MODULE Dev0CPB; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF CPB.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "" contributors = "Oberon microsystems, Robert Campbell" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" references = "" changes = "" issues = "" **) IMPORT DevCPT := Dev0CPT, DevCPM := Dev0CPM; CONST (* symbol values or ops *) times = 1; slash = 2; div = 3; mod = 4; and = 5; plus = 6; minus = 7; or = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; in = 15; is = 16; ash = 17; msk = 18; len = 19; conv = 20; abs = 21; cap = 22; odd = 23; not = 33; (*SYSTEM*) adr = 24; cc = 25; bit = 26; lsh = 27; rot = 28; val = 29; min = 34; max = 35; typfn = 36; size = 37; (* object modes *) Var = 1; VarPar = 2; Con = 3; Fld = 4; Typ = 5; LProc = 6; XProc = 7; SProc = 8; CProc = 9; IProc = 10; Mod = 11; Head = 12; TProc = 13; (* Structure forms *) Undef = 0; Byte = 1; Bool = 2; Char8 = 3; Int8 = 4; Int16 = 5; Int32 = 6; Real32 = 7; Real64 = 8; Set = 9; String8 = 10; NilTyp = 11; NoTyp = 12; Pointer = 13; ProcTyp = 14; Comp = 15; Char16 = 16; String16 = 17; Int64 = 18; intSet = {Int8..Int32, Int64}; realSet = {Real32, Real64}; charSet = {Char8, Char16}; (* composite structure forms *) Basic = 1; Array = 2; DynArr = 3; Record = 4; (* nodes classes *) Nvar = 0; Nvarpar = 1; Nfield = 2; Nderef = 3; Nindex = 4; Nguard = 5; Neguard = 6; Nconst = 7; Ntype = 8; Nproc = 9; Nupto = 10; Nmop = 11; Ndop = 12; Ncall = 13; Ninittd = 14; Nif = 15; Ncaselse = 16; Ncasedo = 17; Nenter = 18; Nassign = 19; Nifelse = 20; Ncase = 21; Nwhile = 22; Nrepeat = 23; Nloop = 24; Nexit = 25; Nreturn = 26; Nwith = 27; Ntrap = 28; (*function number*) assign = 0; haltfn = 0; newfn = 1; absfn = 2; capfn = 3; ordfn = 4; entierfn = 5; oddfn = 6; minfn = 7; maxfn = 8; chrfn = 9; shortfn = 10; longfn = 11; sizefn = 12; incfn = 13; decfn = 14; inclfn = 15; exclfn = 16; lenfn = 17; copyfn = 18; ashfn = 19; assertfn = 32; lchrfn = 33; lentierfcn = 34; bitsfn = 37; bytesfn = 38; (*SYSTEM function number*) adrfn = 20; ccfn = 21; lshfn = 22; rotfn = 23; getfn = 24; putfn = 25; getrfn = 26; putrfn = 27; bitfn = 28; valfn = 29; sysnewfn = 30; movefn = 31; thisrecfn = 45; thisarrfn = 46; (* COM function number *) validfn = 40; iidfn = 41; queryfn = 42; (* module visibility of objects *) internal = 0; external = 1; externalR = 2; inPar = 3; outPar = 4; (* procedure flags (conval.setval) *) hasBody = 1; isRedef = 2; slNeeded = 3; imVar = 4; (* attribute flags (attr.adr, struct.attribute, proc.conval.setval)*) newAttr = 16; absAttr = 17; limAttr = 18; empAttr = 19; extAttr = 20; (* case statement flags (conval.setval) *) useTable = 1; useTree = 2; (* sysflags *) nilBit = 1; inBit = 2; outBit = 4; newBit = 8; iidBit = 16; interface = 10; jint = -11; jstr = -13; AssertTrap = 0; (* default trap number *) covarOut = FALSE; VAR typSize*: PROCEDURE(typ: DevCPT.Struct); zero, one, two, dummy, quot: DevCPT.Const; PROCEDURE err(n: SHORTINT); BEGIN DevCPM.err(n) END err; PROCEDURE NewLeaf*(obj: DevCPT.Object): DevCPT.Node; VAR node: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := obj.typ; CASE obj.mode OF Var: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nvar); node.readonly := (obj.vis = externalR) & (obj.mnolev < 0) | VarPar: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nvarpar); node.readonly := obj.vis = inPar; | Con: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); node.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); node.conval^ := obj.conval^ (* string is not copied, only its ref *) | Typ: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Ntype) | LProc..IProc, TProc: node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nproc) ELSE err(127); node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nvar); typ := DevCPT.notyp END ; node.obj := obj; node.typ := typ; RETURN node END NewLeaf; PROCEDURE Construct*(class: BYTE; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(class); node.typ := DevCPT.notyp; node.left := x; node.right := y; x := node END Construct; PROCEDURE Link*(VAR x, last: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN IF x = NIL THEN x := y ELSE := y END ; WHILE # NIL DO y := END ; last := y END Link; PROCEDURE BoolToInt(b: BOOLEAN): INTEGER; BEGIN IF b THEN RETURN 1 ELSE RETURN 0 END END BoolToInt; PROCEDURE IntToBool(i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF i = 0 THEN RETURN FALSE ELSE RETURN TRUE END END IntToBool; PROCEDURE NewBoolConst*(boolval: BOOLEAN): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp; x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := BoolToInt(boolval); RETURN x END NewBoolConst; PROCEDURE OptIf*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); (* = NIL *) VAR if, pred: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN if := x.left; WHILE if.left.class = Nconst DO IF IntToBool(if.left.conval.intval) THEN x := if.right; RETURN ELSIF = NIL THEN x := x.right; RETURN ELSE if :=; x.left := if END END ; pred := if; if :=; WHILE if # NIL DO IF if.left.class = Nconst THEN IF IntToBool(if.left.conval.intval) THEN := NIL; x.right := if.right; RETURN ELSE if :=; := if END ELSE pred := if; if := END END END OptIf; PROCEDURE Nil*(): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.typ := DevCPT.niltyp; x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := 0; RETURN x END Nil; PROCEDURE EmptySet*(): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.typ := DevCPT.settyp; x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.setval := {}; RETURN x END EmptySet; PROCEDURE MarkAsUsed (node: DevCPT.Node); VAR c: BYTE; BEGIN c := node.class; WHILE (c = Nfield) OR (c = Nindex) OR (c = Nguard) OR (c = Neguard) DO node := node.left; c := node.class END; IF (c = Nvar) & (node.obj.mnolev > 0) THEN node.obj.used := TRUE END END MarkAsUsed; PROCEDURE GetTempVar* (name: ARRAY OF SHORTCHAR; typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR obj: DevCPT.Object); VAR n: DevCPT.Name; o: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN n := "@@ "; DevCPT.Insert(n, obj);^ := name$; (* avoid err 1 *) obj.mode := Var; obj.typ := typ; o := DevCPT.topScope.scope; IF o = NIL THEN DevCPT.topScope.scope := obj ELSE WHILE # NIL DO o := END; := obj END END GetTempVar; (* ---------- constant operations ---------- *) PROCEDURE Log (x: DevCPT.Node): INTEGER; VAR val, exp: INTEGER; BEGIN exp := 0; IF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN RETURN -1 ELSE val := x.conval.intval; IF val > 0 THEN WHILE ~ODD(val) DO val := val DIV 2; INC(exp) END END; IF val # 1 THEN exp := -1 END END; RETURN exp END Log; PROCEDURE Floor (x: REAL): REAL; VAR y: REAL; BEGIN IF ABS(x) > 9007199254740992.0 (* 2^53 *) THEN RETURN x ELSIF (x >= MAX(INTEGER) + 1.0) OR (x < MIN(INTEGER)) THEN y := Floor(x / (MAX(INTEGER) + 1.0)) * (MAX(INTEGER) + 1.0); RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(x - y)) + y ELSE RETURN SHORT(ENTIER(x)) END END Floor; PROCEDURE SetToInt (s: SET): INTEGER; VAR x, i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 31; x := 0; IF 31 IN s THEN x := -1 END; WHILE i > 0 DO x := x * 2; DEC(i); IF i IN s THEN INC(x) END END; RETURN x END SetToInt; PROCEDURE IntToSet (x: INTEGER): SET; VAR i: INTEGER; s: SET; BEGIN i := 0; s := {}; WHILE i < 32 DO IF ODD(x) THEN INCL(s, i) END; x := x DIV 2; INC(i) END; RETURN s END IntToSet; PROCEDURE GetConstType (x: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER; errno: SHORTINT; VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct); CONST MAXL = 9223372036854775808.0; (* 2^63 *) BEGIN IF (form IN intSet + charSet) & (x.realval + x.intval >= MIN(INTEGER)) & (x.realval + x.intval <= MAX(INTEGER)) THEN x.intval := SHORT(ENTIER(x.realval + x.intval)); x.realval := 0 END; IF form IN intSet THEN IF x.realval = 0 THEN typ := DevCPT.int32typ ELSIF (x.intval >= -MAXL - x.realval) & (x.intval < MAXL - x.realval) THEN typ := DevCPT.int64typ ELSE err(errno); x.intval := 1; x.realval := 0; typ := DevCPT.int32typ END ELSIF form IN realSet THEN (* SR *) typ := DevCPT.real64typ ELSIF form IN charSet THEN IF x.intval <= 255 THEN typ := DevCPT.char8typ ELSE typ := DevCPT.char16typ END ELSE typ := DevCPT.undftyp END END GetConstType; PROCEDURE CheckConstType (x: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER; errno: SHORTINT); VAR type: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN GetConstType(x, form, errno, type); IF ~DevCPT.Includes(form, type.form) & ((form # Int8) OR (x.realval # 0) OR (x.intval < -128) OR (x.intval > 127)) & ((form # Int16) OR (x.realval # 0) OR (x.intval < -32768) OR (x.intval > 32767)) & ((form # Real32) OR (ABS(x.realval) > DevCPM.MaxReal32) & (ABS(x.realval) # DevCPM.InfReal)) THEN err(errno); x.intval := 1; x.realval := 0 END (* IF (form IN intSet + charSet) & (x.realval + x.intval >= MIN(INTEGER)) & (x.realval + x.intval <= MAX(INTEGER)) THEN x.intval := SHORT(ENTIER(x.realval + x.intval)); x.realval := 0 END; IF (form = Int64) & ((x.intval < -MAXL - x.realval) OR (x.intval >= MAXL - x.realval)) OR (form = Int32) & (x.realval # 0) OR (form = Int16) & ((x.realval # 0) OR (x.intval < -32768) OR (x.intval > 32767)) OR (form = Int8) & ((x.realval # 0) OR (x.intval < -128) OR (x.intval > 127)) OR (form = Char16) & ((x.realval # 0) OR (x.intval < 0) OR (x.intval > 65535)) OR (form = Char8) & ((x.realval # 0) OR (x.intval < 0) OR (x.intval > 255)) OR (form = Real32) & (ABS(x.realval) > DevCPM.MaxReal32) & (ABS(x.realval) # DevCPM.InfReal) THEN err(errno); x.intval := 1; x.realval := 0 END *) END CheckConstType; PROCEDURE ConvConst (x: DevCPT.Const; from, to: INTEGER); VAR sr: SHORTREAL; BEGIN IF from = Set THEN x.intval := SetToInt(x.setval); x.realval := 0; x.setval := {}; ELSIF from IN intSet + charSet THEN IF to = Set THEN CheckConstType(x, Int32, 203); x.setval := IntToSet(x.intval) ELSIF to IN intSet THEN CheckConstType(x, to, 203) ELSIF to IN realSet THEN x.realval := x.realval + x.intval; x.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc ELSE (*to IN charSet*) CheckConstType(x, to, 220) END ELSIF from IN realSet THEN IF to IN realSet THEN CheckConstType(x, to, 203); IF to = Real32 THEN sr := SHORT(x.realval); x.realval := sr END (* reduce precision *) ELSE x.realval := Floor(x.realval); x.intval := 0; CheckConstType(x, to, 203) END END END ConvConst; PROCEDURE Prepare (x: DevCPT.Const); VAR r: REAL; BEGIN x.realval := x.realval + x.intval DIV 32768 * 32768; x.intval := x.intval MOD 32768; r := Floor(x.realval / 4096) * 4096; x.intval := x.intval + SHORT(ENTIER(x.realval - r)); x.realval := r (* ABS(x.intval) < 2^15 & ABS(x.realval) MOD 2^12 = 0 *) END Prepare; PROCEDURE AddConst (x, y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := x + y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN Prepare(x); Prepare(y); z.intval := x.intval + y.intval; z.realval := x.realval + y.realval ELSIF type.form IN realSet THEN IF (ABS(x.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & (x.realval = - y.realval) THEN err(212) ELSE z.realval := x.realval + y.realval END ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 206, type) END AddConst; PROCEDURE NegateConst (y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := - y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN Prepare(y); z.intval := -y.intval; z.realval := -y.realval ELSIF type.form IN realSet THEN z.realval := -y.realval ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 207, type) END NegateConst; PROCEDURE SubConst (x, y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := x - y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN Prepare(x); Prepare(y); z.intval := x.intval - y.intval; z.realval := x.realval - y.realval ELSIF type.form IN realSet THEN IF (ABS(x.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & (x.realval = y.realval) THEN err(212) ELSE z.realval := x.realval - y.realval END ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 207, type) END SubConst; PROCEDURE MulConst (x, y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := x * y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN Prepare(x); Prepare(y); z.realval := x.realval * y.realval + x.intval * y.realval + x.realval * y.intval; z.intval := x.intval * y.intval ELSIF type.form IN realSet THEN IF (ABS(x.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & ( y.realval = 0.0) THEN err(212) ELSIF (ABS(y.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & (x.realval = 0.0) THEN err(212) ELSE z.realval := x.realval * y.realval END ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 204, type) END MulConst; PROCEDURE DivConst (x, y, z: DevCPT.Const; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* z := x / y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN realSet THEN IF (x.realval = 0.0) & (y.realval = 0.0) THEN err(212) ELSIF (ABS(x.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) & (ABS(y.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal) THEN err(212) ELSE z.realval := x.realval / y.realval END ELSE HALT(100) END; GetConstType(z, type.form, 204, type) END DivConst; PROCEDURE DivModConst (x, y: DevCPT.Const; div: BOOLEAN; VAR type: DevCPT.Struct); (* x := x DIV y | x MOD y *) BEGIN IF type.form IN intSet THEN IF y.realval + y.intval # 0 THEN Prepare(x); Prepare(y); quot.realval := Floor((x.realval + x.intval) / (y.realval + y.intval)); quot.intval := 0; Prepare(quot); x.realval := x.realval - quot.realval * y.realval - quot.realval * y.intval - quot.intval * y.realval; x.intval := x.intval - quot.intval * y.intval; IF y.realval + y.intval > 0 THEN WHILE x.realval + x.intval > 0 DO SubConst(x, y, x, type); INC(quot.intval) END; WHILE x.realval + x.intval < 0 DO AddConst(x, y, x, type); DEC(quot.intval) END ELSE WHILE x.realval + x.intval < 0 DO SubConst(x, y, x, type); INC(quot.intval) END; WHILE x.realval + x.intval > 0 DO AddConst(x, y, x, type); DEC(quot.intval) END END; IF div THEN x.realval := quot.realval; x.intval := quot.intval END; GetConstType(x, type.form, 204, type) ELSE err(205) END ELSE HALT(100) END END DivModConst; PROCEDURE EqualConst (x, y: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* x = y *) VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE form OF | Undef: res := TRUE | Bool, Byte, Char8..Int32, Char16: res := x.intval = y.intval | Int64: Prepare(x); Prepare(y); res := (x.realval - y.realval) + (x.intval - y.intval) = 0 | Real32, Real64: res := x.realval = y.realval | Set: res := x.setval = y.setval | String8, String16, Comp (* guid *): res := x.ext^ = y.ext^ | NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp: res := x.intval = y.intval END; RETURN res END EqualConst; PROCEDURE LessConst (x, y: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* x < y *) VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE form OF | Undef: res := TRUE | Byte, Char8..Int32, Char16: res := x.intval < y.intval | Int64: Prepare(x); Prepare(y); res := (x.realval - y.realval) + (x.intval - y.intval) < 0 | Real32, Real64: res := x.realval < y.realval | String8, String16: res := x.ext^ < y.ext^ | Bool, Set, NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp, Comp: err(108) END; RETURN res END LessConst; PROCEDURE IsNegConst (x: DevCPT.Const; form: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; (* x < 0 OR x = (-0.0) *) VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN CASE form OF | Int8..Int32: res := x.intval < 0 | Int64: Prepare(x); res := x.realval + x.intval < 0 | Real32, Real64: res := (x.realval <= 0.) & (1. / x.realval <= 0.) END; RETURN res END IsNegConst; PROCEDURE NewIntConst*(intval: INTEGER): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := intval; x.conval.realval := 0; x.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; RETURN x END NewIntConst; PROCEDURE NewLargeIntConst* (intval: INTEGER; realval: REAL): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.intval := intval; x.conval.realval := realval; x.typ := DevCPT.int64typ; RETURN x END NewLargeIntConst; PROCEDURE NewRealConst*(realval: REAL; typ: DevCPT.Struct): DevCPT.Node; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); x.conval.realval := realval; x.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; IF typ = NIL THEN typ := DevCPT.real64typ END; x.typ := typ; RETURN x END NewRealConst; PROCEDURE NewString*(str: DevCPT.String; lstr: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; len: INTEGER): DevCPT.Node; VAR i, j, c: INTEGER; x: DevCPT.Node; ext: DevCPT.ConstExt; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nconst); x.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); IF lstr # NIL THEN x.typ := DevCPT.string16typ; NEW(ext, 3 * len); i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT c := ORD(lstr[i]); INC(i); DevCPM.PutUtf8(ext^, c, j) UNTIL c = 0; x.conval.ext := ext ELSE x.typ := DevCPT.string8typ; x.conval.ext := str END; x.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; x.conval.intval2 := len; RETURN x END NewString; PROCEDURE CharToString8(n: DevCPT.Node); VAR ch: SHORTCHAR; BEGIN n.typ := DevCPT.string8typ; ch := SHORT(CHR(n.conval.intval)); NEW(n.conval.ext, 2); IF ch = 0X THEN n.conval.intval2 := 1 ELSE n.conval.intval2 := 2; n.conval.ext[1] := 0X END ; n.conval.ext[0] := ch; n.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; n.obj := NIL END CharToString8; PROCEDURE CharToString16 (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR ch, ch1: SHORTCHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN n.typ := DevCPT.string16typ; NEW(n.conval.ext, 4); IF n.conval.intval = 0 THEN n.conval.ext[0] := 0X; n.conval.intval2 := 1 ELSE i := 0; DevCPM.PutUtf8(n.conval.ext^, n.conval.intval, i); n.conval.ext[i] := 0X; n.conval.intval2 := 2 END; n.conval.intval := DevCPM.ConstNotAlloc; n.obj := NIL END CharToString16; PROCEDURE String8ToString16 (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR i, j, x: INTEGER; ext, new: DevCPT.ConstExt; BEGIN n.typ := DevCPT.string16typ; ext := n.conval.ext; NEW(new, 2 * n.conval.intval2); i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT x := ORD(ext[i]); INC(i); DevCPM.PutUtf8(new^, x, j) UNTIL x = 0; n.conval.ext := new; n.obj := NIL END String8ToString16; PROCEDURE String16ToString8 (n: DevCPT.Node); VAR i, j, x: INTEGER; ext, new: DevCPT.ConstExt; BEGIN n.typ := DevCPT.string8typ; ext := n.conval.ext; NEW(new, n.conval.intval2); i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT DevCPM.GetUtf8(ext^, x, i); new[j] := SHORT(CHR(x MOD 256)); INC(j) UNTIL x = 0; n.conval.ext := new; n.obj := NIL END String16ToString8; PROCEDURE StringToGuid (VAR n: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN ASSERT((n.class = Nconst) & (n.typ.form = String8)); IF ~DevCPM.ValidGuid(n.conval.ext^) THEN err(165) END; n.typ := DevCPT.guidtyp END StringToGuid; PROCEDURE CheckString (n: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; e: SHORTINT); VAR ntyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN ntyp := n.typ; IF (typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) & (n.class = Nconst) & (ntyp.form = String8) THEN StringToGuid(n) ELSIF (typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (typ.BaseTyp.form = Char8) OR (typ.form = String8) THEN IF (n.class = Nconst) & (ntyp.form = Char8) THEN CharToString8(n) ELSIF (ntyp.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (ntyp.BaseTyp.form = Char8) OR (ntyp.form = String8) THEN (* ok *) ELSE err(e) END ELSIF (typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (typ.BaseTyp.form = Char16) OR (typ.form = String16) THEN IF (n.class = Nconst) & (ntyp.form IN charSet) THEN CharToString16(n) ELSIF (n.class = Nconst) & (ntyp.form = String8) THEN String8ToString16(n) ELSIF (ntyp.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (ntyp.BaseTyp.form = Char16) OR (ntyp.form = String16) THEN (* ok *) ELSE err(e) END ELSE err(e) END END CheckString; PROCEDURE BindNodes(class: BYTE; typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(class); node.typ := typ; node.left := x; node.right := y; x := node END BindNodes; PROCEDURE NotVar(x: DevCPT.Node): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (x.class >= Nconst) & ((x.class # Nmop) OR (x.subcl # val) OR (x.left.class >= Nconst)) OR (x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) END NotVar; PROCEDURE Convert(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; f, g: SHORTINT; k: INTEGER; r: REAL; BEGIN f := x.typ.form; g := typ.form; IF x.class = Nconst THEN IF g = String8 THEN IF f = String16 THEN String16ToString8(x) ELSIF f IN charSet THEN CharToString8(x) ELSE typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ELSIF g = String16 THEN IF f = String8 THEN String8ToString16(x) ELSIF f IN charSet THEN CharToString16(x) ELSE typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ELSE ConvConst(x.conval, f, g) END; x.obj := NIL ELSIF (x.class = Nmop) & (x.subcl = conv) & (DevCPT.Includes(f, x.left.typ.form) OR DevCPT.Includes(f, g)) THEN (* don't create new node *) IF x.left.typ.form = typ.form THEN (* and suppress existing node *) x := x.left END ELSE IF (x.class = Ndop) & (x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN (* propagate to leaf nodes *) Convert(x.left, typ); Convert(x.right, typ) ELSE node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nmop); node.subcl := conv; node.left := x; x := node; END END; x.typ := typ END Convert; PROCEDURE Promote (VAR left, right: DevCPT.Node; op: INTEGER); (* check expression compatibility *) VAR f, g: INTEGER; new: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN f := left.typ.form; g := right.typ.form; new := left.typ; IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN IF g IN intSet + realSet THEN IF (f = Real32) & (right.class = Nconst) & (g IN realSet) & (left.class # Nconst) (* & ((ABS(right.conval.realval) <= DevCPM.MaxReal32) OR (ABS(right.conval.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal)) *) OR (g = Real32) & (left.class = Nconst) & (f IN realSet) & (right.class # Nconst) (* & ((ABS(left.conval.realval) <= DevCPM.MaxReal32) OR (ABS(left.conval.realval) = DevCPM.InfReal)) *) THEN new := DevCPT.real32typ (* SR *) ELSIF (f = Real64) OR (g = Real64) THEN new := DevCPT.real64typ ELSIF (f = Real32) OR (g = Real32) THEN new := DevCPT.real32typ (* SR *) ELSIF op = slash THEN new := DevCPT.real64typ ELSIF (f = Int64) OR (g = Int64) THEN new := DevCPT.int64typ ELSE new := DevCPT.int32typ END ELSE err(100) END ELSIF (left.typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) OR (right.typ = DevCPT.guidtyp) THEN IF f = String8 THEN StringToGuid(left) END; IF g = String8 THEN StringToGuid(right) END; IF left.typ # right.typ THEN err(100) END; f := Comp ELSIF f IN charSet + {String8, String16} THEN IF g IN charSet + {String8, String16} THEN IF (f = String16) OR (g = String16) OR (f = Char16) & (g = String8) OR (f = String8) & (g = Char16) THEN new := DevCPT.string16typ ELSIF (f = Char16) OR (g = Char16) THEN new := DevCPT.char16typ ELSIF (f = String8) OR (g = String8) THEN new := DevCPT.string8typ ELSIF op = plus THEN IF (f = Char16) OR (g = Char16) THEN new := DevCPT.string16typ ELSE new := DevCPT.string8typ END END; IF (new.form IN {String8, String16}) & ((f IN charSet) & (left.class # Nconst) OR (g IN charSet) & (right.class # Nconst)) THEN err(100) END ELSE err(100) END ELSIF (f IN {NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp}) & (g IN {NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp}) THEN IF ~DevCPT.SameType(left.typ, right.typ) & (f # NilTyp) & (g # NilTyp) & ~((f = Pointer) & (g = Pointer) & (DevCPT.Extends(left.typ, right.typ) OR DevCPT.Extends(right.typ, left.typ))) THEN err(100) END ELSIF f # g THEN err(100) END; IF ~(f IN {NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp, Comp}) THEN IF g # new.form THEN Convert(right, new) END; IF f # new.form THEN Convert(left, new) END END END Promote; PROCEDURE CheckParameters* (fp, ap: DevCPT.Object; checkNames: BOOLEAN); (* checks par list match *) VAR ft, at: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN WHILE fp # NIL DO IF ap # NIL THEN ft := fp.typ; at := ap.typ; IF fp.ptyp # NIL THEN ft := fp.ptyp END; (* get original formal type *) IF ap.ptyp # NIL THEN at := ap.ptyp END; (* get original formal type *) IF ~DevCPT.EqualType(ft, at) OR (fp.mode # ap.mode) OR (fp.sysflag # ap.sysflag) OR (fp.vis # ap.vis) OR checkNames & (^ #^) THEN err(115) END ; ap := ELSE err(116) END; fp := END; IF ap # NIL THEN err(116) END END CheckParameters; PROCEDURE CheckNewParamPair* (newPar, iidPar: DevCPT.Node); VAR ityp, ntyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN ntyp := newPar.typ.BaseTyp; IF (newPar.class = Nvarpar) & ODD(newPar.obj.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN IF (iidPar.class = Nvarpar) & ODD(iidPar.obj.sysflag DIV iidBit) & (iidPar.obj.mnolev = newPar.obj.mnolev) THEN (* ok *) ELSE err(168) END ELSIF ntyp.extlev = 0 THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (iidPar.class = Nconst) & (iidPar.obj # NIL) & (iidPar.obj.mode = Typ) THEN IF ~DevCPT.Extends(iidPar.obj.typ, ntyp) THEN err(168) END ELSE err(168) END END CheckNewParamPair; PROCEDURE DeRef*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR strobj, bstrobj: DevCPT.Object; typ, btyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := x.typ; IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(78) ELSIF typ.form = Pointer THEN btyp := typ.BaseTyp; strobj := typ.strobj; bstrobj := btyp.strobj; IF (strobj # NIL) & ( # DevCPT.null) & (bstrobj # NIL) & ( # DevCPT.null) THEN btyp.pbused := TRUE END ; BindNodes(Nderef, btyp, x, NIL); x.subcl := 0 ELSE err(84) END END DeRef; PROCEDURE StrDeref*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR typ, btyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN typ := x.typ; IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(78) ELSIF ((typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet)) OR (typ.sysflag = jstr) THEN IF (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) & (typ.BaseTyp.form = Char8) THEN btyp := DevCPT.string8typ ELSE btyp := DevCPT.string16typ END; BindNodes(Nderef, btyp, x, NIL); x.subcl := 1 ELSE err(90) END END StrDeref; PROCEDURE Index*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR f: SHORTINT; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN f := y.typ.form; IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(79) ELSIF ~(f IN intSet) OR (y.class IN {Nproc, Ntype}) THEN err(80); y.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END ; IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(y, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF x.typ.comp = Array THEN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp; IF (y.class = Nconst) & ((y.conval.intval < 0) OR (y.conval.intval >= x.typ.n)) THEN err(81) END ELSIF x.typ.comp = DynArr THEN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp; IF (y.class = Nconst) & (y.conval.intval < 0) THEN err(81) END ELSE err(82); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; BindNodes(Nindex, typ, x, y); x.readonly := x.left.readonly END Index; PROCEDURE Field*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN (*x.typ.comp = Record*) IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(77) END ; IF (y # NIL) & (y.mode IN {Fld, TProc}) THEN BindNodes(Nfield, y.typ, x, NIL); x.obj := y; x.readonly := x.left.readonly OR ((y.vis = externalR) & (y.mnolev < 0)) ELSE err(83); x.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END END Field; PROCEDURE TypTest*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; obj: DevCPT.Object; guard: BOOLEAN); PROCEDURE GTT(t0, t1: DevCPT.Struct); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF (t0 # NIL) & DevCPT.SameType(t0, t1) & (guard OR (x.class # Nguard)) THEN IF ~guard THEN x := NewBoolConst(TRUE) END ELSIF (t0 = NIL) OR DevCPT.Extends(t1, t0) OR (t0.sysflag = jint) OR (t1.sysflag = jint) OR (t1.comp = DynArr) & ( IN DevCPM.options) THEN IF guard THEN BindNodes(Nguard, NIL, x, NIL); x.readonly := x.left.readonly ELSE node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nmop); node.subcl := is; node.left := x; node.obj := obj; x := node END ELSE err(85) END END GTT; BEGIN IF (x.class = Nconst) OR (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(112) ELSIF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN IF x.typ = DevCPT.sysptrtyp THEN IF obj.typ.form = Pointer THEN GTT(NIL, obj.typ.BaseTyp) ELSE err(86) END ELSIF x.typ.BaseTyp.comp # Record THEN err(85) ELSIF obj.typ.form = Pointer THEN GTT(x.typ.BaseTyp, obj.typ.BaseTyp) ELSE err(86) END ELSIF (x.typ.comp = Record) & (x.class = Nvarpar) & (x.obj.vis # outPar) & (obj.typ.comp = Record) THEN GTT(x.typ, obj.typ) ELSE err(87) END ; IF guard THEN x.typ := obj.typ ELSE x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp END END TypTest; PROCEDURE In*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR f: SHORTINT; k: INTEGER; BEGIN f := x.typ.form; IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) OR (y.class = Ntype) OR (y.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (f IN intSet) & (y.typ.form = Set) THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF x.class = Nconst THEN k := x.conval.intval; IF (k < 0) OR (k > DevCPM.MaxSet) THEN err(202) ELSIF y.class = Nconst THEN x.conval.intval := BoolToInt(k IN y.conval.setval); x.obj := NIL ELSE BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.booltyp, x, y); x.subcl := in END ELSE BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.booltyp, x, y); x.subcl := in END ELSE err(92) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp END In; PROCEDURE MOp*(op: BYTE; VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR f: SHORTINT; typ: DevCPT.Struct; z: DevCPT.Node; PROCEDURE NewOp(op: BYTE; typ: DevCPT.Struct; z: DevCPT.Node): DevCPT.Node; VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nmop); node.subcl := op; node.typ := typ; node.left := z; RETURN node END NewOp; BEGIN z := x; IF ((z.class = Ntype) OR (z.class = Nproc)) & (op # adr) & (op # typfn) & (op # size) THEN err(126) (* !!! *) ELSE typ := z.typ; f := typ.form; CASE op OF | not: IF f = Bool THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN z.conval.intval := BoolToInt(~IntToBool(z.conval.intval)); z.obj := NIL ELSE z := NewOp(op, typ, z) END ELSE err(98) END | plus: IF ~(f IN intSet + realSet) THEN err(96) END | minus: IF f IN intSet + realSet + {Set} THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF f = Set THEN z.conval.setval := -z.conval.setval ELSE NegateConst(z.conval, z.conval, z.typ) END; z.obj := NIL ELSE IF f < Int32 THEN Convert(z, DevCPT.int32typ) END; z := NewOp(op, z.typ, z) END ELSE err(97) END | abs: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF IsNegConst(z.conval, f) THEN NegateConst(z.conval, z.conval, z.typ) END; z.obj := NIL ELSE IF f < Int32 THEN Convert(z, DevCPT.int32typ) END; z := NewOp(op, z.typ, z) END ELSE err(111) END | cap: IF f IN charSet THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF ODD(z.conval.intval DIV 32) THEN DEC(z.conval.intval, 32) END; z.obj := NIL ELSE z := NewOp(op, typ, z) END ELSE err(111); z.typ := DevCPT.char8typ END | odd: IF f IN intSet THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN DivModConst(z.conval, two, FALSE, z.typ); (* z MOD 2 *) z.obj := NIL ELSE z := NewOp(op, typ, z) END ELSE err(111) END ; z.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | adr: (*ADR*) IF z.class = Nproc THEN IF z.obj.mnolev > 0 THEN err(73) ELSIF z.obj.mode = LProc THEN z.obj.mode := XProc END; z := NewOp(op, typ, z) ELSIF z.class = Ntype THEN IF z.obj.typ.untagged THEN err(111) END; z := NewOp(op, typ, z) ELSIF (z.class < Nconst) OR (z.class = Nconst) & (f IN {String8, String16}) THEN z := NewOp(op, typ, z) ELSE err(127) END ; z.typ := DevCPT.int32typ | typfn, size: (*TYP, SIZE*) z := NewOp(op, typ, z); z.typ := DevCPT.int32typ | cc: (*SYSTEM.CC*) IF (f IN intSet) & (z.class = Nconst) THEN IF (0 <= z.conval.intval) & (z.conval.intval <= DevCPM.MaxCC) & (z.conval.realval = 0) THEN z := NewOp(op, typ, z) ELSE err(219) END ELSE err(69) END; z.typ := DevCPT.booltyp END END; x := z END MOp; PROCEDURE ConstOp(op: SHORTINT; x, y: DevCPT.Node); VAR f: SHORTINT; i, j: INTEGER; xval, yval: DevCPT.Const; ext: DevCPT.ConstExt; t: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN f := x.typ.form; IF f = y.typ.form THEN xval := x.conval; yval := y.conval; CASE op OF | times: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN MulConst(xval, yval, xval, x.typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN xval.setval := xval.setval * yval.setval ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(101) END | slash: IF f IN realSet THEN DivConst(xval, yval, xval, x.typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN xval.setval := xval.setval / yval.setval ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(102) END | div: IF f IN intSet THEN DivModConst(xval, yval, TRUE, x.typ) ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(103) END | mod: IF f IN intSet THEN DivModConst(xval, yval, FALSE, x.typ) ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(104) END | and: IF f = Bool THEN xval.intval := BoolToInt(IntToBool(xval.intval) & IntToBool(yval.intval)) ELSE err(94) END | plus: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN AddConst(xval, yval, xval, x.typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN xval.setval := xval.setval + yval.setval ELSIF (f IN {String8, String16}) & (xval.ext # NIL) & (yval.ext # NIL) THEN NEW(ext, LEN(xval.ext^) + LEN(yval.ext^)); i := 0; WHILE xval.ext[i] # 0X DO ext[i] := xval.ext[i]; INC(i) END; j := 0; WHILE yval.ext[j] # 0X DO ext[i] := yval.ext[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; ext[i] := 0X; xval.ext := ext; INC(xval.intval2, yval.intval2 - 1) ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(105) END | minus: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN SubConst(xval, yval, xval, x.typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN xval.setval := xval.setval - yval.setval ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(106) END | min: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN IF LessConst(yval, xval, f) THEN xval^ := yval^ END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(111) END | max: IF f IN intSet + realSet THEN IF LessConst(xval, yval, f) THEN xval^ := yval^ END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(111) END | or: IF f = Bool THEN xval.intval := BoolToInt(IntToBool(xval.intval) OR IntToBool(yval.intval)) ELSE err(95) END | eql: xval.intval := BoolToInt(EqualConst(xval, yval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | neq: xval.intval := BoolToInt(~EqualConst(xval, yval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | lss: xval.intval := BoolToInt(LessConst(xval, yval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | leq: xval.intval := BoolToInt(~LessConst(yval, xval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | gtr: xval.intval := BoolToInt(LessConst(yval, xval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | geq: xval.intval := BoolToInt(~LessConst(xval, yval, f)); x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp END ELSE err(100) END; x.obj := NIL END ConstOp; PROCEDURE Op*(op: BYTE; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR f, g: SHORTINT; t, z: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; do: BOOLEAN; val: INTEGER; PROCEDURE NewOp(op: BYTE; typ: DevCPT.Struct; VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(Ndop); node.subcl := op; node.typ := typ; node.left := x; node.right := y; x := node END NewOp; BEGIN z := x; IF (z.class = Ntype) OR (z.class = Nproc) OR (y.class = Ntype) OR (y.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSE Promote(z, y, op); IF (z.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(op, z, y) ELSE typ := z.typ; f := typ.form; g := y.typ.form; CASE op OF | times: do := TRUE; IF f IN intSet THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF EqualConst(z.conval, one, f) THEN do := FALSE; z := y ELSIF EqualConst(z.conval, zero, f) THEN do := FALSE ELSE val := Log(z); IF val >= 0 THEN t := y; y := z; z := t; op := ash; y.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; y.conval.intval := val; y.obj := NIL END END ELSIF y.class = Nconst THEN IF EqualConst(y.conval, one, f) THEN do := FALSE ELSIF EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN do := FALSE; z := y ELSE val := Log(y); IF val >= 0 THEN op := ash; y.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; y.conval.intval := val; y.obj := NIL END END END ELSIF ~(f IN {Undef, Real32..Set}) THEN err(105); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; IF do THEN NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END; | slash: IF f IN realSet THEN (* OK *) ELSIF (f # Set) & (f # Undef) THEN err(102); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; NewOp(op, typ, z, y) | div: do := TRUE; IF f IN intSet THEN IF y.class = Nconst THEN IF EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN err(205) ELSIF EqualConst(y.conval, one, f) THEN do := FALSE ELSE val := Log(y); IF val >= 0 THEN op := ash; y.typ := DevCPT.int32typ; y.conval.intval := -val; y.obj := NIL END END END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(103); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; IF do THEN NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END; | mod: IF f IN intSet THEN IF y.class = Nconst THEN IF EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN err(205) ELSE val := Log(y); IF val >= 0 THEN op := msk; y.conval.intval := ASH(-1, val); y.obj := NIL END END END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(104); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END ; NewOp(op, typ, z, y); | and: IF f = Bool THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF IntToBool(z.conval.intval) THEN z := y END ELSIF (y.class = Nconst) & IntToBool(y.conval.intval) THEN (* optimize z & TRUE -> z *) ELSE NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(94); z.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END | plus: IF ~(f IN {Undef, Int8..Set, Int64, String8, String16}) THEN err(105); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END; do := TRUE; IF f IN intSet THEN IF (z.class = Nconst) & EqualConst(z.conval, zero, f) THEN do := FALSE; z := y END ; IF (y.class = Nconst) & EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN do := FALSE END ELSIF f IN {String8, String16} THEN IF (z.class = Nconst) & (z.conval.intval2 = 1) THEN do := FALSE; z := y END ; IF (y.class = Nconst) & (y.conval.intval2 = 1) THEN do := FALSE END; IF do THEN IF z.class = Ndop THEN t := z; WHILE t.right.class = Ndop DO t := t.right END; IF (t.right.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(op, t.right, y); do := FALSE ELSIF (t.right.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Ndop) & (y.left.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(op, t.right, y.left); y.left := t.right; t.right := y; do := FALSE ELSE NewOp(op, typ, t.right, y); do := FALSE END ELSE IF (z.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Ndop) & (y.left.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(op, z, y.left); y.left := z; z := y; do := FALSE END END END END ; IF do THEN NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END; | minus: IF ~(f IN {Undef, Int8..Set, Int64}) THEN err(106); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END; IF ~(f IN intSet) OR (y.class # Nconst) OR ~EqualConst(y.conval, zero, f) THEN NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END; | min, max: IF ~(f IN {Undef} + intSet + realSet + charSet) THEN err(111); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END; NewOp(op, typ, z, y); | or: IF f = Bool THEN IF z.class = Nconst THEN IF ~IntToBool(z.conval.intval) THEN z := y END ELSIF (y.class = Nconst) & ~IntToBool(y.conval.intval) THEN (* optimize z OR FALSE -> z *) ELSE NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END ELSIF f # Undef THEN err(95); z.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END | eql, neq, lss, leq, gtr, geq: IF f IN {String8, String16} THEN IF (f = String16) & (z.class = Nmop) & (z.subcl = conv) & (y.class = Nmop) & (y.subcl = conv) THEN z := z.left; y := y.left (* remove LONG on both sides *) ELSIF (z.class = Nconst) & (z.conval.intval2 = 1) & (y.class = Nderef) THEN (* y$ = "" -> y[0] = 0X *) y := y.left; Index(y, NewIntConst(0)); z.typ := y.typ; z.conval.intval := 0 ELSIF (y.class = Nconst) & (y.conval.intval2 = 1) & (z.class = Nderef) THEN (* z$ = "" -> z[0] = 0X *) z := z.left; Index(z, NewIntConst(0)); y.typ := z.typ; y.conval.intval := 0 END; typ := DevCPT.booltyp ELSIF (f IN {Undef, Char8..Real64, Char16, Int64}) OR (op <= neq) & ((f IN {Bool, Set, NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp}) OR (typ = DevCPT.guidtyp)) THEN typ := DevCPT.booltyp ELSE err(107); typ := DevCPT.undftyp END; NewOp(op, typ, z, y) END END END; x := z END Op; PROCEDURE SetRange*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR k, l: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) OR (y.class = Ntype) OR (y.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (x.typ.form IN intSet) & (y.typ.form IN intSet) THEN IF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF y.typ.form = Int64 THEN Convert(y, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF x.class = Nconst THEN k := x.conval.intval; IF (0 > k) OR (k > DevCPM.MaxSet) OR (x.conval.realval # 0) THEN err(202) END END ; IF y.class = Nconst THEN l := y.conval.intval; IF (0 > l) OR (l > DevCPM.MaxSet) OR (y.conval.realval # 0) THEN err(202) END END ; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (y.class = Nconst) THEN IF k <= l THEN x.conval.setval := {k..l} ELSE err(201); x.conval.setval := {l..k} END ; x.obj := NIL ELSE BindNodes(Nupto, DevCPT.settyp, x, y) END ELSE err(93) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.settyp END SetRange; PROCEDURE SetElem*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node); VAR k: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) END; IF x.typ.form IN intSet THEN IF x.typ.form = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF x.class = Nconst THEN k := x.conval.intval; IF (0 <= k) & (k <= DevCPM.MaxSet) & (x.conval.realval = 0) THEN x.conval.setval := {k} ELSE err(202) END ; x.obj := NIL ELSE BindNodes(Nmop, DevCPT.settyp, x, NIL); x.subcl := bit END ; ELSE err(93) END; x.typ := DevCPT.settyp END SetElem; PROCEDURE CheckAssign* (x: DevCPT.Struct; VAR ynode: DevCPT.Node); (* x := y, checks assignment compatibility *) VAR f, g: SHORTINT; y, b: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN y := ynode.typ; f := x.form; g := y.form; IF (ynode.class = Ntype) OR (ynode.class = Nproc) & (f # ProcTyp) THEN err(126) END ; CASE f OF | Undef, String8, String16, Byte: | Bool, Set: IF g # f THEN err(113) END | Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64, Real32, Real64: (* SR *) IF (g IN intSet) OR (g IN realSet) & (f IN realSet) THEN IF ynode.class = Nconst THEN Convert(ynode, x) ELSIF ~DevCPT.Includes(f, g) THEN err(113) END ELSE err(113) END (* IF ~(g IN intSet + realSet) OR ~DevCPT.Includes(f, g) & (~(g IN intSet) OR (ynode.class # Nconst)) THEN err(113) ELSIF ynode.class = Nconst THEN Convert(ynode, x) END *) | Char8, Char16: IF ~(g IN charSet) OR ~DevCPT.Includes(f, g) THEN err(113) ELSIF ynode.class = Nconst THEN Convert(ynode, x) END | Pointer: b := x.BaseTyp; IF DevCPT.Extends(y, x) OR (g = NilTyp) OR (g = Pointer) & ((x = DevCPT.sysptrtyp) OR ( IN DevCPM.options) & (x = DevCPT.anyptrtyp)) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (b.comp = DynArr) & b.untagged THEN (* pointer to untagged open array *) IF ynode.class = Nconst THEN CheckString(ynode, b, 113) ELSIF ~(y.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) OR ~DevCPT.EqualType(b.BaseTyp, y.BaseTyp) THEN err(113) END ELSIF b.untagged & (ynode.class = Nmop) & (ynode.subcl = adr) THEN (* p := ADR(r) *) IF (b.comp = DynArr) & (ynode.left.class = Nconst) THEN CheckString(ynode.left, b, 113) ELSIF ~DevCPT.Extends(ynode.left.typ, b) THEN err(113) END ELSIF (b.sysflag = jstr) & ((g = String16) OR (ynode.class = Nconst) & (g IN {Char8, Char16, String8})) THEN IF g # String16 THEN Convert(ynode, DevCPT.string16typ) END ELSE err(113) END | ProcTyp: IF DevCPT.EqualType(x, y) OR (g = NilTyp) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (ynode.class = Nproc) & (ynode.obj.mode IN {XProc, IProc, LProc}) THEN IF ynode.obj.mode = LProc THEN IF ynode.obj.mnolev = 0 THEN ynode.obj.mode := XProc ELSE err(73) END END; IF (x.sysflag = 0) & (ynode.obj.sysflag >= 0) OR (x.sysflag = ynode.obj.sysflag) THEN IF DevCPT.EqualType(x.BaseTyp, ynode.obj.typ) THEN CheckParameters(,, FALSE) ELSE err(117) END ELSE err(113) END ELSE err(113) END | NoTyp, NilTyp: err(113) | Comp: x.pvused := TRUE; (* idfp of y guarantees assignment compatibility with x *) IF x.comp = Record THEN IF ~DevCPT.EqualType(x, y) OR (x.attribute # 0) THEN err(113) END ELSIF g IN {Char8, Char16, String8, String16} THEN IF (x.BaseTyp.form = Char16) & (g = String8) THEN Convert(ynode, DevCPT.string16typ) ELSE CheckString(ynode, x, 113); END; IF (x # DevCPT.guidtyp) & (x.comp = Array) & (ynode.class = Nconst) & (ynode.conval.intval2 > x.n) THEN err(114) END ELSIF (x.comp = Array) & DevCPT.EqualType(x, y) THEN (* ok *) ELSE err(113) END END END CheckAssign; PROCEDURE AssignString (VAR x: DevCPT.Node; str: DevCPT.Node); (* x := str or x[0] := 0X *) BEGIN ASSERT((str.class = Nconst) & (str.typ.form IN {String8, String16})); IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (str.conval.intval2 = 1) THEN (* x := "" -> x[0] := 0X *) Index(x, NewIntConst(0)); str.typ := x.typ; str.conval.intval := 0; END; BindNodes(Nassign, DevCPT.notyp, x, str); x.subcl := assign END AssignString; PROCEDURE CheckLeaf(x: DevCPT.Node; dynArrToo: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF (x.class = Nmop) & (x.subcl = val) THEN x := x.left END ; IF x.class = Nguard THEN x := x.left END ; (* skip last (and unique) guard *) IF (x.class = Nvar) & (dynArrToo OR (x.typ.comp # DynArr)) THEN x.obj.leaf := FALSE END END CheckLeaf; PROCEDURE CheckOldType (x: DevCPT.Node); BEGIN IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) & ((x.typ = DevCPT.lreal64typ) OR (x.typ = DevCPT.lint64typ) OR (x.typ = DevCPT.lchar16typ)) THEN err(198) END END CheckOldType; PROCEDURE StPar0*(VAR par0: DevCPT.Node; fctno: SHORTINT); (* par0: first param of standard proc *) VAR f: SHORTINT; typ: DevCPT.Struct; x, t: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := par0; f := x.typ.form; CASE fctno OF haltfn: (*HALT*) IF (f IN intSet - {Int64}) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN IF (DevCPM.MinHaltNr <= x.conval.intval) & (x.conval.intval <= DevCPM.MaxHaltNr) THEN BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, x) ELSE err(218) END ELSIF ( IN DevCPM.options) & ((x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nvar)) & (x.typ.form = Pointer) THEN BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, x) ELSE err(69) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.notyp | newfn: (*NEW*) typ := DevCPT.notyp; IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) ELSIF f = Pointer THEN IF DevCPM.NEWusingAdr THEN CheckLeaf(x, TRUE) END ; IF x.readonly THEN err(76) ELSIF (x.typ.BaseTyp.attribute = absAttr) OR (x.typ.BaseTyp.attribute = limAttr) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.mno # 0) THEN err(193) ELSIF (x.obj # NIL) & ODD(x.obj.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN err(167) END ; MarkAsUsed(x); f := x.typ.BaseTyp.comp; IF f IN {Record, DynArr, Array} THEN IF f = DynArr THEN typ := x.typ.BaseTyp END ; BindNodes(Nassign, DevCPT.notyp, x, NIL); x.subcl := newfn ELSE err(111) END ELSE err(111) END ; x.typ := typ | absfn: (*ABS*) MOp(abs, x) | capfn: (*CAP*) MOp(cap, x) | ordfn: (*ORD*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f = Char8 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int16typ) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF f = Set THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSE err(111) END | bitsfn: (*BITS*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Int8, Int16, Int32} THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.settyp) ELSE err(111) END | entierfn: (*ENTIER*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN realSet THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int64typ) ELSE err(111) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.int64typ | lentierfcn: (* LENTIER *) IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(199) END; IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN realSet THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int64typ) ELSE err(111) END ; x.typ := DevCPT.int64typ | oddfn: (*ODD*) MOp(odd, x) | minfn: (*MIN*) IF x.class = Ntype THEN CheckOldType(x); CASE f OF Bool: x := NewBoolConst(FALSE) | Char8: x := NewIntConst(0); x.typ := DevCPT.char8typ | Char16: x := NewIntConst(0); x.typ := DevCPT.char8typ | Int8: x := NewIntConst(-128) | Int16: x := NewIntConst(-32768) | Int32: x := NewIntConst(-2147483648) | Int64: x := NewLargeIntConst(0, -9223372036854775808.0E0) (* -2^63 *) | Set: x := NewIntConst(0) (*; x.typ := DevCPT.int16typ *) | Real32: x := NewRealConst(DevCPM.MinReal32, DevCPT.real64typ) | Real64: x := NewRealConst(DevCPM.MinReal64, DevCPT.real64typ) ELSE err(111) END; x.hint := 1 ELSIF ~(f IN intSet + realSet + charSet) THEN err(111) END | maxfn: (*MAX*) IF x.class = Ntype THEN CheckOldType(x); CASE f OF Bool: x := NewBoolConst(TRUE) | Char8: x := NewIntConst(0FFH); x.typ := DevCPT.char8typ | Char16: x := NewIntConst(0FFFFH); x.typ := DevCPT.char16typ | Int8: x := NewIntConst(127) | Int16: x := NewIntConst(32767) | Int32: x := NewIntConst(2147483647) | Int64: x := NewLargeIntConst(-1, 9223372036854775808.0E0) (* 2^63 - 1 *) | Set: x := NewIntConst(31) (*; x.typ := DevCPT.int16typ *) | Real32: x := NewRealConst(DevCPM.MaxReal32, DevCPT.real64typ) | Real64: x := NewRealConst(DevCPM.MaxReal64, DevCPT.real64typ) ELSE err(111) END; x.hint := 1 ELSIF ~(f IN intSet + realSet + charSet) THEN err(111) END | chrfn: (*CHR*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Undef, Int8..Int32, Int64} THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.char16typ) ELSE err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.char16typ END | lchrfn: (* LCHR *) IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(199) END; IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Undef, Int8..Int32, Int64} THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.char16typ) ELSE err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.char16typ END | shortfn: (*SHORT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSE IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN StrDeref(x); f := x.typ.form END; IF f = Int16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int8typ) ELSIF f = Int32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int16typ) ELSIF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF f = Real64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.real32typ) ELSIF f = Char16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.char8typ) ELSIF f = String16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.string8typ) ELSE err(111) END END | longfn: (*LONG*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSE IF (x.typ.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) & (x.typ.BaseTyp.form IN charSet) THEN StrDeref(x); f := x.typ.form END; IF f = Int8 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int16typ) ELSIF f = Int16 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF f = Int32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int64typ) ELSIF f = Real32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.real64typ) ELSIF f = Char8 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.char16typ) ELSIF f = String8 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.string16typ) ELSE err(111) END END | incfn, decfn: (*INC, DEC*) IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) ELSIF ~(f IN intSet) THEN err(111) ELSIF x.readonly THEN err(76) END; MarkAsUsed(x) | inclfn, exclfn: (*INCL, EXCL*) IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) ELSIF f # Set THEN err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.settyp ELSIF x.readonly THEN err(76) END; MarkAsUsed(x) | lenfn: (*LEN*) IF (* (x.class = Ntype) OR *) (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) (* !!! *) (* ELSIF x.typ.sysflag = jstr THEN StrDeref(x) *) ELSE IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN DeRef(x) END; IF x.class = Nconst THEN IF x.typ.form = Char8 THEN CharToString8(x) ELSIF x.typ.form = Char16 THEN CharToString16(x) END END; IF ~(x.typ.comp IN {DynArr, Array}) & ~(x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN err(131) END END | copyfn: (*COPY*) IF ~(DevCPM.oberon IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(199) END; IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) END | ashfn: (*ASH*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN IF f < Int32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END ELSE err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END | adrfn: (*ADR*) IF x.class = Ntype THEN CheckOldType(x) END; CheckLeaf(x, FALSE); MOp(adr, x) | typfn: (*TYP*) CheckLeaf(x, FALSE); IF x.class = Ntype THEN CheckOldType(x); IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN x := NewLeaf(x.typ.BaseTyp.strobj) END; IF x.typ.comp # Record THEN err(111) END; MOp(adr, x) ELSE IF x.typ.form = Pointer THEN DeRef(x) END; IF x.typ.comp # Record THEN err(111) END; MOp(typfn, x) END | sizefn: (*SIZE*) IF x.class # Ntype THEN err(110); x := NewIntConst(1) ELSIF (f IN {Byte..Set, Pointer, ProcTyp, Char16, Int64}) OR (x.typ.comp IN {Array, Record}) THEN CheckOldType(x); x.typ.pvused := TRUE; IF typSize # NIL THEN typSize(x.typ); x := NewIntConst(x.typ.size) ELSE MOp(size, x) END ELSE err(111); x := NewIntConst(1) END | thisrecfn, (*THISRECORD*) thisarrfn: (*THISARRAY*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Int8, Int16} THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF f # Int32 THEN err(111) END | ccfn: (*SYSTEM.CC*) MOp(cc, x) | lshfn, rotfn: (*SYSTEM.LSH, SYSTEM.ROT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF ~(f IN intSet + charSet + {Byte, Set}) THEN err(111) END | getfn, putfn, bitfn, movefn: (*SYSTEM.GET, SYSTEM.PUT, SYSTEM.BIT, SYSTEM.MOVE*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (x.class = Nconst) & (f IN {Int8, Int16}) THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF ~(f IN {Int32, Pointer}) THEN err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END | getrfn, putrfn: (*SYSTEM.GETREG, SYSTEM.PUTREG*) IF (f IN intSet) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN IF (x.conval.intval < DevCPM.MinRegNr) OR (x.conval.intval > DevCPM.MaxRegNr) THEN err(220) END ELSE err(69) END | valfn: (*SYSTEM.VAL*) IF x.class # Ntype THEN err(110) ELSIF (f IN {Undef, String8, String16, NoTyp, NilTyp}) (* OR (x.typ.comp = DynArr) *) THEN err(111) ELSE CheckOldType(x) END | assertfn: (*ASSERT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126); x := NewBoolConst(FALSE) ELSIF f # Bool THEN err(120); x := NewBoolConst(FALSE) ELSE MOp(not, x) END | validfn: (* VALID *) IF (x.class = Nvarpar) & ODD(x.obj.sysflag DIV nilBit) THEN MOp(adr, x); x.typ := DevCPT.sysptrtyp; Op(neq, x, Nil()) ELSE err(111) END; x.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | iidfn: (* COM.IID *) IF (x.class = Nconst) & (f = String8) THEN StringToGuid(x) ELSE typ := x.typ; IF typ.form = Pointer THEN typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF (typ.sysflag = interface) & (typ.ext # NIL) & (typ.strobj # NIL) THEN IF x.obj # typ.strobj THEN x := NewLeaf(typ.strobj) END ELSE err(111) END; x.class := Nconst; x.typ := DevCPT.guidtyp END | queryfn: (* COM.QUERY *) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f # Pointer THEN err(111) END END ; par0 := x END StPar0; PROCEDURE StPar1*(VAR par0: DevCPT.Node; x: DevCPT.Node; fctno: BYTE); (* x: second parameter of standard proc *) VAR f, n, L, i: INTEGER; typ, tp1: DevCPT.Struct; p, t: DevCPT.Node; PROCEDURE NewOp(class, subcl: BYTE; left, right: DevCPT.Node): DevCPT.Node; VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(class); node.subcl := subcl; node.left := left; node.right := right; RETURN node END NewOp; BEGIN p := par0; f := x.typ.form; CASE fctno OF incfn, decfn: (*INC DEC*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126); p.typ := DevCPT.notyp ELSE IF f # p.typ.form THEN IF f IN intSet THEN Convert(x, p.typ) ELSE err(111) END END ; p := NewOp(Nassign, fctno, p, x); p.typ := DevCPT.notyp END | inclfn, exclfn: (*INCL, EXCL*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF (x.class = Nconst) & ((0 > x.conval.intval) OR (x.conval.intval > DevCPM.MaxSet)) THEN err(202) END ; p := NewOp(Nassign, fctno, p, x) ELSE err(111) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp | lenfn: (*LEN*) IF ~(f IN intSet) OR (x.class # Nconst) THEN err(69) ELSE IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; L := SHORT(x.conval.intval); typ := p.typ; WHILE (L > 0) & (typ.comp IN {DynArr, Array}) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp; DEC(L) END ; IF (L # 0) OR ~(typ.comp IN {DynArr, Array}) THEN err(132) ELSE x.obj := NIL; IF typ.comp = DynArr THEN WHILE p.class = Nindex DO p := p.left; INC(x.conval.intval) (* possible side effect ignored *) END; p := NewOp(Ndop, len, p, x); p.typ := DevCPT.int32typ ELSE p := x; p.conval.intval := typ.n; p.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END END END | copyfn: (*COPY*) IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) ELSIF x.readonly THEN err(76) ELSE CheckString(p, x.typ, 111); t := x; x := p; p := t; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN AssignString(p, x) ELSE p := NewOp(Nassign, copyfn, p, x) END END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp; MarkAsUsed(x) | ashfn: (*ASH*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN IF (x.class = Nconst) & ((x.conval.intval > 64) OR (x.conval.intval < -64)) THEN err(208) ELSIF (p.class = Nconst) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN n := x.conval.intval; IF n > 0 THEN WHILE n > 0 DO MulConst(p.conval, two, p.conval, p.typ); DEC(n) END ELSE WHILE n < 0 DO DivModConst(p.conval, two, TRUE, p.typ); INC(n) END END; p.obj := NIL ELSE IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; typ := p.typ; p := NewOp(Ndop, ash, p, x); p.typ := typ END ELSE err(111) END | minfn: (*MIN*) IF p.class # Ntype THEN Op(min, p, x) ELSE err(64) END | maxfn: (*MAX*) IF p.class # Ntype THEN Op(max, p, x) ELSE err(64) END | newfn: (*NEW(p, x...)*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF p.typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF f IN intSet THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (x.conval.intval <= 0) & (~( IN DevCPM.options) OR (x.conval.intval < 0))THEN err(63) END ELSE err(111) END ; p.right := x; p.typ := p.typ.BaseTyp ELSIF (p.left # NIL) & (p.left.typ.form = Pointer) THEN typ := p.left.typ; WHILE (typ # DevCPT.undftyp) & (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF typ.sysflag = interface THEN typ := x.typ; WHILE (typ # DevCPT.undftyp) & (typ.BaseTyp # NIL) DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; IF (f = Pointer) & (typ.sysflag = interface) THEN p.right := x ELSE err(169) END ELSE err(64) END ELSE err(111) END | thisrecfn, (*THISRECORD*) thisarrfn: (*THISARRAY*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Int8, Int16, Int32} THEN IF f < Int32 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; p := NewOp(Ndop, fctno, p, x); p.typ := DevCPT.undftyp ELSE err(111) END | lshfn, rotfn: (*SYSTEM.LSH, SYSTEM.ROT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF ~(f IN intSet) THEN err(111) ELSE IF fctno = lshfn THEN p := NewOp(Ndop, lsh, p, x) ELSE p := NewOp(Ndop, rot, p, x) END ; p.typ := p.left.typ END | getfn, putfn, getrfn, putrfn: (*SYSTEM.GET, SYSTEM.PUT, SYSTEM.GETREG, SYSTEM.PUTREG*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN {Undef..Set, NilTyp, Pointer, ProcTyp, Char16, Int64} THEN IF (fctno = getfn) OR (fctno = getrfn) THEN IF NotVar(x) THEN err(112) END ; t := x; x := p; p := t END ; p := NewOp(Nassign, fctno, p, x) ELSE err(111) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp | bitfn: (*SYSTEM.BIT*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN p := NewOp(Ndop, bit, p, x) ELSE err(111) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.booltyp | valfn: (*SYSTEM.VAL*) (* type is changed without considering the byte ordering on the target machine *) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF x.typ.comp = DynArr THEN IF x.typ.untagged & ((p.typ.comp # DynArr) OR p.typ.untagged) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (p.typ.comp = DynArr) & (x.typ.n = p.typ.n) THEN typ := x.typ; WHILE typ.comp = DynArr DO typ := typ.BaseTyp END; tp1 := p.typ; WHILE tp1.comp = DynArr DO tp1 := tp1.BaseTyp END; IF typ.size # tp1.size THEN err(115) END ELSE err(115) END ELSIF p.typ.comp = DynArr THEN err(115) ELSIF (x.class = Nconst) & (f = String8) & (p.typ.form = Int32) & (x.conval.intval2 <= 5) THEN i := 0; n := 0; WHILE i < x.conval.intval2 - 1 DO n := 256 * n + ORD(x.conval.ext[i]); INC(i) END; x := NewIntConst(n) ELSIF (f IN {Undef, NoTyp, NilTyp}) OR (f IN {String8, String16}) & ~( IN DevCPM.options) THEN err(111) END ; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (x.typ = p.typ) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (x.class >= Nconst) OR ((f IN realSet) # (p.typ.form IN realSet)) OR (DevCPM.options * {, DevCPM.allSysVal} # {}) THEN t := DevCPT.NewNode(Nmop); t.subcl := val; t.left := x; x := t ELSE x.readonly := FALSE END ; x.typ := p.typ; p := x | movefn: (*SYSTEM.MOVE*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (x.class = Nconst) & (f IN {Int8, Int16}) THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) ELSIF ~(f IN {Int32, Pointer}) THEN err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.int32typ END ; := x | assertfn: (*ASSERT*) IF (f IN intSet - {Int64}) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN IF (DevCPM.MinHaltNr <= x.conval.intval) & (x.conval.intval <= DevCPM.MaxHaltNr) THEN BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, x); Construct(Nif, p, x); Construct(Nifelse, p, NIL); OptIf(p); ELSE err(218) END ELSIF ( IN DevCPM.options) & ((x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nvar)) & (x.typ.form = Pointer) THEN BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, x); Construct(Nif, p, x); Construct(Nifelse, p, NIL); OptIf(p); ELSE err(69) END; IF p = NIL THEN (* ASSERT(TRUE) *) ELSIF p.class = Ntrap THEN err(99) ELSE p.subcl := assertfn END | queryfn: (* COM.QUERY *) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF x.typ # DevCPT.guidtyp THEN err(111); x.typ := DevCPT.guidtyp END; := x ELSE err(64) END ; par0 := p END StPar1; PROCEDURE StParN*(VAR par0: DevCPT.Node; x: DevCPT.Node; fctno, n: SHORTINT); (* x: n+1-th param of standard proc *) VAR node: DevCPT.Node; f: SHORTINT; p: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN p := par0; f := x.typ.form; IF fctno = newfn THEN (*NEW(p, ..., x...*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF p.typ.comp # DynArr THEN err(64) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN IF f = Int64 THEN Convert(x, DevCPT.int32typ) END; IF (x.class = Nconst) & (x.conval.intval <= 0) THEN err(63) END; node := p.right; WHILE # NIL DO node := END; := x; p.typ := p.typ.BaseTyp ELSE err(111) END ELSIF (fctno = movefn) & (n = 2) THEN (*SYSTEM.MOVE*) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF f IN intSet THEN node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nassign); node.subcl := movefn; node.right := p; node.left :=; := x; p := node ELSE err(111) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp ELSIF (fctno = queryfn) & (n = 2) THEN (* COM.QUERY *) IF (x.class = Ntype) OR (x.class = Nproc) THEN err(126) ELSIF (x.class < Nconst) & (f = Pointer) & (x.typ.sysflag = interface) THEN IF ~DevCPT.Extends(p.typ, x.typ) THEN err(164) END; IF x.readonly THEN err(76) END; CheckNewParamPair(x,; MarkAsUsed(x); node := DevCPT.NewNode(Ndop); node.subcl := queryfn; node.left := p; node.right :=; := NIL; := x; p := node ELSE err(111) END; p.typ := DevCPT.booltyp ELSE err(64) END ; par0 := p END StParN; PROCEDURE StFct*(VAR par0: DevCPT.Node; fctno: BYTE; parno: SHORTINT); VAR dim: SHORTINT; x, p: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN p := par0; IF fctno <= ashfn THEN IF (fctno = newfn) & (p.typ # DevCPT.notyp) THEN IF p.typ.comp = DynArr THEN err(65) END ; p.typ := DevCPT.notyp ELSIF (fctno = minfn) OR (fctno = maxfn) THEN IF (parno < 1) OR (parno = 1) & (p.hint # 1) THEN err(65) END; p.hint := 0 ELSIF fctno <= sizefn THEN (* 1 param *) IF parno < 1 THEN err(65) END ELSE (* more than 1 param *) IF ((fctno = incfn) OR (fctno = decfn)) & (parno = 1) THEN (*INC, DEC*) BindNodes(Nassign, DevCPT.notyp, p, NewIntConst(1)); p.subcl := fctno; p.right.typ := p.left.typ ELSIF (fctno = lenfn) & (parno = 1) THEN (*LEN*) IF p.typ.form IN {String8, String16} THEN IF p.class = Nconst THEN p := NewIntConst(p.conval.intval2 - 1) ELSIF (p.class = Ndop) & (p.subcl = plus) THEN (* propagate to leaf nodes *) StFct(p.left, lenfn, 1); StFct(p.right, lenfn, 1); p.typ := DevCPT.int32typ ELSE WHILE (p.class = Nmop) & (p.subcl = conv) DO p := p.left END; IF DevCPM.errors = 0 THEN ASSERT(p.class = Nderef) END; BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, p, NewIntConst(0)); p.subcl := len END ELSIF p.typ.comp = DynArr THEN dim := 0; WHILE p.class = Nindex DO p := p.left; INC(dim) END ; (* possible side effect ignored *) BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, p, NewIntConst(dim)); p.subcl := len ELSE p := NewIntConst(p.typ.n) END ELSIF parno < 2 THEN err(65) END END ELSIF fctno = assertfn THEN IF parno = 1 THEN x := NIL; BindNodes(Ntrap, DevCPT.notyp, x, NewIntConst(AssertTrap)); Construct(Nif, p, x); Construct(Nifelse, p, NIL); OptIf(p); IF p = NIL THEN (* ASSERT(TRUE) *) ELSIF p.class = Ntrap THEN err(99) ELSE p.subcl := assertfn END ELSIF parno < 1 THEN err(65) END ELSIF (fctno >= lchrfn) & (fctno <= bytesfn) THEN IF parno < 1 THEN err(65) END ELSIF fctno < validfn THEN (*SYSTEM*) IF (parno < 1) OR (fctno > ccfn) & (parno < 2) OR (fctno = movefn) & (parno < 3) THEN err(65) END ELSIF (fctno = thisrecfn) OR (fctno = thisarrfn) THEN IF parno < 2 THEN err(65) END ELSE (* COM *) IF fctno = queryfn THEN IF parno < 3 THEN err(65) END ELSE IF parno < 1 THEN err(65) END END END ; par0 := p END StFct; PROCEDURE DynArrParCheck (ftyp: DevCPT.Struct; VAR ap: DevCPT.Node; fvarpar: BOOLEAN); (* check array compatibility *) VAR atyp: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN (* ftyp.comp = DynArr *) atyp := ap.typ; IF atyp.form IN {Char8, Char16, String8, String16} THEN IF ~fvarpar & (ftyp.BaseTyp.form = Char16) & (atyp.form = String8) THEN Convert(ap, DevCPT.string16typ) ELSE CheckString(ap, ftyp, 67) END ELSE WHILE (ftyp.comp = DynArr) & ((atyp.comp IN {Array, DynArr}) OR (atyp.form IN {String8, String16})) DO ftyp := ftyp.BaseTyp; atyp := atyp.BaseTyp END; IF ftyp.comp = DynArr THEN err(67) ELSIF ~fvarpar & (ftyp.form = Pointer) & DevCPT.Extends(atyp, ftyp) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF ~DevCPT.EqualType(ftyp, atyp) THEN err(66) END END END DynArrParCheck; PROCEDURE PrepCall*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; VAR fpar: DevCPT.Object); BEGIN IF (x.obj # NIL) & (x.obj.mode IN {LProc, XProc, TProc, CProc}) THEN fpar :=; IF x.obj.mode = TProc THEN IF fpar.typ.form = Pointer THEN IF x.left.class = Nderef THEN x.left := x.left.left (*undo DeRef*) ELSE err(71) END END; fpar := END ELSIF (x.class # Ntype) & (x.typ # NIL) & (x.typ.form = ProcTyp) THEN fpar := ELSE err(121); fpar := NIL; x.typ := DevCPT.undftyp END END PrepCall; PROCEDURE Param* (VAR ap: DevCPT.Node; fp: DevCPT.Object); (* checks parameter compatibilty *) VAR at, ft: DevCPT.Struct; BEGIN at := ap.typ; ft := fp.typ; IF fp.ptyp # NIL THEN ft := fp.ptyp END; (* get original formal type *) IF ft.form # Undef THEN IF (ap.class = Ntype) OR (ap.class = Nproc) & (ft.form # ProcTyp) THEN err(126) END; IF fp.mode = VarPar THEN IF ODD(fp.sysflag DIV nilBit) & (at = DevCPT.niltyp) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (ft.comp = Record) & ~ft.untagged & (ap.class = Ndop) & (ap.subcl = thisrecfn) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (ft.comp = DynArr) & ~ft.untagged & (ft.n = 0) & (ap.class = Ndop) & (ap.subcl = thisarrfn) THEN (* ok *) ELSE IF fp.vis = inPar THEN IF (ft = DevCPT.guidtyp) & (ap.class = Nconst) & (at.form = String8) THEN StringToGuid(ap); at := ap.typ (* ELSIF ((at.form IN charSet + {String8, String16}) OR (at = DevCPT.guidtyp)) & ((ap.class = Nderef) OR (ap.class = Nconst)) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF NotVar(ap) THEN err(122) *) END; IF ~NotVar(ap) THEN CheckLeaf(ap, FALSE) END ELSE IF NotVar(ap) THEN err(122) ELSIF ap.readonly THEN err(76) ELSIF (ap.obj # NIL) & ODD(ap.obj.sysflag DIV newBit) & ~ODD(fp.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN err(167) ELSE MarkAsUsed(ap); CheckLeaf(ap, FALSE) END END; IF ft.comp = DynArr THEN DynArrParCheck(ft, ap, fp.vis # inPar) ELSIF ODD(fp.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN IF ~DevCPT.Extends(at, ft) THEN err(123) END ELSIF (ft = DevCPT.sysptrtyp) & (at.form = Pointer) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF (fp.vis # outPar) & (ft.comp = Record) & DevCPT.Extends(at, ft) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF covarOut & (fp.vis = outPar) & (ft.form = Pointer) & DevCPT.Extends(ft, at) THEN (* ok *) ELSIF fp.vis = inPar THEN CheckAssign(ft, ap) ELSIF ~DevCPT.EqualType(ft, at) THEN err(123) END END ELSIF ft.comp = DynArr THEN DynArrParCheck(ft, ap, FALSE) ELSE CheckAssign(ft, ap) END END END Param; PROCEDURE StaticLink*(dlev: BYTE; var: BOOLEAN); VAR scope: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN scope := DevCPT.topScope; WHILE dlev > 0 DO DEC(dlev); INCL(, slNeeded); scope := scope.left END; IF var THEN INCL(, imVar) END (* !!! *) END StaticLink; PROCEDURE Call*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; apar: DevCPT.Node; fp: DevCPT.Object); VAR typ: DevCPT.Struct; p: DevCPT.Node; lev: BYTE; BEGIN IF x.class = Nproc THEN typ := x.typ; lev := x.obj.mnolev; IF lev > 0 THEN StaticLink(SHORT(SHORT(DevCPT.topScope.mnolev-lev)), FALSE) END ; (* !!! *) IF x.obj.mode = IProc THEN err(121) END ELSIF (x.class = Nfield) & (x.obj.mode = TProc) THEN typ := x.typ; x.class := Nproc; p := x.left; x.left := NIL; := apar; apar := p; fp := ELSE typ := x.typ.BaseTyp END ; BindNodes(Ncall, typ, x, apar); x.obj := fp END Call; PROCEDURE Enter*(VAR procdec: DevCPT.Node; stat: DevCPT.Node; proc: DevCPT.Object); VAR x: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN x := DevCPT.NewNode(Nenter); x.typ := DevCPT.notyp; x.obj := proc; x.left := procdec; x.right := stat; procdec := x END Enter; PROCEDURE Return*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; proc: DevCPT.Object); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF proc = NIL THEN (* return from module *) IF x # NIL THEN err(124) END ELSE IF x # NIL THEN CheckAssign(proc.typ, x) ELSIF proc.typ # DevCPT.notyp THEN err(124) END END ; node := DevCPT.NewNode(Nreturn); node.typ := DevCPT.notyp; node.obj := proc; node.left := x; x := node END Return; PROCEDURE Assign*(VAR x: DevCPT.Node; y: DevCPT.Node); VAR z: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF (x.class >= Nconst) OR (x.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) THEN err(56) END ; CheckAssign(x.typ, y); IF x.readonly THEN err(76) ELSIF (x.obj # NIL) & ODD(x.obj.sysflag DIV newBit) THEN err(167) END ; MarkAsUsed(x); IF (y.class = Nconst) & (y.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) & (x.typ.form # Pointer) THEN AssignString(x, y) ELSE BindNodes(Nassign, DevCPT.notyp, x, y); x.subcl := assign END END Assign; PROCEDURE Inittd*(VAR inittd, last: DevCPT.Node; typ: DevCPT.Struct); VAR node: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN node := DevCPT.NewNode(Ninittd); node.typ := typ; node.conval := DevCPT.NewConst(); node.conval.intval := typ.txtpos; IF inittd = NIL THEN inittd := node ELSE := node END ; last := node END Inittd; (* handling of temporary variables for string operations *) PROCEDURE Overlap (left, right: DevCPT.Node): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF right.class = Nconst THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF (right.class = Ndop) & (right.subcl = plus) THEN RETURN Overlap(left, right.left) OR Overlap(left, right.right) ELSE WHILE right.class = Nmop DO right := right.left END; IF right.class = Nderef THEN right := right.left END; IF left.typ.BaseTyp # right.typ.BaseTyp THEN RETURN FALSE END; LOOP IF left.class = Nvarpar THEN WHILE (right.class = Nindex) OR (right.class = Nfield) OR (right.class = Nguard) DO right := right.left END; RETURN (right.class # Nvar) OR (right.obj.mnolev < left.obj.mnolev) ELSIF right.class = Nvarpar THEN WHILE (left.class = Nindex) OR (left.class = Nfield) OR (left.class = Nguard) DO left := left.left END; RETURN (left.class # Nvar) OR (left.obj.mnolev < right.obj.mnolev) ELSIF (left.class = Nvar) & (right.class = Nvar) THEN RETURN left.obj = right.obj ELSIF (left.class = Nderef) & (right.class = Nderef) THEN RETURN TRUE ELSIF (left.class = Nindex) & (right.class = Nindex) THEN IF (left.right.class = Nconst) & (right.right.class = Nconst) & (left.right.conval.intval # right.right.conval.intval) THEN RETURN FALSE END; left := left.left; right := right.left ELSIF (left.class = Nfield) & (right.class = Nfield) THEN IF left.obj # right.obj THEN RETURN FALSE END; left := left.left; right := right.left; WHILE left.class = Nguard DO left := left.left END; WHILE right.class = Nguard DO right := right.left END ELSE RETURN FALSE END END END END Overlap; PROCEDURE GetStaticLength (n: DevCPT.Node; OUT length: INTEGER); VAR x: INTEGER; BEGIN IF n.class = Nconst THEN length := n.conval.intval2 - 1 ELSIF (n.class = Ndop) & (n.subcl = plus) THEN GetStaticLength(n.left, length); GetStaticLength(n.right, x); IF (length >= 0) & (x >= 0) THEN length := length + x ELSE length := -1 END ELSE WHILE (n.class = Nmop) & (n.subcl = conv) DO n := n.left END; IF (n.class = Nderef) & (n.subcl = 1) THEN n := n.left END; IF n.typ.comp = Array THEN length := n.typ.n - 1 ELSIF n.typ.comp = DynArr THEN length := -1 ELSE (* error case *) length := 4 END END END GetStaticLength; PROCEDURE GetMaxLength (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR stat, last: DevCPT.Node; OUT length: DevCPT.Node); VAR x: DevCPT.Node; d: INTEGER; obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF n.class = Nconst THEN length := NewIntConst(n.conval.intval2 - 1) ELSIF (n.class = Ndop) & (n.subcl = plus) THEN GetMaxLength(n.left, stat, last, length); GetMaxLength(n.right, stat, last, x); IF (length.class = Nconst) & (x.class = Nconst) THEN ConstOp(plus, length, x) ELSE BindNodes(Ndop, length.typ, length, x); length.subcl := plus END ELSE WHILE (n.class = Nmop) & (n.subcl = conv) DO n := n.left END; IF (n.class = Nderef) & (n.subcl = 1) THEN n := n.left END; IF n.typ.comp = Array THEN length := NewIntConst(n.typ.n - 1) ELSIF n.typ.comp = DynArr THEN d := 0; WHILE n.class = Nindex DO n := n.left; INC(d) END; ASSERT((n.class = Nderef) OR (n.class = Nvar) OR (n.class = Nvarpar)); IF (n.class = Nderef) & (n.left.class # Nvar) & (n.left.class # Nvarpar) THEN GetTempVar("@tmp", n.left.typ, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Assign(x, n.left); Link(stat, last, x); n.left := NewLeaf(obj); (* tree is manipulated here *) n := NewLeaf(obj); DeRef(n) END; IF n.typ.untagged & (n.typ.comp = DynArr) & (n.typ.BaseTyp.form IN {Char8, Char16}) THEN StrDeref(n); BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, n, NewIntConst(d)); n.subcl := len; BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, n, NewIntConst(1)); n.subcl := plus ELSE BindNodes(Ndop, DevCPT.int32typ, n, NewIntConst(d)); n.subcl := len; END; length := n ELSE (* error case *) length := NewIntConst(4) END END END GetMaxLength; PROCEDURE CheckBuffering* ( VAR n: DevCPT.Node; left: DevCPT.Node; par: DevCPT.Object; VAR stat, last: DevCPT.Node ); VAR length, x: DevCPT.Node; obj: DevCPT.Object; typ: DevCPT.Struct; len, xlen: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (n.typ.form IN {String8, String16}) & ~( IN DevCPM.options) & ((n.class = Ndop) & (n.subcl = plus) & ((left = NIL) OR Overlap(left, n.right)) OR (n.class = Nmop) & (n.subcl = conv) & (left = NIL) OR (par # NIL) & (par.vis = inPar) & (par.typ.comp = Array)) THEN IF (par # NIL) & (par.typ.comp = Array) THEN len := par.typ.n - 1 ELSE IF left # NIL THEN GetStaticLength(left, len) ELSE len := -1 END; GetStaticLength(n, xlen); IF (len = -1) OR (xlen # -1) & (xlen < len) THEN len := xlen END END; IF len # -1 THEN typ := DevCPT.NewStr(Comp, Array); typ.n := len + 1; typ.BaseTyp := n.typ.BaseTyp; GetTempVar("@str", typ, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Assign(x, n); Link(stat, last, x); n := NewLeaf(obj) ELSE IF left # NIL THEN GetMaxLength(left, stat, last, length) ELSE GetMaxLength(n, stat, last, length) END; typ := DevCPT.NewStr(Pointer, Basic); typ.BaseTyp := DevCPT.NewStr(Comp, DynArr); typ.BaseTyp.BaseTyp := n.typ.BaseTyp; GetTempVar("@ptr", typ, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Construct(Nassign, x, length); x.subcl := newfn; Link(stat, last, x); x := NewLeaf(obj); DeRef(x); Assign(x, n); Link(stat, last, x); n := NewLeaf(obj); DeRef(n) END; StrDeref(n) ELSIF (n.typ.form = Pointer) & (n.typ.sysflag = interface) & (left = NIL) & ((par # NIL) OR (n.class = Ncall)) & ((n.class # Nvar) OR (n.obj.mnolev <= 0)) THEN GetTempVar("@cip", DevCPT.punktyp, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Assign(x, n); Link(stat, last, x); n := NewLeaf(obj) END END CheckBuffering; PROCEDURE CheckVarParBuffering* (VAR n: DevCPT.Node; VAR stat, last: DevCPT.Node); VAR x: DevCPT.Node; obj: DevCPT.Object; BEGIN IF (n.class # Nvar) OR (n.obj.mnolev <= 0) THEN GetTempVar("@ptr", n.typ, obj); x := NewLeaf(obj); Assign(x, n); Link(stat, last, x); n := NewLeaf(obj) END END CheckVarParBuffering; (* case optimization *) PROCEDURE Evaluate (n: DevCPT.Node; VAR min, max, num, dist: INTEGER; VAR head: DevCPT.Node); VAR a: INTEGER; BEGIN IF n.left # NIL THEN a := MIN(INTEGER); Evaluate(n.left, min, a, num, dist, head); IF n.conval.intval - a > dist THEN dist := n.conval.intval - a; head := n END ELSIF n.conval.intval < min THEN min := n.conval.intval END; IF n.right # NIL THEN a := MAX(INTEGER); Evaluate(n.right, a, max, num, dist, head); IF a - n.conval.intval2 > dist THEN dist := a - n.conval.intval2; head := n END ELSIF n.conval.intval2 > max THEN max := n.conval.intval2 END; INC(num); IF n.conval.intval < n.conval.intval2 THEN INC(num); IF n.conval.intval2 - n.conval.intval > dist THEN dist := n.conval.intval2 - n.conval.intval; head := n END END END Evaluate; PROCEDURE Rebuild (VAR root: DevCPT.Node; head: DevCPT.Node); VAR n: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF root # head THEN IF head.conval.intval2 < root.conval.intval THEN Rebuild(root.left, head); root.left := head.right; head.right := root; root := head ELSE Rebuild(root.right, head); root.right := head.left; head.left := root; root := head END END END Rebuild; PROCEDURE OptimizeCase* (VAR n: DevCPT.Node); VAR min, max, num, dist, limit: INTEGER; head: DevCPT.Node; BEGIN IF n # NIL THEN min := MAX(INTEGER); max := MIN(INTEGER); num := 0; dist := 0; head := n; Evaluate(n, min, max, num, dist, head); limit := 6 * num; IF limit < 100 THEN limit := 100 END; IF (num > 4) & ((min > MAX(INTEGER) - limit) OR (max < min + limit)) THEN INCL(n.conval.setval, useTable) ELSE IF num > 4 THEN Rebuild(n, head) END; INCL(n.conval.setval, useTree); OptimizeCase(n.left); OptimizeCase(n.right) END END END OptimizeCase; (* PROCEDURE ShowTree (n: DevCPT.Node; opts: SET); BEGIN IF n # NIL THEN IF opts = {} THEN opts := n.conval.setval END; IF useTable IN opts THEN IF n.left # NIL THEN ShowTree(n.left, opts); DevCPM.LogW(",") END; DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN DevCPM.LogW("-"); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; IF n.right # NIL THEN DevCPM.LogW(","); ShowTree(n.right, opts) END ELSIF useTree IN opts THEN DevCPM.LogW("("); ShowTree(n.left, {}); DevCPM.LogW("|"); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN DevCPM.LogW("-"); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; DevCPM.LogW("|"); ShowTree(n.right, {}); DevCPM.LogW(")") ELSE ShowTree(n.left, opts); DevCPM.LogW(" "); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval, 1); IF n.conval.intval2 > n.conval.intval THEN DevCPM.LogW("-"); DevCPM.LogWNum(n.conval.intval2, 1) END; DevCPM.LogW(" "); ShowTree(n.right, opts) END END END ShowTree; *) BEGIN zero := DevCPT.NewConst(); zero.intval := 0; zero.realval := 0; one := DevCPT.NewConst(); one.intval := 1; one.realval := 0; two := DevCPT.NewConst(); two.intval := 2; two.realval := 0; dummy := DevCPT.NewConst(); quot := DevCPT.NewConst() END Dev0CPB.