MODULE Dev0ElfLinker; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF ElfLinker16.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/AboutBB" copyright = "System/Rsrc/AboutBB" license = "Docu/BB-License" changes = "" issues = "" **) (* DevElfLinker version compatible with BlackBox Component Builder release 1.6. This module will replace DevElfLinker, once the final version of BlackBox 1.6 will be released. *) (* A. V. Shiryaev, 2012.09 Based on DevElfLinker16; modified to not depend on TextModels (TextModels -> Console) *) IMPORT Strings, Kernel, Files, (* Dialog, TextMappers, StdLog, DevCommanders *) Console; CONST NewRecFP = 4E27A847H; NewArrFP = 76068C78H; OFdir = "Code"; SYSdir = "System"; (* meta interface consts *) mConst = 1; mTyp = 2; mVar = 3; mProc = 4; mInternal = 1; mExported = 4; (* mod desc fields *) modOpts = 4; modRefcnt = 8; modTerm = 40; modNames = 84; modImports = 92; modExports = 96; (* .dynsym entries *) stbLocal = 0; stbGlobal = 1; sttNotype = 0; sttObject = 1; sttFunc = 2; sttSection = 3; shnUnd = 0; shnAbs = 0FFF1H; fixup = 0; noSymbol = MIN(INTEGER); noAddr = MIN(INTEGER); firstDllSymbolVal = 12; (* distinguished section header indexes. *) textIndexVal = 1; (* index of the .text section header in the section header table *) rodataIndexVal = 3; (* index of the .rodata section header in the section header table *) dynsymIndexVal = 5; (* index of the .dynsym section header in the section header table *) dynstrIndexVal = 6; (* index of the .dynstr section header in the section header table *) (* fixed elements dimensions *) elfHeaderSizeVal = 52; (* size of the ELF file header *) shEntrySizeVal = 40; (* size of an entry in the section header table *) dynsymEntrySizeVal = 16; (* size of a symbol table entry *) dynamicEntrySizeVal = 8; (* size of an entry in the dynamic section *) gotEntrySizeVal = 4; (* size of an entry in the got section *) relEntrySizeVal = 8; (* size of an entry in a relocation section *) phEntrySizeVal = 32; (* size of an entry in the program header *) shNumVal = 12; (* number of entries in the section header table. See WriteSectionHeaderTable *) shStrndxVal = shNumVal - 1; (* index of the string table for section names. See WriteSectionHeaderTable *) phNumVal = 3; (* number of entries in the program header table *) (* sections alignments (in bytes) *) textAlign = 4H; dynsymAlign = 4H; dynstrAlign = 1H; hashAlign = 4H; gotAlign = 4H; dynamicAlign = 4H; shstrtabAlign = 1H; bssAlign = 4H; rodataAlign = 8H; relAlign = 4H; pageSize = 1000H; (* I386 page size *) r38632 = 1; r386pc32 = 2; r386Relative = 8; (* ELF relocation types *) (* A. V. Shiryaev: Scanner *) TMChar = 0; TMString = 1; TMEOT = 2; TYPE Name = ARRAY 40 OF SHORTCHAR; Export = POINTER TO RECORD next: Export; name: Name; adr: INTEGER END; Module = POINTER TO RECORD next: Module; name: Name; fileName: Files.Name; file: Files.File; hs, ms, ds, cs, vs, ni, ma, ca, va: INTEGER; dll, intf: BOOLEAN; exp: Export; imp: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Module; data: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE END; Strtab = RECORD tab: ARRAY 4096 OF SHORTCHAR; cur: INTEGER END; Relocation = RECORD offset, type: INTEGER END; RelTab = RECORD tab: ARRAY 65536 OF Relocation; cur: INTEGER END; Section = RECORD fileOffset, memOffset, size: INTEGER END; (* A. V. Shiryaev: Scanner *) ScanRider = RECORD s: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; i: INTEGER END; Scanner = RECORD rider: ScanRider; start, type: INTEGER; string: ARRAY 100 OF CHAR; char: CHAR END; VAR Out: Files.File; R: Files.Reader; Ro: Files.Writer; error, isDll, isStatic: BOOLEAN; modList, kernel, main, last, impg, impd: Module; numMod, lastTerm: INTEGER; firstExp, lastExp: Export; CodeSize, DataSize, ConSize: INTEGER; maxCode, numExp: INTEGER; newRec, newArr: Name; code: POINTER TO ARRAY OF BYTE; (* fixup positions *) entryPos, expPos, shstrtabPos, finiPos: INTEGER; (* sections *) text, reltext, relrodata, rodata, dynstr, shstrtab, hash, got, dynsym, dynamic, bss: Section; (* distinguished file and memory offsets *) shOffsetVal, (* section header table file offset *) phOffsetVal, (* program header table file offset *) finiMemOffsetVal: INTEGER; (* memory offset (aka virtual address) of the finalization code (CLOSE sections) *) dynsymInfoVal, (* value of the info field for the .dynsym section *) sonameStrIndexVal: INTEGER; (* string table index of the name of hte library *) (* segment dimensions *) textSegmentSizeVal, dataSegmentSizeVal, dynamicSegmentSizeVal: INTEGER; headerstrtab, dynstrtab: Strtab; hashtab: ARRAY 256 OF Name; neededIdx: ARRAY 256 OF INTEGER; relTextTab, relRodataTab: RelTab; soName: Name; doWrite: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE (VAR t: Strtab) AddName (IN s: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; OUT idx: INTEGER), NEW; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((t.cur + LEN(s$)) <= LEN(, 20); (* table buffer not large enough: TODO enlarge? *) idx := t.cur; i := 0; WHILE s[i] # 0X DO[t.cur] := s[i]; INC(i); INC(t.cur) END;[t.cur] := s[i]; (* copy the 0X *) INC(t.cur) END AddName; PROCEDURE (VAR t: RelTab) Add (offset, type: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN ASSERT(t.cur < LEN(, 20); (* table buffer not large enough: TODO enlarge? *)[t.cur].offset := offset;[t.cur].type := type; INC(t.cur) END Add; PROCEDURE AddNeededIdx (idx: INTEGER); VAR i, len: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(idx > 0, 20); (* index must be positive *) len := LEN(neededIdx); i := 0; WHILE (i # len) & (neededIdx[i] # 0) DO INC(i) END; IF i # len THEN neededIdx[i] := idx ELSE HALT(21) (* no more space for indexes *) END END AddNeededIdx; (* A. V. Shiryaev: Console *) PROCEDURE WriteString (s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN Console.WriteStr(s) END WriteString; PROCEDURE WriteChar (c: CHAR); VAR s: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; BEGIN s[0] := c; s[1] := 0X; Console.WriteStr(s) END WriteChar; PROCEDURE WriteSString (ss: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); BEGIN Console.WriteStr(ss$) END WriteSString; PROCEDURE WriteInt (x: INTEGER); VAR s: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.IntToString(x, s); Console.WriteStr(s) END WriteInt; PROCEDURE WriteLn; BEGIN Console.WriteLn END WriteLn; PROCEDURE FlushW; BEGIN END FlushW; PROCEDURE ThisFile (modname: ARRAY OF CHAR): Files.File; VAR dir, name: Files.Name; loc: Files.Locator; f: Files.File; BEGIN Kernel.SplitName(modname, dir, name); Kernel.MakeFileName(name, Kernel.objType); loc := Files.dir.This(dir); loc := loc.This(OFdir); f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, TRUE); IF (f = NIL) & (dir = "") THEN loc := Files.dir.This(SYSdir); loc := loc.This(OFdir); f := Files.dir.Old(loc, name, TRUE) END; RETURN f END ThisFile; PROCEDURE Read4 (VAR x: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; BEGIN R.ReadByte(b); x := b MOD 256; R.ReadByte(b); x := x + 100H * (b MOD 256); R.ReadByte(b); x := x + 10000H * (b MOD 256); R.ReadByte(b); x := x + 1000000H * b END Read4; PROCEDURE ReadName (VAR name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN i := 0; REPEAT R.ReadByte(b); name[i] := SHORT(CHR(b)); INC(i) UNTIL b = 0 END ReadName; PROCEDURE RNum (VAR i: INTEGER); VAR b: BYTE; s, y: INTEGER; BEGIN s := 0; y := 0; R.ReadByte(b); WHILE b < 0 DO INC(y, ASH(b + 128, s)); INC(s, 7); R.ReadByte(b) END; i := ASH((b + 64) MOD 128 - 64, s) + y END RNum; PROCEDURE WriteCh (ch: SHORTCHAR); BEGIN IF doWrite THEN Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(ORD(ch))) END END WriteCh; PROCEDURE Write2 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN IF doWrite THEN Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END END Write2; PROCEDURE Write4 (x: INTEGER); BEGIN IF doWrite THEN Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))); x := x DIV 256; Ro.WriteByte(SHORT(SHORT(x MOD 256))) END END Write4; PROCEDURE WriteBytes (IN x: ARRAY OF BYTE; beg, len: INTEGER); BEGIN IF doWrite THEN Ro.WriteBytes(x, beg, len) END END WriteBytes; PROCEDURE Align (alignment: INTEGER); BEGIN WHILE Ro.Pos() MOD alignment # 0 DO WriteCh(0X) END END Align; PROCEDURE Aligned (pos, alignment: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN (pos + (alignment - 1)) DIV alignment * alignment END Aligned; PROCEDURE Put (mod: Module; a, x: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(( # NIL) & ((a >= 0) & (a <= LEN(, 20);[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); INC(a); x := x DIV 256;[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); INC(a); x := x DIV 256;[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); INC(a); x := x DIV 256;[a] := SHORT(SHORT(x)) END Put; PROCEDURE Get (mod: Module; a: INTEGER; VAR x: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(( # NIL) & ((a >= 0) & (a + 3 <= LEN(, 20); x := (([a + 3] * 256 + ([a + 2] MOD 256)) * 256 + ([a + 1] MOD 256)) * 256 + ([a] MOD 256) END Get; PROCEDURE CheckDllImports (mod: Module); VAR i, x, y: INTEGER; name: Name; imp: Module; exp: Export; PROCEDURE SkipLink; VAR a: INTEGER; BEGIN RNum(a); WHILE a # 0 DO RNum(a); RNum(a) END END SkipLink; BEGIN R := mod.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(mod.hs + + mod.ds + mod.cs); SkipLink; SkipLink; SkipLink; SkipLink; SkipLink; SkipLink; i := 0; WHILE i < DO imp := mod.imp[i]; IF imp # NIL THEN RNum(x); WHILE x # 0 DO ReadName(name); RNum(y); IF x = mVar THEN SkipLink; IF imp.dll THEN exp := imp.exp; WHILE (exp # NIL) & ( # name) DO exp := END; IF exp = NIL THEN NEW(exp); := name$; := imp.exp; imp.exp := exp END END ELSIF x = mTyp THEN RNum(y); IF imp.dll THEN RNum(y); IF y # 0 THEN WriteString("type descriptor ("); WriteString($); WriteChar("."); WriteSString(name); WriteString(") imported from DLL in "); WriteString($); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE; RETURN END ELSE SkipLink END ELSIF x = mProc THEN IF imp.dll THEN SkipLink; exp := imp.exp; WHILE (exp # NIL) & ( # name) DO exp := END; IF exp = NIL THEN NEW(exp); := name$; := imp.exp; imp.exp := exp END END END; RNum(x) END END; INC(i) END END CheckDllImports; PROCEDURE ReadHeaders; VAR mod, im, t: Module; x, i, pos: INTEGER; impdll: BOOLEAN; name: Name; BEGIN ASSERT(isDll, 126); mod := modList; modList := NIL; numMod := 0; WHILE mod # NIL DO (* reverse mod list & count modules *) IF ~mod.dll THEN INC(numMod) END; t := mod; mod :=; := modList; modList := t END; IF isStatic THEN CodeSize := 6 + 5 * numMod + 2 (* _init() *) + 1 + 5 * numMod + 2 (* _fini() *) ELSE CodeSize := 6 + 5 + 2 (* _init() *) + 1 + 5 + 2 (* _fini() *) END; DataSize := 0; ConSize := 0; maxCode := 0; numExp := 0; mod := modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO IF ~mod.dll THEN mod.file := ThisFile(mod.fileName); IF mod.file # NIL THEN R := mod.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(0); Read4(x); IF x = 6F4F4346H THEN Read4(x); Read4(mod.hs); Read4(; Read4(mod.ds); Read4(mod.cs); Read4(mod.vs); RNum(; ReadName(; impdll := FALSE; IF > 0 THEN NEW(mod.imp,; x := 0; WHILE x < DO ReadName(name); IF name = "$$" THEN IF (mod # kernel) & (kernel # NIL) THEN mod.imp[x] := kernel ELSE WriteSString("no kernel"); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE END ELSIF name[0] = "$" THEN (* StdLog.String(name$); *) Console.WriteStr(name$); i := 1; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO name[i-1] := name[i]; INC(i) END; name[i-1] := 0X; IF i # 1 THEN Strings.Find(name$, ".so", 0, pos); IF pos = -1 THEN name[i - 1] := "."; name[i] := "s"; name[i + 1] := "o"; name[i + 2] := 0X END END; (* StdLog.String(" "); StdLog.String(name$); StdLog.Ln; *) Console.WriteStr(" "); Console.WriteStr(name$); Console.WriteLn; impdll := TRUE; im := modList; WHILE (im # mod) & ( # name) DO im := END; IF (im = NIL) OR ~im.dll THEN NEW(im); := modList; modList := im; im.dll := TRUE; := name$; dynstrtab.AddName(name, i); AddNeededIdx(i) END; mod.imp[x] := im ELSE im := modList; WHILE (im # mod) & ( # name) DO im := END; IF im # mod THEN mod.imp[x] := im ELSE WriteSString(name); WriteString(" not present (imported in "); WriteString($); WriteChar(")"); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE END END; INC(x) END END; IF impdll & ~error THEN CheckDllImports(mod) END; := ConSize; INC(ConSize, + mod.ds); := DataSize; INC(DataSize, mod.vs); := CodeSize; INC(CodeSize, mod.cs); IF mod.cs > maxCode THEN maxCode := mod.cs END ELSE WriteString($); WriteString(": wrong file type"); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE END; mod.file.Close; mod.file := NIL ELSE WriteString(mod.fileName$ (* A. V. Shiryaev *)); WriteString(" not found"); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE END; last := mod END; mod := END; IF ~isStatic & (main = NIL) THEN WriteSString("no main module specified"); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE END; IF DataSize = 0 THEN DataSize := 1 END END ReadHeaders; PROCEDURE WriteElfHeader; BEGIN ASSERT(Ro.Pos() = 0, 100); dynstrtab.AddName(soName$, sonameStrIndexVal); Write4(464C457FH); Write4(00010101H); Write4(0); Write4(0); (* Magic *) Write2(3); (* ET_DYN e_type Object file type *) Write2(3); (* EM_386 e_machine Architecture *) Write4(1); (* EV_CURRENT e_version Object file version *) Write4(text.memOffset); (* e_entry Entry point virtual address *) entryPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(fixup); (* e_phoff Program header table file offset *) Write4(fixup); (* e_shoff: Section header table file offset *) Write4(0); (* e_flags Processor-specific flags *) Write2(elfHeaderSizeVal); (* e_ehsize ELF header size in bytes *) Write2(phEntrySizeVal); (* e_phentsize Program header table entry size *) Write2(phNumVal); (* e_phnum Program header table entry count *) Write2(shEntrySizeVal); (* e_shentsize Section header table entry size *) Write2(shNumVal); (* e_shnum Section header table entry count *) Write2(shStrndxVal); (* e_shstrndx Section header string table index *) ASSERT(Ro.Pos() = elfHeaderSizeVal, 101) END WriteElfHeader; PROCEDURE FixupElfHeader; BEGIN Ro.SetPos(entryPos); Write4(phOffsetVal); Write4(shOffsetVal) END FixupElfHeader; PROCEDURE WriteNullSectionHeader; BEGIN Write4(0); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(0); (* SHT_NULL sh_type Section type *) Write4(0); (* sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(0); (* ELF header + program header table; sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(0); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(0); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(0); (* SHN_UNDEF sh_link Link to another section *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(0); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(0) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteNullSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteTextSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".text", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(1); (* SHT_PROGBITS sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H + 4H); (* SHF_ALLOC + SHF_EXECINSTR sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(text.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(text.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(text.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(0); (* SHN_UNDEF sh_link Link to another section *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(textAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(0) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteTextSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteRelTextSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".rel.text", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(9); (* SHT_REL sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H); (* SHF_ALLOC sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(reltext.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(reltext.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(reltext.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(dynsymIndexVal); (* sh_link Link to another section -> index of the associated symbol table *) Write4(textIndexVal); (* sh_info Additional section information -> index of the relocated section *) Write4(relAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(relEntrySizeVal) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteRelTextSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteRelRodataSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".rel.rodata", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(9); (* SHT_REL sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H); (* SHF_ALLOC sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(relrodata.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(relrodata.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(relrodata.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(dynsymIndexVal); (* sh_link Link to another section -> index of the associated symbol table *) Write4(rodataIndexVal); (* sh_info Additional section information -> index of the relocated section *) Write4(relAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(relEntrySizeVal) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteRelRodataSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteRodataSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".rodata", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(1); (* SHT_PROGBITS sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H); (* SHF_ALLOC sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(rodata.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(rodata.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(rodata.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(0); (* sh_link Link to another section *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(rodataAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(0) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteRodataSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteDynsymSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".dynsym", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(11); (* SHT_DYNSYM sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H); (* SHF_ALLOC sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(dynsym.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(dynsym.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(dynsym.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(dynstrIndexVal); (* sh_link Link to another section -> index of the associated string table *) expPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(fixup); (* sh_info Additional section information -> see docu 4-17 *) Write4(dynsymAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(dynsymEntrySizeVal) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteDynsymSectionHeader; PROCEDURE FixupDynsymSectionHeader; BEGIN Ro.SetPos(expPos); Write4(dynsymInfoVal) END FixupDynsymSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteDynstrSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".dynstr", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(3); (* SHT_STRTAB sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H); (* SHF_ALLOC sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(dynstr.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(dynstr.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(dynstr.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(0); (* SHN_UNDEF sh_link Link to another section *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(dynstrAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(0) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteDynstrSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteHashSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".hash", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(5); (* SHT_HASH sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H); (* SHF_ALLOC sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(hash.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(hash.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(hash.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(dynsymIndexVal); (* sh_link Link to another section *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(hashAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(4H) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteHashSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteGotSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".got", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(1); (* SHT_PROGBITS sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H + 1H); (* SHF_ALLOC + SHF_WRITE sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(got.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(got.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(got.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(0); (* SHN_UNDEF sh_link Link to another section *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(gotAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(gotEntrySizeVal) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteGotSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteBssSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".bss", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(8); (* SHT_NOBITS sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H + 1H); (* SHF_ALLOC + SHF_WRITE sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(bss.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(bss.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(bss.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(0); (* SHN_UNDEF sh_link Link to another section *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(bssAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(0) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteBssSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteDynamicSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".dynamic", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(6); (* SHT_DYNAMIC sh_type Section type *) Write4(2H); (* SHF_ALLOC sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(dynamic.memOffset); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(dynamic.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) Write4(dynamic.size); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(dynstrIndexVal); (* sh_link Link to another section -> index of the associated symbol table *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(dynamicAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(dynamicEntrySizeVal) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteDynamicSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteShstrtabSectionHeader; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN headerstrtab.AddName(".shstrtab", i); Write4(i); (* sh_name Section name (string tbl index) *) Write4(3); (* SHT_STRTAB sh_type Section type *) Write4(0); (* sh_flags Section flags *) Write4(0); (* sh_addr Section virtual addr at execution *) Write4(shstrtab.fileOffset); (* sh_offset Section file offset *) shstrtabPos := Ro.Pos(); Write4(fixup); (* sh_size Section size in bytes *) Write4(0); (* SHN_UNDEF sh_link Link to another section *) Write4(0); (* sh_info Additional section information *) Write4(shstrtabAlign); (* sh_addralign Section alignment *) Write4(0) (* sh_entsize Entry size if section holds table *) END WriteShstrtabSectionHeader; PROCEDURE FixupShstrtabSectionHeader; BEGIN Ro.SetPos(shstrtabPos); Write4(shstrtab.size) END FixupShstrtabSectionHeader; PROCEDURE WriteRelSectionHeaders; BEGIN WriteRelTextSectionHeader; WriteRelRodataSectionHeader END WriteRelSectionHeaders; PROCEDURE WriteSectionHeaderTable; BEGIN shOffsetVal := Ro.Pos(); WriteNullSectionHeader; WriteTextSectionHeader; WriteRodataSectionHeader; WriteRelSectionHeaders; WriteDynsymSectionHeader; WriteDynstrSectionHeader; WriteHashSectionHeader; WriteGotSectionHeader; WriteDynamicSectionHeader; WriteBssSectionHeader; WriteShstrtabSectionHeader (* see shStrndxVal *) (* see shNumVal *) END WriteSectionHeaderTable; PROCEDURE FixupSectionHeaderTable; BEGIN FixupDynsymSectionHeader; FixupShstrtabSectionHeader END FixupSectionHeaderTable; PROCEDURE WriteTextSegment; BEGIN Write4(1); (* PT_LOAD *) Write4(0); (* offset *) Write4(0); (* vaddr *) Write4(0); (* paddr *) Write4(textSegmentSizeVal); (* file size *) Write4(textSegmentSizeVal); (* mem size *) Write4(4H + 1H + 2H); (* flags: R+E+W *) Write4(pageSize) (* I386 page size *) END WriteTextSegment; PROCEDURE WriteDataSegment; BEGIN Write4(1); (* PT_LOAD *) Write4(got.fileOffset); (* offset text segment size *) Write4(got.memOffset); (* vaddr: offset + alignment * nof pages of text segment *) Write4(got.memOffset); (* paddr: offset + alignment * nof pages of text segment *) Write4(dataSegmentSizeVal); (* file size *) Write4(dataSegmentSizeVal + bss.size); (* mem size -> dataSegmentSizeVal + NOBITS sections *) Write4(4H + 2H); (* flags: R+W *) Write4(pageSize) (* I386 page size *) END WriteDataSegment; PROCEDURE WriteDynamicSegment; BEGIN Write4(2); (* PT_DYNAMIC *) Write4(dynamic.fileOffset); (* offset text segment size *) Write4(dynamic.memOffset); (* vaddr: offset of .dynamic section *) Write4(dynamic.memOffset); (* paddr: vaddr + alignment * nof pages of text segment *) Write4(dynamicSegmentSizeVal); (* file size *) Write4(dynamicSegmentSizeVal); (* mem size *) Write4(4H + 2H); (* flags: R+W *) Write4(dynamicAlign) (* dynamic section alignement*) END WriteDynamicSegment; PROCEDURE WriteProgramHeaderTable; BEGIN phOffsetVal := Ro.Pos(); WriteTextSegment; (* .text .rel.text .rodata .dynsym .dynstr .hash *) WriteDataSegment; (* .got .dynamic .bss *) WriteDynamicSegment (* .dynamic *) END WriteProgramHeaderTable; PROCEDURE SearchObj (mod: Module; VAR name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; m, fp, opt: INTEGER; VAR adr: INTEGER); VAR dir, len, ntab, f, id, l, r, p, n, i, j: INTEGER; nch, och: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN Get(mod, + modExports, dir); DEC(dir, rodata.memOffset +; Get(mod, dir, len); INC(dir, 4); Get(mod, + modNames, ntab); DEC(ntab, rodata.memOffset +; IF name # "" THEN l := 0; r := len; WHILE l < r DO (* binary search *) n := (l + r) DIV 2; p := dir + n * 16; Get(mod, p + 8, id); i := 0; j := ntab + id DIV 256; nch := name[0]; och := SHORT(CHR([j])); WHILE (nch = och) & (nch # 0X) DO INC(i); INC(j); nch := name[i]; och := SHORT(CHR([j])) END; IF och = nch THEN IF id MOD 16 = m THEN Get(mod, p, f); IF m = mTyp THEN IF ODD(opt) THEN Get(mod, p + 4, f) END; IF (opt > 1) & (id DIV 16 MOD 16 # mExported) THEN WriteString($); WriteChar("."); WriteSString(name); WriteString(" imported from "); WriteString($); WriteString(" has wrong visibility"); WriteLn; error := TRUE END; Get(mod, p + 12, adr) ELSIF m = mVar THEN Get(mod, p + 4, adr); INC(adr, bss.memOffset + ELSIF m = mProc THEN Get(mod, p + 4, adr); INC(adr, text.memOffset + END; IF f # fp THEN WriteString($); WriteChar("."); WriteSString(name); WriteString(" imported from "); WriteString($); WriteString(" has wrong fprint"); WriteLn; error := TRUE END ELSE WriteString($); WriteChar("."); WriteSString(name); WriteString(" imported from "); WriteString($); WriteString(" has wrong class"); WriteLn; error := TRUE END; RETURN END; IF och < nch THEN l := n + 1 ELSE r := n END END; WriteString($); WriteChar("."); WriteSString(name); WriteString(" not found (imported from "); WriteString($); WriteChar(")"); WriteLn; error := TRUE ELSE (* anonymous type *) WHILE len > 0 DO Get(mod, dir + 4, f); Get(mod, dir + 8, id); IF (f = fp) & (id MOD 16 = mTyp) & (id DIV 256 = 0) THEN Get(mod, dir + 12, adr); RETURN END; DEC(len); INC(dir, 16) END; WriteString("anonymous type in "); WriteString($); WriteString(" not found"); WriteLn; error := TRUE END END SearchObj; PROCEDURE CollectExports (mod: Module); VAR dir, len, ntab, id, i, j, n: INTEGER; e, exp: Export; BEGIN ASSERT(mod.intf & ~mod.dll, 20); Get(mod, + modExports, dir); DEC(dir, rodata.memOffset +; Get(mod, dir, len); INC(dir, 4); Get(mod, + modNames, ntab); DEC(ntab, rodata.memOffset +; n := 0; WHILE n < len DO Get(mod, dir + 8, id); IF (id DIV 16 MOD 16 # mInternal) & (id MOD 16 = mProc) THEN (* exported procedure *) NEW(exp); i := 0; j := ntab + id DIV 256; WHILE[j] # 0 DO[i] := SHORT(CHR([j])); INC(i); INC(j) END;[i] := 0X; Get(mod, dir + 4, exp.adr); IF id MOD 16 = mProc THEN INC(exp.adr, text.memOffset + ELSE HALT(126); ASSERT(id MOD 16 = mVar); INC(exp.adr, bss.memOffset + END; IF (firstExp = NIL) OR ( < THEN := firstExp; firstExp := exp; IF lastExp = NIL THEN lastExp := exp END ELSE e := firstExp; WHILE ( # NIL) & ( > DO e := END; :=; := exp; IF lastExp = e THEN lastExp := exp END END; INC(numExp) END; INC(n); INC(dir, 16) END END CollectExports; PROCEDURE Relocate0 (link, adr, sym: INTEGER); CONST absolute = 100; relative = 101; copy = 102; table = 103; tableend = 104; (* BB fixup types *) noElfType = MIN(INTEGER); VAR offset, linkadr, bbType, elfType, n, x: INTEGER; relText: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE link # 0 DO RNum(offset); WHILE link # 0 DO IF link > 0 THEN n := (code[link] MOD 256) + (code[link+1] MOD 256) * 256 + code[link+2] * 65536; bbType := code[link+3]; linkadr := text.memOffset + + link ELSE n := ([-link] MOD 256) + ([-link+1] MOD 256) * 256 +[-link+2] * 65536; bbType :=[-link+3]; linkadr := rodata.memOffset + - link END; elfType := noElfType; IF bbType = absolute THEN IF sym = noSymbol THEN x := adr + offset; elfType := r386Relative ELSE x := 0H; elfType := r38632 + sym * 256 END ELSIF bbType = relative THEN IF sym = noSymbol THEN x := adr + offset - linkadr - 4 ELSE x := 0FFFFFFFCH; elfType := r386pc32 + sym * 256 END ELSIF bbType = copy THEN Get(impd, adr + offset - rodata.memOffset -, x); IF x # 0 THEN elfType := r386Relative END ELSIF bbType = table THEN x := adr + n; n := link + 4; elfType := r386Relative ELSIF bbType = tableend THEN x := adr + n; n := 0; elfType := r386Relative ELSE HALT(99) END; relText := link > 0; IF link > 0 THEN code[link] := SHORT(SHORT(x)); code[link+1] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 100H)); code[link+2] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 10000H)); code[link+3] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 1000000H)) ELSE link := -link;[link] := SHORT(SHORT(x));[link+1] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 100H));[link+2] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 10000H));[link+3] := SHORT(SHORT(x DIV 1000000H)) END; IF elfType # noElfType THEN IF relText THEN relTextTab.Add(linkadr, elfType) ELSE relRodataTab.Add(linkadr, elfType) END END; link := n END; RNum(link) END END Relocate0; PROCEDURE Relocate (adr: INTEGER); VAR link: INTEGER; BEGIN RNum(link); Relocate0(link, adr, noSymbol) END Relocate; PROCEDURE RelocateSymbol (adr, sym: INTEGER); VAR link: INTEGER; BEGIN RNum(link); Relocate0(link, adr, sym) END RelocateSymbol; PROCEDURE SymbolIndex (IN name: Name): INTEGER; VAR n: INTEGER; exp: Export; m: Module; BEGIN n := 0; exp := NIL; m := modList; WHILE (m # NIL) & (exp = NIL) DO IF m.dll THEN exp := m.exp; WHILE (exp # NIL) & ($ # name$) DO INC(n); exp := END END; m := END; ASSERT((exp # NIL) & ($ = name$), 60); RETURN firstDllSymbolVal + n END SymbolIndex; PROCEDURE WriteTextSection; VAR mod, m: Module; i, x, a, sym, fp, opt: INTEGER; exp: Export; name: Name; BEGIN ASSERT(isDll, 126); ASSERT(~doWrite OR (Ro.Pos() = text.fileOffset), 100); WriteCh(053X); (* push ebx *) (* _init() *) a := 1; WriteCh(0BBX); Write4(rodata.memOffset + +; (* mov bx, modlist *) relTextTab.Add(text.memOffset + a + 1, r386Relative); INC(a, 5); IF isStatic THEN m := modList; WHILE m # NIL DO IF ~m.dll THEN WriteCh(0E8X); INC(a, 5); Write4( - a) (* call body *) END; m := END ELSE WriteCh(0E8X); INC(a, 5); Write4( - a) (* call main *) END; WriteCh(05BX); (* pop ebx *) WriteCh(0C3X); (* ret *) INC(a, 2); finiMemOffsetVal := text.memOffset + a; WriteCh(053X); (* push ebx *) (* _fini() *) INC(a); finiPos := text.memOffset + a; IF isStatic THEN i := 0; WHILE i < numMod DO (* nop for call terminator *) WriteCh(02DX); Write4(0); (* sub EAX, 0 *) INC(i); INC(a, 5) END ELSE WriteCh(02DX); Write4(0); (* sub EAX, 0 *) INC(a, 5) END; lastTerm := a; WriteCh(05BX); (* pop ebx *) WriteCh(0C3X); (* ret *) IF ~doWrite THEN NEW(code, maxCode) END; mod := modList; WHILE mod # NIL DO impg := mod; impd := mod; IF ~mod.dll THEN mod.file := ThisFile(mod.fileName); R := mod.file.NewReader(R); R.SetPos(mod.hs); IF ~doWrite THEN NEW(, + mod.ds) END; R.ReadBytes(^, 0, + mod.ds); R.ReadBytes(code^, 0, mod.cs); RNum(x); IF x # 0 THEN IF (mod # kernel) & (kernel # NIL) THEN SearchObj(kernel, newRec, mProc, NewRecFP, 0, a); IF error THEN RETURN END; Relocate0(x, a, noSymbol) ELSE WriteSString("no kernel"); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE; RETURN END END; RNum(x); IF x # 0 THEN IF (mod # kernel) & (kernel # NIL) THEN SearchObj(kernel, newArr, mProc, NewArrFP, 0, a); IF error THEN RETURN END; Relocate0(x, a, noSymbol) ELSE WriteSString("no kernel"); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE; RETURN END END; Relocate(rodata.memOffset +; (* metalink *) Relocate(rodata.memOffset + +; (* desclink *) Relocate(text.memOffset +; (* codelink *) Relocate(bss.memOffset +; (* datalink *) i := 0; WHILE i < DO m := mod.imp[i]; impd := m; RNum(x); WHILE x # 0 DO ReadName(name); RNum(fp); opt := 0; IF x = mTyp THEN RNum(opt) END; sym := noSymbol; IF m.dll THEN IF (x = mProc) OR (x = mVar) THEN exp := m.exp; WHILE # name DO exp := END; a := noAddr; sym := SymbolIndex(name) END ELSE SearchObj(m, name, x, fp, opt, a); IF error THEN RETURN END END; IF x # mConst THEN RelocateSymbol(a, sym) END; RNum(x) END; IF ~m.dll THEN Get(mod, + modImports, x); DEC(x, rodata.memOffset +; INC(x, 4 * i); Put(mod, x, rodata.memOffset + +; (* imp ref *) relRodataTab.Add(rodata.memOffset + + x, r386Relative); Get(m, + modRefcnt, x); Put(m, + modRefcnt, x + 1) (* inc ref count *) END; INC(i) END; WriteBytes(code^, 0, mod.cs); IF mod.intf THEN CollectExports(mod) END; mod.file.Close; mod.file := NIL END; mod := END; ASSERT(~doWrite OR (text.size = Ro.Pos() - text.fileOffset), 101) END WriteTextSection; PROCEDURE WriteTermCode (m: Module; i: INTEGER); VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN IF m # NIL THEN IF m.dll THEN WriteTermCode(, i) ELSE IF isStatic THEN WriteTermCode(, i + 1) END; Get(m, + modTerm, x); (* terminator address in mod desc*) IF x = 0 THEN WriteCh(005X); Write4(0) (* add EAX, 0 (nop) *) ELSE WriteCh(0E8X); Write4(x - lastTerm + 5 * i - text.memOffset) (* call term *) END END END END WriteTermCode; PROCEDURE FixupTextSection; BEGIN ASSERT(isDll, 126); Ro.SetPos(finiPos); IF isStatic THEN WriteTermCode(modList, 0) ELSE WriteTermCode(main, 0) END END FixupTextSection; PROCEDURE WriteRelSection (IN s: Section; IN t: RelTab); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(s.fileOffset = Ro.Pos(), 100); i := 0; WHILE i # t.cur DO Write4([i].offset); Write4([i].type); INC(i) END; ASSERT(s.size = Ro.Pos() - s.fileOffset, 101) END WriteRelSection; PROCEDURE WriteRelSections; BEGIN WriteRelSection(reltext, relTextTab); WriteRelSection(relrodata, relRodataTab) END WriteRelSections; PROCEDURE WriteRodataSection; VAR mod, lastMod: Module; x: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(~doWrite OR (rodata.fileOffset = Ro.Pos()), 100); mod := modList; lastMod := NIL; WHILE mod # NIL DO IF ~mod.dll THEN IF lastMod # NIL THEN Put(mod,, rodata.memOffset + +; (* mod list *) relRodataTab.Add(rodata.memOffset + +, r386Relative) END; Get(mod, + modOpts, x); IF isStatic THEN INC(x, 10000H) END; (* set init bit (16) *) IF isDll THEN INC(x, 1000000H) END; (* set dll bit (24) *) Put(mod, + modOpts, x); WriteBytes(^, 0, + mod.ds); lastMod := mod END; mod := END; ASSERT(~doWrite OR (rodata.size = Ro.Pos() - rodata.fileOffset), 101) END WriteRodataSection; PROCEDURE WriteSymbolTableEntry (IN name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; val, size: INTEGER; bind, type: BYTE; shndx: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; info: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN IF name # "" THEN dynstrtab.AddName(name, i) ELSE i := 0 END; Write4(i); Write4(val); Write4(size); info := SHORT(CHR(bind * 16 + type)); WriteCh(info); WriteCh(0X); (* Symbol visibility *) Write2(shndx) END WriteSymbolTableEntry; PROCEDURE FixupSymbolTableEntry (val, size: INTEGER; bind, type: BYTE; shndx: INTEGER); VAR info: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN Ro.SetPos(Ro.Pos() + 4); (* skip name *) Write4(val); Write4(size); info := SHORT(CHR(bind * 16 + type)); WriteCh(info); WriteCh(0X); (* Symbol visibility *) Write2(shndx) END FixupSymbolTableEntry; PROCEDURE WriteDynsymSection; VAR e: Export; m: Module; i: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(Ro.Pos() = dynsym.fileOffset, 100); WriteSymbolTableEntry("", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WriteSymbolTableEntry("", text.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 1); (* .text section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", rodata.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 2); (* .rodata section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", reltext.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 3); (* .rel.text.section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", relrodata.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 4); (* .rel.rodata section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", dynsym.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 5); (* .dynsym section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", dynstr.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 6); (* .dynstr section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", hash.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 7); (* .hash section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", got.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 8); (* .got section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", dynamic.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 9); (* .dynamic section *) WriteSymbolTableEntry("", bss.memOffset, 0, stbLocal, sttSection, 10); (* .bss section *) dynsymInfoVal := 11; i := dynsymInfoVal; WriteSymbolTableEntry("_DYNAMIC", dynamic.memOffset, 0, stbGlobal, sttObject, shnAbs); hashtab[i] := "_DYNAMIC"; INC(i); ASSERT(i = firstDllSymbolVal); m := modList; WHILE m # NIL DO IF m.dll THEN e := m.exp; WHILE e # NIL DO WriteSymbolTableEntry(, 0, 0, stbGlobal, sttNotype, shnUnd); hashtab[i] :=$; INC(i); e := END END; m := END; e := firstExp; WHILE e # NIL DO WriteSymbolTableEntry(, fixup, 0, stbGlobal, sttFunc, textIndexVal); hashtab[i] :=$; INC(i); e := END; WriteSymbolTableEntry("_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_", got.memOffset, 0, stbGlobal, sttObject, shnAbs); hashtab[i] := "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_"; ASSERT(dynsym.size = Ro.Pos() - dynsym.fileOffset, 101) END WriteDynsymSection; PROCEDURE FixupDynsymSection; VAR e: Export; m: Module; BEGIN Ro.SetPos(dynsym.fileOffset + dynsymEntrySizeVal * firstDllSymbolVal); m := modList; WHILE m # NIL DO IF m.dll THEN e := m.exp; WHILE e # NIL DO Ro.SetPos(Ro.Pos() + dynsymEntrySizeVal); e := END END; m := END; Ro.SetPos(Ro.Pos() + 4); e := firstExp; WHILE e # NIL DO Write4(e.adr); Ro.SetPos(Ro.Pos() + 12); e := END END FixupDynsymSection; PROCEDURE WriteStringTable (IN t: Strtab); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE i # t.cur DO WriteCh([i]); INC(i) END END WriteStringTable; PROCEDURE WriteDynstrSection; BEGIN ASSERT(Ro.Pos() = dynstr.fileOffset, 100); WriteStringTable(dynstrtab); ASSERT(dynstr.size = Ro.Pos() - dynstr.fileOffset, 101) END WriteDynstrSection; PROCEDURE Hash (name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR): INTEGER; VAR i, h, g: INTEGER; BEGIN h := 0; i := 0; WHILE name[i] # 0X DO h := ASH(h, 4) + ORD(name[i]); g := ORD(BITS(h) * BITS(0F0000000H)); IF g # 0 THEN h := ORD(BITS(h) / BITS(SHORT((g MOD 100000000L) DIV 1000000H))) END; h := ORD(BITS(h) * (-BITS(g))); INC(i) END; RETURN h END Hash; PROCEDURE AddToChain (VAR c: ARRAY OF INTEGER; i, idx: INTEGER); VAR k: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c[i] # 0 THEN k := i; WHILE c[k] # 0 DO k := c[k] END; c[k] := idx ELSE c[i] := idx END END AddToChain; PROCEDURE WriteHashSection; VAR n, i, hi: INTEGER; b, c: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(hash.fileOffset = Ro.Pos(), 100); n := dynsym.size DIV dynsymEntrySizeVal; (* number of enties in the symbol table *) NEW(b, n); NEW(c, n); i := 0; WHILE i # n DO c[i] := 0; (* STN_UNDEF *) IF hashtab[i] # "" THEN hi := Hash(hashtab[i]) MOD n; IF b[hi] # 0 THEN (* another word has the same index *) AddToChain(c, i, b[hi]) (*c[i] := b[hi]*) END; b[hi] := i END; INC(i) END; Write4(n); (* nbucket *) Write4(n); (* nchain *) i := 0; WHILE i # n DO Write4(b[i]); INC(i) END; i := 0; WHILE i # n DO Write4(c[i]); INC(i) END; ASSERT(hash.size = Ro.Pos() - hash.fileOffset, 101) END WriteHashSection; PROCEDURE WriteGotSection; BEGIN ASSERT(got.fileOffset = Ro.Pos(), 100); Write4(dynamic.memOffset); (* addr of .dynamic section *) Write4(0); (* reserved for ? *) Write4(0); (* reserved for ? *) ASSERT(got.size = Ro.Pos() - got.fileOffset, 101) END WriteGotSection; PROCEDURE WriteDynamicSectionEntry (tag, val: INTEGER); BEGIN Write4(tag); Write4(val) END WriteDynamicSectionEntry; PROCEDURE WriteDynamicSection; CONST dtNull = 0; dtNeeded = 1; dtHash = 4; dtStrtab = 5; dtSymtab = 6; dtStrsz = 10; dtSyment = 11; dtInit = 12; dtFini = 13; dtSoname = 14; dtRel = 17; dtRelsz = 18; dtRelent = 19; dtTextrel = 22; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(dynamic.fileOffset = Ro.Pos(), 100); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtSoname, fixup); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtFini, fixup); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtInit, text.memOffset); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtHash, hash.memOffset); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtStrtab, dynstr.memOffset); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtSymtab, dynsym.memOffset); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtStrsz, dynstr.size); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtSyment, dynsymEntrySizeVal); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtRel, reltext.memOffset); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtRelsz, reltext.size + relrodata.size); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtRelent, relEntrySizeVal); i := 0; WHILE neededIdx[i] # 0 DO WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtNeeded, neededIdx[i]); INC(i) END; WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtTextrel, 0); WriteDynamicSectionEntry(dtNull, 0); (* DT_NULL: marks the end *) ASSERT(dynamic.size = Ro.Pos() - dynamic.fileOffset, 101) END WriteDynamicSection; PROCEDURE FixupDynamicSection; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN Ro.SetPos(dynamic.fileOffset + 4); Write4(sonameStrIndexVal); Ro.SetPos(Ro.Pos() + 4); Write4(finiMemOffsetVal) END FixupDynamicSection; PROCEDURE WriteBssSection; BEGIN (* The .bss section does not take space in the file. This procedure serves consistency-check purposes. *) ASSERT(bss.fileOffset = Ro.Pos(), 100) END WriteBssSection; PROCEDURE WriteShstrtabSection; BEGIN ASSERT(shstrtab.fileOffset = Ro.Pos(), 100); WriteStringTable(headerstrtab); shstrtab.size := Ro.Pos() - shstrtab.fileOffset END WriteShstrtabSection; PROCEDURE GetImpListSize (OUT len: INTEGER; OUT count: INTEGER); VAR m: Module; e: Export; BEGIN len := 0; count := 0; m := modList; WHILE m # NIL DO IF m.dll THEN e := m.exp; WHILE e # NIL DO INC(len, LEN($) + 1); INC(count); e := END END; m := END END GetImpListSize; PROCEDURE GetExpListSize (OUT len: INTEGER; OUT count: INTEGER); VAR e: Export; BEGIN count := 0; len := 0; e := firstExp; WHILE e # NIL DO INC(len, LEN($) + 1); INC(count); e := END END GetExpListSize; PROCEDURE DynsymSize (init: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR size: INTEGER; BEGIN size := init; INC(size, dynsymEntrySizeVal * 11); (* sections entries *) INC(size, dynsymEntrySizeVal); (* _DYNAMIC symbol *) INC(size, dynsymEntrySizeVal); (* _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ symbol *) RETURN size END DynsymSize; PROCEDURE DynstrSize (init: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR size: INTEGER; BEGIN size := init + 1; INC(size, dynstrtab.cur - 1); INC(size, LEN(soName$) + 1); (* library name *) INC(size, 9); (* "_DYNAMIC" symbol + 0X *) INC(size, 21 + 1); (* "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" symbol + trailing 0X *) RETURN size END DynstrSize; PROCEDURE DynamicSize (init: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR i, size: INTEGER; BEGIN size := init; i := 0; WHILE neededIdx[i] # 0 DO INC(size, dynamicEntrySizeVal); INC(i) END; RETURN size END DynamicSize; PROCEDURE CalculateLayout; VAR headerSize, impCount, expCount, impLen, expLen: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(~error, 20); headerSize := elfHeaderSizeVal + shEntrySizeVal * shNumVal + phEntrySizeVal * phNumVal; text.fileOffset := Aligned(headerSize, textAlign); text.memOffset := text.fileOffset; text.size := CodeSize; rodata.fileOffset := Aligned(text.fileOffset + text.size, rodataAlign); rodata.memOffset := rodata.fileOffset; rodata.size := ConSize; reltext.fileOffset := Aligned(rodata.fileOffset + rodata.size, relAlign); reltext.memOffset := reltext.fileOffset; doWrite := FALSE; WriteTextSection; (* this only calculates the number of text relocations *) IF error THEN RETURN END; reltext.size := relEntrySizeVal * relTextTab.cur; relrodata.fileOffset := reltext.fileOffset + reltext.size; relrodata.memOffset := relrodata.fileOffset; IF ~error THEN WriteRodataSection (* this only calculates the number of data relocations *) ELSE RETURN END; relrodata.size := relEntrySizeVal * relRodataTab.cur; dynsym.fileOffset := Aligned(relrodata.fileOffset + relrodata.size, dynsymAlign); dynsym.memOffset := dynsym.fileOffset; GetImpListSize(impLen, impCount); GetExpListSize(expLen, expCount); dynsym.size := DynsymSize((impCount + expCount) * dynsymEntrySizeVal); dynstr.fileOffset := Aligned(dynsym.fileOffset + dynsym.size, dynstrAlign); dynstr.memOffset := dynstr.fileOffset; dynstr.size := DynstrSize(impLen + expLen); hash.fileOffset := Aligned(dynstr.fileOffset + dynstr.size, hashAlign); hash.memOffset := hash.fileOffset; hash.size := 8 + dynsym.size DIV dynsymEntrySizeVal * 4 * 2; got.fileOffset := Aligned(hash.fileOffset + hash.size, gotAlign); got.memOffset := Aligned(got.fileOffset, pageSize) + got.fileOffset MOD pageSize; got.size := 3 * gotEntrySizeVal; dynamic.fileOffset := Aligned(got.fileOffset + got.size, dynamicAlign); dynamic.memOffset := got.memOffset + dynamic.fileOffset - got.fileOffset; dynamic.size := DynamicSize(13 * dynamicEntrySizeVal); bss.fileOffset := Aligned(dynamic.fileOffset + dynamic.size, bssAlign); bss.memOffset := dynamic.memOffset + bss.fileOffset - dynamic.fileOffset; bss.size := DataSize; shstrtab.fileOffset := Aligned(bss.fileOffset, shstrtabAlign); shstrtab.size := fixup; textSegmentSizeVal := got.fileOffset; dataSegmentSizeVal := shstrtab.fileOffset - got.fileOffset; dynamicSegmentSizeVal := shstrtab.fileOffset - dynamic.fileOffset; relTextTab.cur := 0; relRodataTab.cur := 0; firstExp := NIL; lastExp := NIL; doWrite := TRUE END CalculateLayout; PROCEDURE WriteOut; VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(~error, 20); Out := Files.dir.New(Files.dir.This(""), Files.ask); IF Out # NIL THEN Ro := Out.NewWriter(Ro); Ro.SetPos(0); CalculateLayout; IF ~error THEN WriteElfHeader END; IF ~error THEN WriteSectionHeaderTable END; IF ~error THEN WriteProgramHeaderTable END; IF ~error THEN Align(textAlign); WriteTextSection END; IF ~error THEN Align(rodataAlign); WriteRodataSection END; IF ~error THEN Align(relAlign); WriteRelSections END; IF ~error THEN Align(dynsymAlign); WriteDynsymSection END; IF ~error THEN Align(dynstrAlign); WriteDynstrSection END; IF ~error THEN Align(hashAlign); WriteHashSection END; IF ~error THEN Align(gotAlign); WriteGotSection END; IF ~error THEN Align(dynamicAlign); WriteDynamicSection END; IF ~error THEN Align(bssAlign); WriteBssSection END; IF ~error THEN Align(shstrtabAlign); WriteShstrtabSection END; IF ~error THEN FixupElfHeader END; IF ~error THEN FixupSectionHeaderTable END; IF ~error THEN FixupTextSection END; IF ~error THEN FixupDynsymSection END; IF ~error THEN FixupDynamicSection END; Out.Register(soName$, "so", Files.ask, res); IF res # 0 THEN error := TRUE END ELSE error := TRUE END END WriteOut; PROCEDURE ResetHashtab; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE i # LEN(hashtab) DO hashtab[i] := ""; INC(i) END END ResetHashtab; PROCEDURE ResetNeededIdx; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE i # LEN(neededIdx) DO neededIdx[i] := 0; INC(i) END END ResetNeededIdx; PROCEDURE MakeSoName (VAR name: ARRAY OF CHAR; type: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ext: Files.Name; ch: CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT((type = "") OR (type[0] = "."), 20); i := 0; WHILE (name[i] # 0X) & (name[i] # ".") DO INC(i) END; IF name[i] = "." THEN IF name[i + 1] = 0X THEN name[i] := 0X END ELSIF i < LEN(name) - (LEN(type$) + 1) THEN IF type = "" THEN ext := ".so" ELSE ext := type$ END; j := 0; ch := ext[0]; WHILE ch # 0X DO IF (ch >= "A") & (ch <= "Z") THEN ch := CHR(ORD(ch) + ORD("a") - ORD("A")) END; name[i] := ch; INC(i); INC(j); ch := ext[j] END; name[i] := 0X END END MakeSoName; (* A. V. Shiryaev: Scanner *) PROCEDURE (VAR S: Scanner) SetPos (x: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN S.rider.i := x END SetPos; PROCEDURE (VAR S: Scanner) ConnectTo (IN src: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; BEGIN NEW(S.rider.s, LEN(src$) + 1); S.rider.s^ := src$; S.rider.i := 0; S.start := 0; S.type := TMEOT END ConnectTo; PROCEDURE (VAR R: ScanRider) ReadPrevChar (VAR ch: CHAR), NEW; BEGIN ch := R.s[R.i] END ReadPrevChar; PROCEDURE (VAR R: ScanRider) ReadChar (VAR ch: CHAR), NEW; BEGIN ch := R.s[R.i]; INC(R.i) END ReadChar; PROCEDURE (VAR R: ScanRider) Pos (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN R.i END Pos; PROCEDURE (VAR S: Scanner) Scan, NEW; VAR j: INTEGER; PROCEDURE IsLetter (c: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN ((c >= 'A') & (c <= 'Z')) OR ((c >= 'a') & (c <= 'z')) OR (c = '_') END IsLetter; PROCEDURE IsDigit (c: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (c >= '0') & (c <= '9') END IsDigit; BEGIN WHILE (S.rider.i < LEN(S.rider.s$)) & (S.rider.s[S.rider.i] = ' ') DO INC(S.rider.i) END; IF S.rider.i < LEN(S.rider.s$) THEN S.start := S.rider.i; IF IsDigit(S.rider.s[S.rider.i]) THEN S.type := TMEOT (* XXX *) ELSIF IsLetter(S.rider.s[S.rider.i]) THEN S.type := TMString; j := 0; WHILE (S.rider.i < LEN(S.rider.s$)) & (IsLetter(S.rider.s[S.rider.i]) OR IsDigit(S.rider.s[S.rider.i])) DO S.string[j] := S.rider.s[S.rider.i]; INC(j); INC(S.rider.i) END; S.string[j] := 0X ELSE S.type := TMChar; S.char := S.rider.s[S.rider.i]; INC(S.rider.i) END ELSE S.type := TMEOT END END Scan; PROCEDURE ParseExt (IN S: Scanner; OUT ext: Files.Name); VAR ch: CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN ext := ""; S.rider.ReadPrevChar(ch); IF ch = "." THEN S.rider.ReadChar(ch); i := 0; WHILE (ch # 20X) & (ch # 9X) DO ext[i] := ch; INC(i); S.rider.ReadChar(ch) END; ext[i] := 0X ELSIF (ch # 20X) & (ch # 9X) THEN WriteSString("Invalid character '");WriteChar(ch); WriteSString("' for file name."); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE END; S.SetPos(S.rider.Pos()) END ParseExt; PROCEDURE ParseModList (S: Scanner; end: INTEGER); VAR mod: Module; BEGIN WHILE (S.start < end) & (S.type = TMString) DO NEW(mod); mod.fileName := S.string$; := modList; modList := mod; S.Scan; WHILE (S.start < end) & (S.type = TMChar) & ((S.char = "*") OR (S.char = "+") OR (S.char = "$") OR (S.char = "#")) DO IF S.char = "*" THEN mod.dll := TRUE ELSIF S.char = "+" THEN kernel := mod ELSIF S.char = "$" THEN main := mod ELSE mod.intf := TRUE; ASSERT(isDll, 126); IF ~isDll THEN WriteSString("Exports from Exe not possible. Use LinkDll or LinkDynDll."); WriteLn; FlushW; error := TRUE END END; S.Scan END END END ParseModList; PROCEDURE LinkIt (IN txt: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR S: Scanner; name, ext: Files.Name; end: INTEGER; BEGIN doWrite := TRUE;[0] := 0X; headerstrtab.cur := 1;[0] := 0X; dynstrtab.cur := 1; relTextTab.cur := 0; relRodataTab.cur := 0; ResetHashtab; ResetNeededIdx; modList := NIL; kernel := NIL; main := NIL; last := NIL; impg := NIL; impd := NIL; firstExp := NIL; lastExp := NIL; (* Dialog.ShowStatus("linking"); *) Console.WriteStr("linking"); Console.WriteLn; error := FALSE; modList := NIL; (* IF DevCommanders.par = NIL THEN RETURN END; S.ConnectTo(DevCommanders.par.text); S.SetPos(DevCommanders.par.beg); end := DevCommanders.par.end; DevCommanders.par := NIL; *) S.ConnectTo(txt); S.SetPos(0); end := LEN(txt$); S.Scan; IF S.type = TMString THEN name := S.string$; ext := ""; ParseExt(S, ext); S.Scan; IF ~error THEN MakeSoName(name, ext); IF (S.type = TMChar) & (S.char = ":") THEN S.Scan; IF (S.type = TMChar) & (S.char = "=") THEN S.Scan; ParseModList(S, end); ReadHeaders; soName := SHORT(name$); IF ~error THEN WriteOut END; IF ~error THEN WriteString("Library " + name + " written: "); WriteInt(Out.Length()); WriteString(" "); WriteInt(text.size) END ELSE error := TRUE; WriteString(" := missing") END ELSE error := TRUE; WriteString(" := missing") END; WriteLn; FlushW END END; (* IF error THEN Dialog.ShowStatus("Failed to write library") ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus("Ok") END; *) IF error THEN Console.WriteStr("Failed to write library"); Console.WriteLn ELSE Console.WriteStr("Ok"); Console.WriteLn END; S.ConnectTo(""); modList := NIL; kernel := NIL; main := NIL; firstExp := NIL; lastExp := NIL; last := NIL; impg := NIL; impd := NIL; code := NIL END LinkIt; (* exes are not supported PROCEDURE Link*; BEGIN HALT(126); isDll := FALSE; isStatic := FALSE; LinkIt END Link; PROCEDURE LinkExe*; BEGIN HALT(126); isDll := FALSE; isStatic := TRUE; LinkIt END LinkExe; *) PROCEDURE LinkDll* (IN txt: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN isDll := TRUE; isStatic := TRUE; LinkIt(txt) END LinkDll; PROCEDURE LinkDynDll* (IN txt: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN isDll := TRUE; isStatic := FALSE; LinkIt(txt) END LinkDynDll; BEGIN newRec := "NewRec"; newArr := "NewArr" END Dev0ElfLinker. LinTestSo LinTestSo2 LinKernel DevElfLinker.LinkDynDll := LinKernel+$ LinTestSo2 LinTestSo# ~ DevElfLinker.LinkDll := LinTestSo2 LinTestSo# ~