MODULE HostDates; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF Dates.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) IMPORT SYSTEM, LinLibc, Dates; (* Dates Hook *) TYPE DatesHook = POINTER TO RECORD (Dates.Hook) END; (* Some conversions are needed between the Linux and the BlackBox representations of dates. The following table shows the differences: (!) Linux BlackBox year from year 1900 from year 0000 month range 0-11 range 1-12 weekday 0:sunday - 6:satruday 0:monday - 6:sunday (!) *) PROCEDURE (h: DatesHook) DateToString (d: Dates.Date; format: INTEGER; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR tm: LinLibc.tmDesc; sstr: ARRAY 64 OF SHORTCHAR; res: LinLibc.size_t; BEGIN ASSERT(format IN {Dates.short, Dates.abbreviated, Dates.long, Dates.plainAbbreviated, Dates.plainLong}, 20); tm.tm_year := d.year - 1900; (* Linux counts years from 1900 but BlackBox from 0000 *) tm.tm_mon := d.month - 1; tm.tm_mday :=; tm.tm_wday := (Dates.DayOfWeek(d) + 1) MOD 7; IF format = Dates.short THEN res := LinLibc.strftime(sstr, LEN(sstr), "%x", SYSTEM.VAL(, SYSTEM.ADR(tm))) ELSIF format = Dates.abbreviated THEN res := LinLibc.strftime(sstr, LEN(sstr), "%a, %b %d, %Y", SYSTEM.VAL(, SYSTEM.ADR(tm))) ELSIF format = Dates.long THEN res := LinLibc.strftime(sstr, LEN(sstr), "%A, %B %d, %Y", SYSTEM.VAL(, SYSTEM.ADR(tm))) ELSIF format = Dates.plainAbbreviated THEN res := LinLibc.strftime(sstr, LEN(sstr), "%b %d, %Y", SYSTEM.VAL(, SYSTEM.ADR(tm))) ELSE (* format = Dates.plainLong *) res := LinLibc.strftime(sstr, LEN(sstr), "%B %d, %Y", SYSTEM.VAL(, SYSTEM.ADR(tm))) END; IF res > 0 THEN str := sstr$ELSE str := "invalid date" END END DateToString; PROCEDURE (h: DatesHook) GetTime (OUT d: Dates.Date; OUT t: Dates.Time); VAR time: LinLibc.time_t; tm:; BEGIN time := LinLibc.time(NIL); tm := LinLibc.localtime(time); d.year := tm.tm_year + 1900; (* Linux counts years from 1900 but BlackBox from 0000 *) d.month := tm.tm_mon + 1; := tm.tm_mday; t.hour := tm.tm_hour; t.minute := tm.tm_min; t.second := tm.tm_sec END GetTime; PROCEDURE (h: DatesHook) GetUTCBias (OUT bias: INTEGER); VAR time: LinLibc.time_t; tm:; BEGIN time := LinLibc.time(NIL); tm := LinLibc.localtime(time); (* call to localtime needed to make sure that timezone is set *) bias := tm.tm_gmtoff DIV 60; (* Shiryaev A. V.: OpenBSD *) END GetUTCBias; PROCEDURE (h: DatesHook) GetUTCTime (OUT d: Dates.Date; OUT t: Dates.Time); VAR time: LinLibc.time_t; tm:; BEGIN time := LinLibc.time(NIL); tm := LinLibc.gmtime(time); d.year := tm.tm_year + 1900; (* Linux counts years from 1900 but BlackBox from 0000 *) d.month := tm.tm_mon + 1; := tm.tm_mday; t.hour := tm.tm_hour; t.minute := tm.tm_min; t.second := tm.tm_sec END GetUTCTime; PROCEDURE (h: DatesHook) TimeToString (t: Dates.Time; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR tm: LinLibc.tmDesc; sstr: ARRAY 64 OF SHORTCHAR; res: LinLibc.size_t; BEGIN tm.tm_hour := t.hour; tm.tm_min := t.minute; tm.tm_sec := t.second; res := LinLibc.strftime(sstr, LEN(sstr), "%X", SYSTEM.VAL(, SYSTEM.ADR(tm))); IF res > 0 THEN str := sstr$ELSE str := "invalid time" END END TimeToString; PROCEDURE Init; VAR datesHook: DatesHook; BEGIN NEW(datesHook); Dates.SetHook(datesHook); END Init; BEGIN Init END HostDates.