MODULE Controls; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 System/Mod/Controls.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) IMPORT Kernel, Dates, Dialog, Meta, Services, Stores, Views, Properties, Strings, Fonts, Ports, Controllers, Windows, StdCFrames; CONST (** elements of Property.valid **) opt0* = 0; opt1* = 1; opt2* = 2; opt3* = 3; opt4* = 4; link* = 5; label* = 6; guard* = 7; notifier* = 8; level* = 9; default* = opt0; cancel* = opt1; left* = opt0; right* = opt1; multiLine* = opt2; password* = opt3; sorted* = opt0; haslines* = opt1; hasbuttons* = opt2; atroot* = opt3; foldericons* = opt4; minVersion = 0; maxBaseVersion = 4; pbVersion = 0; cbVersion = 0; rbVersion = 0; fldVersion = 0; dfldVersion = 0; tfldVersion = 0; cfldVersion = 0; lbxVersion = 0; sbxVersion = 0; cbxVersion = 0; capVersion = 1; grpVersion = 0; tfVersion = 0; rdel = 07X; ldel = 08X; tab = 09X; ltab = 0AX; lineChar = 0DX; esc = 01BX; arrowLeft = 1CX; arrowRight = 1DX; arrowUp = 1EX; arrowDown = 1FX; update = 2; (* notify options *) listUpdate = 3; guardCheck = 4; flushCaches = 5; (* re-map labels for flushed string resources, after a language change *) maxAdr = 8; TYPE Prop* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) opt*: ARRAY 5 OF BOOLEAN; link*: Dialog.String; label*: Dialog.String; guard*: Dialog.String; notifier*: Dialog.String; level*: INTEGER END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; Control* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) item-: Meta.Item; disabled-, undef-, readOnly-, customFont-: BOOLEAN; font-: Fonts.Font; label-: Dialog.String; prop-: Prop; adr: ARRAY maxAdr OF INTEGER; num: INTEGER; stamp: INTEGER; shortcut: CHAR; guardErr, notifyErr: BOOLEAN END; DefaultsPref* = RECORD (Properties.Preference) disabled*: BOOLEAN; (** OUT, preset to ~c.item.Valid() *) undef*: BOOLEAN; (** OUT, preset to FALSE *) readOnly*: BOOLEAN (** OUT, preset to c.item.vis = readOnly *) END; PropPref* = RECORD (Properties.Preference) valid*: SET (** OUT, preset to {link, label, guard, notifier, customFont} *) END; PushButton = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; CheckBox = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; RadioButton = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; Field = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) maxLen: INTEGER END; UpDownField = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) min, max, inc: INTEGER END; DateField = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) selection: INTEGER (* 0: no selection, 1..n-1: this part selected, -1: part n selected *) END; TimeField = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) selection: INTEGER END; ColorField = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; ListBox = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; SelectionBox = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; ComboBox = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; Caption = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; Group = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; TreeControl = POINTER TO RECORD (Control) END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; Op = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) ctrl: Control; prop: Prop END; FontOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) ctrl: Control; font: Fonts.Font; custom: BOOLEAN END; NotifyMsg = RECORD (Views.NotifyMsg) frame: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER END; UpdateCachesMsg = RECORD (Views.UpdateCachesMsg) END; SelectPtr = POINTER TO Dialog.Selection; ProcValue = RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: PROCEDURE END; SelectValue = RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: SelectPtr END; GuardProcVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: Dialog.GuardProc END; NotifyProcValOld = RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: PROCEDURE (op, from, to: INTEGER) END; GuardProcPVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: PROCEDURE(n: INTEGER; VAR p: Dialog.Par) END; NotifyProcPVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: PROCEDURE(n, op, f, t: INTEGER) END; Param = RECORD from, to, i: INTEGER; n: Dialog.String END; TVParam = RECORD l: INTEGER; e: BOOLEAN; nodeIn, nodeOut: Dialog.TreeNode END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) w: Windows.Window; resolution, cnt: INTEGER END; TrapCleaner = POINTER TO RECORD (Kernel.TrapCleaner) END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; par-: Control; stamp: INTEGER; action: Action; cleaner: TrapCleaner; cleanerInstalled: INTEGER; (** Cleaner **) PROCEDURE (c: TrapCleaner) Cleanup; BEGIN par := NIL; cleanerInstalled := 0 END Cleanup; PROCEDURE (c: Control) Update- (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) UpdateList- (f: Views.Frame), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) CheckLink- (VAR ok: BOOLEAN), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandlePropMsg2- (VAR p: Views.PropMessage), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandleViewMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandleCtrlMsg2- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) Externalize2- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, EMPTY; (* auxiliary procedures *) PROCEDURE IsShortcut (ch: CHAR; c: Control): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (ch >= "a") & (ch <= "z") OR (ch >= 0E0X) THEN ch := CAP(ch) END; RETURN ch = c.shortcut END IsShortcut; PROCEDURE ExtractShortcut (c: Control); VAR label: Dialog.String; i: INTEGER; ch, sCh: CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(c.label, label); i := 0; ch := label[0]; sCh := "&"; WHILE sCh = "&" DO WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # "&") DO INC(i); ch := label[i] END; IF ch = 0X THEN sCh := 0X ELSE INC(i); sCh := label[i]; INC(i); ch := label[i] END END; IF (sCh >= "a") & (sCh <= "z") OR (sCh >= 0E0X) THEN sCh := CAP(sCh) END; c.shortcut := sCh END ExtractShortcut; PROCEDURE GetGuardProc (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: Meta.Item; VAR err: BOOLEAN; VAR par: BOOLEAN; VAR n: INTEGER); VAR j, k, e: INTEGER; num: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN j := 0; WHILE (name[j] # 0X) & (name[j] # "(") DO INC(j) END; IF name[j] = "(" THEN INC(j); k := 0; WHILE (name[j] # 0X) & (name[j] # ")") DO num[k] := name[j]; INC(j); INC(k) END; IF (name[j] = ")") & (name[j+1] = 0X) THEN num[k] := 0X; Strings.StringToInt(num, n, e); IF e = 0 THEN name[j - k - 1] := 0X; Meta.LookupPath(name, i); par := TRUE ELSE IF ~err THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:SyntaxErrorIn", name, "", ""); err := TRUE END; Meta.Lookup("", i); RETURN END ELSE IF ~err THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:SyntaxErrorIn", name, "", ""); err := TRUE END; Meta.Lookup("", i); RETURN END ELSE Meta.LookupPath(name, i); par := FALSE END; IF (i.obj = Meta.procObj) OR (i.obj = Meta.varObj) & (i.typ = Meta.procTyp) THEN (*ok *) ELSE IF ~err THEN IF i.obj = Meta.undef THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:NotFound", name, "", "") ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:HasWrongType", name, "", "") END; err := TRUE END; Meta.Lookup("", i) END END GetGuardProc; PROCEDURE CallGuard (c: Control); VAR ok, up: BOOLEAN; n: INTEGER; dpar: Dialog.Par; p: Control; v: GuardProcVal; vp: GuardProcPVal; i: Meta.Item; pref: DefaultsPref; BEGIN Controllers.SetCurrentPath(Controllers.targetPath); pref.disabled := ~c.item.Valid(); pref.undef := FALSE; pref.readOnly := c.item.vis = Meta.readOnly; Views.HandlePropMsg(c, pref); c.disabled := pref.disabled; c.undef := pref.undef; c.readOnly := pref.readOnly; c.label := c.prop.label$; IF ~c.disabled & (c.prop.guard # "") & ~c.guardErr THEN IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner) END; INC(cleanerInstalled); p := par; par := c; dpar.disabled := FALSE; dpar.undef := FALSE; dpar.readOnly := c.readOnly; dpar.checked := FALSE; dpar.label := c.label$; GetGuardProc(c.prop.guard, i, c.guardErr, up, n); IF i.obj # Meta.undef THEN IF up THEN (* call with numeric parameter *) i.GetVal(vp, ok); IF ok THEN vp.p(n, dpar) END ELSE i.GetVal(v, ok); IF ok THEN v.p(dpar) END END; IF ok THEN c.disabled := dpar.disabled; c.undef := dpar.undef; IF dpar.readOnly THEN c.readOnly := TRUE END; IF dpar.label # c.label THEN c.label := dpar.label END ELSIF ~c.guardErr THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:HasWrongType", c.prop.guard, "", ""); c.guardErr := TRUE END END; par := p; DEC(cleanerInstalled); IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner) END END; ExtractShortcut(c); Controllers.ResetCurrentPath() END CallGuard; PROCEDURE CallNotifier (c: Control; op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR ok, up: BOOLEAN; n: INTEGER; vold: NotifyProcValOld; vp: NotifyProcPVal; i: Meta.Item; p: Control; BEGIN IF c.prop.notifier # "" THEN IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner) END; INC(cleanerInstalled); p := par; par := c; IF c.prop.notifier[0] = "!" THEN IF op = Dialog.pressed THEN c.prop.notifier[0] := " "; Dialog.ShowStatus(c.prop.notifier); c.prop.notifier[0] := "!" ELSIF op = Dialog.released THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("") END ELSE GetGuardProc(c.prop.notifier, i, c.notifyErr, up, n); IF i.obj # Meta.undef THEN IF up THEN (* call with numeric parameter *) i.GetVal(vp, ok); IF ok THEN vp.p(n, op, from, to) END ELSE i.GetVal(vold, ok); IF ok THEN vold.p(op, from, to) END END; IF ~ok & ~c.notifyErr THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:HasWrongType", c.prop.notifier, "", ""); c.notifyErr := TRUE END END END; par := p; DEC(cleanerInstalled); IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner) END END END CallNotifier; PROCEDURE DCHint (modifiers: SET): INTEGER; BEGIN IF Controllers.doubleClick IN modifiers THEN RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 END END DCHint; PROCEDURE Notify* (c: Control; f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); VAR msg: NotifyMsg; BEGIN IF ~c.readOnly & ~ c.disabled THEN CallNotifier(c, op, from, to); IF op >= Dialog.changed THEN msg.id0 := c.item.adr; msg.id1 := msg.id0 + c.item.Size(); msg.frame := f; msg.op := op; msg.from := from; := to; msg.opts := {update, guardCheck}; Views.Omnicast(msg) END END END Notify; PROCEDURE NotifyFlushCaches*; VAR msg: NotifyMsg; BEGIN msg.opts := {flushCaches}; msg.id0 := 0; msg.id1 := 0; Views.Omnicast(msg) END NotifyFlushCaches; PROCEDURE GetName (VAR path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: INTEGER); VAR j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN j := 0; ch := path[i]; WHILE (j < LEN(name) - 1) & ((ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") OR (CAP(ch) >= "A") & (CAP(ch) <= "Z") OR (ch >= 0C0X) & (ch # "×") & (ch # "÷") & (ch <= 0FFX) OR (ch = "_")) DO name[j] := ch; INC(i); INC(j); ch := path[i] END; IF (ch = 0X) OR (ch = ".") OR (ch = "[") OR (ch = "^") THEN name[j] := 0X ELSE name[0] := 0X END END GetName; PROCEDURE LookupPath (path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: Meta.Item; VAR adr: ARRAY OF INTEGER; VAR num: INTEGER); VAR j, n: INTEGER; name: Meta.Name; ch: CHAR; BEGIN path[LEN(path) - 1] := 0X; j := 0; num := 0; GetName(path, name, j); Meta.Lookup(name, i); IF (i.obj = Meta.modObj) & (path[j] = ".") THEN INC(j); GetName(path, name, j); i.Lookup(name, i); ch := path[j]; INC(j); WHILE i.obj = Meta.varObj DO adr[num] := i.adr; IF num < LEN(adr) - 1 THEN INC(num) END; IF ch = 0X THEN RETURN ELSIF i.typ = Meta.ptrTyp THEN IF ch = "^" THEN ch := path[j]; INC(j) END; i.Deref(i) ELSIF (i.typ = Meta.recTyp) & (ch = ".") THEN GetName(path, name, j); i.Lookup(name, i); ch := path[j]; INC(j) ELSIF (i.typ = Meta.arrTyp) & (ch = "[") THEN ch := path[j]; INC(j); n := 0; WHILE (ch >= "0") & (ch <= "9") DO n := 10 * n + ORD(ch) - ORD("0"); ch := path[j]; INC(j) END; IF ch = "]" THEN ch := path[j]; INC(j); i.Index(n, i) ELSE Meta.Lookup("", i) END ELSE Meta.Lookup("", i) END END ELSE Meta.LookupPath(path, i); num := 0; IF i.obj = Meta.varObj THEN adr[0] := i.adr; num := 1 ELSIF i.obj # Meta.procObj THEN Meta.Lookup("", i) END END END LookupPath; PROCEDURE Sort (VAR adr: ARRAY OF INTEGER; num: INTEGER); VAR i, j, p: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 1; WHILE i < num DO p := adr[i]; j := i; WHILE (j >= 1) & (adr[j - 1] > p) DO adr[j] := adr[j - 1]; DEC(j) END; adr[j] := p; INC(i) END END Sort; PROCEDURE GetTypeName (IN item: Meta.Item; OUT name: Meta.Name); VAR mod: Meta.Name; BEGIN IF (item.typ = Meta.recTyp) THEN item.GetTypeName(mod, name); IF (mod = "Dialog") OR (mod = "Dates") THEN (* ok *) ELSE name := "" END ELSE name := "" END END GetTypeName; PROCEDURE OpenLink* (c: Control; p: Prop); VAR ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); ASSERT(p # NIL, 21); c.num := 0; c.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p)(Prop); IF c.font = NIL THEN IF c.customFont THEN c.font := StdCFrames.defaultLightFont ELSE c.font := StdCFrames.defaultFont END END; c.guardErr := FALSE; c.notifyErr := FALSE; LookupPath(, c.item, c.adr, c.num); IF c.item.obj = Meta.varObj THEN Sort(c.adr, c.num); ok := TRUE; c.CheckLink(ok); IF ~ok THEN Meta.Lookup("", c.item); Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:HasWrongType",, "", "") END ELSE Meta.Lookup("", c.item); c.num := 0 END; CallGuard(c); c.stamp := stamp END OpenLink; (** Prop **) PROCEDURE (p: Prop) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; BEGIN WITH q: Prop DO valid := p.valid * q.valid; equal := TRUE; IF # THEN EXCL(valid, link) END; IF p.label # q.label THEN EXCL(valid, label) END; IF p.guard # q.guard THEN EXCL(valid, guard) END; IF p.notifier # q.notifier THEN EXCL(valid, notifier) END; IF p.level # q.level THEN EXCL(valid, level) END; IF p.opt[0] # q.opt[0] THEN EXCL(valid, opt0) END; IF p.opt[1] # q.opt[1] THEN EXCL(valid, opt1) END; IF p.opt[2] # q.opt[2] THEN EXCL(valid, opt2) END; IF p.opt[3] # q.opt[3] THEN EXCL(valid, opt3) END; IF p.opt[4] # q.opt[4] THEN EXCL(valid, opt4) END; IF p.valid # valid THEN p.valid := valid; equal := FALSE END END END IntersectWith; (* Control *) PROCEDURE (c: Control) CopyFromSimpleView2- (source: Control), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: Control) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: Control DO c.item := source.item; c.adr := source.adr; c.num := source.num; c.disabled := source.disabled; c.undef := source.undef; c.readOnly := source.readOnly; c.shortcut := source.shortcut; c.customFont := source.customFont; c.font := source.font; c.label := source.label$; c.prop := Properties.CopyOf(source.prop)(Prop); c.CopyFromSimpleView2(source) END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (c: Control) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; x, def, canc, sort: BOOLEAN; BEGIN c.Internalize^(rd); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxBaseVersion, thisVersion); IF rd.cancelled THEN RETURN END; NEW(c.prop); IF thisVersion >= 3 THEN rd.ReadString(; rd.ReadString(c.prop.label); rd.ReadString(c.prop.guard); rd.ReadString(c.prop.notifier); rd.ReadInt(c.prop.level); rd.ReadBool(c.customFont); rd.ReadBool(c.prop.opt[0]); rd.ReadBool(c.prop.opt[1]); rd.ReadBool(c.prop.opt[2]); rd.ReadBool(c.prop.opt[3]); rd.ReadBool(c.prop.opt[4]); IF c.customFont & (thisVersion = 4) THEN Views.ReadFont(rd, c.font) END ELSE rd.ReadXString(; rd.ReadXString(c.prop.label); rd.ReadXString(c.prop.guard); c.prop.notifier := ""; c.prop.opt[2] := FALSE; c.prop.opt[3] := FALSE; c.prop.opt[4] := FALSE; sort := FALSE; IF thisVersion = 2 THEN rd.ReadXString(c.prop.notifier); rd.ReadBool(sort); rd.ReadBool(c.prop.opt[multiLine]) ELSIF thisVersion = 1 THEN rd.ReadXString(c.prop.notifier); rd.ReadBool(sort) END; rd.ReadBool(x); (* free, was sed for prop.element *) rd.ReadBool(def); rd.ReadBool(canc); rd.ReadXInt(c.prop.level); rd.ReadBool(c.customFont); c.prop.opt[default] := def OR sort OR (c IS Field); c.prop.opt[cancel] := canc END; c.Internalize2(rd); OpenLink(c, c.prop) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (c: Control) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN c.Externalize^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxBaseVersion); wr.WriteString(; wr.WriteString(c.prop.label); wr.WriteString(c.prop.guard); wr.WriteString(c.prop.notifier); wr.WriteInt(c.prop.level); wr.WriteBool(c.customFont); wr.WriteBool(c.prop.opt[0]); wr.WriteBool(c.prop.opt[1]); wr.WriteBool(c.prop.opt[2]); wr.WriteBool(c.prop.opt[3]); wr.WriteBool(c.prop.opt[4]); IF c.customFont THEN Views.WriteFont(wr, c.font) END; c.Externalize2(wr) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandleViewMsg- (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); VAR disabled, undef, readOnly, done, allDone: BOOLEAN; i: INTEGER; lbl: Dialog.String; BEGIN WITH msg: Views.NotifyMsg DO done := FALSE; allDone := FALSE; IF guardCheck IN msg.opts THEN (* should call c.Update for each frame but Views.Update only once *) WITH f: StdCFrames.Caption DO lbl := f.label$ | f: StdCFrames.PushButton DO lbl := f.label$ | f: StdCFrames.RadioButton DO lbl := f.label$ | f: StdCFrames.CheckBox DO lbl := f.label$ | f: StdCFrames.Group DO lbl := f.label$ ELSE lbl := c.label$ END; WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO disabled := f.disabled; undef := f.undef; readOnly := f.readOnly ELSE disabled := c.disabled; undef := c.undef; readOnly := c.readOnly END; CallGuard(c); IF (c.disabled # disabled) OR (c.undef # undef) OR (c.readOnly # readOnly) OR (c.label # lbl) THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO IF f.noRedraw THEN f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; c.Update(f, 0, 0, 0); done := TRUE ELSE Views.Update(c, Views.rebuildFrames); allDone := TRUE END ELSE Views.Update(c, Views.keepFrames); done := TRUE END END END; IF flushCaches IN msg.opts THEN Views.Update(c, Views.rebuildFrames) END; i := 0; WHILE (i < c.num) & (c.adr[i] < msg.id0) DO INC(i) END; IF (i < c.num) & (c.adr[i] < msg.id1) & ~allDone THEN IF (update IN msg.opts) & ~done THEN WITH msg: NotifyMsg DO IF msg.frame # f THEN (* don't update origin frame *) c.Update(f, msg.op, msg.from, END ELSE c.Update(f, 0, 0, 0) END END; IF listUpdate IN msg.opts THEN c.UpdateList(f) END END | msg: Views.UpdateCachesMsg DO IF c.stamp # stamp THEN OpenLink(c, c.prop); IF msg IS UpdateCachesMsg THEN Views.Update(c, Views.rebuildFrames) END END ELSE END; c.HandleViewMsg2(f, msg) END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandleCtrlMsg* (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR sp: Properties.SizeProp; p: Control; dcOk: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner) END; INC(cleanerInstalled); p := par; par := c; WITH msg: Properties.PollPickMsg DO msg.dest := f | msg: Properties.PickMsg DO NEW(sp); sp.known := {Properties.width, Properties.height}; sp.valid := sp.known; c.context.GetSize(sp.width, sp.height); Properties.Insert(msg.prop, sp) | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF ~c.disabled THEN dcOk := TRUE; IF f IS StdCFrames.Frame THEN dcOk := f(StdCFrames.Frame).DblClickOk(msg.x, msg.y) END; IF (DCHint(msg.modifiers) = 1) & dcOk THEN (* double click *) Notify(c, f, Dialog.pressed, 1, 0) ELSE Notify(c, f, Dialog.pressed, 0, 0) END END ELSE END; c.HandleCtrlMsg2(f, msg, focus); WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO IF ~c.disabled THEN Notify(c, f, Dialog.released, 0, 0) END ELSE END; par := p; DEC(cleanerInstalled); IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (c: Control) HandlePropMsg- (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR fpref: Properties.FocusPref; stp: Properties.StdProp; cp: Prop; ppref: PropPref; op: Op; valid: SET; p: Properties.Property; fop: FontOp; face: Fonts.Typeface; size, weight: INTEGER; style: SET; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN fpref.hotFocus := FALSE; fpref.setFocus := FALSE; fpref.atLocation := FALSE; Views.HandlePropMsg(c, fpref); IF fpref.setFocus THEN msg.getFocus := TRUE END END | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO ppref.valid := {link, label, notifier, guard}; Views.HandlePropMsg(c, ppref); cp := Properties.CopyOf(c.prop)(Prop); cp.valid := ppref.valid; cp.known := cp.valid; cp.readOnly := {}; Properties.Insert(msg.prop, cp); NEW(stp); stp.valid := {Properties.typeface..Properties.weight}; stp.known := stp.valid; IF c.customFont THEN stp.typeface := c.font.typeface$ ELSE stp.typeface := Fonts.default END; stp.size := c.font.size; :=; stp.weight := c.font.weight; := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.strikeout, Fonts.underline}; Properties.Insert(msg.prop, stp) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO p := msg.prop; op := NIL; fop := NIL; WHILE (p # NIL) & (op = NIL) DO WITH p: Prop DO ppref.valid := {link, label, notifier, guard}; Views.HandlePropMsg(c, ppref); valid := p.valid * ppref.valid; IF valid # {} THEN NEW(op); op.ctrl := c; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p)(Prop); op.prop.valid := valid END | p: Properties.StdProp DO valid := p.valid * {Properties.typeface..Properties.weight}; IF valid # {} THEN NEW(fop); fop.ctrl := c; face := c.font.typeface$; size := c.font.size; style :=; weight := c.font.weight; IF Properties.typeface IN p.valid THEN face := p.typeface$; IF face = Fonts.default THEN face := StdCFrames.defaultFont.typeface END END; IF Properties.size IN p.valid THEN size := p.size END; IF IN p.valid THEN style := ( * + (style - END; IF Properties.weight IN p.valid THEN weight := p.weight END; fop.custom := TRUE; fop.font := Fonts.dir.This(face, size, style, weight); IF (fop.font.typeface = StdCFrames.defaultFont.typeface) & (fop.font.size = StdCFrames.defaultFont.size) & ( = & (fop.font.weight = StdCFrames.defaultFont.weight) THEN fop.custom := FALSE; fop.font := StdCFrames.defaultFont END END ELSE END; p := END; IF op # NIL THEN Views.Do(c, "#System:SetProp", op) END; IF fop # NIL THEN Views.Do(c, "#System:SetProp", fop) END | msg: Properties.TypePref DO IF Services.Is(c, msg.type) THEN msg.view := c END ELSE END; c.HandlePropMsg2(msg) END HandlePropMsg; (* Op *) PROCEDURE (op: Op) Do; VAR c: Control; prop: Prop; BEGIN c := op.ctrl; prop := Properties.CopyOf(c.prop)(Prop); prop.valid := op.prop.valid; (* fields to be restored *) IF link IN op.prop.valid THEN := END; IF label IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.label := op.prop.label END; IF guard IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.guard := op.prop.guard END; IF notifier IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.notifier := op.prop.notifier END; IF level IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.level := op.prop.level END; IF opt0 IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.opt[0] := op.prop.opt[0] END; IF opt1 IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.opt[1] := op.prop.opt[1] END; IF opt2 IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.opt[2] := op.prop.opt[2] END; IF opt3 IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.opt[3] := op.prop.opt[3] END; IF opt4 IN op.prop.valid THEN c.prop.opt[4] := op.prop.opt[4] END; IF c.prop.guard # prop.guard THEN c.guardErr := FALSE END; IF c.prop.notifier # prop.notifier THEN c.notifyErr := FALSE END; IF # THEN OpenLink(c, c.prop) ELSE CallGuard(c) END; op.prop := prop; Views.Update(c, Views.rebuildFrames) END Do; PROCEDURE (op: FontOp) Do; VAR c: Control; custom: BOOLEAN; font: Fonts.Font; BEGIN c := op.ctrl; custom := c.customFont; c.customFont := op.custom; op.custom := custom; font := c.font; c.font := op.font; op.font := font; Views.Update(c, Views.rebuildFrames) END Do; (* ------------------------- standard controls ------------------------- *) PROCEDURE CatchCtrlMsg (c: Control; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF ~c.disabled THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO WITH msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO f.GetCursor(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, msg.cursor) | msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.pasteChar} | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO f.Mark(, msg.focus) |msg: Controllers.WheelMsg DO f.WheelMove(msg.x, msg.y, msg.op, msg.nofLines, msg.done) ELSE END END END END CatchCtrlMsg; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewPushButton* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCheckBox* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewRadioButton* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewField* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewUpDownField* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewDateField* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTimeField* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewColorField* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewListBox* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewSelectionBox* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewComboBox* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewCaption* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewGroup* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewTreeControl* (p: Prop): Control, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* PushButton *) PROCEDURE Call (c: PushButton); VAR res: INTEGER; p: Control; ok: BOOLEAN; msg: Views.NotifyMsg; BEGIN IF c.item.Valid() & ((c.item.obj = Meta.procObj) OR (c.item.obj = Meta.varObj) & (c.item.typ = Meta.procTyp)) THEN IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner) END; INC(cleanerInstalled); p := par; c.item.Call(ok); par := p; DEC(cleanerInstalled); IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner) END; IF ~ok THEN Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:BehaviorNotAccessible") END ELSIF # "" THEN IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PushTrapCleaner(cleaner) END; INC(cleanerInstalled); p := par; par := c; Dialog.Call(, " ", res); par := p; DEC(cleanerInstalled); IF cleanerInstalled = 0 THEN Kernel.PopTrapCleaner(cleaner) END ELSE Dialog.ShowMsg("#System:NoBehaviorBound") END; msg.opts := {guardCheck}; Views.Omnicast(msg) END Call; PROCEDURE Do (f: StdCFrames.PushButton); BEGIN Call(f.view(PushButton)) END Do; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, pbVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(pbVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.PushButton; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewPushButton(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.label := c.label$; f.default := c.prop.opt[default]; f.cancel := c.prop.opt[cancel]; f.Do := Do; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF ~c.disabled THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & ((msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = " ") OR (msg.char = esc) & c.prop.opt[cancel] OR IsShortcut(msg.char, c)) THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO msg.accepts := ~c.disabled & ((msg.char = lineChar) & c.prop.opt[default] OR (msg.char = esc) & c.prop.opt[cancel] OR IsShortcut(msg.char, c)) | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~ c.readOnly THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE; msg.setFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetPushButtonSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier, default, cancel} | msg: DefaultsPref DO IF # "" THEN msg.disabled := FALSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.PushButton).label := c.label$; f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; PROCEDURE (c: PushButton) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); BEGIN ok := c.item.typ = Meta.procTyp END CheckLink; (* CheckBox *) PROCEDURE GetCheckBox (f: StdCFrames.CheckBox; OUT x: BOOLEAN); VAR c: CheckBox; BEGIN x := FALSE; c := f.view(CheckBox); IF c.item.Valid() THEN IF c.item.typ = Meta.boolTyp THEN x := c.item.BoolVal() ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.setTyp THEN x := c.prop.level IN c.item.SetVal() END END END GetCheckBox; PROCEDURE SetCheckBox (f: StdCFrames.CheckBox; x: BOOLEAN); VAR c: CheckBox; s: SET; BEGIN c := f.view(CheckBox); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN IF c.item.typ = Meta.boolTyp THEN c.item.PutBoolVal(x); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.setTyp THEN s := c.item.SetVal(); IF x THEN INCL(s, c.prop.level) ELSE EXCL(s, c.prop.level) END; c.item.PutSetVal(s); IF x THEN Notify(c, f, Dialog.included, c.prop.level, c.prop.level) ELSE Notify(c, f, Dialog.excluded, c.prop.level, c.prop.level) END END END END SetCheckBox; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, cbVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(cbVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.CheckBox; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewCheckBox(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.label := c.label$; f.Get := GetCheckBox; f.Set := SetCheckBox; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & ((msg.char = " ") OR IsShortcut(msg.char, c)) THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN IF (msg.char = tab) OR (msg.char = ltab) THEN (* tabs set focus to first checkbox only *) IF (msg.focus # NIL) & (msg.focus IS CheckBox) & (msg.focus(CheckBox).item.adr = c.item.adr) THEN msg.getFocus := FALSE END ELSIF (msg.char >= arrowLeft) & (msg.char <= arrowDown) THEN (* arrows set focus to next checkbox bound to same variable *) msg.getFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus & (msg.focus # NIL) & (msg.focus IS CheckBox) & (msg.focus(CheckBox).item.adr = c.item.adr); msg.accepts := msg.getFocus & (msg.focus # c) ELSIF IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN msg.accepts := TRUE; msg.getFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus ELSIF msg.char # " " THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE; msg.setFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetCheckBoxSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier, level} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); BEGIN ok := (c.item.typ = Meta.boolTyp) OR (c.item.typ = Meta.setTyp) END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: CheckBox) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (op = 0) OR (c.item.typ = Meta.boolTyp) OR (c.prop.level = to) THEN f(StdCFrames.CheckBox).label := c.label$; f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END END Update; (* RadioButton *) PROCEDURE GetRadioButton (f: StdCFrames.RadioButton; OUT x: BOOLEAN); VAR c: RadioButton; BEGIN x := FALSE; c := f.view(RadioButton); IF c.item.Valid() THEN IF c.item.typ = Meta.boolTyp THEN x := c.item.BoolVal() = (c.prop.level # 0) ELSE x := c.item.IntVal() = c.prop.level END END END GetRadioButton; PROCEDURE SetRadioButton (f: StdCFrames.RadioButton; x: BOOLEAN); VAR c: RadioButton; old: INTEGER; BEGIN IF x THEN c := f.view(RadioButton); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN IF c.item.typ = Meta.boolTyp THEN IF c.item.BoolVal() THEN old := 1 ELSE old := 0 END; IF c.prop.level # old THEN c.item.PutBoolVal(c.prop.level # 0); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, c.prop.level) END ELSE old := c.item.IntVal(); IF c.prop.level # old THEN c.item.PutIntVal(c.prop.level); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, c.prop.level) END END END END END SetRadioButton; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, rbVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(rbVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.RadioButton; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewRadioButton(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.label := c.label$; f.Get := GetRadioButton; f.Set := SetRadioButton; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) & ((msg.char <= " ") OR IsShortcut(msg.char, c)) THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR hot: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN IF (msg.char = tab) OR (msg.char = ltab) THEN (* tabs set focus to active radio button only *) IF c.item.Valid() THEN IF c.item.typ = Meta.boolTyp THEN hot := c.item.BoolVal() = (c.prop.level # 0) ELSE hot := c.item.IntVal() = c.prop.level END ELSE hot := FALSE END; IF ~hot THEN msg.getFocus := FALSE END ELSIF (msg.char >= arrowLeft) & (msg.char <= arrowDown) THEN (* arrows set focus to next radio button bound to same variable *) msg.getFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus & (msg.focus # NIL) & (msg.focus IS RadioButton) & (msg.focus(RadioButton).item.adr = c.item.adr); msg.accepts := msg.getFocus & (msg.focus # c) ELSIF IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN msg.accepts := TRUE; msg.getFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus ELSIF msg.char # " " THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE; msg.setFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetRadioButtonSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier, level} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); IF name = "List" THEN c.item.Lookup("index", c.item) END; ok := (c.item.typ >= Meta.byteTyp) & (c.item.typ <= Meta.intTyp) OR (c.item.typ = Meta.boolTyp) END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: RadioButton) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (op = 0) OR (c.prop.level = to) OR (c.prop.level = from) THEN f(StdCFrames.RadioButton).label := c.label$; f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END END Update; (* Field *) PROCEDURE LongToString (x: LONGINT; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR d: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN IF x = MIN(LONGINT) THEN s := "-9223372036854775808" ELSE i := 0; j := 0; IF x < 0 THEN s[0] := "-"; i := 1; x := -x END; REPEAT d[j] := CHR(x MOD 10 + ORD("0")); INC(j); x := x DIV 10 UNTIL x = 0; WHILE j > 0 DO DEC(j); s[i] := d[j]; INC(i) END; s[i] := 0X END END LongToString; PROCEDURE StringToLong (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT x: LONGINT; OUT res: INTEGER); VAR i, sign, d: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; sign := 1; x := 0; res := 0; WHILE s[i] = " " DO INC(i) END; IF s[i] = "-" THEN sign := -1; INC(i) END; WHILE s[i] = " " DO INC(i) END; IF s[i] = 0X THEN res := 2 END; WHILE (s[i] >= "0") & (s[i] <= "9") DO d := ORD(s[i]) - ORD("0"); INC(i); IF x <= (MAX(LONGINT) - d) DIV 10 THEN x := 10 * x + d ELSE res := 1 END END; x := x * sign; IF s[i] # 0X THEN res := 2 END END StringToLong; PROCEDURE FixToInt (fix: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT int: ARRAY OF CHAR; scale: INTEGER); VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN IF scale > 24 THEN scale := 24 ELSIF scale < 0 THEN scale := 0 END; i := 0; j := 0; WHILE (fix[i] # ".") & (fix[i] # 0X) DO int[j] := fix[i]; INC(i); INC(j) END; IF fix[i] = "." THEN INC(i) END; WHILE (scale > 0) & (fix[i] >= "0") & (fix[i] <= "9") DO int[j] := fix[i]; INC(i); INC(j); DEC(scale) END; WHILE scale > 0 DO int[j] := "0"; INC(j); DEC(scale) END; int[j] := 0X END FixToInt; PROCEDURE IntToFix (int: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT fix: ARRAY OF CHAR; scale: INTEGER); VAR i, j, n: INTEGER; BEGIN IF scale > 24 THEN scale := 24 ELSIF scale < 0 THEN scale := 0 END; n := LEN(int$); i := 0; j := 0; WHILE int[i] < "0" DO fix[j] := int[i]; INC(i); INC(j); DEC(n) END; IF n > scale THEN WHILE n > scale DO fix[j] := int[i]; INC(i); INC(j); DEC(n) END ELSE fix[j] := "0"; INC(j) END; fix[j] := "."; INC(j); WHILE n < scale DO fix[j] := "0"; INC(j); DEC(scale) END; WHILE n > 0 DO fix[j] := int[i]; INC(i); INC(j); DEC(n) END; fix[j] := 0X END IntToFix; PROCEDURE GetField (f: StdCFrames.Field; OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: Field; ok: BOOLEAN; b, v: Meta.Item; mod, name: Meta.Name; BEGIN x := ""; c := f.view(Field); IF c.item.Valid() THEN IF c.item.typ = Meta.arrTyp THEN c.item.GetStringVal(x, ok) ELSIF c.item.typ IN {Meta.byteTyp, Meta.sIntTyp, Meta.intTyp} THEN Strings.IntToString(c.item.IntVal(), x); IF c.prop.level > 0 THEN IntToFix(x, x, c.prop.level) END ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.longTyp THEN LongToString(c.item.LongVal(), x); IF c.prop.level > 0 THEN IntToFix(x, x, c.prop.level) END ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.sRealTyp THEN IF c.prop.level <= 0 THEN Strings.RealToStringForm(c.item.RealVal(), 7, 0, c.prop.level, " ", x) ELSE Strings.RealToStringForm(c.item.RealVal(), c.prop.level, 0, 1, " ", x) END ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.realTyp THEN IF c.prop.level <= 0 THEN Strings.RealToStringForm(c.item.RealVal(), 16, 0, c.prop.level, " ", x) ELSE Strings.RealToStringForm(c.item.RealVal(), c.prop.level, 0, 1, " ", x) END ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.recTyp THEN c.item.GetTypeName(mod, name); IF mod = "Dialog" THEN IF name = "Currency" THEN c.item.Lookup("val", v); c.item.Lookup("scale", b); LongToString(v.LongVal(), x); IntToFix(x, x, b.IntVal()) ELSE (* Combo *) c.item.Lookup("item", v); (* Combo *) IF v.typ = Meta.arrTyp THEN v.GetStringVal(x, ok) END END END END ELSE x := c.label$ END END GetField; PROCEDURE SetField (f: StdCFrames.Field; IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: Field; ok: BOOLEAN; i, res, old: INTEGER; r, or: REAL; b, v: Meta.Item; mod, name: Meta.Name; long, long0: LONGINT; s: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN c := f.view(Field); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN CASE c.item.typ OF | Meta.arrTyp: c.item.GetStringVal(s, ok); IF ~ok OR (s$ # x$) THEN c.item.PutStringVal(x, ok); IF ok THEN Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END | Meta.byteTyp: IF x = "" THEN i := 0; res := 0 ELSIF c.prop.level > 0 THEN FixToInt(x, s, c.prop.level); Strings.StringToInt(s, i, res) ELSE Strings.StringToInt(x, i, res) END; IF (res = 0) & (i >= MIN(BYTE)) & (i <= MAX(BYTE)) THEN old := c.item.IntVal(); IF i # old THEN c.item.PutIntVal(i); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, i) END ELSIF x # "-" THEN Dialog.Beep END | Meta.sIntTyp: IF x = "" THEN i := 0; res := 0 ELSIF c.prop.level > 0 THEN FixToInt(x, s, c.prop.level); Strings.StringToInt(s, i, res) ELSE Strings.StringToInt(x, i, res) END; IF (res = 0) & (i >= MIN(SHORTINT)) & (i <= MAX(SHORTINT)) THEN old := c.item.IntVal(); IF i # old THEN c.item.PutIntVal(i); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, i) END ELSIF x # "-" THEN Dialog.Beep END | Meta.intTyp: IF x = "" THEN i := 0; res := 0 ELSIF c.prop.level > 0 THEN FixToInt(x, s, c.prop.level); Strings.StringToInt(s, i, res) ELSE Strings.StringToInt(x, i, res) END; IF res = 0 THEN old := c.item.IntVal(); IF i # old THEN c.item.PutIntVal(i); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, i) END ELSIF x # "-" THEN Dialog.Beep END | Meta.longTyp: IF x = "" THEN long := 0; res := 0 ELSE FixToInt(x, s, c.prop.level); StringToLong(s, long, res) END; IF res = 0 THEN long0 := c.item.LongVal(); IF long # long0 THEN c.item.PutLongVal(long); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) END ELSIF x # "-" THEN Dialog.Beep END | Meta.sRealTyp: IF (x = "") OR (x = "-") THEN r := 0; res := 0 ELSE Strings.StringToReal(x, r, res) END; IF (res = 0) & (r >= MIN(SHORTREAL)) & (r <= MAX(SHORTREAL)) THEN or := c.item.RealVal(); IF r # or THEN c.item.PutRealVal(r); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) END ELSIF x # "-" THEN Dialog.Beep END | Meta.realTyp: IF (x = "") OR (x = "-") THEN r := 0; res := 0 ELSE Strings.StringToReal(x, r, res) END; IF res = 0 THEN or := c.item.RealVal(); IF r # or THEN c.item.PutRealVal(r); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) END ELSIF x # "-" THEN Dialog.Beep END | Meta.recTyp: c.item.GetTypeName(mod, name); IF mod = "Dialog" THEN IF name = "Currency" THEN c.item.Lookup("val", v); c.item.Lookup("scale", b); IF x = "" THEN long := 0; res := 0 ELSE FixToInt(x, s, b.IntVal()); StringToLong(s, long, res) END; IF res = 0 THEN long0 := v.LongVal(); IF long # long0 THEN v.PutLongVal(long); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) END ELSIF x # "-" THEN Dialog.Beep END ELSE (* name = "Combo" *) c.item.Lookup("item", v); IF v.typ = Meta.arrTyp THEN v.GetStringVal(s, ok); IF ~ok OR (s$ # x$) THEN v.PutStringVal(x, ok); IF ok THEN Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) ELSE Dialog.Beep END END END END END END END END SetField; PROCEDURE EqualField (f: StdCFrames.Field; IN s1, s2: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR c: Field; i1, i2, res1, res2: INTEGER; r1, r2: REAL; l1, l2: LONGINT; mod, name: Meta.Name; t1, t2: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; b: Meta.Item; BEGIN c := f.view(Field); CASE c.item.typ OF | Meta.arrTyp: RETURN s1 = s2 | Meta.byteTyp, Meta.sIntTyp, Meta.intTyp: IF c.prop.level > 0 THEN FixToInt(s1, t1, c.prop.level); Strings.StringToInt(t1, i1, res1); FixToInt(s2, t2, c.prop.level); Strings.StringToInt(t2, i2, res2) ELSE Strings.StringToInt(s1, i1, res1); Strings.StringToInt(s2, i2, res2) END; RETURN (res1 = 0) & (res2 = 0) & (i1 = i2) | Meta.longTyp: IF c.prop.level > 0 THEN FixToInt(s1, t1, c.prop.level); StringToLong(t1, l1, res1); FixToInt(s2, t2, c.prop.level); StringToLong(t2, l2, res2) ELSE StringToLong(s1, l1, res1); StringToLong(s2, l2, res2) END; RETURN (res1 = 0) & (res2 = 0) & (l1 = l2) | Meta.sRealTyp, Meta.realTyp: Strings.StringToReal(s1, r1, res1); Strings.StringToReal(s2, r2, res2); RETURN (res1 = 0) & (res2 = 0) & (r1 = r2) | Meta.recTyp: c.item.GetTypeName(mod, name); IF mod = "Dialog" THEN IF name = "Currency" THEN c.item.Lookup("scale", b); i1 := b.IntVal(); FixToInt(s1, t1, i1); StringToLong(t1, l1, res1); FixToInt(s2, t2, i1); StringToLong(t2, l2, res2); RETURN (res1 = 0) & (res2 = 0) & (l1 =l2) ELSE (* name = "Combo" *) RETURN s1 = s2 END END ELSE RETURN s1 = s2 END END EqualField; PROCEDURE (c: Field) CopyFromSimpleView2 (source: Control); BEGIN WITH source: Field DO c.maxLen := source.maxLen END END CopyFromSimpleView2; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, fldVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(fldVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Field) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.Field; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewField(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.maxLen := c.maxLen; f.left := c.prop.opt[left]; f.right := c.prop.opt[right]; f.multiLine := c.prop.opt[multiLine]; f.password := c.prop.opt[password]; f.Get := GetField; f.Set := SetField; f.Equal := EqualField; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: Field) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR ch: CHAR; mod, name: Meta.Name; BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Field DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.selectable := TRUE; (* should ask Frame if there is a selection for cut or copy! *) msg.valid := {Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy, Controllers.paste} | msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO f.Idle | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN ch := msg.char; IF (ch = ldel) OR (ch = rdel) OR (ch >= 10X) & (ch <= 1FX) OR ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") OR (ch = "+") OR (ch = "-") OR (c.item.typ = Meta.arrTyp) OR (c.item.typ IN {Meta.sRealTyp, Meta.realTyp}) & ((ch = ".") OR (ch = "E")) OR (c.prop.level > 0) & (ch = ".") THEN f.KeyDown(ch) ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.recTyp THEN c.item.GetTypeName(mod, name); IF (mod = "Dialog") & (name = "Combo") OR (ch = ".") THEN f.KeyDown(ch) ELSE Dialog.Beep END ELSE Dialog.Beep END ELSE f.Edit(msg.op, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle, msg.clipboard) END | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO IF msg.set THEN f.Select(0, MAX(INTEGER)) ELSE f.Select(-1, -1) END | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO f.Mark(, msg.focus); IF & msg.focus THEN f.Update END; IF & msg.focus THEN f.Select(0, MAX(INTEGER)) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END ELSIF ~c.disabled THEN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) ELSE END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: Field) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF msg.char = lineChar THEN msg.accepts := c.prop.opt[multiLine] & (msg.focus = c) ELSIF msg.char = esc THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN msg.getFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSIF~c.disabled THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetFieldSize(c.maxLen, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, level, notifier, left, right, multiLine, password} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: Field) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR t: INTEGER; name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); t := c.item.typ; IF (t = Meta.arrTyp) & (c.item.BaseTyp() = Meta.charTyp) THEN c.maxLen := SHORT(c.item.Len() - 1) ELSIF t = Meta.byteTyp THEN c.maxLen := 6 ELSIF t = Meta.sIntTyp THEN c.maxLen := 9 ELSIF t = Meta.intTyp THEN c.maxLen := 13 ELSIF t = Meta.longTyp THEN c.maxLen := 24 ELSIF t = Meta.sRealTyp THEN c.maxLen := 16 ELSIF t = Meta.realTyp THEN c.maxLen := 24 ELSIF name = "Combo" THEN c.maxLen := 64 ELSIF name = "Currency" THEN c.maxLen := 16 ELSE ok := FALSE END END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: Field) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; (* UpDownField *) PROCEDURE GetUpDownField (f: StdCFrames.UpDownField; OUT val: INTEGER); VAR c: UpDownField; BEGIN val := 0; c := f.view(UpDownField); IF c.item.Valid() THEN val := c.item.IntVal() END END GetUpDownField; PROCEDURE SetUpDownField (f: StdCFrames.UpDownField; val: INTEGER); VAR c: UpDownField; old: INTEGER; BEGIN c := f.view(UpDownField); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN IF (val >= c.min) & (val <= c.max) THEN old := c.item.IntVal(); IF old # val THEN c.item.PutIntVal(val); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, val) END ELSE Dialog.Beep END END END SetUpDownField; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) CopyFromSimpleView2 (source: Control); BEGIN WITH source: UpDownField DO c.min := source.min; c.max := source.max; := END END CopyFromSimpleView2; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, fldVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(fldVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.UpDownField; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewUpDownField(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.min := c.min; f.max := c.max; :=; f.Get := GetUpDownField; f.Set := SetUpDownField; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR ch: CHAR; BEGIN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.UpDownField DO WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.selectable := TRUE; (* should ask view if there is a selection for cut or copy! *) msg.valid := {Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy, Controllers.paste} | msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO f.Idle | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN ch := msg.char; IF (ch = ldel) OR (ch = rdel) OR (ch >= 10X) & (ch <= 1FX) OR ("0" <= ch) & (ch <= "9") OR (ch = "+") OR (ch = "-") OR (c.item.typ = Meta.arrTyp) THEN f.KeyDown(ch) ELSE Dialog.Beep END ELSE f.Edit(msg.op, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle, msg.clipboard) END | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO IF msg.set THEN f.Select(0, MAX(INTEGER)) ELSE f.Select(-1, -1) END | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO f.Mark(, msg.focus); IF & msg.focus THEN f.Select(0, MAX(INTEGER)) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR m: INTEGER; n: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN msg.getFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO m := -c.min; IF c.max > m THEN m := c.max END; n := 3; WHILE m > 99 DO INC(n); m := m DIV 10 END; StdCFrames.dir.GetUpDownFieldSize(n, msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF c.item.typ = Meta.byteTyp THEN c.min := MIN(BYTE); c.max := MAX(BYTE) ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.sIntTyp THEN c.min := MIN(SHORTINT); c.max := MAX(SHORTINT) ELSIF c.item.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN c.min := MIN(INTEGER); c.max := MAX(INTEGER) ELSE ok := FALSE END; := 1 END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: UpDownField) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; (* DateField *) PROCEDURE GetDateField (f: StdCFrames.DateField; OUT date: Dates.Date); VAR c: DateField; v: Meta.Item; BEGIN date.year := 1; date.month := 1; := 1; c := f.view(DateField); IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.Lookup("year", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN date.year := SHORT(v.IntVal()) END; c.item.Lookup("month", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN date.month := SHORT(v.IntVal()) END; c.item.Lookup("day", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN := SHORT(v.IntVal()) END END END GetDateField; PROCEDURE SetDateField(f: StdCFrames.DateField; IN date: Dates.Date); VAR c: DateField; v: Meta.Item; BEGIN c := f.view(DateField); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN c.item.Lookup("year", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN v.PutIntVal(date.year) END; c.item.Lookup("month", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN v.PutIntVal(date.month) END; c.item.Lookup("day", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN v.PutIntVal( END; Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) END END SetDateField; PROCEDURE GetDateFieldSelection (f: StdCFrames.DateField; OUT sel: INTEGER); BEGIN sel := f.view(DateField).selection END GetDateFieldSelection; PROCEDURE SetDateFieldSelection (f: StdCFrames.DateField; sel: INTEGER); BEGIN f.view(DateField).selection := sel END SetDateFieldSelection; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) CopyFromSimpleView2 (source: Control); BEGIN WITH source: DateField DO c.selection := source.selection END END CopyFromSimpleView2; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, dfldVersion, thisVersion); c.selection := 0 END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(dfldVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.DateField; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewDateField(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.Get := GetDateField; f.Set := SetDateField; f.GetSel := GetDateFieldSelection; f.SetSel := SetDateFieldSelection; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.DateField DO WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.copy} | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) ELSE f.Edit(msg.op, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle, msg.clipboard) END | msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO IF f.mark THEN IF c.selection = 0 THEN c.selection := 1; Views.Update(c, Views.keepFrames) END END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN msg.accepts := FALSE ELSIF (msg.char = tab) OR (msg.char = ltab) THEN msg.accepts := ((msg.focus # c) & (~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly)) OR (msg.focus = c) & ((msg.char = tab) & (c.selection # -1) OR (msg.char = ltab) & (c.selection # 1)); msg.getFocus := msg.accepts END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN msg.getFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetDateFieldSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); ok := name = "Date" END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: DateField) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; (* TimeField *) PROCEDURE GetTimeField (f: StdCFrames.TimeField; OUT time: Dates.Time); VAR c: TimeField; v: Meta.Item; BEGIN time.hour := 0; time.minute := 0; time.second := 0; c := f.view(TimeField); IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.Lookup("hour", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN time.hour := SHORT(v.IntVal()) END; c.item.Lookup("minute", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN time.minute := SHORT(v.IntVal()) END; c.item.Lookup("second", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN time.second := SHORT(v.IntVal()) END END END GetTimeField; PROCEDURE SetTimeField(f: StdCFrames.TimeField; IN date: Dates.Time); VAR c: TimeField; v: Meta.Item; BEGIN c := f.view(TimeField); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN c.item.Lookup("hour", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN v.PutIntVal(date.hour) END; c.item.Lookup("minute", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN v.PutIntVal(date.minute) END; c.item.Lookup("second", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN v.PutIntVal(date.second) END; Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) END END SetTimeField; PROCEDURE GetTimeFieldSelection (f: StdCFrames.TimeField; OUT sel: INTEGER); BEGIN sel := f.view(TimeField).selection END GetTimeFieldSelection; PROCEDURE SetTimeFieldSelection (f: StdCFrames.TimeField; sel: INTEGER); BEGIN f.view(TimeField).selection := sel END SetTimeFieldSelection; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) CopyFromSimpleView2 (source: Control); BEGIN WITH source: TimeField DO c.selection := source.selection END END CopyFromSimpleView2; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, tfldVersion, thisVersion); c.selection := 0 END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(tfldVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.TimeField; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewTimeField(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.Get := GetTimeField; f.Set := SetTimeField; f.GetSel := GetTimeFieldSelection; f.SetSel := SetTimeFieldSelection; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.TimeField DO WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.copy} | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) ELSE f.Edit(msg.op, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle, msg.clipboard) END | msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO IF f.mark THEN IF c.selection = 0 THEN c.selection := 1; Views.Update(c, Views.keepFrames) END END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN msg.accepts := FALSE ELSIF (msg.char = tab) OR (msg.char = ltab) THEN msg.accepts := (msg.focus # c) OR ((msg.char = tab) & (c.selection # -1)) OR ((msg.char = ltab) & (c.selection # 1)) END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN msg.getFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetTimeFieldSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); ok := name = "Time" END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: TimeField) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; (* ColorField *) PROCEDURE GetColorField (f: StdCFrames.ColorField; OUT col: INTEGER); VAR c: ColorField; v: Meta.Item; BEGIN col := Ports.defaultColor; c := f.view(ColorField); IF c.item.Valid() THEN IF c.item.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN col := c.item.IntVal() ELSE c.item.Lookup("val", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN col := v.IntVal() END END END END GetColorField; PROCEDURE SetColorField(f: StdCFrames.ColorField; col: INTEGER); VAR c: ColorField; v: Meta.Item; old: INTEGER; BEGIN c := f.view(ColorField); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN IF c.item.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN old := c.item.IntVal(); IF old # col THEN c.item.PutIntVal(col); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, col) END ELSE c.item.Lookup("val", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN old := v.IntVal(); IF old # col THEN v.PutIntVal(col); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, col) END END END END END SetColorField; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, cfldVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(cfldVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.ColorField; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewColorField(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.Get := GetColorField; f.Set := SetColorField; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH f: StdCFrames.ColorField DO WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) ELSE f.Edit(msg.op, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle, msg.clipboard) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO msg.accepts := ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE; msg.setFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetColorFieldSize(msg.w, msg.h) ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); ok := (name = "Color") OR (c.item.typ = Meta.intTyp) END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: ColorField) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; (* ListBox *) PROCEDURE GetListBox (f: StdCFrames.ListBox; OUT i: INTEGER); VAR c: ListBox; v: Meta.Item; BEGIN i := -1; c := f.view(ListBox); IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.Lookup("index", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN i := v.IntVal() END END END GetListBox; PROCEDURE SetListBox (f: StdCFrames.ListBox; i: INTEGER); VAR c: ListBox; v: Meta.Item; old: INTEGER; BEGIN c := f.view(ListBox); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN c.item.Lookup("index", v); IF v.typ = Meta.intTyp THEN old := v.IntVal(); IF i # old THEN v.PutIntVal(i); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, old, i) END END END END SetListBox; PROCEDURE GetFName (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: Param DO WITH rec: Dialog.List DO rec.GetItem(par.i, par.n) | rec: Dialog.Selection DO rec.GetItem(par.i, par.n) | rec: Dialog.Combo DO rec.GetItem(par.i, par.n) ELSE par.n := "" END END END GetFName; PROCEDURE GetListName (f: StdCFrames.ListBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: ListBox; par: Param; BEGIN par.n := ""; c := f.view(ListBox); IF c.item.Valid() THEN par.i := i; c.item.CallWith(GetFName, par) END; name := par.n$ END GetListName; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, lbxVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(lbxVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.ListBox; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewListBox(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.sorted := c.prop.opt[sorted]; f.Get := GetListBox; f.Set := SetListBox; f.GetName := GetListName; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.ListBox DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END ELSIF ~c.disabled THEN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) ELSE END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN msg.getFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSIF~c.disabled THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetListBoxSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier, sorted} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); ok := name = "List" END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; PROCEDURE (c: ListBox) UpdateList (f: Views.Frame); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).UpdateList END UpdateList; (* SelectionBox *) PROCEDURE InLargeSet (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: Param DO WITH rec: Dialog.Selection DO IF rec.In(par.i) THEN par.i := 1 ELSE par.i := 0 END ELSE par.i := 0 END END END InLargeSet; PROCEDURE GetSelectionBox (f: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; i: INTEGER; OUT in: BOOLEAN); VAR c: SelectionBox; lv: SelectValue; par: Param; BEGIN in := FALSE; c := f.view(SelectionBox); IF c.item.Valid() THEN IF c.item.Is(lv) THEN par.i := i; c.item.CallWith(InLargeSet, par); in := par.i # 0 END END END GetSelectionBox; PROCEDURE InclLargeSet (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: Param DO WITH rec: Dialog.Selection DO IF (par.from # OR ~rec.In(par.from) THEN rec.Incl(par.from,; par.i := 1 ELSE par.i := 0 END ELSE par.i := 0 END END END InclLargeSet; PROCEDURE InclSelectionBox (f: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER); VAR c: SelectionBox; lv: SelectValue; par: Param; BEGIN c := f.view(SelectionBox); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN IF c.item.Is(lv) THEN par.from := from; := to; c.item.CallWith(InclLargeSet, par); IF par.i # 0 THEN Notify(c, f, Dialog.included, from, to) END END END END InclSelectionBox; PROCEDURE ExclLargeSet (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: Param DO WITH rec: Dialog.Selection DO IF (par.from # OR rec.In(par.from) THEN rec.Excl(par.from,; par.i := 1 ELSE par.i := 0 END ELSE par.i := 0 END END END ExclLargeSet; PROCEDURE ExclSelectionBox (f: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER); VAR c: SelectionBox; lv: SelectValue; par: Param; BEGIN c := f.view(SelectionBox); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN IF c.item.Is(lv) THEN par.from := from; := to; c.item.CallWith(ExclLargeSet, par); IF par.i # 0 THEN Notify(c, f, Dialog.excluded, from, to) END END END END ExclSelectionBox; PROCEDURE SetSelectionBox (f: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; from, to: INTEGER); VAR c: SelectionBox; lv: SelectValue; par: Param; BEGIN c := f.view(SelectionBox); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN IF c.item.Is(lv) THEN par.from := 0; := MAX(INTEGER); c.item.CallWith(ExclLargeSet, par); par.from := from; := to; c.item.CallWith(InclLargeSet, par); Notify(c, f, Dialog.set, from, to) END END END SetSelectionBox; PROCEDURE GetSelName (f: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: SelectionBox; par: Param; BEGIN par.n := ""; c := f.view(SelectionBox); IF c.item.Valid() THEN par.i := i; c.item.CallWith(GetFName, par) END; name := par.n$ END GetSelName; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, sbxVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(sbxVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.SelectionBox; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewSelectionBox(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.sorted := c.prop.opt[sorted]; f.Get := GetSelectionBox; f.Incl := InclSelectionBox; f.Excl := ExclSelectionBox; f.Set := SetSelectionBox; f.GetName := GetSelName; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.SelectionBox DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) END | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO IF msg.set THEN f.Select(0, MAX(INTEGER)) ELSE f.Select(-1, -1) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END ELSIF ~c.disabled THEN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) ELSE END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) OR msg.getFocus THEN msg.getFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSIF~c.disabled THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetSelectionBoxSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier, sorted} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); ok := name = "Selection" END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (op >= Dialog.included) & (op <= Dialog.set) THEN f(StdCFrames.SelectionBox).UpdateRange(op, from, to) ELSE f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END END Update; PROCEDURE (c: SelectionBox) UpdateList (f: Views.Frame); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).UpdateList END UpdateList; (* ComboBox *) PROCEDURE GetComboBox (f: StdCFrames.ComboBox; OUT x: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: ComboBox; ok: BOOLEAN; v: Meta.Item; BEGIN x := ""; c := f.view(ComboBox); IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.Lookup("item", v); IF v.typ = Meta.arrTyp THEN v.GetStringVal(x, ok) END END END GetComboBox; PROCEDURE SetComboBox (f: StdCFrames.ComboBox; IN x: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: ComboBox; ok: BOOLEAN; v: Meta.Item; s: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN c := f.view(ComboBox); IF c.item.Valid() & ~c.readOnly THEN c.item.Lookup("item", v); IF v.typ = Meta.arrTyp THEN v.GetStringVal(s, ok); IF ~ok OR (s$ # x$) THEN v.PutStringVal(x, ok); IF ok THEN Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) END END END END END SetComboBox; PROCEDURE GetComboName (f: StdCFrames.ComboBox; i: INTEGER; VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR c: ComboBox; par: Param; BEGIN par.n := ""; c := f.view(ComboBox); IF c.item.Valid() THEN par.i := i; c.item.CallWith(GetFName, par) END; name := par.n$ END GetComboName; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, cbxVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(cbxVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.ComboBox; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewComboBox(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.sorted := c.prop.opt[sorted]; f.Get := GetComboBox; f.Set := SetComboBox; f.GetName := GetComboName; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.ComboBox DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.selectable := TRUE; (* should ask Frame if there is a selection for cut or copy! *) msg.valid := {Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy, Controllers.paste} | msg: Controllers.TickMsg DO f.Idle | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) ELSE f.Edit(msg.op, msg.view, msg.w, msg.h, msg.isSingle, msg.clipboard) END | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO IF msg.set THEN f.Select(0, MAX(INTEGER)) ELSE f.Select(-1, -1) END | msg: Controllers.MarkMsg DO f.Mark(, msg.focus); IF & msg.focus THEN f.Select(0, MAX(INTEGER)) END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) THEN msg.getFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetComboBoxSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier, sorted} ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); ok := name = "Combo" END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; PROCEDURE (c: ComboBox) UpdateList (f: Views.Frame); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).UpdateList END UpdateList; (* Caption *) PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, capVersion, thisVersion); IF thisVersion < 1 THEN c.prop.opt[left] := TRUE END END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN (* Save old version for captions that are compatible with the old version *) IF c.prop.opt[left] THEN wr.WriteVersion(0) ELSE wr.WriteVersion(capVersion) END END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.Caption; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewCaption(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.label := c.label$; f.left := c.prop.opt[left]; f.right := c.prop.opt[right]; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetCaptionSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, left, right} | msg: DefaultsPref DO IF = "" THEN msg.disabled := FALSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Caption).label := c.label$; f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; (* Group *) PROCEDURE (c: Group) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, grpVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Group) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(grpVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Group) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.Group; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewGroup(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.label := c.label$; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: Group) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: Group) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetGroupSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard} | msg: DefaultsPref DO IF = "" THEN msg.disabled := FALSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: Group) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Group).label := c.label$; f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; (* TreeControl *) PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, tfVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(tfVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE TVNofNodesF (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: TVParam DO WITH rec: Dialog.Tree DO par.l := rec.NofNodes() ELSE par.l := 0 END END END TVNofNodesF; PROCEDURE TVNofNodes (f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame): INTEGER; VAR c: TreeControl; par: TVParam; BEGIN c := f.view(TreeControl); par.l := 0; IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.CallWith(TVNofNodesF, par) END; RETURN par.l END TVNofNodes; PROCEDURE TVChildF (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: TVParam DO WITH rec: Dialog.Tree DO par.nodeOut := rec.Child(par.nodeIn, Dialog.firstPos) ELSE par.nodeOut := NIL END END END TVChildF; PROCEDURE TVChild (f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode; VAR c: TreeControl; par: TVParam; BEGIN c := f.view(TreeControl); par.nodeIn := node; par.nodeOut := NIL; IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.CallWith(TVChildF, par) END; RETURN par.nodeOut END TVChild; PROCEDURE TVParentF (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: TVParam DO WITH rec: Dialog.Tree DO par.nodeOut := rec.Parent(par.nodeIn) ELSE par.nodeOut := NIL END END END TVParentF; PROCEDURE TVParent (f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode; VAR c: TreeControl; par: TVParam; BEGIN c := f.view(TreeControl); par.nodeIn := node; par.nodeOut := NIL; IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.CallWith(TVParentF, par) END; RETURN par.nodeOut END TVParent; PROCEDURE TVNextF (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: TVParam DO WITH rec: Dialog.Tree DO par.nodeOut := rec.Next(par.nodeIn) ELSE par.nodeOut := NIL END END END TVNextF; PROCEDURE TVNext (f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode): Dialog.TreeNode; VAR c: TreeControl; par: TVParam; BEGIN c := f.view(TreeControl); par.nodeIn := node; par.nodeOut := NIL; IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.CallWith(TVNextF, par) END; RETURN par.nodeOut END TVNext; PROCEDURE TVSelectF (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: TVParam DO WITH rec: Dialog.Tree DO rec.Select(par.nodeIn) END END END TVSelectF; PROCEDURE TVSelect (f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame; node: Dialog.TreeNode); VAR c: TreeControl; par: TVParam; BEGIN c := f.view(TreeControl); par.nodeIn := node; IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.CallWith(TVSelectF, par); Notify(c, f, Dialog.changed, 0, 0) END END TVSelect; PROCEDURE TVSelectedF (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: TVParam DO WITH rec: Dialog.Tree DO par.nodeOut := rec.Selected() ELSE par.nodeOut := NIL END END END TVSelectedF; PROCEDURE TVSelected (f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame): Dialog.TreeNode; VAR c: TreeControl; par: TVParam; BEGIN c := f.view(TreeControl); par.nodeOut := NIL; IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.CallWith(TVSelectedF, par) END; RETURN par.nodeOut END TVSelected; PROCEDURE TVSetExpansionF (VAR rec, par: ANYREC); BEGIN WITH par: TVParam DO par.nodeIn.SetExpansion(par.e) END END TVSetExpansionF; PROCEDURE TVSetExpansion (f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame; tn: Dialog.TreeNode; expanded: BOOLEAN); VAR c: TreeControl; par: TVParam; BEGIN c := f.view(TreeControl); par.e := expanded; par.nodeIn := tn; IF c.item.Valid() THEN c.item.CallWith(TVSetExpansionF, par) END END TVSetExpansion; PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) GetNewFrame (VAR frame: Views.Frame); VAR f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame; BEGIN f := StdCFrames.dir.NewTreeFrame(); f.disabled := c.disabled; f.undef := c.undef; f.readOnly := c.readOnly; f.font := c.font; f.sorted := c.prop.opt[sorted]; f.haslines := c.prop.opt[haslines]; f.hasbuttons := c.prop.opt[hasbuttons]; f.atroot := c.prop.opt[atroot]; f.foldericons := c.prop.opt[foldericons]; f.NofNodes := TVNofNodes; f.Child := TVChild; f.Parent := TVParent; f.Next := TVNext; f.Select := TVSelect; f.Selected := TVSelected; f.SetExpansion := TVSetExpansion; frame := f END GetNewFrame; PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) UpdateList (f: Views.Frame); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).UpdateList() END UpdateList; PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.Frame DO f.Restore(l, t, r, b) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) HandleCtrlMsg2 (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH f: StdCFrames.TreeFrame DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF (msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar) THEN f.KeyDown(msg.char) END ELSE CatchCtrlMsg(c, f, msg, focus) END ELSIF ~c.disabled THEN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO f.MouseDown(msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) ELSE END END END END HandleCtrlMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.ControlPref DO IF (msg.char = lineChar) OR (msg.char = esc) THEN msg.accepts := FALSE END; IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly & IsShortcut(msg.char, c) OR msg.getFocus THEN msg.getFocus := StdCFrames.setFocus END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO IF ~c.disabled & ~c.readOnly THEN msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSIF~c.disabled THEN msg.hotFocus := TRUE END | msg: Properties.SizePref DO StdCFrames.dir.GetTreeFrameSize(msg.w, msg.h) | msg: PropPref DO msg.valid := {link, label, guard, notifier, sorted, haslines, hasbuttons, atroot, foldericons} | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) CheckLink (VAR ok: BOOLEAN); VAR name: Meta.Name; BEGIN GetTypeName(c.item, name); ok := name = "Tree" END CheckLink; PROCEDURE (c: TreeControl) Update (f: Views.Frame; op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN f(StdCFrames.Frame).Update END Update; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewPushButton (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: PushButton; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewPushButton; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewCheckBox (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: CheckBox; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewCheckBox; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewRadioButton (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: RadioButton; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewRadioButton; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewField (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: Field; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewField; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewUpDownField (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: UpDownField; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewUpDownField; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewDateField (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: DateField; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewDateField; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewTimeField (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: TimeField; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewTimeField; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewColorField (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: ColorField; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewColorField; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewListBox (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: ListBox; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewListBox; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewSelectionBox (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: SelectionBox; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewSelectionBox; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewComboBox (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: ComboBox; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewComboBox; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewCaption (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: Caption; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewCaption; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewGroup (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: Group; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewGroup; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewTreeControl (p: Prop): Control; VAR c: TreeControl; BEGIN NEW(c); OpenLink(c, p); RETURN c END NewTreeControl; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE InitProp (VAR p: Prop); BEGIN NEW(p); := ""; p.label := ""; p.guard := ""; p.notifier := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := FALSE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE END InitProp; PROCEDURE DepositPushButton*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); p.label := "#System:untitled"; Views.Deposit(dir.NewPushButton(p)) END DepositPushButton; PROCEDURE DepositCheckBox*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); p.label := "#System:untitled"; Views.Deposit(dir.NewCheckBox(p)) END DepositCheckBox; PROCEDURE DepositRadioButton*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); p.label := "#System:untitled"; Views.Deposit(dir.NewRadioButton(p)) END DepositRadioButton; PROCEDURE DepositField*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); p.opt[left] := TRUE; Views.Deposit(dir.NewField(p)) END DepositField; PROCEDURE DepositUpDownField*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); Views.Deposit(dir.NewUpDownField(p)) END DepositUpDownField; PROCEDURE DepositDateField*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); Views.Deposit(dir.NewDateField(p)) END DepositDateField; PROCEDURE DepositTimeField*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); Views.Deposit(dir.NewTimeField(p)) END DepositTimeField; PROCEDURE DepositColorField*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); Views.Deposit(dir.NewColorField(p)) END DepositColorField; PROCEDURE DepositListBox*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); Views.Deposit(dir.NewListBox(p)) END DepositListBox; PROCEDURE DepositSelectionBox*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); Views.Deposit(dir.NewSelectionBox(p)) END DepositSelectionBox; PROCEDURE DepositComboBox*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); Views.Deposit(dir.NewComboBox(p)) END DepositComboBox; PROCEDURE DepositCancelButton*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); := "StdCmds.CloseDialog"; p.label := "#System:Cancel"; p.opt[cancel] := TRUE; Views.Deposit(dir.NewPushButton(p)) END DepositCancelButton; PROCEDURE DepositCaption*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); p.opt[left] := TRUE; p.label := "#System:Caption"; Views.Deposit(dir.NewCaption(p)) END DepositCaption; PROCEDURE DepositGroup*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); p.label := "#System:Caption"; Views.Deposit(dir.NewGroup(p)) END DepositGroup; PROCEDURE DepositTreeControl*; VAR p: Prop; BEGIN InitProp(p); p.opt[haslines] := TRUE; p.opt[hasbuttons] := TRUE; p.opt[atroot] := TRUE; p.opt[foldericons] := TRUE; Views.Deposit(dir.NewTreeControl(p)) END DepositTreeControl; PROCEDURE Relink*; VAR msg: UpdateCachesMsg; BEGIN INC(stamp); Views.Omnicast(msg) END Relink; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN par := NIL; stamp := 0; NEW(d); stdDir := d; dir := d; NEW(cleaner); cleanerInstalled := 0 END Init; (* check guards action *) PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR msg: Views.NotifyMsg; BEGIN IF Windows.dir # NIL THEN IF a.w # NIL THEN INC(a.cnt); msg.id0 := 0; msg.id1 := 0; msg.opts := {guardCheck}; IF a.w.seq # NIL THEN a.w.seq.Handle(msg) END; a.w := Windows.dir.Next(a.w); WHILE (a.w # NIL) & a.w.sub DO a.w := Windows.dir.Next(a.w) END ELSE IF a.cnt = 0 THEN a.resolution := Services.resolution ELSE a.resolution := Services.resolution DIV a.cnt DIV 2 END; a.cnt := 0; a.w := Windows.dir.First(); WHILE (a.w # NIL) & a.w.sub DO a.w := Windows.dir.Next(a.w) END END END; Services.DoLater(a, Services.Ticks() + a.resolution) END Do; BEGIN Init; NEW(action); action.w := NIL; action.cnt := 0; Services.DoLater(action, CLOSE Services.RemoveAction(action) END Controls.