog('FMOD driver id: '+IntToStr(drv), MSG_NOTIFY); Result := True; end; function e_InitSoundSystem(NoOutput: Boolean = False): Boolean; begin if NoOutput then begin Result := e_TrySS(48000, 2); Exit; end; Result := e_TrySS(48000, 0); if not Result then Result := e_TrySS(44100, 1); end; function FindESound(): DWORD; var i: Integer; begin if e_SoundsArray <> nil then for i := 0 to High(e_SoundsArray) do if e_SoundsArray[i].Sound = nil then begin Result := i; Exit; end; if e_SoundsArray = nil then begin SetLength(e_SoundsArray, 16); Result := 0; end else begin Result := High(e_SoundsArray) + 1; SetLength(e_SoundsArray, Length(e_SoundsArray) + 16); end; end; function e_LoadSound(FileName: String; var ID: DWORD; bLoop: Boolean): Boolean; var find_id: DWORD; res: FMOD_RESULT; bt: Cardinal; ud: Pointer; begin Result := False; e_WriteLog('Loading sound '+FileName+'...', MSG_NOTIFY); find_id := FindESound(); if bLoop then bt := FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL else bt := FMOD_LOOP_OFF; if not bLoop then res := FMOD_System_CreateSound(F_System, PAnsiChar(FileName), bt + FMOD_2D + FMOD_HARDWARE, nil, e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound) else res := FMOD_System_CreateStream(F_System, PAnsiChar(FileName), bt + FMOD_2D + FMOD_HARDWARE, nil, e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound := nil; Exit; end; GetMem(ud, SizeOf(DWORD)); DWORD(ud^) := find_id; res := FMOD_Sound_SetUserData(e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound, ud); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound := nil; Exit; end; e_SoundsArray[find_id].Data := nil; e_SoundsArray[find_id].isMusic := bLoop; e_SoundsArray[find_id].nRefs := 0; ID := find_id; Result := True; end; function e_LoadSoundMem(pData: Pointer; Length: Integer; var ID: DWORD; bLoop: Boolean): Boolean; var find_id: DWORD; res: FMOD_RESULT; sz: Integer; bt: Cardinal; soundExInfo: FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO; ud: Pointer; begin Result := False; find_id := FindESound(); sz := SizeOf(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO); FillMemory(@soundExInfo, sz, 0); soundExInfo.cbsize := sz; soundExInfo.length := Length; if bLoop then bt := FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL else bt := FMOD_LOOP_OFF; if not bLoop then res := FMOD_System_CreateSound(F_System, pData, bt + FMOD_2D + FMOD_HARDWARE + FMOD_OPENMEMORY, @soundExInfo, e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound) else res := FMOD_System_CreateStream(F_System, pData, bt + FMOD_2D + FMOD_HARDWARE + FMOD_OPENMEMORY, @soundExInfo, e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound := nil; Exit; end; GetMem(ud, SizeOf(DWORD)); DWORD(ud^) := find_id; res := FMOD_Sound_SetUserData(e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound, ud); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_SoundsArray[find_id].Sound := nil; Exit; end; e_SoundsArray[find_id].Data := pData; e_SoundsArray[find_id].isMusic := bLoop; e_SoundsArray[find_id].nRefs := 0; ID := find_id; Result := True; end; function e_PlaySound(ID: DWORD): Integer; var res: FMOD_RESULT; Chan: FMOD_CHANNEL; begin if e_SoundsArray[ID].nRefs >= gMaxSimSounds then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; Result := -1; res := FMOD_System_PlaySound(F_System, FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, e_SoundsArray[ID].Sound, False, Chan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetCallback(Chan, Channel_Callback); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; if SoundMuted then begin res := FMOD_Channel_SetMute(Chan, True); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; Inc(e_SoundsArray[ID].nRefs); Result := 0; end; function e_PlaySoundPan(ID: DWORD; Pan: Single): Integer; var res: FMOD_RESULT; Chan: FMOD_CHANNEL; begin if e_SoundsArray[ID].nRefs >= gMaxSimSounds then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; Result := -1; res := FMOD_System_PlaySound(F_System, FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, e_SoundsArray[ID].Sound, False, Chan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetPan(Chan, Pan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetCallback(Chan, Channel_Callback); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; if SoundMuted then begin res := FMOD_Channel_SetMute(Chan, True); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; Inc(e_SoundsArray[ID].nRefs); Result := 0; end; function e_PlaySoundVolume(ID: DWORD; Volume: Single): Integer; var res: FMOD_RESULT; Chan: FMOD_CHANNEL; begin if e_SoundsArray[ID].nRefs >= gMaxSimSounds then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; Result := -1; res := FMOD_System_PlaySound(F_System, FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, e_SoundsArray[ID].Sound, False, Chan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetVolume(Chan, Volume); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetCallback(Chan, Channel_Callback); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; if SoundMuted then begin res := FMOD_Channel_SetMute(Chan, True); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; Inc(e_SoundsArray[ID].nRefs); Result := 0; end; function e_PlaySoundPanVolume(ID: DWORD; Pan, Volume: Single): Integer; var res: FMOD_RESULT; Chan: FMOD_CHANNEL; begin if e_SoundsArray[ID].nRefs >= gMaxSimSounds then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; Result := -1; res := FMOD_System_PlaySound(F_System, FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, e_SoundsArray[ID].Sound, False, Chan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetPan(Chan, Pan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetVolume(Chan, Volume); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetCallback(Chan, Channel_Callback); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; if SoundMuted then begin res := FMOD_Channel_SetMute(Chan, True); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; Inc(e_SoundsArray[ID].nRefs); Result := 0; end; procedure e_DeleteSound(ID: DWORD); var res: FMOD_RESULT; ud: Pointer; begin if e_SoundsArray[ID].Sound = nil then Exit; if e_SoundsArray[ID].Data <> nil then FreeMem(e_SoundsArray[ID].Data); res := FMOD_Sound_GetUserData(e_SoundsArray[ID].Sound, ud); if res = FMOD_OK then begin FreeMem(ud); end; res := FMOD_Sound_Release(e_SoundsArray[ID].Sound); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error releasing sound:', MSG_WARNING); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(res), MSG_WARNING); end; e_SoundsArray[ID].Sound := nil; e_SoundsArray[ID].Data := nil; end; procedure e_ModifyChannelsVolumes(SoundMod: Single; setMode: Boolean); var res: FMOD_RESULT; i: Integer; Chan: FMOD_CHANNEL; vol: Single; begin for i := 0 to N_CHANNELS-1 do begin Chan := nil; res := FMOD_System_GetChannel(F_System, i, Chan); if (res = FMOD_OK) and (Chan <> nil) then begin res := FMOD_Channel_GetVolume(Chan, vol); if res = FMOD_OK then begin if setMode then vol := SoundMod else vol := vol * SoundMod; res := FMOD_Channel_SetVolume(Chan, vol); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; end; end; end; procedure e_MuteChannels(Enable: Boolean); var res: FMOD_RESULT; i: Integer; Chan: FMOD_CHANNEL; begin if Enable = SoundMuted then Exit; SoundMuted := Enable; for i := 0 to N_CHANNELS-1 do begin Chan := nil; res := FMOD_System_GetChannel(F_System, i, Chan); if (res = FMOD_OK) and (Chan <> nil) then begin res := FMOD_Channel_SetMute(Chan, Enable); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; end; end; procedure e_StopChannels(); var res: FMOD_RESULT; i: Integer; Chan: FMOD_CHANNEL; begin for i := 0 to N_CHANNELS-1 do begin Chan := nil; res := FMOD_System_GetChannel(F_System, i, Chan); if (res = FMOD_OK) and (Chan <> nil) then begin res := FMOD_Channel_Stop(Chan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; end; end; procedure e_RemoveAllSounds(); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to High(e_SoundsArray) do if e_SoundsArray[i].Sound <> nil then e_DeleteSound(i); SetLength(e_SoundsArray, 0); e_SoundsArray := nil; end; procedure e_ReleaseSoundSystem(); var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin e_RemoveAllSounds(); res := FMOD_System_Close(F_System); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error closing FMOD system!', MSG_FATALERROR); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(res), MSG_FATALERROR); Exit; end; res := FMOD_System_Release(F_System); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin e_WriteLog('Error releasing FMOD system!', MSG_FATALERROR); e_WriteLog(FMOD_ErrorString(res), MSG_FATALERROR); end; end; procedure e_SoundUpdate(); begin FMOD_System_Update(F_System); end; { TBasicSound: } constructor TBasicSound.Create(); begin FID := NO_SOUND_ID; FMusic := False; FChannel := nil; FPosition := 0; FPriority := 128; end; destructor TBasicSound.Destroy(); begin FreeSound(); inherited; end; procedure TBasicSound.FreeSound(); begin if FID = NO_SOUND_ID then Exit; Stop(); FID := NO_SOUND_ID; FMusic := False; FPosition := 0; end; function TBasicSound.RawPlay(Pan: Single; Volume: Single; aPos: DWORD): Boolean; var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin Result := False; if FID = NO_SOUND_ID then Exit; if e_SoundsArray[FID].nRefs >= gMaxSimSounds then begin Result := True; Exit; end; res := FMOD_System_PlaySound(F_System, FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, e_SoundsArray[FID].Sound, False, FChannel); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin FChannel := nil; Exit; end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetPosition(FChannel, aPos, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MS); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin FPosition := 0; end else FPosition := aPos; res := FMOD_Channel_SetPan(FChannel, Pan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetVolume(FChannel, Volume); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; res := FMOD_Channel_SetCallback(FChannel, Channel_Callback); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; if SoundMuted then begin res := FMOD_Channel_SetMute(FChannel, True); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; Inc(e_SoundsArray[FID].nRefs); Result := True; end; procedure TBasicSound.SetID(ID: DWORD); begin FreeSound(); FID := ID; FMusic := e_SoundsArray[ID].isMusic; end; function TBasicSound.IsPlaying(): Boolean; var res: FMOD_RESULT; b: LongBool; begin Result := False; if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_IsPlaying(FChannel, b); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; Result := b; end; procedure TBasicSound.Stop(); var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin if FChannel = nil then Exit; GetPosition(); res := FMOD_Channel_Stop(FChannel); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; FChannel := nil; end; function TBasicSound.IsPaused(): Boolean; var res: FMOD_RESULT; b: LongBool; begin Result := False; if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_GetPaused(FChannel, b); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; Result := b; end; procedure TBasicSound.Pause(Enable: Boolean); var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_SetPaused(FChannel, Enable); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; if Enable then begin res := FMOD_Channel_GetPosition(FChannel, FPosition, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MS); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; end; function TBasicSound.GetVolume(): Single; var res: FMOD_RESULT; vol: Single; begin Result := 0.0; if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_GetVolume(FChannel, vol); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; Result := vol; end; procedure TBasicSound.SetVolume(Volume: Single); var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_SetVolume(FChannel, Volume); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; function TBasicSound.GetPan(): Single; var res: FMOD_RESULT; pan: Single; begin Result := 0.0; if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_GetPan(FChannel, pan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; Result := pan; end; procedure TBasicSound.SetPan(Pan: Single); var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_SetPan(FChannel, Pan); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; function TBasicSound.IsMuted(): Boolean; var res: FMOD_RESULT; b: LongBool; begin Result := False; if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_GetMute(FChannel, b); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; Result := b; end; procedure TBasicSound.Mute(Enable: Boolean); var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_SetMute(FChannel, Enable); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; function TBasicSound.GetPosition(): DWORD; var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin Result := 0; if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_GetPosition(FChannel, FPosition, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MS); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin Exit; end; Result := FPosition; end; procedure TBasicSound.SetPosition(aPos: DWORD); var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin FPosition := aPos; if FChannel = nil then Exit; res := FMOD_Channel_SetPosition(FChannel, FPosition, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_MS); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; procedure TBasicSound.SetPriority(priority: Integer); var res: FMOD_RESULT; begin if (FChannel <> nil) and (FPriority <> priority) and (priority >= 0) and (priority <= 256) then begin FPriority := priority; res := FMOD_Channel_SetPriority(FChannel, priority); if res <> FMOD_OK then begin end; end; end; end.