MODULE DevMarkers; (* THIS IS TEXT COPY OF BlackBox 1.6-rc6 Dev/Mod/Markers.odc *) (* DO NOT EDIT *) IMPORT Kernel, Files, Stores, Fonts, Ports, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Dialog, TextModels, TextSetters, TextViews, TextControllers, TextMappers; CONST (** View.mode **) undefined* = 0; mark* = 1; message* = 2; firstMode = 1; lastMode = 2; (** View.err **) noCode* = 9999; errFile = "Errors"; point = Ports.point; TYPE View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) mode-: INTEGER; err-: INTEGER; msg-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; era: INTEGER END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (View) END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; SetModeOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) view: View; mode: INTEGER END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; globR: TextModels.Reader; globW: TextModels.Writer; (* recycling done in Load, Insert *) thisEra: INTEGER; (** View **) PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView- (source: Views.View), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN (* v.CopyFrom^(source); *) WITH source: View DO v.err := source.err; v.mode := source.mode; IF source.msg # NIL THEN NEW(v.msg, LEN(source.msg^)); v.msg^ := source.msg^$ END END END CopyFromSimpleView; (* PROCEDURE (v: View) InitContext* (context: Models.Context), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ASSERT(v.mode # undefined, 20); v.InitContext^(context) END InitContext; *) PROCEDURE (v: View) InitErr* (err: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN ASSERT(v.msg = NIL, 20); IF v.err # err THEN v.err := err; v.mode := mark END; IF v.mode = undefined THEN v.mode := mark END END InitErr; PROCEDURE (v: View) InitMsg* (msg: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR i: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(v.msg = NIL, 20); Dialog.MapString(msg, str); i := 0; WHILE str[i] # 0X DO INC(i) END; NEW(v.msg, i + 1); v.msg^ := str$; v.mode := mark END InitMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetMode* (mode: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR op: SetModeOp; BEGIN ASSERT((firstMode <= mode) & (mode <= lastMode), 20); IF v.mode # mode THEN NEW(op); op.view := v; op.mode := mode; Views.Do(v, "#System:ViewSetting", op) END END SetMode; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (type: INTEGER): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewMsg* (msg: ARRAY OF CHAR): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* SetModeOp *) PROCEDURE (op: SetModeOp) Do; VAR v: View; mode: INTEGER; BEGIN v := op.view; mode := v.mode; v.mode := op.mode; op.mode := mode; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames); IF v.context # NIL THEN v.context.SetSize(Views.undefined, Views.undefined) END END Do; PROCEDURE ToggleMode (v: View); VAR mode: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ABS(v.err) # noCode THEN IF v.mode < lastMode THEN mode := v.mode + 1 ELSE mode := firstMode END ELSE IF v.mode < message THEN mode := v.mode + 1 ELSE mode := firstMode END END; v.SetMode(mode) END ToggleMode; (* primitives for StdView *) PROCEDURE NumToStr (x: INTEGER; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR i: INTEGER); VAR j: INTEGER; m: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN ASSERT(x >= 0, 20); j := 0; REPEAT m[j] := CHR(x MOD 10 + ORD("0")); x := x DIV 10; INC(j) UNTIL x = 0; i := 0; REPEAT DEC(j); s[i] := m[j]; INC(i) UNTIL j = 0; s[i] := 0X END NumToStr; PROCEDURE Load (v: StdView); VAR view: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; s: TextMappers.Scanner; err: INTEGER; i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; loc: Files.Locator; msg: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN err := ABS(v.err); NumToStr(err, msg, i); loc := Files.dir.This("Dev"); IF loc = NIL THEN RETURN END; loc := loc.This("Rsrc"); IF loc = NIL THEN RETURN END; view := Views.OldView(loc, errFile); IF (view # NIL) & (view IS TextViews.View) THEN t := view(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF t # NIL THEN s.ConnectTo(t); REPEAT s.Scan UNTIL ((s.type = & ( = err)) OR (s.type = TextMappers.eot); IF s.type = THEN s.Skip(ch); i := 0; WHILE (ch >= " ") & (i < LEN(msg) - 1) DO msg[i] := ch; INC(i); s.rider.ReadChar(ch) END; msg[i] := 0X END END END; NEW(v.msg, i + 1); v.msg^ := msg$ END Load; PROCEDURE DrawMsg (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color); VAR w, h, asc, dsc: INTEGER; BEGIN CASE v.mode OF mark: v.context.GetSize(w, h); f.DrawLine(point, 0, w - 2 * point, h, 0, color); f.DrawLine(w - 2 * point, 0, point, h, 0, color) | message: font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); f.DrawString(2 * point, asc, color, v.msg^, font) END END DrawMsg; PROCEDURE ShowMsg (v: StdView); BEGIN IF v.msg = NIL THEN Load(v) END; Dialog.ShowStatus(v.msg^) END ShowMsg; PROCEDURE Track (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; buttons: SET); VAR c: Models.Context; t: TextModels.Model; u, w, h: INTEGER; isDown, in, in0: BOOLEAN; m: SET; BEGIN v.context.GetSize(w, h); u :=; in0 := FALSE; in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h); REPEAT IF in # in0 THEN f.MarkRect(u, 0, w - u, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert,; in0 := in END; f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); in := (0 <= x) & (x < w) & (0 <= y) & (y < h) UNTIL ~isDown; IF in0 THEN f.MarkRect(u, 0, w - u, h, Ports.fill, Ports.invert, Ports.hide); IF Dialog.showsStatus & ~(Controllers.modify IN buttons) & ~(Controllers.doubleClick IN buttons) THEN ShowMsg(v) ELSE ToggleMode(v) END; c := v.context; WITH c: TextModels.Context DO t := c.ThisModel(); TextControllers.SetCaret(t, c.Pos() + 1) ELSE END END END Track; PROCEDURE SizePref (v: StdView; VAR p: Properties.SizePref); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, dsc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); p.h := asc + dsc; CASE v.mode OF mark: p.w := p.h + 2 * point | message: IF v.msg = NIL THEN Load(v) END; p.w := font.StringWidth(v.msg^) + 4 * point END END SizePref; (* StdView *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ExternalizeAs (VAR s1: Stores.Store); BEGIN s1 := NIL END ExternalizeAs; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SetMode(mode: INTEGER); BEGIN v.SetMode^(mode); ShowMsg(v) END SetMode; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; color: Ports.Color; w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN c := v.context; c.GetSize(w, h); WITH c: TextModels.Context DO a := c.Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; IF TRUE (*f.colors >= 4*) THEN color := Ports.grey50 ELSE color := Ports.defaultColor END; IF v.err >= 0 THEN f.DrawRect(point, 0, w - point, h, Ports.fill, color); DrawMsg(v, f, font, Ports.background) ELSE f.DrawRect(point, 0, w - point, h, 0, color); DrawMsg(v, f, font, Ports.defaultColor) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN color := Ports.background END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Track(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) ELSE END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); VAR c: Models.Context; a: TextModels.Attributes; font: Fonts.Font; asc, w: INTEGER; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.Preference DO WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO SizePref(v, msg) | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.fixed := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.hotFocus := TRUE (* | msg: Properties.StorePref DO msg.view := NIL *) | msg: TextSetters.Pref DO c := v.context; IF (c # NIL) & (c IS TextModels.Context) THEN a := c(TextModels.Context).Attr(); font := a.font ELSE font := Fonts.dir.Default() END; font.GetBounds(asc, msg.dsc, w) ELSE END ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (err: INTEGER): View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN NEW(v); v.InitErr(err); RETURN v END New; PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewMsg (msg: ARRAY OF CHAR): View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN NEW(v); v.InitErr(noCode); v.InitMsg(msg); RETURN v END NewMsg; (** Cleaner **) PROCEDURE Cleanup; BEGIN globR := NIL; globW := NIL END Cleanup; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE Insert* (text: TextModels.Model; pos: INTEGER; v: View); VAR w: TextModels.Writer; r: TextModels.Reader; BEGIN ASSERT(v.era = 0, 20); Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); v.era := thisEra; IF pos > text.Length() THEN pos := text.Length() END; globW := text.NewWriter(globW); w := globW; w.SetPos(pos); IF pos > 0 THEN DEC(pos) END; globR := text.NewReader(globR); r := globR; r.SetPos(pos); r.Read; IF r.attr # NIL THEN w.SetAttr(r.attr) END; w.WriteView(v, Views.undefined, Views.undefined); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text); END Insert; PROCEDURE Unmark* (text: TextModels.Model); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; pos: INTEGER; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN Models.BeginModification(Models.clean, text); Models.BeginScript(text, "#Dev:DeleteMarkers", script); r := text.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadView(v); WHILE ~r.eot DO IF r.view IS View THEN pos := r.Pos() - 1; text.Delete(pos, pos + 1); r.SetPos(pos) END; r.ReadView(v) END; INC(thisEra); Models.EndScript(text, script); Models.EndModification(Models.clean, text); END Unmark; PROCEDURE ShowFirstError* (text: TextModels.Model; focusOnly: BOOLEAN); VAR v1: Views.View; pos: INTEGER; BEGIN globR := text.NewReader(globR); globR.SetPos(0); REPEAT globR.ReadView(v1) UNTIL globR.eot OR (v1 IS View); IF ~globR.eot THEN pos := globR.Pos(); TextViews.ShowRange(text, pos, pos, focusOnly); TextControllers.SetCaret(text, pos); v1(View).SetMode(v1(View).mode) END END ShowFirstError; (** commands **) PROCEDURE UnmarkErrors*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; BEGIN t := TextViews.FocusText(); IF t # NIL THEN Unmark(t) END END UnmarkErrors; PROCEDURE NextError*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; t: TextModels.Model; v1: Views.View; beg, pos: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN t := c.text; IF c.HasCaret() THEN pos := c.CaretPos() ELSIF c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, pos) ELSE pos := 0 END; TextControllers.SetSelection(t, TextControllers.none, TextControllers.none); globR := t.NewReader(globR); globR.SetPos(pos); REPEAT globR.ReadView(v1) UNTIL globR.eot OR (v1 IS View); IF ~globR.eot THEN pos := globR.Pos(); v1(View).SetMode(v1(View).mode); TextViews.ShowRange(t, pos, pos, TextViews.focusOnly) ELSE pos := 0; Dialog.Beep END; TextControllers.SetCaret(t, pos); globR := NIL END END NextError; PROCEDURE ToggleCurrent*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; t: TextModels.Model; v: Views.View; pos: INTEGER; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasCaret() THEN t := c.text; pos := c.CaretPos(); globR := t.NewReader(globR); globR.SetPos(pos); globR.ReadPrev; v := globR.view; IF (v # NIL) & (v IS View) THEN ToggleMode(v(View)) END; TextViews.ShowRange(t, pos, pos, TextViews.focusOnly); TextControllers.SetCaret(t, pos); globR := NIL END END ToggleCurrent; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN thisEra := 1; NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d END Init; BEGIN Init; Kernel.InstallCleaner(Cleanup) CLOSE Kernel.RemoveCleaner(Cleanup) END DevMarkers.